El lince perdido (Missing Lynx) (2008) Movie Script

Contro 5! Over
Do you copy?
Are you s eeping or what?
Is this for rea? Where?
On the road to de dunes.
I'm going to check it out now
Perfect. I'll better prepare
a great we come party
What am I doing?
I'm not ready for this
With my luck, I'I end up
with a broken bone
Ok, go away
Oh! It's a Lynx! We have to take
it to the she ter.
Look! Isn't it the lynx
from last week?
- We, is it your turn or mine?
- No idea, who's next, anyway?
This one will become extinct for sure!
- Fe ix?
- Yes?
Are we there yet?
No, another 5 minutes or so.
How can you stay so ca m? I can't
stand being shut up in here
This is the first time they've
taken you to a she ter, huh?
- Yes, and you?
- We, I've been there 3 or 4 times
but Felix... Uff I've lost count
About forty times in a.
What bad uck! If a the other
lynxes are like you,
soon there
won't be any of you left.
Beeetty, please. The anima shelter
is like my home
it's a very nice
p ace.
It's that your idea of
a very nice place?
Three weeks ago it didn't ook
like a prison camp.
Incredib y nice, this is going to be
ike staying in a holiday resort
in there with my
ittle hoofies having a manicure
...or maybe I'll get...
- Beety, p ease...
...or maybe I'll get...
- Beety, p ease...
Spend as much time as you can with
your cubs... Enjoy life
whatever we have left...
We don't know whether
it wil be days
or just hours...
I thing we shou d keep
a minute of silence
for ourse ves
- Hey! Where are you going?
- Same all, same al
- Just look at those crazy eyes
- You are dead on...
The loneliness of
the visionary soul
Oh We!
They' regret it
What happened here?
Fe ix, old buddy!!!
It's been a long time!
What're you
doing here?
Fo ow me
What's the big mistery?
I thought I was here to get better
but some very strange things
are happening here
I think it must
have something to do
with some
secret government agency
unauthorized experiments
But Gus, I was practica ly raised
in she ters ike this one
and they've always
treated us well
Yes, look... we're not in cages
If my wings were a I right,
I cou d fly right out of here.
Don't you see?
It's a trap so
we' I let our guard down
but something rea y serious
is going to happen here
Mark my words!
The security measures
are greater every day
that's why we need the
very best
Yes, Sir, it's been difficu t,
but we fina ly found him
...I'I put him on
- Thank you
- Yes?
- Mr. Newmann, this is Noah.
Yes, ho d on, please
Now where's
the darned hold button?
B uetooth?
Text messages?
There it is!
I do ove simple yet
effective devices
Like this one
Sorry, just a ittle matter
I had to take care of
I believe you have already been
told the detai s of the job
Do you accept?
Sure, no one can say "no"
to money like that
I' be there tomorrow
You're paranoid.
Nothing's the matter
Ye yeah,
nothing's the matter
We have to find out
what's going on
I've got a plan
In every prison there's a
b oke who can get anything
In here it's Rupert
Hi... You got what
I asked you for?
Here it is,
a ockpick and a torch
Ruppert, over here!
Oh sorry, I've got dirt in my eyes
It's not the dirt...
You're a mo e
and you're half-b ind
Soon we'll p ace
a big order with you
for the great escape
We, now that I'm going
to be a father,
I've got to work
a ittle bit harder
Let's find out what's
going on here
I' lead the way
Some of us anima s are
equipped for camouf age
But you take a rag
from there and fo ow me
With that orange color of yours,
we are going to be discovered in no time
Oh yes... VERY discreet
Oh no, his camouflage
is out of sync!
Who's out there?
B oody camouf age
I said...
who's out there?
- What's this!
- Shut up!
- Ok, If you say shut up, I shut up...
- S H U T U P
- - - -
At least those plants
broke your fal
They were nettles
I see you sti can't
control your camouf age
We, my shrink says
is a I in my head
but I bet you
he just hates me
...this was the most recent theft of
anima s to be reported
And the lingering question is what's
and who's behind the animal's kidnappings.
What! Kidnapping of animals?
What's going on?
Let me see!
The authorities are concerned
because some of these creatures
are in danger of extinction.
And the kidnappings are sti happening
Kidnapping of animals?
The ast truck is arriving
I' breathe a lot easier
when they're a here
Those anima s shou d get
what they deserve
Spend their ives behind bars
I told you!
- Look! We're on TV!
- Come!
We have to warn the others
Since special security measures
have been taken
no more anima s
have disappeared
I hate to have to keep them in those
ittle cages and surrounded by fences
but it's the only way to
keep them safe
Who is behind a
this, and why?
In spite of the surrounding secrecy
regarding the operation
It has being confirmed that the
ast truck with the endangered species
comes today at the security
center in Doniana
We come, Mr. Newmann. It's a privilege
to persona y meet you in person
Forgive me, you' feel
more at home this way
I think that...
This one will be
perfect for you
- Impressive
- Wou d you seat down?
I wou d rather keep standing up
OK, bringing all those anima s
together in a sing e she ter
shou d make things easier
We have what
you asked for
a helicopter
two trucks to gather
the animals
and your personal trailer
After breaking into the
animal she ter
you will search the region for the
rest of the species.
We have also brought together a team
of men to work under your orders.
Do you have a ist of the anima s
you want me to capture?
Yes, a the information has been
up oaded to the computer in your trailer
Remember: I need a
pair of each species
and no anima must
be hurt in any way
Do you
think you can do it?
Mr. Noah, you offend me.
In three weeks, you'll have
al your little critters
and I'll be far away from here spending
your money to hunt animals for rea.
Don't you think you are taking
this too serious y?
It's even worse than we thought
we' I never leave this p ace
They said we'll spend the rest of our
lives behind bars!
Gus, I think you're letting your
imagination run away with you
We, I heard it, too
We have to be ready to escape
We, when I'll work
a litt e bit more
Very good, but you'll have
to change faster
those ki er guards up in the towers wou d
have shot you full of ho es already!
Very funny
A right, next
Saucy swimsuit!
Look! More animals are coming
The poor foo s don't know what's
in store for them
What are the odds of the outside
cable to come loose
...and touch the inside fence?
- At least this time they are near by
You again! I've got news for you,
ittle buddy
A gir lynx has arrived
One of the few left.
With a little luck
if you ike each other,
you could be a couple
...They got you a gir friend
Don't be stupid
How's she gonna be my gir friend if
I don't even know her...
Feisty, isn't she!
We' cure you first and that way
they can get to know each other
Why are you so angry?
Why? They capture me,
they bring me here in a cage
They have no
reason to ock me up
But it' I only be until your cured
And not one second more!
I don't want to end up like
those ha ftamed anima s
And you?
What happened to you?
Ahhh, I got in a fight
with a bear,
a really BIG ONE
sometimes I can't
control my wild instincts
You sure you didn't electrocute
yourse f on the fence?
Your hair
is standing on end
you've got burn
marks on your paws
and, we, I saw you
when I got here
I didn't want you to think
I was one of those tame cats
Be careful, there are only
a few of us left
and there'I be even fewer if you
keep having accidents ike that
So have you two swapped
te ephone numbers yet?
Oh buddy, it's your turn, et's
see what we can do with you
Yes, sir?
We, have the men present
themselves here
and then, what the heck...
I'd like to do something about
how this p ace is decorated.
Right away, sir
Wel, before studying the mission,
you have to understand something
You're under my orders
and that means that you' do
everything exactly as I tell you to
No thinking for yourse ves...
no a ternative p ans...
and above a,
One, Two Three... FREEZE
- You lose, dummy!
- What the he are you doing?
Oh, sir, a o, sir
Sir, we were late, sir
Calm down...
A right, et's review
the plan.
Tomorrow there can
be no mistakes
Is he for rea?
Congratu ations, Daddy!
We just heard the good news
How many are
Looks ike...
No, ook, there are four
And they're very cute
They suck!
More victims to perish in
this godforsaken p ace
Perish? Oh...
We shou d be happy for him
instead of saying stuff like that
It's so beautifu they have been
born in a p ace ike this...
Fe ix, we're going to throw pine cones
at the e ectrified fence
You wanna come?
No, I to d Lynxette that
I'd show her the shelter
I' see you ater.
When we get out,
I' show you some places
That wou d be great!
Look! The
tracking station
Let me show you
What's that?
When they let us go,
they put a brace et on us
so they know where
to find us if there's a prob em
Watch this, it's fun
What a curriculum!
Yes but I app y Fe ix's aw
"Smi e, tomorrow could be worse"
I to d you.
Isn't bad uck?
The heating is on
in this weather
Your uck could be changing
- I don't think so
- You met me
Would you accept a gift?
That way I' a ways know
where to find you
In that case, I won't mind feeling
like I'm being followed.
I'm sorry I spoke to you
the way I did the first day
I wish we had met
outside this p ace.
We' be out soon
as long as Gus is wrong
and nothing happens...
That's better
A most like home,
right, Nimrod?
You're impatient, too,
hey, buddy?
Get the men together.
Tonight we're going HUNTING
Activate silent mode!
Now turn out all ights
Sorry! It's ok
How groovy!
Put me down!
You have tobe nice to me!
- Pure precission. Just on the nerve
- Ready. Tower 1 all c ear.
Tower 5 a clear
Tower 3 a clear.
West a arm deactivated.
I knew I was going to have to keep
an eye on those two.
- I fee dizzy!
- Come on
Pure precision in it,
right on the nerve!
Guard post out of control,
according to the prior instructions
...given during the training sessions
You idiot! We're e ite soldiers
talk in short, concise sentences.
Oh, okay
Guy groggy, fo lowing p an
Much better
Approaching computer
Looking for the security contro
panel in order to access...
SHORT sentences!
Mr Newmann, outer gate open,
proceeding to open inner gate
- Something is wrong!
- One alarm is still connected
We can't open the inner gate
Let's see..."mega-ram" records...
I've GOT IT,
the map of the shelter
Oh look! Danger!
We got to warn the others!
We've detected land mines
in the courtyard!
Any movement cou d be fata
Number 1, don't take another step
Relax, I' guide you trough
You've got one...
Okay, let's see
One step backwards...
another one... another one...
Thank yo... -
We've got a casua ty
What in blazes is going on NOW??
The security measures are
tougher than we thought.
...Shou d we continue with the operation?
- Morons!
On my signa, pick me up
in the courtyard!
...et me deactivate one.
Is such a hoot
Hi, boss! We've deactivated
a most a I of them
I knew you two!!
He pushed me!
I can't believe it.
Hey, boss, ook at us!
Look what we're doing!
Caution, boss, there are min...
You idiots, I' take charge of
entering the main b ock.
Hey who are you?
What's going on?
A the personnel is out of action.
Go get the anima s!
Now hurry up, boys!
The boss made me the master.
Coodination is what matters.
One, two, one, two...
Oops. I gotta go.
I want a the anima s out and oaded
in the trucks in ten minutes
I knew we'd end up
loading boxes!
The boss said we should secure
each cage and tie them down twice
I don't think any cages are gonna fall.
I mean, that wou d be
really un ucky
...the union ru es said something
about unch break
What's going on?
Oh, no! Lynxette!
I got to he p them!
Thats a of them. Lets go!
Ok, I'm coming!
I'm done here. Hey! You do something
for a change! Get the rope!
I'll take care of the whee s
"Be a mask soldier!" Damn thing.
"Live an adventure life, exotic ands..."
Yeah right!
But nothing about working!
Three of you go to the helicopter.
The rest back to the truck.
And then they say they don't
want me to become extinct!
Come on... Fe ix...
Beeetty, they're kidnapping us!
You have to get over to the other truck
and wake up a I the anima s you can
Try with this keys!
Sounds good to me!
I accept the mission!
Come to mamma,
ittle truckie walkie!
Three... Two... One...
Mr. Newmann, I think
an anima has escaped
What a disaster!
Be prepared my friend, I think you
have work to do!
...Turn on the head ights
- Yes sir!
I always wanted to do that!
Yes, Her Majesty, the agent Gus...
GUS! Wake up! I don't know
where they're taking us.
What? You see? You see?
I told you!
Astart, wake up!
You've got to fly to the shelter
and set off one of the a arms
But my wing... I don't think
I can fly that far
Astarte, you've got to try
You are the on y one fast enough
to fly back to the she ter
I'm eager to f y again, but I don't
know if I'm fu y recovered
and the she ter is far away!
We... Technica y, you hawks
reach 150 mi es per hour...
We need you to try
The skies are waiting for you
OK, I' do it
You will? Yeah!
I hope everything
wi turn a right
I've almost forgotten how
much I ove to fly
Lynxette, wake up! We're being
...what's going on?
They're trying to kidnap us!
But don't worry, I'm going
to get you out of here
I'm not worried
Come here, my friend!
Don't et her escape, Nimrod.
She is a I yours
Good job!
Fe ix!
It's Gus!
You have to help him!
He cou d be ki ed
My tongue!
My tongue!
Open the cage and jump!
Don't worry Gus,
here I go!
I'm s ipping
Good bye crue world!
Just what I needed.
A kidney stone!
I think... I... run over
another anima... again
Any mistakes and I rip your neck
with my bare hands!
No! I have to free the rest!
Damn it! That female
ynx is the top priority.
Ey, Boss... l... think... -
Never mind
They were not keeping us prisoners
They were protecting us!
Thats why the towers
and the fences...
Yeah, tel that to "mister
conspiracy" here,
What a fuss he made!
Well, if they were protecting us,
they rea y made a pretty poor job.
- What happened to Astart?
- She won't be able to do acrobatics for a whi e
...but she will be a I right.
She is a tough gal.
So now what?
You must go back to the she ter,
Astart needs some care.
I have to
save the others
What? Go back?
That's not an option
If we go back to the she ter
we'I never get out of there!
For a paranoiac green thing with
camouflage prob ems,
he is quite right
for once
My friend, you are not going to get
rid of us that easy!
Yes, in deed! This is too
exciting to miss
Mr. Newmann?
How did the mission go?
We had a few SETBACKS!
We've on y achieved
the 90% of our objectives
Oh! But do you have the lynxs?
On y the female. We' go back for
the rest if we don't have any more...
No, no. Just fo ow the p an
We will meet in Bo onia
beach at dawn
I'll be there
and p ease accept my
apo ogies, mister
Operation "Search and Rescue"
it's about to get on the way!
Oh, fine! And how do we just find them?
"Super agent" Gus?
Hey wait a minute...
- No, I mean the brace et!
I gave her one of those locators
they put on us
Of course! The tracking devices
are back at the she ter!
Geee! Wrong!
One: We just said
we can't get back there!
...and Two: You gave her a WHAT?
- Gus, not now
Are you mad? You'll be trapped
for the rest of your ife!
Just ook at him.
He's having a fit
Wait a minute...
I think
I have the so ution
Whatever we could do
without you, Gus
I must confess that considering
your repuitation, and the size of your fee
I was expecting a
f awless operation
The setbacks were due more
to prob ems with the...
"human resources"
than to my hunting ski s
I told you to check the cages
carefully, one by one
Do you wanna get caught?
A slip ike that cou d ead them
to us and ruin the who e p an!
Oh, sorry, I can replace
the team if you wish
No, this bunch of idiots wi I be more than
enough to capture your litt e critters
Their inaptitude wi just make
the job more... chal enging
Hey, number eight, give us
a hand down here
After years of hard work,
my masterp an is ready
I had no idea about the
scope of the operation
This ooks quite fancy
Who do we help?
Let's see...
You are so use ess, let me try
This is ike the
county fair game
We'll finish the inventory today
and drop the report
of a the anima s we've sti got to catch
- And the ones that got away?
Don't worry I've a ready
thought something
It's mine!
...the animals that are missing.
When I've got them a...
- What did I te you?
- They did come highly recommended!
Loading of cargo finished
Bri liant!
I know only one way
to do things...
What do you think?
As I said before, don't worry about
the escaped animals.
I found someone e se
to handle the prob em
I'll have a metting with
him this afternoon
Somebody bringing
my briefcase
About time
Gotcha, crazy o d man
Let's see what
you're cooking up
There's nobody there!
Who the heck are you talking to?
Have you ost your mind and
now ta k to yourself?
What's going on?
Come on! Whatever happened with
the operation "Search and Rescue"
How long have we been walking?
A week?
One: Not even ten hours,
and Two...
We've stopped around twenty
times just because of you
Let's go Gus, We have to hurry before
the masked man wil go far away
Not "masked"
"Evil secret parami itary
Can't believe he won't shut up
not even underwater!
Yeah, we're making good time...
with a litt e bit of uck...
A ittle bit of luck!
Just what I'm missing...
Let's rest now.
We really need it!
Don't worry, if everything goes a right,
your litt e ones wi be safe
Mr. Noah, if you don't mind
I wou d like to start as soon as possible
Young peop e are a ways
in such a rush!
We almost have a the animals and
just need a special rare kind of bat
and most importantly, wolves
But yesterday the most important
anima s were the ynxs!
Yesterday was yesterday,
and today is today
If lynxs are difficu t to find,
wolves are even more elusive
We have been searching
for months to no avail
You have to go to
an area ca ed "El Torca"
where you wi find
the long legged bat we need
Then, you will continue on to "Sierra Morena"
for a pair of wolves
We will reconvene at the new pick up point
and your mission will be over
I'll take it from there
- Ok, and what about...
- You are very stubborn!
Forget about the escaped anima s!
I put up the money, you HUNT!
When the time comes, follow
my instructions to the letter
and everything wi be fine
Now, if you don 't mind,
I'd like to be alone
I have to hurry up!
Oh, solid groud!
...my Teddy!
I fell asleep!
I was born to be a father
Cal ing a mo es!
Brothers, I have
a job for you!
A pha 1 Red, negative!
Betha 3, Red B, negative!
Gamma 5, Blue 6, neg...
I found them.
Direction A pha, two, red, B
I bet we're fol owing
the wrong tracks
Those were the track
that were most look ike
It must be another track
with simi ar tires
The chicken just woke up!
Beeetty was able to save you
in the nick of time
Thanks, I owe you one
Astarte, I'm sorry
about what happened
I'm the one who's sorry!
"You can get the shelter"
..."Everything is going to be all right"
- He did his best for everyone
- Maybe better for him, but not for me
- Ey, boys, chi out!!
- Fina y I found you
And you? Where have you been?
You won't believe it!
I woke up in a big boat where a crazy
man is co ecting hundreds of animals
I pushed my cage ti it broke
I wanted to free my family,
but the ship started moving
and I couldn't do anything
but escape and look for help
My fami y is sti on board!
We have to rescue them!
But you don't even know
where the ship is
I did hear part of the p an, though
I heard something about
wolves at Sierra Morena
They got to meet somewhere e se
as soon as the man has a his animals
But they're sti can 't
find the wo ves
when they find them,
they' gather them
in a boat
to a far away is and!
If we warn the wo ves,
we can delay the ship's departure
and have time to find it
- Great idea
And you?
A right, count me in
Oh, excuse me!
I told him for a hundredth time
but he just don't get it
Sorry about that!
Move somewhere e se!
Move to the other side,
you are putting me off
Sure, my friend, are we near
the stone lagoon yet?
Yes. But it's going to seem
like an eternity!
C ose your eyes... so you'll get the
fu I effect when you first see it!
Let's go girls.
We'll migrate another day
Say something or
I'm getting bored
Oh! I see... We are playing
hide, go and seek.
We, ready or not,
here I come!
Hundred, ninety eight, ninety, one...
I'm here!
Move on! Get me some space!
Hi Good ooking!
And they say I'm a rare species!
See ya!
I'm so glad we got rid of
the wolf hunting with the boss
Abso ute y. Choosing between hunting
wo ves or bats... bats, anyday!
Look. I bet you they are there!
One of the most precious gifts
the quiropters have to offer
can be found on the
cave's rich ground
Err, the only thing here is mud
The GUANO, bat's excrement
is greatly appreciate
in the ferti izer industry
"The ong egged bat is one
of the most pecu iar bats"
It's definitely pecu iar
"It has extreme y,
disproportioned ong legs"
Definite y long egged
...is just the co or
seems to be a ittle odd
If it were b ack
it wou dn't be pecu iar!
It's just like any other bat
Ok, let's proceed to the most
de icate part of the operation
Capture the beast!
We're gonna get a meda
the size of a frying pan
Did you heard like
an helicopter?
Come on Gus!
You're s owing us down
Don't you find it suspicious?
I've got a bad feeling
about this!
They are here!
We're surrounded!
Oops, sorry!
Gus, wi you stop
being so paranoid?
I've seen them!
You're in a
persecution complex!
Suuure, "the chame eon is crazy"
"the chame eon is seeing things"
Get ready to run
in case is those hunters
Don't come any c oser
You sme I as humans
What are you?
Some kind of wi d cat?
I AM NOT a tamed anima
Watch that tone of voice!
You are a most a cat and
I'm almost a dog...
and you know what the humans
say about cats and dogs
We are looking for the
leader of your pack
We have very vital information which it'll be
on y revea ed with absolute confidentiality
I'm one of the protectors of the pack
And I don't know why should
I trust such a bunch of strangers
YOU HAVE to listen to us...
Or soon you won't have a pack to protect
You'd sound more convincing
if your voice stop tremb ing
But I don't smel a traitor
I'll ca a meeting of the pack council
But if anything goes wrong
you will be sorry!
Here we are!
No human has ever
been in this p ace
I'm not surprised!
We'll be safe here
This is our most secret place
Hey, this is amazing!
Hey, what's wrong with you?
Nothing... I just miss my family
Don't worry, everything
is going to be all right
That's impossible!
Quick! There's a rear exit
that eads to the gorge!
Wou dn't be better
to give ourse ves up?
Run, you foo!
...and now et's do some
target practice!
Didn't we knock
you out already?
Ok, first you...
and then the rest
The cages for
the wolves!
Yes sir, the other
group has arrived
Perfect, then we only have
to take care of the rebels
Are you pu ling my eg??
Nobody is that dumb!
Who do think you're kidding?
This is not a
ong legged bat!
This one's stubby egs,
and the color is wrong!
We are looking for a GREY bat
- That's yours
- What? No way!
And you two?
What about you two?
Do you have anything for me?
Not at a, we didn't capture
a bat or whatsoever!
Nothing! Yeah!
Come on! Next one!
If it's not a bat,
what is it?
Final y! At least somebody
knows how to do his job!
Mr Newmann,
did you get the wo ves?
Yes, they were right you
said they would be...
but something strange is
going on here...
I saw those animal
that got away here too!
...I don't understand it!
- You don't need to understand anything
Just follow my orders, and we
shou d finish the work in no time
Hey Boss, you dropped
your phone
- Why does he treat me so bad!
- Come on...
They said it was impossible
for them to find us there!
It's got to be my fault!
There's no other explanation
Don't worry!
I'm sure it's not you
No? Something bad happens
to everyone c ose to me...
Lynxette, Astart, you...
How do you exp ain my accidents?
How did they find us
in the middle of no where!
- Maybe they found us by share luck
- Yes, my damn back luck
How e se could if it happened?
Wait a minute!
Of course... It a fits!
They implanted us
a microchip on the brain
and they can fol ow every move
we make from an spy sate ite
Oh, no, Gus! Please!
Not again, Gus!
Haven't you earn anything
after what happened at the she ter?
The on y microchips are
in the bracelets at the shelter
Not brace ets!
They drop them in your ears
when you are s eeping
I have an idea!
Let's see...
Just try to
ocate us now!
Let me out!
Let me out of here!
I wish you knew how it feels
been prisoner in a cage
Believe me, I do know
But there's a good reason why
you are ocked in a cage!
Do you... Can you...
understand me?
Yes, you and a the rest
of the anima s
But we shou dn't talk about this
in here, right?
Bring the cage 2203
to my cabin!
What else could we do?
It was the only way to shut him up
What a great idea!
A stroll in the desert!
Hey, It wasn't my idea!
We on y know what Ruppert to d us!
- Who decided I was the eader?
- I'd vote for you Felix!
You got us into this mess!
Chi, you guys!
Impressive, now that's f ying!
Yes, but it gives me
the hevee jeeves
Where is he going?
Hey mister volture!
We're not dead yet!
Make room!
There I go!
Yellow bin!
Just a sec!
I can't believe
the peop e throw away!
It's brand new!
This goes to the
electric section
Oh, please!
Don't touch a thing!
There's enough meat
here for a full mea
and a coup e ight dinners
I don't know why
you are so disgusted!
You eat FLIES!
- Mister vulture...
- Diogenes, young fe ow
- We're looking for the beach
- It's that way...
Make room!
Make room!
What's all this?
Good question
We are tidying up the p ace
- With them?
- Oh, no they're just interns
We have to educate the
new generations
No, I ta king about THEM
Sometimes, those bipeds
do something worth while
Calm down!
How can you talk with us?
Ah, that's a secret!
And it shou d continue
to be one
I've always been closer to your kind
than to the humans
And that's why you hunt us down
and keep us in cages?
What have we done
to deserve this?
Not at al. Actual y,
a I have is thanks to you
When I was a chi d, I talked
with the animals as all children do
But unlike the others,
when I grew up
I never lost that abi ity
I was that simp e!
I wasn't bitten by
some radioactive animal
But my problems began
when I tried to te peop e about it
No one be ieved me
They thought I was crazy
and they ocked me up
What a non sense! How could anyone
talk to the anima s?
Those were the worse
years of my ife
So, I kept my secret
I found more peop e
with the same abi ity
And I knew then I had
to use my gift to he p you
And this is the way
you're he ping us?
Let me explain!
I started sma
It's easy to win at the track
when you get your information
...straight from
the horses mouth!
I tried other ventures, that is
a so easy if you have a litt e help
Things were working out
pretty we!
You know what they say...
"Money gets money"
And that's how I bui t
my ittle empire
Thanks in part to you
So, to thank you a I,
I thought up my ittle plan...
THIS plan!
Mr Newmann?
How is the mission going?
It's a desert here!
There isn't an animal in...
They've got to be nearby
I'm afraid not, we've scanned
the who e area and...
There they are,
Mr. Newmann
How the blazes does
the o d guy do it?
What about you?
What brings you here?
They're after us!
They're after us!
Yes, they're fol owing us,
re ax, you shou d learn Tai Chi!
Bad news. The hunter brought that
b ack hawk with him!
That's not bad news, this is
the moment I've been waiting for
Hear not the voice of revenge
for it wil ead you a stray
Oh just shut up,
you bug eyed beetle eater
Where is your circus?
Bearded lady?
This of a unatic izzard
At least I don't butt
heads for sport
- Reptile!
- Ruminent!
- Big mouth
- Horn head
- Sca y skin
- Fat bag
We're not fast enough
to run away, but...
Diogenes, cou d we use
some of your stuff?
Of course, young engs.
Anything you can recycle!
Cou d someone distract the so diers
and get one the flying curtains?
Me! Me!
You better leave me that for me.
I'm your goat!
He never lets me
do anything!
This is going to be
a lot of fun!
O d buddy, today we' both
finish what we started...
NOW Nimrod!
Come on, dummy!
We're fa ling behind!
What do you want me to do?
Oh, you've an engine
behind you!
Oh, it's true!
There she is!
Baby, I'm here!
Careful, strong winds up here!
The goat is cool!
Look! They're shooting!
Get your riff e and earn your keep!
What's going on?
Wake up!
What a mess!
Wake up!!
Today, boys and girls, with a I this
stuff and a coup e of rubber bands
and our ittle hands, we're gonna
build an extraordinary device
...to escape from the bad guys
- We don't have time for jokes, Gus
And we say good bye with
the tip of the day... GUS!!
Come on! We don't
have all day!
But what is he doing??
Oh, what a shame!
I missed!
Yellow be y bird!
Boss, we should leave
right away! The wind is changing!
Turn around. If the goat escapes,
we're doomed!
Got you now!
You won't get away this time...
- That's the goat I ran over!
- Coo!
I'm sorry Fe ix. I went crazy
when I thought I'I never fly again
It's Ok, I'm so happy
you get better!
Thanks, some things are
more important than flying
...ike friends you can trust
What do we have here!
I'm sure everybody's gonna get
an A in Show and Tel
Didn't you forget
about Felix asked you?
Of course not!
Here IT IS!
We'll continue on the ground.
Pick us up later at windfarm
I don't think so, we can't f y...
Fe ix, hurry up!
You have to go
Thanks for everyting
Is everybody ready?
Good uck, my friends!
And who are you?
I'm a ong legged bat
I used to be a masked henchmen
but didn't rea y worked out
Are you looking for a job?
The wind is blowing up!
OK, Beeetty, now!
Keep walking!
Come in up Fe ix!
Fe ix, no!
Stop! You have to stop this thing!
I can't, it is going too fast!
Is not his fau t
If I go with you,
they wi catch us sooner or ater
Without me you wi I all be safe
There's not excuse for what you've done
There is, the end justify the means:
To avoid your ultimate demise
But at what price?
You can't just capture us
and ho d us here because you feel like it
Being held in cages for a litt e while
is a small price to pay
when you face extintion
Soon we wil take you to an is and
far again from humans
where you can a live safely
But that's still a prison
There must be another way...
Like what?
Parcial so utions don't work
Who many of you lynxes are left?
Someone has to do something about it
Tell me: What is the point of being free
...if you are not a ive?
But what's the point of being a ive
if you are not free
You were caged once,
would you like to be ocked up again?
Do you see?
Felix didn't have
anything to do with it!
We are going to get caught anyway
We are loosing speed
Screaming Eag es Squadron to the rescue
Ready? Bombs away!
Eagles forming for a second run
P ease, please, can I?
Permission to join the party granted!
A few little droppings
are not going to stop us...
I can't believe it!
Escape plan now!
This is the end!
Not in my watch!
Stupid goat!
Now it's rea ly the end!
Beeetty, wake up!
Ruppert, I need you.
Where did he go?
Astarte! Wake up!
This is a very de icated situation
Is the perfect mission for Gus
You can't fail,
everything depends on you
Mimetic abi ities in order
Just try to find me now,
butterf y hunter
Ruppert! What are you doing here?
I have... something to tel you.
I thought I was he ping you...
and "Operation Mo e" is sti I on...
Mo e?
We, I liked the p ay on words
I needed to find the
animals that went away
and who better than a mole to be... a "mole"!
How cou d you?
So I made a dea with him:
Freedom for his fami y
in exchange for information
After all, mo es are not
in danger for extinction
I tagged him with a microchip
and I let him go
so he cou d find the wo ves
and then indicate the position
of the escaped anima s to the hunter
I am real y not a bad person...
You what?
Sorry, but I didn't have a choice
They didn't find us because
you are un ucky,
but because of me
So it was not my fau t after a I
Good, you are just
the one I needed
to complete the set
I don't think I need this
This is small game
Kitty, kitty
Come here kitty
Final y
Mr Newmann? Stop the operation
We have to re-think the whole plan
Get ready kitty, you are going
to extinct for sure now
But first et's renegotiate
the contract with the old man.
That is enough!
There is no sense crying over spil ed milk!
The important thing now is to find the ship
We have ways to make traitors talk...
Hold on! I don't rea y know where the ship is
They were supposed to capture us
and take us there
We, there's a way to find it:
The inter-mole network
Mr. Newmann
I just was trying to contact you
Things have changed...
Yes, they have, a lot!
I'm in command now!
Are you crazy? You can't do this...
You work for me... You can't... Nooo
Let me out right now!
P ease! Let me out!
P ease!
- I can't stand being locked up!
- Shut up
I've just had enough of
your excentric mi ionair nonsense!
Now you're gonna find out
what hunting rea y is!
Not this stupid game
Exp ain me a I this right now!
Or you wanna a smaller cage?
They've ocator microchips.
They're the green signals
And this is us right here, isn't it?
We, either that stupid cat
is a real fool
or the ca of the
wild is too strong
and our litt e
ynx is in love
I saw him run after you when
I captured you
Let's prepare him a
big we come party
Everybody over here!
I never used such
rebe ious bait!
Everything's ready, sir!
Knock the cages anima s
with a litt e gas
We've got to be ready for
a very special guest!
The ynx is mine!
The rest are yours!
Well, the master of camouflage
can go and the assess the situation
As the master of camouflage
is a bit dodgy, I' I fly ahead and see
Am I g ad to see you!
It's ok, we're al here!
Not a move until they
are a together
Don't you know
the meaning of SILENCE?
- We' get you out of here!
- Carefu, stay away of the cargo bay
...the hunter is headed on us!
Fu I of dangerous booby traps
and you've got to free the o d man
I think he'll help us.
Ruppert wi know how to find him!
So what you see?
- Lynxette is all right
- What about the rest?
There're al sedated
but they're fine
Lynxette told me what to do
Will you stop doing
the chameleon thing right now!
You are a such party pooper!
It's Lynxette, over there!
Wait! Remember the traps!
Take the ship out to open sea.
That way they can't scape
Fasten your seat belts!
Throw the ive saver!
It's on your right!
To the left!
To the right!
My right!
Not now!
Gee whiz!
What are they waiting for!
She's gone! And there were so
many things I wanted to tell her!
Hel o!
Did my sweet little
green thing miss me!
What? Me? No!
- Oh my litt e sweety!
- Put me down!
Where are they going?
You, follow the hawk!
What a strange mission! And the rest
of us are dea ing with those two
I have a plan...
Excuse me!
- That's goat I ran over!
- We need reinforcements!
We've got three of them here!
What kinf of p an is this!
P ans are for cowards!
Are you the guy who
can talk with anima s?
Say something!
- Watch out!
- What a imited vocabulary
Get the remote, quick!
Where are the reinforcements?
We're so important that they need
Why are you ooking me
ike that?
What are you doing!!
Get the remooooote!
How humi liating!
You used me!
The b ack button!
Do I have to do everything
myself? Give it to me!
I'll think twice before getting
on your nerves again!
What? Me? I haven't
moved a musc e!
Me? Are you mad?
Just look at me!
I guess these are the guys
who asked for reinforcements, take this!
I guess so, it's
the same uniform!
Do you want to see something
rea y cool?
Don't even think about it! Remember
how mad the boss was last time
Oh, just shut up
Contro yourse f, Newmann
P ease, don't touch anything!
Listen the o d man and
stop pressing buttons!
Guards at the entrance to d me
this is real y cool
Thats's not it!
Look, Fe ix is in danger!
You can't go now! Wait!
And voi !
- That's the ambiance dome!
- Oh, look at that! Beautyful!
Not me!
Virtua museum!
Wait! Look there!
Oh! What a beauty!
What a prodigious technique!
Stop! Look at that!
Sub ime!
You can taste the tragic
so itude of the human sou
trough the desperate
deformation of the anatomy
Look! Don't you see it?
What a magnificent symbiosis
between the african roots
of the art and the exquisite f at
I rather see a more
ana ythic approach
Are you nuts? The chromatism is...
Come on kitty! Where are you?
Ca m down! Remember,
attention, patience, concentration...
It can't be!
What's all that?
Woman and
anemic soldiers first!
Quick! Get me out
of here!
Yes, sir. Right now!
We, there's one way to get
you out of this hole!
We have to check the extent
of the damage!
You're kidding?
No, but this ship is supossed
to be prepared for situation ike this!
In fact, the evacuation
is ready on the way
Get out of the way!
Perfect! Everything is
working fine!
Now we have to get into a life
rafs outside
What about Fe ix?
I'll make it easier for him
Hey, something is to be
blocking the hatch!
It's not working!
I'm sorry, Ruppert...
Thanks buddy!
It was the least I could do,
now if you excuse me I've got a job to do!
Super Ruppert
to the rescue!
It's extinction time!
Get your human paws
out of my friend!!
What the...?
Good move!
Oh, no, Gus!!
You stupid hunter!
You don't know
who you dealing with!
Let me go!
We've not finish yet!
If anybody's going to be hurt,
that' be me!
Everything bad always
happens to me!
You're not going to catch me
off guard this time!
Admit it, Fe ix!
You can't fight bad luck!
It's your destiny!
Fe ix, you're a magnet for
Fe ix and his bad luck!
Fe ix!
I'm ok!
I'm quite used to this!
But he is not
I guess you're not as tamed
as I thought after al!
Come on! We've got
to get out the ship!
I'm trapped!
He's gonna drawn!
Do you worry about him?
We're running out of time!
I can't reach...
I'm Newmann!
The best hunter in the world!
I always win!
No anima can beat me!
I'm Newmann!
Fe ix...
My dream has come to an end
My perfect plan
A though, wait a minute!
What if al create an island
just for humans and then we cou...
Don't give up!
We're coming!
Oh, no! They've seen us!
We're doomed!
Sink the raft! I tel you!
I just no understand
some people!
I don't get it.
We are in the do e again!
Bah, don't worry!
Something will come up!
Thanks, I can't believe
what you did for us
That bracelet wouldn't have
been much he p ocating you
I know
But that's not why I kept it
I kept it because
you gave it to me
Hey, hey! Wait a
minute now!
Can I be the best man?
P ease!
The new Gus is nice!
And no more paranoias!
You are a brave anima
Now I see my p an
didn't much sense
If all the ynxs are
as brave as you are
Not even the great f ood
cou d make you extinct
It's a jinxed lynx!
But it's OUR jinxed ynx!
This is the end!
Good bye freedom!
So long hunting nights!
...Bye bye to adventures...
- Don't spoi the moment!
- Wou d you do the honours ancle Gus?
- Me?
Doc, this too good!
I sti I can't believe it
Looks ike we have a new lynx cub!
And born free in the wi d!
You'I see... This is going to be
a really cushy job
Wait a minute! Don't we have seen
this lynx somewhere before?
I don't know, they all
look the same to me
- Sorry, each lynx is unique!
- Unique?
- You are the rare here
- Don't push me!...
If you don't mind,
would please give a ticket
on the very next plane to
anywhere in Africa
No! Please!
Kitty! Get away from me! No!