Elevator (2024) Movie Script

Like them,
I'm here for the money.
For the dollars.
More income.
I am also here to change my destiny.
I'm tired of being an employee.
It's time to be the boss.
Push, fight, work hard.
I will not stop until I change my life.
This guy plays big all the time.
We have a shot with him.
Although our origins are different...
Not this one.
...we want the same destination.
In this fight, they are my allies.
Do not worry. I got this.
Inside my elevator, I am the captain.
I will make them bet on us.
Also, this is our last year together.
Our contracts are almost up.
So let's make this count.
Let's get out of this basement
and let us change our lives!
Let's go!
I said it in English
so my friends can understand it.
Migrant workers are forced to
leave their home country to sacrifice...
to help and support... their sacrifice...
Migrant workers are connected.
With my app, Global Gigs, we...
Those apps you use,
it also started with someone like me.
Someone took a risk with them.
By the way sir, I heard
you are into investing in...
And as the big shots went in and out,
and up and down on my elevator...
By the way, sir, I've heard that...
I only need one of them to risk on me.
Maybe the next time you click something,
you'll be using my app.
Sir, if your factories are with Good Job...
You're working hard!
Time to breathe.
It was bad.
We almost gave up hope.
What do you think?
What do... What do you think?
But, of course, we can't stop.
Take a little breath.
The fight continues...
until the end.
Wait, how...
How did you know that I'm expanding?
I read it on Mogul Monthly, sir.
Also, sir, if you invest in this app,
this can be a direct hiring tool
for your growing HR needs.
You know what?
I would like to learn more.
- Jar...
- Jared, sir.
Jared, that's what I thought.
So why don't you...
send me your proposal.
All right?
Thank you, sir.
We did it, boys!
But we haven't won yet.
It's just the beginning.
Is he still playing?
Yes, bro. He's betting big.
Good morning, sir.
I'm sorry, sir,
I'm waiting on maintenance.
Not for me!
Not today.
Kindly use the other elevator, please.
-Thank you,
-I apologize, sir.
He's cashed out, bro.
Senin, are you on him, bro?
Headed to you.
And he looks happy.
Right this way, Sir Byron.
Good morning, Sir Byron.
- How's it going?
- Looks like you won.
I always do.
Penthouse, sir?
By the way, sir, I'm happy to announce
that I've widened my network
of potential employers to include
Saudi, Hong Kong, Canada,
and also here in Singapore.
Singapore, I understand
because you're here, but...
how'd you manage
to swing the other countries?
Sir, my previous co-workers and friends
from Qatar and Taiwan
have been scattered all over the world.
It's through them that I'm able
to reach and add migrant workers
to my database,
even if I'm just here in Singapore.
Which improves my job search
and listing for my Good Job app,
making it even easier for migrant workers
to connect with their potential employers.
Good Job?
That's what you're calling it now?
Yes, sir. But if you still want...
If you still want Global Gigs,
we can still use that.
Good Job, it's got a...
It's got a nice ring to it.
Thank you, sir.
Sir, I think the work I've done
is already okay.
Maybe I can set a formal pitch with you
so we can finalize your investment.
This is what I like about you.
Always straight to the point.
I have to because I think
I only have ten seconds left with you.
No need to rush.
I'm going to be staying here for a month.
And Bettina will be joining me shortly.
Her flight just got delayed.
But once she gets here,
I want you two to get together
and further refine your app
and your business proposal. Okay?
Sir? Bettina?
She's my executive assistant.
Sir, I've already done all the revisions
based on your last email.
No. I don't want to be wasting my time
on a piece of work that's just "okay".
And Bettina can help you turn
what you have into something perfect.
This is big business, Jared. And,
you know, I'm gonna be investing
big money into you and your app.
Gotta be sure.
But there's always a price to pay.
Of course, I'm not stupid.
Okay, sir. I will do my best
to work with her and do what you want.
Just be patient, all right?
And pretty soon, you just
might have your own business.
Maybe you can say goodbye to all this.
Thank you again, Sir Byron.
Here you go, Ma'am Bettina.
You can leave your luggage here.
Thank you.
Son of a bitch!
You are Filipino?
Are you the elevator boy?
Penthouse, please.
Bettina Enriquez, Sir Byron's EA.
He's going to be busy.
Just send me what you have
and I'll look over everything tonight.
All right, Ma'am Bettina.
I followed everything
in the email sent to me.
How about your free remittance?
Have you removed it?
that's an incentive
for migrant workers to sign up with us.
Besides, that's a big help to them.
This is not a charity.
Just send me what you have.
I'll look over everything by tonight.
Pork sisig.
- It's your favorite.
- Bless you.
- Can I have your...
- Kimchi?
- Kimchi. Go ahead.
- Kimchi. Yes.
- I'll put it here?
- No. This one.
This one?
This is awesome, guys.
Bettina? Sexy.
I don't get it, bro.
You've worked on this for the past year.
Why do we need her?
Maybe Byron's just leading you on.
Easy, guys.
Maybe she's a test to see
if I can really pull off this app.
I know it's a hassle, but I'm not worried.
I've already impressed her boss.
So, whatever she throws at me,
I got this, bros.
When we have our company,
I can visit my girlfriend more often.
I can propose to mine.
And I'll be able to marry my fiance.
I just want to go home to my girlfriend.
And you're all gonna see me
dating the finest females, bros.
Jared, I'll need a wingman.
You and me. Las Vegas chicks.
Once the app is running,
I will focus on making it bigger.
And love, that's not important.
Emotional damage!
No, no, no.
Why aren't you back at your posts yet?
Sir, we still have ten minutes to eat.
No. It will take you
ten minutes to clean this up...
and get back to the front desk.
And you! Stop smiling!
You were late this morning!
I requested for a late shift today.
I was driving for the guest
until midnight.
And it was denied! So you are late!
Okay, yes, we will work right away, sir.
We'll work all the time, yes.
You see, guys?
This is what I'm talking about.
Like you guys, I've also been in love
before, but I've never been my own boss.
She still there, bro?
Sorry, bro, she's still at it.
Fucking shit.
Good morning, Ma'am Bettina.
Maybe you can...
Maybe we can...
Maybe we can talk now?
It's only 55 seconds
from ground floor to penthouse.
You were able to convince Byron.
What more now that
you and Bettina have one month?
It will work out.
All right.
Game, come on.
If I'm as sexy as her,
I won't work much as well.
Good morning again, Ma'am Bettina.
- Shall we talk, Ma'am?
- Nope.
Why not?
Good morning. Good morning.
- What floor, please?
- Going up?
- Fifth?
- Fifth.
Just wait.
Excuse me.
Hello again, Ma'am Bettina.
If you're free, ma'am, maybe...
you can give my app a chance.
Okay, I mean, come in, please.
Come in, ma'am.
She's always at the gym, damn it.
It's like a vacation for her.
You still have lots of time.
No matter how long they stay here,
if she's always avoiding me,
nothing will come of it.
What about Sir Byron?
Do we know where he is?
He left with a different driver.
But he made dinner reservations later.
Time to approach him directly.
She can't avoid me if Sir Byron is there.
How could you undervalue
her accounts in India?
I'm sorry, sir. Their partner
just had an infusion of new capital...
She lorded it over, Bettina!
That's 100 million that should be
divided between Alice and me.
And now, I can't do shit!
Stop making me look like a fool
and do your job!
Elevator going up.
Do it now!
A bitch and a hag. She's just beautiful.
I didn't expect
that my impression of her would be wrong.
Let me do it, ma'am.
Don't move. Stay still.
Thank you.
What for?
Finally. I got two words from you, ma'am.
Is it okay if...
You're so annoying.
That's why I'm saying sorry, ma'am.
I know you have a lot of problems,
and I'm adding into it.
But I promise, I won't bother you anymore.
I'm sorry, too.
I didn't even talk to you properly.
It's fine, ma'am.
Maybe just focus on your work.
Then when you're ready,
I'll be in the elevator.
In a few days, I will be free.
Wow. Your schedule is really full.
Good thing you still have time to relax.
I like this, too.
The busier you are means
you are more important
in your company, isn't it?
But, ma'am, of course
it's still important to relax sometimes.
And, yes, ma'am,
instead of smoking, just stay here.
Because no one will bother you,
no one will find you,
the signal's weak here.
That's the magic of my elevator.
It only goes up and down,
you don't have to think.
Wait, ma'am. I learned something from
my colleague here. Just imitate me.
Ma'am, try it. There is nothing to lose.
Good morning, ma'am.
Are they a hassle?
Still fighting?
Still fighting.
Hey, ma'am.
Ma'am, you bounced back?
Your app's next.
Nice play on Bettina.
Easing up on her was the right move.
Believe it or not, boys,
it was not a play.
Wait, what? I thought
you said she was the enemy?
Nothing more than the boss's chick?
A bitch!
- Hey!
- Go easy.
Yeah, but maybe I was wrong.
Because I overheard her
with her co-workers,
and she also has problems,
she has a job to do,
and she has a boss to answer to.
Just like us.
And maybe, like us,
she needs help from time to time.
That's what our app is for, right?
Oh, my.
Good morning, Ma'am Bettina!
Good morning, Ma'am Bettina.
Relax, guys.
Just call me Bettina.
I am Jeoneun Ji-ho.
I am Amir.
I am Senin.
Hello! I'm Panying!
I'm Ikmal.
Pleasure to meet you.
No kiss.
I've read your names
in Jared's business proposal.
It's nice to meet the future
country reps of the app.
Country reps?
I like the sound of that.
We're not there yet.
Still lots of work needs to be done.
Your sub said you're off.
Are you ready to work?
Yeah. Give me five minutes.
I'll just change clothes.
- It's near, we'll just turn right...
- Near?
Wait. Yes, you're the new guy.
- You're Jared from Manila.
- Manila.
- And...
- Sawadee.
- Billy from Thailand?
- Yes.
I will teach you a hack.
When your legs are hurting,
you put up your arms
like this and you stretch.
- This?
- You'll feel it here.
Yes. It feels good.
But don't do it when there are people.
Yes. Thank you for the tip.
Thank you.
Let's go. Come.
Hello. Whoa!
Are you a working girl? How much are you?
I am.
But you can't afford me.
Why did you say yes?
And he can, right?
Because he's dressed like trash. Sorry.
I'm better looking than you.
It's not the suit that makes the man,
but the man wearing it.
And this guy
is the CEO of a tech start-up,
and he is worth billions.
He's way sexier than you, too.
Thank you again for the 5,000 tip, sir.
Hope to serve you again.
Okay, I will double it next time.
Thank you.
I just realized why Bettina did that.
So if I didn't break him,
played with him a little,
he'll just move on to the next girl
that steps into the door.
But for now,
if he thought I was for sale,
then he can't buy me,
I'll let him know that his money
doesn't make him any special.
So he shouldn't be an asshole.
From the looks of that asshole...
You just didn't break him,
you even shook his world.
Your friend helped too.
5K tip?
You're a big shot.
Oh, ma'am.
I hope it's real.
Let's make it real.
So, do you believe in me?
In your app?
I always have.
That's why I answer your emails, right?
Wait, so you're the one I'm emailing,
and not Sir Byron?
It's part of my job.
That's why I'm familiar with your app.
That's why.
I know its potential.
Then why did you give me a hard time?
I was busy.
And to be honest,
with you, I am not sure.
I mean, what should I think?
He said he was interested
in the app of an elevator attendant.
That he was still a little drunk
when he met you.
How would I know if...
you're a scammer
or con artist.
And you're just deceiving him.
You have a point.
What about now?
Do you believe in me?
God, we still have lots to do.
Your remittance partner
in the Philippines,
this Kate Dizon,
- did you talk to her directly?
- Yeah.
My issue, they can suddenly change rates
and if we don't have back-up,
we'll be stuck.
No. I trust Kate.
Why are you so confident in Kate?
She's my friend. My classmate in college.
She is a nice friend.
You don't have an investor yet.
She's already supportive of your app.
Does she have a cut?
No, she doesn't. Because...
this was our thesis
when we were in college.
First, just a classmate.
Now, you did a thesis together?
Who is she really to you?
For the sake of our working relationship,
you have to be honest with me.
Especially when she will be
involved in our app.
She's also my ex.
Is that all?
If you have no conflict of interest,
you have nothing to hide.
you still have feelings for her.
- Was it a bad breakup?
- It's not like that. Kate's kind.
Mom and Dad actually really liked her.
A model Filipina.
Why did you break up?
After we graduated,
she entered that company.
As for me, I'm in a start-up
Bitcoin company in Qatar.
We tried to have
a long distance relationship but...
we didn't last long, either.
When I returned to the Philippines,
Kate has a boyfriend.
But I wasn't surprised because
we had been apart for a long time.
Sorry, Jared.
That's fine, ma'am.
It's been a long time, and...
it was a mutual decision.
Maybe life is just like that.
She got lucky.
I was not fortunate.
Even so, ma'am...
I still won't stop
- looking for gold! Sheesh!
- Sheesh!
- You know that too, ma'am?
- Of course!
It's also my sister's favorite.
No, seriously, ma'am.
I was not lucky then.
But I haven't lost yet.
You are an IT grad.
Why didn't you just stay in Manila?
If I stayed there, I will just be an
employee for the rest of my life.
Besides, I already got
a taste for dollars.
I'm the same. I get that, too.
But here?
Why be an elevator boy?
Ma'am, trial and error.
In Taiwan, I was also in IT.
I had a lot of time,
I had a lot of contacts.
No one around me has money.
Hello, sir, let me tell you about the...
When I came here,
there was a lot of money,
but I don't have time with them.
Even if I had the time with them,
it was difficult.
Let me tell you about...
That's too much.
There are easier ways
to get investments, you know?
For someone like me?
You know, in our case,
if you don't have the right last name,
if you're not rich,
you're really at a disadvantage.
But here, ma'am, I have a chance.
I just need talent, I just need timing.
Even if there's an opening
in another department,
I fought to be assigned to the elevator.
It's worth it.
This is where I met you.
You and Sir Byron.
She's cool. We laughed a lot.
She's a great person to talk to.
I didn't expect her
to become like a friend to me.
I was gonna text her but...
Using your phone on the job.
Isn't that against the rules?
I'm sorry, sir.
I was messaging Ma'am Bettina.
We were fixing our schedule.
Relax, I'm just messing with you.
Speaking of Bettina, she said
you two are getting along well
and making progress.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
Are you going to the gym?
No, not yet.
Let's go to the ground floor.
I wanna show you something.
But, sir, I cannot...
I'm on duty. I cannot leave my post.
No, relax.
I know the owner.
I got you covered.
Get your hands off me, man.
I'm a VIP here. What the fuck?
I'm sorry, sir.
As I've said,
there's been a case
of sexual misconduct against you.
Come on.
We've reviewed the footage
and we've confirmed it.
We're now giving you
a chance to leave peacefully
or face legal action from the hotel
and the said guest.
- It's you! Hey!
- Showtime.
- You fucking rat! Fuck you!
- No!
Woah, big guy.
I understand, sir.
I'm sorry about that.
Bettina told me
about your incident with him yesterday.
She said you wanted to punch him, huh?
So I figured you'd like to see him
get what he deserves.
Thank you for having my back, sir.
If you don't mind, sir,
what did you tell him?
That I bought his company,
and that if he didn't want me
to sell it piece by piece,
he should just shut the fuck up
and get the hell out.
Thank you for trying
to defend Bettina, huh?
She was able to take care of herself, sir.
That's my girl.
And she is my girl,
so I couldn't let this slide.
Are you ready?
Are you finished?
Not yet.
What time?
I'm still preparing.
As I said, I'm not stupid.
After what just happened, I think
it's better to stay away for a bit.
Sorry, I'm just tired.
I'm just coding, right?
You're doing the business plan.
So maybe we just do our tasks separately.
Are you avoiding me?
Shit. Can she read my mind?
No. Well...
I'm just tired and...
Anyway, I just do the coding.
You have the business side.
Maybe we do tasks separately.
No, we are better together.
We cannot be complacent.
We're not the only ones
lined up for an investment.
That's why I've set up
this very important meeting
so we can add value to the app.
Well, Panying
and I have to go somewhere later.
But that's not for fun.
That's also for our app.
As the founder, I need you
to be part of my meeting.
And as my partner, I need to know who else
you are involving in this app.
Do you still not trust me?
But when she's the one who asks,
when she looks at you
and tells you things like these,
how can I refuse?
Of course I do.
I need to focus on the app.
I mean, focus. Okay, focus.
Focus on our goal.
Which floor, sir?
I knew it.
- Yes.
- From the hotel, right?
Yes, Dr. Revee.
It's nice to see you again.
It's Reve.
Yes, Dr. Revee.
I pitched to him in the elevator before.
The work app, right?
What was it called again?
It's now called Good Job,
and we at Top Logistics
are backing Jared's start up.
Does Byron know about this move?
The app doesn't seem to fit your profile.
I share your concern, Dr. Revee,
but only at first.
I was skeptical when Byron presented
the idea of Jared's app,
but diving into it more and getting
to know the man behind it even better,
I can confidently say that you
missed out on a big opportunity
when you didn't take up Jared's offer.
It's nice to hear
that she somehow looks up to me.
That's high praise
coming from you, Bettina.
I am recalling what you said,
that this app is nothing more
than a job listing for your cell phone.
Nothing new, nothing special.
On the surface, yes.
But with Jared as a migrant worker himself
as the beating heart of the app,
we are fostering more than just a network,
but a community of
like-minded, driven employees
for each of our client partners.
If you're talking about loyalty
and keeping my workers in line,
I can cultivate that myself.
Yes, but with Good Job,
we can cultivate that for you.
With our thrust for
peer-to-peer recommendation,
each employee is already
vouched for by an existing one.
And with this personal
connections in place.
A better, safer...
And as I listen to her,
the more I look up to her as well.
Dr. Revee, as our client,
covered 30 percent of your overhead.
I'm sure Byron
will be more enticed to fund us.
This is a big deal.
But why don't you seem as happy as I am?
Are we far enough?
Good job on targeting him before
as an investor.
What good did I do?
You convinced him.
What are you saying?
But you're still right.
You just didn't see an angle,
but that comes with experience.
And lots and lots of confidence.
Your toe-to-toe against him was great.
Every move, you have a response.
If it's just confidence,
I feel like I can give it to you.
We have time before we meet Panying.
Let's go?
Why did you drag me here?
I'm bad at singing.
Don't be shy, I'm bad too.
It's just for fun.
Don't worry, we're pretty.
Ready? What now?
Let's go!
Every day, just hard work
Let them
Stand in your way
Just keep going
Just go straight
Even if there is someone blocking it
Straight ahead, plan
Parents, friends are my support
They are...
Why don't I stop?
There's no stopping in looking for gold!
Every day, just hard work
Let them stand in your way
Don't stop, just keep going
Just go straight
Even if there is someone blocking it
And it's not just for Filipinos, Elvis.
Even your foreign co-workers on the ship,
they can also use my app.
Then when you land in a country,
you can also offer this
to bars or restaurants.
And because you guys are my friends,
you get a commission
for referral registrations.
- Wow!
- This friend of yours is really cool.
Big shot! Boss moves!
I remember when you were
talking about it in Taiwan,
I thought you were just drunk.
But here you are,
you're already doing it.
I didn't make a mistake
in recommending him.
I was surprised
when you told me to watch over him.
He's so annoying.
- What about now?
- But, he's kind.
He always helps.
He always obeys me.
I don't know if I should be happy
or irritated by what you're saying.
Well, yeah.
This is the last round.
- Go.
- Go.
You still have time?
We have one more song.
I'll just finish this beer.
Really? Another one?
It's okay.
What happened to what you said
about avoiding her?
What happened?
I had meetings with her.
- Really?
- Yes.
I'll tell you something.
You know what this is?
It's okay with me.
we've been here for so long...
and I never saw you like this.
What do you mean?
We always drink like this.
Not literally, silly.
Not in a hurry.
Smiling like a fool.
I've never seen you happy like this.
Enjoy it.
Have fun.
You have been added to Tropang Paris,
Dabarkads London, Milan, Manila.
Wow! My friend Elvis is so fast.
I already told you.
You have instincts for this.
That's thinking like a real businessman.
You know I got that from...
Wait, I'm thinking.
Hi, I'm Jared.
Have you considered being your own boss?
I am part of a wide network
of entrepreneurs
who have unlocked the secret of success.
Is this a pyramid scheme?
Ma'am, ours is not a scam.
I am telling the truth.
You know, with your tenacity,
I'm sure you can sell a lot.
Back to back recruiter of the month. Yes!
But for real, ma'am,
the reason why I made this app is because...
because of my friend Elvis.
For Panying, and the guys, too.
They are always there for me.
They're always ready catch me.
I can understand now
why your app is like that.
The workers come first.
That's who you are.
You really care.
You care a lot.
Our life is difficult.
All of us are looking for allies.
We can give that to them,
then we will earn more and then...
everyone wins.
You're not allowed
to fall in love with me.
No, ma'am, it's not like that.
It's because...
I'm used to seeing you wearing
office wear all the time.
It's the first time
I've seen you like that.
Byron requested that
I wear my best clothes.
So here.
We're going out
with his high school friends later.
What's wrong with them?
They're arrogant.
All they do is flex.
Ego contest.
You know, guy stuff.
And Byron can't help himself.
Keeping up with them, too.
But maybe, I could still
pitch to them to invest.
That's what I like, ma'am. You can do it.
You're early.
What happened?
Bettina, whatever it is...
We can talk. We can fix it.
Good thing, I'm off now.
Do you want to talk about it downstairs?
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
What the fuck did I do?
All right, let's get this sorted.
Hong Kong. We need to know
about that cargo suppliers...
Quick concise update.
Line up interviews for new hires.
Accounting department needs it ASAP.
The assets for Byron's meeting with Alice.
Double check with the girls.
Every detail. Every document.
And that damn app.
Why is he looking at me?
Son of a bitch!
You're Filipino?
You're the elevator boy?
You weren't kidding.
He really is the elevator boy.
Does it matter? I mean,
his app is promising.
Even you liked it the first time
I told you about it.
It still needs a lot of work.
But the app itself is fine.
It's just Jared that I'm uneasy with.
He just seems so...
I don't think I can work with him.
Well, you better find a way
because you really want your own
department to handle in the company,
developing this app
and making it work for us,
that's your test.
And that is the deal
that you made with me.
I can't expect this to happen now.
Especially when you have
so much on the line also.
I'd rather focus on my efforts
n finalizing your divorce.
Listen. Just give me
the information I asked for.
I can handle Alice just fine.
What? You don't believe me?
All this back and forth
has been going on for years. And...
That's why we're staying here so long.
Listen. I'm not gonna leave Singapore
until we split the company
between Alice and me. All right?
And just like you,
I want this over and done with.
Regardless, I have never
let my personal issues with Alice
get in the way of business.
All right?
So, be a pro, do your job,
and make it work with Jared.
All right?
I hate it when he does that.
And that.
But it's not as if I have a choice.
Just work, Bettina.
Just clear your mind.
Ignore everything.
Just focus on what you have to do.
You should have prepared this earlier.
- We just got the projector.
- Sorry, Sir Byron.
Here, let me help you guys.
You just have to plug this.
So as per your instructions,
we've divided all our assets and accounts
between Hong Kong and Singapore.
And I'm quite certain that that part of
the instructions are to favor your side.
Good to see you again, Byron.
It's nice to meet you also, Ma'am Alice.
I'm Bettina, Sir Byron's EA,
and this is Helen and Mei-Li.
Part of our core staff in Top Hong Kong.
Pleasure to meet you, ladies.
I see you've done your homework.
Even a list of all our clients
here in Singapore.
I'm sure you have done the same.
Are they joining us?
Just me.
I think we can start now,
and I'll use those
as the basis for our discussion.
What are you playing at, Alice?
I'm not playing at anything, Byron.
Things just get so contentious
between us when others are involved.
Maybe our competitive side kicks in.
I just want to start things
on the right foot.
Just you and me.
To finally figure things out?
Leave us.
Are you sure, sir?
I'm willing to give this a shot.
Miss Alice still looks great at 50.
I wonder what's the secret.
Whose side are they on?
We may not be part of their meeting
but we're still on standby.
Don't leave the hotel.
Hello again, Ma'am Bettina.
- Here's another one.
- If you're free, maybe...
Please stop annoying me.
Go ahead. I mean, come in, please.
Come in, ma'am.
Thank God.
Bye, Jared.
We miss you, darling!
We miss you!
What happened to Mom?
We went to a Korean barbecue place,
and Mom drank a lot of rice wine.
Heartbroken again?
You judge harshly, guys.
I'm just like you, you know.
The only difference is
I love young men.
You love an old man.
This is not about my love life, okay?
About you.
Shouldn't you be careful in love?
I'm just not like your sister.
I can't control my feelings.
When the heart beats, go!
We just want you to be careful, Mom.
You can fall in love...
with the right man...
in the right situation.
You're stressed, sis?
Working out didn't help?
Let's talk about it?
There's nothing I can't handle on my own.
Well, you should take
your own advice, sister.
Mom and I are here for you.
You don't have to keep it to yourself.
I have to go.
I need to go inside.
All right, just call us.
But promise, ma'am.
I won't bother you anymore.
If he didn't interfere,
Byron wouldn't stop.
So, fine.
I'm sorry too. I haven't
even talked to you properly.
That's fine, ma'am.
Maybe just focus on your work.
Then when you're ready,
I'm in the elevator.
You know, I've...
asked the chef to prepare
the same meal that
we had together when
we made our first 100 million.
Well, this is just me trying to
make a fresh start on the right foot. So...
I'll see you tomorrow, Alice.
What? What is it?
Oh, God.
You know I have to make
nice with her, right?
She's got the upper hand.
And you know what?
I wouldn't be in this position
if you hadn't made a mistake.
Mistake or not,
don't talk to me like that ever again.
I know you're my boss,
but I am still your girlfriend.
Treat me with some respect.
I think I deserve it.
Of course I reacted that way.
I was blindsided.
I am not gonna give away any part
of the company to Alice without a fight.
Come on, why don't you?
Alice always brings out the worst in you.
Why don't you just sell her everything?
You've got all the money that you need.
You've got nothing to lose.
You'll be free.
We can even start something of our own.
Easy for you to say.
I have spent years. I'm talking
blood, sweat and tears on this!
I'm not just gonna give it away.
I would have thought that you,
of all people, would understand that?
Nice play on Bettina, bro.
Well, easing up on her was the right move.
Believe it or not, boys, it wasn't a play.
Wait, what? I thought
you said she was the enemy?
- Nothing more than the boss's chick.
- A bitch!
- Hey!
- Come on, boys.
Yeah, but maybe I was wrong.
I overheard her with her co-workers, and...
I heard that she has
a lot of problems also.
She has a job to do,
she has a boss to answer to.
Made me think that
maybe she's just like us.
And like us,
she needs help from time to time.
Like our app, that's what it's for, right?
- Good morning, Ma'am Bettina.
- Good morning, Ma'am Bettina.
- Are you ready to work?
- Ready.
Give me five minutes
to change clothes.
What about now, ma'am?
So, do you believe in me?
We still have lots to do.
But I'm ready to bet on you.
Lean thinking provides
value to the customer.
Anything else is a waste.
I read that so many times
during my MBA program.
- Ma'am, you have an MBA?
- Hey!
What do you think I am? Stupid?
Ma'am, it's just...
you made it difficult for yourself.
So, lazy?
No, because...
Byron is already your boyfriend.
Gold digger.
No, ma'am.
To be clear, I mean that
I also dream of getting an MBA.
But you did it.
And even if you have a rich boyfriend,
you still work.
Working hard.
I'm amazed by you.
That's cool.
You don't have to say sorry.
I'm in this relationship.
I'm ready to hear anything.
It's even more complicated
because of our setup.
Their divorce is still not finalized.
I mean...
I love him.
We won't last long if I don't.
But a lot can happen.
And at the end,
I just want to bet on myself.
That's all.
Sounds like you too, right?
To be shameless and
pitch inside the elevator.
That's difficult.
That takes guts.
That's betting on yourself.
And when the time comes,
increase the bet.
Just pursue all your MBA dreams.
Directly plan on how
To make life more luxurious
There is no stopping the looking for gold
It's in my head.
You're back!
That means we can celebrate together.
Because I have just secured
all our accounts in the Philippines...
from Alice.
Try the shrimp.
You're making it up to me
by giving me shrimp?
By my estimate,
that would swing everything...
- our way.
- Cheers to that.
Hey, listen.
I know you're happy,
but I got to work tonight.
Jared's waiting on me.
Prioritizing elevator boy over boss man.
Seems you're getting along.
Are you jealous?
You're with your ex the whole day.
I don't complain.
I mean...
Now that I got to spend time with him,
I see that he's more than just
an elevator boy with a good idea.
Should I be worried?
No, not at all.
He even tried to defend me earlier.
Defend you? What happened?
Relax, it was nothing.
There was this businessman who hit on me.
And despite being twice his size,
I saw that Jared wanted
to punch him for me.
So I guess, you could also call him brave.
Kind. Funny. Easy to be with.
Anyway, I got work tonight.
Also, I'll be seeing him again tomorrow.
Yeah. But...
The shrimp?
The shrimp...
And lots and lots of confidence.
I feel if it's just confidence,
I can give you that.
This is good.
Is it okay if...
I pay you in installments?
No need.
It's on me.
That's my investment in you.
It's worth it,
because you are my future CEO.
- Are you serious?
- I'm serious!
Thank you, Bettina.
why are we wearing the same clothes?
Because I make this look good.
Look at this friend of yours.
He was so shy before.
But he can do it.
He's like that.
You thought he's just simple.
But he'll shock you.
He will always surprise you.
Especially when...
If he really wants to,
and he thinks he can...
God, he won't stop until he does it.
I've experienced that.
He didn't give up on me.
All in. He gives it all.
So, that's why we are happy
that he met you.
Our friends and I always support him,
but what you're giving him is different.
You just don't keep up sometimes.
You push him to do things
he never thought he could do.
It's my first time seeing you like that.
Byron requested that
I wear my best clothes.
So here.
We're going out with
his high school friends later.
What's wrong with them?
They're arrogant.
All they do is flex.
Ego contest.
You know, guy stuff.
Girls, go to dance.
- Come on!
- Nice.
Come on, Bettina. Don't be shy.
Join us, bitch.
- Go dance with them.
- No.
Fuck it!
You asking me to do stupid things?
What's wrong with your friend?
She must be too shy.
Hey, babe, how's it going?
Come on.
Great. We're leaving?
What? No.
I haven't seen these guys in ages.
We gotta stay longer, all right?
Listen, all right?
I'll keep you company, all right?
Come on. Come to Daddy. Come on.
Come on. That's right. Come on, come on.
Come on.
What are you doing?
I just wanna show
that I got the hottest girl in town.
- Okay?
- Not here.
Lighten up. Don't embarrass me.
Come on.
Come on.
What the fuck, Byron?
I am your girlfriend,
not your fucking slut!
What happened?
Bettina, if...
If there's anything I can help,
if you want to talk, fix...
Good thing I'm off now.
Do you want to talk downstairs?
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
What the fuck did I do?
Listen. I'm almost done with Alice.
Okay? And you can finish off
what you have to with Jared.
Don't waste all that effort.
And then you and I, we can go home and...
I'll make it... I'll make it right again
until things are back to normal.
I'll make it up to you. I swear.
Just please, please stay.
I've been waiting for you.
You want to talk about what happened?
No need.
I messaged you.
I'm fine.
It was a mistake.
Can we just forget about it?
You came back here crying.
You kissed me and then you left.
I hope, before you tell me
to forget everything,
first explain to me what happened.
Byron and I had a fight.
I was drunk.
I was driven by my anger,
and frustration.
I'm sorry.
I dragged you into our problem...
Into my drama.
I think of you as a friend.
So whatever your problem is,
whatever made you commit a mistake,
to kiss me,
just tell me.
I will help you.
I make mistakes...
because you're like that.
You're sweet...
And I believe you.
But our time is up.
We have to return to the real world.
Where I have to leave
and you have to stay.
Let's just keep it there.
You have a lot to lose, Jared.
To us.
The pitch is near.
Let's just email each other.
So we don't complicate matters.
Dude, I don't know what happened.
I drove them both to the club,
but hours later,
only Byron rode back with me.
It must have been a big fight
if she left him.
But, the important thing is, she says,
"You're sweet and I believe you."
She has feelings for you, bro.
Maybe that's true.
Bro, maybe you have a chance.
Yeah, bro.
And I've deleted the video,
so there's no reason to worry about Byron.
You just focus on your next move
on Bettina.
Please listen to her.
Just do what she wants.
For all of us.
Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, sir.
You know, we have to admit
that after all that's happened between us,
we did build something
pretty special together.
God, Byron. Is this the way
we're gonna start renegotiations?
I thought we finally agreed
on a clean split.
Yes, I know, but...
Haven't you ever wondered
why it didn't work out?
I guess...
because we grew our money
more than our love.
And that broke us.
So how do you wanna move on from here?
Well, I think we need contracts to move.
We sure do.
We have the contracts ready.
Once signed, the division between
the Hong Kong and Singapore
will be incorporated into
the finalization of your divorce.
Now that we have assessed
and agreed on our value,
I have a better offer.
Wait. After all that, you just want out?
But... I don't agree to this price.
- All right? It's way too high.
- Then how much?
Less 20 percent.
Less 30.
But why?
I've never apologized for cheating on you.
I broke us.
And I'm sorry.
This is my way of making amends.
You can take half of what's there.
I think it should be enough
for me and my baby.
I wanna move on and be happy.
And I hope you do the same for yourselves.
Where have you been?
I was just with my bartender friend.
She saw everything that happened.
It's okay. I'm already
trying to do the right thing.
Dude, no, bro.
How do you know?
You don't even know the whole story.
If Bettina is important to you,
know the truth.
So guys, this is how it went down.
She ended up slapping Byron hard, bro.
Like he was touching
her everywhere, all this stuff.
And then she just walked out.
What happened was...
He shouldn't have disrespected you.
I don't know how you found out,
but I'm moving on from it.
- Move on from him!
- And what?
My career?
The life I built?
Should I just throw it all away?
Yes, because what's the point
if you're not happy?
Don't assume how I feel.
I know what I'm doing.
I can handle myself.
If you would only open your eyes,
if you could see what I see,
you will be impressed, too.
You would not tie yourself
to Byron or his money.
Because you're capable of more.
Why don't you bet on yourself?
You've been in this elevator for too long.
Things are not just up or down.
Life is not that simple.
Because what, because...
in the real world again?
What? Are we going back to that?
So I'll change it.
I will show you.
But what can I do?
Byron has put me on a leash.
He controls me.
I need to break away from it.
Once I'm able to do it,
Bettina will realize
that she can also be free.
We're supposed to be celebrating, right?
It's just been a long month
for the both of us.
Tell me about it.
For someone who
got everything that he wanted
and maybe even more,
you don't seem so happy.
Marry me.
We've talked about it, right?
Now, we can actually do it.
I'm gonna call my jeweler
and you can pick anything you want
when we get back to Hong Kong.
Are you proposing...
because you want to?
Or because you feel that
Alice has won over you?
What? No! I told you, Alice is my past.
And you are my future.
I love you.
"Thank you again for the opportunity."
What the fuck?
Look, calm down. Let me talk to him, okay?
Jared, you did the right thing.
Look at me. You've done it before.
You can get another investor.
Didn't you decide too quickly, Jared?
Love wins!
Fuck Byron and fuck his money!
All of it! Fuck Byron!
- Fuck him, man.
- He's a piece of shit.
No! Fuck you, Jared!
I've been going around
the hotel following you
because I believed in you.
"Just bring them to me."
"I'm the captain.
I'll get them to bet on us."
But you threw that all away!
I promise I'll find another investor.
You said it also. This is
our last year to make it work.
Good for you. You got a shot with Bettina,
but I was supposed to propose to my girl.
You're not a captain, bro.
You're just fucking selfish.
- What's going on?
- Don't! Don't!
- Senin!
- Don't!
Relax, bro.
Why did you back out?
Because of you.
Fuck you, Jared.
Please, Bettina, don't fight with me.
I've had that all day.
What else would I say,
if I'm really the reason why
you're backing out of your dreams?
I don't want that burden.
I've convinced Byron to buy your app.
I suggest you take...
It's not about money anymore, Bettina.
It's about you.
It's about us.
There's no...
There is me,
there is you,
and we have our own shit to deal with.
So I suggest you just take the money
and use it to change your life.
So that you can be free from this.
Don't be stupid because of me.
You know that soliciting guests,
especially our VIPs,
is strictly against hotel rules.
But sir, I wasn't soliciting,
I was just giving them
a business proposal.
If you did it outside of our premises,
that would be fine.
But during your shift,
I've got CCTV footage of you doing so.
Then. Okay, sir,
I will accept my punishment.
I have no choice, Jared.
I have to terminate you.
But, sir, I still have five months left
on my contract.
I have no choice.
Unless you can tell me
if anyone else was with you?
A guest did say that he saw you signaling
someone else from our staff.
Look, I'll spread the penalty across you.
You'll take a lighter hit.
No, sir, it was just me.
I did everything on my own.
Why did you ask Helen
and Mei-Li to hire developers?
What do you think?
We already agreed to buy
the app from Jared.
- There's no need to copy...
- Fuck that! And fuck that elevator boy.
I haven't cut him a check.
I'm not gonna reward him
for turning his back on me.
Byron, look, you already got him fired.
That's on him.
But there is no need to destroy him.
That money will change Jared's life.
Don't take that away from him.
- The way he took you away from me?
- Whatever you think happened,
Jared didn't do anything.
He just got caught up
between us and our own shit.
What shit?
We built something great.
Where did we go wrong?
We grew our money more than our love.
Listen, you heard what you heard.
I've got nothing with Alice.
And I have nothing with Jared.
And if you really want us to move on,
and if you really meant what you said,
you will give Jared his due.
Do it for me.
I still have a few months on my rent.
Maybe I'll just find a temporary job
while I'm here.
Even if you get kicked out,
you can stay with me and Ikmal.
- Yes, you can sleep on the floor.
- No!
Thank you, bros.
You can also stay with me, bro.
Panying told me what happened.
Thank you for having my back.
No, no, no. Everything is my fault.
Because of me,
everyone here almost lost their jobs.
I'm also sorry I messed up all our plans.
No, bro.
I'm sorry for being a dick to you.
When we all leave,
you have no one to go home to,
no one to hug you,
to kiss you,
to say "I love you."
Bro, so you're saying...
I'm lonely and...
I will die alone?
I get Bettina... I get it.
So, go get her.
There's nothing to lose, right?
Now you'll stop at...
Looking for gold! Sheesh!
- Go, Jared. Go! Go!
- Go get her!
- Thank you, bros!
- Go! Go! Go!
- Go, Jared, go!
- Go!
Perfect timing. I need access.
Come on. Let's go.
Okay. Thank you, bro. Thank you.
They already checked out.
If I was on shift,
I could have warned you.
Their flight is in an hour.
There is no reason to worry.
By the time you get there,
I'll call someone,
we can meet in 20 minutes.
- Yes, we can.
- Yes.
We can delay them a little.
Okay, perfect. Then we can call him up.
Then, I will drive over.
I have a cousin who works in security,
engineering, actually, in the airport.
We can delay...
I'm sorry for kissing you.
I didn't mean for it to happen.
Sorry that I've messed you up.
When Byron did what he did,
I felt disrespected and cheap.
When I saw you that night, I saw you.
How you look at me, how you treat me.
That's why I admire you.
That's actually cool.
If you admire me, I also admire you.
And I wanted your comfort.
I wanted to feel better.
But what I did to you
is what he did to me.
That's me...
being selfish and weak.
I'm sorry for that.
But, you know,
I've messed you up,
and you've messed me up too.
You're a jerk.
I told you...
You are not allowed
to fall in love with me.
Because I might fall in love with you too.
It's about you.
It's about us.
There's no
Even if I can't bet on us now,
I still care for you.
And I want to protect you.
But I was happy in that elevator with you.
I hope that it was just that simple.
I hope it's just going up or down.
But our lives go left and right,
and everything in between.
Maybe, when we're both okay,
you'll catch me again when I fall.
Until that happens,
just work hard.
Just go ahead with all the plans.
For me.
Bet on yourself.
Bro, what?
Let's go.
You can still catch her.
She's gone.
It's okay.
She made up her mind.
Let's just respect it.
Are you staying, sir,
or heading out?
I have a meeting downstairs.
Are you sure you won't change your mind
on increasing the job placement fee?
Our app is meant to give
migrant workers like me a chance
to work on their off days.
So we can beef up our savings,
we can come home earlier than expected,
or even just achieve
whatever it is we dream of.
So you think that if you don't
take a cut from these people,
they will trust you more?
Sir, if we earn it,
they will be loyal to us
and that will be our USP.
And also, I'm not in a hurry.
Our app, The Weekend Warrior,
is already online and running.
And I just want to grow
our 2,000 members
into a real community
and not just a work pool.
I already like the app that you built.
And I also really like your mindset.
So, you can expect
my investment tomorrow morning.
Thank you, sir. I will ask my staff
to send the contracts
over to your office right away.
Yes, of course. Thank you.
Thank you.
Shall we?
After you, sir.
Thank you.
It's different now, boy.
I didn't waste what Bettina gave me.
By the grace of God,
my friends still supported me.
Of course, we didn't stop at...
You already know that.
But when you're not busy,
when it's time to breathe and rest,
it's also sad to be alone.
Can I get you a beer, sir?
Maybe a scotch.
I'll get one.
Thank you.
They are right.
Love is important.
And I know that now because of Bettina.
She taught, pushed, and improved me.
Too bad she didn't love me
the way I wanted.
I would have been with her in all of this.
But I'm still thankful for
every ups and downs of my elevator.
Someone came in to disturb,
break and open my heart.
Thank you, sir.
Right on cue. It's getting dramatic.
Son of a bitch!
what are you doing here?
Your friends told me something.
They said that there's an app
that I need to know about.
It's like it copied the app
I bought last year.
If you mean Good Job,
it's so different from my app.
Good Job is a permanent job listing.
My app is per project and per task basis.
For migrant workers' side jobs.
Well said.
I had a great teacher.
How's Byron?
It's over.
He's an asshole.
I'm here to make a fresh start.
I wanna make my own bet.
I wanna hear your pitch.
So that I can bet on you.
Well, if that's the case,
then can I invite you into
my corner office, please?
- One more, please?
- Yes, sir.
By the way, it's past office hours,
so maybe I can offer you a drink
and I can pitch to you in my room.
If you don't mind.
It's right there.
See that?
Surfboard on top of the building.
That's my room. That's my room.
Parents, friends, my support,
they're the reason why I don't stop.
There is no stopping the looking for gold.