Elser (2015) Movie Script
We welcome our Fhrer
with three cheers.
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
I give the floor to the Fhrer.
Fellow party comrades!
Fellow Germans!
I have come to you...
for only a few hours,
to evoke in your midst
the memory of a day...
...which was of great
importance for us,
for our movement,
and for the German people.
If, during the four years
from 1919 to 1923,
the National Socialist Movement
was able to grow to such an extent
that it succeeded,
for the first time,
in mobilising the entire nation
in a stirring event,
then this was due to the general
state Germany found itself in.
A terrible catastrophe had befallen
our country and our people.
What forced Germany
to succumb at the time
were the lies of
our adversaries.
The lies told by the same men
who are lying again today.
However, everyone must understand
that they are not sacrificing any more
than all the others
sacrificed before them.
We are also aware
of how much destiny
has assisted us
and enabled us
to do so much.
It let us forge our plans
in the right way
and blessed their
successful outcome.
Where are you going?
I'm looking for an old friend.
Feuchtelhuber of the
Konstanz Folklore Society.
I used to be a member there.
None of us know
whether they will suffer.
What our women sacrifice
to bear the nation's children,
our men sacrifice by
defending the country.
We National Socialists
have always been fighters.
Now the great moment has come
to prove ourselves as fighters.
No one but us can
be victorious.
That Mr Churchill
doesn't think so,
I shall put down
to his old age.
Others didn't
believe it either.
They will be told by Churchill,
by Chamberlain...
Why are you wearing
that badge?
Out of support.
The Red Front is an
illegal organisation.
...if we hadn't been
drawn into it by England.
England boosted its power
through agitation and incitement.
Heinrich, I'd like to join
my wife at the opera.
The Reichsfhrer wants
our new figures
submitted to him for the
big meeting tomorrow.
What's complicated about
listing all detained lunatics?
The clerical task
isn't complicated.
But we need to decide whether
to include church institutions.
No exceptions.
This reflects the Reichsfhrer's wishes.
The priests will make a fuss.
They'll calm down again.
I'd propose to Himmler that
we proceed step by step.
Not now, Bauer!
An attempt on the
Fhrer's life in Munich.
A bomb.
Half the roof is said
to have caved in.
First MG squad,
take position!
Second MG squad,
take position!
- Move!
- Line formation!
Line up!
- Here's the list.
- Thank you.
Heil Hitler!
My name is Eberle,
I'm the Local Party Leader here.
At your service.
Heil Hitler.
All relatives of
one Georg Elser,
last known address Turkenstrae 59
in Munich, to report to the square.
What has Georgie done?
You instruct my men.
But the Elsers are harmless.
That's an order!
Yes, sir!
Is this the lot of them?
Yes, Major,
including his former fiance,
Elsa Stephan.
The whole lot to Berlin
for questioning!
How dare you?
- Let go! - Don't, Elsa,
or they'll take them, too.
I'll bring them to your mother.
These are the corrected lunatic asylum
statistics that we're re-submitting.
- Including the church ones?
- Yes. The gentlemen are waiting.
Gentlemen, we cannot afford
to make a mistake now,
not even the slightest.
Heil Hitler, Mr Elser.
Heil Hitler.
Good day.
Or good day,
if you prefer that.
My name is Nebe.
Head of Criminal Police.
I'm in charge of your case.
This is the head of the Gestapo,
Oberfhrer Mller.
How do you think your wicked
assassination attempt ended?
We mourn the death of seven innocent
people for which you are responsible.
Seven men and women,
including a waitress,
married with two children.
A marching band flautist, leaving behind
a wife and teenage daughter.
What did these
people do to you?
Who gave you the
right to kill them?
Don't you have anything
to say to the relatives?
Not a single word?
Do you think the
Fhrer is dead?
You think you succeeded?
The Fhrer is alive.
He left the Brgerbrukeller
13 minutes before the explosion.
Your assassination attempt failed.
You were carrying bomb schematics
when you were arrested.
You spent a lot of time
at the Brgerbrukeller.
Take off your trousers.
I want to see your knees.
Off with your trousers!
I want to see your knees.
I'm now giving you your only chance
to own up to everything.
You think you know everything already.
Shoot me and get it over with.
We're not there
yet by a long way.
Let's start right
at the beginning.
Date of birth?
Where we gather
Under the linden trees
At eventide
Where we gather
Under the linden trees
At eventide
Many hours we've
spent here together
Sitting in a...
You know you'll have to
make up for your attack.
Do you love me?
You never commit, do you?
You know I like spending
time with you.
And what about Bruni?
She's having fun too.
I'll leave if you want.
Are you crazy?
I hope no one died.
That stupid old drunkard.
Your father?
Is he dead?
He sold another two fields,
our best land.
Now I'm supposed to
sort things out at home.
The Messerschmitt is worth two.
Georgie Elser is back.
- Hi, Lore. How's the leg?
- Same as always.
Will you stay with
your folks now?
Looks like it.
They need you urgently.
You have to register within 48 hours,
that's now the law.
I won't stay longer
than four weeks.
- Still. - All you can think
of is supervising.
Hi, Elmar.
My dad says Lore shouldn't
act like a big shot,
she's with a Jew
from Heidenheim.
Who turned you into a
moron all of a sudden?
There, you better give
me a hand with this.
Good day.
Are there soldiers at the
Konstanz border crossing?
Customs officers,
that's enough.
What's in the box?
Show me.
There's no show today.
At last.
Come here, my boy.
- Thank you for coming.
- Where is he?
Come on, no stopping.
Leave the cider alone.
Damn it!
Keep the blade straight!
If I'm supposed to help you,
stop the boozing.
You little shit!
That cider was expensive!
I never booze
and I'm still alive.
I don't like repeating myself.
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Kiss my ass.
I can't hear you.
Kiss my ass!
Send this to Baumann. I want him
to order this weed killer from IG Farben.
Very well, Oberfhrer.
I know this breed from
the Swabian Hills.
They'd rather be beaten
to death than give in.
Shall I tell this to
the Reichsfhrer SS?
There's this breed
from the Swabian Hills...
That guy is merely a puppet.
Just look at his physiognomy,
his eyes.
He's not some naive idiot.
The man knows what he wants.
He may be a country boy, but he's
not lacking ideological conviction.
And the evidence
is overwhelming.
The Fhrer doesn't want evidence,
he wants a written confession.
Goebbels needs it for the press.
I'll pull out every one of his teeth
to make him sign if I have to.
You saw that he
won't budge.
Are you telling me
how to do my job now?
Your lot should have
known about this sooner.
Now where is that list of
the arrested relatives?
I'm asking myself how an ethnic
German can hate our Fhrer so much
to carry out such a
despicable attack.
And on November 8th,
of all days.
Now look who's joining us, Elser.
Come in!
Evening all.
- Ernst, a beer and a kirsch!
- Beer and a kirsch, coming up.
No. Erich has had enough.
Two orange sodas, please.
What's it going to be, Erich?
Soda or the usual?
The usual, you dumbass!
Thank you.
Shall we get some fresh air?
That's Elsa.
She's married.
Those are the best ones.
This seat is taken, Eberle.
We found another dead
hare in a sling today.
In the woods,
near the Itzelsberg.
- That's above my field.
- Piss off, Eberle.
I'll give you a good kicking
if the poaching doesn't stop.
The dance is called a tango.
It's from South America.
It's very close, almost sinful.
One, two, tango step.
One, two...
Something like that.
I'm Georgie Elser.
You're Elsa, aren't you?
I'm going back to my Erich.
Hans, a round,
time to celebrate!
So, what was
the percentage?
The NSDAP is the biggest party
in the Reichstag with 44%.
Come, Lore.
Let's go.
The Reds lost.
What do you say now?
There you go.
- Come on, let's go.
- No, I'll finish my drink.
There you go.
To our Fhrer.
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
- Quiet, we're playing cards!
- Hang on.
We'll have no shouting here.
- Who's shouting here?
- Calm down.
Stay calm.
Calm down.
Let's stay calm.
Schurr, you'll be the first to be
strung up once we seize power.
And you'll be shot
after the revolution.
You've been to Konstanz
and Switzerland?
- Yes.
- Did you go to the cinema there?
I saw a picture of Jacqueline Wells
in a magazine.
She's so beautiful in
"Tarzan the Fearless".
They say she's wearing
hardly anything in that film.
That would interest you,
of course.
Just die, you bastards!
Sons of bitches!
Why did you leave?
You've been fighting with
the Nazis for years. For what?
Go home and pray.
Dirty pacifist!
- So what?
- Shut up!
You're a coward?
Yes, maybe I am a coward,
because violence has
never achieved anything.
Elser, now tell your girl
here why you did this.
Did you do this, Georg?
Take her away.
Where are they taking her?
That's entirely up to you.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not
into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
- Elsa...
- Yes?
She has nothing
to do with this.
Will you guarantee
she won't be harmed?
She's not important to us if we
have a confession from you.
If not,
it's a different matter.
My word as an officer.
That means nothing to me.
I can't offer more.
All right then.
It was me.
My name is Elser,
Johann Georg.
Born 4th January, 1903.
Let's begin.
Party membership?
And this?
My Red Front badge.
But I was never a
Communist Party member.
- Red Front.
- Red Front.
Good that you're with us.
- Josef!
- What?
The H.
- What?
- The H.
- Shit!
- Add it!
- Or the Browns will say we're idiots.
- Come on!
Watch out!
Stop! Halt!
Site security!
"... I joined the Konstanz
Folklore Society. "
Just for the companionship?
I didn't join to pick up girls.
You can meet girls anywhere.
And before you ask, I wasn't close
to any girl from the society.
Of course there
was the occasional...
Why don't you just
admit you're a communist?
No, I thought it was
enough to vote KPD.
I'm sure you were involved in
demonstrations, handing out flyers...
I didn't even attend meetings.
It's highly unlikely
an apolitical person
would plan and carry out an
attack on such a huge scale.
I was a free human being.
You have to do
what's right.
If humanity isn't free,
everything dies with it.
Am I allowed to write
one last letter?
Please, just a few lines to
my fiance and my mother.
Take him away.
That small-time carpenter is trying to
hoodwink us, claiming he acted alone.
Just one man can't construct
such a powerful bomb.
Elser insists he carried out
the attack on his own.
- There's no evidence...
- We won't let criminals call us liars!
The Fhrer wants us to get him
to talk by any means necessary.
- He must say who's behind it.
- Obergruppenfhrer,
it's becoming clear no one
else is pulling the strings here.
You might trigger the Fhrer's reaction
for being soft and failing when it counts.
We don't believe a word of it.
"For 30 nights, I waited until I got
locked in to the Brgerbrukeller.
"I wrapped a rag around
the rear part of the drill.
"I benefitted from the lavatories
automatically flushing every 10 minutes.
"I used the sound
to conceal my work,
then waited another 10 minutes
for the flushing to start again. "
A lowly craftsman like you
couldn't build a bomb like that.
Who supplied your material?
For the last time,
who were you working for?
All right, I'll tell you.
We only have two telephones
in the village.
Churchill called
me at the dairy.
The mayor's office would
have been a bad idea.
Churchill called and said,
"Elser, build a bomb to blow up Hitler
for me, we can't do it on our own. "
I can't tell you
what didn't happen.
Just give me pen and paper
and I'll prove it to you!
18, 20...
I'm out.
- Three...
- I'm out.
I'll go for diamonds
if you don't mind.
- Heil Hitler, everyone.
- Heil Hitler.
Ah, I see,
voluntary disbanding.
Very sensible.
But if you think that the strike
fund will disappear with you,
you've got another
thing coming.
Listen up,
national comrades.
How about attending the Gauleiter's
rally in Heidenheim later
instead of playing
cards at the pub?
Heil Hitler and good day.
- Heil Hitler.
- Good day.
Ernst, the usual combo.
Coming up.
Tell your Gauleiter there was
another hare caught in a sling.
You can do whatever you like.
But don't complain if it hurts.
That was Elsa.
But let me tell you, Eberle,
she won't talk back anytime soon.
- Elsa?
- Leave me alone.
- Why? - I don't want
you to see me like this.
What about Erich?
He'll get drunk at the pub.
The children are asleep.
It's different with you.
Do you know that?
When will you be going
back to Konstanz?
If the instrument maker pays for
the maple wood, we could make it.
Yes, Georg, God willing.
If not, the marshals will
come take our house away.
Where do we go then?
I don't know.
I might move in with Elsa.
You shouldn't fool around
with married women.
There's no fooling around.
Erich is asking for a lodger
because he's hard up.
You're not fooling me.
No one around here has any money.
You want to be near
that woman.
She has a bastard
child and you too.
Don't get carried away, mother.
I'm a bastard myself.
But your father married me.
Elsa made her daughter
legitimate too. So what?
You left Mathilde
with your child.
Is that the done thing?
I don't care what
the done thing is.
If two people aren't right together,
it's misery.
Just look at you
and father.
You'll see what
this leads to,
always doing exactly the
opposite of God's plan.
Where else could they be?
We'll find them,
don't you worry.
- Halt! Gruppenfhrer, you'll go there!
- Yes, sir!
Georg, I need your help.
Eberle is after me.
After their last rally,
the Nazis arrested all party members.
Come in.
- I knew I'd find you here.
- Put your hands up.
What have we here?
We only have orders to
go after party members,
but soon it'll be the rest
of your Bolshevik scum.
Take him away.
What do you think
you're doing?
Is he one of them too?
He's just a
big-mouthed musician.
Go inside.
This is none of your business.
All right, then.
Let's go.
Flim-fum, church scum
Flim-fum, church scum
The Fhrer blows
the churches up
And all the priests
will be strung up
Like your saviour
on the cross
Flim-fum, church scum
Beat it,
you dirty scoundrels!
Leave it, Leonhard!
Now they're even blasting
things on the Lord's day.
Well, go on...
Hello, hello.
Stand closer together.
- Alfred!
- Eberle!
Good that you could make it.
Have you eaten?
When does it start?
It's about to start.
Listen up, everyone! The screening
will start in five minutes' time.
First come, first served.
Let's go then.
One after another.
Like a farmer
eating dumplings.
No, no, Elmar.
You have to get in line too.
We saved you a space.
I took part in the Shepherds' Run.
Maybe I'm in the film.
There's free beer
and a sausage stew.
We only have turnip at home,
but we're decent people.
You'll have to decide, son.
National comrades,
I'll keep it short.
I know you're more
excited about the film
than Eberle's speech.
However, today we
witness once again
how the Fhrer brings us
technological progress.
Even the most remote
parts of the German Reich
will see wealth and comfort.
That's right.
Within three years,
we will all have our own radio set,
connecting us
to modern times.
I promise you,
all of the village's streets
will be paved and lit.
This is progress.
This is our Fhrer, Adolf Hitler.
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
And now, our wonderful Shepherds'
Run as a motion picture.
You're lucky you can still
move freely in the village.
You claim to have organised
your own gunpowder plates.
Where exactly did
you get them from?
Before deciding on the
actual details of my plan,
I used my position
at the steel works
to steal a total of 250 pieces
of pressed gunpowder.
How do you know it
was exactly 250 pieces?
I counted them.
Who else knew about this?
Nobody. The theft was not
discovered by the company.
I wrapped the powder in paper
and hid it in my wardrobe at home.
And the dynamite?
I stole it from the
quarry at night.
What was the name
of your boss?
I can't remember.
I only met the man
three or four times.
If you don't talk,
they can have you shot,
any time,
up there in the yard.
It's true.
I'm not covering up for anyone.
Do you really think we
won't uncover everything?
No, Mr Nebe, I don't.
That's why I'm completely
honest with you.
We inquire about a monumental
attack and the Swiss send this.
"The proprietor describes
Elser as hard-working.
"It was noted he often left work
to go swimming in the afternoons.
"He more than made up for the
missing time in the evenings.
"We have no knowledge
of Elser's acquaintances. "
Take your hands
off your face!
Dot, dot, comma, swish,
makes a face
round like a dish.
What about the hair?
What about the ears?
I found something!
The marshals will come on Monday.
We'll have to leave our home.
I sometimes wonder
how it would be with you.
You and me together.
You could play
in an orchestra.
Maybe in Switzerland.
Or in America,
they pay more there.
Are you serious
about me, Georgie?
This might be the first time
I'm serious about anyone.
I'm pregnant again.
Don't. The children mustn't find out.
They talk a lot at home.
I think it's your child.
But I haven't always been
able to fend off Erich.
I prayed for the Lord to take the child,
regardless of whether it's yours or his.
You mustn't say that, Elsa.
Who will feed the child?
Why can't they let us
be how we want?
You have to get a divorce.
Am I supposed to move in with you,
now that they're taking your home?
Where will you live now?
Uncle! Mummy says you'll
sleep in our basement.
I'm not your uncle.
I'm Georgie.
Are you going to paint faces and
protect me from the bogeyman?
If he comes, I'll get my accordion and
play so terribly that he runs away.
Mummy, Georgie is here.
And, very important:
no female visitors. Understood?
Your reputation isn't the best,
but I must protect mine.
That's why I won't
tolerate anything.
So it's free board and lodging
until the furniture is finished,
and then 20 a month.
Sign it.
So this is it.
There's a mattress in the other
room that you can have.
I'll clean the window for you, Georgie.
To make it brighter.
My wife doesn't
clean for lodgers.
First we need
to oil the hinges.
If you can't pay
or you breach the contract,
you'll have to move out.
- Understood?
- I'll always find work.
Come on!
Beat it!
But, Lore...
What's all this about?
You can join her if you like.
Get lost!
It's not my birthday.
I bet they wear this in Ulm,
or even in Stuttgart.
You're crazy.
Thank you.
Shall I take it up like this?
Or maybe even shorter?
Shorter is nice.
But don't wear it
when Erich's around.
Don't worry,
it's just for you.
What's wrong?
They sat Lore in the square
with a sign round her neck.
Because of her boyfriend?
Poor thing.
But there's nothing we can do.
It's getting worse and worse.
It's Schurr!
I can't be seen with people.
Come on in.
After the Heuberg concentration camp
they sent us to work at satellite camps.
There was at least one
death every week.
- Where are you working now?
- At the steel works.
I get out every two weeks for
good behaviour, but mustn't see anyone.
And you? Out of work,
being at home at this time?
But it's hard, not being a Nazi.
The steel works are hiring.
But be careful.
They toe the party line.
You do realise we
fed a camp inmate?
If the Gestapo come I'll tell
the pricks it's my bread.
- I do what I want with it.
- But you're living in our home.
If the Gestapo come,
we're all in for it.
You didn't need so many
fuses to detonate the bomb.
Correct. I knew two or three
gunpowder plates would suffice.
But I thought the extra ones
would increase the explosion.
Why two clockworks
in the bomb?
I didn't want to rely on just one
clockwork for my plan to succeed.
Matching the 12 combs (B)
of cogwheel (A),
I was able to set each clock
with its run-time of 14 days
144 hours or 6 days
in advance,
accurate within 15 minutes,
to the time of the explosion, 21:20,
and activate it.
All of 13 minutes
were missing.
How did you build
the detonator?
The block with the three inserted
and sharpened nails (N)
hits the bolt (U), on which it has been
loosely set, before the spring (V).
The tips (W)) then hit
the cartridges opposite,
thus igniting through the impact
on the cartridge primers
the blasting caps (Y), inserted at
a short distance from them.
The charge detonates.
This ignition head requires
a pressure of 35 kilopond.
The spring is set to 40 kilopond.
Everything matches exactly.
This Elser works intuitively
and very accurately.
Everybody knows you
need pressure to detonate.
Elser must have
had instructions.
Technically, he conceived and
built the bomb all on his own.
If you know all the parameters,
you don't need any help or instructions.
This man knows what
he's talking about.
10, 15, 20.
Come here.
Get lost! Beat it!
You're hurting me.
You're hurting me!
What's the big secret
they're hiding?
I'm not sure yet, it might be
moulds for ignition heads.
Do you think you can
earn your money talking?
Any contact with the forced
labourers is prohibited.
Workers of the world, unite!
This is Radio Moscow in
German on 25m short-wave.
On April 26, 1937,
Adolf Hitler ordered
his Condor Legion
to bomb the Spanish
town of Guernica.
Never before has such
a devastating attack
on a civilian target
area been witnessed.
At least 260
people were shot,
torn to pieces or
burned to death.
Guernica's destruction is a violation of
international law and an important step...
I've had it with this
wretched scum.
Why do they all follow
this gangster?
They're the master race now.
They think the Nazis make it better.
Nothing's better.
German domination in the air
is not just due to the outstanding
aviators of the Luftwaffe,
but also to the tremendous contributions
of the aviation industry.
As Fhrer and Chancellor of
the German nation and the Reich,
I hereby announce
to German history
the accession of my homeland
to the German Reich.
- Sieg Heil!
- Sieg Heil!
They want war.
It'll be brutal.
They're building tanks as piecework.
Maybe it'll be like
Bohemia and Moravia.
With Hitler attacking
England and France?
We'll all die and the
country with us.
I'm a forced labourer, Georgie.
We really ought
to do something.
But what?
Blow up the Special Unit?
That would only mean dead workers
and the Nazis would carry on.
We have to do something else,
and soon.
Soon and radical.
Attack the leadership.
You'll need guns
or dynamite.
There's dynamite up in the quarry
and detonators here in the factory.
- Someone has to stop this madness.
- Yes, but not you or me or us.
Hitler must be stopped by
other countries, by generals.
We're not strong enough, Georg.
We can't wait
till it's too late.
It has to happen.
What's wrong?
I can't stand you doing
it with this drunkard.
There's nothing I can do.
You filthy whore!
You slut!
Just one more, you swine,
just one more.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you, both of you.
Both of you.
How's the child?
- It's kicking.
- Thank God.
What happens now?
This here is over.
Just come with me.
Where to?
To your mother?
So we all go to heaven?
There's no room
for me there.
I now work piece rate.
It's better money.
It'll be enough if I repair
furniture on the side.
There are cheap flats
in Heidenheim now.
Only for Labour Front workers.
Not for you.
We've checked everything.
A talented worker such as yourself
should be a staunch National Socialist.
It's obvious that the Nazis
don't support the people.
Today, a carpenter's hourly
wage is 68 Pfennigs.
In 1929 it was 1 Mark and 5.
You're not trying to tell us that our
Fhrer isn't looking after workers.
Hitler is bad for Germany.
- Have you gone completely insane?
- It's true though.
He's sending dissenters
to concentration camps.
And the Jews are being robbed and
tortured just because of their faith.
To cleanse the population.
Your blitzkrieg was
a brutal attack.
Poland will be annihilated,
Hitler will incorporate it.
That's the law of
the strongest.
It's always been like this.
Do you really think there'll
be no consequences?
France and England declared
war on us on September 3rd.
Soon, a terrible fire will steamroll
Germany and destroy everything.
Endless amounts of
blood will be shed.
Then the bombs
will drop on us, too.
Can't you see
what's happening?
You're suffering
from paranoia.
And what about
the victims?
Hitler always talks
about destiny.
So you National Socialists, too,
must have a higher law.
And it states,
"thou shalt not kill".
That's rich, coming from someone
who murdered eight innocent people.
Yes, you heard right.
Last night, the injured
Schmeidel died as well.
I only wanted to prevent
even more bloodshed.
I knew it would not just
hit the highest ranks.
But it had to be done.
All right, take this down.
The considerations
I undertook
led to the conclusion that
conditions in Germany
could only be changed
by extinguishing...
- ... the current leadership.
- I said the highest ranks.
Very well,
the highest ranks, then.
By this, I mean...
By this, I mean Hitler
and all the government.
I am the sole perpetrator.
I procured the necessary means
for the attack on my own.
I was working entirely alone.
And, funnily enough,
nobody would have joined me.
You will regret this, Elser.
Miss Secretary,
may I ask you something?
You're not allowed.
I know you're not
wholly unmoved.
I would be grateful if you could pass
on my condolences to the relatives,
my heartfelt condolences.
I think about them all day.
And, if possible, tell Elsa and my
family that I'm well at the moment.
And that I'm praying for
the Lord to protect them.
And that I accept sole
responsibility for everything.
Could you pass
that on, please?
You can't get any more
out of him than the truth.
We make the truth.
You're not normally so soft.
It's from the file. Put it away.
You didn't get it from me.
That'll do for today.
Take him away.
Thank you.
And, what did
you have, a boy?
A boy.
He's ours.
I can see it.
I already told Erich
he'll be called Georg.
He was shouting.
But I signed the
midwife's certificate.
- You get some rest now.
- Stay.
Erich has gone drinking.
I have to get to work, Elsa.
The prisoner to the left, please,
with the gentlemen at the table.
The Oberfhrer
on the left, please.
If the prisoner could point
to the schematic, please.
And if the Oberfhrer could
bend down a little, please.
You stated the Fhrer
was bad for Germany.
That's right.
Heil Hitler!
Heil the Fhrer!
Our Fhrer made Germany great
and will lead us on to glory.
He is the greatest leader and won't
die until our destiny is fulfilled.
What is a worm like you
to do with such a man?
What lunatic has controlled you,
you imbecile?
It's like I said.
The Fhrer demands to know
who instigated this fool to act.
Have him hypnotised,
drug him, I don't care.
Use any means that our scientists
have been working on.
The Fhrer wants to
know who set it up.
He wants to know
who's behind this.
His patience has run out.
I could stay with my mother
for a while after the divorce.
What do you think?
She'll have the children.
There's work in Esslingen.
You can come down from
Munich on weekends.
I must know if you really
want this, Georgie.
I love you.
The boy...
So you're off to Munich.
Without a goodbye,
just like that.
Don't move.
So you do have
something in Munich.
And it's decided?
It's just for a short while.
I love you, Georgie,
but I have no choice.
I can take a lot,
but the children are hungry.
I'd give you money,
but I need it for Munich.
Elsa, wait for me.
Be faithful to me.
I've got something planned.
I can't tell you what,
but it's vital, and it'll be fine.
I want to marry you
when it's all over.
We'll move to Switzerland
with the children.
Think of the dancing.
It's not about dreams.
It's about life, Georgie.
I know you left
women before me.
Then I'll just have to be
a single mother forever.
I can't hear what
you're saying.
Tell us the names.
The names.
The name!
Who provided the cartridges?
Who supplied the explosives?
I can't hear you.
You bastard!
The names, Elser!
Tell us the names!
Heil! Heil! Heil!
I did it on my own.
Nobody helped me.
I shall try and atone
for the bad things
that I have done.
By doing what?
And how?
By trying to...
By trying to integrate
myself into...
...the national community
and work within it.
Would you be able to?
I changed my conviction.
Because you were arrested.
I'm certain my plan
would have succeeded,
if my conviction
had been right.
Since it hasn't succeeded,
I'm convinced it wasn't
meant to succeed
and that my conviction
was wrong.
Take him away.
Can I see a priest?
"The First Senate of the People's Court
ruled on March 2nd, 1945:
"The former SS Gruppenfhrer and
Lieutenant General of Police Arthur Nebe
is of thoroughly
flawed character.
"He took part in the
conspiracy of July 20th.
"He supported the attempt
on the Fhrer's life,
and was willing to assist the coup
by providing police personnel.
"He is sentenced to death for high treason
and will forever be without honour.
"His estate will go to the Reich. "
Nebe was executed
a few days ago.
Did you hear me?
Nebe's dead.
At Pltzensee.
- How do you know?
- From the new inmates, as usual.
They strung up Nebe?
He designated policemen for Stauffenberg
to arrest all ministers after the coup.
So much for the great show trial that
Goebbels wanted to put on for you.
It'll soon be over for me, too.
At least you got a few
more years out of them.
If only I knew what
happened to Elsa.
You keep asking about that woman.
How should I know?
With so many people dying.
She's not necessarily dead.
She might be alive,
imprisoned somewhere.
There's also good news.
'The College of Music for the Disabled'
has accepted me.
I'll learn how to sing now.
Viennese songs for zither.
As a little 'thank-you' for recommending
I try the College of Music.
You were young
I was young
Now it's all gone
Only the memories
Are all that carries on
You were pretty
I was smart
And so in love
Think back to the places
To the sweetest faces
Just because there's
nothing you can place above
Franz, you know
about these things.
What's quicker:
gas, hanging,
or being shot in the neck?
I've been waiting for so long.
It might as well
be over quickly.
...hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it
is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us
our trespasses...
The English reduced
Dresden to rubble.
Not one building
is left standing.
One hundred thousand
civilians killed in one night.
For thine is the kingdom...
Praying is pointless.
God is in America or in Moscow.
He won't hear you.
How can one man
fail as horribly as I?
Prisoner Elser,
for interrogation!
During one of the next terror attacks
on Munich or the Dachau area,
Elser will allegedly
suffer a fatal accident.
I therefore ask you to
secretly liquidate Elser,
when this situation arises.
Make sure that only very few specially
selected personnel know about this.
The incident report filed to me
should read along the lines of:
"On following the
terror attack on,
"special prisoner Elser, among others,
was fatally injured. "
You must destroy this letter once you
have taken note and carried this out.
sync, fix: titler
ON APRIL 29, 1945,
ON OCTOBER 11, 1994.
Johann Georg Elser
January 4, 1903 - April 9, 1945
We welcome our Fhrer
with three cheers.
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
I give the floor to the Fhrer.
Fellow party comrades!
Fellow Germans!
I have come to you...
for only a few hours,
to evoke in your midst
the memory of a day...
...which was of great
importance for us,
for our movement,
and for the German people.
If, during the four years
from 1919 to 1923,
the National Socialist Movement
was able to grow to such an extent
that it succeeded,
for the first time,
in mobilising the entire nation
in a stirring event,
then this was due to the general
state Germany found itself in.
A terrible catastrophe had befallen
our country and our people.
What forced Germany
to succumb at the time
were the lies of
our adversaries.
The lies told by the same men
who are lying again today.
However, everyone must understand
that they are not sacrificing any more
than all the others
sacrificed before them.
We are also aware
of how much destiny
has assisted us
and enabled us
to do so much.
It let us forge our plans
in the right way
and blessed their
successful outcome.
Where are you going?
I'm looking for an old friend.
Feuchtelhuber of the
Konstanz Folklore Society.
I used to be a member there.
None of us know
whether they will suffer.
What our women sacrifice
to bear the nation's children,
our men sacrifice by
defending the country.
We National Socialists
have always been fighters.
Now the great moment has come
to prove ourselves as fighters.
No one but us can
be victorious.
That Mr Churchill
doesn't think so,
I shall put down
to his old age.
Others didn't
believe it either.
They will be told by Churchill,
by Chamberlain...
Why are you wearing
that badge?
Out of support.
The Red Front is an
illegal organisation.
...if we hadn't been
drawn into it by England.
England boosted its power
through agitation and incitement.
Heinrich, I'd like to join
my wife at the opera.
The Reichsfhrer wants
our new figures
submitted to him for the
big meeting tomorrow.
What's complicated about
listing all detained lunatics?
The clerical task
isn't complicated.
But we need to decide whether
to include church institutions.
No exceptions.
This reflects the Reichsfhrer's wishes.
The priests will make a fuss.
They'll calm down again.
I'd propose to Himmler that
we proceed step by step.
Not now, Bauer!
An attempt on the
Fhrer's life in Munich.
A bomb.
Half the roof is said
to have caved in.
First MG squad,
take position!
Second MG squad,
take position!
- Move!
- Line formation!
Line up!
- Here's the list.
- Thank you.
Heil Hitler!
My name is Eberle,
I'm the Local Party Leader here.
At your service.
Heil Hitler.
All relatives of
one Georg Elser,
last known address Turkenstrae 59
in Munich, to report to the square.
What has Georgie done?
You instruct my men.
But the Elsers are harmless.
That's an order!
Yes, sir!
Is this the lot of them?
Yes, Major,
including his former fiance,
Elsa Stephan.
The whole lot to Berlin
for questioning!
How dare you?
- Let go! - Don't, Elsa,
or they'll take them, too.
I'll bring them to your mother.
These are the corrected lunatic asylum
statistics that we're re-submitting.
- Including the church ones?
- Yes. The gentlemen are waiting.
Gentlemen, we cannot afford
to make a mistake now,
not even the slightest.
Heil Hitler, Mr Elser.
Heil Hitler.
Good day.
Or good day,
if you prefer that.
My name is Nebe.
Head of Criminal Police.
I'm in charge of your case.
This is the head of the Gestapo,
Oberfhrer Mller.
How do you think your wicked
assassination attempt ended?
We mourn the death of seven innocent
people for which you are responsible.
Seven men and women,
including a waitress,
married with two children.
A marching band flautist, leaving behind
a wife and teenage daughter.
What did these
people do to you?
Who gave you the
right to kill them?
Don't you have anything
to say to the relatives?
Not a single word?
Do you think the
Fhrer is dead?
You think you succeeded?
The Fhrer is alive.
He left the Brgerbrukeller
13 minutes before the explosion.
Your assassination attempt failed.
You were carrying bomb schematics
when you were arrested.
You spent a lot of time
at the Brgerbrukeller.
Take off your trousers.
I want to see your knees.
Off with your trousers!
I want to see your knees.
I'm now giving you your only chance
to own up to everything.
You think you know everything already.
Shoot me and get it over with.
We're not there
yet by a long way.
Let's start right
at the beginning.
Date of birth?
Where we gather
Under the linden trees
At eventide
Where we gather
Under the linden trees
At eventide
Many hours we've
spent here together
Sitting in a...
You know you'll have to
make up for your attack.
Do you love me?
You never commit, do you?
You know I like spending
time with you.
And what about Bruni?
She's having fun too.
I'll leave if you want.
Are you crazy?
I hope no one died.
That stupid old drunkard.
Your father?
Is he dead?
He sold another two fields,
our best land.
Now I'm supposed to
sort things out at home.
The Messerschmitt is worth two.
Georgie Elser is back.
- Hi, Lore. How's the leg?
- Same as always.
Will you stay with
your folks now?
Looks like it.
They need you urgently.
You have to register within 48 hours,
that's now the law.
I won't stay longer
than four weeks.
- Still. - All you can think
of is supervising.
Hi, Elmar.
My dad says Lore shouldn't
act like a big shot,
she's with a Jew
from Heidenheim.
Who turned you into a
moron all of a sudden?
There, you better give
me a hand with this.
Good day.
Are there soldiers at the
Konstanz border crossing?
Customs officers,
that's enough.
What's in the box?
Show me.
There's no show today.
At last.
Come here, my boy.
- Thank you for coming.
- Where is he?
Come on, no stopping.
Leave the cider alone.
Damn it!
Keep the blade straight!
If I'm supposed to help you,
stop the boozing.
You little shit!
That cider was expensive!
I never booze
and I'm still alive.
I don't like repeating myself.
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Date of birth?
Kiss my ass.
I can't hear you.
Kiss my ass!
Send this to Baumann. I want him
to order this weed killer from IG Farben.
Very well, Oberfhrer.
I know this breed from
the Swabian Hills.
They'd rather be beaten
to death than give in.
Shall I tell this to
the Reichsfhrer SS?
There's this breed
from the Swabian Hills...
That guy is merely a puppet.
Just look at his physiognomy,
his eyes.
He's not some naive idiot.
The man knows what he wants.
He may be a country boy, but he's
not lacking ideological conviction.
And the evidence
is overwhelming.
The Fhrer doesn't want evidence,
he wants a written confession.
Goebbels needs it for the press.
I'll pull out every one of his teeth
to make him sign if I have to.
You saw that he
won't budge.
Are you telling me
how to do my job now?
Your lot should have
known about this sooner.
Now where is that list of
the arrested relatives?
I'm asking myself how an ethnic
German can hate our Fhrer so much
to carry out such a
despicable attack.
And on November 8th,
of all days.
Now look who's joining us, Elser.
Come in!
Evening all.
- Ernst, a beer and a kirsch!
- Beer and a kirsch, coming up.
No. Erich has had enough.
Two orange sodas, please.
What's it going to be, Erich?
Soda or the usual?
The usual, you dumbass!
Thank you.
Shall we get some fresh air?
That's Elsa.
She's married.
Those are the best ones.
This seat is taken, Eberle.
We found another dead
hare in a sling today.
In the woods,
near the Itzelsberg.
- That's above my field.
- Piss off, Eberle.
I'll give you a good kicking
if the poaching doesn't stop.
The dance is called a tango.
It's from South America.
It's very close, almost sinful.
One, two, tango step.
One, two...
Something like that.
I'm Georgie Elser.
You're Elsa, aren't you?
I'm going back to my Erich.
Hans, a round,
time to celebrate!
So, what was
the percentage?
The NSDAP is the biggest party
in the Reichstag with 44%.
Come, Lore.
Let's go.
The Reds lost.
What do you say now?
There you go.
- Come on, let's go.
- No, I'll finish my drink.
There you go.
To our Fhrer.
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
- Quiet, we're playing cards!
- Hang on.
We'll have no shouting here.
- Who's shouting here?
- Calm down.
Stay calm.
Calm down.
Let's stay calm.
Schurr, you'll be the first to be
strung up once we seize power.
And you'll be shot
after the revolution.
You've been to Konstanz
and Switzerland?
- Yes.
- Did you go to the cinema there?
I saw a picture of Jacqueline Wells
in a magazine.
She's so beautiful in
"Tarzan the Fearless".
They say she's wearing
hardly anything in that film.
That would interest you,
of course.
Just die, you bastards!
Sons of bitches!
Why did you leave?
You've been fighting with
the Nazis for years. For what?
Go home and pray.
Dirty pacifist!
- So what?
- Shut up!
You're a coward?
Yes, maybe I am a coward,
because violence has
never achieved anything.
Elser, now tell your girl
here why you did this.
Did you do this, Georg?
Take her away.
Where are they taking her?
That's entirely up to you.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not
into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
- Elsa...
- Yes?
She has nothing
to do with this.
Will you guarantee
she won't be harmed?
She's not important to us if we
have a confession from you.
If not,
it's a different matter.
My word as an officer.
That means nothing to me.
I can't offer more.
All right then.
It was me.
My name is Elser,
Johann Georg.
Born 4th January, 1903.
Let's begin.
Party membership?
And this?
My Red Front badge.
But I was never a
Communist Party member.
- Red Front.
- Red Front.
Good that you're with us.
- Josef!
- What?
The H.
- What?
- The H.
- Shit!
- Add it!
- Or the Browns will say we're idiots.
- Come on!
Watch out!
Stop! Halt!
Site security!
"... I joined the Konstanz
Folklore Society. "
Just for the companionship?
I didn't join to pick up girls.
You can meet girls anywhere.
And before you ask, I wasn't close
to any girl from the society.
Of course there
was the occasional...
Why don't you just
admit you're a communist?
No, I thought it was
enough to vote KPD.
I'm sure you were involved in
demonstrations, handing out flyers...
I didn't even attend meetings.
It's highly unlikely
an apolitical person
would plan and carry out an
attack on such a huge scale.
I was a free human being.
You have to do
what's right.
If humanity isn't free,
everything dies with it.
Am I allowed to write
one last letter?
Please, just a few lines to
my fiance and my mother.
Take him away.
That small-time carpenter is trying to
hoodwink us, claiming he acted alone.
Just one man can't construct
such a powerful bomb.
Elser insists he carried out
the attack on his own.
- There's no evidence...
- We won't let criminals call us liars!
The Fhrer wants us to get him
to talk by any means necessary.
- He must say who's behind it.
- Obergruppenfhrer,
it's becoming clear no one
else is pulling the strings here.
You might trigger the Fhrer's reaction
for being soft and failing when it counts.
We don't believe a word of it.
"For 30 nights, I waited until I got
locked in to the Brgerbrukeller.
"I wrapped a rag around
the rear part of the drill.
"I benefitted from the lavatories
automatically flushing every 10 minutes.
"I used the sound
to conceal my work,
then waited another 10 minutes
for the flushing to start again. "
A lowly craftsman like you
couldn't build a bomb like that.
Who supplied your material?
For the last time,
who were you working for?
All right, I'll tell you.
We only have two telephones
in the village.
Churchill called
me at the dairy.
The mayor's office would
have been a bad idea.
Churchill called and said,
"Elser, build a bomb to blow up Hitler
for me, we can't do it on our own. "
I can't tell you
what didn't happen.
Just give me pen and paper
and I'll prove it to you!
18, 20...
I'm out.
- Three...
- I'm out.
I'll go for diamonds
if you don't mind.
- Heil Hitler, everyone.
- Heil Hitler.
Ah, I see,
voluntary disbanding.
Very sensible.
But if you think that the strike
fund will disappear with you,
you've got another
thing coming.
Listen up,
national comrades.
How about attending the Gauleiter's
rally in Heidenheim later
instead of playing
cards at the pub?
Heil Hitler and good day.
- Heil Hitler.
- Good day.
Ernst, the usual combo.
Coming up.
Tell your Gauleiter there was
another hare caught in a sling.
You can do whatever you like.
But don't complain if it hurts.
That was Elsa.
But let me tell you, Eberle,
she won't talk back anytime soon.
- Elsa?
- Leave me alone.
- Why? - I don't want
you to see me like this.
What about Erich?
He'll get drunk at the pub.
The children are asleep.
It's different with you.
Do you know that?
When will you be going
back to Konstanz?
If the instrument maker pays for
the maple wood, we could make it.
Yes, Georg, God willing.
If not, the marshals will
come take our house away.
Where do we go then?
I don't know.
I might move in with Elsa.
You shouldn't fool around
with married women.
There's no fooling around.
Erich is asking for a lodger
because he's hard up.
You're not fooling me.
No one around here has any money.
You want to be near
that woman.
She has a bastard
child and you too.
Don't get carried away, mother.
I'm a bastard myself.
But your father married me.
Elsa made her daughter
legitimate too. So what?
You left Mathilde
with your child.
Is that the done thing?
I don't care what
the done thing is.
If two people aren't right together,
it's misery.
Just look at you
and father.
You'll see what
this leads to,
always doing exactly the
opposite of God's plan.
Where else could they be?
We'll find them,
don't you worry.
- Halt! Gruppenfhrer, you'll go there!
- Yes, sir!
Georg, I need your help.
Eberle is after me.
After their last rally,
the Nazis arrested all party members.
Come in.
- I knew I'd find you here.
- Put your hands up.
What have we here?
We only have orders to
go after party members,
but soon it'll be the rest
of your Bolshevik scum.
Take him away.
What do you think
you're doing?
Is he one of them too?
He's just a
big-mouthed musician.
Go inside.
This is none of your business.
All right, then.
Let's go.
Flim-fum, church scum
Flim-fum, church scum
The Fhrer blows
the churches up
And all the priests
will be strung up
Like your saviour
on the cross
Flim-fum, church scum
Beat it,
you dirty scoundrels!
Leave it, Leonhard!
Now they're even blasting
things on the Lord's day.
Well, go on...
Hello, hello.
Stand closer together.
- Alfred!
- Eberle!
Good that you could make it.
Have you eaten?
When does it start?
It's about to start.
Listen up, everyone! The screening
will start in five minutes' time.
First come, first served.
Let's go then.
One after another.
Like a farmer
eating dumplings.
No, no, Elmar.
You have to get in line too.
We saved you a space.
I took part in the Shepherds' Run.
Maybe I'm in the film.
There's free beer
and a sausage stew.
We only have turnip at home,
but we're decent people.
You'll have to decide, son.
National comrades,
I'll keep it short.
I know you're more
excited about the film
than Eberle's speech.
However, today we
witness once again
how the Fhrer brings us
technological progress.
Even the most remote
parts of the German Reich
will see wealth and comfort.
That's right.
Within three years,
we will all have our own radio set,
connecting us
to modern times.
I promise you,
all of the village's streets
will be paved and lit.
This is progress.
This is our Fhrer, Adolf Hitler.
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
- Sieg...
- Heil!
And now, our wonderful Shepherds'
Run as a motion picture.
You're lucky you can still
move freely in the village.
You claim to have organised
your own gunpowder plates.
Where exactly did
you get them from?
Before deciding on the
actual details of my plan,
I used my position
at the steel works
to steal a total of 250 pieces
of pressed gunpowder.
How do you know it
was exactly 250 pieces?
I counted them.
Who else knew about this?
Nobody. The theft was not
discovered by the company.
I wrapped the powder in paper
and hid it in my wardrobe at home.
And the dynamite?
I stole it from the
quarry at night.
What was the name
of your boss?
I can't remember.
I only met the man
three or four times.
If you don't talk,
they can have you shot,
any time,
up there in the yard.
It's true.
I'm not covering up for anyone.
Do you really think we
won't uncover everything?
No, Mr Nebe, I don't.
That's why I'm completely
honest with you.
We inquire about a monumental
attack and the Swiss send this.
"The proprietor describes
Elser as hard-working.
"It was noted he often left work
to go swimming in the afternoons.
"He more than made up for the
missing time in the evenings.
"We have no knowledge
of Elser's acquaintances. "
Take your hands
off your face!
Dot, dot, comma, swish,
makes a face
round like a dish.
What about the hair?
What about the ears?
I found something!
The marshals will come on Monday.
We'll have to leave our home.
I sometimes wonder
how it would be with you.
You and me together.
You could play
in an orchestra.
Maybe in Switzerland.
Or in America,
they pay more there.
Are you serious
about me, Georgie?
This might be the first time
I'm serious about anyone.
I'm pregnant again.
Don't. The children mustn't find out.
They talk a lot at home.
I think it's your child.
But I haven't always been
able to fend off Erich.
I prayed for the Lord to take the child,
regardless of whether it's yours or his.
You mustn't say that, Elsa.
Who will feed the child?
Why can't they let us
be how we want?
You have to get a divorce.
Am I supposed to move in with you,
now that they're taking your home?
Where will you live now?
Uncle! Mummy says you'll
sleep in our basement.
I'm not your uncle.
I'm Georgie.
Are you going to paint faces and
protect me from the bogeyman?
If he comes, I'll get my accordion and
play so terribly that he runs away.
Mummy, Georgie is here.
And, very important:
no female visitors. Understood?
Your reputation isn't the best,
but I must protect mine.
That's why I won't
tolerate anything.
So it's free board and lodging
until the furniture is finished,
and then 20 a month.
Sign it.
So this is it.
There's a mattress in the other
room that you can have.
I'll clean the window for you, Georgie.
To make it brighter.
My wife doesn't
clean for lodgers.
First we need
to oil the hinges.
If you can't pay
or you breach the contract,
you'll have to move out.
- Understood?
- I'll always find work.
Come on!
Beat it!
But, Lore...
What's all this about?
You can join her if you like.
Get lost!
It's not my birthday.
I bet they wear this in Ulm,
or even in Stuttgart.
You're crazy.
Thank you.
Shall I take it up like this?
Or maybe even shorter?
Shorter is nice.
But don't wear it
when Erich's around.
Don't worry,
it's just for you.
What's wrong?
They sat Lore in the square
with a sign round her neck.
Because of her boyfriend?
Poor thing.
But there's nothing we can do.
It's getting worse and worse.
It's Schurr!
I can't be seen with people.
Come on in.
After the Heuberg concentration camp
they sent us to work at satellite camps.
There was at least one
death every week.
- Where are you working now?
- At the steel works.
I get out every two weeks for
good behaviour, but mustn't see anyone.
And you? Out of work,
being at home at this time?
But it's hard, not being a Nazi.
The steel works are hiring.
But be careful.
They toe the party line.
You do realise we
fed a camp inmate?
If the Gestapo come I'll tell
the pricks it's my bread.
- I do what I want with it.
- But you're living in our home.
If the Gestapo come,
we're all in for it.
You didn't need so many
fuses to detonate the bomb.
Correct. I knew two or three
gunpowder plates would suffice.
But I thought the extra ones
would increase the explosion.
Why two clockworks
in the bomb?
I didn't want to rely on just one
clockwork for my plan to succeed.
Matching the 12 combs (B)
of cogwheel (A),
I was able to set each clock
with its run-time of 14 days
144 hours or 6 days
in advance,
accurate within 15 minutes,
to the time of the explosion, 21:20,
and activate it.
All of 13 minutes
were missing.
How did you build
the detonator?
The block with the three inserted
and sharpened nails (N)
hits the bolt (U), on which it has been
loosely set, before the spring (V).
The tips (W)) then hit
the cartridges opposite,
thus igniting through the impact
on the cartridge primers
the blasting caps (Y), inserted at
a short distance from them.
The charge detonates.
This ignition head requires
a pressure of 35 kilopond.
The spring is set to 40 kilopond.
Everything matches exactly.
This Elser works intuitively
and very accurately.
Everybody knows you
need pressure to detonate.
Elser must have
had instructions.
Technically, he conceived and
built the bomb all on his own.
If you know all the parameters,
you don't need any help or instructions.
This man knows what
he's talking about.
10, 15, 20.
Come here.
Get lost! Beat it!
You're hurting me.
You're hurting me!
What's the big secret
they're hiding?
I'm not sure yet, it might be
moulds for ignition heads.
Do you think you can
earn your money talking?
Any contact with the forced
labourers is prohibited.
Workers of the world, unite!
This is Radio Moscow in
German on 25m short-wave.
On April 26, 1937,
Adolf Hitler ordered
his Condor Legion
to bomb the Spanish
town of Guernica.
Never before has such
a devastating attack
on a civilian target
area been witnessed.
At least 260
people were shot,
torn to pieces or
burned to death.
Guernica's destruction is a violation of
international law and an important step...
I've had it with this
wretched scum.
Why do they all follow
this gangster?
They're the master race now.
They think the Nazis make it better.
Nothing's better.
German domination in the air
is not just due to the outstanding
aviators of the Luftwaffe,
but also to the tremendous contributions
of the aviation industry.
As Fhrer and Chancellor of
the German nation and the Reich,
I hereby announce
to German history
the accession of my homeland
to the German Reich.
- Sieg Heil!
- Sieg Heil!
They want war.
It'll be brutal.
They're building tanks as piecework.
Maybe it'll be like
Bohemia and Moravia.
With Hitler attacking
England and France?
We'll all die and the
country with us.
I'm a forced labourer, Georgie.
We really ought
to do something.
But what?
Blow up the Special Unit?
That would only mean dead workers
and the Nazis would carry on.
We have to do something else,
and soon.
Soon and radical.
Attack the leadership.
You'll need guns
or dynamite.
There's dynamite up in the quarry
and detonators here in the factory.
- Someone has to stop this madness.
- Yes, but not you or me or us.
Hitler must be stopped by
other countries, by generals.
We're not strong enough, Georg.
We can't wait
till it's too late.
It has to happen.
What's wrong?
I can't stand you doing
it with this drunkard.
There's nothing I can do.
You filthy whore!
You slut!
Just one more, you swine,
just one more.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you, both of you.
Both of you.
How's the child?
- It's kicking.
- Thank God.
What happens now?
This here is over.
Just come with me.
Where to?
To your mother?
So we all go to heaven?
There's no room
for me there.
I now work piece rate.
It's better money.
It'll be enough if I repair
furniture on the side.
There are cheap flats
in Heidenheim now.
Only for Labour Front workers.
Not for you.
We've checked everything.
A talented worker such as yourself
should be a staunch National Socialist.
It's obvious that the Nazis
don't support the people.
Today, a carpenter's hourly
wage is 68 Pfennigs.
In 1929 it was 1 Mark and 5.
You're not trying to tell us that our
Fhrer isn't looking after workers.
Hitler is bad for Germany.
- Have you gone completely insane?
- It's true though.
He's sending dissenters
to concentration camps.
And the Jews are being robbed and
tortured just because of their faith.
To cleanse the population.
Your blitzkrieg was
a brutal attack.
Poland will be annihilated,
Hitler will incorporate it.
That's the law of
the strongest.
It's always been like this.
Do you really think there'll
be no consequences?
France and England declared
war on us on September 3rd.
Soon, a terrible fire will steamroll
Germany and destroy everything.
Endless amounts of
blood will be shed.
Then the bombs
will drop on us, too.
Can't you see
what's happening?
You're suffering
from paranoia.
And what about
the victims?
Hitler always talks
about destiny.
So you National Socialists, too,
must have a higher law.
And it states,
"thou shalt not kill".
That's rich, coming from someone
who murdered eight innocent people.
Yes, you heard right.
Last night, the injured
Schmeidel died as well.
I only wanted to prevent
even more bloodshed.
I knew it would not just
hit the highest ranks.
But it had to be done.
All right, take this down.
The considerations
I undertook
led to the conclusion that
conditions in Germany
could only be changed
by extinguishing...
- ... the current leadership.
- I said the highest ranks.
Very well,
the highest ranks, then.
By this, I mean...
By this, I mean Hitler
and all the government.
I am the sole perpetrator.
I procured the necessary means
for the attack on my own.
I was working entirely alone.
And, funnily enough,
nobody would have joined me.
You will regret this, Elser.
Miss Secretary,
may I ask you something?
You're not allowed.
I know you're not
wholly unmoved.
I would be grateful if you could pass
on my condolences to the relatives,
my heartfelt condolences.
I think about them all day.
And, if possible, tell Elsa and my
family that I'm well at the moment.
And that I'm praying for
the Lord to protect them.
And that I accept sole
responsibility for everything.
Could you pass
that on, please?
You can't get any more
out of him than the truth.
We make the truth.
You're not normally so soft.
It's from the file. Put it away.
You didn't get it from me.
That'll do for today.
Take him away.
Thank you.
And, what did
you have, a boy?
A boy.
He's ours.
I can see it.
I already told Erich
he'll be called Georg.
He was shouting.
But I signed the
midwife's certificate.
- You get some rest now.
- Stay.
Erich has gone drinking.
I have to get to work, Elsa.
The prisoner to the left, please,
with the gentlemen at the table.
The Oberfhrer
on the left, please.
If the prisoner could point
to the schematic, please.
And if the Oberfhrer could
bend down a little, please.
You stated the Fhrer
was bad for Germany.
That's right.
Heil Hitler!
Heil the Fhrer!
Our Fhrer made Germany great
and will lead us on to glory.
He is the greatest leader and won't
die until our destiny is fulfilled.
What is a worm like you
to do with such a man?
What lunatic has controlled you,
you imbecile?
It's like I said.
The Fhrer demands to know
who instigated this fool to act.
Have him hypnotised,
drug him, I don't care.
Use any means that our scientists
have been working on.
The Fhrer wants to
know who set it up.
He wants to know
who's behind this.
His patience has run out.
I could stay with my mother
for a while after the divorce.
What do you think?
She'll have the children.
There's work in Esslingen.
You can come down from
Munich on weekends.
I must know if you really
want this, Georgie.
I love you.
The boy...
So you're off to Munich.
Without a goodbye,
just like that.
Don't move.
So you do have
something in Munich.
And it's decided?
It's just for a short while.
I love you, Georgie,
but I have no choice.
I can take a lot,
but the children are hungry.
I'd give you money,
but I need it for Munich.
Elsa, wait for me.
Be faithful to me.
I've got something planned.
I can't tell you what,
but it's vital, and it'll be fine.
I want to marry you
when it's all over.
We'll move to Switzerland
with the children.
Think of the dancing.
It's not about dreams.
It's about life, Georgie.
I know you left
women before me.
Then I'll just have to be
a single mother forever.
I can't hear what
you're saying.
Tell us the names.
The names.
The name!
Who provided the cartridges?
Who supplied the explosives?
I can't hear you.
You bastard!
The names, Elser!
Tell us the names!
Heil! Heil! Heil!
I did it on my own.
Nobody helped me.
I shall try and atone
for the bad things
that I have done.
By doing what?
And how?
By trying to...
By trying to integrate
myself into...
...the national community
and work within it.
Would you be able to?
I changed my conviction.
Because you were arrested.
I'm certain my plan
would have succeeded,
if my conviction
had been right.
Since it hasn't succeeded,
I'm convinced it wasn't
meant to succeed
and that my conviction
was wrong.
Take him away.
Can I see a priest?
"The First Senate of the People's Court
ruled on March 2nd, 1945:
"The former SS Gruppenfhrer and
Lieutenant General of Police Arthur Nebe
is of thoroughly
flawed character.
"He took part in the
conspiracy of July 20th.
"He supported the attempt
on the Fhrer's life,
and was willing to assist the coup
by providing police personnel.
"He is sentenced to death for high treason
and will forever be without honour.
"His estate will go to the Reich. "
Nebe was executed
a few days ago.
Did you hear me?
Nebe's dead.
At Pltzensee.
- How do you know?
- From the new inmates, as usual.
They strung up Nebe?
He designated policemen for Stauffenberg
to arrest all ministers after the coup.
So much for the great show trial that
Goebbels wanted to put on for you.
It'll soon be over for me, too.
At least you got a few
more years out of them.
If only I knew what
happened to Elsa.
You keep asking about that woman.
How should I know?
With so many people dying.
She's not necessarily dead.
She might be alive,
imprisoned somewhere.
There's also good news.
'The College of Music for the Disabled'
has accepted me.
I'll learn how to sing now.
Viennese songs for zither.
As a little 'thank-you' for recommending
I try the College of Music.
You were young
I was young
Now it's all gone
Only the memories
Are all that carries on
You were pretty
I was smart
And so in love
Think back to the places
To the sweetest faces
Just because there's
nothing you can place above
Franz, you know
about these things.
What's quicker:
gas, hanging,
or being shot in the neck?
I've been waiting for so long.
It might as well
be over quickly.
...hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it
is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread,
and forgive us
our trespasses...
The English reduced
Dresden to rubble.
Not one building
is left standing.
One hundred thousand
civilians killed in one night.
For thine is the kingdom...
Praying is pointless.
God is in America or in Moscow.
He won't hear you.
How can one man
fail as horribly as I?
Prisoner Elser,
for interrogation!
During one of the next terror attacks
on Munich or the Dachau area,
Elser will allegedly
suffer a fatal accident.
I therefore ask you to
secretly liquidate Elser,
when this situation arises.
Make sure that only very few specially
selected personnel know about this.
The incident report filed to me
should read along the lines of:
"On following the
terror attack on,
"special prisoner Elser, among others,
was fatally injured. "
You must destroy this letter once you
have taken note and carried this out.
sync, fix: titler
ON APRIL 29, 1945,
ON OCTOBER 11, 1994.
Johann Georg Elser
January 4, 1903 - April 9, 1945