Embrace of the Vampire (2013) Movie Script

( Hoof beats )
( screaming )
( speaking Romanian )
( speaking Romanian )
(woman screams )
( man grunts )
( speaking Romanian )
( screams )
( gasping )
( horse whinnies)
( speaking Romanian )
Deven it u n vinator.
( Speaking Romanian )
( screams )
-( horse whinnies)
- ( gasps)
Stefan, she is coming.
( Sizzling )
(groaning )
( growls )
Okay, I'll be there in one second.
Hey, Trey, let's go.
Sweet, bro.
( Music playing )
Let me see.
(sighs )
( gasps )
I'm sorry.
( laughs )
Hey, I'm Nicole.
You must be Charlotte, right?
From the all-girls
Catholic school?
- Yeah, San Marina's.
- Right. Yeah.
They send out that stupid
bio thing about your roomie.
Yeah, I got it too.
Are you from around here?
Sort of.
That must be nice.
Mm, debatable.
Plus my parents live,
like, an hour away,
so you know they're
going to be dropping in
at all the wrong times.
Maybe we could coordinate,
get the parents' visits
done at the same time?
Oh, my parents
won't be coming.
How come?
I don't have any.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to pry.
I mean, they didn't
put that in the bio.
It's okay.
It was a long time ago.
So you're here on some sort
of athletic scholarship, right?
- Fencing.
- Right.
Oh, my friend Eliza's
on the team.
Oh, it'll be nice to meet her.
Oh, you will,
but nice is subjective.
She's kind of an acquired taste.
Do you need help bringing in
the rest of your stuff?
No, this is everything.
( laughs )
I'm actually going to head
down to the campus center,
get something to eat.
- Do you want to come?
- I have a job interview.
Really? Where?
The coffeehouse on Main.
Oh. My friend Chris
is the manager there.
- Is he nice?
- Oh, he's great.
He's super nice.
That's probably
why we're just friends.
- See you later.
- See you.
( Door opens, closes )
I worked at an Italian
coffee shop for two years.
Really? How do you make
a macchiato?
Freshly ground
and brewed espresso
with a dollop of milk,
froth 260 degrees.
And then you just pour in
the steamed milk to finish it off?
Yeah, if they ordered
a cappuccino, not a macchiato.
But then again, I didn't work at one
of those big chain coffeehouses
where everything you order
turns into a latte.
Coffee is one thing,
but dealing with a rowdy mob
of hung-over college seniors
is another,
so maybe I'll start you off slow.
A few afternoon shifts
till you get more comfortable?
That sound good?
- Yeah. Sounds great.
- Great.
- What size are you?
- Excuse me?
Size. Our uniform.
Just a simple skirt
and black top.
Exactly how you wear it
is totally up to you,
but, yeah, some of the girls
really work for their tips.
- Oh, small.
- Small. Okay, great.
- I'll go grab one.
- Okay.
( Music playing )
J' And don't be afraid J'
J' Now things are looking better J'
J' Looking better J'
J' Looking better... J'
Close the blinds, please.
Oh, excuse me.
I'm sorry.
It's impossible not be drawn
to the views here,
but I've just had
laser surgery,
and my eyes are
quite sensitive.
Oh. Of course.
Now, I'm sorry I'm late.
You must be
Charlotte Hawthorn.
It's nice to meet you,
Dr. Duncan.
Please, have a seat.
How are you
finding everything?
It's great.
You all settled in?
- Pretty much.
- Hmm.
The Trust Scholarship.
Personally, I find it
quite an accomplishment
for someone who's been
through what you have.
But I think that's
what the Trust saw in you,
real character.
I promise to do
whatever it takes
to not let anyone down.
Well, I can't pretend
it's going to be easy.
You're going to be
put through a lot,
full course load,
new environment,
the fencing team.
That's a lot of pressure.
And you have an obligation
to perform.
The scholarship is
by no means unconditional.
I'll be fine.
'Cause there's no going back.
It's not really an option.
I have to get going.
Please, Charlotte,
I want you to think of me
as a resource, hmm?
Anything you need,
anything at all,
my door is always open.
- I appreciate that.
- Okay.
My pleasure.
( Door closes )
( indistinct whispering )
(whispering continues )
( gasps )
Take it easy.
You trying to kill somebody?
- I'm sorry.
- That's all right.
But you shouldn't be walking
alone at night, Charlotte.
Do I know you?
Professor Cole.
I teach
English literature here,
as well as being
your new fencing coach.
Nice to meet you.
It's nice to meet you, too.
I believe you're fencing
for me this season.
- Yes, I am.
- I'll see you in practice.
Okay '
Oh, for protection.
(water running )
Hurry up.
Nicole: I'm hurrying.
I'm hurrying.
Eliza: Just pick an outfit.
It's not a big deal.
Yeah, it is a big deal.
Put something on, anything.
(sighs )
And this over here
is interesting
in a thrift-store kind of way.
What's she like?
I just met her.
She seems nice.
Oh. "Nice."
Shut up.
Oh, and here she is.
Charlotte, Eliza.
Eliza, Charlotte.
Charlotte's on the fencing team.
No shit?
- I don't see it.
- Mmmmm.
Scholarship and everything.
You know that there's
a new fencing coach.
The last one had
a terrible accident
and is dead as disco.
- I just met him.
- Oh, really?
- You met the dead guy?
- ( scoffs )
- ( laughs )
- The new coach.
Is he as hot
as everyone says?
I don't know.
He seemed interesting.
Did he show you his sword?
- Oh. Eliza.
- Ow!
- Oh, come on.
- What?
You need to make
an impression tonight.
What's the matter with this?
Tits up, ass out.
Do you want to come,
I don't know.
She doesn't know.
Come on.
I had a busy day.
Maybe some other time.
Yeah, maybe another time.
Okay, how do I look?
Oh, I'd fuck you.
Now let's go!
Okay, let's go, slut.
( laughs )
Mary freaking Charlotte.
She's a virgin.
Be nice.
Oh, Nicole, another
little project for you.
It's like reality TV.
"The Real Students
of North Summit."
( both laugh )
( door creaks )
(whimpers )
( man breathing heavily )
( snarls )
' ( Snarls )
' ( gasps )
( screams )
( door opens )
(crowd murmuring )
Hey, did you hear that?
Yeah, that's what
I came out here to see.
It's crazy.
(murmuring continues)
( man laughs )
- Uh...
- ( gasps ) Oh, my...
- I'm sorry.
- Charlotte.
( laughs )
Please, you can
come out now.
I'm so sorry.
I got home and you weren't here.
I thought you slipped out.
I'm sorry.
I should have knocked.
This is your room, too.
Where'd you go, anyway?
I went for a walk.
In your nightgown?
( Chuckles )
( chuckles )
( ticking )
Oh, I have class
in, like, 20 minutes.
( Sighs )
I have Mythology.
Me, too. Do you want to walk
to class together?
I saw Chris at the party
last night.
- Yeah?
- Mmmmm.
He thinks you're cute.
- Really?
- Mmmmm.
Cute is death.
We got to work on that.
(shower running )
Nicole: I hope you don't
mind me asking,
but are you okay?
I saw your bag
in the bathroom.
That's an awful lot
of medicine.
I've got vaso-thalassemia.
It's a blood disorder.
Sounds awful.
Is it serious?
It's hereditary.
They expected it
to be much worse,
but they say my body's strong.
I keep fighting it off.
Is that what
your mother had?
Yeah, that's what
she died from.
So you have
no other family at all?
Mm, nape.
Well, you do now.
( Overlapping chatter)
Welcome, everyone.
Hello, Professor Cole.
I can see this is gonna be
an easy class to attend.
( laughs )
Myth? Reality?
Maybe a combination of both.
These glorified monsters
have graced the pages
of our literature,
our plays, our cinema...
( chuckles )
...our nightmares,
even our very religions.
But is it all fictional?
Fairy tale?
Can we not draw similarities
between, say,
a devil...
and a vampire?
Or better yet,
a dinosaur and a dragon?
Or a Neanderthal...
to an ogre?
( Gasps )
Are you okay?
Cole: Are these myths
primitive man's quest
to answer the unanswerable?
Is there a connection
between these myths,
these creatures,
and all of us?
The subject of this semester
will be to answer
that very question
by following the clue trail through
literature and art of the ages--
- ( students laugh )
- Oh.
( laughs )
That's a scary beast.
He's your coach too?
Jeez. Maybe I should
take up fencing.
J' Green and blue J'
J' Just like me... J'
You look great.
( Chuckles )
I don't know.
( laughs )
No, trust me. You do.
Jeez. Nice reflexes.
just fluff.
Hate to see what you do
to the guy who holds a door
open for you.
- Sorry.
- Just trying to help.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Hello again.
You're new?
Yeah. It's my first day.
Well, second.
What can I get you?
Charlotte, this is Daciana.
She's a regular.
Oolong tea
with a splash of milk,
but she'll want to watch you
add the milk.
Just go with it.
Your necklace,
where did you get it?
It was my mother's.
May I?
It's a bloodstone.
Deven it u n vinator.
Deven it u n vinator.
I don't understand
what you're saying.
- Here you go.
- Okay.
( Gasps )
You must come see me
right away.
Okay '
You come soon.
Well, that was weird,
even by her standards.
( Overlapping chatter)
Well, if it isn't
Sister Mary Charlotte.
What's up,
scholarship queen?
I'm the squad captain.
You'll address me as such.
We clear, rookie?
Okay, yeah.
Don't let the schoolgirl
thing throw you.
I hear she's a cutthroat
with the foil.
Oh. We'll have to see
about that.
Fencers at the ready.
En garde.
Single lunge, go.
En garde.
Again, go.
Nice lines, Charlotte.
Very nice lines.
En garde.
Relax, ladies.
Sarah, I want you
to fence with Charlotte.
Ladies, step off
the piste, please.
Fencers, salute.
Fencers, ready?
- Yes.
- Yes.
En garde.
- ( Grunts )
- Point Charlotte.
Sarah, take a seat.
Take her down.
Fencers, salute.
- Fencers, ready?
- Eliza: Yes!
- Charlotte: Yes.
- En garde.
- ( Yelp-s )
- Point Charlotte.
(team murmuring)
Eliza's pissed.
Good job.
Did you hear the coach?
He's like,
"Good job, Charlotte."
Basically, "You're my new
favorite, Charlotte."
Hey, Eliza.
( laughs )
- Chris.
- Hey.
Heard some of the girls
mumbling your name
as they left.
Yeah, I had
a really good practice.
I don't think that's
what they were saying.
What are you doing here?
Oh, you left without
your share of the tips.
Oh, I could have
gotten this later.
Yeah, but you just started,
so you're not gonna get
your first paycheck
for a couple weeks.
- That was really nice.
- It's not that big a deal.
I was passing through anyway.
So where you headed?
The library.
I have to study.
Wow. You're driven.
Do you sleep?
Not enough.
Yeah, my freshman year,
I didn't sleep much either.
When I did,
it was usually in class.
Yeah, I can't do that.
Well, you are rooming
with Nicole, aren't you?
Yeah. Why?
Her and Eliza
like to go out a lot.
I've noticed that.
They're going to drag you
into their world.
- No, they're not.
- Oh, really?
No, I'm just determined.
- Charlotte.
- Hi.
Everything okay?
Um, this is Chris.
He's my manager at
the coffee shop I work at.
- Dr. Duncan, how are you?
- Hello, Chris.
- Long time.
- Nice to see you.
I'll see you Tuesday.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
It looked as though you had
an excellent practice today.
Let's just make sure
you keep your focus
where it should be.
Of course.
(girls laughing )
- ( wind blows )
- ( gasps )
( indistinct whispering )
( faint laugh echoes )
(whispering continues )
Woman: Stop.
( Moaning, gasping )
( moans )
-( moaning )
-( man gasping )
( snake hisses )
( keys clatter)
( Sarah laughs )
( crickets chirping )
( rain pattering )
( clock ticking )
(whimpers )
( ticking louder)
( screams )
( roars )
( screams )
( muffled scream )
Let's go, rookie, now.
Up on the chairs.
Get up, ladies.
You're such a pussy.
It's going to be
real simple, ladies.
I'll ask you the questions,
and if you
answer them correctly,
you don't drink
and keep your clothes on.
Make sure you stay warm
over there, suckers.
Answer three correctly,
and you get to step down
and join the team.
Easy enough, right?
If you get them wrong,
you drink
and you lose
an item of clothing.
If you fall off your podium,
you drink and undress.
If you make
some sissy little face,
you drink and undress.
If you talk,
you drink and undress.
I don't drink.
(girls laugh )
You don't drink?
Well, you do now, sister.
You just talked.
Drink. Let's go.
Don't make me force you.
Come on.
Chug it.
There, granny panties.
Here's another.
All right, retards.
First question.
What year did fencing
become an Olympic sport?
-( laughs )
- They don't know.
Pathetic. Drink up.
It was 1896, retards.
Chug it back.
Clothing off. Let's go.
Want to see some ta-tas.
Take it off, ladies.
I could do this
all night, ladies.
- Let's do this.
- Drink it, ladies.
- It's cold out.
- All right.
Which North Summit student
qualified for the Olympic
trials in fencing?
- Got to know this one.
- Oh, come on.
- Easy,
- What?!
What a sorry bunch.
It was me, you idiots.
-( laughing )
- Let's go. Chug it back.
I am personally offended.
I should make you bitches
drink twice for that one.
- Drink up.
- Hurry, hurry.
Drink, bitches.
Drink. Drink.
That's it. Clothing off.
Strip it down.
You did it to yourselves.
Okay, here we go.
- I can't.
- Why?
- I feel funny.
- You're supposed to.
It's okay.
- It's okay.
- We will make your life
a living hell,
scholarship queen.
You want in, you drink.
Rookie down!
Rookie down!
Rookie down!
Free pour!
One, one thousand!
Two, one thousand!
Three, one thousand!
Four, one thousand!
Five, one thousand!
Oh, my God.
Get back up.
Let's go.
On your feet.
20 bucks
she's going to puke.
All right, maggots.
This one should
be a no-brainer.
How many championships
has North Summit won?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Did you say five?
I didn't ask how many
fencing championships.
Including all athletics,
North Summit
has brought home
23 championships
since it opened its doors.
Drink up, rookies.
- Drink! Drink! Drink!
- Go. Chug.
Chug. Chug. Chug.
Stripping. Take it off.
Take off your shirts, ladies.
Oh! Free pour.
I wanna do
this one personally.
Come on, scholarship queen.
Chin up.
Oh, chug it.
One, one thousand!
Two, one thousand!
Three, one thousand!
Four, one thousand!
- Five, one thousand! Oh!
- ( coughing )
Church mouse had
her first free pour.
Ladies and gentlemen...
how many
of you still think
you got what it takes
to be on this team?
I got your back, okay?
There are more
questions, ladies.
I'm so drunk.
( laughs )
Ah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, really.
- Girls!
( Both laughing )
Get g0i9-
Going to get
yourselves expelled.
" ( Qrowls )
' ( groans )
( laughs )
What do you want?
( screams )
( gasping )
( groans )
( moans )
( laughs )
Come here.
Go on, come here.
( laughs )
( laughs )
( gasps )
Shh. Shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh, shh.
( laughs )
It's okay.
( Moaning )
( laughs )
(winces )
( roars )
( alarm beeps )
What is a monster?
What makes a monster?
Is it our perception of their actions
that makes them a monster?
Is them being transformed
into some creature
of the night?
"How blessed
are some people's lives
who have no fear, no dread,
to whom sleep is a blessing
that comes nightly...
and brings with it
nothing but sweet dreams."
That's a quote from
Bram Stoker's "Dracula."
Now, who is the author
talking about here?
Is it the innocent people
who sleep
unknowing, uncaring
that creatures
may stalk the night?
Or is he talking about
the monster himself,
the creature of the night
that wishes for a moment,
however slight,
to be human again?
Now, in "Frankenstein,"
Shelley creates a monster
that, in many ways,
is more human than the man
who created him.
Now, what is Shelley
trying to say?
Perhaps that even
the most horrid of monsters
longs to be human
and to love.
-( Book slams )
- ( gasps )
Oh, did I wake you?
Sorry about that.
I'm sorry. I just--
(sighs )
Should I be concerned
about you?
Please don't be.
I'm fine.
You've been drinking.
You have so much promise,
Don't squander it.
I won't.
Oh, just do me
one favor, would you?
No nodding off
on the piste, okay?
All right.
I'll see you at practice.
( Machine hisses )
Oh, yeah.
( Gasps )
Hey, you okay?
Yeah. Just having
a really shitty day.
Okay. Listen, take a break.
I got this.
- No, I got it.
- No, no.
I said take a break.
I got it.
( laughs )
Really, just get some rest.
I'll clock you out, okay?
It's okay.
- Okay.
- All right.
(shop bell rings )
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
( Groans )
Seriously, though,
are you okay?
I'm just...
really hung-over.
Water, ibuprofen, and toast.
Water, ibuprofen, and toast.
Trust me.
Take that,
you'll feel better in no time.
- I hope so.
- Never fails.
Oh, yeah, and some lady
came around to
drop off a book.
Her name was, like, Dacia
or Deana or something like that.
- Daciana?
- Yeah, I think so.
She was kind of intense.
Feeling better?
( Sighs )
I don't know.
( Chuckles )
You know, last year,
during finals week,
one of the staff seniors
freaked out so badly,
threw about 30 mugs
against the wall.
Gosh, I hope
I wasn't that bad.
( laughs )
it was just a tray.
- You don't quit, do you?
- Not until you start talking.
( laughs )
You know, I actually have
to get going to the gym.
Great. I'll walk with you.
Okay '
What? It's walking.
Walk with me. It's easy.
Start by standing. Perfect.
Excellent, really.
And then you just
one foot, two--
- ( laughs )
- You're like a pro.
The two mugs you broke...
...those were my favorites.
- ( laughs )
- Just so you know.
- Stop it.
- No, I'm serious.
- You're welcome.
-( laughs )
There's a few friends
going camping this weekend.
It's nothing major.
It's not--
it's not far.
It's just off campus,
but there's a great lake
and campground,
and I thought it would
be nice if you came along.
Nicole will be there too.
( laughs )
I'll think about it.
All right, well, listen,
you can have your own tent.
I've got lots of gear, and I don't want
to give you the wrong idea.
I just thought
that it would be nice
if we got to spend
more time together.
Is it a bad thing?
I don't know.
- I'll think about it.
- Okay. All right.
Don't make me use
a pickup line.
Oh, please don't.
Let me know.
( Overlapping chatter)
I have to get out of here.
Hello, Char.
Look, I know what it's like.
I've been there before.
Excuse me?
( Sighs )
Like the whole bitch thing,
it's an act.
It's a self-defense mechanism,
'cause I know that guys
can be such assholes.
But I don't
have to tell you.
You can see a guy like Chris
coming a mile away, right?
He's used to getting
what he wants.
What do you mean?
Like I said,
I've been there before.
But now you know,
so he's not
going to win that bet.
It's a disgusting
frat thing,
a contest.
You're a virgin, right?
Look, I thought it
would take a couple weeks,
but he says he can bag you
in a few days.
Hold your ground, sister.
Heather, deeper in the lunge.
More extension.
Nice. Very good.
Charlotte, sloppy.
Look at your footwork.
Just act, don't think.
Okay, ladies, take a break.
Bring it in.
Good work, ladies.
I'm proud of you.
Now, as you can see,
our rookies have shown
a lot of promise,
but they're not ready
to represent the team
on Thursday
for our first match.
Kelly and Sarah,
Heather, Fran,
and Lucy will be
representing the team.
Good work, ladies.
Hit the showers.
- Congrats, Fran.
- That's great.
- Congrats.
- I'll see you.
(showers running )
( overlapping chatter)
Somebody got schooled
in there.
Leave her alone.
Just ignore her.
( Giggles )
It's okay.
Everybody has off days.
I don't think
you're used to drinking
that much, are you?
No. I can't remember much
about that night.
Do you remember this?
( Scoffs )
Okay. Guess you
don't want to remember.
- Sarah, I--
- I got it.
- I'm sorry.
- Mmmmm.
( laughs )
( showers stop )
( Pipe creaks )
( metal rattles )
(water dripping )
( Metal rattles )
(showers running )
( laugh echoes )
( man whispers )
(water stops running )
(water dripping )
(whimpers )
( hisses )
Are you okay?
I fell...
- or I fainted or...
- Did you hit your head?
- Are you hurt?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I stopped by your work.
They said you weren't feeling well.
Yeah, I wasn't, and then I--
I went to fencing practice,
and then...
Are you sure
everything's okay?
Yeah. Just I need
to go back to the dorm
and get some rest.
Well, Charlotte,
we should talk.
I Qot to go.
(wind blowing )
( coughing )
( Charlotte coughing )
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Are you sure?
Okay '
Fencers, ready?
- Yes.
- En garde.
Charlotte, focus.
That's not good enough,
Footwork is sloppy.
Okay. Bring it in.
Good work today, ladies.
That's it for today.
Cutting it short.
Hit the showers.
( Girls chatting )
Join me for a second.
Come on.
This is your moment,
Don't let it go.
You're the only person
that's standing in your way.
I'm just going through
(sighs )
Do you know
how a sword is made?
Through fire.
There's a moment...
a very brief moment
where the steel is soft
and vulnerable...
and ready to be shaped.
that's where you're at.
Hey, I can see your pain,
your struggle,
but there's passion in there.
I know it.
And all you have to do
is tap in to it.
See? Right there.
That's it--
instinct, fast and sharp.
You didn't think.
You acted.
Charlotte, through fire.
Let it go.
Grab your mask.
En garde.
It's there, Charlotte.
I can feel it.
Good. And again.
- ( Grunts )
- Stop thinking.
Better. Again.
Faster, Charlotte.
Get up.
That's it.
There it is.
You're bleeding.
I shouldn't have.
You can go.
- It's nothing.
- Leave! Now!
( Machine hissing )
Something wrong?
You haven't really
said a word to me.
You know,
the camping trip's tomorrow.
I know.
So have you
thought about coming?
So you're not coming?
what's wrong?
You want me to believe that?
You can believe whatever
you want to believe.
just talk to me.
You're obviously angry.
It's better
than being deceitful.
And that's my shift.
( Chuckles )
Hey, Charlotte.
Do you want to join us?
I have a thing.
-( Mocking stammer)
- Nicole: Shut up.
- Bye.
- Shut up.
- Charlotte.
- ( door closes )
Charlotte. What are you
doing back here?
I didn't know anyone was here.
I just needed some space.
(sighs )
I'm sorry about earlier,
my behavior.
Sometimes I just
get carried away.
I just want
to see my athletes
reach their full potential.
I needed it.
I needed to get angry.
I've been holding it in
for so long.
I feel so alone here.
Come here.
( Door closes )
Locking up.
( Footsteps )
( knocks )
- Dr. Duncan.
- Professor Cole.
May I come in?
Can I get you
something to drink? Scotch?
No, thank you.
Water, perhaps.
Please, have a seat.
No, thank you.
I'd rather stand.
There's been a complaint.
Oh, this is difficult.
May I be blunt?
I'd prefer it.
There's been an accusation
regarding some
inappropriate behavior
between yourself
and one of the students.
That's preposterous.
With who?
Charlotte Hawthorn.
She came to you?
Seems as though
a jealous student
has taken issue
with preferential treatment.
Well, it's a serious charge,
and I have to investigate.
Of course.
( chuckles )
These young girls and their
overactive imaginations.
I never said your accuser
was a girl.
No, I did.
I'll have to file a report.
Let me get you that water and I'll
answer any questions you have.
Professor Cole?
Professor Cole.
Professor Cole!
( Growls )
( growling )
( roars )
Let me see your palm.
It's okay.
What, are you crazy?
You're not sleeping much,
are you?
Waking dreams.
How do you know that?
You want answers,
give me your hand.
Now watch.
Nosferatu snge.
What is that?
( Blows )
- It's vampire blood.
- Vampire blood?
- Is this a joke?
- Oh, this is no joke.
This is your fate.
Your blood has been altered.
Well, I--
I have a disease.
It's nonsense.
Hundreds of years ago,
your ancestor Sorina...
she became a vampire.
Her daughter
was stolen away from her
before she could be attacked
by her own mother.
How do you know
what happened
to my ancestors
hundreds of years ago?
Because my ancestors
were there.
( Horse whinnies)
We helped create
your bloodline.
I was drawn here
just like you were.
It is my destiny
to help you.
What do you mean,
you created my bloodline?
The only way that we
could stop these creatures
was to use their own blood
to transform their offspring.
(whimpering )
- ( sizzling )
- ( screams )
This would heighten
the senses,
make her...
awa re .
Sorina arrived at the end
of the ritual, furious...
and she vented her rage
on a man
who sacrificed himself.
Go to hell.
(groaning )
You see?
You see?
It's burning your skin.
This necklace was crafted
to warn
when a vampire is near.
Deven it u n vinator.
"Become the hunter."
Your mother died
before she could teach you
and train you,
and so you are vulnerable.
Tell me,
are you a virgin?
(sighs )
When a vampire
finds a virgin
from the creature
who bit him,
from the bloodline,
he can use this pure blood
to change back
into his human form,
but only if the virgin,
you, Charlotte,
only if you give yourself
to him willingly.
But if I can
just end it, then...
why don't I
just give myself to him?
It will end for him, yes,
but for you,
you will suffer
for eternity in hell.
Slay him, or be slain,
that is the only way.
That is the way
of the dhampir.
Vampire hunter?
This is crazy.
No. No, this is your fate.
You must accept it.
Naughty girl.
( Screams )
( growls )
( screams )
Did you bring some flowers?
See you guys later.
- ( Elevator dings )
- ( sighs )
What's going on?
What happened?
Oh, you didn't hear?
No. What?
Dr. Duncan is dead.
They found him
on the interstate.
He'd been attacked
by some kind of animal.
. Hey-
. H6)!-
Did you hear
about Dr. Duncan?
I was so worried
about you.
Chris was, too.
I'm sure.
Well, what's going on?
Eliza told me about the bet.
Extra points for a virgin.
No, Chris would
never, ever do that.
Eliza's lying.
She's jealous.
I get it. Your life is
a lot more tough than most.
Maybe you should
take a break.
Take a break?
You walk a minute
in my shoes,
and then try
and tell me that, okay?
I'm sorry.
( Glass shatters )
Oh, my God. Charlotte.
- Am I bleeding?
- What?
Am I bleeding?
Do you see blood?
Yes, of course.
You're bleeding.
- You see it?
- Yes, there's blood.
There's blood?
You're bleeding.
Charlotte, you're not alone.
Chris and I are your friends.
I'm sorry.
There's nothing
to be sorry about.
Can I still go
with you guys camping?
( laughs )
Can I borrow some clothes?
Oh, my God, yes. I thought
you would never ask.
( laughing )
I liked it.
I've been waiting for something.
Thank you, yeah.
Little bit.
Come on. Come on.
- Thank you.
- I liked it.
It was too much swearing.
It was not
too much swearing.
I can show you
too much swearing.
- I can show you...
- Move.
- ...more than--
- No, don't.
Let's go.
Okay, we'll see you guys later.
See you later.
You deserve a back rub.
- Yeah.
- Later, skater.
( Birds chirping )
Want to get out of here?
You think I want to leave?
Know what?
I ain't gonna beg.
Come here.
-( Radio playing music )
-( moaning )
( Eliza laughs )
You want to go for a walk?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Let's go.
( Crickets chirping )
( panting )
Watch your step.
- Oh.
- Like there.
- I'm good.
- You good?
Let's go back.
( Giggling )
( moans )
( laughs )
( hisses )
( moaning )
(wincing )
( gasping )
( screams )
( scream echoes )
Make love to me.
( Breathing heavily )
Are you sure?
Okay '
( hisses )
What is it?
( Screams )
( Chris screaming )
Okay, just tell me
what happened.
I don't know. I was with
my friends and Chris. Then--
Okay, but what did you see?
I don't know. It was
really dark and really fast.
Could it have been
an animal or something?
I don't know.
- Cole: Charlotte.
- ( gasps )
( air gusts )
( air gusts )
( Gasps )
I've been waiting for you.
( Air gusts )
En garde.
I have waited your
entire life for this moment.
You killed my friends.
I did not choose
to be this way.
I am what your family
made me.
All I want
is to be human again.
I have spent
hundreds of years
waiting for
this very moment.
be mine.
Show me the monster.
I'm not afraid.
You could not love
such a creature.
Show me.
I need to know.
( Growling )
You're beautiful, Stefan.
( Groans )
- ( hisses )
- ( screams )
( hissing, growling )
( screeching )
( birds chirping )
( heart beating )
( heartbeat slowing )
(wind howling )
( exhales )
( growls )
( instrumental music playing )