Emo Valley (2024) Movie Script

(bright music)
(glass shattering)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- [Reporter 1] This
morning for the first time,
a new warning about
something else,
social media and what it
means for kids' mental health.
- [Commenter 1] It's
impossible to meet people
in real life anymore.
- [Commenter 2] I think that
it's become harder and harder
to meet someone who
wants to stay committed.
- [Reporter 1]
Something research shows
can double the risk of
experiencing symptoms
of depression and anxiety.
- [Reporter 2] Maricopa County
has some of the most extreme
DCS racial disparities
in the nation.
- [Commenter 3] If you're
gay, we don't think
that we can take care of
you here at this group home
because we are concerned
that you might do things
with some of the other
guys who live here.
- [Commenter 4] Three
things consistently
about social media, one,
that it makes them feel worse
about themselves, two, that
it makes them feel worse
about their
friendships, but three,
that they can't get off of it.
- [Commenter 5]
What's at stake here
is our kids and their future.
Plain and simple.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(air whooshing)
- [Narrator] I know most
of you are wondering
where and how the story begins,
but unlike most
nonfiction stories,
this tale is told from a
point of view that's befitting
to the current
times, social media.
It's a dreadful thing,
but needed amongst those
who use it in the fashion
it was created for.
However, we've run
into a situation
which most humans are
lacking a sense of reality
and basing their life choices
of what they see online,
losing the core meaning
of human interaction.
Yes, you know what
I'm talking about.
The one thing that you do
before calling your
friends or family.
Take this young man for example.
This story is centered on
the life he lives online
versus who he is in real life.
Most of you can relate.
Pay attention, take notes,
but don't be fooled
by the okey doke.
(air whooshing)
(phone ringing)
A good old generational
stare down,
one can only imagine
what they're thinking.
(phone ringing)
- I can sit here all
day just like you.
(Elijah chuckling)
Listen, little boy.
You need me to sign
off on your voucher
so you can have a place to stay.
You can sit there and not
engage all you want to,
sleep on the streets,
it's your choice.
I'm sorry.
So how you holding up out
Best I possibly can
with what little I have.
A little can be a
lot for some people.
I'm only one.
Have you been doing the GED
I don't have the time.
Mr. Allen, I can't express
to you enough how
education will help you get
through this situation.
- Can it?
I've been living
on these streets
since I was seven years old.
I've done things that
a little boy, a child,
a kid shouldn't be having to do.
- So why don't you use
that to fuel the new you?
- 'Cause that fuel
isn't the substance
that makes conscious
people wanna change things.
- It's the fact that
you can articulate
that statement lets me know
that you have a
real opportunity.
- Okay, yeah, with all the
sex work and past trauma,
all the abuse, how am I
supposed to fix myself
with all of that?
- [Narrator] Spoken like
a true Millennial.
- Look, I come here every week,
I don't want to, but I have to
in order to keep a
roof over my head.
Isn't that some
sort restraint?
- You choose to come to
the state to get services.
The state has guidelines
that have to be met in order
to stay in the program.
- [Narrator] We all know
things are not handed to us,
but what if we tried this
new age tactical approach?
What would happen?
(air whooshing)
- If it's worth anything,
I've done the reading.
- That's great,
that's great, Elijah.
That's a step in
the right direction.
- I find it interesting
how some people think
they know so much,
but really just know so little.
- What do you mean?
- Information is stored
in plain sight.
The eye sees what
the eye wants to see,
which in exchange shows
different information
to different individuals.
- [Narrator] And this is
where the tables turn.
Using your youthful
body for sexual advances
in order to obtain things is
your method of getting ahead?
(mysterious music)
Let me watch more
to see if this individual
compromised their morals.
(mysterious music continues)
(phone ringing)
So what kind of
individual are you?
(air whooshing)
- [Narrator] Hmm,
yeah, I don't think
it would work out that well.
(playful music)
(phone ringing)
Mr. Allen, I find
it very disrespectful
that you can just fall
asleep right in my face.
- I apologize.
(playful music continues)
- See you next week,
get some rest.
- Thank you.
(playful music continues)
(phone ringing)
- [Narrator] With every setback
there's a major come up.
Every story has their
hero, or does it?
This young man
only finds comfort
in front of a computer
screen, how distasteful.
- This is Zuri Williams.
- [Jason] Mr. Williams,
thank you so much
for taking my call.
I wanted to inquire about
your company's services
to help my business.
- May I ask who's calling?
- [Jason] Come on, you know me.
This is Jason from
Frank and Associates.
- Hi Jason, I'm actually not
in the intake
department anymore,
but I can take your information
and get that forwarded
over to the right people
and they can help you
with account management.
- [Jason] Oh, wow, I apologize
to have to waste your
time, Mr. Williams.
- No worries, I'll take
down your information now.
- [Jason] Sure, all
right, my email.
- Hey Jason, I'm actually
getting another call
that I need to take, but
I have your information.
I'll forward that over
to the right department.
They'll send you an
email confirmation, okay?
- [Jason] One sec.
- All right, thank you.
- Not you calling me in
the middle of the day.
Hell must have frozen over.
- [Friend] Uh-uh,
listen here, bitch,
you already know I'm a vampire.
I only come out at night and
when I'm summing with a check.
- Please, bitch.
- [Friend] Anyway, look, I'm
calling because I got an invite
to that party you've been
trying to go to for months.
- Which one?
- [Friend] Dope Boy PHX.
- Seriously, I've
RSVP'd every month
and I've never been
able to get in.
- [Friend] And I
go all the time.
But tonight's different.
You know, normally we
can't bring a plus one,
but tonight they
changing the rules.
- Oh shit, that's wild.
- [Friend] So are you coming
tonight or not, bitch?
- Fuck yeah, just send
me the information
and I'll meet you there.
- [Friend] Okay, I'll text you.
- Excellent, now he
has the opportunity
to meet real people outside
of his computer screen.
I wonder how this social
experiment is gonna turn out.
It's such a pity that courting
is no longer a thing
in these times.
Wining and dining
a potential suitor
always developed a
sense of spontaneity.
(upbeat music)
However, our dear
Elijah uses his profiles
to turn a profit.
Where I'm from, we call those
whores, but who am I to judge?
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
It appears our
dark and delightful
has been following Elijah
for quite some time.
If any of you find this
alarming or disturbing,
we are in the same boat.
(upbeat music continues)
As much as I would love for you
to continue to hear my
voiceovers, I think it's time
that I might intervene
in this storyline.
Trouble, trouble, feeble minds.
Hotheads always seems
to lose the time.
Young thing, old thing,
always ready to do
the thing, be careful.
- Dude, what do you, what?
- Time will tell.
(energetic music)
(energetic music continues)
(energetic music continues)
The lives of two always
seems to navigate the few.
Idle minds never
can measure time.
This new age are so
afraid of opposition
'cause they fail to understand
life's core mission.
Now, I may be beyond my years,
but the whispers of my
ancestors calm my fears.
Too little is never too late
because I always savor
every drop on my plate.
If you impress one, it
will flow to the many.
Put down those phones and
disconnect all those
outside tones
before life leaves
you all alone.
(placid music)
(placid music continues)
We were told our
bodies are a temple,
but I don't think
it's that simple.
You see, humans have a flaw
and that flaw can
sometimes break the straw
that connect the
essence of life.
So for Elijah, his
body was the key,
the key that could
possibly set him free.
Free from what, that
he does not know.
With the ever scent flow,
those bodies provided
a sense of commodity
to help him maintain for what
we would call a plain Jane.
In this line of work,
nothing provided a perk,
which only let the
mind to lurk, wonder,
understanding what
lies down under.
- [Elijah] I'm growing
tired of this game.
Everything around
me seems so lame.
Swipe left here,
swipe right to that.
My inbox says 20
messages, that's a fact.
Some unknown, some
that don't have a home,
some that don't
answer the damn phone.
But in my mind, I'll
always give myself the time
to think what I could be
if I lived the real me.
Fuck what they see online.
Because, baby, in
my mind, I'm fine.
Are you willing
to take a chance
And find romance at a glance
Tonight we can fall in love
Under the stars
above while we dance
Oh, babe, come above,
baby, in a groove
Love struck,
I'm stuck on you
If you need it,
baby, come and get it
'Cause I'm not
playing around, around
Oh, baby, I've been
missing you, baby
Tell me is this something,
that you're feeling the same
Baby, I've been
missing you, baby
Tell me is this something,
that you're feeling the same
I wanna be good to you
Lemme be good to you
Can I be good to you
Won't you, baby,
let me good to you
Can I if I wanna
- [Narrator] A good old
self encouraging montage.
Let's see how our
whimsical lead take hold
of this newfound of courage.
(upbeat music)
- [Elijah] Well done, my
fantasy lands leaving me
with a mouth full of sand,
understanding how
I am truly bland
and I need to stick
to life's plan
(air whooshing)
because the world
sees me as just a man.
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music)
(door squeaking)
- [Doorman] Who
the fuck are you?
- This Dope Boy PHX's party?
He put me in the fast lane
- [Doorman] Yeah, come on in.
Gimme that boo thing
- [Elijah] Thanks.
Show me how you slang
Let it do what it do
Handle that jelly,
smack like a belly
Make him hit me on my salad
I like it nasty
- [Narrator] (gasps)
Oh, how exciting.
Our dark and beautiful
and whimsical lead
are in the same room.
Let's see what happens.
- [Zuri] At last, at last,
I can see through the glass.
Nothing to blame but
my lack of shame,
seeking to capture your stare.
What's fair is bear.
I can finally make
you aware of my flame
and the thought of you
mentioning my name.
- [Narrator] How poetic
and scary at the same time.
Anyway, every story
has their antagonist.
But when you put Dope and Boy
together, it has a little bit
of an adverse effect,
don't you think?
Dope Boy PHX is known
for throwing the best
house parties in the city.
However, his name is not
too far from his profession.
Though he appears
charming and approachable,
there is a dark side.
Take it off, take it off
- [Narrator] I see
he has taken an eye
for our whimsical lead.
Take it off
- [Narrator] Let's hope
dark and delightful
is up for the challenge.
Take it off, take it off
Take it off, hey,
take it off, hey
Take it off, hey,
take it off, hey
Take it off
(party goers chattering)
- Trouble, trouble,
fold or double.
What say you, pretty thing?
Tell me about that shuffle.
- Thanks for inviting
me to your party.
I didn't even think
that you liked me.
- [Narrator] It appears
that dark and delightful
is failing the challenge.
- Baby, you are
the holder of eyes
and I have got to see what
is in between those thighs.
Shall we entertain the prize?
- Let me get another drink.
- [Narrator] Well,
that didn't take long.
I guess being straightforward
can get you exactly
where you need to be.
Our whimsical lead has two
aiming for his attention.
I would employ dark and
delightful to take a moment,
shake off the nerves and
get some skin in the game.
A good old fashioned
cat and mouse.
- Imagine, imagine,
fame and passion.
One can tame what
was called lame
or even placed in
a picture frame.
Self spoiled within life's coil.
Let's find out what's to spoil.
- [Narrator] A man
of many words, I see.
The Dope in his
name speaks volumes.
Ah, our dark and
delightful has given up,
thrown in the towel.
Such a shame, a small test
of courage gone wrong.
Hang on, I think
he might go for it.
Take it off, take it off
- Thanks, man.
Take it off, take
it off, take it off
- Do you think you had enough?
Take it off
- Who the fuck are
you, you ain't my daddy?
Take it off,
hey, take it off
- If you want, if you
want me to call you that
it comes with a price.
Take it off, hey,
take it off, hey
Take it off, hey,
take it off, hey
- Yeah, I didn't think so.
Probably couldn't
afford it anyway.
- [Narrator] That
was painful to watch.
Take note that
dark and delightful
attempted the
straightforward approach,
something that's outside
of his character,
leading the person
he fancied right
into the arms of another.
Alone and bewildered amongst
hackling folks in his age group
Zuri finds himself at
a fork in the road.
His primary mission, trashed.
The person he fancies, trashed.
What is one to do?
(placid music)
(party goers chattering)
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
As we can see, our whimsical
lead has other plans
with Dope Boy PHX.
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
There are few words to express
the emotion of jealousy.
Normally it would have
detrimental effects
on one's psyche.
However, sometimes jealousy
can invoke courage.
Based on the actions
of dark and delightful,
I'm not sure where
that's gonna land.
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
It seems our whimsical
lead has tapped out.
(dramatic music)
(Elijah grunting)
(Elijah vomiting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Elijah grunting)
- What the fuck?
- No, it's almost all out, we
can keep going, don't leave.
It's I'm done.
(dramatic music continues)
(fist thumping)
(Elijah thumping)
(vomit squelching)
- [Narrator] I can't say
I saw that one coming.
(placid music)
Our whimsical lead has
gotten himself stuck
between a rock and a hard
place, all puns intended.
How is he gonna get
out of this one?
Who is going to
come save the day?
Oh, that's right,
dark and delightful.
- Hey, come on, fuck.
(placid music continues)
(party goers chattering)
- [Narrator] There's
that jealous courage.
- Now now, brown cow.
Tame that bull that
rests on your brow.
- I know what you did.
I'm gonna call the
cops and report you.
- But tell, tell false spells.
Those who open their
mouth end up in hell.
- Fuck you.
(party goers chattering)
- [Dope Boy PHX] Piece of shit.
- [Narrator] Courage can only
be measured by the actions
of the individual
who showcased it.
Our little social
experiment is turning out
to be quite promising.
Although the twists and
shortcomings of our protagonists
almost left us up in arms
as to what may happen next.
But one thing is for sure,
our dark and delightful
stepped up to claim the eye
of our whimsical lead.
Although, if I can recall,
our whimsical lead can't
remember certain things at all.
(placid music)
(footsteps thumping)
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
Oh, take your time, 'cause that
one there is full of limes.
Sour as it may be,
ain't nothing
pure about that one, baby.
That one there, he'll
leave you in the rear.
Let's take heed and all you
need to do is just feed,
from what I've heard,
that there Elijah
will have your little
heart to bleed.
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
Can't say I didn't
try to warn him.
Now as our whimsical
lead comes to,
let's see how he reacts.
(placid music)
- Yo, what are you doing?
What are you doing here?
- What do you mean?
- [Elijah] What are you doing?
Get out.
- I helped you get back home
after Dope Boy knocked you out
and left you in your own vomit.
- What are you talking about?
- It's a long story.
- Oh my God, oh
my God, oh my God.
What happened, oh my God, what?
- Let me run you some water.
You've been sitting in
your own vomit for a while.
- What?
(water rushing)
Oh my God.
- [Narrator] Oh look,
they're talking.
- This is not how my
night was supposed to end.
- Same.
- I guess we never
got a proper
introduction, I'm Elijah.
- My name is Zuri.
- Zuri, what kind
of name is that?
- It's African for beautiful.
- (snorts) Okay.
- Well, do you know
what your name means?
- All I know is it's an Bible.
- Well, that's a start.
- Thanks for getting
me back here tonight.
- No problem.
- How do you even know
that Dope Boy guy anyway?
- And I don't really know him.
I mean, I only attend
his parties
like once in a blue moon.
A friend of mine, you know,
wanted to go so badly tonight,
and so I mustered up
the energy to go out.
- [Narrator] Perfect way
to come up your tracks.
- Well, I appreciate
you being there.
(placid music)
I'm starting to prune
up, I'm done soaking.
- [Narrator] That moment when
you realize you've connected
with another individual
for the first time
is such a beautiful thing.
Let's hope dark and delightful
can continue with his streak.
(placid music continues)
(placid music continues)
- So how are you feeling?
- Hungry.
- I bet, since you
threw up everything.
- Yeah.
- Do you do that often?
- Do what?
- Hook up with random people?
- (scoffs) It wasn't random.
- Oh.
- Why, are you jealous?
- No, how can I be jealous
of someone I don't even know?
- How'd you get invited
to the Dope Boy PHX
dude's party, anyway?
- I was a plus one of
someone else he invited.
- [Narrator] Seems to
be off to a good start.
- Don't do that.
- [Narrator] Uh-oh.
- Do what?
- Make it seem
like I can't get invited
to a party like that.
- [Narrator] And the silent
insult of lack of popularity.
Touche, Elijah.
- Wow.
- What are you doing?
- Ordering you some food.
You said you were hungry, right?
- What are you ordering?
- I don't know,
a burger or something since
you threw up your guts.
Suck up the drugs and liquor.
- How do you know
I'm not vegetarian?
- [Narrator] Oh, did they
just flirt with one another?
- At least get me some fries.
- Could have at
least said thank you.
- [Narrator] The attraction
between these two
are like sloths trying
to cross the street.
Eventually they will get there.
- So what, am I boring you?
- A little bit.
- Well, you can leave.
- Where are you from?
- [Narrator] Good pivot.
- So you wanna talk to me now?
- You are something else.
- I'm from here.
- Here as in?
- Phoenix.
- Born and raised?
- Yeah, what about you?
- I was born and raised
in Miami, Florida.
- Oh really?
I always wanted to go out there.
What brought you here?
- [Narrator] Getting to
know each other, great.
- My father was in the military
and my mom relocated
out here for a job
after he passed away.
- Oh, sorry.
- What about your parents?
- I don't have any.
- What?
- [Narrator] Ah, trauma trigger.
- Oh, I get it, hey,
you're an orphan?
- Bingo.
- So how'd you end up here?
- [Narrator] Now they're
getting to know each other.
- You don't have to answer
that if you don't want to.
We can change the topic.
- [Narrator] Empathy, smooth.
- It's fine, just no one
really asks about me, who I am.
It's to make sure I'm careful.
I've taken care of
myself for so long.
I don't wanna do anything
to damage my growth.
- I understand.
- So I grew up
in a foster home, off
Baseline Road in Mesa.
I was told my parents dropped
me off on the doorstep.
So-called parents.
I lived there for
about 14 years.
No one wanted to adopt me
because no one knew my
race or nationality.
- What?
- Yeah it was pretty fucked up.
All the older kids
would pick on me
and the boys would
rape me, beat me up.
- Oh my God.
- Used to call me
their white girl fag
'cause of my skin tone.
But then like one day I
decided like enough was enough
and decided to do
something about it.
So while everyone was
out on the field trip,
which I couldn't even attend
because of my bad behavior,
apparently, the girls
were getting ready.
So I snuck in and
stole their flat iron
and took a little
visit to Jonathan.
It was one of the guys
who would pick on me.
He would always leave
the bathroom door open
when he was like peeing
or taking a shit,
which was disgusting.
Brought the flat iron and
took it right to his dick.
Clamped so hard the whole
room filled with smoke.
He screamed so loud, I
was deaf for like an hour.
It's terrible, it
smelled disgusting,
like cottage cheese
and sour milk.
That was my ticket out of there.
They didn't want anything
left to do with me.
Last thing I did was something
with a social worker
for weekly visits.
Gave me a voucher
for this place,
as long as I kept going back.
- A voucher?
- Yeah, if I keep making
visits with the social worker,
I get to keep staying here.
- How long do you
plan on staying here?
- (sighs) Not for long,
maybe a few more weeks.
I wanna travel,
I've been saving up.
- You mean money from
your sex worker app?
- How do you know about that?
That's private.
- Calm down.
I saw it when I was trying to
find your address back here.
- [Narrator] My, my, my the cost
of telling one lie
to cover another.
When will we learn that
honesty is the best policy?
I'm knowledgeable to
understand the ways
of the world does not
work in that fashion.
But if you throw in a
little tender loving care,
sometimes that's all you
need to get what you want.
Never liked the streets
or the nightlife
But couldn't be
me in the daytime
Played with hearts
got my hands tied
Web of lies now
I'm tongue tied
Random guys on that one site
Random beds it
don't feel right, oh
I'm not one for the scene
Just wanna feel clean again
Fighting to be seen
But losing me in
between and then
You take a piece of me
Just want to be
free from this
Could someone stop the scene
Losing me
Free from this
Losing me
Free from this
(sensual music)
Losing me
(sensual music continues)
Make love, make love
I'm not one for the scene
For the scene
Clean again, clean again
Feeling in my love
Losing me, losing me
Oh, you take and you take
Free from this
Losing me, yeah
Losing me, yeah
(sensual music continues)
(sensual music continues)
(sensual music continues)
- [Narrator] Our
dark and delightful
has successfully
achieved his mission.
(sensual music continues)
(sensual music continues)
However, from his actions,
I sense a hint of regret.
Losing me, yeah,
yeah, free from this
Losing me, yeah,
yeah, free from this
(somber music)
(sheets rustling)
- You okay?
- Yeah.
(somber music continues)
Can I show you something?
- What?
- [Narrator] Interesting,
after all that hard work
and self-sabotage, dark and
delightful doesn't seem pleased
with this charted course.
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
I wonder what more does
he have up his sleeve?
(somber music continues)
(traffic droning)
- [Zuri] In so little time
I've watched you unwind.
With time, I would
not be aligned
with understanding how you tick.
But is that the trick?
A tick that won't stick
but finds a way to
absorb that final lick?
Taking life's essence only
to discover that leaving you
might be a blessing.
Should I stay or should I go?
Will this tick rock the
top to make the clock stop?
- What are you thinking about?
- Just how beautiful
the view is.
- Yeah, it's pretty nice.
- Can I ask you
something personal?
- Yeah, what's up?
- Okay.
What does love mean to you?
- I don't know, I don't really
think about it that much.
I've never really
experienced it.
- So do you want love
is what I'm asking.
- I want to enjoy the
good parts of life,
experience all that it has,
not the bad parts or headache
and heartache of love.
- [Narrator] Bravo,
Elijah, true honesty.
Well, I guess that wasn't
the answer he was seeking.
- Let's go and get some rest.
I still have to
work later tonight.
- Where do you work?
- Just some corporate
job in downtown Phoenix.
- Oh, okay, if you don't
wanna tell me, it's fine.
- No, it's not like that.
It's just what I
do is hush hush.
- Oh, so big money.
- Whatever, let's go.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- [Zuri] Slip and slide
down the brandy wine.
All things forever green,
but my trust in you
will never be clean.
Your actions birth a reaction
that causes traction
between the two.
If one had a clue to
channel with a glue,
the obvious would be rare.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
I take this step, a leap rather,
to avoid the depth of what
could be life's despair.
To discover what could be
or would be roaming out there.
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(door rattling)
(somber music continues)
(Zuri sighing)
- Stray, stray,
with such dismay,
it's hard to stay away.
Pray all you got for that
tail there comes with a knot.
- (sighs) They with such
little faith monitor those
who tend to lose their way.
Press not, old one, for this
lesson will soon be taught.
(placid music)
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
(traffic droning)
(placid music continues)
(traffic droning)
(somber music)
- Zuri?
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
- Our whimsical lead
has fallen subject
to the very thing he despises.
Had he allowed himself
to stay closed off
to the very thing he is seeking,
all would've been avoided.
(somber music continues)
Are we not allowed
to take a risk?
How can an individual
become a dynamic duo?
(somber music continues)
Life's circumstances can
easily create barriers
between real life and our
persona we try to project.
Elijah is a prime example of
what you see is what you get.
Ugh, I know some of you are
wondering what happened.
I'm thinking the same thing.
Trust in those who find
trust within themselves.
Lessons learned
are trans earned.
This experiment
between Zuri and Elijah
is one of many
stories you've heard,
but the tale is not over yet.
I think there's a little
more we need to learn
in order for us not to forget.
(bright music)
(traffic droning)
(bright music continues)
(traffic droning)
- See, this is why boss
said that we not supposed
to have our phone at work work
because you got me all
over the place, all right.
Yo, I'm gonna call
you back, all right.
(phone ringing)
(phone thumping)
Hello, how can I help you?
- Hello, I was told you
could possibly help
me locate someone.
- Well, if you gimme
a little bit more background
information, I may be able
to point you in the
right direction.
- I'm trying to find my son.
- Excuse me?
- Close to 20 years ago,
I left my baby boy
at the doorstep
of an orphanage in Mesa.
For the last 10 years
I've been trying to locate
where this little boy is at.
(phone ringing)
- Ma'am, do you know how the
foster care system works?
- I don't know what you mean.
- I'm sorry to say,
but the little boy
you're referring to,
he could have been
transferred to any,
if not multiple
facilities over the years.
I couldn't even tell
you where to begin.
- No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
I was told you have been in
contact with this little boy.
- Well, ma'am, we do have
over 200 cases in clients
that are raised a variety
of different backgrounds.
So even if I could
give you information,
there are certain protocols
that we do have to follow.
- (sobs) It's been 20 years
and I've had to live with
the guilt of my actions.
I'm 20 years sober and I've
turned my entire life around.
(sobs) The only thing that
has kept me from progressing
is that little kid
that I never gave the
opportunity in life.
You are my last resort.
My heart is telling me that he
is still out there somewhere.
My little Elijah.
- (scoffs) Oh no, what
did you say his name was?
- [Anglea] Elijah, Elijah Allen.
- Ma'am, I'm actually very
familiar with your son
and his social worker.
- Oh, are you serious?
- Well, normally we
handle these situations
a little differently,
but I do believe
that you are his mother, indeed.
- Oh my god, I've been
searching all this time.
When can I see him?
- Uh, let's not get
too ahead of ourselves.
I would need to speak
with his social worker,
but then we could
possibly set up a meeting.
- Oh yes, please, thank
you, thank you, thank you.
You are heaven sent!
- No, problem ma'am.
I'm glad you didn't
give up on him.
Hopefully his story can
have a different ending.
- Thank you.
- Yep, my pleasure.
Give me your information.
I'll be more than happy to
have someone reach back out.
- Thank you very much.
- All right.
- Thank you.
- Have a great day.
- Thank you, please, bye.
- My pleasure.
(door rattling)
Girl, why this crazy
lady came up in here
talking about hustle and
she left 30 years ago?
(placid music)
- So I grew up in
Paradise Valley,
but my parents came from Texas.
So I feel connected
to my Southern roots.
- [Zuri] Hmm.
- So what about you?
- What about me?
- Tell me about yourself.
I love that shirt you've
got on, by the way.
- Thank you, I'm originally
from Miami, Florida,
but I grew up in Washington DC.
- Miami? I know there are
some fine ass men in Florida.
Matter of fact, I'm
looking at one right now.
- You are very interesting.
- What do you mean?
- I mean,
you ever ask yourself
why am I single?
I mean, the shit we put
ourselves through just
to make it known
that we're available.
- Look, I understand
things have changed.
The old ways of hiding,
dating, fucking in the alley,
you know that's still hot.
It just doesn't exist anymore.
I mean, our first introduction
was through an app.
- And that's the problem.
Let me ask you this.
What does love mean to you?
- Love?
Let me tell you something,
what was your name again?
- Zuri.
- Zuri.
Love is an empty shell of a
word that symbolizes an emotion
that honestly does more harm
to the human race
than you would think.
I mean, do you really think love
is what holds a
relationship together?
I mean, don't get me wrong,
it's a small key element,
a factor in the
grand scheme of shit.
But people forget about
trust, communication.
That's what holds a
relationship together,
not love.
- Well, you seem to
have all the answers.
So why aren't you
in a relationship?
- Well, I was in a
relationship for several years,
but my partner couldn't give
me what I wanted sexually.
So he allowed me to
explore my needs,
to rediscover our connection.
- Look, I appreciate your
honesty and transparency,
but I cannot be a pit stop
on your roadway to recovery.
- Did you take this date
thinking you'd find a soulmate?
- I wanted to explore
the possibility.
- Well, I'm not the one
on the road to recovery.
Darling, that's you.
I feel bad for all the
hearts you've broken
or you're gonna
break, good luck.
(contemplative music)
(train buzzing)
(placid music)
(train buzzing)
(placid music continues)
- You are seriously gonna act
like I'm not standing here?
- It's kind of hard not to.
- What's your deal?
You haven't answered any
of my calls, my texts.
You ghosted me.
- What do you want me to say?
- The truth for once, you've
been stalking my social medias
and acting like you didn't
know who I was at the party.
- Keep your voice down.
- I'm not even
playing in your face.
- Look, I'm sorry.
It was never my
intention to ghost you.
- You threw money on the
counter and walked out.
That's petty.
(alarm ringing)
- [Announcer] Approaching
station, Metro Parkway,
(indistinct) Williams
Transit Center.
- I know, it's not you, it's me.
- [Elijah] Seriously?
- Honestly,
I had this preconceived
notion about you
and it didn't turn out the
way I thought it would.
So I bailed.
- Just 'cause what you see
on social media doesn't
mean that's all I am.
That's fucked up that
you think like that.
I'm a person, I'm a human.
Tss, treat me like
that, goodbye Zuri.
- He has been in and outta here
like this is a halfway house.
Lemme call you back.
(placid music)
(placid music continues)
Where have you been?
Are you wearing a thong?
Because your panties are
all up in your ass right now.
Okay, you got me fucked up now!
You are gonna walk your
boxheaded little
ass right by here,
disrespect for me, ignore me
like you don't see my ass?
- What, Avery?
- Oh, did you not heard
my first question?
- I stayed out.
- Yeah, bitch, I know that,
but where and with who?
Because since you
left Dope Boy's house,
you've been in and outta here
like you got somewhere to be.
- Motherfuckers like that
get on my damn nerves.
- Okay, yeah, so what happened?
All right, 'cause when I got
there they said you tried
to fight Dope Boy
over some other dude.
I'm sitting like,
uh, not my Zuri.
- It wasn't even like that.
So I've been following
this guy online.
- Stalky, okay?
- And we just so happened
to be at the same party.
So I shot my shot.
I got shot down
because I asked him if
he had too much to drink.
- Bitch, I would look
at your crazy too.
Honey, all right,
you should know
if a lady ain't gonna holler,
she ain't getting a dollar.
- What?
- Y'all all new gays,
I swear, what I was saying
is if there wasn't any issues,
leave it alone, all right?
Sometimes it's best just
to mind your own business.
- Well, that didn't
stop Dope Boy
from feeling all up on him and
fucking him in the back room.
- What, Dope Boy PHX is gay?
Child, oh!
This is tea!
- You didn't know that?
- No, I didn't know that.
All right, if I
would've known that
I would've been his dope queen.
You know what I'm saying?
I would've been his um, candy.
- Shh, I can't with you.
Anyway, he knocked him out
and left him in his own
vomit in the back room.
That's when I confronted him.
- Lord, boy okay?
- Yeah, I made sure
he got home safely
by finding his
address in his phone
and making sure he got back.
- Well, Zuri, that's too much.
- I know, I was just
trying to be a good person.
- Well yeah, I understand that.
But I'm saying it's
dangerous, all right?
Okay, so anyway, so
you help him get home
and I've only seen you in
passing on my way to work
and you wearing the same
thing for the last 24 hours?
- I can't shake the fact
that in such a short time,
he is all I can think about.
How can a one night stand have
such a lasting impression?
- Oh, child, you must
have had yourself a night.
- Yeah, it was interesting,
we got to know each other.
- Oh yeah, well,
okay, skip all that.
Did you all knock boots?
- Knock boots?
- Did you all fuck?
- And got fucked.
- (laughs) Oh, my little
Zuri, oh my goodness.
You have entered
the versed world.
Oh, how's it feel?
You know, let it sink in.
(gasps) We need to celebrate.
I need to put my face on.
- Can we do a rain check?
- Oh, child, he must have
done a number on you.
- No, I ran into him on
the way home, on the train.
I don't think I'll
ever see him again.
- Well, you know, just
give it some time.
- Time can't heal what was said,
with the way I treated him.
- Zuri, what did you do?
- I'd rather not talk about it.
- Oh, Lord.
Someone must have
broken my heart
Like really torn it
apart in another life
In another life
Someone must
really fucked me up
Like caused my heart
to stop in another life
In another life, otherwise
I don't know why I keep
coming back to this
Keep fighting all of it
Don't trust that
there's love to get
I don't know why I just
can't believe in it
Like somehow I can't commit
Guess I have to admit
Yeah, I got an
issue with love
Yeah, I got an
issue with trust
Really bad at opening
up, ooh, whoa, oh
Yeah, I got an
issue with love
Yeah, I got an
issue with trust
Worried that I won't
be enough, whoa, yeah
Someone must have
made me feel bad
'Bout who I was and
what had to give, oh
Someone must have
told me a lie
Really played with my
mind in another life
Otherwise I don't know why
I keep coming back to this
Keep fighting all of it
Don't trust that
there's love to get
I don't know why I just
can't believe in it
Like somehow I can't commit
Guess I have to admit
(placid music)
- Ah, in times of defeat,
one must reconcile
with the understanding
of the world.
Be mindful of what you
put out in the universe
because it will come
back to you tenfold.
Remember honor and recognize
those who came before you
and acknowledge those who
are gonna come after you.
Elijah, though his name
came from the Bible,
had an understanding that
everything begin with good.
Such a shame, the card
those young men played
because they thought that life
was a game that can be tamed.
There are many stories that can
be told, some new, some old,
but this one took shape.
Now I want to see how
your story can relate.
Come on
I think we all need
to hear this, uh
I know I don't get it right
But lemme tell you something,
there's more to life
'Cause I'm an
open book, oh baby
You better not think
twice, I'll survive
If you want to know
about the keys of life
Mind your own business
and you will survive
Some ate your bottom dollar
You will know more about
life, life, life, oh yeah
Sometimes don't need a lover
All you need is a friend
Someone to hold you
Console you until
the record ends
But then when
the season's over
Trying to find leftovers
Some are not around,
watch it all goes down
Now flying into
what's left as you get
No, no,
- That I need to take right now.
But I have your information,
I'll get an email confirmation
over to you as well
and then, all right.
Okay, thank you.
(clears throat)
Sorry, I was like.
(placid music)
(Dope Boy PHX laughing)
- [Anthony] All right,
still rolling, reset, reset.
- His face (laughs).
- Wait, I'm good,
it's fine, I'm fine.
Come on, wait, don't leave,
it's fine, only a joke.
- [Dope Boy PHX] Not a joke, no.
- You're like in
this Experian ride.
What the fuck you riding, duck?
- [Anthony] No, no
(laughs), no, okay.
- Okay, okay.
- [Anthony] So you
gotta gotta remember.
- You seem to have
all the answers.
So why are you, why
are you (laughs)?
- [Anthony] (laughs)
Cut (laughs).
- You actually did
know me at the party.
- Keep your voice down.
- We just ride the
railway together.
You just throw money on
the counter then walk out?
(train rattling)
(Zuri mumbling)
- [Anthony] Okay,
like I don't even know
when that turned, what?
I'm sorry, oh!
- Oh, damn, he must have
done a number on your dick.
(laughs) I can't remember
what the line is (laughs).
- Stray, oh shit.
- Now you see here
up to my face.
My face, is it clear?
- [Zuri] Yes.
(upbeat music)
He put me in the fast lane
Wanna see how I do
Gimme that boo thing
Show me how you slang
Let it do what it do
Handle that jelly,
smack like a belly
Make him hit me on my celly
I like it nasty
Keep it classy
Keep his name
tatted on my belly
'Cause bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Once you sneak me that D,
make me turn into a freak
'Cause bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Wanna see me take it off
I'm a freak, watch
me take it off
Take it off
I'm a freak, watch
me take it off
I'm a freak, lemme
see you take it off
I'm a freak, take it off
I'm a freak, take it off
I'm a freak, so
watch me take it off
Love the way you speak to me
Make it sound easily
'cause you know I'm a freak
I could be nasty if
he keep asking me
I'm a freak
Gang, gang, tipsy
off that Coolaid
Turn into a freak
He giving no rules,
there's two yous
Bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Once you sneak me that D,
make me turn into a freak
'Cause bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Wanna see me take it off
I'm a freak, watch
me take it off
Watch me, watch
me take it off
I'm a freak, I wanna
see you take it off
Take it off, I'm a freak
Lemme take it off, I'm
a freak, take it off
I'm a freak, so
watch me take it off
Watch me, watch me,
watch me take it off
Bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Once you sneak me that D,
make me turn into a freak
'Cause bitch, I'm a freak
every day of the week
Wanna see me take it off
I'm a freak, watch
me take it off
Take it off
I'm a freak, watch
me take it off
Take it off
I'm a freak,
lemme take it off
Take it off
I'm a freak, so
watch me take it off
Take it off, watch
me, freak, so watch me
I'm so underestimated,
make things so complicated
Got a brother out here feeling
like you animated for real
You know you rocking
with the best deal
Mickey Ds no smile
This ain't no happy meal
Let because teal
'cause I stay flexy
Bottles all around my credit
card ain't resting, no, no
It's rusting coming
with the speech
Got the crowd jumping
every time I speak, ya hear
I'm a nigga,
always been a nigga
Drop the bag, pop 'em tags
Keep your finger
on the trigger
If you wanna see the subs
going down in the club
Roll the bands,
make 'em dance
Come on, get your hands up
Get it high
Keep us flyin' high
Make it high
Keep us flyin'
high, yeah, yeah
If you let me do it
I will hit you
with the same thing
Back shots, long stroke,
screaming now, gang, gang
Ain't nothing changed, same
nigga with some mo change
If you call me lame, I will
stuff you in the picture frame
Yes, you need the tissue
Go on ahead, soak it up
I'm not the issue, stand
back and watch me eat it up
Yes, eat it up and
I can beat it up
If you down with my
IG, you know what's up
I'm a nigga,
always been a nigga
Drop the bag, pop 'em tags
Keep your finger
on the trigger
If you wanna see the subs
going down in the club
Roll the bands,
make 'em dance
Come on, get your hands up
If you're high
Keep us flyin' high
Come on, get high
Keep us flyin'
high, yeah, yeah
I'm a nigga,
always been a nigga
Drop the bag, pop 'em tags
Keep your finger
on the trigger
If you wanna see the subs
going down in the club
Roll the bands,
make 'em dance
Now get your hands up
Make it high
Keep us flyin' high
Gotta make it high,
gotta make it high
Keep us flyin' high, oh,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(placid music)
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music continues)
(mysterious music continues)
(mysterious music continues)
(mysterious music continues)
(mysterious music continues)
(mysterious music continues)
(mysterious music continues)