En mand kommer hjem (A Man Comes Home) (2007) Movie Script

I want to tell you a story about
a good boy who stuttered like hell.
But first, let's meet his father.
County of whores!
We don't fuck anymore.
He committed suicide
when Sebastian was a boy.
And that's why Sebastian
started stuttering.
His father was a useless artist,
who drank and fornicated
and full of self-pity he decided
to put an end to everything.
Small-minded fascist recruits!
A doctor told me that 85% of all
suiciders regret it at the last moment.
A few lucky survivors
have said so.
This isn't what I wanted.
Oh no.
Hey! Stop it!
So Sebastian's father wasn't
one of the lucky ones.
It devastated the small family.
Infidelity, suicides and details
like that do that. That's how it is.
That's how Aunt Anna
became Uncle Anna.
And Sebastian became the stuttering
son of two mothers.
Horny, queer rails!
Lie still
while I piss on you, dirty bastards.
He was fine with that
he stuttered.
They thought
he was a good boy
who reacted calmly
to not having a father.
In fact, people who reminded him
of his father annoyed him.
Sebastian was mad at him.
And drinkers, liars or adulterers
had to be eliminated.
Sebastian could relax for a short
while. He stuttered a little less.
And on a good day
he could even break out into songs.
As he went along in his solitude
he vowed never
to be a bastard like his father.
Our story begins the day before
his hometown's 750th anniversary.
This called for a celebration,
so a famous opera singer
a native of the small town
was on his way to perform.
It's the musicians.
Keep going straight.
When you get to the first roundabout
take the first right
and then the second left.
No, take Mosegyden
and then the first...
Shut up, Peter. Go past...
- Take a right. You shut up.
You're sending them the wrong way.
First message.
- This is mom. We're on our way.
- Lots of kisses.
Uncle says hello.
I have to tell you something,
It's important that it's only
the two of us. Bye.
Bent, you hunk. How's it going?
- Why the hell are you so happy?
Is... Isn't...
- Isn't there a party soon? That's why.
Cover that gut with a shirt.
- Still living with mommy?
He banged a pig once.
It's true.
Bent's fat. Sebastian is skinny
and engaged. Congratulations.
Hi, Claudia! Over here!
- Hi.
Hi, sweet cheeks.
Want to smoke Daddy's pipe?
You're kidding.
- See you.
Nick, she's Sebastian's lady.
What are you thinking?
What do you mean?
- What's up with you?
What I mean is
she's Sebastian's girlfriend.
Isn't it okay, Sebastian?
- No.
You just can't do that.
- Shut up.
Not again, Nick.
Knock it off!
Easy, Nick. Easy.
Stop it!
You're strangling me.
We bought...
...sssix boxes...
Come on, Sebastian.
Six kilos of parparsnips and...
Two boxes of peapeapeas.
Enough! This isn't going anywhere.
That's why we're late all the time.
Wa have four boxes of carrots
peas and asparagus. Three boxes.
Two boxes of broad-leaf lettuce.
- No, it's curly lettuce.
Shut up, Peter.
Okay, okay.
You two, go pick him up. The chef.
He's travelled for more than 30 hours
and driven 1250 miles. He never flies.
He's an artist. A truly great one.
Never flies. A truly great artist.
Stop here.
Well done.
- Hi.
Oskar Parvo Andersson.
Has the calf arrrived?
- Yes. 48 pounds.
It's raised on full-fat milk
and stood in the shade.
Not even dew has touched it.
- How is it?
It's dead.
He says the calf is dead.
The calf isn't dead.
Everything is alive.
Everything moves and exists.
We eat it, excrete it and eat it again.
We're living compost.
- What's he saying?
The calf isn't dead.
We're just helping it along.
Could I speak to the manager?
Of course. Just wait right here.
Where is Petrovic?
He's sick. It can't come.
What did he say?
- That he's sick.
Sickness on bowels. He's bleating.
Probably diet.
Sickness in bowels. He's bleating.
Probably diet.
He says Petrovic is sick.
Something about his bowels.
And that he'll probably die.
Where are the violinists?
- Problems. We have fine orchestra.
I'm sorry, but you're not
the orchestra we ordered.
Petrovic promised us...
- This is a hotel with violins...
Excuse me, Mr. Lorentz...
- Get them out of here.
Excuse me, Mr. Lorentz.
My name is Maria Wassel.
I'm here for the job.
Stop! I don't have time.
Tell Petrovic that this just isn't on.
- We have nuther kind.
We have nuther kind. Nuther kind.
I can't understand a damn thing.
This is our big moment.
We'll send the tenor and his wife
on a gastronomical joumey.
It'll be an invasion of shellfsh.
As an accompaniment we'll serve
an inferno of free-range lettuce.
Lollo rosso, friss
Batavian, escarole, white asparagus.
And the calf. Veal fricassee.
Forest mushrooms
fresh herbs, German wine.
Everything subtle and unpretentious.
Under canopies in the palm court.
The guests will be expectant.
Very open, warm and curious.
Put your hands here
and close your eyes.
We swear to push our abilities
to the breaking point.
We swear!
We need more employees.
Fill this out. Are you feeling better?
It's good to keep busy.
I talked to your father.
There's no shame in getting
psychiatric help. Chin up, my girl.
I've been hospitalized once myself.
Well, a few times.
A heck of a lot of times actually.
That's fine, my girl.
We'll take it nice and easy.
- Thanks.
I've been discharged conditionally.
I havetoavoidthingsthatupset me.
I'm sure the next few days
will be nice and quiet.
Make sure to take your medicine.
And fill out this form.
Thanks. But I hate
how sluggish it makes me feel.
Fuck that. If you don't take it,
you'll have problems.
What happened to your mother?
She died. It's good to talk about it.
You know that she had sclerosis.
In the end, she couldn't move.
The bathroom window was open,
and it was during winter.
I was at the neighbor.
- Where was your mom? I don't get it.
In the bathtub.
- Okay.
I got to talking overt here.
And then I forgot all about my mom.
And I'm sure she tried to get out.
You will die from cold.
But she couldn't get out.
Hi, Sebastian.
I'm beating the carpets.
- Okay.
What's wrong?
- You stutter.
It's still really sweet.
Yes, that's me.
It's been a long time.
Do you need help?
- No thanks.
So... how are you?
I'm okay.
Are you mad at me?
- No.
But I never heard from you.
No. I know.
I wasn't capable of doing much.
- That's okay.
But we were pretty good sweethearts.
Well, yes.
I didn't think you'd come back here.
Neither did I.
But now I'm here. My dad
wanted to move back to the house.
I thought you'd moved, too.
- Me?
Yes, to an organic commune
or something.
No, that's my mom.
- And Uncle Anna.
So you still live here?
- Yes.
I was supposed to move to town,
but I got an apprenticeship here.
And I was supposed to live somewhere
else. But here we are again.
Here we are. Crazy.
You didn't stutter. You can do it.
Sometimes I forget.
You know that.
I suppose I do.
Wall, I'd better get on with it.
Talk to you later.
Are you okay?
- Yes. Sorry. I can't see a thing.
I have a clean cloth.
- That's okay. Sorry. It doesn't matter.
Where are you?
Where are you?
County of whores!
I've been shopping. I bought
some lamb, and yoghurt for tzatziki.
Have you been drinking?
- No.
One glass doesn't count.
- It does for you.
I want some, too. So you're
sitting around drinking, are you?
Let's get nice and cozy.
I love the way you feel right here.
Here's to the shithouse!
Just like that.
Like, what's going on down there?
- I don't know.
Wait. Let me just...
Look at me.
Nothing's happening.
It's no use.
- I don't know what's happening.
I'm a bastard.
- Hi.
Isn't it kind of early, Sebastian?
I couldn't sleep.
And you just had to meet me
in a field at 6 a.m.
- Okay.
Did anyone in town see you?
- Your girlfriend is Claudia, right?
This isn't right.
Nnno, it isn't.
Especially not for you.
The world's most faithful boy.
The bells...
- Yes. You look amazing.
Where are we going to sleep?
- I have to get back to work.
Let's have a chat first.
- What a nice place.
There's an aura of calm
and openness.
One feels welcome.
Sebastian, we have to talk.
- Out. Goodbye.
This is a private conversation
between mother and son.
Men are cursed at your age.
They leave the right ones
and go crazy over the wrong ones...
Your father's a good example.
He left me without a word
for a young girl
while I was expecting you.
And now here he is.
What do mean by
"here he is"?
It's the singer.
- Karl Kristian.
Didn't you say
he was hit by a train?
Did I say that?
He's a prick and a liar,
and he doesn't know you exist.
He comes here all high and mighty.
But he was never hit by a train.
I can't take all this in.
You'll inherit a bundle.
- Out.
I'll have nothing to do with him.
- That's a good boy.
Don't tell anyone.
- No one will hear anything from us.
This is between the two of us.
Or rather three.
- She loved your father.
But she doesn't anymore.
Perhaps I loved him. Perhaps.
And what good did that do?
- Nothing. He was cursed, too.
It happens to every man.
Otto went nuts over Dorte.
No, because he painted
surrealistic pictures.
They're horny bastards. All of them!
Jesus! Horny bastards?
Certainly not Sebastian.
- No, he's an exception. You're lucky.
Hello, dear.
- Hi, everyone.
I shopped for dinner. Hi.
But I have to get back soon.
- You look lovely.
Peter's been asking for you.
You'd better go down there.
Is everything okay?
- Yes.
Yes, everything's just fine.
Get a move on.
I've just got a father.
- What?
- Come.
Wa swear!
- Okay, let's get going.
Whatdid he say?
- Lunch is in five minutes...
Hey, hey! You and you.
Come with me.
The fruit plate isn't served.
Idiots! And take his bags too.
I cccan't.
- Excuse me?
I'll fire you on the spot.
We have to plate up the...
Shut up, Sebastian.
- Sebastian and Kim!
I can't do this alone.
Go ahead. It's fine.
Do you think a pile of dead meat
knows you're talking to it?
Is that Buddhism
or nirvana or what?
Does it mean that you come back
as the animals you've killed?
Then I'll come back many times.
Do you know
how many flies I've killed?
This is far out.
- I wonder what's in the orange one.
I don't know.
This is your suite. This is where
we held your honeymoon years ago.
Wa haven't changed a thing.
Not a thing.
You can seethe ocean.
- Yes, you can see the ocean.
I'm sorry. Can you see the ocean?
Am I in the way?
I'd just like to see my own suite.
I beg your pardon?
- My own suite.
Well, let's see to that, ma'am.
I'm sure we booked one.
Once again you didn't do
what you were supposed to do?
We can easily arrange
for another suite. After lunch.
- Lunch under the white canopies.
For all the town's notabilities.
- Goodbye, everyone.
The joint meeting is over.
There's the door.
I don't want any lunch.
I'm not hungry.
This is not good.
It is not optimal.
The calf was slaughtered,
sacrificed and rejected.
He's an artist.
Most of them are crazy. Claudia?
In the interviews, he's talked
a lot about going home
and in his sleep he says "the bells".
I don't know why.
His secretary says he's weary of life.
And his wife is here
for the sake of appearances.
He's stopped drinking.
- As well as eating.
He's lost 46 Ibs.
We don't want to pressure you.
- You have to make him eat.
No, no. I'm getting chest pains.
I can't take this.
Don't say that.
It's too much pressure for him.
Responsibility. Responsibility.
We'll get him to eat.
It's all good.
Two flower bouquets in the kitchen.
Roses. They should be on the table.
Why did you buy flowers for me?
- Because he's a good boy.
He's never bought any before.
- No.
So why?
Is something wrong, dear?
- Tell us what you're feeling.
Why did you buy them? Tell us.
Sebastian, please explain
what this is about.
I screwed another gggirl.
That's why I bought flowers.
- That's true.
That's often why men buy flowers.
- Shut up, Anna.
What are you saying?
- I've been with someone else.
Screw isn't the right choice of word.
- Out, Anna. Goodbye.
Mom, you leave as well.
- I've been with a man who...
We know.
- No, sit down.
I don't know what to do
in a situation like this.
I like you.
And I like that
you give it to me straight.
That's what a good boy does.
- Stop calling me a good boy.
How about taking a sleeping bag?
Isn't that what people do?
And find somewhere else to sleep.
Yes. Then he can think it over.
What's up?
You haven't answered your phone.
I've been sent to get you.
We're very busy.
Who sssent you?
That lame Swedish chef.
Now he's talking to the china.
Tomorrow they're flying in
truffles from Gotland.
So many things have happened.
There's something I have to do first.
See you tomorrow.
Now what?
Is it too cold? Is that it?
Are you madly in love with her?
Do your thing and break it off...
- It won't work, Claudia.
What are you doing?
I'm leaving.
I'm not coming back.
You're not going anywhere,
you idiot!
Oh no.
Here. The keys.
I'm leaving.
Give me the keys.
I don't want you to have the keys.
Sorry. I'll leave again.
Was that her? Tell her to come in.
Come on in!
Come on in. Hey!
This is Claudia. This is Maria.
- I know who you are.
Did you know he proposed to me?
Did you know that?
If the two of you want to talk
Let's go inside.
No thanks. Just leave.
What did you tell her?
- Like it is.
Like it is?
- Yes.
I can't live in this town anymore.
Everyone's mad at me.
Am I bleeding?
I have some money.
We could leave this town.
I just want to getaway
from here. With you.
Go away! Don't hang around here.
- Relax!
People actually live here.
I thought she was at work.
I tried to call.
I'm sorry.
I hope you didn't say
anything stupid to Claudia.
And you should...
...walk your nice long body
up those stairs again.
Wait, Maria.
Stand still so we can talk.
It's over. Totally.
It's over.
And we're not mad
at each other, right?
See you.
Yes, maybe. I don't know.
Ready to land.
What's our cargo?
Organic truffles even.
Look at the lovely flowers
that stand proudly in the field
I'm dying in my grief
for the one I cannot have
And if this be the death of me
then sorrow shall be yours
For never in this world of ours
will you leave my mind
To the right.
Right, god dammit!
Get the salad moving, boys!
The truffles are here!
The truffles are here.
Easy now.
Treat the truffles with respect.
They grow on roots
in symbiosis with...
Give him the tray.
Take it up.
I'll just get a glass of water...
- Not now, Sebastian.
Aspirin, triple espresso, crme
double. The fatter the better.
And get a newspaper on your way.
Breakfast is ready
in the dining room.
This time I'm sure it will work.
They're fired.
I did that already. I fired them all!
Can you tell me why they
don't answer the phone downstairs?
I've been calling for 15 minutes.
Is that for me?
- Yes.
It's your bbbreak...
I can't understand a word.
Come over here, please.
What are you mumbling about?
Your... bbb...
Breakfast? Is that it?
Are you going to shove
it down my throat too?
No, no. You can wait...
I can't understand a word.
I'm sorry.
It's all very confusing right now.
What's confusing?
Jesus! Let me take that.
- Gino, give me a hand.
The young man is unhappy.
He's completely devastated.
Come in.
No, sit down over there.
My goodness.
Have a seat in the sofa.
There we go.
Get him some water.
No, sit down and relax.
What about brunch?
- You know I don't want any food.
All we need is a glass of water.
Here. A glass of water.
Do you want us to chuck it all?
Get the bin.
Let's throw it out.
Give us two minutes to talk.
Eva, breakfast has been cancelled.
How are you doing?
Feeling better?
Here we go. This way.
That's it. Good Lord.
Let it all out.
Once more.
There, there.
- I'm sorry.
It's strange. I'm not sick.
- No, obviously not.
I didn't mean to disturb you.
- But you did.
Now stop blubbering.
Tell me what's wrong.
Is it because of a nice girl?
Yes, it is.
Yes, just get it all out.
So there are two girls.
And I'm herewith...?
- Sebastian.
Sebastian, whom I don't know
who's telling about his two girls
when I should be preparing.
What's the name of the girl at home?
- And the other one?
- Marie. That's it.
No. Maria.
Right. Maria.
"Mr. Schmidt," you say to me.
"I can't live without Marie."
I've been there.
- You have to set things straight.
It's so stupid and trivial.
And yet it's all that matters.
That's exactly what I sing about.
- Karl Kristian, you should prepare.
Sebastian, you're in love.
And that's fantastic, right?
But you'll get hurt on the way.
Isn't that what you've done?
We're talking about you, not me.
Is that her? Is it Claudia?
That's what I said.
Excellent. Answer it.
Answer it, Sebastian. Come on!
Go back to her.
It'll work out. Answer it.
Have a litttle garden and
some kids to play in the garden.
That's what it's all about, Sebastian.
Why won't you do as I say, kid?
It's like looking at myself.
The same jug-ears.
What are you going to do now, kid?
- I should get back to work, but...
Hey! Eva!
- I'm right here, Karl Kristian.
Eva, tell the kitchen that they'll
have to do without Sebastian today.
We're leaving now.
Where are we going?
- We're going to the churchyard.
We'll visit my mom.
It's 15 years ago. Marvellous.
This is fantastic.
Turn up the music.
Hello out there!
Hello, my beautiful girls.
They think it's tea. Not a word.
Be quiet, Alf.
I'll climb over.
I don't want to wait.
I have a ladder.
- He says he has a ladder.
I want to do it without a ladder.
Here we go.
Come on.
It's mind over matter.
Mom is buried over here.
...carrying a grudge
I think with shame
about my defeat
Despite the pain and woe
Despite every bitter pill
I hold on to the hope
of my future goal...
Let's give Karl Kristian a moment.
Say your name.
- Sssebastian.
One more time.
Without stuttering. Come on.
My name is Sebastian.
Look across the field
and imagine that it's a huge mirror.
Imagine that.
Don't you see
how beautiful you are?
Say your name.
Without stuttering.
Ssseba... Sebastian!
Yes. Louder!
Make it long.
- Come on.
Fantastic! Give me a hug.
Stop fooling around.
I'd like the two young people
to come to the dinner.
Call people, arrange things
and do it right for once.
I always do it right.
- Right... Fool.
Go home
and take it easy for a few hours.
Get some sleep.
Then get out your best clothes
and take an ice-cold shower.
Then you'll go to the dinner.
Good food.
And some nice wine.
And then you go and talk to Maria
like a man who's made up his mind.
Maybe you should...
...talk to your wife, too.
Yes, maybe I should.
You fucking prick!
Son of a bitch!
May you rot in hell.
I hate you, you prick!
The boy is asleep. Out!
You can't do it with
the other women anymore.
I don't know.
- I talk to them.
God knows if there's anything left
down there.
No children.
Don't touch me!
Stop it!
You fucking asshole!
Quiet, quiet...
Could you please
stop that infernal music?
I can't believe this.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me
would you mind waiting?
A young boy is sleeping up there.
Stop! Boy sleeping here.
Did you hurt yourself?
I tripped over the sofa.
Who are you anyway?
Why are you sneaking around?
We were just talking.
Why are you sneaking around here?
He's outside.
I'm waiting for the bells.
They should ring in a minute.
I remember the ringing
from my childhood.
- No.
What's going on?
He's awake.
No worries. Play, damn it.
Oh no. It's all...
It's all ruined now.
That's how it goes.
Now I can't hear the bells.
This is absurd.
Your wife fell.
Her lip is bleeding.
Yes, she fell. I told you that
you'd get hurt in the process, kid.
Hello, ma'am.
Is everything alright?
Gino, come here.
- Yes.
Who's the guy in the room?
He's not somebody I know.
We were wondering about the boy
in the room and who he is.
- Do you undesstand?
We'll be very busy.
Claudia, would you
see to the invitations?
- There's a new guest list.
With more people?
- Shut up.
That's a total of 31 more.
- Jesus. 31 more guests are coming!
Shut up.
- You can't die from it.
Bread out of the freezer. Now.
- What about the menu?
Forget the menu.
We'll cut the pigeons in half.
We add some foie gras.
Dry, red-hot pans.
Flame them in a cognac broth.
Vegetables, artichokes, peas,
green beans.
I want plenty of vegetables now!
Here it is.
- I need shoes. Not that pink thing.
Your shoes are fine.
You don't have to be so dressed up.
I can't wear my sneakers.
- It's just your father.
Wear your sneakers. They're fine.
- Claudia isn't here, is she?
No. You should
have seen her this evening.
A good boy doesn't do that.
- A good boy follows his heart.
I'm in a hurry.
- Sebastian.
Who is this girl you've met?
- We couldn't see her.
Shut up, Anna.
- Guess.
Is it Maria?
- Yes. Of course.
What? Maria?
I'm taking her away from here.
She might be a bit crazy,
but I don't care where we go.
As long as I have a litttle garden
and some kids and Maria.
My pills.
What are you doing?
Are you rifling through the trash?
Are you done?
Then I'd like to talk to you.
Are you okay?
What happened to your mother?
- What?
Your mother.
I'm leaving.
- Was it deliberate?
The neighbor called. I know.
But eveyone's talking about it.
So perhaps you could stop
making a mess of things.
He came home to apologize.
He cried.
He said you had a nice time.
That's okay. I screwed up, too.
He doesn't know that yet.
But these things happen.
He loves me, Maria.
We're gettting married.
And that's why
you have to go far away. Very far.
I'd like to apologize.
I'd like to apologize?!
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to disturb you.
But an impurity was reported, and...
I didn't know you were here.
- Come on in, kid.
I'll show you to the bathroom.
I'm sorry about the mess.
The vase just fell over.
Everything's a terrrible mess.
It's this way.
I don't understand, Mr. Schmidt.
The toilet ought to have been cleaned.
It doesn't really matter.
I'm sorry.
What's the mattter?
- I just can't...
I can't help it.
I'm sorry.
Take it easy.
We understand each other. Come.
Have a little drink.
It's amazing how much
you young people here whine.
Life can be difficult, but the distressed
must stick together.
What do you use that for?
- This is my bear.
His name is Anthony.
Let me show you.
He makes a man out of me.
Do you see what I mean? Do you?
What are you laughing at?
There's nothing to laugh at, kid.
Are you still laughing?
You'd better get one more.
- No, I shouldn't...
Go ahead.
I shot it in Vancouver, Canada.
Many years ago.
Time certainly does fly.
Take a look at this.
Look how happy I look.
Go ahead and laugh, but it's true.
There are boys, there are men,
and then there are bears.
Drink up.
Just a minute.
Are you alright?
- Yes. Fine.
Now I'm whining as well.
You can put your arrms
around me again.
Do you mind
standing here for a while?
I'm going to kiss you.
That was a mistake.
Hello? Hi.
Did you talk to his mother?
I see.
I think I'll talk to Kristian about it.
I thought there was something up.
Where have you been?
We shoot deserters.
Sorry. I had to pick up some clothes.
I was invited to the party.
Who wasn't? If you don't get starrted,
there won't be any dinner.
What's going on?
You're in his room, going to the party.
People are asking me questions.
What's this all about?
- Nothing?
Unacceptable. Fired.
We need the help of our Moorish
friends, who are one with nature.
That's all I can say right now.
Nice and quiet. Got that?
I want a flawless evening.
Ka-ma-te! Ka-ma-te!
- Kaa-u-ra! Kaa-u-ra!
Ka-ma-te! Ka-ma-te!
- Kaa-u-ra!
What's going on?
- They're just happy.
We're almost done
with the main course.
Fine. You're all fred.
I really can't take it.
Wa can't stop him.
It's all inthe genes.
Shut up!
Do you want something to drink?
I don't even know your name.
- Yes. Maria, do you want something?
Yes, please.
Did you say your name was Maria?
We have to go to dinner now.
Someone's waiting for you.
Someone you know.
You know who it is. You're invited.
No, I haven't been invited.
That's a mistake.
Is it Sebastian?
I know him, so it's best
not to tell him about this.
He doesn't care.
He's going to be married.
I wouldn't count on that.
Then she lied.
- Doesn't matter.
In some cases
it's best not to tell anyone.
I was wondering
if you could find
some nice clothes
for the young lady.
Maybe the dress from Verona.
The one with the waist.
No more, Karl Kristian.
I can't take anymore.
No more. It's over now.
Completely over.
Please be seated.
And I'd like you to be quiet.
In a minute the bells will ring.
- We're waiting for the bells.
I remember sitting
in the square with my mother.
And the bells rang.
I remember coming home
from school as a happy boy.
And when I got married, they rang.
As well as when I left town.
Mind you,
during my whole childhood-
I was staring at a stupid cow.
I felt
life had come to a standstill
and that somewhere out there
life was passing me by.
Then I got beat up by my father, John
the Farmer, as some of you know.
Then I left town.
And somehow that cow in the field
was as big as the rest of the world.
But ever since...
...I've longed for the bells.
Well, they're about to ring.
Please be quiet and listen carefully.
Yes. In a few seconds. Now.
I fell asleep to that sound a sa child.
Let's have something to eat.
How long have you been mayor?
The old gray matter.
It's not what it used to be.
He's eating.
Has he eaten?
He's eating.
He's eating.
What's up?
He's eating.
- He's eating. Way to go!
We did it, boys!
I'm sorry. It's because
we have to protect ourselves.
Sebastian has been here a lot.
I only want to find out who he is.
I might as well tell you now.
Everyone will find out eventually.
Sebastian is Karl Kristian's son.
Our son.
Karl Kristian's and mine.
Are you okay?
Is something wrong?
- No, don't worry.
- Why are you crying?
- I'm sorry.
- I have to tell you something.
I'll break your neck!
Let mego!
We'll keep watch.
- They won't get past us.
Relax, Sebastian!
I've got a son.
Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
It's lovely to be here.
And it's lovelyto come home.
Excuse me
have you seen Sebastian?
No, certainly not.
And I don't wish to.
You're fired. All of you.
Let me go.
Take it easy!
What the hell is she doing here?
- Just talk to her.
What the hell are you doing?
Sebastian, it was a mistake.
Jesus Christ!
I'm leaving in a minute.
I'll pack my things and go away.
you're not stuttering anymore.
What's he saying?
- That smarmy guy is singing.
- Shut up!
Is that Swedish too?
- Shut the fuck up.
Bye, son.
I don't exist anymore.
Take care.
Claudia? Hey!
What's up?
- Not much.
What are you doing here?
- I just wanted my bag and...
There you go.
- Thanks.
I hear you've gone nuts.
True. I'll come up.
- Why not?
Your mom left. Don't come up.
Who's up there?
- No one.
Can't come up for a glass of water?
- Water.
Thanks. Claudia.
Guys, let's pitch in
for Sebastian's trip to Copenhagen.
Here come the big bucks!
- Hang on a minute.
I don't know you very well.
- Only since kindergarten.
Hand it over.
It doesn't matter.
- 8 kroner.
What a tight ass! 8 kroner.
- You see all these bills?
This one's from Kim.
He doesn't have much.
But they dock my pay, Nick.
- Only a 3rd grader gives 8 kroner.
Sorry, Sssebastian.
- Shut up.
See you. Take care.
- You too.
See you. Take care.
I love you.
Cheers, Sebastian.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Just don't sleep with my parents.
I don't want to talk about it.
Not my mother either.
- Cut it out, Sebastian.
Let's just stand here quietly.
I'd like to apologize.
Thank you.
- I talked to your mother.
She said you'd be here.
Here's my card.
You're my boy.
There's no gettting around that.
Jug-ears and all.
That's what they say.
Would you like to go for coffee?
No thanks.
- An ice cream cone with the works?
- Tea? No.
Now you have my card, so...
Call me if you want to see me.
Yes, I'll call
if I want to see you.
You can sleep on my couch
and eat all my food
and beat me up some more.
as long as you promise to visit me.
You mean a lot to me.
You probably don't understand it.
Yes, I do.
There's one more thing.
What was your name?
Sebastian, right. No stuttering.
Come here.
By the way...
I have a little present for you.
- Hi.
Gino. The suitcase.
Just a second.
It's a bear.
Take good care of it.
I will.
Off you go.
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