Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (2007) Movie Script

Countless people will hate
the New World Order -
and will die protesting against it.
I appeared before the Congressional Committee -
to tell what I knew of activities -
which might lead to an attempt
to set up a fascist dictatorship.
The potential for the disastrous rise
of misplaced power exists and will persist.
The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant
in a free and open society -
and we are as a people,
inherently and historically -
opposed to secret societies, -
to secret oaths and
to secret proceedings.
President Bush signed
a formal agreement -
that will end the United
States as we know it -
and he took the step without
approval from either -
the U.S. Congress or the
people of the United States.
The secret organizations of the world
power elite are no longer secret.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
I'm Jim Tucker. I've chased
Bilderberg for 30 years.
I'll never give up the chase.
The Bilderberg plan for the whole world
is nothing less than World Government.
I'm not comfortable with that at all.
Who elected these guys to run the planet?
They are the elitists.
They feel they should run the world
for their own selfish interests.
Now we can see a new
world coming into view.
A world in which there is a very real
prospect of a New World Order.
Bilderberg is making great progress
toward a World Government -
and only an educated and informed
public can stop them in their tracks.
David Rockefeller admits in his own memoirs
that he wants to destroy the United States.
He's a traitor!
It's good to be back at the
Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been
a member for a long time -
and was actually a director
for some period of time.
I never mentioned that while campaigning
for reelection back home in Wyoming.
Let us never tolerate outrageous
conspiracy theories...
I need you to move off
the property please.
Some shots were fired...
There's Bilderbergers right there.
The Trans-Texas Corridor is a
vital part, because if we stop it -
we stop the New World Order
right here in Texas.
This thing started here -
and to save this country,
we kill this damn thing here.
There is a chance for the
President of the United States -
to carry out a phrase
his father used, -
and that is a
New World Order.
Your New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to
Alex Jones Presents -
- Blueprint for Global Enslavement
In the near future earth is dominated
by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slaves
to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark
age is upon mankind.
Countries are a thing of the past. Every
form of independence is under attack -
with the family and even the
individual itself nearing extinction.
Close to 80% of the earth's
population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free
humanity are forced to live -
within highly controlled
compact prison-like cities.
Travel is highly restricted. Superhighways
connect the mega cities and keep the -
population from entering
into unauthorized zones.
No human activity is private.
A.I. supercomputers chronicle
and categorize every action.
A Prison Planet dominated by a
ruthless gang of control freaks -
who's power can
never be challenged.
This is the vision of the
global elite: their goal.
A program of total dehumanization
where the science of tyranny is law.
A world-wide control grid -
designed to ensure the overlord's
monopoly of power forever.
Our species will be condemned
to this nightmare future -
unless the masses
are awakened
to the New World Order Master Plan
and mobilized to defeat it.
Erected by a secretive group,
the Georgia Guidestones -
are a testament to the elite's
plan for a world religion, -
global laws, with a global court
and army to enforce it.
And set in stone it is written
that the population -
never rise above 500 million.
In this film you will learn how
our world is truly governed.
You will see how highly secretive
round-table groups interlock -
to form a global
intelligence network.
This group has been steering planetary
affairs for hundreds of years.
Now in the final stage, they prepare
for open world government; -
a goal tyrants throughout
history have lusted after.
Dr. Michael Coffman is a published ecologist
specializing in Ecosystem Research, -
Forest Ecology and Ecosystem Classification.
Dr. Coffman played a key role
in blocking the ratification -
of the Convention on Biological
Diversity in the U.S. Senate.
The concept of a New World Order
has been around for centuries, -
it's been receiving tremendous play
over the last half of the 20th century.
George Bush senior, President George
Bush used it a lot in his speeches -
and really implies that he really
wants to see an Order -
in which we have a universal
or global type of governance, -
in which every human being on planet
Earth is ultimately responsible -
to the policies that are being
formulated at the international level.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
President Bush said that the
New World Order was in tune -
and that's what they were working for.
The U.N. is part of that government.
They're working right now, very significantly,
for a North American Union.
That's why a lot of people in Washington
don't care too much about our borders.
They have a philosophic belief that
national sovereignty is not important.
It's also the reason I have
made very strong suggestion -
that we need not be in the United
Nations for our national security.
It's really always the same,
you go back throughout all of history, -
the Roman Empire, The Soviet Union,
Hitler during the Nazism, -
it was always saying that it is going to
create the utopia for the average person, -
when in fact, history always shows
that it does exactly the opposite.
Ancient Roots of
Globalism -
Conquest and Empire is as old as civilisation.
Babylon, Egypt and Greece, -
They all built empires in an
attempt to rule the world.
The Roman system at it's peak
dominated the known world.
Complex governmental systems were
developed to control diverse populations.
During the period between
the 15th and 19th century,
new empires emerged and again
waged war for supremacy.
The nobility as well as the
thriving merchant class -
were financed by a handful
of private banks.
Many of the great money houses would hedge
their bets and finance both sides of a war.
Sophisticated intelligence gathering
networks gave the financiers a clear edge -
over the governments they were
slowly gaining control of.
On the 18th of June 1815 -
agents of the British arm of the
Rothschild family looked on -
as Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte fought
desperately to save his army -
from the jaws of a British
Pression Pincer Attack.
A Rothschild agent was able to get
the news of Napoleon's defeat, -
at the hands of Lord Wellington,
and to Nathan Rothschild -
a full 20 hours before the
news reached London.
Nathan, the head of the British
arm of the Rothschild family, -
put out the rumor to the London Stock
Exchange that Napoleon had won the war.
Stocks plunged by 98% and
Rothschild was then able to -
buy up the entire British economy
for pennies on the pound.
When the news of Napoleon's defeat
finally arrived, stocks soared.
Britain was now the undisputed ruler of
Europe and Rothschild ruled England.
The already dominant empire
grew even more aggressive.
Her troops and bureaucracies
spread across the globe.
The sun never set on
Britannia's holdings.
The banking cartel funded...
in fact since about 1800 -
they have funded both sides
of almost every war, -
and of course they're getting the
interest off of the loans that they'd -
given the governments for the wars
that they helped stimulate and create.
By 1900, Germany was a rising force,
and a leader of the industrial revolution.
World War I for instance, -
there was absolutely no reason
to have World War I, -
except that it was an ideal
opportunity for the banking cartel -
to make a pile of money by funding
both sides of that particular war.
On June 28th 1914, the heir to
the Austro-Hungarian throne -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated
while traveling in a motorcade.
The Black Hand, a Serbian Secret
Society with connections to French -
and British Intelligence, took credit.
World war I had begun.
Armaments Companies financed
by Rothschild controlled banks -
in Germany, France, England and
Austria bankrolled all the factions.
At least 20 million were
killed in the war.
It was a conflict so terrible, the
people vowed to never fight again.
They'd dubbed it
"The War To End All Wars".
The question is,
"Why did they want war?".
Well, first of all, there's
money and power, -
but secondly, they wanted to
create The League Of Nations.
They had this in their plans all
along and as a consequence, -
once the war was over or about
to be over, they begin to formulate -
this idea of a League of Nations so
this would never ever happen again.
Hundreds of years of practice
made the British experts at -
hiding their empire behind puppet
governments and councils.
In the name of stopping all future
conflicts they proposed that -
countries would join a League of Nations.
Their true intention was for the League to
serve as a framework for World Government.
President Woodrow Wilson who had
spearheaded the establishment of -
the private Federal Reserve system
in the United States in 1913 -
strongly supported the establishment
of a League of Nations.
Woodrow Wilson was
a very naive President.
He was basically a college professor that
was drafted into this whole system.
The League convened in Paris in
it as a threat to their sovereignty
and refused to join.
Frustrated by the U.S. Congress
blocking the League of Nations, -
British Intelligence, with the
help of the Rockefeller family, -
set up the Council on Foreign Relations
in New York City in 1921.
The Council recruited the best
and brightest of American life -
to support the growth of the
Anglo-American empire.
The C.F.R.'s stated mission
is to abolish all Nation States -
in favor of an all powerful World
Government administered by a tiny elite.
By 1930 the promoters of World Government
had split into 2 interlocking camps: -
the Fabian Socialists centered in London
and the Fascists based in Italy and Germany.
"National socialism will use it's
own revolution for establishing a -
New World Order."
~Adolf Hitler
Supporters of the fascists in the
United States and England believed -
that the military should be used to quickly
transform the world into a New World Order, -
while the more sophisticated
practitioners of socialism stated -
that incrementalism was the
sure path to world domination.
Congressional Medal of Honor winner
Major General Smedley Butler -
went public in 1934 exposing an
attempt by the robber barons -
to launch a military overthrow
of the United States.
The war hero testified to the
McCormack-Dickstein Committee in Congress -
that some of the most
powerful men in America -
had tried to recruit him
to lead a military coup, -
so they could set up National
Socialism in the United States.
Gen. Butler Bares
"Plot" by Fascists
I appeared before the
Congressional Committee, -
the highest representation
of the American people, -
under subpoena to tell what
I knew of activities which -
I believed might lead to an attempt
to set up a fascist dictatorship.
I was supposed to lead an
organization of 500,000 men -
which would be able to takeover
the functions of government.
The fascists had also made
deep inroads in England.
Edward VIII, King of England,
was forced to abdicate the throne -
because of his public support for Hitler.
Though the German-led
fascist camp was strong, -
the Fabian Socialists block
was able to maintain control -
of the U.S., Russia and England.
In the build-up to World War II,
and during the conflict, -
the bakers again financed both sides,
just as they had done with Napoleon.
With the rise and fall of the
Once again the elite claimed
that only Global Governance -
could save humanity from certain
destruction, and this time -
the elite would succeed in
setting up their world body.
In April of 1945, at the Presidio
Naval Base in San Francisco, -
the United Nations was founded
by the victors of World War II.
The United Nations complex
was then built in New York City -
on land donated by
John D. Rockefeller.
Shortly after the elite established the
United Nations as their base in the US, -
the newly formed World Council quickly
began work on the next phase in their plan: -
the incremental formation
of continental superstates.
The 1st step in their trilateral plan was
the creation of the European Union.
Unifying Europe had been tried many
times and was extremely unpopular.
Where Napoleon and Hitler had failed
to accomplish their goals using force, -
the Globalists would
succeed using stealth.
The British spearheaded the formation
of a Council of Europe on May 5th 1949.
The treaty of London claimed to
only establish trade ties between -
European Nations, like N.A.F.T.A.
or G.A.T.T. in North America.
It's true intention was the formation
of a European Superstate.
We shall have World Government
whether or not you like it, -
by conquest or consent.
~James Warburg
In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
February 17, 1950 -
In 1954 the elite of the
planet met in secret at the -
Bilderberg Hotel in
Oosterbeek, Holland.
The Bilderberg Group would
later admit that their mission -
was the formation of the EU.
Once the EU was established
under the guise of trade deals, -
a North American Union and
Asian Union would be formed.
The 3 interlocking superstates form
the core of the Global Government -
while the United Nations would
serve as a world regulatory -
and enforcement body over
the 3rd world subregions.
The Bilderberg Group consists
of the heads of all the -
managing roundtable groups
that steer individual countries.
Picture the elite power structure
of the world as a giant pyramid -
with only the elite of the elite
at the tip top of the capstone.
The group has been so secretive
that until the mid 1980s the -
controlled corporate media
denied it's existence.
Into the late 1990s coverage only
consisted of rare one-line mentions.
With the rise of the
alternative media -
their stranglehold on
information has begun to slip.
On the outskirts of the
National Capitol today -
black limousines with darkened
windows converged on a hotel -
where private security guards
imposed iron-clad control.
The limos carried, royalty,
political power brokers and -
industrial titans to a secret
meeting that will last all weekend.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
Every 4 years Bilderberg
meets in North America -
and in June of 2006 we
decided to travel to Ottawa -
the Capitol of Canada:
the site of Bilderberg.
In Bilderberg's long history
many reporters attempting -
to cover the group have been
harassed, detained and even jailed.
I jokingly reassured my cameramen
that the horror we'd read about -
were probably exaggerated.
I was wrong.
Detained at Airport
We know reporters get detained
at airports, people aren't let in.
We know people get sent to
the jail house for 3 or 4 hours -
It happens every time!
Well, it happened to Alex Jones this time.
They admitted Bilderberg...
that they had pressure -
put on them by the government
to heighten security, -
and that that's why
all this happened.
Yes, I was told that
by two separate people.
They scoured our records for
hours yesterday and hours today, -
trying to find something on us,
and of course there was nothing.
It was just scary, -
I've been all over the world and
I've never seen anything like this.
It was like hours of humiliation, and
they said, "What are you here for?" -
and I said, "Well, I'm here
to cover the media, -
covering a political event, I hope to
talk to some members of Parliament".
I was answering all the questions, -
it was clear I
wasn't a threat, -
it was clear I
didn't have a criminal record, -
it was clear I
was press, -
it was clear I
was coming to interview people.
They were gonna deny me, -
they told me earlier that
I'd probably be denied, -
and then you guys showed
up and everything changed.
So what's your plan now?
My plan is to go out and try
to interview Jim Tucker, -
to try to go down to the
Bilderberg Group and maybe -
catch some of them still arriving,
and try to still make a documentary.
So instead of being here at
Bilderberg Group attendees and the
were gonna be in here
about 3:30 or so, -
and we'll see if we can catch
any of the elites coming in.
Brookstreet Hotel / Ottawa Canada
What do you think is on the agenda for
this edition of the Bilderberg's annual meeting.
They're debating the attack on Iran
and how to take out Hugo Chavez.
They're talking about how to
get their American Union in, -
it destroys Canadian, U.S.
and Mexican sovereignty.
We're talking about the death of Canada
that's what's happening in there right now.
The death of your sovereignty is
happening in there right now.
CNN has even reported that these
individuals have put out the policy reports -
through the Council on Foreign Relations
that writes their scholarly white papers -
to end the United States, to
end Canada and to end Mexico.
About 10 have come in.
They've been coming in slowly, -
in typically big black cars with
what appears to be bullet proof glass, -
and we've got a few pictures
of some of the people.
We're being kept well back from the
building by an awful lot of -
security people, but there'll be
more security as this thing develops.
OK, just a reminder to
stay off the property, OK?
I am, I am. This is the line,
we checked with the city.
Yes you are!
Thank you.
I came here from up state New York.
I booked a room way in advance -
but I checked in at 10 at night,
but they told me I had to be -
out by 8:30 in the morning. And so,
of course I complied with what they wanted, -
I wasn't happy about it because I had
been tired, I drove quite a long way.
Then I went down to have
something to eat and I just -
saw a bunch of security here,
and I was wondering what was -
going on and I asked questions
and they said that they were having -
a wedding or they were having
some sort of reception, -
so I decided to ask a couple
more questions 'cause I thought -
it was kinda weird, and then I
saw them from my hotel window, -
they were in the back with
flashlights looking at the trees, -
looking up through the trees, and they
were also in front of the hotel combing...
it looked like combing the hotel,
so I kinda got..was wondering -
what was going on, and I left.
I got up this morning, -
I checked out and then the
fella that I spoke with, -
the last fella I spoke with said
"You'll see in the newspaper."
Well I didn't have to wait
because there was a group -
of people out here telling me
about everything that was going on.
They're not fooling anybody any longer.
When you've got this many cops, -
you know, and detaining
Alex Jones at the border.
Get 'em on both sides.
Yeah you crook!
Yeah, you're gonna go
to jail like Ken Lay!
Oh yeah, There's one right there.
Hi! Hey, we're not your property, -
we're not your slaves. We're
gonna defeat the New World Order.
The New World Order's gonna be
defeated. You realize that, -
I'm glad you do. Always
does throughout history.
Etienne Devignon is the Honorary
Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, -
as well as the head
of its steering committee.
The committee he heads selects
and invites each years attendees.
In the last decade the
list of attendees has been -
leaked to reporters by
moles on the inside.
Veteran newspaper reporter Jim
Tucker has been covering the -
Bilderberg meetings for over 30 years
and has physically attended more than 20.
We traveled back to our hotel to see
if Jim Tucker received the 2006 list.
I first heard about Bilderberg in
"That's not possible",
"Who in hell's Bilderberg?".
I spent 20 happy years
with metropolitan newspapers.
All the while there's
a clicking at my ear: -
that could not happen
without me knowing about it.
And the thing that first impressed
me most was calls in 1957 -
by the late great Westbrook Pegler,
widely syndicated columnist.
He wrote 2 lengthy columns
about how approximately 100 leaders -
of international finance, heads
of state, high public officials, -
were meeting behind armed guards, closed
doors on Jekyll Island, sealed off.
What are these powerful internationalists
doing? And why is it so secret?
Why do they have armed guards
outside? Why is it sealed off?
The newspapers totally ignore
it - not a word.
Total blackout in the United States.
Since then I have never stopped
pursuing Bilderberg or the whole -
international gangster organization
lead by Rockefellers and -
Rothschilds as they manipulate the
world for their own selfish interests.
Jim, you've been waiting on the list.
You normally get it on the 1st day.
You haven't gotten it. We're
told it might come in today.
How important is that list?
It's absolutely essential,
although identifying people outside -
as we always do is important too,
to find out who is not on their own list.
In recent years someone from
Europe has sent a machine copy -
with the letterhead and so
forth, without identifying himself.
So far I haven't heard from him.
Well Bilderberg assumed that
name in 1954 at their first -
meeting as Bilderberg,
at the Bilderberg hotel.
It's a little bit like
Shakespeare's "As you like it".
They say to Shakespeare,
"What do you want to call this book?"
and he says, "As you like it",
meaning whatever you want to call it, -
but they thought it was a
dictation so one of his plays -
is called "As you like it", but
the title has nothing to do with the play.
So that's how the Bilderberg
came by their name.
Now they had been meeting
for half a century, -
the monied class had been meeting.
But they decided they have to -
meet systematically, every
year, well planned in advanced, -
in addition to other smaller
meetings throughout the year.
Is the right turn, Jim?
This is the Global Government.
They are setting the world agenda.
Inside right now,
they're deciding whether or not
there will be a war with Iran, -
whether or not
taxes will increase, -
whether oil prices will
be suppressed or increased.
There's much more on agenda,
that we'll find out about in time, -
but those are 3 items that
are heavy on their list this year.
This is Jim Tucker, Ladies and
Gentlemen. 27 years covering these crooks.
Mr Tucker, a
pleasure to meet you.
The media said he was crazy,
it didn't exist. Now we forced them.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
men: heads of state from Europe,
high officials from the United
States Government, Treasury Dept., -
White House, state, defense.
They're setting the world agenda now.
The reason they want secrecy
is because they're doing evil.
Evil is done under the cover of darkness,
good works are done in the sunshine.
Hi, how you doin'? Good.
Get off the property please.
Well, Jim has some
questions for you.
I need you to move
off the property please.
OK, sure.
It's a public sidewalk.
Oh yeah we are cooperating.
Thank you.
Right onto the sidewalk.
Yeah, there's no implication
that we aren't cooperating.
When your onto the sidewalk
can you stay there please?
Sure. Yeah. Thank you.
Jim has some questions for you.
Again, I need you to stay
right on the sidewalk.
Yeah, we actually checked with the
city. The property line is actually right here.
That's good. The property
line's actually right here.
We are on the verge of
a global transformation.
All we need is the right
major crisis and the nations -
will accept the New World Order.
~David Rockefeller
We saw David Rockefeller at the
back of the building of the hotel -
and they had no body guards.
One of my friends shouted, -
"Hey Rockefeller" and he
turned back and he was...afraid.
My name's Ren. I'm from Manitoba.
I drove about 26 hours to get here, -
just to show my..that I'm
against the Bilderbergers, -
just to fight for my freedoms,
fight for my rights, -
make sure that my children
can grow up in a free country.
My name is Daniel Estulin and I've
been doing this for the last 15 years.
I'm from Canada. I'm very proud
of my country because as you can see -
there are a lot of people
covering the Bilderberg conference.
Last year it took me 14 and
a half hours to get to Munich.
I was pulled off a plane in Milan,
I was pulled off a plane in Munich.
They interrogated me for
I was able to call a friend,
a journalist in Rome, -
as a result of his presence
and others calling the -
Foreign Ministry Department in Italy,
they backed off and they let me go.
They basically told me that they'll
be keeping an eye on me 24 hours a day.
The little hotel we were staying at,
Jim and I, out of the 20 rooms -
and 3 by the German Secret Service.
That's how serious these people are.
That's how afraid they are of -
what we may be able
to reveal and what we -
actually do reveal publicly
about the Bilderberg intents.
Daniel Estulin has covered the
Bilderberg meetings in Europe -
and North America for more than
has been translated into more than
Estulin has photographed
many past Bilderberg meetings.
Rockefeller front man, Henry
Kissinger, is always a key participant.
Here you see the President
of the CFR, Richard N. Haas, -
followed by Vice Chairman of
Rothschild Europe, Franco Bernab, -
who is speaking with Henry Kravis,
and behind them is Richard Holbrooke, -
former U.S. Ambassador
to the United Nations.
The head of Daimler Chrysler,
Jrgen Schrempp, arrives by helicopter.
Here the owner of the
Washington Post, Donald Graham, -
escorts Indra Nooyi,
the head of Pepsi Co.
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands,
who's father, Prince Bernhard, -
founded Bilderberg, is a
leading figure in the group.
Of course Globalist Kingpin,
David Rockefeller, -
seen here with his body guard,
James Ford, always attends.
The then newly appointed
World Bank Chief, -
Paul Wolfowitz, is
photographed at Bilderberg 2005.
It has been reported that Wolfowitz
had attended previous meetings -
while still the Deputy Secretary
of Defense, a violation of the Logan Act.
Under the Logan Act it is a
felony offense for any member of -
federal or state government to meet
with members of a foreign government -
without the express authority and
authorization of the President or Congress.
Put simply, it is illegal
for members of the government -
to meet secretly, behind closed
doors, with foreign power brokers -
due to the problems of corruption
and espionage that it breeds.
For this reason, many
prominent politicians attend -
but their names do not
appear on the official list.
Despite the Logan Act, the Governor
of New York's name, George Pataki -
does appear on the list, and
we were able to catch the Governor -
on tape walking with David
Rockefeller at Brookstreet.
Multiple staff members inside
Brookstreet reported to us that -
Hillary Clinton had
attended for half a day.
Several armored limos
with diplomatic plates did arrive -
with police escorts and
offloaded their passengers -
in the underground parking garage
out of the sight of the press.
Former World Bank President, James
Wolfensohn, sardonically stared at our cameras.
Do you think that they're upset
about the fact their being exposed?
Well I'm sure they are,
look at the tinted windows.
They don't want to be seen, they
don't want anybody to know they're here.
So I'm sure they're ticked, and that's
why we're here, to try to expose them.
Do you think they're angry being on
the front page of the local paper today?
Do you think they're in there
reading it right now, Jim?
Yes, I don't think
they're happy about it.
They prefer nothing at
all. No publicity.
They prefer absolute secrecy.
Yeah, you better look away! We're
not your slaves. You don't own me.
Did you get a list of
the attendees or anything?
No, I've asked for one under
a slight variation of my name, -
and I don't know if I'll get
it or not. Also, it could happen today.
The last 3 years,
I get back to the hotel...
...and there's a copy
there waiting for you.
I'm not just not revealing the source,
I don't know the source myself.
But a fax, because they want the
letter head on it, makes a nice memento.
That's Chalabi.
You think Chalabi?
No, no, I don't think,
I know.
It looked like Chalabi,
and it was a fat guy, -
Yeah. That was Ahmed Chalabi?
Oh my God, then they're
really gonna attack Iran.
Hey Chalabi,
don't attack Iran
Over the last couple of years they've
been reeling with the amount of -
leakage that they've been experiencing,
so it's getting harder and harder, -
it will never get too hard for us
because of the sources that we have inside.
Our top notch sources: people
who are actually working for them, -
the Secret Service, the second
layer people in the Bilderbergers, -
the clerks, the administry
office. They're there.
They are our eyes and ears and
every time there's something out, -
we always get the information.
I think that's the Queen.
You see her?
What usually happens,
the Secret Service guys -
who are protecting the Bilderberger
delegates, the staff, the cooks, the chefs, -
when they actually see and hear
what the nasty people are talking about, -
they're the first ones to look
for us, they're the first ones -
to make sure we get the
information from the meeting.
Again, we're very rigorous
with information that does come out, -
we double, triple, and
quadruple the confirmed sources -
to make sure that all the
information checks out.
A lot of the stuff, the
Bilderbergers have planted information -
to make sure this information
nullifies the accuracy of the reporting -
which is why we never publish
the first things we hear.
It looks like Rockefeller.
The decisions that these people take,
they're not only decisions that -
affect the business community, they affect politics, -
business, environment,
across the entire spectrum, -
and these decisions are taken by a very
elite group of people behind closed doors, -
this year at the Brookstreet Hotel.
We're not privy to these decisions, -
we're not allowed to know what
they talk about, but we'll definitely -
feel the consequences of these decisions
over the next 12 months when events, -
apparently by accident seem to happen,
in fact they've been planned right here, -
this year at Brookstreet Hotel
between 8th & 11th of June.
What does it do when you get 120 of
the most powerful people in the world -
getting together to have meetings with
government officials? I mean that's amazing.
Well this is what I mean, they
are planning the corporate agenda, -
they are not planning the democratic
human journey agenda, in my opinion.
Mussolini had a definition; it's when
the interests of the corporation -
take completely over from all other
interests - and that's fascism.
He said they should probably
call it Corporatism.
Well, call it Corporatism, call it
Fascism, call it neo-lib, neo-con...
there's a whole variety of political
words depending on which side -
of the stripe you come from, to start
with, which describes the thing.
But, what they are describing is
the complete end of democracy, -
the end of what matters to people,
the end of what happens to -
the human journey, and for that
reason I think this is revolting.
Ladies and gentlemen
we're here in Canada today -
to stand up against the Bilderberg
Group that's attempting to get rid of -
the sovereignty of the United States.
The truth of their world government -
has now been exposed. We know you are
ruthless, we know you are evil.
To David Rockefeller, to the
Rothschilds' representatives here, -
to the Queen of the Netherlands,
to all of you, we tell you: -
"You are not our Queens", -
"You are not our Kings", -
"You are not our Gods", -
"We do not belong to you",
"We are not your slaves".
We stand as free humans have
stood since the beginning of time -
against the strong men, against
the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
I stand before the creator of the
universe, and I ask the creator, -
as our founding fathers did in 1776,
to lead, guide and direct us, -
and to give us the power, and
the foresight and the understanding -
and the will to stand
against your entire agenda -
including your final plan of
world population reduction of 80%, -
that Henry Kissinger penned in 1973.
Why do you put mercury in the vaccines?
Stani(?)sodium chloride
in the water? Why?
Why do you put cancer
viruses in the vaccines?
Why have you used depleted uranium
now in four separate nations?
You're arrogant. You have the
sickness that elites have had -
throughout history in their literal,
and in some cases figurative, ivory towers.
You believe that you are invincible.
You will and you are failing now.
Your new world order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Bilderberg is an elite organization
and the way it works, -
the protocol of the meetings is,
the staff, after they're vetted out, -
they're told exactly how they're
supposed to behave themselves, -
meaning they can never address the
attendees, they can never speak to them -
unless they are spoken to first,
they can never look them in the eye.
They have to approach them from
the right side (right-handed people) -
and the left side (left-handed people).
They can never look them straight on.
And needless to say, all the
information that is being spoken -
during the conferences is under
no circumstances allowed to come out.
That's what they're told. They're
threatened with not being able to find -
another job anywhere in the sector if
they reveal any information to the press.
Richard Holbrooke.
Ambassador Richard Holbrooke thought
the peasantry wouldn't recognize him -
if he took a stroll off
the grounds of Brookstreet.
Holbrooke cackled when I told
him that we were not his slaves.
Holbrooke, we're not your slaves,
We're not your slaves.
Holbrooke, we don't belong to
you. We're not your property.
Get back on the sidewalk.
We're free humanity.
Yeah, there he goes. Coward.
They love it. They love it.
OK, we're gonna be going
round the back here guys.
Hey guys, how you doin?
There are several rings of security
service. The American delegation -
at every Bilderberg meeting
is usually protected by the CIA -
and the special division of the
U.S. Army. The British delegation -
is protected by the MI6. Israelis
are usually protected by the Mossad.
The Ottawa Police, in this
case working for the security, they have -
very little...actually they don't
have any information at all -
of what the meeting's about - they don't
even know who the Bilderbergers are.
Then there's an elite private
firm protecting the perimeter, -
doing all the dirty work such
as shooing off the photographers -
and bothering the protesters,
but, that's piddly stuff.
All the heavy stuff is done by the
security service such as the CIA, MI6.
Some years ago, my legs were a
little bit stronger than they are now, -
and I crept over a fence, under
cover of darkness, approached...
the cops started yelling
and pointing at me, so I ran -
with speed I didn't know I still
had and some shots were fired, -
but they were far above my head.
I mean, they were intimidating but -
they were not really trying to
kill me. Not when sharpshooters are -
firing far above...
Bilderberg was founded
by David Rockefeller and the -
Rothschilds in Britain and Europe.
They're still the main powers.
Baron Evelyn de Rothschild, a
male, attended for many years.
Rothschild is still represented, you'll
see them on the list of participants.
Somebody represents the Rothschild group.
They are the main powers behind Bilderberg.
The Dutch, Shell is part of the Queen's
fortune, of course the Rockefellers have -
always had oil interests, that was the
original source of their old man's money.
Jim just got the official
Bilderberg-letterhead list from -
his mole inside the Bilderberg
Group. Lets go look at it.
So Jim you got the list.
Yeah. Did we identify Wolfowitz as
being here? 'cause he's not on the list.
No, we positively
identified Wolfensohn.
Yeah, he's on the list.
Eh, Wolfowitz...
Yeah, there's Wolfensohn
right there. James Wolfensohn.
But aren't there always
people who aren't listed?
Yip. Over the years we've
identified, like, sometimes 3 -
people who are not on their
own list, who have attended.
Now, I think what is very difficult for
most people to understand is how such a small -
group, of 125 men and a few women, control
a population base of 6 billion people.
Actually it's much
easier than you think.
These people work in what
I call a Systemic Methodology, -
meaning that you take an apple pie,
just imagine, and you slice this apple pie -
into lots of very small pieces,
and you put in front of -
each one of these pieces your
man or women of trust, -
and by controlling this individual
you control an entire organization.
For example, if you take Paul
Wolfowitz who runs the World Bank, -
through him you can control the entire
organization. You don't need to control -
what the dishwasher or the toilet
cleaner thinks or does or believes in,
you just need to control what [Wolfowitz]
does and what he believes in.
And what [Wolfowitz] does will
permeate the entire organization.
And that's how you control, with
a very, very small power base, -
an entire global population
of 6 billion people.
Bilderberg is making great
progress toward a world government.
They have created a superstate in
Europe called the European Union.
They're intent on creating a
western hemisphere union called the -
North American Union. NAFTA is to be expanded
into every country in this hemisphere.
As NAFTA expands it will take
on the role of the American Union.
And only an educated and informed
public can stop them in their tracks.
We went into downtown Ottawa
and talked to locals to learn
if they were aware of the
elite meeting in their city.
Hey guys, give me your
attention just for a second.
I just need to tell you that
a group just met here in Canada -
and they're trying to get
rid of your sovereignty, -
merging you with the U.S. and Mexico.
It's not funny, I'm serious.
And your news isn't gonna tell
you about this. This is deadly serious, -
so I'm just letting you know
and telling you about it.
As they say, they are the
guys that run the world.
They make the decisions for [us],
and we just carry it out.
Sir, did you here about the Bilderberg
Group meeting here in town -
the 120 most elite
people in the world?
Hey, did you know that the elites
are meeting here in town right now?
Have you heard about it - The 120 crime
bosses? None of you have heard about it?
None of you guys have heard of the
Bilderberg Group? There meeting right now.
In the city, around 10%
of the people were aware -
of the New World Order agenda.
When we traveled to Parliament, -
close to half of the people
we randomly spoke to were informed.
Ma'am, what did you say
about the American Union?
I said it's gonna end up happening.
We don't want it but it's gonna happen.
Why do you think?
Well, because the Bilderberg
Group runs the world.
You have the Trilateral Commission
that's also part of the Bilderberg,
which is Unites States, Europe and Asia.
But most of this is public knowledge.
Nobody wants to believe their are
conspiracies - that world leaders are already -
elected before they're voted on.
So here we know that Bernard Lord is -
part of the outer circle.
I was surprised to read that -
[Canadian Prime Minister] Harper
addressed a group in 2003, -
because my understanding was,
nobody gets into politics without -
becoming part of the Bilderberg
Group, and then you find out -
afterwards that that is
the case, that they have...
Well, yeah, well, Bill Clinton went
there in 1991, George Bush Sr.
attended back in '85. And Tony
Blair. Same thing. Who we think -
we're electing as leaders have
already been pre-picked for us, -
whether it's Liberal or Conservative,
they're already part of the group.
They own all the
horses in the race.
They own the horses and I understand
that...for example the United States, -
it's a one party system with 2 factions,
though you think it's 2 different parties.
Oh it is, yeah. It's like,
Bill Clinton constantly vacations -
with the Bushes and they call
him their son. And they actually -
staged all that in '92 and
all that's come out.
It's just all staged. They're not
gonna let trillions of dollars -
slip through their hands. The good
news is people are waking up though.
When you read human history,
when you study it, all you see is -
elites trying to dominate,
subterfuge, Machiavellian backstabbing, -
and somehow in the last 50 years
they convinced westerners that the -
government's fine, can do no wrong,
trust them. How did this happen?
It's easy to lead sheep.
I mean, people just follow.
They don't want to believe
these things will happen. No way.
We'll just follow
along with the norm.
That's all, it just makes
it easier for everyone.
What's you view on
losing Canada's sovereignty.
I'd like this country to stay as it is,
and I love United States to be there.
Back in Austin, the Capitol
of Texas, the public -
was frighteningly unaware
of the nation's peril.
Have you heard of the
North American Union?
Um, not really, no.
I don't watch T.V.
No I haven't.
Interesting. I was
not aware of that.
I don't, I don't know
exactly what you mean so...
I don't think there's going
to be a merger of the free nations.
No, I have not.
Eh, no.
Eh, no, I didn't know
this was happening so...
Yes, I have.
No I haven't.
Oh, you have heard about it.
After that big rally today
they don't know about it?
I don't know about anything.
No I have not.
Have you heard of
the European Union?
I have, yes.
Are you aware of
the European Union?
Oh yeah, of course.
Have you heard about
the European Union?
Heard about them.
Do you know about
the European Union?
Europe? 15 member group? Expanding?
A what?
merging in 2000.
For over 50 years the Bilderberg
Group constructed the European -
Union by stealth under the guise
of trade deals. Now the elite -
are using the same secretive
program to complete the North -
American Union, but this time
superstate integration is on the -
extreme fast track. International
agreements like NAFTA, GATT -
or APEC were just stepping stones
in the formation of the N.A.U.
The North American Union was officially
born at Baylor University in Waco, -
Texas on March 23rd, 2005. The leaders
of the United States, Mexico and -
Canada told the press that they
were only meeting to discuss trade.
It soon leaked that a secret
meeting had been held during the -
Security and Prosperity
Trilateral Summit.
The 3 governments had refused to release
the secret agreement to the people.
In September of 2006 their treasonous
operation was blown wide open.
From September 12th to September
hundreds of elected and appointed
government leaders from Canada, -
Mexico and the United
States, met in secret.
On the last day of the conference
someone inside the secret -
North American Union Forum
leaked the agenda.
The front pages of newspapers
across Canada carried the story.
The Judicial Watch Foundation submitted
Freedom of Information Act Requests -
to obtain the full agenda and
minutes of the secret assembly.
Many federal agencies refused
citing National Security.
The foundation finally succeeded and
did receive thousands of pages of documents.
The documents, marked 'Unclassified',
are the blueprints of a -
shadow government ruling by
bureaucratic and Executive fiat.
The pages chronicle an already
operating North American Union.
Transportation, Law Enforcement,
Agriculture, Regulation, Banking, -
Manufacturing, Construction, Education,
Immigration and even the -
Military are being merged with
no input from the people or their -
elected representatives in
Congress and Parliament.
One of the first items on their
agenda was to stress how important -
it was that their plan quote
"be carried out by stealth".
The controllers also talked about
exploiting the public's fears of -
climate change to push a continent-wide
tax to fund the new government.
Globalist tool, Robert Pastor, is
incessantly paraded on the world stage -
as the man behind the North American
merger. When he testified before congress, -
he pushed the idea of a
continental security perimeter that -
erases national boundaries and
merges the security apparatus.
The best way to secure the United
States today is not at our 2 borders -
with Mexico and Canada, but at the
borders of North America as a whole.
In fact, the North American Command
based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, -
was clearly running the meeting in
Canada. For the past decade the Pentagon -
has been training with Mexican and
Canadian forces, and has openly discussed -
them inside the United States for
disasters and to quell domestic unrest.
There are already over 100,000 non-U.S.
citizens serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.
The Pentagon is now expanding
it's recruiting centers in -
Mexico, the Philippines
and Eastern Europe.
Big city police departments nation-wide
are lobbying to change laws -
so they can recruit non-citizens
to join the police force.
What we are witnessing is a
Red Dawn scenario in slow motion.
Tyrants throughout history have used
foreigners to oppress their domestic populations.
When their coup by stealth was exposed,
the 3 governments went into damage-control mode.
The Security and Prosperity Partnership
quickly staged a show -
summit that was held in Ottawa,
Canada, in February of 2007.
The only way that we can achieve
Security and Prosperity for our people -
is through this cooperation.
We actually occupy one physical
space, the North America.
We've also had a chance,
as Foreign Ministers, -
to talk about how we cooperate in
the region and, indeed, in the world.
Protesters who were upset about losing their
countries and freedoms were not tolerated.
...no democratic process...
...whatsoever. the Security and
Prosperity Partnership has been...
...to put an end to the parliamentary debate.
Globalist publications have
been open with their frustration -
that the population has not
bought their latest P.R. stunt.
As integration inside the European
and American Unions accelerates, -
the superstates themselves
are being merged.
On April 30th, 2007, a summit
was held at the White House.
The Security and Prosperity
Partnership's secretive approach -
had alarmed the public, so
this time President Bush, -
German Chancellor Merkel and
EU Commission President Barroso -
hid their treachery in plain sight.
I thank the Chancellor and Jose
very much for the Trans-Atlantic -
Economic Integration Plan.
And for that too, we need to develop
a common market, common standards.
So this is indeed a very important
agreement, and an agreement -
that also brings with it a
Trans-Atlantic Economic Council -
to be a permanent body with
senior people on both sides of the -
Atlantic that will look at all
those issues in a concrete -
manner in which way we can
make it move forward.
The B.B.C. reported that the U.S.
and E.U. had agreed on a single market.
By announcing a new economic community
integration they were simply -
repeating what had been done in
America and the E.U. on a larger scale.
The accord states that the 2
blocks will aggressively push -
regulatory convergence in more than
intellectual property, military,
education, mergers & acquisitions.
They also agreed to jointly
push a global carbon tax.
We recognize that we have a
problem with greenhouse gases.
We agree there is a global
threat - it's a serious threat.
We agree there is the need to
establish a limit to greenhouse gases.
We need to discuss a possible
pricing of CO2, on how -
can we translate this into a
market economic compatible scheme.
We have agreed to establish a
high level group - a forum.
This E.U.-U.S. result is translated
into the G8, debated together with -
the average countries, China, South
Africa, Brazil, among others, and India.
A global solution to
a global problem.
If Bilderberg succeeds,
America falls.
All the victimized countries
lose their sovereignty.
Bilderberg is not a person, it's
not an idea - it's an ideal.
A very powerful group of people
working together, and for the positions -
of ultimate and absolute power,
destroying every constitution on Earth, -
no matter how powerful the
constitution of the nation is, -
that's what these people do.
The African Union arose out of the
African Economic Community set up in the 1980s.
The African Union is financed by
a consortium of international bodies, -
governments and corporations.
The African Union Army serves as an -
enforcement arm for the New World
Order's exploitation of Africa.
In Asia, A.P.E.C. and A.S.E.A.N.
have announced plans to form the -
Asian Union consisting of Asian
and Pacific nations having more than -
A.P.E.C. will become the Asian-Pacific
Union and the world is to be -
divided into 3 great regions for
the administrative convenience of the -
world government in which
the U.N. is to evolve.
As the Unions form individually,
they are simultaneously -
merged to form the first
Planetary Government.
They're trying to destroy every
nation on Earth which is trying to -
promote progress because these
people, basically they are land owners, -
they don't need progress because
they control the land.
If you take the most powerful men
in London, the people who belong -
to the council and the committee of
and you know, the British Royalty,
the Guelfes, and you know, -
the Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa,
these people, they're land owners.
The New World Order is the Old World,
I mean, it's just the names have -
changed and the appearances have changed
but the concepts haven't changed.
The idea is still to bring the men
back, kicking and screaming -
back to the middle ages,
Post-Industrial Age World Order.
One of the things that is very
shocking to the most Americans is -
the fact that the United Nations
Global Bio-Diversity Assessment, -
which came out in 1995, clearly shows
that in order to protect planet Earth -
we have to go back to a feudal system -
they actually said that in the document.
To craft a Modern Feudal Society
the globalists are implementing -
a standardized North American Union
I.D. Card to track, trace and -
control their serfs as they travel
throughout the 3 regions of the N.A.U.
Building on the massive displacement
of humanity, caused by globalization, -
the New World Order is rapidly
constructing the physical infrastructure -
of the North American Union - the
NAFTA superhighway control grid.
I'm Arthur Peterson, Colonel,
Retired, in the Army.
I see things today that are happening
that would make my friends -
who died in World War II,
turn over in their grave.
To think that people would even
think of confiscating land of farmers -
and ranchers, and taking their
homes away from them, to turn it over -
to a foreign company in Spain which
was controlled by Don Carlton, -
the notorious socialist, and they get
the tolls on Texas land for 50 years.
The proposed Trans-Texas Corridor would
be a patchwork of superhighways -
and railroads stretching 4,000
miles from the border of Mexico, -
coming through Texas, to Oklahoma.
A lease has been signed that would -
make Texas Highway 121 a toll road.
A private Spanish company won the -
bid to build and collect the
tolls for the next 50 years.
These deals with private companies
are being negotiated largely in secret -
and many State lawmakers are worried
taxpayers are being sold down the road.
Critics say it's a threat to our
National Security. It's part of a plan -
for a North American Integration
being carried out by government -
and corporate elites without
congressional or voter approval.
We took to the air over central
Texas to get a birds-eye view -
of the Trans-Texas Corridor which
is under construction and -
will form the heart of the
Trans-NAFTA superhighway system.
History repeats itself. 2000 years
ago all roads led to Rome.
Rome constructed and maintained more
than 10 thousand miles of roads -
throughout its empire. The roads were
used to project Roman military power, -
to control commerce and to bind the
nations and peoples they ruled.
Rome also demanded tribute. Roman
subjects from Albion's to Juda -
were forced to pay a tax to use the
roads. The Romans would then use the -
tax to dominate their subjects.
Today's superhighways are a powerful tool -
in the globalis arsonal. They
are instrumental in tearing down nation -
borders and merging Nation
States into larger confederations.
Foreign governments and corporations
are predatorily seizing infrastructure -
across North America, but nowhere has
there attack been greater than in Texas.
Texas is the frontline. Over 8,000
miles of existing roads and land -
are being handed over to
government-backed foreign companies.
Foreign companies buy the legislators
who then turn over complete -
control to the same foreigners
who finance their campaigns.
Government power is then
illegally transfered to unelected -
quasi-governmental regional boards
that circumvent local governments -
and the will of the people.
The next stage of this world
government plan is to have a -
transportation control, and that
is called the NAFTA superhighway -
or in Texas called the Trans-Texas
Corridor. It confiscates -
into the control of a Spanish company, -
which will collect tolls in
Texas for the next 50 years, -
and there is no limit in the amount
of tolls that can be collected.
More than 80 Federal State Highways have
been designated as international arteries.
The I-35 NAFTA Corridor starts
deep inside Mexico and travels -
through the middle of the United
States and ends in Central Canada.
Container ships from Asia dump their
cargo on the pacific side of Mexico, -
it then travels duty free by rail
to the New Kansas City Inland Port, -
now considered sovereign soil of
Mexico, in the heart of the United States.
Under international agreements,
predominantly foreign companies are placing -
tolls on already existing, paid-for
roads. Federal, State and corporate -
documents show that they will then use
the revenue raised to build up the -
transportation infrastructure of Mexico,
not the United States or Canada, -
so foreign-made products can
pour in even faster from Mexico.
Revenues raised will also be
used to fund the fledgling -
North American Union and
its growing bureaucracy.
Bottom line: they're using
our own money to enslave us.
First of all they're proposing
a North American Tribunal, -
which would be similar to what we
have in Chapter 11 of the NAFTA agreement, -
which is trumped by international
law. The U.S. Supreme Court and the -
Constitution could potentially
be rendered invalid, -
and what we would have is a
new North American business law -
that would trump what we have
here in the United States.
What is also interesting to
note, that the NAFTA Headquarters -
is in Mexico, and controls the
United States trade, and rules -
against United States Congress,
and no one seems to challenge it.
It's very probable, and probably
inevitable that our right to -
bear arms will be challenged
in a North American court.
So this is just an example of what's
happening and what's being proposed.
We want to keep our trial-by-jury
system. We want to keep our right to -
keep and bear arms. We want the system
where we have the Supreme Court -
and not have a tribunal that will be
superior to the Supreme Court.
In 2005, Cintra, a Spanish-owned company
signed a secret agreement with -
the Texas Department of Transportation
to erect toll roads on existing -
roads and to toll new roads that
were completely paid for by tax dollars.
There are people, believe it or not,
in Texas, who don't know what -
the Trans-Texas Corridor is.
He's right!
TTC69, we still have the environmental
hearings, starting this spring,
on runs through my part of the State.
And there are people over there -
who have no idea of what's fixing
to come in their back yard.
TxDOT, an unelected State Agency
claimed that the agreement with -
the foreign company was even
secret from the Texas legislator.
When the truth came out, newspapers
across the State called -
for heads to roll, politically.
Citra's response was to have it's
Australian subsidiary make it's first -
U.S. newspaper buy. Every newspaper
they bought was along branches of -
the Trans-Texas Corridor and had
been critical of the toll road plan.
The cost of 40 or 50 newspapers is
nothing compared to the profits -
that'll be made. Just phase one alone,
of the State toll road plan is -
estimated to raise more than 200
billion dollars in just the first -
small part of the global panorama.
A combine of trans-national companies
is aggressively consolidating -
public finance infrastructure,
world-wide. And the same interests -
are erecting a world government
according to their rules.
A literal wonderland of corporate
corruption where governments -
simply act as vacuum cleaners,
sucking up the wealth and resources -
of the middle class, and transferring
it to offshore bank accounts, -
leaving behind a cultural and economic
wasteland of easily managed slaves.
The whole purpose about the North
American Free Trade Agreement is -
not about 'trade', it's about
control - control of people.
GATT is even worse. Control of
people. It's not about trade, -
it's subsidized trade
with taxpayer's funds.
This thing started here, -
and to save this country,
we kill this damn thing here.
Yeah! Woo! Alright!
If we stop it here in Texas, we stop the
New World Order right here in Texas.
Polls consistently show that
over 90% of the people are -
against the NAFTA highway
systems and it's toll roads.
As the people learned of the threat,
they got angry and took action.
Our ranch is part of the
original Spanish land grant -
and I would love to not
have to give it back to Spain.
Opponents of a proposed superhighway
today held a major protest.
Down with the American Union!
A majority of Texas counties
have voted to resist the plan -
for a North American Union
and have vowed to block the -
construction of it's infrastructure.
And heck, we already know,
in a law that was passed by a -
subservient United States Congress,
where practically nobody -
in the entire Congress stood up
and said, no, they've already -
passed a law saying all their drivers'
licenses are gonna be chipped.
Well I'm telling you right now,
I am not gonna carry any driver's -
license that's got a chip in it,
so big brother can watch everywhere -
I go and see everything I do. No!
No! Hell no! No to all of it. No! No!
We the people own this plot of ground.
We the people own those trees there.
We the people own our beautiful Texas,
and we are not going to let -
a bunch of crooks and robber barons
take our beautiful Texas away from us.
Hell no! Thank you.
Hell no! No! No! No!
RFID tracker chips embedded
in State Inspection Stickers and -
Toll Tags are already being
used to track the population.
The new system is also supposed
to control growth and steer development, -
or so-called 'smart growth'. Smart
growth which is nothing more than -
an effort to bring control into the
cities. You have the rewilding of -
America in the Wildlands Project,
the Convention on Biological Diversity, -
which is to control or
rule the population.
Toll roads on interstate highways
nation-wide are walling off -
exit ramps to small towns and
rural communities and are creating -
ghost-towns by design. This trend
is accelerating under the -
NAFTA highway system and is meant to
re-wild more than half the country.
All of these things are designed
to bring more and more control -
to bureaucracies rather than
to the independent individual, -
the sovereignty individual
of this nation.
What brought me into this whole
discussion was the fact that, -
while I was doing this multi-million
dollar research effort in the -
aware of an agenda basically to -
lock up one half of the
United States into wilderness -
corridors and reserves. It was
called the Wildlands Project, -
but it was also a key cornerstone
of the United Nations -
convention on Biological Diversity.
It was during that study -
in which I began to realize that
this was not an effort to -
protect the environment, but an
effort to control you and I.
They were dividing the Unites
States up into little compartments -
in which they would rip out roads,
which they would rip out -
whole communities and put them
back in the wilderness.
The federal highway system was
designed by Pentagon war planners -
in the 1950s to serve as a rapid
deployment conduit to move ground -
forces for the defense of the
United States during invasion.
The unconstitutional Northern Command
is now using the highway system -
as a Force Projection Matrix,
to dominate populations across -
the United States. Through federally
funded Emergency Command Centers, -
county and city governments are
being quietly federalized nation-wide.
Billions of dollars per city is
being spent to install millions of -
surveillance cameras. Every town
and hamlet, no matter how -
small or remote, is surveilled.
License plate reading software -
tracks American movements wherever
they go. New systems are being -
deployed that scan your face,
read your lips and analyze your walk.
Under the treasonous Military
Commissions Act, American citizens -
can be secretly arrested, stripped
of citizenship, flown to offshore -
torture camps and secretly executed.
Under section 802 of the -
Patriot Act, all misdemeanors
are considered terrorism.
Federal Police Squads called VIPER
Teams randomly force Americans to -
line up and show their papers.
From the sidewalks of Miami, -
to the subways of New York,
to the streets of Houston, Texas, -
citizens are being searched by heavily
armed gangs of paramilitary police.
New York City / Sept 2006
Where's the vehicle? We're supposed to...
Come on guys, come here.
Yo, yo, can you get that
camera off of us, sir?
Sir, can you...
It's the United States
You can get that camera...
I'm saying get that -
camera out of my face.
That's what I'm saying.
No, no, you're on the
streets of New York.
Sir, what does that mean,
I'm saying get that -
camera out of my face,
that's what I'm saying.
No! No! It's a free country.
What the Fuck is wrong
with you people, man.
It's a free country.
Get this damn camera out of my face.
Well this isn't Nazi Germany,
there's no camera in you face.
Hey, move to Russia, OK.
Sarge, sarge.
We can have cameras on the streets.
Look, I said get it out of my face.
Your guy starts cussing at us..
I said get it out of my face,
that's what I'm saying.
It was never in your face.
Long before 9/11 the Pentagon
was aggressively violating -
federal law that bars the military
from policing the American people.
Coast to coast, for more than 2
decades, teams of troops would just -
appear out of nowhere and randomly
stop cars and search pedestrians.
The acclamation accelerated with
regular armies searching bags at the -
superbowl and the Kentucky Derby,
as well as other high profile events.
Then President Bush signed a Defense
Authorization Act which radically -
increased the funding for the
already bloated shadow government.
In the Act, the Executive Branch
formally announced that it was -
preparing for domestic insurrection,
and went on to preemptively strip -
the State Governors and
Legislators of their powers.
The federal government is openly
announcing that it is the only authority, -
as it treats the people and the States
as enemies. Then on May 9th, 2007, -
President Bush unlawfully
granted himself new powers, -
and the Presidency officially
became a Fiat Dictatorship.
In the past, Continuity of Government
has been shared of the Legislative, -
Judicial and Executive branches
of government. Now, all power -
resides with the President. For
the smallest of reasons including,
in the documents own text: any incident
in the world regardless of location, -
that affects population, infrastructure,
environment, economy or -
government functions can trigger,
at the Presidents own will, -
total Martial Law. It is important to
add that the President is merely a -
puppet of the global crime syndicate
and may not use the new powers, -
but simply pass them on for use
by future puppet administrations.
You must teach people to love their
leader. This is the only most important.
Why don't we learn from the
mistakes of our ancestors.
Why does human kind find itself bound
in a cycle of bloodshed and enslavement.
Predatory elites have always
rationalized their oppression by -
claiming that they are superior
and have the divine right to rule, -
when all they really are is a
gaggle of ruthless psychopaths, -
parasitically feeding on the host
population until their cancerous -
movement causes the collapse of the
host. There have been thousands of -
tyrannical governments in history and less
than 10 that can truly be called free.
In the 20th century alone,
over 150 million people were -
murdered at the hands of the State.
In Russia, the Red Terror -
consumed the lives of more than
Hitlers war killed 22 million.
During Mao Tse Tung reign alone -
more than 60 million peasant
farmers were killed, and the -
list goes on. 300,000 innocent
civilians killed in Guatemala.
More than 2 million souls brutally
murdered by the government of Cambodia.
with machetes in Rwanda.
Sadly, there are too many examples
of innocent families being
exterminated by their governments,
on an industrial scale, to name them all.
It is a historical fact that the
State is the n1 cause of unnatural death.
If you take the 150 million people
killed by power-mad government -
in the last century and divide it
by 100,000, the number of souls lost -
would fill the biggest sports stadium,
packed with 100,000 screaming fans, -
sports stadiums crammed with -
For those who think -
it can't happen here or wont happen
to them - you have been warned.
The carnage witnessed in the
last 100 years was only -
the preparatory phase of the
New World Order's Master Plan.
Hitler and Stalin's crimes are
now part of history but the Communist -
Chinese system of evil is not
content with racking up the highest -
death toll in history.
The mass murder and enslavement
is still going on today and enjoys -
the full support and sanction
of the New World Order.
Communist China serves as a globalist
laboratory - a proving ground, -
where 1.4 billion live out their
lives as guinea pigs who serve as -
test subjects for the formulation
of the brave new world.
U.S. and British forces worked
closely with Mao Tse Tung during -
World War II and at the end of
the war they secretly backed -
Mao in driving out Chiang Kai-shek,
the Nationalist, the O.S.S. and -
then the C.I.A. believed that Mao
would have a stabilizing effect.
Bill Clinton's mentor and Georgetown
University Political Science Professor, -
Carroll Quigley explained
in his book, Tragedy & Hope, -
how the Anglo-American roundtable
groups backed every brand of -
authoritarianism, from Communism to
Fascism, to ensure that a centralized -
government dominates the population,
and the economy is planned.
The elite are monopoly men.
They seek to create monopolies and -
dominate the populations
through the barrel of a gun.
In their writings, the leadership
of the New World Order has -
continuously heaped praise on the
corrupt Communist Chinese model.
In August Of 1973, in an article
written by David Rockefeller -
for the New York Times, Rockefeller
openly lauds and endorses -
Mao Tse Tung's actions whilst celebrating
their command and control system.
"Whatever the price of the
Chinese Revolution it has obviously -
succeeded not only in producing
more efficient and dedicated -
administration, but also in fostering
high morale and community of purpose.
The social experiment in China
under Chairman Mao's leadership -
is one of the most important
and successful in history."
~David Rockefeller
New York Times, August 10, 1973
Communist China is the Model Planned
Society for the New World Order.
China has received more United
Nations Awards for it's policies -
and form of governance than any
other nation. In the eyes of -
globalist planners, authoritarian
China is the future.
China adopted the dreaded 'one child'
policy due to lobbying from -
a consortium of eugenics
organizations, which includes: -
Planned Parenthood and the United
Nations. Couples that have more than -
one child face heavy fines and imprisonment.
The practice of forced abortion -
in China coupled with the cultural
desire to have a male child, has plunged -
China into a deepening crisis where
there are 30 million more men than women.
The Chinese Police State ruthlessly
crushed all forms of dissent.
Underground churches, Falun Gong
practitioners, striking factory workers,
are all sent to Forced Labor Camps.
Their blood and tissue types are -
cataloged in preparation for organ
harvesting. The Chinese Government -
then sells the prisoners organs to
the highest bidder on the world market.
If a wealthy patient chooses to
fly into China, the prisoner is -
killed and the organs are implanted.
If the organs are being -
flown out of the country, a mobile
execution van extracts the organs -
on the way to the waiting aircraft.
The social engineers of China
aggressively euthanize the elderly and -
disabled. China is merely following
the globalist blueprint for the world.
The same system of total dehumanization
is quietly being phased in world-wide.
"Depopulation should be the
highest priority of foreign policy -
towards the Third World."
~Henry Kissinger, 1974
Now, there's a need for a
New World Order, but it has -
different characteristics in
different parts of the world.
Now, none of this may succeed this
time. But this to me is sort of the -
outline by which some day, in the
next few years, a solution will emerge.
Where does this mindset come from?
Why do the elites kill the -
largest masses of people when no
one is resisting them - when they've -
already attained total control. What
ideology drives the elite psychopath?
Since Plato's time 2,400 years
ago, State planners have openly -
proclaimed their desire to control
every detail of the commoners life.
From breeding programs to massive
extermination of undesirables, -
the dark dream has continued
on for millennia.
"is the study of the agencies
under social control, that improve -
or impair the racial qualities
of future generations either -
physically or mentally."
~Sir Francis Galton
The scientific rational for tyranny
has always been attractive to -
elites because it creates a
convenient excuse for treating -
their fellow man as lower than
animals. Robert Thomas Malthus, -
famous for saying that a mass
food collapse would be helpful -
because it would wipe out the poor.
His fictional scenario -
would later be called a Malthusian
Catastrophe. Malthus is important -
because his ideas led to the
rise of the new scientific field -
that would dominate the course of
human history for the next 200+ years.
Charles Darwin, an admirer of the
Malthusian Catastrophe Model, -
developed the theory of evolution,
it's chief tenant being the -
survival of the fittest. With the
help of T. H. Huxley, known as -
Darwin's bulldog for his strong
support of Darwin's theories, -
Darwin's theories were pushed
into wide acceptance among key -
scientific circles throughout
England and then the world.
Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton,
credited as the father of Eugenics, -
saw an opportunity to advance mankind
by taking the reigns of Darwin's -
evolution theory and applied social
principles to develop Social Darwinism.
The families, Darwin, Galton,
Huxley and Wedgwood were so -
obsessed with their new social
design theory that they pledged: -
their families would only
breed with each other.
They falsely predicted that
within only a few generations, -
they would produce supermen.
The emerging pseudoscience was only
codifying the practice of inbreeding, -
already popular within elites for
millennia. The 4 family's experiment -
was a disaster. Within only 2
generations of inbreeding, close to 90% -
of their offspring either died at
birth or were seriously mentally -
or physically handicapped. The monied
classes of the planet, and -
particularly the Royal families of
the world [who] were already obsessed -
with breeding and filled with a
predatory disdain for the underclass, -
seized on the new science and began
aggressively enforcing it's aims world-wide.
Biometrics appears to be a new science,
but it was actually developed by -
Galton back in the 1870s as a way
to track racial traits and -
genetic histories, and as a way to
decide who would be licensed to breed.
In 1904 the Cold Spring's Harbor
Research facility was started -
in the United States by eugenicist
Charles Davenport, with the -
funding of prominent robber barons,
Carnegie, Rockefeller and Harriman.
In 1907 the 1st sterilization laws
were passed in the United States.
Citizens with mild deformities
or low test scores on their -
report cards were arrested
and forcibly sterilized.
You're 17, aren't you, Alice?
Yes, but what have
you done with my folks.
Well we're trying to help
them, Alice, and you too.
They were taken to the
hospital this afternoon.
Hospital! Wasn't none of
them sick this morning.
We thought it necessary to present
your family's case to the State
Medical Commission, and after an
examination they decided that there
was but one important action to take to
have your entire family sterilized.
Well what's that? I don't know
what you're taking about!
Well, in this State we have a
law which provides for such
people to have an operation so
there wont be any more children.
I see.
Now then, we'll take your brothers
to institutions where they'll
be properly cared for. And you
can go back to your job too.
I'll arranged to have
it held open for you.
But I'm keeping my job!
I'm not going anywhere.
Now you're going to the
hospital too, Alice.
And you mean there going to stop
me from having children ever.
I'm alright, I tell you.
I wont go to any hospital.
We don't want any trouble
with you, young woman.
If you refuse to go the officer
here will take you by force.
In 1910, the U.S. Eugenics
Record Office was set up.
By then the British had created
the 1st network of social workers, -
expressly to serve as spies and
enforcers of the Eugenics Race Cult -
that was rapidly taking control
of Western society.
The social workers would decide who
would have their children taken away, -
who would be sterilized, and in some
cases, who would be quietly murdered.
In 1911, the Rockefeller family
exports Eugenics to Germany by -
bankrolling the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute which later would form a -
central pillar in the 3rd Reich.
At the 1912 International Eugenics
Conference in London, Eugenics becomes -
an international craze and gains
superstar status. The futurist and -
bestselling sci-fi author H. G. Wells
had studied biology under top -
eugenicists, and was spreading
the new faith world-wide.
In 1916, H. G. Wells's lover, Margaret
Sanger, starts her promotion of -
eugenics in the United States. In 1923,
Sanger receives massive funding -
from the Rockefeller family.
Sanger wrote to fellow eugenicist
Clarence J. Gamble that black leaders
would need to be recruited to act -
as frontmen in sterilization programs
directed against black communities.
In 1924, Hitler pens 'Mein Kampf'
(or 'My Struggle') and credits -
U.S. eugenicists as his inspiration.
Hitler even wrote a fan letter -
to American eugenicist and
conservationist, Madison Grant, -
calling his race-based book,
'The Passing of the Great Race', his bible.
Hitler developed the plan for mass
extermination of the Jews, -
and what he called other sub-races
as well as the handicapped, -
from [Madison] Grant. By 1927,
Eugenics hit the mainstream.
The so-called science was aggressively
pushed through contests at schools, -
churches and at State fairs. Churches
competed in contest with big -
cash prizes to see who could best
implement eugenics into their sermons.
Major denominations then tell
Americans that Jesus is for Eugenics.
That same year in the United
States more than 25 States passed -
'for sterilization' laws and the
Supreme Court ruled in favor of -
brutal sterilization policies. When
Hitler came to power, in 1933, -
one of his 1st acts was to pass
national eugenics laws modeled -
after laws in the United States.
The 1934 film, 'Tomorrows Children',
brought the eugenics -
agenda to the Silver Screen
in the United States.
In the case of Miss Mason,
I can see no reason for the -
operation that's been recommended.
The girl is perfectly normal.
She's hard working and
has a good reputation.
Do you know anything about
her family background?
Well, yes, your honor. I do.
There are several other
children, aren't there?
What is their condition?
One is a cripple, 2 others might
be classed as feeble-minded.
Isn't the oldest son in jail?
Well, yes. I believe so.
And knowing all that, you still
contend that this girl should -
be allowed to bring more people
like that into the world?
She's sound, your honor. She's
not anything like the rest.
Surely she should be given a chance
to work out her own salvation?
I can't agree with you, Doctor.
Suppose she is normal, -
the chances are that her children
will inherit the family taint, -
isn't that possible?
But your honor I...
I'm sorry, Doctor. 3 Generations of
unfit are enough. Petition not allowed.
By 1936, Germany had become the
world leader in Eugenics for taking -
effective actions to sterilize and euthanize
hundreds of thousands of victims.
The big 3 of American Eugenics,
Davenport, Laughlin and Goethe -
were dispatched by the Rockefellers
to Germany where they advised -
the Nazis on the fine-tuning of
their extermination system.
With the strong support of the U.S.
and England, Germany had gone -
over the edge and tens of millions
would pay with their lives.
At the end of the war, the allies
protected from prosecution the -
very Nazi scientist that had
tortured thousands of people to death.
The Nazi brand of Eugenics had
embarrassed the elites but they had -
no intention of stopping their
plans. The allies literally fought -
with each other over who would
get top Nazi eugenicists.
It didn't matter if the S.S.
Doctors had tortured -
tens of thousands to death,
they were free to go.
The angel of death, Josef Mengele and
his boss Otmar von Verschuer were not -
prosecuted and von Verschuer even continued
his work in Germany after the war.
Eugenicists were angry that their
great work had been exposed.
They then scrambled to
camouflage their agenda.
Eugenics Quarterly became
Social Biology.
The American Birth Control League
became Planned Parenthood.
New terms like Transhumanism,
Population Control, Sustainability,
Conservation and Environmentalism replaced
Racial Hygiene and Social Darwinism.
Many eugenicists of the previous period
engaged in what they called crypto-eugenics.
Purposefully taking their eugenics
beliefs underground, they became highly -
respected anthropologists, biologists
and geneticists in the post-war world.
The allies then smuggled thousands
of Nazi scientists out of Germany -
and placed them in key scientific
positions ranging from bioweapons -
to rocketry throughout the
Military Industrial Complex.
The founder of I.B.M. was
a devout follower of Hitler.
Thomas J. Watson had supplied
his punch card computers -
and I.B.M. technicians to the
Nazis for use in the death camps.
Tattoos on camp victims were IBM human
ID numbers which fed into the computers.
IBM had used similar systems as early
as 1928 in a Jamaican Race Mixing Study.
The first real computers were literally
invented by a eugenicist for Eugenics.
UN chieftain and unrepentant eugenicist,
Julian Huxley, argued that -
since the leaders of eugenics had
founded the environmental and -
conservation movements, that they
should be used as vehicles in the -
formation of a world government.
Just as H. G. Wells had envisioned, -
this government would be controlled
by a scientific dictatorship
and would be guided by the principles
of Eugenics. Huxley created -
the World Wildlife Fund with
Bilderberg founder, and former S.S. -
Officer, Prince Bernard (Netherlands)
& Prince Philip (England).
In the event that I am reincarnated,
I would like to return as a deadly virus, -
in order to contribute something
to solve overpopulation.
~Prince Philip
Reported by Deutsche
Press Agentur (DPA)
August 1988
Aldous Huxley, author of 'Brave New
World', and brother of Julian Huxley, -
gave a speech at Berkeley in 1962
shortly before his death.
He admitted that his bestselling book,
'Brave New World', written in 1932, -
was based not on fiction but on what
the elite were planning to implement.
And here I would like briefly to
compare the parable 'Brave New World' -
with another parable which was
put forth more recently in -
George Orwell's book '1984'.
I'm inclined to think that the -
scientific dictatorships of the
future, and I think there are -
going to be scientific dictatorships
in many parts of the world, -
will be probably a good deal nearer
to the 'Brave New World' pattern -
than to the '1984' pattern. They
will be a good deal nearer -
not because of any humanitarian
qualms in the scientific dictators -
but simply because the 'Brave New
World' pattern is probably -
a good deal more efficient than the
other. But if you can get people -
to consent to the state of affairs
in which they are living, -
the state of servitude, the state
of being, well, it seems to me -
that the nature of the ultimate
revolution with which we are now faced -
is precisely this - that we are
in the process of developing -
a whole series of techniques which
will enable the controlling oligarchy, -
who have always existed and will
presumably always will exist, -
to get people actually to love
their servitude. People can be made -
to enjoy a state of affairs
which by any decent standard they -
ought not to enjoy, and these methods,
I think, are a real refinement -
on the older methods of terror because
they combine methods of terror -
with methods of acceptance.
Well, then there are the various
other methods one can of, -
there is for example the pharmacological
method, this was one -
of the things I talked about in
'Brave New World' and the result -
would be that...you can imagine
a euphoric which would make people -
thoroughly happy, even in the
most abominable circumstances, -
I mean, these things are possible.
The elite have left a massive wave
of destruction behind them as they -
coldbloodedly experiment on civilian
populations as if we are lab-rats.
A string of congressional
investigations have uncovered -
more than 20,000 secret tests
that were carried out -
against the American people
between 1910 and 2000.
One well known eugenics study,
the Tuskegee syphilis project, -
killed hundreds of blacks and
spanned 40 years until -
whistleblowers exposed it in 1972.
From 1943 until present
the British have tested -
lethal nerve gas on their own
personnel on land, air and sea.
Many died instantly. Others died
grooling deaths over several years.
The federal government commissioned
secret radiationing experiments -
on 1,000s of non-consenting patients.
injected healthy men, women and
children with uranium and plutonium -
at dosage levels ranging from
non therapeutic to lethal, -
killing many of the test subjects.
Pregnant wives of G.I.s were given
vitamins by armybase doctors that -
actually consisted of highly radioactive
uranium 239 and plutonium 241 -
resulting in violent miscarriages
and the death of the mothers.
Soldiers, sailors and marines
were used as guinea pigs -
in 100s of atomic and hydrogen
bomb tests.
Patriotic Americans were radiated,
side by side, with lab-animals.
Pilots were forced to repeatedly fly through
mushroom clouds of DNA destroying radiation.
From 1951 to 1961 the U.S. Army
paid Israel's health ministry -
testing on Sephardic children -
that immigrated to Israel.
The government-run public schools
would tell the children that they -
were going to get a medical check-up
and that were receiving an x-ray.
The Pentagon had already radiated
more than 4,000 institutionalized -
children in the United States,
many of which had died.
More than 110,000 of the darker
skinned Jews were given -
x-rays to the head - repeatedly.
Many of the children died within
months. All of them lost their hair.
Some still live today and endure
excruciating health problems.
The covert testing of chemical,
biological and radiological agents -
on unsuspecting populations
continues world-wide today.
From 1940 to 1979 the vast
majority of the British population -
was sprayed by aircraft more
than 2,000 times with deadly -
chemicals and micro-organisms
without ever being told.
In 1968, the Pentagon tested a
deadly bioweapon on New York Subways -
and placed personnel at local
hospitals to monitor the effects.
Aggressive sterilization
of men and women -
continued in many States
until the mid 1980s.
The United States and England
are currently testing pesticides -
and highly toxic experimental drugs
on 10s of 1,000s of healthy -
foster children, many of which die
as a result of the experiments.
Prisons across the nation have
forced inmates to participate in -
grizzly experiments ranging from
pesticide studies to having tablets -
of dioxin sewn into their backs.
"Gradually, by selective breeding,
the congenital differences -
between rulers and ruled will
increase until they become -
almost different species.
A revolt of the plebs would become
as unthinkable as an organized -
insurrection of sheep against the
practice of eating mutton."
~Bertrand Russel
H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley,
Bertrand Russel and 100s of other -
eugenicists constantly bragged
about how the establishment -
believe themselves to be a separate,
more advanced species -
than the common man. Top eugenicists
were bold enough to admit -
their real goal was not improving
the hereditary of the commoner -
but to further dumb them down so
that they could be more manageable.
Nobel prize winner, Russel, wrote
at length about how vaccinations -
filled with mercury, and other
brain damaging compounds would induce -
partial, chemical lobotomies, and
develop a servile zombie population.
"Diet, injections, and injunctions
will combine, from a very early age, -
to produce the sort of character
and the sort of beliefs that the -
authorities consider desirable, -
and any serious criticism of
the powers that be will become -
psychologically impossible."
~Bertrand Russel
The Impact of Science on Society
Over a hundred years ago eugenicist
social planners said that -
they'd use mind-altering drugs
to control the population.
By 2007, more than 20% of the
US population were on some type -
of prescription anti-depressant.
But in the case of foster children, -
a sector where the state has total
control, at least 66% are forced -
to take a cocktail made up of,
on average, 7 psychotropic drugs.
Chairmen of the Society of
Psychiatric Physicians, Joe Burkett, -
testified before the State House
Select Committee hearing on -
psychotropic drugs in foster
care and shocked the public -
when he said that 66% of the foster
children in Texas had -
been placed on psychiatric drugs
because they were -
very, very sick from a bad gene pool.
A lot of these kids come from
bad gene pools. They don't have -
stable parents making good
decisions. Besides the gene pools, -
they've been traumatized by
abuse, neglect and problems, -
and then they've been
traumatized by separation, -
and all those things
predispose to mental illness. -
The western world is now implementing
eugenics precrime policies.
Foetuses are now being prescreened
according to family histories of crime, -
from Portland, Oregon to London,
England, child protective services -
are enrolling newborn children
into criminal databases at birth -
and forcing them to attend
probation hearings at age 2.
The overlords of scientific
dictatorship are ruthlessly prosecuting -
a war on our most defenseless.
In December of 1974, the US government -
made 3rd World population reduction
a central national security issue.
The operation plan titled:
National Security Study Memorandum 200, -
was simply a regurgitation of
the British Commission on Population, -
created by King George VI of
England in 1944, which openly -
stated that populous 3rd World
nations posed a threat
to the international elite's
monopoly of global power.
The Kissinger-authored U.S.
plan targeted 13 key countries -
where massive population
reduction was called for.
Kissinger recommended that
I.M.F. and World Bank loans be -
given on condition that
nations initiate aggressive -
population control programs
such as sterilization.
Kissinger also recommended that
food be used as a weapon and -
that instigating wars was also a
helpful tool in reducing population.
In 1972, the Nixon White House
also implemented a eugenics policy -
which was directed by George
Herbert Walker Bush, -
then United States Ambassador
to the United Nations.
Bush advised China on the formulation
of their one child policy,
and directed the federal government
to forcibly sterilize -
more than 40% of Native American
women on reservations.
The Bilderberg-dominated Club of
Rome advocated environmentalism -
as the best front to implement
population reduction.
Western populations would
accept serphtum if it was -
packaged as saving the Earth.
Industrialization of Africa, Asia
and Latin America could be blocked.
Citizens would more willingly give
up their National Sovereignty -
if it were sold as a way
to help the planet.
The thinktank [Club of Rome]
also concocted the peak-oil fraud -
as a way to create artificial
scarcity and The Club of Rome -
has been aggressively pushing
a Global Carbon Tax -
as a way to fund their
planetary government.
In the draft copy of the United
Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, -
it states, very clearly, that we must
reduce human population from -
it's current level of ~6 billion
people down to ~1 billion people.
In the 1970s, South Africa
developed race-specific bioweapons -
to target blacks and Asians
and then subsequently sold the -
technology to Israel in the
mid-1980s. In September of 2000, -
The Project for a New American
Century published a document -
in which Dick Cheney described
race-specific bioweapons as -
'politically useful tools'.
And somebody mentioned, "well,
why would they want to reduce -
the human population when that
means less money for them."
Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's their aphrodisiac.
The overlords of the New World
Order are now aggressively -
pushing for a world-wide
one child policy.
The Chinese one child policy
was phased in gradually.
In the '60s when it began, you
only had to pay a tax penalty.
Only later did they imprison you
if you had more than one child.
Now the exact same proposals to
penalize couples who have more than -
one child are being made in the
United States, England and Europe.
In the quest to reduce Global
Warming, children, according to some, -
are the new culprits. A thinktank
in the U.K. says 2 many kids -
are what's making the planet
worse, saying large families, -
anything over 2 children really,
should be frowned upon as -
an environmental no-no, akin to
not reusing your plastic bags, -
driving one of those big gas guzzling
cars, taking long trips over seas.
The U.K. in fact has negative
growth. I think Canada does too.
Families in our rich countries
shouldn't have more than 2 kids.
In 1998, Ted Turner pledged
to give more than 1 billion -
to the United Nations to be
spent in the implementation -
of population reduction
policies planet-wide.
"A total world population of
a 95 percent decline from
present levels, would be ideal."
~Ted Turner
Interview, Audubon Magazine
In 1999, the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation gave 2.2 billion -
to Planned Parenthood, the
United Nation's Population Fund -
and other population reduction groups.
By 2007 the Gates had given -
more than 30 billion dollars
almost exclusively to Population
Control Groups. The controlled
corporate press cynically reported -
that the Gates were giving the
money to help 3rd World children.
Bill and Melinda Gates were dethroned
as the worlds most generous -
philanthropists when their friend,
and fellow population reduction -
enthusiast, Warren Buffet, gave
Population Control Groups.
"And I actually think the
world will be much better -
when there's only 10 or
~Dr. Eric Pianka
Prominent, University of Texas
Biologist, Dr. Eric Pianka, -
while receiving an award from
the Texas Academy of Science -
said that the world-wide AIDs pandemic
was quote "no good, it's too slow", -
and went on to laud the virtues
of Ebola because it would kill -
When his statements erupted
into a national controversy -
his graduate students defended him
stating that Pianka was too conservative, -
and that all humans should be killed.
But most frightening was the fact -
in a crowd of over 1000 prominent
scientists, local newspapers reported that -
sustained standing ovations every -
time he extolled the virtues of mass culling microbes and man's destruction.
"China was able to turn the
corner and become the -
leading world super power
because they have a police state -
and they are able to force
people to stop reproducing."
~Dr. Eric R. Pianka
The eugenics movement has now shaken
off much of its Nazi baggage, -
and is using peoples legitimate concern
about the environment as a cloak -
to conceal their real agenda.
Everyone wants to breath clean
air and have good water, -
but the controllers of the environmental
movement have done nothing -
but co-op people's concerns and
parole it into support -
for global policies that further
destabilize the 3rd World -
and create untold misery.
Phony environmental and
conservation groups -
are now the biggest private
land owners in the world.
They lobby government to take property
away from local populations -
only to develop it themselves later.
When the U.S. Military dumps
millions of gallons of nerve gas -
on the east coast of the US,
they don't say a word.
trans-genetic cross-species hybrids, -
splicing plants, animals and insects,
and releasing the new organisms -
into the global biosphere, vandalizing
the very genetic code of the planet.
And large environmental
organizations do nothing.
The corporate elite of the
planet intensified their push -
for a global taxation system
with a year-long buildup for the -
Live Earth hysteria, held on
July 7th, 2007 on 7 continents.
World leaders announced that
saving the Earth was the new -
organizing principle for humanity,
and hailed it as a new religion.
They claim that CO2, which plants
breath was killing the Earth -
and that we must reduce the
number of children we have -
to curtail our carbon footprint.
Countries across the world mark the
day by passing new carbon tax schemes -
and raising taxes on gasoline,
natural gas and electricity.
It is a scientific fact that
the sun is the main driver -
of planetary climate, and
the measurements are clear.
The sun is becoming hotter,
It has slowly increasing thermal
output in the last hundred years, -
causing warming, not just on earth
but throughout the solar system.
But the scientific facts, and
even the order of the planets, -
didn't matter to one of the
chief organizers of Live Earth, -
David Mayer de Rothschild,
heir to the British arm -
of the Rothschild fortune,
when we spoke to him.
When I called Rothschild on the
order of the planets he just laughed -
thinking the audience
wouldn't get it.
He continued to count on the
population's ignorance and claimed -
the global warming lobby has
nothing to do with carbon taxes.
I guess he hadn't spoken with
his good personal friend, Al Gore.
Global warming, the
time for debate is over.
I think what you have
to realize is that being -
environmentaly sensitive and making
money aren't mutually exclusive.
There's a lot of money to be
made in addressing this issue.
But you guys are gobbling up all
the worlds concern to just -
simply line your pockets and make
kids read your book in schools -
and do all this, it's a business
just like you said Rothschild.
It's not a...do you think I
make any money out of this?
It's the same thing your great, great, great
gran...your money changing ancestors did.
They're in Germany, red shield,
and I'm calling you out, red shield.
We know it's a scam.
A pollution based tax system,
principally CO2.
Were causing it, mainly,
the vast majority of it.
The consequences are bad and will
be catastrophic unless we act...
The polar ice caps of Mars have...are
receding, it's several miles a year, -
much faster than ours, and that the
moons of Saturn and Jupiter are melting, -
in fact, several moons were
ice and are now liquid seas.
Now, how are S.U.V.s causing
that, David Rothschild?
Because those planets are
closer to the sun my friend.
No Jupiter and Saturn are not closer
to the sun, neither is Mars.
Yes, sir. I think you'll find...right,
that the very simple matter -
on what I wanted to say,
and this is my final point, -
to get your taxation system,
because actually it's not taxation...
Put a price on the carbon.
A tax is the best way.
Cap-and-trade can also do it.
If there were a carbon based
tax, would there be a need -
for an economy-wide
cap-and-trade system.
They are not either/or.
We can do both.
I am in favor of both.
The architects of the New
World Order are in a race -
to complete the structure
of world government -
so they can suppress the
independent development -
of technologies that threaten
their monopoly of power, -
while at the same time
steering new developments -
in the direction the
architects chart for humanity.
The technocrats call their governing
system the final revolution -
because in the past empires
were enforced militarily.
Now enforcement is primarily
psychological and economic.
And society itself is
a construct of the elite -
who operate outside the
controlled paradigm -
and control the civilization within.
Just as a child maintains the
environment of a fishtank, -
we are like lab-rats living
out our entire existence, -
never questioning the confines of the cage
or the scientists who experiment on us.
New World Order engineers
have hijacked human destiny.
It's controllers have closely studied human
behavior for more than a hundred years, -
and are now steering
us with expert control -
using our primitive drives
and desires as levers.
They have developed their mind
control systems to the point -
of being able to control the average
unconscious person like a car.
"By 2020. There will be
a One world government."
~Ray Kurzweil
Eugenics dominated the 20th century.
It's ruthless spirit -
has now metastasized into
the fields of genetics, -
nanotech and robotics,
but that's not surprising.
From their inception, all 3 disciplines
have been dominated by eugenicists.
The billionaire founder of
Sun Microsystems, Bill Joy, -
courageously went public in 2000
to warn of a cancerous consensus -
among the technocratic
elite, that at best -
humanity would be completely
enslaved by the year 2030, -
and at worst, mass extermination of
everyone but the elite would take place.
A who's who of the techno-elite -
are members of what is known as the
transhumanist or posthumanist movement.
Many of it's adherents see
only the beneficial aspects -
of technology's exponential rise
like bringing sight to the blind, -
sound to the deaf and
longer life for all.
But what many of them don't know
is that master eugenicist, -
Julian Huxley, founded transhumanism
and that society's controllers -
openly admit that the new system is
designed to progress into absolute tyranny.
Leading transhumanist, Ray Kurzweil,
boasts that technological advancements
will allow those that can
afford it, to live forever, -
but admits that most wouldn't be able
to keep up with the new master race.
The drive for world government
is now all about who will control, -
and have access to, radical
life extension systems.
"Biological evolution is too
slow for the human species.
Over the next few decades it's
going to be left in the dust."
~Ray Kurzweil
Transhumanists believe that they
will attain the fountain of youth -
by merging with technology. Now
it may be within their reach.
Decades ago transhumanists said that
if you do not accept augmentation -
or enhancements you would no
longer be able to get jobs -
and now it's happening today.
Microchips implanted in Mexican officials
US group implants electronic
tags in workers
"The elite who occupy the commanding
heights of digital reality -
are suicidal nihilists.
Suicidal nihilists know -
that there is no longer any
substantive purpose to their willing.
But they would always prefer to
go on willing than not to act at all.
They can very happily ally themselves -
with a notion of nuclear
holocaust or perfect exterminism."
~Arthur Kroker
Technology has become so powerful
in it's capacity for destruction -
that free humanity cannot afford
to let psychopathic technocrats, -
with delusions of grandeur,
repeat the mistakes of their forebearers, -
because it is highly probable that
this time they may destroy -
everything including themselves
in their mad rush for Godhood.
In this film we have chronicled
the overlord's bloody orgy -
of experimentation which
already claimed the lives -
of over 150 million people
in the 20th century.
And now they are promising
to deliver an -
invincible tyranny that will
dwarf their past exploits.
In the days of World War II
there were sovereign nations -
and armies to stand against
Hitlers final solution.
Once world government is in place
no one will be able to stop -
the New World Order's plans
for Global Population Reduction.
For those immune to
psychological programming, -
been built throughout the -
United States in their quest
for population reduction.
No method is off the table.
These dark builders intent to release
a String of manmade bioweapons plagues, -
each one worse than the last,
while at the same time, -
expanding the Police State to
enforce an orderly extermination -
of the population - all in the
name of fighting invisible terrorists.
And the Georgia Guidestones
stand today as a cold testament -
to the elite's sacred mission.
to have a two class system -
where the underclass are
forced to live as slaves -
in tiny enclosed cities, while the
elite enjoy the land of the Earth, -
evolve into superhumans with the
aid of implantable technologies, -
live eternal lives and
travel throughout the cosmos.
This is the promise given
to the inner members -
of the New World Order, and
the agenda of the Bilderberg Group.
In 2007, Jim Tucker continued
his 30 year quest -
to expose the globalists by
traveling to Istanbul, Turkey, -
the site of Bilderberg 2007.
Jim Tucker, thank you for
coming on, my friend.
It's always fun.
Jim, tell us what you saw when
you were out at the Ritz Hotel.
We were at the Ritz-Carlton. It looked
like a typical Bilderberg scenario, -
with the heavy armed guards
all around the place, -
they had platoons of cops in
formation waiting for their dispersement.
They also had cops all the
way around the building, -
and they had all those high-tech
things where every member can -
hear whatever's spoken in any language, -
instantly translated to his own
language so they can keep up with it.
Is the hotel open?
Let's just ask him directly.
Is Bilderberg meeting
here this weekend?
You can go this way.
We had my 2 personal
cops following me today.
I was not aware because my nose
is always sticking into a camera -
and my jaws are always flapping,
but the TV crew said, -
those guys are gonna follow you.
And their car followed us out to
the hotel then the TV crew identified
the 2 cops in plain clothes, -
not business suits but
sport shirts and so-forth.
That's the car that's been on our
ass. Anyone wanna photograph him?
You are, aren't you.
Well, they're very likely
[to be] Bilderberg boys.
John Elkann, owner of fiat
and a fellow Bilderberger, -
thought that they could
take a stroll off the grounds -
without being noticed by the commoners.
I was thinking about that.
This Bilderberg attendee
sneered at our camera.
This car load of kingpins gave
the media a murderous look -
and seemed shocked that they would
dare point a camera in their direction.
In 2007, the Bilderberg Group -
received the heaviest global
coverage in it's history.
Jim Tucker witnessed press
conferences attended by -
hundreds of members of the media,
and a new generation of info-warriors, -
like reporter
Paul Dorneanu of Romania, -
are tracking the elite
no matter where they hide.
We are exposing this group called Bilderberg.
Now, Jim, my governor,
Rick Perry, it's in the frontpage -
of the Dallas Morning News,
the headline reads: -
Texas Governor Rick
Perry to attend Bilderberg.
What does it mean to have the Governor
of Texas in the Dallas Morning News, -
just admitting he's
going to Bilderberg Group?
That means he's a
potential President. -
Even as the obscure
Governor of Arkansas, -
Bill Clinton lost his virginity to
the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden -
in Germany in 1991, and he's
elected President the following year.
Now, if he goes nowhere,
then in the run for the
White House in the years ahead, -
they'll drop him like an old
shoe - they do that often.
But officially Bilderberg considers
Perry a potential President of the US.
Yes, it's a violation of the
Logan Act for which Bill Clinton's -
White House was fined $300,00,
which means the tax payers paid it.
When Perry returned to
Texas from Istanbul -
we were determined to hold him
accountable for his treasonous actions.
We don't want our roads, our
water, our power plants, -
our entire infrastructure turned
over to the New World Order.
And we tell you now, the people
are rising up and learning -
what you're doing and they're
angry, and they're tired of it.
Stop enslaving us.
Stop setting up tyranny.
Stop going along with
the New World Order plan -
if you've got any soul
left, Rick Perry.
The 1st Amendment still exists, Perry,
and we're back here again tonight, -
telling you we're not
gonna put up with it.
Long live the Republic!
We shall prevail!
Death to the New World Order!