Engaged to be Murdered (2023) Movie Script

Mrs. Finley!
I picked up the cake.
Oh, good.
I want to take a look.
Oh! Wonderful.
It's his favourite.
Time goes so fast!
It's hard to believe
he's been away a year.
Ah, 11 months, actually.
Ah, I've missed him.
Never been apart this long.
Oh, it'll be wonderful
to have him home.
I have depended on him
so much since his father died.
Mrs. Finley...
you'll never be alone
as long as I'm alive.
I'm here for you.
Thanks, Louise.
Well, I'm heading
to the grocery store to pick up
the lamb and shrimp.
What time do you expect him?
Well, his flight
lands at 3:30.
With traffic and a stop
by his apartment,
I expect he'll be here by seven.
Is your brother joining?
No. Victor said he has plans,
but he might pop
by later for dessert.
Okay! Well, I'll see you
in a little while.
Take a look at
the report I just sent you.
We need to update
our logistics software,
it's obsolete.
There have been significant
delays in several ports.
We can deal with
all that when you come into
the office tomorrow.
What, you're not coming
for dinner tonight?
No, I had a commitment
that I wasn't able
to reschedule.
Besides, your mother will want
you all to herself.
Yeah, she's been emailing
me about it daily.
I have a little
surprise for her.
Jack, you know your mother's
not fond of surprises.
Yeah, well,
this one's different.
Okay! Welcome back.
Thanks Uncle Victor.
It hasn't even been an hour,
and you're on your phone.
It's an addiction.
He may be my uncle,
but he still calls the shots.
Kissing the ring upon return
to the kingdom is a must.
I thought you were
the favoured son?
Just because I'm family,
doesn't mean I'm favoured.
They should
know you're a star.
Yeah. It's different.
This restructuring in Singapore
was my first test.
In many ways, it's harder now.
Well, I'm grateful
for that little test.
'Cause if you hadn't spent
all that time in Singapore,
we never would have met.
- It was meant to be.
- Mm-hmm.
I am concerned about
this little plan of yours.
What? My surprise?
I still can't believe
I went along with it,
to spring me on
your mother unannounced.
I told you, my mother likes
to ruminate on everything
and she can be...
Getting the first introduction
out of the way quickly
was the best way.
I don't know if I buy
your strategy,
but she's your mother.
I'm telling you, it's better
to have her meet you in person.
See how fabulous you are.
Okay, I trust you.
You should.
Okay, I'll be back here
to pick you up by seven.
Okay. I'll be ready.
Look at me.
This is gonna be great.
We're gonna find out
soon enough.
- Love you.
- I love you.
- See you soon.
- Okay.
Is someone there?
We have nearly 1,200
empty containers
sitting in Taipei.
My sources tell me
the strike won't settle
anytime soon.
What are our options?
I'm in touch with
the truckers' union.
They might be able to move them,
but it'll cost a minimum
of 20% more.
Well, we have no choice,
do we?
- Very well, I'll follow up.
- Oh, Stan.
Jack is coming in tomorrow.
Can you help him get settled?
I want him to feel welcome.
- Of course.
- Good.
Do you know anything about
the woman he's seeing
over there?
Um, don't know much.
She works for
our accounting firm.
She was reassigned to Singapore
while Jack was there.
Do you know how long
they've been together?
I gather they've been together
for a six months.
Where is she now?
- I'm not sure.
- Can you find out?
Yes. Of course.
Hey, Mom.
Running a few minutes late.
See you soon.
So, what else is new?
- I spoke to Dad last night.
- Really?
Said he's moving. Again.
Found something closer
to the beach.
Good for him.
I hope he finds
what he's looking for.
While we're on
the subject of exes,
I spoke to Amanda and she said
that Jack was coming back.
He's finished
his business abroad.
Oh. When?
Um, I think he's here now.
Were you not going to tell me?
I didn't want you to get hurt.
You're doing so well
with your third yoga studio,
why open up old wounds?
I was upset when Jack
ended things,
but I didn't want
to move overseas anyway.
I was building my business.
It turned out
to be for the best.
If you say so.
Is he... seeing anyone?
She didn't say.
So you're curious?
A little.
- You want me to ask her?
- No!
I don't want you to ask her.
Well, I promise if I find out
anything else,
I won't hold out on you.
What else haven't you shared?
I made the list of the
Top 100 Real Estate Agents.
Mom! That's great!
Thanks! Look at us,
both successful businesswomen!
You okay?
I'm apprehensive
about meeting your mother
and sharing our wedding plans
all at the same time.
It's a bit much,
don't you think?
Olivia, I'm not sure
how long I'm gonna be here
before they send
me overseas again.
Six months? A year, maybe?
I don't want to wait.
My friend Lisa eloped
and she said it was the best
decision they ever made.
- I can't do that to my family.
- I know.
I think you want your parents
there too, don't you?
I suppose.
It is a lot for your mom
to process, though.
You have to admit that.
It is. But in the end,
I think she'll understand.
Here we are!
Your family home is stunning!
Yeah, it's alright.
Okay, this... is gonna be great.
Alright. Wait here.
- Hi, Louise.
- So nice to see you!
Oh, great to see you!
Oh, you look great!
I missed you.
I missed you too, Mom.
Oh, I can't believe
you're finally home.
Uh, Mom.
There's someone
I want you to meet.
Mom, this is Olivia Clark.
Olivia, this is my mother,
Amanda Finley.
Mrs. Finley, it is
so nice to meet you.
Jack has told me
so much about you.
Has he?
Oh, these are for you.
Um, they're lovely.
Thank you. Um...
Sorry, I'm just
a little surprised.
Louise, could you set another
place for Jackson's, uh...
Of course.
- Here.
- Wonderful.
Jack, why don't you fix us
all a drink?
I could use one.
Sounds good.
The usual for you?
- Mm-hmm.
- And...
No, thank you.
Um, yes, please, come in.
Olivia, did you say it was?
Lovely. Um, why don't
you have a seat?
Thank you.
I apologize, Olivia.
I'm just a little thrown.
Jack didn't tell me
he was inviting someone
this evening.
Olivia's not just anyone, Mom.
She's my fiance.
We fell in love in Singapore.
You're getting married?
Yeah. I waited to tell you,
'cause I wanted
to surprise you tonight.
Uh... You mentioned that you
were in a relationship,
but you didn't say
it was a serious one.
Jack and I are very much
in love
and we hope for your blessing.
Well, congratulations.
Mom, I'm only home
for a short time
and it's important for me
to bring the family together
for a celebration.
Isn't that what you want?
Yes, of course.
Who else knows?
No one. You're the first.
And you let him talk you into
revealing your engagement
to me in this manner?
Well, this was my idea.
No, I thought that, I just
wondered what Olivia thought.
Honestly, I questioned Jack
from the beginning,
but he assured me
this was the best approach,
so I went along with it,
hoping that you would
accept me into your life.
I see.
Forgive me, but I'm a little
bit set in my ways
and new relationships,
especially important ones
like this, they take time.
Of course.
And your parents.
Do they know?
Uh, no. We're not close.
- Siblings?
- No, I'm an only child.
Oh. Well, you have that
in common with Jack, don't you?
Although I'm a little surprised
only children would be
so... independent.
Well, I mean, I would think
it would be opposite.
An only child making
such an important life decision
might think to include
the parents.
- Mom...
- Excuse me, Mrs. Finley.
Dinner is served.
Let's enjoy your
favourite dinner then, Jack.
Oh! Let me guess.
Chilled shrimp, lamb chops
and mashed potatoes?
Well, it seems like you two
have gotten to know each other.
Shall we?
So, how did you two meet?
- On a Zoom call.
- Mm-hmm.
How modern.
Yeah, Olivia is a rising star
at International Accounting
Services, our CPA firm.
Oh. And what did
you do before that?
I went to college here
in Washington,
majored in accounting.
I got a few jobs working at CPAs
and then worked my way
into commercial shipping.
You said that your parents
were out of state.
How did you end up
on the West Coast?
Oh, I grew up in here
in Bellevue.
I lived with my dad
until he remarried
and moved to Arizona.
And your mother?
My parents divorced
when I was 12.
She moved away
shortly after that.
So tell me a little bit
more about your job.
Mom. Do we really have
to do the whole
cross-examination thing?
Well, I'm just trying
to get to know your fianc.
It's fine.
Uh, like I was saying,
I was eager to get out
of an office environment,
so after I finished
a forensic accounting program,
I landed a job at International
Accounting Services.
It was my dream job.
An international company
with offices all over the world?
It gave me the opportunity
to travel, which is my passion.
And what are your plans now?
I guess... to be together?
What I mean is, do you plan
to continue to work?
Yeah, of course.
Excuse me, Mrs. Finley.
Your brother called to say
that unfortunately he won't
be able to make it this evening.
Well, that's a little odd.
Excuse me while
I go check up on Victor.
I really don't think
this is going well.
She seems very upset.
No, she's just...
she's a little caught off guard.
It's going to be fine.
I promise.
What, they're engage?
You knew nothing about this?
No. I knew that he was
seeing somebody in Singapore,
but that's no big surprise.
I didn't think anything of it.
Victor, you didn't think
to tell me that he's in
a serious relationship?
Amanda, calm down.
Well, what else
do you know about her?
That she worked for our
CPA firm and that they've been
together for about six months.
Six months?
And they're engaged?
Victor, that is ridiculous.
I know you're upset,
but give it a chance.
Well, she doesn't feel
right for him.
I mean, she's not Rachel,
not even close.
- Amanda!
- No.
A mother has instincts,
and I'm telling you,
there's something
just off about her.
Amanda, will you listen
to yourself?
You cannot compare
everyone to Rachel.
Well, I need
to put an end to this,
so I'll call you tomorrow.
Olivia! Can I get you
another glass of wine?
Mm, mom. This is so good,
it's just like I remember.
Well, I'm glad
you still like it.
You can take the rest home.
Are you kidding?
That's way too much.
What am I going to do
with it? Please, take it.
I would love to continue
this conversation,
but you must be exhausted
from your journey.
Would you like to have
coffee tomorrow?
I can do that.
Does afternoon work for you?
Of course. After
six months in Singapore,
you must have a lot to do.
Six months?
How did you know six months?
Oh, um... Jack's uncle Victor
told me on the phone.
Seems you two tried
to keep your affair a secret,
but apparently it was well
known in the office.
It's time to go.
Oh, Jack, I'm only sharing
what I was told. That's all.
Thank you for a wonderful
dinner, Mom. It was delicious.
Good night. I'm gonna grab
your coat, okay?
It was really nice
to meet you, Mrs. Finley.
I look forward to our coffee.
As do I. Um, I'll get
your number from Jack
and we'll meet somewhere
close by you.
- Great.
- Shall we?
Good night, Mother.
You want to talk about it?
Your mother does not like me.
That's not true.
She can be very...
blunt, but she warms up.
- I'm not sure about that.
- Trust me. She'll come around.
She invited you for coffee, hmm?
That's a good sign.
I knew this was a bad idea.
We shouldn't have
surprised her like this.
Maybe, but I still think
it was the best way
to make her support us.
Make her? I didn't think
we would need to make her.
I thought she just...
Hey, look at me. Look at me.
We are going to get married.
Okay? Nothing is going to come
between us. Nothing. Okay?
- I love you.
- I love you.
It'll be okay.
Jack! Stan Wu.
I work on the Singapore account.
Yeah, Stan. Good to see you.
I think we've met.
Yes. It's been awhile.
Welcome back.
Thank you.
Hey, I'd like to take
a look at the manifests
for the Asia-Pacific routes
as soon as I get settled in.
Can we catch up after lunch?
- Absolutely.
- Awesome.
Knock, knock!
Hey! Welcome back!
Great to see you, Victor.
You must be jet lagged.
I'm surprised you
came in so early.
Well, that's the beauty
of flying first class,
you can sleep on the plane.
I was excited to get started.
Of course you are.
Let me show you your new office.
I think you're gonna
really like it.
Did my mother call you?
You mean about the surprise?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Take a seat for a minute.
Come on, sit down.
Yeah, your mother
called me last night.
I don't know why you thought
surprising her with your
- Fiance.
- Fiance...
how surprising her like
that would win you any points?
It was a little reckless, Jack.
You know I could be sent back
to Asia at any time.
I want to get married here.
Well, think about it
from her perspective.
I mean, she wants
to get to know Olivia
and understand her intentions.
Her intentions?
You think she's after
the family fortune?
It's not personal, Jack.
It's a big deal, bringing
someone into this family.
Listen to yourself.
You sound like Don Corleone.
I understand your frustrations,
but frankly, I'm with
your mother on this.
With her on what, exactly?
On slowing things down.
Besides, you know
it's against company policy
to get involved
with a co-worker.
She's not a co-worker.
Working for our CPA
firm is the same thing.
She has access
to financial data.
You could be compromised.
Look. The fact is,
we're going to get married.
The family can either choose
to accept that or not,
but it's not gonna
change the outcome.
Well, I'm sure once your
mother gets comfortable
with Olivia, she'll support you.
And if she doesn't?
I'm confident she will.
I don't know.
Ever since Dad died, it's like
she treats me like a teenager.
I miss him too, but I have
to move on with my life.
You can understand that,
can't you?
- Of course I can, Jack.
- Say you support me.
I will. I just want you
to slow it down a little...
that you can always come back
for a month next year
and get married.
Just slow it down.
- Great to see you, Victor.
- Great to see you.
I'll walk you to your office.
It's okay. I'll find it.
Hmm, hmm, hmm...
Everything okay?
I'm not sure.
Any more information
on that girl?
I spoke to a few people
from our Singapore office.
They thought Olivia
had her sights on Jack
as soon as she met him.
Hm, that sounds like gossip.
I'm just telling you
what her co-workers are saying.
Apparently, she was on weekly
Zoom calls with Jack
and spoke to him
in a manner some would
consider inappropriate.
Like what?
I guess she was, like,
flirting with him
in front of her superiors.
And then the next thing you know,
she's on a flight to Singapore.
That'll get the gossip
mill going.
Rumour was that Jack made a
deal for her to get sent there.
A deal? What kind of deal?
A quid pro quo.
That he pushed through
a lucrative contract
for a CAP client
without proper vetting.
Seems uncharacteristic
for Jack.
Maybe she did a favour for
someone to get closer to him.
Maybe she's the instigator.
I have a another take on it.
I'm listening.
What if she's working
for our competition?
She has access
to sensitive information
that could hurt us
if it got in the wrong hands.
You mean like
corporate spying?
Look into it.
Will do.
Hi, Jack.
Hi. I just wanted to see
how coffee went.
I'm on my way. I had to
choose a different coffee shop.
I didn't care very much
for the one she picked.
Alright, just try
to be nice, okay?
Of course. You know,
I'm not that bad.
You've been known to be
a bit intimidating at times.
I promise to be my most
charming self.
Okay. Thank you.
- I love you.
- Love you too.
Hi, Mrs. Finley.
I am so sorry I'm late,
I took the long way by accident.
No problem.
Would you like something?
Uh... No, I'm fine with water.
Really? I just saw the serv...
I'm fine with water.
Thank you.
Thank you for making
the journey out here.
And for picking this place.
It's so close, but I've never
been here before.
Well, it's really the only
place I'll come
to this side of town.
But... no, I don't mind.
I really wanted to see
where you lived.
Not much to see.
Just a typical Seattle suburb.
But I like it.
And is this where you plan
on living with Jack?
Probably not.
We haven't decided,
but when he's overseas,
I'll be with him,
so we're just not ready
to commit yet.
Uh, yes.
I'm very excited to be a mother,
when the time is right.
I love kids.
A working mother?
Yeah, I think a woman can have
a career and raise children,
with the father as
an equal partner, of course.
And what if his job
doesn't allow that?
I think most companies
nowadays understand
that they have to prioritize
so their employees
can work and have a family.
Oh! almost forgot.
I got you something
from Singapore.
It's called kaya.
It's coconut jam.
It's very popular
and really delicious.
I turned Jack onto it
and he just loves it.
That's really thoughtful.
You know, I will have
something to drink. Thank you.
Can you get the server?
Oh. Yes. I will go get her.
I'll be right back.
I don't trust her.
She's an opportunist.
I understand your concern.
There's something not right
about her, and I am determined
to find out what it is.
Don't you think you're
getting ahead of yourself?
You barely met her.
I trust my instincts.
Your son loves her, Amanda.
Just give her a chance.
Caroline, your daughter
is a perfect match for my son.
Our family have known
each other for generations.
But it was not meant to be.
I never really understood
what happened with them.
Rachel didn't really
give me details,
but I know
that Jack broke it off.
we could try
to make it happen again.
Make what happen?
Rachel and Jack together.
We could arrange
a spontaneous encounter,
make the sparks fly again!
I know in my heart Rachel
is the right one for him.
Rachel has a successful
business and she's happy.
You have to accept
that she's moved on.
But she's not seeing anyone,
So come on, what do we
have to lose?
Rachel is not
easily manipulated.
I'm sorry, I can't
be part of this.
Just think about it.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Don't take it personally.
How can I not
take it personally?
You have to accept
that your mother and I
are not going to get along.
I'll talk to her. Okay?
Did she like your
last girlfriend?
She was fine with her.
Oh, good, so it is me.
Is she from "the right family"?
Can we not do this? Please?
I love you.
That's all that matters.
If my mother can't accept that,
then so be it.
She's your mother.
I want her to like me.
Is something wrong?
No, j-just something
I have to deal with.
I need a little bit
of time alone.
Let's not do this.
Just to process things.
I'll call you later, okay?
Whatever you need.
Thank you.
He suggested that
she might be spying.
You mean for another company?
Yes. Most likely
one of our Chinese competitors.
- Is there proof?
- No. Not yet.
Well, we can't say anything
to Jack until we have
something solid.
Stan is working on it.
There he is.
Uncle Vic,
I didn't know you'd be here.
I invited him here
so that we could all have
a civilized conversation.
Could you please sit down
and have a glass of wine?
No, thank you. And if
civilized is what you want,
your coffee with Olivia
today hardly qualified.
Sweetheart, I was only
trying to get to know her.
She can tell you disapprove.
You're not very good
at hiding your feelings, Mother.
Look, both of you
need to get on board
with the fact that Olivia
and I are getting married.
If you cannot accept that,
we will no longer
have a relationship.
Is that what you want?
- No...
- Well, it's where we're headed.
Look, Jack, Victor and I
think that Olivia isn't
being honest with you.
About what?
About her intentions.
In what way?
There are questions
about her transfer to Singapore.
She may have been targeting you.
We met through work.
She was sent by her supervisor
and is an asset to her team.
What is the issue?
There are rumours
that her transfer may have been
a quid pro quo.
What the hell
are you talking about?
That you coerced CAP
to have her sent to Singapore
as a favour to
a client of theirs.
No, that is insane!
I would never do that.
Well, then explain it, Jack.
There's nothing to explain.
I trust her.
That's all there is to it.
Sorry. Didn't mean
to startle you.
Who are you?
I, uh... I live in 206.
Oh. I'm... I'm so sorry.
You just surprised me.
No problem. Good night.
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
This is Jack Finley,
leave a message.
Hi, Jack, it's me.
Call me back.
I'm not going
to call her employer
until we have some solid proof.
I'm working on it,
but it could be too late.
She might have already
shared sensitive information.
This is a huge scandal
if we make an accusation
and we're wrong.
A hunch isn't enough.
I put a tap on her phone.
How did you manage that?
I have my ways.
I don't want to know,
but keep me posted.
Hi. What happened last night?
I tried to call you.
Yeah, sorry, I left
my phone off the charger
and it died.
It didn't go well
with my mother.
Big surprise.
Look, I need to talk
to you about something.
Sure. What is it?
No, in person.
How about I come to your office?
- Now?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna get changed
and I'll head over, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay, bye.
You shot these yourself?
Yeah. I mean, I was there
for like eight hours.
I knew she was
up to something!
Yeah. They were engaged
in what we like to call
an "intimate conversation" for
the better part of an hour.
What happened then?
Then they parted ways.
You didn't follow the man?
He got away from me.
- I was told you were the best.
- These things happen.
Do we have any idea who he is?
No. But I will find out.
Well, it's important
that we identify him.
How long would that take?
It's hard to say.
I'll have to do some more
surveillance until
they meet again.
I'm gonna need another payment.
Yeah, I'll take care of it.
Can you email these to me?
Hi. I'm Olivia Clark.
I'm here to see Jack.
Excuse me.
Hi, Olivia. I'm Stan Wu.
I work with Jack.
- Hi.
- I'll show you to his office.
Great, thanks.
I know your supervisor,
Bill Gottlieb.
He's my point person
at your firm.
Oh, yeah. Bill's great.
He's a real mentor.
You must be busy
working long hours,
juggling between clients.
No, actually, I'm assigned
exclusively to INTEX.
There's a lot here
to keep me busy, though.
I'm working from home,
so it saves not having
to commute.
There it is. I'm sure he'll
be happy to see you.
Look who I found!
- Hi! Come on in.
- Hi.
Thank you, Stan.
Nice to meet you.
- You want to sit down?
- Yeah.
So, what's up?
You're going to think
I'm crazy, but I'm pretty sure
someone was in my condo
last night.
What? How would they get in?
Maybe they got the key
from my super?
I've never trusted that guy.
Okay, I'll tell you what,
we're gonna get
the locks changed, okay?
Would that make you feel better?
But there's something
else I need to tell you.
I've been tracking
payments made from INTEX
to a subcontractor,
a trucking firm in Manila.
- And?
- I think it's fake.
They seem to have gone
out of business two years ago
but the offices
are still operating.
Well, how do you know?
I've been watching
their building
from a webcam across the street.
There's activity.
How much money is involved?
Almost a million dollars.
I think someone
is stealing from INTEX.
- We have to tell Victor.
- No. Not yet.
The payment instructions
are coming from here,
in Seattle. And if I'm right,
from in this office.
That is a serious accusation.
I know.
And I think whoever
is behind it is on to me.
- This is shocking.
- Yeah.
That woman is up to something.
And she has my son wrapped
around her finger.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna find out
who this man is
and expose her.
Be careful.
- Why? What do you mean?
- Well, I don't know,
there could be something
you haven't thought of.
Well, if it's an affair,
that would undoubtedly
break them up and...
leave an opening for Rachel.
Amanda, stop.
Don't give up so easily.
We both want the same thing.
If you want to end Jack's
relationship with Olivia,
that's your prerogative.
But please leave
Rachel and I out of it.
Caroline, I think
you're being close minded.
Maybe so.
I'm actually surprised
that you're not being
more supportive of me.
You're my best friend.
Our children have been
close their whole lives.
I'm just concerned
about my daughter.
It took her so long
to get over Jack,
I don't want to open up
old wounds.
Well, I'll tell you something,
if this marriage goes through,
there might be new wounds
to deal with
that may never heal.
Ugh, I didn't realize
how late it was.
I have an appointment
at the house.
I'll call you later.
- See you guys next week.
- Bye.
Thank you.
Hi. Mom.
I got your text.
You wanted to talk?
Yes. I saw Amanda
and she told me something
I wanted to share.
Apparently, she hired
a private investigator
to spy on Jack's girlfriend.
She says she has photos
of Olivia seeing someone.
She was having an affair...
That's what she thinks.
Does Jack know
his mother did that?
I doubt it.
It doesn't surprise me.
- What?
- You know how protective
Amanda is of Jack,
and now she's gone
and hired a PI,
it's kind of crazy.
I know. She's a bit obsessed.
Jack needs to know.
And if Amanda won't tell him,
I will.
Hi. What is going on?
I sent so many text messages.
Are you serious?
What do you need now?
No! Absolutely not! No, no!
Leave me alone!
Do not call again. Enough.
Damn it.
It says the transaction
has been completed
but the money is not
in the allocated account.
Yes, it's urgent. 12,000.
I'm on the West Coast.
No, the funds
have been withdrawn,
I'm looking at the account
balance right now.
Uh, who is it?
Yes, okay, just hold on
one second please.
That's weird, I didn't...
Olivia. Olivia?!
Olivia, did you know
your door is open...
Olivia, what...
Oh, my God.
Olivia, talk to me,
what happened?
Olivia, stay with me!
The doctor will be in shortly
to give you an update
but the good news
is that she's stable.
It's most important.
Thank you.
Hi. I'm Detective Armstrong.
I just have a few questions.
So you entered the building
and went to her apartment.
Did anyone see you?
No, I was walking
down the hallway
and I noticed
that her door was open.
And no one else was present?
No, I didn't see anyone else.
What was your business
with Ms. Clark?
Well, I went
to speak with her,
she's dating my...
- - son.
- Amanda!
There you are.
I'm so happy to see you.
I think we're done for now,
someone from the department
will contact you to follow up.
I'm just relieved you're okay.
It was terrible, I mean,
I thought she was dead.
Oh my gosh. Is Jack here?
I'll be right back.
Jack. How's she doing?
Uh, it's hard to say.
She hasn't woken up yet.
Olivia's so lucky
that your mother
went there when she did.
She probably saved her life.
She asked me for Olivia's
address and then she just...
shows up?
What the hell
was she doing there?
Jack, she just
went there to talk.
Did she?
I'm not so sure.
Jack, this is your
mother we're talking about.
I just got here.
And a neighbour said a woman
just got picked up
by paramedics.
And they think it was Olivia.
Yeah, I'm at the hospital.
She was attacked.
Is she okay?
Yeah. We think so.
Uh, do you have anything more
on the man in the photographs?
No, but it's reasonable
to suspect
that he was connected with this.
I'm gonna go over there
and watch the hospital.
Okay. You do that.
I have to go.
Come on. I'll take you home.
I'm gonna talk to the detective
in charge tomorrow,
find out what's going on.
Well, hopefully she'll wake up
soon enough
and remember what happened
and be able to tell them.
There's something
I haven't shared with you.
What's this?
I hired a private investigator
to follow Olivia.
You what?
He took these photographs
two nights ago.
She's been secretly
seeing a man.
Oh my God. Who is it?
Well, I don't know,
but hopefully we'll have
more information soon enough.
This is not good.
We need to talk to Jack.
Well, in time.
I was on my way over
to confront Olivia tonight.
Why not talk to Jack first?
Because I want Olivia to admit
that she's lying to him.
And I'm tired of being
the bad guy, Victor.
Can't help but wonder if he's
her contact to our competitor.
You mean, part of their
corporate spy thing?
I haven't mentioned
anything to Jack
because everything's
so circumstantial,
but I should know more soon.
Promise me you won't
say anything to Jack
until we have more information.
I won't, but I will tell
the private investigator.
He might be able to help
identify the man in the photos.
Why don't you go
get some sleep?
She's in good hands.
Oh, no, that's okay.
I think I'll stay.
The doctor prescribed
her a sedative
that'll keep her stable
through the night.
She'll need you fully rested
when it wears off
in the morning.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.
I'm here till seven.
I'll watch her closely.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Thank you.
Come on.
Ah-ha. Got ya.
Got him.
Just gonna check
on Ms. Clark.
Paging Nurse
Danielle to the nurse's station.
Paging Nurse Danielle
to the nurse's station.
Emergency in 11A,
code blue, code blue!
Her IV's been tampered with,
it's compromised.
Get a clean saline, STAT,
and an AED ready,
she may be in shock.
Oh, my God, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
I just have a headache.
I was so worried about you.
Why are there security guards
outside of her room?
I can tell you that
there was an attempt to inject
Olivia's IV with
a foreign substance.
- Oh, my God.
- Wait, what sort of substance?
We're not sure.
The lab is analyzing it now,
but the important thing
is that we caught it in time,
flushed your system
and extracted all traces of it.
This is a nightmare.
I can't believe
what I'm hearing.
How can we be sure
someone on the staff
didn't make a mistake?
It happens all the time.
Whatever was used is not
a medication available to us,
it came from
outside the hospital.
Who would do this?
I understand the security
camera caught someone
suspicious on the floor
last night.
I'm gonna get you
full-time security.
This is not going
to happen again.
You should know the police
have been contacted
and they are sending someone.
I'll leave you two alone.
Thank you.
What? What's on your mind?
Your mother was behind this.
She hates me.
Olivia, you're upset,
and you're reaching for answers.
But you're safe now.
I'm not gonna let
anyone hurt you.
- What do you have?
- I caught him last night
on the camera at the hospital.
I ran him through
facial recognition software
and it came up on a mug shot.
Richard Frankel.
- And who is he?
- I'm not sure.
He was arrested
for drug possession,
may have been using
a fake ID or alias.
I'll check with the local PD
and confirm his identity.
Um, you should know
that there was an incident
at the hospital last night.
What kind of an incident?
Um, I'm not sure, um...
I'm sure the police will tell
you when they come talk to you.
Are you serious?
That's what they told me.
I'll check in soon.
I need your help.
Take your time.
Scroll through the images.
Do you recognize the individual?
No, the hooded sweatshirt's
covering their face.
Is that...
Is that a bandana
around the neck?
Does he have to be here?
I am part of this family.
We are all concerned
with how you're doing.
Ms. Clark. Please continue.
If I had to guess,
I'd say it was a woman.
Maybe Amanda Finley.
The way that she moves
and that scarf on her neck.
I can't be sure but...
You're gonna question her,
Find out where she was
last night?
That is ridiculous!
Jack, you don't believe
your mother had anything
to do with this, do you?
I just want Olivia
to feel safe.
Thank you, Ms. Clark,
we'll be in touch, okay?
Thank you.
Can I get a copy
of that footage?
Um, I'll make sure
hospital security
makes it available to you.
Good. I appreciate that.
Now, Ms. Clark has been
under a lot of stress.
And considering the assault
and the head injury,
I'm just worried that she's
focused on the wrong person.
Now, Mrs. Finley is just
not capable of this.
Skulking around a hospital
in the middle of the night
trying to poison a patient?
Come on. It's laughable.
I appreciate your concern.
We intend to interview
Mrs. Finley
at the station this afternoon.
Please let her know.
Jack, I'm so scared.
I don't understand
what the hell is going on.
I know, honey.
We're gonna get to the bottom
of this, I promise.
Someone is trying to kill me
and I can't make sense of it.
Do you think it's someone
Something to do
with the missing funds?
I don't know.
How well do you know
your uncle?
Olivia, Victor is not
trying to kill you.
I want you to move into my place
until we get this sorted out,
- Jack, I...
- Olivia, please.
I'm serious.
But I need you to do something
for me first.
I'm going to email you
the phone number
of the trucking company
in Manila.
They're probably operating
under a different name.
Call them.
Tell them who you are
and that you need
to confirm payments
through their bank.
Then find out who
the intermediary bank is
for the wire deposits.
- Okay. I got it.
- That's very important.
The intermediary bank is where
the funds are being redirected.
Find someone high up in the bank
and make them give you
that information.
Okay. I'm on it.
I'll be back soon.
This is Jack Finley,
I'm the executive VP at INTEX.
We've noticed some
troubling anomalies
with some of our accounts,
I'd like to speak to somebody
about it right away.
Yeah, I'll hold.
No, Stan, I can't right now.
I'll come back.
Yes. Hello, I'm looking
for information on payments
made to Manila Express.
Yeah, it's one of our
Can you tell me who
the intermediary bank is?
Yeah, for all the wires.
Okay, call me when you have
the information.
Thank you.
I chose not to have
an attorney present
in the spirit of co-operation.
That's your choice.
Please tell me where
you were last night.
Um... Yes, I, uh...
was at home. Louise,
my housekeeper was off,
so I made myself some dinner.
Um, I watched the news
and then I went to bed early.
Did you speak with or see
anyone during that time?
Yes, I spoke with
my brother Victor
on the phone about Olivia.
What time was that?
Um... around 9 PM.
Do you know who this is?
No. I do not.
Do you recognize
the scarf in that image?
It looks like one that I own.
When's the last time
you wore it?
I... I have no idea!
Is it in your possession?
Well, I would think so,
I'd have to check at home.
Can I have your phone
to review your calls?
Um, yes.
I'll let you know
when you can leave.
How about I go
make you some tea?
How's that sound?
Yes please. Thank you.
Well, look at the bright side,
at least you're sleeping
in your own bed tonight.
Yeah, and what about tomorrow?
Ah, one day at a time.
Until they identify the intruder
in the security camera,
you're gonna continue
to be a person of interest.
Well, that scarf looked
exactly like one that I own.
Is that a coincidence?
It's gotta be.
I'm gonna check
I haven't lost it.
Well, why didn't you mention
the photos of Olivia?
I mean, it would help your case
to have another
person of interest.
No, not yet.
But I do think that it's time
that we tell Jack.
Uh, about the photos, maybe.
But I want to hold off
on everything else.
Someone tried to kill her
last night,
and if that's related
to corporate spying,
the FBI's gonna get involved
and that's gonna be a huge mess
for us as a company.
No, I don't want things
to escalate...
until we know more.
Okay, whatever
you think is best,
but I printed the photos
that I was gonna show Olivia.
Her and that man.
I want you to deliver them
to Jack.
- Today?
- Yes!
I want him to confront Olivia.
Just take me home
and have someone
deliver them to his house.
Uh, I'd love to be a fly on
the wall for the conversation.
Well, hopefully
it'll be their last.
Right, yeah.
I need it 24 hours a day,
watching her condo.
No, she's not going
anywhere right now.
Okay, I'll wait
to hear from you.
Is all of this security
We need it until
you know what's going on.
When are you supposed
to hear back from Manila?
They said later tonight,
but you know how things go.
- What is it?
- It's just, it's a text...
From the bank?
It's from Rachel.
Rachel? Like, your ex, Rachel?
You didn't tell me
you guys were in contact.
Why is she texting you?
Jack, what? Talk to me.
She says my mother
hired a private investigator
to follow us.
Wait, how would she
even know that?
Her mother and my mother
are close friends.
Your mother is crazy,
she's trying to get between us
with your ex.
You see that, right?
I will get her to stop, okay?
You said that days ago
and it's only gotten worse.
You haven't done
anything to stop her.
Just... just one second.
What is that?
What is it?
Jack, what's wrong?
Looks like it's your turn
to explain.
I just, I don't understand
all this secrecy.
Why didn't you tell me
you have a brother?
Because he was an addict
and he has a police record
and I didn't want to jeopardize
what we have.
You know you could
tell me anything.
I know, but it's complicated
with him.
What? Does he want money?
But that's not
what this is about.
He wants a second chance.
He wants me to help him
find a job,
he wants me in his life.
What'd you say?
I felt sorry for him,
but I told him I can't commit
to anything.
And he got angry.
You have to understand,
I'm the only person that he has.
What about your parents?
After his third arrest,
they disowned him.
They said he was dead to them.
They went around telling people
that he died of an overdose,
they just erased him.
That's terrible.
They live their life their way
and no one's gonna change that.
Where's your brother now?
I don't know.
He texted yesterday.
Can I meet him?
Are you serious?
Of course.
If he's an important
part of your life,
he's a part of mine too.
Text him.
I want to meet him in person.
Thank you.
I appreciate you stopping by.
It's been a rough
couple of days.
I can only imagine.
I didn't know if Louise was here
and I didn't want
you to be alone.
Thank you.
So, did you confront
Olivia with the photos?
It's in the works.
- Today?
- Mm-hmm.
- Does Jack know?
- I think so.
Victor was having
the photographs delivered
to him this afternoon.
Wow. Can't wait to hear
how that went.
Well, I hope it
ends the relationship.
And with any luck,
Rachel and Jack
can be together again.
With wedding plans cancelled,
maybe there's a chance, Amanda.
You must admit, it would be
lovely if that happened.
It would.
Oh, that might be Jack.
Let's see what he has to say
about our little escapade.
You have a name?
Ah... are you sure?
Okay. Um, thank you. I will.
What was that?
That was strange...
That was the private
saying that he found
the real identity of the man
in the photographs.
And it's Olivia's younger
brother, Russel.
What do you make of that?
I don't know.
I can't thank you enough
for letting me in your home.
Thank Jack,
it was his suggestion.
I really do appreciate it.
I apologize for
following you around,
I, um... was a little
desperate there.
So what's the deal, Russ?
What do you want from Olivia?
She's my sister,
I just want to be
a part of her life.
I don't have
any other family, so...
What's your plan?
Um, listen, I understand
your apprehension
about letting me into your lives
but I want to ensure you
my intentions are honest.
I want to get a job,
I want to prove that I'm worthy,
I just, um... need a little
help doing that.
- And the drugs?
- None.
Been clean and sober for a year.
All behind me.
Please, I'm asking you
to trust me one more time.
What kind of job
are you looking to get?
Well, my degree
is in computer science,
I used to hold a high-level Ijob at a communications firm
until my addiction got me fired.
I'll tell you what,
why don't I see
what we have at INTEX?
Okay. I would really,
really appreciate that.
Thank you.
No promises.
It's Manila.
Yes, hello, I requested
the intermediary bank...
- Thank you so much.
- for Manila Express.
I really appreciate that.
- Of course.
- Subcontractor, yes.
We're family.
I won't let you down.
I missed you.
I missed you too.
You have them?
In front of you?
Yes, excellent.
Uh, yeah, you have my email?
You must be relieved to know
she wasn't having an affair.
Yes, but I'm a little
to be honest with you.
I mean, on one hand,
she's not betraying Jack,
but on the other hand,
my hopes of them breaking up
are dashed.
Well, maybe in time,
you'll grow to accept her.
Maybe, but...
question remains,
somebody tried to poison Olivia.
It could be that
the brother was involved.
I trust the police
will get to the bottom of it
once they interview him.
I... I hope so,
but in the meantime,
I better call Jack
and make amends,
he's probably livid
about the private investigator.
No doubt.
But Jack loves you,
I'm sure he'll see
you're only looking out for him.
Well, I really hope
you're right.
I'm just gonna
use the bathroom.
This is Jack Finley,
leave a message.
Jack, sweetheart, it's me.
I feel terrible about
what has happened.
I've gotten off on
the completely wrong foot
with Olivia.
Please call me,
I really want to talk to you.
What are you doing?
Oh, you loaned me this scarf
a few months ago,
and I forgot to return it,
so I figured I'd just
put it back for you.
I never loaned you this scarf.
You took it. I saw it
in the photos from the hospital.
What are you talking about?
Oh, my God, it was you?
You're the one who tried
to poison Olivia?
Amanda, you're confused.
I would never do such a thing.
You said the person was wearing
a hooded sweatshirt.
You wore the sweatshirt
because I told you about it,
and you wore my scarf to make
me look like the suspect!
That's outrageous.
You've lost your mind.
No, I saw...
the hospital videos.
Someone was clearly
wearing this scarf.
- Amanda, you can't be serious.
- No! Admit it!
Caroline, you did this,
admit it!
Admit it! You did this!
I... I was doing it for us.
You know as well as I do
that Jack and Rachel
should be together.
They're perfect.
You've clearly lost touch
with reality.
Think about it.
Jack would have
no one else to turn to,
Rachel would be there
to console him in his grief
and eventually, they'd realize
what you and I know.
They're meant for each other.
Caroline, you're clearly
Listen... it can still work.
You and I could help her
have a little accident.
And she'd be out
of our lives for good.
I never wanted
Olivia to be hurt.
I just wanted to make sure
she was who she said she was.
You know what?
I'm calling the police
and if you have any morals left,
you will do the right thing.
I did it for us!
Don't you get it?!
Mrs. Finley!
Oh, oh...
Oh, thank God, Louise,
you saved my life.
Oh, I told you Mrs. Finley,
I'd be right there for you.
This is my mother's house.
I'm gonna go check on her.
- Mom!
- Oh, Jack.
Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
- Are you okay?
- It was terrible,
I mean, she tried to kill me.
It's okay. You're safe now.
Ah, is um, is Victor here?
He's on his way.
You've seen the photos?
Yes, Mom.
There's an explanation,
I promise.
I know. I know.
It was her brother.
Jack, I just want to say
how sorry I am for doubting you.
I've been such a fool.
Just forget about it.
Did Caroline...?
Oh, she uh, she survived
the fall,
she's in the hospital.
Thank God Louise was here.
I don't know what would have
happened had she not been.
Listen, uh...
I need to speak with Olivia.
Let's just... Wait.
We need to get you upstairs
so you can rest, okay?
We'll do that later.
I need to speak with her.
I'll talk to you later.
Mrs. Finley,
I'm so glad you're okay.
It must have been horrific.
I'm... a little shaken,
but more importantly,
I owe you an apology.
I overstepped bounds and I...
just let my general mistrust
of people cloud my judgment.
It's not something I'm proud of,
and I'm deeply sorry.
Thank you, for your honesty.
Do you think that...
we could try again
to get to know each other?
Yeah, I'd really like that.
Um... how's your brother?
Um, fine.
We're working through things.
Jack's been very supportive.
He's found him a few
opportunities at INTEX.
I should have been honest
about my family.
Family can be complicated.
Right, Mom?
It certainly can be.
Let's get you upstairs
so you can rest.
Um, coffee tomorrow?
Yes. If you're up for it.
There's nothing I'd like more.
Come on. Let's go.
I'll be right back.
I got you.
That's my family in there.
Where's Amanda?
Um, Jack just took her
upstairs to rest.
I'm gonna go check on her.
I want to give credit
where credit is due.
The information you provided
Jack helped us uncover
a criminal scam that was run
by an employee of ours, Stan Wu.
He was embezzling hundreds
of thousands of dollars
and attempting to cover
his tracks by setting you up.
I figured it was something
like that,
but I never would've
suspected Stan Wu
was the one who attacked me.
Yeah. Neither would we.
The FBI's involved.
He won't get far.
Good. I'm so glad
this is over.
I'm sorry you had
to go through all this.
I truly am.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
Hey. How is she?
She's resting,
but she wants to see you.
Okay. Good work.
Wasn't me who figured it out.
Let's go home.
- Rachel.
- Jack.
Thank you for meeting me.
Uh, Rachel, this is Olivia.
Olivia, this is Rachel.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It's nice to meet you.
I wanted to see you in person
to apologize for my mother.
It seemed she just got
fixated on us.
She's getting help now. It
was a terrible thing she did.
I appreciate you reaching out.
She'll remain
in custody for...
the foreseeable future.
She won't be causing
any more trouble.
Please tell your mother.
I will.
It must be so hard to see
your mom go through that.
I can't say it's been easy.
Took a lot for you
to come here and apologize.
I hope you two
have a wonderful wedding.
I wish you nothing but the best.
I like her.
She didn't have to do that.
Gotta say, it's a relief
that her mom's
not gonna be coming
around anymore.
And I would definitely
not let Louise go,
that's for sure.
Why do you say that?
I think your mom will be safe
as long as that woman is around.
I would trust her with my life.
Would you trust me
with your life?
I do.
We'll be together soon,