English Teacher, The (2013) Movie Script

Uh! Hi.
Linda Sinclair
had reached her 45th year,
an unwed high school
English teacher,
with no prospect of marriage.
Hers appeared to be
a rather ordinary life,
one of discipline...
I have these.
Small indignities...
Whoa! Whoa! Oh.
Modest hopes...
Oh, I'm all right.
Daddy! Over here!
- And disappointments.
- Oh, dear.
She lived alone
in Kingston, Pennsylvania,
not far from
where she was born.
She enjoyed no great luxuries.
Preferring instead
the simple pleasures.
And though her life
may sound cold and dull,
let me assure you that Ms. Linda
Sinclair was neither.
She was a passionate woman.
A romantic.
That was why she was alone,
for she had always been alone.
As a sensitive child,
Linda found her sanctuary
in literature.
The great works stirred
in her an excitement,
an irrepressible thrill
that made the mundane world
seem all the more bleak.
All right, come on.
Hustle! Hustle!
She saw no reason to take
part in childish pursuits.
And her little interest in
the banal activities of youth,
her high-minded sensibility
guided Linda to her
life's purpose.
I thought you said she was
going to the library.
No. No, she sucks...
She would devote herself
to igniting the flames...
Hi, Joanna.
...of literary passion
in young minds.
She nurtured their ideals...
How do communities
approach change
when promoted
by the individual?
...valued their opinions.
They adored her.
But her uncompromising spirit,
so beloved in the classroom
doomed her
to a spinster's life.
- Hi. - Hello. I'm Don.
It's so nice to meet you.
- You too.
- Sorry.
Oh, it's okay.
Oh, I... Well, you ordered
without me...
Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.
No, I wasn't really offended.
I was just making a joke.
For how could she be a
model to her students,
if she settled
for just any man?
...now I'm unemployed.
And that's actually...
It's kinda great.
I have a lot of time,
I stopped drinking ice.
I grew a mustache.
And, uh...
When I was divorced this whole
patch just fell right into place.
And I feel like I'm me now.
And, uh... I might have some ice,
actually. Could I...
She longed for a sensitive,
thoughtful man.
Do you really need to make
with no chance
of being fired,
just to teach some kids how to clap
their hands and run around in a circle?
I mean, physical education, that ought
to be up to the parents, right?
So what do you
teach again? French?
Someone mature,
and soft-spoken.
Your system
doesn't work, Linda.
It's gasping for air.
And you know what...
Let it die.
This is common sense... Hi.
Do you mind
getting this one?
'Cause I'm a little
short on cash.
In the end, Linda gave
up on men altogether.
Why can't we get back
to, like, the Indian days...
You know, "You give me
a piece of corn..."
She loved her work,
she earned her keep.
Debate! Debate! Debate!
That was enough.
What a country...
And if there was a tragic air
about our stoic
Ms. Sinclair, so be it.
If literature had
taught her anything,
it was that the true romantic
is always alone.
And must ever be on guard
against a dangerous world.
Ow! Fuck! Ow!
It's me! Jason Sherwood!
I was in your class in 2006...
- Ah!
- Jason Sherwood?
- Yeah.
- What are you doing here?
I thought you lived
in New York.
No, I don't anymore...
Oh. Oh, my gosh...
I am so sorry. Oh...
Let me take
you to the hospital.
- No. I'm fine...
- Jason, I insist.
We have to take you
to the emergency room...
No, no, no... Jesus, please,
no, no, no. no.
It's fine. I'm fine.
I'm sorry...
Ah! My dad,
he works at the hospital
-and I'd really rather not see him.
- Okay, okay.
Then let's get
you home, all right.
God, that burns
like a fuck!
- It burned my face!
- I know. I'm so sorry...
I'm so sorry... Come on,
my car is right over here.
Oh, Jesus... Who uses pepper spray
in Kingston?
You know, I have a clean towel
in the trunk,
- I could get that for you.
- No that's okay.
This is working fine.
I am so, so sorry.
Oh, don't be sorry.
It's my fault, I shouldn't have
startled you like that.
No, no, you were
just being friendly,
I should have
recognized you right away.
Jason Sherwood. What are you doing
back here in Kingston, Pennsylvania?
I thought you'd be tearing
up Broadway by now!
Well, you know,
it's only a matter of time.
You were one of the best writers
I've ever had in my class.
Aw, that's nice.
The last I heard you were in
the playwriting program in NYU.
Is that right?
Dramatic Writing.
Yeah, I got my degree
a couple of years ago.
Don't keep me in suspense.
And nothing.
That's it.
I'm done with writing.
What do you mean?
I mean, I'm finished.
I wrote my thesis play.
But that took me forever...
But I don't know,
I really believed in it.
Well, of course you did.
What happened?
I tried to get it produced.
And used every resource
I had just to get it read.
Here, you can just keep going straight.
I'm staying with my dad.
- For now. - Well, what does
he think of all of this?
Uh, well. You don't
really know my dad...
Oh, I do, a little.
He goes to my gym.
Oh, that's funny.
Well, he said I should
go to law school.
- Oh, no...
- Yeah.
So I'm probably
gonna do that.
Oh, Jason...
I can't write.
Honestly, it makes me
physically ill.
And besides, I have to do something,
and law school's something.
You can make a left
at the next block.
Right here.
Home sweet home.
Thank you.
I am so sorry.
Oh, it's fine.
Don't worry about it.
Jason, if I can do anything to help,
you know...
I'd love to read
your play at least.
Yeah, sure.
Uh, I could
drop it by school.
- All right.
- Yeah?
Okay. Bye, Ms. Sinclair.
Thank you.
It was the best of times.
It was the worst of times.
It was time
to hand in your quizzes.
So now that I know that you've
all finished A Tale of Two Cities,
let's talk about
Sydney Carton's death.
Now why would
he switch places
with a man condemned
to the guillotine?
Why does he
sacrifice himself?
I think it's really cool,
you know.
'Cause he does it
for Lucie.
Even though she married another guy,
he still loves her so much
that he'll die
to save her husband.
It's totally unselfish.
Very nice. Yes?
Ms. Sinclair? Have you
ever written anything?
Like a novel or a play
or something?
No. No, I'm not a writer.
I'm a reader.
And we need plenty of those.
I think it is
only a true artist
who can give voice
to the human experience.
I'm sorry, but if Dickens
was such an artist,
couldn't he come up
with an ending
where this guy doesn't
have to kill himself?
I think you're
missing the point.
Sydney Carton's death is,
as Fallon said, a selfless act.
The only satisfaction
he receives is knowing
Now this is something that people
understood in Dickens' time.
Today we've lost touch
with classical virtues,
like honor,
selfless action,
the purity of a love
that asks for no reward...
Oh! Hi!
- Oh, my goodness.
- Sorry to interrupt.
- No, no, no. Come on in.
- No, no, no...
Everyone's gonna be
so excited to meet you.
- No, no, no.
- Please, please. No.
Class, I have
a surprise for you.
This is Jason Sherwood.
He's a former student,
and a graduate of the Dramatic Writing
Program at NYU.
And I'm sure many of you remember
reading his wonderful story,
The Hidden Court.
Sorry about that.
Um, I just came
to drop this off...
Oh, that's terrific.
Thank you so much.
- You're welcome to join us.
- Oh, no, I'm okay.
I'm just gonna go.
You guys should feel very lucky to have
Ms. Sinclair as a teacher.
I had many genius
writing teachers at NYU,
and she's up there
with the best.
Thank you.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
Okay, I admit it.
I bribed him to say that.
All right, Noble Sacrifice.
- Dr. Sherwood!
- Yeah.
I saw your son today.
Uh, I'm Linda Sinclair.
- I was Jason's English teacher...
- Yeah, I know who you are.
Yeah, Jason's back home.
He told me all about New York.
It's very sad.
You know, I think he just reached a point
where he felt like he had to stop
and take stock of things.
It's very normal.
But it would be such a shame for him
to give up his writing.
Because he's
so very talented.
Yeah. But that's a very,
very tough racket, you know.
Not everyone's
cut out for it.
I'm excited
to read his play.
- He showed you his play?
- Yes.
I'm very excited
to read it.
- I hope you like it.
- Well, I'm sure I will.
Did you like it?
I can't exactly say
it was my thing.
- Nice to see you, Mrs...
- Miss.
Miss Sinclair.
Ms. Sinclair.
- Hello?
- I'm calling from the...
No, thank you. And please
take me off your list.
- This will only take a second.
- Thank you very much.
"Ms Sinclair, for what is worth,
here's 'The Crysalis.' Jason."
Jason? It's Linda Sinclair.
Did I wake you?
What? No.
No, no, no, no. Hi.
How are you?
What's up?
Well, I read the play.
You did?
And it's fantastic!
You like it?
I loved it!
It's remarkable, I've been
crying for the last half hour.
You have?
Are you kidding,
with that ending, I mean,
how can you even think about
law school, you belong in New York.
That's so nice
of you to say.
No, no.
I'm not being nice.
I'm being honest.
And I can't bear the thought that
no one's gonna get to see this.
Yeah, me too. I mean, that's just
the way it is though.
You know, uh,
it's fine, you know...
I'll be a lawyer.
I just...
I have to let it go.
But what if there were
a way to get it produced.
Right now.
Would you be
interested in that?
I mean, honestly,
there isn't...
- Because... - Do you
remember Carl Kapinas?
Mr. Ka-penis,
the drama teacher?
Jason, please,
he's a friend.
Sorry. Kapinas.
Well, he's always
complaining about
having to direct the same show
year after year
and I wanna give him
The Chrysalis.
Yeah, well, I'm...
I'm not sure really how I feel
about that exactly.
Because if he flips for it,
like I know he will...
There's a very real chance that he
could mount a production of it.
- You mean at the high school?
- Mmm-hmm.
God damn it.
- With him directing?
- That's right.
He can come on a little strong,
but say what you will,
the man understands drama.
are you in there?
Lin... Sorry.
- Linda?
- Carl.
I can't wait. I've just had the most
transcendent experience!
- Did you hear me?
- Yeah, I heard you. I heard you.
- Hurry!
- Okay.
Oh, Linda... Linda...
- Oh, you liked it?
- Liked it?
It's my story.
The boy wrote it for me.
I know! I felt
exactly the same way!
The tale is archetypal,
-and thus universal in its appeal.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Of course.
- Oh, but it's so extraordinary.
I feel I've been
Wait... We should use
that for the posters.
"The Chrysalis will transform you."
Period. "Forever."
Exclamation point.
Linda, I'll do such
fantastic things with it.
I see it all
so clearly up here.
Ah, for the design,
I'm picturing a sort of
Expressionist gestalt.
But colorful and fun.
- Halle Anderson would make
an ideal lead. - Oh, yes.
And Sheila Nussbaum
as the Irish stepmother.
Oh! She excels at dialect.
I've harvested a bountiful and
talented crop of actors this year!
Do you really
think we can do it?
Oh, we can.
And we must.
Don't you see?
I've become
an artistic zombie,
walking lifelessly through
the same old productions
year after year
after year.
I'm supposed to direct
The Importance of Being Earnest
this semester
for the fifth time.
Try breathing life into
that antiquated sitcom.
And how can I,
after reading this play?
This is O'Neill meets Kafka
meets Spielberg
and then they all
walk into a bar.
It's fresh!
It's new! It's...
It's not gonna
happen, people.
And why is that, Phil?
Because this is not
a high school play, Carl!
What do you know about what is
and isn't a high school play?
I've done 38 productions.
over 19 years!
I believe
I'm the authority here.
- No one is questioning your
authority. - Oh, yeah.
- All Phil is saying...
- Phil would be happy
if we put on Our Town
twice a year.
Sue me, I like Our Town.
I think it's wholesome.
- Everybody likes it.
- I... Just for me...
I thought we were doing The Importance
of Being Earnest as the play.
Trudie, if I have to spend
another two months
making trays
of cucumber sandwiches,
I will curl into a fetal
position and die.
like that time you did Oklahoma
with those idiotic masks.
It was in the traditional
Japanese Noh style,
And Lydia Plotke at the Times Leader called
it "profoundly imaginative."
Yeah, well, I thought
it profoundly stank.
This from a man who thinks
American Buffalo
- is about an American buffalo.
- That's what it's called!
Well, in the words of
David Mamet, "Fuck you!"
Hey, ya, pal!
Now time out!
Now just dial it down
a notch.
I'm sorry.
Now as for this play,
The Chrysalis.
You know, I am impressed by what
this alumnus has written,
but I have to wonder...
You know, is it appropriate for
a high school audience?
- Yes.
- Right.
- What will the parents think?
- Exactly.
Can we clear it
before the Board?
I'm sorry, what's the actual
issue here?
Have you read the thing?
It's got language,
it's got violence...
Obviously we'd tone
all of that down.
That goes without saying.
Not to mention the cost,
with all these crazy special effects,
and, you know,
Plus that girl who turns herself
into a bug-monster...
What is that?
This is not Broadway.
I'm painfully
aware of that.
We are dealing
with a limited budget.
But this is about
more than money.
This is about the kids.
to perform the work of a playwright
who used to be one of them.
You want to sell the Board?
You want to sell the parents?
Then sell them
on Jason Sherwood,
a former Kingston High School
student who came back
to inspire
the next generation.
It's a great story,
and I think I know a little something
about great stories.
We'll double
normal ticket sales.
You'll see the people of Kingston
are hungry for something new.
And if it does come down to money,
I'll tell you this.
If we go one penny over budget,
I'll pay for it myself.
Out of my own pocket.
That's how much
I believe in this play.
Phil, what do you think?
All right. Okay.
Hold on now.
We haven't talked
about the ending.
What about the ending?
Oh, it's dark.
"Dark"? Trudie,
it's a teenage girl
who hangs herself and then her dad
blows his freakin' brains out!
You can't do that
on a high school stage!
But everything
hinges on the ending!
It's poetry.
It's Ibsen!
It's a lawsuit
waiting to happen!
The ending would
have to change.
All right.
- We'll cut the ending.
- What?
- What?
- We'll cut it.
Leave it ambiguous.
Yes. Yes, it could
heighten the mystery.
Leave it open
to interpretation.
I like it.
Would Jason
agree to that?
I'm sure he understands,
as we all do,
that one must be flexible
in the name of Theater.
Oh! God, I'll have to start the auditions
by Friday, assemble my crew...
- Carl. Carl! - So much to do,
so little time.
But when the inspiration is there,
it hardly seems like work.
Carl! We can't cut the ending,
we just can't.
It's gonna ruin
the play, it'll kill it!
- Relax.
- No! I won't relax.
I mean... How am I supposed to
explain this to Jason?
Very simply.
- Because we're not going to cut it.
- We're not?
No, I just said that to get the go-ahead
from der Fuhrer and his wife.
That's how it works
in show business.
It does? Keep it moving
at all costs.
Believe me, when the entire audience
is bawling on opening night,
even that sub-cretin Phil
will give it his blessing.
- Really?
- Really.
I give you my word.
It's a game, Linda.
And I know
how to play it.
- Oh, my goodness. You must
be freezing! - Oh, I'm fine.
Let's get you some coffee
to warm up. Okay?
Oh, no. I don't want coffee.
I have an ulcer.
- Oh, some herbal tea, then.
- No, no, no. That's fine.
I don't... I don't
really want anything.
How long have
you had an ulcer?
Um, since, uh...
Since New York, actually.
Since this play.
Um, speaking
of which...
Ah, yes! The play!
The play's the thing.
Um... All right.
Here's the contract.
Well, it's not really a contract,
it's more like an informal agreement
Um... All it says is that you grant
the high school the right
to mount a production
of your play.
I just need your signature right here,
and then we're good to go.
Everything okay?
I don't want
to be difficult, um...
And I know
you're only trying to help,
but this is not exactly a high
school play that I've written...
Well, I understand that.
And as much
as I want it produced,
believe me, I do, I would just rather it
be not made at all,
than be made badly.
Well, Carl and I feel
exactly the same way.
I just don't
think I can do it.
Do you want
your father to win?
I'm not stupid.
I read the play.
I know where
this came from.
Your father doesn't
understand you, fine.
He doesn't
support you, fine...
- He'd say he does...
- Well, financially, yes.
Paying for law school.
He'll encourage you,
but only if you do
what he wants you to do.
Don't give in to him, Jason!
Prove him wrong.
Well, what if
he's not wrong?
You know, you've just lost
confidence, that's all.
That can happen to any artist.
But if you do this...
...you're gonna get it back.
I promise you.
I feel like I'm signing
my soul away.
Ja, Herr Faust!
It's all mine.
Sheila Nussbaum will be playing
the role of Margaret,
the cruel Irish stepmother.
Sheila's been working on her Irish,
haven't you, Sheila?
I'll meet ya at the pub
on Grafton Street,
ya bloody eejit!
Will Traynor will play
Dr. Tim Sherman,
the cold,
alcoholic father.
Fallon Hughes will play our heroine's
deceased mother, Ariadne,
who haunts our tale
as the spectral Moth Queen.
And last,
but certainly not least,
Halle Anderson will be
Miss Jane Sherman,
our sensitive,
misunderstood ingenue.
And now, Mr. Sherwood,
may I say on behalf
of the entire Kingston
High Theater Department
it is an honor
to have you with us.
And I know we have questions,
questions, questions.
So, who wants to begin?
Your play really captures what it feels
like to be a teenage girl,
not knowing who you are,
and wondering if anyone gets you.
And I want to be as real
as I can in my performance,
so it would really help me to know
where Jane came from.
What inspired you?
You know, well...
Everything I've written,
everything my characters
experience, is authentic.
Yep! It all happened
to me in my life.
It's all something I've lived
through at some point.
It's a very,
very personal story.
- Anyone else have
questions? - Yeah.
Um, on page 52,
when Tim is having
that big fight with Jane?
Do you really think it's necessary
for him to hit her?
I mean, isn't the whole point
that he's too repressed
to show any emotion?
It just seems kind of...
Kind of what?
Well, I don't know.
- Trite.
- Oh, really, Will...
Is that necessary?
Uh, yeah...
I'm sorry.
- Oh, dear lord.
- Will?
Will, what is wrong
with you?
Do you know how lucky you are,
to workshop with the actual playwright?
Jason is our honored guest.
And if you can't treat him
with the respect he deserves,
then maybe we can find someone else
to star in his play.
Is that what you'd like?
- No.
- No. I didn't think so.
Did you take
your Ritalin today?
Forget it. I think this was
a very big mistake.
- I shouldn't have even...
- I'm so sorry...
I am not going let some high school
smartass tell me that my work is trite!
Of course not. You know what,
he's testing boundaries.
I deal with
this stuff every day.
You have to,
it's your job.
- I don't have to be doing this!
- No, you don't.
You don't have
to do any of this.
We so appreciate
you being here,
and the kids are so excited,
and they love your play.
- No, they don't.
- Yes, they do. They love it.
And they'd be crushed
if you pulled out now.
- Not what's-his-name, Mr. Trite.
- Will? What...
- He's intimidated by you.
- Oh, come on.
He's just an insecure kid
in Kingston, Pennsylvania.
And you're
a New York playwright.
Are you really going
to let him get to you?
I think you're
stronger than that.
And, Jason,
your work is brilliant.
Thank you. I'm sorry if
I'm overreacting a little bit,
- No, no. - I don't really know how
to react to criticism. - Do not.
It's easy to feel discouraged,
but you shouldn't be.
Not with something
like that.
- We're back.
- Good.
Uh, let's all rejoin
the circle, shall we?
- I apologize for that.
- No, no, no...
It's Will, right?
Yeah. Look, man, I'm sorry
about what I said.
No, don't be sorry.
I am...
I'm glad you brought it up.
You're right.
Tim is repressed.
He's spent his whole life bottling
up everything he feels.
That's why he hates
Jane so much.
Because she represents
everything he isn't.
She is wide open,
she actually feels things,
she can't hold back.
So when he hits her,
it's like all the rage
he's been suppressing over
the years finally boils over,
and when it happens,
if it plays
the way it should,
it will not be trite.
Does that answer
your question?
Um... Yeah.
Any other comments?
Let's move on.
As many of you know, I too was once
a budding young actor.
Shocking, I know.
The year was 1983.
I was living in a fifth floor
walk-up on Avenue C,
waiting for my big break.
And then one day
I was called in to audition
for that living God
of Theater himself,
Mr. Stephen Sondheim.
And though
I wasn't ultimately cast,
I did receive a blessing
from the great man himself,
who took me aside and said three
little words that changed my life.
"Keep at it."
Well, I did keep at it,
and that's how I found my way here,
to Kingston, and to all of you.
And now, as we embark
on that...
...tough but oh-so-rewarding
road ahead,
I would like to honor Mr. Sondheim with
a humble blessing of my own...
And if our young documentarian
would care to commence filming...
Okay, hit it, George.
# Bit by bit,
putting it together
# Piece by piece,
the only way to make
a work of art
# Every moment
makes a contribution
# Every little detail
plays a part
# Piece by piece...
I hate you worse
than your bleedin' da!
Shut your mouth,
you stupid girl!
I hate you worse
than your bleedin' da!
Let me hear it
one more time.
Shut your mouth,
you stupid girl!
I hate you worse
than your bleedin' da!
All the trees.
Watch, watch.
If a tree falls in a hallway...
...the entire world.
Shut your mouth,
you stupid girl!
I hate you worse
than your bleedin' da!
Carl, could I have a word?
It seems to me... And Carl...
Jason, uh, correct me if I'm wrong
that Margaret might
be a tad more menacing
if she were just
a tiniest bit more subdued.
Yes. Thank you.
You mean like Amanda
in The Glass Menagerie?
Dominating her children,
but with a deceptive softness.
The velvet glove
and the iron grip.
Hmm... Interesting.
Let's try it.
I have an idea.
That's a good note.
Shut your mouth,
you stupid girl.
I hate you worse
than your bleedin' da!
Oh, shit.
I don't believe this.
I need to talk to you outside.
Let's go.
Excuse me, but you can't just
barge in here like this.
Excuse me, I'm gonna
talk to my son. Now!
- Let's go! - Uh, no. I don't think
you understand...
Ms. Sinclair,
it's fine.
Just go on without me, please.
Go on without me, guys.
I'll be right back.
Is he gonna be okay?
Perhaps not.
But all great art
comes from pain.
Remember that.
...making such a crazy scene
right now!
What is going on here?
This is my school. And when I
see someone being manhandled,
- it is my business.
- Now wait a second...
Your son challenging himself in ways
that any parent would be proud of.
And you finally show up,
and what do you do...
Do you show
any appreciation?
No! You drag him
from rehearsal.
Ms. Sinclair.
With all due respect,
you have no idea
what's going on here.
On the contrary.
I know exactly what's going on.
What... What are you talking about?
What is she talking about?
I've dealt with men like him before,
the alpha male.
You may fool most people,
but you don't fool me.
No, you do need to hear this!
Oh, all right then, go. Go!
Go! But know this,
you cannot stop this play!
Jason will have the life
he deserves, as an artist!
- Oh. Oh, Jason...
- It's my ulcer.
- It's totally fine.
- Here.
All right. Okay.
Let's get back inside,
all right?
Let's get you inside.
- Oh, no.
- Thank you.
Come on in. I think
I have something for you.
Oh, where is it,
where is it?
- I forgot my pills at home.
- Okay.
Oh... Oh, I found it.
This is still okay.
It'll be gone
in like 10 minutes.
Here you go.
Thank you.
I'm just glad
I had that bottle.
No, I mean thank you for what
you did outside.
For standing up
to him like that.
Well, you know what?
and someone needs to tell
him that he's wrong.
Well, he's been doing
that ever since my mother...
I'm so sorry.
I am so, so sorry.
It's okay.
He's an asshole.
I know. I know.
I know.
Oops, sorry.
I'm going to, uh,
head home now.
- And we'll talk a little later.
- Mmm-hmm.
What had she done?
What had she done?
Of course these things
do happen.
The pages of literature
were filled with such affairs.
It was only natural that
feelings would arise and...
...spill over.
Surely no one would judge her
for such a minor indiscretion.
Linda, dear.
I have a somewhat
delicate matter
to discuss with you.
What? What is it?
Jason and I were
talking and...
...we agree that the backdrop
in the Moth Queen's lair,
the scarlet organza has more
oomph than the voile,
but it puts us
a tiny bit over budget.
I hate to ask
but you did say...
How much?
We shall hang
a plaque in your honor.
Don't worry about it,
Carl, it's fine.
I feel like if I had a cane,
I'd look more regal.
- Hey, Ms. Sinclair.
- Hello, Will.
Hey, did you speak to Kapinas
about the backdrop?
Yes! Yes,
I spoke with Carl.
May I have a private
word with you?
Yes. Sure.
- Shall we?
- Please excuse us, Will.
- We can, uh, talk in here.
- Sure.
And while it is possible
for people of different ages
to have a meaningful
- Sure.
- I think...
It is best that
what happened,
uh, does not
happen again.
- Not that we did anything wrong.
- No. Not at all.
Because of the play...
The, um...
We must be professional.
The play requires
complete commitment
with no distractions
and no complications.
And as a playwright,
you need to keep a clear head
from now on in.
Right. Because the play's
the thing.
Yes! The play
is the thing.
- The play's the thing.
- Yes!
I'm glad
you're in agreement.
So we're still friends?
Oh, Jason, of course.
No. Of course we're friends.
- I was just worried for a second.
- No, no, no.
You have more important things
to worry about,
like whether or not Will nails that
funeral speech in Act two.
- Right. Because he always loses
focus in the middle. - He does.
Yes, he does, so you should get
out there and, um...
- And work on that, so...
- Yeah.
Well, I might
need your help.
Well, all right
then, um...
You will have it.
- Thank you.
- Let's do it!
- Um, well, no. Let's, uh,
we'll go out, and... - Yeah.
Excuse me.
Just so you know...
Just for the record
I did not go to the school
because of the play.
I was there because
Jason lied to me.
- Dr. Sherwood, I'm not interested.
- No, no, no.
Just so you know...
On Tuesdays and Thursdays,
he's supposed to be taking LSA prep test up in Scranton.
He told me that these rehearsals
would in no way interfere with that,
and now I find out not only he's
been skipping the classes altogether,
- but he lied to me.
- Oh, come on!
- Oh, no. You expect me to believe this?
- Yeah. I do, look, look...
He sent this to me an hour before
I saw you yesterday.
"Hi, Dad. On my way
to LSAT prep class.
"Be back later tonight."
You see that, right?
Well, if he lied,
it's because he feels
he has no choice.
How can he trust you?
You are crushing his spirit.
Forcing Jason to go
to law school is like...
Like using a Shakespeare
folio for toilet paper.
"Forcing him!" I've never forced
Jason to do anything.
Going to law school
was entirely his idea.
I'm sure you're
begging him not to go.
- This is unbelievable.
- Yes, it is.
You got me all figured out,
There's nothing I can say
that won't convince you
I'm not a complete asshole?
You could start by giving Jason
the respect
and the freedom
that he deserves.
Maybe I should stop
talking to him altogether?
- Would that work for you?
- That might be an improvement, yeah.
Okay, you obviously
don't have any kids!
Excuse me! Excuse me!
I have had
hundreds of kids,
and I have had
a lot of experience...
Hey, I'm doing the best that
I can with Jason.
Perhaps your best
isn't good enough.
Is that what you tell
your students?
Oh, there is no comparison!
Do you know what?
You are an asshole!
- I'm a rascal?
- I said...
It's Linda.
Do you have a minute?
Hey, Linda.
I just ran into
your father and...
Is that Ms. Sinclair?
Hi, Ms. Sinclair!
- Who's that?
- Wait, look, um...
Halle's over.
Um, we're running lines.
Over? Are...
Are you still at school?
Uh, no, my place.
Uh, it just seemed easier.
Uh, is everything okay?
Oh. Everything's fine.
I'm sorry to interrupt.
I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Uh, okay.
Uh, see you tomorrow.
- Bye, Ms. Sinclair!
- Bye.
Uh, shall we pick it up
where we left off?
So with tax and shipping,
it comes to $433.52 cents.
That includes
the smoke machine
and the slightly more
expensive strobe light.
Oh, Carl, is all this
really necessary?
Well, it is if you want the magic
of the play to work.
But if you're content to see
The Chrysalis undermined
I'll run out and buy two
flashlights and a Lazy Susan.
Oh, calm down,
I was only asking.
Halle's doing spectacularly well,
don't you think?
Oh. Bless you.
I can't believe Mr. Adams
gave us that quiz!
May I speak with
you a moment, please?
Take a seat.
Well, first of all,
I want to tell you what a fantastic job
you're doing as Jane.
Oh! Thanks. I've been working
my butt off,
but I love it.
I know how important
this play is to you,
and I wouldn't want
anything to jeopardize that.
Whoa, wait.
Am I in trouble?
No, no, no, no.
Everything's fine.
It's just, um...
Well, um...
It's about Jason.
Some of us have noticed,
uh, that your behavior
with him lately
has been a little
I haven't done anything.
I know, but appearances
are important.
And people tend
to make assumptions.
Well, they shouldn't!
I know, I know.
They do.
Now, I understand that
you want to pursue acting
as a career.
Is that true?
May I offer
you some advice?
As you go out
on auditions,
you'll be meeting a lot of men,
powerful men,
who may be interested in you for
reasons other than your talent.
Now you're a very
attractive young woman,
and you may be tempted
to take advantage of that.
In the short term,
that may work.
But in the long term, people might
lose respect for you.
And they may find
you a little, um, trashy.
I know I sound harsh, but it's only because
I care about you,
and I want you to earn the respect
that you deserve as a woman,
not because of your body,
but because of your mind.
And that is why you need
to stay away from Jason.
Am I making any sense?
It just seems really unfair.
Guys can get away with anything,
but girls can't.
I know. It is unfair.
But, unfortunately, that's the world
in which we live.
I wish it weren't.
Oh, so do I.
But I have learned
from experience that wishing
doesn't always make it so.
Changing the world is hard work,
but we can do it.
We women just have to
stick together, that's all.
I'm so glad we had
this conversation.
Go ahead to lunch, go on.
And I'll see you at rehearsal.
- See ya.
- Okay.
And at $800, the fake fireplace
is a real bargain.
Don't play
with that, fellas.
Oh, Linda,
what can I say.
You are like the Peggy Guggenheim
of high school theater.
But prettier.
Oh! Ah!
I don't believe this.
- Linda, just relax...
- She is a student, Jason.
What a scummy,
sleazy thing to do!
- I know.
- And you!
I expected better from you.
- I'm sorry.
- No. It's too late.
This is going on
your permanent record.
No. You, you can forget about that
letter of recommendation.
You can't do that!
You've left me no choice.
- Linda! - Oh my God. My parents
are going to kill me!
No, no, no.
It's fine.
- Just sit down. Relax, okay.
- No, they are!
I'm going to go take
care of it... Linda!
Hey, Linda.
Can we talk
about this, please?
No. I don't need to
talk about anything.
I know what I saw.
- But we didn't do anything!
- Oh, how dare you.
I catch you fooling
around with a student,
She started it.
I didn't start it.
You know, you're a
role model to these kids.
To take advantage
like that, that is...
I thought you were ready to be
a professional, but apparently not.
Because this was
an amateur move, Jason.
This is bullshit.
Excuse me?
You're jealous!
As if I'd be jealous of some
dirty little make out session
in the boys'
dressing room.
No, you'd rather have a quick fuck
in the classroom
Is that what you want? You want me
to bend you over your desk right now?
- You are awful!
- God knows you need it...
You are awful!
Hit me with a piece of fucking prop...
Take me off your goddamn list,
and never call me again!
- Fallon Hughes.
- Here.
- Ed McKee.
- Ho.
Benjamin Meyer.
What is the matter
with you people?
Settle down.
Or you're looking at detention!
Is that clear?
And 'cause the theme this year is
"Winter Dreamz,"
I thought we could have giant beds
and snowmen in PJ's...
No, no, that is
a horrible idea.
- I need to talk.
- Linda!
Okay, Joni, lets... Let's talk about
it tomorrow.
But this is
"Winter Dreamz."
Something terrible
has happened...
you and Shakespeare doing
it in the classroom!
Because Halle Anderson is spreading
vicious rumors about me,
and I just caught her defacing my
classroom door with obscenities!
Why would Halle do that?
Because yesterday,
I caught her
messing around with Jason Sherwood
in the boys' dressing room!
That's why!
- Ow! Ow...
- Oh, God. Oh, God...
You should have told us.
I gave her a warning.
I just... I thought that
would be enough.
I didn't expect
all this to happen.
You know, good teacher
lets a student off easy,
she turns around
and stabs her in the back.
And him, messing around
with one of our kids,
I'll knock his block off!
Where... Where is Halle now?
In rehearsal?
Yes, but I don't think...
Do we really have to do this now?
In front of everyone?
I thought you'd just pull her
into your office.
No. We've got to clean this mess up
before it gets any worse.
These types of rumors can do real
damage to a teacher's reputation.
Even one as sterling as yours.
But I'd really rather not...
Damn it, Linda. These punks
took advantage of you!
and tell them you're not going
to roll over for their B.S.
And you! Get over here,
right now.
What's the meaning of this, Phil?
We're trying to rehearse.
Yep. Well, rehearsal's
gonna wait.
It seems
Romeo and Juliet here
have been fooling around a little bit
after play practice, huh.
What on earth
are you talking about?
And to top it all off,
sweet little Juliet
has been spreading
some pretty nasty lies about
one of our best teachers.
They're not lies!
She's just jealous,
because he's with me now!
- So you admit it?
- Oh, Christ.
- Oh, Halle, really?
- It's true!
She did him in her room.
Everyone knows!
You are digging a very
big hole for yourself, right now.
Where are you going, Halle?
You get back here, miss!
Hey, what's with
all the shouting?
Oh. Traynor, what the
hell is that?
Oh, good Lord.
It's for my big
suicide at the end.
No, sir, it is not!
Hey, we had an agreement!
What? I'm sorry...
What agreement?
Don't play dumb, Romeo. Now, you know
damn well we had to cut that ending!
What? What?
Why are you even
rehearsing this ending?
You trying to pull
one over on me, Carl? Huh?
You want to get
yourself fired?
You have it all wrong,
Phil, as usual.
Yes. I wanted the actors to experience
the full darkness of Jason's play.
But it was never my intention to
perform the ending.
After all,
we did agree to cut it.
Carl, what the hell? You never said
I had to cut the ending!
You never said that.
But it wasn't
my place to tell you.
It was my understanding that
Linda cleared it with you
-when you signed the contract.
- Carl. No.
- You knew?
- Carl. No.
- You knew?
- No. No...
You did read the contract,
didn't you?
She forced me to sign it, without
actually reading it.
You never told me
I'd have to cut the ending,
because you knew I would
never agree to it!
- No, no, no...
- Linda, is this true?
- No...
- Is it true?
Is that true?
Yes, but I can explain...
As if I'd be jealous of some
dirty little make out session
- with one of your old students.
- Shh. Stop it!
- God knows you need it...
- You're awful! You're awful!
- Oh, my...
- Wow...
Told you.
She's a lying old whore.
She's, uh... Where...
Linda, you're fired.
You better run.
You hear me!
You are fired, lady!
Yeah, who's trashy now?
Hey, Linda! Linda!
- Leave me alone!
- Don't run away from me.
How could you lie
to me like that?
I trusted you.
And you sat there
and you lied to my face!
Get away, get away!
Oh! Fuck! No!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! No!
Not again!
Fuck! I fucking
hate this school.
Ma'am, you've been in an accident,
okay. You're in the hospital.
No, you're going
to be just fine.
No, I won't.
Yes, you will.
I promise.
Oh. Hi, Dr. Sherwood.
No, no, not him.
Someone else.
Get me someone else, please.
Honey, there's no one else unless
you want to wait a few hours.
I'll wait. I can wait.
Um, I...
Can you, uh,
excuse us, Nurse?
Oh, sure.
Um, I think
she's still in shock.
Don't worry, honey,
you're in good hands.
This is awkward.
It says here you
were in a car accident
after you rubbed pepper spray
into your eyes?
Have you any dizziness?
- No.
- No?
- Any nausea?
- No.
- Neck pain?
- Yes.
- Up here?
- Mmm-hmm.
Does that hurt?
How severe, as if on a scale
of one to 10?
I don't know.
Three? Five?
I don't know, it's something we have
to ask in the hospital.
All right, let's take
a look at this.
It's going to sting.
Well, that's not so bad.
I'll have a nurse
clean this up.
You're actually
a very lucky woman.
I don't think you're going to
need stitches.
Here you are, here...
It's good to get
it out like that.
Could you please leave?
Listen, you've been through
a very physical trauma.
It's perfectly
normal to have...
No, please.
Honestly, emotional outbursts
like this are very common.
Stop it. Stop being
so nice to me.
You hate me.
I know you hate me.
I don't hate you.
Ms. Sinclair, listen...
I know we've had our differences,
I know that.
But you know, I...
Honestly, I appreciate everything
that you have done for Jason.
Oh, God.
And I can tell you right now,
you mean the world to him.
What? What am I saying?
Had sex with your son.
You heard me.
How long...
How long has this
been going on?
- Is it a relationship?
- No! It was one time...
When did this happen?
Can we be done now?
No. No, we can't be done.
We're not done until...
What's wrong with you?
You go around sleeping
with your old students?
I don't want
to talk about it.
You're the one
who brought it up.
No, don't you have
something important to do?
Don't you have a life
to save or something?
I'm going to have someone
take you to orthopedics.
Ma'am, your card
was denied.
Okay, try this one.
Can someone call me a cab?
Jason, okay, calm down.
Jason, I understand. No.
Turn around. Take me back.
Take me back inside.
- What? What?
- Take me back.
Lady! I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
- Let me call you back. Okay?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
- It's okay. I'm fine.
- Mike. Mike.
I'll take her, it's fine.
I'll wait with her.
No, no, no.
I'm going to wait inside.
No, no.
I need to talk to you.
Take the chair
inside, please.
How's your neck?
Just say what you need to say
and leave me alone.
Is it true? Did you lie
to Jason about the play?
Yes. Yes, I did.
I don't believe it.
What kind of
teacher are you?
I mean, you come at me with
this holier than thou bullshit,
and this is what you do?
What's wrong with you?
Fine, fine. I get it.
I'm horrible,
I'm a horrible person.
Now would you leave?
No. Not until you tell me what
you're going to do about this.
You know, I've been fired.
Isn't that enough?
What about the play?
Oh, who cares about the play.
I do! I care about the play.
I care about my son.
Yeah! Now you care. Fine. Now that
everything's ruined.
This is all your fault. I wouldn't
even be here if it wasn't for you.
I don't know where
you possibly get that.
He never would have
written the play
if you hadn't been such an abusive,
alcoholic jerk.
Who took out all your anger on
your son after your wife died.
Oh, my God.
Is that what
this is about?
- You believe all that?
- Don't try to deny it.
No, no, no. I don't drink,
for your information.
I haven't had a drink
since medical school.
Jason's mom isn't dead.
She lives up in Teaneck.
She's remarried.
He... He said it was
based on his life.
Oh, well, jeez, if Jason said it then
it must be true, right?
God knows there's never been a writer
that just made stuff up.
You think he turns
into a monster as well?
- Okay. I get it.
- Do you?
Because for an Advanced English teacher
you seem awfully naive to me.
Or is your head so full
of, of these stories
you don't know the difference
between fact and fiction.
Is that why
you slept with him?
Thought he was Lord Byron
or something?
You know what?
You don't know me.
You don't know
anything about me.
Oh, shoe's on the other foot.
Marilyn Avenue.
Hey, you can't
run away from this.
Yes, I can.
Hi, it's Linda.
Leave a message.
Linda, it's Carl.
I know I behaved abominably,
you have every right
to be mad,
but please call me.
It's about the play.
Hi, it's Linda.
Leave a message.
Linda, call me,
I beg of you.
I swear I'll never
deceive you again.
I'll be entirely
honest from now on.
I'll even tell you
my deepest, darkest secret.
I've never told anyone.
My audition for Sondheim...
I lied.
I... I did have
an audition, but...
As soon as I walked in
and saw him sitting there,
looking at me with those dark genius eyes,
I couldn't breathe.
I thought
I was going to die.
The last thing I remember
before I blacked out
was the look of utter confusion
on Sondheim's face.
And the sound of
the stage manager saying,
"I think his
name is Ka-penis."
It was the worst
experience of my life.
So there it is.
I stand naked before you.
Please come back.
Help me out.
Linda, I'm having
a nervous breakdown!
I'm having chest pains.
And a nervous breakdown!
Call me!
There has been
an emergency.
Carl is in the hospital.
And, well, he keeled over
during rehearsal.
And the kids called 911.
They're beside themselves.
Well, it wasn't a heart attack,
thank goodness.
They think stress.
But there's no way
he can finish the play.
And we are days away
from opening night,
there's a ton
of work to do.
And we've sold
$18,000 in tickets.
We need the money.
Someone needs to step in.
Yeah, you
should call Jason.
I did.
And he refuses to help unless we
restore the original ending.
Which, no, we cannot do.
No. No, no, Trudie.
No, forget it. I'm not doing it.
I know,
it's not ideal.
Ideal? You fired me!
Not officially, not yet.
And if you agree to help,
I'm willing to let you off
with just a little formal reprimand
and that's it...
Okay, two weeks' suspension.
That's if...
I can't. I can't.
I can't. I can't do it.
You started this.
Are you going
to really sit back
and let everyone else
pay for your mistakes?
I need you,
the kids need you to...
To just step up and be a
goddamned teacher here.
And if you can't do that,
you have no business in a classroom.
I want to
think about it.
Oh, well...
I expect you
there at 3:00.
Okay. This is the last
chance you're gonna get.
Hey, Ms. Sinclair, I wanna bend you
over your desk!
"Mother. Oh, my dear mother.
How could you..."
No, no. Come on. Come on.
It's got to be louder.
You got to get them in the cheap seats.
Come on. Loud.
Come on, support it. "How could
you abandon me to such a cruel..."
Thank God.
All right, listen up, people.
Uh, Ms. Sinclair is going to
take over from here on out.
But listen, I'm going to be sitting
here in the front row,
and I don't want
any funny business, okay?
Is that clear?
Yes, Mr. Pelaski.
Could somebody please
tell me where we are?
We're doing the new ending.
New ending?
Yeah, Carl wrote it. They were
working on it when he collapsed.
Yeah, as long as nobody kills
themselves, it's good with me.
Fine. Let's just do this.
Go ahead.
Do you have
any direction?
You're in pain.
You're in deep,
unbearable pain.
Oh, my dear mother!
"How could you abandon
me to such a cruel fate!"
Okay, Halle. "A father
who couldn't love me!
"A world where I'd never belong!"
That's enough.
"Oh, God!
I want to die..."
No, my darling!
You must live! Live!
Knock it off,
both of you!
- Take it seriously.
- Why?
It sucks.
This ending sucks.
My grandparents are coming in
from Tucson to see me suck.
This isn't Jason's play anymore.
It's bullshit.
Hey! Language.
Where's Jason?
We want Jason back.
Okay, that's it. One week
detention, Miss Anderson!
Yes. I'm coming.
Jason, please don't make
me stand outside.
I'm gonna... I'm not going to leave
here until we talk.
May I come in?
May I have
a glass of water?
- I'm here to ask for a favor.
- Are you kidding me?
If you could just
write a new ending.
No. No. No.
- Write a new ending?
- Jason, please...
For what? To make it happy?
To make it cute and safe?
I understand that, but I'm in an
untenable situation here...
slap a feel-good ending
on Death of a Salesman.
Does he really have to die?
This isn't helping anyone.
That's because
nothing's gonna help.
Everything's fucked,
and it's your fault!
I want to kill myself.
That's not an answer, Jason.
What makes you think
you have the answers?
I mean,
who are you, anyway?
who gets a power trip
lecturing teenagers.
You really think you affect their
lives by reading them Emerson?
You're a joke.
They don't respect you.
The second they finish high school,
they forget you.
Yes, um...
I was thinking about your ending,
and I realized that there
may be something that I missed
in previous readings of your play.
And that is...
That the ending sucks.
Everyone kills themselves?
That's your resolution?
Jason, come on.
What do you think?
You said,
you loved the ending.
Well, you know, I do make mistakes,
as you know.
I'm done with this.
You know, sometimes
you can't run away.
And you can't
go to law school.
And you can't
kill yourself.
Because sometimes you have to stay
and suck it up.
- Fuck you!
- Can you just try?
I mean, can you imagine that
there might be another ending?
A different ending,
where everyone doesn't die.
No! Get the fuck
out of my house!
This is horrible.
They're gonna hate it.
Halle... I can't, I can't,
I can't do this!
No, no. I can't... I can't remember
any of my lines.
Just say them the way we rehearsed
them last week and you'll be terrific.
I know. I heard you.
- All right?
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- All right.
All right.
Five minutes.
It's five minutes,
All right, you've
worked really hard.
And you know what to do.
And you're going
to be great.
And you should all feel
so proud of yourselves.
- Hello, my children of the night.
- Mr. Kapinas!
I'm back.
Mr. Kapinas, you made it.
Wild horses couldn't
keep me away.
Ah, dear, dear Linda.
I am eternally grateful
for all your help,
and understanding.
Aw. It was no problem.
How are you?
Much better, thank you.
Fully rested,
mildly medicated and ready
to resume my duties.
Well, I think,
everything's under control.
Oh, don't worry,
I've done this a thousand times.
Why don't you relax?
Take a seat, enjoy the show.
Thespians. It's time.
Prayer circle of love
and commitment?
Prayer circle of love
and commitment.
My future Tony Award winners,
let's all take
a deep breath.
Let it go.
And as Meryl Streep
once said,
when we were doing
Shakespeare in the Park,
"Speak up!"
- Mmm...
- Mmm...
Here we are.
Next year, we are definitely
doing Our Town.
Why are you not
at the hospital?
- Are you going in?
- I'm too nervous.
They were pink roses. That must be
a good sign, I'm sure of it!
No, Jane. She's gone.
She died this morning.
I don't understand, you said she was
getting better. You...
She took a turn.
No. No.
I'm sorry.
It happened so suddenly.
She never woke up again.
Then, she was gone.
But I never got to say goodbye.
You told me that, I would see her
one last time.
Why didn't you
come get me?
It would not have
changed anything.
I could have been there to tell her
that I love her.
I could have held her hand so she
wouldn't have felt so alone.
Jane, control yourself.
I must prepare
for the funeral.
It's time to move on.
I never knew my mother.
But she was beautiful...
She loved bright
and colorful things.
Here. I'll give you
your favorite colors.
Green for her wings.
Green with flecks of gold,
just like her eyes.
Pleasure to meet you.
I'm Margaret.
Did you hear me?
I said step away!
Damn it, Jane!
That's not me.
Mother. I'm ready.
Yes, daughter.
Come away with me.
You'll never belong
in this world.
All the pain and the fear
and the loneliness.
We'll be together, always.
Get away.
- Please listen to me.
- Get out!
You ruined everything.
My entire life.
I know, I've made mistakes.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could go back and change
what happened, but I can't.
Please, Jane,
I'm asking for another chance.
It's not too late...
I know you want to run away,
I know you want
to punish me,
maybe I deserve it...
Hmm. It's better
than I thought...
You do deserve it!
You're the monster. Not me!
I know... I know, I am.
I'm so sorry...
What the fuck is this?
At least in New York they didn't
give a shit about my play,
they didn't try
to destroy it.
It's not destroyed.
It's still your play.
You've ruined the
whole point of the story.
Jason, I was wrong. I didn't know
what to do, or how to fix it.
And I'm sorry.
I am truly, truly sorry.
Please don't let my mistakes stand
in the way of your success.
Thank you.
Oh, you were wonderful.
Author! Author!
He means you.
Go on.
There he is.
Ms. Sinclair.
Nice work.
Thank you.
May I apologize
for my behavior?
Oh, no. Forget about it, it wasn't my
finest moment either.
I shouldn't have believed that stuff
from the play. I was ridiculous.
I'm very sorry.
Apology accepted.
Thank you.
It's actually true.
Sort of.
About the play.
I wasn't a great dad.
Pushed him to do all the things
I wanted him to do.
I'm sure,
you did your best.
I dated some crazy women.
None of them Irish.
But, uh...
- Creative license, I guess.
- Mmm-hmm.
Anyway, we learn from
our mistakes, right?
Yes, we do.
- Good luck with everything.
- Thank you.
And so, Linda Sinclair resumed
her life as a schoolteacher.
Though she brought a new,
modern approach to her craft.
Now that you've
all finished the reading,
let's try a little
creative writing exercise.
I'd like you all to write a new
ending to A Tale of Two Cities.
Now, it could be
anything you like.
So let your
imaginations run wild.
She often saw Dr. Sherwood,
though propriety dictated that
she maintain a respectable distance
from the father of the young man
with whom she'd so disgraced herself.
That's a good biography.
I have a copy if you
want to borrow it.
- You're a fan?
- Of Conan Doyle?
- Of course.
- Me too.
Since I was a kid.
And that was the end of it.
How are you?
I'm pretty good, thanks.
Hey, would you like to grab
a cup of coffee or something?
She refused.
Okay. Why not.
And so they spoke in
a strictly impersonal way.
She did some crazy stuff.
She had a yard sale one time when
I was out of town,
and sold my entire collection of
Ellery Queen first editions.
- Oh, no!
- Yes!
That's when I knew the marriage
was kinda over.
They did not
discuss the boy.
- Jason's doing really well.
- Is he?
Yeah, yeah, he's actually written
another piece.
And he's work shopping it in a
children's theater in New Jersey.
I mean, you may or may not realize
some references to Orwell,
and Kafka in the first act...
Oh, that's so wonderful.
Can I be honest
with you about something?
I knew it.
The whole time we're strolling along here,
I keep thinking...
You know,
you slept with my son.
I understand that it was just one
of those things or whatever, but...
I guess, what I am
trying to say is...
I still think
you're pretty great.
And if it's not too weird...
For you, or me...
Walter Mosley's speaking over at
Wilkes next week, and I thought maybe...
Linda Sinclair.
What are you doing?
You belong here.
At home. Alone.
You don't want
to go out there.
It's a cruel and
unforgiving world.
- Hi, Linda.
- Hi.
You look great.
Thank you.
Are you ready?
Yes, I am.
Linda? Are you listening to me?
Don't be a fool!