Escape from Germany (2024) Movie Script

[bright music]
[soft whirring]
[dramatic music]
[crowd cheering and applauding]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd applauding]
[dramatic instrumental music]
[crowd cheering]
[train chugging]
[steam hissing]
[indistinct chatter]
Elder Seibold.
I'm Elder Anderson.
I said, "Welcome to Germany."
You'll hear that a lot here.
Oy, you've got something
right there--
it looks like blood.
Oh, boy. I've got to get home.
How far away do we live?
I mean, "home" home.
-How long have you been out?
-Twenty-six months, four days.
So I'll be going back
to Idaho soon.
Germans are fine folks,
but their leaders have
some cockeyed ideas.
[crowd cheering in distance]
Yeah, well, I heard that
some German officials are trying
to have the New Testament
rewritten to show
that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
[crowd cheering]
What's that?
[crowd singing
indistinctly in German]
[singing continues]
[singing resumes]
-What's he doing?
-Don't do anything.
I haven't read it yet,
but it's supposed to be swell.
[singing continues]
Well, danke to you too.
[crowd cheering and applauding]
[tense whooshing]
-Hey, what's the big idea?
-Time to go, elder.
[crowd shouting]
It will take a while
to get an answer.
I'll have to get back
to you on that.
[snaps fingers]
You know, elder,
missionaries tend to lose
two things on their missions.
Their hair
and their sweethearts.
[telephone ringing]
Hello, German Mission Office.
Yes, this is
President Heber Grant,
-the British Mission.
-[Barnes] Yes, President.
-[Duersch sighs]
-Is President Wood available
to speak with me?
No, sorry, sir.
He's in a a mission conference.
-Are you able to get
a message to him?
-Yes, sir.
This is very important, elder.
Please write this down.
[telephone ringing]
-This is President Wood.
-[on phone] President,
this is Elder Barnes.
I have an urgent message
for you
from President Heber J. Grant.
[tense music]
-Okay. Go ahead.
-[Barnes] "In three days,
the German army
will invade Poland.
Evacuate the mission
to Holland or Denmark,
but get them out immediately."
Okay, uh, hurry to the General
Counsel's office,
check on this, and then, um...
...I'll let you know
where to send them.
Hello, Elder Barnes.
How can I help you?
I have something very important
for the Consul General.
I'm hoping to see him.
[door opens, closes]
Good to see you again, sir.
Oh, yes.
What can I do for you, elder?
We have been informed
by our church president
that in three days
the German army
will invade Poland.
I wanted to ask
what you know of the situation.
-In three days?
-Yes, sir.
[music continues]
Have a seat.
-[door opens]
-[Barnes sighs]
[clock ticking]
[door opens]
[door closes]
This is from our embassy
in Berlin.
"At this time,
there is no indication
of any German
military movement."
So, Elder Barnes,
our military attach
has no knowledge
of any such aggressive activity
on the part of the Nazi army.
From what source
did your church president
get this information?
I would say he got it
from the Lord, sir.
He is a prophet.
Son, our US military
has the finest intelligence
in the world.
If I may, sir, I believe
President Heber J. Grant
has a better source
of intelligence
than the US military.
You really said that to him?
[chuckles] All right then,
uh, call them, wire them,
send pigeons,
any way to get to them,
and tell our missionaries
to get out.
-[Barnes] Yes, President.
-Uh, Holland's been good to us.
-Send them into Rotterdam.
-Yes, President.
-I'll be back
in a couple of hours.
-Yes, President.
All right.
How about you finish unpacking,
then we'll get going?
What are you doing?
Well, the hard thing right now
is everybody is scared stiff
they're going to war again.
You can't get anybody
to talk about the gospel.
So I've been spending
a lot of time
on my homecoming talk.
[Anderson] Yeah, well,
I heard that Adolf Hitler
actually likes our church
because we believe in being
subject to kings, rulers,
and, and obeying
and sustaining the law.
[loud knock on door]
[soft tense music]
We just got word
from President Wood.
"Leave immediately
for Rotterdam."
Where's Rotterdam?
-What's the deal?
-That's all I was told.
Let's go. We'll call President.
[dramatic music]
Where's Rotterdam?
Keep running.
Yes, President. I will
extend the call to summon.
He needs you
back at the Mission Office.
We're going to get
Elder and Sister Goltz.
Who's Elder and Sister Goltz?
Are they missionaries?
Slow down.
Oh, ja. I understand
what you are saying.
But it is not necessary
for us to leave.
We face no danger
in our own fatherland.
Whether there is danger or not,
President Wood sent me
to get you to leave.
My patriarchal blessing
promises me
I will serve a mission
in Germany.
I have not finished my mission,
so I will not go.
Sister Goltz...
...can you convince
your husband to leave?
[sighs] He is boss.
[breath shakes]
Am I the only one that wants
to go home around here?
[door slam shuts]
You should probably go with him.
But, President,
I said all of that.
-They won't leave.
-[Wood] Yes, they will.
Now go back and get them.
[woman speaking inaudibly]
Yes, President.
-Oh, boy.
-What, what do you mean
"Oh, boy?" What?
Here is what I see.
I have faith
in my patriarchal blessing.
But you, you have not.
This is not a matter of faith.
This is a matter of obedience.
President Wood said
we must leave,
so we must leave.
Sister Goltz,
you've got to do something.
If you don't,
there's a huge possibility
you will be stuck here
through a war.
And if that happens,
you may never
see your family again.
Und this thing is for sure.
My parents were German,
my grandparents were German,
I am German,
-and I will never
leave this country--
Papa, I go.
She is boss.
We will go.
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
[woman sobbing]
Sister Heibel,
you are to report
to the mission home
in Frankfurt.
Sister Rosenhan,
we will get you
to the train station
and on your way to Holland.
You are not to wait
for anyone else.
I must have my passport stamped.
Yes, und you should buy
your ticket on to London.
But I'm not going to London.
The spirit tells me, "Do this."
[music swells]
[knock on door]
Brother Ruf.
We received a new missionary.
This is Elder...
[sighs] Brother Ruf, I cannot
continue as branch president.
We've been told
to leave the country.
We are here to call
and set you apart
as the new branch president.
I can't.
You can. I know you've only been
a member for a few months,
but you will learn as you serve.
I've received
a military summons an hour ago.
I leave today.
May we give you a blessing?
[distant shouting]
[tense music]
[music continues]
[music intensifies]
We love you, Sister Biehl.
[engine starts]
[baby babbles]
Brother Lutz, all missionaries
have been told to leave Germany.
We are here to call you
and set you apart
as branch president.
But I am only a priest.
You are all the Lord has.
[telephone rings]
President Wood,
this is Joseph Fielding Smith.
I'm here in Europe,
so I'm checking
on the evacuation.
Have you been able
to reach your missionaries?
Well, we're not sure.
There are no telephones,
so it's a matter
of sending out wires
-and hoping they get through.
-[Smith stutters]
Have you assigned
some elders to make sure
the others know what to do?
It would be a great miracle
if we were able
to get them all out
before this thing blows up.
I'll see that gets done,
Elder Smith.
Elder Seibold.
-Hi, tomato.
-Hey, spud.
-Miss Anna.
-Elder Seibold.
President Wood wants
to see you right now.
Later, tater.
Elder, let me tell you a story.
Just before
the Spanish-American War,
President William McKinley
had to get an important message
to the leader
of the revolutionaries,
General Garcia.
But Garcia
was already in hiding.
And someone said
to the President,
"There's this fellow
named Rowan.
He's tenacious.
He'll find Garcia for you
if anybody can."
So Rowan was sent for,
and he was given a letter
to deliver to Garcia.
Rowan landed
on the coast of Cuba by night
and disappeared into the jungle.
Three weeks later,
he steps out
on the other side of the island,
having traversed
a hostile country on foot
and against all odds,
had delivered the letter
to Garcia.
[inspirational music]
So my point is this.
McKinley gave Rowan
a letter to deliver to Garcia,
and Rowan took the letter.
Without whining about it,
he just took it.
I have a letter
that I desperately need sent.
I need you to deliver
my letter to Garcia.
President, uh... [exhales]
I don't know. I, I don't know
what you're even asking.
Elder, you heard the part
about not whining, right?
There are somewhere
around 30 missionaries
that are lost and penniless
between here
and the Dutch border.
It will be up to you
to find them
and see that they get out.
Now you're strong.
Now you played college football,
so I'm sending you
without a companion.
I don't know why.
I just think it's right.
I don't know, President, I--
...we're in trouble...
...and you are the man
for the job.
I can't leave
for another day or two, so...
[inhales deeply]
...I need you to do this.
This contains 500 marks.
Take this to Holland
and then on to London.
Find them.
Find them and get them out.
Follow your impressions,
Elder Seibold...
...but find them.
Listen to the still small voice.
Angels will go with you.
[drawer clangs shut]
You can use this map.
[soft suspenseful music]
We have elders
in most of these towns
in between here and Holland.
They'll be
at the train stations.
[typewriter clacking]
-That's a lot of country.
-[Barnes] Mm-hmm.
And some may be stranded
in these towns
closer to Denmark.
[typewriter clacking]
What is it?
Does President have any idea
how difficult
this is going to be?
What am I supposed to do?
[sighs] Like the hymn says...
..."do what is right."
[music turns dramatic]
Oh, nuts.
[music intensifies]
[steam hissing]
[train horn blaring]
[indistinct chatter]
[menacing music]
-[music stops]
-[breathing heavily]
[inspirational music]
[steam hissing]
[people chattering]
[dramatic tense music]
[indistinct announcements
in German on PA]
[indistinct announcement
in German on PA]
[clock ticking]
[announcement continues
indistinctly on PA]
Dear God, what do I do?
[indistinct chatter in German]
[whistles blowing]
This is baloney.
I don't know where they are.
Bunch of dimwits, anyways.
[dramatic music]
[people chattering]
[indistinct announcement
in German on PA]
[attempts to whistle]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[music continues]
[attempts to whistle]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
-There's no getting
rid of you, huh?
-No chance.
-We're stranded. No tickets.
-No money.
I have marks to get you
on a train to Holland.
But first, I need your help.
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[triumphant dramatic music]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
-Elder Seibold.
I have never been so happy
to see someone in my life.
-[Biehl] Hello, Elders.
Oh, this is President Biehl,
president of the Essen branch.
I have been summoned,
and I'm on my way to report.
I must get my train now.
May God bless
and protect you, Elders.
And you, President Biehl.
[sentimental music]
There goes a fine man.
[bell dings]
[train horn blares]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[train horn blares]
[dramatic music]
[whistling continues]
[plays "Do What Is Right"]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[plays "Do What Is Right"]
[video recorder whirring]
Are you getting
some swell pictures
of a whole bunch of nothing?
What city is this?
[train comes to halt]
Aren't we getting off?
There might be
missionaries here.
No, there's none here.
[sentimental music]
You don't wanna check
to make sure?
There's none here.
[train chugging]
What town's next?
After this,
we pass into Holland.
Tell them to hurry, please. Yes.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[patriotic music
playing on radio]
Have you talked
to any of our elders yet?
Long distance lines
are all jammed.
the wires got through.
The Dutch have closed
the borders.
[patriotic music resumes]
I sent our elders the wrong way.
[indistinct chatter]
-This is all I could find.
-Oh, swell.
-Most of the food has been
taken for the soldiers.
This doesn't taste like bread.
It tastes more like
[indistinct announcement
in German on PA]
Look at that.
If you don't have enough flour,
you gotta fill it
with something.
-You gonna eat that?
-[train horn blares]
-What are you doing?
-I'm getting evidence
of how they're treating
the people here.
You know,
that could qualify as evidence
to the Nazis that you're a spy.
[train horn blares]
Listen up. They're only going
to let us into Holland
if we have money.
But we each need to be
carrying our own cash.
-[officer] What are you doing?
-[whispers] Put that away.
What are you doing?
Turn your pockets inside out
and show me all your money.
Where are you traveling?
You're smuggling this money
out of Germany?
Give it to me.
[train horn blares]
Over my dead body.
That is possible.
-Come with me.
-Where to?
To the police station.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
You have no authority here.
I'll talk
to the military police,
but I won't leave this station.
You will come with me now.
I am an American citizen.
I demand to speak
with the military police.
Don't you touch me.
[scoffs] If you touch me,
there's going to be a fight.
[indistinct murmuring]
I demand to speak
with the military police.
-Can he demand that?
-He just did.
[murmuring continues]
Follow me.
I'd better go with him.
[softly] Did you see that?
-[indistinct chatter]
I understand
it's best for us to leave,
but I don't understand
why all the rush.
Well, I can think
of two reasons, darling.
First, President Grant says
we need to evacuate
the mission immediately.
[sighs] And, second,
two missionaries
were left in Germany
-when the Great War broke out.
-What happened to them?
Sweetheart, do you think
those Nazis will leave
foreigners running loose?
Hell, they'll lock us up.
We'll stay locked up.
Drop it! Let's get
the big fellas to grab the...
Faster, everyone.
-[train horn blares]
And what is your explanation
for this?
We are a group
of Mormon missionaries
from America.
We are being evacuated
from Germany with enough cash
to purchase tickets
through to London.
If we don't have the money,
the Dutch won't let us in.
[door opens]
[door closes]
I know some Mormons.
[pen scribbling]
They are good people.
I understand
why you must leave Germany.
Keep this with you.
-[Duersch] Well, what happened?
-[Seibold] Nothing.
Come on. What happened?
[Seibold] We got
into a big fight, and I knocked
the stuffing out of him.
Really? True? Is that
what happened, Elder McOmber?
No. I just started crying,
and they let us go.
See, now that I believe.
[train whistling]
[indistinct announcement
in German on PA]
President Wood.
-President Wood.
-[Wood] Heiteles. Hello.
-What are you doing here?
We could not let you go
without our goodbyes.
We cannot imagine being
without you or your leadership.
We hope to return soon.
Thank you
for remaining faithful and true.
You will forever be
our dear friends.
Would it be all right
if I write to you?
[train whistling]
Be true.
Yes. Be true.
-[soft instrumental music]
-[singing continues inaudibly]
[train chugging]
-[steam hissing]
-[train horn blares]
You're on your way to London.
May I see your London ticket?
Very good. Welcome to Holland.
Thank you.
Oh, excuse me.
Have you seen any Americans
come through here?
Any missionaries?
I wouldn't know.
[steam hissing]
[soft piano music]
Please help me.
I have no money.
I have nothing to eat. I'm lost.
Pardon me.
Do you speak English?
Do you speak any English?
Are you a missionary?
A Mormon missionary?
[Rosenhan sobbing]
I didn't know what to do.
I was sent to look for elders.
We didn't know
there were any sisters
coming out of Germany.
Only me.
You just made it.
-They're about
to close the border.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I think this might be
against mission rules.
[birds chirping]
[plays "Do What Is Right"]
[indistinct announcements
in German on PA]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[indistinct announcements
in German on PA]
It's about time.
[train chugging]
Well, besides that,
I heard Hitler learned
about our fasting program.
So he's starting
his own Fast Sunday
where Germans are supposed
to give what they save
from skipping a meal
to the government.
Yeah, a hundred years
after Joseph Smith started it.
["Abide With Me"
playing on mouth organ]
What? That's not baloney.
I, I read it somewhere.
Are you feeling okay?
What do you mean?
[chuckles] I, I just think
it's pretty swell
that you got a sign
to go out and find us.
Why is that pretty swell?
It shows such a trust.
Such an honor.
Don't you think?
I think I'll do anything
if it will get me home.
What did he say?
He said we're in trouble.
[indistinct murmuring]
He said Holland
has closed its border
and we, we have to get off
the train.
So what do we do now?
We cooked?
Are we cooked?
[train chugging]
[indistinct chatter]
I'm hungry.
I think you need to wait
a little longer.
There's only a tiny bit left.
[paper rustling]
This is the last of it.
Where are you going?
Where are you from?
We have been on trains
for the whole day.
This is our fifth day...
...I think.
Nobody wants us.
What's that for?
It lets other people know
to be mean to us.
[train chugging]
No room in the end.
All trains commandeered
for troop transport.
So what are we gonna do?
Wait here.
We're cooked.
[steam hissing]
[Seibold quietly]
This train--
Get up, get up, get up.
This train is going to Denmark.
[dramatic music]
[train chugging]
[man 1]
Let's go.
They're not gonna wait.
[man 2]
Hurry. Come on, just throw me.
[man 3]
Elder, faster now. Go on.
Come on, be faster, come on.
Please, please, faster.
Ah, I got you.
Come on.
-Holy smokes.
-[all laugh in relief]
-That was swell.
-I feel like...
I think I just became a man.
Ha. It will take
a little more than that.
Now that we're moving,
the conductor won't stop
the train just to get us off.
[clears throat]
[train chugging]
-President. Look at this.
Here we are in Rostock,
trying to get to Denmark.
But we're only nine miles
from Warnemunde.
-What's in Warnemunde?
-[Barnes] A ferry.
A ferry that goes to Denmark.
-[Evelyn] How do we get there?
-[Barnes] I can ask.
[soft tense music]
[indistinct announcement
in German on PA]
Where are you going?
Back to Berlin.
[sentimental music]
With all the military
going to Poland,
they're not running any trains
to Warnemunde.
But this railroad
goes right to the ferry dock.
So there's got to be a way to...
Maybe there's some kind of taxi.
No, no. They didn't leave
any gasoline for taxis.
President, here's an idea.
And action.
[video recorder whirring]
Hey, can it, Frank Capra.
The train that
just pulled into yard four
is headed towards Denmark.
[dramatic music]
That camera's gonna
get you in trouble.
[indistinct chatter]
Leave your suitcases.
Leave your suitcases.
Get on and open a window.
I'll throw you your luggage.
[glass shatters]
Holy smokes.
[indistinct murmuring]
[comical music]
Throw them in. Come on.
[man 1]
Easy, elder.
Come on.
The train's moving. Come on.
-Come on. Get on the train.
[man 2]
Rush on. Pick it up.
[train chugging]
[train horn blares]
You want to what?
Douglas, I think
you've lost your mind.
Maybe so.
But I'm smart enough
to know the Lord helps
those who help themselves.
-We get to ride
where they drive it!
-Shh, shh, shh.
[quietly] Quiet, quiet.
Very quiet.
-Oh, swell.
-Move over there.
-[Evelyn] Stay in the corner.
-Do either of you have any idea
what to do with all this?
Maybe. When I was five,
I got my daddy's tractor going
and smashed it into the barn.
Wait, we're gonna haul
that whole trainload
of folks with us?
Oh. No. No, sir. No freeloaders.
-Lord forgive us.
-How do you think it works?
-[Wood] Yeah, must be simple.
They hook and unhook
hundreds of these a day.
Can hardly see what we're
looking at. Wish we had a--
What's that the Boy Scouts say?
Be, be something.
-Oh, yeah. Be--
-[iron clanks]
-[footsteps approaching]
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
-Have you got it?
-Can you make it go?
Close. I just
can't quite figure out
how they shift it into gear.
-I think that
this will start it.
-[engine starts]
I can't figure out
how to get it out of neutral
-and into gear with the, uh--
-Here it is.
[train jerks]
Wow. She's speedy.
All right. Everybody ready?
President Wood,
are we doing the right thing?
Mission presidents
don't steal trains.
Well, this one does.
All right,
let's chuchu out of here.
[music continues]
[train starts moving]
[indistinct murmuring]
Wait. Wait.
How do we know
this track goes to Warnemunde?
Yes, this could be the track
that goes to Berlin.
[tense music]
Wait, stop.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
[train stops]
Right here. Right here.
This will do it.
-[track turns]
Good, good. Let's go, let's go.
[dramatic music]
[train chugging]
[train chugging]
[sighs in relief]
Anna, what are
you doing, darling?
Making sure
no one's following us.
Do you think
we might get arrested?
Uh... no.
[chuckles] No, honey.
Well, what happens to people
who steal trains?
I think they'd shoot us.
The Lord will protect us, honey.
Even if we're stealers?
There will be police
in Warnemunde
who are watching the station.
So do we just pull up
into the station
and pretend like we're a bunch
of German train engineers?
What are we gonna do?
-What are we gonna do?
-Sweetheart, we don't know.
We're making this up.
[train chugging]
...why don't you say
a prayer for us?
I can't think of a better time.
Our Father in heaven,
we are thankful we get to ride
where they drive the trains
and thankful
to have come this far.
We hope that You will bless us
so that we can keep going.
And we are sorry
that we stole this train.
Well, I feel better now.
A train's coming.
[dramatic music]
Can this thing go any faster?
[train picks up speed]
[train chugging]
Hey, I see water.
Yeah, there's a boat.
-It's a ferry.
-We got to figure out
a way to signal them.
[train horn blares]
[music continues]
They're getting closer.
Hey! Hey! America!
-America! America!
-We're Americans!
America! America, hey!
Hey, they're coming back.
Stop the train.
[train brakes squealing]
Grab and go. Go, go, go.
Don't wait. Go.
-Don't look back. Keep going.
Go, go, don't stop. Just go.
-[Carolyn] America.
-We're Americans.
-[Wood] Go, go, go, go.
-[Howell] I told you
they'd shoot us. I told you.
-[Evelyn screams]
-[Wood] Americans!
Keep your heads down.
-[Howell] Heads down.
-[Barnes] Run, run, run.
Go, go, go.
-[Howell] Look at the water.
Hey. Hey! Over here. Americans!
[bell dinging]
So, anyway, I heard Hitler
likes our genealogy program
because it makes it easier
for Germans to prove
that they have
pure German blood.
And it has helped a lot of them
stay out of jail
or not get deported.
And I guess
that just goes to show that
even the genealogy program
is just a tool,
a tool that can either
be used for good or...
[playing "Abide With Me"]
Hey, he just welcomed us.
And a big welcome to you too.
[sighs] That was nice.
[birds calling]
What an amazing coincidence
for us to have an apostle here
overseeing this.
I think
heaven is very interested
in the outcome of all of this.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[Carolyn] Thank you.
-[man] You go ahead, Mr. Wood.
-At last.
Hello, Elder Smith.
-Hey, President Garff.
-[Garff] Welcome.
What an experience.
What troubles did you have
getting out?
None, really. Uh, five taxis,
17 trains and a boat.
Easy as pie.
Uh, what's your report?
Well, there are still
29 missionaries unaccounted for.
I'm so worried
I can't stand it. [sighs]
They're barely adults.
How could this happen?
Sister Wood,
it will all work out.
The war will not begin
until those missionaries
have arrived on Danish soil.
Are you saying
they'll hold up the whole war?
They'll wait until we get
all our missionaries out
before they start fighting?
I'm saying
the war will not begin
until all of our elders
are out of Germany.
[bell tolling]
Yeah, well, I heard
Hitler got Mormon elders
to teach basketball to his teams
to help them
in the '36 Olympics.
And then some of those elders
went on to become refs
in the actual games.
What, you think that's baloney?
Am I the only one here
with half a brain?
-You might be, elder.
Hey, pay attention.
We make it through
this checkpoint, we're home.
No funny business.
Be respectful.
Those Nazis could land all of us
in jail if we botch this up.
You with me?
[train horn blares]
Elder Seibold,
do you think we should
say a prayer before we do this?
[distant chatter]
Elder Anderson, go ahead.
Our Father
which art in heaven...
...we thank Thee
for bringing us this far.
Now we especially need Thy help.
[sentimental piano music]
This is scary, but
n-- not as scary as for those
who haven't made it this far.
We pray for all those
good people who...
...haven't done
anything wrong...
...who are innocent.
For the members who...
...have tried to do their best
and to follow Thee.
And especially
for the Jewish people,
who are having
such a tough time right now.
Please bless
the innocent children
and those who can't defend
themselves against all this.
In Jesus' name, amen.
There must be opposition
in all things.
[dramatic tense music]
-What are you doing?
Don't make trouble.
Yes, Daddy.
[latches closing]
How many?
How many what?
Click, click.
[tense music]
Welcome to Denmark, Elders.
You'll hop the next train
to Copenhagen.
I'll wire President Wood,
let him know you're here.
Elder, I just heard the Gestapo,
they're closing this border too.
We just made it.
You can't go back into Germany.
You probably won't get back out.
[sentimental music]
There's still elders out there.
I feel it.
I'll go with you.
President Wood sent me
to do this alone,
so that's what it will be.
Elders... what is right.
We'll save some sawdust bread
for when you get back.
We'll be seeing you, elder.
See you soon, Elder Seibold.
[indistinct chatter]
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
-This just came for you,
-Read it to me, elder.
"Found six lost sheep.
More Garcias to find. Rowan."
Let me see that.
What kind of a message is that?
It's a message of hope.
-[dramatic music]
[faint whistling
"Do What Is Right"]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[whistling continues]
Here's the deal.
Train on track four
is about to leave.
Get on the train,
then open the envelope.
It will tell you what to do.
[train brakes squealing]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
I have seen this before.
This is what happens
before a war.
I lived through the last one.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
[suspenseful music]
I have a doctor friend
who has made sure
that I won't have
to live through this one.
I have a black pill.
It can't be that bad.
[train chugging]
[inspirational music]
[people chattering]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[car horn honks]
[gentle piano music]
[indistinct conversation]
Elder Seibold.
-[chuckles] Wow.
-We're out of money
and didn't know what to do.
Elders, you're in a pub.
I'm afraid
you'll be sent home for this.
[all chuckle]
Say, how did you know
we were in here?
Some things you just know.
This is all of them?
Yeah, we think so.
We better know so.
May I?
Wait, Elder Seibold,
he hasn't arrived.
[train chugging]
He'll keep searching
till he's trapped himself.
[calm instrumental music]
[steam hissing]
[whistling "Do What Is Right"]
[dramatic music]
[dog panting]
[tense music]
[blows whistle]
-[birds chirping]
-[bell tolling]
He's, uh, probably
on his way to...
I don't know exactly what...
-Oh. Uh, let us--
-[indistinct cheering
and laughter]
What in tarnation
is going on out there?
-[triumphant music]
-[cheering and laughter]
I can't believe you did it.
-Uh, let me call you back.
-Excuse me.
[cheering and laughter]
[indistinct conversation]
How'd you get out?
Keep this with you.
Welcome to Denmark,
you dirty Mormon.
There's no getting rid of you.
[indistinct conversation]
[video recorder whirring]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
-You did all right.
-Thanks, elder.
Well done, elder. Well done.
Thank you.
-Good job, spud.
-[Seibold] Thanks, tomato.
You got every one of them.
I knew you would, Rowan.
-Thank you.
-And now we can all go home.
Do we have to?
[cheering and laughter]
[instrumental music]
[music turns somber]
It may not be
on the mountain's height
Or over the stormy sea
It may not be
At the battle's front
My Lord will have need of me
But if by a still small voice
He calls...
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[gentle instrumental music]
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
[gentle piano music]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]