Europa (Zentropa) (1991) Movie Script

You will now listen to my voice.
My voice will help you and guide|you still deeper into Europa.
Every time you hear my voice,
with every word and every number,
you will enter a still deeper layer,|open, relax ed and receptive.
I shall now count from one to ten.
On the count of ten,|you will be in Europa.
I say one.
And as you focus your attention|entirely on my voice,
you will slowly begin to relax.
Your hands and your fingers are|getting warmer and heavier.
The warmth is spreading through|your arms
to your shoulders|and your neck.
Your feet and your legs get heavier.
The warmth is spreading|to the whole of your body.
On six I want you to go deeper.
I say six.
And the whole of your relax ed|body is slowly beginning to sink.
You go deeper and deeper and|deeper.
On every breath you take you go|deeper.
You are floating.
On the mental count of ten you|will be in Europa.
Be there at ten.
I say ten.
You are listening to the noise of rain
beating against a large metal drum.
Go closer.
There's a fence and you have|to stop.
You are walking across the railyard,
and you've been travelling by train|from Bremerhaven,
and before that on a ship from|New York.
You are in Germany.|The year is 1945.
His name is Leopold Kessler.
I'm your uncle.|You may embrace me.
I have received this letter from|your father.
He has the nerve to ask me|to find you a job.
My God!
Isn't he aware of the situation in|Germany?
My father...
I do not wish to know anything|about my brother.
He left our country at a difficult time,|for that I'll never forgive him.
Family bonds are intolerable!
Well, also I'll probably regret my|kindness dearly...
Due to my position I succeeded|to get you a job in Zentropa.
Your reasons to apply for this job,
and why you are here at all,|is of no interest to me.
-Uncle, I truly...|-No, I don't want any gratitude.
Zentropa will give no guarantee
that only new material will be used|for your uniform.
Your uniform will be delivered|within twelve hours.
Remeber that the uniform has|to be changed twice a year.
The uniform is the property|of the company,
but paid by the employee.
Give me your wallet, please.
Is your nephew ready to be examined,|Herr Kessler?
Thank you, doctor.
Thank you, Herr Kessler.
There's no need for further|examination.
Your nephew is of standard health.
Standard fee, please.
Your wallet.
The German citizens you'll meet,
will all give you the impression|of friendliness,
but never for a moment believe
that it's anything but trying to gain|something from you.
All Germans will hate you,
and in my opinion,|they are right in doing so.
We're all living at the mercy of the|Americans.
The military authorities have tied|Zentropa hand and foot.
Your fellow countrymen treat|Europeans without much respect.
Humility, Kessler.
Never forget humility.
Don't draw the courtains!
What are you doing?|Do you want to wake the sleeping?
All these people work at night|and need their sleep.
-I just wanted to look at...|-There's nothing to see!
You are in Germany|just after the war.
You are cold.
You're covering yourself up with the|clothes you have in your suitcase.
You are to start your training as a|sleeping car conductor.
When you have rested you will be|on your way to your new job.
Get up.
Get up and be on your way.
Come on, come on!
-Good evening.|-Good evening.
-Tonight you'll be going on train 317.|-Frankfurt-Berlin.
-Tomorrow, train 212.|-Berlin-Munich.
And then on 522.
Then we return here.|Now we shall receive our papers.
Timetable, list of sales, receipts,|electrical chart, green checkbook,
book of tickets, account book,|and the green journal.
Thank you, Frulein Schulze.
The inspector wants you at|turntable 3.
I have promised not to say anymore,
but I think he's got a surprise for you.
Thank you. Come on!
Wait. I see young Herr Kessler|hasn't paid his guarantee yet.
I think I understand unemployment|in Germany much better now.
People just can't afford to work here.
This is for railway personel only.
Stay back!
Over here, Kessler!
I thought I'd tell you right away,|Kessler.
Car 2306 is back in order.
-Really, Herr Inspector?|-Yes, dammit, Kessler!
Your nephew is off to a great start|with us.
Would you please turn the handle?
Yes, Herr Inspector!
Track 8, Kessler. Track 8.
You'll have the honour of serving|on the first class
sleeper to run under the revived|company of Zentropa.
We've worked day and night to get|it back in order
and now it will run again.
I understand you specifically wish|to become a sleeping car conductor.
A fine choice.
But it's a symbolic gesture|the management has given you,
a foreigner, the job.
We're dealing with the important|issue of human transportation
which no borders should prevent.
l, too, began as a sleeping car|conductor,
and believe me,
those were the happiest days.
An engine driver's work is exciting,
so is the systematic's in the tower,
but only the sleeping car|conductor is
in direct contact with the travellers.
A fine task. He can say:
Relax,|I guarantee you a pleasant journey,
sleep well.
-Right, Kessler?|-Sure, Herr Inspector.
I'd call this a mythological task.
You'll be accompanying your uncle|during your training period.
Your exam is in three months,
after which you'll be able|to advance,
but you can read all about that in|the service regulations.
Here it comes.
Come in.
Please,|Herr Sleeping Car Conductor,
the rails to Berlin is our best section.
When I was in America
I was fortunate enough to meet|Mrs. George Pullman.
She gave me this bonbondose that|Mr. Pullman himself used to carry.
Take two!
And crush them... is the custom in your country.
Attention, please!
The train for|Berlin-Ostbahnhof
over Bebra|Erfurt and Halle,
will be ready for departure|in platform six in a few minutes.
No, first class!|First class!
First class!|Tickets!
Tickets! No, first class!
First class only! No!
No, first class! Tickets!
Money! Please!|Please, sir!
Give us some money!
Have you got no decency at all?
The shades must be down now.|Those are the rules.
Please listen, Herr Kessler.
Things will be quiet for a while.
I'll retire now if you would be so kind
as to keep an eye on everything.
I'll entrust you the passkey.
I'm in the kitchen if you need me.
And keep in mind
that the management's private|compartment has been taken.
You can make the bed now.
Sorry to disturb you, uncle.|I need some help.
Please, excuse me.|It's my first trip...
Your German is not bad at all,|Herr Kessler.
Please, continue.
I took the liberty of getting a bit of|information about you.
My name is Katharina Hartmann.
As you may know my family owns|Zentropa.
You've chosen an unusual|time to come to Germany.
An American in a civilian job is|a rare sight these days.
Please, excuse my curiousity but,|what are you doing here?
I'm a sleeping car conductor.
I'm just trying to understand why a|young American
wants to play tourist in these sad|surroundings.
I understand you refused to be a|soldier?
I had to come here.
I believe my taking on a job|as a a civilian here,
is a small contribution to making|the world a better place.
It's time someone showed this|country a little kindness.
Why Herr Kessler,|you are a true idealist.
Are you laughing at me?
No, I'm smiling because what you|say seems to come from far away.
What's this?
Partisans. Executed by your|countrymen, I believe.
But I thought the war was over.
Some would rather fight|a lost battle.
Will that be all?
No, please, stay.
Please, sit here.
We are approaching a tunnel.
It's ridiculous, I've been on trains|all my life, but...
I'm so frightened of tunnels.
Could I persuade you to stay until|we've passed through?
Once the electric light went out
Give us a hand!
I must have fallen asleep.|It's very embarrasing.
You see, normally I have problems|falling asleep.
But when I hear the sound of the|wheels on the tracks
I become drowsy and I fall|asleep for a while,
and when I wake up, I'm ice cold.
It's frightening.
And then there's the feeling that|I don't know
in which direction|the train is moving.
I don't know if we're going|forwards or backwards.
Or what I thought forward has
suddenly become backwards.
Know what I mean?
Let me tell you, it's most frightening.
My dear uncle.
What's happened seems to me|to be a simple switch.
You lost track of things for|a moment.
and it was then the train was just|turned around.
You see?|It's easily explained.
Young Kessler, you are a fool!
You have travelled through|the German night.
You have met the German girl.
On the street above it is daylight.
But as you go on with your job|in car 2306
there is little to see.
Go deeper.
On the count of three
there will be a message for you|of great importance.
Wake up! Wake up!|Leo, you have to hurry!
This invitation
came by messenger.
I don't know why but you're|invited to dinner at 7 p. m.
at the home of the Hartmann family.
You're already late.|Naturally I'll accompany you.
An invitation like this is|a great honour.
I demand that you behave correctly.
It's of the utmost importance.
The Hartmann family founded|Zentropa in 1912.
My nephew, Leopold Kessler,|has been invited for dinner at 7 pm.
He is alone to blame for his tardiness.
I turn him over to you and will myself|wait in the kitchen.
-They've already sat down to dinner.|-Thank you.
"... at the right hour you feed them.
You open your hand and bless all|that dwells there".
- Amen.|- Amen.
Our guest has arrived.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Never excuse yourself.
Life is too short for that.
Kat tells me you've just joined|our company.
I'm very pleased.
Father's glad you're an American.
He'd like for Zentropa to be an|international company.
As Germans are ill-regarded now.
Rubbish, Larry! Let us eat.
-My sister's got her eye on you.|-Larry!
Calm down, both of you.
It's very brave of you, Herr Kessler,
to come to Germany at this time.
A great tragedy has befallen this|part of the world.
Are you a catholic, Mr. Kessler?
What kind of a question is that to put|to our guest.
I'm affraid I'm not very religious.
Herr Kessler is a sensible young man.
He realizes that if the scars|of the war are to heal,
we have to turn to each other.
My sister says you're a deserter.
In my father's opinion, so am I.
That's enough, Larry!
My son was too ill to join the service.
My illness!
The illness my father's never|understood.
He thinks it stems from my mother
spoiling me till the day she died.
Excuse me.
I must excuse my son's behaviour.
I thought you didn't like excuses.
Dammit!|Excuse me, Father.
In war, life is ever so simple.
The problems arise afterwards.
-Don't you agree, Father?|-Yes.
Religion may play a great part
in times of war,
but more so when|the silence of arms
toys with our peace of mind.
When we pray to God|in times of war
we can rely on his support if only|we have faith in our cause.
Excuse me, Father,
but what about the other side?
The enemy believes as much|in his cause.
Why of course, Herr Kessler.|God is on everybodys side.
But when you fight for a cause|with all your heart,
God finds it easier to forgive
if you thereby disobey|his commands.
And who doesn't God forgive?
The unbelievers.
The lukewarm ones|who don't take sides.
They are condemned to eternal|wandering.
He has no mercy on them,|Herr Kessler.
"So because thou art lukewarm,|I will spee thee out of my mouth".
They're just about to blast!
The Allies are blowing up|cranes in Westhafen.
They're dismantling.
They want to prevent another|German military power from arising.
So they're destroying everything|that might be of use for that.
I fail to see how the few cranes|we have left
might pose a threat.
The food supply situation|will become even worse.
You're so naive, Kat!
The cranes are loading coal|for IG-Farben.
The Americans are clever.
They get hold|of the chemical patents
and then they destroy the plants
to prevent any further production.
All in the name|of demilitarization.
I really admire the Americans.|Mr. Kessler?
Did you know that many factories|in Germany
were owned by Americans|during the war?
The Pater is praying for Mariakirche|in Westhafen,
so that the explosions|may not harm it.
That was that.|You may bring the coffee now.
-May I call you Leopold?|-Of course, sir.
You must understand,|Herr Leopold,
our family has always treasured
international contacts.
Pay us a visit now and again.|How about dinner on Friday?
I'm affraid that's one of your fellow|Americans at the door.
Just a minute, please.
I'm sure you'll like Alex.
We studied together in Berlin|and now he's back in Germany.
-Colonel Harris.|-Welcome, Alex.
Max, you must fill in|this questionaire.
May I introduce to you one|of your countrymen
who has just been employed|in our company.
Mr. Leopold Kessler,|Herr Alexander Harris.
How do you do?
In fact it's actually Leo|I came to meet.
I understand you're|of German descent.
I'd be the last one to blame|you for that.
You meet so many sensible|Germans these days.
It's been a pleasant evening,|Herr Hartmann.
I have to go and check up on the|church before curfew.
I'm affraid we won't have time for|a game of chess tonight, Colonel.
-Coffee, Alex?|-No, no, later.
I've got some information on you.
I know about your AWOL.
I have come to ask you to do us|a small favour.
What's that?
Well, your job with the railways|could be an advantage to us.
I don't know what you've heard|about the "Werewolves",
but you should know that sabotage|is still going on
as well as liquidations of Germans
who cooperate with the Allies.
All I'm asking you to do is|to keep an eye open for us
and report back to us.|Here, I brought you this.
Excuse me, sir,|but I can't accept a gun.
Why not?
If I wanted to carry a weapon|I would've come here earlier.
I wouldn't make a move in this|country without a weapon.
Okay, it's a deal.
You keep an eye on the nazis for me.|I'll go and have that coffee with Max.
Colonel Harris?
My father apologizes
that he cannot bid you goodnight|in person.
He is indisposed.
Just see to it, Larry, that your father|fills out that questionaire.
I've made arrangements|for someone to come
and verify it on Friday.
Come and sit down.
Father is taking his bath.
He's always retiring to his bath|when he is upset.
The Colonel is forcing him to fill out|this stupid questionaire.
So what's it all about?
They ask you about your relation|with the Nazi party.
And father has to have|a perfectly clean record
if he wants to retain his position.
And the Colonel knows father|will have to lie to keep Zentropa.
Your uncle wants to leave now.|He's waiting for you in the hall.
Goodbye, Frulein Hartmann.
There's one thing I want|to confess to you.
I fooled you a little the other day
when I pretended that|the tunnel frightened me.
It was the sight of those hanged|people what touched me so deeply.
After all they were only|fighting for their country
like most of the world|has been doing.
And suddenly it's a crime.
You have left the house.
Behind you is the German family.
You see before you the questionaire
that is designed to test|the guilt of the country.
Friday, you will be back.
Herr Kessler!
I'm a friend of the Hartmanns.
They were sure I could ask you|a small favour.
My nephews are going to Cologne.
Would you please look after them?
They're being picked up|at the station.
Here are their tickets.
Here you are, sir.
The children are with me.
O. K.
You can stay in here.
Compartment 13 has ordered|a bottle of sekt.
The name is Ravenstein.
By the way, no guests on duty.
I'll see to it that a fine of 7 mark|is deducted from your salary.
-Sekt for Ravenstein.|-Here.
We're celebrating.|The Allied command in Frankfurt
has appointed my husband mayor.
-Congratulations.|-Thank you.
Excuse me.
Are you the engine driver?
I'm the sleeping car conductor.
I don't want to impose on you
but my family and I have lived|in London during the war.
Now we're returning to WIstadt.
But all of a sudden my wife is|refusing to leave the train.
She's very upset about the present|state of Germany.
Would you be so kind as to help|me set her mind at rest?
If you'd perhaps reassure her
that WIstadt has been spared the|havoc of war.
We live in Sachsenstrasse 43.
I don't know WIstadt.
But what I've seen from the train|looks bad.
But you must help me.|You must.
I'll never get her off the train.
Our home is in WIstadt.
Maybe we could take a taxi|from the station.
My dear, I have encouraging news.
Please, repeat what you told me.
I don't really know WIstadt...
But you did tell me WIstatd|had been spared.
I've only seen it from the train.
Listen to that. Listen. Listen.
Next stop is WIstadt.
You'd better get ready.
Palestine, Palestine...|She wants to live in the desert!
We're Jewish, but we're German,|but we're Jewish.
You brutes!
Leo! Help me. These people|will kill me.
What's going on here?
We have dismantling orders|for all the heaters on this train.
But it's freezing outside!
War debts|for Scandinavia.
It's outrageous!
Take it easy, old man!
I don't have to accept this!
We gotta give the blankets|we have to the passengers.
-We'll get the children to help.|-Outrageous!
We've got problems|with the heater.
Here are some blankets.
We've got problems|with the heaters.
Here are some blankets.
Give the children some chocolate.
Hurry up!
We'd like another bottle of sekt.
Certainly, sir.
Security check before|the zone crossing.
Can we see the passenger list?
Here we are.
You got the newly appointed mayor|Ravenstein and wife in 13.
Thank you.
Have another piece.
Security check before|the zone crossing.
Security check before|the zone crossing.
Papers, please.
This paper has expired.
Do you have another paper?
You can't cross|the zone with this.
This guy's ID is no good.
One. Two. Three.
Four. Five. Six.
Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.
You are at a party.
I heard about that|little episode.
I understand you handled it|very well.
-I didn't do anything.|-That's just it.
We'd have a lot less problems|if everyone behaved like you.
By the way, we've already|appointed a new mayor.
The children were brought|to me by this man.
He claimed to be a friend|of the Hartmann family.
Yeah, yeah. They're not stupid|those Werewolves.
Listen, I can hardly recognize Max.
He's been staring off that window|for over an hour
waiting for the 9. 15 to come in.
It's pathetic.
I insist on a return match|today, Colonel Harris.
I've never understood how anyone|could be proud to be German.
If I had my way, I'd get on a plane|bound for America today.
You probably find that|hard to understand.
To me, the war was just|a waste of time.
Just as you would feel,|if you were to attend
the good Father's mass.
The ceremony might be colourful,|yes, even entertaining,
but to an unbeliever it's just
a sophisticated way|to waste time.
Shoddy, when the Sacrament|is nothing but a dry cracker.
She's flirting with you.
A bit scheming, don't you think?
Why don't you dance with her?
Not today.|I'm too tired.
All right, Max, the Jew is here.
Please fetch those silly papers|for me.
The form must be verified
by somebody from the resistance|or by a jew.
Those are the rules.
I must ask you whether|you know this man.
Max, you have to turn around.
Max Hartmann is my friend.
He fed me and hid me|in his cellar.
I won't do it anymore.|No more.
Do as you please!
We handed out 13 million|questionaires
and found out that eighty per cent|of the Germans in our zone
had Nazi sympathies.
Max Hartmann is important|for the reconstruction
of the transportation system.
I admit I made a little private|arrangement with that Jew.
He broke into an American|food depot
and he's quite thankful|I got him out of trouble.
Is it my move?
What am I doing?
No, I think I'll retire.
There's no need to disturb|the Father and Alex.
Good night.
-Good night, father.|-Good night, father.
Your uncle has always|been a good man.
Don't forget that whatever happens
you must always do|what you think is right.
Never let anyone tell you|otherwise.
My dear Katharina...
Come, let's get out of here.
Blow out the lamp.
The lamp...
Father has given Larry this train|for one of his birthdays.
Larry never touched it.
It was quite rude.
That thing with the questionaire...|It was a farce.
Colonel Harris forced|the Jew to sign.
I know.
I could see that father had never|seen that ugly little man before.
I'm sorry that father agreed to|such a farce.
You are so good|and understanding...
I find that a little provoking.
Allow me to test your|tolerance, Mr. Kessler.
I am a Werewolf!
Or more correctly,
I was a Werewolf.
So now you know.
I have no doubt that my secret|is safe with you.
I was foolish enough|to get involved with these people.
I realized right away|it was a terrible mistake.
But to get out was not easy.
Maybe it was just to spite father.
I've been very Ionely|with this secret.
But it's all over now.|I have broken with them forever.
But I had to tell you.|Don't you understand?
Mr. Kessler, you once said to me
that the time had come|to show a little
kindness towards Germany.
Now, Mr. Kessler, I ask you|to prove your open mind,
and show a little|kindness to me.
Yes, I'm affraid I have to admit|you've won.
You know, we've played chess|together about fifteen times
and I've beaten you every time.|Doesn't that bother you, Father?
It is just a game.
You know, sometimes it's very difficult|for me to understand Germany.
We've bombed you to pieces
yet you all behave as if there never|was any war at all.
Max Hartmann and I have been|very close friends
and now I risk everything,|including a courtmartial,
just to help him keep|his position in Zentropa.
Do you think he knows about this?
Frankly,|I don't think he cares!
Damn you, Max! Get out of|that bathroom and talk to me.
Max, you can't treat me like this.
Open that door and face|reality for once!
-It's time to go home, Colonel.|- Come on, Colonel Harris!
He can't do that to me!
Mr. Hartmann!
Mr. Hartmann!
"Sancte Antonius, ora pro nobis.
Sancte Christoforus, ora pro nobis.
Sancte Stephano, ora pro nobis.
Sancti Joanne e Paole,|orate pro nobis.
Sancte Cosme, ora pro nobis.
Sancte Agnese..."
I don't know what happened|upstairs this evening,
but from the way that|the kitchen personnel reacted,
it wasn't very pleasant.
I'm inclined to believe|that my nephew
bears a large part|of the responsibility.
Actually, I've taken a rather|substantial risk
in getting you this job.
My reputation is at stake.
And all this at a time when|the letter
you've been waiting for so long|has finally arrived.
This means that your application for|the examination has been accepted.
And is to be executed in|nine or ten weeks.
As the test is comprehensive|and the grading particularly severe,
I'd recommend you to,
as soon as you've finished|with these shoes,
go through the regulations.
Excuse me, Herr Kessler,
but I found this pair of|Crockett & Jones
outside compartment nine.
I'm sure there must be|a misunderstanding.
Well, they are polished.
I don't think so.|Where is the chalk mark?
-Chalk mark?|-Chalk mark!
A chalk mark|on the sole
is the passenger's guarantee that|the shoes have polished
and they've been polished|by the conductor of the car!
I can't see how a chalk mark can be|the passenger's guarantee.
No, you've come here with|your background
in American culture,|American way of thinking.
But I ask you kindly,|kindly, Herr Kessler,
without humility you will no get|anywhere.
Besides the guarantee,|the chalk mark also indicates
the traveller's compartment.|Take these shoes for example.
Where do they belong?
- Now I've lost track of...|- Ah, there you are.
And how will you find out?
Well, I could always ask one of|the passangers.
When I return I want to see all|the shoes marked
with compartment numbers.
And under no circumstances|will I tolerate
any disturbance of the passengers.
Do you have a moment?|We need your help, conductor.
I implore you, Herr Leopold,|please, come along.
You are being led through the train.
You are led through carriages|you never knew existed.
Be careful here.
Welcome, Herr Kessler.
I can understand if this setup|puzzles you.
But this sector is in|a state of emergency
and the authorities won't allow us|to give Max Hartmann
a proper burial.
Gatherings are forbidden,|Herr Kessler.
We therefore have to resort|to this unworthy arrangement.
We'll proceed with our ceremony|in secret,
just as the Christians|in the catacombs.
Everyone is gathering at the old|marshalling yard at Darmstadt.
It will be your job|to stop the train there
so we can get the coffin|off the train.
I am waiting for an explanation.
You pulled the emergency brake!
"Si iniquitates observaveris Domine,|Domine quis sustinebit?
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison. Et ne nos inducas|in tentationem.
Sed libera nos a malo.
Requiescant in pace.
Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
Filium, deus..."
This is the American|occupation force.
Law 1067 of the|military goverment
forbids gatherings|and processions.
Please disperse and go home,|or you will be arrested.
Disperse and go home,|or you will be arrested.
The ceremony is over.
The coffin is to be turned over|to the occupation forces
for confiscation|inmediately.
"Vivat, vivat. Vivat, vivat".
Go back to America, please.
Herr Leopold.
Over here!
Come in.
Kat is a lovely girl.
You stay away from her.
I just wanted to thank you.
It turned out fine with my|nephews on the train.
I don't know what the youngsters|would've done without you.
Open the door, please!
Our superiors|appreciate your help
in the Ravenstein assasination.
Please, open the door!
We have a new job in mind|for you.
Why, there is your little girlfriend.
Listen, Leo, I'm not asking you|to make up your mind right away.
I think we'll offer Herr Kessler|a ride back to Frankfurt.
And then we must get|the back door fixed.
It's stuck.
You love her. She is so strong.
And yet so vulnerable.
I want you to go forward in time.
Go forward|one month in time.
Be there on the count of three.
You have a visitor, Herr Aspirant.
-I hope I'm not intruding.|-Not at all, Father.
Thank you.
Have you been promoted yet?
The exam is in|a few weeks.
Are you working in Munich?
At Saint Christopher church.
I've come to ask you not to judge|Kat too harshly.
I know she's told you about|her mistake.
Kat is confused as there are|many others these days.
But she is not a Werewolf.
She repents her sins|and tries to make amends.
She had to flee from these|people in Frankfurt.
They stop at nothing.
Max Hartmann received|threatening letters
as his collaboration with the|Americans was no secret.
After his death,
the authorities have confiscated|his entire estate.
Do you have any contact with Kat?
I really have to go now.
We'll meet again.
Goodbye, Herr Kessler,|and Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Father.
Herr Kessler, if I were you...
I'd attend the Midnight Mass|at Saint Christopher tonight.
Priests are|an necessary discomfort.
"Sanguis Domini nostri|Jesus Christie
custodiat animam meam|in vitam eternam".
"... ut intres sup tectum meum,|sed tantum dic verbo,
et sanibitur anima mea. "
"Corpus Domini nostri Jesus Christi
custodiat animam tuam|in vitam eternam".
"Corpus Domini nostri Jesus Chisti
custodiat animan tuam|in vitam eternam".
Marry me, please.
With this ring I thee wed
in the name|of the Holy Trinity.
It is New Years morning,|year one.
You are on your honeymoon
in the Hartmann family's|private compartment.
You have been making love.
You have enjoyed the tenderness|of your wife,
but now she is asleep|and you are alone.
For the first time you experience|the fear of being on a train
with no possibility of getting off,
and no idea of where|the journey may end.
Stuttgart, Leipzig,|Berlin, Wiesbaden,
Hamm, Hannover, Hamburg,
Frankfurt, Duisburg...
-What's the matter?|-Nothing.
I'm so glad you got this|compartment for us.
I've travelled so many times in it.
My father showed me all of|Germany from here.
Kat, I know so little about you|and your family.
And yet you know more than others.
I don't believe your father could|be threatened to take his own life!
You see, for father transport was|a sacred word.
The most important thing for him|was that the wheels kept on rolling.
But they were rolling...
Yes, but the war made father|old and strange,
and he saw the whole of Germany|as his own model railway,
running around and round and|round and round and round...
And he wanted to believe|the cars were just as empty
as toy trains.
But although he did his best
it was not possible|to repress the fact
that Zentropa during the war|transported jews
in cattle trains|to concentration camps,
and American officers|first class afterwards.
In the end it was all|too absurd,
even for father.
But listen, I just...
Jesus Christ, what a dump!
The two of you are moving|into what can be provided
for a newly married couple.
The place is OK with you because|she is there.
And as you go on with your job,
and are back on the tracks,|you feel stronger.
One night there's a call for you in|the middle of the Berlin Frankfurt run.
Answer the call in the middle of the|Berlin Frankfurt run.
Hello, Leo?
Kate, is everything all right?|Where are you?
I am at the villa, in Frankfurt.
-What are you doing there?|-Can you come over here?
I'll be in Frankfurt in half an hour.|Are you OK?
We'll talk when you get here.
I'm affraid young Herr Hartmann|wasn't as cooperative as you.
But then, one faggot|more or less...
Where is my wife?
We've taken her to|a temporary hiding place.
We thought you'd be more|cooperative if she was with us.
I'm so glad you came,|Leopold!
Let's talk about your next job.
We would like to see the|Bremen line shut down tonight.
You're a good man,|Herr Leopold.
We're sure|you can handle
a larger job.
All you have to do is place|some explosives
underneath your sleeper.
The bomb will be detonated|on the Neuwied bridge.
You'll have time to escape.
I'm sorry to have to press you|like this, Herr Leopold,
for I really do care for you.
Remember. Tonight you're going|on the Bremen Express.
Attention, please!
The Bremen Express|will depart shortly
for Cologne, Essen,|Doden, Dortmund...
Excuse me!
Here you are!
-Up you go.|-Your suitcase, sir!
I've reserved compartment 3|for you, Colonel.
Take your seat and|I'll come once we're off.
There is a package for you.|We don't approve of such things.
Come in.
Sit down, Leo.
-Now talk to me.|-Well, I...
Excuse me, I would like|a word with the conductor.
Excuse me.
Allow me to present|the examinee:
Leopold Kessler, my nephew.
Herr Seifert and|Inspector Stelemann,
they are in charge|of the examination.
The examination consists of two|parts, practical and theoretical.
First we'll ask you some questions
and then we'll accompany you|to see
how you handle the travellers|and the equipment.
Politeness and firmness|are the virtues of the conductor.
Please accompany us|to compartment 9
and let us begin.
Has this examination taken you|by surprise?
No, I was just attending|to one of the travellers.
If you don't mind,|I'll just finnish that.
I'll be right back.
-Sorry about the interruption.|-So what is your story?
Remember the Ravenstein|incident?
Germans killing Germans,|that doesn't break my heart.
I met that man again,|the Werewolf,
at the Hartmann villa|tonight.
Yes, and...?
Excuse me.
Kat, what's going on?
They want you to plant|a bomb, Leo.
-Follow the instructions.|-Please, listen to me!
-Or else her life is in danger.|-No, not if I can't tell him.
You must plant the bomb at|Checkpoint Urmitz.
-For Christ's sake, Kate!|-Come on, tell him.
The bomb must go off|in the middle of the bridge
rails are under repair.|The train will go very slowly.
-That's all I can say.|-We don't tolerate mistakes!
They're watching your every move.
Don't forget!|Checkpoint Urmitz!
I love you!
I'm affraid the external examiner|is getting a little impatient.
I think we had better proceed|with the examination.
Well, Herr Kessler,|we'd like to know
what you would do|if the cleaning man
handed you a green card|filled in like this.
Only a short stop|at the check point.
This train continues|to Bremen.
Kessler, do me a favour,|stop messing around with me.
What sort of information|do you have for me?
Is it that brown bag|you wanted me to see?
The situation is a bit more|complicated than I thought.
Kessler, God damn it!
Can't you stay put|for a minute?
Excuse me!
Excuse me!
On your way to the platform?
Excuse me!
Jesus Christ!
-There's something I gotta tell you!|-Where is your cap?
I don't have the authority|to decide if this examination
can proceed without you|wearing your cap.
But I know that if you want|to carry out the job
of a sleeping car conductor|with your head uncovered,
I have no choice but|to put you off the train inmediately.
There's something I gotta tell you.
The last thing I desire is|private conversation on duty.
You have carried out the orders.
Now relax.
I want you to sink down into the|soft cool grass on the railbed.
Look up.
Look at the stars.
See how the stars resemble|illuminated cities on a map.
Or maybe it is|the fading lights
of human lives.
But you are here to help|the lights burn brighter.
Not to put them out.
At any prize you must make|this good again.
Run for the bomb!
Out of the way!
Out of the way!
Hold it, boy!
Are you out of your mind?
Get out of here!
Don't you want your promotion|at all?
There is a high ranking military|officer in number three.
He has put in a complaint|about you!
This will be noted|in your exam.
It's going to be difficult|for you now!
My nephew's behaviour|cannot be excused.
My first thought was to advise|you to cancel the exam at once.
The exhausting run|has made you sick.
Do you wish to proceed?
That is up to the examiner.|I repeat my question:
What would you do if|the cleaning man
handed you a green card|filled in like this?
Your clothes are soaked with sweat
and you are affraid|of fainting.
Come now, can't you see it's|filled in improperly?
Wrong and incomplete!
Your heart is pumping faster|and faster in panic.
Can I have a glass of water,|please?
Would you like to tell the|examinee the correct answer
to the question?
It's a trick question.
The answer is:
Report the cleaning man|inmediately!
The green card should never be|in the cleaning man's possesion.
Normally, the cleaning man|doesn't keep any papers
for the conductor.
On the contrary, the conductor|must give him a receipt
upon the completion|of his work.
And which form is used|for this?
B, that is correct.
And now a question after|Herr Seifert's heart.
What's stated in paragraph 4,|section 62 in the book of regulations?
You cannot breathe.
On the count of three|you'll faint.
I must inform you
that an open collar is against|the regulations!
One second of infinite rest.
Your uncle was kind enough|to fetch a card for you.
We now want you|to make bed 42.
I have put out the correct number|of bedding covers for you.
You may begin when|I tell you to.
We want you to make it twice
and then we will test the bed.
Are you ready with the clock?
You may begin.
The clock is ticking.
The clock is ticking!
-Stop your automobile!|-Halt!
Stay where you are!
Come back here!
You don't have time for that.|The clock is ticking!
Hurry up, Herr Kessler.|The clock is ticking!
The clock is ticking!
Thank you.
Kate is sitting in|compartment one,
if you wish to talk to her.
Excuse me, Colonel,|there must be an error,
my wife is handcuffed.
I'm affraid there is no error,|Leo, I'm sorry.
I once told you that your|connections with the railways
could be of help for me.
You couldn't know that it was|your association
with the Werewolf|Katharina Hartmann
that really interested us.
We needed your help|to keep track of her,
when we found out|it was Kate
who wrote the anonymous letters|of threat to her father.
Tell the Colonel you are not|a Werewolf.
Please believe me when I tell you|I really cared for you.
What are you saying?
You know, they say a Werewolf|is only a Werewolf at night.
In the daytime it's human being.
I know I can't make you|understand
what it is that makes a man|turn into an animal
because you don't accept|that it ever happens.
During nights I wrote|the letters to father.
During days, I regretted it.
I didn't want him to die,
but it hurt me so much to see him|bow before the Americans.
And Larry?
He must have followed me|to meeting at the villa.
It was him or us.
So our marriage was just a part|of a plan to blow up this train?
No, that's not true.
I really loved you.
You know, there were times when|all I wanted
was for us to leave and forget|about Germany.
But, Leo, it didn't work
I'm sorry, Leo.|I did what I had to do.
But it's your fault too.
The bridge would have been|so easy for you.
Nothing could happen to you.
And all the people|on the train?
What people?
Everybody on this train has been|through the war just like me.
You can't compare yourself to us.
Everybody here has killed|or betrayed,
directly or indirectly,
hundreds of times,|just to survive.
Look into their eyes and you'll see|what I mean.
Kate, you're talking about|an awful crime.
But the way I see it is that|you are the only criminal.
I haven't done anything!
I'm not working for either side!
I'm sorry to say this,
but I've got this rotten feeling
that everyone's been screewing me|ever since I got here.
That makes me mad.
And now it's my turn|to say something!
Herr Aspirant...
Herr Kessler!
Would you please come to|compartment nine for a moment?
Excuse me, I was told I could|find the conductor here.
I have a problem.
Is it too much to ask for|a bit of service?
We must be quiet.
The external examiner needs to rest
before we proceed|with the exam.
Let me give you a piece of advice,|Herr Kessler.
In my opinion,|you have only one option.
As soon as Herr Seifert wakes up,
ask him to accompany you|as you go through the train
and apologize to each one|of the travellers.
Think it over.
Those shoes have not|been polished!
Although I wanted them|to be polished!
I'm sure those shoes|are polished.
I don't think so,|I don't see any chalk mark!
Your problem is not important!
You had better be careful!
The emergency brake!
You pulled the emergency brake!
Because I don't want this train|to go to Munich, Bremen,
Frankfurt or fucking Auschwitz!|I want it to stay right here!
You'll have to excuse me.|I need some time to think.
Isn't this the Neuwied bridge?
Might be. There have been|some diversions.
Back into your compartments!|Now!
Bed making?
Shoe shine?
You are in a train in Germany.
Now the train is sinking.
You will drown.
On the count of ten|you will be dead.
In the morning the sleeper|has found rest
on the bottom of the river.
The force of the stream has opened|the door and is leading you on.
Above your body,|people are still alive.
Follow the river.
As days go by,
head for the ocean
that mirrors the sky.
You want to wake up,
to free yourself of the image|of Europa.
But it is not possible.