Everything Put Together (2000) Movie Script

- Yes? Mom?
- Oh, hi, honey.
Could you hang on a second?
I'm sorry, hon, it's a madhouse
today. What's up?
- Nothing. I just wanted to say hi.
- Oh, hon. Hang on a second.
- What is it? Do you need something?
- No, I'm fine. Are you okay?
Yes. I'm exhausted, no one has
any idea what they're doing...
I have to take care of everything.
I'm spread too thin, as usual.
- Get some rest.
- I'll rest when I'm dead.
Listen, about the plane tickets,
my mileage isn't good anymore...
so I'll just wait until he's born
and then I'll come out, okay?
I just can't get away now. I'm up
to my neck, it's a bad time for me.
- That's okay.
- How are you feeling?
- I'm good.
- Good.
Good. Listen, honey,
I should be going.
- Okay.
- I'm glad you called. I love you.
I love you too.
- Question: How's your Kegel?
- Shush!
I said, how's that Kegel going?
- I hate my Kegel.
- Now I'm gonna have to pee!
Guys, for real, I'm really worried
I'm not doing enough Kegels.
Do you really do them?
Well, I practice every
night with Kessel.
- You do?
- Yeah, I do, Jean.
Kessel loves my Kegel.
He thinks it 's really sexy.
Come on, Jean, home, the car, go!
Right. See you guys on Saturday.
- Bye.
- Jean!
I'm just saying good night!
- What 's Saturday?
- It 's the birthday party.
- Whose?
- Barbie's Michael.
You know what I was just thinking?
How strange: We're born to our
mothers, then we become adults...
and then we have
babies of our own.
- Everything comes full circle.
- Yeah. Can I use your deodorant?
Shit, I just remembered I meant to
be picking Russ up from the airport.
Tell him Bill wants to play
ball this weekend, all right?
How strange is it that men are born
as babies and they stay that way?
- Very strange.
- Are these your shoes?
No. They're probably Jean's.
She's a nervous wreck.
- I'll take them. Will you be fine?
- Yes. Get your baby out the plane.
- All right. Bye.
- Bye!
My water broke.
Nurse! I don't think it 's supposed
to hurt this much! Shit!
- I'm not kidding!
- Do you want me to get your mom?
Can I come in?
Can I come in through here?
Push! Good.
One, two, three. Push!
- He's over the crown. I see an eye.
- Push!
Good. On three.
One, two, three. Push!
- That 's it.
- That 's it. It 's a boy.
- There he is.
- Congratulations.
He is bright pink.
We like that. Scissors.
Come meet your mom.
He's so beautiful!
Hey, look at him.
- Say hello to your mom.
- My God.
Hi. Hi.
- What did I miss?
- There he is. Right on time.
Happy birthday to the big
birthday boy! All right!
So! Cake?
Any takers? All right.
You guys, Jean and Lisa,
you're gonna get...
Right, we're gonna have some cake,
then we're gonna do the piata...
and then we're gonna open presents,
and then you're all gonna go home...
and I'm gonna relax, okay?
That 's how it 's gonna be.
- Michael, you wanna watch?
- Bye.
- We're coming right back!
- I want my yogurt.
- What are these?
- What that is? I'll start over here.
Kiss me.
- Michael! Come on!
- What 'd he do?
- Come on, he's shy!
- She's got a boyfriend.
Well, he's cute.
That 's the size of cake that
Superman eats for his birthday.
He put it right into my mouth...
and it was his foot or his hand,
I don't know which one it was...
but it was like, "shut up, Dad."
That 's some deep water!
Anyway, the thing is...
I can't really tell you enough
times how grateful I am.
- Are you gonna say it again?
- Yeah. Can't tell you enough times.
This is silly! I mean, anyone
would've done exactly the same.
God was really looking out for you,
and that 's why Angie was there.
Did you tell her yet?
Judith wants you
to be the godmother.
- No.
- Yeah.
- But she's your sister.
- I know she's my sister...
...but she can get the next one.
Are you serious?
No. No, it was a big joke.
I'm not serious.
- No, I... don't know what to say.
- Well, say that you'll do it.
Of course I'll do it. I'm honored.
Now we're all sisters.
She comes in and he's like,
"Mom, can you get out for a second?"
And she's like, "What, are you doing
something you shouldn't do?"
And then he finally says:
"I pee-peed in the corner."
And she handled it great,
she says:
"Well, do I have to put diapers
on you again, like a baby?"
And he's like, "No, no,
I'll never do it again!"
But he's just trying to see
what he can get away with.
- Who's in? It 's pool time.
- Are you going?
- Are you going?
- I think so.
- No, no. He's not gonna... No.
- He's not gonna do it.
Yeah, do it! Do it! Do it!
- That 's good!
- You got your wallet in your pants?
- Where's your wallet?
- Russ, what are you doing?
Hey, your underwear is showing!
- He's a natural.
- Yeah.
Good God, I...
Take this off! My God,
what are you doing?
- I'm happy.
- Really? Why are you so happy?
I don't know. I feel really lucky.
I love our life, I love our friends.
I love you.
What happened?
- Nothing.
- Angie, are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
- How you doing?
- Good.
It was good, huh?
Close your eyes.
Close them.
Make a wish.
- What was that?
- It was a kick.
- Was that a kick?
- Yes. Did you feel it?
Oh, my...
Good Lord!
- How's my midwife?
- I'm good. How are you?
- Fine. Care for a mint?
- Yeah. Thank you.
Don't mind if I do.
So, what 's with the tie?
My kids call me Great Sperm Raiser.
Yeah? What does your wife call you?
Great Cell Splitter.
- How you feeling today?
- I'm good. A bit sick this morning.
What do you hear from Judith?
Is she adjusting to motherhood?
She's good. Functioning
on two hours sleep a night.
Really? Ethan's a bit of
a night terrorist, is he?
I think so.
Husband Bill, I take it, the
latecomer, he's doing all right?
Is that normal?
Couldn't ask for better numbers.
Now, for my final trick, scoot up
a little bit there. Perfect.
Wait. Excuse me.
All right. Hold that there.
This little piggy went to market,
this little piggy stayed home. Good.
Why are we doing this?
I always do this.
It makes me feel like a doctor.
- Was that normal?
- Perfect. Everything's perfect.
Are you sure?
Let 's get this monster
gear off you here.
So, I will see you when your
contractions get a bit shorter.
You stay off the booze.
How cute is this
giraffe, you guys?
Yeah, my mom sent it.
It 's the cutest thing I ever saw.
- That 's really... it 's adorable.
- Hey, it 's cute.
Totally cute. Barbie, do yourself
a favor and look at the cute thing.
I'm pretty sure that I may
be in love with that giraffe.
- Look at it!
- Yeah, it 's adorable.
- It is very adorable.
- Amazing.
I know When we finish
this room, I plan to move in.
- I just had another fantasy.
- Do share.
What about when
they have sleepovers?
All right, don't get too excited,
because they're a pain in the ass.
My child is not gonna be
a pain in the ass, Barbie.
I'll tell you something, Angela, all
children are a pain in the ass...
particularly when they're not yours,
so the best about a sleepover...
...is when it 's at somebody else's.
- Well, excuse me, ladies.
You're all talk. You can't even
handle it when Michael's at school!
Yes, I can. I still have
the twins at home.
And then, when they're gone,
I'm gonna have another one.
- Hello?
- How's it going?
- It 's good. We're doing the room.
- That's good.
This looks great.
Yeah. Can't believe she made it.
- She really made that?
- Yep. She did.
I think it 's beautiful.
I love you too.
- Yeah?
- Hey, Mom?
Hi, honey. What time is it there?
I always forget the difference.
- It 's like five.
- Can I call you back?
- Yeah, sure.
- Okay. Thanks forcalling.
Mommy! I'm thirsty,
bring me a drink.
Think you could make it
a Scotch and water?
That 's the hormones talking.
She doesn't mean it.
Well, you know, I don't know
what to say. Angie's been amazing.
At the end of the first trimester,
she wanted to repaint the house...
so, just get it for her.
What is it, a hundred bucks?
So what? She'll have another baby,
it 'll fit again then.
Swallow your pride.
They live in another world,
and with the hormones, it doesn't help.
- Russ!
...buttery, like a mango taste...
...whereas your Muscadet...
- Russ!
...is light...
- Russ!
Angie? I'll call you back. Angie!
...it 's been a long day. Focus,
Angie. I know it 's been a long day.
Come on. Two, three... push!
You look good. Rest.
Wait for the next contraction.
You're doing great. Ready?
I need two more out of you. Look
at me. I need you to concentrate.
On three, we need a big push.
You ready? One, two, three, push!
Look at me, Angie!
One, two, three!
There you go!
I see the head.
It 's over the crown.
I need two more. Big push for
the shoulders! We're almost there!
- One, two, three, push!
- Push, push!
One more, Angie! One more!
Come on, breathe for it!
Now, there we are! Here we go.
- You did it. You did it!
- Congratulations.
- You have a beautiful baby boy.
- Clear the airways.
- Good. Clamping.
- Bring him up here.
Bring him up. Let me
hear some numbers.
Angie, we're almost done here.
I need you to focus, all right?
I need two more pushes for the
placenta. Are you ready? Let 's go.
- All right.
- I know, folks.
Couple more pushes and
we get the placenta, okay?
You ready? One, two,
Angie? Three, push!
A little more. Good,
there we go. That 's it.
There you go.
- Oh, my.
- Beautiful.
Oh, my God.
- This one is beautiful.
- He's beautiful!
- Thank you.
- I am just so in love with him!
- I'm so in love!
- How cute is he?
Thank you.
- I don't feel like this is real.
- You are so beautiful.
This is some joke on another
planet or something.
Oh, my.
Would you mind taking our picture?
- How do you work this thing?
- Just point and click.
It 's not my jurisdiction.
- Did he get an angel name?
- Gabriel.
It 's Gabriel.
- Yeah?
- Where have you been?
Oh, Angie. They were
having a dinner for me.
Some nonsense about
woman of the year.
- Well, that 's impressive.
- Yeah? It's nothing, really.
Well, here's something
that 's not "nothing":
Ma, you're a grandmother.
My God! That's wonderful, darling.
That's the greatest news!
He is a boy.
A boy? That is wonderful!
Oh, my! Tuesday.
I'll fly out Tuesday.
I am so happy.
I know. So am I.
He's... he's perfect.
I'm sure he is.
This is wonderful.
Do you need anything?
Just you.
- Iwish I could be there.
- I know.
- Where are you?
- I'm in the hospital.
The hospital?
That 's where they take you
when you have a baby, Mom.
I know. Are you all right?
I'm great.
Iwish I could be there
right now. I mean it.
- I know.
- Tuesday, honey.
- I'll see you Tuesday.
- Okay.
- One...
- Two, three... baby!
- Didn't I tell you?
- I should've listened to it.
- You have the best flowers, Barbie.
- Nice, though.
- What can I say?
- Liar.
But I like these ones from Russ.
Over there. He's so sweet.
They're beautiful and romantic.
- How much does he weigh?
- He's huge!
- How much did he weigh, Russ?
- Eight pounds, eleven ounces.
Big baby!
Hey, guys, one last picture.
Smile! Over here!
Did you know
he was gonna be a boy?
I kinda knew he was a boy.
Who cares what they are,
as long as they just keep quiet?
Barbie, why don't you keep quiet?
Okay, guys...
All right, guys, we need
a soothing environment.
- He kind of looked Mark Spitz.
- Who?
- The swimmer.
- Excuse me...
- I was waving at the dog.
- Excuse me.
He makes me roll down the window,
introduces me to the dog...
- What 's the matter?
- I don't know what to put for 16.
Just leave it blank.
- And you just gave him your number?
- Well, he was cute.
Girl, you need to quit!
And guess what the dog's name was.
- What?
- Marlon.
- "I'm Melanie."
- Hi.
I thought you would want this.
Thank you.
- You know what I want to know?
- Sign.
Did you get along with the dog?
What do you think?
Good. That 's your pen.
I'd tell you the truth.
I do have fun. It 's a good life.
The time of birth was
An 8-pound, 11-ounce healthy male.
The expiration was 1:28 PM
of the following day.
Male infants are slightly more
susceptible to SIDS than females.
Well, characteristics such as
prematurity, low birth weight...
which doesn't apply here...
maternal substance abuse,
smoking, which also don't apply...
are considered
risk factors for SIDS.
who die of SIDS...
do not have or have not been
exposed to any risk factors.
It 's all right here.
I don't know how else to say it.
His heart stopped.
More children die of SIDS
every year than of cancer...
heart disease, pneumonia,
child abuse, AIDS...
cystic fibrosis and muscular
dystrophy combined.
You just don't hear about it.
I don't know what else to say.
I know how you must feel.
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to be helpful here.
I'm telling you what is known.
I know.
The best advice I can
give is to name the child...
bury it and move on.
We did name him. You were there.
- We should have another autopsy.
- There's nothing we can do, Angie.
Something must have happened, Russ.
I want to get another opinion.
I was holding him and he was fine!
The doctor gave me these pills.
Iwas holding him
and he was right there.
He was right there.
He was right there.
He was right there.
It 's okay.
It 's okay, baby. It 's okay.
Come, baby.
- Where are Gabriel's things?
- In a storage.
Angie, I really wanna make
funeral arrangements.
I don't wanna talk about it.
Has anyone talked to Angie yet?
I haven't.
You haven't?
God. Well...
you know, that 's one way
of dealing with it, I guess.
What can I possibly say?
I know. I...
Maybe the best thing for her is to
have some time, know what I mean?
The Baptism's gonna be
really hard for her.
I couldn't. Don't know how she gets
up in the morning, much less...
Maybe it 'd be a good
idea if she didn't go.
But she's the godmother.
- Yeah.
- Judith...
maybe she shouldn't be there,
you know? Maybe it 's too much.
Sometimes it 's better when things
are out of sight, out of mind.
I'm sure that the last thing
on Angie's mind...
I mean, the last fucking thing she
wants to do is go to a christening.
Oh, God! I'm...
All I'm saying, Judith... Judith.
All I'm saying is maybe April's
right, maybe she shouldn't be there.
Did you pick a caterer yet?
- Mr. Babbington.
- Oh, my. Snooty.
I know.
But I love his crepes.
I called a travel agent today.
I thought it might be a good idea,
that maybe if we went somewhere...
Where do you want to go?
I was thinking about Aruba.
You always wanted to go to Aruba.
To the beach?
It might be nice. It 's off-season.
Rate's good.
I don't think so.
I just, you know, thought that
when we got back we'd feel better.
Well, why don't you go to Aruba,
Russ? Maybe you'll feel better.
That 's mine.
- That 'll be 15 dollars, ma'am.
- Do you take cards?
This is express.
We take cash only.
Okay, I've got...
Here's 2O.
- Do you want paper or plastic?
- Sorry?
- Do you want paper or plastic?
- Excuse me?
What kind of bag do you want?
I'll just take both.
Mrs. Lowry?
Pictures are ready.
- What pictures?
- The ones your husband dropped off.
...first time in the supermarket.
We got pictures!
Hi. Dickerson.
- Judith?
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
I've been thinking
about you so much.
I can't believe how
gorgeous you are. Hello.
Sorry I haven't called. I thought...
I don't know what, it 's just...
My God, I can't believe
how cute he is.
You know what?
We have to go to my mother's
now, and... we're late.
So maybe we...
I'll call you, okay?
It was really nice to see you!
I'll call you.
- Bye.
- All right. Say hi to your mom.
You're home.
- Mom.
- Are you all right?
Yeah. Just got in.
How's the baby?
- Angie?
- Yeah?
- How's the baby?
- Oh, he's beautiful.
Good. Listen, everything
has exploded here and I can't...
I just can't get away right now.
It's bedlam here, and I feel
terrible, but I swear...
that if I leave this place
everythingwill fall apart.
All right. Well,
I'll send you a picture.
Take that.
That 's nice, huh?
That 's nice.
What are you doing here?!
I just... I just wanted
to come and visit you.
What are you talking about? Don't
know how to knock? You don't ring?
I didn't want to wake Ethan.
You scared the shit outta me!
What did you think I was doing?
I don't know what you were doing.
What were you doing?
I just wanted to see if you're okay.
I was wondering if you
needed some help.
No, I don't want any help!
I just...
I thought you might need me
to baby-sit or something.
I don't want you to
baby-sit. That 's not...
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry too. You don't know...
how much you frightened me,
all right? I think you should go.
- Okay?
- I didn't mean to frighten.
You did frighten me!
You really frightened me!
I think you should go, all right?
Oh my God. Please don't.
What is it?
Please, you're scaring me,
Angie! Just go.
Angie, please go! Please go!
It 's a transfer, you say?
- I just talked to you. I called.
- I remember. The transfer.
- The baby, right?
- Yes.
I told you I remember.
- Look, is this it?
- Yes, this is it.
I had it out already.
His heart stopped.
I understand that.
What I wanted to know is why.
Why. That 's the question.
That 's always the question.
The truth is...
we don't know. We don't.
Mrs. Lowry, there are still many
unanswered questions in medicine.
This Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
is one of the most painful.
Because we don't know.
And unfortunately, nothing I can say
would make it any easier for you.
Nothing at all. I'm sorry.
I'd like to see him.
It 's a very invasive procedure.
I'm not sure you'd feel comfortable.
I want to see him.
You ready?
That 's not my baby.
- Sometimes it 's hard to tell.
- I know my own son.
- After the procedure, they...
- No. It 's not my baby.
I'm sorry.
Okay. Here.
That 's not my baby.
It is.
It 's not my baby.
No, it 's okay, watch your show.
I don't think we'll be late.
I just feel better knowing you're here.
I've got a number for you
in case you need to call Judith.
Otherwise, Russ will give you
a lift home. Won't you, honey?
What the fuck is she doing? She'll
watch TV and I'll write her a check?
It makes me feel better knowing
someone's home. Is that a problem?
I don't get it.
You may be seated.
I now present Ethan
Dickerson for baptism.
Do you renounce the spiritual
forces of wickedness...
reject the evil power of this
world and repent of your sin?
If so, say "I do".
- I do.
- I do.
Do you accept the freedom
and power that God gives you...
to resist evil, injustice
and oppression...
in whatever form they present
themselves? If so, say "I do".
- I do.
- I do.
And will you nurture Ethan
in Christ 's Holy Church?
- Lf so, say "I will".
- He's hungry.
I now invite the godparents
to come forward.
Pour out Your Holy Spirit
to bless this gift of water...
and he who receives it,
to wash away his sin...
and close him in righteousness
troughout his life...
that dying and being raised with
Christ he shares His final victory.
In the name of the Father...
and of the Son...
and of the Holy Spirit.
- How's it going?
- How's it going?
- Good.
- What 's going on?
Good, good. I'm okay.
- You got a minute?
- Yeah, you wanna come in?
I just got the new Gavi.
It 's iced.
- How about... wanna go for a walk?
- A walk? You wanna go for a walk?
- Yeah.
- Sure. Why not?
We've been friends
for a long time, right?
- What is it, Bill?
- Right? Like five years, I think.
- Five years. Yeah.
- Five years, yeah.
I feel like you and Angie
are part of the furniture.
But... Judy is a wreck
about the whole thing.
I'm sorry to hear that.
You know my heart goes out to you.
What is she a wreck over?
You're not gonna make this harder?
I mean, the situation is like...
- Come on, you were at the church!
- You did that, Bill.
You did that.
Look, man,
we don't know what to do.
We don't. I feel awful.
I feel...
I mean, it 's hard
on Judy with the baby.
Not sleeping, nothing.
She's totally freaking out...
she is, about Angie and
the accident. It 's very...
- Very what?
- It 's very...
difficult, man.
It 's like... it 's awkward.
I'm sorry.
I just...
I just feel...
like we shouldn't, you know,
hang around together, you know?
- You breaking up with me, Bill?
- Or the girls either.
I'm just trying to be a good father.
I'm trying to be a good husband.
Is that it?
I don't know.
Things are different now.
They have to be.
- It 's not like they used to be.
- No, it 's not. You're right, Bill.
But you can call me anytime.
You should call me anytime. Anytime.
- At the office.
- Sure.
- What kind do you want?
- A squeezie.
- What color?
- Blue.
A blue one.
- Sorry about that.
- Thank you.
I'll take two of these.
A blue one and a red one.
Wait for me.
Wait for Mommy, Justin.
- Justin!
- Look, Mommy!
- They don't listen.
- How old is he?
- Five.
- No, this one.
- He's beautiful.
- Thank you.
Look, Mommy!
Be careful!
- He's a monkey.
- What 's his name?
- Justin.
- No, this... the little one.
He really is beautiful.
Thank you.
- Mom!
- Justin?
- Are you okay?
- Do you want me to hold him?
Well, yeah.
Thank you. Yeah, just...
- Mom!
- Justin, what did you do?
Oh my God. Angie.
- What are you doing?
- I'm just getting some things.
You look like you're almost ready.
Should I be getting you something?
I forgot. What was it,
a boy or a girl?
Angie, that 's really not necessary,
but thank you, though.
I couldn't find anything.
Who's this?
Angie, I'm sorry.
I didn't recognize you.
- Watcha doin'?
- She's getting some things.
- How's Russ?
- He's at work.
So, when are you due?
Any day.
Mommy said your baby died.
Well, he did. Do you want me
to show you a picture?
You see this? This is Gabriel.
Kessel, I think that Michael's
getting kinda tired.
Maybe it 's time to get the boys
to the car and start that up, okay?
Sweetie, why don't you run out
to the car with Daddy? Go on.
- I'll see you in a minute.
- You were just like him one day...
- Aren't you getting tired?
...when you were small.
- Okay. Come on, kids.
- I'm not tired.
I'll see you guys
in a minute. Be good.
He's beautiful, Angie.
I'm sorry about Michael.
- Why?
- Well, he's tired and I...
- Okay. I'll call you, okay?
- Okay.
All right. Yeah. Bye.
"What to get the mother
who has everything?"
How about a vacation?
Oh, no. Well, this is a scandal.
"A little something
to break up the monotony."
- Oh, well. How about that?
- Put it on now.
I don't know if that would be the
best idea, under the circumstances.
- Thank you.
- Come on, you look sexy, Barbie.
Okay. Kessel's
gonna blow a gasket.
Oh, Lord. This hopefully isn't
as scandalous as the last.
That 's beautiful! Who is it from?
- Hello, Mrs. Lowry.
- Hey, Roland.
- Good news?
- Yeah. Always good news for you.
- Here we go. Have a nice day.
- You too.
What happened?
I couldn't do it.
Yeah, I couldn't either.
Lani, I'm going to the storage
to get some things. I won't be long.
- Hi.
- Hi.
My name is Angie Lowry and
I need to get into my container.
- You got the key?
- I don't actually have my key...
but I really need
to get to my stuff.
- Yeah, but you don't have the key.
- No, but I have the bill.
The bill doesn't open the door.
The key opens the door.
My name is on
the corner of the bill.
Your name is Mr. Russel?
- That 's my husband.
- Well, maybe he's got the key.
My husband is in the hospital.
He has a serious condition...
and he just asked me to come in
here and get something out for him.
Why didn't he give you the key?
Because he forgot.
He's in the goddamn hospital.
He's got more important things
to think about than a stupid key.
Well, maybe you can call him.
You know what?
He's under heavy sedation.
And he wants his things
out of the storage?
How much do you want?
That 's it. That 's all I got.
Only because he's ill.
You go down the yellow hallway,
go down to the third elevator...
go down to level D,
make a right turn...
go through two metal doors, three
intersections and make a right turn.
You're there.
And here's the key.
- Angie.
- Mom?
- Angie, come to Mommy.
- Mom?
Angie, wake up, baby.
- This one is beautiful.
- He's beautiful!
I thought you would want this.
Mommy said your baby died.
He's beautiful, Angie.
He's beautiful, Angie.
Good morning, how are you? Good.
Multiple contusions to the face
and head, a fractured collarbone...
some torn ligaments in the neck
and back and bruising.
A lot of bruising. Your standard
stuff for this type of thing here.
Plenty of rest and in a few days
she'll be up and running.
She was pretty bad.
Do you have a good lawyer?
- Enough?
- Thanks.
- So, did anyone call?
- No.
It 's the new Gavi. Should be good.
- So, to us.
- To us.
No, I'm really happy.
Are you okay?
Does it hurt?
I love you.
- Why are we doing this?
- To show you everything's all right.
- Yeah?
- Mom?
- Hi, honey.
- How are you?
- Busy, you know. Great, but busy.
- Great. Well, I just...
I want to thank you
for the sleeper.
- The what?
- The sleeper you sent for the baby.
- Yeah. It's cute, isn't it?
- Yeah.
Honey, I forgot to tell you I'm
coming this weekend. Is that okay?
- Sure.
- I'll call you with the details.
- Okay.
- Honey, I've got to go, all right?
- All right. Bye.
- Bye.
- Mom?
- Yeah?
- Something I've got to tell you.
- Now?
Russ, can you get the phone?
- Hello?
- Barb?
- No, is that... is that Judith?
- Angie?
Oh my God. I meant to
dial Barbie. How are you?
How am I? I'm okay.
Yeah, I'm good.
- Good. That's good.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
- Good.
God. Well, I haven't talked to you
for so long. Well, what's new?
What 's new? I don't know. Russ
and I just got back from Aruba.
You did? That's nice.
Okay. Well, I don't know.
What else is new?
- I'm pregnant.
- Oh my God!
- You are? You're pregnant?
- Yeah.
Oh, that's fantastic, Angie!
Oh my God! I can't believe it!
I'm so happy foryou!
I'm so excited!
Thank you. I'm really
excited as well.
- Well, when are you due?
- In May.
May? That is fantastic, Angie.
I don't know what to say.
This is incredibly good news.
- Thanks.
- I... I have to tell Barbie.
Hang on a second, I'm gonna call
Barbie, I think I know how to do it.
This is so amazing! I can't handle
it. I'm so happy foryou. Hold on.
- Oh my God! Angie?
- Barbie?
- That's incredible!
- Yeah, I know.
- Is that incredible?
- Yes! Congratulations!
- Thanks.
- So, when are you due?
- In May.
- Isn't that amazing?
- My birthday's in May.
- Good foryou, Angie.
- God, that is so exciting!
- I am so happy foryou, Angie.
- It's amazing.
- God, we're gonna have so much fun!
You know, I have a line on
this unbelievable pre-school.
- You've to get on the waiting list.
- We'll get heron it, no big deal.
All right, we'll get
you on the list.
Wait. Did you know that Alicia is
pregnant too? Do you even know her?
My God, Angie, you haven't met
Alicia? You're gonna love her.
- And she's pregnant.
- She's great.
- And she's hysterical.
- Like us. You'll totally like her.
- She's incredible.
- Maybe we should all get together.
A celebratory event of some sort.
A celebratory event.
I think that's an excellent idea.
Let's do it. This is so awesome.
I can't get over it.
- Maybe we just...
- Russ must be, like, overthe moon.
How is he? My God, Russ! Just makes
me think that things work out.
- I guess it was really meant to be.
- It was meant to be.
Done by (c) dCd / March 2013