Eye For Eye (2022) Movie Script
Been some and I stayed some
I missed some and I made some
Just not sure I know what life's about
Ride a little and I walk a little
I hear a little and talk a little
Not sure I know what I'm findin' out
Howdy ma'am, just passing by.
You got any work for a hungry traveler?
You'd have to talk to
Mr. Reagan about that.
Take seat on the porch,
and I'll fetch you a bite.
Kind of you.
Can I fetch you load of wood or some such?
Wood's on the side of the house.
I'd like to speak to the man
of the house about some work.
He's just out in the field,
should be coming in soon.
You can take your pie out on the porch.
He ain't here.
Uh-uh, you'll never make it squaw woman.
But I'm pregnant.
She's pregnant, but she's all woman.
That cooks it.
Blood on your hands, blood in my eyes
You took the woman
The love of my life
You can't hide from the truth
So it's an eye for eye
Your bad deeds come home to roost
And you're all gonna die
But you can't hide from
the truth, from the truth
You always did want
me to give up the badge.
I guess you got your way.
I'm sorry, darling.
One baby lost to us over
a year ago, and now two.
I likely won't be back here again.
Maybe I'll be joining you real soon.
As God is my witness,
I'll send those that
hurt you straight to hell.
Blood in my eyes
You took the woman
The love of my life
You can't hide from
the truth, from the truth
So it's an eye for an eye
Your bad deeds come home to roost
And you're all gonna die
But you can't hide from the truth
Damn it Spike.
Why the hell do you have to do that?
I told you to scare her off,
so that her knot headed
old man would follow her.
But no, no, truth is,
you're the pecker head.
I told you, Mr. Braddock,
was Skunk that did the dirty deed.
Tracker and I was just shaming the woman.
She looked like a breed to us.
She gave him a knee, he jerked her up.
Just get the hell off of my table.
You're just full of shit.
Hell, she was still blowing blood
when we rode out.
Damn, you poked a senseless woman,
a pregnant, senseless woman.
Who was far along with
a child, ain't that right?
She weren't so fat.
Ain't that the truth you stupid fool?
Damn, now did you leave anything
that could lead it all
back to The Triple R?
We left nothing but tracks.
Of course they knowed we
was in that part of the country.
Now how the hell they
know that you was there?
Well, you don't think
Skunk and Tall Horse
being that close to Big Horn
with a week's pay in their trousers
wouldn't down some whiskey?
We stopped at Pauline's palace.
Jesus, why the hell
didn't you just walk
into the Sheriff's office
and say, "Hey, we poked your pregnant wife,
and banged her brains out."
Damn these flies.
I'm surrounded by bloody
balls for brains imbeciles.
Just three, young Michael stayed outside.
He still ain't talked to any of us.
And for good reason.
For good reason,
did you at least put the fear of God
into that young Michael?
Did, hell boss you said to rough her up.
Yeah, rough her up.
Make her wanna run
for it, out of the country.
Not bash her brains to mash you knot head.
Now get the hell outta here.
If that sheriff don't ride in here
with 100 men I'll be surprised.
Ain't no hundred men in Big Horn.
If he shows his face,
you'll be buying the place for taxes.
Dead men don't pay no taxes.
Now get outta here.
Hong, send Hong up here.
Get your ass in here.
Hong, I want to go down to Big Horn.
Brought your tea boss.
No, I want you go down to Big Horn,
and see if you can get some supplies.
No need of supplies.
Well then make up some supplies.
But I want you just go talk
to like that Indian woman.
What's her name?
Go talk to Lily.
Any other celestials that are around there,
but, see if you can find
out if there's any talk
about that poor Mrs. Reagan
who passed away, all right?
Yes boss.
And also you stop by Mrs. McLoughlin's
and see if she has any needs.
And if she does, then you fetch 'em.
Bring 'em back on your way back, okay?
And make sure you put
it on the ranch account.
Okay, and then you hot
foot it back here, all right?
What are you waiting for?
Get outta here, go.
Yes, boss.
Let not the swift flee away,
nor the mighty man escape.
They shall stumble
and fall toward the North
by the river Euphrates.
Thank y'all for coming.
Let's see y'all here next Sunday.
Quint, how you doing?
Well with Consuela only
a few days in the ground
and her murderers is still hooting
and hollering, not too damn well.
Murderers, more than one?
At least four by the track.
Now I lost them on the road to town
and then there's the head of the snake.
To town, you don't think
town folks were involved.
Pastor I've been a
law man for a long time
and folks that jump to conclusions
often jump over the truth.
Now I don't come to any judgment,
until the high water
recedes and all can be seen.
Quint, I thought it
was a beautiful service.
There's nothing beautiful about
burying your wife, and unborn child, Ian.
No matter how pretty the palaver.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean-
No offense taken.
Why don't you mount up,
ride back out to Quiet Waters,
and pray over Consuela's grave.
Pauline over at the Palace tells me,
there were four in her place
unusual quiet and looking
over their shoulders.
And Spike Howard's the only
one she could paste a name on.
He's the ram rod of the Triple
R as you damn well know.
And then there was big Indian among them,
and some wet behind the ears, kid.
You can't believe what that Jezebel says.
Man may tell more with pillow talk
than pew or pastor talk, Ian.
Let's, let's pray over it.
I'm putting praying on the
fence post for a while, pastor.
Where I'm going and what I aim to do,
even the good Lord
doesn't want to bear witness.
You're conjuring up
things, you just don't know.
You gotta believe your eyes Ian.
Gotta believe your eyes.
I sold the herd.
I gave the mayor my power of attorney.
To sell the ranch to anybody
other than The Triple R.
His to give the proceeds to you,
if I'm not around in a month or so.
Stay away from The
Triple R and you'll be around.
You keep 10% to yourself.
Build that new church and school
you've been rattling
on about with the rest.
I got plenty from the sale of the herd.
I don't rattle,
and I'd way rather have you around pounding
nails alongside me.
I'll be pounding all right,
I'll be pounding crosses
with the same carving on each
coward needed killing.
Should I take time to bury the bastards?
You don't know who those miscreants are.
You know as well as I do.
And I'll get the who, outta
one of his fence riders,
as soon as I get past the open range
then I'll get every name.
Leave the badge on,
and bring 'em in legal.
And have Braddock buy off
half the town and have them go free.
Biblical this time, Ian, an eye for an eye.
And I'm not hiding
behind a chunk of copper.
It's not near big enough,
to cover my anger.
If you ride into The Triple R,
against 100 riding for
the brand, they'll kill you.
How many of those collars you own?
Three or four.
I'm trading you all
that stuff at my place
for that one right there.
You taking up preaching.
Not to worry, strip it
off you care to oblige.
Mr. Hong, how about a cup of sweet tea?
No time, no time.
Come on.
Thank you. Mr. Braddock
wanna know you need a from town.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Hong,
thank Mr. Braddock for me,
but we have no money to
spare for store bought goods.
Mr. Braddock say, he pay.
Thank you Mr. Hong, but no thank you.
Mr. Braddock's kindness comes to dear.
So no want?
No want, no need.
He pays us a fair wage,
and we want for little.
Mr. Hong you headed to Big Horn?
Can I ride along ma',
bet he'd like the company.
No Mr. McLoughlin, the man
of the house is needed here.
I don't fancy alone for even at night.
How about Mr. Hong
bringing a bag of hard candy.
Next time he heads to China,
we'll ask him to bring some from there.
No, no go China,
Mrs. McLaughlin.
Travel safely now Mr. Hong,
you pass by lunch or supper time,
and I always got a bowl of
stew or otherwise a cool drink.
Be late time.
You can stall the mules in the barn,
if too tired to go on.
You kind lady, but I sleep on the load.
Mules go home, no matter time.
Well bye bye.
Pa always said,
"Pride goes before a fall."
Pa didn't want what
Mr. Braddock wants from me.
What the heck you gotta give
a rich man like Braddock and The Triple R.
Mr. Braddock is kind
enough to let us stay on here,
after pa' died.
For that, he gets a big thank you,
and a small piece of heaven.
What you gotta give?
What I can or can't give him
is nothing that concerns you young man.
Unless you're a magic man,
that stack of firewood won't shrink
to stove wood on its own.
Yes ma'am but I still-
Ask me when you turn 18.
So, Miss Lily, what
happen to sheriff's wife?
She die.
I know die, who made die?
Who wanna know?
You know who want know,
you know who made die.
I know all go on in Big horn.
So, tell.
Two bits.
Then two bits, all get.
You Indian pirate.
Ah, so sheriff leave job.
He tell preacher, he go find killers.
He go, sell all cow, smash
up barn, smash up house.
Give rest to church.
And he ride off with his white horse,
black pack mule, and cow dog.
You tell me mister, who you
think sheriff wanna talk to?
Yeah, you made good time.
Only four days.
What time did you come in?
One hour before sun.
Ride hard, no rest.
Really, well listen, you
just spit out what you learned
and then you go get a
couple hours of shut eye.
'Cause you're gonna have to make lunch.
Had to pay dollar.
Dollar, well you just tell the paymaster.
Tell him I said put it on your income,
your earnings, right?
Your earnings all right.
So, spit it out, what'd you learn?
He come, white
horse, black mule, cow dog.
- Was he alone?
- White horse, black mule-
No, that's not what I'm talking about.
And you know it, now, fool, more people,
was there any men with him?
No one know if more come.
My guess alone.
He rode alone.
He rode alone.
Must be crazy loco, just plain crazy.
Sure, crazy.
Bust up house and the barn.
Give all church,
ranch for sale.
Well maybe there's
something good about this.
No, it's not good.
- Why the hell not?
- No sale Braddock.
No sale Triple R.
Can he do that?
Hell you wouldn't know, I'll
check it out with one of those
crooked attorneys down in Bozeman.
What'd you do?
Who got the dollar?
Miss Lily at laundry.
Miss Lily?
You didn't get a poke outta that did you?
'Cause I ain't pain for no poke.
Miss Lily cut
Hong throat, Hong ask.
Good lord.
You can't hide from the truth
You can't hide from the truth
So it's an eye for eye
Your bad deeds come home to roost
And you're gonna die
You can't hide from the truth
From the truth, eye for an eye
I want riders out to all the line camps.
Every rider Triple R brand,
eyes out on the watch for
that ex sheriff Quint Regan.
I want him shot down like a trespasser.
10, $10 gold pieces to the man who does.
And, I don't want him
to set eyes on this house.
Does that go for me too?
Yeah, and hell, you
Hong, wranglers, blacksmith,
hostlers and hell your wives, whores,
laundry women if any, just
so he doesn't get this far.
Just tell 'em, keep their eyes open,
keep their shooters loaded,
don't chit-chat just shoot.
My hot damn gut shootin' pleasure, boss.
Well, ain't you the lucky one.
You stay here and eat
your thousand dollar steak.
I got work to do.
- Don't even think about it.
- What the hell?
You couldn't find a heifer to butcher.
A heifer wouldn't hurt Braddock
near as bad as a thousand dollar bull.
Why do you want hurt The triple R so bad?
I'll ask the questions.
About a week and a half ago,
four riders came off The Triple R.
I want to know their names.
And the next one's gonna take your manhood.
And you'll sing little higher,
if you don't bleed up
before you can squeak.
Hold on, Mister.
I didn't do you any harm.
I said names and I ain't gonna ask again.
Spike Howard, he rode
out with Skunk Tobias
and a big Indian named Tall
Horse or some damn thing.
And a kid.
Kid's name was Michael.
Michael that was his name.
Take off that gun belt
and put it on the ground.
And what's your name Mr. Choirboy.
I wanna know your name,
so I can put it into my do not
kill unless necessary column.
It's Patches, Patches O'Doogen.
Say aren't you the sheriff from Big Horn?
But I don't see no badge.
Nope, no badge.
You can call me Abe
Lincoln or Ulysses S. Grant
if you want to.
Now, how do I recognize those four men.
Spike, big heavy, beard.
Then there's that Tall Horse dude.
Black hat, red shirt, braids.
And the kid he just yabbers all the time.
Way I heard it, he was
holding the horses outside
when it all happened.
He hasn't talked to anybody since.
Well, you best head on out.
What the hell, come on in.
What is it?
I'm patches.
Patches O'Doogan.
I ride the south sections for you boss.
Good for you.
The bull, Hercules, somebody shot him.
Shot him dead.
- Shot Hercules?
- Yes sir.
Oh damn the bustard is
who the hell would do that?
And cut fences, and we got
stock all over hell and gone.
Oh geez.
So, did you fix the fence?
Well, no sir, I didn't think.
No, sir now we got 100 head
all the hell over the place. So, all right.
Well you get the hell outta here, damn.
I saw him.
What, who?
Him who shot your bull?
Maybe you tell me who,
I'll let you stay till after
chow in the morning.
Well, maybe two weeks
bonus, should I remember.
How about I have Hong
serve your parts to the hogs,
should you not remember?
He was that sheriff,
the sheriff from Big Horn.
Said his name was Abe Lincoln
or Ulysses Grant, but I know'd better.
You know better.
How'd you know, better.
Maybe "cause old Abe was hob nail dead."
I'm surrounded imbeciles.
Or maybe you just in
your chat with this fellow,
you know, who didn't know
difference between buffalo,
and and a bald face bull.
Is that how it went?
Is that what you did?
Well, yeah, you got 10 minutes,
to get the hell off of this place.
Now get.
I need some more time with this limp.
10 minutes I'm gonna be
at the window with my rifle.
You gimp, you old fart.
Hong, where the hell are you?
Hold up young man, where's your pa.
My pa ain't your business.
You got any Triple R hands about.
He's over under.
Nice move ma'am.
But if you pull off on that thing
you'll cut us both in half.
You turn my son loose.
What's your business?
This is Triple R land.
Does Braddock know that
your homesteading here?
I ask, who are you?
- I ride for The Triple R.
- And we work
for The Triple R.
Oh, well hell.
Pardon me I'm sorry to trouble you.
You sure you don't have any Triple R hands
coming for supper?
Not for a week.
They're branding over on the East side.
But you never know.
Now then let's say we lay down our arms?
What's your name Mr?
Sam, Sam Jones, I'm new to the place.
Obviously, we're about to partake
of some venison stew.
Where's your mount?
Over yonder in the woods.
Looks like rain tonight.
If you don't mind, we'd like
to bed down in your barn?
I will have Tommy fetch
a bowl and some bread out.
Much obliged.
I want you to take Baldy
and Scroggins with you.
Go catch up with Patches,
he was headed out South.
And have him take you to
where Hercules was shot
and pick up the trail there.
And then you track
that son of a bitch down.
No palaver, you shoot him like a rabid dog.
Well Baldy's still at Alder Creek camp
making one more pass for mavericks.
Nah, forget it.
Indian come here.
You all have a vested
interest in this, all you boys,
all four of you.
Now, I want you to try
to clean this up, all right.
What vested interest?
Was killer crazy Skunk, not me.
All right, you're not familiar
with the word accessory.
But lemme tell you somethin'.
Anybody, who is near the man
that banged her head against
the wall is guilty.
That means all four of you guilty.
Michael boy stayed outside.
He was there, don't make a hoot.
No palaver, track down, shoot down.
All right, remember, white
horse, black mule, cow dog.
Don't go shootin', no Pilgrim or something.
All right, we don't need the trouble.
Come here, now I want
you to get to every camp
and tell them about the bounty.
Any man, who brings me Quint
Reagan, or his head, collects?
Yes boss.
What are you looking at?
I understand, boss?
Yeah, get the hell outta here, go on.
Sure is a nice pup.
You don't have a dog, Tommy?
No, sir, wolves killed him.
Ma' sent me out breakfast
coming out of the oven.
You're to wash up and come in.
I am 'eh?
Well sure, that's the best
offer I've had all morning.
Only one is usually the best one.
Does she need anything?
You could split little
wood, axe is over there.
Is Mr. Jones coming in?
He wanted to chop some wood first.
Oh, why?
That's so kind of him, go fetch him in.
He said, he'd come in
when he had an arm load.
I will keep things warm.
I'll go take care of his
dog till he finishes up.
You do that.
Mr. Jones breakfast on the table.
Tommy said biscuits, not a feast.
I hate to be rude.
If we could say the blessing?
I gotta make tracks.
Tommy was enjoying your company.
Supper blessing only in this household.
Not that we don't thank
him for all of our bounty.
Well, let's dig in.
How about you doing the
honor some supper time.
I don't believe I've got his ear.
Ma'am, where's the next line camp?
Four miles, due west,
where big alder creek
comes out of the Little Belt mountains.
How many hands bunk there?
Mr. Jones, for a Triple R hand,
you don't know much about the ranch.
I'm a new hand remember?
Thanks for the fine fixens.
Don't me too complimented, sir.
I will bill Mr. Braddock.
Could be have a dozen
riders, could be none.
Well, I'll see you the
next fence go around then.
He here many hour ago.
Camp now, leave early, easy track.
Mule and dog with him.
How do you know all that?
See here that track.
Two big coyote, two small wolf.
Go get wood dumb white eye, storm coming.
I'd just about trade
you in for a cup of coffee.
I'm just kidding old girl.
I need you to watch my back, stay.
What the-
My wife says, howdy.
Blood on your hands
Blood in my eyes
You took the woman
The love of my life
Biscuits, bacon, beans is done.
You can't hide from the truth
So it's an eye for an eye
Your bad deeds come home to roust
Ride back of barn,
check white horse and mule.
Are we too late for chow?
I got some of Norvan's hard bread,
and can heat up some
stew while you all wash up.
Much obliged.
Thought most y'all were branding.
No, squirt, we're on the hunt.
Killer, gonna skin his hide.
No, who got killed?
Hercules, Hercules the bull?
That's right, you ever
been over to Big Horn?
Fella was sheriff up there, Quint Regan,
riding a white horse,
dragging a black mule.
Fair size cow dog.
You see him, keep the door
barred and that double in hand.
Ain't a law man no more.
He's an outlaw man now.
Stone cold killer, fact
is you shoot him down.
Hundred dollar in gold coin is yours.
Medium sized cow dog?
Track said, come here.
Mule and dog track in barn.
I hope some bull killing murderer
wasn't peeking in our windows.
Track said, come here.
Well, thank the good
Lord, he kept on riding.
He must have hid in the barn.
More coffee?
When's that stew gonna be ready ma'am?
- Soon.
- All right,
we're mighty hungry.
Maybe something else.
Well make sure the killer's
not around before you ride on.
Rest assured ma'am,
we're here to protect you.
Fine meal ma'am, obliged.
Hope we pass this way again soon.
Fine looking woman like
yourself and good cook besides.
Ma, why didn't you tell 'em?
We don't know all
that is going on, Tommy.
Ride hard, Tall horse smell blood.
Well, maybe we'll get some answers here.
Come on friend, let's
go spread the good word.
Hello, the wagon.
Oh, howdy, pastor.
Sit a spell.
Well, the good Lord would smite a man
wouldn't accept good hospitality.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
I suppose that is a fact.
Well father, bless this generous soul,
may his spirit be an hour
inside of St. Peter's gate
before the devil knows he is there, amen.
Thank you.
You've been from the old country, huh?
Generation back.
Well, how long you
been spreading the word?
Long as I can remember.
I'm John Lawrence,
from the Spread the Word
Gospel Wonderment church.
Pleased to make your howdy.
Oh, yours too pastor, yours too.
Few miles back I met
a nice lady and her son.
They the owners of this place?
Oh, Lord no, pastor,
Lord no, Bradford Braddock.
Got a home larger than
a territorial governor's.
Over about 25 miles yonder.
So this Triple R, is that a good God
fearing place to work?
Well, my ma, bless
her soul said, "Never lie."
Particularly to man of a cloth.
She also said, "You ain't got noting
to say nice about someone.
Don't say nothing at all."
Well, I guess that about explains that.
And this lady, Lola, I think her name was,
why would she stay in the employee
of a man like Braddock then?
Well, they,
Mrs. McLoughlin, and her
husband Raif and the boy Tommy,
they came out all the
way from Cairo, Illinois,
headed to the Mullen road, and onto Oregon.
Before they broke down,
just near the Yellowstone.
Well, the husband
went out looking for help.
Well, let's just say the crow
helped themselves to his hair.
Well, some Triple R riders came,
found the woman, and
the boy brought him back in.
And Braddock took a shine to them.
Got her a job at the
home place.
Then he tried to take
more than just a shine.
This uh, this Braddock?
He offer her his hand.
Eh, seems like he had a wife run off
back East sometime
ago and everyone knew it.
Including Ms. McLoughlin
and she ain't the type to live in sin.
Even if she fell for that old leach.
Oh God bless her.
You've been fine company,
but I best be moving on.
Say, uh, any of them
Crow Indians still about.
Well, you're headed to Blackfeet country,
but, well hell preacher, be scalped by one
as much as the other.
Any of them Triple R riders still around?
Couple rode out before
sun up, they headed east.
Well, thank you for the fine conversation
you earned yourself
a little piece of heaven.
Well, thank you preacher, thank you.
Well, well, looks like I might be paying
Oscar $100 in gold, huh?
Ain't right Mr. Braddock.
What ain't right?
You putting a price on the Sheriff's head
after what the boys done to his wife.
Oh, you open your mouth about that again,
and I'm gonna have
dirt thrown in your face.
Now you get over to the
Ramuda and break some stock.
Yes, sir.
Now what you got there, Cookie.
Skunk Tobias, had himself an accident.
Oh, hell.
Wind was blowing, we
figured it blew the privy over.
Early it was, maybe his
peepers weren't focusing yet.
Yeah bullshit.
No, sir they roped him by
his ankles, and jerked him out.
Filthy, job that.
What the hell you bring
him all the way to hell here for?
He was number three
around here we figured.
You cleaned him up I hope.
We drug him through the
creek before we wrapped him.
All right, well, unwrap him.
Did I hear you say he
went head first into the privy?
He did.
Must've been a big old rock down there,
'cause his head's been bashed pretty good.
Did anybody see him fall in?
No sir, we was all at the house.
You dumb bastards
somebody cracked the skull open,
and then dropped him in to drown.
We didn't see nothing around here.
Did you look for any sign?
No sir we thought it was an accident.
Yeah, well somebody
wanna fill this peckerhead in
on that Reagan fella
and y'all pay attention
unless you want to end up smelling
like the south end of a northbound skunk.
No sir.
Now I gotta write some letters.
You take this stinking
mess, go bury it far out.
Nowheres near any family plots.
Yes sir.
Stupid, I should have hung him
from a tree for the buzzards.
So stupid to drown in
other people's leavings.
Hear shot.
Over a hill, go slow now.
Well, hell I must be tired.
I haven't missed a shot like that
since Methuselah was a pup.
No worries, you hit him.
Hit him real good he'll
be easy to find now.
He's hit, but he is still moving.
May be hunkering down,
waiting for a clear shot.
Ain't no need to press it.
Let 'him lay down.
Stiffen up, likely som'bitch
gonna bleed out anyway.
Then you back to camp.
I take a hundred gold all for me.
That weren't what I meant.
I'm with you, just don't push it.
Damn near dead dark.
He ain't gonna get far.
We'll find him stiff
and cold in the morning
like gut shot pig.
Camp now.
Got to plug this hole.
Want some hard tack?
Want some bacon an' beans.
No want 10 gold piece.
You mean five gold pieces?
No, saddle up.
Where the hell are you buddy?
This can't end here.
I ain't done yet.
Come here pal, come here friend.
Go get buddy.
Hell, maybe you didn't
hit him so hard after all?
He not stop, not cold dead yet.
But hit hard, plenty blood.
Let's get this done.
I lead too long, you now.
I ain't the tracker.
Blind man, track here.
Let's flip a coin.
Heads, you lose.
You cheat.
I don't never cheat.
Yeah, and Custer won.
I lead too long, you lead, or you die now.
All right.
Ranger, I hope your getting Buddy.
You ain't one of them.
It's too bad for you.
I don't like being shot.
You can't hide from the truth
So its eye for an eye
You bad deeds come home to roost
And you're all gonna die
You can't hide from
the truth, from the truth
Two Hatchets.
Old friend.
Where'd you go, I need
more help.
You ran 'em off.
You ran 'em off.
Eye for an eye
You did what you stupid fool?
How the hell is I supposed to know boss?
What do you mean?
He had on a preacher's collar.
You could wear a collar.
I could wear a collar,
Beelzebub could wear a collar.
So what, you stupid fool.
So it might be the Reagan fella?
Might be, he's been
running through all you,
like Sherman through Georgia,
like corn through a goose.
Damn these flies,
like through all you
all you damn imbeciles.
You get the hell outta here.
You want a brandy?
What are you doing?
What do you want?
Cake, no I don't want this crap.
Get me a drink.
A drink.
God, I can't eat this,
damn stupidity has stolen my appetite.
He's as stupid as you are,
that guy.
Let me take.
- Drink?
- Ah.
How long you been the El
Segundo around here Mr. Howard?
Hell boss, since we rode in from the war.
Been what, 13, 14 years?
And you feeling like
you're just about running
the course out now?
What do you mean boss?
What I mean is that Reagan
has been running all over us,
like we was just slugs in the garden.
I want you to get him or get out.
Jesus Brad, I've been
behind you all the way.
All we done to build up The Triple R.
I done, you're just paid help.
Don't forget it.
Now you get him, or you get the hell out.
I don't know, why don't
you and I ride on out.
We brought more than one
man down what got in our way.
I didn't stick my tallywacker
in that Sheriff's wife.
And I didn't stand by and watch,
while Skunk bashed
her head against the wall.
Now you get, you get him or
you get the hell down the trail.
This can't end here.
I gotta get to Lola's.
Don't suppose that's Reagan?
It's Reagan doing.
So where the hell is the local sheriff?
Shot down.
Where the hell is he?
Sioux take scalp.
Sioux, they ain't been around in years.
They in Little Belt
mountains, many braves,
Lakota like ghost smoke, see now then gone.
Lakota hate Crow, you go.
You're sure they got Reagan?
Lakota ride over him, take scalp.
After he shot Scroggins?
Scroggins damn fool.
You swear?
Still in all, we oughta run on up there.
Hell no, we not paid enough.
Ranger, where's Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones, hey Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones, you hurt bad?
Ma come help, Mr. Jones is hurt.
So, where is he?
Dead, scalped, probably
dragged behind a Lakota pony
till the skin rubbed of.
Lakota, bull they're all on the res.
Not all, Tall Horse
oughta know he says Lakota.
So where's the body?
No body, but it-
No buts, and no hundred dollars.
Well that ain't right boss.
What ain't right is you
yellow belly's kowtow'n
to a few red men.
I drove 1000 of 'em off this basin
to build this ranch.
Now you get the hell back to work.
We'll find him, half of you no-accounts
are gonna be diving for
brown apples in the privy.
He's dead as a shoe nail
I bet my last my last dollar.
You bet your last dollar,
every payday, at the end of
the day on whores, and whiskey,
so it ain't saying much.
Now, you go out there and
you get three or four more men
and Tall Horse for sure.
And you make a round
or all those line camps,
and see if anybody saw
that low life son of a bitch.
Don't forget to go check on
Mrs. McLoughlin, and Tommy.
But make sure and I mean sure
that Reagan is feeding the worms.
All right, move.
- Riders coming ma.
- Help me Tommy.
Don't even squeak Mr. Jones.
Don't knock the door down.
Can I help you?
You're gonna have to come back later
if you're looking for food.
Oh, I'm just checking to
see if you're doing all right.
Mr. Braddock wanted me checking on you.
We're fine, what's the trouble.
I got biscuits in the oven for Tommy and I.
Black mule in barn.
Quiet waters brand I bet.
You harboring that murdering som'bitch.
I found that mule.
He was eating up our garden.
Finders keepers, don't you know?
That true?
First of all, I don't lie Mr. Howard.
Second control your language
around this Christian house.
I will be more than happy
to take your outlandish
behavior up with Mr Braddock.
If you continue to insult us, now leave.
We're gonna make this
our last stop coming back.
I don't trust that farmer's widow.
Brad's blinded by her pretty.
Mr. Reagan, I'm sure it is.
Don't you think it's
time for you to fess up?
Yes'um but, may I explain?
Please, you made a liar out of my son.
You lied too, ma.
No sir, all I said I
don't lie and I don't.
Mr. Reagan, what
brings you to The Triple R.
I owe you ma'am,
and you've done me a great kindness,
at great risk to yourself.
And I'll tell you the story,
but then I have to leave.
It's too risky for you and Tommy.
And please just call me Quint.
You can stay tonight,
but if you can ride tomorrow,
where will you go?
I've got a friend in the mountains,
and he'll take care of me.
We have not seen
the last of Spike Howard,
and the tracker. I will
have Tommy ride along
at least to the foot of the Little Belts.
Now tell me, am I mistaken in helping you?
You remind me of my...
Say Tommy, how about you go fetch my mule?
Yes sir.
You've gone outta your
way, and you deserve to know.
My wife was home alone,
unless you consider the baby inside of her.
And, she was only six months along.
And four riders by the track,
and I found her head blooded,
and forgive me her, her
thighs blooded as well.
And then I buried her.
And I will have my revenge.
And you
think it was the Triple R?
I know it was, and who did it,
and who sent 'em to do the job.
Tommy, your mama was worried sick,
even before we left.
I think it's time for you to get back.
You sure you'll be all right.
Yeah, I got a lot of work to do,
but I ain't dying before it's done.
I'll take care of ranger.
Should anything bad happen to you.
God, I know you may not agree,
but I'm not through.
God, help me.
You wake?
I feel
half dead, but I'm alive.
Bad men.
Very bad men.
I saw you chasing them, are they dead?
You kill one white eye, bad medicine.
Crow dog right off.
Think I many Lakota.
Yeah, please stay clear of it.
This is my job alone to do.
Thanks for taking me in.
Why you on war path?
My wife is dead.
White man sickness.
No. Two Hatchets, men.
Men from The Triple R.
You need friend, Triple R many riders.
No sir, this is all on me.
- When you well.
- Well, I buried her
in the dress your wife gave her.
She loved that dress.
My woman, good woman.
She in spirit world.
Your woman, good woman.
She in spirit world, she
feed us when we hungry.
She take care of Two
Hatchets when Billy hurt,
Stay till well, two moons or more.
Two months, no, too long.
Two weeks maybe, one half moon.
Find horse your mark with
Two Hatchet's horse, mule too.
Staked in meadow.
You find my dog, Ranger?
Outside, chew elk bone.
Good old friend.
Then I'm going back to sleep.
Came as soon as I got your letter, Brad.
It's pure pleasure having
Miss McLoughlin joining us.
It's Mrs. Judge.
Although now a widow.
She and her son,
came up here because we're
gonna make a new agreement.
I need the farmhouse that she's staying in.
Yeah so we'll see if we can agree,
and maybe she and son coming on up here,
and moving into the big
house with everybody.
Now we'll get back to that in a minute
but, in the meantime.
I'm here to help, ask me anything.
Seems he gave the
right to sell his little ranch,
to the Big Horn mayor.
But not to me and not to The Triple R.
Seems to me since I've
issued a warrant for this Reagan,
grand theft for shooting your bull,
murder for a couple of your hands,
although all this could be mute.
Seeing how rumor is Reagan is dead.
Were there witnesses to these murders?
Now Lola, I'm trying to get some help
from the judge.
Why don't you just to enjoy
your meal and let the men talk.
Now my men will testify, you know that.
The fact he was shot and killed
after he murdered my two Triple R hands.
And unfortunately a band of
savages, they came and got him.
So yes, he's dead,
But there's no body, you know,
probably roasted, skinned,
and supper for some scavengers.
Proof enough,
I'll jerk that mayor's
chain down at Big Horn.
I'll tell you what,
how about I act on your behalf for say 10%.
Place will escheat to the territory,
Governor will appoint me
custodian, should I petition him.
I'll serve the mayor, and
the new sheriff, Big Horn.
Get all that paperwork started,
should have a deed for
you by the end of the year.
That's a fine idea, Willard.
A fine idea.
Now just one other detail.
My wife left there the ranch
about seven years ago.
And tried to reach her, but to no avail.
I want a declaration put
together to declare her deceased.
Because of a possible estate issue?
No, because I want
to ask Lola for her hand.
We should have discussed this.
I will let you gentlemen talk,
I'm gonna find Tommy,
and retire to our room.
Goodnight judge.
Seems you need to
convince the lady first.
Like many, all Lola has is her pride.
She has no money, she
has nowhere else to go.
She'll come around to my
way of thinking, you'll see.
Now what about that declaration?
Here we go.
What mom, it's early.
We're leaving Tommy back to the cabin.
Before breakfast? Hong
promised me hot cakes
and berry syrup.
Hurry I went to a avoid Mr. Braddock.
Yes, ma'am.
Where you off to, Lola?
Thought it better we get back home.
All your things are packed
in that wagon right there.
Would you have someone drive us,
and our things to Big Horn?
You think this is a freight company Lola?
- Tommy, go on up?
- Yes, ma'am.
I have something to ask you.
A passing stranger told
me a tale about some woman
being murdered around Big Horn.
Did you or The Triple R
have anything to do with this?
So, that's a no?
I shouldn't have to answer that question.
Bloody woman, what the hell.
Do you have a moment?
For you, anytime.
Before my son and I start
walking to Big Horn or Oregon.
No, please don't try to make that walk.
All right, Missy.
Before we set out,
maybe we could get to know
each other a decent time.
Where I come from one
courts for at least a year.
Four months, then
it's my hand or my boot.
And we can go back to the
cabins so things are proper?
And it's only one month.
You'll be moving back in,
and there'd be no riding, or wagon stock,
'cause you won't be needing it.
We could even be married at Christmas time,
because by that time, I'll be
shed of Merry Beth by decree.
A month at the cabin,
here in separate rooms.
I will not have my son think
me just another soiled dove.
And I will not have
people think I married one.
You'll be for Sunday supper
once a week, every week.
- And Tommy?
- And Tommy.
But I will not spend the night,
Tommy and I will return before dark.
I'll have somebody bring
you back before nightfall.
Well old friend, it's
time for me to leave.
Need more strength.
What I need, is to put my
wife's killers in the ground.
That's the best medicine for me.
I've seen her 1000 times, in my mind
and I need to put her to rest.
Indian say, trouble far
away, no trouble at all.
You're a wise old friend.
But this trouble's not far away.
It's right here, with me
every time I close my eyes.
I won't rest, till those men rot in hell.
While you sleep, Lakota braves here.
Stop for rest.
They follow Buffalo.
See Triple R riders.
Some work, some go post,
go women and fire water.
They cross Muscleshell.
Go Crazy Mountain Trading post
How many?
Many white eye, work fence two go post.
The tracker, Tall Horse was he with them?
No, one boy and another.
I do victory dance for you tonight.
Well hell, can't hurt.
I don't know how to thank you my friend.
I move camp.
Lucky, no army find me.
You move far away.
Crazy Mountains maybe.
Stay well, my friend.
Dang, if it ain't Sheriff Reagan.
Former sheriff.
Can't be.
Is, you younger, you Michael.
- You're a ghost.
- Nope,
unless you keep that gun holstered
and run for your horse,
you'll be one before
you suck another breath.
Now you wait for me outside.
If you got a gun in your hand,
there'll be no talking understand?
Younger, I believe
the gentleman means it.
I'd hotfoot it if I was you.
There are two Triple R brands outside,
who else rides for Braddock?
Mr. Reagan I just signed on,
I don't know nothing
about nothing about nothing.
About nothing that
happened before a month ago.
I'm no longer a sheriff.
Mr. Reagan, I heard them gabbin and
that's the way I heard it.
This younger fellow.
What's your name.
Raleigh Angus.
I suggest you climb on
that Triple R nag outside,
and head for Helena parts west
or on south back down the
Bozeman, you understand?
Yes sir, but I don't wanna
steal some man's horse,
I don't wanna be hanged for horse thieving.
Those fellas will testify
that you rode off the ranch under duress.
You leave it the first town
you come to with the sheriff.
Yes sir I'll do just that.
Anybody else here got
a bone to pick with me.
I got a little something for you.
You got the inclination, and the dollar.
That's kind of you, but I
have neither, no offense.
What the hell is it?
One of the boys stopped
in at the Crazy Mountain trading post.
So I guess there was
a bit of trouble there
the day before yesterday.
So, how does that concern us?
Not The Triple R.
Well, young Michael and Raleigh McBean
was in the middle of it.
So, it concerns us.
So what the hell happened?
Well, Michael and Raleigh
were told to ride anywhere
except'n back to the Triple R.
Let me guess, Quint Reagan,
back from the dead you dumb bastard.
Boss, last Tall Horse saw a bunch
of screaming savages
was riding down on him.
How are we supposed to know?
As I remember, I told you,
"Go up there and make sure."
It's about time for us
to bring the critters down
from the high country.
We got a few more to brand.
I'll bet he's in the Little
Belts somewhere's.
Yeah, probably butcher'n
another Triple R beef.
If he is up there,
miserable toads go up there,
he'll just pick you all off.
I want you, and tracker,
to just go up there and bring
me his head on a spike, Spike.
And if you don't, don't come back here.
You understand?
He ain't a ghost, we'll find him.
You said we was about due
to bring the McLoughlin woman
back to the big house?
A week so, what?
You ain't gonna like this
but I never believed
she didn't hide him out.
All right, take tracker.
Go over to Rocky mountain
post and you talk to Herman
and his missus,
see if you can get a line
on where that bastard went.
He's become a boil on my
butt and I wanna kill him.
You understand?
Listen, it's $500 in gold
you bring me back his head.
And if you can't,
you better go 500 miles
in the opposite direction.
And don't come back here.
Evening, seems you had some trouble here
the other night.
Who was in the saloon with Reagan?
We can't answer that.
Reagan ran us to home before
he headed into the saloon.
Well, who was in the saloon?
Nobody's in there now,
Geraldine and May Bell were working
and they're working now.
Well, best they fess
up or you'll be hunting
two new pin cushions.
Pin cushions?
What gets poked more than pin cushions?
Stay here, they can pour
their own whiskey and beer.
And cheat us for sure.
I'll not have you in the
middle of any more trouble.
I have no interest, Mr. Hogan,
in choppin' in my own wood,
muckin' stalls, or
emptying spitoons.
Fetch us some whiskey.
Only Mr. Hiram pours the drinks.
Fetch it, or I'll pull this pistola
and we'll see how well you can dance.
Next time I see you drunk as a toad,
swimming in a beer keg,
I'll dance all right, on your ugly mug.
And I'll partner up with her.
Here you go privy mouth.
Watch's your bucket mouth pin cushion.
You ain't the Lord's gift to ladydom
your own damn self there,
dung breath.
Sit your ass down,
before I knock you down.
We don't serve no Indians.
Well then take it away from him.
We'll have us four tobacky pouches,
and two scalps before we leave.
Now, tell us about Reagan
running Triple R hands off.
Mr. Reagan, you're in time for supper.
I'll tell ma.
Hold on Tommy, are you and your ma alone?
Yes, sir,
I'll come back and stable
your horse and mule.
No. I'll time up here
in the woods yarder,
I don't want anybody
to see me in your barn.
And I'm only staying for a cup of coffee.
Yes, sir.
Well, I guess I am welcome.
Braddock is forcing me to marry him.
How can he force you?
Quint, I don't have a dime to my name.
He's taking our mules,
and we would have to walk?
And even if we tried he
would just ride us down.
I don't know what to do.
I've got money, I'll help you out.
Do you have both the horse and mule?
Yes, but I don't know if I could-
Take us, take us with you.
Maybe you just leave us
in Big Horn or anywhere.
Just so it's away.
We can ride double on your mule.
I have business to take care of here.
Here on The Triple R.
I hate what you're doing.
I hate guns,
at least hate what they've
done to this country.
The Indian, the buffalo,
the many men in the ground,
please Quint help us leave.
Lola, a man's only as good as his word,
even if he only gave that
word to his dead wife and child.
Here, here's $200.
I'm leaving the mule,
but I hate to think of you
and Tommy traveling alone.
Give me two days.
If I'm not back in two days,
then head for Big Horn.
Maybe you with us all the way to Oregon.
Lola, I won't be worth
anything if I don't finish this.
How long can you stay?
It's risky for you and Tommy if I stay.
No, I want you to stay here with us.
Spend the night inside here with us.
Tommy sleeps, he sleeps in the loft.
Never saw an old rabbit
hole a body could fall into.
It's called fiction Tommy.
It's not fact, it's supposed
to make you laugh,
or cry, or happy, or even scared.
There's a fellow called Poe, Edgar I think.
And his fiction would
send chills up your spine.
All right young man.
Thank Mr. Regan for helping you.
Now go upstairs and go to sleep.
Yes ma'am, thank you, Mr Regan.
- You bet.
- Goodnight ma,
goodnight Mr. Reagan.
Good night Tommy.
Should I, out there?
No, no sir.
I have just a dollop of
whiskey, for snake bite of course.
And I would like you to relax
with me in front of the fire
until Tommy goes to dreamland,
with Alice and the white
rabbit, and the mad Hatter.
You might be the mad one,
not much of a future
left in this old cowboy.
Then I guess we gotta live for today.
I'm not a girl any longer Quint.
I had a husband, and a
child, and I want you to stay.
If you continue on this quest,
maybe a memory, maybe all I have.
Well I guess a mug of
whiskey would do me just fine.
Plenty smoke, up making
coffee or biscuit, flapjack maybe.
Maybe, I'll ride for the front door,
you ride around onto the barn
make sure we don't have no guests.
Mmm, I'll check for a white horse.
Make sure no Reagan.
Mr. Reagan, do as the honor.
I'm not sure that I've got His ear.
He hears all.
Father, thank you for this fine food
and this good woman, and her son,
and for giving me the will,
and the time to finish my chore.
Bless this house, and
those that made it a home.
I'm not sure your chore is
something he wanted to hear.
But thank you for the grace.
To the closet.
Not this time.
Lola McLoughlin, a hungry man here.
Who's trying to beat my door down?
Open the bloody damn door.
Watch your language, Mr. Howard.
The wagon will be here soon to move us.
Wagon's not due till tomorrow.
Coffee and biscuits will do me fine.
I don't have enough I packed everything.
Horse crap, wagon's
not coming till tomorrow.
You wouldn't be lying
to a hungry Triple R hand
now would you?
I have to unlock this.
It stick sometimes.
Hurry it up, woman.
You need the weapon.
You don't have to rob
us of biscuits and coffee.
You flee bitten farmer bitch.
Nothing she could do,
she was under the gun.
- Bullshit.
- Now you step back outside,
Howard. I don't wanna
bloody the lady's floor.
Come on now, Reagan,
this ain't necessary.
We was just riding for the brand.
Braddock wanted us to scare you off.
It was Skunk that beat
on your whore, your wife.
You know, I'd ask you to say hello,
but you ain't going where she's going.
Oh, hell.
To hell with you Spike Howard.
Braddock say 500 for you.
Figure a lot easier you being dead.
Are you hurt?
Oh, you got shot.
It hit me in the holster dented my colt
but, gave me a hell of
whack, but they didn't get me.
You know, you're not only a
good mother and a fine cook,
but you're a fine shot as well.
I owe you Mrs. McLoughlin?
I do believe we know
each other well enough
for first names.
Do we not?
Yes ma'am I believe we do Lola.
Can you stand?
That cut needs my sewing basket.
Is it too early for
another drink of whiskey?
We will make an exception.
Well, thank you ma'am.
I owe you again.
Enough to pack up and head for Oregon?
No, like I said,
I wouldn't be fit to be around
and now I gotta wait to ride
in the Braddock's front door.
You're gonna borrow one of my gowns.
Anybody seen hide or
hair of Spike or Tall Horse?
No boss.
Well, go see if there's a
good hand around maybe,
Baldy or Peterson.
Yes, boss.
- Go, stop staring at me.
- Yes boss okay.
The love of my life
You can't hide from the truth
I guess I know you quite well enough
to call you a damn fool.
Tommy, go fetch me the Indian's horse.
Yes sir.
Lola, if I'm not back
tomorrow by sundown-
The wagon to come fetch
us is due here tomorrow.
I'll pass 'em on the way into town.
They won't be coming.
Innocents, Quint, Braddock
the only one left you said.
And I won't hurt them
unless they beg for it.
So if you're not back-
There's over $700 in my mule's pack,
and a note to the mayor of Big Horn
and my friend pastor Ian
McClean to give you and Tommy
half the proceeds of the ranch
and the rest goes to the church.
But I want you to leave with us.
And I want to, and
God willing I'll be back.
But I owe my wife,
and I can't live with
myself until she's revenged.
God willing, go and come back to us.
From your lips to God's ears.
Blood on your hands, blood in my eye
Hey boss, hey boss, you want a tea boss?
No, two whiskeys, Tall Horse is back, go.
Yes, boss.
Spike is still out there.
Damn that Reagan, I have
to do everything myself.
Tall Horse is never coming back.
So, you're going Indian on us now.
Who invited you, Reagan?
The fact is my wife's ghost
asked me to call on you.
Shame, I never met her.
I never set eyes on her.
You'll get a chance to meet her proper.
That is if she's nearby
when St. Pat slams the gate in your face.
You'll never get 100 feet from here,
100 feet from this house,
there's 100 men around here
that want to taste your blood.
And they might be close.
But you, if you showed of 100 riders now,
and you won't get a chance
to see what's happening
once I finish my task.
You wouldn't shoot an old man.
There's no honor in that.
What the hell would you know about honor.
And I don't see an old man,
I see a greedy, scum sucking pig.
Oh, son of a bitch, shot me.
You're a lousy shot too.
Over 10,000.
- You just winged me.
- 10,000, $10,000.
What you're gonna do is bleed out.
Now toss that gun
over here, and we'll talk.
Get up.
Get up.
I can't.
I'm bleedin' too hard and
my guts are poking out.
Well, that sounds like a long
slow painful death Braddock.
I was gonna light this place up,
but that would hurt too many innocents.
And hell's coming for you soon anyway.
Please, get help.
25,000 in gold in my safe.
You can do your
negotiations with the devil now.
You'll never get away.
Shoot that son of a bitch.
I shoot the son of a bitch.
I got no quarrel with you fellas.
You'll shoot me to pieces,
but not before I get a couple more of you.
Your boss man's bled out
and his guts are decorating the ground
and he ain't covering no more payroll.
You wanna die for a son of bitch
that condoned the murder
of wife and an unborn child.
I'm rolling
my bed roll, and riding out.
I take a wagon, two mules.
You all take whatever you want.
You earned it working for the devil.
When you're a desperado
It's hard to settle down
with one good woman
And one good town, I met you
You rocked my senses
Shook my foundation
Tore down the fences
Faraway horses
Runnin' though my mind
Now that I found you,
I'm living them behind
Faraway horses can't carry me away
Now that you're in my
life I'm coming home
Coming home to stay
Was a wild mustang
Running free as the wind
No one could break me
But I wouldn't bend,
something changed in me
I let the loneliness
die, opened up my heart
And you made me feel alive
Faraway horses runnin' through my mind
Now that I found you,
I'm leavin' them behind
Faraway horses can't carry me away
Now that you're in my life
I'm coming home, I'm
coming home to stay
I let you get away
Faraway horses, runnin' through my mind
Now that I've found you
I'm leaving them behind
I missed some and I made some
Just not sure I know what life's about
Ride a little and I walk a little
I hear a little and talk a little
Not sure I know what I'm findin' out
Howdy ma'am, just passing by.
You got any work for a hungry traveler?
You'd have to talk to
Mr. Reagan about that.
Take seat on the porch,
and I'll fetch you a bite.
Kind of you.
Can I fetch you load of wood or some such?
Wood's on the side of the house.
I'd like to speak to the man
of the house about some work.
He's just out in the field,
should be coming in soon.
You can take your pie out on the porch.
He ain't here.
Uh-uh, you'll never make it squaw woman.
But I'm pregnant.
She's pregnant, but she's all woman.
That cooks it.
Blood on your hands, blood in my eyes
You took the woman
The love of my life
You can't hide from the truth
So it's an eye for eye
Your bad deeds come home to roost
And you're all gonna die
But you can't hide from
the truth, from the truth
You always did want
me to give up the badge.
I guess you got your way.
I'm sorry, darling.
One baby lost to us over
a year ago, and now two.
I likely won't be back here again.
Maybe I'll be joining you real soon.
As God is my witness,
I'll send those that
hurt you straight to hell.
Blood in my eyes
You took the woman
The love of my life
You can't hide from
the truth, from the truth
So it's an eye for an eye
Your bad deeds come home to roost
And you're all gonna die
But you can't hide from the truth
Damn it Spike.
Why the hell do you have to do that?
I told you to scare her off,
so that her knot headed
old man would follow her.
But no, no, truth is,
you're the pecker head.
I told you, Mr. Braddock,
was Skunk that did the dirty deed.
Tracker and I was just shaming the woman.
She looked like a breed to us.
She gave him a knee, he jerked her up.
Just get the hell off of my table.
You're just full of shit.
Hell, she was still blowing blood
when we rode out.
Damn, you poked a senseless woman,
a pregnant, senseless woman.
Who was far along with
a child, ain't that right?
She weren't so fat.
Ain't that the truth you stupid fool?
Damn, now did you leave anything
that could lead it all
back to The Triple R?
We left nothing but tracks.
Of course they knowed we
was in that part of the country.
Now how the hell they
know that you was there?
Well, you don't think
Skunk and Tall Horse
being that close to Big Horn
with a week's pay in their trousers
wouldn't down some whiskey?
We stopped at Pauline's palace.
Jesus, why the hell
didn't you just walk
into the Sheriff's office
and say, "Hey, we poked your pregnant wife,
and banged her brains out."
Damn these flies.
I'm surrounded by bloody
balls for brains imbeciles.
Just three, young Michael stayed outside.
He still ain't talked to any of us.
And for good reason.
For good reason,
did you at least put the fear of God
into that young Michael?
Did, hell boss you said to rough her up.
Yeah, rough her up.
Make her wanna run
for it, out of the country.
Not bash her brains to mash you knot head.
Now get the hell outta here.
If that sheriff don't ride in here
with 100 men I'll be surprised.
Ain't no hundred men in Big Horn.
If he shows his face,
you'll be buying the place for taxes.
Dead men don't pay no taxes.
Now get outta here.
Hong, send Hong up here.
Get your ass in here.
Hong, I want to go down to Big Horn.
Brought your tea boss.
No, I want you go down to Big Horn,
and see if you can get some supplies.
No need of supplies.
Well then make up some supplies.
But I want you just go talk
to like that Indian woman.
What's her name?
Go talk to Lily.
Any other celestials that are around there,
but, see if you can find
out if there's any talk
about that poor Mrs. Reagan
who passed away, all right?
Yes boss.
And also you stop by Mrs. McLoughlin's
and see if she has any needs.
And if she does, then you fetch 'em.
Bring 'em back on your way back, okay?
And make sure you put
it on the ranch account.
Okay, and then you hot
foot it back here, all right?
What are you waiting for?
Get outta here, go.
Yes, boss.
Let not the swift flee away,
nor the mighty man escape.
They shall stumble
and fall toward the North
by the river Euphrates.
Thank y'all for coming.
Let's see y'all here next Sunday.
Quint, how you doing?
Well with Consuela only
a few days in the ground
and her murderers is still hooting
and hollering, not too damn well.
Murderers, more than one?
At least four by the track.
Now I lost them on the road to town
and then there's the head of the snake.
To town, you don't think
town folks were involved.
Pastor I've been a
law man for a long time
and folks that jump to conclusions
often jump over the truth.
Now I don't come to any judgment,
until the high water
recedes and all can be seen.
Quint, I thought it
was a beautiful service.
There's nothing beautiful about
burying your wife, and unborn child, Ian.
No matter how pretty the palaver.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean-
No offense taken.
Why don't you mount up,
ride back out to Quiet Waters,
and pray over Consuela's grave.
Pauline over at the Palace tells me,
there were four in her place
unusual quiet and looking
over their shoulders.
And Spike Howard's the only
one she could paste a name on.
He's the ram rod of the Triple
R as you damn well know.
And then there was big Indian among them,
and some wet behind the ears, kid.
You can't believe what that Jezebel says.
Man may tell more with pillow talk
than pew or pastor talk, Ian.
Let's, let's pray over it.
I'm putting praying on the
fence post for a while, pastor.
Where I'm going and what I aim to do,
even the good Lord
doesn't want to bear witness.
You're conjuring up
things, you just don't know.
You gotta believe your eyes Ian.
Gotta believe your eyes.
I sold the herd.
I gave the mayor my power of attorney.
To sell the ranch to anybody
other than The Triple R.
His to give the proceeds to you,
if I'm not around in a month or so.
Stay away from The
Triple R and you'll be around.
You keep 10% to yourself.
Build that new church and school
you've been rattling
on about with the rest.
I got plenty from the sale of the herd.
I don't rattle,
and I'd way rather have you around pounding
nails alongside me.
I'll be pounding all right,
I'll be pounding crosses
with the same carving on each
coward needed killing.
Should I take time to bury the bastards?
You don't know who those miscreants are.
You know as well as I do.
And I'll get the who, outta
one of his fence riders,
as soon as I get past the open range
then I'll get every name.
Leave the badge on,
and bring 'em in legal.
And have Braddock buy off
half the town and have them go free.
Biblical this time, Ian, an eye for an eye.
And I'm not hiding
behind a chunk of copper.
It's not near big enough,
to cover my anger.
If you ride into The Triple R,
against 100 riding for
the brand, they'll kill you.
How many of those collars you own?
Three or four.
I'm trading you all
that stuff at my place
for that one right there.
You taking up preaching.
Not to worry, strip it
off you care to oblige.
Mr. Hong, how about a cup of sweet tea?
No time, no time.
Come on.
Thank you. Mr. Braddock
wanna know you need a from town.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Hong,
thank Mr. Braddock for me,
but we have no money to
spare for store bought goods.
Mr. Braddock say, he pay.
Thank you Mr. Hong, but no thank you.
Mr. Braddock's kindness comes to dear.
So no want?
No want, no need.
He pays us a fair wage,
and we want for little.
Mr. Hong you headed to Big Horn?
Can I ride along ma',
bet he'd like the company.
No Mr. McLoughlin, the man
of the house is needed here.
I don't fancy alone for even at night.
How about Mr. Hong
bringing a bag of hard candy.
Next time he heads to China,
we'll ask him to bring some from there.
No, no go China,
Mrs. McLaughlin.
Travel safely now Mr. Hong,
you pass by lunch or supper time,
and I always got a bowl of
stew or otherwise a cool drink.
Be late time.
You can stall the mules in the barn,
if too tired to go on.
You kind lady, but I sleep on the load.
Mules go home, no matter time.
Well bye bye.
Pa always said,
"Pride goes before a fall."
Pa didn't want what
Mr. Braddock wants from me.
What the heck you gotta give
a rich man like Braddock and The Triple R.
Mr. Braddock is kind
enough to let us stay on here,
after pa' died.
For that, he gets a big thank you,
and a small piece of heaven.
What you gotta give?
What I can or can't give him
is nothing that concerns you young man.
Unless you're a magic man,
that stack of firewood won't shrink
to stove wood on its own.
Yes ma'am but I still-
Ask me when you turn 18.
So, Miss Lily, what
happen to sheriff's wife?
She die.
I know die, who made die?
Who wanna know?
You know who want know,
you know who made die.
I know all go on in Big horn.
So, tell.
Two bits.
Then two bits, all get.
You Indian pirate.
Ah, so sheriff leave job.
He tell preacher, he go find killers.
He go, sell all cow, smash
up barn, smash up house.
Give rest to church.
And he ride off with his white horse,
black pack mule, and cow dog.
You tell me mister, who you
think sheriff wanna talk to?
Yeah, you made good time.
Only four days.
What time did you come in?
One hour before sun.
Ride hard, no rest.
Really, well listen, you
just spit out what you learned
and then you go get a
couple hours of shut eye.
'Cause you're gonna have to make lunch.
Had to pay dollar.
Dollar, well you just tell the paymaster.
Tell him I said put it on your income,
your earnings, right?
Your earnings all right.
So, spit it out, what'd you learn?
He come, white
horse, black mule, cow dog.
- Was he alone?
- White horse, black mule-
No, that's not what I'm talking about.
And you know it, now, fool, more people,
was there any men with him?
No one know if more come.
My guess alone.
He rode alone.
He rode alone.
Must be crazy loco, just plain crazy.
Sure, crazy.
Bust up house and the barn.
Give all church,
ranch for sale.
Well maybe there's
something good about this.
No, it's not good.
- Why the hell not?
- No sale Braddock.
No sale Triple R.
Can he do that?
Hell you wouldn't know, I'll
check it out with one of those
crooked attorneys down in Bozeman.
What'd you do?
Who got the dollar?
Miss Lily at laundry.
Miss Lily?
You didn't get a poke outta that did you?
'Cause I ain't pain for no poke.
Miss Lily cut
Hong throat, Hong ask.
Good lord.
You can't hide from the truth
You can't hide from the truth
So it's an eye for eye
Your bad deeds come home to roost
And you're gonna die
You can't hide from the truth
From the truth, eye for an eye
I want riders out to all the line camps.
Every rider Triple R brand,
eyes out on the watch for
that ex sheriff Quint Regan.
I want him shot down like a trespasser.
10, $10 gold pieces to the man who does.
And, I don't want him
to set eyes on this house.
Does that go for me too?
Yeah, and hell, you
Hong, wranglers, blacksmith,
hostlers and hell your wives, whores,
laundry women if any, just
so he doesn't get this far.
Just tell 'em, keep their eyes open,
keep their shooters loaded,
don't chit-chat just shoot.
My hot damn gut shootin' pleasure, boss.
Well, ain't you the lucky one.
You stay here and eat
your thousand dollar steak.
I got work to do.
- Don't even think about it.
- What the hell?
You couldn't find a heifer to butcher.
A heifer wouldn't hurt Braddock
near as bad as a thousand dollar bull.
Why do you want hurt The triple R so bad?
I'll ask the questions.
About a week and a half ago,
four riders came off The Triple R.
I want to know their names.
And the next one's gonna take your manhood.
And you'll sing little higher,
if you don't bleed up
before you can squeak.
Hold on, Mister.
I didn't do you any harm.
I said names and I ain't gonna ask again.
Spike Howard, he rode
out with Skunk Tobias
and a big Indian named Tall
Horse or some damn thing.
And a kid.
Kid's name was Michael.
Michael that was his name.
Take off that gun belt
and put it on the ground.
And what's your name Mr. Choirboy.
I wanna know your name,
so I can put it into my do not
kill unless necessary column.
It's Patches, Patches O'Doogen.
Say aren't you the sheriff from Big Horn?
But I don't see no badge.
Nope, no badge.
You can call me Abe
Lincoln or Ulysses S. Grant
if you want to.
Now, how do I recognize those four men.
Spike, big heavy, beard.
Then there's that Tall Horse dude.
Black hat, red shirt, braids.
And the kid he just yabbers all the time.
Way I heard it, he was
holding the horses outside
when it all happened.
He hasn't talked to anybody since.
Well, you best head on out.
What the hell, come on in.
What is it?
I'm patches.
Patches O'Doogan.
I ride the south sections for you boss.
Good for you.
The bull, Hercules, somebody shot him.
Shot him dead.
- Shot Hercules?
- Yes sir.
Oh damn the bustard is
who the hell would do that?
And cut fences, and we got
stock all over hell and gone.
Oh geez.
So, did you fix the fence?
Well, no sir, I didn't think.
No, sir now we got 100 head
all the hell over the place. So, all right.
Well you get the hell outta here, damn.
I saw him.
What, who?
Him who shot your bull?
Maybe you tell me who,
I'll let you stay till after
chow in the morning.
Well, maybe two weeks
bonus, should I remember.
How about I have Hong
serve your parts to the hogs,
should you not remember?
He was that sheriff,
the sheriff from Big Horn.
Said his name was Abe Lincoln
or Ulysses Grant, but I know'd better.
You know better.
How'd you know, better.
Maybe "cause old Abe was hob nail dead."
I'm surrounded imbeciles.
Or maybe you just in
your chat with this fellow,
you know, who didn't know
difference between buffalo,
and and a bald face bull.
Is that how it went?
Is that what you did?
Well, yeah, you got 10 minutes,
to get the hell off of this place.
Now get.
I need some more time with this limp.
10 minutes I'm gonna be
at the window with my rifle.
You gimp, you old fart.
Hong, where the hell are you?
Hold up young man, where's your pa.
My pa ain't your business.
You got any Triple R hands about.
He's over under.
Nice move ma'am.
But if you pull off on that thing
you'll cut us both in half.
You turn my son loose.
What's your business?
This is Triple R land.
Does Braddock know that
your homesteading here?
I ask, who are you?
- I ride for The Triple R.
- And we work
for The Triple R.
Oh, well hell.
Pardon me I'm sorry to trouble you.
You sure you don't have any Triple R hands
coming for supper?
Not for a week.
They're branding over on the East side.
But you never know.
Now then let's say we lay down our arms?
What's your name Mr?
Sam, Sam Jones, I'm new to the place.
Obviously, we're about to partake
of some venison stew.
Where's your mount?
Over yonder in the woods.
Looks like rain tonight.
If you don't mind, we'd like
to bed down in your barn?
I will have Tommy fetch
a bowl and some bread out.
Much obliged.
I want you to take Baldy
and Scroggins with you.
Go catch up with Patches,
he was headed out South.
And have him take you to
where Hercules was shot
and pick up the trail there.
And then you track
that son of a bitch down.
No palaver, you shoot him like a rabid dog.
Well Baldy's still at Alder Creek camp
making one more pass for mavericks.
Nah, forget it.
Indian come here.
You all have a vested
interest in this, all you boys,
all four of you.
Now, I want you to try
to clean this up, all right.
What vested interest?
Was killer crazy Skunk, not me.
All right, you're not familiar
with the word accessory.
But lemme tell you somethin'.
Anybody, who is near the man
that banged her head against
the wall is guilty.
That means all four of you guilty.
Michael boy stayed outside.
He was there, don't make a hoot.
No palaver, track down, shoot down.
All right, remember, white
horse, black mule, cow dog.
Don't go shootin', no Pilgrim or something.
All right, we don't need the trouble.
Come here, now I want
you to get to every camp
and tell them about the bounty.
Any man, who brings me Quint
Reagan, or his head, collects?
Yes boss.
What are you looking at?
I understand, boss?
Yeah, get the hell outta here, go on.
Sure is a nice pup.
You don't have a dog, Tommy?
No, sir, wolves killed him.
Ma' sent me out breakfast
coming out of the oven.
You're to wash up and come in.
I am 'eh?
Well sure, that's the best
offer I've had all morning.
Only one is usually the best one.
Does she need anything?
You could split little
wood, axe is over there.
Is Mr. Jones coming in?
He wanted to chop some wood first.
Oh, why?
That's so kind of him, go fetch him in.
He said, he'd come in
when he had an arm load.
I will keep things warm.
I'll go take care of his
dog till he finishes up.
You do that.
Mr. Jones breakfast on the table.
Tommy said biscuits, not a feast.
I hate to be rude.
If we could say the blessing?
I gotta make tracks.
Tommy was enjoying your company.
Supper blessing only in this household.
Not that we don't thank
him for all of our bounty.
Well, let's dig in.
How about you doing the
honor some supper time.
I don't believe I've got his ear.
Ma'am, where's the next line camp?
Four miles, due west,
where big alder creek
comes out of the Little Belt mountains.
How many hands bunk there?
Mr. Jones, for a Triple R hand,
you don't know much about the ranch.
I'm a new hand remember?
Thanks for the fine fixens.
Don't me too complimented, sir.
I will bill Mr. Braddock.
Could be have a dozen
riders, could be none.
Well, I'll see you the
next fence go around then.
He here many hour ago.
Camp now, leave early, easy track.
Mule and dog with him.
How do you know all that?
See here that track.
Two big coyote, two small wolf.
Go get wood dumb white eye, storm coming.
I'd just about trade
you in for a cup of coffee.
I'm just kidding old girl.
I need you to watch my back, stay.
What the-
My wife says, howdy.
Blood on your hands
Blood in my eyes
You took the woman
The love of my life
Biscuits, bacon, beans is done.
You can't hide from the truth
So it's an eye for an eye
Your bad deeds come home to roust
Ride back of barn,
check white horse and mule.
Are we too late for chow?
I got some of Norvan's hard bread,
and can heat up some
stew while you all wash up.
Much obliged.
Thought most y'all were branding.
No, squirt, we're on the hunt.
Killer, gonna skin his hide.
No, who got killed?
Hercules, Hercules the bull?
That's right, you ever
been over to Big Horn?
Fella was sheriff up there, Quint Regan,
riding a white horse,
dragging a black mule.
Fair size cow dog.
You see him, keep the door
barred and that double in hand.
Ain't a law man no more.
He's an outlaw man now.
Stone cold killer, fact
is you shoot him down.
Hundred dollar in gold coin is yours.
Medium sized cow dog?
Track said, come here.
Mule and dog track in barn.
I hope some bull killing murderer
wasn't peeking in our windows.
Track said, come here.
Well, thank the good
Lord, he kept on riding.
He must have hid in the barn.
More coffee?
When's that stew gonna be ready ma'am?
- Soon.
- All right,
we're mighty hungry.
Maybe something else.
Well make sure the killer's
not around before you ride on.
Rest assured ma'am,
we're here to protect you.
Fine meal ma'am, obliged.
Hope we pass this way again soon.
Fine looking woman like
yourself and good cook besides.
Ma, why didn't you tell 'em?
We don't know all
that is going on, Tommy.
Ride hard, Tall horse smell blood.
Well, maybe we'll get some answers here.
Come on friend, let's
go spread the good word.
Hello, the wagon.
Oh, howdy, pastor.
Sit a spell.
Well, the good Lord would smite a man
wouldn't accept good hospitality.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
I suppose that is a fact.
Well father, bless this generous soul,
may his spirit be an hour
inside of St. Peter's gate
before the devil knows he is there, amen.
Thank you.
You've been from the old country, huh?
Generation back.
Well, how long you
been spreading the word?
Long as I can remember.
I'm John Lawrence,
from the Spread the Word
Gospel Wonderment church.
Pleased to make your howdy.
Oh, yours too pastor, yours too.
Few miles back I met
a nice lady and her son.
They the owners of this place?
Oh, Lord no, pastor,
Lord no, Bradford Braddock.
Got a home larger than
a territorial governor's.
Over about 25 miles yonder.
So this Triple R, is that a good God
fearing place to work?
Well, my ma, bless
her soul said, "Never lie."
Particularly to man of a cloth.
She also said, "You ain't got noting
to say nice about someone.
Don't say nothing at all."
Well, I guess that about explains that.
And this lady, Lola, I think her name was,
why would she stay in the employee
of a man like Braddock then?
Well, they,
Mrs. McLoughlin, and her
husband Raif and the boy Tommy,
they came out all the
way from Cairo, Illinois,
headed to the Mullen road, and onto Oregon.
Before they broke down,
just near the Yellowstone.
Well, the husband
went out looking for help.
Well, let's just say the crow
helped themselves to his hair.
Well, some Triple R riders came,
found the woman, and
the boy brought him back in.
And Braddock took a shine to them.
Got her a job at the
home place.
Then he tried to take
more than just a shine.
This uh, this Braddock?
He offer her his hand.
Eh, seems like he had a wife run off
back East sometime
ago and everyone knew it.
Including Ms. McLoughlin
and she ain't the type to live in sin.
Even if she fell for that old leach.
Oh God bless her.
You've been fine company,
but I best be moving on.
Say, uh, any of them
Crow Indians still about.
Well, you're headed to Blackfeet country,
but, well hell preacher, be scalped by one
as much as the other.
Any of them Triple R riders still around?
Couple rode out before
sun up, they headed east.
Well, thank you for the fine conversation
you earned yourself
a little piece of heaven.
Well, thank you preacher, thank you.
Well, well, looks like I might be paying
Oscar $100 in gold, huh?
Ain't right Mr. Braddock.
What ain't right?
You putting a price on the Sheriff's head
after what the boys done to his wife.
Oh, you open your mouth about that again,
and I'm gonna have
dirt thrown in your face.
Now you get over to the
Ramuda and break some stock.
Yes, sir.
Now what you got there, Cookie.
Skunk Tobias, had himself an accident.
Oh, hell.
Wind was blowing, we
figured it blew the privy over.
Early it was, maybe his
peepers weren't focusing yet.
Yeah bullshit.
No, sir they roped him by
his ankles, and jerked him out.
Filthy, job that.
What the hell you bring
him all the way to hell here for?
He was number three
around here we figured.
You cleaned him up I hope.
We drug him through the
creek before we wrapped him.
All right, well, unwrap him.
Did I hear you say he
went head first into the privy?
He did.
Must've been a big old rock down there,
'cause his head's been bashed pretty good.
Did anybody see him fall in?
No sir, we was all at the house.
You dumb bastards
somebody cracked the skull open,
and then dropped him in to drown.
We didn't see nothing around here.
Did you look for any sign?
No sir we thought it was an accident.
Yeah, well somebody
wanna fill this peckerhead in
on that Reagan fella
and y'all pay attention
unless you want to end up smelling
like the south end of a northbound skunk.
No sir.
Now I gotta write some letters.
You take this stinking
mess, go bury it far out.
Nowheres near any family plots.
Yes sir.
Stupid, I should have hung him
from a tree for the buzzards.
So stupid to drown in
other people's leavings.
Hear shot.
Over a hill, go slow now.
Well, hell I must be tired.
I haven't missed a shot like that
since Methuselah was a pup.
No worries, you hit him.
Hit him real good he'll
be easy to find now.
He's hit, but he is still moving.
May be hunkering down,
waiting for a clear shot.
Ain't no need to press it.
Let 'him lay down.
Stiffen up, likely som'bitch
gonna bleed out anyway.
Then you back to camp.
I take a hundred gold all for me.
That weren't what I meant.
I'm with you, just don't push it.
Damn near dead dark.
He ain't gonna get far.
We'll find him stiff
and cold in the morning
like gut shot pig.
Camp now.
Got to plug this hole.
Want some hard tack?
Want some bacon an' beans.
No want 10 gold piece.
You mean five gold pieces?
No, saddle up.
Where the hell are you buddy?
This can't end here.
I ain't done yet.
Come here pal, come here friend.
Go get buddy.
Hell, maybe you didn't
hit him so hard after all?
He not stop, not cold dead yet.
But hit hard, plenty blood.
Let's get this done.
I lead too long, you now.
I ain't the tracker.
Blind man, track here.
Let's flip a coin.
Heads, you lose.
You cheat.
I don't never cheat.
Yeah, and Custer won.
I lead too long, you lead, or you die now.
All right.
Ranger, I hope your getting Buddy.
You ain't one of them.
It's too bad for you.
I don't like being shot.
You can't hide from the truth
So its eye for an eye
You bad deeds come home to roost
And you're all gonna die
You can't hide from
the truth, from the truth
Two Hatchets.
Old friend.
Where'd you go, I need
more help.
You ran 'em off.
You ran 'em off.
Eye for an eye
You did what you stupid fool?
How the hell is I supposed to know boss?
What do you mean?
He had on a preacher's collar.
You could wear a collar.
I could wear a collar,
Beelzebub could wear a collar.
So what, you stupid fool.
So it might be the Reagan fella?
Might be, he's been
running through all you,
like Sherman through Georgia,
like corn through a goose.
Damn these flies,
like through all you
all you damn imbeciles.
You get the hell outta here.
You want a brandy?
What are you doing?
What do you want?
Cake, no I don't want this crap.
Get me a drink.
A drink.
God, I can't eat this,
damn stupidity has stolen my appetite.
He's as stupid as you are,
that guy.
Let me take.
- Drink?
- Ah.
How long you been the El
Segundo around here Mr. Howard?
Hell boss, since we rode in from the war.
Been what, 13, 14 years?
And you feeling like
you're just about running
the course out now?
What do you mean boss?
What I mean is that Reagan
has been running all over us,
like we was just slugs in the garden.
I want you to get him or get out.
Jesus Brad, I've been
behind you all the way.
All we done to build up The Triple R.
I done, you're just paid help.
Don't forget it.
Now you get him, or you get the hell out.
I don't know, why don't
you and I ride on out.
We brought more than one
man down what got in our way.
I didn't stick my tallywacker
in that Sheriff's wife.
And I didn't stand by and watch,
while Skunk bashed
her head against the wall.
Now you get, you get him or
you get the hell down the trail.
This can't end here.
I gotta get to Lola's.
Don't suppose that's Reagan?
It's Reagan doing.
So where the hell is the local sheriff?
Shot down.
Where the hell is he?
Sioux take scalp.
Sioux, they ain't been around in years.
They in Little Belt
mountains, many braves,
Lakota like ghost smoke, see now then gone.
Lakota hate Crow, you go.
You're sure they got Reagan?
Lakota ride over him, take scalp.
After he shot Scroggins?
Scroggins damn fool.
You swear?
Still in all, we oughta run on up there.
Hell no, we not paid enough.
Ranger, where's Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones, hey Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones, you hurt bad?
Ma come help, Mr. Jones is hurt.
So, where is he?
Dead, scalped, probably
dragged behind a Lakota pony
till the skin rubbed of.
Lakota, bull they're all on the res.
Not all, Tall Horse
oughta know he says Lakota.
So where's the body?
No body, but it-
No buts, and no hundred dollars.
Well that ain't right boss.
What ain't right is you
yellow belly's kowtow'n
to a few red men.
I drove 1000 of 'em off this basin
to build this ranch.
Now you get the hell back to work.
We'll find him, half of you no-accounts
are gonna be diving for
brown apples in the privy.
He's dead as a shoe nail
I bet my last my last dollar.
You bet your last dollar,
every payday, at the end of
the day on whores, and whiskey,
so it ain't saying much.
Now, you go out there and
you get three or four more men
and Tall Horse for sure.
And you make a round
or all those line camps,
and see if anybody saw
that low life son of a bitch.
Don't forget to go check on
Mrs. McLoughlin, and Tommy.
But make sure and I mean sure
that Reagan is feeding the worms.
All right, move.
- Riders coming ma.
- Help me Tommy.
Don't even squeak Mr. Jones.
Don't knock the door down.
Can I help you?
You're gonna have to come back later
if you're looking for food.
Oh, I'm just checking to
see if you're doing all right.
Mr. Braddock wanted me checking on you.
We're fine, what's the trouble.
I got biscuits in the oven for Tommy and I.
Black mule in barn.
Quiet waters brand I bet.
You harboring that murdering som'bitch.
I found that mule.
He was eating up our garden.
Finders keepers, don't you know?
That true?
First of all, I don't lie Mr. Howard.
Second control your language
around this Christian house.
I will be more than happy
to take your outlandish
behavior up with Mr Braddock.
If you continue to insult us, now leave.
We're gonna make this
our last stop coming back.
I don't trust that farmer's widow.
Brad's blinded by her pretty.
Mr. Reagan, I'm sure it is.
Don't you think it's
time for you to fess up?
Yes'um but, may I explain?
Please, you made a liar out of my son.
You lied too, ma.
No sir, all I said I
don't lie and I don't.
Mr. Reagan, what
brings you to The Triple R.
I owe you ma'am,
and you've done me a great kindness,
at great risk to yourself.
And I'll tell you the story,
but then I have to leave.
It's too risky for you and Tommy.
And please just call me Quint.
You can stay tonight,
but if you can ride tomorrow,
where will you go?
I've got a friend in the mountains,
and he'll take care of me.
We have not seen
the last of Spike Howard,
and the tracker. I will
have Tommy ride along
at least to the foot of the Little Belts.
Now tell me, am I mistaken in helping you?
You remind me of my...
Say Tommy, how about you go fetch my mule?
Yes sir.
You've gone outta your
way, and you deserve to know.
My wife was home alone,
unless you consider the baby inside of her.
And, she was only six months along.
And four riders by the track,
and I found her head blooded,
and forgive me her, her
thighs blooded as well.
And then I buried her.
And I will have my revenge.
And you
think it was the Triple R?
I know it was, and who did it,
and who sent 'em to do the job.
Tommy, your mama was worried sick,
even before we left.
I think it's time for you to get back.
You sure you'll be all right.
Yeah, I got a lot of work to do,
but I ain't dying before it's done.
I'll take care of ranger.
Should anything bad happen to you.
God, I know you may not agree,
but I'm not through.
God, help me.
You wake?
I feel
half dead, but I'm alive.
Bad men.
Very bad men.
I saw you chasing them, are they dead?
You kill one white eye, bad medicine.
Crow dog right off.
Think I many Lakota.
Yeah, please stay clear of it.
This is my job alone to do.
Thanks for taking me in.
Why you on war path?
My wife is dead.
White man sickness.
No. Two Hatchets, men.
Men from The Triple R.
You need friend, Triple R many riders.
No sir, this is all on me.
- When you well.
- Well, I buried her
in the dress your wife gave her.
She loved that dress.
My woman, good woman.
She in spirit world.
Your woman, good woman.
She in spirit world, she
feed us when we hungry.
She take care of Two
Hatchets when Billy hurt,
Stay till well, two moons or more.
Two months, no, too long.
Two weeks maybe, one half moon.
Find horse your mark with
Two Hatchet's horse, mule too.
Staked in meadow.
You find my dog, Ranger?
Outside, chew elk bone.
Good old friend.
Then I'm going back to sleep.
Came as soon as I got your letter, Brad.
It's pure pleasure having
Miss McLoughlin joining us.
It's Mrs. Judge.
Although now a widow.
She and her son,
came up here because we're
gonna make a new agreement.
I need the farmhouse that she's staying in.
Yeah so we'll see if we can agree,
and maybe she and son coming on up here,
and moving into the big
house with everybody.
Now we'll get back to that in a minute
but, in the meantime.
I'm here to help, ask me anything.
Seems he gave the
right to sell his little ranch,
to the Big Horn mayor.
But not to me and not to The Triple R.
Seems to me since I've
issued a warrant for this Reagan,
grand theft for shooting your bull,
murder for a couple of your hands,
although all this could be mute.
Seeing how rumor is Reagan is dead.
Were there witnesses to these murders?
Now Lola, I'm trying to get some help
from the judge.
Why don't you just to enjoy
your meal and let the men talk.
Now my men will testify, you know that.
The fact he was shot and killed
after he murdered my two Triple R hands.
And unfortunately a band of
savages, they came and got him.
So yes, he's dead,
But there's no body, you know,
probably roasted, skinned,
and supper for some scavengers.
Proof enough,
I'll jerk that mayor's
chain down at Big Horn.
I'll tell you what,
how about I act on your behalf for say 10%.
Place will escheat to the territory,
Governor will appoint me
custodian, should I petition him.
I'll serve the mayor, and
the new sheriff, Big Horn.
Get all that paperwork started,
should have a deed for
you by the end of the year.
That's a fine idea, Willard.
A fine idea.
Now just one other detail.
My wife left there the ranch
about seven years ago.
And tried to reach her, but to no avail.
I want a declaration put
together to declare her deceased.
Because of a possible estate issue?
No, because I want
to ask Lola for her hand.
We should have discussed this.
I will let you gentlemen talk,
I'm gonna find Tommy,
and retire to our room.
Goodnight judge.
Seems you need to
convince the lady first.
Like many, all Lola has is her pride.
She has no money, she
has nowhere else to go.
She'll come around to my
way of thinking, you'll see.
Now what about that declaration?
Here we go.
What mom, it's early.
We're leaving Tommy back to the cabin.
Before breakfast? Hong
promised me hot cakes
and berry syrup.
Hurry I went to a avoid Mr. Braddock.
Yes, ma'am.
Where you off to, Lola?
Thought it better we get back home.
All your things are packed
in that wagon right there.
Would you have someone drive us,
and our things to Big Horn?
You think this is a freight company Lola?
- Tommy, go on up?
- Yes, ma'am.
I have something to ask you.
A passing stranger told
me a tale about some woman
being murdered around Big Horn.
Did you or The Triple R
have anything to do with this?
So, that's a no?
I shouldn't have to answer that question.
Bloody woman, what the hell.
Do you have a moment?
For you, anytime.
Before my son and I start
walking to Big Horn or Oregon.
No, please don't try to make that walk.
All right, Missy.
Before we set out,
maybe we could get to know
each other a decent time.
Where I come from one
courts for at least a year.
Four months, then
it's my hand or my boot.
And we can go back to the
cabins so things are proper?
And it's only one month.
You'll be moving back in,
and there'd be no riding, or wagon stock,
'cause you won't be needing it.
We could even be married at Christmas time,
because by that time, I'll be
shed of Merry Beth by decree.
A month at the cabin,
here in separate rooms.
I will not have my son think
me just another soiled dove.
And I will not have
people think I married one.
You'll be for Sunday supper
once a week, every week.
- And Tommy?
- And Tommy.
But I will not spend the night,
Tommy and I will return before dark.
I'll have somebody bring
you back before nightfall.
Well old friend, it's
time for me to leave.
Need more strength.
What I need, is to put my
wife's killers in the ground.
That's the best medicine for me.
I've seen her 1000 times, in my mind
and I need to put her to rest.
Indian say, trouble far
away, no trouble at all.
You're a wise old friend.
But this trouble's not far away.
It's right here, with me
every time I close my eyes.
I won't rest, till those men rot in hell.
While you sleep, Lakota braves here.
Stop for rest.
They follow Buffalo.
See Triple R riders.
Some work, some go post,
go women and fire water.
They cross Muscleshell.
Go Crazy Mountain Trading post
How many?
Many white eye, work fence two go post.
The tracker, Tall Horse was he with them?
No, one boy and another.
I do victory dance for you tonight.
Well hell, can't hurt.
I don't know how to thank you my friend.
I move camp.
Lucky, no army find me.
You move far away.
Crazy Mountains maybe.
Stay well, my friend.
Dang, if it ain't Sheriff Reagan.
Former sheriff.
Can't be.
Is, you younger, you Michael.
- You're a ghost.
- Nope,
unless you keep that gun holstered
and run for your horse,
you'll be one before
you suck another breath.
Now you wait for me outside.
If you got a gun in your hand,
there'll be no talking understand?
Younger, I believe
the gentleman means it.
I'd hotfoot it if I was you.
There are two Triple R brands outside,
who else rides for Braddock?
Mr. Reagan I just signed on,
I don't know nothing
about nothing about nothing.
About nothing that
happened before a month ago.
I'm no longer a sheriff.
Mr. Reagan, I heard them gabbin and
that's the way I heard it.
This younger fellow.
What's your name.
Raleigh Angus.
I suggest you climb on
that Triple R nag outside,
and head for Helena parts west
or on south back down the
Bozeman, you understand?
Yes sir, but I don't wanna
steal some man's horse,
I don't wanna be hanged for horse thieving.
Those fellas will testify
that you rode off the ranch under duress.
You leave it the first town
you come to with the sheriff.
Yes sir I'll do just that.
Anybody else here got
a bone to pick with me.
I got a little something for you.
You got the inclination, and the dollar.
That's kind of you, but I
have neither, no offense.
What the hell is it?
One of the boys stopped
in at the Crazy Mountain trading post.
So I guess there was
a bit of trouble there
the day before yesterday.
So, how does that concern us?
Not The Triple R.
Well, young Michael and Raleigh McBean
was in the middle of it.
So, it concerns us.
So what the hell happened?
Well, Michael and Raleigh
were told to ride anywhere
except'n back to the Triple R.
Let me guess, Quint Reagan,
back from the dead you dumb bastard.
Boss, last Tall Horse saw a bunch
of screaming savages
was riding down on him.
How are we supposed to know?
As I remember, I told you,
"Go up there and make sure."
It's about time for us
to bring the critters down
from the high country.
We got a few more to brand.
I'll bet he's in the Little
Belts somewhere's.
Yeah, probably butcher'n
another Triple R beef.
If he is up there,
miserable toads go up there,
he'll just pick you all off.
I want you, and tracker,
to just go up there and bring
me his head on a spike, Spike.
And if you don't, don't come back here.
You understand?
He ain't a ghost, we'll find him.
You said we was about due
to bring the McLoughlin woman
back to the big house?
A week so, what?
You ain't gonna like this
but I never believed
she didn't hide him out.
All right, take tracker.
Go over to Rocky mountain
post and you talk to Herman
and his missus,
see if you can get a line
on where that bastard went.
He's become a boil on my
butt and I wanna kill him.
You understand?
Listen, it's $500 in gold
you bring me back his head.
And if you can't,
you better go 500 miles
in the opposite direction.
And don't come back here.
Evening, seems you had some trouble here
the other night.
Who was in the saloon with Reagan?
We can't answer that.
Reagan ran us to home before
he headed into the saloon.
Well, who was in the saloon?
Nobody's in there now,
Geraldine and May Bell were working
and they're working now.
Well, best they fess
up or you'll be hunting
two new pin cushions.
Pin cushions?
What gets poked more than pin cushions?
Stay here, they can pour
their own whiskey and beer.
And cheat us for sure.
I'll not have you in the
middle of any more trouble.
I have no interest, Mr. Hogan,
in choppin' in my own wood,
muckin' stalls, or
emptying spitoons.
Fetch us some whiskey.
Only Mr. Hiram pours the drinks.
Fetch it, or I'll pull this pistola
and we'll see how well you can dance.
Next time I see you drunk as a toad,
swimming in a beer keg,
I'll dance all right, on your ugly mug.
And I'll partner up with her.
Here you go privy mouth.
Watch's your bucket mouth pin cushion.
You ain't the Lord's gift to ladydom
your own damn self there,
dung breath.
Sit your ass down,
before I knock you down.
We don't serve no Indians.
Well then take it away from him.
We'll have us four tobacky pouches,
and two scalps before we leave.
Now, tell us about Reagan
running Triple R hands off.
Mr. Reagan, you're in time for supper.
I'll tell ma.
Hold on Tommy, are you and your ma alone?
Yes, sir,
I'll come back and stable
your horse and mule.
No. I'll time up here
in the woods yarder,
I don't want anybody
to see me in your barn.
And I'm only staying for a cup of coffee.
Yes, sir.
Well, I guess I am welcome.
Braddock is forcing me to marry him.
How can he force you?
Quint, I don't have a dime to my name.
He's taking our mules,
and we would have to walk?
And even if we tried he
would just ride us down.
I don't know what to do.
I've got money, I'll help you out.
Do you have both the horse and mule?
Yes, but I don't know if I could-
Take us, take us with you.
Maybe you just leave us
in Big Horn or anywhere.
Just so it's away.
We can ride double on your mule.
I have business to take care of here.
Here on The Triple R.
I hate what you're doing.
I hate guns,
at least hate what they've
done to this country.
The Indian, the buffalo,
the many men in the ground,
please Quint help us leave.
Lola, a man's only as good as his word,
even if he only gave that
word to his dead wife and child.
Here, here's $200.
I'm leaving the mule,
but I hate to think of you
and Tommy traveling alone.
Give me two days.
If I'm not back in two days,
then head for Big Horn.
Maybe you with us all the way to Oregon.
Lola, I won't be worth
anything if I don't finish this.
How long can you stay?
It's risky for you and Tommy if I stay.
No, I want you to stay here with us.
Spend the night inside here with us.
Tommy sleeps, he sleeps in the loft.
Never saw an old rabbit
hole a body could fall into.
It's called fiction Tommy.
It's not fact, it's supposed
to make you laugh,
or cry, or happy, or even scared.
There's a fellow called Poe, Edgar I think.
And his fiction would
send chills up your spine.
All right young man.
Thank Mr. Regan for helping you.
Now go upstairs and go to sleep.
Yes ma'am, thank you, Mr Regan.
- You bet.
- Goodnight ma,
goodnight Mr. Reagan.
Good night Tommy.
Should I, out there?
No, no sir.
I have just a dollop of
whiskey, for snake bite of course.
And I would like you to relax
with me in front of the fire
until Tommy goes to dreamland,
with Alice and the white
rabbit, and the mad Hatter.
You might be the mad one,
not much of a future
left in this old cowboy.
Then I guess we gotta live for today.
I'm not a girl any longer Quint.
I had a husband, and a
child, and I want you to stay.
If you continue on this quest,
maybe a memory, maybe all I have.
Well I guess a mug of
whiskey would do me just fine.
Plenty smoke, up making
coffee or biscuit, flapjack maybe.
Maybe, I'll ride for the front door,
you ride around onto the barn
make sure we don't have no guests.
Mmm, I'll check for a white horse.
Make sure no Reagan.
Mr. Reagan, do as the honor.
I'm not sure that I've got His ear.
He hears all.
Father, thank you for this fine food
and this good woman, and her son,
and for giving me the will,
and the time to finish my chore.
Bless this house, and
those that made it a home.
I'm not sure your chore is
something he wanted to hear.
But thank you for the grace.
To the closet.
Not this time.
Lola McLoughlin, a hungry man here.
Who's trying to beat my door down?
Open the bloody damn door.
Watch your language, Mr. Howard.
The wagon will be here soon to move us.
Wagon's not due till tomorrow.
Coffee and biscuits will do me fine.
I don't have enough I packed everything.
Horse crap, wagon's
not coming till tomorrow.
You wouldn't be lying
to a hungry Triple R hand
now would you?
I have to unlock this.
It stick sometimes.
Hurry it up, woman.
You need the weapon.
You don't have to rob
us of biscuits and coffee.
You flee bitten farmer bitch.
Nothing she could do,
she was under the gun.
- Bullshit.
- Now you step back outside,
Howard. I don't wanna
bloody the lady's floor.
Come on now, Reagan,
this ain't necessary.
We was just riding for the brand.
Braddock wanted us to scare you off.
It was Skunk that beat
on your whore, your wife.
You know, I'd ask you to say hello,
but you ain't going where she's going.
Oh, hell.
To hell with you Spike Howard.
Braddock say 500 for you.
Figure a lot easier you being dead.
Are you hurt?
Oh, you got shot.
It hit me in the holster dented my colt
but, gave me a hell of
whack, but they didn't get me.
You know, you're not only a
good mother and a fine cook,
but you're a fine shot as well.
I owe you Mrs. McLoughlin?
I do believe we know
each other well enough
for first names.
Do we not?
Yes ma'am I believe we do Lola.
Can you stand?
That cut needs my sewing basket.
Is it too early for
another drink of whiskey?
We will make an exception.
Well, thank you ma'am.
I owe you again.
Enough to pack up and head for Oregon?
No, like I said,
I wouldn't be fit to be around
and now I gotta wait to ride
in the Braddock's front door.
You're gonna borrow one of my gowns.
Anybody seen hide or
hair of Spike or Tall Horse?
No boss.
Well, go see if there's a
good hand around maybe,
Baldy or Peterson.
Yes, boss.
- Go, stop staring at me.
- Yes boss okay.
The love of my life
You can't hide from the truth
I guess I know you quite well enough
to call you a damn fool.
Tommy, go fetch me the Indian's horse.
Yes sir.
Lola, if I'm not back
tomorrow by sundown-
The wagon to come fetch
us is due here tomorrow.
I'll pass 'em on the way into town.
They won't be coming.
Innocents, Quint, Braddock
the only one left you said.
And I won't hurt them
unless they beg for it.
So if you're not back-
There's over $700 in my mule's pack,
and a note to the mayor of Big Horn
and my friend pastor Ian
McClean to give you and Tommy
half the proceeds of the ranch
and the rest goes to the church.
But I want you to leave with us.
And I want to, and
God willing I'll be back.
But I owe my wife,
and I can't live with
myself until she's revenged.
God willing, go and come back to us.
From your lips to God's ears.
Blood on your hands, blood in my eye
Hey boss, hey boss, you want a tea boss?
No, two whiskeys, Tall Horse is back, go.
Yes, boss.
Spike is still out there.
Damn that Reagan, I have
to do everything myself.
Tall Horse is never coming back.
So, you're going Indian on us now.
Who invited you, Reagan?
The fact is my wife's ghost
asked me to call on you.
Shame, I never met her.
I never set eyes on her.
You'll get a chance to meet her proper.
That is if she's nearby
when St. Pat slams the gate in your face.
You'll never get 100 feet from here,
100 feet from this house,
there's 100 men around here
that want to taste your blood.
And they might be close.
But you, if you showed of 100 riders now,
and you won't get a chance
to see what's happening
once I finish my task.
You wouldn't shoot an old man.
There's no honor in that.
What the hell would you know about honor.
And I don't see an old man,
I see a greedy, scum sucking pig.
Oh, son of a bitch, shot me.
You're a lousy shot too.
Over 10,000.
- You just winged me.
- 10,000, $10,000.
What you're gonna do is bleed out.
Now toss that gun
over here, and we'll talk.
Get up.
Get up.
I can't.
I'm bleedin' too hard and
my guts are poking out.
Well, that sounds like a long
slow painful death Braddock.
I was gonna light this place up,
but that would hurt too many innocents.
And hell's coming for you soon anyway.
Please, get help.
25,000 in gold in my safe.
You can do your
negotiations with the devil now.
You'll never get away.
Shoot that son of a bitch.
I shoot the son of a bitch.
I got no quarrel with you fellas.
You'll shoot me to pieces,
but not before I get a couple more of you.
Your boss man's bled out
and his guts are decorating the ground
and he ain't covering no more payroll.
You wanna die for a son of bitch
that condoned the murder
of wife and an unborn child.
I'm rolling
my bed roll, and riding out.
I take a wagon, two mules.
You all take whatever you want.
You earned it working for the devil.
When you're a desperado
It's hard to settle down
with one good woman
And one good town, I met you
You rocked my senses
Shook my foundation
Tore down the fences
Faraway horses
Runnin' though my mind
Now that I found you,
I'm living them behind
Faraway horses can't carry me away
Now that you're in my
life I'm coming home
Coming home to stay
Was a wild mustang
Running free as the wind
No one could break me
But I wouldn't bend,
something changed in me
I let the loneliness
die, opened up my heart
And you made me feel alive
Faraway horses runnin' through my mind
Now that I found you,
I'm leavin' them behind
Faraway horses can't carry me away
Now that you're in my life
I'm coming home, I'm
coming home to stay
I let you get away
Faraway horses, runnin' through my mind
Now that I've found you
I'm leaving them behind