Faithless (1932) Movie Script
But Carol, this bank is your guardian.
We're living in 1932.
But you persist in spending money as
if it were still '29. Before the crash.
You forced me to
eliminate your charities.
Even your father's most beloved project.
The Morgan Home for girls.
I don't believe in delinquent
girls. Silly weaklings.
We know 29% of them went on the streets
as they didn't have a bed to sleep in.
Oh nonsense. They've got no character.
Neglect your character and
you lose your self-respect.
If you go out on to the streets,
you end up in the gutter.
Where, I might add, you jolly
well deserve to end up.
Hello .. hello? Carol?
Hung up on me.
In these days it's .. indecent.
Lok at those.
Lovely girls .. got spoiled.
I hope her first lesson isn't the brutal
relations between money and friends.
Mr William Wade, please.
Miss Morgan speaking.
But Dixon old boy, times are tough.
People aren't spending.
Well, you've got to compose copy
that drags money out of their pockets.
Alright. See me about it
at nine in the morning.
Hello, darling. I've time for
twenty words. No more, no less.
Mr Bill Wade invites Miss
Carol Morgan to dine tonight.
Providing Mr Wade can
get to bed by midnight.
Mr Wade having averaged four
hours sleep a night for the past week.
Hang up on me, would you?
Bill Wade, I'll get you for this.
Out of all the house, this part is me.
Like it?
Yes, yes .. colossal.
Sit down and stay a while.
Here? Uhuh.
Send a man to get me
n about five minutes.
Sleepy, Bill?
Practically Rip Van Winkle.
I've nice feet, haven't I? Huh?
You can't expect a man
to write poetry about feet.
At five o'clock in the morning.
I've never seen you before
with your eyes closed.
I'm 24 years old, and I've taken
pretty good care of myself.
I .. don't drink.
Except half a cocktail, once in a while.
I don't smoke.
I go to church on Sundays.
And .. I'm awfully kind to dumb animals.
And I love you so much.
I know you are awfully busy but ..
Couldn't we just take five minutes
off tomorrow and .. marry?
Oh Bill, marry me tomorrow.
And take me to Monte Carlo.
Where we can doze in the sun.
Swim together in the moonlight.
And be all alone just by ourselves.
The Mediterranean is awfully blue.
Do you think it's very nice to sleep
when a girl is asking you to marry her?
Would you really marry me, Carol?
Am I the luckiest fool in the world?
No .. lucky me.
Any living minute you say.
You mean today, don't you?
Morning Pictorial.
Evening News.
Say, how about seeing Miss Morgan?
And The Times wants her picture.
Come on.
Have a heart.
When Miss Morgan says she
won't see any newspapermen ..
She means she won't
see any newspapermen.
After all, this is The Times ..
Step aside, there.
Good evening, Mr Wade.
It's Wade!
Come on, give us a story.
Morning Pictorial.
Evening News.
How about a story?
What do you want? Little Red Riding
Hood or the story of the Three Bears?
No: "Multimillionaire's granddaughter
marries struggling Ad writer".
Come on, everyone knows.
Winchell spilled it over the radio.
Oh, he did, did he.
Well, you may say for me that
this is the happiest day of my life.
Oh come on, have a heart.
Give us a break.
Could I get a picture of you
climbing out of that Rolls Royce?
Nothing doing.
Well, climbing out of your own car?
Just a little picture.
Now right this way Mr Wade
please .. and smile.
Where will the honeymoon wax and wane?
There will be no honeymoon.
The bridegroom is too busy.
Please, Mr Wade .. and smile.
Are you going to continue working?
No offense, Mr Wade. Just asking.
Mr Wade .. and smile.
The bride and groom will take up
residence in the Morgan mansion?
The bride and groom will
look for an apartment.
Please Mr Wade, could I have a smile?
The readers of the Evening News want to
know who will handle the family finance.
That's an impertinent
question and I refuse.
The Philadelphia heiress who wed a young
artist had a joint checking account.
Listen, my inquisitive friend.
I am not a struggling you artist.
I am the advertising manager
of a thriving corporation.
Please Mr Wade.
Could I have just .. a .. smile?
What corporation is thriving these days?
Lincoln Farburn Sausages Incorporated.
Oh boy, sausages?
What's the matter with sausages?
Sausages are lovely, beautiful, tasty.
That's right. Think of sausages,
Mr Wade .. and smile.
Now get this
Mr William Wade will not accept a
penny of, or derive any benefit from ..
Mrs William Wade's personal
fortune. Directly, or indirectly.
You can print that. There's your smile.
You know what you can do with that.
Okay, Mr Wade, we'll print it.
It's a swell story even
if you don't read it.
I wonder if by any chance I
could get a picture of you?
Sure. I photograph very well, too.
Thank you very much, mister .. Morgan.
Good evening, Mr Wade.
A happy day for us all.
May I offer congratulations?
Thank you, Joseph.
We'll have to be having a front
door key made for you now, sir.
Bill .. Bill.
Hello angel. Sorry to be late.
Oh that's alright. You're here.
Come along dear.
Everyone is dying to meet you.
This is Bill Wade.
Cary Roskerville and Helen Hewitt.
Though I think you may have met before?
Not when I was sober.
Obviously, you don't drink
enough. I'm charmed.
Say, what's all this about a wedding?
People don't get married anymore.
Well these people do, don't they, Bill?
Well, I held out as long as I could,
but she got me at a weak moment.
And was he hard to get? Why,
it took me a year to land him.
Where did she find you, Wade?
I was born here in New York in the wilds
of 179th Street. Been here ever since.
You haven't begun to live yet.
You're not going to waste
your youth on these nitwits.
Come on.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Hey. It's alright, darling.
Yes, but ..
So the gossip is true.
I am going to be married.
And this is it. Bill Wade.
It, them, these and those.
Well, that's the whole story.
Well, I'm so happy,
I can't talk coherently.
The wedding will be in about a month.
And of course, we're going
to ask everybody we know.
How many will that be?
Well, Audrey Cotton had 1,200.
Madison Square Garden holds 17,000.
Better get him on your
yacht quickly, Carol
And hide him in darkest Africa.
I don't trust myself.
I don't trust any of you.
We are sailing for Monte Carlo on
The Princess 2 hours after the ceremony.
Darling, I'm very sorry to
tell you I get very ill at sea.
And when seasickness comes in at
the porthole, love flies out of the ..
Other porthole.
He sounds unromantic,
but that's just his natural modesty.
You ought to see him in a taxi-cab.
Come on Bill, let's get out of here,
before you confess your rheumatism.
Bill, what's the matter?
You've been saying the oddest things.
Carol, you know I can't go to Monte Carlo
on your yacht. I've a job to hold down.
Oh .. the sausage business.
It isn't the sausage business.
It's the advertizing business.
But you will give up the
advertizing business.
I'm going to do nothing of the kind.
Why, darling? I have enough
money for both of us.
Carol, can I have a quarter? I want to
go out and get a package of cigarettes.
Oh don't be silly.
It won't be like that.
Besides, if you .. really love me ..
Wait a minute.
I love you more than I thought
it was possible to love anybody.
I am completely drowned in
a sea of blissful anticipation.
Over the fact that you are
about to become my wife.
I'm sorry, Bill.
I'm not going to even try and tell you.
Men never understand how
much women love them.
Well then, that's all settled, isn't it.
You can take 3 months off to take me to
Monte Carlo for a honeymoon, can't you?
Carol, I can't afford to take 3 months
off and pay for a honeymoon in Europe.
Why can't I pay for it?
I'm marrying you. Not your bank account.
Oh Bill, you're just
being a quixotic fool.
Perhaps I am, but that's
the guy you've got to marry.
Say, is this a private
fight or can anybody join?
No, no fighting.
Come on, Carol. Let's dance.
I want to get as much
use out of you as possible.
While you're still freelancing.
Are we keeping you up?
No. I don't know why I'm so sleepy.
I didn't roll out of bed
till way past noon today.
You lead a hard life.
Well Bill, we'll have plenty of
dances before the evening's over.
The orchestra is going
to play until 4 am.
That's just the shank
of the evening, blessed.
Goodnight, Phyllis.
Happy dreams.
Never mind, Joseph.
Anything more, Miss Carol?
Goodnight, Joseph.
Goodnight, Mr Wade.
Goodnight, Miss Carol.
Goodnight, Joseph.
I ought to be in bed this minute.
But we're going to settle this now.
You've been absurd tonight, Bill.
Carol, you might just as well
make up your mind to one thing.
You are going to live on my income.
Your income?
How much is that?
Twenty thousand a year.
Wait a minute, I'm not apologizing.
I'm not asking you to share my poverty.
I'm mighty lucky to be making
that money in these times.
But that's less than 400 dollars a week.
And you're lucky, too.
You're one girl in ten thousand who can
get a man who's making 400 a week.
Oh Bill, why shouldn't we have
everything out of life that we can?
I refuse to go through
life having people say:
There goes Bill Wade who married
Carol Morgan's millions. Millions.
But you have your own job. I'm very
willing to have you stay with sausages.
Don't say sausages!
Sausages, sausages, sausages!
Your sentiments are very noble, Bill.
But it is your pride speaking.
Who says it isn't?
Do you think I have any pride?
Pride? What in?
In the only things I
can do in my position.
Why should I close up this lovely house
and discharge a lot of good servants?
When it's unnecessary.
I'll tell you why. To be: Mrs Bill Wade.
Oh .. is that final?
Bill Wade on twenty thousand a year.
Well, if you're going to make money so
important, I'll make it important, too.
If you are going to make an issue ..
Of living on your salary,
I shall make an issue ..
Of having the things
I can with my money.
Alright. Consider it settled then.
Well, that suits me.
Great. Maybe I'll get
some sleep for a change.
Maybe you will.
I couldn't leave you like this.
I was going to phone your apartment.
I'm sorry.
Don't talk.
Hold me tight.
What time do you want me to pick you up
tomorrow to go to the license bureau?
Tomorrow? Oh, Bill.
But I can get the wedding
ready in a month.
Carol, darling.
You are in no position
to dictate terms now.
Neither are you.
That's a funny way for you to talk.
You didn't by any chance
plan this deliberately?
How could it have been an accident?
Now darling, we'll get married without
any terms or conditions whatsoever.
We'll get married tomorrow.
And settle down to work out
normal life .. on my income.
Supposing I refuse?
You can't refuse.
Oh, I can't refuse but you can?
If you weren't brought up like
a character out of Arabian Nights.
You'd see my viewpoint.
The viewpoint of a caveman
who moves his wife with a club.
Say, I ought to act like a caveman and
beat some common-sense in to your head.
Yes. That would be just
your idea of matrimony.
To come home late and beat your
wife up because the soup was cold.
I would be so unimportant in this house
as Miss Carol Morgan's husband ..
That if I came home late,
the soup would be cold.
We don't have soup in
the house .. I hate soup.
Ye Gods. We can even
get into a row about soup.
Yes, the row is about soup, and beans
and brooms and laundry and cooks.
With my income I don't intend to mess
about in a small apartment and one maid.
With your money you make me feel like an
immigrant whose wife takes in washing.
Now you listen to me.
This is my ultimatum.
You're giving ultimatums? That's good.
Shut up!
This is one time we are not going
to stand here and argue all night.
Will you do as I wish? Or ..
First, I'll have to burn all the clothes
and jewelry I bought with my own money.
Shut up .. what's your answer?
Oh .. sausages!
Miss Morgan, in the circumstances ..
You should feel very glad that
this is 1932 and not the prim '80s.
I don't see any shotguns around.
So I'll say goodnight.
When you come to
your senses, call me up.
I'll be waiting.
Mr Carter is on the phone.
He wants to make an appointment.
Oh, well tell him I'll drop into
the bank on my way downtown.
And get Mr Wade on the phone at once.
Yes, Miss Morgan.
These extraordinary times
require extraordinary measures.
You try to frighten me.
Carol, you are broke. And there
is no mincing words about it.
But everything can't be gone.
Borrowed on.
Up to the hilt. Beyond the hilt.
Well, sell everything.
Pay off the loans.
You've borrowed over 2 millions on what
was 12 million dollars of security.
Yes. At present market prices ..
When we clear this up you'll only
owe them about half a million more
And that's only one instance.
What am I to do?
First, the house must go.
Sell my house?
Why, you're out of your mind.
You can't do this to me.
Money can't vanish.
Oh, you fools!
Why didn't you save me?
Why didn't you do something?
That's rich.
But .. but what am I to do?
The world is not itself.
Great changes have taken place.
You must endure a great change yourself.
Go to work!
I can't work.
I don't know how.
Thank you.
Oh, I beg your pardon but ..
Mr Wade's secretary sent me in.
Well I'm Bill's brother. Anthony Wade.
Most people call me Tony.
I didn't mean that you would.
You are Carol Morgan, aren't you?
But I would call you Tony.
You don't look as if you
belong in an office.
You've got that wide-open-spaces look.
Well, I'm just hail from Colorado.
Oh good heavens. What does
one do there? Take mud baths?
Well, don't laugh but I'm
going to be a metallurgist.
Laugh? Why, I was never
so impressed in my life.
What particular metal do you "urge"?
Does it take a lot of urging
or does it succumb easily?
It fights you to the bitter end.
Tell me about it.
Well, I'd rather not.
You tell me about your urges.
Well up to now, I've just managed to
urge the body from one place to another.
Well from what I hear, Bill's
done some pretty tall urging.
I hope it's been effective.
Because, Bill's a pretty regular guy.
So it's not only what he's
done for me, it's .. what he is.
I know what you mean.
Oh I .. I'd commit murder for him.
Well, I'm going to
commit marriage for him.
Some people think that's just as bad.
Oh, I'm glad.
Oh Carol .. I'm sorry.
Well, things are certainly
getting tough these days.
You go to sleep when I propose to you.
And keep me waiting an hour
when I come to accept you.
Carol, there's something we've to face.
Bill, let me talk. Please.
This is probably the most
humiliating moment in my life.
I'm broke.
I haven't got a penny.
But darling, I want you to
believe that's not why I'm here.
You see, that's pretty tough for you.
I know what it means to you.
Don't you care, Miss Morgan. Bill would
prefer it that way, wouldn't you Bill?
Well, I'm not quite that selfish.
It's a funny world, Carol. But it seems
to give you a laugh at the right moment.
I can laugh too, Bill.
If you will take me in your arms and
tell me that nothing else matters.
You are in my arms and
nothing else matters.
It was an awful sock on the jaw.
But I'm beginning to feel better.
Well, brace yourself for another sock.
The firm has failed.
It's going under today.
So, I'm out of a job.
Oh, Bill.
I guess the joke is on me alright.
Bill Wade and twenty thousand a year.
Well, you'll get another
job with all your brains.
Oh sure.
Sure, how about it, Mr Metallurgist?
Me good Filipino boy.
Shake 'em up cocktails,
press 'em up pants, shine 'em up shoes.
Keep 'em mouth shut.
I'm not going to pretend
that I'm happy, Carol.
I've been building myself up for ten
years and all I've got is in the firm.
They are certainly trying to keep us
from getting married, aren't they.
Maybe it will turn out alright.
Anyway, we can start out even.
Yes, even.
You take pencils and
I'll take shoestrings.
You take one side of the
street and I'll take the other.
It will be pencils or shoestrings.
Things are pretty tough in
my line right now, but ..
I can get something, even if it's
only 60 or 70 dollars a week.
60 or 70 dollars a week?
Plus marriage.
Plus living our lives together.
That's worth millions, Carol, Isn't it?
Or .. isn't it?
Oh Bill, I love you.
I don't want to live without you.
But don't you see we ..
We couldn't just marry on nothing.
Why not?
I think you'd look awfully
cute in a gingham apron.
Trying to decide or not
whether a potato was boiled.
You don't seem to realize that I've
never had to think about money.
Well then, don't think about it.
I'll think about it.
Two dollars for a taxi.
Two dollars for a license.
Two dollars for a magistrate.
As if that were all.
Two dollars for a dress, two dollars for
a furnished room, two dollars for a ..?
Oh Bill, please don't misunderstand.
I'll wait for you.
I don't see anything
generous in a woman.
Who wants a man to make
a nice, soft spot for her to lie in.
I don't see anything generous of a man
expecting a woman to share his poverty.
The kind of woman I want thinks more
me than she does of dollars and cents.
Don't call me a kind of a woman.
Will you come to City Hall this minute?
This minute? Why this minute?
Because I'm leaving for Chicago tonight.
I think I've got an opening there.
Do you want to go with me or not?
Chicago tonight? Bill, I can't.
Please, give me just a week.
Not a week, not an hour.
Yes or no, now!
Bill, you're insane.
I ..
That's all the answer I need.
Wait for me, will you Tony.
I've got a couple of things to clean up.
You might sell the
Rolls Royce first, Carol.
I never did like that upholstery.
Why didn't you talk him out of that? He
was waiting for you to come through.
Goodbye Mr Anthony Wade.
Who people call Tony.
But now is the time he needs you.
Have you ever been to Palm Beach, Tony?
People who get married when
they're broke stay married.
Of course it's late for Florida, but
some amusing people will still be there.
Well, I'm glad Bill lost his job.
Smart people, Tony. Rich people
with great, lovely houses.
You're a useless good-for-nothing!
A nice, soft bed to lie in, Tony!
Don't be so glum, kid.
I'm the one that's lost his job.
Not you.
You're headed for ..?
What's the name of that place?
Lake Joflore
New river country. Yukon.
Ah yes .. the spell of the Yukon.
Where men are men and
women are few and far between.
I've taken my fun where I've found it.
I'm sick of the taste of champagne.
Thank God, when I'm skinned to a finish.
I'll hike to the Yukon again.
Whenever you wisecrack so
much, I know you're unhappy.
What, Bill Wade unhappy?
Say, I'm glad I got my sock on
the jaw when I was still young.
It doesn't hurt so much.
Well, I mean that girl.
What girl?
Shall we be a couple of strong, silent
he-men and not talk about that anymore?
She's no good, Bill.
She's just a cold, mercenary type.
Born to be a .. courtesan.
And she'll end up on the streets.
Stop it!
Stop it or your big brother will have
to wash out your mouth with soap.
Can't you see that she's all glitter?
And inside, no real character.
She's alright, Tony.
She just doesn't know it yet.
Maybe this will be a lesson to her.
[ Tannoy ]
"Midland Express now ready on track 4."
That's me.
You pay for the coffee, will you.
Your train doesn't leave until nine.
Don't bother to come along. We've had
enough "hail and farewell" stuff today.
You'll take care of yourself, Bill?
Sure .. bye-bye and good luck.
If you want to get in touch with me drop
me a line at the club. They'll find me.
Goodbye, Bill.
Cut out that sob stuff.
Your big brother will have
to sock you on the jaw.
So long.
Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.
All down.
Number 8. Black and even.
What's the matter, Miss Morgan?
Aren't you betting?
I can't make up my mind.
13 hasn't won once tonight.
Shoot the one on 13.
It's bound to drop this time.
How do you know?
It's my house and it's my wheel.
Listen, buddy.
Drop that pill into pocket 13 or
you don't work here no more.
Go on then.
Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.
All down.
One red. Five.
Tough luck.
What's a couple of
centuries to Carol Morgan?
You keep on playing 13.
Everything in the world comes to you.
If you wait long enough.
Not always, Mr Blainey.
Oh Bill, where are you?
I never knew how lucky I was when
you wanted me to marry you.
Lucky? Yes.
Yes, Mrs Blainey?
Miss Morgan, I am surprised.
I'm shocked!
You have been borrowing money
from my friends, and I resent ..
I'll pay them all back.
And how, may I ask?
Well, I'm ..
Expecting a check from a friend of
mine in New York at any moment now.
Well, that's funny.
I gave you $1,500 for the privilege to
say that Carol Morgan is my house guest.
Well, you cheated me.
Your name isn't worth anything anymore.
You are just a social panhandler.
Do you think I'd come here for $1,500?
For $15,000 if I had
any other place to go?
I've lived on, sponged on, and borrowed
from friends until they hate me.
And that Mrs Blainey, is why you've the
privilege of having me as your guest.
I've talked this over with my husband.
Now, you get out of here tomorrow.
I'll get out of here tonight.
That's even better.
Hey, hey. What's the idea?
Well, there is nothing like a
walk for making you sleepy.
Oh a glass of fizz has
the same effect on me.
Will you have some?
No thank you.
Bad for the figure.
Hey, you must be going for a long walk.
You've got your nightgown with you.
Oh, my jewel-case.
It never leaves me.
You can't trust the service
at those cheap shops.
Suppose someone is listening.
Sit down. I want to
have a talk with you.
Oh Mr Blainey, the hour is late.
And the situation compromising.
Did my wife ask you to leave?
Why no. She begged me to stay.
So you're running away tonight.
Walking away, Mr Blainey.
And you haven't a dime in the world?
Not even railway fare.
Girl, I admire you. You've got guts.
Oh Mr Blainey.
A gentleman would say intestines.
Go on .. sit down and stop acting.
Sit down, huh.
Here you are.
You know .. I'm no gentleman.
I'll keep your secret.
But I want to be one.
And you can show me the way.
I believe there is a book published:
"How to be a gentleman."
Paper, fifty cents.
Leather, two dollars.
Oh stop it. I'm crazy about you
and I want to give you the job.
The hours are too long, Mr Blainey.
I don't pretend to be in love with
my wife. But she is my wife.
I've given her the
best years of my life.
And as long as she behaves
herself, I'll take care of her.
The first thing a gentleman learns is to
avoid mentioning his domestic affairs.
Sit down, sit down.
I know you're up against it.
But you're a swell. A real lady.
Why ..
If not for this depression I'd have no
chance with a high-class dame like you.
It's an ill wind.
But the depression is over, Mr Blainey.
The panic is now on.
So I don't believe I
care to buy your violets.
I'm a born gambler, Miss Morgan.
You keep playing the 13, Mr Blainey.
And I want to help you.
Now here's 1,000 dollars.
Mr Blainey, I couldn't take it.
It's alright now. There is
no strings attached to it.
You'll pay me back when you can.
Don't buy that book, Mr Blainey.
You are a gent .. if ever I've seen one.
You know .. my wife wasn't sore at you.
She was only jealous of
the high class competition.
Oh .. reassure her, Mr Blainey.
Reassure her.
Now that's what I call class.
How is my baby?
I've got a wretched headache.
Must I pretend?
Or else.
What do you want to
do after dinner, baby?
Let's get drunk.
Okay by me.
That's the girl. That's the girl.
Send her away. Send her away.
I won't need you anymore
tonight, Amanda.
And smile, baby .. smile baby.
Yes, smile baby.
Play something for me.
What will you have?
Beethoven, Grieg, Chopin?
I've got good news for you.
You are going away?
And you, too.
We're alone for six weeks.
You sold your family on
Honolulu at last, did you?
Yes, sir.
My wife is a fine woman.
But she cramps my style.
Wake up.
You know what this means?
We're going to Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo.
It will be like a honeymoon, baby.
Monte Carlo.
Hurray! Champagne, Blainey.
I always promised myself Monte Carlo.
What is it like, baby?
Monte Carlo?
You doze in the sun, you
swim in the moonlight.
The Mediterranean.
You didn't know much about the
Mediterranean did you, Blainey?
It's blue.
It's so blue you want to dive
into it and never come up.
That's what I want to do, Blainey.
Come here. Come here.
Now, don't run away.
You never saw me dive, did you Blainey.
You old devil, I like you this way.
You'll like me when you
see me dive, Blainey.
Look! Look .. I'll wear a
new bathing costume. White.
And I'll stand high on the board
like this, and I'll dive .. oh ..
It's true, Blainey.
And I'm going to dive
in and never come up.
There is a gentleman here, Miss Morgan.
I told him you weren't in,
but he insisted on seeing you.
His name is Mr Wade.
They told me you weren't
in but I knew better.
After all .. Bill Wade is Bill Wade.
Bill Wade.
You're looking as lovely as ever.
And you the same, Bill.
Older my girl, and sadder.
And wiser?
How did you find me?
I saw you on the boulevard and
took the number of your car.
You're you .. yourself.
Me myself.
Oh Bill .. where have you been?
Looking for you.
Remember the house?
And old Joseph?
How he always waited up.
How we always used to send him to bed.
Suppose you let me in on the joke.
Mr Wade - Mr Blainey.
How do you do?
Champagne, Bill?
You know, when you came in,
we were drinking to the future.
Her future and mine.
Here you are, Bill.
See how it bubbles?
Millions and millions of bubbles.
I've had too much to drink, Bill.
Drinking it was easy.
Oh, get some more
champagne will you, Blainey.
Ah no. Later.
Mr Blainey, I don't know who you are.
But this lady happens to be a lady.
If you know what I mean, which I doubt.
Bill, I ..
Alright, Mr smart-guy.
And this apartment happens
to be my apartment.
If you know what I mean.
And I think you do.
Oh, I see.
I'm sorry .. I didn't understand.
Bill .. Bill!
Let me go. Let me go!
You hurt me.
Nobody could hurt you.
Get up.
What's the matter with you?
You ain't walking out on me.
Don't I treat you right?
What with all the swell
clothes and jewelry.
And I'm going to take you
to Europe .. to Monte Carlo.
I don't even get sore
when you act snooty.
Where are you going to find
anybody as generous as me?
Now, wait a minute.
Don't kid yourself. You can't
square this with that boy.
You're right, Blainey.
I know I can't.
But if I try hard enough.
Maybe I can square it with myself.
You had better come
back and get your key.
But my dear Miss Morgan.
We haven't enough business to
keep these young women going.
We don't need employees.
We need customers.
Can't you read English?
The sign says "experienced".
Write your name on a piece of
paper and take it home with you.
And what would I do
with you? Look at you?
Sorry, folks.
That's all there is today.
Try again tomorrow.
Oh God.
Give us this day our daily bread.
So, it's pay or get out. See?
My husband is sick and
we've got to rent this room.
I'll pay you when I ..
I've listened to you jabber
about jobs for the last time.
But I won't tell you again.
Oh. Fresh, ain't you.
Well, "fresh". You can get out tonight.
Nothing matters when you
haven't eaten for two days.
Ain't you got any folks?
Well, I know a lady ..
Thank you. No.
You wouldn't have to ask me twice.
Say .. you've got pretty feet.
It's mostly the shoes that
make pretty feet, I always say.
I'll give you the room for another
week if you'll give me the shoes.
Throw in a dollar, cash?
Cash? You're crazy.
Well .. they cost 55 dollars.
And if you tell my husband,
I'll skin you alive.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and cry.
Nobody will care.
I'm here .. it's Bill.
Funny, isn't it.
Oh Bill.
Don't let go of me.
Don't ever let go of me.
My soup is getting cold.
I ..
Haven't had anything
to eat for two days.
The smell of food made
me feel a little bit sick.
Here you are.
Blow on it now, it's kinda hot.
Well, Bill Wade.
How have you been?
I'm still the luckiest guy in the world.
I got a job.
Oh. What do you do?
It doesn't matter. Does it.
How would you like to
be a truck driver's wife?
Don't you remember?
That apartment?
What apartment?
It's funny. I don't seem to remember.
You must be dreaming.
Will you marry me, Carol?
Oh, Bill.
Are you sure?
Have you really forgotten that ..?
That man?
From this moment on, we start fresh.
What's behind us is behind us forever.
From now on, let me catch you ..
Don't let me.
I think I'd kill you.
I think I'd want you to.
You see Bill, I ..
I have changed.
I haven't got much money.
Tomorrow is payday at the
National Trucking Corporation.
Wait a minute, Mr Truck Driver.
Let me see.
Five .. ten.
Forty, fifty.
You've got a man in there.
Aha, the house detective.
I don't care what my tenants do outside.
But this is a respectable house.
An eminently respectable house, my lady.
We're married.
Don't give me any of that guff.
Look. At midnight, across the line.
The papers, lady. The papers.
We hitch-hiked our way in a Ford.
And came back in a milk truck.
It wasn't milk, it was
whiskey in white bottles.
And the most charming milkman,
I beg your pardon, whiskey-man.
Presented the bride
and groom with a pint.
Lady, do you suffer from falling
hairs or disappointed affections?
Oh, Bill.
I wonder if this will cure anything.
I hope he can take better care
of you than you can of yourself.
Darling, she's congratulating us.
Dear lady, your good wishes bring a
tear to my eye and a lump to my throat.
Now let me see, two glasses.
The ladies get the glasses.
And I get the tooth-mug. Great.
A tooth-mug gives added flavor.
I'd rather you paid your next week's
rent instead of a wedding ring of gold.
It cost a quarter.
Modern drugstores give service.
And when I say service, I mean service.
Why, they even wanted
to sell us a go-kart.
What's he doing living here with you?
Well, they wouldn't let me
in where he'd been living.
Aha .. and why?
You see, I have been sharing an
apartment with three other millionaires.
Down at the YMCA.
Drink your soup. It's getting cold.
Down the rat-hole.
Maybe I'll be getting
my rent regular now.
Lady, I lost my job two hours ago.
That's why we got married.
You're a couple of lunatics.
Certainly we are.
Only I'm crazier than he.
The room will be two
dollars a week more. Double.
We owe you five dollars
then, instead of three.
Great. It's okay with me. A good husband
is worth two dollars a week anytime.
Madam, if you will invest ten or fifteen
million dollars in these oil wells.
In 28 or 42 years.
You will have a fortune.
I don't want oil-wells, special lotions,
steel bridges or corn cures. Go away.
Madam, I don't come
here to take your money.
I come here to do you good.
I am a bearer of glad tidings.
You've got a job?
No. But I got a bottle of cream.
You pawned the diamond necklace.
No. No, ma'am.
No ma'am. I stole it.
Well, why didn't you
steal some sugar, too?
Say, give me a chance
to get my hand in, will you.
Is it very difficult to steal cream?
No, no. It's a cinch.
The family leave town and
forget to notify the milkman.
Leave cream forlorn and abandoned.
Sneak up behind cream
when cream isn't looking.
Put cream in pocket and carry
cream to nice, warm home.
But no job, Bill?
No. No job.
Plenty of promises, but no job.
And who cares, says we.
Says "we"? What a very
vulgar expression.
"Says us".
Who cares, says "us".
Hmm .. we've had jobs before.
Two in Chicago and three in New York.
It's no novelty to us, getting jobs.
No novelty getting fired, either.
And who cares, says was .. "we".
Other than the landlady.
Say, has Mrs Santa Claus been up here,
bothering you about that rent again?
No, not half as you
Britishers say. Not half.
[ Door knocks ]
Mrs Mandel, don't tell me the old income
tax man has been bothering you again.
No, but I brought this up.
It looked important.
Bill. A job .. a job!
Bill's got a job, Bill's got a job.
Bill's got a job, Bill's got a job.
Bill's got a job, Bill's got a job.
Listen, you two.
If you want to cook in this room.
You ought to have sense
enough to open up a window.
Says, Mrs Mandrel. Yeah?
You know, if you're not careful.
Somebody is going to creep up
on you and slip you some rent.
Maybe the work at the warehouse will
for once slow the slick tongue of yours.
Well I would have preferred something
in literary or banking circles.
But after all, there is a certain
dignity in the warehousing profession.
Banking ain't so good
these days, either.
Hey, where are you going?
I've got to go and sneak
up on some more cream.
Oh Bill, you've got a job.
Hey, buddy.
You mustn't go there. You were going
in the wrong place. Weren't you?
No, I was just going in to
see a dog about a man.
Hey, before you buy a dog,
will you talk to us?
You want to take on driving a truck?
Look brother, we used
to drive for Maritime.
On account of so many men looking for
work they cut our pay nearly 50 percent.
Yeah, and we're having a little trouble.
Far be it for Bill Wade to take
any man's job away from him.
But I'm desperate.
Yeah, and we're desperate, too.
Now here's our position, you work all
hours, night and day. Rain and snow.
And at the end of the week,
you haven't got a living wage.
And I haven't got any wage.
Anything is better than nothing.
Now look, brother.
If we can keep them from driving
the trucks for a few more days.
We can get a break.
I don't want to pull this sob stuff.
But it's down to a question of
keeping a roof over your head.
And getting milk for your babies.
Yeah, it's tough.
But look at my position.
I've been married four months and I gave
my wife my last 50 cents this morning,
Fellah, you'd better listen to reason,
or else something will happen.
Under the circumstances.
Some of us family men might
get a little bad-tempered.
Yeah, I get what you mean
and I don't blame you.
If anything happens,
I'm not the one to squeal.
But I'm going to go home tonight
with money in my pocket.
Okay, fellah.
I hope nothing happens to you.
Hop to it.
Sorry it had to be you.
Well, I suppose I'll be seeing you soon.
So you're going through with it, buddy?
Still want to lead with your chin?
Hey, are you alright?
I guess he's hurt.
Are you alright, buddy?
I guess they meant it.
You better come over here and sit down.
I'm alright.
Bill. What's the matter?
What's happened?
The most amazing thing.
Surprise of the century.
Bill Wade brings home
five dollars .. cash money.
Oh Bill darling, you're hurt.
What is it? What happened?
A fellah gave Bill a truck.
Truck didn't like Bill.
So truck ran away with Bill.
Finished up today's work and
bring home five dollars cash.
Oh darling, don't talk. Come
and lie down. I'll get a doctor.
Oh no, no. You ought to
be ashamed of yourself.
Doctors cost money.
I'm alright .. look.
I'm all ready to go out .. dancing.
Oh, Bill .. Bill!
Oh Bill, you are hurt.
Oh tell me about it, darling.
What happened?
Oh Bill, please talk to me.
Bill, open your eyes.
Darling, look at me.
Mrs Mandel!
Mrs Mandel!
Mrs Mandel!
Look here.
Could you give me something to do?
I need work badly.
Listen. My husband is ill.
My life is in crisis.
I've got a girl over there tonight.
She's got four kids, all under six.
I'll do anything.
I must have money.
I can't let him die.
I'll scrub floors .. wash dishes.
Yeah? It's tough, girly. I know.
Want a bowl of soup, or a cup of coffee?
Do you think I could eat?
The doctor didn't say whether I was to
use the money to get the things, did he.
Well, with half of the rooms empty
and nobody paying their board.
I can't do a thing no more.
Oh, you've been splendid.
You aren't going to die, Bill.
I won't let you die.
There isn't anything I won't do.
Where are you going?
To the drugstore.
You look a little .. pale.
You've been an angel, Mrs Mandel.
And you'll get your rent.
And every penny you've loaned me.
You forgot your lipstick.
Didn't you?
I'll take care of him while you're gone.
Good luck.
It's funny, ain't it.
All the real things us
women do for our men.
We can't ever tell them about it.
Yes Bill, what is it?
Carol, come here.
Come down here.
Don't go away.
I .. I won't.
Why don't you kiss me?
Do you love me?
Of course.
Let me see.
Have I changed?
Do I look .. different?
You're beautiful.
Oh, my darling.
My heart.
I had a heart once.
I guess you must have it now.
Somehow or other.
It seems to have stopped beating.
Mine is beating, Bill.
Feel it beating .. feel.
Beating so fast.
I'm trying to give you
some of my strength.
So that you can get well.
Hello, mister.
I always send you'd
end in the gutter .. you.
Listen Tony, wait a minute.
You don't understand.
It's because of ..
Get away from me you tramp.
Tony, please. Please. You don't know.
I don't want to know.
Come on with me, sister.
Where are you taking me?
To jail.
What will they do to me?
Six months.
Oh .. oh well.
They used to send girls of your
age to the Morgan Home For Girls.
But that's closed now. Ha.
On account of the depression.
Intoxication makes it three months more.
Listen, officer.
I used to give money to that home.
You? Come on.
No, wait. Really, I can
tell you all about it.
29 percent of those girls went on the
streets because they had a good reason.
What good reason?
So, that's why they had the home.
Instead of sending them to prison.
I've got to do this .. I've got
the best reason in the world.
If you lock me up my husband will die.
You've got a husband?
He's sick. I can't get work.
I've got to have money for him.
Now, supposing I let you go.
Will you promise never to do this again?
Yes, of course I'll promise.
And when my back is turned, you ..
What can we do when we're up against ..?
Then you've got to come along with me.
Can't you see I'd give my heart
and soul to keep that promise?
You might as well.
You ain't going to be any good to
your husband for six months anyway.
Alright then, I promise.
And I'll keep my word.
Wait a minute.
Kiss the cross.
Before God, I promise I'll never ..
I promise I'll never .. do it again.
Say, are you a Catholic?
No, a Presbyterian.
Well, I guess if even a heathen
kisses the cross it's alright.
You're coming with me.
But you said you'd let me go.
Come on.
I promised you, didn't I?
Come on.
Won't you let me go? Please.
Are you familiar with City
Ordinance number 68,437?
I haven't, I think.
Your awning extends eleven
inches further out the law allows.
Well, that will cost about fifty
dollars to have it changed.
Now you see this little girl.
Well, if she was working
here as a waitress.
Every time I'd be coming by,
I'd be smiling in at her.
Instead of seeing your awning.
It's six o'clock, Carol.
I sure am.
Here you are, Mrs Wade.
Oh, thank you.
Sorry it ain't more.
You haven't heard me complain, have you?
No, ma'am.
Well, well. How's the
little lady tonight?
I'm fine thank you, Mr Clancy.
Your husband, is he better today?
Why, he's actually begun to walk around.
That's fine. Then it's entirely
happy you must be now.
Yes .. I'm happy but ..
But what?
I'm grateful that I could take
care of Bill when he needed me.
But now that he's better, there is ..
There is something I've ..
I know what you mean.
More peace to your mind.
Well goodnight, Mr Clancy.
[ Door knocks ]
Go away.
I don't want any rags, any
bones or any bottles today.
I ..
Oh, I've been searching
all over town for you.
It's taken me six weeks to find you.
It's cheaper to move than pay rent.
But you found me.
That makes the day perfect.
Well, how is the kid metallurgist?
Oh great, Bill.
Why .. what's the matter?
You haven't been sick have you?
Oh no, no. I've just got
a pain in my stomach.
When a truck that I was driving,
wrapped itself around me.
Were you driving a truck?
Gosh Bill, things must have
been pretty tough for you.
The last six months haven't
been any bed of roses.
No postmortems. Let's talk about
something else. How are you?
Hey, who do you think I ran into
the first night I got to town?
I don't know.
That girl you nearly married
once .. Carol Morgan.
Carol? Where?
I always said she'd end up on
the streets and she sure did.
Tried to pick me up.
"Hello, mister". And when she
saw who it was .. oh boy.
And did I tell her .. "get
away from me you tramp".
Bill .. I know it's a shock.
Just supposed you'd married her then?
How do you feel now?
Don't talk.
Don't take it so hard, Bill.
Think of what you escaped.
Carol and I were married six months ago.
Any rags, any bones,
any bottles today, mister?
Hello, Tony.
I see. You've told him.
I'm sorry it worked out this way, Bill.
I was going to tell you.
I was only waiting until
you were working again.
So I could tell you and then go away.
It's alright.
I know just how you feel.
I wouldn't expect you
to feel any other way.
I knew that when I ..
When I .. did it.
And if I had to do it all over again.
It would be just the same.
So I'll go.
Bill, this is .. terrible.
Yes .. yes it is terrible.
But it's wonderful, Tony.
I owe my life.
I owe everything that
life may mean to me.
To Carol.
We've been hungry together.
She's cooked my food, washed my clothes.
Taken care of me.
And now .. and now this.
I wondered where the
money was coming from.
It must have taken a
lot to keep me alive.
Carol, you can't go.
I couldn't live without you.
I have to go, Bill.
Don't you see? I have to go.
This never happened.
It doesn't exist.
It's done, it's finished.
No it isn't.
I wish it were.
You are just being noble, Bill. You're
saying these things out of gratitude.
Gratitude? What has
gratitude got to do with it?
We have gratitude for little things.
I can't stay, Bill. I can't stay.
You can't go.
Look, you can't go. My arms are
holding you and my arms are too strong.
Even though my legs are a little weak.
And if you cry ..
I'm not going to tell you the good news.
I've got a job .. a real job.
It may be only 60 or 70 a week.
60 or 70 a week?
Yes, it's in the advertising business.
And don't you say "sausages".
Sausages .. sausages .. sausages ..
We're living in 1932.
But you persist in spending money as
if it were still '29. Before the crash.
You forced me to
eliminate your charities.
Even your father's most beloved project.
The Morgan Home for girls.
I don't believe in delinquent
girls. Silly weaklings.
We know 29% of them went on the streets
as they didn't have a bed to sleep in.
Oh nonsense. They've got no character.
Neglect your character and
you lose your self-respect.
If you go out on to the streets,
you end up in the gutter.
Where, I might add, you jolly
well deserve to end up.
Hello .. hello? Carol?
Hung up on me.
In these days it's .. indecent.
Lok at those.
Lovely girls .. got spoiled.
I hope her first lesson isn't the brutal
relations between money and friends.
Mr William Wade, please.
Miss Morgan speaking.
But Dixon old boy, times are tough.
People aren't spending.
Well, you've got to compose copy
that drags money out of their pockets.
Alright. See me about it
at nine in the morning.
Hello, darling. I've time for
twenty words. No more, no less.
Mr Bill Wade invites Miss
Carol Morgan to dine tonight.
Providing Mr Wade can
get to bed by midnight.
Mr Wade having averaged four
hours sleep a night for the past week.
Hang up on me, would you?
Bill Wade, I'll get you for this.
Out of all the house, this part is me.
Like it?
Yes, yes .. colossal.
Sit down and stay a while.
Here? Uhuh.
Send a man to get me
n about five minutes.
Sleepy, Bill?
Practically Rip Van Winkle.
I've nice feet, haven't I? Huh?
You can't expect a man
to write poetry about feet.
At five o'clock in the morning.
I've never seen you before
with your eyes closed.
I'm 24 years old, and I've taken
pretty good care of myself.
I .. don't drink.
Except half a cocktail, once in a while.
I don't smoke.
I go to church on Sundays.
And .. I'm awfully kind to dumb animals.
And I love you so much.
I know you are awfully busy but ..
Couldn't we just take five minutes
off tomorrow and .. marry?
Oh Bill, marry me tomorrow.
And take me to Monte Carlo.
Where we can doze in the sun.
Swim together in the moonlight.
And be all alone just by ourselves.
The Mediterranean is awfully blue.
Do you think it's very nice to sleep
when a girl is asking you to marry her?
Would you really marry me, Carol?
Am I the luckiest fool in the world?
No .. lucky me.
Any living minute you say.
You mean today, don't you?
Morning Pictorial.
Evening News.
Say, how about seeing Miss Morgan?
And The Times wants her picture.
Come on.
Have a heart.
When Miss Morgan says she
won't see any newspapermen ..
She means she won't
see any newspapermen.
After all, this is The Times ..
Step aside, there.
Good evening, Mr Wade.
It's Wade!
Come on, give us a story.
Morning Pictorial.
Evening News.
How about a story?
What do you want? Little Red Riding
Hood or the story of the Three Bears?
No: "Multimillionaire's granddaughter
marries struggling Ad writer".
Come on, everyone knows.
Winchell spilled it over the radio.
Oh, he did, did he.
Well, you may say for me that
this is the happiest day of my life.
Oh come on, have a heart.
Give us a break.
Could I get a picture of you
climbing out of that Rolls Royce?
Nothing doing.
Well, climbing out of your own car?
Just a little picture.
Now right this way Mr Wade
please .. and smile.
Where will the honeymoon wax and wane?
There will be no honeymoon.
The bridegroom is too busy.
Please, Mr Wade .. and smile.
Are you going to continue working?
No offense, Mr Wade. Just asking.
Mr Wade .. and smile.
The bride and groom will take up
residence in the Morgan mansion?
The bride and groom will
look for an apartment.
Please Mr Wade, could I have a smile?
The readers of the Evening News want to
know who will handle the family finance.
That's an impertinent
question and I refuse.
The Philadelphia heiress who wed a young
artist had a joint checking account.
Listen, my inquisitive friend.
I am not a struggling you artist.
I am the advertising manager
of a thriving corporation.
Please Mr Wade.
Could I have just .. a .. smile?
What corporation is thriving these days?
Lincoln Farburn Sausages Incorporated.
Oh boy, sausages?
What's the matter with sausages?
Sausages are lovely, beautiful, tasty.
That's right. Think of sausages,
Mr Wade .. and smile.
Now get this
Mr William Wade will not accept a
penny of, or derive any benefit from ..
Mrs William Wade's personal
fortune. Directly, or indirectly.
You can print that. There's your smile.
You know what you can do with that.
Okay, Mr Wade, we'll print it.
It's a swell story even
if you don't read it.
I wonder if by any chance I
could get a picture of you?
Sure. I photograph very well, too.
Thank you very much, mister .. Morgan.
Good evening, Mr Wade.
A happy day for us all.
May I offer congratulations?
Thank you, Joseph.
We'll have to be having a front
door key made for you now, sir.
Bill .. Bill.
Hello angel. Sorry to be late.
Oh that's alright. You're here.
Come along dear.
Everyone is dying to meet you.
This is Bill Wade.
Cary Roskerville and Helen Hewitt.
Though I think you may have met before?
Not when I was sober.
Obviously, you don't drink
enough. I'm charmed.
Say, what's all this about a wedding?
People don't get married anymore.
Well these people do, don't they, Bill?
Well, I held out as long as I could,
but she got me at a weak moment.
And was he hard to get? Why,
it took me a year to land him.
Where did she find you, Wade?
I was born here in New York in the wilds
of 179th Street. Been here ever since.
You haven't begun to live yet.
You're not going to waste
your youth on these nitwits.
Come on.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Hey. It's alright, darling.
Yes, but ..
So the gossip is true.
I am going to be married.
And this is it. Bill Wade.
It, them, these and those.
Well, that's the whole story.
Well, I'm so happy,
I can't talk coherently.
The wedding will be in about a month.
And of course, we're going
to ask everybody we know.
How many will that be?
Well, Audrey Cotton had 1,200.
Madison Square Garden holds 17,000.
Better get him on your
yacht quickly, Carol
And hide him in darkest Africa.
I don't trust myself.
I don't trust any of you.
We are sailing for Monte Carlo on
The Princess 2 hours after the ceremony.
Darling, I'm very sorry to
tell you I get very ill at sea.
And when seasickness comes in at
the porthole, love flies out of the ..
Other porthole.
He sounds unromantic,
but that's just his natural modesty.
You ought to see him in a taxi-cab.
Come on Bill, let's get out of here,
before you confess your rheumatism.
Bill, what's the matter?
You've been saying the oddest things.
Carol, you know I can't go to Monte Carlo
on your yacht. I've a job to hold down.
Oh .. the sausage business.
It isn't the sausage business.
It's the advertizing business.
But you will give up the
advertizing business.
I'm going to do nothing of the kind.
Why, darling? I have enough
money for both of us.
Carol, can I have a quarter? I want to
go out and get a package of cigarettes.
Oh don't be silly.
It won't be like that.
Besides, if you .. really love me ..
Wait a minute.
I love you more than I thought
it was possible to love anybody.
I am completely drowned in
a sea of blissful anticipation.
Over the fact that you are
about to become my wife.
I'm sorry, Bill.
I'm not going to even try and tell you.
Men never understand how
much women love them.
Well then, that's all settled, isn't it.
You can take 3 months off to take me to
Monte Carlo for a honeymoon, can't you?
Carol, I can't afford to take 3 months
off and pay for a honeymoon in Europe.
Why can't I pay for it?
I'm marrying you. Not your bank account.
Oh Bill, you're just
being a quixotic fool.
Perhaps I am, but that's
the guy you've got to marry.
Say, is this a private
fight or can anybody join?
No, no fighting.
Come on, Carol. Let's dance.
I want to get as much
use out of you as possible.
While you're still freelancing.
Are we keeping you up?
No. I don't know why I'm so sleepy.
I didn't roll out of bed
till way past noon today.
You lead a hard life.
Well Bill, we'll have plenty of
dances before the evening's over.
The orchestra is going
to play until 4 am.
That's just the shank
of the evening, blessed.
Goodnight, Phyllis.
Happy dreams.
Never mind, Joseph.
Anything more, Miss Carol?
Goodnight, Joseph.
Goodnight, Mr Wade.
Goodnight, Miss Carol.
Goodnight, Joseph.
I ought to be in bed this minute.
But we're going to settle this now.
You've been absurd tonight, Bill.
Carol, you might just as well
make up your mind to one thing.
You are going to live on my income.
Your income?
How much is that?
Twenty thousand a year.
Wait a minute, I'm not apologizing.
I'm not asking you to share my poverty.
I'm mighty lucky to be making
that money in these times.
But that's less than 400 dollars a week.
And you're lucky, too.
You're one girl in ten thousand who can
get a man who's making 400 a week.
Oh Bill, why shouldn't we have
everything out of life that we can?
I refuse to go through
life having people say:
There goes Bill Wade who married
Carol Morgan's millions. Millions.
But you have your own job. I'm very
willing to have you stay with sausages.
Don't say sausages!
Sausages, sausages, sausages!
Your sentiments are very noble, Bill.
But it is your pride speaking.
Who says it isn't?
Do you think I have any pride?
Pride? What in?
In the only things I
can do in my position.
Why should I close up this lovely house
and discharge a lot of good servants?
When it's unnecessary.
I'll tell you why. To be: Mrs Bill Wade.
Oh .. is that final?
Bill Wade on twenty thousand a year.
Well, if you're going to make money so
important, I'll make it important, too.
If you are going to make an issue ..
Of living on your salary,
I shall make an issue ..
Of having the things
I can with my money.
Alright. Consider it settled then.
Well, that suits me.
Great. Maybe I'll get
some sleep for a change.
Maybe you will.
I couldn't leave you like this.
I was going to phone your apartment.
I'm sorry.
Don't talk.
Hold me tight.
What time do you want me to pick you up
tomorrow to go to the license bureau?
Tomorrow? Oh, Bill.
But I can get the wedding
ready in a month.
Carol, darling.
You are in no position
to dictate terms now.
Neither are you.
That's a funny way for you to talk.
You didn't by any chance
plan this deliberately?
How could it have been an accident?
Now darling, we'll get married without
any terms or conditions whatsoever.
We'll get married tomorrow.
And settle down to work out
normal life .. on my income.
Supposing I refuse?
You can't refuse.
Oh, I can't refuse but you can?
If you weren't brought up like
a character out of Arabian Nights.
You'd see my viewpoint.
The viewpoint of a caveman
who moves his wife with a club.
Say, I ought to act like a caveman and
beat some common-sense in to your head.
Yes. That would be just
your idea of matrimony.
To come home late and beat your
wife up because the soup was cold.
I would be so unimportant in this house
as Miss Carol Morgan's husband ..
That if I came home late,
the soup would be cold.
We don't have soup in
the house .. I hate soup.
Ye Gods. We can even
get into a row about soup.
Yes, the row is about soup, and beans
and brooms and laundry and cooks.
With my income I don't intend to mess
about in a small apartment and one maid.
With your money you make me feel like an
immigrant whose wife takes in washing.
Now you listen to me.
This is my ultimatum.
You're giving ultimatums? That's good.
Shut up!
This is one time we are not going
to stand here and argue all night.
Will you do as I wish? Or ..
First, I'll have to burn all the clothes
and jewelry I bought with my own money.
Shut up .. what's your answer?
Oh .. sausages!
Miss Morgan, in the circumstances ..
You should feel very glad that
this is 1932 and not the prim '80s.
I don't see any shotguns around.
So I'll say goodnight.
When you come to
your senses, call me up.
I'll be waiting.
Mr Carter is on the phone.
He wants to make an appointment.
Oh, well tell him I'll drop into
the bank on my way downtown.
And get Mr Wade on the phone at once.
Yes, Miss Morgan.
These extraordinary times
require extraordinary measures.
You try to frighten me.
Carol, you are broke. And there
is no mincing words about it.
But everything can't be gone.
Borrowed on.
Up to the hilt. Beyond the hilt.
Well, sell everything.
Pay off the loans.
You've borrowed over 2 millions on what
was 12 million dollars of security.
Yes. At present market prices ..
When we clear this up you'll only
owe them about half a million more
And that's only one instance.
What am I to do?
First, the house must go.
Sell my house?
Why, you're out of your mind.
You can't do this to me.
Money can't vanish.
Oh, you fools!
Why didn't you save me?
Why didn't you do something?
That's rich.
But .. but what am I to do?
The world is not itself.
Great changes have taken place.
You must endure a great change yourself.
Go to work!
I can't work.
I don't know how.
Thank you.
Oh, I beg your pardon but ..
Mr Wade's secretary sent me in.
Well I'm Bill's brother. Anthony Wade.
Most people call me Tony.
I didn't mean that you would.
You are Carol Morgan, aren't you?
But I would call you Tony.
You don't look as if you
belong in an office.
You've got that wide-open-spaces look.
Well, I'm just hail from Colorado.
Oh good heavens. What does
one do there? Take mud baths?
Well, don't laugh but I'm
going to be a metallurgist.
Laugh? Why, I was never
so impressed in my life.
What particular metal do you "urge"?
Does it take a lot of urging
or does it succumb easily?
It fights you to the bitter end.
Tell me about it.
Well, I'd rather not.
You tell me about your urges.
Well up to now, I've just managed to
urge the body from one place to another.
Well from what I hear, Bill's
done some pretty tall urging.
I hope it's been effective.
Because, Bill's a pretty regular guy.
So it's not only what he's
done for me, it's .. what he is.
I know what you mean.
Oh I .. I'd commit murder for him.
Well, I'm going to
commit marriage for him.
Some people think that's just as bad.
Oh, I'm glad.
Oh Carol .. I'm sorry.
Well, things are certainly
getting tough these days.
You go to sleep when I propose to you.
And keep me waiting an hour
when I come to accept you.
Carol, there's something we've to face.
Bill, let me talk. Please.
This is probably the most
humiliating moment in my life.
I'm broke.
I haven't got a penny.
But darling, I want you to
believe that's not why I'm here.
You see, that's pretty tough for you.
I know what it means to you.
Don't you care, Miss Morgan. Bill would
prefer it that way, wouldn't you Bill?
Well, I'm not quite that selfish.
It's a funny world, Carol. But it seems
to give you a laugh at the right moment.
I can laugh too, Bill.
If you will take me in your arms and
tell me that nothing else matters.
You are in my arms and
nothing else matters.
It was an awful sock on the jaw.
But I'm beginning to feel better.
Well, brace yourself for another sock.
The firm has failed.
It's going under today.
So, I'm out of a job.
Oh, Bill.
I guess the joke is on me alright.
Bill Wade and twenty thousand a year.
Well, you'll get another
job with all your brains.
Oh sure.
Sure, how about it, Mr Metallurgist?
Me good Filipino boy.
Shake 'em up cocktails,
press 'em up pants, shine 'em up shoes.
Keep 'em mouth shut.
I'm not going to pretend
that I'm happy, Carol.
I've been building myself up for ten
years and all I've got is in the firm.
They are certainly trying to keep us
from getting married, aren't they.
Maybe it will turn out alright.
Anyway, we can start out even.
Yes, even.
You take pencils and
I'll take shoestrings.
You take one side of the
street and I'll take the other.
It will be pencils or shoestrings.
Things are pretty tough in
my line right now, but ..
I can get something, even if it's
only 60 or 70 dollars a week.
60 or 70 dollars a week?
Plus marriage.
Plus living our lives together.
That's worth millions, Carol, Isn't it?
Or .. isn't it?
Oh Bill, I love you.
I don't want to live without you.
But don't you see we ..
We couldn't just marry on nothing.
Why not?
I think you'd look awfully
cute in a gingham apron.
Trying to decide or not
whether a potato was boiled.
You don't seem to realize that I've
never had to think about money.
Well then, don't think about it.
I'll think about it.
Two dollars for a taxi.
Two dollars for a license.
Two dollars for a magistrate.
As if that were all.
Two dollars for a dress, two dollars for
a furnished room, two dollars for a ..?
Oh Bill, please don't misunderstand.
I'll wait for you.
I don't see anything
generous in a woman.
Who wants a man to make
a nice, soft spot for her to lie in.
I don't see anything generous of a man
expecting a woman to share his poverty.
The kind of woman I want thinks more
me than she does of dollars and cents.
Don't call me a kind of a woman.
Will you come to City Hall this minute?
This minute? Why this minute?
Because I'm leaving for Chicago tonight.
I think I've got an opening there.
Do you want to go with me or not?
Chicago tonight? Bill, I can't.
Please, give me just a week.
Not a week, not an hour.
Yes or no, now!
Bill, you're insane.
I ..
That's all the answer I need.
Wait for me, will you Tony.
I've got a couple of things to clean up.
You might sell the
Rolls Royce first, Carol.
I never did like that upholstery.
Why didn't you talk him out of that? He
was waiting for you to come through.
Goodbye Mr Anthony Wade.
Who people call Tony.
But now is the time he needs you.
Have you ever been to Palm Beach, Tony?
People who get married when
they're broke stay married.
Of course it's late for Florida, but
some amusing people will still be there.
Well, I'm glad Bill lost his job.
Smart people, Tony. Rich people
with great, lovely houses.
You're a useless good-for-nothing!
A nice, soft bed to lie in, Tony!
Don't be so glum, kid.
I'm the one that's lost his job.
Not you.
You're headed for ..?
What's the name of that place?
Lake Joflore
New river country. Yukon.
Ah yes .. the spell of the Yukon.
Where men are men and
women are few and far between.
I've taken my fun where I've found it.
I'm sick of the taste of champagne.
Thank God, when I'm skinned to a finish.
I'll hike to the Yukon again.
Whenever you wisecrack so
much, I know you're unhappy.
What, Bill Wade unhappy?
Say, I'm glad I got my sock on
the jaw when I was still young.
It doesn't hurt so much.
Well, I mean that girl.
What girl?
Shall we be a couple of strong, silent
he-men and not talk about that anymore?
She's no good, Bill.
She's just a cold, mercenary type.
Born to be a .. courtesan.
And she'll end up on the streets.
Stop it!
Stop it or your big brother will have
to wash out your mouth with soap.
Can't you see that she's all glitter?
And inside, no real character.
She's alright, Tony.
She just doesn't know it yet.
Maybe this will be a lesson to her.
[ Tannoy ]
"Midland Express now ready on track 4."
That's me.
You pay for the coffee, will you.
Your train doesn't leave until nine.
Don't bother to come along. We've had
enough "hail and farewell" stuff today.
You'll take care of yourself, Bill?
Sure .. bye-bye and good luck.
If you want to get in touch with me drop
me a line at the club. They'll find me.
Goodbye, Bill.
Cut out that sob stuff.
Your big brother will have
to sock you on the jaw.
So long.
Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.
All down.
Number 8. Black and even.
What's the matter, Miss Morgan?
Aren't you betting?
I can't make up my mind.
13 hasn't won once tonight.
Shoot the one on 13.
It's bound to drop this time.
How do you know?
It's my house and it's my wheel.
Listen, buddy.
Drop that pill into pocket 13 or
you don't work here no more.
Go on then.
Place your bets ladies and gentlemen.
All down.
One red. Five.
Tough luck.
What's a couple of
centuries to Carol Morgan?
You keep on playing 13.
Everything in the world comes to you.
If you wait long enough.
Not always, Mr Blainey.
Oh Bill, where are you?
I never knew how lucky I was when
you wanted me to marry you.
Lucky? Yes.
Yes, Mrs Blainey?
Miss Morgan, I am surprised.
I'm shocked!
You have been borrowing money
from my friends, and I resent ..
I'll pay them all back.
And how, may I ask?
Well, I'm ..
Expecting a check from a friend of
mine in New York at any moment now.
Well, that's funny.
I gave you $1,500 for the privilege to
say that Carol Morgan is my house guest.
Well, you cheated me.
Your name isn't worth anything anymore.
You are just a social panhandler.
Do you think I'd come here for $1,500?
For $15,000 if I had
any other place to go?
I've lived on, sponged on, and borrowed
from friends until they hate me.
And that Mrs Blainey, is why you've the
privilege of having me as your guest.
I've talked this over with my husband.
Now, you get out of here tomorrow.
I'll get out of here tonight.
That's even better.
Hey, hey. What's the idea?
Well, there is nothing like a
walk for making you sleepy.
Oh a glass of fizz has
the same effect on me.
Will you have some?
No thank you.
Bad for the figure.
Hey, you must be going for a long walk.
You've got your nightgown with you.
Oh, my jewel-case.
It never leaves me.
You can't trust the service
at those cheap shops.
Suppose someone is listening.
Sit down. I want to
have a talk with you.
Oh Mr Blainey, the hour is late.
And the situation compromising.
Did my wife ask you to leave?
Why no. She begged me to stay.
So you're running away tonight.
Walking away, Mr Blainey.
And you haven't a dime in the world?
Not even railway fare.
Girl, I admire you. You've got guts.
Oh Mr Blainey.
A gentleman would say intestines.
Go on .. sit down and stop acting.
Sit down, huh.
Here you are.
You know .. I'm no gentleman.
I'll keep your secret.
But I want to be one.
And you can show me the way.
I believe there is a book published:
"How to be a gentleman."
Paper, fifty cents.
Leather, two dollars.
Oh stop it. I'm crazy about you
and I want to give you the job.
The hours are too long, Mr Blainey.
I don't pretend to be in love with
my wife. But she is my wife.
I've given her the
best years of my life.
And as long as she behaves
herself, I'll take care of her.
The first thing a gentleman learns is to
avoid mentioning his domestic affairs.
Sit down, sit down.
I know you're up against it.
But you're a swell. A real lady.
Why ..
If not for this depression I'd have no
chance with a high-class dame like you.
It's an ill wind.
But the depression is over, Mr Blainey.
The panic is now on.
So I don't believe I
care to buy your violets.
I'm a born gambler, Miss Morgan.
You keep playing the 13, Mr Blainey.
And I want to help you.
Now here's 1,000 dollars.
Mr Blainey, I couldn't take it.
It's alright now. There is
no strings attached to it.
You'll pay me back when you can.
Don't buy that book, Mr Blainey.
You are a gent .. if ever I've seen one.
You know .. my wife wasn't sore at you.
She was only jealous of
the high class competition.
Oh .. reassure her, Mr Blainey.
Reassure her.
Now that's what I call class.
How is my baby?
I've got a wretched headache.
Must I pretend?
Or else.
What do you want to
do after dinner, baby?
Let's get drunk.
Okay by me.
That's the girl. That's the girl.
Send her away. Send her away.
I won't need you anymore
tonight, Amanda.
And smile, baby .. smile baby.
Yes, smile baby.
Play something for me.
What will you have?
Beethoven, Grieg, Chopin?
I've got good news for you.
You are going away?
And you, too.
We're alone for six weeks.
You sold your family on
Honolulu at last, did you?
Yes, sir.
My wife is a fine woman.
But she cramps my style.
Wake up.
You know what this means?
We're going to Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo.
It will be like a honeymoon, baby.
Monte Carlo.
Hurray! Champagne, Blainey.
I always promised myself Monte Carlo.
What is it like, baby?
Monte Carlo?
You doze in the sun, you
swim in the moonlight.
The Mediterranean.
You didn't know much about the
Mediterranean did you, Blainey?
It's blue.
It's so blue you want to dive
into it and never come up.
That's what I want to do, Blainey.
Come here. Come here.
Now, don't run away.
You never saw me dive, did you Blainey.
You old devil, I like you this way.
You'll like me when you
see me dive, Blainey.
Look! Look .. I'll wear a
new bathing costume. White.
And I'll stand high on the board
like this, and I'll dive .. oh ..
It's true, Blainey.
And I'm going to dive
in and never come up.
There is a gentleman here, Miss Morgan.
I told him you weren't in,
but he insisted on seeing you.
His name is Mr Wade.
They told me you weren't
in but I knew better.
After all .. Bill Wade is Bill Wade.
Bill Wade.
You're looking as lovely as ever.
And you the same, Bill.
Older my girl, and sadder.
And wiser?
How did you find me?
I saw you on the boulevard and
took the number of your car.
You're you .. yourself.
Me myself.
Oh Bill .. where have you been?
Looking for you.
Remember the house?
And old Joseph?
How he always waited up.
How we always used to send him to bed.
Suppose you let me in on the joke.
Mr Wade - Mr Blainey.
How do you do?
Champagne, Bill?
You know, when you came in,
we were drinking to the future.
Her future and mine.
Here you are, Bill.
See how it bubbles?
Millions and millions of bubbles.
I've had too much to drink, Bill.
Drinking it was easy.
Oh, get some more
champagne will you, Blainey.
Ah no. Later.
Mr Blainey, I don't know who you are.
But this lady happens to be a lady.
If you know what I mean, which I doubt.
Bill, I ..
Alright, Mr smart-guy.
And this apartment happens
to be my apartment.
If you know what I mean.
And I think you do.
Oh, I see.
I'm sorry .. I didn't understand.
Bill .. Bill!
Let me go. Let me go!
You hurt me.
Nobody could hurt you.
Get up.
What's the matter with you?
You ain't walking out on me.
Don't I treat you right?
What with all the swell
clothes and jewelry.
And I'm going to take you
to Europe .. to Monte Carlo.
I don't even get sore
when you act snooty.
Where are you going to find
anybody as generous as me?
Now, wait a minute.
Don't kid yourself. You can't
square this with that boy.
You're right, Blainey.
I know I can't.
But if I try hard enough.
Maybe I can square it with myself.
You had better come
back and get your key.
But my dear Miss Morgan.
We haven't enough business to
keep these young women going.
We don't need employees.
We need customers.
Can't you read English?
The sign says "experienced".
Write your name on a piece of
paper and take it home with you.
And what would I do
with you? Look at you?
Sorry, folks.
That's all there is today.
Try again tomorrow.
Oh God.
Give us this day our daily bread.
So, it's pay or get out. See?
My husband is sick and
we've got to rent this room.
I'll pay you when I ..
I've listened to you jabber
about jobs for the last time.
But I won't tell you again.
Oh. Fresh, ain't you.
Well, "fresh". You can get out tonight.
Nothing matters when you
haven't eaten for two days.
Ain't you got any folks?
Well, I know a lady ..
Thank you. No.
You wouldn't have to ask me twice.
Say .. you've got pretty feet.
It's mostly the shoes that
make pretty feet, I always say.
I'll give you the room for another
week if you'll give me the shoes.
Throw in a dollar, cash?
Cash? You're crazy.
Well .. they cost 55 dollars.
And if you tell my husband,
I'll skin you alive.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and cry.
Nobody will care.
I'm here .. it's Bill.
Funny, isn't it.
Oh Bill.
Don't let go of me.
Don't ever let go of me.
My soup is getting cold.
I ..
Haven't had anything
to eat for two days.
The smell of food made
me feel a little bit sick.
Here you are.
Blow on it now, it's kinda hot.
Well, Bill Wade.
How have you been?
I'm still the luckiest guy in the world.
I got a job.
Oh. What do you do?
It doesn't matter. Does it.
How would you like to
be a truck driver's wife?
Don't you remember?
That apartment?
What apartment?
It's funny. I don't seem to remember.
You must be dreaming.
Will you marry me, Carol?
Oh, Bill.
Are you sure?
Have you really forgotten that ..?
That man?
From this moment on, we start fresh.
What's behind us is behind us forever.
From now on, let me catch you ..
Don't let me.
I think I'd kill you.
I think I'd want you to.
You see Bill, I ..
I have changed.
I haven't got much money.
Tomorrow is payday at the
National Trucking Corporation.
Wait a minute, Mr Truck Driver.
Let me see.
Five .. ten.
Forty, fifty.
You've got a man in there.
Aha, the house detective.
I don't care what my tenants do outside.
But this is a respectable house.
An eminently respectable house, my lady.
We're married.
Don't give me any of that guff.
Look. At midnight, across the line.
The papers, lady. The papers.
We hitch-hiked our way in a Ford.
And came back in a milk truck.
It wasn't milk, it was
whiskey in white bottles.
And the most charming milkman,
I beg your pardon, whiskey-man.
Presented the bride
and groom with a pint.
Lady, do you suffer from falling
hairs or disappointed affections?
Oh, Bill.
I wonder if this will cure anything.
I hope he can take better care
of you than you can of yourself.
Darling, she's congratulating us.
Dear lady, your good wishes bring a
tear to my eye and a lump to my throat.
Now let me see, two glasses.
The ladies get the glasses.
And I get the tooth-mug. Great.
A tooth-mug gives added flavor.
I'd rather you paid your next week's
rent instead of a wedding ring of gold.
It cost a quarter.
Modern drugstores give service.
And when I say service, I mean service.
Why, they even wanted
to sell us a go-kart.
What's he doing living here with you?
Well, they wouldn't let me
in where he'd been living.
Aha .. and why?
You see, I have been sharing an
apartment with three other millionaires.
Down at the YMCA.
Drink your soup. It's getting cold.
Down the rat-hole.
Maybe I'll be getting
my rent regular now.
Lady, I lost my job two hours ago.
That's why we got married.
You're a couple of lunatics.
Certainly we are.
Only I'm crazier than he.
The room will be two
dollars a week more. Double.
We owe you five dollars
then, instead of three.
Great. It's okay with me. A good husband
is worth two dollars a week anytime.
Madam, if you will invest ten or fifteen
million dollars in these oil wells.
In 28 or 42 years.
You will have a fortune.
I don't want oil-wells, special lotions,
steel bridges or corn cures. Go away.
Madam, I don't come
here to take your money.
I come here to do you good.
I am a bearer of glad tidings.
You've got a job?
No. But I got a bottle of cream.
You pawned the diamond necklace.
No. No, ma'am.
No ma'am. I stole it.
Well, why didn't you
steal some sugar, too?
Say, give me a chance
to get my hand in, will you.
Is it very difficult to steal cream?
No, no. It's a cinch.
The family leave town and
forget to notify the milkman.
Leave cream forlorn and abandoned.
Sneak up behind cream
when cream isn't looking.
Put cream in pocket and carry
cream to nice, warm home.
But no job, Bill?
No. No job.
Plenty of promises, but no job.
And who cares, says we.
Says "we"? What a very
vulgar expression.
"Says us".
Who cares, says "us".
Hmm .. we've had jobs before.
Two in Chicago and three in New York.
It's no novelty to us, getting jobs.
No novelty getting fired, either.
And who cares, says was .. "we".
Other than the landlady.
Say, has Mrs Santa Claus been up here,
bothering you about that rent again?
No, not half as you
Britishers say. Not half.
[ Door knocks ]
Mrs Mandel, don't tell me the old income
tax man has been bothering you again.
No, but I brought this up.
It looked important.
Bill. A job .. a job!
Bill's got a job, Bill's got a job.
Bill's got a job, Bill's got a job.
Bill's got a job, Bill's got a job.
Listen, you two.
If you want to cook in this room.
You ought to have sense
enough to open up a window.
Says, Mrs Mandrel. Yeah?
You know, if you're not careful.
Somebody is going to creep up
on you and slip you some rent.
Maybe the work at the warehouse will
for once slow the slick tongue of yours.
Well I would have preferred something
in literary or banking circles.
But after all, there is a certain
dignity in the warehousing profession.
Banking ain't so good
these days, either.
Hey, where are you going?
I've got to go and sneak
up on some more cream.
Oh Bill, you've got a job.
Hey, buddy.
You mustn't go there. You were going
in the wrong place. Weren't you?
No, I was just going in to
see a dog about a man.
Hey, before you buy a dog,
will you talk to us?
You want to take on driving a truck?
Look brother, we used
to drive for Maritime.
On account of so many men looking for
work they cut our pay nearly 50 percent.
Yeah, and we're having a little trouble.
Far be it for Bill Wade to take
any man's job away from him.
But I'm desperate.
Yeah, and we're desperate, too.
Now here's our position, you work all
hours, night and day. Rain and snow.
And at the end of the week,
you haven't got a living wage.
And I haven't got any wage.
Anything is better than nothing.
Now look, brother.
If we can keep them from driving
the trucks for a few more days.
We can get a break.
I don't want to pull this sob stuff.
But it's down to a question of
keeping a roof over your head.
And getting milk for your babies.
Yeah, it's tough.
But look at my position.
I've been married four months and I gave
my wife my last 50 cents this morning,
Fellah, you'd better listen to reason,
or else something will happen.
Under the circumstances.
Some of us family men might
get a little bad-tempered.
Yeah, I get what you mean
and I don't blame you.
If anything happens,
I'm not the one to squeal.
But I'm going to go home tonight
with money in my pocket.
Okay, fellah.
I hope nothing happens to you.
Hop to it.
Sorry it had to be you.
Well, I suppose I'll be seeing you soon.
So you're going through with it, buddy?
Still want to lead with your chin?
Hey, are you alright?
I guess he's hurt.
Are you alright, buddy?
I guess they meant it.
You better come over here and sit down.
I'm alright.
Bill. What's the matter?
What's happened?
The most amazing thing.
Surprise of the century.
Bill Wade brings home
five dollars .. cash money.
Oh Bill darling, you're hurt.
What is it? What happened?
A fellah gave Bill a truck.
Truck didn't like Bill.
So truck ran away with Bill.
Finished up today's work and
bring home five dollars cash.
Oh darling, don't talk. Come
and lie down. I'll get a doctor.
Oh no, no. You ought to
be ashamed of yourself.
Doctors cost money.
I'm alright .. look.
I'm all ready to go out .. dancing.
Oh, Bill .. Bill!
Oh Bill, you are hurt.
Oh tell me about it, darling.
What happened?
Oh Bill, please talk to me.
Bill, open your eyes.
Darling, look at me.
Mrs Mandel!
Mrs Mandel!
Mrs Mandel!
Look here.
Could you give me something to do?
I need work badly.
Listen. My husband is ill.
My life is in crisis.
I've got a girl over there tonight.
She's got four kids, all under six.
I'll do anything.
I must have money.
I can't let him die.
I'll scrub floors .. wash dishes.
Yeah? It's tough, girly. I know.
Want a bowl of soup, or a cup of coffee?
Do you think I could eat?
The doctor didn't say whether I was to
use the money to get the things, did he.
Well, with half of the rooms empty
and nobody paying their board.
I can't do a thing no more.
Oh, you've been splendid.
You aren't going to die, Bill.
I won't let you die.
There isn't anything I won't do.
Where are you going?
To the drugstore.
You look a little .. pale.
You've been an angel, Mrs Mandel.
And you'll get your rent.
And every penny you've loaned me.
You forgot your lipstick.
Didn't you?
I'll take care of him while you're gone.
Good luck.
It's funny, ain't it.
All the real things us
women do for our men.
We can't ever tell them about it.
Yes Bill, what is it?
Carol, come here.
Come down here.
Don't go away.
I .. I won't.
Why don't you kiss me?
Do you love me?
Of course.
Let me see.
Have I changed?
Do I look .. different?
You're beautiful.
Oh, my darling.
My heart.
I had a heart once.
I guess you must have it now.
Somehow or other.
It seems to have stopped beating.
Mine is beating, Bill.
Feel it beating .. feel.
Beating so fast.
I'm trying to give you
some of my strength.
So that you can get well.
Hello, mister.
I always send you'd
end in the gutter .. you.
Listen Tony, wait a minute.
You don't understand.
It's because of ..
Get away from me you tramp.
Tony, please. Please. You don't know.
I don't want to know.
Come on with me, sister.
Where are you taking me?
To jail.
What will they do to me?
Six months.
Oh .. oh well.
They used to send girls of your
age to the Morgan Home For Girls.
But that's closed now. Ha.
On account of the depression.
Intoxication makes it three months more.
Listen, officer.
I used to give money to that home.
You? Come on.
No, wait. Really, I can
tell you all about it.
29 percent of those girls went on the
streets because they had a good reason.
What good reason?
So, that's why they had the home.
Instead of sending them to prison.
I've got to do this .. I've got
the best reason in the world.
If you lock me up my husband will die.
You've got a husband?
He's sick. I can't get work.
I've got to have money for him.
Now, supposing I let you go.
Will you promise never to do this again?
Yes, of course I'll promise.
And when my back is turned, you ..
What can we do when we're up against ..?
Then you've got to come along with me.
Can't you see I'd give my heart
and soul to keep that promise?
You might as well.
You ain't going to be any good to
your husband for six months anyway.
Alright then, I promise.
And I'll keep my word.
Wait a minute.
Kiss the cross.
Before God, I promise I'll never ..
I promise I'll never .. do it again.
Say, are you a Catholic?
No, a Presbyterian.
Well, I guess if even a heathen
kisses the cross it's alright.
You're coming with me.
But you said you'd let me go.
Come on.
I promised you, didn't I?
Come on.
Won't you let me go? Please.
Are you familiar with City
Ordinance number 68,437?
I haven't, I think.
Your awning extends eleven
inches further out the law allows.
Well, that will cost about fifty
dollars to have it changed.
Now you see this little girl.
Well, if she was working
here as a waitress.
Every time I'd be coming by,
I'd be smiling in at her.
Instead of seeing your awning.
It's six o'clock, Carol.
I sure am.
Here you are, Mrs Wade.
Oh, thank you.
Sorry it ain't more.
You haven't heard me complain, have you?
No, ma'am.
Well, well. How's the
little lady tonight?
I'm fine thank you, Mr Clancy.
Your husband, is he better today?
Why, he's actually begun to walk around.
That's fine. Then it's entirely
happy you must be now.
Yes .. I'm happy but ..
But what?
I'm grateful that I could take
care of Bill when he needed me.
But now that he's better, there is ..
There is something I've ..
I know what you mean.
More peace to your mind.
Well goodnight, Mr Clancy.
[ Door knocks ]
Go away.
I don't want any rags, any
bones or any bottles today.
I ..
Oh, I've been searching
all over town for you.
It's taken me six weeks to find you.
It's cheaper to move than pay rent.
But you found me.
That makes the day perfect.
Well, how is the kid metallurgist?
Oh great, Bill.
Why .. what's the matter?
You haven't been sick have you?
Oh no, no. I've just got
a pain in my stomach.
When a truck that I was driving,
wrapped itself around me.
Were you driving a truck?
Gosh Bill, things must have
been pretty tough for you.
The last six months haven't
been any bed of roses.
No postmortems. Let's talk about
something else. How are you?
Hey, who do you think I ran into
the first night I got to town?
I don't know.
That girl you nearly married
once .. Carol Morgan.
Carol? Where?
I always said she'd end up on
the streets and she sure did.
Tried to pick me up.
"Hello, mister". And when she
saw who it was .. oh boy.
And did I tell her .. "get
away from me you tramp".
Bill .. I know it's a shock.
Just supposed you'd married her then?
How do you feel now?
Don't talk.
Don't take it so hard, Bill.
Think of what you escaped.
Carol and I were married six months ago.
Any rags, any bones,
any bottles today, mister?
Hello, Tony.
I see. You've told him.
I'm sorry it worked out this way, Bill.
I was going to tell you.
I was only waiting until
you were working again.
So I could tell you and then go away.
It's alright.
I know just how you feel.
I wouldn't expect you
to feel any other way.
I knew that when I ..
When I .. did it.
And if I had to do it all over again.
It would be just the same.
So I'll go.
Bill, this is .. terrible.
Yes .. yes it is terrible.
But it's wonderful, Tony.
I owe my life.
I owe everything that
life may mean to me.
To Carol.
We've been hungry together.
She's cooked my food, washed my clothes.
Taken care of me.
And now .. and now this.
I wondered where the
money was coming from.
It must have taken a
lot to keep me alive.
Carol, you can't go.
I couldn't live without you.
I have to go, Bill.
Don't you see? I have to go.
This never happened.
It doesn't exist.
It's done, it's finished.
No it isn't.
I wish it were.
You are just being noble, Bill. You're
saying these things out of gratitude.
Gratitude? What has
gratitude got to do with it?
We have gratitude for little things.
I can't stay, Bill. I can't stay.
You can't go.
Look, you can't go. My arms are
holding you and my arms are too strong.
Even though my legs are a little weak.
And if you cry ..
I'm not going to tell you the good news.
I've got a job .. a real job.
It may be only 60 or 70 a week.
60 or 70 a week?
Yes, it's in the advertising business.
And don't you say "sausages".
Sausages .. sausages .. sausages ..