Far from Heaven (2002) Movie Script
Mother! Mother,
can I sleep over at Hutch's tonight?
Mrs. Hutchinson
gave permission.
Not tonight, David.
Your father and I are going out,
and I need you
to look after your sister.
Aw, shucks.
Now move out of the way
so Mother can park.
Sherry Seeger says they only
cost five or six dollars.
Please, Mother.
Please, can I?
Oh, Sybil, thank heavens.
Well, I knew you were
going to the grocery.
David, please help Sybil
unload the car.
How come Janice
doesn't got to?
Doesn't have to.
Because Janice is carrying
in all her belongings...
and marching straight
upstairs into a bath.
Your father and I have
an engagement tonight, so I want
you to have a nice early dinner.
And help Sybil.
Yes, ma'am.
Sybil, did Mr. Whitaker call
while I was out?
Not since youve been gone.
How do you like that guy?
Mother, can I please get them?
Janice, I said we'd
discuss it with your father.
Now hurry on inside.
David, put your bike away
and help with the groceries.
Where's your jacket?
It's inside.
Well, hello, stranger.
Aren't I seeing you
in about three hours' time?
You are.
But I just left the caterers
and I had to dash over.
Oh, you have
the samples?
You bet.
Oh, come inside.
You just caught me actually.
I could only stay a second.
I still have loads to do.
David, what did
I tell you?
I'm getting the last bag.
And imagine
with the table setting
I showed you.
The aqua trim.
Is that smart?
Oh, yes.
You like?
Well, I'll call the caterer
in the morning, you confirm
with Dorothy on the deposit...
and, honey,
we're in business.
Magnatech '57,
here we come.
You betcha.
Thanks for stopping by, El.
I'll see you at 8:00.
You know Frank--
on the dot.
When you were a little girl,
you looked just like me, right?
So, when I grow up,
does that mean I'll look like you?
I s that what
you want, darling,
to look like me?
Yes, I hope I look
exactly as pretty as you.
What a lovely compliment
coming from my perfectly
lovely daughter.
Where on Earth
is your father?
Sybil, did I leave
my gloves on the hall table?
Yes, I see them.
It's nearly 20 after
and Mr. Whitaker
still hasn't phoned?
I'm at my wits' end.
Oh, thank you, Sybil.
I tried phoning the office
even though I knew
no one would be there.
I certainly hope that's him,
because if it isn't--
Whitaker residence.
This is the
Hartford Police Department...
calling for a Mrs. Frank Whitaker.
Who is it?
The police department.
Yes, am I speaking
with a Mrs. Frank Whitaker?
One moment, please.
Oh, Frank.
Are you all right?
What happened?
Everything's fine.
It was all
just a big mix up--
the whole thing.
But you have to come get me.
They wont let me leave on my own.
Oh, Frank, don't worry, darling.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Is there anything
I can do, Mrs. Whitaker?
Just keep an eye on the children,
please. I don't think I'll be very long.
Big time faggot.
Family man.
Never can tell.
Say, get a load of this one.
You don't see that every day
of the week.
This is your copy, ma'am,
and your receipt.
Thank you.
Oh, Frank.
I tell you one thing--
if it hadn't been for that
snivelling junior cop,
they would have never
gone through this whole charade
in the first place.
Instead of trying to save face--
I saw that guy that they were after,
that loiterer.
But they wouldnt
listen to me.
So, there were
drinks after work?
What do you mean?
They said something,
intoxication level, something--
Christ, I had one lousy cocktail
with Bill after work
going over the portfolio.
Should I be
arrested for that too?
No, of course not, darling.
The whole thing has
just put me in a foul state.
He's fine.
Oh, the car's fine.
Frank says it was
the bumper that got hit.
But you know me,
I can't tell the difference.
Oh, I'm just sorry
we had to miss it.
She was fine.
Said it was all a dreadful bore,
what with Mona Lauder...
and her gossip.
I'm sorry.
Darling, you've nothing
to be sorry for.
It was all just
a silly, wretched mistake.
I'm so tired.
Of course you are.
You sleep now.
The bus is here.
Have a good day at school.
I thought you were going to
have another piece of toast.
It's late. I should
be getting down there.
Can I at least fix you lunch?
No, thank you, dear. I've got
lunch meetings all week.
It's portfolio season.
Sybil, if thats the milkman,
his check is in the drawer.
I'm just glad you're
feeling better, dear.
Thank you, darling.
Pardon me, ma'am, sir.
Mrs. Whitaker, this is Mrs. Leacock.
She said she had an appointment
with you this morning.
Oh, jiminy, I completely
forgot the time.
Please forgive me.
I do apologize,
Mrs. Whitaker,
but candid views are
always the best.
Good-bye, darling.
Good-bye, dear.
Mrs. Leacock.
Pleasure, Mr. Whitaker.
Your husband's
a very charming man,
Mrs. Whitaker.
Thank you. We're rather
fond of him ourselves.
Now, please, wont you come in?
Make yourselves at home.
I suppose
I still can't imagine...
why you would want
an interview with someone
like me in the first place.
Readers of the Weekly Gazette,
Mrs. Whitaker--
women just like yourself--
with families
and homes to keep up.
A good society paper...
need not be a gossip rag.
You are the proud wife...
of a successful sales executive--
planning the parties,
and posing
at her husbands side
on the advertisements.
To everyone here in Connecticut,
you are Mr. and Mrs. Magnatech.
Thank you.
I 'm very flattered.
But, really, my life is like
any other wife or mother's.
In fact, I don't think I've,
I've ever wanted anything--
What is it, dear?
I think I just saw someone
walking through our yard.
What on Earth--
Oh, my--
Mrs. Whitaker, perhaps you
should call the police.
Excuse me.
May I help you?
Who are you?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
My name is Raymond Deagan--
Otis Deagan's son.
I was just taking over
some of his--
Oh, you're Otis's son.
I-I'm terribly sorry
for speaking to you
in that manner.
I-I didn't know
who was in my yard.
Oh, no need.
How is your father?
I know he was in the hospital.
Yes, well,
my father's passed away,
I'm afraid.
Oh, I-I had no idea.
I'm, I'm so very sorry.
Please, accept our
deepest condolences.
Your father was
a wonderful, dedicated man.
Thank you.
Mrs. Whitaker?
The caterer's
on the line.
Oh, thank you, Sybil.
I beg your pardon. Would you
excuse me for just a moment?
Of course.
Mrs. Leacock,
I'm terribly sorry.
Ill just be
one minute more.
That's fine, dear.
Good morning,
Magnatech International?
How may I direct your call?
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
Good morning, Kitty.
Lovely dress
you're wearing.
Thank you, sir.
Good morning,
Marlene, Stan.
Good morning, Mr. Whitaker.
How's the second-best golfer
in Hartford this morning?
Somebody break
the books already?
Don't tell me our wives'
party budgets finally came in.
It's almost as fatal.
Millstein called.
Looks like New York
just shaved a week off
portfolio deadline.
You've got to
be kidding me.
I wish I were.
What are they trying to do,
strangle us to death?
Does Doug know?
Yeah, I called him
first thing.
All right.
Get Doug and the others.
Call a portfolio meeting
for lunch today.
Marlene, see if you can
reschedule the production review
for dinner.
And, uh, could you get
my wife on the phone,
Thanks, Stan.
Mrs. Whitaker is on line one.
Oh, Frank. I'm sorry.
No, no, I understand.
I just wish you wouldn't
overwork yourself, especially after--
I know.
I will.
See you then.
Good-bye, dear.
I'm terribly sorry
about all the interruptions.
Now, where was it
you wanted me?
Just one more
at the fireplace.
That's it.
Now smile.
Isn't that darling?
Hold it.
Well, I guess that
about wraps it up.
Bob, Rick.
You're sure youre all right
getting home, sir?
Thank you, Davis.
But as 2nd in command
of the U.S.S. McMillan,
I do feel equipped
to locate my own car
without cover.
Very good, sir.
Bright and early.
Sir, can you spare
some change, please?
Spare change?
Anything would help.
Spare change?
Where ya headed,
Look out, Jake!
Oh, for heaven's sake.
David, that is the third time
I've told you to turn off that
infernal racket and go to bed.
Can I please just this once?
No, you certainly may not,
and that is final.
Ah, geez.
That is not the kind of language
we use in this house.
Now march.
And don't forget
to wash your teeth.
Feeling better now?
Mrs. White?
The picture?
I thought you really enjoyed
the scene in the gentlemen's lounge.
How about a drink?
I know just the spot.
I'll bet you do.
Identification, please.
Driver's license.
Thank you, sir.
Have a pleasant evening.
Yes, sir.
What can I get you
this evening?
Uh, just a scotch--
neat, please.
Yes, sir.
There you are, sir.
One more of the same.
"So, does the fabled maxim hold
that behind every great man
there resides a great lady?
"In this case, wife, mother
and Mrs. Magnatech herself,
"Cathleen Whitaker
proves that it does.
"A woman as devoted
to her family...
as she is kind to Negroes."
To Negroes?
Let me see that. What on Earth
is that woman thinking?
Cathy? Oh, she's been liberal
ever since she played
summer stock at college...
with all those
steamy Jewish boys.
Why do you think
they used to call her "Red"?
Oh, for heaven sakes.
Let's go inside before
Joe McCarthy comes driving by.
- Uh-oh.
Oh, I love that scarf..
Oh, I'm sure it just
blew behind the house somewhere.
For heaven sakes.
This really
isn't your day, is it?
Did they really
call you "Red"?
Oh, Nancy. Honestly!
Would anyone like
another daiquiri?
Better not.
Oh, no,
one's my limit.
All right, girls.
No more beating around the bush.
Oh, I-- I can't.
Oh, come on.
It can't be that bad.
Um, well, uh--
Mike insists on--
He insists
on once a week.
- Ah, you got off easy.
- Once a week?
Oh, you're lucky.
Ron's more like two or three.
Three, really?
And how.
That's nothing.
Girlfriend of mine--
Shirley Dawson.
Her husband--
every night of the week.
Plus, three more times
on the weekend.
Can you imagine?
It was lovely, Cathleen.
Thank you. Bye.
Bye, girls.
The chicken was divine.
Oh, thanks, El.
I'll call you tomorrow.
All right. Bye-bye.
Could this possibly--
Oh, I'm sorry.
No. You found it.
Yeah, I found it hanging
off one of the birches out back.
It was so windy.
I was going back into the house
and it just sailed off my neck.
I had a feeling
it might be yours.
Who else could have
been so absentminded?
No, no, it's the color.
It just seemed right.
Well, thank you, Mr. Deagan--
for finding it.
Please, call me Raymond.
Thank you, Raymond.
Everything looks wonderful,
by the way.
I think we got everything
pretty much under control.
Well, it can't have
been easy... taking over
for your father so quickly.
Well, between Pop's business,
my, uh, shop...
and taking care
of my little girl,
doesn't leave much time
for reflecting.
I didn't know you had children.
Just the one--
Sarah's her name.
And how old is Sarah?
Well, I'm sure
she's a lovely child.
You and your wife
must be very proud.
Well, um, Mrs. Deagan,
my wife, uh,
passed away when
Sarah was about five.
Oh, Raymond,
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
Sarah and I,
we do just fine.
You know,
I got a picture
of her somewhere.
There she is.
That's my Sarah.
Oh, she's darling.
Look at those eyes.
Now, what's this I hear
about a shop?
Oh, yeah, the plant shop.
It's just a little place
down on Hawthorn.
Started out as
a service for gardeners...
till I opened the store
about six years ago,
and, uh--
Well, it's the only thing
that business degree's
been good for yet.
Why, that's marvellous, Raymond.
You should be very proud.
Well, I am.
Uh, if youre ever
in the neighbourhood,
be sure to stop by.
I certainly will.
All right, then.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
If thats
your father--
Don't worry Sybil,
I'll get it.
you haven't left yet?
Oh, no.
Not again.
All right.
Good-bye, dear.
He isn't
coming home again?
No, he's going to be late.
Father never wants
to come home.
Janice, he most certainly does.
He's just very busy at work and
under a great deal of strain.
Shut up.
Janice, that's enough.
Sybil, you know what?
Wrap up Mr. Whitaker's plate.
I'm going to run down
to the office...
and take it to him myself.
All the way
It's not so very far.
the children are fine.
Knowing Mr. Whitaker,
I'm just saving him another
night of pretzels and coffee.
Thank you.
I'm just dropping
something off for my husband
on the 12th floor.
Mr. Whitaker. Thank you.
All right.
Oh, Frank.
Mr. Maynard...
Left an estimate
for the roof.
I put it
in the kitchen.
Twelve hundred something.
I can't.
I don't--
Eh, you see, uh--
a long time ago,
a long, long time ago,
I had, um,
um, problems--
I just figured that was--
that was it.
I-I never imagined--
You had problems?
You, uh, never
spoke to anyone--
a-a doctor?
No one?
I don't understand.
Neither do I.
What if-- I mean,
there must be people who--
I-I don't know.
I don't know what I--
All right.
Thank you.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker,
this is Dr. Bowman.
Mr. Whitaker,
how do you do?
Mrs. Whitaker,
how lovely.
Thank you.
I suppose we may
as well get started.
Actually, uh, Mrs. Whitaker,
I think it might be best...
if your husband and I
conversed in private.
In private.
Yes, of course.
I think
it would be best.
Certainly, Doctor.
I'll see you later.
I'll see you later, dear.
Today, the general attitude
regarding this sort
of behavior...
is naturally more modern,
more scientific than it
ever has been before.
But for those
who do seek treatment,
who possess the will
and desire...
to lead a normal life,
there still remains
only a scant...
five to thirty percent
rate of success...
for complete
heterosexual conversion.
For many, it's
the treatment itself...
that often changes
the patient's mind.
What does it, uh, comprise of?
- The treatment.
- The treatment's comprised
of psychiatric sessions...
twice a week,
sometimes more.
Just talking?
Though some patients
have explored additional,
more behavioural methods.
- Behavioural?
- Electroshock aversion
therapy for instance.
Or hormonal
rebalancing procedures.
I know this can all seem
rather daunting at first.
I suggest
you take some time.
Think over the various options
we've discussed.
Discuss it with your wife.
No, I already know.
I want to begin treatment.
I can't let this thing...
destroy my life,
my family's life.
I, uh-- I-I know it's a sickness,
it makes me feel...
I promise you, Dr. Bowman,
I'm going to beat this thing.
I'm gonna break it.
So help me God.
Why don't you confirm those
times we discussed with Rosalyn.
I'll see you here
same time next Tuesday.
Thank you, Doctor.
Mr. Whitaker,
Mrs. Whitaker.
Thank you, Doctor.
I'm just proud of you,
that's all.
Don't say that.
Well, I am.
He seems a very decent man,
Dr. Bowman. Dont you think?
I don't know, Cathleen.
I suppose he's decent.
But you must have liked him enough
to want to see him again.
Who else am I going to see?
Well, I'm sure there are
numerous doctors in Hartford
or Springfield if you--
Look, I just
want to get the whole
fucking thing over with!
Can you understand that?
Frank, please don't.
I-I'm sorry.
All right, Cathy, I'm so sorry.
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
Hi, Kitty.
I hope you have
a pleasant day, sir.
Thank you.
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
I found this
in the cupboard, sir.
What's that?
Your office lamp--
the one that was missing.
Should I have
it repaired, sir?
Yes. Yes, thank you, Marlene.
Mr. Whitaker,
Mr. Fine's been waiting.
I didn't see you
sitting there.
Everything all right?
Oh, with me?
Of course.
What's up?
Just picked up
the galleys from the printer.
How do they look?
Great, just great.
Just leave them there.
I'll take a look
first chance I get.
You'll let me know
what you think?
Of course I will.
You're first on my list.
What's it gonna take
to get you back
on that course anyway?
We haven't seen you
for weeks.
I know.
Sunday. No excuses.
All right.
I'll hold you to it.
Thanks again, El.
You sure that's all
I can give you?
Oh, yes. The caterer should
have everything. I just thought
a few extras would be nice.
Oh, don't forget.
The art show is Saturday.
Start working on Frank tonight.
I swear he's the kind of man
you have to pin messages to.
Though I'm sorry to say,
Mona Lauder will be attending.
Turns out her uncle's in town,
some hotshot art dealer from New York.
I think I met him
at one of Mona's soirees.
A bit flowery
for my taste.
How do you mean?
Oh, you know,
a touch light on his feet.
Oh, you mean--
Yes, darling,
he's one of those.
Of course,
I could be mistaken.
Just an impression I got.
You don't care
for them particularly?
Well, no, not particularly.
Not that I actually know any.
Call me old-fashioned,
I just like all the men
I'm around to be all men.
Say, why the third degree?
It's not
the third degree.
I'm just interested,
that's all, in your views.
I read an article
in a magazine.
I'm just delighted
to see you taking interest
in yet another civic cause.
I can see it now.
"Cathleen Whitaker and
her kindness to homosexuals."
Ugh. That word.
See you Saturday--
and bring Frank.
I'll try.
Then Billy Hutchinson stole
a pass at the ten-yard line.
Ran it all the way for a touchdown.
You should a seen it, Pop.
Father, want to see my routine
for the ballet recital?
Hey, I was talking to Pop.
Children, give your father
a moment to eat his dinner.
Would you like
another lamb chop, dear?
Oh, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I have plenty
in the oven.
No, thank you.
I'm, I'm fine.
We're playing Lincoln
on Saturday, Pop--
if youre not working.
That reminds me. This Saturday
is the reception for the modern
art show I told you about,
the one that Eleanor's group
is sponsoring.
Oh, God.
I know how you hate these things,
but I simply have to go.
- Eleanor pleaded with me to ask you.
- Wait, what about me?
No one cares one bit
what I'm doing Saturday.
David, I'm sorry.
But this Saturday
your mother has an engagement
that simply cannot be changed.
Well, Pop could come.
Couldnt you, Pop?
Well see, David.
Janice, could you please
pass the butter?
Thank you.
Eisenhower was determined to
keep the troops there until--
...satisfactory or
unequivocal assurances that--
Did you see him?
You didn't say a word.
So how did it go
with Bowman?
Did you feel--
It was fine.
And there's nothing else
you care to share with
your very own adoring wife?
Cathleen, what I discuss
with this doctor--
it's private, all right.
- That's part of it.
- Oh, I understand, darling.
I do.
Frank, wait till you
see the hors d'oeuvres.
The caterer's doing,
just such a marvellous job.
I think youre going to be
so pleased this year, darling.
I really do.
Eleanor, darling,
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Cathleen, darling.
Hello, Mona.
Uh, I want to introduce you
to my uncle, Morris Farnsworth,
that wickedly successful
Gotham art dealer...
who was kind enough to attend
our provincial little gathering.
Morris, darling,
allow me to introduce you...
to my dear little friend,
Cathleen Whitaker,
whose face and civic fancies
are hardly strangers...
to the society pages
of Hartford.
Oh, Mona. Really,
you must ignore her,
Mr. Farnsworth.
I do hope
you enjoy your stay.
Morris was just telling us
the most delightful tale...
all about
a forged Rembrandt.
Cathy, don't let us keep you.
I know you want to see the show.
I am dying to see it.
Oh, yes, dear,
simply charming.
Eleanor, you should
be so proud.
Thank you, Mona.
It was lovely to meet you,
Mr. Farnsworth.
Likewise, my dear.
Wife of Hartford executive...
communing with Picasso?
Mrs. Leacock, it's lovely
to see you again.
And how is that
charming husband of yours?
Oh, he's very well.
Thank you.
Um, would you excuse me
just a moment?
Oh, certainly, dear.
Thank you.
Raymond, what a tremendous
surprise finding you here.
Mrs. Whitaker, hello.
Is this your daughter?
Yep, this is my Sarah.
Hello, Sarah.
-Bobby, get over here!
- Say, Sarah,
isn't that Hutch
and his little brother
I see playing out front?
You remember them,
dont you, baby?
Oh, sure you do.
The day we went
to the Hutchinson house.
Oh, yeah.
What do you say
you go out and see if theyd
like to play for a while?
Ah, go on.
For Daddy?
Oh, Raymond, she's lovely.
Thank you.
Well, how on Earth did you
find out about this show?
Well, I do
read the papers.
W-- No, of course you do.
I just meant that it's--
it's such a-- it's a coincidence.
I know.
I was just teasing you.
Because, you know,
I'm not prejudiced.
My husband and I
have always believed in
equal rights for the Negro...
and support the N.A.A.C.P.
I'm glad to hear that.
I just wanted
you to know.
Well, thank you.
Oh, not at all.
Straighter, Tommy!
You got to throw it straighter.
And hard.
One, two, three, go!
It's too heavy..
On the back.
Your airplane.
Who asked you?
Come on, Bobby.
So, what's your opinion
on modern art?
Uh, it's hard
to put into words really.
I-I just know what I care for,
and, and what I don't.
Like this-- I don't know
how to pronounce it.
I don't know why,
but I just adore it.
A feeling it gives.
I know that sounds
terribly vague.
No, no, actually it confirms
something I've always wondered
about modern art, abstract art.
What is that?
That perhaps it's just
picking up where
religious art left off,
somehow trying
to show you divinity.
The modern artist just pares it
down to the basic elements
of shape and color.
But when you look
at that Mir,
you feel it just the same.
Why, that's lovely,
T o tell the truth,
I've always preferred
the work of the Masters.
Would you excuse me
a moment?
Oh, certainly.
Oh, El, honey,
everything looks just marvellous.
Cathy, who on Earth is that man?
You have this whole place in a clamour.
For heaven sakes why?
Because of that ridiculous story?
Who is he?
He's Raymond Deagan,
Otis Deagan's son.
Your gardener?
He passed away and Raymond's
taken over his business.
You certainly seem
on familiar terms with him.
Oh, "familiar terms"--
What does that mean?
He happens to have some very
interesting views on Mir.
Oh, jeepers, look at the time.
I have to fly. I'm having the
carpets cleaned for tomorrow--
What time are
the caterers showing?
They said 4:00.
I'll come early,
for moral support.
You're a doll.
So glad you could make it.
Come in. Come in.
Not to say that I'm against integration,
mind you.
I do believe
it's the Christian thing to do.
But I still say
what happened in Little Rock...
could just as easily
have happened here in Hartford.
- Nonsense.
- Well, why is that?
Well, for one thing,
there's no Governor Faubus
in Connecticut.
But the main reason,
there are no Negroes.
No, but there are some...
rather dangerous pro-integration
types right here in Hartford.
Oh, yes.
Some very attractive ones, in fact,
noted, I'm told,
for their kindness to Negroes.
Oh, Dick, stop.
Where on Earth did you
hear about that?
Shirley read it to me.
I should have known.
- What's all this?
- Absolutely nothing.
Now, let me freshen those.
Excuse me, please.
Oh, by golly, there she is now,
the "purist" gal in the room.
Oh, Stan,
liquor brings out the Texan in you.
I hope Eleanor isn't listening.
So what if she is. I still say
Frank is the luckiest guy in town.
Hear! Hear!
It's all smoke and mirrors, fells.
That's all it is.
You should see her
without her face on.
- Frank!
-No, he's absolutely right.
We ladies are never what we appear,
and every girl as her secrets.
I'll say.
How about this girl getting
her husband another drink?
Darling, dont you think
you've already had enough?
No, I don't think I've had enough--
I'd just like to take a moment
to raise a glass to our
marvellous host and hostess...
and another
glorious annual party
at the Whitakers.
To Frank and Cathy,
truly Mr. and Mrs. Magnatech.
Hear! Hear!
My goodness.
Thank you very much.
Now, who can I
freshen up? Ron?
No, I'm fine.
Oh, I think youre
fresh enough.
All right.
Here, Mrs. Whitaker,
let me take that for you.
Thank you, Sybil.
is everything all right?
Why? What do you mean?
Frank-- I've never
seen him so soused.
Oh, he's been working so hard lately.
He's under tremendous strain.
You sure that's all?
Oh, yes.
You'd tell me
if there was anything more?
Of course I would.
Well, Cathy,
I think we just threw ourselves
one class-"A" swanky function.
It did turn out nicely,
didn't it?
Cathleen, darling, you've simply
outdone yourself once again.
Thank you so much.
Well, if I do say so myself,
it was a lovely party,
all considering.
I just wish...
it didn't have to turn ugly...
in front of our friends.
Honestly, Frank,
if you didn't insist on--
What is it?
Oh, Frank.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus!
What's happening?
I can't even--
Frank, it doesn't matter.
The important thing
is to keep, to keep trying.
I'm sure, you know,
Dick Dawson wouldn't mind
lending his services
every once in a while.
Oh, Frank.
I mean, you wouldn't
mind that so much,
would you?
A good-looking guy
like Dick.
Maybe even Stan
would pitch in.
Frank, you're the only man
that I've ever wanted.
Just let go.
Frank, Frank, you're--
You're all men to me.
You're all man.
Stop it!
Cathy. Cathy, I'm sorry.
Oh. I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to.
It's all right.
I'm-I'm all right.
It was an accident.
Are you bleeding?
Oh, just--just the littlest bit.
Perhaps, um, you could get me
some ice, dear.
Some ice?
I-I know.
Uh, um, it's all right.
I'm all right.
Hey, there, hon. Listen.
I can't stay. I'm meeting Stan
for lunch at the club.
Oh, that sounds like fun.
Can't believe I let you
get away without these.
It's cute, your hair that way.
Oh, yeah?
I experimented.
Oh, it's adorable.
Oh. Whoopsie.
What happened to your head?
Oh, nothing.
I-- I hit the door.
It was
the silliest thing.
Did something happen
between you and Frank?
What do you mean?
I'm your best friend.
Nothing happened.
Nothing at all.
Oh, Cathy.
Cathy, I'm your dearest
and closest friend in the world.
You call me-- day or night.
You hear?
Mrs. Whitaker?
Is there anything I can do?
You sure?
I'm-- I'm fine.
I just, um--
I-It's a difficult time
with my husband.
Oh. It happens with married people.
I know it does. Im just--
Its just embarrassing.
Please forgive me.
Forgive you?
Mrs. Whitaker, listen.
I have to pick up some shrubs
from a farmhouse just out of town.
Which means I gotta get a move on.
Why don't you
come along for the ride?
Some fresh air,
change of scenery...
might help you
take your mind of things.
Ooh. Oh, no.
I, uh--
I couldn't. Uh--
Thank you, Raymond,
for offering.
You're very kind.
You sure?
Mrs. Whitaker?
Oh. Yes, Sybil?
It's Mrs. Barker
on the phone.
I'll be right there! Oh.
Mm. I have to get back.
Oh, not at all. Um, well,
I-- I was planning on
picking them up at 5:00.
You'd like to switch
for Thursday?
I don't see why that
would be a problem.
Um, No. I'm glad
I could be of help.
Bye now.
Mrs. Whitaker.
Oh, wouldnt you know it.
I just received a call and
suddenly everything's changed.
Anyway, I--
You changed your mind.
Well, good.
Thank you very much,
Mr. Deagan.
Thank you.
Oh, it's lovely.
What is it?
well, flowering witch hazel.
Fairly rare in these parts.
It's beautiful.
You were right.
What a perfectly
lovely spot.
Is that a path?
I think so.
Let's have a peek.
All right.
Sometimes it's the people
outside our world...
we confide in best.
But once you do... confide,
share with someone,
they're no longer
really outside, are they?
Oh. Look!
How lovely.
Did he cause that?
He didn't mean to strike me.
I am so sorry.
No. Heaven knows
we all have our troubles.
I'm sure you,
I don't know.
Ever since running into you
at the exhibition,
I kept wondering
what it must be like...
to be the only one
in a room.
Colored or...
whatever it was.
How that
might possibly feel.
I'm sure I've--
I've never--
I suppose you sort of
grow accustomed to it over time.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
There is a world,
even here in Hartford,
where everybody
does indeed look like me.
Trouble is, very few people
ever leave that world.
I only want what every father
wants for his child.
The opportunities growing up
I never had.
But I tell you something.
If youre really interested--
Oh, I am.
You hungry? I mean,
could you eat something?
I suppose I could.
Tell you what,
I'm gonna take you
to one of my favourite spots.
On good days,
it's got hot food,
cold drink,
and just about
discernable music.
It's hard
to beat that.
There you go.
Say, who's green Edsel?
Here I am.
Oh. There you are, ma'am.
Let me get that for you.
Oh. Thank you very much indeed.
Thank you, ma'am.
Oh, my God.
Let me help you
with that, ma'am.
Oh. Thanks very much.
Blues ]
Thank you.
I'm hardly dressed
for a restaurant.
You look fine.
Don't worry.
This is a very friendly place.
Say there,
What, you can't
say hello anymore?
Looks like you speakin'
just fine for yourself.
Oh, now you just sore because
I haven't been coming around
like I used to.
Is that so?
Now what do you say
about bringing us over
a couple of drinks?
What would you like?
Oh, uh, a daiquiri
if they--
One daiquiri
and a bourbon on the rocks.
Thank you, doll.
What do you think
you're doing, boy?
Thank you.
Well, I hope youre
finding this very amusing.
What do you mean?
This is a very welcoming place.
How you doing', Gus?
See what I mean?
Thank you.
Thank you, Esther.
Here's to being the only one.
You know,
we don't have to stay here.
If you feel uncomfortable--
No. As long as
I stay away from Esther,
I think I'll be fine.
All right then.
Thank you, Raymond,
for a lovely afternoon.
No. Thank you, Mrs. Whitaker.
I've had one as well.
Mrs. Whitaker
sounds so formal.
Would you--
Would I what?
Ask me to dance?
Oh. That looks wonderful.
Now, let's see.
Where should we put it?
Oh. I know. Right there.
by the window.
That's lovely.
It certainly is.
Oh. Now, let's see.
Where did I put that list?
Although I promised Janice
that I wouldn't be late
for her recital.
Can't miss that.
Sybil, I've been meaning
to ask you--
Yes, ma'am?
What's the name
of that church group
you belong to?
The one
you mentioned to me.
You mean, at Ebenezer?
The Baptist group?
Yes. I believe that's it.
Or was it South Green Baptist
during the fair drive,
the Ladies Auxiliary?
Oh. I didn't know
there was more than one.
Yes. I always seem to be
signing up for something.
I think that's marvellous,
Sybil, that you find the time
with all you do for us.
I just have so much in the attic
I've been meaning to go through.
I thought you
might know of a church
or civic organization...
that could use a donation.
Well, certainly,
Mrs. Whitaker, if thats
what youre looking for.
Places in need
are never hard to find.
I'm sure youre right.
Oh! My. Hello.
May I help you?
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name's Reginald Carter
and this is Martha Livingston.
We're members
of the Hartford Branch...
of the National Association
for the Advancement
of Colored People.
Oh, well, certainly,
I am familiar
with your organization.
Perhaps you'd be
interested in reading over
our complimentary brochure.
Mm. Yes. I would.
If you wouldn't mind
signing our roster--
I'm running so terribly late
as it is.
Sybil, would you mind
signing for me?
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
Hello, dear.
- Did the recital just begin?
- Shh!
So where are the other little girls
from your class?
Over there.
Janice. Janice!
Oh, Cathy.
Thank heavens you're home.
I've been trying you all day.
El, what is it?
So you haven't heard?
You haven't heard a thing?
No. What happened?
Oh, Cathy. There's been talk.
Vicious talk.
What do you mean?
About what?
About you?
Oh, for heaven sake.
What now?
Honey. It's Mona, Cathy.
She's-- Well, she's just been
on some kind of rampage,
swearing up and down that
she saw you and a colored man
somewhere out on Franklin.
Getting out of a truck
or some such thing.
The same colored man
she claims you were talking to
at the art show.
Eleanor, that's--
that's preposterous.
I mean, yes, I've spoken to
Mr. Deagan on occasion,
but this makes it sound like--
I know. You have no idea
what it's been like around here.
The phone has been ringing off the hook
since 8:00 this morning.
- Eleanor, the entire
situation is so absurd.
- Darling, I know.
What in the world
am I supposed to do?
I suppose you
could start by getting yourself
another gardener.
Frank? What on Earth--
Eleanor, could I call you back?
Frank just walked in.
Of course. You go ahead.
I'll call you later.
What are you doing home?
Is everything all right?
Just tell me
one goddamned thing.
Is it true,
what they've been saying?
Frank, I can't believe
you even--
Because if it is, even in the slightest,
I swear to God, Cathleen--
Frank, I am sorry
you even had to
hear such nonsense.
Yeah, well, Dick Dawson
didn't seem to think
it was such nonsense...
when he snuck away from his desk
to phone me today.
Good heavens.
He says the whole
friggin' town's talking!
Frank, please.
Sybil will hear you.
I sent her out!
Christ, Cathleen, do you
even have the slightest idea
about what this could mean?
Dont you realize the effect
it's gonna have on me...
and the reputation I have
spent the past eight years
trying to build...
for you and the children
and for the company?
Frank, I swear to you,
whatever Mona Lauder saw
or thought she saw...
was entirely a figment
of that woman's
hateful imagination.
Yes. I have spoken
to Raymond Deagan
on occasion.
He brought his little girl
to Eleanor's art show.
But-- But, apparently,
even here in Hartford,
the idea of a white woman
even speaking to a colored man--
Oh, please!
Just save me the Negro rights!
You know what that woman
is capable of!.
And besides,
I-I've already given him notice...
and we-- we won't be seeing
that man again.
Is that why you came home--
because of what Dick said?
Did something happen
at work?
Tsk. I guess you could call it
some sort of early Christmas bonus.
What do you mean?
A month of rest
and relaxation.
Can you imagine?
During the busiest season
of the year.
What a goddamn honour.
But when you consider
the bang-up job I've been doing...
ever since good ol' Dr. Bowman
came on the scene--
and for being--
What did Millstein call it?
"Years overdue."
They do owe you a vacation
after all you've given them.
Palm Springs
is supposed to be nice.
So says the word on high.
I know it may not
seem like it now,
but a little time away,
a vacation,
might be the best thing...
for both of us.
Frank, what a wretched day
it must have been for you.
Say, what do you know?
Pop's home.
What you doing' home, Pop?
David, your father
has work to do.
It's best you help yourself
to a glass of milk
and get started on your studies.
Yes, Mother. Say, Pop--
Mind your mother,
Yes, sir.
Uh, say, Mr. Deagan--
Yes, Jake?
There's a lady
on the phone for you.
I'll be right there.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Thank you for meeting me.
I realize you have
a busy schedule.
Worked out fine.
I was glad you called.
Are you sure
everything's all right?
Uh, is there something
I can do for you folks?
Can we leave here?
Of course.
What is it?
What happened?
I wanted to see you
in person, Raymond. I--
I just-- I can't.
Can't what?
It isn't plausible for me
to be friends with you.
You've been so very kind to me
and I've been perfectly reckless
and foolish in return,
Thinking what?
That one person
could reach out to another,
take an interest in another...
and maybe for one
fleeting instant...
could manage to see
beyond the surface,
beyond the color of things?
Do you think we ever really do...
see beyond those things--
the surface of things?
"Just beyond the fall of grace,
behold that
ever-shining place."
Yes. I do.
I don't really have a choice.
I wish I could.
Good luck to you, Raymond.
Mrs. Whitaker.
You! Boy!
Hands off!.
- Yeah! You!
- Raymond, please don't.
You're so beautiful.
Come on, dear.
Oh! It is them! It is!
Thank you, Mother.
Thank you, Father.
Oh-ho. Merry Christmas,
Now I'll be as good
as all the other girls in class.
Here you are,
Just the way
you like it.
Hey, Pop.
Look at this steam engine.
Oh. My goodness.
I knew I was
forgetting something.
A little something
for Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
Well, what have we here?
"Acapulco. Rio.
Take your pick.
It's your choice.
Mother, will you help me
lace up my slippers?
In a minute, dear.
I don't know. Stan is always
raving about Miami.
Oh, Frank.
Miami would be a dream.
El says it's just darling.
Everything's pink.
Oh, really?
Maybe we oughta
consider Bermuda.
Oh, Frank!
I do love you, darling.
I do.
I must say,
you look extremely fetching...
all gussied up
in your white tux and tie.
Well, it's a good thing,
since I can hardly breathe in it.
Oh. It's not that bad.
You like my dress?
Why, yes.
Very much. Didn't I say?
You did not.
Well, it's a ravishing dress...
with a ravishing girl
to go with it.
That's more like it.
Very nice.
Right this way, sir.
Hilda, we're over here.
Ah. Excuse us.
No problem at all.
You have
a lovely family.
Thank you.
a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Oh, Kenny, be a darling
and pour the champagne.
Sure, Mother.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the time has come...
for the countdown
into the new year.
Must be almost time.
All together now!
Five, four, three,
two, one.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, darling.
Happy New Year to you.
- Where do you wanna go?
- Mm. The table.
All right. Mary.
Did you see Kenny?
Martin! Martin!
Oh! Caroline.
You know youre not
supposed to go in there!
Now what did I tell you
about going in that pool?
You know you're not
supposed to go in there!
- Hello there.
- Well, hello.
Nice swim, darling?
Isn't the sun
just marvellous?
Donna. Time to get out.
What? But why?
Because I said so.
- Here comes Kenny.
- I was looking for you
on the other side.
I tell you,
we're gonna have to
start meeting points.
That does it. I've had
quite enough fashion advice
for the afternoon.
I do believe it's time
for my Miss Mitchell.
Oh, heavens.
I think I left it upstairs.
So silly.
You want me to go get it?
No. You just sat down.
Oh, no.
I don't mind.
You sure?
Yeah. I have to
get a paper anyway.
Thank you, darling.
I think it's right there
on the nightstand.
Hey, Hutch.
Hey, fellas!
Look who's coming.
It's daddy's girl.
Hey there, daddy's girl.
Where do you think you're going?
Home to see your daddy?
Yeah. And his white girlfriend.
Hey! Where you going?
We just wanna play.
Uh-oh. Wrong turn,
daddy's girl.
Hey, daddy's girl.
Over here.
Yeah. She made a wrong turn
all right. Just like her daddy.
They're here!
I see their car!
They're here!
Welcome home,
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker.
Oh, my goodness.
What a lovely greeting.
Hiya, Pop.
Hey, Mother.
So, Mother,
was it dreamy?
Oh-ho. Listen to you.
Did you have a nice time,
Mr. Whitaker?
Yes. It was very relaxing.
Say, Pop--
David, help Sybil
with the luggage please.
Pop, you'll never
guess what happened
at school this week.
Try and guess.
Uh, I give up.
I'm helping, Mother.
Billy Hutchinson
and these two other boys...
all got expelled
from school.
I think you mean
No. Expelled. I swear.
For throwing a rock
at a girl's head.
That's terrible.
- A little girl at school?
- No. She was a Negro.
What? Who told you
such a thing?
Tommy Hawkins.
He saw it, so he had
to tell the principal.
Sybil, is this true?
Yes, ma'am.
I'm afraid it is.
What on Earth
has gotten into this town?
It was just a couple
of foolish kids.
Yeah. Hutch said that they were
just trying to teach her a lesson.
Well, I think it's dreadful,
and you're not to play with that
Hutch boy again, understand me?
-Yes, ma'am.
- David, while youre up,
how about
flippin'on the set
for your old man?
Sure, Pop.
- Mother, how do you spell "skirt"?
- Uh, just a minute, dear.
Mother's making a call.
Oh. Yes. Hello. Um,
I was wondering if you
could help me possibly.
I just received
your brochure,
which I found
extremely informative,
and I was curious
about what was entailed,
precisely, in your--
in your volunteer program
in terms of particular skills
and so on.
You see, I--
Oh, yes.
I can hold.
Father's home.
Frank. What happened
to the match?
Oh, my, um, shoulder.
It started acting up.
I-- I just couldn't
sit there any longer.
You didn't say anything.
Father, I did the splits today.
Wanna see?
Janice, your father
just walked in the door...
and you have schoolwork
to finish.
Yes, Mother.
You know,
Frank, you never
had that physical.
And I think
you're due for one.
Can I call Dr. Ellis?
You know,
it's been three years.
Oh. Did I tell you that
the paediatrician thinks that
Janice is going to need braces?
Father, do I have to?
Apparently, our little girl
has an overbite.
Pop, you'll never guess
what I'm doing.
Where is your coat?
It's in the garage.
I'm waxing Pop's car.
And what's it doing there?
It's gonna
look swell, Pop.
How many times do I have to
tell you children you are not
permitted outdoors...
in this kind of weather
unless you are properly dressed?
Yes, ma'am.
Because I give up.
If you wanna go and
catch your death of cold,
then so be it.
You try talking
some sense into them, Frank,
because whatever I say doesn't--
What's the matter?
David, Janice,
go upstairs to your rooms.
What is it?
something's happened.
I've fallen in love
with someone...
who wants to be with me.
Oh, Cathy,
I-I-I just-- I--
I never knew what that felt--
But I know that sounds so cruel, but--
Oh, God. Cathy, I tried.
I tried so hard
to make it go away.
It-- It-- I thought
that I could do it...
for you and for the kids.
But... I can't.
I just-- I can't.
I can't.
I, um, assume then, you'll be...
wanting a divorce.
Eleanor, it's me, Cathy.
Oh, Cathy.
So you see, El,
why I couldn't tell you anything--
anything at all.
Oh, you dear sweet kid.
In a million years,
I couldn't have imagined.
Not Frank.
I think that's what's
been hardest of all.
The endless secrecy.
Our entire lives
just shut in the dark.
Are there savings?
None to speak of.
Certainly not
with Frank's job on the line.
Well, honey, if theres
anything you need,
anything at all--
Oh, El.
I mean it.
We're here, all right?
Thank you, El,
for always having been.
You know, it's funny.
What's that?
This whole time,
the only person I was able to
talk to about any of this...
was Raymond Deagan.
- What?
- It's true.
Not in the way that Mona intended.
Nothing like that.
But we would just talk.
And somehow, it made me feel--
I don't know.
Alive somewhere.
Eleanor, I know
it's ridiculous and mad,
but I-- I think of him.
I do.
What he's doing.
What he's thinking.
I do.
What can I say?
You're so full of surprises,
I'm speechless.
What do you mean?
I'm sure I must've looked
entirely the fool...
crusading away against Mona Lauder
and all her so-called inventions.
Eleanor, how could you
say such a thing?
I didn't say a word.
Who am I to tell anyone
how to lead their lives?
Eleanor, nothing
happened between us.
I told you that.
Cathy, it's
none of my business,
but you certainly
make it sound
as if something had.
Mrs. Whitaker?
Oh. Sybil.
I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am.
I-I just--
Yes, Sybil?
There's something I've been
wanting to tell you, ma'am,
for some time.
Something I believe you
surely Anna know, even if
it isn't exactly my place.
Well, what is it?
It's about the little
colored girl, ma'am.
The one
that got hit.
What about her?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
It was Mr. Deagan's
little girl, Sarah.
What? Oh, Sybil. No.
The neighbours tell me
she's doing just fine.
Oh, that poor sweet little girl.
That-- How in God's name
could you not have told me,
Sybil? This was weeks ago!
Mrs. Whitaker,
please don't be cross with me.
I didn't wanna
make things any worse.
Sybil, do you know
where Mr. Deagan lives?
I believe he's been
at his father's old place
on 12th and Governor.
Twelfth and Governor.
Thank you.
Are you going there now?
Please keep an eye
on the children.
I shouldn't be too long.
Mrs. Whitaker.
Would you like me
to go with you, ma'am?
No. No, I'll be fine.
Thankyou, Sybil.
Who on Earth?
Raymond, I-- I just heard.
Just this instant.
I heard
and I jumped into my car.
How are you? How is Sarah?
We're fine. Thank you.
Would you meet me around the side?
Sarah, everything's all right.
Daddy's just gonna be out
for a minute, okay?
Raymond. What she
must've been through.
What's being done
to the boys?
I won't put her
through that again.
Not now. Not with rocks
coming through the windows
every night.
Raymond, that's hateful.
Oh, it's not whites throwin' them.
It's coloreds.
Seems to be the one place
where whites and coloreds
are in full harmony.
Anyway, we'll be outta here
soon enough once and for all.
You're moving?
Where to?
I have a brother in Baltimore,
says he can find me work there.
So we're packing up the house.
Two weeks, Friday,
we'll be on the 4:30 train
heading south.
What about your--
your business, your shop?
Oh, the business is through.
Nobody's gonna hire me.
So I'm gonna sell the shop
to a cousin of mine.
Yeah. Things are...
pretty well finished for me here.
I've never lived anywhere
other than Hartford.
sometime in the future...
after youre settled,
I could--
Perhaps I could come for a visit,
see Baltimore.
You see, I--
Well, it seems as if
I'm to be single again.
Oh, Mrs. Whitaker.
Please call me Cathy.
No one would know us there.
I'm just not sure
that would be a wise idea.
everything that's--
What matters now,
what has to matter the most,
is what's right for Sarah.
I've learned my lesson
about mixing in other worlds.
I've seen the sparks fly.
All kinds.
Have a proud life.
A splendid life.
Will you do that?
Good-bye, Cathy.
Cathy, did I wake you?
I-I'm sorry to call this late.
I hope I didn't, uh--
Uh, no. I was awake.
I, uh, didn't want to
upset the children.
No. No, of course not.
How are they, by the way?
Fine. Just fine. They still
ask when you'll be coming home.
I know.
That's, uh, partly
why I'm calling really.
I got a call from Dick
and he said
that everything was set,
um, papers drawn up.
And he wanted to know
how Thursday was for you.
3:00 or sometime?
I-- I told him I thought
you had car pool Thursdays,
but I wasn't
absolutely certain,
so I said I would check.
You never could remember
my car pool days.
And they've
always been the same.
Wednesdays and Fridays,
long as I can remember.
Oh, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Right. Uh--
Same old absentminded--
What time...
did you say on Thursday?
The appointment.
What time?
Uh, three o'clock.
All right.
Uh, well... great.
That-- That was it,
uh, really.
know it's late.
It is.
So I'll see you
on-- on Thursday then.
See you Thursday.
Good-bye, Cathy.
Good-bye, Frank.
Sixty-seven dollars
and thirty-two cents.
Now, what day is today?
Oh, Sybil. You don't
need to do that.
It's Friday.
I know it's Friday,
but there's so much to be done now,
I can hardly expect you
to be polishing tables.
No reason not to keep things up.
No reason at all.
I know.
Don't forget
the grocery list.
Thank you.
I don't know how on Earth
I'd ever manage--
I shouldn't be long,
All right, Mrs. Whitaker.
Why are we turning in here?
I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
Now stay put, both of you.
All aboard! Southbound train
to New York and Washington...
now departing!
All aboard!
All right. Thanks.
I 'l I be seeing you.
All aboard!
Southbound train
to New York and Washington...
now departing.
All aboard!
Ready to go?
That's my girl.
Wesley! Come on!
We'll miss the train.
Don't forget to call
your mother tomorrow.
All aboard! Southbound train
to New York City--
- Thank you, sir.
- Here you go. Thanks.
All aboard!
can I sleep over at Hutch's tonight?
Mrs. Hutchinson
gave permission.
Not tonight, David.
Your father and I are going out,
and I need you
to look after your sister.
Aw, shucks.
Now move out of the way
so Mother can park.
Sherry Seeger says they only
cost five or six dollars.
Please, Mother.
Please, can I?
Oh, Sybil, thank heavens.
Well, I knew you were
going to the grocery.
David, please help Sybil
unload the car.
How come Janice
doesn't got to?
Doesn't have to.
Because Janice is carrying
in all her belongings...
and marching straight
upstairs into a bath.
Your father and I have
an engagement tonight, so I want
you to have a nice early dinner.
And help Sybil.
Yes, ma'am.
Sybil, did Mr. Whitaker call
while I was out?
Not since youve been gone.
How do you like that guy?
Mother, can I please get them?
Janice, I said we'd
discuss it with your father.
Now hurry on inside.
David, put your bike away
and help with the groceries.
Where's your jacket?
It's inside.
Well, hello, stranger.
Aren't I seeing you
in about three hours' time?
You are.
But I just left the caterers
and I had to dash over.
Oh, you have
the samples?
You bet.
Oh, come inside.
You just caught me actually.
I could only stay a second.
I still have loads to do.
David, what did
I tell you?
I'm getting the last bag.
And imagine
with the table setting
I showed you.
The aqua trim.
Is that smart?
Oh, yes.
You like?
Well, I'll call the caterer
in the morning, you confirm
with Dorothy on the deposit...
and, honey,
we're in business.
Magnatech '57,
here we come.
You betcha.
Thanks for stopping by, El.
I'll see you at 8:00.
You know Frank--
on the dot.
When you were a little girl,
you looked just like me, right?
So, when I grow up,
does that mean I'll look like you?
I s that what
you want, darling,
to look like me?
Yes, I hope I look
exactly as pretty as you.
What a lovely compliment
coming from my perfectly
lovely daughter.
Where on Earth
is your father?
Sybil, did I leave
my gloves on the hall table?
Yes, I see them.
It's nearly 20 after
and Mr. Whitaker
still hasn't phoned?
I'm at my wits' end.
Oh, thank you, Sybil.
I tried phoning the office
even though I knew
no one would be there.
I certainly hope that's him,
because if it isn't--
Whitaker residence.
This is the
Hartford Police Department...
calling for a Mrs. Frank Whitaker.
Who is it?
The police department.
Yes, am I speaking
with a Mrs. Frank Whitaker?
One moment, please.
Oh, Frank.
Are you all right?
What happened?
Everything's fine.
It was all
just a big mix up--
the whole thing.
But you have to come get me.
They wont let me leave on my own.
Oh, Frank, don't worry, darling.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Is there anything
I can do, Mrs. Whitaker?
Just keep an eye on the children,
please. I don't think I'll be very long.
Big time faggot.
Family man.
Never can tell.
Say, get a load of this one.
You don't see that every day
of the week.
This is your copy, ma'am,
and your receipt.
Thank you.
Oh, Frank.
I tell you one thing--
if it hadn't been for that
snivelling junior cop,
they would have never
gone through this whole charade
in the first place.
Instead of trying to save face--
I saw that guy that they were after,
that loiterer.
But they wouldnt
listen to me.
So, there were
drinks after work?
What do you mean?
They said something,
intoxication level, something--
Christ, I had one lousy cocktail
with Bill after work
going over the portfolio.
Should I be
arrested for that too?
No, of course not, darling.
The whole thing has
just put me in a foul state.
He's fine.
Oh, the car's fine.
Frank says it was
the bumper that got hit.
But you know me,
I can't tell the difference.
Oh, I'm just sorry
we had to miss it.
She was fine.
Said it was all a dreadful bore,
what with Mona Lauder...
and her gossip.
I'm sorry.
Darling, you've nothing
to be sorry for.
It was all just
a silly, wretched mistake.
I'm so tired.
Of course you are.
You sleep now.
The bus is here.
Have a good day at school.
I thought you were going to
have another piece of toast.
It's late. I should
be getting down there.
Can I at least fix you lunch?
No, thank you, dear. I've got
lunch meetings all week.
It's portfolio season.
Sybil, if thats the milkman,
his check is in the drawer.
I'm just glad you're
feeling better, dear.
Thank you, darling.
Pardon me, ma'am, sir.
Mrs. Whitaker, this is Mrs. Leacock.
She said she had an appointment
with you this morning.
Oh, jiminy, I completely
forgot the time.
Please forgive me.
I do apologize,
Mrs. Whitaker,
but candid views are
always the best.
Good-bye, darling.
Good-bye, dear.
Mrs. Leacock.
Pleasure, Mr. Whitaker.
Your husband's
a very charming man,
Mrs. Whitaker.
Thank you. We're rather
fond of him ourselves.
Now, please, wont you come in?
Make yourselves at home.
I suppose
I still can't imagine...
why you would want
an interview with someone
like me in the first place.
Readers of the Weekly Gazette,
Mrs. Whitaker--
women just like yourself--
with families
and homes to keep up.
A good society paper...
need not be a gossip rag.
You are the proud wife...
of a successful sales executive--
planning the parties,
and posing
at her husbands side
on the advertisements.
To everyone here in Connecticut,
you are Mr. and Mrs. Magnatech.
Thank you.
I 'm very flattered.
But, really, my life is like
any other wife or mother's.
In fact, I don't think I've,
I've ever wanted anything--
What is it, dear?
I think I just saw someone
walking through our yard.
What on Earth--
Oh, my--
Mrs. Whitaker, perhaps you
should call the police.
Excuse me.
May I help you?
Who are you?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
My name is Raymond Deagan--
Otis Deagan's son.
I was just taking over
some of his--
Oh, you're Otis's son.
I-I'm terribly sorry
for speaking to you
in that manner.
I-I didn't know
who was in my yard.
Oh, no need.
How is your father?
I know he was in the hospital.
Yes, well,
my father's passed away,
I'm afraid.
Oh, I-I had no idea.
I'm, I'm so very sorry.
Please, accept our
deepest condolences.
Your father was
a wonderful, dedicated man.
Thank you.
Mrs. Whitaker?
The caterer's
on the line.
Oh, thank you, Sybil.
I beg your pardon. Would you
excuse me for just a moment?
Of course.
Mrs. Leacock,
I'm terribly sorry.
Ill just be
one minute more.
That's fine, dear.
Good morning,
Magnatech International?
How may I direct your call?
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
Good morning, Kitty.
Lovely dress
you're wearing.
Thank you, sir.
Good morning,
Marlene, Stan.
Good morning, Mr. Whitaker.
How's the second-best golfer
in Hartford this morning?
Somebody break
the books already?
Don't tell me our wives'
party budgets finally came in.
It's almost as fatal.
Millstein called.
Looks like New York
just shaved a week off
portfolio deadline.
You've got to
be kidding me.
I wish I were.
What are they trying to do,
strangle us to death?
Does Doug know?
Yeah, I called him
first thing.
All right.
Get Doug and the others.
Call a portfolio meeting
for lunch today.
Marlene, see if you can
reschedule the production review
for dinner.
And, uh, could you get
my wife on the phone,
Thanks, Stan.
Mrs. Whitaker is on line one.
Oh, Frank. I'm sorry.
No, no, I understand.
I just wish you wouldn't
overwork yourself, especially after--
I know.
I will.
See you then.
Good-bye, dear.
I'm terribly sorry
about all the interruptions.
Now, where was it
you wanted me?
Just one more
at the fireplace.
That's it.
Now smile.
Isn't that darling?
Hold it.
Well, I guess that
about wraps it up.
Bob, Rick.
You're sure youre all right
getting home, sir?
Thank you, Davis.
But as 2nd in command
of the U.S.S. McMillan,
I do feel equipped
to locate my own car
without cover.
Very good, sir.
Bright and early.
Sir, can you spare
some change, please?
Spare change?
Anything would help.
Spare change?
Where ya headed,
Look out, Jake!
Oh, for heaven's sake.
David, that is the third time
I've told you to turn off that
infernal racket and go to bed.
Can I please just this once?
No, you certainly may not,
and that is final.
Ah, geez.
That is not the kind of language
we use in this house.
Now march.
And don't forget
to wash your teeth.
Feeling better now?
Mrs. White?
The picture?
I thought you really enjoyed
the scene in the gentlemen's lounge.
How about a drink?
I know just the spot.
I'll bet you do.
Identification, please.
Driver's license.
Thank you, sir.
Have a pleasant evening.
Yes, sir.
What can I get you
this evening?
Uh, just a scotch--
neat, please.
Yes, sir.
There you are, sir.
One more of the same.
"So, does the fabled maxim hold
that behind every great man
there resides a great lady?
"In this case, wife, mother
and Mrs. Magnatech herself,
"Cathleen Whitaker
proves that it does.
"A woman as devoted
to her family...
as she is kind to Negroes."
To Negroes?
Let me see that. What on Earth
is that woman thinking?
Cathy? Oh, she's been liberal
ever since she played
summer stock at college...
with all those
steamy Jewish boys.
Why do you think
they used to call her "Red"?
Oh, for heaven sakes.
Let's go inside before
Joe McCarthy comes driving by.
- Uh-oh.
Oh, I love that scarf..
Oh, I'm sure it just
blew behind the house somewhere.
For heaven sakes.
This really
isn't your day, is it?
Did they really
call you "Red"?
Oh, Nancy. Honestly!
Would anyone like
another daiquiri?
Better not.
Oh, no,
one's my limit.
All right, girls.
No more beating around the bush.
Oh, I-- I can't.
Oh, come on.
It can't be that bad.
Um, well, uh--
Mike insists on--
He insists
on once a week.
- Ah, you got off easy.
- Once a week?
Oh, you're lucky.
Ron's more like two or three.
Three, really?
And how.
That's nothing.
Girlfriend of mine--
Shirley Dawson.
Her husband--
every night of the week.
Plus, three more times
on the weekend.
Can you imagine?
It was lovely, Cathleen.
Thank you. Bye.
Bye, girls.
The chicken was divine.
Oh, thanks, El.
I'll call you tomorrow.
All right. Bye-bye.
Could this possibly--
Oh, I'm sorry.
No. You found it.
Yeah, I found it hanging
off one of the birches out back.
It was so windy.
I was going back into the house
and it just sailed off my neck.
I had a feeling
it might be yours.
Who else could have
been so absentminded?
No, no, it's the color.
It just seemed right.
Well, thank you, Mr. Deagan--
for finding it.
Please, call me Raymond.
Thank you, Raymond.
Everything looks wonderful,
by the way.
I think we got everything
pretty much under control.
Well, it can't have
been easy... taking over
for your father so quickly.
Well, between Pop's business,
my, uh, shop...
and taking care
of my little girl,
doesn't leave much time
for reflecting.
I didn't know you had children.
Just the one--
Sarah's her name.
And how old is Sarah?
Well, I'm sure
she's a lovely child.
You and your wife
must be very proud.
Well, um, Mrs. Deagan,
my wife, uh,
passed away when
Sarah was about five.
Oh, Raymond,
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
Sarah and I,
we do just fine.
You know,
I got a picture
of her somewhere.
There she is.
That's my Sarah.
Oh, she's darling.
Look at those eyes.
Now, what's this I hear
about a shop?
Oh, yeah, the plant shop.
It's just a little place
down on Hawthorn.
Started out as
a service for gardeners...
till I opened the store
about six years ago,
and, uh--
Well, it's the only thing
that business degree's
been good for yet.
Why, that's marvellous, Raymond.
You should be very proud.
Well, I am.
Uh, if youre ever
in the neighbourhood,
be sure to stop by.
I certainly will.
All right, then.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
If thats
your father--
Don't worry Sybil,
I'll get it.
you haven't left yet?
Oh, no.
Not again.
All right.
Good-bye, dear.
He isn't
coming home again?
No, he's going to be late.
Father never wants
to come home.
Janice, he most certainly does.
He's just very busy at work and
under a great deal of strain.
Shut up.
Janice, that's enough.
Sybil, you know what?
Wrap up Mr. Whitaker's plate.
I'm going to run down
to the office...
and take it to him myself.
All the way
It's not so very far.
the children are fine.
Knowing Mr. Whitaker,
I'm just saving him another
night of pretzels and coffee.
Thank you.
I'm just dropping
something off for my husband
on the 12th floor.
Mr. Whitaker. Thank you.
All right.
Oh, Frank.
Mr. Maynard...
Left an estimate
for the roof.
I put it
in the kitchen.
Twelve hundred something.
I can't.
I don't--
Eh, you see, uh--
a long time ago,
a long, long time ago,
I had, um,
um, problems--
I just figured that was--
that was it.
I-I never imagined--
You had problems?
You, uh, never
spoke to anyone--
a-a doctor?
No one?
I don't understand.
Neither do I.
What if-- I mean,
there must be people who--
I-I don't know.
I don't know what I--
All right.
Thank you.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker,
this is Dr. Bowman.
Mr. Whitaker,
how do you do?
Mrs. Whitaker,
how lovely.
Thank you.
I suppose we may
as well get started.
Actually, uh, Mrs. Whitaker,
I think it might be best...
if your husband and I
conversed in private.
In private.
Yes, of course.
I think
it would be best.
Certainly, Doctor.
I'll see you later.
I'll see you later, dear.
Today, the general attitude
regarding this sort
of behavior...
is naturally more modern,
more scientific than it
ever has been before.
But for those
who do seek treatment,
who possess the will
and desire...
to lead a normal life,
there still remains
only a scant...
five to thirty percent
rate of success...
for complete
heterosexual conversion.
For many, it's
the treatment itself...
that often changes
the patient's mind.
What does it, uh, comprise of?
- The treatment.
- The treatment's comprised
of psychiatric sessions...
twice a week,
sometimes more.
Just talking?
Though some patients
have explored additional,
more behavioural methods.
- Behavioural?
- Electroshock aversion
therapy for instance.
Or hormonal
rebalancing procedures.
I know this can all seem
rather daunting at first.
I suggest
you take some time.
Think over the various options
we've discussed.
Discuss it with your wife.
No, I already know.
I want to begin treatment.
I can't let this thing...
destroy my life,
my family's life.
I, uh-- I-I know it's a sickness,
it makes me feel...
I promise you, Dr. Bowman,
I'm going to beat this thing.
I'm gonna break it.
So help me God.
Why don't you confirm those
times we discussed with Rosalyn.
I'll see you here
same time next Tuesday.
Thank you, Doctor.
Mr. Whitaker,
Mrs. Whitaker.
Thank you, Doctor.
I'm just proud of you,
that's all.
Don't say that.
Well, I am.
He seems a very decent man,
Dr. Bowman. Dont you think?
I don't know, Cathleen.
I suppose he's decent.
But you must have liked him enough
to want to see him again.
Who else am I going to see?
Well, I'm sure there are
numerous doctors in Hartford
or Springfield if you--
Look, I just
want to get the whole
fucking thing over with!
Can you understand that?
Frank, please don't.
I-I'm sorry.
All right, Cathy, I'm so sorry.
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
Hi, Kitty.
I hope you have
a pleasant day, sir.
Thank you.
Good morning,
Mr. Whitaker.
I found this
in the cupboard, sir.
What's that?
Your office lamp--
the one that was missing.
Should I have
it repaired, sir?
Yes. Yes, thank you, Marlene.
Mr. Whitaker,
Mr. Fine's been waiting.
I didn't see you
sitting there.
Everything all right?
Oh, with me?
Of course.
What's up?
Just picked up
the galleys from the printer.
How do they look?
Great, just great.
Just leave them there.
I'll take a look
first chance I get.
You'll let me know
what you think?
Of course I will.
You're first on my list.
What's it gonna take
to get you back
on that course anyway?
We haven't seen you
for weeks.
I know.
Sunday. No excuses.
All right.
I'll hold you to it.
Thanks again, El.
You sure that's all
I can give you?
Oh, yes. The caterer should
have everything. I just thought
a few extras would be nice.
Oh, don't forget.
The art show is Saturday.
Start working on Frank tonight.
I swear he's the kind of man
you have to pin messages to.
Though I'm sorry to say,
Mona Lauder will be attending.
Turns out her uncle's in town,
some hotshot art dealer from New York.
I think I met him
at one of Mona's soirees.
A bit flowery
for my taste.
How do you mean?
Oh, you know,
a touch light on his feet.
Oh, you mean--
Yes, darling,
he's one of those.
Of course,
I could be mistaken.
Just an impression I got.
You don't care
for them particularly?
Well, no, not particularly.
Not that I actually know any.
Call me old-fashioned,
I just like all the men
I'm around to be all men.
Say, why the third degree?
It's not
the third degree.
I'm just interested,
that's all, in your views.
I read an article
in a magazine.
I'm just delighted
to see you taking interest
in yet another civic cause.
I can see it now.
"Cathleen Whitaker and
her kindness to homosexuals."
Ugh. That word.
See you Saturday--
and bring Frank.
I'll try.
Then Billy Hutchinson stole
a pass at the ten-yard line.
Ran it all the way for a touchdown.
You should a seen it, Pop.
Father, want to see my routine
for the ballet recital?
Hey, I was talking to Pop.
Children, give your father
a moment to eat his dinner.
Would you like
another lamb chop, dear?
Oh, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I have plenty
in the oven.
No, thank you.
I'm, I'm fine.
We're playing Lincoln
on Saturday, Pop--
if youre not working.
That reminds me. This Saturday
is the reception for the modern
art show I told you about,
the one that Eleanor's group
is sponsoring.
Oh, God.
I know how you hate these things,
but I simply have to go.
- Eleanor pleaded with me to ask you.
- Wait, what about me?
No one cares one bit
what I'm doing Saturday.
David, I'm sorry.
But this Saturday
your mother has an engagement
that simply cannot be changed.
Well, Pop could come.
Couldnt you, Pop?
Well see, David.
Janice, could you please
pass the butter?
Thank you.
Eisenhower was determined to
keep the troops there until--
...satisfactory or
unequivocal assurances that--
Did you see him?
You didn't say a word.
So how did it go
with Bowman?
Did you feel--
It was fine.
And there's nothing else
you care to share with
your very own adoring wife?
Cathleen, what I discuss
with this doctor--
it's private, all right.
- That's part of it.
- Oh, I understand, darling.
I do.
Frank, wait till you
see the hors d'oeuvres.
The caterer's doing,
just such a marvellous job.
I think youre going to be
so pleased this year, darling.
I really do.
Eleanor, darling,
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Cathleen, darling.
Hello, Mona.
Uh, I want to introduce you
to my uncle, Morris Farnsworth,
that wickedly successful
Gotham art dealer...
who was kind enough to attend
our provincial little gathering.
Morris, darling,
allow me to introduce you...
to my dear little friend,
Cathleen Whitaker,
whose face and civic fancies
are hardly strangers...
to the society pages
of Hartford.
Oh, Mona. Really,
you must ignore her,
Mr. Farnsworth.
I do hope
you enjoy your stay.
Morris was just telling us
the most delightful tale...
all about
a forged Rembrandt.
Cathy, don't let us keep you.
I know you want to see the show.
I am dying to see it.
Oh, yes, dear,
simply charming.
Eleanor, you should
be so proud.
Thank you, Mona.
It was lovely to meet you,
Mr. Farnsworth.
Likewise, my dear.
Wife of Hartford executive...
communing with Picasso?
Mrs. Leacock, it's lovely
to see you again.
And how is that
charming husband of yours?
Oh, he's very well.
Thank you.
Um, would you excuse me
just a moment?
Oh, certainly, dear.
Thank you.
Raymond, what a tremendous
surprise finding you here.
Mrs. Whitaker, hello.
Is this your daughter?
Yep, this is my Sarah.
Hello, Sarah.
-Bobby, get over here!
- Say, Sarah,
isn't that Hutch
and his little brother
I see playing out front?
You remember them,
dont you, baby?
Oh, sure you do.
The day we went
to the Hutchinson house.
Oh, yeah.
What do you say
you go out and see if theyd
like to play for a while?
Ah, go on.
For Daddy?
Oh, Raymond, she's lovely.
Thank you.
Well, how on Earth did you
find out about this show?
Well, I do
read the papers.
W-- No, of course you do.
I just meant that it's--
it's such a-- it's a coincidence.
I know.
I was just teasing you.
Because, you know,
I'm not prejudiced.
My husband and I
have always believed in
equal rights for the Negro...
and support the N.A.A.C.P.
I'm glad to hear that.
I just wanted
you to know.
Well, thank you.
Oh, not at all.
Straighter, Tommy!
You got to throw it straighter.
And hard.
One, two, three, go!
It's too heavy..
On the back.
Your airplane.
Who asked you?
Come on, Bobby.
So, what's your opinion
on modern art?
Uh, it's hard
to put into words really.
I-I just know what I care for,
and, and what I don't.
Like this-- I don't know
how to pronounce it.
I don't know why,
but I just adore it.
A feeling it gives.
I know that sounds
terribly vague.
No, no, actually it confirms
something I've always wondered
about modern art, abstract art.
What is that?
That perhaps it's just
picking up where
religious art left off,
somehow trying
to show you divinity.
The modern artist just pares it
down to the basic elements
of shape and color.
But when you look
at that Mir,
you feel it just the same.
Why, that's lovely,
T o tell the truth,
I've always preferred
the work of the Masters.
Would you excuse me
a moment?
Oh, certainly.
Oh, El, honey,
everything looks just marvellous.
Cathy, who on Earth is that man?
You have this whole place in a clamour.
For heaven sakes why?
Because of that ridiculous story?
Who is he?
He's Raymond Deagan,
Otis Deagan's son.
Your gardener?
He passed away and Raymond's
taken over his business.
You certainly seem
on familiar terms with him.
Oh, "familiar terms"--
What does that mean?
He happens to have some very
interesting views on Mir.
Oh, jeepers, look at the time.
I have to fly. I'm having the
carpets cleaned for tomorrow--
What time are
the caterers showing?
They said 4:00.
I'll come early,
for moral support.
You're a doll.
So glad you could make it.
Come in. Come in.
Not to say that I'm against integration,
mind you.
I do believe
it's the Christian thing to do.
But I still say
what happened in Little Rock...
could just as easily
have happened here in Hartford.
- Nonsense.
- Well, why is that?
Well, for one thing,
there's no Governor Faubus
in Connecticut.
But the main reason,
there are no Negroes.
No, but there are some...
rather dangerous pro-integration
types right here in Hartford.
Oh, yes.
Some very attractive ones, in fact,
noted, I'm told,
for their kindness to Negroes.
Oh, Dick, stop.
Where on Earth did you
hear about that?
Shirley read it to me.
I should have known.
- What's all this?
- Absolutely nothing.
Now, let me freshen those.
Excuse me, please.
Oh, by golly, there she is now,
the "purist" gal in the room.
Oh, Stan,
liquor brings out the Texan in you.
I hope Eleanor isn't listening.
So what if she is. I still say
Frank is the luckiest guy in town.
Hear! Hear!
It's all smoke and mirrors, fells.
That's all it is.
You should see her
without her face on.
- Frank!
-No, he's absolutely right.
We ladies are never what we appear,
and every girl as her secrets.
I'll say.
How about this girl getting
her husband another drink?
Darling, dont you think
you've already had enough?
No, I don't think I've had enough--
I'd just like to take a moment
to raise a glass to our
marvellous host and hostess...
and another
glorious annual party
at the Whitakers.
To Frank and Cathy,
truly Mr. and Mrs. Magnatech.
Hear! Hear!
My goodness.
Thank you very much.
Now, who can I
freshen up? Ron?
No, I'm fine.
Oh, I think youre
fresh enough.
All right.
Here, Mrs. Whitaker,
let me take that for you.
Thank you, Sybil.
is everything all right?
Why? What do you mean?
Frank-- I've never
seen him so soused.
Oh, he's been working so hard lately.
He's under tremendous strain.
You sure that's all?
Oh, yes.
You'd tell me
if there was anything more?
Of course I would.
Well, Cathy,
I think we just threw ourselves
one class-"A" swanky function.
It did turn out nicely,
didn't it?
Cathleen, darling, you've simply
outdone yourself once again.
Thank you so much.
Well, if I do say so myself,
it was a lovely party,
all considering.
I just wish...
it didn't have to turn ugly...
in front of our friends.
Honestly, Frank,
if you didn't insist on--
What is it?
Oh, Frank.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus!
What's happening?
I can't even--
Frank, it doesn't matter.
The important thing
is to keep, to keep trying.
I'm sure, you know,
Dick Dawson wouldn't mind
lending his services
every once in a while.
Oh, Frank.
I mean, you wouldn't
mind that so much,
would you?
A good-looking guy
like Dick.
Maybe even Stan
would pitch in.
Frank, you're the only man
that I've ever wanted.
Just let go.
Frank, Frank, you're--
You're all men to me.
You're all man.
Stop it!
Cathy. Cathy, I'm sorry.
Oh. I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to.
It's all right.
I'm-I'm all right.
It was an accident.
Are you bleeding?
Oh, just--just the littlest bit.
Perhaps, um, you could get me
some ice, dear.
Some ice?
I-I know.
Uh, um, it's all right.
I'm all right.
Hey, there, hon. Listen.
I can't stay. I'm meeting Stan
for lunch at the club.
Oh, that sounds like fun.
Can't believe I let you
get away without these.
It's cute, your hair that way.
Oh, yeah?
I experimented.
Oh, it's adorable.
Oh. Whoopsie.
What happened to your head?
Oh, nothing.
I-- I hit the door.
It was
the silliest thing.
Did something happen
between you and Frank?
What do you mean?
I'm your best friend.
Nothing happened.
Nothing at all.
Oh, Cathy.
Cathy, I'm your dearest
and closest friend in the world.
You call me-- day or night.
You hear?
Mrs. Whitaker?
Is there anything I can do?
You sure?
I'm-- I'm fine.
I just, um--
I-It's a difficult time
with my husband.
Oh. It happens with married people.
I know it does. Im just--
Its just embarrassing.
Please forgive me.
Forgive you?
Mrs. Whitaker, listen.
I have to pick up some shrubs
from a farmhouse just out of town.
Which means I gotta get a move on.
Why don't you
come along for the ride?
Some fresh air,
change of scenery...
might help you
take your mind of things.
Ooh. Oh, no.
I, uh--
I couldn't. Uh--
Thank you, Raymond,
for offering.
You're very kind.
You sure?
Mrs. Whitaker?
Oh. Yes, Sybil?
It's Mrs. Barker
on the phone.
I'll be right there! Oh.
Mm. I have to get back.
Oh, not at all. Um, well,
I-- I was planning on
picking them up at 5:00.
You'd like to switch
for Thursday?
I don't see why that
would be a problem.
Um, No. I'm glad
I could be of help.
Bye now.
Mrs. Whitaker.
Oh, wouldnt you know it.
I just received a call and
suddenly everything's changed.
Anyway, I--
You changed your mind.
Well, good.
Thank you very much,
Mr. Deagan.
Thank you.
Oh, it's lovely.
What is it?
well, flowering witch hazel.
Fairly rare in these parts.
It's beautiful.
You were right.
What a perfectly
lovely spot.
Is that a path?
I think so.
Let's have a peek.
All right.
Sometimes it's the people
outside our world...
we confide in best.
But once you do... confide,
share with someone,
they're no longer
really outside, are they?
Oh. Look!
How lovely.
Did he cause that?
He didn't mean to strike me.
I am so sorry.
No. Heaven knows
we all have our troubles.
I'm sure you,
I don't know.
Ever since running into you
at the exhibition,
I kept wondering
what it must be like...
to be the only one
in a room.
Colored or...
whatever it was.
How that
might possibly feel.
I'm sure I've--
I've never--
I suppose you sort of
grow accustomed to it over time.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
There is a world,
even here in Hartford,
where everybody
does indeed look like me.
Trouble is, very few people
ever leave that world.
I only want what every father
wants for his child.
The opportunities growing up
I never had.
But I tell you something.
If youre really interested--
Oh, I am.
You hungry? I mean,
could you eat something?
I suppose I could.
Tell you what,
I'm gonna take you
to one of my favourite spots.
On good days,
it's got hot food,
cold drink,
and just about
discernable music.
It's hard
to beat that.
There you go.
Say, who's green Edsel?
Here I am.
Oh. There you are, ma'am.
Let me get that for you.
Oh. Thank you very much indeed.
Thank you, ma'am.
Oh, my God.
Let me help you
with that, ma'am.
Oh. Thanks very much.
Blues ]
Thank you.
I'm hardly dressed
for a restaurant.
You look fine.
Don't worry.
This is a very friendly place.
Say there,
What, you can't
say hello anymore?
Looks like you speakin'
just fine for yourself.
Oh, now you just sore because
I haven't been coming around
like I used to.
Is that so?
Now what do you say
about bringing us over
a couple of drinks?
What would you like?
Oh, uh, a daiquiri
if they--
One daiquiri
and a bourbon on the rocks.
Thank you, doll.
What do you think
you're doing, boy?
Thank you.
Well, I hope youre
finding this very amusing.
What do you mean?
This is a very welcoming place.
How you doing', Gus?
See what I mean?
Thank you.
Thank you, Esther.
Here's to being the only one.
You know,
we don't have to stay here.
If you feel uncomfortable--
No. As long as
I stay away from Esther,
I think I'll be fine.
All right then.
Thank you, Raymond,
for a lovely afternoon.
No. Thank you, Mrs. Whitaker.
I've had one as well.
Mrs. Whitaker
sounds so formal.
Would you--
Would I what?
Ask me to dance?
Oh. That looks wonderful.
Now, let's see.
Where should we put it?
Oh. I know. Right there.
by the window.
That's lovely.
It certainly is.
Oh. Now, let's see.
Where did I put that list?
Although I promised Janice
that I wouldn't be late
for her recital.
Can't miss that.
Sybil, I've been meaning
to ask you--
Yes, ma'am?
What's the name
of that church group
you belong to?
The one
you mentioned to me.
You mean, at Ebenezer?
The Baptist group?
Yes. I believe that's it.
Or was it South Green Baptist
during the fair drive,
the Ladies Auxiliary?
Oh. I didn't know
there was more than one.
Yes. I always seem to be
signing up for something.
I think that's marvellous,
Sybil, that you find the time
with all you do for us.
I just have so much in the attic
I've been meaning to go through.
I thought you
might know of a church
or civic organization...
that could use a donation.
Well, certainly,
Mrs. Whitaker, if thats
what youre looking for.
Places in need
are never hard to find.
I'm sure youre right.
Oh! My. Hello.
May I help you?
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name's Reginald Carter
and this is Martha Livingston.
We're members
of the Hartford Branch...
of the National Association
for the Advancement
of Colored People.
Oh, well, certainly,
I am familiar
with your organization.
Perhaps you'd be
interested in reading over
our complimentary brochure.
Mm. Yes. I would.
If you wouldn't mind
signing our roster--
I'm running so terribly late
as it is.
Sybil, would you mind
signing for me?
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
Hello, dear.
- Did the recital just begin?
- Shh!
So where are the other little girls
from your class?
Over there.
Janice. Janice!
Oh, Cathy.
Thank heavens you're home.
I've been trying you all day.
El, what is it?
So you haven't heard?
You haven't heard a thing?
No. What happened?
Oh, Cathy. There's been talk.
Vicious talk.
What do you mean?
About what?
About you?
Oh, for heaven sake.
What now?
Honey. It's Mona, Cathy.
She's-- Well, she's just been
on some kind of rampage,
swearing up and down that
she saw you and a colored man
somewhere out on Franklin.
Getting out of a truck
or some such thing.
The same colored man
she claims you were talking to
at the art show.
Eleanor, that's--
that's preposterous.
I mean, yes, I've spoken to
Mr. Deagan on occasion,
but this makes it sound like--
I know. You have no idea
what it's been like around here.
The phone has been ringing off the hook
since 8:00 this morning.
- Eleanor, the entire
situation is so absurd.
- Darling, I know.
What in the world
am I supposed to do?
I suppose you
could start by getting yourself
another gardener.
Frank? What on Earth--
Eleanor, could I call you back?
Frank just walked in.
Of course. You go ahead.
I'll call you later.
What are you doing home?
Is everything all right?
Just tell me
one goddamned thing.
Is it true,
what they've been saying?
Frank, I can't believe
you even--
Because if it is, even in the slightest,
I swear to God, Cathleen--
Frank, I am sorry
you even had to
hear such nonsense.
Yeah, well, Dick Dawson
didn't seem to think
it was such nonsense...
when he snuck away from his desk
to phone me today.
Good heavens.
He says the whole
friggin' town's talking!
Frank, please.
Sybil will hear you.
I sent her out!
Christ, Cathleen, do you
even have the slightest idea
about what this could mean?
Dont you realize the effect
it's gonna have on me...
and the reputation I have
spent the past eight years
trying to build...
for you and the children
and for the company?
Frank, I swear to you,
whatever Mona Lauder saw
or thought she saw...
was entirely a figment
of that woman's
hateful imagination.
Yes. I have spoken
to Raymond Deagan
on occasion.
He brought his little girl
to Eleanor's art show.
But-- But, apparently,
even here in Hartford,
the idea of a white woman
even speaking to a colored man--
Oh, please!
Just save me the Negro rights!
You know what that woman
is capable of!.
And besides,
I-I've already given him notice...
and we-- we won't be seeing
that man again.
Is that why you came home--
because of what Dick said?
Did something happen
at work?
Tsk. I guess you could call it
some sort of early Christmas bonus.
What do you mean?
A month of rest
and relaxation.
Can you imagine?
During the busiest season
of the year.
What a goddamn honour.
But when you consider
the bang-up job I've been doing...
ever since good ol' Dr. Bowman
came on the scene--
and for being--
What did Millstein call it?
"Years overdue."
They do owe you a vacation
after all you've given them.
Palm Springs
is supposed to be nice.
So says the word on high.
I know it may not
seem like it now,
but a little time away,
a vacation,
might be the best thing...
for both of us.
Frank, what a wretched day
it must have been for you.
Say, what do you know?
Pop's home.
What you doing' home, Pop?
David, your father
has work to do.
It's best you help yourself
to a glass of milk
and get started on your studies.
Yes, Mother. Say, Pop--
Mind your mother,
Yes, sir.
Uh, say, Mr. Deagan--
Yes, Jake?
There's a lady
on the phone for you.
I'll be right there.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Thank you for meeting me.
I realize you have
a busy schedule.
Worked out fine.
I was glad you called.
Are you sure
everything's all right?
Uh, is there something
I can do for you folks?
Can we leave here?
Of course.
What is it?
What happened?
I wanted to see you
in person, Raymond. I--
I just-- I can't.
Can't what?
It isn't plausible for me
to be friends with you.
You've been so very kind to me
and I've been perfectly reckless
and foolish in return,
Thinking what?
That one person
could reach out to another,
take an interest in another...
and maybe for one
fleeting instant...
could manage to see
beyond the surface,
beyond the color of things?
Do you think we ever really do...
see beyond those things--
the surface of things?
"Just beyond the fall of grace,
behold that
ever-shining place."
Yes. I do.
I don't really have a choice.
I wish I could.
Good luck to you, Raymond.
Mrs. Whitaker.
You! Boy!
Hands off!.
- Yeah! You!
- Raymond, please don't.
You're so beautiful.
Come on, dear.
Oh! It is them! It is!
Thank you, Mother.
Thank you, Father.
Oh-ho. Merry Christmas,
Now I'll be as good
as all the other girls in class.
Here you are,
Just the way
you like it.
Hey, Pop.
Look at this steam engine.
Oh. My goodness.
I knew I was
forgetting something.
A little something
for Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
Well, what have we here?
"Acapulco. Rio.
Take your pick.
It's your choice.
Mother, will you help me
lace up my slippers?
In a minute, dear.
I don't know. Stan is always
raving about Miami.
Oh, Frank.
Miami would be a dream.
El says it's just darling.
Everything's pink.
Oh, really?
Maybe we oughta
consider Bermuda.
Oh, Frank!
I do love you, darling.
I do.
I must say,
you look extremely fetching...
all gussied up
in your white tux and tie.
Well, it's a good thing,
since I can hardly breathe in it.
Oh. It's not that bad.
You like my dress?
Why, yes.
Very much. Didn't I say?
You did not.
Well, it's a ravishing dress...
with a ravishing girl
to go with it.
That's more like it.
Very nice.
Right this way, sir.
Hilda, we're over here.
Ah. Excuse us.
No problem at all.
You have
a lovely family.
Thank you.
a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Oh, Kenny, be a darling
and pour the champagne.
Sure, Mother.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the time has come...
for the countdown
into the new year.
Must be almost time.
All together now!
Five, four, three,
two, one.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, darling.
Happy New Year to you.
- Where do you wanna go?
- Mm. The table.
All right. Mary.
Did you see Kenny?
Martin! Martin!
Oh! Caroline.
You know youre not
supposed to go in there!
Now what did I tell you
about going in that pool?
You know you're not
supposed to go in there!
- Hello there.
- Well, hello.
Nice swim, darling?
Isn't the sun
just marvellous?
Donna. Time to get out.
What? But why?
Because I said so.
- Here comes Kenny.
- I was looking for you
on the other side.
I tell you,
we're gonna have to
start meeting points.
That does it. I've had
quite enough fashion advice
for the afternoon.
I do believe it's time
for my Miss Mitchell.
Oh, heavens.
I think I left it upstairs.
So silly.
You want me to go get it?
No. You just sat down.
Oh, no.
I don't mind.
You sure?
Yeah. I have to
get a paper anyway.
Thank you, darling.
I think it's right there
on the nightstand.
Hey, Hutch.
Hey, fellas!
Look who's coming.
It's daddy's girl.
Hey there, daddy's girl.
Where do you think you're going?
Home to see your daddy?
Yeah. And his white girlfriend.
Hey! Where you going?
We just wanna play.
Uh-oh. Wrong turn,
daddy's girl.
Hey, daddy's girl.
Over here.
Yeah. She made a wrong turn
all right. Just like her daddy.
They're here!
I see their car!
They're here!
Welcome home,
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker.
Oh, my goodness.
What a lovely greeting.
Hiya, Pop.
Hey, Mother.
So, Mother,
was it dreamy?
Oh-ho. Listen to you.
Did you have a nice time,
Mr. Whitaker?
Yes. It was very relaxing.
Say, Pop--
David, help Sybil
with the luggage please.
Pop, you'll never
guess what happened
at school this week.
Try and guess.
Uh, I give up.
I'm helping, Mother.
Billy Hutchinson
and these two other boys...
all got expelled
from school.
I think you mean
No. Expelled. I swear.
For throwing a rock
at a girl's head.
That's terrible.
- A little girl at school?
- No. She was a Negro.
What? Who told you
such a thing?
Tommy Hawkins.
He saw it, so he had
to tell the principal.
Sybil, is this true?
Yes, ma'am.
I'm afraid it is.
What on Earth
has gotten into this town?
It was just a couple
of foolish kids.
Yeah. Hutch said that they were
just trying to teach her a lesson.
Well, I think it's dreadful,
and you're not to play with that
Hutch boy again, understand me?
-Yes, ma'am.
- David, while youre up,
how about
flippin'on the set
for your old man?
Sure, Pop.
- Mother, how do you spell "skirt"?
- Uh, just a minute, dear.
Mother's making a call.
Oh. Yes. Hello. Um,
I was wondering if you
could help me possibly.
I just received
your brochure,
which I found
extremely informative,
and I was curious
about what was entailed,
precisely, in your--
in your volunteer program
in terms of particular skills
and so on.
You see, I--
Oh, yes.
I can hold.
Father's home.
Frank. What happened
to the match?
Oh, my, um, shoulder.
It started acting up.
I-- I just couldn't
sit there any longer.
You didn't say anything.
Father, I did the splits today.
Wanna see?
Janice, your father
just walked in the door...
and you have schoolwork
to finish.
Yes, Mother.
You know,
Frank, you never
had that physical.
And I think
you're due for one.
Can I call Dr. Ellis?
You know,
it's been three years.
Oh. Did I tell you that
the paediatrician thinks that
Janice is going to need braces?
Father, do I have to?
Apparently, our little girl
has an overbite.
Pop, you'll never guess
what I'm doing.
Where is your coat?
It's in the garage.
I'm waxing Pop's car.
And what's it doing there?
It's gonna
look swell, Pop.
How many times do I have to
tell you children you are not
permitted outdoors...
in this kind of weather
unless you are properly dressed?
Yes, ma'am.
Because I give up.
If you wanna go and
catch your death of cold,
then so be it.
You try talking
some sense into them, Frank,
because whatever I say doesn't--
What's the matter?
David, Janice,
go upstairs to your rooms.
What is it?
something's happened.
I've fallen in love
with someone...
who wants to be with me.
Oh, Cathy,
I-I-I just-- I--
I never knew what that felt--
But I know that sounds so cruel, but--
Oh, God. Cathy, I tried.
I tried so hard
to make it go away.
It-- It-- I thought
that I could do it...
for you and for the kids.
But... I can't.
I just-- I can't.
I can't.
I, um, assume then, you'll be...
wanting a divorce.
Eleanor, it's me, Cathy.
Oh, Cathy.
So you see, El,
why I couldn't tell you anything--
anything at all.
Oh, you dear sweet kid.
In a million years,
I couldn't have imagined.
Not Frank.
I think that's what's
been hardest of all.
The endless secrecy.
Our entire lives
just shut in the dark.
Are there savings?
None to speak of.
Certainly not
with Frank's job on the line.
Well, honey, if theres
anything you need,
anything at all--
Oh, El.
I mean it.
We're here, all right?
Thank you, El,
for always having been.
You know, it's funny.
What's that?
This whole time,
the only person I was able to
talk to about any of this...
was Raymond Deagan.
- What?
- It's true.
Not in the way that Mona intended.
Nothing like that.
But we would just talk.
And somehow, it made me feel--
I don't know.
Alive somewhere.
Eleanor, I know
it's ridiculous and mad,
but I-- I think of him.
I do.
What he's doing.
What he's thinking.
I do.
What can I say?
You're so full of surprises,
I'm speechless.
What do you mean?
I'm sure I must've looked
entirely the fool...
crusading away against Mona Lauder
and all her so-called inventions.
Eleanor, how could you
say such a thing?
I didn't say a word.
Who am I to tell anyone
how to lead their lives?
Eleanor, nothing
happened between us.
I told you that.
Cathy, it's
none of my business,
but you certainly
make it sound
as if something had.
Mrs. Whitaker?
Oh. Sybil.
I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am.
I-I just--
Yes, Sybil?
There's something I've been
wanting to tell you, ma'am,
for some time.
Something I believe you
surely Anna know, even if
it isn't exactly my place.
Well, what is it?
It's about the little
colored girl, ma'am.
The one
that got hit.
What about her?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
It was Mr. Deagan's
little girl, Sarah.
What? Oh, Sybil. No.
The neighbours tell me
she's doing just fine.
Oh, that poor sweet little girl.
That-- How in God's name
could you not have told me,
Sybil? This was weeks ago!
Mrs. Whitaker,
please don't be cross with me.
I didn't wanna
make things any worse.
Sybil, do you know
where Mr. Deagan lives?
I believe he's been
at his father's old place
on 12th and Governor.
Twelfth and Governor.
Thank you.
Are you going there now?
Please keep an eye
on the children.
I shouldn't be too long.
Mrs. Whitaker.
Would you like me
to go with you, ma'am?
No. No, I'll be fine.
Thankyou, Sybil.
Who on Earth?
Raymond, I-- I just heard.
Just this instant.
I heard
and I jumped into my car.
How are you? How is Sarah?
We're fine. Thank you.
Would you meet me around the side?
Sarah, everything's all right.
Daddy's just gonna be out
for a minute, okay?
Raymond. What she
must've been through.
What's being done
to the boys?
I won't put her
through that again.
Not now. Not with rocks
coming through the windows
every night.
Raymond, that's hateful.
Oh, it's not whites throwin' them.
It's coloreds.
Seems to be the one place
where whites and coloreds
are in full harmony.
Anyway, we'll be outta here
soon enough once and for all.
You're moving?
Where to?
I have a brother in Baltimore,
says he can find me work there.
So we're packing up the house.
Two weeks, Friday,
we'll be on the 4:30 train
heading south.
What about your--
your business, your shop?
Oh, the business is through.
Nobody's gonna hire me.
So I'm gonna sell the shop
to a cousin of mine.
Yeah. Things are...
pretty well finished for me here.
I've never lived anywhere
other than Hartford.
sometime in the future...
after youre settled,
I could--
Perhaps I could come for a visit,
see Baltimore.
You see, I--
Well, it seems as if
I'm to be single again.
Oh, Mrs. Whitaker.
Please call me Cathy.
No one would know us there.
I'm just not sure
that would be a wise idea.
everything that's--
What matters now,
what has to matter the most,
is what's right for Sarah.
I've learned my lesson
about mixing in other worlds.
I've seen the sparks fly.
All kinds.
Have a proud life.
A splendid life.
Will you do that?
Good-bye, Cathy.
Cathy, did I wake you?
I-I'm sorry to call this late.
I hope I didn't, uh--
Uh, no. I was awake.
I, uh, didn't want to
upset the children.
No. No, of course not.
How are they, by the way?
Fine. Just fine. They still
ask when you'll be coming home.
I know.
That's, uh, partly
why I'm calling really.
I got a call from Dick
and he said
that everything was set,
um, papers drawn up.
And he wanted to know
how Thursday was for you.
3:00 or sometime?
I-- I told him I thought
you had car pool Thursdays,
but I wasn't
absolutely certain,
so I said I would check.
You never could remember
my car pool days.
And they've
always been the same.
Wednesdays and Fridays,
long as I can remember.
Oh, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Right. Uh--
Same old absentminded--
What time...
did you say on Thursday?
The appointment.
What time?
Uh, three o'clock.
All right.
Uh, well... great.
That-- That was it,
uh, really.
know it's late.
It is.
So I'll see you
on-- on Thursday then.
See you Thursday.
Good-bye, Cathy.
Good-bye, Frank.
Sixty-seven dollars
and thirty-two cents.
Now, what day is today?
Oh, Sybil. You don't
need to do that.
It's Friday.
I know it's Friday,
but there's so much to be done now,
I can hardly expect you
to be polishing tables.
No reason not to keep things up.
No reason at all.
I know.
Don't forget
the grocery list.
Thank you.
I don't know how on Earth
I'd ever manage--
I shouldn't be long,
All right, Mrs. Whitaker.
Why are we turning in here?
I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
Now stay put, both of you.
All aboard! Southbound train
to New York and Washington...
now departing!
All aboard!
All right. Thanks.
I 'l I be seeing you.
All aboard!
Southbound train
to New York and Washington...
now departing.
All aboard!
Ready to go?
That's my girl.
Wesley! Come on!
We'll miss the train.
Don't forget to call
your mother tomorrow.
All aboard! Southbound train
to New York City--
- Thank you, sir.
- Here you go. Thanks.
All aboard!