Farewell My Concubine (1993) Movie Script

Who are you?
We're with the opera troupe.
Oh I didn't recognize you.
I'm a great fan of you both.
Is that so? Thank you.
It's been over twenty years
since you performed together, hasn't it?
Yes, twenty-two years
and it's been ten years
since we last saw each other.
Eleven years.
That's right, eleven years. Yes.
That's due to the Gang of Four
and the Cultural Revolution.
Yeah, that's right.
Things are better now.
That's for sure.
Everything's fine now.
Please wait here a moment.
I'll go and turn on the lights.
I'm sorry to trouble you.
Yanhong, is that you?
I've really missed you.
Ladies and gentlemen
enjoy the show.
You cunning asshole.
Laizi's trying to run away again.
You brat! See how far you get.
Quick, go and catch him.
I'm sorry.
Gentlemen, please be patient.
You trash, how dare you
show yourselves around here!
Fuck you all.
Just as sure as my name's Shitou
I'll give you something to look at.
What are you screaming for?
I haven't even said hello yet.
You're a disgrace to the opera troupe.
couldn't even play a monkey right.
You thought you'd get away with
that brick act, did you?
It's garbage.
Sharpen your knives.
Sharpen your knives.
This child
isn't fated to be an actor:
not with that extra finger.
He has a good face,
but he can't act.
Sharpen your knives.
I can afford to raise him
but he's getting
too big to keep at the brothel.
If only you'll take him,
you can do whatever you like.
Don't look down on us.
Don't be silly.
Prostitutes and actors alike
are equally despised by society.
Just go away.
Ma, my hands are freezing.
They feel like ice.
Get away from us,
you son of a whore.
It's from the whore house.
Drop it on the foor.
Are you bullying him?
Come over here. Sleep with me.
You're really something.
Laizi, go and
snuggle up with Little Monk.
It's so cold outside
the piss
froze on the tip of my dick.
I nearly turned a somersault.
If you belong to the human race,
you go to the opera.
Pigs and dogs
don't listen to opera.
If you don't go to the opera
you're not a human being.
And where there's opera,
there's work for us actors.
Stop squealing.
Straighten that back.
If you think
you're above everyone else
you'll learn the hard way.
This is just the beginning.
Don't worry, Douzi.
We're already half way through.
are you helping someone cheat?
Master, I was looking up.
I didn't notice what was on the floor.
Bullshit. Get me my sword.
And hurry up.
Get up.
Don't you have something to say?
Yes. Forming cliques
is prohibited and will be punished.
not fucking scared of anything.
From the time opera began
it's never enjoyed
such popularity as it does today.
You're lucky to be part of it.
We are.
Heaven will not
a lack of material skill.
I've been practicing kung fu
to keep myself warm.
It's cool outside, quite cool
but I've become a man of fire.
Get away from me.
I'm so strong,
I can uproot the mountains.
My courage is renowned.
I've fallen on bad times
yet even my horse
won't run away to save itself.
These are our rules.
We must learn them well.
Since ancient times,
man has needed a skill.
If you devote yourself to this,
you'll be well paid.
Now go away and practice.
Let's hear Fleeing by Night.
I look back at the Celestial Court
and hurry on wards in fight
heedless of...
Heedless of what?
...heedless of
loyalty and filial piety.
I am so strong,
I can uproot the mountains
yet even my horse
won't run away to save itself.
And my beloved concubine:
what shall I do about her?
Excellent! Not a word
out of place. Give me your hand.
This is so that you'll remember
to do as well the next time.
I am a nun.
At sixteen I am a nun.
My hair is shorn at youth's prime.
Go on.
I am by nature a boy
I am by nature a boy.
You are by nature a girl.
I'll punish you, Laizi.
You still can't get it right, can you?
Don't hit me. I won't do it again.
I am by nature
Spit it out.
I am by nature a boy.
Is a nun a male or a female?
A boy.
You really are in character.
You can't even tell male from female.
I am by nature a boy
You've forgotten
everything the master's taught you.
Do it again
and I'll really thrash you.
You'd better remember this.
If by chance
I'm beaten to death tomorrow
there are three copper coins
hidden under my mattress.
Be careful.
Don't water your hand.
Douzi, in a few days
you'll be initiated into the troupe.
Just pretend you're a girl,
and don't mess up the lyrics again.
Laizi, have you ever
eaten sweet pea cakes?
Whats the
big deal about sweet peacakes?
How about millet rolls?
Basin cakes?
They're about
as fucking special as dog farts.
So what do you like?
There's nothing yummier
than a stick of candied crab apples.
If I make it big, I'll eat
candied crab apples every day for dinner.
Candied crab apples for sale.
Candied crab apples for sale.
Don't look at us like that.
We're not sticks of apple.
Laizi, you're drooling.
what the hell are you doing?
Wow. So many big kites.
we've only got 2 days to go.
Run for it.
Come back.
Douzi, we've got just 2 days.
Don't forget
the money under my pillow.
You're worthless.
Get out of my sight.
Where'd you get that?
Forget Shitou.
I'm spending your money now.
Ten apples on each stick.
I'll give you 2.
What's wrong with you?
I have to pee real bad.
Not in the middle of the street.
It's Manager Wang.
The stars have arrived.
Here. Come this way.
My dear sir,
this is like a visit from heaven.
All you need to do is sneeze
and you get a standing ovation.
Thanks for coming here.
We'll be lucky
if no one's trampled to death in there.
I'll sit on your shoulders
for a while, then you sit on mine.
The King. It's the King of Chu.
What does it take to become a star?
How many beatings?
When will I ever enjoy such fame?
You're pissing
all over me. Are you nuts?
I knew you'd go back.
You couldn't live without Shitou.
We're going to get a taste
of the sword, but I'm not afraid.
For me, it's like
having an itch scratched.
I've eaten my candied crab apple.
I'm a fucking star already.
You little runts,
you've come back after all.
Good. I deserve it.
Why the hell
did you let them go?
Die, you runts.
Skipping class
and running away must be punished.
Master, I'll never
do it again. Please let me go.
You let them get away. Rogues!
I wouldn't dare
do it again, master. I was wrong.
Beat me instead.
Didn't you think
you'd get yours? I'll kill you.
Douzi, speak up. Say something.
Beg for mercy.
Say he's beaten you well.
Let's just disband the troupe.
You're killing Douzi.
I won't let you do this.
Master Guan
Laizi, he...
This opera tells the story of
the war between the Chu and Han kings.
What sort of a man was the King of Chu?
A peerless and invincible hero
a bold and resourceful general,
capable of defeating vast armies.
But fate wasn't on his side.
At Gaixia he was outwitted
by the Han king.
As they prepared for battle,
the Han's troops sang victory songs.
Due to the Han's military tactics
the Chu armies fled in great panic
and had
their country taken from them.
Even the king was weeping.
No matter how resourceful you are
you can't fight fate.
The king had once been
all-powerful, but in the end
all he had left
was one woman and one horse.
He tried to get his steed to
run away, but it wouldn't go.
he wanted his concubine to
go free, but she wouldn't.
For the very last time
the concubine poured wine for her king
and danced for him with a sword
then cut her throat with it
to keep her fidelity.
There's a lesson
in this story for all of us:
that each person is responsible
for his or her own fate.
You'd do well to keep that in mind.
I am so strong,
I can uproot the mountains.
My courage is renowned.
I've fallen on bad times
yet even my horse
won't run away to save itself.
Old man Zhang has commissioned you
to hire an opera troupe.
I heartily congratulate you.
With your patronage, the children
will have new clothes to wear.
Good opera, however, is not so simple.
When he was a palace eunuch
old man Zhang attended operas
with the Empress Dowager herself.
I could lose a lot of respect,
but that's nothing.
Do you realize that if
the performance doesn't make the grade...
This kid's got something.
How long has he been in training?
Douzi, come here
and pay your respects.
He's got
a nice little figure too.
Can you sing any old-style operas?
Yes, two.
Fleeing by Night is for a male
and Outside the Nunnery, for a female.
Let's hear a bit of the second one.
At sixteen I am a nun
my hair shorn at youth's prime.
Yet I am by nature a boy
not a girl.
Mr. Na, I'm terribly sorry.
He's usually very good.
Master Guan,
I'll see you some other time.
Open your mouth. Open it.
You've botched it for all of us.
I'll teach you.
I am by nature a girl.
I am by nature a girl.
At sixteen I am a nun
my hair shorn at youth's prime.
Yet I am
by nature a girl, not a boy.
Why must I wear
these sexless robes?
I see the joyful couples pass
in their splendid brocades.
Despite myself,
desire burns in my heart.
Year after year,
all over the land
I've followed my king
on his military campaigns
wind and frost and hard toil.
Our people are
fallen into an abyss of misery.
This little boy
Master Guan
Mr. Zhang, may you
live as long as South Mountain.
The king's here.
Your Highness
the people have suffered
untold hardship and pain.
This is a special reward
from Zhan, an old man
for two kids
so take it.
Yes, sir.
The Chu king
would have won with this sword.
If I were emperor,
you'd be the queen of the palace.
Take that sword.
Careful, kiddies.
That's a real blade.
There's no need to run.
What's wrong?
The sweat
stings in the scratches.
Have them go together.
Certainly not.
It's an old rule around here.
Master Guan, I'm sorry
if you don't understand.
The concubine has to die
one way or the other.
Isn't that right?
what year is this?
This is the year 1932.
It's still the Ching dynasty.
Come over here.
I want to find Shitou.
I need to pee.
Pee into this.
Don't waste it.
Just pee into this.
Come to me.
what's happened to you?
Have you gone dumb?
Speak to me.
fate has
determined each of our lots.
Leave him to his destiny.
All right. Look at the camera.
you've done grandly for yourselves.
You look so dignified
and stunning in any style of clothing.
That's it.
Japan's invasion of North China.
Damn. It's those students again.
Down with Japanese imperialism!
Aren't they the opera actors?
How can you put on make up
and sing opera at a time like this?
Have you
no feeling for your country?
We're Chinese too,
Chinese to the core.
Look at us, God damn it.
The Chinese
mustn't fight among themselves.
We're all Chinese here.
Don't forget that.
How dare they
pretend to be patriotic!
Why don't they go out
and fight the Japanese soldiers?
Because you're
craving for women and marriage.
Do something.
You just
want to find a way out.
The one who was yelling the loudest
would make a good actor.
Do you remember the first time
we performed Farewell My Concubine?
Only you could
remember something like that.
I know.
It was a lucky day for you.
Back then it was.
I went there yesterday.
I know you've been looking
for the sword, but it's long gone.
Long life for Deyie.
Candied crab apples for sale.
Candied crab apples for sale.
We've got a sea of people.
They're craning their necks
to catch a glimpse of their idols.
Even master Yuan's here to see you.
It's a great honor for us.
Go away.
Mr. Duan
they're getting impatient.
Please hurry.
Trust me.
They won't feel like
they're wasting their money.
Year after year, all over the land
I've followed my king
on his military campaigns.
You be the judge.
Hasn't he blurred...
I hate only the lawless tyrant
who plunged our people into misery.
...the distinction between
theater and male and female?
He is now at the level of
Your Highness
I've caused you
so much grief!
So Master Yuan
has come to see us tonight.
I know. I sang so loudly
I drowned out the horns.
I'll show him how great we are
without his patronage.
But Duan
Don't worry.
At key moments
I squeezed my waist
with my hands
until it hurt.
Master Yuan.
It's an honor.
You deserve this.
The Empress Dowager herself
never bestowed such a gift
upon her favorite actors.
Master Yuan, how can
our Dieyi be worthy of your favor?
Farewell My Concubine
has a long history.
It evolved from the old-style
opera story of the precious one.
Many famous actors
have failed in this role.
I've never seen an actor
as great as you are.
For a moment or two
this Yuan fellow was so entranced
he believed Concubine Yu
had actually come back to life.
Master Duan
when the king returns to camp
and meets Concubine Yu
custom has it
he takes seven steps.
You only take five.
If the King of Chu fails to
bear himself with majestic dignity
he's little better
than a gangster putting on airs.
Master Yuan, you're
a master of the theater arts.
You're an expert in all
the varieties and facets of opera.
I may well be
what you say.
Please give us the benefit
of your advice and criticism.
If it's not beneath you
I'd like to invite you
to my humble home for some wine.
There is still so much
to be said about this opera.
Im terribly sorry, Master Yuan.
I've another drinking engagement
with a courtesan.
With a courtesan!
Nice taste you have.
And Mr. Cheng?
we'll share our thoughts later.
Girls, take care of our guest.
Thank you for coming.
Dieyi, I'm leaving too.
come and entertain our guest.
Mr. Duan, this way please.
Long time no see, Mr. Duan.
We've missed you.
I'd like to see Miss Juxian.
Ah how shall I put it?
You should have said that earlier.
She's not here at the moment.
What can we do? How about this?
come and keep Mr. Duan company.
I really want to see her.
Tell me the truth.
Where is Juxian really?
or down?
The phoenix roosts
on the highest branches, of course.
But she's pretty high-class.
Do you believe she'll go for you?
Of course.
I specialize in high-class.
Ah Miss Juxian.
OK. We're bastards.
You fucking bitch,
how dare you be so picky.
Cut it out.
Because you're pretty
Cut it out or I'll jump.
Jump. I'll follow on your heels.
No matter where you are
even after death, I'll be there.
these guys are revolting.
They were forcing me to
drink wine from their mouths.
Come on, you assholes.
Jump. Now it's your turn.
Bastards! Rapists!
All right. Let's go.
Oh it's Mr. Duan.
Listen. We're all here to
have a good time and spend lots of money
so let's not pick fights. OK?
Keep out of it and get lost.
Don't get upset.
Juxian, you're to blame.
Didn't you tell these gentlemen,
today's a special day?
That we'd decided to
announce our engagement today?
That's right.
Today's the lady's happy day.
Drink a toast to me.
Aren't you going to
offer your congratulations?
Do you think you can fool us?
Gentlemen, on this
my happiest day
allow me to drink to all of you.
And now, something to sober you up.
I heard, you got into
a fight at the House of Blossoms.
You know the old story
about Panjinlian's husband.
Does this mean
there's a Panjinlian in your life?
What are you saying?
What do you want to hear?
I was just fooling around.
Come with me sometime.
You'll find out what it's like.
It'll be exciting.
I'm sorry. I really am.
I wasn't thinking.
I really
put my foot in it this time.
I'm a damn fool.
Have you forgotten
the secret of our success?
Don't you
remember our teacher's words?
Which words were they?
"Stay together till the day you die."
I want you to be with me.
How about
we stay together until death?
We've come this far together,
havent we?
It's not enough.
It should be a lifetime.
One day, even one second less
makes it less than a lifetime.
Dieyi, you really are obsessed.
Your obsession with the stage
carries over
into your everyday life
but how are we
going to get through the days
and survive in the real world
among ordinary people?
Give me a hand with my makeup.
Concubine Yu
singing the song everywhere.
Our country's
being ruined by the enemy.
Go and live out
this God damned fantasy then.
My king
I'll tell you,
even though it's heart-breaking:
Today is
the day we say goodbye.
You'll become a lady of virtue.
Wake up. Do you think
the wolves and tigers
recognize your scent anymore?
I'm scared.
Let me tell you something.
Once a whore, always a whore.
I'll keep that in mind.
Fine. I'll see you around.
Mr. Duan
has presented you with a pennant.
The Beauty of the Age, it reads.
What are you doing here?
What is it, Juxian?
Come on in.
No. You come out.
What are you doing,
barefoot on such a cold day?
What's happened?
The House of Blossoms
won't keep an engaged woman.
Come on.
Let me introduce you.
This is Miss Juxian.
This is my stage brother, Dieyi.
You may have
seen him as Concubine Yu.
Xiaolou speaks of you so often,
I feel as though we're old friends.
Miss Juxian, excuse me.
I must be going.
if you hadn't found me
at the House of Blossoms
I'd be six feet under by now.
It was you who proposed to me.
I'm used to hardship.
If you take me in
I'll wait on you hand and foot.
If you ever abandon me
I'll kill myself.
What a dragon lady!
When's the performance of
Candle Lit Night
in the Bridal Chamber?
Hold on. I want
a formal engagement ceremony
with the entire company invited.
I want to
enter your home as a proper bride.
You don't think
I plan to cut corners, do you?
The formal
engagement ceremony will be tonight.
Gentlemen, we request
the pleasure of your company.
Miss Juxian
where did you study opera?
What makes you think that?
Just the way you are,
overplaying your part.
Dieyi, she's going to
be your sister-in-law.
What's more,
for the engagement party tonight
I haven't learned the opera,
Gangster King and his Whore.
Our teacher
never taught us that one.
What are you talking about?
Dieyi, Xiaolou has spoken
well of you.
Don't leave.
Where are you going?
That doesn't concern you.
Please don't go.
Master Yuan's inviting us tonight.
He wants to become our patron.
Who does he think he is?
No one tells me what to do.
I'm just a fake king.
You really are Concubine Yu.
Let him
patronize you if you like.
this feather headpiece
is rare and precious.
The feathers are collected
from the tails of live peacocks.
That's the secret
to keeping
the feathers soft and colorful.
I'll be waiting for you.
In this world
there's foulness
in both men and women.
only the bodhisattva embodies
both male and female essences.
Such ecstasy.
This sword has a history.
It once
belonged to the eunuch Zhang.
When Zhang went bankrupt,
I went to great trouble to acquire it.
I can see from this
you're old acquaintances.
Amazing. One searches
far and wide for something
Like it?
Let's not have any
vulgar talk of money between us.
A precious sword is the classic gift
for one's most intimate friend.
What do you say?
Mr. Cheng, will you
be my most intimate friend?
The soldiers
of the Han have invaded.
The songs of Chu
can be heard on all sides.
Since the good king
has lost his fighting spirit
why should his humble concubine
value her life?
It's a real sword.
A smile ushers in the spring.
A tear darkens the entire world.
How truly this befits you.
To you.
Only you
are possessed of such charm.
Ah Mr. Cheng. I knew you'd come.
We've saved a seat for you
at the head of the table.
You've come back?
It's a good thing
you've shown up.
Have a look at this.
What a sword!
How did you acquire this
tonight, out of nowhere?
Dieyi, you've come so late.
You'd better drink up.
Yes, drink up.
My gratitude, Miss Juxian.
Dieyi? Mr. Cheng.
from now on
we'll no longer perform together.
Mr. Cheng, you can't do this.
This isn't... The fans won't...
This is terrible.
Japanese troops
have entered the city.
Dieyi. Where's Dieyi?
I'll fill up
your glass with the finest wine
special wine.
So what's this wine called?
Wine of Overnight Drinking.
Fill it up.
Who'll be serving me tonight?
Dieyi looks like
he's lifting his shoulders up.
Because a man's life is meaningless,
it's like the dream of spring.
At your disposal.
I'll keep on drinking until
this night is over.
Don't waste my time.
Just take it off.
Even if it
belongs to your ancestor
you should let him put it on.
Do you
understand me, you wretch?
Tell the Japanese
I'll be there right away.
Hold on a moment.
It's not some private party.
They're manipulating you
into singing for them.
On the other hand, you're
the only one who can save Xiaolou.
On the other hand
if anything happened to you,
this theater of mine would
All right. Go on then.
Miss Juxian, what are you doing?
Mr. Cheng isn't at home.
Where's Dieyi? Dieyi...
Hurry up. I've heard
the Japanese feed prisoners to their dogs.
If you delay,
he might not have a life to save.
But you allowed them to
take him away in the first place.
Xiaolou has looked after you
since you were small.
What do you mean?
Mr. Na, would you mind
leaving the room for a moment?
I have something to
say to Dieyi in private.
Everyone says
Miss Juxian's quite clever.
We're all trying to
help Xiaolou. Talk it over.
How about a clear answer?
Are you going or not?
Say something.
I know what's on your mind.
I have a proposal.
If you can get
Xiaolou out of there unharmed
I'll go
back to the House of Blossoms.
I'll keep away
from both of you. How's that?
At the House of Blossoms,
you don't have much to worry about.
Life's a lot simpler there.
Just remember:
You said it, not me.
I give you my word.
The flowers have blossomed.
Their season is past.
All have fallen.
Only the sun remains the same.
Into ruin and decay...
my brother...
Xiaolou, are you all right?
Did you sing for the Japanese?
There's one of them called Aoki,
who genuinely likes opera.
All right. Come here.
Let me have another drink.
OK. I'll drink one for you.
I think this opera,
Farewell My Concubine
has turned into
"Farewell My King".
The king's really irrelevant.
Drink this.
Your voice
will pierce the heavens.
All right. Come on.
Forget the opera.
Let's just live a quiet life.
We'll have
a fat little baby boy.
Then I'll have
everything I want. That's enough.
No more opera.
Let's go.
'Bye then.
Give me the money back.
Not the crickets, my money.
You borrowed the money
on your host's credit, right?
Go on.
I can't believe
a grown-up like you is busy playing
with insects and not working.
I'm an actor.
What else can I do
other than acting on a stage?
Shall I carry coffins?
You should be satisfied by now.
no need to shout like that.
Here's the money.
What? Don't you need it?
I apologize
if I was going too far.
Unless you're cautious
they'll get you.
The master wants to see you.
No. I won't go.
Look at this sword.
Master, they've just arrived.
Dieyi and Xiaolou, the ones
you've been wanting to meet.
What a great fucking honor!
What the hell
are they are doing here?
Well, I finally
have something to brag about.
A great fucking honor.
Take your seats there
and bow to me.
You're finally here.
without my help
you'd be nobody.
And I left the stage.
Now it's
your turn to help me.
Hit me.
Come on.
now you're
all grown up
great actors now with fame.
Don't you remember your youth?
What's worrying you?
Just hit him hard.
When did I tell you
to look down on me?
Are you going to ruin opera?
It's your fault.
Take this.
I'm to blame.
Blame me.
I need to tell you something.
Xialou is my master.
If you want to hit him,
you need my permission.
That's enough.
I've heard of
one bitch, and it was you.
So you must be
the VIP today, right?
Take a seat
and make yourself
at home, drinking tea.
Alcohol, gambling,
women and even crickets?
You've fucking
ruined opera's traditions.
There's nothing wrong in beating you
with a cigarette stick for your disgrace.
For an opium addicted brother.
what's the crime?
it's not a time
for a whore to interfere.
Isn't that your way of
listening to their excuse?
Shut the fuck up.
Don't be so stupid.
You're such a nice guy.
Hit him.
Unless you stay quiet,
I'll cut his throat.
All right.
For you to kill one
will be taking two lives.
Your family will be over.
Did you just
ask me to stand up?
Xialou, are you listening to me?
You're becoming a father.
If I refrain from acting
I won't be able to buy
a birthday present for my child.
Come closer.
Don't slacken.
Stretch out your legs.
This play's
called "Anger of Night".
You act Linchou for this.
He's head of the palace guard
not some sneaky little thief.
Take this.
Attention, everyone.
This is
what a great hero is like.
A man doesn't shed tears lightly.
His heart must be broken.
Leave me alone.
I'm just taking Master's purnishment.
The troupe's disbanded.
You leave too.
Master said you
should learn to bear things
in order to become a great actor.
Everyone else has left.
You ought to go home too.
As a baby, I was
found on the street. I have no other home.
Do you know who found you?
No. They said if I knew,
I'd get a swelled head and wouldn't work hard.
Do you still want to sing opera?
Yes, even if
I have to beg to support myself.
What's your name?
Xiao Si.
Xiao Si.
I hear the talk of the soldiers...
Xiao Si, go and
tell the manager to avoid trouble.
...and it's all about running away.
What's wrong?
Why aren't you singing?
Don't make trouble.
Don't go, Xiaolou.
Waving a flashlight around
isn't allowed in the theater.
Even the Japanese
don't do things like that.
Everyone's here for the opera.
Please return to your seats.
Well put.
Back to your seats, everyone.
But can we let him get away with
speaking well of the Japanese?
We have to
get her to a hospital.
Save her first.
There was
just a minor disturbance.
Are you saying
such a big disturbance was minor?
You can fine us.
Why do you
need to arrest anyone?
The theater's
been trashed, people beaten
and you
still want to arrest him?
What for?
Cheng Dieyi
betrayed the country to the Japanese.
Move it.
On what basis?
Mr. Duan,
I'm afraid she's lost the baby.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Go and help Dieyi,
if he's so much more important to you.
I don't know whether
Dieyi goes looking for trouble
or if it's trouble
that comes looking for him.
Whenever you're with him,
my heart's in my throat.
Now that I've lost our child
you're all I have left.
I don't care if I have to
beg with you on the streets.
All I ask is peace of mind.
If you help him now,
we'll no longer owe him anything.
Don't perform with him any more.
Promise me that.
No more performances after this.
Master Yuan
Dieyi's life's in your hands.
Count this
and see if it's enough.
If you'll only save Dieyi
we'll give you all
our earnings for the next three years.
Do you think I need your money
to keep my birds from starving?
And this gentleman is...
Don't you recognize Xiaolou?
He plays the king
to Dieyi's concubine.
Then he should be
the one to save Concubine Yu.
My dear man, that's only a play.
All Beijing knows that
Master Yu is the true king of the theater.
That's true.
Speaking of which,
I'd like to ask Mr. Duan something.
When the king
returns to see Concubine Yu
how many steps should he take?
Show me how.
Come on. Show me.
Master Yuan.
Is this
the honorable home of Mr. Yuan?
When a man called Cheng Dieyi
was arrested, he said
the owner of this sword
would be able to rescue him.
Do you recognize it?
From your expression, I see
I've come to the right place.
Good. I'll put the sword here.
I'm so relieved
to have found its owner.
But sometimes
one's hopes are misplaced.
Master Yuan,
you mustn't blame Dieyi.
I see.
The reason
Dieyi performed for the Japanese
wouldn't be upon
someone's request, would it?
If it was,
he wouldn't have been arrested.
There's a roomful of reporters
waiting at home.
Xiaolou, Mr. Na, lets go.
Wait a moment. Let's talk.
Master Yuan
asked me to talk to you.
Tomorrow in court
say the Japanese
put a gun to your head.
Say they tortured you.
Master Yuan has made arrangements
for everything else.
This is from Xiaolou.
Dieyi, don't be angry with us.
Xiaolou's child:
it's died.
Your karmic partnership
with Xiaolou caused this.
After you get out of here
just go your own way.
During the resistance
against Japan, Cheng Dieyi
betrayed the country
by performing for Aoki and his colleagues.
You performed for their immorality.
The defendant
also encouraged the enemy
and disgraced your people.
Aoki continued to resist even
after Japan officially surrendered.
We've collected
these pictures as evidence
and they confirm
the defendant sang for the Japanese.
We call on the witnesses
Yuan Shiqing, Duan Xiaolou and Na Kun.
The government
has always been good to me
and I'd never betray
the laws of heaven or my own conscience.
Cheng Dieyi was
taken away in handcuffs by the Japanese.
They put a gun to
the back of his neck.
He couldn't help it.
Duan Xiaolou...
It's true. The Japanese
beat up my stage brother
exactly as Master Yuan
has just described.
Na Kun?
the prosecutor claims
Cheng performed obscene material.
That's absurd.
Cheng performed highlights
from Peony Pavilion that night.
Anyone with
any common sense knows that
Peony Pavilion is
the quintessential Chinese opera.
How can that be obscene
in the prosecutor's eyes?
How dare they insult
our tradition and culture like this.
Who's disparaging China's traditions
and disrespecting its culture?
We ask the accused, Cheng Dieyi:
Have the witnesses told the truth?
The court wishes to hear
what the accused has to say.
The accused may speak now.
Cheng Dieyi.
I sang for the Japanese.
I hate the Japanese too
but they didn't lay a hand on me.
Cheng Dieyi
you have the right
and duty to clear your name.
Reconsider carefully
and tell us again.
If Aoki had lived
he'd have
taken the Beijing opera to Japan.
Why don't you just kill me?
Master Yuan
Please, Master Yuan, don't leave.
What does it matter?
He's as good as dead.
Master Yuan, you can't go.
If you go, he's finished for sure.
The court has made its decision.
The case of
the traitor, Cheng Dieyi is suspended.
The accused is released under bond.
Court dismissed.
Dieyi, are you
playing with me, God damn it?
Mr. Cheng
This way, Mr. Cheng.
The commander has arrived.
How can one
know the color of spring
unless one visits the garden?
Ma, did you get my last letter?
Everything's fine here.
Don't worry about me.
Xiaolou looks after me.
We rehearse by day
and perform at night
just as before.
The world's
not what it used to be
but all we ask is a peaceful life
and that
we sing and get paid for it.
What more could you want?
How about this? Well done, right?
where should I mail this to?
The usual address.
All you classic consumptive heroines
burn your letters.
Have you seen this?
Do you want it?
If you don't, I'll tear it up.
I'll tear it up.
I'll do it.
Xiao Si
I gave Master Duan
the sword returned to you by Master Yuan.
The river's course is twisted
But in the end it flows to the sea.
So what problem lies between
Our concubine and our king?
Talk to each other now.
The Han king enters the city.
For better or worse,
we Manchus have ruled for three centuries.
The Republic's only just begun
and already it's being overthrown.
even the Communists must have opera.
The empire may change hands,
but rest assured
we're just waiting to see
what their money looks like.
Well, do you still
want to fight their ragtag troops?
Of course I'll fight them
if they don't behave themselves.
Unless you had Master Yuan's class.
We're capable of fighting them.
Do you recognize me?
Cigarettes. Buy one.
Mr. Zhang
don't you know us?
Buy a pack.
Singing of
sorrow and grief for my king
causes me to shed tears
to console my saddened heart.
I prefer to dance and sing a song
of good heart
a dance for
my king.
Xiao Si, tell him to
stay calm, no matter what.
Honorable guests, I'm very sorry.
Today my fellow actor is...
Move forward.
Our army's marching to the sun
stepping on the great motherland
with hopes of
nation on our shoulders.
No enemy
can keep us from our course.
Mr. Cheng, if you can't take it,
have another smoke.
Xiao Si, go and call Mr. Duan.
Yuan Shiqing,
the counter-revolutionary.
Yuan Shiqing,
the counter-revolutionary.
Yuan Shiqing is
an enemy of the People. He must die.
Death to Yuan Shiqing.
Be alert.
Execute Yuan Shiqing.
Yuan Shiqing
has always been against us.
He's harmed his community
and is guilty of monstrous crimes.
Only his execution
can satisfy the People's anger.
Down with
the counter-revolutionary, Yuan Shiqing.
Destroy him.
Down with Yuan Shiqing,
the tyrant of the opera world.
Satisfy the People's anger.
Death to Yuan Shiqing.
Execute Yuan Shiqing.
Take him away.
Let me go. I'll kill them all.
Stop this carrying on.
Listen carefully.
Keep your voices down.
Let me go. Release me.
Fuck you.
Cut it out or I'll hit you.
How is he?
We may need to
wean him off the opium slowly...
Don't go, Xiaolou.
...if he really
wants to overcome his addiction.
It feels like ice.
the river may freeze over.
It feels like ice.
It's freezing over.
so cold.
The sky of liberation
is clear and blue.
Mrs. Duan.
Where were you?
A meeting.
A meeting?
Xiaolou, the whole troupe's come.
Ah a costume change.
Thank you all
for coming to see me. I'm fine now.
It sounds easy now.
You didn't see him suffer.
Dieyi, get out of bed.
All of Beijing's waiting
for the next appearance
of the king and his concubine.
It'll be the God damned
golden hit of a golden era.
You've asked me to say a few words.
I'm not sure how to put it.
I think
these modern operas are interesting
but the costumes
aren't very attractive.
The backdrops are too realistic.
Yet Beijing opera
places great value on ambiance.
Song, recital, movement and acrobatics
are part of this ambiance.
but with these costumes on,
the performance won't look good.
I know. It really concerns me.
What do you all think?
Are you saying modern operas
aren't Beijing operas?
No mere sound amounts to a song;
no mere movement amounts to a dance.
It must have beauty. For instance
Teacher, I don't get it.
Practice. When you've sweated
enough to fill buckets, you'll get it.
I still don't understand.
Xiao Si...
I just don't get it.
What can I do?
Why is it Beijing opera when
ancient heroes and beauties take the stage
but not when
the laboring masses do?
You're talking
apples and oranges, you upstart.
What kind of attitude is that?
I'd like to hear from Teacher Duan.
it's going to rain.
I've brought your umbrella.
Yes. Run along home now.
Questions like these
give me a headache.
I say
if it uses the traditional forms
it's Beijing opera.
Am I right?
I'd like to say something.
I've been part of the new society
since giving my theater to the state.
Comrade Cheng,
I believe you're wrong.
Modern opera is a new venture.
It deserves our support.
Opera requires practice.
Don't think you know it well.
Opera requires
practice, skill and talent.
There's no easy way.
You're breaking the law.
You'll always be third-rate.
And when did you
ever seriously want me to succeed?
All you've ever wanted
was a coolie, a stagehand
a follower, a bit player.
How dare you!
How dare you say such rubbish!
Kneel down.
Master Cheng
you won't live to see the day...
Xiao Si
go on then.
Be a bit player your whole life.
Mr. Cheng
what you're saying
belongs to the past
doesn't it?
It's a death in the present day.
If I end up being third rate
you won't keep your face.
So, do you know?
I just learned myself.
That's not true, Teacher Duan.
You were there
at the meeting last night.
You said you'd notify Dieyi
that you were replacing him.
I had second thoughts.
I decided you should tell him.
Don't you agree?
If you
couldn't tell him, who could?
Take it off.
Take it off.
Don't. Don't be like that.
I won't fucking sing any more.
whoever wants to perform do it.
Xiaolou, you mustn't go.
Comrade Duan
that audience
consists of the laboring masses.
You decide whether
you'll sing for them or not.
Xiaolou, the concubine's on stage.
You'd better hurry.
I've followed
my king on his military campaigns
the wind and frost and hard toil
year after year.
I hate only the lawless tyrant
who has plunged our people
into an abyss of misery.
The people have
suffered untold hardship and pain.
The king has returned to camp.
I'm here
Your Highness.
Thank you very much, Miss Juxian.
Dieyi, open the door. Open up.
Won't you accept my apology?
That little snake
you rescued:
he's turned into a veritable dragon.
You must go along with it.
What else can you do?
No matter what, as you told me,
you have to keep on singing
and see what's playing
in the theater of life these days.
Douzi, listen to your stage brother.
Go with the times. I'll still
be the king, and you my concubine.
Why does the concubine have to die?
why are you so impossible?
That's the play, for heaven's sake.
1966: THE EVE
Central People's Radio
will now broadcast
the decision of the Chinese
Communist Party Central Committee
regarding the great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution
passed on August 8, 1966.
The bill
for Cultural Revolution has passed.
Cultural Revolution will reconstruct
the people's minds.
How can you drink
at a time like this?
I feel like it.
Anyway, jade cups
were part of the old society.
We can't keep them, so
we might as well use them one last time.
It still won't break.
I'm so afraid.
I dreamed I was on top of a tall
building, alone among the clouds.
I wanted to jump.
You could jump. I'd catch you.
weren't there.
Xiaolou, don't leave me.
Where did this sword come from?
Cheng Dieyi gave it to me.
How many times
has he given it to you?
When was the second time?
Shortly before
the liberation of Beijing.
On the street
in front of the theater
What did you say to each other?
It was quite chaotic.
I don't remember.
We didn't say anything.
Keep thinking.
If we did, I can't recall.
Something about
what you'd do to the communists?
No. Certainly not.
I'd stake my life on it.
But what if we have a witness?
Who? Bring out the bastard.
Na Kun
what did I say?
I'll give you a hint:
something about ragtag troops.
Na Kun, this is pure slander.
You reactionary old theater boss,
you only want to protect yourself.
You said you'd take on
their ragtag troops.
No. I never said that.
What I meant was
No. I said nothing at all.
Mr. Na... Help me, Mr. Na.
You've been smashing bricks
since you were a boy, haven't you?
Do it for us.
Do it.
Come on.
Duan Xiaolou, aren't you the king?
No, I'm not.
But you've always
been the king, haven't you?
That's just an opera.
It's not real life.
Did you go to brothels
in the old society?
Don't you think that's shameful?
When you
married Juxian, what was she?
A prostitute.
Now tell us
what we need to know about Cheng Dieyi.
Of course,
you don't have to tell us anything.
You saw
what happened to Yuan Shiqing.
Make your own decision.
Sweep away all
cow demons and snake spirits.
We will destroy him.
Cut off the black hands.
Uncover the black gangs.
Seize the black hands
that have infiltrated the cultural world.
Sweep away all
cow demons and snake spirits.
Duan Xiaolou is the reactionary king.
Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi
are anti-Party elements.
Down with Duan Xiaolou.
Down with Cheng Dieyi.
Speak up.
Speak up.
All right. I'll tell you.
He's totally mad about opera.
Who? Make yourself clear.
Cheng Dieyi.
All he cares about is opera.
No matter who was in the audience,
what class they belonged to
he'd still give it his all.
not being straight with us.
If you don't comply,
we'll annihilate you.
At the start
of the War of Resistance
he sang for the Japanese.
He was a traitor.
Down with Cheng Dieyi.
He sang for
wounded Nationalist soldiers
He sang for capitalists,
landlords and the idle rich.
He sang for the tyrant
of the opera world, Yuan Shiqing.
Down with Cheng Dieyi.
What else? Tell us.
He smoked opium
like there was no tomorrow.
he smoked away the blood and sweat
of the laboring masses.
Keep going. Get to the point.
Down with Cheng Dieyi.
In order to get
on Yuan Shiqing's good side
he... Did you or did you not?
He became Yuan Shiqing's... his
Didn't you?
You were his
Sweep away all
cow demons and snake spirits.
and beauties, kings and ministers
you've all betrayed me.
I have
something to reveal too.
I'll reveal everything.
Why do you think
you sang for the Japanese?
You're a shell of a man.
Xiaolou, you have no conscience.
You're as greedy as a wolf.
From the moment
you got involved with this woman
I knew you were finished.
Do you think
disaster just falls from the sky?
No, not at all.
We've come step by step
towards this fate.
It's retribution.
I'm despicable and
I have been for a long time
but now even the King of Chu
is on his knees begging for mercy.
Can Beijing opera survive?
It's doomed, isn't it?
This is what's called retribution
karmic retribution.
And I have
something else to reveal.
Do you see that woman?
Who is she? I'll tell you.
A slut
the top whore
at the House of Blossoms, Panjinlian.
A whore. Struggle against her.
Struggle against her to the death.
Duan Xiaolou, is it true
she was a prostitute?
Well, was she?
Tell us.
Do you love her?
Do you?
No. I don't.
Is that the truth?
I really don't love her.
I'll never
have anything to do with her again.
Nothing at all.
From now on
we have no relationship.
listen to Grandma
and talk of revolution.
If the spirit gets excited,
the body becomes tense.
The Han's troops take our land.
Chu's on all sides.
My king, quickly
give me your precious sword.
You mustn't take your life.
My king, quickly
give me your precious sword.
No. You mustn't do this.
It's too hard.
I'm old.
I'm catching my breath.
I'm a nun.
My hair is shorn at youth's prime.
I am by nature a boy
not a girl.
I am by nature a boy
not a girl.
Let's do it again.
My king, give your sword
to your concubine.
I can't let you die.
Your sword.
I won't.
The Han's troops
are entering the city.
In the Beijing of 1990
an opera performance
was held to commemorate
200 years of Beijing opera.