Farewell to Arms, A (1932) Movie Script

- Driver, stop!
- Why do you want to stop?
The man up there. He is bleeding
to death.
We can't stop. Not here.
The brakes won't hold.
Orderly, Orderly!
and just as guility as a soldier would be.....
...who deserted his post under fire.
Now in making an example of you, I....
I beg your pardon sir. I have some
wounded outside. I am looking for the...
Oh yes, yes, yes. You want the
Italien unit. We are the English unit you see.
- Yes number 20 7.
- They're in the other wing. Moved in today.
Yes out that way, straight ahead.
Thank-you Major.
What's the girl's friend been doing?
Typical male conceit.
I think they're going to send her
back home.
It's a dirty shame. She'll be
Shh, here they come.
Well, is it necessary for us all to be
here at one time? Get back to your post.
You be packed and ready to leave
in one hour.'
Can I help pack.
I guess so....if you want to.
Why of course I want to.
- Good girls.
- I beg your pardon?
I say, she's the only human being in
the whole lot of us.
I'm sorry Miss Barkley appears to
sympathize with one....
....that has disgraced the uniform
that we all wear.
- Davie!
- Renaulte!
Get away. You're fi lthy.
You anglosaxens. You're not to
clean yourself.
Did you bring me some good
kisses, baby? Did you have trouble finding us?
How do you feel? Is there going to
be an offensive?
Were you under fire? Madonna, but
I worried about you!
Yes, I can see how much you've
been worrying.
I had 7 operations today baby and
one of them was beautiful.
I took the heart out.
It lay in my hand, and beat like this.
You should have seen it. It was lovely.
Soon Renaulte will be the best
surgeon in all the court.
Then in all the army.....
and some day, in all of ltaly.
- Why not in all the world?
- Why not?
You will like it here baby.
What sort of a town is this?
Any girls?
Many beautiful English nurses.
The most beautiful is Miss Barkley
I am in love with her.
Does she know it?
Not yet.
Have you any money?
- Yes.
- Lend me 50 lire.
What for?
I want to make on Miss Barkley the
impression of a man of sufficient wealth.
- All right.
- Thank-you.
You are my great and good friend
and financial protector.
And you're an ass.
Now we will eat and drink and I will
take you to meet Miss Barkley.
But, you must make for me a good
impression upon her.
- Now listen......
- But you must.
And you can have a nurse too.
There is another one named Miss
Fergerson. She is very, very nice.
- No.
- No?
First we will eat and drink and then
we'll go and see the girls, yes?
You see, she doesn't know.
Neither do I.
Oh, you've had too much wine.
It's filthy wine....it takes the enamel off your
teeth and leaves it on the roof of your mouth.
- Where was I?
- Architecture.
Oh yes. Look.....
.....I'll explain.
This my dear, is called an arch....
The arch my dear, is perhaps the
oldest of architecturial devices.
Arch. Architecture.
The very word will tell you how
inextricably the two are one.
In a word my dear.....
...is the most ancient of the arts.
You'd better put your shoe on, or
you'll get cold feet.
If you please, I'd like to go now.
The air raid seems to be over.
- Catherine.
- Here I am Fergie. I'm coming.
Oh, I was so worried.
Did you think I'd been blown away?
I didn't know what to think. Nobody
saw where you went.
Who's that man.
Oh, I don't know.
Some lunatic.
Come on.
What if we take the mountains to
the north. Behind them are more
and behind those more yet. And we
take them all only if the Austrians stop fighting.
One side of course will stop.
- It will go on forever.
- Like him.
No, no, no. It is not true.
But you don't want us to attack?
If we must have war, I suppose we
must attack.
But, so many die that way.
But what is death to a Christian.
Don't encourage him Fergie.
- You are back safe.
- Hello Father.
- I am so glad.
- He prays and prays for you Frederico.
Every time you go out the door, he
does the same.
Oh, I pray for you all.
You are late baby. How is it up
there? Quiet?
You nearly missed the party.
But it is very dull.
But Miss Barkley is her and her
friend Miss Fergerson.
The one you will like. Come.
Miss Barkley, permit me to present
to you...
... my friend and war brother Lt. Henry.
He has just returned back from the front.
How do you do?
How do you do?
And this is Miss Fergerson.
-How do you do?
- How do you do?
Now he begins again, that fellow.
Quick let us go into the garden.
Now, you stay here.
I will fi nd something for us to drink.
Grappa? Vermouth?
- Which do you like?
- All of them.
Then you shall have all of them.
-Nice out here.
- Isn't it?
We seem fated to bump into each
other in the dark.
I'm sorry about that. I mistook you
for someone else.
So I gathered.
- I had been drinking.
- So I'd gathered that too.
- Mad?
- No.
- You're an American, aren't you?
- Yes.
Then what are you doing in the
Italien army?
It's not really the army, it's only the
It's very odd. Why did you do it?
I don't know. Why did you?
Oh, I joined up in England.
The fact is the boy I was engaged
to had gone across.
- Where is Miss Fergerson.
- Why don't you go and see?
Yes, do bring her out Captain
Have some?
Because I'm here with you.
Women perfer him as a rule.
Shall we take a walk?
Yes, let's.
- Where is he now?
- Who?
The boy you were engaged to.
He's dead.
He was killed by a SAM.
Were you engaged long?
Eight years. We grew up together.
Why didn't you marry?
I didn't know what the war was like
If I had to do over again, I'd marry him.
When I joined up, I had this silly
idea that he may......
.....come to the hospital where I was.
With a saber cut I suppose and a
bandage around his head.
Shot through the shoulder.
Something picturesque.
This is a picturesque front. Not
He didn't have a saber cut.
They blew him to bits.
What are you thinking about now?
About whiskey.
What about whiskey?
About how nice it is.
You're nice too.
You're nice too.
- Why not?
- No please.
- Yes.
- No please!
I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?
It's all right.
I'm dreadly sorry. Really.
I just couldn't bear...
...the nurses' evening off.
It's quite all right. I don't mind at all.
Poor man.
You see......I've been leading a
funny sort of life.
Besides, you're so very beautiful.
You don't have to talk a lot of
nonesense, I said I'm sorry.
We could get along.
We could get along.
You're sweet.
- You're sweet.
- Yes, you are.
I would be very glad to have you
kiss me now, if you don't mind.
Did you have a nice time baby?
You made progress with her, eh?
We're friends. If that's what you
I mean...was she nice to you.....
Shut up!
I am a man of extreme delicacy, but
was she.....
Renaulte! Will you please shut up.
If you want to be a friend of mine,
then shut up.
I am your best friend and your war
Then shut up.
Miss Barkley perfers you to me.
That is very clear.
But Miss Fergerson is very nice too.
Do you like her?
Good luck.
- Turn back.
- Back?
Yes, back!
- I want to see Miss Barkley.
- She's on duty.
Wait, don't go in there.
Why we come back here for?
Lt. knows what he's doing. Please.
- What's wrong?
- Are't we going to get started here?
We have plenty of time.
I thought you started. What are you
doing here?
We come back Senor Capitano.
The Lt. Forgot something.
Hi....you're all right aren't you?
Yes, I'm all right.
I came to..
I thought.....
...you see.
I'm going to be away for a while..
...and I didn't want you to think that
I'd just gone away.
No, I...
What I mean is.....
....I'd hate to have you feel that...
it wasn't important to me..
..about us.
I don't exactly know how to say it.
You said it very nicely dear, thank-you.
No, no I didn't.
- You mustn't feel.
- Will you be gone long?
Only a few days. There's going to
be a show up above......
A show? You'll be careful won't you?
I won't get hit.
Hold this.
It's a St. Anthony.
They sayd St. Anthony is very
useful to guard you from harm.
I'll take good care of him.
But I wish I could kiss you.
He is my friend and a good soldier
I would hate to see him lose his
head over a woman.
Aren't you exaggerating a bit.
I think not.
Couldn't we send her back to the
base, Major?
Oh, if you could send her away it
would simplify everything
Could perhaps send her to Milan.
Excellent my dear Major.
Magnificient. No wonder the
English are first in dipolmacy.
What did you say her name was?
We won't get anything else to eat,
once the attacks start.
This is all they given me.
Starting to eat the rations?
No, we'll all eat together. Come on
and sit down.
Here, you can use this.
Here, take some cheese.
Wash it down with wine.
Who caused the attack?
No progress.
Nobody would attack, if the war
would be over.
- No, 305...
- It sounded like a sconer to me.
- Sconer, that's what I say.
Lt.! Are you hurt?
My leg.
Both of my legs.
Lacerations of the scalp and
possible fracture of the skull.
Multiply superficial wounds of the
left and right thighs..
......left and right knee and right
In current line of duty. Next patient
Lift him up on the table. Carefully.
How do you feel, baby?
Renaulte. What are you doing
Boneldo telephoned me.
The Major gave me permission to come.
No one shall hurt you baby. I won't
let them.
No butcher is going to touch my war
Only Renaulte can take you and
never hurt you.
You must forgive baby, for talking
so much...
...but I am, I am very moved to see
you bodily wounded.
I will see that you are decorated for
Perhaps we can you you the
medillion, but surely the bronze
one. Did you carry anyone on your back?
I didn't carry anybody. I couldn't
Surely there was something very
hero in what you did.
I was blown up eating cheese.
Don't worry baby. I will fi x you so
that you are as good as new.
You will see that everyday, I learn to
do things smoother, quicker.
Soon, very soon, you will be
walking again.
I brought a persent for you.
You will fi nd it under your blanket,
next to your heart.
It is a bottle of brandy baby. Very
good brandy.
The infantry captured it from the
I have another surprise for you.
Take a deep breathe.
Where do you think you will go from
To the Italien hospital where they
have the male nurses with the beards?
I will arrange everything with my
friend, the British Major.
You will go to Milan. To the
beautiful Miss Barkley.
That makes you happy?
Poor Renaulte. So alone with the
No one to make fun of. No one to
lend him money.
While you are in Milan with the
beautiful Miss Barkley.
Making love in Milan to the chase
Miss Barkley.
Look out for the step.
Why do you stop?
I am superintendent. May I have
your medical papers please.
They're in my coat. In the
buttoned-down pocket.
Take him up those stairs, down the
His room is the one at the end.
You show him Julio.
Who are you?
I am the porter. Come follow me.
We must lift you up on the bed.
- All right. But keep my legs straight.
- Yes, yes sir.
Can I get you anything?
- Get me some brandy.
- It is not allowed.
Wasn't I wounded, fi ghting for the
glory of ltaly?
- You'll fi nd some money in my pocket.
- As you wish.
- So it's you!
- Fergerson.
- Is Catherine here?
- As if you didn't know.
I believe that's why you got
- Where is she?
-You ought to be still.
Here's your chart. I must take your
Does she know I'm here?
Under the arm please.
- Hello darling.
- Catherine.
You're lovely.
- Are you badly hurt?
- Are you badly hurt?
- Oh my poor darling. It's your leg isn't it?
- You're the lovliest thing I ever saw.
I have to go now darlilng, I can't stay.
- Will you come back?
- Later, but we have to be awfully careful.
- You've got to come back.
- I will, when I can.
- Tonight?
- Tonight?
Somebody's coming.
I'll take that thermometer now.
Good gracious.
Fetch the doctor.
It's a mircle you're not delerious
with such a fever.
- I haven't got any fever.
- Stay quiet.
It's not what you think.
I've brought you a few little things.
And this is mosquito netting and
this is a bottle of vermouth.
You like vermouth?
- And these are English papers.
- And these are English papers.
It was very good of you to come.
I mustn't stay long. They warned
me not to tire you.
You seem very tired yourself.
I am tired. I have no right to be.
You have the war to lead.
No, I hate the war.
- I don't enjoy it.
- But you do not mind it.
You do not see it. Oh, you must
forgive me. I know that you are wounded.
That was an accident.
Still even wounded, you do not see it.
I can tell. I do not see it myself, but
I feel it a little.
Come in Captain.
Don't go yet Father. It's still early.
Are you sure. With the operation in
the morning, he should rest.
He's strong.
He has a lovely temperature. It is
always normal.
I'm very proud of his temperature.
Maybe all of our children will have
fine temperatures too.
Our children will probably have
beastly temperatures.
Don't mind us Father. We're in love.
I know....
I can see it in your faces.
I can see it in your faces.
I can see it in your faces.
This too is the war. Without the
war, you will not marry in Gods grace.
Is it not so?
And you?
I hadn't thought about it like that.
I hadn't thought about it like that.
Father, are you???
Is that the marriage service?
Poor chap.
It's such a crazy marriage.
At least I'm in white.
No orange blossoms.
I can smell them.
No organ music.
I can hear it plainly.
It has made me happy to do this.
For now, from my heart, can I say I
bless you in His name.
Thank-you Father.
Good-bye and be happy, both of you.
Thank-you Father.
- Give my regards to the mass.
- I will.
And get well soon. I will come
again the next time I am in Milan.
- Good-bye my dear.
- Good-bye.
That's the opera I made my debut in.
They threw benches at him.
-That's a lie.
- Yes, they did. I threw six benches myself.
That's not funny.
Oh now he is offended.
He'll get over it. That's his sore
spot. We always tease him.
- You don't care whom you hurt.
- Now don't you get mad too.
Catherine and I were thinking of
asking you to our wedding.
Weren't we Catherine?
- You'll never get married.
- We will!
We will!
- Oh, we never fight.
- You've time yet.
We won't fi ght ever.
You'll die then.
Fight or die. That's what people do.
- They don't marry.
- Fergie...
I'm not crying.
Maybe you'll be all right, you two.
But Fergie.....
What is the matter with it?
She doesn't like me, that's all.
Oh no. She just likes me more.
Oh no. She just likes me more.
Oh no. She just likes me more.
You wait and see......
Darling.....how many other girls
have you ever loved?
How many, really?
How many have you...
... loved?
- None.
- None.
Of course.
Of course.
Were they pretty?
I've never been with anyone.
That's right my darling.
What were they like?
I don't know anything about it.
You're just mine. That's true.
You've never belonged to anyone else.
I don't care if you have though. I'm
not afraid of them.
Only don't tell me about them.
You never told them you loved them
did you?
- No.
- I knew you wouldn't.
-Oh darling, I do love yo
- Then, kiss me.
- Right here on the street?
- Yes.
I'll go in fi rst.
What is this? If I may ask.
What was in it.
That's beer. That's the best kind. It comes
in those bear shaped bottles from Russia.
And these.
That's brandy, wine and whiskey.
And I have been pitying you for
being wounded.
Pity is something that is wasted on you.
Thank you.
If you're so anxious not to go back
to the front......
.....I should think you'd try
something more intelligent.
Not self-inflicted alcoholism.
- What?
- I said alcoholism.
And I also say, that I'll see you
convalesce leave is cancelled.
You'll go back to the front tomorrow night.
Have I time for a drink before the
train leaves?
- For the front?
- Yes.
In about 20 minutes senor
You're a fine simple girl.
I am a simple girl. Nobody but
you ever realized it.
At first, I thought you were a crazy
I was a little crazy at first.
Is that your train?
It makes a return. But it stays in the
station here until it is time to leave.
There's really lots of time.
But at my back, I always hear, times
wicked chariot hurrying near"....
I know that poem. It's by Marvel.
It's only the rain.
I hate the rain.
I like it.
I'm afraid of the rain.
Afraid, why?
Oh, perhaps it's silly.
What? Tell me.
- No. Don't make me.
- No. Don't make me.
All right.,
I'm afraid of the rain, because
sometimes I see me dead in it.
Sometimes I see you dead in it.
-Well that's more likely.
-Oh no darling, don't say that.
That is your train.
Times winged chariot".
Times winged chariot".
No, please, I don't want you. Not
at the station.
All right darling.
How often will you write?
As often as I can. Do they read
your letters?
They can't read English enough to
hurt any.
Well I'll make them very confusing.
Not too confusing.
Oh, I should have got you a going-
away gift.
A whistle to make you feel better in
the dark.
Or a sword. I'm sure we could get
a used sword very cheap.
Swords aren't very useful at the
Oh I see, they get in the way of
your legs when you are running.
They might be useful at mess
I'm afraid I have to start darling.
I hate to leave our fine house.
So do I.
We never stay settled very long in a
home, do we?
We will.
I'll have a fine home for you when
you come back.
Say I'll come back to Catherine.
I'll come back to Catherine.
I'll always come back.
Maybe this time, you'll be hurt just a
little in the foot.
Or the lobe of the ear.
Oh no. I want your ears just the
way they are.
Your feet have been hurt already.
I want a ticket to Switzerland
- Where Senora, to what town?
- The nearest one to Italy.
- That would be Brissago.
- Then give me a ticket to Brissago.
All right.
Oh Fergie, I was afraid you wouldn't
Would you mind telling me what this
is all about?
- I'm going away.
- So I gathered by this, but you.....
.....didn't tell him?
What would be the good. It would only
worry him and he would have to go anyway.
Aren't you going to tell him.
Well, not yet.
I may write him from Switzerland.
-You're a fool.
- Here Senora.
- On track three.
- Thank-you.
What's the hurry?
Why tonight?
I couldn't go back to that hospital.
I couldn't stand it. Not with him
- But you'll be all alone in Switzerland.....
- Now don't worry Fergie, I'll be all right.
You're not afraid of anything are you?
Only of going back to that hospital.
Don't scold me Fergie.
I'll carry it.
I've always told you I was a crazy girl.....
I couldn't bear Milan while you were away.
So, I've chucked the war and come
to live in this little Swiss town....
......as close as possible to the
Italien border.....
and you.
And darling, it's an adorable place
and we'll be very happy here.
I've taken a suite....
....in the best hotel.
And I am fairly wallowing in luxury.
The bed is fit for an empress.
There is a maroon velvet carpet,
ankle deep.......
....and a bathroom, or darling the
It's a black marble, with silver
I've just dined in state, at my sitting-
room window.
From which there is a devine view
of the lake, shimmering in moonlight.
I'm an awful liar darling.....
It's not really a nice place at all. It's
mean, cheap and horrible.
But it doesn't matter where I live....
....because I don't really live at all,
when I'm not with you.
What I really want to tell you is...
......I lay awake in the dark and cry
because you are not here.
I'm lonely and frightened.
And I love you.
-Hurry baby.
- Why?
- It's time to go.
- Go where?
But I told you before to the Villa
Rosa. New girls. Everybody is going.
No, not me.
But you must. It will be a fi ne party
and besides I said that you would go.
I can't. I've got to write a letter.
To that little......everyday, more
letters. You might as well be married.
That's my business.
Oh baby. How are you ever going
to come back to me?
Serious, like a shopkeeper with a
liver. Where is my war brother, who
used to get drunk with me....
......and go to the Villa Rosa every night?
Leave me alone, will you?
Why? Isn't she just a girl?
Keep her out of this.
Secrets. Believe me baby.....
...secrets subjects are not good for
Why don't you be like me? All fire
and smoke.
And nothing inside.
- Come on baby.
- You're drunk, stop it.
Of course I am drunk. You come
with me and you will be drunk too.
Come on baby.
Oh, I am sorry. Now you must
come. There is no more ink.
Get your hands off of me and get out!
Poor baby....
Poor baby....
...and I will put you in, a good Italien
liver and make you a man again.
Ciao baby
You're going out Senor Capitano?
You're going out Senor Capitano?
The mail just came, Senor
You sensor it.
Senor Capitano.....the officers mail too.
- Aren't you going to open them
Senor Capitano? - No!
I'm in a hurry.
- Send this one back.
- Yes, Senor Capitano.
I do not like to see himself lose his
head over a woman.
Yes Senor Capitano.
And today my letters came back.
Everyone that I'd ever written to her.
Came back?
Just marked return to sender.
Person unknown.
Well, that's very strange.
-32 letters. She never got one.
- Well, that's why she never wrote you.
No, she'd have written me anyway.
Something's happened to her.
- Have you tried......
- I can't get any information at all.
- I've got to go and fi nd her, myself.
- Now, can you?
I'm going to Milan.
I'll fi nd her.
I'm going to Milan. I'll fi nd her.
- I'm going anyway.
- I'm going anyway.
- I'm going anyway.
- You'll be caught.
- You mustn't do this Frederico
- You mustn't do this Frederico
That's what I wanted to tell you padre.
What does this war mean to me
What does anything mean, but
finding her.
- But Frederico, consider the.......
- I can depend on you padre?
Say good-bye to Renaulte and the
others for me.
- When are you leaving?
- Now.
While they are at dinner. And by
morning when they miss me, I'll be
halfway to Milan.
If they ask me.....what do I
Anything you like.
- Good-bye Father.
- Good-bye Frederico.
May the Lord bless and preserve
What are you Capitans doing in the
- Looking for stragelers.
- What do you do with them?
Send them back to fight in the war.
Every foot of Italien soil must be
- What if they don't want to go back?
- What if they don't want to go back?
Who's there?
Where's Catherine?
- What are you doing back here?
- What are you doing back here?
I know you. You run away. You're a
- Where is she? I've got to see her.
- You can't. She's gone.
- Gone! Where?
- You'd better get out.
Has she been transferred?
If you don't get out of here, I'll
scream and bring the whole
hospital down on you.
- Why'd she go. Where? Tell me.
- No!
Tell me where she is!!
I hate you, understand? I won't tell
you anything.
I hope they catch you.
I hope they shoot you.
To pay you back for what you've
done to her. Making her have a baby.
I warned you, but you didn't care.
Not about her.
- Now she's had to go away.
- Where?
Where? For pity's sake, tell me.
- Fergie!
- No!
No, no!
And get me some clothes. A full
outfit. I can't go around in this uniform.
As long as I don't get mixed up in it
You won't. I just want you to get
some things and put an
advertisement in the newspaper for me.
I really oughtn't to, if I had any sense.
I know I shall have awful gas pains
in the morning as a result of this.
Just say......
Catherine, where are you?
I am free at last.
Meet me at the Palace Hotel,
Signed Frederic.
The Major made an obituary
speech in your memory and the
priest wanted to say mass for your soul.
Vermouth. One for you?
Two vermouth.
You see, we all thought you were
It never occurred to us that you
could be shell-shocked, wandered
away, lost your memory.
How did you find me?
I saw your advertisement in the paper.
As soon as we knew it was you, we made
all the arrangements. Renaulte will work
on you, one of his miraculous cures.
You will go back a hero.
I'm not going back.
They will decorate you for bravery.
They will even promote you.
I'm through the war. Get that
But you can't do that. You can't say
I am through with the war.
They will not let you do that.
Two vermouth.
- Can I speak to you a moment sir?
- It's all right Harry, he's my friend.
He keeps telling me it is dangerous
for me to stay here any longer.
- When will they come?
- Tonight, tomorrow , who knows......but soon.
My boat is still ready sir.
Thank-you Harry.
If they arrest you, no one can save you.
- I know that.
- They will shoot you.
Look! Get this through your head,
I'm not going back!
I'm going to wait here until I can fi nd
And how do you expect to do that?
I've got some people looking for her.
- If that is more important than......
- If that is more important than......
My baby.
So. That means everything to you.
Yes, it would.
It means that I got to fi nd her...
... and get her out of Italy.
- Maybe she's not in ltaly.
- What makes you say that?
She is in Switzerland.
- Brissago.
- Brissago?
Will you do one for me too?
Yes madame. Step around here.
Just the head please.
Isn't there any mail for me yet?
Ah, madame. Yes, yes today there
are letters.
- Many letters.
- Many!
- 20.
- 20! Well that was worth waiting for....
It is across the lake. Off course,
about 55 km.
I can make it.
But at the frontier, there will be sentries.
And you will have to watch out for
patrol boats. I will.
- If it blows too hard......
- I won't drown.
Have you enough money? Here.
Won't you need it?
There must be a Villa Rosa in
another port.
Always the same girls, until they
become like old friends. War commrades.
Take it baby, please, please.
You're a good egg.
No, I am not a good egg. I am a
But, if I had understood how you felt
about her......
Good luck baby.
It doesn't work.
- Should I get a new cyclinder doctor?
- It is a new cyclinder.
Oh I wanted so to have this baby
and not make any trouble....
....and now I'm all done... All
gone to pieces.
She is losing strenght fast doctor.
There's no use. I'll have to operate.
That was lovely.....
You mustn't worry darling.
I'm not going to die now.
I got past the place where I was
going to die.
Of course you are not going to die.
You mustn't think about it.
- Is she going to be all right?
- Are you her husband?
She kept calling for you all night. lt
would have been better if you'd been here.
I'm sorry.....is she in danger?
- She is very weak.
- Do you suppose I could see her now?
- Later......later.
- It won't be long.
She can't die.
Did you call?
No, I didn't say anything.
Not yet.
- Is she all right?
- I hope so.
The baby?
A boy, but it was already dead
before she came in here.
But she'll be all right?
That's not in my hands any longer.
Go across the street and get
yourself some breakfast.
You look as if you need it.
It will be some time before she can
see you.
It will be some time before she can
see you.
I beg your pardon? What did you say?
Nothing. Some cof fee please.
It's in the papers. Italy has won.
Thank God it's over.
This is the beginning of the end....
....but it will be a long time before
they can rebuild.
In the early morning hours of
November 4th.....
he Austria/Hungarian superme
..accepted the conditions laid down
by the General.
Don't let her die.
Oh God, please don't let her die.
I'll do anything for you, if you don't
let her die.
You took the baby......that was all
...but don't let her die.
Please, please dear God, don't let
her die.
Her husband's out there.
May as well let him in.
I knew he was coming.
When I went under, I knew he was here.
You won't tell him will you?
Tell him what?
That I'm going to die.
- No, we won't tell him.
- Thank-you.
...have I long?
Don't you see?
I have to know.
Not long.
Let him come in.
Let him come in.
Could I have my bag first?
Such a mess.
He never liked me to be pale.
You can go in now.
- Catherine.....
- Darling......
- You're all right?
- I'm fine.
Did you worry about me?
I came as soon as I found where
you were.
Poor darling.....
Let me look at you.
You're wet and tired.....
Sit down now darling.....here.....
You're going to be all right
Do you want me to do anything
- Can I get you anything?
- No.
Just talk to me.
Tell me that you haven't stopped
loving me.
You know I couldn't stop.
I like to hear you say it though.
I'll never stop loving you.
Not even....
..if I died.
I want you to have other girls.
I don't want them.
That's right dear.
Try to sleep Cat.
When I get well......
...we'll take a little house in the
We always planned a house of our
own, remember?
I'll get you a fine house.
We'll live in it until the war is over.
Then you'll go back to America and
be a splendid architect.
We'll be married all over again......in
a church.
And children.
....I'm going to die.
- Don't let me die.
- Cat!
Take me in your arms, hold me
- Don't let me go........
- Catherine.
It's dark out there alone.
I don't want to leave you anymore.
I've been alone so much.
You can't die. You're too brave to die.
You're a fine girl. A brave girl.
......I am a brave girl.
Whatever happens, you'll not be
I'll not be afraid.
We've never been apart. Really.
Not since we met.
Not since we met.
We never can be.
- Never parted.
- In life and in death.
Say it Cat!
In life and in death, we'll never be
You do believe that? Don't you Cat?
You do believe that? Don't you Cat?
....and I'm not afraid.