Fashionista (2016) Movie Script

'Cause you're never
gonna find another
'Cause it's the wrong
time but it's the
I want the Moon
Nothing remains
Glory glory, hallelujah
Since I loved,
I've broken down
Glory glory, hallelujah
Since I loved,
I've broken down
No more sickness,
no more suffering
Since I loved,
I've broken down
No more sickness,
no more suffering
- I can't believe
we wasted a year
of our lives on that asshole.
If he didn't have the money,
why didn't he just tell
us in the first place?
- You know, if it
takes another couple years,
it takes another couple years.
We'll just carry on
like we always do.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Fuck, I guess so.
- It's gonna be okay.
I think I prefer Sylvester's.
- Yeah.
Yeah, this is a
little too doughy.
- The toppings aren't
as fresh, either.
- Come on, we have got to go.
- I'm looking for that
avocado-green polka dot top
we got from the estate,
do you know where it is?
- Just put something else
on, we're late already.
- I woke up dreaming of wearing
this skirt with that top.
If I put something else
on, it'll be bad luck.
Who was that?
- I don't know, wrong number.
I want the Moon
- Hey, April.
- Oh, hey, Sherry.
How's it all goin'?
- Good!
I love your skirt,
that's really cute.
- Oh, thank you.
Let me know if you're not
sure about anything, okay?
- Okay, I will.
- What do you think
of the new girl?
- Who, Sherry?
- Yeah.
- I think she could
put a bit of weight on.
- Aren't you pleased to see me?
- No, we can't...
We'll be late.
- Babe, it's our store, we
can be as late as we want.
Hey, I was thinking
Chico's for lunch.
Are you good to go in about 10?
- Oh, shoot.
I'd love to, but I can't.
- Oh, what you doin'?
- I have a meeting.
- Who with?
- Hey, sweetie?
Goin' to the food park, you
want me to grab you something?
- Oh uh, thanks,
Theresa, no, I'm good.
- Okay.
- Well, do you have
to stay the night?
- No.
But it'd be good to see
Matt, so, you know, why not?
- Well, where is Sherry gonna
stay if you stay with Matt?
- Oh my god.
She's gonna stay at
her uncle's, April.
What's the problem?
Alright look, three years
of not going anywhere.
And then after last
week's shit show,
this comes out of
nowhere, and yeah, sure,
who knows it it's ever
gonna lead to anything?
But you know, it
might, you know?
So, no stones left
unturned and all that.
- I don't know.
- Come with us.
You wanna come along?
Come with us, if you want.
It'll be like a mini
road trip, it'll be fun.
- You understand this
is Lees, that's the Wranglers,
and over there is
the Levis, right?
- I do.
- So why are some
of the Levis in the Lees,
and some of the
Wranglers in the Levis,
and some of the Lees
in the Wranglers?
It's sloppy, Sherry,
it's not good enough.
- I'm sorry.
- Are you sure you
don't wanna come along?
- No, I'm okay.
- It's not too late.
- Uh, no, I'm just gonna
stay here and tidy up a bit.
- What?
- What?
I can never find anything here.
It's ridiculous and I hate it.
- Okay, but you're not gonna
throw anything away, right?
- No, it's all stock,
I know, of course not.
- April, you can't
throw anything away.
- I'm not going to.
- Promise me.
Promise me.
- Hey.
Need some food or somethin'?
- I just ate, thanks.
- Need some money?
- I'm all good,
thank you, ma'am.
- You're homeless, right?
- The streets are my home.
- So, you're homeless.
- I don't have a fixed abode,
if that's what you mean.
- Sorry to hear that.
- Well, don't be sorry.
It's my choice.
Texas is a beautiful place.
You don't need a roof over
your head to work that one out.
- Hey.
It suits you.
- Well, thank you.
Hey, come here.
- What?
- Just come here.
Give me your hand.
Isn't that beautiful?
- You want it?
Services rendered and all.
- Want not, waste not, right?
- I gotta give you
somethin' for your troubles.
- No, you don't.
- So, how long is
he on the rig for this time?
- A month or so, but you
know it always changes.
- Is he still...
- You would see if he had.
- So, that's good, right?
- The funny thing is, is when
you don't do it for a while,
it, it's like you
don't love me anymore,
and then I start wondering
what it is I did wrong
to make him stop caring.
So, sometimes I like
it when he does it.
- Oh, Theresa.
- That's pretty
fucked up, right?
The horse is a mirage,
I'ma see how far he goes
Somethin' in the stars
is tellin' me to roam
So if you wanna keep me,
well boy, you better know
You better know
That you're never gonna
find another woman like me
I love you and I please you
and I bring you to your knees
You're never gonna find
another woman like me
I love you but I leave
you in the mornin'
- Babe, he made me an
offer that I can't refuse.
Free rent on Bishop for a year?
And he's got other
properties in Houston.
- What does she know
about running a business?
- I'll be there.
Of course, yeah.
I'll train her up and stuff,
and then, you know what?
If it works out, great,
if not, there's no loss.
- So, you're moving
to Dallas with Sherry?
- No.
Baby, no.
My god, no, this is, this
is not about me and Sherry.
This is...
- It's not?
- No, it's not, it's about
us growing our business.
I'm not moving to
Dallas with Sherry.
Look, hey.
Her uncle and I, we shook
on it, but that's all.
Maybe we go up, we train
her up together, you and I.
Or Theresa.
But Matt said that we can
stay with him anytime,
so it's all good, we're
gonna work it out.
- Eric?
If I can spend one
moment with you
It's just the wrong time
but it's the right place
Darlin' please tell
me what's going on
Oh, girl, wrong time but the
- What the fuck, April?
- Shut up.
- What are you doing?
Oh my god, seriously?
- I don't know what you're
playing at, but I swear I will
get bloody on your ass if
you get between Eric and me.
- What are you
even talking about?
- You know what
I'm talking about.
- No, I have no idea.
- I've seen the way
you look at him.
I saw you both hugging
in the back of your car.
I know what you're doing.
- Wait.
You think that I'm with Eric?
Oh my god.
- You think that's funny?
- Yeah, I do, actually.
- I'll kill you if
you touch him again.
- Everything okay, April?
- Paperwork's all done.
Happy to say you're free
to vacate the premises.
If I should go before you
Cast my body to the storm
Go baton down your hatches
If your sail gets torn
Tell the watchman
that you're drownin'
No one will bother you
Drink of me a cup of water
And sink into my
- You comin' to bed soon, baby?
- An entrepreneur's work
is never done, babe.
No, I just
have to finish amending
these projections
for Sherry's uncle.
- Can't you
do that another time?
- I, I have to...
I have to get this
done now, I'm afraid.
- Are you sure?
- Hey, are you okay manning
the store for a while?
I just gotta run out for
a meetin' with Miles.
- Oh, yeah, sure.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Hello?
- Hey, Miles, it's April.
- Hey, April, what's up?
- We was just wonderin'
if you had any time
to stop into the emporium
later this afternoon.
- Sorry, baby, I'm
in Houston till the weekend.
- Oh, okay, cool.
Well, he's deaf
Sometimes I wish
he could hear
Yeah, he's deaf
Sometimes I wish
he could hear
Lord have mercy, yeah
On his ears
Well, he's dumb
Sometimes I wish
he could talk
Yeah, he's dumb
Sometimes I wish
he could talk
Lord have mercy, yeah
On his tongue
- I fell asleep.
- I love you, Eric.
- I love you too, baby.
- Hey, Theresa.
- Hey, both of ya.
- Theresa, what...
- Please don't.
- What happened?
- It's okay.
It's okay, it's
nothing to worry about.
- But, but what happened?
- Davie came home early.
It was meant to be a surprise
but the place was kinda shitty
and well, you know
what he's like.
- Just 'cause the
place was kinda shitty?
- I mean, I'm the first to
admit I'm a bit of a slob, so,
can't say I blame him.
- I'm so sorry.
Give the woman a hug, Eric.
Our friend needs
our support here.
- Oh, you don't have to do that.
- Nonsense, what are
friends for, right?
- Yeah.
- How long's Davie in town for?
- Oh, he's
gone already, thankfully.
- Yeah.
- Why don't you come
stay at ours?
You don't wanna be alone
at a time like this, right?
I mean, I'm going away to visit
my mom for the weekend, but,
Eric can look after you.
- What?
- Oh, I couldn't.
- Let's just...
It's freaking me out.
You want a beer?
- Hey, good-lookin'.
What you doin'?
- Can I ask you a question?
- Yes, you could do
whatever you want.
- Would you fuck me?
- No.
- Why not?
- Well, 'cause you're
married, for a start.
- What if I wasn't?
- What's wrong?
- Don't you think
I'm pretty, even?
- Oh, god!
Get off.
- What?
- Oh my god.
- Oh my god.
- Get the fuck
outta my bed, bitch.
- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
- Get out of my house, bitch!
Hey, you shut the
fuck up too, okay?
Get out of my house, bitch!
I mean it!
- April.
April, April, fuck!
- Oh, shit!
- No no no, no, April, April.
- Wrong way, bitch!
Just tell me why you did it.
- I just...
Did, I...
- That's not good enough.
- I mean, I...
I guess that I...
Felt sorry for her?
You should get
down on your knees
And love me
From below
And you should get
down on your knees
And love me
From below
And baby, you steal for two
The long, long day
Just wishing I
was home with you
And I've been
thinkin' about all the
Different ways that I
can make love to you
Before I get down
to the lovin' part
There's one thing
that I need from you
You should get
down on your knees
And love me
From below
And you should get
down on your knees
And love me
From below
And baby, I will get down
on bended knee and I will
Love you just the
way you want me to
There's no word to call
in this forsaken world
I just like goin'
down below with you
So come on now, I
said come on, baby
Never gonna go down
Never gonna go down
Never gonna go down
Never gonna go
Never gonna go down
No rain in decency has seen
In me
His borrowed time in the
attic so the worms agree
Burn through your manuscript,
your inflight reading
Your soda can lost its grip,
you'll soon have brain freeze
Never gonna go down
- Hey, there.
Where's the party at?
- Yeah, I speak fuckin' English.
- That was an evil
look you just gave me.
I wasn't being facetious,
you got a great look.
It may not look like it,
I'm a big fan of the 50s.
You know, Elvis, Eddie Cochran,
Buddy Holly, all those guys.
The Twist, I love the
Twist, you like the Twist?
- I love the word facetious.
Especially when used
in a place like this.
- Kid stuff, I got plenty
more where that came from.
- Hm, well, impress
me, why don't ya?
I guess that's what
you're tryin' to do.
- Well, maybe you would
like a libation first.
- I thought you
were an intruder.
- I guess I am.
- What're you doing?
Please tell me that
this is a joke.
- Like you
fucking Theresa was joke?
- Okay, April.
April, this, this is my life.
This is my whole life.
- Yeah, it was my life, too.
Until you destroyed it.
- Where is it?
Where is it?
- Fucker, motherfucker!
- I need you to dress
up for me, though.
Can you do that?
I thought I asked you to
dress up smart for me?
- I thought I had.
- No, don't get me wrong,
you look cute and all,
it's just, your clothes
smell and you look like
you can't afford
new ones, so here.
But yourself some new clothes.
- What?
- Ask for the pin tomorrow.
We can try this again.
Buy whatever you
want, just don't spend
more than a couple thousand.
- I don't want your
money, asshole.
- I have to take this.
- I mean, we can...
It's gonna take a while for me.
But if you wanna...
I mean...
Do you wanna try again?
We could try again, if you want.
I mean, you don't
love her, right?
What is it that controls you
Your ex, your sex, your lover,
your wife, your temptation
Secret fascination
The tricks you play,
the sense of shame
You're out all night
Your fantasy life
- You know you owe me, don't ya?
- Sorry?
- The clothes.
- Don't worry, I'm not gonna
make you give me the money.
$2,379 and 65 cents?
Though, that was more
than I told you to spend.
If we do this again,
don't spend more than
I tell you to, okay?
Just say okay,
baby, and move on.
It's not a big deal.
- Okay.
- Okay, good.
Spend more next time.
I think you deserve it.
Say $3,000 limit.
You know, I love
women's clothes?
What they do to you, to women.
You know, some of my guy
friends, they think it's queer
that I'm so into women's
clothes, and I argue with them,
and you know what?
I always win.
I mean, if you're a
man that loves women,
how could you not care about
what caresses their body?
What gives shape to
their femininity,
what accentuates
their sexuality?
A pretty woman is a
pretty woman, right?
- Right.
- Right and wrong.
You put the right woman,
in the right clothes,
she just becomes
transcendental, a goddess.
A force of nature, breathtaking.
And dangerous.
Valentino knew that.
Versace knew it.
McQueen absolutely knew it.
And I know it.
Some of my friends know it, too.
And they take an interest
in their partner's wardrobe.
I want you to buy more, April.
'Cause you're a pretty woman,
and I know that you have a
special connection to clothes.
And I want you to
use that connection,
to become more of
who you wanna be.
- Stop, stop!
What's going on?
- Do you trust me?
- I don't understand.
What's going on?
- Do you wanna be a
loser all of your life?
You mean this?
This is what's going on.
Bright lights, big city
I drink it all and it tastes
and looks oh so pretty
Bright lights, big city
I became the night
and I have no pity
Bright lights, big city
And none of this
and not a lost
Bright lights, big city
Dream your dreams
here, come quickly
And open yourself to me
Enter and find your pleasure
Enter and feed your pleasure
Enter and find your pleasure
Enter and feed your pleasure
Bright lights, big city
Bright lights, big city
Bright lights, big city
Bright lights, big city
- Hey, you've called
Eric Diller at Eric's Emporium.
Leave a message and
I'll call you back.
- Uh, I just wanted
to say I'm sorry for
being such a bitch to you.
- Oh.
- You never deserved it, and I,
I don't know, I guess I
was kinda jealous 'cause
you're so pretty and young,
you've got that store
in Dallas, I don't know,
I acted like an idiot
with you and I just,
I wanted to apologize.
- Thank you, April, I
really appreciate that.
Never stop thinking
you are beautiful.
'Cause you really are.
- Thank you.
- Besides, I never
really understood
what Eric saw in Theresa anyway.
- Oh, you and me both.
How did you find out about 'em?
- How do you mean?
- The note you put
on the cash register.
The postcard.
Old Dallas oil wells?
"Theresa and Eric?"
- I have no idea
what you're talking about.
- Oh my god.
That bitch.
Stop, no!
Help me, help me!
Are you doing anything?
Can you come around?
- Hello.
- Tough day?
- Good, actually.
- What were you doing?
- Oh, you know, a little
PR, a little marketing.
That kinda thing.
And you?
- Just chillin'.
- Hey.
- Hi.
What is it? You're
making me nervous.
- I know that...
My life may not be conventional.
But I...
Truly appreciate you being
a part of it at the moment.
And making it a lighter
place for me to move in.
When we're together...
I feel good.
And I feel like we
fit together well.
And, uh...
I just wanted you to know that.
- Thank you.
What the fuck?
- I'm sorry.
- This is hard
for me, man, okay?
This is really fucking hard.
- It's hard for me, too.
- Oh, boo-hoo, asshole, I
feel really bad for you!
- Sorry.
- Okay, if we're gonna
do this again, I can't...
I don't want it to
be like that, okay?
I'm gonna have to
trust you again,
and that's not gonna
happen overnight.
Why are you showing me this?
- You wouldn't believe
what they'll pay
for this kind of thing.
- Oh my god.
Oh my god, are you...
No fucking way.
- April.
April, it's a game!
Everyone's in on it,
it's all just a game!
Everyone is a consenting adult.
- No.
No, no, Randall, I said no.
- I'm cheating on my
girlfriend with my wife.
- Oh, she's your
girlfriend now, is she?
You want a divorce?
- No.
No, I don't think I do.
Do you?
- I don't know.
It depends on if
I can forgive you.
It depends on if you
want me to forgive you.
Where are you going?
- I have to go on a trip.
- Where to?
- You don't need to know.
- Randall!
- Hi.
Can I help y'all?
- Who the fuck are you?
- Excuse me?
- We're lookin' for
a Mr. Randall Duncan.
- I think there's been some
mistake here.
- Randall?
- You're still here.
- Is that a bad thing?
- April, you
know I would never do
anything to hurt you.
- Can you come around?
I just really need
you here right now.
Oh, wait, wait!
Can you bring some
clothes by as well?
I really need some clothes.
- I want you to remember that
no matter what happens tonight
this is all just
an elaborate game.
You're safe.
And you won't get hurt.
So what're you doin' in town?
- I should be lookin' for a
job, but just chilling, really.
- You been here long?
- A couple months.
- Nice roommates?
- No, no roommates.
Needed a bit of space.
Been living by
myself for a while.
- Mm-hm.
Everyone is a consenting adult.
And it's all just a game.
- Stop!
Stop it!
- April!
Sit down!
- You wanted to see me?
- Take a seat please, Theresa.
Close the door.
- What's up?
- I think we should
stop seeing each other.
I'd like you to
stop working here.
- Excuse me?
- It was a mistake.
I need to try and sort
things out with April.
She's my wife.
In spite of what I might
have said, I still love her.
I think you need to
sort out your own life,
without my involvement.
- That's him.
- What's goin' on?
- Mr. Randall Duncan?
- No.
- He's, he's lying, that's him.
- What's your name, please, sir?
- Edward Thomas.
- He's lying.
- Do you
know this lady, Mr. Thomas?
- I've never seen her
before in my life.
- Bullshit!
- What's your
relationship with each other?
- We're married.
- It's our six-year
anniversary next month.
- And how long have
you lived here?
- A few months.
- Profession?
- Tech development.
- I need
to see some ID, please, sir.
- He's got different passports
with different names.
They are all fake, he's lying!
- Okay, excuse me.
Can somebody please tell
me what this is all about?
- I just need
to see some ID, please, sir.
- I dropped it right here.
- Officer?
- Thank you, Mr. Thomas.
- Hey, baby.
- No.
Help, help me.
Eric, come on.
Zip it!
Zip it!
- Stop, stop, baby.
No no no, come here,
April, come here.
What's going on?
- Open the fucking door!
- Does he know about me?
- No.
- Does he know about the store?
- No.
- I have a meeting tomorrow
with Sherry and her uncle.
I want you to come
with me to that,
and then maybe we
should just get away
for a couple of weeks.
Mexico, perhaps.
Get to know each other again.
- I'd like that.
- Open the fucking door, April!
Fucking door!
Open the fucking door!
- Where's the fucking money?
- Hey.
- Don't you fucking move!
You have, two choices.
You can either give
me the money now,
and maybe save your
boyfriend's life, or...
You can prevaricate,
and I put this knife in
the other side of his neck.
And you know what
the funny part is?
Your fingerprints are
still on this knife.
- Take you to the
hospital, come on.
Come on, baby!
It's okay.
It's okay, come on!
What are you looking at?
What do you want from me?
- Oh, can I help you?
- Is this your property, ma'am?
- No, but I'm the realtor.
- We're looking for the person
who was last living here.
- I'm afraid your card's
been declined, ma'am.
- Excuse me.
My husband's been
Could you take me to the ball?
Eric, I'm returning your calls.
Why won't you call me back?
Excuse me, kind sir.
My husband's been
Would you take me to the ball?
Excuse me.
Could you take me to the ball?
My husband is...
- What's your name?
- My husband...
- Okay, let's just stop.
Let's just stop.
- But I have to get to the ball.
- Whoa, what is wrong?
- My husband is lost.
- Just take a second...
- But I need to get to...
- Stop, just stay here!
- Don't touch me.
Don't touch me, get off of me!
- Listen, just stop!
- Help me, somebody help me!
I need to get to the ball.
- Right here.
- Sir, please, kind sir, please.
- Give me some help over here.
- I just have to go to the ball.
- I know her, it's okay.
- Will you take me to the ball?
- What's wrong with her?
- Sir, she's fine.
She's my girl, okay?
- You got her?
- Will you take me to the ball?
Will you take me to the ball?
- She needs to get some help.
- She lives right here, I'm
gonna take her to her place.
- She lives here?
- Yeah, she'll be fine.
What's goin' on, April?
- Are you sure
you won't fuck me?
I could really use a
good hard fuck right now.
- Let's get you cleaned up.
- You should have your refund
within two to five
business days.
- You think this suits me?
- Doesn't matter if it
suits you or not, April.
You don't have any money.
- But if I did.
- You don't need
any more clothes.
- A girl always
needs more clothes.
- No, she doesn't.
- Maybe just this one?
- You don't need it, you
don't have any money.
- You're no fun.
I want this dress.
Oh no, no.
Look at this one.
What do you think?
- I think I've known people
like you my whole life, April,
and you know, you're not gonna
die of HIV or an overdose
or whatever, but,
you're an addict
and you need to confront that.
- Red's always been one
of my favorite colors.
I think this one works better.
- Buying clothes ain't ever
gonna bring Eric back, April.
- Turn around.
Turn around, I want
it to be a surprise.
You can turn around now.
Timeless and elegant.
You like it?
Don't you like it?
- It's nice.
- You don't like it?
You don't like it.
What's wrong with it?
I just wanna
look nice for you, baby.
I just wanna look nice for you!
I'd like to voluntarily
section myself, please.
There's no other way, is there?
- It's not for me to say.
- I don't think there is.
- Oh, hey, Theresa.
It's April.
How are things?
- Hey.
Thanks so much for calling me.
- Thanks so much for coming.
- No.
It's been such a tough
time on all of us and,
you know, I owe you an apology.
A big one.
I hope you can find it in
your heart to forgive me.
And I hope we can
be friends again?
- Can I borrow your phone?
- Sure.
- Hey, Davie?
No, no, this is April,
Theresa's friend.
Yeah, yeah.
No, I just wanted
to let you know
she's been fucking my husband.
- Hey.
Check these out, these
are totally cute.
I think you'd kill in them.
- Yeah, they're adorable.
You know, Sherry, these days,
I'm more a jeans and
t-shirt kinda girl.
Got three different jeans
and four different shirts.
Two black, two gray.
I have a denim jacket
and a leather jacket.
I have DMs if I wanna rock
and sneakers if I don't,
and if I wanna dress up,
I just put on heels, so,
thank you for thinking
of me like that, but,
if I could kindly ask
you to refrain from
doing so ever again?
- Okay.
Sure, of course.
- Thanks.