Fast Forward (1985) Movie Script

Ok, band. Take 10.
What should we do?
Ehm, just breakin' out.
Breakin' out.
I can feel it comin' on
a mighty storm is near
I feel the pressure building up
I hear it ringing in my ears
the wind is whistling
through the keyholes
tearing at the windows
tearing a hole in our hearts
all the walls are gonna fall tonight
we got to be ready to fight
we're gonna run for our lives
we're breakin' out
nothing can stop us tonight
Ain't no time to contemplate
the way to paradise
baby, we don't have to wait
it's time to roll the dice
we got to keep the fires burnin'
feel the world a-turnin'
if we're gonna turn it around
and tonight we're gonna have our day
so if you got something to say
say it tonight
we're gonna run for our lives
we're breakin' out
nothing can stop us tonight
we're gonna run for our lives
we're breakin' out
we've got the stars in our sights
we're breakin' out
nothing can stop us tonight
we're breakin' out
we're gonna run for our lives
What's the matter?
I'm scared.
We're all scared. So what?
Don't back out now, Meryl.
Shouldn't we tell somebody?
You're worried about your parents?
I've never left Ohio before.
Me, neither.
I've never been to Cleveland.
Everything will be fine.
All right, you got our attention.
Now get your hand in here.
Come on.
I love you guys.
Go for it.
Go for it.
Go for it. Go for it.
Go for it! Go for it!
Go for it! Go for it!
Go for it! Go for it!
Rules and regulations.
Rules and regulations.
Good afternoon.
How many in your group? Eight.
Music must be written by the group.
Music can be taped, but vocals must be live.
We have an appointment with Mr. Sabol.
Sure you have.
I'm not kidding. I'll prove it.
Where did you get this card?
From the man himself.
Tell me about it.
Well, Mr...
Clem Friedkin.
Your group, the ace in the hole,
played our town.
We read about
Mr. Sabol being their manager.
They told us we couldn't see him,
but he was so close.
We decided we had to show him our stuff.
We found a way to see Mr. Sabol.
Mr. Sabol, we're not waiters, sir.
You're not?
What are you?
He sings.
No, he sings. I do lyrics.
I'm getting security.
Give us a chance.
All we ask is one minute.
Give the children a minute, dear.
We want to audition
for your rock group shoot out contest.
You got to see us!
We're the best nobodies you've ever seen!
We're called the adventurous eight.
I'm manager and lyricist.
Michael's the composer/choreographer.
We've got six incredible girl dancers.
Give us a chance to show you!
I don't have the time.
We rehearse right by here.
I can't fit it in.
If you get to New York, look me up.
Then you'll audition us?
We'll see.
Get out of here.
Sir, can we have your card, please?
Now get out of here.
My lunch is getting cold.
Uh, excuse me, Mr. Sabol,
about the audition in New York,
could you write that down here?
You got the balls of a brass monkey.
Give me your pen.
Now get the hell out.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's how it happened.
History will get made.
I sure hate to disappoint you hotshots,
but the shoot out's been canceled.
Postponed actually, for three weeks.
We can't stay three weeks.
Even if you could,
you wouldn't make it to the first round.
What about Mr. Sabol's card?
Forget it, kid. Go on home.
He promised us.
Mr. Sabol is dead.
Couple months ago.
A phone call would have saved you the trip.
Look, I'm sorry Mr. Sabol's dead.
But he promised in the name of this company
to audition us.
Kid, we've exhausted this conversation.
Know what I mean?
I don't know what you mean.
Every two-bit group in the country
wants a tryout.
We've auditioned down to 150 of the best.
Of those 150, 30 make the first round.
Of those 30, 10 make the finals.
Only one wins.
That's what I'm saying.
Mr. Sabol's word doesn't mean anything
now that he's dead?
Is that what you're saying?
I'm going to the west coast for three weeks.
If you're here when I return,
I'll give you five minutes, ok?
Now, if you'll excuse me.
We just got to stay.
With no money?
What about our folks?
We'll write, let them know we're ok.
No phoning. They'll guilt trip us.
Even a cheap hotel costs $62 a day.
We came for three days, but three weeks?
So it's hard. So what?
We can do it.
We'll find an affordable place.
How much money have we got?
What we've got won't be enough.
So we wait tables, wash dishes,
shine shoes if it's necessary.
Let's not run home until we've tried.
Let's not quit
because of one disappointment.
That's right.
What is this?
Come on.
You're a charmer.
Oh, this is ridiculous.
Living room.
We'll take it.
Come on, come on.
I'm hungry and I'm tired
and I want to eat now.
Yeah. We've worked for three days.
Ok. Kentucky Fried or McDonald's?
How about a fat, juicy steak?
Can't afford it.
Scrumptious chocolate mousse
smothered in sinful whipped cream.
I hear you.
A moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips.
Shut up, Matt.
Anything, just food.
Yeah, come on.
I know how we can have steak tonight.
Where there are hotels, there's tourists.
Where there's tourists, there's money.
Trust me.
What's going on?
I've no idea.
Where's the manager?
He's upstairs.
Out on the edge
with my back turned against the wind
I'm on my own
like a young lion hungerin'
my only plans find a way
to make it through the night
no matter what blocks my path
gonna get my fill
I'm on the hunt
and there's no way I sleep until
I get enough in the gut
to keep myself alive
the one who keeps on standing
when all around him fall
will live to see the day arrive
to hold out through the darkness
willin' to risk it all
that's what it takes to stay alive
you say the world is old
well, it looks new to me
you say there's danger everywhere
that I just can't see
I believe there's a way
and love will lead me there
I'm tired of hearing
that the world is going bad
I'm tired of seeing
faces always looking sad
I got a dream
I believe we can make it if we strive
the one who keeps on standing
when all around him fall
will live to see the day arrive
to hold out through the darkness
willin' to risk it all
that's what it takes to stay alive
I use my dreams to keep me warm
as a shelter from the storm
and as sure as I was born
I will see the morning
clear and bright arrive
What the hell is going on?
Suddenly they appeared on the dance floor.
What are people saying?
They think you arranged it.
The one who keeps on standing
when all around him fall
will live to see the day arrive
to hold out through the darkness
willin' to risk it all
that's what it takes to stay alive
Bravo! Bravo!
You guys are terrific!
They're marvelous.
I've never seen anything like this.
Are they not great?
This is incredible! Aren't they great?
This deserves...
They deserve a little money.
Let's get some money.
Are these people not great?
Look at this!
Here you go.
Here's another $10.
These people deserve more money.
I'm sweating watching them.
Unbelievable. Thank you, sir.
All right!
What is your name, sir?
You're going very far.
That's incredible.
Let's give them some money.
Thank you.
There you are.
$25... aw, take it all!
Aren't they great?
I love you!
I want to talk to that one.
To the adventurous eight.
We were on fire tonight!
We got away with it.
We did.
What did he say?
He liked us.
He said x-rated words about
losing his liquor license.
If we come back, he'll probably kill us.
I kept looking for the cops.
I was so nervous.
But it felt great.
It proves we can survive!
How much did we make?
Enough for an answering service
and some business cards.
Business cards?
If agents know us, we might get some gigs.
That's great.
Remember the shoot out competition.
Will Friedkin keep his word?
He'll be there.
We must be ready for him.
Excuse me. What is your name?
There isn't anybody there.
Meryl, is that you, honey?
Are you there?
We got your letter,
but there was no return address.
Where are you in New York, honey?
Answer me, honey.
The best way to protect yourself
is to kick them in the balls.
You've got one shot, so don't miss.
Take your time,
smile, wait for the target,
and then crunch those jewels.
Come on, Francine!
Yeah! Yeah!
Come on.
I'm Matt with the adventurous eight,
doing parties, special occasions.
Susan, the car is here.
Bus stop, black top, drop top
on the drive
red hot sling shot wakin' up
at half past five
straight pool, slide rule, night school
stand in line
ding dong, ping pong
swingin' on king Kong's
concrete vine
how do you do?
Any way I can, and how are you?
How do you do?
All things told, I can't complain
what shakes? What's new?
Be my pleasure to, how do you do?
Wee bo peep can't sleep, rabbit run
"a" train spray paint, street Saint
shinin' in the sun
all grok, small talk, sidewalk Romeo
fast hands blues band's last stand
and away we go
how do you do?
Any way I can, and how are you?
How do you do?
All things told, I can't complain
what shakes? What's new?
Be my pleasure to, how do you do?
How you doing?
I'll take those, ma'am.
Everybody's happy.
How do you do?
Any way I can, and how are you?
How do you do...
We'll be late for the matinee.
How do you do?
Any way I can, and how are you?
How do you do?
All things told, I can't complain
what shakes? What's new?
Be my pleasure to, how do you do?
Your guest, miss Granger.
Thank you. Hi, Matt.
How was the play?
It was fine. And your friends?
They were mind-boggling.
It was so alive.
It was beautiful.
Thank you.
Which brings me to why we're here.
Your group would be fabulous
at a lawn party my mom's giving.
This year I'll be hostess.
I want something different.
Your group is perfect.
I have to convince my mother.
Well, what do you say?
You've made yourself a deal.
I'll get on it.
Let's order.
We'll talk details over lunch.
Something wrong?
There are no prices on this menu.
That's how they do it here.
Besides, I invited you.
No, it's my treat...
In more ways than one.
Holy shit!
$86... for two?
For lunch?
Who the hell is she?
A client.
Who are you to spend our money?
Her name is Susan Granger.
Susan Granger.
Susan Granger!
What else did you get for our $86...
Pate and quail.
Sounds disgusting.
And a gig!
It's just good public relations.
And you're jealous!
I am not!
We're all hungry.
What will you do, big spender?
we're gonna run for our lives
we're breakin' out
we got the stars in our sights
we're breakin' out
nothin' can stop us tonight
we're breakin' out
we're gonna run for our lives
She's homesick.
She needs to forget her loneliness.
We could all use some fun.
I got it!
You're running the wrong way!
Order me a burger, fries, and coke.
Burger, fries, and a coke.
Want to split something?
Hi, it's Matt.
Thanks for calling me back.
I called to update you.
Mother's being especially obstinate,
but she'll bend. Don't worry.
I was thinking,
you'll probably need a better sound system
than your portable radio.
If so, let's order one soon.
What about costumes,
and things like that?
Can we get together?
How about dinner?
Well... uh...
Or for drinks, if dinner's a problem.
Bring your friends.
It's my treat.
Hold on.
You guys!
It's about the gig.
Let's meet for drinks.
We can't afford it.
She's buying.
We can afford it.
They'd love to.
Where shall we meet?
Wait a sec.
The zoo.
The what?
It's a club.
They say it's the place!
Here she is.
Here we are.
Susan, this is Michael,
Francine, Valerie, Debbie, Rita,
Meryl, and June.
This is my date, Mark Dalton.
How do you do?
Come on. Let's go.
I love it!
Oh, my god!
What the... oh, oh!
Oh, lord...
Oh, my god.
Clear the floor, we're going to war!
Challenge time, boys and girls,
here at the one and only zoo club.
Home of the new new wave,
where New York gets down.
Make way for another war at the zoo club.
What's your name?
Who are you?
Caesar, as in conqueror.
Matt, as in sherman.
We want you to do your thing.
We hear you're a dancer, so dance.
I don't feel like it.
Feel like it!
I don't want any trouble.
You do your thing, and there won't be none.
My friends are waiting.
Come on!
That's an old show!
What's this bullshit?
Come on, Caesar!
No working in our territory,
or somebody's going to get hurt.
Those guys are incredible.
Mother's lawn party's going to sizzle!
A very unusual evening.
Can we get together
this weekend and make plans?
Sure. I'll call you.
Amateurish bullshit.
Everything we did there tonight.
Past history crap
we picked up off the TV.
Caesar and his boys wiped us out...
With new stuff,
hot off the streets.
Every step we used
was passe before we ever saw them.
We were country lames there on that floor.
Aren't you being hard on us?
I'm telling you.
If we go to that audition
doing that okie-doke,
we'll never make it.
The judges will be new yorkers.
They'll have seen all the latest moves,
and we've got to know them well
and show them some steps they don't know.
Ok. When do we start?
Tomorrow night, we're
going to hit every club,
juke joint, disco, whatever.
Wherever it's happening,
that's where we'll be.
We'll learn every dance,
and we will perfect it.
Then we'll go out and learn some more.
And we'll keep doing that
until we can throw down
with the city's best dancers.
And we've got to get awesome!
You wanna dance?
My body's hot, and
my palms are sweaty, baby
don't look surprised when
you know you got me ready
for you
got me ready for you, baby
uh-huh... Temperature's rising
you know I'm hungry for you
just close your eyes
and give me just a taste of your love
just a taste of your love, baby
I've been waiting such
a long time for your love
don't make me think
I'm spending my time
just for nothin'
oh, baby, please give me
just a taste of your love
come on, give me just a taste
I need a taste of love
give me just a taste of your love
oh, a taste of love
give me just a taste of your love
come on, give me just a taste
I need a taste of love
give me just a taste of your love
oh, you start me up
don't ever quit
I need a taste,
give me just a little bit
my spirit's high, and my
my pulse is steady, baby
you can't deny what you
know you got me ready for
got me ready for you, baby
uh-huh... Ain't nothin' taxin'
I'll make it easy on you
just try relaxin'
givin' me a taste of your love
just a taste of your love, baby
oh, baby, please
give me just a taste of your love
Hey, you go!
Let go.
Hey, wait.
What have we got coming up?
Going somewhere?
Hey, honey.
Oh, you are a beautiful lady.
Hey, you girls are nuts!
You all right?
Think I got it.
All right.
Hi. Good news.
Mother will consent.
Providing that
your performance remains cool.
Within the confines of good taste.
Her words exactly.
So, the gig's on.
How is everyone?
The girls are fine.
Michael's frustrated.
Wants to check out some dance concerts.
My mother has a contact
who can get tickets.
Which ones?
Say it.
You're a big boy now.
Aw, shit!
I can't see!
Yeah. Get me detective Tom Anderson,
second precinct, Sandusky, Ohio.
Daddy, we've been here 12 days.
We've managed to furnish our apartment,
earn money, and find our way around.
What you do with your life is our business!
It's always what you and mom want.
You're going home, young lady.
It isn't easy,
but we're surviving on our own.
That's pretty damn good.
Sorry about the car window.
That doesn't make me bad.
Just two more weeks, please.
Don't force me to give up now.
Nobody transported me across state lines
for immoral purposes.
We're here because we want to be somebody.
We want to do it on our own.
All right.
Two weeks. You can stay till then.
After this shoot-em-up.
Shoot out, dad.
Well, whatever.
After that, it's straight home.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
Do you like it?
It's fantastic.
Come on.
Where's Mark?
Where's June?
She's doing whatever Mark's doing.
I guess that's what they're doing.
Have a nice time?
What are you doing up so late?
You bastard.
You guys were fantastic!
Better than ever!
That was so much fun.
We've got a business
arrangement to take care of.
Your fee, silly.
Young man...
Excuse us, please.
I want a word with my daughter.
June, you're behaving like a kid!
Leave me alone!
Stay and talk this out.
There's other people to consider.
Would you quit being so selfish!
I'm tired of New York!
I'm tired of Susan and you.
Give me my share and get lost!
I'm sorry.
When's the next bus for Sandusky, Ohio?
Two hours.
Nothing before then?
Will I need a reservation?
Let's go someplace and have a drink.
Men are dogs...
Just plain dogs.
Why does alcohol make you horny?
I'll drink to that.
It's a question.
My cousin Jana says get in bed
with a romance novel and your
favorite sexual fantasy.
How sad.
Not for my cousin Jana.
Will we turn out like our mothers...
Spending our lives in Sandusky, Ohio,
married to guys with big bellies?
Mom says we're fated to suffer.
It makes women stronger than men.
Who told her that?
My father.
My mother wanted to dance.
She met dad and had six kids.
Mom doesn't even dance at parties now.
Being trapped scares me to death.
Especially now, when we know
about the world.
But boys are so closed-minded.
They just want fast cars and easy girls.
Men are dogs.
And they're selfish.
And they're such liars.
I'll drink to that.
I hope they get pregnant.
I'll drink to that! I'll drink to that!
Only for my friends,
I'm staying for the shoot out.
After that,
win, lose, or draw...
I'm gone.
Are you ok?
Just time to move on.
Think we're ready for the shoot out?
But before that,
there's one more thing to do.
I know what you mean.
Let's see your stuff.
All right! All right!
Let's go!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Hello, Mr. Friedkin.
You guys are still around?
Yes, sir.
Messenger this to accounting.
Thank you.
How was your trip?
I'm not wasting time.
You're not getting the audition.
Jesus, Mr. Friedkin!
You can't be serious! Why?
My reasons. Ok?
It's not ok!
We waited three weeks! You promised!
You've performed around town.
Our people have seen you.
On the basis of what they've said,
we're just not interested.
Not interested!
Excuse me.
Who saw us? What was the number?
Lawn party in east Hampton.
Who are these people?
They can tell us directly!
Why does a big outfit cover parties?
We don't. It was a guest.
A guest?
Was it a Mark Dalton?
Or a Mrs. Granger herself?
Or both?
I'm surprised at a big man like you.
You're nothing but an ass-kisser.
Hey! Hey!
I know her.
Sure. You're old friends.
We served her lunch in Sandusky.
Be careful, kid.
Is she here?
She's retired.
Where does she live?
You've got to be kidding.
Mrs. Sabol, remember us?
I've never forgotten
a face in my life... till now.
We served you lunch in Sandusky, Ohio.
Oh, good. What do you want?
Now I remember.
You two devious little bastards.
It was delightful, the way you did that.
Very amusing. Come on in.
That's our story.
If Friedkin disregards
your husband's promise,
all our plans go up in smoke.
Have you a videotape of yourselves?
No, ma'am.
A demonstration record?
No, ma'am.
Have you appeared anywhere?
No, ma'am.
Maybe you should continue being waiters.
We sort of appeared around town.
We did a party in east Hampton.
For a rich family named Granger.
Jessie Granger?
I've known Jessie for 35 years.
Did she see you perform?
Jessie? Ida sabol here.
Fine, fine, fine. And yourself, dear?
Listen, Jessie.
Did you have a party recently?
What kind of entertainment did you have?
How were they...
Just between you and me?
Now straight stuff, Jessie.
I see.
Is that so?
Ok. I'll see you at the next meeting.
Thank you, Jess.
Well, she says you were awful.
Did you try to hump her daughter?
Never mind.
I've never agreed with her on anything
in 35 years.
I don't know one promise
my husband didn't keep.
This shouldn't be the first.
Show me some of your stuff.
Why not?
There are eight of us.
They're at the apartment.
Give me a minute.
Out on the edge
with my back turned against the wind
I'm on my own
like a young lion hungerin'
my only plans find a way
to make it through the night
no matter what blocks my path
gonna get my fill
I'm on the hunt
and there's no way I sleep until
I get enough in the gut
to keep myself alive
the one who keeps on standing
when all around him fall
will live to see the day
Hello, Suzy.
Oh, Mrs. Sabol...
What a surprise.
Stop it, Clem. We know better.
Can I help you?
When my husband operated the shoot out
it was open, honest, and fair.
Of course, Ida.
They've been bothering you?
If they're correct, Clem,
you've been bothering me.
You lied to them.
I scouted them. There's nothing there.
Good dancers, but no commercial value.
They have my husband's word!
When did you get back?
A week ago.
You held the first round eliminations
when you returned?
Why didn't you invite them?
We didn't know how to reach them.
You've already selected the 10 finalists?
You know the research, planning, and effort
of those selection processes.
Honest and fair selections were made.
It just so happens,
there are three groups among the finalists
with the potential to earn
possibly $100 million
over the next 10 years.
Can you imagine that?
A quarter of a billion dollars in 10 years.
Meaning you rigged the finals.
You're upset, Ida,
so I'll forget you said that.
We started this contest on the premise
that the finalists need not sign with sabol.
They were free to sign
with whatever firm they wanted.
We have new ways of doing things here.
I'm still a partner here!
I want them to audition.
You're not the boss here.
My partners and I bought
the controlling interest.
Look, just relax. Enjoy retirement.
Don't worry about the company.
We'll make sabol associates
the biggest agency in the business.
We're getting deals
in motion picture development.
In five years, we'll be number one!
What about my husband's
promise to those children?
We'll put their names on file.
If we get to Sandusky,
maybe we'll audition them.
Oh, and, Ida...
We've decided it's not a good idea
for you to attend the performance.
Your period of mourning isn't...
You're barring me from the theater?
With your bereavement,
security's been alerted not to expect you.
I stood in that office
and listened to that man
take my husband's work apart.
And I realized that, short of murder,
there's nothing I can do to stop him.
I never felt so powerless over
anything in my life.
There's nothing I can do for you.
Thank you for at least trying.
Yeah. Thanks, Mrs. Sabol.
I realize this has
been difficult financially.
I'll pay your carfare home.
No thanks. We'll be ok.
What in the hell are we doing?
We're drowning in our own pity.
Why should this be the end for you?
I'm tired of being old and retired.
I'm too cute for that crap.
Action is life,
and I'm going to get back into action.
The grave and my husband will have to wait.
One more shot at the good times.
You lucky little bastards,
I'm starting with you.
Grab my coattails.
I'm taking off one more time!
Do you understand?
I'm offering to be your manager.
That's a deal.
Oh, we've got a lot of work to do.
On the night of the shoot out,
we'll be in that theater and on that stage.
Go for it!
Go for it!
Go for it!
Go for it!
Go for it! Go for it!
Go for it!
I say, hey!
Who's out there?
In the circle machine
sing it to me now
happy you
I'm lucky, too
What do you think?
You're right. They're star material.
Get their manager.
lucky you
I'm lucky, too
Joe, babe.
Hi, man!
Our publicity man
has some sensational ideas
for selling your kids.
He guarantees they'll be
nationally-known in 12 weeks.
You and Bert Gregory in our music department
will start on a first album,
provided we make a deal.
The living daylights, ladies and gentlemen!
You were great!
Come on!
Out of the way!
Where's your pass?
Plenty of room.
Living daylights...
We'll answer questions in the press room.
Let's go!
And now, let's hear it
for the next musical contingent...
Stay here, change into your costumes,
and don't come out.
We're driving in the car
I know they want to talk
to a real live pretty girl
a real live pretty girl
I don't want nobody else
a real live pretty girl
a real live pretty girl
I don't want nobody else
You'd be part of our family.
If we win.
The judges reflect
the audience's enthusiasm.
Mrs. Sabol, is that you?
What are you doing?
There's not much time.
Come, I'll explain.
Didn't mean to bother you.
Would you change your mind
about leaving the group?
Save your breath.
I'm the one who should leave.
I'm the one here who does the least.
I'm not a good dancer,
and Mike could find
a better lyricist for his music.
So, after tonight I'll step aside.
I think it's best that way.
He's leaving the group.
What did he say?
He gave me some song and dance,
but I know the real reason...
Miss high society.
That's all over.
She married her boyfriend Mark.
He was the target all along.
Matt was just the bait.
Who is it?
It's me. Open up.
Let's go.
How will we get on stage?
He runs my company, but not my people.
Everything's ready.
Let's go for it.
We'll bring this joint to the ground.
A few TV dance shows,
some live performances...
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Ida sabol.
At this point in the program,
please join in a musical tribute
to my late husband, al sabol,
for his contribution
to finding talent in america.
Shut off that Mike.
The controls are upstairs.
Call them, dammit!
Their phone's off the hook.
You get upstairs and pull the plug.
Come with me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
our next contestants...
The adventurous eight.
Way off in the distance
hoverin' in the air
rides another sunset
off in search of better days
high above the rooftops
sailin' on the wind
birds are flyin'
taken with the urge to start again
I'm movin' fast
there's a world I wanna see
not the ones I hear that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
movin' fast forward
movin' fast forward
now what's my destination?
I'm not sayin' that I know
but I could see that standin' still
would kill my urge to go
I might get bruised and battered
every step could make or break
but right now all that matters
is the next one that I take
and I'll take it fast
there's a world I wanna see
not the ones I hear that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
movin' fast forward
somewhere waiting for me
I know
there's a someone
that I want to
I'm goin' to be
there's a world I wanna see
not the ones I hear that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
fast forward
Well, Ida, your kids
have proved their point.
I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.
Come to the office, we'll make a deal.
I'll come to the office, all right.
It won't be to talk.
I'm going to regain control of al's company.
I'll throw you and your friends
out on their collective ass.
Move. You're spoiling my view.
Oh, fast
there's a world I wanna see
not the ones I hear that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
there's a world
I wanna see
not the ones I hear that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
movin' fast forward
movin' fast forward
Come on, Ida.
It's as much yours as ours.
More! More!
More! More! More!
there's a world I wanna see
not the ones I hear that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
oh, there's a world
I wanna see
it's not the ones I hear
that it should be
where I'll stop, nobody knows
no tellin' just how far I'll go
movin' fast forward
movin' fast forward
makes victims of us all
a window down the hall
opens the past and fading fast
what used to be
you and me
as long as we hold on
to each other we'll be strong
there's no doubt about it
we're destined to belong
long as we believe
love begins with dreaming
never letting go of what we know
long as we believe
love can last forever
and together we can conquer all
we can conquer all
long as we believe
long as we believe
love begins with dreaming
never letting go of what we know
no, no, no, never, never, no
long as we believe
love can last forever
and together we can conquer all
long as we believe