Fathers and Daughters (2015) Movie Script

- Chipset?
- I? S right here!
Right here I come! I? S hungry!
I want chipset!
Guess who? S home.
- I s? G how to's? G p? her.
- Among all f? Writer. We talked.
- I can distinguish P? talk and others? rt.
- I get? Rtade not. You were drunk.
- Whenever you have betrayed a g? Ng ...
- A g? Ng, Tricia, f? R seven? Years ago.
A g? Ng r? Cker f? R me.
- Dad...!
- It? S okay ... Chipset.
The problem now? R you now
experiencing a dipole? r psychosis
- Caused by the accident:
hj? rnskadan, f? rlusten of your wife.
What worries me? R bout.
They suggest p? n? t much more serious.
If you do not try treatment
s? f? r you very w? rre Answered? r.
- Like what d ??
- Psychotic breakdown.
I highly recommend
you l? ggs the p? St Francis.
I k? Nd l? Quarks d? R and think
that you're treated a few weeks.
Maybe even n? Gra in months.
A mental hospital? Come on.
No, I have a daughter to mother.
At d? Rf? R m? You must g? Ra it.
F? R you have a daughter to mother.
It? S still your favorite, huh?
Katie ...
- I m? Ste? Ka away.
- What?
- Just a little while.
- How do l? Nge?
I do not know, just for awhile.
I want to f? LJA with.
Not the h? R g time around, baby.
You know...
The accident made me a little sick
and I m? ste be healthy.
I m? Ste become stronger
f? r to take care of you.
The g? R you are.
Not that I m? Ste, sweetheart. Okay?
You f? R stay with Aunt Elizabeth-
- Uncle William
and your cousins in West Chester.
But I do not want you to? Ka!
Whenever I come back
s? it becomes f? r good, f? r always.
It will be alright.
- Hello.
- Hey sweetie. - Jake. - Hello!
We? S? excited
that you will stay with us.
S? G hey d ?.
- I m? Ste? Ka now.
- No...!
I will return s? soon as I can.
You? Is my chip.
You and no one else, okay?
I adore you's? very.
- Okay okay...
- He comes back again.
I adore you, Katie!
- Dad!
- K? R now. Sn? Ll k? R.
Jake, it? S time.
I? S proud? Ver you, Jake.
'll Need you n? Ts? do you know where we are? r.
Now f? R we selected you h? Rifr? N.
- Hey d ?, Jake. Good luck.
- Thanks.
- You look good.
- Electroshock g? R me good.
Only not have shorted n? Nting.
You have a Nobel Prize in your head.
Mark my words.
If Bellow can f? it, s? can you.
Thank you f? R the press.
I've been out for five minutes.
I have anstr? NGT me ...
No, it was a clean n? Ks f? R me.
I have tr? Ffat her
at least one g? ng the m? market.
Sometimes? NNU often.
You will be flabbergasted.
- Are you tr? LHW Katie ago?
- Yes.
- Whenever you nervous? S?
- Why? R be nervous? S f? R my daughter?
- Do you want me to f? LJA with?
- You? Is a full-service agent.
- I? R a v? N.
- We'll be fine.
- S? Kert?
- Yes. Thank you f? R you h? Mtade me.
- Thanks f? R ride.
- Sk? T about you!
- Dad!
- Chipset!
- I've missed you!
- And I you. Now? Am I back.
Yes, but I w? Ntade j? Ttel? Nge.
Whenever you h? r f? r good now?
F? R always f? R forever.
- I adore you!
- V? Elcome back.
- I have coffee and cake right here inside.
- Do you drink coffee?
- No.
- How nice.
- But you're best cake?
- Yes.
- Okay, d? ? best we dessert!
- V? Elcome back, Jake.
- What? Is it the law?
- It? S always good.
She gets all b? Outer school.
We? S terribly proud? Over her.
- Dottie.
- Yes Lady?
- If you bring Katie to her room?
- Why? R?
- We'll just talk to Dad.
- It? S okay.
Boyhood! Not indoors.
G? up to your room.
- What did you think?
- Gone in n? A town? R.
Seven in months.
H? R you, I want to thank you b? Computer
- F? R you took Katie.
She looks to m? top.
- I? S unspeakably grateful.
- We have a safe, happy home.
- There? R v? L unaccustomed to come home.
- I missed her some thing terrible.
Jas ?? Did you miss Patricia?
To come home l? Do not see it.
Did you know that we would? Take lunch
the day she was buried?
F? R to discuss it
that separated us? t.
- Elizabeth ...
- I t? Nker p? it every single day, Jake.
She was my only sister
and I never got the chance ...
We want to give you an f? PROPOSED, Jake.
Just listen to p? me.
L? T Katie staying right here tonight.
You can get in order, v? Well you.
- In a week can Kattie stay with you.
- It beh? Vs. not.
- There? S nothing Answered? R f? R us.
- We'll be fine.
- We like to have Katie h? R.
- We m? Ste? Ka now. - Katie?
- We want to adopt Katie!
- What?
- Elizabeth, f? R hell!
- I do not want kids right here it is.
- What do you mean?
- I hate to d? LJA v? Ra intentions.
Katie thrive right here and adore Andrew
and Michael. You'll see how ...
- Katie? S my daughter.
- Yes, but we get along well together.
After a? P? St. Francis
you v? l n? punching out p? money.
You f? R tr? LHW her n? R you want.
Now you can concentrate on? ...
- Katie! We? Ker now!
- Jake.
- I thought we? Appellate p? the h? r.
- He had ihj? L my sister, not yours.
- S? G "thank you".
- Thanks. Hi d ?.
Honey, I adore you. Hi d ?!
25? Years later
- Katie, v? Wait! What h? Connects?
- I'm studying.
T? Nk you to take a degree in psychology
and will listen? people's problems.
- I like to hj? LPA m people make.
- Hj? Lp me. I? S lonely as hell.
- How can I hj? LPA you, Evan?
- We can g? p out? a date n? n g? ng.
- You? R sj? LVS? Ker, huh?
-? Am I? I think so.
Would you date or fuck me?
F? R b? GGE? S perfectly okay with me.
Where did sj? LVS? Tainty v? Gen?
- F? R I tr? LHW you again?
- J? ... Sses
Why? R you did it
if you do not want to be seen again?
I did not tr? S today.
See you, Evan.
- Hey, Mariah.
- Sk? Best you?
- I f? Rs? Ker.
- Okay.
We has got here a new case.
A twelve? Old girl.
Lucy Carter. Her father died
Whenever she was sp? dbarn. Pulled? Verdos.
His mother was a whore,
m? rdad f? r one? s late.
- Where are the girl?
- In fosterf? R? P ages? 133rd.
She has not said a word
late mother's funeral.
She has not talked p? a? r?
How was her speech before the d ??
- N? T physiologically?
- No. I t? Nkte you wanted it.
- Definitely.
- Good.
What? S your favorite?
You can just point.
I like the cat.
Though it? S just me.
Lucy, I know you? R r? Dd.
But you? P? a j? ttes? ker place.
And I? R h? R and assists you.
I promise you.
- ... Adore not.
- But you have? Lskat?
- F? R l? Nge ago, a g? Ng.
- S? You know you can not to love?
There is no right here inside.
It? S like a dry well.
It? S ... just dry and sterile.
? r the d therefore are you located
with all of these men?
- No.
- What do you d ??
- I want nothing.
- The m? Ste you, you continued? Tter course.
- F? Nd you happy, beautiful of it?
- No.
- Wadding??
- The f? R me k? Nd me ...
The f? R me k? Nna ... n?'ve Got.
F? R usually k? Nd nothing.
And it? S m? N
you do not even like.
- If you m? Best a man you like d ??
- I do not know.
I f? R v? L him to undo
he? verhuvudtaget s? g me.
Hi. How? S that? What's your name?
- Katie.
- My name is Brian.
- Nice. Plugs you right here?
- Yes.
- What do you study?
- Psychology.
My buddy d? R gone l? See psychology.
I joined an introductory course
and I adore that shit ...
Do you drink? L? F? R I bid on? one?
I invite you on? a? l.
Can we f? TV? ? l? A Me
and Katie h? r. Thanks.
Well ... Three? L already, Katie?
- You m? Ste have math major? Mne.
- It was good, it was good.
Who? Are you, Katie?
Yes you, Brian, I have v? Ldigt
sj? lvdestruktiva tendencies.
- William.
- Hey, Tim.
- Jake. - Whiskies, clean.
- It will be, sir.
Elizabeth may be Answered Honest.
No one knows it b? Outer? N i.
F? R less? S TV? ? r ago she lost
his sister. They stood each other j? Tten? Ra.
- Tricia hated Elizabeth.
- Sisters s? Offers things sometimes.
She said that she was controlling,
selfish, critical.
Okay, we? Rb? Da r? Tt smart m? N,
s? l? t us ...
You said no to v? Rt f? PROPOSED
and I do not draw it up again.
- But the so-called? Let that I asked you to come here today? S ...
- Thanks.
P? Worthington said that you should take
Katie out of school. It? S a mistake.
- It? S country b? Sta girls' school.
- I simply do not r? D.
Sn? Ll, we pay g? RNA.
You f? R never see r? STATEMENT.
- It? S the least we can g? Ra.
- You have done su? Ckligt this.
Gen? NNA schools is pure jungle.
Should Katie suffer?
- I l? See it.
- Gen.? N or private? R options.
M? Are you well? I mean...
Do you know how sv? Rt it? R
that f? the child p? good private schools?
All that s? Ker? S rich
and has contacts and g? r bakv? gene.
I l? See it. L? T f me? invite you
p? a glass. I t? Nker not ...
I t? Nker not
group raise my daughter.
Like my bike? I had
a pink bicycle Whenever I was little.
Do you know how to ride?
Can you ride a bike?
Have your buddies bikes?
If you want to search? can I
one day l? ra you to ride a bike.
We can g? to the park someday.
It could be fun.
- How g? R there? Lucy speaks?
- It? S a process.
She does not talk. I give her to
Dr. Weinberg, an experienced psychologist.
- I'll need just more time.
- I'll need to write some thing in the report.
It is not about
to impress? myndigheten-
- That gives us grants
these savings periods.
We will hj? LPA girl? R
s? traumatized that she did not pratar-
- F? R a miserable life
if we do not relate to her soon.
- We were betrayed her.
- We can not let her down.
You? Is a very wise young woman.
You become an accomplished psychologist one day.
- But ork? Nn defeat, g? further.
- L? T f me? take her to the park.
- I think that in another environment? ...
- There will no million? N, but the therapist.
You know you do not f? R take her
h? rifr? n. But you have a week.
- Thanks.
- Katie? A week? S one week!
- Jake! Hi. I'm glad to see you again.
- Thank f? R you wanted to tr? FFAs.
Sure, sure, f? Lj with the set.
I want to? Again s? Ga
how much we regret Patricia d? d.
It was a big f? LOSS f? R us all.
- What? Is it Katie?
- She m? S good.
- She lived with her aunt?
- Yes, but she lives with me now.
And I really want
she b? rjar p? Cop again.
We? R middle of school? Ret. ? Is it wise
to take her fr? n Worthington?
- I have already done that.
- Jas ?? J? ... Sses
You know we can g? RNA takes back
Katie, but we are completely full.
- It fits always one more.
- I'm sorry.
L? Esters d ??
Their children have the f? Rtur.
I l? R last? Rskursarna
creative writing.
- We do not r? D.
- One dollar per semester?
I really appreciate it.
Novell technology, we focus
p? student work, l? m seeing? Starna.
Twain, Hemingway, Roth
and maybe what I'm writing now.
- Do you really l? Ra like writing?
- I want my daughter on? Copen.
- Do you write h? Gskolerekommendationer?
- F? R those students who show talent.
D? ? r "talent" genes? st defined.
Katie can b? RJA n? First week.
Can you b? RJA n? First semester?
I can absolutely.
Do you know what my favorite thing? R?
It is right here - that f? LJA you to school.
I work.
- Hall??
- Hey, Jake, it? S Elizabeth.
Hello, Elizabeth.
Hi. I'm calling f? R to invite you home
and Katie P? dinner.
Whenever you?
- How do l? Best Thursday?
- No, d? I have a f? rfattarpanel.
L? Rdag? Dottie g? R k? Ttf? Rslimpa,
Katie's favorite.
How fun. But p? l? rdag are we
to the park and she's become? tr? tt.
Jake, stop arguing with me.
Katie lived with us for a? R.
The boys miss her some thing terrible,
just like William and me.
- Are you going on? dinner or not?
- I said yes.
But d? s ?. We beast? Mmer one day
that works f? r you.
Elizabeth, I'm writing right now.
Can I call you later? Thanks.
Come in.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I have a gift for you.
- But it beh? Vs. not.
You thought v? L did not I constantly
p? the hospital only others? ups baskets?
"Bitter Tulips"?
I like the title.
-? Is it good?
- The b? Sta I have written.
- Really?
- S? Kert.
Your j? Vel.
- I have the s? Ld f're lunch.
- Good, cause I? S broke.
It? S called? Nt the l? MNA office
and see the ducks g? ra that they now g? r.
In my n? Best Life
I want to f? das as duck.
You can fly, you can swim.
One can QUACK.
It would be nice.
She sat d? R and h? Ll my hand.
She h? Ll my hand.
- Where h? Nde the h? R?
- P? my office.
- But ... she was not talking?
- No.
I move her to Dr. Weinberg.
- We? P? vippen.
-? Is it a week, a month-, a? R?
- We g? S progress.
- I'm sorry, Katie.
- It? S not r? Ttvist.
- Yes.
S? G to Lucy
Tuesday's m? tea will be your last.
And that at the end of m? Tet
s? will Dr. Weinberg in and hour? LSAR.
We? S clear right here.
You can st? Ll into the shelf?
Lucy, I've had n? Gra
amazing in months with you.
It was an n? Ks
to l? ra k? NNA you-
- And that l? Sa and play
and draw and m? la.
I told my v? N and colleague Carla
as? J? ttetrevlig how much fun we have.
She also wants? play with you.
She wants j? Tteg? RNA tr? FFA you
and will be here soon and s? offers hello.
N? Sta g? Ng you please
be with her in pieces? llet f? r me.
I want to be with you.
Hey! How? S that?
I have a J? Ttegod news.
- Daddy's? Lde a book today.
-? Is it good?
Are you kidding?
It? S V? Rldens b? Sta news!
It means you can f?
just the toy form.
I want a pink bike with everything.
D? Let's go and k? at!
The cycle will you f ?!
H'll balance by looking up? T.
S? d? r yes. The g? R j? Ttebra.
It? S just you. It? S just you.
Pedaling faster.
S? d? r yes. H? Ll up his eyes.
See you f? R. My clever girl!
Yes, she can! She can!
Cycling, Katie.
Bike faster!
Cycling, Katie!
My talented girl.
- What are you writing?
- I'm writing a new book.
- What is it about?
- It's all about you.
"I had called her Chipset
s? l? nge I could remember. "
"And I did not know Why? R. '
- What do you think? ? Is it good?
- Can it be about us in pieces? Contents?
- If it can be about us?
- Yes.
You know, girl, you know? Is a genius.
My daughter? Is a genius!
Yes, yes it can be about us.
Normally, I would never have g? Tt up
to you, but ...
I h? Rt a reputation.
- Wadding? f? r reputation?
- That my litter? Ra idol? Is your father.
- I do not know if it? S true.
- S? the lj? g f? r me?
- Which?
- My friends. Whenever you do not "chip"?
F? Rl? T.
I h? R you. Can we move in?
Of course. Where...?
What was it you gaggade about?
Jake Davis wrote my absolute
favorite "F? der, and d? ttrar".
A popular Ko? S book.
Yes I know.
It has f? LJT me since I was little.
The f? R? Changed literally my life.
Hi. My name is Cameron.
My name is Katie.
- Katie?
- Yes.
As in, "Kate Davis"?
Whenever you the real Kate Davis?
How n? Ra? S book
what really h? nde?
- It? S much more fun in the book.
- Okay.
? r the h? r your thing, the g? out alone,
without mates?
- Yes.
- Yes?
Sometimes f? Redrar I will be alone.
It? S much easier.
What do you work with?
I work as a social worker
with children in distress.
- Wow.
- Yes. I like it.
- How the attempts rjer you?
- I? S freelance journalist.
And I have b? Rjat p? my f greatest book.
- What is it called?
- Do you really know?
"Television?? Is the perfect number."
"Television?? Is the perfect number" ...?
? r a k? rlekshistoria?
Yes. Yes kind of.
- H? R I live.
- Do you live right here?
It? S j? Ttefint.
Ideal f? R one chip.
You f? R never see my l? Propensity.
Not f? R you would not f? R
that right here was a date or s ?.
What g? R you tomorrow?
- How s??
- S? that we can continue? Eight v? rt call.
- I t? Nkte run.
- I can run.
- You want to run with me?
- Yes, I want that.
- H? Mta me at four.
- Four? Okay.
Dr? M s? Tt.
Dr? M s? Tt you with Cameron.
- Hey d ?.
- Hello.
"The rise m? Tion
it attracts youthful? gat. "
"She rises and shines
full of grace and hope. "
"Yes, the tulips? S beautiful.
F? R the moment. "
"Everything is alive and d? R,
rises and falls. "
"And adore and l? MNAR."
F? Rboka "Bitter tulips" d? R down.
Mr. Davis v? Ccording enough g? Tt with p?
to sign their old b? cker-
- As we f? R to Wonderland? Eight f? R s
has presented. Thank you.
Kerri. With K.
- K ...
- F-E-R-R-I.
Write "Nancy".
I'll need a minute.
A minute only.
A minute only.
Urs? Kta.
Urs? Kta.
Mr. Davis, m? Are you well?
Mr. Davis?
Urs? Kta.
-? R the s? h? r princesses dancing?
- Yes, exactly like a princess dancing.
It? S a roller. Whenever you? R some seniors
s? I l? ra to dance the waltz.
S? I? s princess
m? best I a prince one day?
- Yes absolutely.
- N? R?
I do not know n? R.
Whenever the time? R the r? Eight.
- What will he hot?
- He will be called ... Prince n?'ve Got.
I do not know his name.
He was right here writes that ten? R
s? writes all p? computers.
To the typewriter
soon? F? rlegad. Idiot.
Jake, n? Gra reviews p?
"Bitter tulips" has arrived.
Jas ?? D? Written?
"A book s? D? Resistant to wonder if
Jake Davis n? Gonsin has been good. "
- Terrible.
- You has got d? Resistant criticism f? Rut.
But not s? h? r. The h? R? R
an attack on? me. It? S ...
No. It? S ...
The m? Ste be other, huh?
He f? Rstod not.
"S? Of? Rst? ELIG that it could
have been written on? Aramaic. "
"Or? NNU rather not at all."
Times d ??
- Who wrote it?
- Colson.
I did not write back cover
to his l? ngnovell.
- S? Now H? MNase he.
- Knopf halve f greatest edition.
But if the book b? Rjar's? LJA ...
Marketers ring cut s? Kert also ?.
Without their pieces? D? R is k? Rt.
If they are not paying ads and offers
me a platform, I can not g? ra.
I k? Mpade as hell. They do not care
what you have done. The? R r? Knenissar.
It? S just reviews.
I do not care about reviews.
Okay, we'll see.
An arm, a television? arms.
If you do not want to g? p? aunt
Elizabeth's f? Delsedagsfest-
-s? you do not have.
- I know, but I want to g ?.
- Really?
F? R we can g? Ra? T another in pieces? Contents.
Just what you want.
- But, Dad, I want to g ?.
- Really?
- Will a bribe to work?
- No.
- You? J? Ttefin.
- Thanks.
? Finally!
I have not seen you on? s? l? nge.
See who? S right here!
- Jake.
- William.
Thank you f? R coming.
Dull your book. The m? Ste be
h? rt n? r critics s? Can you s? d? r.
I do not know Why? R God invented
cockroaches and literary critic.
They hated it actively.
How do you get? Ver n? T s? Nt?
Standing up, brush themselves
and g? r on. Type n? T s? Nt.
Do not you think I m? Rkte
you shook n? r we p? gs last?
As if you could f? an attack.
I st? Rdes to see you wrestle
with impulses that you can not styra-
- Despite the l numerous hospital stays.
The book? S certificate, Jake.
You will no ready f? R life
or f? r being a father.
Give Katie to n? N
who can take care of her.
That's abilities to you adore her
and then betray her? r hypocrisy.
Not s? much v? nsterhand.
It was fun.
F? R you are in trouble now.
Good move.
He has no manners?
Dad! You can l? Sa a book f? R me?
Yes, honey.
I will shortly.
Damn, damn, damn, damn!
- Katie, your dad? R h? R.
- Hello.
F? Rl? T, t? Goat became st? Only p?
station. N? N took in n? Dbromsen.
St? Ll v? Ckarklockan n? R you work.
I do not h? MTAS last.
Chipset? H? R you ...
We seem to have
a row? ldigt petulant child right here.
We should f? Rs? Ka remove fret
one layer.
Yes, a little bit of greed? S gone.
I still see little grouch.
Come on. What h? Connects?
I? R an r? Tt good doctor.
Okay. I h with regard to you, okay?
I give you a rej? L nudge
and sl? pper you later. Okay?
Biking! Biking, cycling!
Cycling, Lucy. Yes, biking, Lucy!
My clever girl!
- Yes!
- Yes.
Do you want to know what made me
to bet everything on? To be f? writer?
Whenever I was in Kenya
I woke up one morning
- And jumped out of the car f? R to piss
and stood? ga to? go with a lion.
-? Is it true?
- Yes. A male lion 4.5 m fr? N me.
He stared straight on? me
and told me that I was his.
- What did you do?
- No, I froze.
I could not r? Ra me.
He stared p? me a while to
and then went straight f? rbi me.
I go? Mmer never that moment.
D? ins? g that I do not beh? VDE
n? n Plan B lengthier.
No documents? Rfilmare,
not vet? s, not Harvard.
I just wanted to g? Ra what I
Always there? mt about. I wanted to write.
I wanted to write that on every page
was the last hand before I died.
I would l? MNA n? T after me.
I want to UTM? Rka me.
F? F? Rr or later,
p? or another p? T - Will a lion to come
and take us all.
I? S? glad he l? t you live.
Yes, it is, I also ?.
It? S I also ?.
- Will you and l? Gger you?
- Yes, for a while.
I n? Nting to you.
What? Is it right here?
It? S original.
"For Katie, my chips."
"As I adore more
? n the last century. "
- Katie, I can not accept it.
- I want you to have it.
It? S a good luck charm.
It? S to you.
You can not take me!
No you can not.
I bicycles on? the h? r page.
No, I bicycles on? the h? r page.
- I can cycle faster? N you.
- D? t? vlar us.
- Up p? bridge!
- Up p? bridge.
Come on!
- I f? Rs? Ker ... Dad, v? Wait!
- Come on, sweetheart.
And the p? bridge.
I did it!
Good. Gl? M not that we m? Ste
bike around the roundabout.
Full v? Gen round. Another lap.
Absolutely incredible that I have a daughter
who has ketchup on? a hot dog.
- Do not you like ketchup?
- P? burgers, p? french.
- But p? hot dogs? L's possible.
- I? S my own person.
- Yes. Yes, it is you.
- Has it? Ran!
- Thanks. - Are you? Nska you n? T?
- Yes.
- Okay!
- Has it? Ran, Katie!
- Has it? Robberies.
- I adore you.
Wow. Check P? the d? r for the teeth.
I sl? S what about that other dinosaurs
did not want to m? take them n? r it was k? k.
Do you miss your mom?
Me too.
You were the big gl? Dj
and the great light of the mother's life.
Just like you? R the big gl? Dj
and the big light in my life.
- I miss her really.
- Of course you g? R.
But you know what?
Your mother? R? Everywhere d? R you? R.
She? S right here now and watch? Over us.
She looks down, she smiles wide
and she? S? proud? ver you.
S? proud? ver you. F? R she servicing
- The wise, tenderly? Nksamma
and beautiful little girl like you? r.
Old woman.
Should you d ??
Not p? very, very l? nge.
Whenever I? Is an old, old man.
- How old?
- Yes, you, probably around ... thousand.
Perhaps a million
if I stop? take hot dogs.
I'll be an incredibly old man.
You f? R own house and you
and lots of children and dog and cat
- And all the running around
and squirts ketchup on? all.
Do you promise?
- I promise.
- Lillfingersv? R you?
I lillfingersv? R.
- Jake Davis?
- Yes.
You? R been served.
I was shocked n? R Bob, please? Ttade.
An aunt and uncle never
kr? vt to f? its systerdotter-
- N? R her father not only live,
but also? ? r a k? nd f? writer.
Jon Wilton? R
country B? ste v? rdnadsadvokat.
I? S glad he assists us.
Sometimes it '
more about s? conditioned k? nslor-
-? n one? nskan that f? v? rdnaden.
F? Rst m? You must talk to William
and the attempts ka f? him to back off.
If he v? Grar?
D? beg? r we to pieces? mningen rejected
f? r be wholly unfounded.
- If that does not g? R?
- We crush them in r? Tten.
- Jake. - Whiskies, clean.
- It will be, sir.
I b? Rjar.
I want you to know
there? s a vendetta against you.
We accuse you not f? R what
h? nde Patricia and we h? MNase inte-
- F? R you h? Ll Katie fr? N for us
that we have taken care of her in a? r.
We t? Nker only
p? Katie v? Lbefinnande.
If you receive? Can she
s? she wants to stay with me.
She? S? Eight.
It is not accepted by r? Tten.
It? S? Nd? important.
You? R a f? Rnuftig husband, William.
And you? R father.
I know that deep down you know
that what you g? r? s wrong.
I admit I was angry
Whenever I came f? r to h? mta Katie-
- And you talked about
to adopt her IFR? n me.
And p? feast
maybe I? verreagerade.
You maybe? Verreagerade?
I? S terribly sorry
f? r what h? nde p? Elizabeth's party.
You provoked me, but it
r? ttf? rdigar not my agerande-
-and I had ... v? lkomnat-
- If you and Elizabeth became
more involved in Katie's life.
I l? Mnade not in pieces? Mningen
f? r to f? n? t the f? rhandla with.
- You called? Nd my lawyer Jon Wilton.
- A good and not cheap lawyer.
He said you? R chansl? Said.
And they never separates a daughter
fr? n her only biological f? r? age.
You f? Rlorar, s? Why? r?
You sat on? the psyche of a? r and the
cured you do not fr? n your psychosis.
36 m people make s? G you attack me
in my home p? an f? delsedagsfest-
f? r I did not like your book.
You told the police you had gr? Lat
h? ftigt and you k? rde f? r continued
- Whenever your wife died.
You? Persuaded not f? R v? Rdsl? Shetland
But p? the judge will see it.
Your latest book flopped
and it s? r doubt rebuilding
-huruvida you can even the attempts RJA Katie.
And I have a k? Nsla of
your money is b? rjar end.
The f? R I know soon enough
n? r I beg? s out your bokf? ring.
I have more money? N God.
If we f? Rlorar's? ? works we cook.
F? Rlorar we? Appeal
s? ? works we cook it.
How do you think
you can handle an I? ngvarig process?
You? Is an accomplished attorney, William.
I f? Rs? Ker to be a good uncle.
No, you f? Rs? Ker to do? R
separating a little girl
-As already s? rjer the d? da maternity
- Fr? N her father that she adore
and adore her.
That? S what you f? Rs? Ker g? Ra.
I hope that there is an s? Rskild
place in Hell f? r people who g? r s ?.
- The d? R h? Nde not. If's possible.
- Iodine?.
We'll need booze.
Want another one?
- Yes thank you.
- Okay. I will be back.
- Hello. How? S that?
- Good.
- You? S beautiful.
- Thanks.
- You do not remember me, huh?
- Yes.
What's My Name?
John. We tr? Ffades p? Walker's Pub.
Type f? R one? S late.
Do you remember? We drank a little.
If you remain with views? Over the park?
- Yes.
- We stand there.
I m? Ste actually asking? Eight n? T.
N? N is d? R and you m? Ste ...
- You had v? L funny?
- Can you g ?? He is coming soon.
You? Is a girl who likes eng? Ngsligg.
- Whenever you there?
- Can you g? Now?
- Whatever. I can pay f? R it.
- I'll hj? LPA you. Thanks.
- You? Is a slut. Take right here, bitch.
- What hours? Connects?
She likes eng? Ngsligg.
And in kv? Ll? Is it your kv? Ll.
S? Enjoy. F? R I did.
Who? Is he?
I fucked you on? your k? ksgolv.
You could almost get ih? G my name.
- Do you have 100?
- G? h? rifr? n.
- R? R me.
- G? h? rifr? n! Stick!
You thought you got "chipset"
but you got a whore.
Stop that d? R.
I adore not chip,
without you, Katie.
Okay? You.
Yes you...
There are s? Tt I found p? -
f? r to manage my livssituation-
- I do not know? R beneficial.
I know they do not? S good f? R me.
But it has heart? LPT me
to fill the void.
And I called? Ms ...
- Come right here, come right here.
- It? S not ...
Come right here.
All of the d? R is behind you now.
These cupcakes? R l's possible good.
I m? S bad, but it? S the v? Rda.
It? S the absolute v? Rda.
My mother fills? R this week.
Dad will celebrate her with a dinner
p? l? rdag kv? ll in Greenwich.
Do you ... do you f? LJA with?
- Really?
- Yes. But only if you want.
It will be fun.
- Okay.
-? Is it true?
- Wow. We would have g? Tt earlier.
- Urs? Kta.
Come on! We miss t? Get.
What? Is it?
What? Is it? What?
I? S not ripe.
It? S just my f? R? Ages
and n few of their V? nd.
Most of them will no awful,
but only the rich and tr?-speaking.
My f? R? Ages will? To love you.
They devour you hook, line and h? R. Come on!
- I can not!
- Katie?
- Katie!
- F? Rl? T!
Hey, Katie!
Genuine! Katie!
- Where are you going?
- Brooklyn, thanks.
What the hell? Are you? H? R you.
F? Rl? T.
I do not know what h? Nde.
- And you? S PhD in psychology ...!
- What do you mean by that?
It? R r? Tt clear what h? Nde.
You chickened out.
? r the f? r you thought my
f? r? ages would not like you?
Or like you cause very s?
you were more mixed up? n you? r now?
- How mixed up? Am I?
- I do not know, Katie.
I do not know what we g? R h? R.
But I will s? Ga you something.
I? R tr? Tt p? ...
I? R tr? Tt p? that the attempts ka get p?
What's That? s what we g? r. What g? R we?
If only we h? Nger's? ? Is it okay.
F? R you know what? The g? R me happy.
Can you be sn'll look and p? me
Whenever I talk to you? You, Katie!
- F? Rl? T!
- Hey! Katie?
Oh my God.
H? R you. Katie!
Stay! Stay!
Talk to me. Talk to me.
- We h? Nger not only.
- Good.
F? R everything I just said was l? Gn. Good.
- I do not know how to g? R the h? R.
- G? S what?
? r girlfriend? memor.
It? S okay.
It? S okay.
- Yes?
- Jake! Jon Wilton. How? S that?
- S? G you.
- Their pieces? Mning did not bounce.
It does not
the judge takes part f? r them-
- But only
there r? cker f? r r? tteg? ng.
It? S a setback,
but their bevisb? RDA? V? ldigt great.
It? S very unusual case.
To g? through practice
becomes a j? ttejobb.
S? I m? ste ask you for a f? rskott
p? $ 25,000 f? R to b? RJA.
Jake? Jake? Hall??
I f? R call you later.
You f? Rst? R
that r? NTAN p? your second l? n
- Is 3.75% h? Gre
? n P? your original l? n?
"I was broke p? Tv? S? Tt:
gradually and late pl? tsligt. "
Was it "The Sun Also g? Ng"?
Well written.
The thing to write, you know ...
Being able to tr? LHW truth.
If you can g? Ra it ...
Should we be concerned about f? R your f? Rm? Ga
pay TV? l? n?
You take away my house? Nd ?, huh?
Come on, let? S little late.
- Have a nice day. I adore you.
- And I adore you.
- Wait! My lunch.
- F? Rl? T. H? R. Hi d ?.
- Hi dad.
- Hello. You're supposed to be in school.
We just ended.
Yes ... Luckily I was right here early d ?.
Dad, you have not? Tit n? T.
You know what Julie said to me today?
Whenever we get old's? we should all ...
I m? Ste koncentera me.
You can not g? Ra get ready f? R s? Ng?
- Will there be a book in kv? Ll?
- Not in kv? Ll.
- Why? R?
- Dad work, honey.
- You always work.
- You f? R v? Well you at it for a while.
- Julie's dad l? See television? b? cker ...
- You were, among others? P tr? f? r? ldraskapet.
Katie, f? R hell!
Do You Know Why? Am I working? F? R you!
We'll need money to lawyers,
food, kl? der, school and housing!
We live in "the money f? The United States of"!
Art, v? Nskap and k? Rlek
does not matter. Only money!
If you have money, Chipset?
Have you type 60000 in the piggy bank?
F? R it would be j? Ttebra.
H? R you.
Come on, come out. Come on.
You f? R taking and replacing g? Mst? Lle-
-If you do not want to be found s? L? tt.
H? R you. Katie ...
I g? R s? I can.
I en? R at God.
- I adore you, Daddy.
- And I adore you.
What t? Nker you p?
n? r you for? nker p? your mom?
It? S just me.
- R yy.
- R dd - Why? R?
I miss her's? very.
And I? S? ...
Angry p? her f? r that she died?
I adore you, Katie.
I adore you I never
have? lskat n? gon another.
You know, all those who adore you
will not l? MNA you.
I know that right here.
But I know it's not right here.
You should find a straightforward girl
that 'to love and stop? dturning the p? me.
No. I like that? Dturning the p? you.
Gosh ...
-? Are you okay?
- Yes.
- Whenever you s? Ker?
- Yes.
Okay. I will g? and television? tta me.
What? Is it right here?
What? Is it right here?
Katie, what? Is it right here?
Why? R did you do it right here?
Do you want to g ?? ? Is it there?
Okay, right here, you can g ?.
You can g ?, you can g ?.
I do not g ?.
- I do not want to.
- SI pp!
Cameron, listen. I do not know
Why? r I did it. I...
Listen now.
Sn? Ll Cameron, look p? me!
I do not know Why? R I did it.
Give me a chance to f? Explain!
- Sn? Ll, I? S? r? dd.
- F? R what, Katie?
- What? Are you d? r? dd f? r? What?!
- F? R us!
I the attempts ker really f? Rst? you.
I f? Rs? KTE give you all my dear? Rlek
and I can not do more, Katie.
- Cameron ...
- Just stop.
- Cameron.
- Stop!
- Wait. Sn? Ll v? Wait!
- What did you expect would h-known?
- What? What?
- I do not know how to g? R it right here!
- G? R what ?!
- I made a mistake.
You sl? HIPC into a man of l? Clean.
It? S not a mistake, Kate!
- It? S over between us!
- No.
It? S end. Stop! God!
- Sn? Ny.
- Stop!
Herrej? Vlar. No no!
Hi. You should f? LJA with me
and Jeanie home. We...
It'll be fun.
Jeanie g? R crap good pancakes.
- I like pancakes.
- D? g? r we.
- Are you coming?
- I'm coming.
Come, Jeanie, we g? R!
- Are you coming?
- G ?!
I miss you.
You can call a cab? T me?
Hi. What g? R you doing up?
- It? S morning.
-? Is it morning?
You can l? Sa just a book f? R me?
I will not l? Sa all f? R you?
- Hello!
- Did you talk to me?
Yes you...
We has got ...
We has got a good news.
- Lucy has been adopted.
- Oh my God.
A stable couple in Queens
have televisions? child to. Absolutely perfect.
Queens? It takes her? Over one hour
by subway to get here.
- Wow.
- You...
- You will no tr? LHW her more.
- What?
She f? R hj? Lp of a social worker
to integrate into their new environment ?.
She m? Ste break completely with us.
You have managed to s? good with her.
We? V? Ldigt proud.
But she can not b? RJA his new life
and cling to you.
- It? S routine.
- The m? Ste g? ...
It? S not like
to take Lucy to the park.
I can not p? Operate it.
I'm sorry.
H? R you. It? S wonderful news.
That? S what we hope for ?.
We have a lot to talk about, huh?
New family. New school.
Everything will be alright.
I promise.
I do not remember s? very
from my mom, but ...
... I? loved,? Beloved,
? loved my dad.
He was f? Writer
and was actually r? tt k? nd.
He m? DDE not p? good mentally.
But he sat up all n? Tterna each
night and wrote clearly his last book.
The book was about me.
Actually, it was about the life and
how he never gave up IFR? ga me.
It was his s? Tt to s? Ga
how much he? loved me.
And hey d ?.
It is the book really about.
Never n? Nsin give up.
Life becomes v? Ldigt kr? Vande-
-and or? ttvist-
and sometimes the sm? rtsamt.
You have g? Tt through a lot already.
But we f? R never give up
and stop g? and look forward? t.
No matter how tough the experiences
we have g? tt through? r.
All I can to do? R
to s? ga to you to ...
... I adore you. And hey d ?.
I adore you also ?.
Sk? T now, okay?
Great things round? NTAR you.
I will. I promise.
- Congratulations, Jake!
- You'll be uncle again.
Your en? Gives William seems to have had
an aff? r with his secretary.
- That? S the whole 24 is old.
- And pregnant. And to be f? Da baby.
Elizabeth l? Gger whether skilsm? Ssa.
They took back the pieces? Mningen. Oops!
"F? Der, and d? Ttrar"?
How did you write a novel p? three in months?
It wont take you more? R.
? is it good?
No clue.
You said to me,
n? r you came up with "L? MNA prom."
Whenever I came up with what?
"L? MNA prom" -
you received the Pulitzer Prize f? r.
Oh my God.
Do you want to s? Ga n? T to your dad?
You? Is my chip.
You and nobody else.
Hey, little woman.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I miss you.
And I adore you.
God, I adore you's? very!
I would have said it a million
g? nger. It would have done.
I was livr? Dd
that you would l? MNA me.
And I know, we know b? Da
that I do not? s simple.
I know I have not? S it. And...
You? Is it b? Sta
as n? nsin have h? nt me.
And I can not ...
I do not want to live without you.
I can g ?.
It? S my ... it? S my v? N.
Thank you f? R all. Really.
It? S a great? Ra
Receiving this Pulitzerpris-
- F? R my client,
the late Jake Davis.
To "F? Der, and d? Ttrar" has got
all major litteraturpris-
- And has topped the b? St? Ljarlistorna
in a? r? r each agent's dr? m.
I was not allowed to invite Jake
p? Glass and slapping his back
-? r my own mardr? m.
Katie, you? S probably the only thing that will
miss him more? ni.
Thank you. Thanks.
I have lived an h? Rt life.
I was v? L h? Rd back.
I? S an adult woman
who has never k? nt k? rlek.
You can t? Nka you?
My f? R? Ages alike.
My mother was
a terribly cruel woman.
My dad was n? N we s? G
p? s? ndagsmiddagar d? and D?.
You know, Katie ...
M? N ... they can not survive without the k? Rlek.
But not us women.
Come right here.