Fear No Evil (1981) Movie Script

(Soft orchestral music)
(Inspirational piano music)
- [Raphael] And god endowed
one specific arch angel
with striking beauty wisdom and power.
He named him Lucifer
and promised him eternal life in heaven.
But Lucifer asserted independence
and proclaimed himself
to be like the most high.
The promise broken and driven from heaven,
Lucifer vowed to wreak vengeance
and suffering upon all of mankind.
And god dispatched three
of his warrior angels
mikhail, Gabrielle and I, Rafael
to seek out Lucifer's incarnation as man,
to smite the very heart of all evil
and pave the way for the
Eve of the second coming:
The second coming of the creator.
(Celtic guitar music)
(Birds chirping)
But this still lies before us.
I must see to the demon's death tonight
and thusly assure his rebirth
for the final confrontation.
Mikhail, born as my sister
Margaret in this lifetime,
fate has dealt us a cruel
and unfortunate hand.
We must be three as one.
Where is Gabrielle?
Why is he not borne with us
to complete our holy purpose?
I do not know.
Mikhail, should I pass from
this life to rejoin the creator,
I will seek an answer.
I will find Gabrielle.
I will guide him to you.
We three will be one in spirit
and a promise shall be fulfilled.
(Wind howling) (Water dripping)
(Intense orchestral music)
(Rafael gasping)
(Demon growling
(Raphael wincing)
(Demons groaning)
(Thunder crackling)
(Sinister orchestral music)
(Lucifer roaring)
(Demons moaning)
(Lucifer roaring)
(Raphael breathing heavily)
(Lucifer chuckling)
(Lucifer roaring)
- I am bonamo.
- In this lifetime, yes.
- And you, Rafael, are
father Thomas Damon.
- I'm cold, father.
Warm me with your touch.
(Intense dark music)
- I will be reborn!
(Speaking foreign language)
(Staff stabbing)
(Thunder crackling)
(Haunting orchestral music)
(Seagulls squawking)
(Water splashing softly)
J ring around the Rosie j
j pocket full of posie j
j ashes, ashes and all fall down j
(muffled crosstalk)
- Oh grandma, how are you?
- Hello, dear.
(Muffled crosstalk)
(Wind chimes tinkling)
(Soft orchestral music)
(Camera clicking)
(Muffled shouting and laughing)
(Baby weeping loudly)
- Hey, c'mon let's get outta here.
- All righty.
- Let's go have a cigar.
- Hey, how 'bout cigars?
- He feels awfully warm to me, Nora.
I hope he's not coming
down with something.
- Oh he's just being
difficult, that's all.
Here, let me see him.
C'mon, c'mon.
- That's it, you got it.
(Man coughing)
You gotta inhale!
- Forget about inhalin'?
- I don't want it no more!
(All laughing)
Look at that.
I gotta get Marion.
Marion, Marion.
It's five o'clock.
Father daly says we gotta
have him there by 5:15.
- I know, I know.
- What's the matter with him now?
- I think he's just tired.
He didn't sleep all night long.
- Oh yeah?
He didn't sleep all night long.
Well I got news for ya, I
didn't sleep all night long!
(Church bells gonging)
(Birds chirping)
- [Priest] Do you believe
in the holy spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body
and life everlasting?
- [Congregation] I do.
- This is our faith.
This is the faith of the church.
God, the father of our lord Jesus Christ
has freed you from sin.
Is it your will that Andrew John
be baptized in the faith of the church
which we all have professed with you?
Andrew John, I baptize you
in the name of the father
and of the son and of the holy spirit.
(Andrew weeping)
(Wind whistling)
(Boy and mother gasping)
(Blood trickling and splatting)
(Water bubbling)
(Soft orchestral music)
- Marion!
(Dark orchestral music)
- [Marion] I am tired of being blamed
for your lack of responsibility,
your inadequacies!
- [Greg] Well maybe if you'd start
payin' a little more attention to me,
I'd feel better about this lousy...
- [Marion] Be quiet!
- [Greg] How long, Marion?
How much longer are we going
to allow him to run our lives?
Will you listen to me, Marion?
I want you now.
I want you for me.
I can't take this.
- [Marion] You must be insane
putting your needs above his.
- Can't you see it?
Why, he's pitting us against each other.
He's out to destroy every ounce of love
we ever felt for one another.
Marion, sweetheart.
Don't let him do this to us.
(Crickets chirping)
(Clock ticking)
Looks real nice, Marion.
18 years.
(Door knocking)
(Intriguing orchestral music)
- You look tired, father.
Come celebrate with mother and me.
- I didn't see you come down.
- That's funny, neither did mother.
Did you mother?
Mother, you forgot to
light one of the candles.
(Match striking)
- Must be an overload, huh?
I'll get a flashlight.
Marion, would you hand me the cake?
- (Shrieks) The cake!
- I'm sorry, Marion.
- Oh, you're not sorry.
Leave it alone!
- Marion, it was an accident.
- Leave it alone!
- (Hand smacking)
- Marion, don't you ever
do that to me again.
Damn you!
(Marion wincing)
(Iron clanking)
(Marion grunting)
Who are you?
Who are you?!
(School bell ringing)
(Retro rock music)
- [Custodian] Woo, I like that!
- Here's the rest of it.
- Thanks, Rita.
- Is there anything else I can give you?
- Not now, thanks.
- Willis.
J gets switched to overload j
(students chuckling)
J go to school today j
j she's gonna make j
- banshaw.
(Students applauding)
(Pen tapping)
Banshaw. (Students chuckling)
Not bad.
You sure you wanna go to college, kid?
(Muffled crosstalk)
- Whoa.
- And devino.
When are you gonna wise up?
(Students chuckling)
Pretty dismal, gang.
I think these papers are insipid.
I think they're degrading.
- I think they're about the...
- Hey, who asked you?
- I'm sorry, what do you think?
- I think it's kinda funny.
- What is?
- You bangin' a chick
20 years younger than you are.
(All hollering and chuckling)
- Chalk it up, macho man.
You just may be cruising these
familiar halls and corridors
longer than you think.
- Hey look everybody, I got a zero.
- [Students] (Chuckles) Zero.
- Up yours.
- I'm goin'.
- All right.
- See ya later, Tony.
- Hell of a performance.
You know, I might've blamed
myself for this disaster.
But once again, I've been
proven more than qualified
- in my chosen field.
- That is true.
- In short, I did my job.
Andrew Williams, congratulations a plus.
(School bell ringing)
(Students groaning)
All right, get the hell outta here.
J tell me why j
j I don't like j
j tell me why j
j I don't like mondays j
j tell me why j
j I don't like mondays j
j I wanna shoot j
j oooh oooh ooh j
j the whole day down j
(singers vocalizing)
(Muffled crosstalk)
(Energetic retro music)
- Up yours.
- Hey, girl.
- Jeez just hog up the
whole mirror, why don't ya?
- Hey, bug off!
- It's my locker.
- Yeah?
Well lemme remind you in case you forgot.
We each paid $2.00 for that mirror.
- Me too, $2.00.
- Equal partners, remember?
(Locker banging)
- Seems to me I ain't the one
short a memory, little sisters.
J she does a weird calypso j
j with a murder suspect j
j I'm stood here face-to-face j'
j with my own regret j
(man whistling)
(Tires screeching)
(Car engine roaring)
("Anarchy in the UK" by the sex pistols)
J right j'
J I am an an antichrist j
j I am an anarchist j
j don't know what I want j
j but I know how to get it j
j I wanna destroy the passerby j
(both hooting and hollering)
(Steam fizzing)
J I give a wrong time,
stop a traffic line j
j if you j
- [Marie] (Moans) Babe, I love you.
J I wanna be j
- [Tony] C'mon, let's go.
I'm hungry.
- Quick and dirty,
that's the way I like it.
- You like it any way you can get it.
- We have a visitor.
- Hey, turn that thing down!
What the hell ya doin'?
- Listenin' to the stereo, man.
- Listenin' to the stereo?
Well how the hell did ya get in, man?
- The door was open.
- The door was open?
J take it or leave it each time j
j well I belong to the j
- door was open, huh?
- Door was open.
J I can take it or leave it each time j
- how you doin', baby?
(Hand slapping) (Marie wincing)
You left the car door
open this morning, man.
That's $200 sound system I got in there!
Hey man, get in the back.
In the back!
- [Man] Okay man, relax.
- What the hell do you want?
- [Andrew] You left
this note in his class.
(Loud popping)
- Great.
You've done your good deed for the day.
Now get lost!
What's the matter?
- I felt him touch me.
(Intense orchestral music)
(Cheerful orchestral music)
- Mrs. Buchanan.
- Oh yes, Mr. Williams.
I didn't here you come up.
- Perennials, huh?
- If I'm lucky.
Greg, my thumb isn't as
green as it used to be.
- I used to toy around with my garden.
After work, I'd be out there every night
watering my carrots, taters, tomatoes.
You know my boy?
I mean, Andrew.
You know of him?
He's quite bright, you know.
Straight as in school and his teachers say
they've never seen anyone like him before.
- How proud you must be.
- I was terrible at school.
Failed 10th grade algebra twice.
No Einstein, not me.
That's for sure.
- I believe that deep down
it's every parent's wish
that his child be more
accomplished than he was.
Gives one a sense of immortality
to know that you've righted some wrongs
and in a sense planted a seed
in the hope of its bettering
generations to come.
Your children, your children's
children and theirs.
(Crows cawing)
I chased you away with my ranting.
Forgive me.
It's an old habit of mine.
Nearly all of 'em refuse
to acknowledge me.
18 years and their hearts are still black
with guilt and shame.
They refuse to hear the truth and accept.
They refuse to accept the truth.
They have eyes what cannot see.
- Father Damon was a good
man and a good priest.
He didn't kill anybody.
Everybody else killed him.
(Soft orchestral music)
(Crows cawing)
- Mikhail.
Mikhail, mikhail.
Remember my death, mikhail.
Remember my words to you.
We have failed you, oh my god.
We have failed you.
- I am Margaret now.
- And I?
- You are Tom, my brother.
- We have failed mikhail.
We have failed.
We are unworthy of the promise.
- There will be another lifetime.
- There will not.
There'll be no other on earth.
We are incomplete.
Where is Gabrielle?
- Still not in body.
- Well you must find him.
You must find him, mikhail
and then I'll be with you.
Then we'll be complete again.
In (mumbles).
- Must you leave me now, Rafael?
- These words will convince them.
the promise.
(Door creaking) (Crows cawing)
- Oh Tom, we've not spoken for so long.
Where is Gabrielle?
How much longer must I be without him?
Don't desert me now.
Forgive me.
Help me
in these final moments.
- Mikhail.
- Remember the promise.
- [Rafael] I cannot be
born again to the flesh.
The Eve of the second coming approaches.
You mourn me and so cannot hear me.
Gabrielle is in body.
She is in body.
(Keys jingling)
(Door squeaking)
(Fly buzzing)
(Swatter smacking)
(Window squeaking)
(Match striking)
(Door squeaking) (Key jingling)
- [Guide] Well ladies and
gentlemen, what you see before ya
is the legendary Lawrence bay castle.
Abandoned, never completed.
It was built by wealthy European
immigrant rosario bonamo.
Bonamo employed hundreds of immigrants
to this country as dirt
haulers and stonecutters.
But during the construction,
word got back to the mainland
that bonamo had gone
mad in the final months.
His workers began to abandon him
when many of their fellow workers
reportedly disappeared without a trace.
(Laughs maniacally) They called
him a devil and a cutthroat.
The banished workers were
never seen or heard of again.
Some claim that they're
buried and forgotten
on the castle grounds.
Bonamo met his untimely death
at the hands of a local
priest, believe it or not,
who took it upon himself to label a man
an agent of the devil and took his life.
Today, the place is
scheduled for demolition
by local developers
which replaced (mumbles)
For 18-hole golf course at leisure spa
for lucky vacationers. (Laughs maniacally)
Now don't worry, don't worry.
When we get back to town,
there'll be picture postcards
as souvenirs for this incredible journey.
- Sacrelige.
- As well as delicious
hot dogs and hamburgers.
(Frogs croaking)
- The years have brought their vengeance.
This place will live again.
(Portal whirring)
("Love building on fire" by talking heads)
(Car engine roaring)
(Birds chirping)
J when my love j
(car horn honking)
J stands next to your love j
j I can't compare love j
j when it's not love j
j it's not love j
- you want a ride to school?
- What for?
J which is my face j
- because I'm sorry.
All right, satisfied?
I'm sorry.
- I love you.
J fire j
- I've been accepted to Columbia.
J stands next to your love j
- (chuckles) That's terrific.
- Just think in a few years,
it'll be Dr. Landers and Mrs. Dr. Landers.
J it's not love j
- I was waiting for the right time.
Let's not say anything until next weekend.
My parents are throwing
a birthday party for me.
We'll let everyone in on it then.
Do you believe me now?
- I have any choice?
(Singer vocalizing)
J I've got two loves j
j and they go tweet, tweet, tweet j
j tweet, tweet, tweet like little birds j
(car engine roaring)
(Tires screeching)
J they're my two loves j
j I've got two loves j
j two loves j
(car engine roaring)
J which is on fire j
j fire j
(crows cawing)
J hey ho let's go j
- watch this.
Andrew wanna get high, man?
I've got some killer weed here, man.
- I don't need it.
- (Chuckles) Come on, man.
You don't wanna party with us?
Hey pot ain't gonna
make you grow tits, man.
- Yeah, Tony. (Chuckles)
- Yeah.
I mean you're smart enough not to believe
that rule about pot making
you grow tits, right?
- I mean, look at Marie here.
She's as flat as a pancake
and she's been smokin' pot
before she got burst.
- [Man] (Laughs) That long, huh?
- One thing's for sure, macho man.
Judging from the way you screw,
you're right about pot
makin' a guy interesting.
- Sweet.
J goin' through a tight wind j
j the kids are iosin' their minds j
j blitzkreig bop j
j they're pilin' in the backseat j
j they generate steam heat j
j we're safe in the backseat j
- hey c'mon, man.
Let's go to the gym
(school bell ringing)
(All hooting and hollering)
(Muffled crosstalk)
(Water trickling)
- Hey Tony, Andrew sure
is sexy. (Chuckles)
- Oh yeah, I just love
his hair. (Chuckles)
Hey so what're you doin' tonight, honey?
- I bet he'd fuck for weeks. (Chuckles)
- Hey, you hear me, man?
I asked what you were doin' tonight.
- Well so if you're not
gonna gimme a date tonight,
why don't you at least lemme have a kiss?
- Yeah. (Puckers)
- C'mon, honey.
- Go ahead, Tony.
- Yeah, go ahead.
- C'mon baby, just kiss.
C'mon man, gimme a kiss.
(Ominous whirring)
- Tony?
(Tony grunting)
(Tony shrieking)
Tony, what the hell happened?
- I don't know, man.
We just slipped on the floor.
- No, that's not what I meant.
- I don't know, man.
I don't know! (Winces)
Look, I'm gonna need you
to keep your mouth shut
about this, all right?
(Water trickling)
(Both grunting)
- [Boy] Hey look, it's the witch.
It's the witch.
(Children shouting)
- [Arthur] Margaret?
- [Margaret] Hello, Arthur.
- What is it?
- I was just recalling the time
we three spent here together
in this church, Tom's church.
I'm feeling grateful for him.
- I can take your confession here
or we can go in my office.
- It's not myself that I'm
concerned with, Arthur.
Tom's diary.
He kept it faithfully
while suffering the daily
horrors of that inhuman place.
- Tom was a dear friend of mine.
I loved that man.
You know that.
Nevertheless, he went
against the will of god
and against the church.
He took a man's life.
- It was not a man.
It was a product of the unholy Trinity
and remains so to this day.
- What are you trying to say?
- Its physical presence served
as nothing more than a tool
to accomplish its goal among men.
It lives for all time.
Its goal is slavery of all mankind.
It's Lucifer, the devil incarnate.
- Margaret, we have been through
this time and time again.
- But Jesus said to them,
a prophet never goes about
honor except in his native place
"and in his home."
- This is blasphemy.
Tom was not god.
- No.
Merely one of his servants,
like you, like me.
- Margaret, Tom was tried
and convicted of murder.
There was nothing we could do.
- You betrayed him, Arthur.
we loved and cherished since childhood
and not a word in his defense, only shame.
Avoiding glances,
- It was out of my hands.
- How quick you are to
ease your own conscience.
- And how easy it is for you
to do the same for yourself.
At Tom's trial, you
testified that you yourself
led him to his ghastly
conclusion concerning bonamo.
- His earthly name only.
- In truth, it was the devil.
- It was through
one of your godforsakened communications
that told you of bonamo's true personage.
You led Tom astray.
You and your own selfish ideologies.
Margaret, I will not
let you do this to me.
And I swear my god, had I known.
I would never have let you do it to Tom!
(Door slamming)
(Intense orchestral music)
(Soft piano music)
Saint Michael,
I so need your strength.
(Somber orchestral music)
- [Rafael] I am with you, mikhail.
Be strong, I am with you.
the promise.
(Ominous foreboding music)
(Ominous breathing)
- Come to me.
I am the light.
I am the light.
Come to me.
I am the light.
(Nails tearing) (Julie gasping)
(Julie breathing deeply)
(Birds chirping)
(Morning dove cooing)
(Ominous foreboding music)
- Well, what can I say?
Full scholarships to Yale and Harvard.
Columbia's offered you
a work study program
with free room and board
and you're not even excited.
- Well I'm not feeling
very well today, thank you.
- Well, I won't keep you.
Here are some copies of the letters.
I thought you'd like to
show them to your parents
and I'll hold onto the originals
until you make a decision.
- Thank you.
- Oh Andrew, I'm so proud of
you and you should be too.
(Muffled crosstalk)
(Whistle tooting)
- Okay you turkeys, dodge ball pro!
C'mon, get off that bench (mumbles).
Work 'em in.
Line up, let's go!
Let's go, c'mon.
Line up!
We haven't got all day, let's go.
(All chuckling)
Clapp, ledbetter, Barry, Kyle, (mumbles)
Harvey, (mumbles) Hall,
(Mumbles), slater, landers.
- Here.
- Williams.
You are 54 seconds late, kid.
50 sit-ups and 50 pushups.
Go to it!
(Ominous rumbling)
All right you guys,
let's break into teams.
- Let's move!
- C'mon, let's go!
(Triumphant orchestral music)
(Whistle tooting)
(Muffled shouting)
- Get 'em, let's go!
Get 'em, c'mon move!
(Mumbles), get 'em!
Let's get 'em, c'mon.
Get up, get up!
Get up, what's the matter with ya?
Get up!
Get up!
Get up, let's go!
Get 'em!
Hit 'em, get 'em!
Get 'em!
What's the matter wit ya?
Throw that ball!
Throw it, no!
(Foreboding orchestral music)
He's tryin' to get away!
Kill that son of a bitch!
(Mark thudding and wincing)
(Andrew growling)
Oh my god.
Oh god. (Sobs)
Oh god.
Oh god. (Weeps)
(Soft foreboding music)
(Birds chirping)
- Mrs. Landers.
God be with you.
My sympathies to you both.
- Julie honey, let's go.
(Somber orchestral music)
(Frogs croaking)
(Crickets chirping)
- Lucifer, by god's will.
Through god's servants, you will die.
This I promise you.
(Leaves rustling)
(Soft foreboding music)
The lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh lie down in green pastures.
He ieadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
Yea though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
(Eerie orchestral music)
(Branch snapping)
(Margaret shrieking)
- Mikhail!
(Somber orchestral music)
- [Rafael] Gabrielle, feel me.
We are one.
(Bars clanking) (Julie gasping)
- [Jailer] Time to eat, crazy.
- No.
- [Jailer] I said, time to eat.
(Julie shrieking)
(Rafael shrieking painfully)
- [Susan] What about the voices
in those terrible dreams she's having?
- [Doctor] I told you.
Julie, she's under a lotta stress.
Give her some time to rest.
I gave her a mild sedative
to help her sleep.
Take care now.
- Call me if you need me.
- All right.
(Birds chirping)
(Water trickling)
(Pump squeaking)
(Water splashing)
(Somber orchestral music)
(Crickets chirping)
- [Rafael] Do not fear, Gabrielle.
I will show you the way.
Follow me.
Follow me.
Follow me.
(Owl hooting)
(Adventurous orchestral music)
(Soft orchestral music)
- Do you know why you've come, child?
- He told me to come.
- [Margaret] Who told you?
- The man who speaks to me in my dreams.
- Do you know his name?
This man who speaks to you in your dreams,
do you know his name?
- I know only of his torment
and of his shame.
- Be calm, child.
It is god's will that you should be here.
We shall work together.
I shall be your mentor
and you shall be my strength.
- [Rafael] You have found her, mikhail.
(Birds chirping)
- Well, thank you.
It was delicious.
You've been more than kind.
I'd love to stay and help with the dishes,
but my folks are probably
worried sick by now.
- Please don't go.
I'd like to have your company
for just a few moments longer.
I'm alone here, as you can see.
(Rooster crowing)
- If I can just use your phone,
let my parents know where I am.
- I have none.
Not a telephone or an electric
light bulb in the house.
I don't believe in modern conveniences.
You look puzzled.
- It's amazing.
How could anyone live without a radio?
- Do others find it that difficult?
- Then again I suppose
if you never had one
and you never know what
you were missing, would ya?
You are just wrapped up
in your own little world
out here, aren't you?
No one to phone you,
bother you,
hurt you.
Make your life
or interesting.
No one to love.
What are you doing?
- Do you know him?
Is this the man who told you to come?
- Yes.
(Somber orchestral music)
Why am I here?
- We are bound together.
Our hearts beat as one.
- (Sobs) Oh, god.
- We are not one, but three.
- C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
- (Dog barking)
You want the stick?
Up, up.
Come on, up.
All right, fetch.
Fetch it.
(Dog barking) (Door creaking)
(Ominous foreboding music)
(Dog yelping)
(Blood trickling)
(Demonic grunting)
(Demonic shrieking)
- I'm extremely busy, Margaret.
But I would appreciate it
if we could discuss this
at some later date.
- There isn't any time.
Now may be too late.
- Excuse me, Margaret.
- Bring that over here.
(Hammers banging)
- Watch out.
- Claire.
Oh father daley, how's it going?
- Well as you can see,
everybody is hard at work.
Make sure that all's
going well for tonight.
- Well, I don't doubt for
what it will go smoothly.
You know, I'll be here tonight
along with Margaret and the children.
We haven't missed a
performance since 1958.
That was the year we
moved here from Detroit.
You know Detroit, Mr. Wallbacher?
- Oh yes.
Yes, I covered the autoworker's
track there last year.
- Father daley, this is dick wallbacher.
Dick, you don't my calling you dick.
Do you, dick? (Chuckles)
- No, that's fine.
- Mr. Wallbacher.
- Well dick is with the
Bennett news service agency
and he'd be interested in
talking to you about the show
and then writing an
article for syndication.
- Right, dick?
- Right.
The mayor tells me that you've
been producing this play
every summer since 1940.
- Well, actually since 1948.
My church and the surrounding
Christian churches.
Well, we'd gather our technical
and creative resources together.
Well, we produce our own
version of the passion quest.
- Oh it's remarkable, isn't it? (Chuckles)
- Well, it's one performance only.
People come with their families.
They bring blankets and food
and watch the play unfold.
I guess it's called a gesture of faith
on the part of the observer.
Time for reconciliation
of the Christian ideals.
- Excuse me, father.
It's time to run through those light cues.
- Good Mike, I'll be right with ya.
- Oh please, don't let me keep you.
I'll continue to look around
if that's all right with you.
- Feel free.
- Goodbye.
- You must listen to me.
- Margaret, please.
- You must stop all this now.
Cancel the play.
- You must be joking.
- Arthur, I've never been more serious.
Something terrible is going to happen.
I can feel it.
In his journal, Tom mentioned...
- Look I have had it, Margaret.
Tom is dead and buried.
Now the good lord has seen to that.
This conversation Margaret, has ended.
Okay okay, what's going on here?
Let's get a little hustle in here.
Come on, take that there wood.
Put it behind this (mumbles) Here.
(Saw whirring)
(Muffled crosstalk)
- [Reporter] Churchill
at 3:29 and 314 2/3.
Rail's up 0.3 at 241.97.
(Speech drowned by crowd talking)
- Hi, Judy.
-Oh, hi.
- Hi, Jesus.
- Oh. (Chuckles)
("Psycho killer" by talking heads)
(Gun clacking)
- What the hell is that?
- What the hell does
it look like, a tampon?
J tense and nervous and I can't relax j
- now isn't she beautiful?
J don't touch me j
j I'm a real live wire j
j psycho killer j
- [Tommy] If any little
girl decides to gimme
any little bit of trouble, I
just flex my little finger.
(Gun clicking) Bang.
Buh-bye, little girl.
J psycho killer j
(singer singing foreign language)
- You know, you're really nuts.
You know that?
- I'm not fuckin' bananas.
Come here.
(Singer vocalizing)
- [Brenda] Tommy, Tommy.
This thing ain't loaded, right?
- [Tommy] Just don't cough.
J hey Joe j
- what'll it be?
- Gene cream.
J where you goin' with that j
- my son is
- your son?
My son.
Last night he asked me,
"dad, could I take the car?
"I wanna take my
girlfriend to the movies.
I wanna be a good guy.
I let him take my '79 grand prix.
He took it to Spencer's
speedway dragging with the car
and totaled the whole thing.
- My son's the devil.
- Take a tip from me:
Don't let him get you down.
The next time he asks,
tell him to go to hell.
After all, you're his father.
If it wasn't for you, that little pecker
wouldn't be here anyway.
- My son's the devil.
My son's the devil!
(Bottles crashing)
My son's the devil!
My son's the devil!
(Muffled speech)
(Greg weeping and shouting)
(Bottle smashing)
- Woo girl, iookin' great.
Saved you a beer, Tony.
(Microphone feeding back)
- [Man] Will you settle
down please, folks?
The play is about to begin.
- Hey Marie, can I have a piece?
- Whoa Marie, what would Tony say?
- By the way, where's Tony?
- He's drainin' the vein.
- Typical of Tony.
- Oh cool that.
(Door banging) (Fist bashing)
(Women shrieking)
(Table crashing)
- C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
- All right, break it up, break it up.
What happened?
- Son of a bitch pissed on my shoe.
- I couldn't help it.
It was dark in there.
- I had to take a leak.
- All right, all right.
It's just a misunderstanding.
You get outta here
before I call the police.
You're drunk.
- Hey man, screw you too!
- Let's go.
- Well we'll just have our own party.
- Let's go.
- C'mon, let's get outta here.
- Hey ton, where are we goin'?
(Thunder rumbling)
(Wind howling)
(Water dripping)
(Ominous rumbling)
- Through I,
Lucifer and the power
of the unholy Trinity,
my brothers beelzebub and leviathan,
the stay-behind spirits take these.
The flesh of your earthbound
servants and rise.
(Rocks crumbling)
(Eerie wailing)
(Demons growling)
- Ye know my dear disciples
that after two days is
the feast of the passover.
Let us make one last visit
to our friends in Bethany
and then go to Jerusalem
wherein these days
all will be fulfilled
which has been written
by the prophets concerning the son of man.
Then shall the son of man
be delivered to the gentiles
where he shall be mocked and spat upon
and they will crucify him.
- Dear master, what dark and
terrible words thou speakest?
What are we to understand by them?
- What is as dark to you
as the night will become as bright as day.
and hope.
(Frogs croaking)
(Owl hooting)
- Mikhail, the time is at hand.
It's the Eve of the second coming
when he walks on the holy soil.
(Mikhail weeping)
(Somber orchestral music)
Be strong.
Remember the promise.
- [Marie] Woo hoo!
(Muffled shouting)
- What's this?
- Hey, buddy.
Hey, how're you doin'?
Here, have a beer.
We need your boat for
a little while, okay?
We need your boat.
Here, have the whole six pack if you want.
- Go ahead.
- Take it, it's all yours.
- Hey, it's just for a little while.
Just for a little while, okay?
- I want the money!
- Tony'll give you the money later.
- I need the money!
- It's the money I want!
- Right, right.
- I can't live out here!
- Sorry.
- Juvenile delinquents!
(Boat engine roaring)
(Intense orchestral music)
(Eerie wailing)
- I am a life source.
I shall be like the most high.
- Satan hath desired thee
that he may sift thee as wheat.
This night, all ye will
be offended because of me.
For it is written: I
will smite the Shepherd
and the sheep of his flock
will be scattered abroad.
(Frogs croaking)
(Crickets chirping)
- Excuse me, sir.
- What?
- Please.
Please, we need to use one of your boats.
- Wait, what's goin' on here?
- Wait a minute, what's goin'...
- Please, it's very important.
- Everybody wants a boat
tonight, what's goin' on?
- I need to have one of your boats.
- We have money.
- Now wait a minute.
- Wait a minute.
- We can pay.
- Wait a minute.
- Please.
- Slow down here.
Wait a minute.
Wait, wait, wait.
I'll be right there.
It's right there.
(Lucifer growling)
(Eerie howling)
(Lucifer snarling)
- If you see that man against the wall.
- [Both] He ain't got no balls at all.
- Hey, you know that
girl that's been missing?
The banshaw girl.
I think I found her for ya.
(Gun blasting) (Bullets pinging)
(Door crashing)
(Crickets chirping)
(Wind howling)
(Susan weeping softly)
(Gun cocking)
- [Susan] Please.
(Gun blasting)
(Window shattering)
- C'mon, let's go.
- [Margaret] No, please.
Please, you don't understand.
No, you don't understand!
(Thunder rumbling)
- Help, Tommy!
Tommy, help!
(Demonic roaring)
(Water splashing)
(Glass smashing) (Fire roaring)
(Women shrieking)
(Choir revenant vocalizing)
(Thunder rumbling)
(Jesus wincing)
(Blood trickling)
(Nails clanking)
(Jesus shrieking)
(Audience shouting)
- Mom.
(Audience screaming)
- [Man] I can't get him down.
- (Groans) Help, get
me off of here please!
(Crowd shrieking)
(Lightning zapping)
(Lights popping)
(Both wincing)
(Intense orchestral music)
(Panicked shrieking)
(Water splashing)
(Lightning zapping)
(Crowd shrieking)
(Fence rattling)
(Siren wailing)
- Look for him at the sign of the cross.
- [Rafael] Mikhail, we
three are one now, mikhail.
It is the Eve of the second coming.
To the temple.
(Thunder crackling)
(Lightning zapping)
(Intense orchestral music)
- [Cop] Ambulances.
We need some ambulances out here!
(Speech drowned by engine roaring)
(Somber orchestral music)
(Siren wailing)
- [Marie] How many does he have?
I'm sorry.
- [Tommy] What are you scared of, huh?
I'll protect you.
Hey you think I'm gonna let anyone
get their filthy little
hands on you, sweetheart?
(Ominous rumbling)
(Leaves rustling)
(Brenda shrieking)
- [Marie] Tommy!
(Ominous rumbling)
- Brenda.
C'mon, c'mon!
(Intense orchestral music)
(Muffled radio speech)
- [Cop] All right, sorry.
Reporting in on fulcrum road.
Aircraft waiting to stop.
Don't hang around.
We're leaving.
(Speech drowned by music)
- [Man] Repeat, please.
Where are the medics?!
- [Man] Get a grip, Charlie.
We're dispatching all over the county.
- [Man] Get 'em from the next county.
This is a catastrophe!
Those medics, I can't help.
Those people are dying right now!
- [Dispatcher] Help is on the way.
(Boat engine puttering)
(Intense orchestral music)
(Door banging)
(Thunder rumbling)
(Both breathing heavily)
(Sinister orchestral music)
(Tommy screaming)
(Iucifer laughing maniacally)
- Fuck you!
Fuck you! (Knife stabbing)
Fuck you!
(Sinister foreboding music)
(Demonic breathing)
(Doors creaking)
(Thunder rumbling)
(Boat engine puttering)
(Wind howling)
- [Mikhail] Lucifer!
(Sinister orchestral music)
(Knife stabbing)
(Brenda wincing)
(Light whirring)
(Lucifer growling)
(Intense foreboding music)
- [Demon] Mikhail. (Chuckles maniacally)
(Demonic moaning)
(Lucifer shrieking and
laughing maniacally)
(Mikhail gasping)
(Lucifer shrieking)
- Lucifer.
(Lucifer breathing heavily)
(Light whirring)
(Soft foreboding music)
- Our father.
- Our father.
- Who art in heaven.
- Who art in heaven.
- Hallowed by thy name.
- Hallowed by thy name.
- Thy kingdom come.
- Thy kingdom come.
- Thy will be done.
- Thy will be done.
- On earth as it is in heaven.
- On earth as it. (Stutters)
Not my father!
- Our father!
- I was!
- Our father.
- Our father.
- Who art in heaven.
- Who art in heaven.
- Hallowed be thy name.
- Hallowed be thy name.
- Thy kingdom come.
- Thy kingdom come.
- [Both] Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
- Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
- Evil deliver us!
- [Both] For thine is the kingdom
and the power and the glory!
- Forever and ever!
I was promised!
(Lucifer shrieking)
(Fire crackling)
(Romantic orchestral music)
You're hurting me, my love.
Stop this.
- He deceives you, child.
The boy is dead.
He deceives you! (Winces)
- C'mon, c'mon!
(Neck snapping) Oh, god.
(Demonic growling)
(Intense orchestral music)
(Julie weeping)
(Light whirring)
(Sinister orchestral music)
He is the light.
(Light zapping)
He is the light!
(Demonic wincing and growling)
(Staff whirring)
(Explosion bursting)
(Lucifer shrieking)
(Laser zapping)
- [Rafael] Behold, the promise.
(Triumphant foreboding music)
(Heart thumping)
- I was promised!
I was promised.
(Electricity zapping)
(Lucifer shrieking)
Help, father!
(Explosion bursting)
(Light whirring)
(Frogs croaking)
(Crickets chirping)
("Fear no evil" by trybe)
J with that grace and noble fall j
j I was denied for wanting it all j
j you won't forgive the things I do j
j I wanted just to be like you j
j so I would fear no evil j
j well I would fear no evil j
J I will never take the blame j
j mankind will blaspheme your name j
j you will never be redeemed j
j all mankind will come to me j
j and they will fear no evil j
J I will fear no evil j
j I'll never never never fear no evil j
J I'll fear j
j I'll fear no evil j
j no I won't, no j