Feeling Butterflies (2022) Movie Script
This program is rated G
and is suitable for
general audiences.
Man on phone:
You need to hurry!
The wedding's already started.
Yes, I'm here now.
Just keep them entertained.
I'll be there in a jiff.
Okay, bye.
No, no, no! Not again!
Ugh! Okay.
Here's the deal.
You can break down tomorrow,
I'm free all day,
but I can't do this right now.
Got it?
Oh, I owe you one!
Come on, little guy.
I know it doesn't seem like it,
but if you come with me,
you will be free to fly away,
migrate and help pollinate
the world.
What do you say?
Where is she?
Come on.
Come on! Oh! Hey.
They're about to say their vows.
I know, I know, trust me,
everything that could go wrong
today has gone wrong.
Well, this one can't.
They've only paid us half
so far.
Pastor: Having witnessed
their pledge of fidelity
to one another...
To love, honour,
and cherish one another
in the presence of this gathering.
And by the power vested in me,
it is my honour to now pronounce
you husband and wife.
Now you may kiss the bride.
(crowd cheering)
(cheering and applauding)
You okay?
Yeah, I'm just happy for her.
And happy that we pulled
this off.
I'm your best friend, Emily.
I know it still hurts.
I'm over it.
It's not something you just
get over.
Well, you're the one who keeps
bringing it up
every time we do a wedding.
And I told you I can handle the
weddings on my own.
Come on.
Let's go get ready for
tomorrow's birthday party.
(children laughing)
Does anyone know what kind of
butterfly this is?
How about the birthday girl?
A blue butterfly!
That's true, it is blue.
And close, it's called an
Eastern Tailed Blue.
He just emerged yesterday.
How do you know if it's a boy?
See the black spots on the top
of his wings?
The females don't have them.
What's he doing?
It takes a few hours for his
wings to dry
and harden enough for
him to fly.
Is he going to fly away?
Mm-hm. Pretty soon.
This is all very new to him.
Does anyone know what we
butterflies eat?
Fruit slices.
Or sugar water.
Yes, very good.
Daddy, she was asking us.
Don't worry, he won't hurt you.
It tickles.
That's because he knows you're
just sweet as sugar water.
Where is he going?
He's off to do his part
in the world.
I have some more Eastern Tailed
Blues over here.
Come see.
(children exclaiming)
That weasel.
My neighbour?
No, Mandy Fischer.
I booked that party too
and she swooped in
and undercut me again.
Garrett: Oh, yeah,
I think got a flier from her.
And she was cheaper.
Well, there's reason for that.
Oh, Mandy!
Emily! Nice party.
A whopping one butterfly
you released there, huh?
Hmm, yeah, we like to teach our
party guests a thing or two
about butterflies
before we set them free.
Yawn. They must love that.
Passing off any moths as
monarchs today?
Time for me to run.
Gotta release a few more.
Several more.
More, as in, more than you.
Hey, I-- I only paid for 25.
Oh, this is on the house.
I won't be out-butterflied.
(kids cheering)
Hey, kids!
Come over here now!
Wow! Whoa!
(kids exclaiming)
Girl: So many!
Look at the big one!
And more!
(kids cheering)
Are you kidding me?
Oh, come on, little guys.
(kids exclaiming)
they're so colourful!
Who wants to see more?
(kids cheering)
(kids chattering excitedly)
(kids exclaiming)
How'd it go?
Great, five dozen new Blue
Swallow Tails
are out making the world a
better place.
I thought we only had two dozen
for this party.
Yeah, there was an incident.
What kind of incident?
A Mandy Fischer kind of incident.
I know! I know!
I'm sorry.
I couldn't help myself.
She's just so smug.
And I think she shorts people
on butterflies.
That goes against the code.
"The code?"
Okay, we had a bumper crop anyway.
That's beside the point.
Half of her butterflies
were probably fake.
Uh, sorry, before you leave,
Amanda wanted to say bye.
Oh, yeah, I'll be right there.
Is that the dad?
Yes, it's the dad.
Stop it.
Anytime. Seriously.
I look forward to your call.
Oh, uh, you--
you left this behind.
Emily: Oh, actually, here.
Take one.
Put it up at your office
or something.
Free advertising.
Look, I just want to thank you.
You know, for the extra butterflies.
Kids had a great time.
Sorry if it got weird.
Weird? What's weird about
two dueling butterfly parties?
I think your friend Mandy got a
kick out of it too.
Between you and me,
that educational bit,
it was a nice touch.
The kids, they weren't
bored at all.
Thank you.
Amanda? Come over here.
The nice lady is leaving.
Great, I'm the "nice lady."
Thank you so much, this was the
best birthday party ever.
Oh, I'm so glad! I hope the rest
of it is just as fun.
Thanks, Emily. Bye!
It was a pleasure meeting you.
Yeah, you too.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, uh, sorry.
Hey, Jill.
I'm so glad you called.
Yeah, I'm just with Amanda
right now.
(silently mouthing words)
Jill could be anybody.
Like who?
His mother.
Who calls their mother
by her first name?
His sister, a business colleague.
Nah, not the way he answered it.
Mandy I can handle.
Jill is the unknown.
But it doesn't matter because he
probably thinks I'm crazy anyway
after my showdown at the
butterfly corral.
No, he thought that was funny.
I thought that was crazy.
Is that from today?
And how did you get it?
When you went to say goodbye to
your hot single dad,
one of the parents was about to
throw it away.
I rescued it.
Mm-hm. You rescued it?
Yeah, how about you rescue
a salad later?
Okay, fine. And I was not going
over to say goodbye to him.
I was invited over
to say goodbye to his daughter.
Mm-hm, by him.
We're not supposed to flirt with
clients anyway,
it's bad etiquette.
The point is,
this is the first time in a year
you've even shown so much
as a pulse
in the presence of another guy.
That is progress.
Well, he is cute.
And he's nice.
And unavailable.
(door latching)
You know,
the doorbell
does work.
Nonsense. Adam!
How are you doing?
Just fine, Larry.
Well, I thought we'd bake.
You know, to help you get your
mind off things.
Dad, it's been a year.
I don't need to keep taking
my mind off things.
Nonsense. A father knows.
Oh, did you happen to call
that young man
I met at the gas station
the other day?
You mean the perfect stranger
who probably thought
you were insane?
He gave me his number!
He was interested.
You made it sound like I was
desperate for a date.
You are.
Aww, poor kid.
I'm just trying to look out
for you.
Okay, can we do this tomorrow?
It's been a long day.
You raise butterflies.
How hard can that be?
Um, incredibly hard, actually.
Catch you later. Bye, Larry.
Oh, you're leaving?
Oh, I have a date.
I thought that was canceled.
See ya.
Just gonna rescue this.
Well, looks like it's just us.
Just us.
Okay, what are we baking, Dad?
I am thinking a lemon loaf.
Lemon loaf?
That's new.
Morning. Did they arrive?
Yep, fresh off the farm.
You sure there's 200 in there?
Well, there better be.
The Stromwall retirement party
is in four weeks.
Barely enough time.
I know you mentioned
there's a code and everything,
but is anyone really
going to count?
They asked for 200 butterflies,
they're paying
for 200 butterflies,
we will deliver them--
200 butterflies. I know.
But this is going to be the
biggest release we've ever made.
We might need help.
I know.
And a new compressor.
Or we won't have any butterflies
to deliver.
(cell phone buzzing)
Oh. It's them.
You're sure we're not intruding?
Oh, no, not at all.
Hi, Amanda.
You made quite the impression on
this one.
She's about to start a--
I want to tell her, Daddy!
So I've been really interested
in butterflies since my party.
Her school is doing a project
on butter--
So that's why I want to get a
tour of a butterfly farm.
Oh, well, you came to
the right spot.
Oh, um, this is Adam, you met
him at the party.
I remember.
Amanda is interested
in what we do.
Come on in,
I'll show you guys around.
So this is where we keep all
the eggs and larva.
It has to stay very clean
and the temperature
has to be regulated
so there's just the right warmth
and humidity.
This is so cool.
Come with me.
First things first,
very important,
we need to clean our hands.
And then we go into what we call
the Flight House.
That's where we keep--
All the butterflies.
That's right.
So this is what we like to call
our butterfly sanctuary
instead of a farm.
We raise a lot of butterflies
just to set them free.
Like a butterfly rescue.
In a way, yes.
Did you know Monarchs can fly
all the way to Mexico?
I did know that.
And that some flowers wouldn't
if butterflies didn't pollenate
That's right.
And that growing milkweed and
other plants is really good
because a lot of their habitat
is being destroyed.
Wow, you have done your
Oh, you have no idea.
Well, then you can see that this
isn't just a business.
We're also helping the planet, too.
And they're really pretty.
They are really pretty,
aren't they?
You're really pretty.
My dad thinks so.
I heard him talking to his
friend on the phone.
Uh, Amanda.
I, uh, I don't know what she
thought she heard...
on the phone.
You don't think she's pretty,
Yes, I do.
Told you.
Thank you.
Emily, a word?
Oh, stop it!
It doesn't mean anything.
You're worse than the kid.
So this, obviously,
is where the butterfly emerges
from the chrysalis.
Different suppliers send us
our eggs and larva,
as you saw in the lab.
How long does it take
for a larva
to turn into a caterpillar?
Well, that depends on the weather.
But from egg to butterfly,
usually about four weeks.
Yeah, three to five days
for the egg to turn to larva.
Which grow into caterpillars.
That's right.
And about ten days
for the caterpillar
to turn into a chrysalis.
And about two weeks after that,
a butterfly comes out.
Very good!
I always used to just take that
stuff for granted,
but it's pretty amazing.
I like to think so, too.
I have an idea.
How would the two of you like to
help out at our next event?
Sure! Can we, Daddy?
If it's okay with you.
Yeah. Great idea.
Amanda: Awesome!
(cell phone ringing)
Excuse me.
Hello, this is Emily.
Oh please, like Rebecca O'Keefe
would be calling me.
Wait, this is really Rebecca
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.
You'd like to meet?! When?
Sure! Wait.
Wait, how many?
Okay. I'll see you then.
That was Rebecca O'Keefe.
Rebecca O'Keefe as in the
socialite heiress
to the O'Keefe publishing
Yep, that Rebecca O'Keefe.
Who is getting married
in a few weeks?
It's all over the tabloids.
I guess I missed it.
It's only going to be the most
talked about
wedding of the year.
She wants us to release 500
butterflies at her wedding.
500 butterflies?
500 butterflies.
We're going to raise and release
500 butterflies.
When is the
wedding again?
Three weeks.
My gosh.
As you can see I don't have a
wedding planner.
I don't trust them.
I'll be making all
the decisions
so you'll be dealing
directly with me.
Despite what's in the media,
it's going to be an
intimate wedding
with only a few family
and friends.
Great, I just need to know--
Naturally, I'll be wearing white,
and all the ladies attending
will be wearing off white.
I don't want anyone to hijack
the floral.
I really want the flowers
to pop.
Got it.
Is this... too light for my
Personally I would go with
a deeper colour.
Do the Monarchs come in blue?
No, they're orange
with black and white.
Fine. What's the best compliment
to the color orange?
Well, purple, but then I
wouldn't go as dark.
Lavender is a nice colour,
and lavender smells great.
I'm a conservationist, you know.
I heard.
So you can do it?
Yes, 500 butterflies will be a
challenge but we're on it.
I think you misunderstood.
I said at least 500.
Whoever can deliver the most
gets the job.
Yeah, it's between you and, um,
what's her name? Fischer?
Mandy Fischer.
I've given her the same opportunity.
She said it would be no
challenge at all.
I'm not surprised.
But honestly,
this many butterflies has never
been done before.
So you can't do it?
Nope, I'm the one
who will do it.
Great. It will be
well worth your while,
and not just the money,
but the publicity.
Mandy Fischer?!
Doesn't she know she'll short
her by half?
Or use Viceroys instead of
Rebecca O'Keefe will
never know the difference.
I can't believe you agreed
to this.
How was I supposed to say no?
Rebecca O'Keefe is on the cover
of every magazine,
which means this event will be
on the cover of every magazine.
This little business of ours
could hit the big time.
It'll hit something else if we
can't deliver 500 butterflies.
At least 500.
I'm not about to let Mandy
Fischer steal this one from me.
Don't make it personal.
I do this because I love butterflies
and how they are connected
to our world.
Mandy's only in it
for the money.
Fair enough. But this is going
to be no easy task.
I know. We're going to have to
expand our flight house.
And we'll need new suppliers.
And we'll need to buy
caterpillars, not eggs,
or there won't be
enough time. Agreed.
I already have calls into
Taylor Brothers
and Margallo Farms
in Spokane.
Good. Taylor's a friend of mine,
he'll prioritize for us.
Well, we just need to beat Mandy
to them.
Timing is everything.
The eggs can't hatch a minute
too soon or a minute to late.
And we still have the Stromwall
retirement party coming up.
Oh my gosh, you're right.
Okay, all hands on deck.
Speaking of which,
I'm running late.
Need help with this one?
No, it's small.
Another show and tell.
Besides, Garrett and Amanda will
be there. Remember?
Right. How could I forget.
Mm-hm, yeah.
Nice one, by the way.
See ya.
I want to hear every detail.
Sorry, a million things
happening at once today.
That's okay, how can we help?
Uh, well, looks like the
birthday boy's mom
has the decorations set up,
so we just need
the show and tell
and the butterflies.
All right.
You can hold him if you want.
Just let him crawl onto
your hand.
It's okay if it flies away.
That's what we want him to do.
Kids, parents,
do you want to come over
and look at the show and tell?
You're a godsend.
Thank you.
Hey, Amanda,
do you want to take over by
yourself for a little bit?
I'm on it.
We're just going to be
over here.
Well, I think she knows more
about butterflies than I do.
Yeah, sorry, when she gets
excited about something,
there's no stopping her.
So, uh, how long have you been
doing this butterfly thing?
Four years. Yeah.
It started out as a hobby,
kind of a weekend thing,
and a year later,
I was able to quit my day job.
Mm, and what was that,
if I may ask?
You may. Nothing special,
at least it didn't feel special.
Corporate desk job.
Data analyst and miserable.
Oh no, don't tell me you're
a data analyst.
Hmm? No.
What do you do for a living,
if I may ask?
You may.
Um, it's a bit weird, but...
nothing, if I don't want to.
What, did you win the lottery
or something?
No. My grandfather did.
He bet right on the stock market.
Now my father runs one of the
largest hedge funds in New York.
Wow. So what brought you
out here?
Well, just after Amanda
was born,
her mother passed away.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Amanda never really knew her, sadly.
And then after a bit of time,
I got into another relationship,
we followed her up here.
Ultimately things didn't
really work out.
So now my father wants me to
come back to New York
and take over the family reigns.
Well, you don't sound very
excited about that.
You know, I like working
with my hands.
Working on something tangible.
I don't want to work on
a ledger all day,
if you know what I mean.
Besides, you have to wear a tie.
I'm not a tie guy.
Well, you do know that there's a
living in fixing things?
Yes, just...
It's just hard to pay for a big
school in New York City.
So you're moving to New York,
Yeah, looks like it.
How soon?
I dunno, a couple weeks, maybe.
It just depends on a few other
things, but...
it's complicated.
So what kinds of things are you
good at fixing?
Oh, well, you name it.
That's my specialty.
All right, well,
if you're interested,
I might have some work for you
before you go.
(cell phone ringing)
Sorry, I just...
Hey, Jill. Yeah.
No, I'm just at a birthday party
with Amanda.
No, not her birthday party.
She had hers last week.
You know that, come on.
Okay, look, why don't we just--
we'll talk about it
when you get here, okay?
So tell me about him.
Tell you about who?
I told you.
A father always knows.
And I can tell that there's
something that has changed
inside of you.
There's a light.
And a bit of melancholy, too.
You are good.
I'll give you that.
Well, you'll have the same
intuition when you have a kid
and I'm a grandfather.
Is that too much to ask?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if the pain still
sears a bit.
It shouldn't.
I love my life, Dad.
I have a great business,
great friends.
I don't need a guy
to complete me.
If you say so.
How am I supposed to know
when I'm ready?
Nobody ever knows
if they're ready.
So I'm right, aren't I?
You met a guy.
I thought I did.
Tell me about him.
It's the first time I've felt
anything since Randy.
That's terrific.
No, not so terrific.
I think he has a girlfriend,
and he might be moving to New
York in a few weeks.
Well, at least you're still open
to those kind of feelings.
Well, I don't know how to trust
those feelings, Dad.
I thought I was in love with
Randy, and...
You were in love with Randy.
You were brave.
He's the one who didn't have
the courage to commit.
But I got it wrong. No.
You did not get it wrong.
In life, we try all kinds
of things.
The only time we get it wrong
is when we don't try.
So what's his name?
His name is Garrett.
We hosted his daughter's
birthday party.
There's just that... you know.
Now, are you sure
about the girlfriend thing?
Pretty sure.
And lest we forget,
he might be moving.
There's that, too.
Let me tell you something, sweetie.
If it's meant to be,
he's not going anywhere.
Okay, I'll said is that I kind
of like him.
I didn't say anything about it
being meant to be.
Well, listen,
even if he is not Mr. Right,
at least you're open to the idea
that Mr. Right is out there somewhere.
That's what worries me.
You are so beautiful, Emily.
Inside and out.
And besides, you can't stay
hidden in your cocoon forever.
My cocoon?
Okay. Give it a try.
Your bearings were burnt out.
That's why it was reading the
wrong temperature.
I don't know how to thank you.
Just give me something else
to do.
Are you kidding?
We're just getting started.
Um, will these work?
Perfect, come with me.
So, we'll lay them
into each of these habitats,
and we'll lean them against
the sides.
We just want someplace for
the butterflies to perch
once they emerge.
Got it.
But we can do that after,
we'd better get going.
Where are we going?
To the woods!
What's in the woods?
Milkweed for the Monarchs.
Cheaper than buying it.
at the stem. thp
Keep the leaves whole,
Monarchs eat a lot.
(cell phone buzzing)
It's my Dad.
He's just excited about us
coming back?
Well, can you tell him that
you'll still be around
for this wedding?
I'm going to need all the help
I can get.
Maybe if I don't mention the
word "wedding."
He still has high hopes for me.
Oh, don't let him meet my dad.
If it were up to him,
forget speed dating,
it would be speed marriage.
Any prospects?
It's a long story.
You know, honestly,
I think my Dad...
he's just thinking about Amanda.
He wants her to have a mother
figure in her life.
Can't say that I blame him.
Any prospects?
It's complicated.
Well, I like to think that the
world works things out
the way that they're
meant to be.
I like to think that, too.
I was going to tell you,
I'm picking up a few new
pop-ups later,
and I thought Amanda
might want one.
Raise a few butterflies herself.
She'd love one!
I'll stop by your house
on my way back.
Great. Well, hey, thank you.
Well, would you look at that?
You want me to try to steal the
net from Amanda?
That's a Mariposa.
A Mariposa?
Spanish for butterfly.
That's your last name.
Funny how the world works
things out.
Is this a good time?
It is if you want to eat.
No, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to interrupt.
No, come on. Come, come.
And thanks for bringing the
pop-up for Amanda.
She doesn't get excited about
a lot of things,
there's not a lot of friends,
but with your help,
she's starting to emerge,
shall we say?
Come on.
Uh, okay.
That was delicious.
Don't try his meatloaf.
So what's next for
this little one?
For starters, we need to double
the size of our Flight House.
I can get the permits,
but I need to find someone
who can build it.
I'm your man.
I hope so.
Are you sure?
We're in a bit of a rush.
I'll tell you what,
I'll clear my busy schedule.
Well, thank you. We'll start
planning it tomorrow.
(doorbell ringing)
Oh, excuse me.
Thanks for the pop-up,
I'm so excited.
Aw, you are so welcome.
You're the best assistant.
Jill? I thought you weren't
coming until next week.
I was able to change my schedule.
I wasn't expecting you.
I missed you.
Uh, I--
Where's Amanda?
Oh, she's-- she's in there.
Hey, sweetie.
Come here.
I want to show you this really
cool pop-up.
First, I got this beautiful gift
all the way from Portugal.
It's called a balance necklace.
It's a reminder
that the perfect life
is built on the goal of balance.
And it's a reminder
that you are loved.
Don't you think it's pretty?
Yeah, it just... sparkles.
Um, who is this?
This is Emily.
Emily is--
Just leaving.
Nice to meet you.
It was nice to meet you, too.
Um, excuse me for a minute.
Emily, wait, I can explain.
It's none of my business.
It's fine.
I'll talk to you tomorrow,
and thanks again for dinner.
Where are we meeting her?
18th hole.
You're not listening!
The putter!
It's literally right there!
You're not--
I don't want that!
No! That one below.
Is that her?
That's her.
Man: Fore!
Obviously the best place
to have my wedding
is the O'Keefe golf course.
My great-grandfather built it
in 1933.
The sun will be there,
no longer in anyone's eyes.
So smart.
This is where the vows will be.
Wow, it's pretty here.
Yeah, I like to keep it
The vows will take 17 minutes.
I want the butterflies
to be released
exactly when we kiss
behind us here.
Not a problem at all.
And you'll need some kind
of barrier.
Well, you don't want your guests
looking at me.
And it's supposed to feel like
the butterflies
have sprung from nature.
Well, what kind of barrier?
Shrubbery, and a few trees.
How is a tree going to grow in
time for the wedding?
No, we can bring something in.
We do it all the time.
A simple hedge will do.
Actually, I can decorate--
Mandy: You know, my team can decorate
to match all of the flowers,
and all of the colours.
Mandy, that's a terrific idea.
Thank you.
So how many butterflies
can I expect?
At least 500, guaranteed.
I can get you 600.
I can get you 1,000.
That's impossible,
and you know it.
I don't believe in impossible.
God never said it was impossible
to create the butterfly,
and he did, so...
You'll both have to let me know
the day before
and I'll make my decision.
They day before?
Is that a problem?
It's just that I'll be investing
a lot of time and money, and...
See, that's not my problem.
You're free to bow out.
Now this is very important.
I want the butterflies to circle
over the two of us
before they fly away.
It doesn't really work
like that.
Well, can't butterflies be
You know what?
I'm gonna look into a
butterfly wrangler
and get right back to you
on that.
Oh, come on!
See, Emily? Can you at least try
before you dismiss the idea?
Yeah, Emily, can you just try?
I've been wanting to expand for
a while.
This is great.
Well, this is our expansion
Son of a bee sting!
Are you okay?
Let me see. Let me see.
I think we're done for today.
There you go.
Don't worry, it's decaf.
How's the thumb?
It-- I'll live.
I just hope it doesn't detract
from a job well done.
Are you kidding?
This is going to be amazing.
Beyond just our business,
this will be a real butterfly sanctuary.
Well, it was always my dream to
save the butterflies.
So, um...
When will the caterpillars
be ready?
Three days.
And what's the word on
Mandy Fischer?
Well, she's been after
the same vendors.
But inside sources tell me
that she doesn't have
the same numbers.
You know, is it--
is it really worth all this
if Rebecca just ends up picking
Mandy in the end?
Okay, well, A, I'm not going to
lose to Mandy Fischer.
Wait, sorry, what--
what is your deal with her?
It seems like it's just a
business to her.
She does kitten parties,
puppies too.
Butterflies are just a number.
And I have a connection to butterflies
and their place in this world.
And I like to teach people
the importance of that.
Okay, so don't lose to
Mandy Fischer.
And B?
Yes, it's been worth it.
Yeah, it has.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I don't get it.
I feel like there's this...
this thing here.
There's a thing?
Well, us.
There, that look?
That's not how someone typically
looks at me,
and that's not how, typically,
I look at someone.
Yeah, me either.
There, you--
you just did it again.
I'm sorry, I don't know how
I'm looking at you.
No, I don't want you to be
sorry, I just...
I don't get it.
Yes. Jill.
I told you, it's complicated.
Well, I'm not complicated, Garrett.
You either have a girlfriend
or you don't.
I don't.
You kissed her.
She kissed me.
And you know,
just for the record,
she's not staying at my house.
Jill is my ex-girlfriend.
She's always been a big part
of Amanda's life.
We stayed friends,
and probably always be friends.
So what happened?
she works for the state department,
and she was assigned overseas.
She was there for a few months,
and we just...
We kinda lost our way.
And what, she's found it again?
Yeah, yeah, she has.
She's stationed back
in New York.
Which is part of the reason why
my dad wants me to go back,
because he is all for this reconciliation.
And you?
Jill and I have this history.
Amanda adores her,
she's a great role model
for Amanda.
I think Jill is curious to see
if there's something
still there.
Is there?
I don't know.
And you know, I think that's
what's bothering me,
because I feel like I should.
It's a lame answer, I know.
I'm sorry.
No, it's an honest answer.
Honestly, yeah,
I wanted to give it a try.
Until what?
Until the unexpected.
And, um... you know,
I realize that Jill and I...
weren't always compatible.
She doesn't really appreciate
a guy who gets his hands dirty.
You know what's funny is my grandfather,
he wasn't a businessman.
He just got lucky on
some stocks.
But before that,
he was a carpenter.
He could build anything,
fix anything,
that was his trade.
It was until the day
that he died.
It's in your blood.
Well, it might skip a generation
but it's in there.
Did you know that the Monarch butterfly
migrates down to Mexico
each year?
That's where they lay
their eggs,
and then they migrate back here.
The entire cycle takes three
generations, sometimes five.
I didn't know that.
Each generation relies on the
next to carry its legacy.
What a day.
I got in the three orders we needed.
I'm calling two other places tomorrow.
If Taylor Brothers comes through,
we should be covered.
Only thing I'm worried about
is the timing.
You didn't hear a word I said.
What's going on?
It's what I thought.
Long history.
Back in the picture.
Get out.
I don't get it.
The guy has a total crush
on you.
It's complicated.
No, by definition, it's true.
He doesn't know what he wants.
That's because he's a guy.
No, it's because he's confused.
So un-confuse him.
I don't even know what I want.
Maybe I'm just feeling
stupidly rejected.
I hardly know him.
Well, how do you feel when
you're around him?
Like I have butterflies
in my stomach.
Then don't let him flutter away.
See you tomorrow.
You're the best, Adam.
Working on it.
Still like it with cream
and cinnamon?
Yeah, that's perfect.
See, it's like we've hardly
been apart.
Have you started packing?
I've been a little busy.
Doing what?
Well, you know,
I work for a living here, Jill.
But it's more of a hobby,
though, isn't it?
Your father is going to set you
up with a real career.
What's going on?
This is not fair.
It's not fair that you just come
back into my life
like it hasn't been two years.
Like I haven't moved on.
It's not like we haven't seen
each other in those two years.
You're right.
The butterfly lady?
How long has that been going on?
No, nothing is going on.
I hardly know her.
Well then let's not throw away
all the time we had together.
We had something really special.
Had, Jill.
We had something really special.
That's the key word.
I have some news.
I spoke to Amy Pritchard
at Breck Academy,
my alma mater, and sent in
an application for Amanda.
I know I should have asked,
but I didn't
want you to say no.
No, you should have discussed
this with me.
I wanted it to be a surprise.
It's the best school in
New York, Garrett.
All the money in the world
can't get you in.
It's gonna take all the money in
the world to pay for it!
Which is why taking over your
father's company
is so important.
Think about Amanda,
and what this would mean
for her future.
Daddy! Look!
I found a caterpillar from the
pop-up that Emily gave me!
That's great!
Do you want to come
and see it too, Jill?
Sure, sweetie. Let's see.
Wow! That is so cool!
I'm so proud of you.
Amanda: Thank you.
Jill: Come here.
Listen, I've gotta run,
but we'll talk later, okay?
Bye, sweetie.
Bye, Jill.
Hey! Looking good.
I'll clean all this up later,
you know,
I'll put down some sod.
How are the orders coming?
We're all set.
Just a matter of logistics now.
I think we're actually going
to pull this off.
Eat your heart out,
Mandy Fischer.
Hey, you've got something
on your--
Just up on your--
On my face?
Up here?
Yeah. A little bit down.
Just like, here? I--
Here, I'll--
Oh yeah?
Let me help you.
No, no, no, no!
Why not?
I'm just helping you!
Don't you dare.
Okay, okay. Fine.
Okay, now I'm--
Oh no!
Are you okay?
Okay, I surrender.
I surrender.
White flag.
(both laughing)
Emily: No...
That's not a new shirt, is it?
Oh, I'm gonna get you.
Oh yeah?
If you can catch me!
You better run!
Hey, you've got something
on your face.
Look at that. It's a dragon.
You can see the head
and the tail and the wings.
That's an elephant.
Oh yeah. It's an elephant.
That one right there?
A butterfly.
Everything is a butterfly
with you.
Any decisions yet?
I just have to think what's best
for Amanda.
Whatever makes her happy.
I don't even think she knows
what makes her happy.
Do you?
Nothing, you look great.
This is bound to turn his head.
Oh please, this is not an
attempt to change his mind.
Will you just tell him how you
feel already?
Yeah, that would be a little obvious.
At least you'll know.
He's not supposed to come until
this afternoon.
I've called you three times.
We need to talk.
Emily: Uh, well, I didn't get
any messages.
Mandy Fischer answers on the
first ring.
You must be Adam.
I am, nice to meet you.
We have a problem.
What problem?
Christi Cameron.
I'm not following.
Best friend.
Was best friend.
She released 1,500 butterflies
at a charity event
in New York last week.
Mandy Fischer says she can
deliver 1,501.
But I get the impression Mandy
Fischer just says
whatever I want to hear.
I will not let
Christi Cameron best me.
Can you do it? Say yes now
and the job is yours.
Uh, all we can promise is our
best effort, Rebecca.
I know two vendors that might
be able to help,
but it's a long shot, so...
But that's a yes, right?
You'll be on the cover of
Wedding Weekly.
Okay, yes.
I knew it.
And don't forget, 1,501.
You look really nice today,
by the way.
Thank you.
Remind me to set you up
with someone at the wedding.
You know I'm not out
of the woods yet.
You know, I could-- I could go
get the caterpillars for you.
Thank you.
Thank you, but I--
I have to do it.
I need to inspect them and make
sure the count is right.
Well, how are you planning
on being in two places at once?
Magic. An act of God? I...
I haven't figured it out yet.
You know, um, Amanda and I,
we could do one of the parties.
I hadn't thought of that.
Well, Adam is doing the
retirement party,
and the other one is a birthday
party, just a small one?
A couple dozen butterflies?
We could handle that.
Are you sure?
I mean, Amanda's been trained by
the best, right?
Thank you. Thanks.
Okay. Sure!
What am I going to do
without you?
I just mean, after this,
we're going to hit the big time,
and, well, you'll be missed.
Will I?
Hi, Emily, how are you?
Panicked as usual, Taylor.
Thank you.
I wanted to tell you,
there's a clean survival rate
on the larva.
This is a good crop of caterpillars.
Great. What ratio do you think
we can expect?
That'll do!
However, the OE has begun
to spread again.
A nasty little parasite
wiping out a lot of Monarchs.
But it hasn't reached this
far yet, has it?
All it takes is one bad apple.
That's why we're shutting down
for a week.
Be extra careful.
We will.
Come on, I've got four crates
waiting for you.
Let's get them loaded up.
Thanks, Taylor.
Hey! How'd it go?
It went great!
All of the butterflies flew away
like they were supposed to,
and one even landed on one of
the kids' noses.
Oh, well, I'm glad to hear.
Yeah, I was hardly needed.
I'm not surprised.
The girl's mother already texted
me and said you both were great.
And thank you for the updates,
it eased my mind.
How'd it go?
They're all here.
Amanda, do you want to help me
set the caterpillars into
their new homes?
You take this one,
I'll follow you in.
Why don't you guys get started?
I'll grab the rest.
What are you doing?
This is my friend.
Oh! Does your friend
have a name?
That's a pretty name.
How did you come up with that?
Well, my mom's name was Sarah.
I found her in the woods,
that's why she's in this
little habitat.
Daddy said that Mommy loved butterflies.
Yeah, I guess that's why
I like them so much.
I'm sure that's why.
You know, I'm kinda sad
that she's not here to help us.
I think that she really would
have liked it.
Well, you know what I believe?
I believe that she's here
right now.
Just in ways that we can't see.
You mean like an angel?
Do you think it's possible
for humans
to grow wings when they
go to heaven?
Well, I don't know if they grow
wings exactly,
but we have to get there somehow.
Do you think a caterpillar knows
that one day,
it will grow wings and fly?
That would seem pretty
impossible, wouldn't it?
I guess so.
Well, this world we're in,
we think it's so big
and amazing.
Just like a caterpillar sees it.
But then it changes into something
so beautiful and wondrous
that it can't even imagine the
way it was before.
Trust me.
Your mom is watching over you.
And she must be very proud.
And I'll tell you what.
We'll keep a special eye
on Sarah here,
and when she decides
it's her time,
we can watch her fly away together.
So why don't you do this
the day before?
You know you're going to have to
water these every day.
Rebecca insisted.
She leaves nothing to chance.
She even got flowers that will
bloom in exactly seven days,
eight hours, and 47 minutes,
just as they're saying
their vows.
You're kidding.
I kid not.
Well then, you better hope
1,500 butterflies
show themselves to the world
when they're supposed to.
Well, that's looking
pretty good.
We'll never be able to see the
man behind the curtain.
Thanks for helping.
Can I buy you lunch?
Well, a wise man once said,
never turn down a free lunch.
So what do you think?
Gourmet burgers in a place
like this?
How can you beat it?
I don't think you can.
How'd you find this place,
I got engaged here.
You're engaged?
Up until a year ago.
But this is where he proposed.
Do you mind if I ask
what happened?
We were together
for a few years,
and happy, I thought.
He proposed, I said yes, and...
He changed his mind.
I'm sorry.
I'm surprised I didn't think of
that before I brought you here.
Maybe that's because it just
doesn't matter anymore.
That's why you didn't
think about it.
So it doesn't have to
take away from...
from all of this.
Yeah. You're right.
You know, I feel like I'm
seeing this place
in a whole new light.
What? Who is it?
Oh, that's my Dad's car.
What, it's a bad thing?
No, I love my Dad, but sometimes
he has no boundaries.
He's taking a baking class,
and he just shows up
assuming I want to bake.
Baking class?
Apparently a great spot to meet
women his age.
Would you come in and meet him,
or else I'll never hear
the end of it.
I don't want to intrude.
Especially during baking time.
Trust me, it will be
another favour.
You didn't answer your
text messages.
Uh, my phone died.
What are we into for today, Dad?
Chocolate marble.
Sounds great. Dad, this is--
So this is him.
Nice to finally meet you.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Mar--
Larry. Call me Larry.
I can see why you have such a
crush on him.
Yeah, she talks about you all
the time.
She goes on and on about you.
She does?
No, really, I haven't.
Did she tell you
that her fianc left her
standing at the altar last year?
Listen, that saying,
"Once bitten, twice shy?"
Thrice, is that a word?
'Cause if it is, it's her.
Okay, stop. Now.
Oh, she thinks
I'm embarrassing her.
You are embarrassing me!
Don't you think
she's absolutely lovely?
I do.
You do?
Then why haven't you
told her yet?
It's complicated.
Oh, yes, so I've heard.
Dad, your cookies are burning!
Nice try. They're not in
the oven yet.
Listen, things are only
complicated until they're not.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, excuse me.
Phone snakes!
Play nice.
I've got all kinds of stories
that I can tell you
about my little baby.
Emily, we're in trouble.
Get here now.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
We've gotta go.
We lost almost half the caterpillars.
Have a look.
I put one under the scope.
OE. Ophryocystis elektroscirrha.
It's a parasite that infects Monarchs.
Do you see how dark it is?
Yeah. How did that happen?
Pesticides on milkweed
is the most common reason.
Farmers are using it to control
the spread of the gypsy moth.
Which means other rhopalocera
get caught in the crossfire.
Emily, I swear I washed
everything I brought in.
No, no, it's not your fault.
Some of the powders and sprays
they use now
are impossible to get out.
Or an infected insect
got in here.
Taylor warned me
that there was an outbreak.
This happens all the time
in the wild.
Millions of butterflies every
single year.
Between them and our bee
population dying off,
our entire ecosystem is
in jeopardy.
So what do we do?
First, we need to isolate the
surviving caterpillars
for the next few days.
And we need to look for some
milkweed in the wild.
We can't take
any more chances.
Emily, we have a bigger problem.
I know.
We're going to need at
least 700 more caterpillars.
How many do you have? 50?
No, it was OE. We're pretty sure
it's run its course.
Whatever you can give us.
Jared, it's Emily. Hi.
I know, it's awful.
But can you help us out?
I'll call them. Thank you.
Here's what I can spare.
I really appreciate this.
Hope it's enough.
Take care!
Is this all you have?
Yeah, this is all of it.
Thank you.
No problem.
How short are we?
Four hundred.
We're never going to find
another 400 caterpillars.
We've called everyone.
Not everyone.
This is going to be painful.
You've got to be joking.
So let me get this straight.
Now you want my help,
after you've swooped in and
stole the job from me.
I didn't steal it.
She chose me.
Mm-hm, after you
convinced her to.
Well, duh. Ladies.
Maybe we should just stick to
the subject at hand?
Do you have 400 caterpillars?
Well, obviously I do,
if I was prepared to give 1,500.
Well, I know that's what you
told Rebecca, but--
Okay. Fine.
I wouldn't have come close.
I don't even have 400.
Well, we'll take whatever
you have.
I'm not just going to
sell them to you.
What, so you get all the press
and all the glory?
I don't want to buy them.
I'm not just going to give
them to you.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
let's team up together.
I'm sorry, what?
I'm sorry, what?
We can do this together.
Let's make this event
one no one will ever forget.
Are you being serious?
Well, I don't know what to say.
To a new partnership?
If what?
If you promise to learn more
about butterflies.
Why they're so special,
what they do for our world,
and why what we do is
so important.
I want you to love them
as much as I do.
I do love butterflies.
I might not know as much as you
about the science of everything.
Okay, I don't know anything
about the science.
But that doesn't matter,
because I've always loved butterflies.
My mom was a fabulous gardener.
And she had a big garden.
My mom had a nice garden, too.
And one of my earliest
childhood memories
was running through
the garden and--
Chasing the butterflies.
All right.
Oh, there's just one problem.
We're going to be about
a hundred caterpillars short.
I guess we'll have to find the
rest in the wild.
Um, that's kind of a lot to pick
from random leaves.
Wait, I-- I think I have
an idea.
My daughter is doing a school
project on butterflies.
They found a bunch of milkweed
around the school.
I could talk to the teacher and
see if maybe
she could recruit a few of the
students for a, uh,
"special assignment."
That's a great idea.
Well, cheers.
You finally came to your senses.
By the way, um,
are you still single?
Uh, it's complicated.
Does anyone know what kind of
animal a butterfly is? Yes.
An insect! And there are 20,000
different species.
Very good!
Are you a professor?
Now, I'm a lepidopterologist.
What's a lepi-dop-a-gee?
(crowd chuckling)
Someone who studies butterflies.
That's right. And who can tell
me what a butterfly eats?
Nectar. Sorry.
That's right.
Butterflies eat nectar,
and why is that so important?
Because that's how butterflies
pollenate flowers and plants.
You told me to get more interested.
Now how many of you can tell me,
besides our friend Mandy here,
what type of caterpillar
this is?
Is it a Monarch?
It is a Monarch, and how would
all of you like to go
looking for Monarch caterpillars
on a scavenger hunt?!
(kids cheering)
Okay, whoever finds the most caterpillars
gets a home butterfly kit.
Everybody follow me.
Mandy: All right, children.
let's go get 'em!
Good job, kids!
Be careful! Oh, don't squish it.
You go!
Get 'em!
Want a caterpillar?
Uh, no thank you.
One of the moms just dropped
this off.
Oh, great!
Let's keep them separated until
we know they're healthy.
Should we feel bad about taking
these from the wild?
I mean, picture it this way.
Half of them would have been
eaten. Nature's not kind.
It's true.
They'll be back in the wild
soon enough.
Well, how long will this take?
If we're lucky, about two weeks.
What do we do now?
We wait.
And hope.
And pray.
(cell phone ringing)
Hi, Jill.
Yeah, uh, just one second.
Great news.
I just spoke to Amy at Breck,
and Amanda has been accepted!
She has?
Yes! I'm so excited,
and your father is thrilled.
You told him?
Jill: Of course. I told you.
People can't buy their way into
this school, Garrett.
This is a pretty big deal.
No, yeah, no... it's...
It's a big deal.
It's terrific.
Thank you, Jill.
You okay?
Then why don't you seem like it?
We're moving to New York
next week.
This doesn't come without
mixed emotions.
I just, I have to think
about Amanda.
You know, I have to put her
needs first.
Amanda will be happy
wherever she is,
as long as she's with you.
It's a good school she got in.
You know, it's one of the best.
And she's got all the history
with Jill...
It's the right decision.
You sure?
Listen, I won't be able to be
there for the wedding.
But I'd like to help out,
do anything I can before
I leave.
I'd like that.
Daddy, look!
I see it!
I named her after Mommy.
I remember.
Sarah the butterfly.
No matter how many times
I see it,
it's still a wonder.
I can't believe we pulled this off.
I can't either.
That was insane,
and this is lovely.
To our new friendship.
And partnership.
Really? After everything?
Why not?
You are like the perfect person.
It's so annoying.
I'll drink to that.
Well, here's to 1,501 butterflies.
I couldn't have done this
without you guys.
Well, don't forget me.
I mean, you couldn't have
done it without me
and my amazing skills with
a hammer and nails.
Yeah, you mean the one that
bashed your thumb?
Seriously, though.
This was a lot of fun,
so thank you for including
Amanda, and me.
Thank you.
You are so welcome sweetie.
You come back and visit me
anytime, okay?
I will. I'll miss you.
Larry: You've gotta try one of
these burgers.
Oh, um,
I'm-- I'm stuffed.
I'm taking a grilling class.
The cheese on the inside
of the burgers,
it melted when
I charbroiled them.
They're fantastic.
Uh, I'll take two.
Don't encourage him.
There you are, good man.
(cell phone chiming)
Oh, um... Our car is here.
What happened to your SUV?
I sold it.
This all happened so fast.
Safe trip.
Bye, Garrett.
See you.
Larry, how about I try
those burgers
next time I'm back in town?
You do that.
You take care, son.
Thanks. You too.
I'll walk you guys out.
Well, good luck at the wedding.
Thank you.
You know, I really wish that
I could be there.
I get it.
I'm really gonna miss you.
I'll miss you too, sweetheart.
Well, take care of yourself.
Yeah. You too.
You okay?
I'm fine.
I feel-- I feel bad about this.
I just feel like the timing
was off.
Don't feel bad.
And the timing was really good.
I feel great.
And I haven't felt great
in a really long while, so...
Well, I'm happy to hear that.
You know, I, uh...
I kinda wish Amanda was born
a month earlier.
That way we could have
spent a bit more time together.
That would have been May 10th?
Nah, we were booked up
that day.
Well, I guess we never would
have met, then.
It's funny how the world
works things out.
(cell phone ringing)
Hello? Oh.
Sweetie, don't you think
it's time that we let Sarah go?
Not yet! Emily said I could keep
her for a week.
Well, why don't you bring her
and your suitcase
over to the car?
I'll meet you over there.
Is that everything?
It's funny, I feel like I'm
forgetting something.
We'll have it shipped.
Come on, we're gonna miss
the flight.
So I got an interesting call.
Oh yeah? About what?
Well, the Bureau Chief
in Barcelona.
I'm not taking it, of course,
but it was interesting.
From this moment forward,
you will never be alone.
You will carry with you the love
of another person
giving you a completeness and
renewed likeness.
May your life together be
immersed in love...
How much longer?
Well, according to Rebecca's
itinerary, 18 seconds.
PASTOR: You have given
and received a ring
as a symbol of your promises.
By the power...
Okay, everybody.
Get ready.
Okay, now.
Okay, now!
Pastor: I pronounce you
husband and wife.
Family and friends,
over 1,500 butterflies
released into the wild.
(guests cheering)
You okay?
Yeah. We did it.
That's not what I meant.
I've never felt better.
How about now?
We forgot we have to let her go
with the others.
Oh my gosh, you're right!
She's our 1,501.
What are you...
We had a record to break,
didn't we?
Okay, sweetie,
time to let Sarah go.
Well, congratulations
on the record.
What happened?
Amanda's heart is here.
And I realized that mine is too.
So you're staying?
Well, I mean, somebody has to
expand that Flight House
now that you've hit
the big time.
And I want to be with you.
Funny how the world
works things out.
Well, I guess it's not
so complicated after all.
and is suitable for
general audiences.
Man on phone:
You need to hurry!
The wedding's already started.
Yes, I'm here now.
Just keep them entertained.
I'll be there in a jiff.
Okay, bye.
No, no, no! Not again!
Ugh! Okay.
Here's the deal.
You can break down tomorrow,
I'm free all day,
but I can't do this right now.
Got it?
Oh, I owe you one!
Come on, little guy.
I know it doesn't seem like it,
but if you come with me,
you will be free to fly away,
migrate and help pollinate
the world.
What do you say?
Where is she?
Come on.
Come on! Oh! Hey.
They're about to say their vows.
I know, I know, trust me,
everything that could go wrong
today has gone wrong.
Well, this one can't.
They've only paid us half
so far.
Pastor: Having witnessed
their pledge of fidelity
to one another...
To love, honour,
and cherish one another
in the presence of this gathering.
And by the power vested in me,
it is my honour to now pronounce
you husband and wife.
Now you may kiss the bride.
(crowd cheering)
(cheering and applauding)
You okay?
Yeah, I'm just happy for her.
And happy that we pulled
this off.
I'm your best friend, Emily.
I know it still hurts.
I'm over it.
It's not something you just
get over.
Well, you're the one who keeps
bringing it up
every time we do a wedding.
And I told you I can handle the
weddings on my own.
Come on.
Let's go get ready for
tomorrow's birthday party.
(children laughing)
Does anyone know what kind of
butterfly this is?
How about the birthday girl?
A blue butterfly!
That's true, it is blue.
And close, it's called an
Eastern Tailed Blue.
He just emerged yesterday.
How do you know if it's a boy?
See the black spots on the top
of his wings?
The females don't have them.
What's he doing?
It takes a few hours for his
wings to dry
and harden enough for
him to fly.
Is he going to fly away?
Mm-hm. Pretty soon.
This is all very new to him.
Does anyone know what we
butterflies eat?
Fruit slices.
Or sugar water.
Yes, very good.
Daddy, she was asking us.
Don't worry, he won't hurt you.
It tickles.
That's because he knows you're
just sweet as sugar water.
Where is he going?
He's off to do his part
in the world.
I have some more Eastern Tailed
Blues over here.
Come see.
(children exclaiming)
That weasel.
My neighbour?
No, Mandy Fischer.
I booked that party too
and she swooped in
and undercut me again.
Garrett: Oh, yeah,
I think got a flier from her.
And she was cheaper.
Well, there's reason for that.
Oh, Mandy!
Emily! Nice party.
A whopping one butterfly
you released there, huh?
Hmm, yeah, we like to teach our
party guests a thing or two
about butterflies
before we set them free.
Yawn. They must love that.
Passing off any moths as
monarchs today?
Time for me to run.
Gotta release a few more.
Several more.
More, as in, more than you.
Hey, I-- I only paid for 25.
Oh, this is on the house.
I won't be out-butterflied.
(kids cheering)
Hey, kids!
Come over here now!
Wow! Whoa!
(kids exclaiming)
Girl: So many!
Look at the big one!
And more!
(kids cheering)
Are you kidding me?
Oh, come on, little guys.
(kids exclaiming)
they're so colourful!
Who wants to see more?
(kids cheering)
(kids chattering excitedly)
(kids exclaiming)
How'd it go?
Great, five dozen new Blue
Swallow Tails
are out making the world a
better place.
I thought we only had two dozen
for this party.
Yeah, there was an incident.
What kind of incident?
A Mandy Fischer kind of incident.
I know! I know!
I'm sorry.
I couldn't help myself.
She's just so smug.
And I think she shorts people
on butterflies.
That goes against the code.
"The code?"
Okay, we had a bumper crop anyway.
That's beside the point.
Half of her butterflies
were probably fake.
Uh, sorry, before you leave,
Amanda wanted to say bye.
Oh, yeah, I'll be right there.
Is that the dad?
Yes, it's the dad.
Stop it.
Anytime. Seriously.
I look forward to your call.
Oh, uh, you--
you left this behind.
Emily: Oh, actually, here.
Take one.
Put it up at your office
or something.
Free advertising.
Look, I just want to thank you.
You know, for the extra butterflies.
Kids had a great time.
Sorry if it got weird.
Weird? What's weird about
two dueling butterfly parties?
I think your friend Mandy got a
kick out of it too.
Between you and me,
that educational bit,
it was a nice touch.
The kids, they weren't
bored at all.
Thank you.
Amanda? Come over here.
The nice lady is leaving.
Great, I'm the "nice lady."
Thank you so much, this was the
best birthday party ever.
Oh, I'm so glad! I hope the rest
of it is just as fun.
Thanks, Emily. Bye!
It was a pleasure meeting you.
Yeah, you too.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, uh, sorry.
Hey, Jill.
I'm so glad you called.
Yeah, I'm just with Amanda
right now.
(silently mouthing words)
Jill could be anybody.
Like who?
His mother.
Who calls their mother
by her first name?
His sister, a business colleague.
Nah, not the way he answered it.
Mandy I can handle.
Jill is the unknown.
But it doesn't matter because he
probably thinks I'm crazy anyway
after my showdown at the
butterfly corral.
No, he thought that was funny.
I thought that was crazy.
Is that from today?
And how did you get it?
When you went to say goodbye to
your hot single dad,
one of the parents was about to
throw it away.
I rescued it.
Mm-hm. You rescued it?
Yeah, how about you rescue
a salad later?
Okay, fine. And I was not going
over to say goodbye to him.
I was invited over
to say goodbye to his daughter.
Mm-hm, by him.
We're not supposed to flirt with
clients anyway,
it's bad etiquette.
The point is,
this is the first time in a year
you've even shown so much
as a pulse
in the presence of another guy.
That is progress.
Well, he is cute.
And he's nice.
And unavailable.
(door latching)
You know,
the doorbell
does work.
Nonsense. Adam!
How are you doing?
Just fine, Larry.
Well, I thought we'd bake.
You know, to help you get your
mind off things.
Dad, it's been a year.
I don't need to keep taking
my mind off things.
Nonsense. A father knows.
Oh, did you happen to call
that young man
I met at the gas station
the other day?
You mean the perfect stranger
who probably thought
you were insane?
He gave me his number!
He was interested.
You made it sound like I was
desperate for a date.
You are.
Aww, poor kid.
I'm just trying to look out
for you.
Okay, can we do this tomorrow?
It's been a long day.
You raise butterflies.
How hard can that be?
Um, incredibly hard, actually.
Catch you later. Bye, Larry.
Oh, you're leaving?
Oh, I have a date.
I thought that was canceled.
See ya.
Just gonna rescue this.
Well, looks like it's just us.
Just us.
Okay, what are we baking, Dad?
I am thinking a lemon loaf.
Lemon loaf?
That's new.
Morning. Did they arrive?
Yep, fresh off the farm.
You sure there's 200 in there?
Well, there better be.
The Stromwall retirement party
is in four weeks.
Barely enough time.
I know you mentioned
there's a code and everything,
but is anyone really
going to count?
They asked for 200 butterflies,
they're paying
for 200 butterflies,
we will deliver them--
200 butterflies. I know.
But this is going to be the
biggest release we've ever made.
We might need help.
I know.
And a new compressor.
Or we won't have any butterflies
to deliver.
(cell phone buzzing)
Oh. It's them.
You're sure we're not intruding?
Oh, no, not at all.
Hi, Amanda.
You made quite the impression on
this one.
She's about to start a--
I want to tell her, Daddy!
So I've been really interested
in butterflies since my party.
Her school is doing a project
on butter--
So that's why I want to get a
tour of a butterfly farm.
Oh, well, you came to
the right spot.
Oh, um, this is Adam, you met
him at the party.
I remember.
Amanda is interested
in what we do.
Come on in,
I'll show you guys around.
So this is where we keep all
the eggs and larva.
It has to stay very clean
and the temperature
has to be regulated
so there's just the right warmth
and humidity.
This is so cool.
Come with me.
First things first,
very important,
we need to clean our hands.
And then we go into what we call
the Flight House.
That's where we keep--
All the butterflies.
That's right.
So this is what we like to call
our butterfly sanctuary
instead of a farm.
We raise a lot of butterflies
just to set them free.
Like a butterfly rescue.
In a way, yes.
Did you know Monarchs can fly
all the way to Mexico?
I did know that.
And that some flowers wouldn't
if butterflies didn't pollenate
That's right.
And that growing milkweed and
other plants is really good
because a lot of their habitat
is being destroyed.
Wow, you have done your
Oh, you have no idea.
Well, then you can see that this
isn't just a business.
We're also helping the planet, too.
And they're really pretty.
They are really pretty,
aren't they?
You're really pretty.
My dad thinks so.
I heard him talking to his
friend on the phone.
Uh, Amanda.
I, uh, I don't know what she
thought she heard...
on the phone.
You don't think she's pretty,
Yes, I do.
Told you.
Thank you.
Emily, a word?
Oh, stop it!
It doesn't mean anything.
You're worse than the kid.
So this, obviously,
is where the butterfly emerges
from the chrysalis.
Different suppliers send us
our eggs and larva,
as you saw in the lab.
How long does it take
for a larva
to turn into a caterpillar?
Well, that depends on the weather.
But from egg to butterfly,
usually about four weeks.
Yeah, three to five days
for the egg to turn to larva.
Which grow into caterpillars.
That's right.
And about ten days
for the caterpillar
to turn into a chrysalis.
And about two weeks after that,
a butterfly comes out.
Very good!
I always used to just take that
stuff for granted,
but it's pretty amazing.
I like to think so, too.
I have an idea.
How would the two of you like to
help out at our next event?
Sure! Can we, Daddy?
If it's okay with you.
Yeah. Great idea.
Amanda: Awesome!
(cell phone ringing)
Excuse me.
Hello, this is Emily.
Oh please, like Rebecca O'Keefe
would be calling me.
Wait, this is really Rebecca
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.
You'd like to meet?! When?
Sure! Wait.
Wait, how many?
Okay. I'll see you then.
That was Rebecca O'Keefe.
Rebecca O'Keefe as in the
socialite heiress
to the O'Keefe publishing
Yep, that Rebecca O'Keefe.
Who is getting married
in a few weeks?
It's all over the tabloids.
I guess I missed it.
It's only going to be the most
talked about
wedding of the year.
She wants us to release 500
butterflies at her wedding.
500 butterflies?
500 butterflies.
We're going to raise and release
500 butterflies.
When is the
wedding again?
Three weeks.
My gosh.
As you can see I don't have a
wedding planner.
I don't trust them.
I'll be making all
the decisions
so you'll be dealing
directly with me.
Despite what's in the media,
it's going to be an
intimate wedding
with only a few family
and friends.
Great, I just need to know--
Naturally, I'll be wearing white,
and all the ladies attending
will be wearing off white.
I don't want anyone to hijack
the floral.
I really want the flowers
to pop.
Got it.
Is this... too light for my
Personally I would go with
a deeper colour.
Do the Monarchs come in blue?
No, they're orange
with black and white.
Fine. What's the best compliment
to the color orange?
Well, purple, but then I
wouldn't go as dark.
Lavender is a nice colour,
and lavender smells great.
I'm a conservationist, you know.
I heard.
So you can do it?
Yes, 500 butterflies will be a
challenge but we're on it.
I think you misunderstood.
I said at least 500.
Whoever can deliver the most
gets the job.
Yeah, it's between you and, um,
what's her name? Fischer?
Mandy Fischer.
I've given her the same opportunity.
She said it would be no
challenge at all.
I'm not surprised.
But honestly,
this many butterflies has never
been done before.
So you can't do it?
Nope, I'm the one
who will do it.
Great. It will be
well worth your while,
and not just the money,
but the publicity.
Mandy Fischer?!
Doesn't she know she'll short
her by half?
Or use Viceroys instead of
Rebecca O'Keefe will
never know the difference.
I can't believe you agreed
to this.
How was I supposed to say no?
Rebecca O'Keefe is on the cover
of every magazine,
which means this event will be
on the cover of every magazine.
This little business of ours
could hit the big time.
It'll hit something else if we
can't deliver 500 butterflies.
At least 500.
I'm not about to let Mandy
Fischer steal this one from me.
Don't make it personal.
I do this because I love butterflies
and how they are connected
to our world.
Mandy's only in it
for the money.
Fair enough. But this is going
to be no easy task.
I know. We're going to have to
expand our flight house.
And we'll need new suppliers.
And we'll need to buy
caterpillars, not eggs,
or there won't be
enough time. Agreed.
I already have calls into
Taylor Brothers
and Margallo Farms
in Spokane.
Good. Taylor's a friend of mine,
he'll prioritize for us.
Well, we just need to beat Mandy
to them.
Timing is everything.
The eggs can't hatch a minute
too soon or a minute to late.
And we still have the Stromwall
retirement party coming up.
Oh my gosh, you're right.
Okay, all hands on deck.
Speaking of which,
I'm running late.
Need help with this one?
No, it's small.
Another show and tell.
Besides, Garrett and Amanda will
be there. Remember?
Right. How could I forget.
Mm-hm, yeah.
Nice one, by the way.
See ya.
I want to hear every detail.
Sorry, a million things
happening at once today.
That's okay, how can we help?
Uh, well, looks like the
birthday boy's mom
has the decorations set up,
so we just need
the show and tell
and the butterflies.
All right.
You can hold him if you want.
Just let him crawl onto
your hand.
It's okay if it flies away.
That's what we want him to do.
Kids, parents,
do you want to come over
and look at the show and tell?
You're a godsend.
Thank you.
Hey, Amanda,
do you want to take over by
yourself for a little bit?
I'm on it.
We're just going to be
over here.
Well, I think she knows more
about butterflies than I do.
Yeah, sorry, when she gets
excited about something,
there's no stopping her.
So, uh, how long have you been
doing this butterfly thing?
Four years. Yeah.
It started out as a hobby,
kind of a weekend thing,
and a year later,
I was able to quit my day job.
Mm, and what was that,
if I may ask?
You may. Nothing special,
at least it didn't feel special.
Corporate desk job.
Data analyst and miserable.
Oh no, don't tell me you're
a data analyst.
Hmm? No.
What do you do for a living,
if I may ask?
You may.
Um, it's a bit weird, but...
nothing, if I don't want to.
What, did you win the lottery
or something?
No. My grandfather did.
He bet right on the stock market.
Now my father runs one of the
largest hedge funds in New York.
Wow. So what brought you
out here?
Well, just after Amanda
was born,
her mother passed away.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Amanda never really knew her, sadly.
And then after a bit of time,
I got into another relationship,
we followed her up here.
Ultimately things didn't
really work out.
So now my father wants me to
come back to New York
and take over the family reigns.
Well, you don't sound very
excited about that.
You know, I like working
with my hands.
Working on something tangible.
I don't want to work on
a ledger all day,
if you know what I mean.
Besides, you have to wear a tie.
I'm not a tie guy.
Well, you do know that there's a
living in fixing things?
Yes, just...
It's just hard to pay for a big
school in New York City.
So you're moving to New York,
Yeah, looks like it.
How soon?
I dunno, a couple weeks, maybe.
It just depends on a few other
things, but...
it's complicated.
So what kinds of things are you
good at fixing?
Oh, well, you name it.
That's my specialty.
All right, well,
if you're interested,
I might have some work for you
before you go.
(cell phone ringing)
Sorry, I just...
Hey, Jill. Yeah.
No, I'm just at a birthday party
with Amanda.
No, not her birthday party.
She had hers last week.
You know that, come on.
Okay, look, why don't we just--
we'll talk about it
when you get here, okay?
So tell me about him.
Tell you about who?
I told you.
A father always knows.
And I can tell that there's
something that has changed
inside of you.
There's a light.
And a bit of melancholy, too.
You are good.
I'll give you that.
Well, you'll have the same
intuition when you have a kid
and I'm a grandfather.
Is that too much to ask?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if the pain still
sears a bit.
It shouldn't.
I love my life, Dad.
I have a great business,
great friends.
I don't need a guy
to complete me.
If you say so.
How am I supposed to know
when I'm ready?
Nobody ever knows
if they're ready.
So I'm right, aren't I?
You met a guy.
I thought I did.
Tell me about him.
It's the first time I've felt
anything since Randy.
That's terrific.
No, not so terrific.
I think he has a girlfriend,
and he might be moving to New
York in a few weeks.
Well, at least you're still open
to those kind of feelings.
Well, I don't know how to trust
those feelings, Dad.
I thought I was in love with
Randy, and...
You were in love with Randy.
You were brave.
He's the one who didn't have
the courage to commit.
But I got it wrong. No.
You did not get it wrong.
In life, we try all kinds
of things.
The only time we get it wrong
is when we don't try.
So what's his name?
His name is Garrett.
We hosted his daughter's
birthday party.
There's just that... you know.
Now, are you sure
about the girlfriend thing?
Pretty sure.
And lest we forget,
he might be moving.
There's that, too.
Let me tell you something, sweetie.
If it's meant to be,
he's not going anywhere.
Okay, I'll said is that I kind
of like him.
I didn't say anything about it
being meant to be.
Well, listen,
even if he is not Mr. Right,
at least you're open to the idea
that Mr. Right is out there somewhere.
That's what worries me.
You are so beautiful, Emily.
Inside and out.
And besides, you can't stay
hidden in your cocoon forever.
My cocoon?
Okay. Give it a try.
Your bearings were burnt out.
That's why it was reading the
wrong temperature.
I don't know how to thank you.
Just give me something else
to do.
Are you kidding?
We're just getting started.
Um, will these work?
Perfect, come with me.
So, we'll lay them
into each of these habitats,
and we'll lean them against
the sides.
We just want someplace for
the butterflies to perch
once they emerge.
Got it.
But we can do that after,
we'd better get going.
Where are we going?
To the woods!
What's in the woods?
Milkweed for the Monarchs.
Cheaper than buying it.
at the stem. thp
Keep the leaves whole,
Monarchs eat a lot.
(cell phone buzzing)
It's my Dad.
He's just excited about us
coming back?
Well, can you tell him that
you'll still be around
for this wedding?
I'm going to need all the help
I can get.
Maybe if I don't mention the
word "wedding."
He still has high hopes for me.
Oh, don't let him meet my dad.
If it were up to him,
forget speed dating,
it would be speed marriage.
Any prospects?
It's a long story.
You know, honestly,
I think my Dad...
he's just thinking about Amanda.
He wants her to have a mother
figure in her life.
Can't say that I blame him.
Any prospects?
It's complicated.
Well, I like to think that the
world works things out
the way that they're
meant to be.
I like to think that, too.
I was going to tell you,
I'm picking up a few new
pop-ups later,
and I thought Amanda
might want one.
Raise a few butterflies herself.
She'd love one!
I'll stop by your house
on my way back.
Great. Well, hey, thank you.
Well, would you look at that?
You want me to try to steal the
net from Amanda?
That's a Mariposa.
A Mariposa?
Spanish for butterfly.
That's your last name.
Funny how the world works
things out.
Is this a good time?
It is if you want to eat.
No, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to interrupt.
No, come on. Come, come.
And thanks for bringing the
pop-up for Amanda.
She doesn't get excited about
a lot of things,
there's not a lot of friends,
but with your help,
she's starting to emerge,
shall we say?
Come on.
Uh, okay.
That was delicious.
Don't try his meatloaf.
So what's next for
this little one?
For starters, we need to double
the size of our Flight House.
I can get the permits,
but I need to find someone
who can build it.
I'm your man.
I hope so.
Are you sure?
We're in a bit of a rush.
I'll tell you what,
I'll clear my busy schedule.
Well, thank you. We'll start
planning it tomorrow.
(doorbell ringing)
Oh, excuse me.
Thanks for the pop-up,
I'm so excited.
Aw, you are so welcome.
You're the best assistant.
Jill? I thought you weren't
coming until next week.
I was able to change my schedule.
I wasn't expecting you.
I missed you.
Uh, I--
Where's Amanda?
Oh, she's-- she's in there.
Hey, sweetie.
Come here.
I want to show you this really
cool pop-up.
First, I got this beautiful gift
all the way from Portugal.
It's called a balance necklace.
It's a reminder
that the perfect life
is built on the goal of balance.
And it's a reminder
that you are loved.
Don't you think it's pretty?
Yeah, it just... sparkles.
Um, who is this?
This is Emily.
Emily is--
Just leaving.
Nice to meet you.
It was nice to meet you, too.
Um, excuse me for a minute.
Emily, wait, I can explain.
It's none of my business.
It's fine.
I'll talk to you tomorrow,
and thanks again for dinner.
Where are we meeting her?
18th hole.
You're not listening!
The putter!
It's literally right there!
You're not--
I don't want that!
No! That one below.
Is that her?
That's her.
Man: Fore!
Obviously the best place
to have my wedding
is the O'Keefe golf course.
My great-grandfather built it
in 1933.
The sun will be there,
no longer in anyone's eyes.
So smart.
This is where the vows will be.
Wow, it's pretty here.
Yeah, I like to keep it
The vows will take 17 minutes.
I want the butterflies
to be released
exactly when we kiss
behind us here.
Not a problem at all.
And you'll need some kind
of barrier.
Well, you don't want your guests
looking at me.
And it's supposed to feel like
the butterflies
have sprung from nature.
Well, what kind of barrier?
Shrubbery, and a few trees.
How is a tree going to grow in
time for the wedding?
No, we can bring something in.
We do it all the time.
A simple hedge will do.
Actually, I can decorate--
Mandy: You know, my team can decorate
to match all of the flowers,
and all of the colours.
Mandy, that's a terrific idea.
Thank you.
So how many butterflies
can I expect?
At least 500, guaranteed.
I can get you 600.
I can get you 1,000.
That's impossible,
and you know it.
I don't believe in impossible.
God never said it was impossible
to create the butterfly,
and he did, so...
You'll both have to let me know
the day before
and I'll make my decision.
They day before?
Is that a problem?
It's just that I'll be investing
a lot of time and money, and...
See, that's not my problem.
You're free to bow out.
Now this is very important.
I want the butterflies to circle
over the two of us
before they fly away.
It doesn't really work
like that.
Well, can't butterflies be
You know what?
I'm gonna look into a
butterfly wrangler
and get right back to you
on that.
Oh, come on!
See, Emily? Can you at least try
before you dismiss the idea?
Yeah, Emily, can you just try?
I've been wanting to expand for
a while.
This is great.
Well, this is our expansion
Son of a bee sting!
Are you okay?
Let me see. Let me see.
I think we're done for today.
There you go.
Don't worry, it's decaf.
How's the thumb?
It-- I'll live.
I just hope it doesn't detract
from a job well done.
Are you kidding?
This is going to be amazing.
Beyond just our business,
this will be a real butterfly sanctuary.
Well, it was always my dream to
save the butterflies.
So, um...
When will the caterpillars
be ready?
Three days.
And what's the word on
Mandy Fischer?
Well, she's been after
the same vendors.
But inside sources tell me
that she doesn't have
the same numbers.
You know, is it--
is it really worth all this
if Rebecca just ends up picking
Mandy in the end?
Okay, well, A, I'm not going to
lose to Mandy Fischer.
Wait, sorry, what--
what is your deal with her?
It seems like it's just a
business to her.
She does kitten parties,
puppies too.
Butterflies are just a number.
And I have a connection to butterflies
and their place in this world.
And I like to teach people
the importance of that.
Okay, so don't lose to
Mandy Fischer.
And B?
Yes, it's been worth it.
Yeah, it has.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I don't get it.
I feel like there's this...
this thing here.
There's a thing?
Well, us.
There, that look?
That's not how someone typically
looks at me,
and that's not how, typically,
I look at someone.
Yeah, me either.
There, you--
you just did it again.
I'm sorry, I don't know how
I'm looking at you.
No, I don't want you to be
sorry, I just...
I don't get it.
Yes. Jill.
I told you, it's complicated.
Well, I'm not complicated, Garrett.
You either have a girlfriend
or you don't.
I don't.
You kissed her.
She kissed me.
And you know,
just for the record,
she's not staying at my house.
Jill is my ex-girlfriend.
She's always been a big part
of Amanda's life.
We stayed friends,
and probably always be friends.
So what happened?
she works for the state department,
and she was assigned overseas.
She was there for a few months,
and we just...
We kinda lost our way.
And what, she's found it again?
Yeah, yeah, she has.
She's stationed back
in New York.
Which is part of the reason why
my dad wants me to go back,
because he is all for this reconciliation.
And you?
Jill and I have this history.
Amanda adores her,
she's a great role model
for Amanda.
I think Jill is curious to see
if there's something
still there.
Is there?
I don't know.
And you know, I think that's
what's bothering me,
because I feel like I should.
It's a lame answer, I know.
I'm sorry.
No, it's an honest answer.
Honestly, yeah,
I wanted to give it a try.
Until what?
Until the unexpected.
And, um... you know,
I realize that Jill and I...
weren't always compatible.
She doesn't really appreciate
a guy who gets his hands dirty.
You know what's funny is my grandfather,
he wasn't a businessman.
He just got lucky on
some stocks.
But before that,
he was a carpenter.
He could build anything,
fix anything,
that was his trade.
It was until the day
that he died.
It's in your blood.
Well, it might skip a generation
but it's in there.
Did you know that the Monarch butterfly
migrates down to Mexico
each year?
That's where they lay
their eggs,
and then they migrate back here.
The entire cycle takes three
generations, sometimes five.
I didn't know that.
Each generation relies on the
next to carry its legacy.
What a day.
I got in the three orders we needed.
I'm calling two other places tomorrow.
If Taylor Brothers comes through,
we should be covered.
Only thing I'm worried about
is the timing.
You didn't hear a word I said.
What's going on?
It's what I thought.
Long history.
Back in the picture.
Get out.
I don't get it.
The guy has a total crush
on you.
It's complicated.
No, by definition, it's true.
He doesn't know what he wants.
That's because he's a guy.
No, it's because he's confused.
So un-confuse him.
I don't even know what I want.
Maybe I'm just feeling
stupidly rejected.
I hardly know him.
Well, how do you feel when
you're around him?
Like I have butterflies
in my stomach.
Then don't let him flutter away.
See you tomorrow.
You're the best, Adam.
Working on it.
Still like it with cream
and cinnamon?
Yeah, that's perfect.
See, it's like we've hardly
been apart.
Have you started packing?
I've been a little busy.
Doing what?
Well, you know,
I work for a living here, Jill.
But it's more of a hobby,
though, isn't it?
Your father is going to set you
up with a real career.
What's going on?
This is not fair.
It's not fair that you just come
back into my life
like it hasn't been two years.
Like I haven't moved on.
It's not like we haven't seen
each other in those two years.
You're right.
The butterfly lady?
How long has that been going on?
No, nothing is going on.
I hardly know her.
Well then let's not throw away
all the time we had together.
We had something really special.
Had, Jill.
We had something really special.
That's the key word.
I have some news.
I spoke to Amy Pritchard
at Breck Academy,
my alma mater, and sent in
an application for Amanda.
I know I should have asked,
but I didn't
want you to say no.
No, you should have discussed
this with me.
I wanted it to be a surprise.
It's the best school in
New York, Garrett.
All the money in the world
can't get you in.
It's gonna take all the money in
the world to pay for it!
Which is why taking over your
father's company
is so important.
Think about Amanda,
and what this would mean
for her future.
Daddy! Look!
I found a caterpillar from the
pop-up that Emily gave me!
That's great!
Do you want to come
and see it too, Jill?
Sure, sweetie. Let's see.
Wow! That is so cool!
I'm so proud of you.
Amanda: Thank you.
Jill: Come here.
Listen, I've gotta run,
but we'll talk later, okay?
Bye, sweetie.
Bye, Jill.
Hey! Looking good.
I'll clean all this up later,
you know,
I'll put down some sod.
How are the orders coming?
We're all set.
Just a matter of logistics now.
I think we're actually going
to pull this off.
Eat your heart out,
Mandy Fischer.
Hey, you've got something
on your--
Just up on your--
On my face?
Up here?
Yeah. A little bit down.
Just like, here? I--
Here, I'll--
Oh yeah?
Let me help you.
No, no, no, no!
Why not?
I'm just helping you!
Don't you dare.
Okay, okay. Fine.
Okay, now I'm--
Oh no!
Are you okay?
Okay, I surrender.
I surrender.
White flag.
(both laughing)
Emily: No...
That's not a new shirt, is it?
Oh, I'm gonna get you.
Oh yeah?
If you can catch me!
You better run!
Hey, you've got something
on your face.
Look at that. It's a dragon.
You can see the head
and the tail and the wings.
That's an elephant.
Oh yeah. It's an elephant.
That one right there?
A butterfly.
Everything is a butterfly
with you.
Any decisions yet?
I just have to think what's best
for Amanda.
Whatever makes her happy.
I don't even think she knows
what makes her happy.
Do you?
Nothing, you look great.
This is bound to turn his head.
Oh please, this is not an
attempt to change his mind.
Will you just tell him how you
feel already?
Yeah, that would be a little obvious.
At least you'll know.
He's not supposed to come until
this afternoon.
I've called you three times.
We need to talk.
Emily: Uh, well, I didn't get
any messages.
Mandy Fischer answers on the
first ring.
You must be Adam.
I am, nice to meet you.
We have a problem.
What problem?
Christi Cameron.
I'm not following.
Best friend.
Was best friend.
She released 1,500 butterflies
at a charity event
in New York last week.
Mandy Fischer says she can
deliver 1,501.
But I get the impression Mandy
Fischer just says
whatever I want to hear.
I will not let
Christi Cameron best me.
Can you do it? Say yes now
and the job is yours.
Uh, all we can promise is our
best effort, Rebecca.
I know two vendors that might
be able to help,
but it's a long shot, so...
But that's a yes, right?
You'll be on the cover of
Wedding Weekly.
Okay, yes.
I knew it.
And don't forget, 1,501.
You look really nice today,
by the way.
Thank you.
Remind me to set you up
with someone at the wedding.
You know I'm not out
of the woods yet.
You know, I could-- I could go
get the caterpillars for you.
Thank you.
Thank you, but I--
I have to do it.
I need to inspect them and make
sure the count is right.
Well, how are you planning
on being in two places at once?
Magic. An act of God? I...
I haven't figured it out yet.
You know, um, Amanda and I,
we could do one of the parties.
I hadn't thought of that.
Well, Adam is doing the
retirement party,
and the other one is a birthday
party, just a small one?
A couple dozen butterflies?
We could handle that.
Are you sure?
I mean, Amanda's been trained by
the best, right?
Thank you. Thanks.
Okay. Sure!
What am I going to do
without you?
I just mean, after this,
we're going to hit the big time,
and, well, you'll be missed.
Will I?
Hi, Emily, how are you?
Panicked as usual, Taylor.
Thank you.
I wanted to tell you,
there's a clean survival rate
on the larva.
This is a good crop of caterpillars.
Great. What ratio do you think
we can expect?
That'll do!
However, the OE has begun
to spread again.
A nasty little parasite
wiping out a lot of Monarchs.
But it hasn't reached this
far yet, has it?
All it takes is one bad apple.
That's why we're shutting down
for a week.
Be extra careful.
We will.
Come on, I've got four crates
waiting for you.
Let's get them loaded up.
Thanks, Taylor.
Hey! How'd it go?
It went great!
All of the butterflies flew away
like they were supposed to,
and one even landed on one of
the kids' noses.
Oh, well, I'm glad to hear.
Yeah, I was hardly needed.
I'm not surprised.
The girl's mother already texted
me and said you both were great.
And thank you for the updates,
it eased my mind.
How'd it go?
They're all here.
Amanda, do you want to help me
set the caterpillars into
their new homes?
You take this one,
I'll follow you in.
Why don't you guys get started?
I'll grab the rest.
What are you doing?
This is my friend.
Oh! Does your friend
have a name?
That's a pretty name.
How did you come up with that?
Well, my mom's name was Sarah.
I found her in the woods,
that's why she's in this
little habitat.
Daddy said that Mommy loved butterflies.
Yeah, I guess that's why
I like them so much.
I'm sure that's why.
You know, I'm kinda sad
that she's not here to help us.
I think that she really would
have liked it.
Well, you know what I believe?
I believe that she's here
right now.
Just in ways that we can't see.
You mean like an angel?
Do you think it's possible
for humans
to grow wings when they
go to heaven?
Well, I don't know if they grow
wings exactly,
but we have to get there somehow.
Do you think a caterpillar knows
that one day,
it will grow wings and fly?
That would seem pretty
impossible, wouldn't it?
I guess so.
Well, this world we're in,
we think it's so big
and amazing.
Just like a caterpillar sees it.
But then it changes into something
so beautiful and wondrous
that it can't even imagine the
way it was before.
Trust me.
Your mom is watching over you.
And she must be very proud.
And I'll tell you what.
We'll keep a special eye
on Sarah here,
and when she decides
it's her time,
we can watch her fly away together.
So why don't you do this
the day before?
You know you're going to have to
water these every day.
Rebecca insisted.
She leaves nothing to chance.
She even got flowers that will
bloom in exactly seven days,
eight hours, and 47 minutes,
just as they're saying
their vows.
You're kidding.
I kid not.
Well then, you better hope
1,500 butterflies
show themselves to the world
when they're supposed to.
Well, that's looking
pretty good.
We'll never be able to see the
man behind the curtain.
Thanks for helping.
Can I buy you lunch?
Well, a wise man once said,
never turn down a free lunch.
So what do you think?
Gourmet burgers in a place
like this?
How can you beat it?
I don't think you can.
How'd you find this place,
I got engaged here.
You're engaged?
Up until a year ago.
But this is where he proposed.
Do you mind if I ask
what happened?
We were together
for a few years,
and happy, I thought.
He proposed, I said yes, and...
He changed his mind.
I'm sorry.
I'm surprised I didn't think of
that before I brought you here.
Maybe that's because it just
doesn't matter anymore.
That's why you didn't
think about it.
So it doesn't have to
take away from...
from all of this.
Yeah. You're right.
You know, I feel like I'm
seeing this place
in a whole new light.
What? Who is it?
Oh, that's my Dad's car.
What, it's a bad thing?
No, I love my Dad, but sometimes
he has no boundaries.
He's taking a baking class,
and he just shows up
assuming I want to bake.
Baking class?
Apparently a great spot to meet
women his age.
Would you come in and meet him,
or else I'll never hear
the end of it.
I don't want to intrude.
Especially during baking time.
Trust me, it will be
another favour.
You didn't answer your
text messages.
Uh, my phone died.
What are we into for today, Dad?
Chocolate marble.
Sounds great. Dad, this is--
So this is him.
Nice to finally meet you.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Mar--
Larry. Call me Larry.
I can see why you have such a
crush on him.
Yeah, she talks about you all
the time.
She goes on and on about you.
She does?
No, really, I haven't.
Did she tell you
that her fianc left her
standing at the altar last year?
Listen, that saying,
"Once bitten, twice shy?"
Thrice, is that a word?
'Cause if it is, it's her.
Okay, stop. Now.
Oh, she thinks
I'm embarrassing her.
You are embarrassing me!
Don't you think
she's absolutely lovely?
I do.
You do?
Then why haven't you
told her yet?
It's complicated.
Oh, yes, so I've heard.
Dad, your cookies are burning!
Nice try. They're not in
the oven yet.
Listen, things are only
complicated until they're not.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, excuse me.
Phone snakes!
Play nice.
I've got all kinds of stories
that I can tell you
about my little baby.
Emily, we're in trouble.
Get here now.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
We've gotta go.
We lost almost half the caterpillars.
Have a look.
I put one under the scope.
OE. Ophryocystis elektroscirrha.
It's a parasite that infects Monarchs.
Do you see how dark it is?
Yeah. How did that happen?
Pesticides on milkweed
is the most common reason.
Farmers are using it to control
the spread of the gypsy moth.
Which means other rhopalocera
get caught in the crossfire.
Emily, I swear I washed
everything I brought in.
No, no, it's not your fault.
Some of the powders and sprays
they use now
are impossible to get out.
Or an infected insect
got in here.
Taylor warned me
that there was an outbreak.
This happens all the time
in the wild.
Millions of butterflies every
single year.
Between them and our bee
population dying off,
our entire ecosystem is
in jeopardy.
So what do we do?
First, we need to isolate the
surviving caterpillars
for the next few days.
And we need to look for some
milkweed in the wild.
We can't take
any more chances.
Emily, we have a bigger problem.
I know.
We're going to need at
least 700 more caterpillars.
How many do you have? 50?
No, it was OE. We're pretty sure
it's run its course.
Whatever you can give us.
Jared, it's Emily. Hi.
I know, it's awful.
But can you help us out?
I'll call them. Thank you.
Here's what I can spare.
I really appreciate this.
Hope it's enough.
Take care!
Is this all you have?
Yeah, this is all of it.
Thank you.
No problem.
How short are we?
Four hundred.
We're never going to find
another 400 caterpillars.
We've called everyone.
Not everyone.
This is going to be painful.
You've got to be joking.
So let me get this straight.
Now you want my help,
after you've swooped in and
stole the job from me.
I didn't steal it.
She chose me.
Mm-hm, after you
convinced her to.
Well, duh. Ladies.
Maybe we should just stick to
the subject at hand?
Do you have 400 caterpillars?
Well, obviously I do,
if I was prepared to give 1,500.
Well, I know that's what you
told Rebecca, but--
Okay. Fine.
I wouldn't have come close.
I don't even have 400.
Well, we'll take whatever
you have.
I'm not just going to
sell them to you.
What, so you get all the press
and all the glory?
I don't want to buy them.
I'm not just going to give
them to you.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
let's team up together.
I'm sorry, what?
I'm sorry, what?
We can do this together.
Let's make this event
one no one will ever forget.
Are you being serious?
Well, I don't know what to say.
To a new partnership?
If what?
If you promise to learn more
about butterflies.
Why they're so special,
what they do for our world,
and why what we do is
so important.
I want you to love them
as much as I do.
I do love butterflies.
I might not know as much as you
about the science of everything.
Okay, I don't know anything
about the science.
But that doesn't matter,
because I've always loved butterflies.
My mom was a fabulous gardener.
And she had a big garden.
My mom had a nice garden, too.
And one of my earliest
childhood memories
was running through
the garden and--
Chasing the butterflies.
All right.
Oh, there's just one problem.
We're going to be about
a hundred caterpillars short.
I guess we'll have to find the
rest in the wild.
Um, that's kind of a lot to pick
from random leaves.
Wait, I-- I think I have
an idea.
My daughter is doing a school
project on butterflies.
They found a bunch of milkweed
around the school.
I could talk to the teacher and
see if maybe
she could recruit a few of the
students for a, uh,
"special assignment."
That's a great idea.
Well, cheers.
You finally came to your senses.
By the way, um,
are you still single?
Uh, it's complicated.
Does anyone know what kind of
animal a butterfly is? Yes.
An insect! And there are 20,000
different species.
Very good!
Are you a professor?
Now, I'm a lepidopterologist.
What's a lepi-dop-a-gee?
(crowd chuckling)
Someone who studies butterflies.
That's right. And who can tell
me what a butterfly eats?
Nectar. Sorry.
That's right.
Butterflies eat nectar,
and why is that so important?
Because that's how butterflies
pollenate flowers and plants.
You told me to get more interested.
Now how many of you can tell me,
besides our friend Mandy here,
what type of caterpillar
this is?
Is it a Monarch?
It is a Monarch, and how would
all of you like to go
looking for Monarch caterpillars
on a scavenger hunt?!
(kids cheering)
Okay, whoever finds the most caterpillars
gets a home butterfly kit.
Everybody follow me.
Mandy: All right, children.
let's go get 'em!
Good job, kids!
Be careful! Oh, don't squish it.
You go!
Get 'em!
Want a caterpillar?
Uh, no thank you.
One of the moms just dropped
this off.
Oh, great!
Let's keep them separated until
we know they're healthy.
Should we feel bad about taking
these from the wild?
I mean, picture it this way.
Half of them would have been
eaten. Nature's not kind.
It's true.
They'll be back in the wild
soon enough.
Well, how long will this take?
If we're lucky, about two weeks.
What do we do now?
We wait.
And hope.
And pray.
(cell phone ringing)
Hi, Jill.
Yeah, uh, just one second.
Great news.
I just spoke to Amy at Breck,
and Amanda has been accepted!
She has?
Yes! I'm so excited,
and your father is thrilled.
You told him?
Jill: Of course. I told you.
People can't buy their way into
this school, Garrett.
This is a pretty big deal.
No, yeah, no... it's...
It's a big deal.
It's terrific.
Thank you, Jill.
You okay?
Then why don't you seem like it?
We're moving to New York
next week.
This doesn't come without
mixed emotions.
I just, I have to think
about Amanda.
You know, I have to put her
needs first.
Amanda will be happy
wherever she is,
as long as she's with you.
It's a good school she got in.
You know, it's one of the best.
And she's got all the history
with Jill...
It's the right decision.
You sure?
Listen, I won't be able to be
there for the wedding.
But I'd like to help out,
do anything I can before
I leave.
I'd like that.
Daddy, look!
I see it!
I named her after Mommy.
I remember.
Sarah the butterfly.
No matter how many times
I see it,
it's still a wonder.
I can't believe we pulled this off.
I can't either.
That was insane,
and this is lovely.
To our new friendship.
And partnership.
Really? After everything?
Why not?
You are like the perfect person.
It's so annoying.
I'll drink to that.
Well, here's to 1,501 butterflies.
I couldn't have done this
without you guys.
Well, don't forget me.
I mean, you couldn't have
done it without me
and my amazing skills with
a hammer and nails.
Yeah, you mean the one that
bashed your thumb?
Seriously, though.
This was a lot of fun,
so thank you for including
Amanda, and me.
Thank you.
You are so welcome sweetie.
You come back and visit me
anytime, okay?
I will. I'll miss you.
Larry: You've gotta try one of
these burgers.
Oh, um,
I'm-- I'm stuffed.
I'm taking a grilling class.
The cheese on the inside
of the burgers,
it melted when
I charbroiled them.
They're fantastic.
Uh, I'll take two.
Don't encourage him.
There you are, good man.
(cell phone chiming)
Oh, um... Our car is here.
What happened to your SUV?
I sold it.
This all happened so fast.
Safe trip.
Bye, Garrett.
See you.
Larry, how about I try
those burgers
next time I'm back in town?
You do that.
You take care, son.
Thanks. You too.
I'll walk you guys out.
Well, good luck at the wedding.
Thank you.
You know, I really wish that
I could be there.
I get it.
I'm really gonna miss you.
I'll miss you too, sweetheart.
Well, take care of yourself.
Yeah. You too.
You okay?
I'm fine.
I feel-- I feel bad about this.
I just feel like the timing
was off.
Don't feel bad.
And the timing was really good.
I feel great.
And I haven't felt great
in a really long while, so...
Well, I'm happy to hear that.
You know, I, uh...
I kinda wish Amanda was born
a month earlier.
That way we could have
spent a bit more time together.
That would have been May 10th?
Nah, we were booked up
that day.
Well, I guess we never would
have met, then.
It's funny how the world
works things out.
(cell phone ringing)
Hello? Oh.
Sweetie, don't you think
it's time that we let Sarah go?
Not yet! Emily said I could keep
her for a week.
Well, why don't you bring her
and your suitcase
over to the car?
I'll meet you over there.
Is that everything?
It's funny, I feel like I'm
forgetting something.
We'll have it shipped.
Come on, we're gonna miss
the flight.
So I got an interesting call.
Oh yeah? About what?
Well, the Bureau Chief
in Barcelona.
I'm not taking it, of course,
but it was interesting.
From this moment forward,
you will never be alone.
You will carry with you the love
of another person
giving you a completeness and
renewed likeness.
May your life together be
immersed in love...
How much longer?
Well, according to Rebecca's
itinerary, 18 seconds.
PASTOR: You have given
and received a ring
as a symbol of your promises.
By the power...
Okay, everybody.
Get ready.
Okay, now.
Okay, now!
Pastor: I pronounce you
husband and wife.
Family and friends,
over 1,500 butterflies
released into the wild.
(guests cheering)
You okay?
Yeah. We did it.
That's not what I meant.
I've never felt better.
How about now?
We forgot we have to let her go
with the others.
Oh my gosh, you're right!
She's our 1,501.
What are you...
We had a record to break,
didn't we?
Okay, sweetie,
time to let Sarah go.
Well, congratulations
on the record.
What happened?
Amanda's heart is here.
And I realized that mine is too.
So you're staying?
Well, I mean, somebody has to
expand that Flight House
now that you've hit
the big time.
And I want to be with you.
Funny how the world
works things out.
Well, I guess it's not
so complicated after all.