Fifth Patient, The (2007) Movie Script

Good morning!
Where am I?
Red Cross Hospital.
Red Cross?
Yes, you're lucky.
This is the best facility
Nakuru has to offer.
Nakuru ...
Africa ...
- What the hell am I doing here?
- Good question!
What anyone could want
do in Nakuru is an enigma.
Why are you here?
Working with diamonds.
Unfortunately my appendix
has now decided that he wanted to become infected.
Bad luck, I guess.
Why are you here?
I wonder.
What is your name?
You do not remember
your name?
- John ...
- John No one, perhaps ...
Nicholas ...
John Reilly.
You should talk to a doctor.
Where is the doctor?
- John.
- Yes ..
How are you feeling?
Shit, how do you think
I'm feeling?
Who's there?
I'm Dr. Stevenson.
Just look for the light.
I have some
questions, okay?
What is this?
A house.
Sure. Who lives in the house?
We, the first thing that comes up
the head. Who lives in the house?
Mama Bear, Papa Bear,
a small bear, whatever.
Who lives in the house?
- A family.
- What family?
- A man, a woman and a child.
- A child? What child?
A little girl.
What is this?
An airplane.
A plane? What kind of plane, John?
De .. combat.
- This is a ... pistol.
- What kind?
- Magnum ...
- What does it do?
- Throw bullets.
- Why did she shoot bullets, John?
Because forest.
What happened?
I do not remember
too much.
I remember a jeep.
Was brought here 2 days ago
unconscious with a head trauma.
I think the locals thought it was a
American rich and brought him here.
I can see the pictures again?
It would be useful. First
impressions are the most important.
- Please.
- No need to see them again, John.
- Do not make a difference.
- Can I please see them again?
Unfortunately, you had no
identification when it was brought.
- It's not a weapon.
- Do not worry about it.
Delusions often accompany
the trauma you suffered.
Once things babbled in English
they have appointed to me.
The "face" English.
- The "face" English?
- Yes, Oxford.
Stupid enough
to volunteer for 6 months.
And the nurse will come soon
to give you some painkillers.
- Thank you.
- Take them.
And if you remember
anything else ...
I suggest that you write, okay?
- When can I leave?
- Where to go?
What you ...
What are you doing to me?
Where are you taking me ...
Where are you taking me?
What is your name?
John Reilly ...
What is yours?
I'm asking the questions here.
What are you doing in Nakuru?
I suffered a ... car accident ...
I do not remember ...
Who do you work?
I. .. I do not remember ...
This is really
convenient, is not it?
Planes, jeeps, weapons ...
That's what you do?
- What do you want from me?
- I want to know who sent it.
- CIA?
- What?
No. .. wait ... I. ..
I want to talk to someone
U.S. embassy.
Take note of that.
I suffered a head trauma.
I have no identification.
This is not true.
It says here that you
Nicholas is Hanshick.
And it says here that you came
for a Safari.
I say you're a spy.
The government of Nakuru
not like spies.
Especially Americans
pretending to be tourists.
I do not know what you're talking about.
Americans are bad spies.
So indoctrinated by their own culture
that can never mix with the other.
You'll never get
their intent.
I am not a spy.
You will stay here.
Under our supervision, to
remember who you are. Understand me?
John ... Nicholas, Reilly, Hanshick,
or whatever his name.
Yes ..
If you change your mind, tell someone
to speak with Captain Mugambe.
Talk to me.
Only me.
Name of parents ...
You play baseball
with your friends?
Nothing specific.
Who cares?
Just want to let me out of here.
I understand Mr. Reilly, but the
Department of State ...
has nothing on you
I must have come to the country
with a U.S. passport.
Well, this is possible, but
we have no record
you never have
been entered in Nakuru.
What about my identity?
The driver's license
Nicholas is Hanshick.
She ... It is fake.
Look, you gotta help me.
I am an American.
See, we have no proof of this e. ..
given the current state of relations
with the U.S. government Nakuru
I fear that there is very little
we can do.
I. .. sorry.
- Thanks for coming.
- Well, it's the least I could do.
I know.
They are saying I am a spy.
Say I ...
work for the CIA.
Well, today they find
that every American is a spy.
If you remember
something ... Specific ...
Please do not hesitate to call me.
Do not get angry. Ambassador
India would have told me the same thing.
So sad ... alas ...
you're dead.
Sorry if not
I find this amusing, but ...
- I have to leave.
- You do not have an identity?
- You searched on their clothes?
- What clothes? They took everything.
And in their shoes?
What shoes?
Oh, sorry. His boots.
That is all that will
do with you.
You like it?
You okay?
Yes .. I'm fine.
Sorry ...
"Unnamed" ...
This is what they will do
with you ... like this?
- What are you doing?
- Just ...
Let me go, I know nothing ...
Relax, John. Am here
to take their bandages.
Will be able to see better.
What is he doing here?
Mugambe want to take your picture.
- Okay.
- Right.
Let's take a look now.
Can go now.
Is everything okay?
Listen ...
has anyone here who wants to see it.
He says he is his brother.
It does not look or
a little with you.
Yes, I want to see it.
Well, he's your brother?
I need to see it first.
Well, not so easy to put
someone in here.
Well, can not do it
- Not in my position, I'm sorry.
- Wait, I ...
Can at least take
a message for him?
Okay ... tell him ...
Look, I can not wait here all day.
Think about it, okay?
- Say that I have a brother.
- Are you sure?
If he is my brother,
will find a way.
If not, let go.
Good morning!
- Hey, what happened here?
- I tried to go to the bathroom but ...
I decided to rest on the floor
first ... face.
That's why we use the urinal, sir.
Urine inside. See?
- Yes, I understand the concept.
- Breakfast.
Here. Take this.
Sorry. Gotta
I certify that the take.
It is the policy of the hospital.
If you need more
something, let me know.
Good morning, sir.
- Thank you.
- Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Breakfast in bed.
What are you reading?
You okay?
Yes It's just that ...
John, how are you?
Who's there?
How are you?
You're my brother?
You said he had no brother ...
but we were brothers, remember?
Brothers in arms.
I remember you.
Well ..
I'll try to get him out,
but will not be easy.
They said I
work for the CIA.
This is not true.
Pay no attention to Mugambe
and hear ...
what Mugambe has to say,
because he does not know anything.
He would know if you were
the building of the CIA.
So what am I doing here?
You are here to
infiltrate Al Wasir.
Al Wasir?
It is a terrorist group
began in Bosnia ...
we bomb their base
a few days ago.
Unfortunately, we did not know
you were there.
Do you remember a plane?
Sorry, but you lose
two weeks
thought he was dead,
was how we got into this mess.
They keep me here?
We have a problem then ...
because no one will
venture for us.
Not after sustaining
the rebels, then ...
I need a reason
to get him out. If I could ...
If you remember anything
Wasir thing about Al ...
or where the threat
nuclear, John, tell me now.
Why not get them the help
unless you become valuable.
As in Libya in 1997 ...
Forget ... to go.
How can I talk to
you again?
Here is something to
keep you busy.
Place the jack face
out the window.
What is your name?
You heard what the nurse
just tell me?
What nurse?
That he was here.
Had no nurse here.
The man who was here in
a nurse's uniform.
Yes, a white man.
A man, white and nurses?
I think not.
He looked like Jesus?
They are the drugs talking.
Are you kidding me?
What he said, that
white nurse?
I can not tell you.
Can you help me out here?
What is happening? / i
Hey, what's going on? / i
Where is he? / i
I do not understand.
Where? Where is he? / I
Oh, he? He jumped out the window.
Where is he?
I do not know.
Flew away, perhaps.
Where is he?
You are down there.
This is what they will do
with you ... like this?
You called me?
What happened to you?
Not always be so easy.
I was ...
I was in contact with ...
russian guy?
What's his name?
I do not remember ...
Red face ...
I'll try to find out.
But you do not know ...
I do not know and should not know.
You know or not know?
You know how ...
If you know ...
Say you need to talk to him.
This is impossible.
Want to know about Al Wasir?
You know where he is?
Yes .. He Wasir Al, himself.
Not so easy.
I have things in my head,
vague memories, it is not clear.
The Russian may help
clarify my memory.
I'll see what I can do.
Do it.
I do not speak French, but ...
Take me to Mugambe.
I'm glad you
changed his mind.
I need to see someone, a Russian.
Not realize desires, my friend.
If you get me this meeting,
I can give you useful information.
I already have them.
I tidy agent
CIA truth.
Why do you betray?
I do not like their health plan.
No thanks.
No meetings, no favors.
Come back when you have useful information.
Until then, you are still my prisoner.
Khodorov, this is his name.
How do you know?
Not remember how,
only know his name.
How do you know?
I do not remember.
I do not believe you.
Even without memory?
I still need to find it.
Everyone has a weakness.
Why waste time?
Come back when I can
deliver the CIA spy.
Take him away.
Wait a minute.
You're making a mistake.
I can give Al Wasir.
What is the connection
between Al and Wasir Khodorov?
I do not know ...
but if you stop and threaten to burn me,
maybe I can find.
You are a brave man,
but not like my chances.
I know, I know I know.
If you can meet him ...
I remember no more.
You're playing with fire.
I know.
- Well, not so bad.
- Yeah.
- Listen, can you get me out?
- You can take me out?
- What happened to your leg?
- Land mine.
- Sorry.
- No need. I took that war.
I did not come here to help
with your burning.
- So why?
- Is anybody here to see it.
- What will you tell him?
- What are we going to the extra room.
- What's down there?
- More hospital.
- My God, you lost so much weight!
- Yeah, I think so.
How are you?
Not very well, I ...
I do not remember anything.
Will be alright. I'm here now.
- I paid a staff to get you out.
- Is that ...
I know, I know.
It's so good to see you.
Come here.
I had a head trauma.
I do not remember anything.
Remember me?
I'm sorry.
Let us take you back
to the United States.
And we will get you
the best doctors.
- I remember a house. A home.
- That's good.
- It's a start.
- And then something terrible happened e. ..
You had an accident, dear.
We had children?
We've always wanted children.
We have them now, I promise.
- It's okay.
- It's not safe here, okay?
- You have to go.
- Okay.
Hello, my friend.
- How you treated today?
- As an enemy lost over time.
You know what? You and I have
similar goals.
I myself did not realize that
was trying to be a jerk.
American Humor.
What is its purpose?
Stay alive?
And it was not "American humor."
- You want peace and stability, right?
- Sure, why not?
Americans are so naive.
I am a realist.
I know that sometimes, bad things are
be made in favor of the greater good.
And you can help me.
- How?
- Come take a look.
I have a surprise for you.
Sorry. He was caught
last week and questioned.
Son of a sickly mother.
This is Nakuru, my friend. Better to have
some kind of order than anarchy.
Your friend there is an anarchist,
teaching all manner of militias to fight.
And then use them. All for greed.
We can not afford it, can we?
He says he does not know John Reilly.
Should I wait until he sees it?
Put me in there. As
I had also questioned.
Little devil.
Very good.
Hold on. Punch me, first.
Of course.
It's even better if I do.
Of course.
That was good.
Just in case.
What are you doing here?
The same as you.
I said that they would get it.
Seriously hurt my head.
I lost my memory.
It's brilliant!
- Do not say I believed in you?
- It's true.
God, only you could
invent this story.
If you do not tell me
we did together,
perform us.
You are here to kill me?
So whose idea was it
put you with me?
I will answer this,
if you tell me what
did together.
We did not do anything together.
People said you
working for Al Wasir.
But did not believe it at first.
Why not?
Because you are not
an ideological extremist.
Say now, whose idea was it?
I dont know.
We argued about politics?
No, you've always been very
careful, checked everything twice.
Working only at night.
Told me to be very careful.
Seeing all those women,
you said that they were
CIA spies.
Do you think I was with the CIA?
- For Americans?
- Yes
No, you hated them.
Said they
murdered her family.
They killed my family.
It's my turn!
Whose idea was it?
No, it was mine.
Was Mugambe idea, right?
No, it was mine. Needed to talk
with you. Needed information.
So you lost your wits.
Go to hell.
Tell me who
killed my family.
No idea.
No, I think it does.
I think you know.
- He said he would not talk.
- What? Tell me.
- The secret.
- What secret?
You sold me! You and Biran!
I would not sell
nuclear triggers.
I sold those shits
and was captured.
You sold us to Biran.
Already said too much.
Not work for Biran!
Shut up!
Have you ever been an idiot!
Should have done
so long ago.
You killed him.
You're very perceptive.
Do not want to end up like him,
I suggest you start telling the truth.
I do not know what
he was talking about.
Did not know you had
worked for Biran.
Not even know who the Biran.
Everyone knows who he is.
He is rich and too powerful to not
know but are afraid to talk.
Not even remember any of it.
Too bad your ...
It is the only warning I will give you.
Look, leaving here soon, right?
Not want to get into trouble.
Just know that put bars
the windows and another guard.
Where is Apu?
She was discharged today.
Whatever was done
I wish you luck.
The Apu left it for you.
THEY ARE Drug you.
Here, take these.
John? / i
John, what the hell did you do? / i
I'm starting to remember.
Good, but it's getting worse. / i
I know.
Where is Al Wasir? / i
I'm working on it.
I need to meet Biran.
Say you want Hanshick
meet with him.
Why would he? / i
Tom .. Tom, I killed Khodorov.
Even if I can
he finds it .../ i
How do I get him
your room? / i
You give a way.
The only man I know
that can give a way .../ i
is a bed in a hospital. / i
Trying to rebuild his memory. / i
Then do what I do.
And what would that be? / i
Use lies to manipulate.
Oh, I'm glad to see
that is improving. / i
If you do not take me
Biran to soon ...
can tell
Mugambe all I know.
Are you threatening me, John? / i
I lie and manipulate.
Hello, how are you?
I spoke with the ambassador, he
is finally working for us.
Is even, is it?
Why did you lie to me?
Do not lie to you.
My wife and my daughter
are dead, are not they?
I never had a daughter, John.
Never lie to me.
Stop, John!
Who do you work?
If I take your blouse,
you'll cry?
No. ..
And if I find a small tattoo
of an eagle in his right shoulder?
You remember.
Where is it?
I did surgery to
remove, do not you?
We both did.
Before the fieldwork.
That's where we met.
I do not remember any of it.
What can I do to
you trust me?
That's what you gonna do?
Is this what you want?
I love you.
What are you doing?
What do you think?
Not here.
Why not?
He can see us.
He will not see anything,
is in a coma.
It is very dangerous.
I must go.
Yeah, you should go, Helen.
Feel they were not
paying you enough?
I'm doing everything
I can to get him out.
You're doing everything
which can for his country.
Hi, John.
I was asked to escort him.
- Where?
- For a meeting.
- A meeting?
- Yes, with your lawyer.
- My lawyer?
- Yes Your lawyer Edward Biran.
Mugambe is distracted.
We had to ask a large
Please get to this meeting.
So do worthwhile.
How did he get here?
He is well connected and successful and
does business throughout the world.
That's him. Now go.
It ... very exposed.
It .. well in open space.
See it there?
Is our man.
Now go!
I'm glad to see he's alive.
And better, sir.
I wanted to talk to me?
Yes Why did you come?
You asked me.
I am an educated man.
You did not get the message?
You told me once
would need my help.
And I would call.
So here I am.
I lost my memory in an accident.
Knowing you, I would say
planned for it to be so.
Why? Why would I do that?
I do not know.
Can you tell me who I am?
I can not.
You told me not to tell.
So ... we work
together, right?
You can say that.
People who are behind me Iran
kill him, if not tell me what you know ...
I've lived enough.
Moreover, I have life insurance,
a safe well-armed.
And if I pay extra, they take you
the tribe of them ... and devour you.
They said you were cruel ...
- What did they say?
- They said you were smart.
We must be cautious in Nakuru.
Possibly ...
You first need to "anticipate the moves." / I
I do not speak French.
But you understand it all, right? / i
I understand everything. / i
Why do you understand.
I'm sorry if ... things do
are going as you thought it would ...
What can you tell me?
You're not who they want
you think it is.
- Who are "they"?
- There is only one "they" ...
- The CIA?
- They are all working together.
The CIA, the Mugambe ...
- Why?
- Want to know what's in your head.
- You know what's in my head?
- Only one party.
But you will know soon.
My family still alive?
- What happened to them?
- You want to forget it.
Now I want to know.
They were killed ... I put this
a path of destruction ...
You must tell me more.
There are many eyes watching,
many ears listening.
- That's all he told me to say.
- No.
- The meeting ended.
- No!
Goodbye, sir.
I was happy to serve you.
- Who is Al Wasir?
- It's what they want to know.
Goodbye, sir.
Who is out there? / i
What's happening? / i
Sorry. I just ...
I was thinking ...
Good night. / i
NAME: John Reilly
You disappoint me.
Trying to flee, beating guards.
Not your style.
Also, where would.
- You kill me?
- Can.
What are you doing?
- Thinking.
- In that case, maybe I should kill him.
Pity. Because I could not tell you
being used by the CIA.
- What are you talking about?
- I am John Reilly and you know it.
Tell me what you know.
There's an American there. His name
is John Reilly. It's me and you know.
Then you are Nicholas
Hanshick, right?
- Very smart.
- I just want to be honest.
You can do more than that.
You are praising me?
Do not think I'm so stupid that
I realize that is using my vanity.
The man has to do
fulfill his destiny.
Now, tell me who you are.
I was working with an active
CIA to connect it to the network of Al Wasir.
- Why?
- A criminal offense by his government terrorism
to have an excuse
to support the rebels again.
And how is the name
asset of the CIA?
Vince Callow.
Smart. It's amazing how people
invent when threatened with death.
If you think I
lying, kill me.
There was a leader. What track
for the real Al Wasir?
Al Wasir is a myth.
A role played by people
at different times,
Callow is if I know where
and I can give it to you
in exchange for my freedom.
- Now talking trash.
- Well
Do. Kill me.
But while doing this, Callow is
fleeing, leaving the country, there will be a ...
... I would say you are very smart
for a man who lost his memory.
Lying to me?
No, I'm offering you a deal.
A CIA agent as a bonus
and the exposure of Al Wasir.
What do you say?
How could I know if I
keep my part of the bargain?
Need me to tell
the truth, to testify.
It has nothing to lose.
- So trust me?
- Not paying.
- I have one more condition.
- What is it?
Mr. Biruni says that if you want to leave,
he takes care of that.
This is your man?
- Not sure.
- What? You said you found it.
Yes, once. I need to get
closer. Talk to him. I do not know ...
This was not our agreement.
Hold on.
Okay. Go talk to him.
I need a gun.
You do not expect me
may give you a gun ...
Look, when he finds out
I betrayed you, kill me.
I have my men
watching this place.
Yes? Did you check for
Of course I checked.
He is an assassin for the CIA.
It'll be over before his men
even raise their rifles.
I highly doubt it.
Give me a gun. No bullets.
This is wrong.
I need you to
tell some things.
First tell me what
you know, as promised.
You said you remembered everything.
Now, where is Al Wasir?
What happened
with my family?
This is bigger than you think.
Where are the nuclear trigger?
Do not lie to me.
He knew that his wife was here
and she is not helping things.
She is your agent?
- His wife came on their own.
- It's not my wife and you know it.
She is your agent?
If you know everything, then
should know who she is.
What happened
with my family?
Are you crazy?
What happened
with my family?
Were killed, right?
- I need to know where Al is Wasir.
- Who killed them?
I do not know.
So shoot me if you want.
But no, that's all your fault.
You are alone in this.
What did you do?
You come with us.
No, wait. You got
the wrong guy.
This is the guy you
're looking for.
Right here.
He is Al Wasir.
He's lying.
No one knows how Al Wasir ...
except that it is in Bosnia
and educated in Europe.
I'm American.
The name on his identity,
Nicholas Hanshick is Bosnian.
He was injured when I was
in his camp.
I was working for you.
You never worked for us.
John Reilly worked for us!
He's lying.
You do not even know who you are.
You do not know what kind
monster you are.
His family was killed by a
Allied bomb in Sarajevo
and since you have been in
personal crusade against the U.S..
You are responsible for
death of hundreds of people.
I've been tracking for years.
If this is true
it killed me yet?
Because you are not sure.
I'm sure.
I'm sure now.
Only a terrorist with a brilliant mind
could put us against each other.
Khodorov, I, you ...
This man is the devil.
Can I deliver
Al Wasir true.
You are the real Al Wasir.
Kill us.
Do not do it. He's lying.
You come with me.
Do not do it. He is a monster.
He is a monster. Do not let it go.
Come. Get in there. Fast.
I'll get you out, sir,
but they can not see you.
Sorry, sir.
But I have to do it.
It was a pleasure to work
you, Mr. Al Wasir.
We need to find. / i
Instead of always. / i
I prefer grinding my own coffee.
It's much better that way.
Of course, the coffee bean
not edible
but the cultivation and
Pressure roasting
can extract its
unique flavor.
Coffee originated in Africa.
This is my planting there.
We, the Arabs, have developed.
Today is one of the goods
most actively traded in the world.
Second only to oil.
Europeans add milk and cream ...
but I prefer the original
Turkish coffee, the better.
The problem is that must be baked
right way, you should not burn it.
As you can see, the work
hundreds of men ...
for many years and at the end is
just a question of timing.
Where are the nuclear trigger?
The transaction is in progress.
I need the money.
Where are the nuclear trigger?
Is not how we operate.
- Then you need to change.
- I disagree.
I want you to know that
matter what happens to you,
're like a son to me.
- I'm sorry.
- What did you do?
If you could choose again.
Who would you be?
Remember what I told you.
You are not what they
want you to think it is.
You got it.
What are you talking about?
- John, you're at home.
- I'm not at home.
You are the perfect spy.
That they think
is one of them.
You're the only spy in the world
to believe his own legend.
What is this?
When he began having doubts?
I have no doubt.
How long?
Three weeks?
Maybe four?
Think ...
No one knew how the Al Wasir was.
As far as we knew,
might even be more than one.
And you were perfect.
All we had to do,
was to convince one of us
that he was Al Wasir
and infiltrate it.
This is impossible.
You know it's true.
You will remember better now.
Your system is clean,
without the effect of drugs.
Do not shoot! Do not shoot!
Nobody shoots!
- John, let me show you something.
- Show me what?
Here. Relax.
It's okay.
Are you ready?
Where am I?
Naval Base, Kuwait City.
This is impossible.
All we had to do was
convince him that it was Al Wasir, John.
My family?
They died, John.
Were killed by Al Wasir
the bombing of the embassy.
John, why not give me the gun?
You do not need it here.
- John, no! No!
- Do not do it.
Not worth it.
Last time I gave you
ears, you betrayed me.
There is reason to kill.
I think you need to look at it.
I, John Reilly,
will be "reprogrammed" as a
undercover agent of the United States.
I understand that drugs
mind-altering, and
techniques for changing the
personality, will be used.
I know, that I
infiltrate the Department of Defense may
be unable to recover.
Ah, yes ...
If you
watching this tape, so ...
we succeeded in seep as
Al Wasir. I know it sounds crazy but ...
Do you remember any of these things?
Should have remembered.
Where is the real Al Wasir?
We got him in
Beirut, remember?
You thought we had achieved.
But the memories are not gone.
They kept coming back.
You agreed to be
Then he signed some papers
and went to Africa for a while.
To assemble your "disguise".
Nicholas Hanshick.
The man who would become Al Wasir.
Our Al Wasir.
Experience created some
important memories for you.
We even had the Biran and the use
later to infiltrate you.
So what?
Then we'll we hit on the head.
I did.
Then you induced to raves.
And I brought her here.
And there you were.
Out of memory. Abandoned
a hospital in Nakuru.
Ready to become Al Wasir.
- It will take a while to readjust.
- No time.
Triggers are here.
There will be a change in 5 days.
We need you.
If you play on the floor.
- Al Wasir.
- Get out of here.
- Triggers ...
- Go. Get out of here.
Scared me for a moment there.
They need to know
I am not a traitor.
You are a hero.
Your case will be studied at the Academy
for years. What more can you ask for?
I wanted to forget.
I'm not
the type that forgets.
I do not forget.
And I do not forgive.