Film Socialisme (Socialism) (2010) Movie Script

Money is a common good.
- Like water.
Algiers the White
As Mireille Balin
gives up Pp le Moko
And as we have, once
again, given up Africa
Constance, there is nothing
else you could have done.
It's well known that
when one goes south
the latitude becomes negative
and all that remains is the North,
precious soul, precious friend.
You still have the watch.
Done with the crimes and
the blood. Done with Kigali.
Long live the holidays.
Uncle Mathias, why did you
say this watch is worth gold?
It doesn't even show the time.
Henri Dricourt...
wait a second, yes I know.
But Richard Christmann...
I don't know.
I know, the fire... but doesn't
matter... it's him, it's him.
Alright... war is war, but
a crime remains a crime.
Please keep looking for Alice.
Two "M", only one "N".
We're far from Byzance, you know.
What lies ahead is an
impossible history.
We're facing a kind of zero.
I have once encountered
and it is much more immense
than one tends to believe.
Jaffa, 1948
you know that we are living
in a material world
You're completely right,
I don't love any nation.
Not the French, not the North
Americans, not the Germans.
Not the Jewish nation,
not the Black nation.
With their slanted eyes
I only love my friends.
Where did you
steal this watch?
It's not your business.
Give it to me,
or I will denounce you.
No, it is mine.
Oh, you speak German?
You will be useful, my boy.
Yes, but... how much?
And you have studied, too.
What a great find, this Ludovic.
Who told you my first name?
I know everything.
Mr. Obersturmbannfhrer Goldberg
what did you do in
Avenue Foch, 1943?
Leave me alone, horrible kid.
All movement on a plain surface that
is not driven by physical necessity
is a spatial affirmation of oneself
be it building an
Empire, or tourism.
Everyone can do something
so that there is no God.
But what has changed today
is that the assholes are sincere.
Stop being suspicious
of everything.
I'm thinking about what
Ludovic has told us.
Alright... what, for example?
The old man with the young girl.
I have seen them
speak to the Captain.
Alright... and so?
So, the name of the largest
shareholder of the company
Mountain of Gold
Yes... it's the name
of the old man.
Abandon ship, abandon
ship, abandon ship!
Quiet, Alissa, quiet!
Meow is how the ancient
Egyptians called their cats.
You trouble me with
each of your words.
Be silent, Alissa.
Waves of Allied bombers destroy
the Third Reich under their bombs
The Luftwaffe tries to
regain their advantage
by means of a terrifying
new strategy.
The German pilots will crash their
own planes into the enemy bombers.
Ach, Germany.
Did you know that
kamikaze, in Japanese
means divinity of the wind?
- Of course.
Major Kamenskaia. I am a friend of
your godmother, Alexandra Irinivna.
Yes, exactly, the old
chief of the Moscow Police.
I have read a number of books...
I have read a number of books
on what she has written.
So... I think that we should talk.
And you think you
will stay in Haifa?
I will see.
They say there's a right to return.
For me it would be... to get away.
In Stanford, what are
you studying, exactly?
I'm directing a seminar. Monetary
creation and literary creation.
You see, still today, they're
asking themselves, in Moscow...
The Spanish Civil War
The Republicans
tell the Comintern
to evacuate the gold
of the Bank of Spain.
The France-Navigation
company, exactly.
When they reach Odessa, one third,
one fourth has disappeared.
And another third in Moscow.
Regarding the first third,
I have my idea.
For the last third
you would have to dig deep
into the communist archives.
Art... and the knife.
War. So it's...
You want to hear my opinion?
AIDS is just an instrument
to kill the black continent.
Why is there light?
Because there is darkness.
Money was invented
so that the people wouldn't have
to look each other in the eye.
So, we're back to zero, my friend.
Fortunately, the Arabs
have invented it.
We don't even pay them
for their copyright.
Negative numbers were
invented in India.
They made some in Arabia,
before setting out for Italy.
Fibonacci has used them first.
When the British left Israel
what exactly did you do with the
gold of the Bank of Palestine?
One always says that one can only
compare what is comparable.
In fact, one can only compare what
is incomparable to the incomparable.
It's over, all that.
Your comedy is pointless.
Enough, stop.
Me too, I have learned to
collaborate with the French.
See, I will teach you something.
It's Napoleon.
During the Fire of Moscow,
he signed the decree
for the creation of
the Comdie-Franaise.
I do not understand.
I do not understand.
To understand, Mr. Goldberg,
that is difficult.
I don't care about the Spanish gold
that you have made disappear.
I only have to find the rest.
There's no need to
fear Moscow anymore.
My only true mission,
Mr. Krewitzky...
Ah, what fortune.
My grandmother would say that
as a Yes and as a No.
I don't want to die
before I have seen
Europe happy again
before I have seen the word "Russia"
and the word "Happiness"
cling to each other again,
like two plaques of a belt.
God be with you.
Heil Hitler!
Naples, alright.
But Alexandria, Haifa, Odessa...
to get from Algiers to Barcelona?
One shall never...
- Silence is gold.
Istanbul, that's the Orient
or the Occident?
Lets go.
Once, in 1942, I have
encountered nothingness
and it is much more immense
than one tends to believe.
To be or not to be.
A jew.
Yes, I've been told...
my parents... but so what?
To tell is never enough.
Geometry as origin
The origin is always
what one returns to.
There has been, for decades,
especially in Mathematics
a return of Geometry.
The idea is not that Geometry
would return to its origin
but rather that we return
to Geometry, as origin
and participate in the
return of Geometry.
The poor things.
They have for themselves only
the name that we impose on them.
There's nothing more
convenient than a text.
We have only books
to put into books.
But what if we have to
put reality into a book?
And what if we have to
put reality into reality?
Geometry that is still valid, and
at the same time still improves.
Residing in all these
new forms... Geometry.
Husserl underlines the "la"
... la gomtrie.
In all new forms
... die Geometrie.
This I cannot accept.
I will address it tonight.
I have to work now.
Miss Alissa... Miss Alissa!
continued to speak, for
a while, with a low voice
so that the young girl
wouldn't hear them.
But this precaution
was unnecessary
they spoke to each other
with their thoughts.
insofar as all of these parts,
or a sum of these parts
at a given moment denies, insofar
as each part contains the sum
the part that we consider,
insofar as this part denies
insofar as the sum of these parts,
re-becoming collectively
becomes the collectivity of
these parts joined together
dialectical thought is quite simply
a way of using analytical thought
insofar as it is part of a whole,
insofar as it denies this whole
insofar as the whole includes it,
conditions it and denies it
insofar as, by consequence, it
is both positive and negative
with regards to the whole,
insofar as its movement
must be destructive and preserving
with regards to the whole
Listen... after the reception
of Daguerre by Agaro
at the Academy of the Sciences,
a mostly British armada
even though long before the
Declaration of Lord Balfour
rushed towards Palestine.
This is one of the first
photographs of the Bay of Haifa.
So... Otto Goldberg, Leopold
Krewitzky, and even Moishe Schmcke
according to their passports.
But one pronounces
Richard Christmann...
The French knew him well
since he was working
for the German counter-espionage,
and for their own.
He begins in the
Foreign Legion in Spain
then joins networks of the
Rsistance in occupied Paris
on behalf of the Abwehr.
After the defeat of the Germans,
he still belongs to the rest
of the Organisation Gehlen
... the Algerian FLN
and finally Tunis, representative
of Bayer and Rhne-Poulenc.
Multiple assassination attempts.
Acquitted twice.
Like Henri Dricourt.
Like Henri Dricourt.
No, that's another story.
War criminal, maybe not.
But you know...
Alice Simone
How do you know?
The book by Roger Faligot
The archives of the NKWD
That would explain why only
two thirds of the Spanish gold
made it to Odessa
but not why also Moscow
would only receive one third.
The Group du muse de l'Homme.
Germaine Tillon...
Mind borrows from matter perceptions
from which it derives its nourishment
Mind borrows from matter perceptions
from which it derives its nourishment
Mind borrows from matter perceptions
from which it derives its nourishment
Mind borrows from matter perceptions
from which it derives its nourishment
and gives them back to it
in the form of movement
on which it has
impressed its liberty.
Have you heard, they have
abolished the fiscal paradises.
What are we going to do?
Well... we will rest in hell.
Italy has concerned us a bit too
much in the last two thousand years
for the French, painting is Italy
all our journeys take place in
Italy, it's Italian museums
while German Renaissance painting
is for me extremely impressing
Thank you for your advice.
So... you're going to do something.
You know, all these
failed resolutions...
The United Nations are
rather disunited since 48.
Never mind the crime...
My friends, I have
found the black box.
This is why Hollywood was
called the Mecca of cinema.
The tomb of the prophet
All eyes in the same direction
The cinema hall
Yes, but... a strange thing is that
Hollywood was invented by the Jews.
Adolf Zucker, William Fox,
David Selznick
Samuel Goldwyn, Marcus Loew,
Karl Laemmle, etcetera
Life is beautiful, you will see
how in spite of sorrow
you will have friends,
you will have love
you will have friends
Is there a single act in the world
of which I could still claim today
that I have done it?
My business, the garage
Catherine wants to sell it.
Her friend wants to buy it.
They know it. I don't.
I know bookkeeping, yes.
France is facing today the
largest risk in its history.
One has to know how to say "We"
Before one can say "I"
A drama that we debate, in
the hope that we can end it.
A tragedy? Not at all.
Everything remains neat.
Everything remains among us.
We ignore each other.
Wars everywhere, for
the last fifty years.
We see ourselves in war
like in a mirror.
One can buy time.
It needs courage
in order to think.
Love your neighbor?
You would have to
love yourself enough
to not do bad
to your neighbor.
Today that becomes impossible.
If you follow the law
or if you break it...
Don't say all this, dad.
And I ask you:
Why don't you love us?
Ideas separate us.
But dreams bring us closer...
No, nightmares.
Because there's love and pride
in the blood of the father...
and thus hate.
So what have you found today
to piss us off?
I love my brother, first of all.
We've just debated brotherhood.
And liberty.
- Liberty, before.
And once the hour of equality comes
I will speak to you of shit.
Okay, Flo.
But why don't you love us?
Excuse me, Miss...
Excuse me? Miss, hello..
We want to go to the Cote d'Azur.
Is this the right direction?
Are we on the right way
to the Cote d'Azur?
Straight? Left? Right?
Unbelievable. Scheiss French!
- Scheiss France!
Ach, Germany.
Go, mother...
Go, mom...
Yes. To keep space and
time intact, I have lied.
I neglect to live them.
That's a bit unfair.
That's a bit unfair.
But for me, that seems
to be the way I do it.
I always think that I'm elsewhere
- Forget it.
I always think that I'm elsewhere
- Forget it.
and that no particular moment has
any importance. - Forget it.
Nothing else?
There's a figure, the mother.
For her, it doesn't matter
if she has a life at all.
If one considers the fact to
have a life as a fact by itself.
She will never ask herself,
not once, if she is still alive.
She will never have the idea
to just ask herself
why and how she exists.
After all, she is not aware
that she is this figure
because she is never,
not for a single moment
separated from her role.
She doesn't know that she has one.
The blood of the mother,
full of hate...
loves and remains.
Is this Garage Martin?
Is this Garage Martin?
Is this Garage Martin?
Is this Garage Martin?
Flo, what do we have to tell them?
We don't speak to people
who use the verb "to be".
Are you working here?
Yes, but I don't have a contract.
Lets speak to your parents.
I'm leaving.
I'll return to the Midi.
And our comrades?
And our comrades?
It will be them who decide.
They will come.
It's for the elections.
I'm filming...
- Forget, my dear, forget.
We have an appointment with them.
- Forget it, madam.
Only two or three minutes
for a declaration.
Who will present it?
- But forget it, forget it.
But your parents have
made an appointment.
What parents?
- We're not making this up.
No, he wanted to say:
What kind of parents?
Mr. and Mrs. Martin,
they are not your parents?
Please don't use the verb "to be".
I don't understand anything at all.
So? - They're not picking up.
- Give it to me.
It's not surprising that
they all have mobiles
to say that they
are not there.
Excuse me... to say
that they have no time.
They really seem to
have a problem...
Finally... use the verb "to have".
Everything will be
better in France.
Did you find that
in Balzac, Flo?
Florine. If you make fun
of Balzac, I will kill you.
Please, Mr... two or three
short questions. - No.
Please, two questions. - No.
One and a half hours late.
Had this project been carried out
the way it was initially planned
it would have, without a doubt,
given France a lasting advantage
with regards to the
digitization of books.
But it's failing dramatically.
Mr... do you want
me to wait for you?
No... you will pick up
the Prince at the airport
and then return to the office.
So... the presidency
"la", not "le"
We'll see.
- It's been seen.
Nothing at all. And our convention?
It's the 4th of August today.
Flo is right.
We'll have to wait a bit.
The show is at 7 pm. We will
still have to do some editing.
Ten minutes.
I will take care of it.
Can I film
while we're waiting?
Nothing at all.
Why don't we present ourselves
at the elections? Florine and I.
Not mama or papa.
They're dreaming. Children
don't have the right
to participate in elections,
not even on the regional level.
Yes, yes, yes... but children
are part of the people.
And it exists, the
will of the people.
We have paid 30% of France's debt.
Because you've grown old.
Exactly the sum of profit
that the insurance companies
make of the debt.
And the beautiful dress,
can I film it?
Yes, why not.
I'm listening.
Today it's not so good.
I had forgotten that.
They're both born
on the same day.
On every birthday
Jean-Jacques and me
we'll accept a debate with them,
based on democratic principles.
And it's them who direct it?
More of less. We have
signed a convention.
But that's great.
We have to film that.
We're working at night.
We're doing what we can.
We're giving what we have.
How long is this going to take?
- 24 hours. It's their right.
So either you wait, or
you come back tomorrow.
We're waiting.
We're waiting.
I will borrow Catherine's car
and I will be back in a bit.
We have to take care
of the Garage.
Oh shit.
Be careful, mom.
Yes... all of you...
I'm able to mess you up.
I will also attack the sun
if one day it attacks me.
I do not have my
heart in my mouth.
Ah? Are we moving
to America now?
No, to England.
Exactly 400 years ago.
Her heart is not in her mouth.
Well, okay. But now,
do you love us or not?
When I speak to myself
I speak the words of someone else
that I speak to myself.
When one hears one's own voice
... where's that from?
No, dad... from here.
- Yes. So?
I'll check the TV.
- No, mom... stay.
The other is oneself.
Oneself is in the other.
And these are the three figures.
- We are four.
There's the law. But you have
rights. At least say it.
We're entering an age
the digital age
where for various reasons
mankind will face problems
that won't offer the luxury
of expressing themselves.
With regards to the
garage, for example
there has to be a
redistribution of property.
One has to say it.
The revolution...
St. Augustin
I count as my friends
those who disapprove of my actions
but not of my existence.
I'm still smiling
but there hasn't been a
reason, for a long time.
My words enter...
They make a mess.
I stay like this.
I've had enough.
Language enters...
The mouth shuts up. It has to
form a straight line now.
It's done.
I've made the image.
Almost all, mathematics,
There are almost as many
as there are numbers.
I don't understand...
why television?
Today, the nervous system
becomes a natural resource.
So in my humble opinion,
Africa is once more out of luck.
But has not become history.
One used to think that.
It doesn't change the fact that
there will always be assholes.
But what is different today
is that the assholes are sincere.
They believe sincerely
in Europe, exactly.
Europe used to be
a German musician...
a French writer...
the Italian singers...
Ah yes...
The Marriage of Figaro
Yes, Sir!
What we're doing is pathetic.
We're distributing,
but we should be producing.
We'd know how do it.
Now, with these people here,
I'll try to produce something.
Don't you think so?
She hasn't given you the
sandwich, Flo? Flo, Flo?
Yes? Yes...
Yes, yes, 5 pm.
Do you think this
will take long?
It'll be soon.
As I said, I don't
have any control.
You've heard it. 5 pm.
It'll work out.
Jean-Jaques will leave you
some space? - I hope so.
Ask him if he has a program.
And the unions?
What are they saying?
We'll see. They'll say he's right,
but then they won't do anything.
Anyway, there's nothing to say.
To show, above all. To show
the possible. That's all.
What, for example?
Not by making it readable.
By showing it.
Do you want more power?
No power at all.
A society, not a state.
Excuse me, Florine,
I don't get it.
The dream of the State
is to be one.
The dream of the individual
is to be two.
Lets go, hurry up!
What is she talking?
Make up your mind about what it
is that you're struggling for
because you might well obtain it.
What's this story?
Be cautious, dad!
You're also wearing
a string, like mom?
Lucien! - But I'm curious.
To live or to tell...
We don't have a choice.
I'm going to tell...
Abolishment of all
individual privileges
There will only be
one common law
that applies universally
to everyone in France.
Nothing to obscure the relation
between the individual and the law.
I hate the dust that I am made of
and that speaks to you.
Bravo... Saint Just... 89
Les beaux corps de vingt ans
Madame... what are these countless
eyes that are watching at night?
Monsieur... all of a sudden,
all of sudden it takes me wonder.
There is no-one
but still I speak to you.
And you can hear me
since you are answering.
Monsieur... what are these images?
So free and yet locked up.
This enormous idea... where figures
pass, and where the colors shine...
Madame... it was space.
And space is dying.
One word, that's enough.
- I know...
Yes... you're full
of beauty, of power.
I can tell you too...
We don't love each other anymore.
The General Councils...
it's not simple.
There are no simple elections.
We'd need to have a program.
Yes, obviously... a program.
And do you have one?
To be twenty years old.
To be right.
To keep up hope. To be right.
Since your government is wrong.
To learn to see
before one learns to write.
It's great, no?
Oh dear... you never listen.
But still,
without her knowing
she had already taken
the decisive step
and was advancing
through an unknown country
outside the borders
of her ancient paradise.
Alone, as someone else
than this little girl.
The union of multiple voices...
Without fear.
prevents the progess
of one towards the other.
Stop the thief!
Stop the thief!
Has anyone seen my hat?
Hey, little white one...
you haven't seen anything?
Hey? - No, Miss.
I've seen you,
Hey, attention!
What are you doing?
I'm welcoming
an ancient landscape.
I'm welcoming
an ancient landscape.
Shit... that's a Renoir!
Yes, exactly.
It has seen beautiful
things, this animal.
And these two here,
that's you and your mother?
If anyone asks you,
just say that you don't know.
I can't make out the brand.
"Night and Day"
Le jour et la nuit.
It's fine,
I understand English.
It's from Egypt.
It was found in the tomb
of a pharaoh, at El Amarna.
But there are no hours,
there's nothing.
Yes, but there is time.
The night of time.
And the day, who decides?
- The watch itself.
Nothing moves.
Yes, because it's thinking.
If it takes too long
I shake off the dust.
And so?
What are you thinking?
And you?
Of your back.
That really interests you?
No comment.
That's enough!
and you will
see them again
yes, after the annulation
of the first elections
now the children
are waiting for
the decision of
the State Council
their father has a small
estate in the Midi
for the first elections
the decision of the
State Council was correct
Florine and Lucien
had kept their family name
the sovereignty of the people had
spoken, but without a clear pattern
this time, they got
with just their first names
so they are going to win
in the days of the Resistance,
not far from Toulouse
there was a small group,
part of the "Combat" movement
"the Martin family"
who had as their motto
liberate and federate
We know that gold powder from Sudan
together with egyptian slaves
constitutes the principal element
of trade in the Sahara.
But one doesn't see that this gold
has been for centuries
one of the decisive weapons
of western Islam.
Sun and death
never look at each other directly.
See... here...
two female gold diggers, in a
gathering of the Golden League.
So, the image... Historians
don't search, they find.
To shield all these
images from language
means to actually
make use of them
because they are
in the desert
and that's where one
has to look for them.
In 1839, Palestine welcomes
its first photographer.
The quadrature of the circle
had been accomplished
with the famous metaphor
x + 3 = 1
that Einstein had been
looking for all his life.
Clarity through obscurity
At the end of 1926
in Jerusalem
Gershom Scholem writes to
Franz Rosenzweig in Berlin
This country is a volcano.
And the day will come
when language
will turn itself against
those who speak it.
And this is why the
young girls love you
Take me for a walk,
make me run after you
The king invites me
into his chamber
A prisoner of love
And the second angel
poured out his vial upon the sea
and it became as the blood
of a dead man.
In his second course at the cole
libre des hautes tudes in New York
Roman Jakobson shows
during the winter of 1942/43
that is it impossible to separate
sound from meaning
and that only the concept of the
phoneme can solve this mystery.
To write for two voices
can only succeed
if the dissonances are announced
by a common note.
Tell me where the soldiers are
where have they lived on?
Tell me where the soldiers are
what has been done?
Tell me where the soldiers are
over gravestones wafts the wind
When will they ever see
when will they ever see?
The crusades, and the name
Jerusalem, explain many things.
If there was desire
for vengeance
the person to avenge
was Jesus Christ.
Odessa. The stairs, in
Russian, are feminine.
In my opinion, she's
talking nonsense.
But there was something else.
Poor Vakulinchuk.
The manifestation was full
of joy, of happiness.
Here's the work... your turn.
The soldiers began shooting
because... manifest...
and in manifest there is
the word hand [main].
An ideal, a smile that
conjures up the universe.
Democracy and tragedy
were married in Athens
under Pericles and Sophocles.
A single child: civil war
The tragic hero of the Greek
The deadly encounter
of a body without language
with an impossible
Ismene, mine own dear sister,
knowest thou what ill there is?
When Odysseus returns
from his odyssey
the only one who recognizes him
through his disguise is a dog.
But that morning, side
by side with Atalante
he understood that the war
would be at the center of his life.
French News presents today
the first report
from a country that
is falling apart.
Why would I have desired
the gift of prophecy?
Cassandra, you will
be reasonable! - No.
You don't approve
of Gods plan? - No.
But you going
to behave! - No.
Reintroducing duration.
Even more significant than the
profound structures of life
are the points where they break,
their brusk or long deterioration.
The tragedy is that one
copies the same model
that dates back to the
Ancient Mediterranean.
Affection is an ancient event.
It has colored with its perfume,
its colors, and its affirmations
the entire life in
the western world.
Without affection, evolution
would not have been possible.
The plague breaks out in Naples
on October 1st, 1943
the same day when the Allies enter
and liberate this unfortunate city.
Liberty is expensive.
But one can't buy her with gold,
and not with blood
but with cowardice,
prostitution and betrayal.
The North Americans could
pretend to liberate the people
and force them, at the same
time, to feel defeated.
Spain is a country where there
is no shortage, at the moment
of chances to die.
And even our hopes
And yet, of course
What matters is not
what a dictator thinks.
We discover war only once.
But we discover life many times.
A truth that's more loyal, and
one might add, delivered by hand.
Bullfight on the Plaza de Toros.
Everyone was there.
Hemingway, Dos Passos, Orwell.
And then?
After the execution, toreros and
spectators left for the front.
Women. Like all the ones who were
building barricades in
the suburbs of the city
awaiting the offensive.
Simon Weil would later,
after Franco's victory
when she learned the Germans
had taken Paris, declare:
A great day
for Indochina.
You see, with the verb "to be", the
lack of reality becomes flagrant.
For example:
Soon we will be in Barcelona.
It would be better to say:
Barcelona will welcome us soon.
What time is it?
Always the right time.