Fin (The End) (2012) Movie Script

June twenty-third
Jumping-off place
- Hello.
How is it?
Thank you.
So ...
What remains to us five hours?
Around four.
You should know a lot of people.
What is it?
But you are your friends.
Almost 20 years have passed ... Some
I have not seen them since.
Yes, but ...
Everyone wants to be special.
And you?
Lets see.
Is this Sarah?
Did she arrange everything?
- Yes.
Felix! Felix!
We call it Mother Teresa.
Good girl ...
But always placed second.
You have not changed.
Great, great.
Do I look?
Great to see you, silly.
Look who arrived!
Marabel and Rafa.
I finally met!
How are you, beautiful?
- Let me look ...
You look great.
You too.
Hey, buddy!
- It is a wonderful ...
Rafa ...
Its successful.
- Well, yes.
Rafa is not a simple man.
Sergio is the intellectual
in our company.
All your weight forward.
The house where we meet,
is his family.
Long time no see!
What a looker ...
My God.
This is Hugo ...
Usually boy.
- Really?
I like it.
This is great.
I know him.
Amazing man.
So what?
What to do if you come from?
Your work.
His wife also came Cova.
I do not know her, but if it lives,
it's an extraordinary girl.
Who is this freak?
This is Angel.
The Prophet called him.
Long to tell.
Sarah sure it exhort,
I do not think that will come.
Where is Hugo?
- Behind the house, cutting firewood.
We glow.
Will kindle fire
in midsummer ...
I think Angel will appreciate it.
- Here we go.
Come on, Rafa, it's a symbol.
If the wind,
will light half forest.
That would be a symbol.
A wonderful thought.
Will manage the day of Saint Lawrence ...
And zvezdopad see.
Here it is particularly beautiful.
Come on, guys ...
I want you to meet someone.
- What about me?
Me how you call me?
Hi, I'm Eve.
- Hello. I Marabel.
Nice is ..
Are you Rafael?
- How are you? Hey.
The kids?
With You Are?
No. When my sister.
Do not gather often.
I see ... Are you Sarah?
- Yes.
Felix told me so much about you
it seemed a lifetime I've known.
So I wanted to hug.
And Sergio's you?
- How are you?
This is beautiful, I like it.
Felix told me
for your feast.
How will your story!
So he waited.
Now two months talking to you
without stopping and boy.
Many loves you.
Let's go inside,
I'll show you the room.
Is it too young?
We are already long in the tooth.
What a beautiful home.
Yes, for 20 years
Here nothing has changed.
Thank you.
Like ride
in a time machine.
Eve where you work?
- In a magazine.
It's okay, Sarah.
Thank you.
Long time no see.
You look good.
How is it?
How is it?
- Good.
Are you Cova?
- And you, Felix?
Glad to meet in December.
Like it?
- Room.
Yes ...
Yes, that is beautiful
Marabel, do you mind
if you sleep here?
Before you were sleeping here.
Felix probably told you
we've met ...
Nothing serious.
- He told me that is
Hugo and wrought in the next room ...
I'm into this before.
Rafa and she, down the hall,
but Sergio is below.
A Room of Angel?
He always slept on the porch ...
Will prepare the bed.
Tell me about Angel ...
Felix, I'm not talking about it.
The reasons are not only in Felix.
And at all.
Well, time to prepare
All right.
Now I will go down.
- Good.
Dinner will be ready soon ...
That smell that hungry.
Smells great.
Hundred years I smoked.
Time to relax.
I can not believe
that we're back together.
Here we met ...
I've heard a lot about you.
What can I say?
- Whatever you want.
Like what?
How do we know?
- What?
Where you met with Felix?
We got right to the boat.
- Alone.
Was it hard?
If we consider
did not do well ...
navigating by the stars,
not just ...
I talked to Rafa did not sell it.
Well, yes ...
Money is not enough for a boat.
How we handle it?
"With Zodiac"?
For small boats.
Children will be delighted.
Do you have children?
- Yes, two.
Give me the bag.
Does not meet ...
Safe travels.
Belen and Enrique,
seven and nine years.
How many miles ...
I also want children.
And your dumb friend said:
"I thought we were playing cards?"
December 21 eighty-sixth.
- This is memory!
I remember!
It was my birthday.
Well, that's another story.
The last season of "Colby Family"
Felon aliens abducted him.
Shockingly ...
Incredible end of season.
Complete Madness.
No, not "Colby Family"
Would you like Joker?
Looks like you're doing well.
Ilka and Blumhen.
Damn it,
Here are the girls.
Where did you get?
- I keep everything.
Let's change the subject ...
People are bored.
No, it's okay ...
These are your memories.
All right.
The night is long,
should leave and Angel.
He will not come.
I think that will come.
If ever gone,
does not come.
Strange said he would come ...
He must have changed his mind.
I do not know.
Want mojito?
The yard is overgrown with mint.
- Come fan the flames.
Ence with me?
- We need to clean.
No, go ahead.
- Yes ...
What is it?
Because Angel ...
Stupid work.
Sarah, do not start.
You do not understand ... Marabel
It was his idea.
- Angel invent this.
Angel us together?
I called you at his request
come to all.
He invented everything.
What it is
if not come alone?
How could you, Sarah?
Do you believe it is normal!
We saw.
It's better.
you will not regret it.
This is fire!
Yes ...
Thank you.
Did you see a falling star?
Sirius is gone.
Sirius must be here
Dog in the constellation.
But it will not.
God, you're drunk.
I'm not kidding.
It is the brightest star
but not visible.
You're doing.
A lot of time working in a bar.
To pay the tax on the boat?
Not really.
Who are you?
Eve ...
And you?
Eve ...
The first woman, I guess.
- What are you doing here?
And you?
Why did you come?
To convince and
others do not is lucky?
Clever girls attract me.
You all draw.
Not all.
Something reached.
I do not even know ...
It is sad
that Cova puts up with it.
Forging not worry.
Yeah, but she's looking at us.
- What is it?
Do not you remember?
Save all bad, of what you want
to be delivered, threw it into the fire,
sorrow and farewell!
The fire flared up,
and deliver us from quackery!
Rafa always done
the day of the solstice.
Today is another day.
- But this night is also magical.
There will zvezdopad,
Tears of St. Lawrence.
It's true
Enough tears!
I remember that we all have
to strip.
but then I just took off.
It seems they mislead your memory.
This is for my deceased mother.
No more hospitals!
Why do not you behave?
Let past problems.
Today is the day
the summer solstice.
Come on, Rafa ...
This is for your company burned.
Mock up?
- Rafa.
What is it?
Is there no other applicants?
- Well, I'm going to sleep.
I feel dizzy.
Probably alcohol.
Or mushrooms.
Mix a drink?
We can not wait
From today you will be with friends.
'm Talking to you!
I rubbed my thing?
- Forging, relax ...
Ence, relax.
Relax, relax.
Enjoy it.
Open your mind.
It's not funny.
- Me too I'm not funny.
Let's go inside.
We'll sing something, Princess?
I'll kick your ass ...
Got it? Well I'll right!
Events least drop of respect.
Little did I was last time?
Damn, not again the Prophet?
Where's the fucking prophet?
It is always there, even if it does not!
Do not interfere Angel ...
Everything was nice.
What the hell?
They are here.
Have you ever seen such a sky?
What a strange glow.
I just saw
supernova explosion.
We'll swallow black hole.
- Shut up.
The house is dark.
Does anyone have a flashlight in your phone?
My not working.
- My battery is low.
My too.
What do we do?
It seems from the grid.
The whole area is without electricity.
Need to call and find out
what is the problem.
All batteries are exhausted.
The car charger I have.
People, something I nervously ...
Whose car is manually lock?
- My ... Why?
Take the keys and come with me ...
Just get dressed.
Be wrapped, damn you!
- Quiet.
Come on.
Are you happy?
Turn the lights on.
What the hell?
I'll try with mine.
Useless is ..
You can not open it.
Electromagnetic radiation.
- Yes, of course.
Therefore collapsing technique,
after the lightning.
It was not lightning.
Or is it due
from falling meteorite.
Or a bomb.
Of course, terrorists.
The Third World War.
You say that it is a meteorite?
Wake up ...
Just an electric emergency.
It's not just electricity
the cars, mobile phones.
- Angel!
- Surely this is a joke of Angel.
Angel, stop!
You're scaring us.
People can bother you ...
Explain. Who is this prophet?
- None of your business.
Yes, but I'm with you.
Enough with the riddles ...
Tell me what happened.
The last time
everything was upside down.
You see, Angel
always carried in yourself "candy."
Make us fascinated.
We gave them the words
"Open your ustentsata."
I never knew
What brings.
Once Sergio and Hugo sgashtiha it,
Rafa and I and
him to take the tablet.
And the girls did not mind
they gave him water to swallow ...
Just a joke.
- Let's not pretend ...
We knew what we were doing.
Heck, Rafa
nobody expected to happen.
Schizophrenia is hereditary.
We searched for him all night
and finally found it in the tree.
Carrying a garbage
out of his mouth foaming.
Shouting quotes from the Bible
That was the end,
end of everything.
Initially, we had fun
but then we were not laughing.
I took it to the hospital, we
Pull and ceased to meet.
We did not do anything wrong.
- No, we did.
Not true!
We did Hugo.
But not in that night and later.
Dumped it, folks ...
All of us.
Now he is better
we met.
Angel has it all figured out.
Sarah only we had called.
He wanted to meet again.
He wanted to tell us
that we are forgiven.
Or conversely, fool.
Do not want to hear,
He is a psychopath.
It is a lush ...
It is in psychiatry.
Going back to the fire ...
At least there is light.
Enough already with this fire ...
Little did I been?
- Rafa.
What united company.
A mock me,
I was blown
But he screams,
what it was 20 years ago.
Rafa, please.
- What about you?
Are you still in love
the boy by the upper class,
they scams
and will continue to do so.
But we have forgotten everything, right?
No problems.
A little grass, and end?
What kind of nonsense?
And now this nonsense about the Prophet.
Here's my list, Sarah
burn it for me.
I go to sleep.
Rafa, do not go well.
Rafa ...
Will he forgive me?
There was a difficult year ...
Well, go to sleep.
- I'm going with you.
Great get, right?
I do not understand.
Here's Sleeping Beauty ...
Come help us.
I do not know cars.
My ride will be in service
there to deal with it.
The phones did not work.
- Let's go to the city, not to wait here.
All day time and more.
Up a hillside house, right?
To go there?
Will take us.
What happened?
Rafa is gone.
How so?
He's gone, and so.
He left all our stuff in the room.
And the wallet and phone.
Do not worry.
It could not have gone far.
Soon we will be back, you'll see.
Below is a house where we will look ...
What time is it?
- Nothing works.
Can we discuss this
What happened last night?
The bedroom.
It enters into the contract.
Felix, if you want ...
Listen, nothing will come out.
Do as you want, okay?
But it will not happen again.
Not my placement stage.
You sound so
if your girl dumped you.
The rest you get,
when we return.
I was wrong, sorry.
I feel awkward.
Well, whatever you say.
You're an extraordinary girl.
Do not know
So why do you do for money.
Listen, do not worry.
Well if you have dogs?
Or any security.
You should not enter it.
Are you one?
What happened?
- There were vultures ...
It scared me.
It is full of them.
Since built crematorium
very razvadiha.
How did this creature here?
- As I ...
Everything is open.
- Please, come on.
Urgent fled.
- She's right.
Secure seen Rafa
and took it with him.
Do not worry.
If you had seen
would seek us.
The car does not start.
All this I do not like.
You should talk to your sister.
You're worried about your kids ...
But we all have families.
So do not be highlighted.
We have to get out of the kitchen all
what we can and go to town.
I will not get to town, Felix
very far.
On the road.
We can cross
through the gorge.
Someone check the phone?
- What do you think?
Does not work.
What kind of nonsense.
Do not be nervous ...
Probably just here so ...
I think everything is fine with him.
- Do not touch me! Get out.
Felix is ??right.
We gotta go.
Are you one?
Climbers usually get up early.
So you throw your stuff?
This is gear for rock climbing ...
It is very expensive.
It is logical to take it with you
else can steal it.
And what does that mean?
I do not know ...
It's just weird.
Someone up there.
Rafa may have.
NET, this is not it.
It may be one of the climbers.
At the top!
Where did you go?
- Must be a pastor ...
He took us to the local thieves
and ran away.
Getting it up?
Hardly there is a phone booth.
- I'm tired ...
it will act like Rafa.
What do you mean?
He brought me here
to split, right?
You can do it
to your friends.
What is the problem?
Are you crying?
Why you came?
For what?
- To divide ...
This is the end, right?
To run.
- Hugo! Hugo!
Do not move!
Where is Cova?
No January
Will no longer be with us.
It's a trap.
So we gathered here.
The man upstairs must have been Angel.
He put the goats in the passage.
At our last meeting,
appeared normal
but he said
're still taking drugs ...
and still has bouts of aggression.
Because it here.
Can you shut up?
Angel is a spoiled cars?
Is he off the electricity?
Is he evacuated people?
It's all about us ...
Ence chance here.
Shut up!
- Hugo, Snap out of it!
I hate you.
- Duty will turn.
Nothing is clear.
If fooled
to humans or animals?
We will take turns to watch.
Will be changed every two hours.
And what is our security?
There's nobody here.
Felix, can I stay with you?
No, better get some rest.
Tomorrow I have to go back
with the rescue team.
Did you see anything?
I noticed that something you worry.
Can you tell me?
- Do not ...
Just this is ..
Wake me if anything happens
Thank you.
Hugo, where are you going?
Do not you hear?
- What?
There is noise from the car.
These are the birds.
Hell, the car is ..
Missed in January
What was supposed to be on duty?
What was wrong?
Our order was earlier.
- We ... by Sergio He said ...
- Sergio!
No one will
be separated from the group.
It's cold.
No gas, no nothing ...
Long standing here.
Heard another car.
Twelve and twenty.
- Same time.
This is bullshit.
Below are some!
He's dead
's Crashed
Eight and fifteen.
Before excluding electricity.
Damn, shut up!
- Easy, Hugo.
Let it cool down.
This is Angel!
Can not you recognize him?
This is Angel!
Everything is as you say.
Animals empty homes
abandoned cars.
He said a lot of things.
So I lie in psychiatry
so long.
And none of you visit.
Because your calls
Are you broke?
Shut up!
- You shut up!
Will you do something?
I think everything hooked up?
- Enough!
Just shut up.
We can not just leave.
I do not care ... Let rot.
Let's go ...
Let's go.
I can not.
Look, I'll burn.
And will smoke it?
Do not know
I will have another chance to talk.
Felix did not.
- Hugo, listen to me.
Nothing to talk about.
Son of a bitch.
I thought
it met another man.
Sam drew this image.
But you turned out to be scam
Throughout his life, not loved.
How do you know what love is?
Too bad it did not happen to you.
And this girl ...
why he dragged here?
You want to cheat?
Just not forging.
I realized how stupid I was.
Life ...
You're right.
I am the son of a bitch.
What happened?
Do not enter the water!
Eve, do not!
You knew what was happening,
even when Rafa was gone.
Will disappear one by one.
You can get food
as we can carry.
Give me a backpack.
Where is Felix?
- Felix!
- Felix!
Come here, boy!
I have a dog.
Her name is Blondie, sweet dog.
Jack Russell Terrier.
Why did not you took with you?
- It runs forever ...
I was afraid of losing him here.
Interesting, how did he?
Must be stupid
Now think about Blondie.
But we are good friends.
And you?
- What?
Who do you think now?
What's this?
Let's see.
What are you doing?
- I feed him.
Sarah, let's go.
- Do not ... I think he was hungry ...
Here, boy ...
Come here.
Sarah, let's go.
- Now ...
Take it, take it.
Please do not go.
Where did?
- I do not know.
Smell is food.
Please expel them!
I'm scared!
Quiet, Sarah.
Sarah, do not show fear ...
Otherwise, I'll bite.
Get out!
Get your hands.
- I can not move.
Get your hands.
Sarah does not move ...
Ride the bike.
Will they throw food
and go. Do not be nervous.
Carefully, Sara.
Do they bite?
- Do not ... Get on the bike.
Here they are!
Do not look!
Catch me, Sarah!
- I!
Come to me mine!
Faster, Sarah.
Go Sarah, you!
Look at me ...
Go faster.
Sarah, do not fall behind.
Eve, drive faster!
Felix, do not leave me ...
I'm scared! Please!
You're not alone, we are here!
Please do not leave me.
Talk to me!
Please, please.
Talk to me, Sarah!
Talk to me!
She was alone.
Let's move on.
It happens everywhere.
There must be full of corpses.
What are you doing?
You may need it.
For what?
You think you can get any worse?
Does anyone else got away
from this nightmare?
If I'm next
Take care of him.
He knew.
What's this?
I found him in his car.
Drawings of Angel.
I saw him the day
before together.
He wanted to talk,
but I did not recognize.
Pass it because I figured
that is some crazy.
Maybe that's why he called Sarah.
He gathered us all
to forgive.
To avoid being one yourself.
Why are you hiding?
The figure is gone.
Who is here?
No, no ...
Do not be afraid.
What was that?
Marabel! Marabel!
Open the door.
Open, do not be afraid.
Please open the door.
You're not alone, honey.
and we are scared of you.
You are the first person
whom we meet.
Please do not hide.
Do not be afraid ...
I am also a mother.
These are my children:
Belen and Enrique.
Please leave.
- What happened?
What's this?
I saw.
I saw how it disappeared.
- No, it's too dangerous.
We will go into the sea ...
Will you help me to sail.
Eve of milk!
And you're here ...
Marabel, untied.
Get on the boat ...
- Faster ...
Marabel, since ...
Marabel, get in!
Marabel, go!
Marabel, the boat!
Felix shoot, please!
Forgive me.
This should leave him.
Get it.
We do not need.
If the next I am,
you can do it yourself?
I do not want to disappear.
More stars disappear, right?
Those who see
may already be extinct.
We see the light of the stars
died long ago.
Now the same is happening with us.
Might exist,
Only until someone watching us?
The one to whom we are needed.
I think everything
is much simpler.
Births, live ...
During and after the extinction
without leaving anything behind.
We are not so important.
It is what you do
during the time that is given to you.
Why did you stay with me?
Because I'm alone.
Like you.
What is your name?
- Really ...
You can choose, any name
but chose mine.
Who are you?
I was always the way it is
I like to see others.
Now I'm alone,
and do not even know who I am.
You're not alone.
Do not be afraid.
We have not disappeared.
How do you know?
Translation and subtitling