Final Judgement (1992) Movie Script
What's up padre?
- Ow.
- Drop it, drop it.
Never pull a knife on anyone
unless you are willing to die.
Next vato may have a .38.
If you need something to do,
then come see me.
Fuck you, Padre.
Come see you, eh?
You're gonna be dead, homes.
Can't believe you're a priest.
God works in mysterious ways.
Hello, Paula.
Father Tyrone?
- May I come in?
- Yeah, I guess.
- Could I stop you?
- Yeah.
Did you come to bless
my decaying apartment?
I could if you'd like.
Well, you can start
with the television set.
I haven't been able to get
Oprah for about a week now.
Should I just..
cut straight to the chase?
Hm, what could I have done wrong now?
Your mom is concerned
about your new job, dancing.
I'm proud of my body, Father.
Let me show you something.
I posed for an artist.
The paint's not even dry yet.
Do you like it?
There's a big difference
between posing nude for an artist,
and stripping in a nightclub.
You're right,
the nightclub pays a lot better.
Paula, strip joints are
designed to degrade women.
Men don't come to see me.
They come to see a fantasy.
- Now that's bullshit.
- I wasn't meant to be a nun.
- Neither are most nuns.
- Whatever.
I don't think our bodies are unclean.
I don't think sex is a sin.
It's a lot more rewarding than being
in love. My mother was in love.
Let some guy screw her, and
nine months later, out I popped.
- Her love was long gone.
- Is that what your mother told you?
Wasn't that the deal?
It must've come up in confession,
or maybe I was the result of a
second immaculate conception?
Because Paula, if that's the case,
then I think there's
something I should tell you.
No, don't. Because I don't like being
lectured to by my mother
who thinks of me as penance,
and I don't have to listen to a man
who's hardly a man at all!
I'm sorry, Father.
I know that you're just trying to help,
but I'm gonna be fine, really.
Goodnight, Paula.
- Just think about what I said.
- I will.
Goodnight, Father.
You shouldn't leave your windows open.
Rob, you scared me.
You seem to forget whose girl you are.
Relax, the guy's a priest. He's a
friend of my mom's who came over and..
That's all right, Paula.
You see?
It doesn't much matter anymore.
You're crazy!
I'm finished painting you,
and when that happens, well?
It's all over.
Paula, Paula!
Call an ambulance!
Come on, sweetie.
- Any idea who Rob might be?
- No, I'm sorry I don't.
Tell me, Father. Why did you
come over here this evening?
I sometimes call on parishioners.
Was Paula Brown having
some religious problems?
Her mother was concerned
about her job.
At the Black Cat in Hollywood, yeah.
My partner caught her act.
So let me get this straight, the mother
wanted you to talk to her daughter?
Paula, and her mother,
communicated across a wide gap.
I tried to bridge that.
I may as well tell you now, Father.
You're the only person anyone saw enter
or leave the building around
the time of the murder.
What exactly are you
trying to insinuate?
That you're a suspect,
and you should know
that collar won't excuse
you from this investigation.
- If you think of anything else.
- I'll call.
A few moments ago I heard someone say
that this was God's will.
I don't accept that.
God's most precious
gift to us is free will.
Someone chose evil when they
took the life of Paula Brown.
So don't blame God for this disaster.
Blame our relentless attraction
to evil.
And as for God,
we commend our sister Paula to him,
and ask that he bring her
to the joys of heaven.
And we pray to the Lord
that he may help us in our sorrow.
The chosen must expect temptations
of Satan almost beyond endurance.
Lately, Father O'Shea,
I've been wondering what it
actually means to be chosen.
I don't..
feel like a priest.
I feel like something from another time,
like a magician for superstitious people.
An awful lot of people need your magic.
Daniel, you could go
far in the archdiocese.
The cardinal has his eye on you,
and you're a bloody
poster boy for the church.
The runaway street tough
who becomes a priest.
You come to St. Joseph,
a badly run parish,
and you turn everything around.
I'm gonna find out who killer her,
Father, and when I do...
Yes, just what'll you do?
That I don't know.
Were you close to Paula?
Childhood friend.
I just can't understand it.
- Can you?
- No, I can't understand it at all.
Kinda makes you wonder
if there's a God.
Yeah, exactly.
My name's Rob.
Alicia, hi.
Are you alone?
I guess you can't turn
a street tough into a priest after all.
I'm losing all patience
with you, Father Tyrone.
I wanna tell you something.
The cancer is spreading.
I don't have long.
All I care about is the church,
and the quality of its priests.
I can't afford to lose a
priest like you, Daniel.
Find the murderer if you must.
Then, find a way to forgive him.
You know, I probably
shouldn't be saying this,
but I had a really good time tonight.
I had to get away from all that gloom.
I think Paula would've preferred it
that way.
You never told me how you knew Paula.
I painted her once.
- I didn't know her for very long.
- I see.
Goodnight, Alicia.
I'll see you again?
Coke, please.
So what's the deal, hon?
- I'm looking for Nicole.
- In the flesh.
Oh my god. I hope that rubs off.
Well, 50 bucks and
I'll let you find out.
Thanks, but I'd just like to talk.
Okay, you gotta buy me
a drink first, though. Come on.
Something sweet, Whitney.
So, what's your name, babe?
Dan, Dan Tyrone.
Hi, Danny.
I was told that you knew
Paula Brown fairly well.
Oh great.
This is gonna bum me out again.
Yeah, we were really close.
- So you're a cop.
- No, no.
What are you, then?
- I was a friend of Paula's.
- You never came up in conversation.
- Look, I gotta go get naked, so...
- Nicole, please.
I cared about Paula, too.
I arrived seconds after she
was attacked. She died in my arms.
Eight bucks, hon?
- Keep it.
- Thanks.
You're that guy in the paper.
You're a fucking priest.
I mean, I'm sorry.
- Bless me, Father.
- Forget it.
Did Paula ever mention a guy
named Rob?
Yeah, she did.
The cops asked me that too.
It's Robert, actually, her beau.
I never met the guy.
He's kinda mysterious, I guess.
Why am I telling you this?
You're a suspect.
Nicole, I am not a murderer.
So I'm supposed to
believe you're innocent
just because you wear
your collar backwards?
That's up to you.
But I need to know what you
know about this guy, Robert.
I think she said he
came from the Midwest,
but that he lived in Bakersfield
before he moved down here.
- Bakersfield?
- Yeah, he's an artist.
Very sensitive, you know.
Did she mention his last name?
- You think he did it, don't you?
- I sure would like to talk to him.
You're up in two, girl.
Hey, now you
gotta do something for me.
- What?
- Watch my act.
You know, stripping is
a lot like preaching.
It's all about keeping an audience
inspired, and off the streets.
Paula, Paula!
Here's the key to Paula's apartment.
What's going on, Dan?
I've seen that look.
- Some things demand a bit more energy.
- I just don't want you to lose control.
- I'm not going to.
- I know what you're capable of, Dan.
- You put my brother in the hospital.
- Damn it, Elizabeth!
My daughter was killed.
I was right there,
and she died thinking that
her father had abandoned her.
No. You never had a daughter.
You were a priest, who forgot
his vows for one night. I raised her.
You know that I did
everything for her that I could.
- Well, it wasn't enough.
- Okay, okay, it was not enough.
And maybe that's why
I feel responsible.
I wanted to be a father.
Why didn't you marry me?
I was afraid.
- Of what?
- Of you.
"R. Sorrel"
What city, please?
Yeah, Los Angeles for Robert Sorrel
spelled S-O-R-R-E-L.
I have no listing under that name.
- Do you have anything on the east side?
- No sir, I'm sorry.
Mm, Robbie. What's going on,
why are we meeting here?
Where's my painting, Amanda?
Your painting, of me?
I gave that to your mother weeks ago,
just like you told me to.
Has the paint dried yet?
Rob, what's wrong with you?
Of course the paint's dried.
I guess we should hang it up, then.
A little slice of heaven/hell"
Wow, these are great.
- You think I have half a chance?
- God, yes.
- So real.
- Thanks.
I seem to see reality pretty clearly.
- Do you sell them?
- Unfortunately, I might have to.
I'd hate to break up
the series, though.
- Series, what's it called?
- I don't know.
Maybe I'll call it
"Women: You Can't Live with Them."
Just kidding.
- Would you ever consider painting me?
- That wouldn't be such a good idea.
I can only paint the dark side of
people, and you don't seem to have one.
You make me sound so boring.
Wait a minute, you painted Paula.
I must've seen something in her.
- The tragedy she was headed for.
- Yeah.
Well, think about it. I bet
you don't get such offers every day.
"Priest only suspect
in murder investigation"
No. Not every day.
Well, I'm here to talk to you
about your visit with the stripper.
Her name is Nicole Taylor.
She mentioned you two had a talk.
Anything you care to share?
- You know as much as I do, Lieutenant.
- Actually, I know a little bit more.
I got the lab report back
on the murder weapon.
- Any prints?
- Yes, yours.
I'm not a killer, Lieutenant.
Maybe not, but you have gotten into
your share of trouble.
Two counts of assault
on your record, Father.
Some drug use.
Shocked even me when I read the report.
I was a restless young man once.
Don't tell me I'm your
only suspect, Lieutenant.
Somebody broke into the apartment
of the deceased last night.
- Any idea who might've done that?
- Sorry, I can't help you there.
- Pistol packing priest?
- The fastest gun in the pulpit.
Let me ask you, Father.
Why are you interested in police work?
I thought saving souls was your priority.
I'm personally involved
in this, Lieutenant.
It's summer, it's your off season.
What do you expect to lose?
Look, Rob, your new approach is
very interesting, but you know what?
I'm not crazy about it.
You see, that's the problem.
- That's because you don't like women.
- I don't like the way you depict them.
Your work makes the viewer feel,
for the lack of a better word, uneasy.
That's the point.
You see, I've managed to capture
a little passion and pain here,
or can't you fucking get it?
Well, I'm afraid passion
and pain doesn't mesh well
with the walls of corporate
executive offices.
Listen, you little, look.
Just take a chance on a
couple of canvases, okay?
Sorry, Rob. Can't do it.
Go back to painting cityscapes.
The naked body is out of vogue.
Hey, sweetie. When you gonna ask me
back to finish the painting?
I finished it without you.
Where the hell have you been?
Relax, I just posed for you.
You got 30?
You know, if you would just relax
you would be a much nicer person.
- Why don't you get yourself comfortable?
- I am comfortable.
Usurpers of God.
In every way, and every place.
What God cast out in
the glory of his life,
banished forever to the darkness.
His only son, Jesus of Nazareth,
to the glory
and the light of thine blood,
that one day we may rise
up to the throne of heaven,
and sit in the midst of
the angels by his side.
Thank you, Jesus.
Hey, hurry your ass up in there.
I got other customers waiting.
Yeah, listing in Bakersfield.
Wow, you certainly picked
the most desolate spot in the city.
I guess I'll have to trust
you to act like a gentleman.
What is it?
It's you.
There are moments when
the light hits your face,
you're so striking.
Rob, I like you.
A lot.
But the way I was raised,
I'm supposed to be waiting
until I get married.
This is gonna sound a little
old fashioned, but I like the idea.
Does that sound stupid?
Not at all.
I'm sorry you had to drag yourself
all the way down here, Father.
You must be very busy, what
with all the sin in the world.
But, I don't know where my son lives.
I'm interested in anything that you
can tell me about your son, Mrs. Sorrel.
My son.
Well, he's no saint.
I can tell ya that.
When did you last see him?
Couple weeks ago, he dropped by.
He was undergoing one of his crises.
My son is very good at
going through crises.
He was gonna be a priest once.
I should've had him do that,
because then he would've
had his fill of crises.
- I suppose he would have.
- Other people's crises.
Of course, he doesn't wanna
talk to the likes of me.
He's an artist, you see.
Which means, he paints dirty pictures.
Now, you understand, Father,
I ordinarily do not let this
kind of material into my home.
I understand. When was this done?
Well, not too long ago
I'm sorry to tell ya.
Do you know where I would find
the model?
You'd have to look
in the county morgue.
- It was in the morning papers.
- Excuse me?
She was murdered last night.
The police figured a stranger
must have picked her up on Highway 99.
There it is. Amanda Peterson.
She always was getting into trouble.
In fact, it's just like her to go out
and get herself strangled.
She's sure got sad eyes,
don't you think, Father?
Can I borrow this painting?
It's all I have of Rob's,
filthy though it is.
It's very important.
Okay, take it.
So, why are you asking me all
these questions about Rob?
Mrs. Sorrel, your son
may be in some trouble.
I won't know until I find him.
Well, I'm not surprised to hear that.
You wouldn't happen to have
a photograph of him, would you?
All I have is old ones.
That's fine.
I never should've let him
out of this house.
But, you gotta let a
boy go out in the world.
Make his mark, don't you think?
Yes. I suppose that's true.
I decided I want to pose for you,
and I won't take no for an answer.
I told you that's not such
a good idea.
Well, maybe you need a change
in subject.
Hey, sailor.
Love that uniform.
Have you ever seen this guy?
- Is he the one?
- I don't know, I think so.
Save us some, padre.
Meet me in back.
You know, you should do a painting
entitled "Scene from a Loft."
I paint people.
I capture their souls with color.
That's what the series is all about.
What color is my soul?
- Blue?
- I think.
Best guess I can make without
cutting you open to find out.
How do you want me to pose?
Sit in the chair.
I don't have to be naked?
I'm not going to paint you
like I painted the others.
This is simply a gift,
for your mom and dad.
How's this?
That's not what I want.
Turn into the light.
Please, excuse me?
Hey, girls, check this out.
Any of you seen this guy?
- No.
- Doesn't look familiar.
I know that bastard. He wanted me
to pose nude for him once.
A real religious psycho.
No offense, Father.
- None taken. When was this?
- About a year ago.
He lived down on the Boulevard,
up above a porn bookstore.
Think it was called
Little Shop of Whores.
Did he ever complete the painting?
I never let him start. He was on
some kind of really weird trip.
You know, in this business,
you get a real quick sense
about guys like that.
- God, let me see it.
- No.
Mm, touchy.
- When do I get to see it?
- When it's finished.
Tomorrow, same time?
But I'm gonna start charging you.
- Appreciate your help.
- No problem.
You're determined to get
this guy, aren't you?
I know his kind.
He's obsessed
by the naked female body.
Most men are.
Yeah, but his is a
kind of hatred, you know?
And everybody knows what
a slut deserves, right?
Maybe you should find
another line of work.
What, move in with you?
I don't think the church
is quite ready for that.
This is the place.
Little divine intervention.
- Yeah?
- Yep.
I'm looking for a lost soul, son.
- You seen this man?
- Why do you do this?
Customers no like priest in here.
You tell me about Rob Sorrel,
and I'm outta here.
I know nothing, please leave.
Are you sure?
You don't have any religious
periodicals, guns and ammo?
Father, Father, Father.
He lived in the lofts upstairs.
Deadbeat, no pay rent, gone for weeks.
- Did he leave a forwarding address?
- Nothing, he no leave last month's rent.
Instead, he give me that.
How much you want for it?
How much are you paying?
- Rent he owe is 300.
- 50, no more.
If you leave now, huh?
I leave now.
Rainy, we've got ourselves some kind
of weird priest on our hands.
Strip clubs, porn stores, carries
a piece, and hangs out with strippers.
What you got?
Call came in from Kern County.
Guess what?
It ain't good.
This has never happened to me before.
I guess I'm a difficult subject,
aren't I?
- I have an idea.
- What?
All your other paintings of women
have been nudes.
Those paintings are about corruption.
Is the human body corrupt?
- The jury's still out on that.
- Then let me pose nude for you, Rob.
- I'll show you you can even paint purity.
- No, Alicia.
Don't disappoint me.
Just relax, Rob, okay?
I just wasn't sure if you
were right for the series.
And now?
Now, I think I might be
able to fit you right in.
Forensics report on victim
number one, Paula Brown.
I knew you'd wanna see it.
It's about time.
She was pregnant?
Let's get started, shall we?
Good, how do you want me?
Do something provocative.
Like this?
Now turn from the light.
I gotta get outta here.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Rob, what's wrong?
Oh, Rob Sorrel.
Yes, I've repped him in the past.
He was promising once.
Now, he's just another insane artist.
Well, do you have any idea
where he might be living?
No, not anymore.
You might start looking downtown
in the artist district, hm?
But, if you are really
serious about buying
some really excellent contemporary art,
you should come to our opening.
Did you stop representing him
because you thought he was crazy?
No, he's worse than crazy.
Rob's passe.
Give me a beer.
- God, this place.
- Thinking about becoming a nun?
I keep thinking about Paula,
and what happened to her.
Hey, you can't blame yourself for that.
We all run into weirdos out there.
Nicole, babe, you're up next.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God.
Father O'Shea's
taken a turn for the worse.
- Yeah you, give her some more.
- Give her some more.
- Woo!
- Yeah!
There's more where
this came from, baby.
- Baby girl!
- Oh yeah.
- That's it.
- Oh yeah.
Whitney, listen.
You gotta cover for me, okay?
'Cause I gotta go.
I came for my painting.
- You, you owe me $300.
- Where's my fucking painting?
I no have.
I sell it. The priest buy it.
- Priest?
- Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Morris, please dial 118.
God, if I should forsake thee,
punish me.
But grant eternal peace to this soul.
- Why are you following me?
- I'm not following you!
I was afraid to go home.
I saw him tonight.
- He attacked me.
- Oh, it's okay.
It's okay, it's all right.
Look, if you want, you can stay here.
- Be all right?
- Yeah.
Okay, I'll get outta here
and let you go ahead and...
Father Tyrone..
Father Tyrone.
She was in a bit of trouble.
- She needed a bed for the night.
- I see.
- How can I help you?
- Oh, it's nothing of import.
It can wait.
Goodnight, Monsignor.
I think I just blew my
chance at becoming pope.
Well, I'm not saying she never
attended services at St. Joe's,
but she was not a parishioner.
Oh no, no.
A girl like this would, well,
she would've stood out
among our congregation.
Father Tyrone claims
he visited Paula Brown
in her apartment because
she was a parishioner.
Well, I can't imagine what would've
made him say a thing like that.
- You ever seen this woman in church?
- No, never.
Well like I said, she
was not a parishioner.
But Father Tyrone's behavior
was always somewhat unorthodox.
And as it now would appear,
he's also overly susceptible
to temptations of the flesh.
Come here.
Cost you another 20.
Same MO.
Now, what do we have here?
Do the initials DT mean
anything to you?
- Father Daniel..
- Tyrone, yeah.
I think we've had enough of
this Holy Ghost bullshit.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
It's been a month since
my last confession.
May the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit be in your mind
that you may rightly confess your sins.
But first, I need you to
do something for me, Father.
What's that?
I need my paintings back, and
I need you to leave me the hell alone!
You came here to confess?
Oh yes, I've killed women, Father.
It's terrible.
But then, something happens.
I begin to create beautiful images.
Isn't it strange how beauty
can come from wickedness?
It won't work.
For these sins and all the sins of
my past life, I ask absolution.
I already know what you did.
You can't use confession
to make me silent.
I came to you
to tell my sins to God alone!
You came to me to silence
the only witness against you,
you murdering little bastard!
- Father Tyrone.
- Jefferson.
The man that just came out
this way is your killer.
- What man?
- The man that just came out this way.
I didn't see no one leave.
Listen, Father, we're gonna need you
to clear up a few things.
Goddamn it, Lieutenant!
Sorrel was just here.
Father, this isn't easy for me, but
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you
to come in for questioning.
Clearly, I left them at Paula's.
The killer found them, and
planted them at the murder scene.
Father, you're the only
priest I know with a rap sheet.
We hauled in a gang member the other day
who said you pulled a gun on him.
And to top it off, we
find some stolen evidence
along with nude paintings of
three victims in your bedroom.
Now you tell me, what the,
what am I supposed to believe?
We've been through
this, it's circumstantial.
Maybe, but there's more.
You were in Bakersfield recently.
Well, if that's a crime
then I'm guilty.
No, but murder is.
The woman you visited is dead.
It happened the day you were there,
same MO. Coincidence?
Oh god, who are they?
They're the girls in
your paintings, Father.
All three killed the same way,
strangled with picture hanging wire.
- The same way Paula Brown was murdered.
- Rob Sorrel is an artist.
He would have had that kind of wire.
Yeah, well..
we've done a background
check on this Sorrel.
- He's been dead for six months.
- What?
Suicide. They found his body
in the LA river.
Where are the wires
that's usually attached
to the back of those paintings, Father?
The paintings weren't hanging.
No, but you might be.
You know, I didn't know
that Sorrel was found dead.
He wasn't. I was just bullshitting.
He's been missing for six months.
The record suggests suicide.
You see, he has a history
with several failed attempts.
Now wait a minute, didn't Tyrone say
that the mother saw him recently?
Yeah, but the neighbor
said the mother was nuts.
She imagined her son was with her
whenever she went to church.
When I was a little girl,
and I went to confession,
I'd make everything up.
I'd have felt so guilty for
not committing any sins,
or at least none that I can remember.
That's enough for tonight.
You're close to being finished.
Well, I can't wait to see it.
I know I'm gonna love it.
If you look at it now,
you'll be disappointed.
Trust me.
Ah, that's not such a good idea, either.
- Maybe you're right.
- I am.
- What's wrong, Rob?
- What happened to your vow, Alicia?
All this time, I've been waiting for
something special and sacred.
I don't feel I have to wait any longer.
Well, at least you're honest.
Do me a favor?
Lock the door.
- We're in the middle of nowhere, Rob.
- Just...
lock the door.
You know Father, if they really thought
you were guilty, you'd be in jail.
Somehow, that
is not a comforting thought.
Just, a bit lost.
Yeah, I know you're a priest and all,
but are you attracted to me?
More than someone in
my position should be.
But not like you were
attracted to Paula, right?
I mean,
you were her lover, weren't you?
Oh no.
Come here.
- Paula was my daughter.
- What?
The single greatest regret of my life
is that she never knew
how much I loved her.
You know, they're gonna
keep watching us, and following us.
- Where are you going?
- Wait for me here.
I have to go visit a friend.
- I wanna go with you.
- Just stay here.
- Long time, Clyde.
- Oh, excuse me.
Ah, Mr. Sorrel.
- I don't remember inviting you here.
- Easy oversight.
By the way, my series is nearly
finished. I want you to reconsider.
You must be here because
of the priest.
- What?
- Yes.
Apparently, Rob, he is
your biggest and best fan.
Or, you've stopped going to mass.
What priest, Father Tyrone?
What did you tell him?
I never lie, Rob.
Especially not to a priest.
I told him that your paintings
were self-indulgent, overrated crap.
That's okay.
The guy who painted this?
He can't even fuck.
- Stay back!
- Let's get out of here.
- Should I call the police?
- No don't, we don't need the publicity.
The little prick.
Performance artists.
Oh that was.
Guess what, Alicia?
I guess I was wrong about
the color of your soul.
The good news is, you'll fit
in nicely with the series.
I'll be back at seven o'clock.
I have things to take care of.
Don't go anywhere.
This is important to me.
We have to purify ourselves.
I wanna see both your daughter
and Jose,
same time Thursday, okay?
Well, I don't know if they will come.
Francine, put the fear of
God in them, they'll come.
Father Tyrone?
Are you ever home?
Father Tyrone.
Mother of God.
There's been a murder.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
It's been six months
since my last confession.
Father, I'm only 18 and I did
a very stupid thing.
I'm not married,
but I slept with a man.
- The world is full of temptations.
- Father, I know.
But it was my fault.
He's very intense, an artist.
He paints me.
I don't know. For a while,
he made me feel important.
Now he makes me feel so dirty.
This scares me, Father.
Rob Sorrel?
Father, how do you know?
God knows many things.
Where does he live?
What does that matter, Father?
In God's name, child!
Where does he live?
613 Sixth Street.
It's five blocks from here.
- You are in danger, stay here.
- But Father!
You're absolved. Say 10 hail Marys,
and for God's sake, stay here!
- What are you doing here?
- Rob, you scared me.
Why are you here?
You were right about feeling
better after confession. I had to.
Let's go.
Oh, oh.
- That's him, that's the man!
- Hold it right there.
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Rob, please.
Don't do this.
Alicia, I do love you.
I'll always love you.
Everyone waits for the
church to save them.
- Where's the precious church now?
- Right here.
You failed to obtain absolution
from the almighty and merciful God
on your last visit to the confessional.
I don't want your worthless absolution!
The chosen must expect
temptation almost beyond endurance.
I was never chosen.
- Rob, God chose you.
- No!
I'm going straight to hell, Father,
and I'd hate to make the trip alone.
You wanna die!
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
I absolve you in the name of the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Ow.
- Drop it, drop it.
Never pull a knife on anyone
unless you are willing to die.
Next vato may have a .38.
If you need something to do,
then come see me.
Fuck you, Padre.
Come see you, eh?
You're gonna be dead, homes.
Can't believe you're a priest.
God works in mysterious ways.
Hello, Paula.
Father Tyrone?
- May I come in?
- Yeah, I guess.
- Could I stop you?
- Yeah.
Did you come to bless
my decaying apartment?
I could if you'd like.
Well, you can start
with the television set.
I haven't been able to get
Oprah for about a week now.
Should I just..
cut straight to the chase?
Hm, what could I have done wrong now?
Your mom is concerned
about your new job, dancing.
I'm proud of my body, Father.
Let me show you something.
I posed for an artist.
The paint's not even dry yet.
Do you like it?
There's a big difference
between posing nude for an artist,
and stripping in a nightclub.
You're right,
the nightclub pays a lot better.
Paula, strip joints are
designed to degrade women.
Men don't come to see me.
They come to see a fantasy.
- Now that's bullshit.
- I wasn't meant to be a nun.
- Neither are most nuns.
- Whatever.
I don't think our bodies are unclean.
I don't think sex is a sin.
It's a lot more rewarding than being
in love. My mother was in love.
Let some guy screw her, and
nine months later, out I popped.
- Her love was long gone.
- Is that what your mother told you?
Wasn't that the deal?
It must've come up in confession,
or maybe I was the result of a
second immaculate conception?
Because Paula, if that's the case,
then I think there's
something I should tell you.
No, don't. Because I don't like being
lectured to by my mother
who thinks of me as penance,
and I don't have to listen to a man
who's hardly a man at all!
I'm sorry, Father.
I know that you're just trying to help,
but I'm gonna be fine, really.
Goodnight, Paula.
- Just think about what I said.
- I will.
Goodnight, Father.
You shouldn't leave your windows open.
Rob, you scared me.
You seem to forget whose girl you are.
Relax, the guy's a priest. He's a
friend of my mom's who came over and..
That's all right, Paula.
You see?
It doesn't much matter anymore.
You're crazy!
I'm finished painting you,
and when that happens, well?
It's all over.
Paula, Paula!
Call an ambulance!
Come on, sweetie.
- Any idea who Rob might be?
- No, I'm sorry I don't.
Tell me, Father. Why did you
come over here this evening?
I sometimes call on parishioners.
Was Paula Brown having
some religious problems?
Her mother was concerned
about her job.
At the Black Cat in Hollywood, yeah.
My partner caught her act.
So let me get this straight, the mother
wanted you to talk to her daughter?
Paula, and her mother,
communicated across a wide gap.
I tried to bridge that.
I may as well tell you now, Father.
You're the only person anyone saw enter
or leave the building around
the time of the murder.
What exactly are you
trying to insinuate?
That you're a suspect,
and you should know
that collar won't excuse
you from this investigation.
- If you think of anything else.
- I'll call.
A few moments ago I heard someone say
that this was God's will.
I don't accept that.
God's most precious
gift to us is free will.
Someone chose evil when they
took the life of Paula Brown.
So don't blame God for this disaster.
Blame our relentless attraction
to evil.
And as for God,
we commend our sister Paula to him,
and ask that he bring her
to the joys of heaven.
And we pray to the Lord
that he may help us in our sorrow.
The chosen must expect temptations
of Satan almost beyond endurance.
Lately, Father O'Shea,
I've been wondering what it
actually means to be chosen.
I don't..
feel like a priest.
I feel like something from another time,
like a magician for superstitious people.
An awful lot of people need your magic.
Daniel, you could go
far in the archdiocese.
The cardinal has his eye on you,
and you're a bloody
poster boy for the church.
The runaway street tough
who becomes a priest.
You come to St. Joseph,
a badly run parish,
and you turn everything around.
I'm gonna find out who killer her,
Father, and when I do...
Yes, just what'll you do?
That I don't know.
Were you close to Paula?
Childhood friend.
I just can't understand it.
- Can you?
- No, I can't understand it at all.
Kinda makes you wonder
if there's a God.
Yeah, exactly.
My name's Rob.
Alicia, hi.
Are you alone?
I guess you can't turn
a street tough into a priest after all.
I'm losing all patience
with you, Father Tyrone.
I wanna tell you something.
The cancer is spreading.
I don't have long.
All I care about is the church,
and the quality of its priests.
I can't afford to lose a
priest like you, Daniel.
Find the murderer if you must.
Then, find a way to forgive him.
You know, I probably
shouldn't be saying this,
but I had a really good time tonight.
I had to get away from all that gloom.
I think Paula would've preferred it
that way.
You never told me how you knew Paula.
I painted her once.
- I didn't know her for very long.
- I see.
Goodnight, Alicia.
I'll see you again?
Coke, please.
So what's the deal, hon?
- I'm looking for Nicole.
- In the flesh.
Oh my god. I hope that rubs off.
Well, 50 bucks and
I'll let you find out.
Thanks, but I'd just like to talk.
Okay, you gotta buy me
a drink first, though. Come on.
Something sweet, Whitney.
So, what's your name, babe?
Dan, Dan Tyrone.
Hi, Danny.
I was told that you knew
Paula Brown fairly well.
Oh great.
This is gonna bum me out again.
Yeah, we were really close.
- So you're a cop.
- No, no.
What are you, then?
- I was a friend of Paula's.
- You never came up in conversation.
- Look, I gotta go get naked, so...
- Nicole, please.
I cared about Paula, too.
I arrived seconds after she
was attacked. She died in my arms.
Eight bucks, hon?
- Keep it.
- Thanks.
You're that guy in the paper.
You're a fucking priest.
I mean, I'm sorry.
- Bless me, Father.
- Forget it.
Did Paula ever mention a guy
named Rob?
Yeah, she did.
The cops asked me that too.
It's Robert, actually, her beau.
I never met the guy.
He's kinda mysterious, I guess.
Why am I telling you this?
You're a suspect.
Nicole, I am not a murderer.
So I'm supposed to
believe you're innocent
just because you wear
your collar backwards?
That's up to you.
But I need to know what you
know about this guy, Robert.
I think she said he
came from the Midwest,
but that he lived in Bakersfield
before he moved down here.
- Bakersfield?
- Yeah, he's an artist.
Very sensitive, you know.
Did she mention his last name?
- You think he did it, don't you?
- I sure would like to talk to him.
You're up in two, girl.
Hey, now you
gotta do something for me.
- What?
- Watch my act.
You know, stripping is
a lot like preaching.
It's all about keeping an audience
inspired, and off the streets.
Paula, Paula!
Here's the key to Paula's apartment.
What's going on, Dan?
I've seen that look.
- Some things demand a bit more energy.
- I just don't want you to lose control.
- I'm not going to.
- I know what you're capable of, Dan.
- You put my brother in the hospital.
- Damn it, Elizabeth!
My daughter was killed.
I was right there,
and she died thinking that
her father had abandoned her.
No. You never had a daughter.
You were a priest, who forgot
his vows for one night. I raised her.
You know that I did
everything for her that I could.
- Well, it wasn't enough.
- Okay, okay, it was not enough.
And maybe that's why
I feel responsible.
I wanted to be a father.
Why didn't you marry me?
I was afraid.
- Of what?
- Of you.
"R. Sorrel"
What city, please?
Yeah, Los Angeles for Robert Sorrel
spelled S-O-R-R-E-L.
I have no listing under that name.
- Do you have anything on the east side?
- No sir, I'm sorry.
Mm, Robbie. What's going on,
why are we meeting here?
Where's my painting, Amanda?
Your painting, of me?
I gave that to your mother weeks ago,
just like you told me to.
Has the paint dried yet?
Rob, what's wrong with you?
Of course the paint's dried.
I guess we should hang it up, then.
A little slice of heaven/hell"
Wow, these are great.
- You think I have half a chance?
- God, yes.
- So real.
- Thanks.
I seem to see reality pretty clearly.
- Do you sell them?
- Unfortunately, I might have to.
I'd hate to break up
the series, though.
- Series, what's it called?
- I don't know.
Maybe I'll call it
"Women: You Can't Live with Them."
Just kidding.
- Would you ever consider painting me?
- That wouldn't be such a good idea.
I can only paint the dark side of
people, and you don't seem to have one.
You make me sound so boring.
Wait a minute, you painted Paula.
I must've seen something in her.
- The tragedy she was headed for.
- Yeah.
Well, think about it. I bet
you don't get such offers every day.
"Priest only suspect
in murder investigation"
No. Not every day.
Well, I'm here to talk to you
about your visit with the stripper.
Her name is Nicole Taylor.
She mentioned you two had a talk.
Anything you care to share?
- You know as much as I do, Lieutenant.
- Actually, I know a little bit more.
I got the lab report back
on the murder weapon.
- Any prints?
- Yes, yours.
I'm not a killer, Lieutenant.
Maybe not, but you have gotten into
your share of trouble.
Two counts of assault
on your record, Father.
Some drug use.
Shocked even me when I read the report.
I was a restless young man once.
Don't tell me I'm your
only suspect, Lieutenant.
Somebody broke into the apartment
of the deceased last night.
- Any idea who might've done that?
- Sorry, I can't help you there.
- Pistol packing priest?
- The fastest gun in the pulpit.
Let me ask you, Father.
Why are you interested in police work?
I thought saving souls was your priority.
I'm personally involved
in this, Lieutenant.
It's summer, it's your off season.
What do you expect to lose?
Look, Rob, your new approach is
very interesting, but you know what?
I'm not crazy about it.
You see, that's the problem.
- That's because you don't like women.
- I don't like the way you depict them.
Your work makes the viewer feel,
for the lack of a better word, uneasy.
That's the point.
You see, I've managed to capture
a little passion and pain here,
or can't you fucking get it?
Well, I'm afraid passion
and pain doesn't mesh well
with the walls of corporate
executive offices.
Listen, you little, look.
Just take a chance on a
couple of canvases, okay?
Sorry, Rob. Can't do it.
Go back to painting cityscapes.
The naked body is out of vogue.
Hey, sweetie. When you gonna ask me
back to finish the painting?
I finished it without you.
Where the hell have you been?
Relax, I just posed for you.
You got 30?
You know, if you would just relax
you would be a much nicer person.
- Why don't you get yourself comfortable?
- I am comfortable.
Usurpers of God.
In every way, and every place.
What God cast out in
the glory of his life,
banished forever to the darkness.
His only son, Jesus of Nazareth,
to the glory
and the light of thine blood,
that one day we may rise
up to the throne of heaven,
and sit in the midst of
the angels by his side.
Thank you, Jesus.
Hey, hurry your ass up in there.
I got other customers waiting.
Yeah, listing in Bakersfield.
Wow, you certainly picked
the most desolate spot in the city.
I guess I'll have to trust
you to act like a gentleman.
What is it?
It's you.
There are moments when
the light hits your face,
you're so striking.
Rob, I like you.
A lot.
But the way I was raised,
I'm supposed to be waiting
until I get married.
This is gonna sound a little
old fashioned, but I like the idea.
Does that sound stupid?
Not at all.
I'm sorry you had to drag yourself
all the way down here, Father.
You must be very busy, what
with all the sin in the world.
But, I don't know where my son lives.
I'm interested in anything that you
can tell me about your son, Mrs. Sorrel.
My son.
Well, he's no saint.
I can tell ya that.
When did you last see him?
Couple weeks ago, he dropped by.
He was undergoing one of his crises.
My son is very good at
going through crises.
He was gonna be a priest once.
I should've had him do that,
because then he would've
had his fill of crises.
- I suppose he would have.
- Other people's crises.
Of course, he doesn't wanna
talk to the likes of me.
He's an artist, you see.
Which means, he paints dirty pictures.
Now, you understand, Father,
I ordinarily do not let this
kind of material into my home.
I understand. When was this done?
Well, not too long ago
I'm sorry to tell ya.
Do you know where I would find
the model?
You'd have to look
in the county morgue.
- It was in the morning papers.
- Excuse me?
She was murdered last night.
The police figured a stranger
must have picked her up on Highway 99.
There it is. Amanda Peterson.
She always was getting into trouble.
In fact, it's just like her to go out
and get herself strangled.
She's sure got sad eyes,
don't you think, Father?
Can I borrow this painting?
It's all I have of Rob's,
filthy though it is.
It's very important.
Okay, take it.
So, why are you asking me all
these questions about Rob?
Mrs. Sorrel, your son
may be in some trouble.
I won't know until I find him.
Well, I'm not surprised to hear that.
You wouldn't happen to have
a photograph of him, would you?
All I have is old ones.
That's fine.
I never should've let him
out of this house.
But, you gotta let a
boy go out in the world.
Make his mark, don't you think?
Yes. I suppose that's true.
I decided I want to pose for you,
and I won't take no for an answer.
I told you that's not such
a good idea.
Well, maybe you need a change
in subject.
Hey, sailor.
Love that uniform.
Have you ever seen this guy?
- Is he the one?
- I don't know, I think so.
Save us some, padre.
Meet me in back.
You know, you should do a painting
entitled "Scene from a Loft."
I paint people.
I capture their souls with color.
That's what the series is all about.
What color is my soul?
- Blue?
- I think.
Best guess I can make without
cutting you open to find out.
How do you want me to pose?
Sit in the chair.
I don't have to be naked?
I'm not going to paint you
like I painted the others.
This is simply a gift,
for your mom and dad.
How's this?
That's not what I want.
Turn into the light.
Please, excuse me?
Hey, girls, check this out.
Any of you seen this guy?
- No.
- Doesn't look familiar.
I know that bastard. He wanted me
to pose nude for him once.
A real religious psycho.
No offense, Father.
- None taken. When was this?
- About a year ago.
He lived down on the Boulevard,
up above a porn bookstore.
Think it was called
Little Shop of Whores.
Did he ever complete the painting?
I never let him start. He was on
some kind of really weird trip.
You know, in this business,
you get a real quick sense
about guys like that.
- God, let me see it.
- No.
Mm, touchy.
- When do I get to see it?
- When it's finished.
Tomorrow, same time?
But I'm gonna start charging you.
- Appreciate your help.
- No problem.
You're determined to get
this guy, aren't you?
I know his kind.
He's obsessed
by the naked female body.
Most men are.
Yeah, but his is a
kind of hatred, you know?
And everybody knows what
a slut deserves, right?
Maybe you should find
another line of work.
What, move in with you?
I don't think the church
is quite ready for that.
This is the place.
Little divine intervention.
- Yeah?
- Yep.
I'm looking for a lost soul, son.
- You seen this man?
- Why do you do this?
Customers no like priest in here.
You tell me about Rob Sorrel,
and I'm outta here.
I know nothing, please leave.
Are you sure?
You don't have any religious
periodicals, guns and ammo?
Father, Father, Father.
He lived in the lofts upstairs.
Deadbeat, no pay rent, gone for weeks.
- Did he leave a forwarding address?
- Nothing, he no leave last month's rent.
Instead, he give me that.
How much you want for it?
How much are you paying?
- Rent he owe is 300.
- 50, no more.
If you leave now, huh?
I leave now.
Rainy, we've got ourselves some kind
of weird priest on our hands.
Strip clubs, porn stores, carries
a piece, and hangs out with strippers.
What you got?
Call came in from Kern County.
Guess what?
It ain't good.
This has never happened to me before.
I guess I'm a difficult subject,
aren't I?
- I have an idea.
- What?
All your other paintings of women
have been nudes.
Those paintings are about corruption.
Is the human body corrupt?
- The jury's still out on that.
- Then let me pose nude for you, Rob.
- I'll show you you can even paint purity.
- No, Alicia.
Don't disappoint me.
Just relax, Rob, okay?
I just wasn't sure if you
were right for the series.
And now?
Now, I think I might be
able to fit you right in.
Forensics report on victim
number one, Paula Brown.
I knew you'd wanna see it.
It's about time.
She was pregnant?
Let's get started, shall we?
Good, how do you want me?
Do something provocative.
Like this?
Now turn from the light.
I gotta get outta here.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Rob, what's wrong?
Oh, Rob Sorrel.
Yes, I've repped him in the past.
He was promising once.
Now, he's just another insane artist.
Well, do you have any idea
where he might be living?
No, not anymore.
You might start looking downtown
in the artist district, hm?
But, if you are really
serious about buying
some really excellent contemporary art,
you should come to our opening.
Did you stop representing him
because you thought he was crazy?
No, he's worse than crazy.
Rob's passe.
Give me a beer.
- God, this place.
- Thinking about becoming a nun?
I keep thinking about Paula,
and what happened to her.
Hey, you can't blame yourself for that.
We all run into weirdos out there.
Nicole, babe, you're up next.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God.
Father O'Shea's
taken a turn for the worse.
- Yeah you, give her some more.
- Give her some more.
- Woo!
- Yeah!
There's more where
this came from, baby.
- Baby girl!
- Oh yeah.
- That's it.
- Oh yeah.
Whitney, listen.
You gotta cover for me, okay?
'Cause I gotta go.
I came for my painting.
- You, you owe me $300.
- Where's my fucking painting?
I no have.
I sell it. The priest buy it.
- Priest?
- Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Morris, please dial 118.
God, if I should forsake thee,
punish me.
But grant eternal peace to this soul.
- Why are you following me?
- I'm not following you!
I was afraid to go home.
I saw him tonight.
- He attacked me.
- Oh, it's okay.
It's okay, it's all right.
Look, if you want, you can stay here.
- Be all right?
- Yeah.
Okay, I'll get outta here
and let you go ahead and...
Father Tyrone..
Father Tyrone.
She was in a bit of trouble.
- She needed a bed for the night.
- I see.
- How can I help you?
- Oh, it's nothing of import.
It can wait.
Goodnight, Monsignor.
I think I just blew my
chance at becoming pope.
Well, I'm not saying she never
attended services at St. Joe's,
but she was not a parishioner.
Oh no, no.
A girl like this would, well,
she would've stood out
among our congregation.
Father Tyrone claims
he visited Paula Brown
in her apartment because
she was a parishioner.
Well, I can't imagine what would've
made him say a thing like that.
- You ever seen this woman in church?
- No, never.
Well like I said, she
was not a parishioner.
But Father Tyrone's behavior
was always somewhat unorthodox.
And as it now would appear,
he's also overly susceptible
to temptations of the flesh.
Come here.
Cost you another 20.
Same MO.
Now, what do we have here?
Do the initials DT mean
anything to you?
- Father Daniel..
- Tyrone, yeah.
I think we've had enough of
this Holy Ghost bullshit.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
It's been a month since
my last confession.
May the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit be in your mind
that you may rightly confess your sins.
But first, I need you to
do something for me, Father.
What's that?
I need my paintings back, and
I need you to leave me the hell alone!
You came here to confess?
Oh yes, I've killed women, Father.
It's terrible.
But then, something happens.
I begin to create beautiful images.
Isn't it strange how beauty
can come from wickedness?
It won't work.
For these sins and all the sins of
my past life, I ask absolution.
I already know what you did.
You can't use confession
to make me silent.
I came to you
to tell my sins to God alone!
You came to me to silence
the only witness against you,
you murdering little bastard!
- Father Tyrone.
- Jefferson.
The man that just came out
this way is your killer.
- What man?
- The man that just came out this way.
I didn't see no one leave.
Listen, Father, we're gonna need you
to clear up a few things.
Goddamn it, Lieutenant!
Sorrel was just here.
Father, this isn't easy for me, but
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you
to come in for questioning.
Clearly, I left them at Paula's.
The killer found them, and
planted them at the murder scene.
Father, you're the only
priest I know with a rap sheet.
We hauled in a gang member the other day
who said you pulled a gun on him.
And to top it off, we
find some stolen evidence
along with nude paintings of
three victims in your bedroom.
Now you tell me, what the,
what am I supposed to believe?
We've been through
this, it's circumstantial.
Maybe, but there's more.
You were in Bakersfield recently.
Well, if that's a crime
then I'm guilty.
No, but murder is.
The woman you visited is dead.
It happened the day you were there,
same MO. Coincidence?
Oh god, who are they?
They're the girls in
your paintings, Father.
All three killed the same way,
strangled with picture hanging wire.
- The same way Paula Brown was murdered.
- Rob Sorrel is an artist.
He would have had that kind of wire.
Yeah, well..
we've done a background
check on this Sorrel.
- He's been dead for six months.
- What?
Suicide. They found his body
in the LA river.
Where are the wires
that's usually attached
to the back of those paintings, Father?
The paintings weren't hanging.
No, but you might be.
You know, I didn't know
that Sorrel was found dead.
He wasn't. I was just bullshitting.
He's been missing for six months.
The record suggests suicide.
You see, he has a history
with several failed attempts.
Now wait a minute, didn't Tyrone say
that the mother saw him recently?
Yeah, but the neighbor
said the mother was nuts.
She imagined her son was with her
whenever she went to church.
When I was a little girl,
and I went to confession,
I'd make everything up.
I'd have felt so guilty for
not committing any sins,
or at least none that I can remember.
That's enough for tonight.
You're close to being finished.
Well, I can't wait to see it.
I know I'm gonna love it.
If you look at it now,
you'll be disappointed.
Trust me.
Ah, that's not such a good idea, either.
- Maybe you're right.
- I am.
- What's wrong, Rob?
- What happened to your vow, Alicia?
All this time, I've been waiting for
something special and sacred.
I don't feel I have to wait any longer.
Well, at least you're honest.
Do me a favor?
Lock the door.
- We're in the middle of nowhere, Rob.
- Just...
lock the door.
You know Father, if they really thought
you were guilty, you'd be in jail.
Somehow, that
is not a comforting thought.
Just, a bit lost.
Yeah, I know you're a priest and all,
but are you attracted to me?
More than someone in
my position should be.
But not like you were
attracted to Paula, right?
I mean,
you were her lover, weren't you?
Oh no.
Come here.
- Paula was my daughter.
- What?
The single greatest regret of my life
is that she never knew
how much I loved her.
You know, they're gonna
keep watching us, and following us.
- Where are you going?
- Wait for me here.
I have to go visit a friend.
- I wanna go with you.
- Just stay here.
- Long time, Clyde.
- Oh, excuse me.
Ah, Mr. Sorrel.
- I don't remember inviting you here.
- Easy oversight.
By the way, my series is nearly
finished. I want you to reconsider.
You must be here because
of the priest.
- What?
- Yes.
Apparently, Rob, he is
your biggest and best fan.
Or, you've stopped going to mass.
What priest, Father Tyrone?
What did you tell him?
I never lie, Rob.
Especially not to a priest.
I told him that your paintings
were self-indulgent, overrated crap.
That's okay.
The guy who painted this?
He can't even fuck.
- Stay back!
- Let's get out of here.
- Should I call the police?
- No don't, we don't need the publicity.
The little prick.
Performance artists.
Oh that was.
Guess what, Alicia?
I guess I was wrong about
the color of your soul.
The good news is, you'll fit
in nicely with the series.
I'll be back at seven o'clock.
I have things to take care of.
Don't go anywhere.
This is important to me.
We have to purify ourselves.
I wanna see both your daughter
and Jose,
same time Thursday, okay?
Well, I don't know if they will come.
Francine, put the fear of
God in them, they'll come.
Father Tyrone?
Are you ever home?
Father Tyrone.
Mother of God.
There's been a murder.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
It's been six months
since my last confession.
Father, I'm only 18 and I did
a very stupid thing.
I'm not married,
but I slept with a man.
- The world is full of temptations.
- Father, I know.
But it was my fault.
He's very intense, an artist.
He paints me.
I don't know. For a while,
he made me feel important.
Now he makes me feel so dirty.
This scares me, Father.
Rob Sorrel?
Father, how do you know?
God knows many things.
Where does he live?
What does that matter, Father?
In God's name, child!
Where does he live?
613 Sixth Street.
It's five blocks from here.
- You are in danger, stay here.
- But Father!
You're absolved. Say 10 hail Marys,
and for God's sake, stay here!
- What are you doing here?
- Rob, you scared me.
Why are you here?
You were right about feeling
better after confession. I had to.
Let's go.
Oh, oh.
- That's him, that's the man!
- Hold it right there.
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Rob, please.
Don't do this.
Alicia, I do love you.
I'll always love you.
Everyone waits for the
church to save them.
- Where's the precious church now?
- Right here.
You failed to obtain absolution
from the almighty and merciful God
on your last visit to the confessional.
I don't want your worthless absolution!
The chosen must expect
temptation almost beyond endurance.
I was never chosen.
- Rob, God chose you.
- No!
I'm going straight to hell, Father,
and I'd hate to make the trip alone.
You wanna die!
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
I absolve you in the name of the Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit.