Find Me Falling (2024) Movie Script

[seagulls squawking]
[waves ebbing]
["Girl on the Beach" playing]
Stay with me a while
Let me make you smile
While the sun goes down
On us
Let me touch your skin
Baby, let me in
Let the sun go down
On us
Do you hear the bells?
Do they ring true?
Don't you know those bells?
They're ringing for you
Don't leave me here
Don't walk away
You might love tomorrow
What you fear today
Hey, girl
Girl on the beach
I wanna hold you
But you're just out of reach
Oh, girl
Girl on the beach
Don't talk about love
Till you practice what you preach
[man on radio] Enjoy radio.
[woman on radio speaking Greek]
..."Girl on the Beach."
[woman on radio speaking Greek]
[glass shatters]
[man] Damn it.
[man on radio speaking Greek]
Ah, son of a bitch.
[phone ringing]
[woman on radio speaking Greek]
[sighs] Oh, leave me alone.
[man on radio speaking Greek]
[curious music playing]
What the hell are you doing here?
I'm not selling you my story
if that's why you're here.
[man 2] Go away!
"Go away."
You want me to go away?
- This is my... Ah.
- [shatters]
It's my property. Okay?
You go away.
Oh my God.
[curious music continues]
[in Greek] Did we find any ID?
[woman] Not yet,
but it looks like Mrs. Georgia's son.
[in English] Did he say anything
before he jumped?
Not really.
Well, given the location...
What do... what do you mean?
When did you come here?
[man] Oh, like, uh, a couple days ago.
Nope, I, uh... I moved here, actually.
I just bought this house.
- You bought this house?
- Yeah.
[in Greek] What's the matter with you?
Get out of here.
- [in English] You live here alone?
- Yes.
- You're not married?
- No.
- Children?
- No, I... no kids. It's just me.
You got this house through a mesiti,
a real estate agent?
[sighs] Yeah. She got me a great price.
- What?
- Mister...
Mr. John, I'm Manoli.
This area is, um...
[woman in Greek] Captain, it's Vangelis.
Oh no.
Okay. I'll go past
Mrs. Georgia myself after this.
[in English] This area...
[woman in Greek] Take the priest with you.
- [in English] Oh my God...
- [in Greek] Yes. Okay!
[in English] This area is
what you might call, um... what's the word?
A suicide hotspot.
A what?
People come here
several times a year to take their lives.
Sometimes they even come from abroad.
It's become a bit of a local legend.
I'm surprised you never heard of it.
You're saying
that people just come here and... and...
Several times a year?
Sometimes several times a month.
And you... you just... [chuckles]
You just allow this to happen?
- What could I do to stop it?
- Build a fence!
To keep them out.
- Build a fence?
- [John] Yes!
Build a fence around the whole cliff?
This is my number.
Please call me
if you see anybody close to the edge.
That's it?
Welcome to the island.
[bouzouki music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[speaking Greek]
Tsigara? Tsigara?
- Cigarettes?
- Yes. Thank you.
- [woman speaks Greek]
- Uh, blue ones.
[woman speaks Greek]
Or the white ones. That's fine.
Do I know you?
No, I don't think so.
What is this for? Is it for pasta?
- Um, may...
- [in Greek] Bring some tomatoes.
No. No.
This is better.
Great. Whatever.
Take this also. It's good for the flavor.
That's great. I'm... I'm really not trying
to do like a big, you know, a spread or...
[woman] Do you have spices?
- [John] Uh...
- I'll get you some spices.
You can't eat like this. Rigani! Mm.
- Paprika. Mm.
- I don't know what it does.
Is it possible
to have groceries delivered to my house?
Is somebody sick?
What? No, it's for me.
Are you sick?
Is it possible for me
to have my groceries delivered?
[in Greek] I understand.
He doesn't like the look of our faces.
[in English] Here.
Make a list.
[woman speaks Greek]
I've never really shopped for myself.
You live alone?
Okay, I'll put something together for you.
Thank you so much.
- Anything else?
- [John] Nope.
Ah, wait. Yeah.
A Greek-English dictionary.
Where do you live?
I live at the house on the cliff.
Yes, that house.
["Antics" playing]
[yells in Greek]
["Antics" lyrics in Greek]
- Hey!
- Malaka!
[man in Greek] Melina, sweetheart!
Can't you make it on time just once?
- [in English] What?
- [in Greek] What?
[in English] You only call me Melinaki
when you want something.
Okay. Sophia is sick.
Can you cover her shift tonight?
Are you kidding me?
Come on, I'm short-staffed tonight.
[sighs] I'm the entertainment,
not the help.
[man] Melina.
This is a tavern, not a club. Please?
Fine. Can I at least finish my first set?
Sure. We'll just leave
the band for the second half.
No one will even notice you're gone.
["Antics" continues]
[music stops]
[waves crashing]
[cheering and applause]
[crowd chanting]
["Pefteis se lathoi" playing]
[lyrics in Greek]
Excuse me.
Are you okay?
[in Greek] Is he drunk?
[in English] Is this supposed to
keep people in or out?
[Melina] Good job.
What do you want?
I'm just here to deliver your groceries.
I'll go get your money, um...
- Just leave them at the door. It's fine.
- It's fine. I'll put them in the kitchen.
[John] Yeah, that's okay. Um...
It's no trouble. I've always wondered
what it looks like on the inside.
You know, no one's lived here for years.
Decades, maybe.
[John] Can't imagine why.
I think the last owner was the one who,
you know, started the trend.
Thanks. I'm... I'm busy. Thank you.
John Allman. Wait, you're John Allman?
The John Allman? The rock star?
Oh my God, you look so...
I was gonna say different.
But yeah, older.
What are you doing in Cyprus?
Let's just say I'm taking a break
from my music career.
Okay, first of all, music isn't a career.
It's a way of life.
Then I'm taking a break from my life.
Oh, almost forgot. Your dictionary.
You don't even sound like
you're from here.
We don't all have an accent,
but I am definitely from here.
The best way to learn a new language
is to take on a lover who speaks it.
[chuckles] Yeah...
Um, you seem like a really nice girl,
but I'm not... I'm not looking.
God, did you think I was hitting on you?
- I don't know what you want to call it.
- [Melina] Gross.
I was talking about you and someone else.
What are you, are you a matchmaker?
Well, there are plenty
of eligible women here your age.
Oh my God, here.
Just saying. You wouldn't
have to be here all on your own.
Not interested.
If you like your privacy,
there's an amazing little beach
at the bottom of this cliff.
Just a bit further down.
Nobody ever goes there.
You can tan naked and everything.
You hitting on me again?
You know, the first word
you should look up in that dictionary
is malaka.
[moped engine starts]
[phone ringing]
[John] Jimmy, my boy.
You asshole!
Why haven't you been answering your phone?
And what number is this?
I mean, what the hell, man?
Do you know how much crap
I've been taking here?
That's why I love you.
[chuckles] No. No, no, no.
You know, I love you too, but screw you.
Everyone has been looking for you.
[John] Nobody's looking for me.
Oh, boo-hoo.
I mean, let's throw you a pity party.
And where exactly are you?
I am in Cyprus.
[Jimmy] Cyprus?
Yeah, for a while there,
I thought you was dead.
But this is worse.
Okay, so you bombed. Big deal.
You get up, and you keep going.
Look, it was just one album...
It wasn't just about the album, Jimmy.
Listen, I know
that you haven't written in a long time,
but just finish what you're working on
and send it to me.
We'll come back from the comeback.
[Jimmy] We'll call the album
Lazarus: Raised from the Dead.
[chuckles] Lazarus...
You are John Allman.
Musical icon. Sex god...
- Jimmy, I got to call you back.
- [Jimmy] Wait, John...
[phone beeps]
[somber music playing]
[Manoli] Thank you for calling.
Are you okay?
Is she?
That's Mrs. Georgia.
She's the mother of the man
who jumped the other day.
She's just trying to understand.
People don't always come here to jump.
Sometimes it's just to release
their sadness or their fears.
Sometimes their sadness leaves.
Sometimes... they leave with it.
Fantastic. Don't you people
have therapy on this island?
Who needs therapy when you have nature?
- Great philosophy.
- And now we have you.
Perhaps it's a good thing
that you live up here.
Yeah, 'cause that's what I want
my second career to be,
watching people jump off of a cliff.
John, you don't just watch. You help.
What... what do you want me to do?
Put up a sign that says
"Let's talk about it" or something?
- [in Greek] Do what you like.
- [in English] What?
By the way,
I have the perfect woman for you.
Oh no, no, no...
I have a sister.
Never married
and she makes the best pastitsio
you ever tasted.
- I'll send her here one day. You'll see.
- Yeah, please don't.
And tonight you're coming out with me.
- No, I... I don't want to go.
- This is not a negotiation.
I will take you to a taverna.
[in Greek] You'll lose your mind!
What are you waiting for?
Stop torturing that poor woman!
Go to the station and I'll meet you there!
I will meet you at the square at night.
[singing "Woman from Tylliria" in Greek]
[indistinct chatter]
[in Greek] You came back.
["Alla mou len ta matia sou" playing]
[yells in Greek]
[Melina singing
"Alla mou len ta matia sou"]
This is what I call the Cyprus spirit.
- All right.
- Yiamas!
[John] Ah. Whoo!
[chuckles] If you're gonna live in Cyprus,
you have to learn
to eat and drink like a Cypriot.
Let's... let's take that
a day at a time, okay?
[speaking Greek]
[speaking Greek]
[John] And what is this?
This is, um, a Cyprus ravioli.
Okay. What do you call it?
And this is the best.
- Are they going to stop bringing us food?
- No.
[both chuckle]
Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
Now, let me show you how to suck.
Believe me, I know how to suck.
Yes, you suck,
but you could suck a lot more.
[sucking] Mm.
So... what do you think?
[singing in Greek]
She can sing, no?
She's good.
Good? She's better than good.
She should be performing in arenas
like you used to.
- I looked you up. You're that musician.
- Mm.
You have this famous song.
- I remember, uh, "Girl on the Beach."
- That's the one.
- Hey, girl, girl on the beach
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- I like to hold you
- That was actually a long time ago.
And you know, I'm really trying to kind of
keep a low profile here, you know?
I won't say a word.
Okay. [chuckles]
- But John... it's an honor to have you here.
- [audience cheering, applauding]
Thank you.
My sister likes music.
- Oh yeah? Okay.
- Mm.
[Melina] Hey!
[in Greek] You're a treasure!
You should sing abroad!
[Melina scoffs]
[Melina clears throat]
[in English] So... you sing.
I do.
Do you have a light?
I do.
I'm onto you.
Smoking doesn't really suit you.
So I've been told.
So you know Manoli.
This is Cyprus. Everyone knows everyone.
Everyone is related to everyone.
Small place.
[clears throat]
Thanks for the drink.
[singing "S'agapo giati eisai oraia"]
Come, I want you to meet some people.
- Ela!
- [John] I'm fine. Thanks, man.
No, no, come on!
Ela! Come. Come.
This is Kyriaco. He's the mayor.
Maybe we can talk to him about your fence.
[in Greek] Mayor, this guy moved up
to the cliff and wants to build a fence.
[in English] I will give you
a discount on the permit.
Yeah. That's Savva, his wife Andriana,
Lenia, the mayor's wife,
and Sia, the best doctor on the island.
[distorted] Guys, this is John.
He just moved here.
Nice to meet you.
Please, join us.
So, John, where are you from?
Uh, oh, I'm from, uh, New York.
[Kyriaco] Why would anyone leave New York?
[all laugh]
Weren't you thinking of moving there?
Ah, not really.
You look so familiar.
You should go to New York.
You'd love it there.
I'm more of an island girl.
Manhattan is an island.
- We can't afford to lose her.
- Is this your first time in Cyprus?
Um, no, actually.
I was here many, many years ago.
Mm, it must've left
quite an impression on you.
You could say that.
Oh my God.
Are you that singer?
Oh! It's you! It's you! With the song.
- What's your name?
- Uh, I just told you his name.
[Lenia] No, no, his full name.
Allman. John Allman.
Guilty as charged.
Ah! I remember! You used to be famous.
[Lenia] I love that song
about the girl on the beach
that you fall in love with.
But then you left her behind.
[Adriana] No, no, no, no, no.
He didn't leave her behind.
She stayed behind.
[Lenia] What's the difference?
She must've been quite something.
Yeah, she wasn't... she wasn't real.
Um, just a line in a song.
Yeah, so, uh,
I... I, uh, should probably go, so...
So soon?
Great to meet everyone.
I'll, uh... I'll see you around. Thanks.
- Good night. Bye.
- Bye.
[in Greek] You exhausted him
with your nonsense!
- [sighs]
- [in English] Nice to meet you?
I'm so sorry.
I... I wasn't expecting to see you.
Yeah, well,
you know what you are? You're a...
You're a malaka.
You're the malaka.
What the hell are you doing here anyway?
What am I doing here?
[Sia] Yeah.
What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
[emotional music playing]
[curious music playing]
[in Greek] Your sister's at church.
Aren't you going too?
Of course!
I just need to get something first.
[priest praying in Greek]
[whispering] Where were you last night?
[bangs table]
[in English] He's back.
John is back.
[in Greek] What is it?
Nothing, Mama.
[priest praying in Greek]
- Is that where you were last night?
- [in English] Nothing happened.
- [heartbeat]
- [inhales]
Okay... something happened.
But it didn't mean anything.
You were gone all night.
It was a one-time thing.
He barely even remembered me.
- [heartbeat]
- God, I missed you.
I bet you still can't say my name.
Of course I can.
[chuckles] My full name.
[John] That's what I said.
[both chuckle]
You're an idiot.
And you still haven't answered
my question.
Why are you here?
I thought it'd be a nice place to retire.
Really? You retire? Please.
Why not?
Because music is the love of your life.
Is that what you think?
That's what I know.
[in Greek] Have you lost your mind?
At least you came to church.
We can book you into confession later.
[phone ringing]
Is that your phone?
[priest speaking Greek]
- [in English] It's you.
- What?
- You're calling me.
- I'm not!
[in Greek] Hello?
[in English] It's for you.
Next time you sneak out
of somebody's house,
remember to take your phone with you.
I did not sneak out.
Yeah, okay.
You can make it up to me.
Have lunch with me later.
Unless you have to rush off someplace.
Very funny. I'm working later.
[speaks Greek]
[in English] Then dinner.
[Sia] We'll see. I have to go.
See you soon, "Euthanasia."
[priest speaking Greek]
[man in Greek] Doc,
when am I getting out of here?
When I say you can, Mr. Petro.
Take another deep breath.
I have a business to run!
Who's going to look after the shop?
The shop will be fine.
- [groans]
- [Sia] You have to look after yourself.
You look different today.
No, I don't.
[Petro] Mm.
What's his name?
Listen. Forget him!
Run away with me.
And what would your wife
say about that, Mr. Petro?
My wife?
She would be relieved!
[both chuckle]
[Petro] Anyway...
A woman like you
shouldn't be on the shelf.
Sometimes the shelf is easier.
[indistinct chatter]
Your family's here to see you.
[gasps] Who's here?
- How are you feeling, dear?
- [Petro] I'm fine.
Where's Demetri?
I'm here, Papa!
And Giorgo?
He's also here.
- [Giorgo] I also brought the kids.
- Hi, Grandpa.
What about Barbara? Where is she?
- I'm right here, Papa.
- We're all here, dear.
That's nice!
Everybody's here.
Then who the hell
is looking after the shop?
Please give Mrs. Eftyhia
her prescription before you leave.
[in English] The best doctor in town
needs her cell phone.
Thank you.
- Look at you, saving lives.
- [chuckles]
Yes, just like you.
So, um, I had a question
before you snuck out.
I did not sneak out.
Well, before you left
with no prior notice as I was sleeping,
I wanted to ask you something.
Why aren't you married?
Why aren't you married?
[tender music playing]
I never found the right one.
I didn't either.
Let me make you dinner tonight.
Since when do you cook?
You know,
I've learned a few things over the years.
I can cook now.
And, uh, look,
I can tie my own shoelaces. [chuckles]
I'm not the same guy you met on the beach.
Fine. Dinner tonight.
Now go. I have work to do.
[water ebbing]
[child speaking Greek]
[curious music playing]
[child speaking Greek]
[mouths] Shit.
[whispers] Son of a bitch.
[in Greek] Is the music too loud?
- Not at all.
- Yes!
I just heard
that John Allman is living in Cyprus!
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Apparently he bought
the house on the cliff.
Who's John Allman?
The famous singer.
He used to date that actress,
Cameron Diaz.
And then that model, Tyra Banks.
After that, he mostly dated models.
What on earth
is John Allman doing in Cyprus?
Sounds like
he ran out of women in America.
[curious music playing]
[in English] Hello?
[John] Do you have it?
Yeah. What happened?
Did you get a little burn?
Oh my God. What happened to you?
I listened to you.
"Go to the beach. Tan naked."
Well, I didn't tell you to spend
the whole day in the sun.
Well, it wasn't my fault. Okay?
It turns out that beach wasn't so private.
there isn't a single spot on this island
where you can go to be alone.
[Melina chuckles]
I'm sorry. It's not funny.
So, how is the fence going?
It's fine.
I just need to make it
a little longer and taller. That's all.
- Maybe electrify it.
- Yep.
Then you can finally be alone.
[Melina] I bet that guitar
has a few stories to tell.
Yes, it does.
Are they any good?
Why don't you ask it?
I thought I just did.
All right.
One condition.
Can you cook?
- [gentle music playing faintly on radio]
- Stop it.
I didn't say anything.
If I was going to say something,
I would say that this is a terrible idea
and you are going to make a big mess.
But I'm not saying anything.
I don't want to get involved.
Which one?
[Sia] And I'm not going to make a mess.
I'm handling the situation.
Yes, there's lots of handling going on.
You're playing with fire.
You're probably
the only woman on this island
who managed to keep a secret.
- And now...
- He's back. What do you want me to do?
You're glad he's back.
Maybe I am.
I am.
[sighs] I feel like a woman again.
I haven't felt like this in a long time.
I've spent my whole life
making sure I never needed anyone,
and I ended up completely alone.
Well, not completely.
[Sia] You know what I mean.
Even if you find someone,
there are no guarantees.
Look at me.
Left alone
after just five years of marriage.
Because he had a heart attack,
not because he left you.
Same thing.
[Sia sighs]
How does he look?
[Sia chuckles]
No, no, no. This dress is no good.
Why? It's gorgeous.
This dress can only lead to trouble.
But do what you like.
I don't want to get involved.
[gentle guitar playing]
[Melina] Love, oh, love
Oh, careless love
You fly through my head
Like wine
You've wrecked the life
Of many a poor girl
And you let me spoil this life of mine
[chuckles] Um, remind me
why you're delivering groceries.
You could do this full time.
- It's not that easy.
- Yeah, why not?
Well, for one thing,
I live in a small place...
So leave.
I can't. I have a life here.
And this is the way of life
you want to lead.
I don't know. I mean,
I get a little time on stage every night.
That's something.
Mm, yeah...
What was the name of that song
you sang the other night?
The one where you took your shoes off?
[chuckles] Oh.
That's a traditional kantada, a serenade.
It's called "S' Agapo Giati Eisai Oraia."
Nope, I understood nothing.
[Melina chuckles]
It says,
"I love you because you are beautiful."
"I love you because you are you."
"And I love the entire world
because you are in it."
Sounds a little cheesy.
This coming from the guy
who wrote "Girl on the Beach"?
Um... [chuckles]
I have written other songs.
You know,
that was supposed to be a ballad.
- Really?
- [John] Mm-hmm.
That song isn't about
just some girl on the beach.
It's about the girl.
And what made her so special?
It's hard to explain.
She knew me before all of the fame
and all the rock-and-roll stuff.
When I was... when I was just me.
And, um,
that was enough for her.
Do you have any other songs
you wrote about her?
You do.
Oh, come on. Play one.
Mm, no.
Fine. Good luck with dinner then.
- What?
- [Melina] Let me know how it goes.
- Whoa, seriously you can't...
- [Melina] Bye.
Whoa, hang on. Hang on. You can't leave.
It's... it's, um... it's not finished.
[strumming guitar]
If the wind blows a certain way
If it's calm out like today
I still stand on feet of clay
You can find me falling
I made choices
Most were bad
Did the worst with what I had
I'm not mad
You can find me falling
And my soul
Tries to continue
And my heart
Tries to survive
And my mind
Keeps playing tricks on me
It keeps telling me
I'm alive
That's as far as I got.
That was...
Enough to revive a career?
Music isn't a career.
But yes, definitely.
You should get the hell off this island
and do that.
[chuckles] Look who's talking.
So who am I cooking dinner
for tonight anyways?
Is it a date?
[gasps] It's a date.
[chuckles] It's not a date.
Who is she?
Hey, it's nobody, and you need to leave
before she gets here.
Oh, relax, I'll be long gone
before the date starts.
It's not a date.
Fine. It's not a date.
Lucky you,
you won't need to spruce up or anything.
Shut up.
[curious music playing]
Ow! Ah!
I'll get it.
[whispers] Hey, hurry up.
- [Sia] Hi.
- Hi. Um, you're early.
You're not dressed.
That's 'cause you're early.
Come on in.
Do you have company?
- What?
- Did I come at a bad time?
No, not at all.
Are you with someone?
With someone? What do you mean?
Oh no, that's...
Are you joking?
Let me explain.
Yes. Explain, please.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Why... why are you getting so upset?
I don't know. You tell me.
There's nothing to tell.
You're unbelievable.
Sia, this is crazy. I mean...
I must be crazy to be standing here...
- Mom?
- Melina?
What is she doing here?
What am I doing here?
What are you doing here?
Did something happen here?
Tell me, what is she doing here?
- Mom, stop!
- [Sia] Why are you here?
I was cooking!
- [Sia] Cooking?
- Yes.
And nothing else happened?
What? Ew. Mom.
- Um, are you John?
- Yeah.
I am Elpida, Manoli's sister.
I have come for our date.
Oh my God.
- We're leaving now.
- Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, Sia!
- Oh, come on! Wait, what...
- Do not follow us.
[sighs] What... Oh...
It's best to eat it while it's warm.
Oh man...
- [in Greek] I'm going to kill you!
- What happened?
Auntie! [laughs]
[in English] God needs
a little help sometimes.
You'll need his help in a minute.
What happened?
Speak to your sister.
I still don't know what's going on.
I went to see John, and she was there.
Who? Melina?
Apparently you have been
sending her there for deliveries.
[sister] Where?
To the cliff!
That's where he lives?
- [in Greek] Are you trying to destroy me?
- [in English] Stop doing that.
No, no, no.
A man called John Allman lives there.
That's your John?
Your John?
What is going on? How do you know him?
We met last night.
And that's it.
Did you and John...
We all make mistakes.
I don't understand. What is the big deal?
[Sia] It's nothing.
I was just surprised
to find you there, okay?
I don't want to talk about it,
and I don't want you going there anymore.
Mom, you can't tell me what to do.
[Koula] But I can.
I'll put someone else on that route.
I told you not to wear that dress.
[curious music playing]
[soft rock music playing on radio]
[man speaking Greek on radio]
..."Girl on the Beach."
[man continues speaking Greek]
["Girl on the Beach" playing]
[dog barking]
[music stops]
[in Greek] Grandma, do you need some help?
It'd be faster
if I took you down on my Vespa.
Hmm. It'd also be faster
if you just threw me down.
He who rushes, stumbles.
Sometimes things take time.
Well, do you have some time now?
I need to ask you something.
Do I have time? Only God knows that.
Should I ask him?
- No, he has forgotten me.
- What do you mean?
I'm tired, my child.
I've lived my life, I've packed my bag,
and he won't take me!
What bag?
- [Melina in English] I don't understand.
- [grandma in Greek] It's for my funeral.
- [Melina] Are you dying?
- [grandma] No.
But it's good to be prepared.
Aren't you afraid of death?
Huh. Why should I be afraid?
I raised my children. I did my part.
I'm ready to go.
I haven't done anything with my life yet.
Then you should be afraid.
Grandma, you know about everything
that goes on in the village.
So I wanted to ask you about my mother.
Why don't you ask her yourself?
She won't tell me.
There must be a reason for that.
You women are all unbelievable!
You're the biggest gossips,
but when I need some information...
Gossip? Me?
Fine, what do you want to know?
I want to know about my mother and John.
The guy who lives on the cliff.
Yes, John.
You want to know about their old romance?
Old? You mean new.
Do you think that's why he came back?
No, he came back for the weather.
[in English] Hi.
[John] Hi.
Very impressive.
[John] Thanks.
[Sia] Is this
to keep people from falling off?
They don't fall. They jump.
[Sia] What's the difference?
Falling's involuntary.
Oh, so you don't jump in love?
No. You don't jump in love.
Oh, um, Koula gave me this.
Groceries. Here.
[emotional music playing]
Is she mine?
And you never thought to call me
or... tell me or come and find me?
I did.
I went to New York.
Right after I found out.
I went to one of your concerts.
I managed to sneak backstage.
I walked to your dressing room,
and I saw you
with all these women.
They were all over you.
What women?
The groupies? Seriously?
They meant nothing to me.
They meant something to me.
I didn't want
to raise our child like that.
I left.
Just like that?
God, I have one bad moment,
and you make this...
It wasn't one bad moment, John.
I watched your life.
It was one bad moment after another.
Maybe it was the wrong decision.
But I was young.
I was scared.
Does Melina know?
I told her I had
a summer fling with a tourist...
[John] A summer fling?
[Sia] I thought I was doing you a favor.
You had just released
that stupid "Girl on the Beach" song,
and you became this mega star.
Do you think
you could've given all that up?
I would've liked to have had the choice.
You know I waited for you?
That day at the airport.
I really thought you would show up.
I didn't want to give up on my dreams
just to follow yours.
you're here now.
Unbelievable. Hey!
Get out of here!
This is not a good day to die!
["Stalia stalia" playing]
[singing in Greek]
[Melina] Let's see
if you remember this one.
Stay with me a while
Let me make you smile
While the sun goes down
On us
Let me touch your skin
Baby, let me in
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a very special guest
with us tonight.
Can we hear it for Mr. John Allman?
[Melina] Hey, John. What do you say?
Will you come sing with me?
I think he's being a little shy.
Come on. Let's go, guys.
Give a little encouragement.
Come on, John.
Let's sing "Girl on the Beach"
the way it was meant to be sung.
Do you hear the bells?
Do they ring true?
Don't you know those bells?
They're ringing for you
Don't leave me here
Don't walk away
You might love tomorrow
What you fear today
- Hey, you
- Hey, girl
Hey, that's my kid
You should've told me
But you never did
Oh well
What can you do?
It's hard to love someone
You never knew
[crowd murmuring]
[Lenia in Greek] What did he say?
She's his daughter.
I knew it!
[in English] Mom?
[crowd murmuring]
Melina, wait!
John Allman?
John Allman is my father!
You said you didn't know who he was!
I know. I...
Did he know about me?
Is that why he's here?
[Sia] No, he had no idea.
So you knew
who my dad was this whole time,
and you just lied to me?
I'm so sorry.
How does this even happen?
What were you, some kind of groupie?
No! I was not a groupie.
I loved him.
But rock stars don't make good fathers,
and believe me, he was more interested
in being a rock star than a dad.
He's not a bad person.
I just... I didn't think
he'd be capable of sacrifice
or sticking around.
You never even gave him a chance.
I was just trying to do
the best thing for you.
Good job, Mom.
["Find Me Falling" playing]
[knock on door]
[phone ringing]
So, what'd you think?
[Jimmy] What do I think?
I think you've just booked yourself
a first-class ticket
off that stupid island
and straight to Madison Square Garden.
You're back, John.
Everyone I played it for wants to buy,
and we are talking many, many zeros.
Just say the word, and I'll send the jet.
One more round, huh?
Many more rounds, my friend.
This is it, man.
This is what you'll be remembered for.
All right, let's do it.
[Jimmy] That's
what I'm talking about, John.
- Look, I'm getting the jet fueled right...
- [phone beeps]
Oh no...
Excuse me.
[John] Can I help you?
Do you wanna talk?
Oh, come on.
You're just a kid. You're just a baby.
Look, I'm sure... whatever it is
seems like a really big deal now,
but I bet you, in ten years' time,
you won't even remember
what the problem was.
[somber music playing]
I stand corrected.
- You really need to get away from there.
- Stay where you are.
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm... I'm... I'm not moving.
I'm not moving.
Just please, please, please don't move.
All right?
I mean, unless you want to take
a step forward. That would be all right.
[John] That's good.
That's... that's really good.
Are... are you from the village?
Is there somebody we can call?
What about the father?
Where are your parents?
They're going to kill me.
No, no, no, no, no,
they... they... they won't.
They won't. I promise you.
Really? Do you have children?
Sort of.
[John] It's a long story.
Is there, like, a friend or something?
I don't have anywhere to go.
[John] Um...
Why don't you stay here?
You could, um... you could stay here.
I don't even know you.
Are you John Allman?
Here you go.
You sure you don't want the bed?
Are you hungry?
Can I get you something to eat?
Something to drink? Some water?
All right. Um...
Kitchen's there.
There's the bathroom.
And, um, I'll see you in the morning.
All right?
I wouldn't have jumped.
I know.
[door closes]
[furniture scratching floor]
[in Greek] You're fine, Mom.
It was just low blood pressure.
So I'm not dying?
No, you're not dying.
What are you waiting for?
Don't be in such a hurry to go.
Do I have something to look forward to?
Don't start.
Your whole life,
you've taken the easy route.
What was easy, Mama?
Medical school,
raising a daughter on my own.
That was easy?
Yes, because you did it all on your own.
You never gave your heart to someone else.
You never risked the pain of togetherness.
Being on your own is easy.
Being with someone is hard.
As are all good things in life.
Who's the third cup for?
I brought your things.
[door closes]
Sit down. Both of you.
Grandma, this is none of your business.
None of my business?
Who do you think raised you
while she was off at university?
You're my blood.
So sit down.
Nobody leaves until this is resolved.
I lived through two wars.
I buried a husband and two children.
Those were problems. This is not.
Drink your coffee. It's getting cold.
[in English] What does it say?
I got the idea from a famous Greek quote.
"I hope for nothing.
I fear nothing. I am free."
You know him?
Of course. Zorba the Greek.
So... where do your parents
think you are right now?
University in Athens.
They were expecting me
to arrive yesterday.
Have you spoken to them?
Have you told the father?
Yeah. He doesn't want to be involved.
at least you told him.
You have one too.
This? Yeah.
[girl] No, the small one.
[John] That?
[girl] It's also in Greek.
[gentle music playing]
Well, you know, it means, um, immortality.
It's also a woman's name.
It sure is.
[in Greek] Mom,
will you read my coffee cup?
I see two figures.
A mother and a daughter.
And they're embracing.
And they're embracing!
[in English] I'm so sorry.
I know.
[emotional music playing]
[both chuckle]
[in Greek] What do you really see?
Are you seriously looking for answers
inside a cup?
[both chuckle]
[John in English] I'll go in first, okay?
[exhales sharply]
You live here?
Yes. Of course, I live here.
[Manoli] What's wrong?
Did something happen by the cliff?
[in Greek] Who is it?
It's nothing.
- [in English] Is it about Anna?
- No, no. Go inside.
actually, it is.
- What do you mean? You've seen her?
- [woman] Is she all right?
- So she was at my house...
- At your house?
[in Greek] He lives up on the cliff.
Oh my God.
- [in English] What are you saying, John?
- Nothing...
- What're you saying?
- I'm not saying anything!
[woman] Manoli!
Where's my daughter? Where's my daughter...
I'm here.
[in Greek] I'm here, Papa.
[in English] John saved my life.
[in Greek] I'm sorry.
You're sorry? You're sorry?
[in English] Hey. Hey.
- Get out of my way, John!
- No.
Get out of my way!
I didn't take her down
so you could finish her off here!
- Don't tell me what to do! I'm her father!
- Then act like it!
She's a kid!
She made a mistake.
This is not a mistake, John.
This is catastrophe.
[Ismini] My grandchild
is not a catastrophe.
[in Greek] You can come back
when you've calmed down.
And where am I supposed to go?
[door closes]
[in English] What?
Oh, so now you want to build a fence?
Cheers, Grandpa.
- [chuckles]
- [in Greek] Screw you!
[in English] So what happened
with my sister?
Absolutely nothing.
And I'd like to keep it that way.
Why? What's the matter?
My sister isn't good enough for you?
I was with Sia when she arrived.
You messed that up all by yourself.
It wasn't my sister's fault.
She does make a mean pasta though.
Ah. [chuckles]
So... what's your plan?
To stay up here alone
with your big fence forever?
Why not?
You need people.
We all do whether we admit it or not.
Why do you think
they come up here to jump?
Of all the cliffs on the island,
they come to the one with the house.
And you?
Of all the islands in the world,
you came here.
[phone ringing]
[in Greek] Yes?
[woman speaking indistinctly over phone]
[in English] Anna is in labor.
She's... she's... in labor!
[energetic music playing]
[Manoli] I'm not ready for this!
It's too soon!
I only found out
that she was pregnant this morning!
I need time! She needs time!
What is she going to do?
She's too young. She's only a baby.
My baby. My baby's having a baby!
She'll be fine. She has you.
Look out!
[all scream]
[in Greek] Damn it, still alive!
[emotional music playing]
[in English] Really? Flowers?
Balloon? That's the best you can do?
You turn my life upside down.
You humiliate me
in front of everyone I know.
- They're not, um...
- You hurt my daughter.
And all you can come up with
is a bunch of lousy flowers?
They're, um...
You should be out in the streets
begging for my forgiveness
because I never meant to hurt you.
But you?
You broke my heart on purpose.
So you can keep your stupid flowers!
They're not for you.
They're for Anna.
Manoli's kid. She just had a baby.
Yeah, Anna, of course. I know.
[sighs] I delivered the baby.
I'm sorry.
I'll be gone soon,
and you won't have to worry
about me ever again.
There's a really big opportunity
for me at home,
and I think... it could
really turn things around for me.
You're leaving?
What about Melina?
What about her?
Good luck with the big opportunity.
[John] Hi.
Here you go.
How you doing, kid?
I'm okay.
[John] Wow.
Look what you made.
Do you want to hold him?
Oh, no... [chuckles]
Please, I want you to.
All right.
Oh my goodness.
He's, uh... he's...
he's perfect.
We decided to name him Yianni.
It's Greek for "John."
[John sighs]
I am looking for Melina.
- Why?
- [sighs]
You cannot just come and go as you please.
I know.
This is my family.
This is your family.
I know. I know.
- John?
- [John] Hey.
Is everything okay?
[John] Yeah. Yeah.
First of all, I'm...
I'm sorry for disappearing
and for that horrible night at the tavern.
It's all right.
No, it's not.
I... I don't... I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know
how to become a father overnight,
and I will... I will try to do better.
[sighs] Um,
second of all,
I need your help and your permission.
Maybe we should do this later.
It's now or never.
We have to go to work straight after this.
I changed my mind.
This is... this is stupid.
No, it's not. It's romantic.
Well, the two are often confused.
I can't even pronounce
half of these words.
You've been rehearsing all day.
You'll be fine.
And I will help you.
You've performed in arenas
in front of thousands.
None of them were her.
[man] Maria!
[in Greek] Come and see!
[in English] We have an audience now?
- What do you care?
- [scoffs]
Look, if you're not willing
to make an absolute fool of yourself,
then you don't love her enough.
[chuckles] Fine.
- [chuckles]
- [John sighs]
Oh boy.
["S'agapo giati eisai oraia" playing]
[John grunts]
[Melina whispers] You can do it.
[singing in Greek]
- [sighs]
- [Melina chuckles]
[singing in Greek]
[Melina singing in Greek]
[all singing in Greek]
Oh man...
[emotional music playing]
[Melina chuckles]
Oh, um...
I have something for you.
What is this?
You'll see.
[Melina] If the wind blows
A certain way
If it's calm out like today
I still stand on feet of clay
You can find me falling
I made choices
Most were bad
Did the worst with what I had
Brokenhearted, I'm not mad
You can find me falling...
[song continues as instrumental]
[door opens]
Do you know how this works?
Look at that. It turns, and it opens.
Like magic.
[Melina sighs]
What happened?
Nothing happened.
Did you not see him?
I saw.
I heard.
He sang a beautiful song.
And he crossed an ocean,
and he waited a lifetime.
So did you.
That doesn't mean he's changed.
This does.
I'm here to jump.
Don't you mean fall?
Definitely jump.
[song intensifies]
[Melina] And my soul tries to continue
And my heart tries to survive
And my mind keeps playing tricks on me
It keeps telling me I'm alive
Do you wonder if I care?
Does a sinner have a prayer?
If you saw me now
I swear
That you'd find me falling
You can find me
[phone vibrating]
[song ends]
Did you guys hear the new demo?
Did we hear it? That's all we listen to.
- Your mom has it on loop.
- [Melina gasps]
It's beautiful, Melina.
We are so proud of you.
Thanks, Mom.
[John] Never thought I'd get sick
of hearing my own music.
He has it as his ringtone.
[Melina] Really?
Whatever. Is Jimmy looking after you?
Excuse me.
What kind of a question is that?
What's up, Jimmy?
I'll have you know,
she's looking after me.
Finally, an artist I can work with.
We miss you, man.
We're really good.
And we're working on some new material.
That's great. Just keep singing.
You too.
Happy birthday to you
[Manoli] No, no, John!
In Greek!
[singing in Greek]
[all singing in Greek]
[uplifting music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
["Find Me Falling" playing]
[John] If the wind blows
A certain way
If it's calm out
Like today
I still stand on feet of clay
You can find me falling
[Melina] I made choices
Most were bad
[John] Hmm
[Melina] Did the worst with what I had
Brokenhearted, I'm not mad
You can find me falling
[both] And my soul tries to continue
And my heart tries to survive
And my mind keeps playing tricks on me
It keeps telling me I'm alive
[John] Do you wonder if I care?
[Melina] Does a sinner have a prayer?
[both] If you saw me now, I swear
That you'd find me falling
And my soul tries to continue
And my heart tries to survive
And my mind keeps playing tricks on me
It keeps telling me I'm alive
[John] I'm alone now
What a shame
[Melina] Doesn't matter who's to blame
[both] Know I loved you just the same
You can find me falling
You can find me