First Contact (2016) Movie Script

This for us is
how contact begins.
Well, I'll say good day to
you, this day of your time.
How are you all?
All right.
Thank you.
Once again, we will thank
each and every one of you
individually and
all of you together
collectively for the
co-creation of this interaction
and the allowance of
this transmission.
It is always an opportunity,
and a gift, and a blessing
for us to experience
through each of you
another facet of the
multi-dimensional crystal
of creation, so we thank you
for this opportunity of sharing.
Is it possible that Earth is
being contacted telepathically
by extraterrestrial
beings through channeling?
Based on my experience,
it's possible
that I've been channeling such
a being for the past 30 years.
Of course, no one has to
believe anything in this film.
Sometimes I can hardly
believe this happened to me.
But whether anyone
believes my story or not,
it'll never change the
fact that it's true.
First contact between Earth
and extraterrestrials has been
imagined in literature and
cinema for generations,
usually in scenarios that depict
our fate with blood-curdling
In more recent times
with a few exceptions,
our films about ET contact have
evolved from fear-based stories
to ones laced with
cautious optimism
and sometimes even hope.
For the past several decades,
organizations such as SETI,
the Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence,
have been scanning the skies
with powerful radio telescopes,
listening for transmissions
from other civilizations.
Aside from a few
anomalous signals
that remain unexplained,
there is still
no hard evidence of
radio communication
from an alien society.
But what if ETs have evolved
beyond such technology
and no longer use
radio to communicate?
What if they never did?
What if alien messages are being
delivered in a truly alien way
instead, such as telepathy?
But why would an Ecivilization choose telepathy
to communicate?
Wouldn't a radio transmission
or some form of written language
be simpler?
It may seem easier to us.
But without the proper
emphasis or context,
the message may have more than
one meaning as in this example.
A woman without
her man is nothing.
A woman... without
her, man is nothing.
There's a little bit of a
misunderstanding or a little
bit of a contradiction in our
society about the idea of alien
You always hear
scientists say, well,
look aliens are going
to be very alien.
And they're going to act
in ways that are very
different than the way we act.
And yet, when you
propose the possibility
that they might
actually communicate
with us through
channeling, they'll
go, no, no, no, they're going
to do it by radio waves.
Well, how mundane is that?
I mean, that's very human.
So I think the idea that
from Bashar's point of view,
if they have the
ability to somehow work
with someone that
can be trained to act
as a biological receiver, in a
way it's much more efficient.
Because not only are you
getting the language translated,
you're getting the
idioms of the culture.
You're getting
the body language.
There is a much more
3D holistic expression
of the translation
coming through a person
than there is through a radio.
We are often asked
throughout the course
of these transmissions
from many of you...
The question... what
is my purpose in life?
Passion is your purpose in life.
Your purpose is passion.
If someone had
told me I'd wind up
being a channel for an
extraterrestrial entity,
I'd have thought they
were crazy, but here I am.
These kinds of things
aren't supposed
to happen in the real
world, but it did happen.
And from that moment on, I knew
the world was bigger and far
stranger than I was
taught to believe.
People say truth is
stranger than fiction.
Mark Twain said, why
shouldn't truth be stranger?
After all, fiction
has to make sense.
Was my UFO encounter
a sign of things
to come, not just for me,
but for humanity as well?
I don't have all
the answers yet.
But as I continue to explore
my relationship with Bashar,
my thoughts keep going back to
the beginning, back to 1973,
to the day that changed
my life forever.
I was driving home on
the San Diego freeway
from West Los Angeles into
the San Fernando Valley.
My brother, James, my sister,
Jen, my friend, Tracy,
and her brother, Cory, were
all with me in the car.
As we were driving
down the grade
into the San Fernando Valley,
I spotted two bright lights
hovering over a hotel
in the distance.
What is that?
What is that?
It's weird.
It's not a plane.
You guys see this?
Look at that.
Look, look, look.
Guys, look.
Look, there it is.
Oh, my God.
Look at it go.
Look at it go.
Oh, my God.
I remember looking out
the window of the car.
And I remember a large
triangular shaped... it was dark
gray, and it just sat there.
It was striking in how
symmetrical and how exact
a triangle it was.
I saw lights in the corner,
some bluish white lights
in each corner and some
smaller lights on the edges.
And those were helping
us define it in the sky.
So for me, I remember
it looked just
like a rack you use for racking
pool balls on a pool table.
When we ever travel together,
it's usually very jovial,
very joking mood.
And I remember it being very
quiet, and very contemplative,
and very serious after that.
Because like I say,
everybody was just
struck by what they had seen.
It didn't feel dangerous.
It just felt like
it's the unknown.
It's very odd when
you can't find an answer.
You know that you've
seen something.
There is no answer.
And you're left with these
dots that you can't connect.
And it's your own
experience and trying
to share it with other people.
You just can't do it.
You have to be there to see it.
Hey, do you see?
My God.
That's... is that
the one from last week?
Right here.
Turn, turn, turn.
We're going to get it.
We're going to get it.
We're going to get it.
Can I prove that the
ship was Bashar's craft?
No, of course not.
I can't even prove that it
came from another world.
But if we have the ability to
create that kind of technology,
a ship that can hover silently
and take off like a speeding
bullet without any visible
means of propulsion
and without making a
sound, then somebody
has been able to keep that
technology a complete secret
from the public for the past
40 years since the sighting.
Let's assume for the moment
that the unidentified flying
object they witnessed was
in fact an extraterrestrial
If so, it raises
several questions.
How is it possible for
ETs to travel hundreds
of light years to Earth?
Why do so many
reports of ET beings
say they look similar to us?
If they are here, why don't they
land openly and make contact?
This documentary will
address these questions
and many others.
But the answers may be far more
unexpected than we imagine.
Channeling, UFOs, and ETs have
been controversial subjects
for decades, sparking heated
debates between believers
and debunkers.
Of course, no photo or film
can offer absolute proof
that such things are real.
However, some of the
information introduced
by Bashar, the ET being
reportedly channeled
by Darryl Anka, has
already impacted
the lives of thousands of people
around the globe since 1984.
These messages contain new
insights and perspectives
regarding the nature
of consciousness,
theories of physics and
possibly a glimpse into a larger
The only thing required for
this journey is an open mind.
The first question... what
exactly is channeling?
Channeling is a
natural, altered state.
I think we all have
the ability to do it.
I think we all do
it from time to time
if somebody is doing
what they love to do,
following their
passion in the zone.
That's a channeling state
when you're doing something,
and you're totally
caught up in it,
and you're not paying attention
to the passage of time.
It seems like five
minutes has gone by.
You look up.
It's been three hours.
That's a channeling state.
A painter who paints
a painting who's
focused on that
and nothing else,
a singer that's
lost in the song,
an actor who becomes the
character, an athlete
at the peak of
their performance,
a teacher passionate
about educating students.
That's one of the things
that's most important to
me is to demystify this whole
concept of what channeling is.
Because it is not
outside the realm
of normal human experience.
We do it all the time.
Channels and mediums have
existed in many cultures
for thousands of years.
The Oracle at Delphi
is one famous example
in ancient Greece.
The people of that time would
rely on such seers and mystics
for guidance in both
personal and worldly matters.
The Bible tells the
story of King Saul who
asked a medium in
the city of End or
to call upon the spirit of
the prophet Samuel for advice.
In more modern times,
a psychic called
Edgar Cayce, known to many
as the sleeping prophet,
delivered thousands of
messages and information while
in trance.
Today, that
information is archived
at the Association for
Research and Enlightenment
in Virginia Beach.
Many point to a woman
named Jane Roberts
as the first modern
channel who, in the 1960s,
is said to have brought through
a spirit entity known as Seth.
It is only when you do not
know yourself that you fear you
are evil and afraid to
look within yourself.
But when you open
up those doors,
you are amazed by the
immensity and the grace
of your own being.
One day I was introduced
to a channel named Tom Massaro
at a public channeling event.
I went to listen for a while.
And I thought the information
was very interesting.
And I thought it was
very helpful information
that seemed to have
the ability to help
people make positive
changes in their lives.
And eventually,
the entity actually
offered to teach a
channeling class.
And I thought, well,
how is that possible?
I thought channeling
was something
that just happened to someone.
I didn't think it was something
you could teach or learn.
I went into the class
not because I thought
I was going to become a
channel, but just because I
wanted to further my research.
However, during one of
the guided meditations
in the class, I
experienced what I can only
call a telepathic contact
from Bashar and his people.
And in that one instant,
a memory actually
came back of having
made an agreement
before this life with Bashar
to do this channeling with him.
I understood in that
instant that the UFO
had been shown to
me by him on purpose
to get me to start
learning, start questioning,
start finding out
what was going on.
And it led me to
learn about channeling
so that when the
time came to fulfill
the agreement I had
made to channel Bashar,
I would be ready.
I'd have enough information
so that I wouldn't be scared.
I would know how
to move forward.
I would understand
that channeling
was beneficial to people.
So I thought, well, first
I don't know... am
I hallucinating?
I mean, is this a side
effect of the meditation?
Is this real?
Is it my imagination?
But in that one instant this
was going on in my head
I wasn't telling anyone...
The entity coming
through the teacher
stopped talking to the
class and turned right to me
and said there is an entity
here for you right now if you're
ready to begin.
That was startling.
And even more startling,
I glanced over,
and I saw that one of
the other classmates
somehow had picked up
on the image of Bashar
I saw in my head.
And she was actually sketching
it on a piece of paper.
And I realized, OK, this
is not just my imagination.
There's two outside
validations here
that something
real is happening.
The question that
remained, though...
Was Bashar really
a separate entity?
Or was I just tapping
into another aspect
of my own consciousness?
Either way, I realized that
if I pursued the channeling,
I would be exploring
uncharted waters.
Along with the
events in the class,
the UFO sighting suggested
that Bashar might truly
be an independent entity.
But mainstream
society and the media
usually ridicule
people who report UFOs.
What would they say if
I said that an alien was
speaking through me?
At the end of the class, I
was approached by a woman
named Margo Chandley.
And she was writing
a doctoral thesis
on the connection between
channeling and psychology.
And I became one of the subjects
that she studied for her paper.
So she would invite
me to her house,
and she would
invite friends over.
And I would channel for
them while she took notes
in order to write her thesis.
Well, the first week
there were five friends.
And then the next week
there were 10 friends.
And word of mouth started to
spread that this was going on.
And then there were 20
friends and 30 friends.
And before we knew it, I had to
start channeling twice a week
to accommodate everyone.
And eventually, we had to start
holding public events in order
to handle the crowds.
And word of mouth
kept spreading.
So eventually, I found
myself channeling in cities
all over the world.
And so, really, my
public channeling career
started in 1984 with Margo.
Did I choose this path from
a higher level of existence
before I entered this life
as Bashar has proposed?
When I think about it,
there were hints and signs.
Most were subtle, but one
in particular stands out.
When I was little, we lived
in this old West Hollywood
apartment building.
One day, dad was at work.
Mom was in the kitchen.
And I was playing by
myself in the living room.
Suddenly, this small
swirling whirlpool of light
appeared and floated in
front of me in mid-air.
It just hung there.
I remember being
transfixed and feeling
like it was some kind of
window to somewhere else.
I didn't actually
hear a voice, but it
felt like someone was sending
me a message from the other side
of the light.
Looking back now, I
wonder if that moment is
where my journey really began.
When Darryl first made
his connection to Bashar
and started to channel, it was
a little challenging for him,
because of Bashar's
intense energy.
And as I watched Darryl
work to get out of the way
to let Bashar's
energy come through,
I realized that it was just
Bashar's passion and excitement
in bringing through the ideas
that he wanted to share.
But most of all,
I loved his humor.
I'm a member of SETI.
Do you know SETI?
Yes, we understand.
Search for...
Here I am.
Search over.
What do you think
is funny about us?
What isn't?
I'm such a dreamer.
What does that mean?
I dream of meeting my true love.
You dream of
meeting your true love?
Look in the mirror.
This question is a
bit eccentric, but...
A bit?
I was wondering...
A bit eccentric?
Because talking to an
alien through a human is not
eccentric enough.
Do you have films
in your reality?
No, we just come watch you.
OK, perfect.
Before I started
working with Bashar,
I had a very
traditional work life.
I had careers in
banking and finance,
as a university
professor, and also
as a psychological counselor.
In 1985 as part of my
exploration of psychology,
I happened upon a lecture being
given by Bashar at an expo.
Upon hearing him
speak, I was so amazed
at the clarity and the
cutting-edge nature
of the psychological
information he was providing.
From that point
forward, my life moved
in the direction of
bringing together
all of my business experience,
all of my teaching experience,
and all of my counseling
experience into one
form of work that incorporated
everything that I had learned.
I became so passionate about
sharing Bashar's information
as a way of helping to improve
the lives of both the people
and the animals on our planet.
While it's possible for
a channel to filter or color
a telepathic message, I think
the most important thing is
to focus on the message
rather than the messenger.
Is the information empowering
or is it controlling?
Is it love based or fear based?
Is it integrative
or disconnecting?
Is it positive or negative?
I feel that the bottom line
is use the information that
works for you, that
speaks to your heart
and just leave the rest behind.
The channeling class taught
me to alter my brainwaves
to match Bashar's frequency.
He does the same
thing on his ship.
And somewhere in the middle, our
vibrations meet and harmonize.
When they do, my body becomes
like a biological resonator.
And my personality
starts to mirror his.
That's an EEG cap.
And it's going to be
recording your brainwaves
as we measure various states
that we'll be exploring today.
And looking up here,
we can see that each
of the electrodes that we
have hooked up on that cap
have achieved a level of
impedance that is accurate
and that will properly
record the brainwaves
without interference.
In the beginning
of the channeling,
the channel was capable of
holding on to, shall we say,
or bringing through the idea of
about 1.5 to 2% of our energy.
In the ensuing years following
the initiation of contact
with the channel, it
was thus then capable
in the channel's body of
expressing our energy up
to about 3%.
On average now, we are
expressing about 5%
of our total energy.
So we're looking at a picture
of Darryl's baseline EEG.
And what I've done is to
record Darryl's baseline when
he is not channeling and
compare that to his EEG
when he is channeling.
Now, here is a picture of
Darryl's raw EEG baseline
again, in which we see a
very rounded and rhythmic,
dominant frequency, we call
it, in the posterior cortex
or the back of the head.
And this is a good finding.
It's a positive finding.
Because it tells us that
Darryl's nervous system is
stable and also
that he has what we
call good thalamocortical
And this is a common
feature, a characteristic
that is found in individuals
who are peak performers.
So here, we have a picture
of what disconnects
when Darryl begins to channel.
And you can see the areas in
blue, the functional Brodmann
areas, we call them, that are
not used when he is channeling.
And it appears
that he disconnects
from his personal sense of self.
He disconnects from
the experience of pain.
Now, what increases when
he begins to channel
is, first of all,
his processing speed.
And processing speed is a
very interesting phenomenon.
Because what happens is it
develops early in childhood.
And by about the age of 5 or 6
and certainly 9 or 10 maximum,
we reach a set point.
And this set point
doesn't usually
change during the lifetime.
And in Darryl's
case, it actually
went up when he
began to channel.
And it increased
when he listened.
The actual frequency
of the processing speed
was tuned to an exact
frequency all over the brain.
Now, we're looking at
Darryl's anterior cingulate
while he's channeling.
And you can see the
red areas there.
There is actually
gamma frequencies
that I found in his
anterior cingulate.
And gamma frequencies
relate to the higher mind.
And gamma frequencies are
often found in Tibetan monks
and people who meditate a lot.
To summarize what I found
here and in Darryl's brain
in comparison with
the channeling state,
he starts from a very
stable resting state.
And then he experiences changes
that statistically less than 1%
of the population would
experience in the same way.
He increases his
processing speed.
He tunes it exquisitely to one
frequency all over the brain.
And then he's able to
create a resonant holding
environment for the peak
performance or the channeling
to happen.
He pumps energy into
the right frontal cortex
and the right auditory cortex
so that he can empathize
and hear very, very clearly.
And because of the gamma
frequencies in the anterior
cingulate, he can shift gears.
He'll be able to shift gears and
navigate cognition, thoughts,
and emotions very,
very flexibly.
And he'll be able to
interpret from a higher
perspective from a more
evolved place in his mind,
much like from the
highest mountain top.
When I first started channeling,
the process of shifting into
the altered state took a little
longer than it does now.
My breathing changed,
taking in more oxygen
to support Bashar's
higher energy.
I would also experience
a spectrum of emotions
as I slipped into
the channeling state,
as my energy rose in frequency
on its way to synchronizing
with Bashar's vibration.
Flashes of anger,
fear, and sadness
gave way to hope, happiness,
and love at which point,
our individual vibrations
would harmonize.
There was a period
of a few years
where I stopped channeling
to pursue my film career.
But when I resumed
doing sessions,
I was nearly overwhelmed by
the emotional reconnection
to Bashar's energy.
And a wave of compassion
washed over me.
I felt like I was coming home.
Most of the experience is like
being in a very dynamic, very
energetic daydream.
And it's like I don't
really hear the words.
In the same way that if someone
is really deeply in a daydream,
and somebody calls their name,
and it takes them five times
to hear, it's like that.
I know there's an
interaction going on,
but it might as well be
taking place in another room,
in another house,
somewhere else.
And I know this is
getting translated
for someone through language.
I'm acting as a
biological translator.
My energy is taking on
the personality of Bashar.
It's not like he's in me.
There's no possession
in that sense.
But I'm locking with his
frequency like a tuning fork.
And by matching
his frequency, you
get a model, a representation,
a symbol of his personality.
Because he's not
speaking English.
He's not speaking
any language at all.
He's just sending thoughts.
But because I'm operating
on the same wavelength
as I've been trained to do,
I'm having the same thoughts
at the same time.
So I'm able in our
culture to translate
his ideas into our language.
I'm focused on these pictures,
these energy patterns.
When he's talking to someone, I
see all the different patterns
that represent who they
are, what their beliefs are,
what their hopes are,
their dreams are.
And he's tapping into all
sorts of different sources
of information.
He's tapping into their higher
mind into their memories.
He's tapping into higher
source, other beings
from his world, other worlds.
He's tapping into whatever he
needs to, like a switchboard,
to bring the information through
that answers the questions
that they're asking.
So I'm constantly feeling
all these different energy
webs and lines of
information coming
and going, like some sort of a
galactic train station, almost.
And it just all
coalesces, this telepathic
hit, but is
sometimes represented
by symbols, by abstract shapes,
sometimes by literal images.
But it's just coming
so fast and furious.
And time is so
collapsed for me that I
can't do nothing but just
let it through and just watch
the show.
And these things
just flow dynamically
through me in such a way
that I can't pay attention
to anything else.
I'm left a little
disoriented at the moment.
Because I have to wake up from
the dream and remember who I am
and where I am.
But once I'm back,
I'm very energized.
It's very supportive energy.
In the beginning, it
tired me out a little bit,
because there was unfamiliarity.
There was resistance
to the energy.
I just didn't know
how to handle it.
I often say it's like
trying to shove Hoover.
Dam through a garden hose.
But once I let go, I
relaxed, I trusted him.
I stretched that way,
those energy paths out.
Then it became very uplifting.
It became very supportive.
And now, when I come out of
it, I may not remember it.
It may fade like a dream.
But I retain the concepts
I need to retain for me.
It works for me as well.
I can apply them in my life.
But I don't really
remember the conversation.
I didn't hear it.
I don't remember some of
the images that I had.
But I'm left with this
feeling of balance,
this feeling that
everything is OK,
this feeling of possibility,
infinite probability.
And I just feel good.
A lot of times,
people will be coming
to these sessions
for years and years
and that develop a dialogue
and a relationship with Bashar.
But they've never actually
introduced themselves to me,
until one day they'll come up.
And they'll start
talking to me like I'm
supposed to know who they are.
It's like, I'm sorry.
I have no clue who you are.
So it's that sort of thing.
Bashar... by the way,
who gave you that name?
I took a channeling class not
because I thought I was going
to be a channel.
I was just doing
research into channeling,
but it was a series
of guided meditations.
And in one of the meditations,
the word Bashar was there.
Now, I thought it was his name.
He explained later that in their
society, they're telepathic.
They don't need names.
He knew we needed to
call him something.
And so that word was there.
I have since
understood that part
of the reason that
word was chosen
is because part...
It's an Arabic word.
I don't speak Arabic, but part
of my background is Arabic.
And the word, even
though it's not his name,
is representative
of what he does.
I was actually told
a couple of years
after I started channeling that
the word Bashar means messenger
or bringer of good news.
Many of you recognize
that there may
seem to be from one perspective
an acceleration of negativity,
an acceleration of
violence, but really this
is because you're at the end
of the cycle of limitation.
And you have to get it all out
on the table and deal with it
Because there isn't
that much time
left to deal with these things.
You have to get all
of the negativity
out on the table in
front of your face
so that you can consciously
decide what kind of a world
you really prefer to have.
So now that you know you're
strong enough to deal with it,
you're getting it all out of
your system as fast as you can,
having the most extreme
examples come up,
because you are strong
enough to deal with it.
So we call this the
rubber band analogy.
Fret not.
Despair not that
you have experienced
that degree of darkness,
that degree of limitation,
that degree of negativity.
Because the farther back into
darkness you pull the rubber
band, when you
finally let go, it's
going to fly that much
faster and that much farther
into the light.
The reason that
many scientists are
skeptical of reports
of encounters
with extraterrestrials is
that many of the witnesses
describe them as being humanoid.
The skeptics explain that in
a universe as vast as our own
with so many planets unlike the
Earth, the odds of alien life
resembling us are
incredibly small.
And in general,
they're probably right.
Bashar himself has said
that most of the life
that he's encountered
throughout the galaxy...
They look nothing like us.
I think the irony is
that the skeptics have
had the answer all along, but
they've missed a vital clue.
It's probably true
that most alien life
doesn't look like us.
And therefore, if the reports
of extraterrestrial humanoids
are factual, it may be
that these beings are not
really alien.
Assuming for the moment
that Bashar is real, who is he?
Where does he come from?
Why is he making
contact with Earth?
The story of my people
began in a parallel reality
on an alternate
version of Earth.
The humans on that Earth
were technologically far
in advance of the humans
in your civilization.
However, they became focused
on technology and intellect.
Over generations, they lost
connection to their humanity.
They lost the ability to feel.
They even lost the
ability to reproduce.
They engineered love
out of their lives.
They accomplished great
technological and intellectual
feats at the expense
of their emotions,
their physical bodies, and
their spiritual qualities,
which they considered
to be inferior.
But in doing so, they slowly
destroyed their environment.
In a last desperate attempt
to perpetuate their species,
they moved underground and
began to clone themselves,
but discovered that their
DNA was no longer viable.
When the attempt to
clone themselves failed,
they genetically
mutated themselves
into the beings you know
as the greys in an attempt
to adapt to their dying planet.
However, they realized
that the only solution
would be to find a viable
source of human DNA
and introduce it back
into their genetic makeup.
They used their
advanced technology
to shift into
parallel realities,
such as your own, where they
knew that humans must still
But without emotions,
they had no understanding
of the fearful impact
they would have
as they abducted your people
and extracted DNA in order
to create our hybrid
which took centuries
to complete.
We were designed to bring
emotionality and spirituality,
vitality and balance back
into the greys' civilization
to reconnect more
fully with creation,
so their culture
would never die out.
Although many of your people
experience these encounters
with the greys
traumatically at first,
we are grateful that
you chose to help bring
our civilization into being.
In our appreciation, we share
our knowledge and experience
with you, with the vision
that your world will choose
a more positive
outcome then the greys,
for we perceive that you
have been traveling down
a similar path.
If it's true that the
destruction of their parallel.
Earth gave rise to the
beings we call the greys,
can we use that knowledge
to change our path?
Or will we ultimately choose
to suffer the same fate?
We must all answer this
question for ourselves.
While our civilization
was being created,
the greys found a suitable
planet in their parallel
And with the help of
their advanced technology,
they transformed it
into our home world
that became Essassani.
We have many forms
of animal life.
Along with us,
plants and animals
were brought to our world
from many different worlds
throughout the galaxy in order
to create a balanced system
in which we could reside.
Some of these forms of life
even came from your own world.
Our world remains
in a natural state.
We do not build permanent
structures on the surface.
Our spaceships are our cities.
And from within those ships, we
can explore the vast unknown.
We invite you to join us on
this journey of discovery.
Considering the vast
distances between the stars,
how would ETs travel from one
system to another so quickly?
Many scientists
still believe there
is no way an Ecould get to Earth
in a short amount of time.
Perhaps it's time to bury
that outdated concept,
just as the following ideas
once considered facts were
ultimately proven to be false.
The concept of faster
than light travel
is no longer as far
fetched as it used to be.
Scientists like physicist Miguel
Alcubierre and NASA engineer
Harold "Sonny" White have
developed a model for a "Star.
"Trek" like warp drive that
would warp the fabric of space
and propel a ship
to the nearest star
in under two weeks, rather
than the thousands of years
it would take with our
present rocket technology.
A civilization a thousand
or even a few hundred
years ahead of
ours could already
possess such technology.
In one dream, I experienced
myself being on the ship that I
saw with Bashar standing
there looking at me.
And I was able to
look around the ship.
And it was all this
I don't know... frosted
crystalline-type material.
I saw another member of his
species sitting at a control
console, but I didn't
see any controls.
And he telepathically
explained to me in the dream
that their ships are actually
artificially intelligent.
And in fact, they're actually
a representation of their own
higher minds, and that the
pilot is actually telepathically
linked with the ship.
They communicate.
And so only the pilot
can see the controls,
which struck me as really
cool and really efficient.
Because no one else can
fly that ship but the pilot
that's connected to the ship.
Even though you are under
yourself a beautiful oasis
in the sea of stars
that is your galaxy,
you are not as isolated
as you may think.
Traveling to your world
is not so difficult.
We can travel more
slowly, if we wish,
through the manipulation of
electromagnetic and gravitic
The idea, however, of going
from star system to star system
happens in a very different way.
While you think of an object as
existing in a location, to us
location is one of the
properties of the object.
If you, thus, then have
an object at point A
and you are able to isolate
it with an energy bubble,
in a sense unlock it from
any particular reality,
and thus, then impose upon
it the vibrational signature
frequency of location B, it
must stop existing at location A
and instantaneously start taking
up residence at location B
without actually having traveled
the intervening distance.
You have actually changed
its locational variable
in its energy signature.
If this is an
accurate description,
then an extraterrestrial
civilization with this
technology would be capable
of traveling light years
in the blink of an eye.
Thus, the distances
between the stars
would no longer be a barrier to
interaction with other worlds
such as Earth.
To some degree, we have
addressed the first two
questions about Bashar...
Who he is and where
he comes from.
But the answer to
the third question...
Why is he here?
Could herald one of the greatest
events in human history...
Open contact with a
civilization from another world.
Because I just hope
to God they're friendly.
And I hope we could
communicate and become friends.
I'd say, hey, welcome.
I figure that if they have
the wherewithal to get here,
they probably dropped
their craziness behind.
Hopefully, that's a natural law.
If you can escape the planets
or go to other planets,
you've got to be
kind, and loving,
and have something to offer.
The opportunity to share
the perspective and to witness
the being of somebody who had
been anywhere other than here
would be fascinating.
It would just keep me
interested in what humans are.
Because the more
we can look at how
we are in the context
of the life around us,
the more we
understand ourselves.
So by looking at life
on another planet,
I think we could just learn
a lot about what life is.
We do not mean this in a
judge mental or negative way.
We are to some degree
joking a little bit.
But why would we want to land
in an insane asylum where
all the inmates have guns?
There have been
occasions when people
in your society in these
interactions have said, Bashar,
I know I'm ready.
I'm ready to meet
you today, right now.
Well, all right.
There have been a few
occasions where we have
agreed to see if that's so.
And we have named the place.
And we have named the time
that our ship will land.
And those people
have been there.
And as soon, in
all occasions, they
see or sense that our
ship is approaching,
that our energy is growing,
they run in great fear.
A lot of people wonder.
Why don't they land?
Why don't they just
reveal themselves?
Now, Bashar has explained
that a lot of civilizations
that are more advanced,
more integrated than ours
operate on a very high
frequency level of energy.
And because we tend to
compartmentalize things
in our consciousness, because we
give into negative definitions,
definitions, our energy
is erratic, random, and of a
lower frequency, more often
than not.
And he's likened
the idea to gears.
So a higher frequency
race will operate
like a fast spinning gear.
And a lower frequency
will be like a very
slowly turning gear.
And if you jam those two
gears together too quickly,
you'll strip the gears.
They have to be more
synchronized before you
can put them together.
So basically, the way Bashar
showed me this is in a dream,
I saw his ship land.
And I saw him get out.
And I saw him walk toward me.
And as soon as he got
I don't know... maybe
10, 20 feet away,
I actually suddenly
lost my identity.
And I saw my body
through his eyes
as if I became it, as if
I was absorbed by him.
And he said, see?
That's why.
It's like our energy is
so much more overwhelming
at this high
frequency than yours
is, that it can
actually overpower
your sense of identity.
You're not fully integrated
enough to hold your own.
So we are delivering
information to you in the way
that we are so that you
absorb it at your own rate.
You change at your own rate
when you're ready to integrate.
You upgrade your frequency
when you're ready.
And when you upgrade
your frequency enough,
when you meet us halfway,
then our energies
will be harmonized
and synchronized.
And you won't experience
this loss of identity
or give your power over to us.
If we do it too soon,
too prematurely,
we're not really
doing you any favors.
We'll actually be
very disruptive
to not only your society,
but to you as an individual.
So the more you change,
the more you grow,
the more you become
more of yourself,
the more you'll be like
us, the more compatible
we'll be vibrationally,
and the more we
can interact physically.
And that's when
contact will occur.
This for us is
how contact begins
by the dissemination of ideas,
reflections, and information
that give you the opportunity
to absorb them at your own pace,
in your own timing, at
your own discretion,
for we force no ideas upon you.
If the messages delivered by
Bashar are intended to expand
our awareness and prepare
us for physical contact,
what kind of information
do the messages contain?
To understand Bashar's messages,
it's important to upgrade
old and outdated definitions
into ones that are more
relevant for the 21st century.
Many of Bashar's
concepts require
us to expand our awareness.
If we can perceive
reality in the same way
that ETs experience it,
we create common ground.
And it brings us one step
closer to physical contact.
The foundational
information is what
we have referred to as
the five laws of creation.
The five laws are you exist.
Number two... everything
is here and now.
Number three... the one is the
all, and the all are the one.
Number four... what you put
out is what you get back.
And number 5...
Everything changes,
except the first four laws.
They're not the laws of
physics which can change
from dimension to dimension.
These are the laws of
existence, the very definition
of the structure of existence,
which is true for everyone
everywhere in every reality at
every time throughout creation.
They never change.
Every experience any of you
have ever had, are having now,
or will ever have is some
combination of those five laws.
Once you understand with
clarity that foundation,
you will understand exactly
how existence works.
You will understand
exactly how to create
the realities that you prefer.
Physical reality is a reflection
of your state of being,
your state of consciousness.
There really is
nothing outside of you.
You're not really
in physical reality.
Physical reality is within you.
It's within your consciousness.
It is a concept that you
are experiencing of yourself
from a certain perspective.
However, we understand that the
way in which you have chosen
to experience your
particular dimension
of physical experience
is as though you
are within a realm of space
and time as you call it,
where you have taken your
energy, the high frequency
energy of your spirit nature
and in a sense have lowered
that frequency, crystallized
that frequency down into what
you call the experience
of physical reality.
So the thing to
remember in order
to give yourself
more opportunity
to choose and experience
the kind of physical reality
you prefer is to begin to see
and experience physical reality
as a reflection, similar to
the idea of the reflection that
exists in your glass mirrors.
You know that when you look
at your reflection in a glass
mirror, you know that you're
not really over there.
And you know that if
you want to change
the reflection in
the glass mirror,
you don't go to the reflection
and attempt to make it change.
You must change
yourself in order
to see the change
in the reflection.
So physical reality
being a reflection
operates in much the
same kind of modality.
Any change you wish to see
in the so-called reflection,
the outer reality,
must begin within,
must begin within the
inner reality, which is you
within your consciousness,
within your vibration,
within your state of being.
It is all based
on state of being.
There is nothing in physical
reality that is not.
It doesn't matter
that there might
be a physicalized component
or a physicalized reflection
that you call chemistry,
or physics, or medicine,
or science.
Those are still just
reflections of what you already
believe in your consciousness
to be true for you.
So it's all based on belief.
It's all based on consciousness.
It's all based on vibration.
It's all based on resonance it's
all based on state of being.
That's why we say
circumstances do not matter,
only state of being does.
Because it's state of being
that creates circumstances.
Circumstances don't
create state of being.
It's the other way around.
You never leave heaven
if you want a metaphor.
You never ever, ever
leave that state.
That's your natural state.
You are all only dreaming
that you've left,
but you're still there,
having this dream there.
You understand?
You've all gone
to sleep in heaven
and are dreaming you're in hell.
We are sometimes asked why
people choose to incarnate
in physical reality on Earth.
And there are as many
reasons as there are people.
But generally speaking, it's
an exciting place to be,
especially now in this
age of transformation.
Many people want to
experience the idea
of change and discovery.
Remember that in
a timeless state,
you cannot experience change.
You cannot experience
discovery of new perspectives.
So by forgetting, in essence,
who you are as a spirit,
as a greater being,
you can learn
through a process of
physical space-time reality
how to rediscover yourself anew
from a different perspective.
And when you create the idea
of the space-time framework,
you give yourself an
opportunity to experience
the process of creation.
Time is, in a
sense, an illusion,
even though the experience
of time is real.
But the idea is
that time is a side
effect of your
consciousness shifting
through billions of parallel
realities per second.
Parallel realities are
like frozen snapshots,
like frames of film.
They have no movement
in and of themselves.
And like your film, the only way
to create the illusion of time
and movement is
to project a light
through the different
frames onto a screen one
after the other in such a manner
as to create that illusion.
Because no frame has
movement in and of itself.
If you weren't shifting through
parallel realities billions
of times a second, you would
have absolutely no experience
of change whatsoever.
Everything would be a frozen
snapshot like this, or perhaps
like this, or maybe like this.
But you have to... like
frames on a film strip,
actually project
your consciousness
like the light of the projector
through a multitude of frames
per second in order
to actually experience
the illusion of any
particular time stream.
This is how reality works.
And so as you shift
your consciousness
like the projector beam
through those different frames
of parallel realities, you
are creating this experience
of change, and time, and space.
But the idea is that all those
frames exist all at once,
just like the projectionist
can take a strip of film,
and stretch it out, and
look at all the frames
simultaneously, and look
at them in any order.
The only reason that the
projectionist can do that
is because all the frames
exist now, simultaneously,
all at once.
The idea that they
come one after another
is simply your
projection, your illusion.
Therefore, the true
structure of existence
is that everything
exists all at once.
To use your television
analogy, you
know that if you are watching
a program on one channel,
there are still hundreds
of other programs
that exist at the same time,
but you only perceive the one
that you are tuned to.
So the idea is that if you
wish to experience change,
if you wish to experience a
different kind of reality,
a different way of experiencing
space and time, all
you need to do is shift to a
different parallel reality that
already exists
simultaneously with yours,
just like changing the
channel on your television
to see a different program
that exists at the same time
as the one you were just
watching that is still going
on, even though you
have changed the channel
and can no longer perceive it.
A set of principles is a start.
But can we apply
these principles
as tools to change our
lives and our society
in positive and practical ways?
Every single one of you talks
about the idea of applying some
sort of tool or technique to
make changes in your lives
in a positive and
constructive way.
And we have had many
discussions with many of you
about the idea of exactly
what sort of tools to apply,
and how to apply them,
and how to get a result,
and how to get a manifestation.
Now, of course,
first and foremost,
you are always
manifesting something.
If you were not,
you wouldn't have
an experiential physical
reality, correct?
So the idea is you do not
have to learn how to manifest.
This is automatic.
It is built into
you as a creator,
as an aspect of creation.
What you are simply
learning is how
to manifest more consciously,
to be more aware of how
you manifest so that you can
manifest what you prefer,
instead of manifesting
your unconscious beliefs.
Passion and all of
its expressions...
Excitement, happiness,
joy, creativity,
love are all different
ways of expressing
the vibration of your
true, natural self, what we
call your signature frequency.
Your signature frequency is that
resonant energy, that vibration
that is unique to you,
that identifies you
as a unique aspect of
all that is of creation.
And the way you apply
that signature frequency
through passion is to
act on your highest
excitement to the best of your
ability with no insistence
or assumption as to what
the outcome ought to be,
as to what to come to fruition,
but to allow the synchronicity
in your life to present to
you the opportunities that
contain that excitement,
so you can recognize it.
Because excitement
is the compass needle
that points to your
magnetic north.
And by acting on it to
the best of your ability,
you will bring
about in your life
what we call the complete kit.
You will allow it
to work for you.
And you will discover
very readily,
very easily that excitement
can function in your life
as the driving engine, as
the organizing principle,
as the path of least
resistance, as the thread that
leads to all other
expressions of excitement,
and as the reflective mirror
that will reveal to you what
may be within you that is out of
alignment with that excitement,
so you can identify it and
bring it back into alignment
and expand your
excitement in that way.
And simply by
following that formula
of acting at every moment
to the best of your ability
on your highest excitement
with no insistence on how
the outcome should
look, you will
activate that complete kit.
And it will work for
you automatically,
effortlessly, every
moment without fail.
As you allow yourself to
move forward in that way,
your life will become
an ecstatic explosion
of synchronicity.
Very magical things
will begin to happen all
around you, because
magic is, again,
the true nature of existence.
Miracles are the natural order
of things, not the exception.
Remember, no situation
has built-in meaning.
Everything is
fundamentally neutral.
Life is meaningless.
You're the one that's
designed to give life meaning.
If you give situations
a positive meaning,
you will get a beneficial
positive effect.
If you give them a
negative definition,
you can only get an effect
that is representative
of negativity, such as
struggle, strife, difficulty,
and obstacle.
You'll only see it that
way, because you're
defining it that way.
Change your definition.
You'll experience things
in a very different way.
That's how it works.
What you put out is
what you get back.
Creating definitions
that work for you...
When you look at the idea of
what you call great darkness,
great negativity...
Let's see.
Let's use the imagination.
Let's use the inspiration.
How can I define my
relationship to this idea
in a way that serves me
in a positive context?
Oh, I don't know.
Let's see.
There's always that wonderful
rubber band analogy.
The darker you've experienced
the darkness, when you finally
let go, that much farther
and faster will you
fly into the light.
That's how to look at the
idea of that experience
of negativity in a positive way.
Abundance... the ability
to do what you need
to do when you need to do it.
No matter in what form
the abundance comes,
the abundance will
give you the ability
to do what you need to do
when you need to do it.
Not what you want to
do, what you need to do.
Consider these statements
I lack trust.
I lack abundance.
I lack confidence.
There is no such
thing as a lack of trust.
There is no such thing
as a lack of confidence.
There is no such thing
as a lack of abundance.
There is, however, a
100% trust in lack.
There is, however, 100%
confidence in lack.
There is, however,
complete abundance of lack.
The idea, therefore, is that
you are always abundant.
You are always trusting.
You are always confident
about something.
It's about learning to be
abundant in what you prefer
to be, learning to be confident
about what you prefer to be,
learning to trust what
you prefer to trust.
It is now all the rage on your
planet... the law of attraction.
And while it is true
in a sense that, yes,
you cannot experience something
that you are not the vibration
of and that you really do need
to operate on a frequency that
is representative of what
it is you wish to attract,
there is a little bit of a
misunderstanding in exactly how
this so-called law of
attraction actually works.
Because again, it's giving you
the impression in the way that
you've been framing it, that you
have to learn not to generate
that frequency and you don't.
You already generate
the perfect frequency
to attract everything that is
truly necessary in your life.
Many of you, because,
again, of the way
you've been taught
to define things
in your physical
reality, have this...
A picture in your head that when
you vibrate in a certain way,
you are attracting something
from somewhere else to here.
And that when you
release something else,
you are releasing
it, so to speak,
from here to somewhere else.
Well, of course, many of you
now understand that everything
exists right here and now.
It's not really coming
from anywhere else
or going to anywhere else.
It is, in a sense,
simply being rearranged
as a ratio of energy,
as a balance of energy,
as an equation of energy within
the consciousness that you are.
So the way that this law of
attraction and manifestation
actually works is to
recognize that you are already
giving off, already radiating
a core signature vibration.
And that core
signature vibration
is already doing
everything it can possibly
do to attract everything
that is representative
of that particular frequency.
If the things that
are representative
of that particular frequency are
not manifesting in your life,
it's not because you're
not attracting them.
It's because your beliefs
are keeping them at bay.
So it's not that you have
to learn to attract them.
It's that you have to learn
to let go of vibrations that
are not compatible with your
core frequency that are keeping
those things from
getting to you,
from manifesting
in your reality.
And conversely,
all the things that
are not compatible with
your core vibration
are doing their best to
get as far away from you
as they possibly can.
The only reason
they may not be is
because you're holding on to
them and not letting them go.
So the law of
attraction is really not
necessarily about having to
learn to attract something.
The law of attraction is
really all about letting go
and letting in.
That's really all it's about.
It's about being yourself,
living in the moment,
being your true vibration,
and then allowing
the things that
are representative
of that vibration to manifest
in your life physically.
The excitement that Bashar
generates when he comes through
and captivates an audience
is most heartwarming.
His impeccable timing
and his ability
to get to the root of
a questioner's issue
is quite extraordinary.
Time after time,
I see people have
profound life-changing
experiences as they
hear Bashar explain that
it's OK to be your true self
and to act on your passion.
It's really fascinating to
see all the positive ways
that Bashar's messages have
impacted people's lives.
One of the results of acting
on your passion is an increase
in positive synchronicity where
everything happens in perfect
I got into the film industry,
specifically because I
wanted to work in miniature
effects for sci-fi films,
for action films.
This was very exciting to me.
And I went around
knocking on doors,
but I couldn't really
find an opening.
Just about that time,
"Star Wars" came out.
And I went to see it.
And it completely blew me away,
like it did for so many people.
And I knew that once
I saw that film,
I really had to get
into the business.
One day I was reading
the newspaper.
And a local theater that
was playing "Star Wars"
said if anyone will
come down to the theater
and help them handle
the tremendous lines,
they would hire that
person on the spot.
So I ran down to the
theater and got the job.
Because I figured if I was
an usher at the theater
while helping them
handle the lines,
I could watch the movie as
many times as I wanted to
and really study how
they did those effects.
One day, out of all
of the three months
that I worked at this theater,
I took tickets at the door
for one 20-minute period.
One of the technicians from
"Star Wars" came to the theater
to see the movie.
I recognized him and
struck up a conversation.
And he was responsible
for getting
me an interview that
allowed me to get hired
at a special effects company.
If I hadn't acted on my passion,
I never would have met him.
I never would have
made the connection.
And I never would have gotten
into the industry that way.
Following your excitement and
acting on your highest joy
shows you how all things
are connected and leads you
down the proper path to
allow synchronicity to occur
and manifest your dreams.
It's also interesting
that following my passion
to work in the film
business, before I even
knew about Bashar, has
given me the skills
to blend film making
and channeling in order
to present this information
in a broader way than ever
before Bashar says everything
is an orchestration.
So I've come to understand
that the choices I made
are part of my
agreement with him
and may be part of a larger
plan leading to first contact.
Some people will recognize
me out in public.
And they'll call me
Bashar instead of Darryl.
It's funny, but
it's also endearing.
Who knows?
Maybe answering to that
name will help me become
my own version of
him, which is really
just another way of saying that
I'm becoming more my true self.
I feel like Bashar represents
what we could all become.
We often say we're only
human, but maybe we're not.
Not yet.
Maybe we don't really know what
it means to be fully human.
Perhaps Bashar is showing us
how to express our humanity more
If we act from our
highest aspirations,
restore what we've lost,
reconnect and work in harmony
with nature, develop cleaner
ways to power our world,
help each other to thrive, and
find our true place in life,
we can walk a new path that
leads to a brighter future.
Contact is an ongoing
experience and part
of the natural evolution
of you as a species
from what you may loosely
call Homo sapiens to Homo.
An alien civilization
came to visit us
I think that would be a pretty
big shock for the planet,
I think that in order for
us to even accept that
into our reality, we will have
had to have gone to a place
where crazy things happen
all the time, things
to the point where if
an alien shows up, oh,
it's just part of
the new normal.
Once we acknowledge that
extraterrestrials do exist,
that they have technology
that can get them here,
however that may be, the idea
we have behind how we power
our civilization through energy
and electrical power will
drastically change.
Because if we acknowledge that
their ships get here and have
propulsion systems that do
not require fossil fuels,
then our own ideas as what we
think we know about physics
will change.
Eventually, if we receive
some visitor from another...
Galaxies come...
Look, same as human being.
Maybe little different shapes.
But basically, the same.
Then furthermore,
same sentient being.
Respect them.
50% of Earth's population
is under 30 years old.
So humans have been in space
longer than these people
have been alive.
To this generation and
all generations to come,
space travel is a fact of life.
Over a thousand planets
outside our solar system
have been discovered within
the last two decades.
The probability of
discovering another world
capable of supporting
life as we know
it is increasing every day.
The concept of alien
contact is no longer
foreign to our society.
The question isn't if it
will happen, but when.
This new collective mindset
may be all the invitation
an extraterrestrial
society needs
to initiate contact with us.
However, devastating encounters
between European explorers
and Native American
cultures are often
used as examples of
what could happen
to our society in the
aftermath of contact
with a more advanced ET culture.
But it is precisely because they
may be more advanced than us
that they would take steps
to make sure no harm is
done to our way of life.
Because we are
genetically connected to you,
we are family, for we are, in
that sense, your descendants.
And you are our ancestors.
And thus, our deep, deep
connection to you as family
is profound.
By interaction through open
contact, our family grows.
We expand each other.
We support each other.
We grow together.
And together we grow into
something that neither of us
individually can ever become.
How can we on Earth
best prepare for contact?
You have a wonderful
and unique opportunity
on your planet to recognize
that you are living side by side
with other sentient species.
The dolphins are
in many ways one
of the most similar sentient
species to your own.
We may be extraterrestrial,
because we
don't come from your world.
But because we are
genetically related to you,
we are not really alien.
Conversely, the dolphins
are not extraterrestrial,
because they co-inhabit
your world with you.
They truly are alien to you.
Thus, by being willing
to interact with them
and learn to
communicate with them,
it will actually give
you a great opportunity
to learn to communicate
with other life forms
out in the cosmos that
truly are alien to you.
In exploring
Bashar's suggestion,
I developed a strong passion
for swimming with wild dolphins
and whales and found that
being with them offers you
the opportunity to enter
a state of consciousness
that's actually quite similar
to the channeling state.
From that state, you can
access more information
and actually see things
from a higher perspective.
But do dolphins and whales
possess actual languages?
Some researchers are
beginning to think so.
I work at the SETI Institute
and what I'm going to present
is basically an application of
information theory to non-human
I'll present one kind
of a way of analyzing.
And it's a very simple
relationship that's
a linguistic relationship.
And that's called Zipf's law.
A linguist in the
early '50s basically
decided to plot the frequency of
occurrence of different letters
in books.
And he plotted the log of
the frequency of occurrence
in rank order.
In other words, first, second,
third, fourth, and so on.
And he said the frequency of
occurrence of the letter E
is the most.
Then I'll plot the frequency
of occurrence of the letter in the book and then
the letter A on down.
And he found a relationship
that was basically -1 slope.
In other words, a slope of -1
gives you a 45-degree angle.
And he did this for letters.
And he did it for
Chinese characters.
And he did it for various
phonemes, Russian phonemes.
It turns out all human
languages produce this -1 slope.
And so what we
did is we compiled
a dictionary of
bottle nose dolphins
or whistle communication system.
And we plotted their
frequency of occurrence.
And we got the -1 slope
for dolphins as well.
And then what happened
was two baby dolphins
were born at Marine World.
And we recorded them with my
colleague, Brenda McCowan.
For humans, when babies
are born, they babble.
And they produce
a shallow slope.
And it turns out that the baby
dolphins were babbling as well.
They landed right on
top of human babbling.
And as they grew up
after about 12 months,
they had this -1 slope.
So in other words, we
determined that baby dolphins
are born babbling and then
learn as they grow up.
Based on this information,
dolphins have a language.
Dolphins have interacted
with your society in many ways.
Dolphins have guided
ships through the seas.
Dolphins have saved
drowning swimmers.
Dolphins have even
sought humans out.
When they are injured, they
truly wish to bond with you.
They truly are expressing
a desire to interact.
Swimming alongside the dolphins,
you see not only this incredible
beauty and grace that they
exhibit, but you experience
a deep sense of freedom
of the limitlessness of
their ocean world and a sense
of kinship with them.
It's like they invite you
to become one with them,
to become part of their family.
Not only does this help
people find a clearer sense
of their life purpose,
it also gives them
the opportunity to
learn to communicate
with another species, one
very different from our own.
And this can actually act as
a precursor and a preparation
for the experience of having
extraterrestrial contact.
Humans are stewards of the land.
The dolphins and the whales
are stewards of the sea.
Take advantage of
this great opportunity
that you have
co-created with them
to learn to communicate
with other species
in a variety of ways.
It will aid and assist
you in communications
with other beings
throughout creation.
When we talk about the idea of
having open contact with you,
we are not just talking
about having open contact
with humans.
Open contact is with
all life on your planet.
And you will become
truly one society
in a variety of differences
that are validated and supported
to form a true harmony
and unity upon your world.
If we can learn to
communicate with an intelligent
species on Earth that's
so different from us,
perhaps it will not only help
us understand beings from
the stars, but to respect the
differences among ourselves
as well.
Over the course of my
interactions with the public,
people have reacted to the
channeling in various ways.
Some think I'm imagining all
this or worse... making it up.
They say truth goes
through three stages.
First, it's ridiculed.
Second, it's violently opposed.
And third, it's finally
accepted as self-evident.
The fact is I'm just an
ordinary person who experienced
something extraordinary.
I think these people don't
understand my experience,
because they've never had
such things happen to them.
So they believe they
can't happen to anyone.
When people come
back to me and say,
I applied this information
the way Bashar told it to me,
it solved this problem,
it cleared this thing up,
it gave me a whole
new perspective,
it allowed me to feel
like I was in control,
it allowed me to experience
the outcome that I really
preferred to experience, I
mean, that's very gratifying.
And it tells me that this
is real on that level.
I think that's the important
thing to understand
is it's not about whether people
believe that Bashar is real.
It's not about whether
this is another aspect
of my own consciousness.
It's, is the information real?
Can you prove that it works?
And, yes, you can.
I've applied it in my life
and gotten amazing results.
Other people keep telling
me that they've applied it.
And it works for them.
It changes things in
very positive ways.
They see more synchronicity
in their life.
They feel more
positive in general.
They do better at what they do.
They're following their
passion more often
and living happier lives.
The concepts that Bashar
brings through make you think.
They make you question your
life, question what reality is.
Bashar has taught me that
what I believe about life,
what I feel about it,
what I think about it
is what creates my life.
Bashar encourages us
to do what excites us
and to follow our dreams.
And because of his
insights and encouragement,
I've accomplished things
I never thought I could do.
Bashar has helped me
personally through not only his
unwavering support of
me following my passion,
but also through many,
many years of him giving me
And really, just the
experience of what
it means to be unconditionally
loved by another person
has had a profound effect on me.
Bashar is someone that I
deeply trust and respect.
And he's earned that respect.
He has shown me how
you really can generate
a positive outcome,
no matter how
negative or
difficult a situation
may look from the outside.
And he's also shown me
the incredible levels
of happiness, well-being,
and inspiration that you
can experience right
here on Earth when you're
willing to follow
your excitement
and actively create the
life that you dream of.
I have learned things I never
believed I would have learned,
never imagined were
possible to experience.
I've certainly traveled
to many different places
on the Earth I probably never
would have gone to if it
wasn't for the channeling.
It's really enriched my life
in a lot of different ways.
So I think that anyone
who has an opportunity
to follow a path
that's unusual...
Even if people
think you're crazy,
I think the rewards outweigh
anyone else's opinion.
And you don't always know
where you're going to wind up.
And that's OK.
That's part of the adventure.
So I'd say go for it.
Because the alternative
is to wonder what
would have happened.
And I'd rather go forward
and be called crazy
than to look back and say,
I have a regret that I never
followed that path.
Bashar has explained
that contact
will happen in stages over time
so that we're better prepared,
and that one day when
we're ready, open contact
may look something like this.
Whether or not you believe
ETs are already communicating
with Earth through channels or
via other types of encounters,
we are nevertheless at the dawn
of a new era of exploration not
only of the vast outer
universe, but also of our deep,
inner consciousness.
If Bashar and other
ETs are in fact real,
two questions remain.
When is open physical
contact likely to occur?
And will we be ready
when that day comes?
You are going to make a
discovery whereby your people
will know that it is a fact that
extraterrestrial life exists
in some way, shape, or form.
But no matter what
that form may be,
that will change
the mindset that
will make open contact from an
extraterrestrial civilization
with your world most probable
between your years of 2025
to 2033.
There have been from time
to time, certain encounters.
Not everything that
you may see is a ship.
Not every experience
that may seem to be other
worldly is necessarily
representative of us
or those like us.
As far as UFO sightings
go, the primary ones
that you need to recognize
are the sightings
that you have called the Phoenix
Lights over your Arizona area.
Similar craft were
spotted in the area
you call your Hudson Valley on
the East Coast of your United.
And waves of triangular
craft were spotted
in the area you call Belgium.
They have showed
you their craft.
And they have
gauged the reaction.
So far, the official
reaction has been mostly one
of denying it ever happened.
As the relationship between your
world and other worlds grows,
you will venture out to
the stars yourselves.
And you will visit other worlds.
And you will become their UFOs.
It has been a misunderstanding
in certain cultures
on your planet that
the idea of having
a unified world,
a harmonious world
means that you all
have to be homogenized.
That is as far from
unity as you can get.
True harmony, true
unity is the product
of absolute validation of all
of the individual differences
between you.
Because each of
you was made to be
a unique piece of the puzzle.
And like a piece of
a puzzle picture,
if you are the shape
you were made to be,
then you will fit with all
the other unique shapes
and together form
one big picture that
will support all the pieces,
even as the pieces support
the whole picture.
So if you just relax
into the true unique self
and validate all the
differences between you fully,
then you will all see that
you are like different notes
of an orchestration.
You will all fit and
play a beautiful song
that will surround your world.
And in that bubble will you
find the harmony and unity
that you seek.
For centuries, we've asked
the question, are we alone?
If something as impossible
as an encounter with a UFO
can happen, then I
feel the universe
is more mysterious
than I imagined,
that maybe anything is possible.
I've learned that
contact isn't just
about people from other worlds
coming to Earth in the future.
It's much bigger than that.
I believe the experience of
contact is part of evolution
By shifting to a higher
state of awareness
through channeling,
acting on my passion,
and being open to new
definitions of reality,
I've come to realize that
beings from the stars
have always been here.
The truth is we've
never really been alone.