First Knight (1995) Movie Script
Good.|Do you want to know how to win?
Be the only one with a sword.
Give him a hand! He fought well!
Well done. John.
Winner takes all, my friends!|One more challenger and I'll leave.
Once in a lifetime, you meet a man|so fearless. no man can touch him.
While you're waiting for him,|you can practice on me.
As sure as the sun will rise.|there's a man who's better than me.
He could be here. It could be today.
It could be you.
- He looks strong. Is he good?|- Try him and see!
Go on. Mark. But don't hurt him.
So, you're Mark, are you?|I'm Lancelot.
- Are you ready?|- I'm ready.
You don't have to kill me to win.
- Got tight hold of your sword?|- Don't you worry about that!
Can I give you some advice?|Don't drop your sword.
Is this your sword?|Give him a hand!
- Well done. Mark!|- How did you do that?
- Was that a trick?|- No. That's the way I fight.
Could I do it?|Tell me. I can learn.
Study your opponent, so you know|what he'll do before he does it.
- I can do that.|- And wait for the critical moment.
- I can do that.|- You can't care about your life.
Come on! Quickly!
Shut the doors!
Where's Daddy?
Burn it down.
We'll be burnt alive!
We need water! Get water!
- No! Wait till they've gone!|- We'll be dead by then!
Last night, men from this village|killed three of my people.
In reprisal,|I have destroyed your village.
The borderlands have been lawless|long enough.
Know now. that I am the law!
Come on!
There she is.
Mind the dog!
- Come here, milady.|- Wait.
- Milady ...|- I won't be much longer.
There's been another attack.|Another border village burnt.
Anne, take my place.
- Is it Malagant again?|- Yes. A small group got away.
- Are they being looked after?|- They want to see you first.
No, no, please. You poor people,|after such a terrible Journey.
We didn't know|where else to turn, milady.
They say we're outlaws.|They say we crossed the border.
I know. It's all Lies. He means|to frighten us into submission.
- Don't give in to him. We'll fight.|- I'm not the yielding kind.
Jacob. Take these good people in|and give them food and drink.
When you've rested, we shall pray|for your village and for Leonesse.
- God keep you safe, milady.|- And you. Now, go.
- It's the third village he's burnt.|- Does he want to destroy us all?
- He wants us to sign his treaty.|- He thinks we won't challenge him.
If he doesn't get what he asks,|he has the power to take it.
Oswald ...|You say nothing.
- You know what I think. child.|- Yes, I suppose I do.
- Prince Malagant must be answered.|- He will be. I shall decide today.
Now leave me.|Oswald, stay.
- I had hoped to have more time.|- Don't you know your own heart?
I know what I want.|I want to marry.
I want to live and die in Leonesse.
But I can't have everything I want,|can l?
Forgive me, but an offer of marriage|from Arthur of Camelot ...
Yes. I know.|You're right, of course.
No more words. Let it be done.
- You accept the offer?|- I shall marry Arthur of Camelot.
I was so proud to hold you|in my arms at your birth.
I shall be prouder still|to see you wed.
Poor Arthur. The only dowry|I bring him is a land in danger.
- But I shall love him. Oswald.|- You should. child.
I could never marry a man|without love.
Arthur wears his power so lightly.
He has such gentleness in his eyes.
I've never known anyone like him.
How could I love anyone more?
It could be an ambush.|Look to the trees!
Protect the carriage!
Don't break the line.
Wait! Wait!
Follow! Follow!
It's all right.
They're going.
Watch your flank!
We've got to jump!|Come on. Elise!
Roll when you hit the ground!
Petronella. come on!
You have to!
Save yourself!|It's me they'll follow!
She must have gone to ground.
She can't be far.
Don't move.
- Who are you?|- Who cares?
Kill him!
- What is it?|- There were three.
Don't even breathe.|You ... drop the sword.
- Can I have her when you're done?|- You were after the woman?
Of course. Have you ever seen|anything so beautiful?
- I don't know about that.|- You don't want her?
Her soft skin, sweet lips ...|young, firm body.
- I have my orders.|- Who's to know?
- I should take her back.|- I'll hold her for you.
- It won't take long.|- I don't want any trouble.
This one's no trouble.|Look at her. She wants it.
- What's she doing?|- See for yourself. Turn her around.
Look into her eyes.|See what she's got for you.
Hello, pretty.
Now ... what have you got for me?
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Why did you risk your life for me?|They could have killed you.
I'm not that easy to kill.
Do you know who I am?|Guinevere. I'm the Lady of Leonesse.
Well? Doesn't it please you to know|you saved the life of a lady?
- I'd be happy to save a dairy maid.|- She couldn't reward you.
If she were as pretty as you,|she could.
- What did I do?|- You insulted me.
Now I've insulted you.
How dare you treat me like this?
I take it you know no better.
You have done me a good service|and I shall forget the matter.
- Which way?|- I've never been here before.
See the scavenger birds?
They're looking for small animals|crushed by the passing wagons.
- About this reward ...|- My man will pay you.
- I don't want money.|- I'm on my way to be married.
Then you're not married yet.|You're free.
- I've given my word.|- I don't want your word.
- I want you.|- I'm not to be had for the wanting.
Why not? lf you want me.
- You may impress servant girls ...|- I can tell when a woman wants me.
- I can see it in her eyes.|- Not in my eyes.
- You're afraid, aren't you?|- I have nothing to hide.
Then Look at me.
If there is any honour in you,|promise me never to do that again.
I don't know about honour.
But I promise you ... I won't|kiss you again until you ask me to.
And that I never will.
- When do you get married?|- On Midsummer's Day.
Before Midsummer's Day dawns,|you'll ask me to kiss you again.
- You insult me. then abandon me?|- That's the road ahead.
And that, I presume,|is your brave escort.
- My child ... Thank the Lord.|- Are my ladies safe?
- Were you followed, milady?|- No.
No. there's no one there.
Your new country awaits you.
- If anything should happen ...|- I'll send word. Never fear.
Send Jacob. I want to know at once.|good news or bad. Promise me.
I promise you.
I promise you.
Lady Guinevere of Leonesse.|Welcome to Camelot.
God be praised, you're safe.|Nothing shall ever harm you again.
My Lord honours me|with his kindness.
Your coming brings me a happiness|I had not dared hope for.
My Lord must not think too highly|of me, lest he'll be disappointed.
Then I'll take you as I find you,|if you'll do as much for me.
Leonesse awaits news of your safety.|John will send any message you want.
My Lord grants my wishes|before I speak them.
Tell my people I'm come safe|into my new country.
Tell them you saw my eyes|filled with tears of Joy.
Already a queen.
- Agravaine, what happened?|- Ambush. sire.
- Malagant?|- It has to be.
- Was Lady Guinevere in danger?|- We were all in danger, sire.
There were two separate forces.
- Lady Guinevere was in danger.|- You weren't prepared for them?
So many fell in the first strike.
How could we guess|they had a second force?
Malagant doesn't care how many men|he loses, so long as he wins.
- I'll not fail you again, sire.|- We both know no one is perfect.
- But I need to know everything.|- Sire.
I first climbed this hill as a boy|and saw what was to become my city.
I named it Camelot.
- It's so beautiful it frightens me.|- Why do you say that?
I was brought up|to set no faith in finery.
"Beauty doesn't last",|my father said.
I remember the way he looked at you.|I remember him saying, -
- "Do all fathers think|their daughters are so beautiful?"
He never said that to me.
Good girl ...
Thank you!
You saved me from a long ride.|God knows when she'd have stopped.
- She's a fine animal.|- Fit for a queen.
- I'm Peter. King's stableman.|- Lancelot. Which king?
The King. Arthur of Camelot.|This beauty is a gift for his bride.
People swore he would never marry,|but I knew better.
He was just waiting|for the right one. Like we all do.
There'll be some feasting today!|Come on! The party's started!
Beat the gauntlet and meet the King!|Who's got the heart of a lion?
Be the first|to get through the gauntlet, -
- and you'll be up there drinking,|as if he's your brother!
Get up here! Get padded up|and beat the gauntlet!
What about you boys out there?
Give your support|to this brave, young man!
Beat the gauntlet|and meet our lovely queen!
Will you give the victor a kiss,|milady?
How's that? Beat the gauntlet and|win a kiss from Lady Guinevere, -
- soon to be our lovely queen!
Who will it be?
Not like that. idiot!|Come and get padded up first!
Get down! You're mad!|You'll kill yourself!
Go on!
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
- Extraordinary. What's your name?|- Lancelot.
Lancelot.|We won't forget that name.
Your prize ...
- Ask me.|- No.
Ask me.
I dare not kiss so lovely a lady.|I only have one heart to lose.
Well done.
- Have you run the gauntlet before?|- No. never.
- How did you do it?|- You have to see the danger coming.
Others have found it very hard.|You're the first one to do it.
Perhaps fear made them go back|instead of forward.
- And you felt no fear?|- No. I have nothing to lose.
No home ... family?|Do you have a profession?
- I live by my sword.|- You fight for pay.
Nobody paid you to run the gauntlet.
I knew I could do it. so I did it.
Well. Lancelot ...|you're an unusual man.
I've never seen such a display of|courage, skill, -
- nerve, grace and ... stupidity.
Here, every life is precious,|even the lives of strangers.
If you must die, die serving|something greater than yourself.
Better still.|Live ... and serve.
- The Round Table.|- Yes.
The High Council meets here.
No head. no foot.|Everyone equal ... even the King.
"In serving each other,|we become free."
That is the very heart of Camelot.
Not these stones. timbers.|towers, palaces.
Burn them all ...|and Camelot lives on.
Because it lives in us.|It's a belief we hold in our hearts.
Well. no matter.
- Stay in Camelot. I invite you.|- I'll be on the road again soon.
- What road?|- Wherever chance takes me.
Do you believe that what you do|is a matter of chance?
- Yes.|- In that hallway are two doors.
- How will you choose between them?|- It won't matter. It's all chance.
I hope chance leads you to the left.|It's the only way out.
Lancelot!|Just a thought ...
A man who fears nothing|is a man who loves nothing.
And if you love nothing,|what Joy is there in your life?
I may be wrong.
Peter!|Show us how she goes.
- She's yours.|- She's beautiful.
Peter thinks|she's not suitable for a lady.
- I would have chosen her myself.|- I know.
- How do you know?|- Remember when you joined our hunt?
- You were fearless.|- My father's word was "reckless".
He was always sparing with praise.
- We could almost be alone here.|- Do you have secrets to tell me?
No. No secrets.|Just a question to ask.
Do you want to marry me?
You don't have to marry me|because your father wanted it.
Camelot will protect Leonesse,|whether you marry me or not.
Thank you.
You don't know what it means to me|to hear you say that.
Do you want to be released|from the engagement?
No. I want to marry you.
Not your crown or your army|or your golden city. Just you.
- Just me?|- Yes. If you love me.
- Do you remember this?|- You hurt it in the hunt.
- I didn't think you'd get a scar.|- Just a scratch.
You wiped the blood away|with a sleeve of your dress.
The sleeve still carries the stain.
I never thought until then how sweet|it must be to be loved by one woman.
And for the first time in my life,|I wanted ...
- What?|- What wise men say doesn't last.
What cannot be promised, or made|to linger any more than sunlight.
But I don't want to die. without|having felt its warmth on my face.
Marry the King, Guinevere,|but love the man.
I only know one way to Love.
And that is body ... and heart ...|and soul.
I kiss the hurt|that brought me your love.
Try her.
- Shall I fetch a lady's saddle?|- No need.
- She's a rare beauty, sire.|- Yes. she is.
So is the mare.
May God grant us the wisdom|to discover the right, -
- and the strength|to make it endure.
As you all know,|I am soon to be married.
- And about time. too.|- Hear!
We have had our share of war.|Now, I look forward to quieter days.
But first, admit our guest.
- Malagant ...|- Malagant is here at my invitation.
May I congratulate the King|on his forthcoming marriage.
I see my place|hasn't been taken yet.
- I was first among your knights.|- You left of your own free will.
We each of us|must follow our own road.
Where does your road take you?|To Leonesse?
Leonesse is my neighbor. I offered|the lady a treaty of friendship.
- Is burning villages friendship?|- Yes, My Lady ...
Your land is becoming lawless.|Were you not just attacked?
- You know who attacked me.|- I made it my business to know.
- Justice has been done.|- You know no law above yourself!
"Armed forces to be given access|to all Leonesse."
"Troops to assist in the enforcement|of law ... in all Leonesse."
- Do you want to sign this?|- I'll never sign it.
She's very brave ...|now she's to be married.
- Will Camelot protect Leonesse?|- Is Leonesse in need of protection?
Come. Arthur.|I'm here to settle this business.
Leonesse is too weak to stand alone.|Let's say half each.
The lesser gives way to the greater.|What nation is greater than Camelot?
The land of Justice.
Come ... your hand on it.|We'll all live together as friends.
You offer me|what isn't yours to give.
You all know me.|You know I'm a man of my word.
Don't make an enemy of me.
- I mean no harm to Camelot.|- You know the law we live by.
Where is it written.|beyond Camelot live lesser people?
People too weak|to protect themselves, let them die?
Other people live by other laws.|Or does your law rule the world?
There are laws that enslave men.|and laws that set them free.
Either what we hold to be right|and good and true -
- is right and good and true|for all mankind under God. -
- or we're just a robber tribe.
Your words are talking you|out of peace and into war.
There's a peace you only find|after war.
If that battle must come.|I will fight it!
- And l!|- And l!
The great Arthur ...|and his great dream.
No dream lasts forever.
- What is the status of the army?|- Four battalions. two in reserve.
- I'll double the watch.|- I don't think Malagant wants war.
Arm the reserves.|He wants war.
- He wants Leonesse as a buffer.|- He wants Camelot.
- How soon could he attack?|- His army is five days' march away.
So much for my quieter days.
Who approaches there?
I come with a message|for Lady Guinevere!
- My Lady, it's Jacob.|- Where?
- Coming to the north gate.|- Leonesse ...
Jacob ...
- Mind the step.|- Jacob. what is it?
They've taken Lady Guinevere!
Taken? Taken where?
A boat, sire. From the north gate|into the forest.
I have scouts and dogs out already.|Give me a battalion of guards.
- Give me the men.|- No, that's exactly what he wants.
- Take one brigade, now!|- Sire.
He'll not harm her. sire.|She's too valuable.
- He'll try to trade her first.|- That's what I'm afraid of.
I'd give my life for her.|But what if he asks for more?
Welcome to my palace ... My Lady.
I think we can release the lady|from her bonds.
If she so wishes.
What's this?|Your dress is torn. Ralph ...
I gave orders that the lady|was not to be harmed.
Your dress is quite spoiled.
You ...
... almost ...
... a queen.
Ralph. Did you do this?
- Yes, My Prince.|- You see?
This is|what Arthur doesn't understand.
Men don't want brotherhood.|they want leadership.
Shall we?
This was once|the greatest castle ever built.
Now grass grows in the halls|where kings once feasted, -
- and peasants cart away the walls|to make shelters for their pigs.
- Such is glory.|- What do you mean to do with me?
Keep you|till Arthur becomes reasonable.
He won't trade Leonesse for my life.|I'd rather die. Arthur knows that.
Self-sacrifice is very easy.
But sacrificing someone you love|puts your convictions to the test.
I'm sure Arthur will come round|to the merits of compromise.
This is called an oubliette.
That's French|for a place of forgetting.
Your quarters, My Lady.|No gates, no bars, no locks.
Just walls of air.
You can come out!
I'm unarmed and alone!
- Who are you?|- A messenger from the King.
- He came alone?|- Yes, My Prince.
- What is your message?|- Is Lady Guinevere unharmed?
She's unharmed. I give you my word.
- I need to see it with my own eyes.|- My word isn't good enough?
I'm a common man.|I don't have much use for words.
He does have a message. Take him|to the pit, then bring him back.
- You've seen her. Let's go.|- No.
- I still have a message to deliver.|- All right. We'll drag you back.
Jump on! Jump!
Come on! Jump!
If the water can get out,|so can we. Come on.
No! Hold on!
Why have we stopped?
- I'm tired.|- Never.
You battle in your dreams.
- What are you doing?|- You'll see.
Now. drink.
- Where did you learn to do that?|- I lived most of my life outdoors.
Don't you have a home?
No. I don't have a home.|Not for a long time.
- That must be hard.|- Why must it be?
I'm my own master.|I go where I please.
Why build a house|for the warlords to burn?
Is that how it happened?
God save you from such a day.
How old were you?
It was long ago.
- God save us all from such a day.|- He didn't save me.
- Ah. but he did.|- For what?
It's made you who you are.
A man who fears nothing and no one.
You can use that gift.|If not, you might as well have died.
But you didn't die. You lived.
- Tell me what to do.|- Your life is your own.
I give it to you.
You forget I'm to be married.
If you could freely do as you|pleased, would you marry Arthur?
- I am free. As free as you are.|- Prove it.
- How?|- Forget who you are.
Let all the world go away ...|and all the people in it, but us.
Do what you want to do.
Here. Now.
There she is!
Thank you, God.
Thank you.
Thank you. You can go.|You must have better things to do.
You have given me back my life.|I can at least give you your shirt.
- Tell me what you want. It's yours.|- I did what any man would do.
You risked your life for another.|There is no greater love.
You have deceived me.|But now ... I know the truth.
You care nothing for yourself.|No wealth, no home, no goal, -
-Just the passionate spirit|that drives you on.
God uses people like you.
Because your heart is open,|you give all of yourself.
If you knew me better,|you wouldn't say such things.
I take the good with the bad.
I can't love people in slices.|Now, no more protests.
Let me thank you in my own way.
They are welcoming you back.
We owe Lady Guinevere's life|to one man.
I believe he comes to Camelot|for a purpose, -
- even though|he doesn't know it himself.
What I'm about to offer this man|is already his.
One seat stands empty.
- You'd make him a knight, sire?|- I offer no life of privilege.
It's a life of service.|If you want it, it's yours.
- We don't know anything about him.|- Perhaps we should discuss ...
Enough! What do you say?|Will you join us?
My Lord, if I may speak?
I owe this man|more than anyone here.
He deserves any honour|you can give him.
But he doesn't belong in Camelot.|He's a man who goes his way alone.
In that freedom and solitude|is his strength.
If you wish to honour him,|as I do, with all my heart, -
- Let's honour him as he is.
Let him go, alone and free ...|and with our love.
Well ... Lancelot?
Lady Guinevere understands me well.
But here, among you, -
- I have found something|that L want more than freedom.
It would break my heart|to leave you.
Bravo! Then you'll join us?
- Yes.|- Welcome.
This is only the beginning.|Go pass this night in prayer, -
- for tomorrow you'll be born again,|into a new life.
- Why?|- You know why.
- Please leave Camelot.|- I want to be where you are.
You must not say such things to me.|Say nothing.
I will leave Camelot now.|if you come with me.
- No.|- Then tell me you don't love me.
I don't love you.
Arise. Sir Lancelot.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death ...
I swear to love and serve Guinevere.|my true and rightful queen.
I swear to love and serve Guinevere.|and to protect her honour as my own.
Jacob ...
Forgive me, milady.|Black Malagant has taken Leonesse.
Leonesse ...
The gates are open.
- Make camp for the night.|- Where. sire?
It's too exposed. sire.|We could never possibly defend it.
They're not here.
There's no one here!
- Archers in position, sire.|- Hold position.
- Their left wing is falling back.|- Second battalion to the left!
Is our center holding?|Charge!
- They're breaking, sire.|- Do not give chase.
- First battalion regrouped, sire.|- Sound the advance.
- They're running. Do we follow?|- No. Let them go.
On to Leonesse!
Well done.
Your sword ... Sir Lancelot.
- Come out.|- They're alive.
You're safe. Don't be afraid.
We're glad you're safe.
There's a step. Be careful.
God bless you, sir.
I'm so old now ...
Can I go home now?
Can I go home now?
Yes.|Yes, you can go home now.
Bless you, milady.
Elise ...
I've come to say goodbye,|and wish you well.
It's been a long night.|You've not slept.
- Where will you go?|- Wherever the road leads.
When shall we see you again?
I don't think I'll be coming back.
I know what I must do now.
I never believed in anything before.|But I do believe in Camelot.
And I will serve it best by leaving.
Tell the King, I'll always remember|that he saw the best in me.
And what shall I tell myself?
There was once a man who loved you|too much to change you.
I'll not forget him.
I sheltered under a tree|with him once ... in the rain.
Lancelot ...
- My Queen.|- I owe you a kiss.
I'm asking you.
The King asks for you, milady.
I ask you not to lie to me,|even if you think you'll hurt me.
- Have you given yourself to him?|- No, My Lord.
Do you love him?
- How did I fail you?|- You've never failed me, My Lord.
I saw your face as you kissed him.
Love has many faces. I look on you|differently, but not with less love.
When a woman loves two men.|she must choose between them.
- I choose you.|- Your will chooses me.
- Your heart chooses him.|- My will is stronger than my heart.
Do you think I put so high a price|on my feelings? They'll pass.
My will holds me|to my course through life.
As mine does me, and yet,|all I have to do is look at you -
- and everything I ever believed in|fades to nothing.
- All I want is your love.|- You have it.
Do l? Then look on me|as you looked on him.
I gave one moment to Lancelot.
Yes, you're innocent.|But you love him!
Any more of this innocence|and I'll go mad.
- I'll do whatever you tell me to.|- I don't know what to think.
I no longer see my way ahead.
Only fools dream of the one thing|they can't have.
Forgive me.
What's to forgive?
I dreamed the dream of you.
It was a sweet dream ...
... while it lasted.
- Unlock the door.|- Sire.
- My Lord?|- I'll ask the questions.
Did you come to Camelot|to betray me?
- No, My Lord.|- You desired her. You pursued her.
- The Queen is innocent.|- Innocent?
I saw her in your arms.|I trusted you, and you betrayed me.
- I never meant to hurt you.|- You leave me nothing! Nothing!
You will be charged with treason.|Defend yourself in court.
The law will Judge you!
May God grant us the wisdom|to discover the right, -
- and the strength|to make it endure.
I was mistaken in Lancelot.|As a man, I may forgive ...
As a king, I must see Justice done.
There will be a trial tomorrow.|in the great square.
- In the great square?|- Let's settle the matter privately.
You think the honour of Camelot|is a private matter?
Am I to hide in dark corners|as if I'm ashamed?
Open the gates.|I want everyone there.
Let every citizen see|that the law rules in Camelot.
Guinevere, Lady of Leonesse,|Queen of Camelot. -
Guinevere, Lady of Leonesse,|Queen of Camelot. -
- and Lancelot.|Knight of the High Council, -
- are charged in their own persons,|and in collusion. -
- with dishonour to the realm.|and violation of the King's rights.
These crimes constitute|an act of treason against Camelot, -
- and the penalty under law|is death.
- Sir Lancelot may speak.|- My words are for the King alone.
My Lord.|The Queen is innocent.
But if my life, or my death, -
- serves Camelot. Take it.
Do what you like with me.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death.
Is it the King's wish|that the Queen be questioned?
May God forgive me.
Is it the King's wish|that the Queen be questioned?
- Who goes there?|- Who goes there?
Close the gates!
Nobody move or Arthur dies!
My men control the city gates.
On every roof,|I have men with burning torches!
I have only to lift my arm,|and your golden city burns to ashes.
I am the law now!|You obeyed Arthur. Now, obey me.
My people are unarmed, Malagant.
If it's me you want,|here I am.
Look at him! Look at the great|King Arthur of Camelot.
He's a man waking up from a dream.
The strong rule the weak!|That's how your God made the world.
He makes us strong only for a while,|so we can help each other.
My God makes me strong|so I can live my life!
Arthur says, "Serve one another."|When will you live your own lives?
This is the freedom I bring you!|Freedom from his tyrannical dream!
Freedom from his tyrannical law!|Freedom from his tyrannical God!
I want your people|to see you kneel before me here.
Kneel before me. or die.
Too proud, Arthur? Do you think|you serve your people better dead?
I have no pride left in me.
What I do now.|I do for my people, and for Camelot.
And may they forgive me.
This is my last act as your king.
Do not be afraid.
All things change.
I am Arthur of Camelot.
I command you now, all ...
... to fight! Fight!|Like you've never fought before!
- Camelot lives!|- Burn everything!
No! Be careful!
Come on!
Camelot will never fall|to the tyranny of Malagant!
- Is there no more we can do?|- I'm sorry.
- Lancelot ...|- Yes, My Lord?
- Where's my sword?|- Here.
My truest ... my First Knight.
Camelot is your home now.
You are the future ...|The future of Camelot.
You take care of her for me.|Take care of her.
I feel it now, my love.
The sunlight.
It's in your eyes.
Be the only one with a sword.
Give him a hand! He fought well!
Well done. John.
Winner takes all, my friends!|One more challenger and I'll leave.
Once in a lifetime, you meet a man|so fearless. no man can touch him.
While you're waiting for him,|you can practice on me.
As sure as the sun will rise.|there's a man who's better than me.
He could be here. It could be today.
It could be you.
- He looks strong. Is he good?|- Try him and see!
Go on. Mark. But don't hurt him.
So, you're Mark, are you?|I'm Lancelot.
- Are you ready?|- I'm ready.
You don't have to kill me to win.
- Got tight hold of your sword?|- Don't you worry about that!
Can I give you some advice?|Don't drop your sword.
Is this your sword?|Give him a hand!
- Well done. Mark!|- How did you do that?
- Was that a trick?|- No. That's the way I fight.
Could I do it?|Tell me. I can learn.
Study your opponent, so you know|what he'll do before he does it.
- I can do that.|- And wait for the critical moment.
- I can do that.|- You can't care about your life.
Come on! Quickly!
Shut the doors!
Where's Daddy?
Burn it down.
We'll be burnt alive!
We need water! Get water!
- No! Wait till they've gone!|- We'll be dead by then!
Last night, men from this village|killed three of my people.
In reprisal,|I have destroyed your village.
The borderlands have been lawless|long enough.
Know now. that I am the law!
Come on!
There she is.
Mind the dog!
- Come here, milady.|- Wait.
- Milady ...|- I won't be much longer.
There's been another attack.|Another border village burnt.
Anne, take my place.
- Is it Malagant again?|- Yes. A small group got away.
- Are they being looked after?|- They want to see you first.
No, no, please. You poor people,|after such a terrible Journey.
We didn't know|where else to turn, milady.
They say we're outlaws.|They say we crossed the border.
I know. It's all Lies. He means|to frighten us into submission.
- Don't give in to him. We'll fight.|- I'm not the yielding kind.
Jacob. Take these good people in|and give them food and drink.
When you've rested, we shall pray|for your village and for Leonesse.
- God keep you safe, milady.|- And you. Now, go.
- It's the third village he's burnt.|- Does he want to destroy us all?
- He wants us to sign his treaty.|- He thinks we won't challenge him.
If he doesn't get what he asks,|he has the power to take it.
Oswald ...|You say nothing.
- You know what I think. child.|- Yes, I suppose I do.
- Prince Malagant must be answered.|- He will be. I shall decide today.
Now leave me.|Oswald, stay.
- I had hoped to have more time.|- Don't you know your own heart?
I know what I want.|I want to marry.
I want to live and die in Leonesse.
But I can't have everything I want,|can l?
Forgive me, but an offer of marriage|from Arthur of Camelot ...
Yes. I know.|You're right, of course.
No more words. Let it be done.
- You accept the offer?|- I shall marry Arthur of Camelot.
I was so proud to hold you|in my arms at your birth.
I shall be prouder still|to see you wed.
Poor Arthur. The only dowry|I bring him is a land in danger.
- But I shall love him. Oswald.|- You should. child.
I could never marry a man|without love.
Arthur wears his power so lightly.
He has such gentleness in his eyes.
I've never known anyone like him.
How could I love anyone more?
It could be an ambush.|Look to the trees!
Protect the carriage!
Don't break the line.
Wait! Wait!
Follow! Follow!
It's all right.
They're going.
Watch your flank!
We've got to jump!|Come on. Elise!
Roll when you hit the ground!
Petronella. come on!
You have to!
Save yourself!|It's me they'll follow!
She must have gone to ground.
She can't be far.
Don't move.
- Who are you?|- Who cares?
Kill him!
- What is it?|- There were three.
Don't even breathe.|You ... drop the sword.
- Can I have her when you're done?|- You were after the woman?
Of course. Have you ever seen|anything so beautiful?
- I don't know about that.|- You don't want her?
Her soft skin, sweet lips ...|young, firm body.
- I have my orders.|- Who's to know?
- I should take her back.|- I'll hold her for you.
- It won't take long.|- I don't want any trouble.
This one's no trouble.|Look at her. She wants it.
- What's she doing?|- See for yourself. Turn her around.
Look into her eyes.|See what she's got for you.
Hello, pretty.
Now ... what have you got for me?
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Why did you risk your life for me?|They could have killed you.
I'm not that easy to kill.
Do you know who I am?|Guinevere. I'm the Lady of Leonesse.
Well? Doesn't it please you to know|you saved the life of a lady?
- I'd be happy to save a dairy maid.|- She couldn't reward you.
If she were as pretty as you,|she could.
- What did I do?|- You insulted me.
Now I've insulted you.
How dare you treat me like this?
I take it you know no better.
You have done me a good service|and I shall forget the matter.
- Which way?|- I've never been here before.
See the scavenger birds?
They're looking for small animals|crushed by the passing wagons.
- About this reward ...|- My man will pay you.
- I don't want money.|- I'm on my way to be married.
Then you're not married yet.|You're free.
- I've given my word.|- I don't want your word.
- I want you.|- I'm not to be had for the wanting.
Why not? lf you want me.
- You may impress servant girls ...|- I can tell when a woman wants me.
- I can see it in her eyes.|- Not in my eyes.
- You're afraid, aren't you?|- I have nothing to hide.
Then Look at me.
If there is any honour in you,|promise me never to do that again.
I don't know about honour.
But I promise you ... I won't|kiss you again until you ask me to.
And that I never will.
- When do you get married?|- On Midsummer's Day.
Before Midsummer's Day dawns,|you'll ask me to kiss you again.
- You insult me. then abandon me?|- That's the road ahead.
And that, I presume,|is your brave escort.
- My child ... Thank the Lord.|- Are my ladies safe?
- Were you followed, milady?|- No.
No. there's no one there.
Your new country awaits you.
- If anything should happen ...|- I'll send word. Never fear.
Send Jacob. I want to know at once.|good news or bad. Promise me.
I promise you.
I promise you.
Lady Guinevere of Leonesse.|Welcome to Camelot.
God be praised, you're safe.|Nothing shall ever harm you again.
My Lord honours me|with his kindness.
Your coming brings me a happiness|I had not dared hope for.
My Lord must not think too highly|of me, lest he'll be disappointed.
Then I'll take you as I find you,|if you'll do as much for me.
Leonesse awaits news of your safety.|John will send any message you want.
My Lord grants my wishes|before I speak them.
Tell my people I'm come safe|into my new country.
Tell them you saw my eyes|filled with tears of Joy.
Already a queen.
- Agravaine, what happened?|- Ambush. sire.
- Malagant?|- It has to be.
- Was Lady Guinevere in danger?|- We were all in danger, sire.
There were two separate forces.
- Lady Guinevere was in danger.|- You weren't prepared for them?
So many fell in the first strike.
How could we guess|they had a second force?
Malagant doesn't care how many men|he loses, so long as he wins.
- I'll not fail you again, sire.|- We both know no one is perfect.
- But I need to know everything.|- Sire.
I first climbed this hill as a boy|and saw what was to become my city.
I named it Camelot.
- It's so beautiful it frightens me.|- Why do you say that?
I was brought up|to set no faith in finery.
"Beauty doesn't last",|my father said.
I remember the way he looked at you.|I remember him saying, -
- "Do all fathers think|their daughters are so beautiful?"
He never said that to me.
Good girl ...
Thank you!
You saved me from a long ride.|God knows when she'd have stopped.
- She's a fine animal.|- Fit for a queen.
- I'm Peter. King's stableman.|- Lancelot. Which king?
The King. Arthur of Camelot.|This beauty is a gift for his bride.
People swore he would never marry,|but I knew better.
He was just waiting|for the right one. Like we all do.
There'll be some feasting today!|Come on! The party's started!
Beat the gauntlet and meet the King!|Who's got the heart of a lion?
Be the first|to get through the gauntlet, -
- and you'll be up there drinking,|as if he's your brother!
Get up here! Get padded up|and beat the gauntlet!
What about you boys out there?
Give your support|to this brave, young man!
Beat the gauntlet|and meet our lovely queen!
Will you give the victor a kiss,|milady?
How's that? Beat the gauntlet and|win a kiss from Lady Guinevere, -
- soon to be our lovely queen!
Who will it be?
Not like that. idiot!|Come and get padded up first!
Get down! You're mad!|You'll kill yourself!
Go on!
Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
- Extraordinary. What's your name?|- Lancelot.
Lancelot.|We won't forget that name.
Your prize ...
- Ask me.|- No.
Ask me.
I dare not kiss so lovely a lady.|I only have one heart to lose.
Well done.
- Have you run the gauntlet before?|- No. never.
- How did you do it?|- You have to see the danger coming.
Others have found it very hard.|You're the first one to do it.
Perhaps fear made them go back|instead of forward.
- And you felt no fear?|- No. I have nothing to lose.
No home ... family?|Do you have a profession?
- I live by my sword.|- You fight for pay.
Nobody paid you to run the gauntlet.
I knew I could do it. so I did it.
Well. Lancelot ...|you're an unusual man.
I've never seen such a display of|courage, skill, -
- nerve, grace and ... stupidity.
Here, every life is precious,|even the lives of strangers.
If you must die, die serving|something greater than yourself.
Better still.|Live ... and serve.
- The Round Table.|- Yes.
The High Council meets here.
No head. no foot.|Everyone equal ... even the King.
"In serving each other,|we become free."
That is the very heart of Camelot.
Not these stones. timbers.|towers, palaces.
Burn them all ...|and Camelot lives on.
Because it lives in us.|It's a belief we hold in our hearts.
Well. no matter.
- Stay in Camelot. I invite you.|- I'll be on the road again soon.
- What road?|- Wherever chance takes me.
Do you believe that what you do|is a matter of chance?
- Yes.|- In that hallway are two doors.
- How will you choose between them?|- It won't matter. It's all chance.
I hope chance leads you to the left.|It's the only way out.
Lancelot!|Just a thought ...
A man who fears nothing|is a man who loves nothing.
And if you love nothing,|what Joy is there in your life?
I may be wrong.
Peter!|Show us how she goes.
- She's yours.|- She's beautiful.
Peter thinks|she's not suitable for a lady.
- I would have chosen her myself.|- I know.
- How do you know?|- Remember when you joined our hunt?
- You were fearless.|- My father's word was "reckless".
He was always sparing with praise.
- We could almost be alone here.|- Do you have secrets to tell me?
No. No secrets.|Just a question to ask.
Do you want to marry me?
You don't have to marry me|because your father wanted it.
Camelot will protect Leonesse,|whether you marry me or not.
Thank you.
You don't know what it means to me|to hear you say that.
Do you want to be released|from the engagement?
No. I want to marry you.
Not your crown or your army|or your golden city. Just you.
- Just me?|- Yes. If you love me.
- Do you remember this?|- You hurt it in the hunt.
- I didn't think you'd get a scar.|- Just a scratch.
You wiped the blood away|with a sleeve of your dress.
The sleeve still carries the stain.
I never thought until then how sweet|it must be to be loved by one woman.
And for the first time in my life,|I wanted ...
- What?|- What wise men say doesn't last.
What cannot be promised, or made|to linger any more than sunlight.
But I don't want to die. without|having felt its warmth on my face.
Marry the King, Guinevere,|but love the man.
I only know one way to Love.
And that is body ... and heart ...|and soul.
I kiss the hurt|that brought me your love.
Try her.
- Shall I fetch a lady's saddle?|- No need.
- She's a rare beauty, sire.|- Yes. she is.
So is the mare.
May God grant us the wisdom|to discover the right, -
- and the strength|to make it endure.
As you all know,|I am soon to be married.
- And about time. too.|- Hear!
We have had our share of war.|Now, I look forward to quieter days.
But first, admit our guest.
- Malagant ...|- Malagant is here at my invitation.
May I congratulate the King|on his forthcoming marriage.
I see my place|hasn't been taken yet.
- I was first among your knights.|- You left of your own free will.
We each of us|must follow our own road.
Where does your road take you?|To Leonesse?
Leonesse is my neighbor. I offered|the lady a treaty of friendship.
- Is burning villages friendship?|- Yes, My Lady ...
Your land is becoming lawless.|Were you not just attacked?
- You know who attacked me.|- I made it my business to know.
- Justice has been done.|- You know no law above yourself!
"Armed forces to be given access|to all Leonesse."
"Troops to assist in the enforcement|of law ... in all Leonesse."
- Do you want to sign this?|- I'll never sign it.
She's very brave ...|now she's to be married.
- Will Camelot protect Leonesse?|- Is Leonesse in need of protection?
Come. Arthur.|I'm here to settle this business.
Leonesse is too weak to stand alone.|Let's say half each.
The lesser gives way to the greater.|What nation is greater than Camelot?
The land of Justice.
Come ... your hand on it.|We'll all live together as friends.
You offer me|what isn't yours to give.
You all know me.|You know I'm a man of my word.
Don't make an enemy of me.
- I mean no harm to Camelot.|- You know the law we live by.
Where is it written.|beyond Camelot live lesser people?
People too weak|to protect themselves, let them die?
Other people live by other laws.|Or does your law rule the world?
There are laws that enslave men.|and laws that set them free.
Either what we hold to be right|and good and true -
- is right and good and true|for all mankind under God. -
- or we're just a robber tribe.
Your words are talking you|out of peace and into war.
There's a peace you only find|after war.
If that battle must come.|I will fight it!
- And l!|- And l!
The great Arthur ...|and his great dream.
No dream lasts forever.
- What is the status of the army?|- Four battalions. two in reserve.
- I'll double the watch.|- I don't think Malagant wants war.
Arm the reserves.|He wants war.
- He wants Leonesse as a buffer.|- He wants Camelot.
- How soon could he attack?|- His army is five days' march away.
So much for my quieter days.
Who approaches there?
I come with a message|for Lady Guinevere!
- My Lady, it's Jacob.|- Where?
- Coming to the north gate.|- Leonesse ...
Jacob ...
- Mind the step.|- Jacob. what is it?
They've taken Lady Guinevere!
Taken? Taken where?
A boat, sire. From the north gate|into the forest.
I have scouts and dogs out already.|Give me a battalion of guards.
- Give me the men.|- No, that's exactly what he wants.
- Take one brigade, now!|- Sire.
He'll not harm her. sire.|She's too valuable.
- He'll try to trade her first.|- That's what I'm afraid of.
I'd give my life for her.|But what if he asks for more?
Welcome to my palace ... My Lady.
I think we can release the lady|from her bonds.
If she so wishes.
What's this?|Your dress is torn. Ralph ...
I gave orders that the lady|was not to be harmed.
Your dress is quite spoiled.
You ...
... almost ...
... a queen.
Ralph. Did you do this?
- Yes, My Prince.|- You see?
This is|what Arthur doesn't understand.
Men don't want brotherhood.|they want leadership.
Shall we?
This was once|the greatest castle ever built.
Now grass grows in the halls|where kings once feasted, -
- and peasants cart away the walls|to make shelters for their pigs.
- Such is glory.|- What do you mean to do with me?
Keep you|till Arthur becomes reasonable.
He won't trade Leonesse for my life.|I'd rather die. Arthur knows that.
Self-sacrifice is very easy.
But sacrificing someone you love|puts your convictions to the test.
I'm sure Arthur will come round|to the merits of compromise.
This is called an oubliette.
That's French|for a place of forgetting.
Your quarters, My Lady.|No gates, no bars, no locks.
Just walls of air.
You can come out!
I'm unarmed and alone!
- Who are you?|- A messenger from the King.
- He came alone?|- Yes, My Prince.
- What is your message?|- Is Lady Guinevere unharmed?
She's unharmed. I give you my word.
- I need to see it with my own eyes.|- My word isn't good enough?
I'm a common man.|I don't have much use for words.
He does have a message. Take him|to the pit, then bring him back.
- You've seen her. Let's go.|- No.
- I still have a message to deliver.|- All right. We'll drag you back.
Jump on! Jump!
Come on! Jump!
If the water can get out,|so can we. Come on.
No! Hold on!
Why have we stopped?
- I'm tired.|- Never.
You battle in your dreams.
- What are you doing?|- You'll see.
Now. drink.
- Where did you learn to do that?|- I lived most of my life outdoors.
Don't you have a home?
No. I don't have a home.|Not for a long time.
- That must be hard.|- Why must it be?
I'm my own master.|I go where I please.
Why build a house|for the warlords to burn?
Is that how it happened?
God save you from such a day.
How old were you?
It was long ago.
- God save us all from such a day.|- He didn't save me.
- Ah. but he did.|- For what?
It's made you who you are.
A man who fears nothing and no one.
You can use that gift.|If not, you might as well have died.
But you didn't die. You lived.
- Tell me what to do.|- Your life is your own.
I give it to you.
You forget I'm to be married.
If you could freely do as you|pleased, would you marry Arthur?
- I am free. As free as you are.|- Prove it.
- How?|- Forget who you are.
Let all the world go away ...|and all the people in it, but us.
Do what you want to do.
Here. Now.
There she is!
Thank you, God.
Thank you.
Thank you. You can go.|You must have better things to do.
You have given me back my life.|I can at least give you your shirt.
- Tell me what you want. It's yours.|- I did what any man would do.
You risked your life for another.|There is no greater love.
You have deceived me.|But now ... I know the truth.
You care nothing for yourself.|No wealth, no home, no goal, -
-Just the passionate spirit|that drives you on.
God uses people like you.
Because your heart is open,|you give all of yourself.
If you knew me better,|you wouldn't say such things.
I take the good with the bad.
I can't love people in slices.|Now, no more protests.
Let me thank you in my own way.
They are welcoming you back.
We owe Lady Guinevere's life|to one man.
I believe he comes to Camelot|for a purpose, -
- even though|he doesn't know it himself.
What I'm about to offer this man|is already his.
One seat stands empty.
- You'd make him a knight, sire?|- I offer no life of privilege.
It's a life of service.|If you want it, it's yours.
- We don't know anything about him.|- Perhaps we should discuss ...
Enough! What do you say?|Will you join us?
My Lord, if I may speak?
I owe this man|more than anyone here.
He deserves any honour|you can give him.
But he doesn't belong in Camelot.|He's a man who goes his way alone.
In that freedom and solitude|is his strength.
If you wish to honour him,|as I do, with all my heart, -
- Let's honour him as he is.
Let him go, alone and free ...|and with our love.
Well ... Lancelot?
Lady Guinevere understands me well.
But here, among you, -
- I have found something|that L want more than freedom.
It would break my heart|to leave you.
Bravo! Then you'll join us?
- Yes.|- Welcome.
This is only the beginning.|Go pass this night in prayer, -
- for tomorrow you'll be born again,|into a new life.
- Why?|- You know why.
- Please leave Camelot.|- I want to be where you are.
You must not say such things to me.|Say nothing.
I will leave Camelot now.|if you come with me.
- No.|- Then tell me you don't love me.
I don't love you.
Arise. Sir Lancelot.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death ...
I swear to love and serve Guinevere.|my true and rightful queen.
I swear to love and serve Guinevere.|and to protect her honour as my own.
Jacob ...
Forgive me, milady.|Black Malagant has taken Leonesse.
Leonesse ...
The gates are open.
- Make camp for the night.|- Where. sire?
It's too exposed. sire.|We could never possibly defend it.
They're not here.
There's no one here!
- Archers in position, sire.|- Hold position.
- Their left wing is falling back.|- Second battalion to the left!
Is our center holding?|Charge!
- They're breaking, sire.|- Do not give chase.
- First battalion regrouped, sire.|- Sound the advance.
- They're running. Do we follow?|- No. Let them go.
On to Leonesse!
Well done.
Your sword ... Sir Lancelot.
- Come out.|- They're alive.
You're safe. Don't be afraid.
We're glad you're safe.
There's a step. Be careful.
God bless you, sir.
I'm so old now ...
Can I go home now?
Can I go home now?
Yes.|Yes, you can go home now.
Bless you, milady.
Elise ...
I've come to say goodbye,|and wish you well.
It's been a long night.|You've not slept.
- Where will you go?|- Wherever the road leads.
When shall we see you again?
I don't think I'll be coming back.
I know what I must do now.
I never believed in anything before.|But I do believe in Camelot.
And I will serve it best by leaving.
Tell the King, I'll always remember|that he saw the best in me.
And what shall I tell myself?
There was once a man who loved you|too much to change you.
I'll not forget him.
I sheltered under a tree|with him once ... in the rain.
Lancelot ...
- My Queen.|- I owe you a kiss.
I'm asking you.
The King asks for you, milady.
I ask you not to lie to me,|even if you think you'll hurt me.
- Have you given yourself to him?|- No, My Lord.
Do you love him?
- How did I fail you?|- You've never failed me, My Lord.
I saw your face as you kissed him.
Love has many faces. I look on you|differently, but not with less love.
When a woman loves two men.|she must choose between them.
- I choose you.|- Your will chooses me.
- Your heart chooses him.|- My will is stronger than my heart.
Do you think I put so high a price|on my feelings? They'll pass.
My will holds me|to my course through life.
As mine does me, and yet,|all I have to do is look at you -
- and everything I ever believed in|fades to nothing.
- All I want is your love.|- You have it.
Do l? Then look on me|as you looked on him.
I gave one moment to Lancelot.
Yes, you're innocent.|But you love him!
Any more of this innocence|and I'll go mad.
- I'll do whatever you tell me to.|- I don't know what to think.
I no longer see my way ahead.
Only fools dream of the one thing|they can't have.
Forgive me.
What's to forgive?
I dreamed the dream of you.
It was a sweet dream ...
... while it lasted.
- Unlock the door.|- Sire.
- My Lord?|- I'll ask the questions.
Did you come to Camelot|to betray me?
- No, My Lord.|- You desired her. You pursued her.
- The Queen is innocent.|- Innocent?
I saw her in your arms.|I trusted you, and you betrayed me.
- I never meant to hurt you.|- You leave me nothing! Nothing!
You will be charged with treason.|Defend yourself in court.
The law will Judge you!
May God grant us the wisdom|to discover the right, -
- and the strength|to make it endure.
I was mistaken in Lancelot.|As a man, I may forgive ...
As a king, I must see Justice done.
There will be a trial tomorrow.|in the great square.
- In the great square?|- Let's settle the matter privately.
You think the honour of Camelot|is a private matter?
Am I to hide in dark corners|as if I'm ashamed?
Open the gates.|I want everyone there.
Let every citizen see|that the law rules in Camelot.
Guinevere, Lady of Leonesse,|Queen of Camelot. -
Guinevere, Lady of Leonesse,|Queen of Camelot. -
- and Lancelot.|Knight of the High Council, -
- are charged in their own persons,|and in collusion. -
- with dishonour to the realm.|and violation of the King's rights.
These crimes constitute|an act of treason against Camelot, -
- and the penalty under law|is death.
- Sir Lancelot may speak.|- My words are for the King alone.
My Lord.|The Queen is innocent.
But if my life, or my death, -
- serves Camelot. Take it.
Do what you like with me.
Brother to brother.|yours in life and death.
Is it the King's wish|that the Queen be questioned?
May God forgive me.
Is it the King's wish|that the Queen be questioned?
- Who goes there?|- Who goes there?
Close the gates!
Nobody move or Arthur dies!
My men control the city gates.
On every roof,|I have men with burning torches!
I have only to lift my arm,|and your golden city burns to ashes.
I am the law now!|You obeyed Arthur. Now, obey me.
My people are unarmed, Malagant.
If it's me you want,|here I am.
Look at him! Look at the great|King Arthur of Camelot.
He's a man waking up from a dream.
The strong rule the weak!|That's how your God made the world.
He makes us strong only for a while,|so we can help each other.
My God makes me strong|so I can live my life!
Arthur says, "Serve one another."|When will you live your own lives?
This is the freedom I bring you!|Freedom from his tyrannical dream!
Freedom from his tyrannical law!|Freedom from his tyrannical God!
I want your people|to see you kneel before me here.
Kneel before me. or die.
Too proud, Arthur? Do you think|you serve your people better dead?
I have no pride left in me.
What I do now.|I do for my people, and for Camelot.
And may they forgive me.
This is my last act as your king.
Do not be afraid.
All things change.
I am Arthur of Camelot.
I command you now, all ...
... to fight! Fight!|Like you've never fought before!
- Camelot lives!|- Burn everything!
No! Be careful!
Come on!
Camelot will never fall|to the tyranny of Malagant!
- Is there no more we can do?|- I'm sorry.
- Lancelot ...|- Yes, My Lord?
- Where's my sword?|- Here.
My truest ... my First Knight.
Camelot is your home now.
You are the future ...|The future of Camelot.
You take care of her for me.|Take care of her.
I feel it now, my love.
The sunlight.
It's in your eyes.