Five Days One Summer (1982) Movie Script
five days
a summer
the year
I'm sorry, doc. But the horse
has lost a shoe.
- Have you lost a horseshoe? -
He'll be here in an hour.
- There are no other possibilities? - No.
- Good thank you. - bye.
Doctor? I hope you enjoy
a lot in Switzerland.
I hope so too.
We are lucky. they're here.
He fell asleep.
- I do not understand you. I don't speak German -
He wants to know if I'm tired.
- Nice view. Yes.
- Shall we continue on foot? -
I would.
Coachman. Coachman!
- We'll stay here!
We will continue on foot.
It will come right there.
Take the luggage to the hotel.
- Bye. - Thank you very much.
Dr. Meredith, I am the owner,
I hope your trip
has been pleasant.
Yes, thanks.
She's my wife.
- Senora Meredith. -
Mr. Brendel.
When the coachman
told me he was English
I knew from the way they walked
that they had arrived.
I walk like an Englishman, my
wife dances the English style.
Do you want to go to your room
or do you prefer to dance?
- we prefer to go to the room. -
Well, then follow me.
Don't you want to dance, then?
Mr. Brendel, I've
changed my mind.
Your luggage is already upstairs.
May I?
What a beautiful sight.
Our country is famous
for having these landscapes.
- Have you been in the mountains? -
- Do you like the room? -
She's lovely.
I hope you have a
pleasant stay with us.
Is there a guide for the mountain?
Yes, I'll tell him to
come tonight.
Dinner is at 7:30.
Now I need a bath.
What are you going to do?
I'll take a bath after you.
Kate, are you happy?
On this day, at this time,
I am very happy.
Thanks for bringing me.
Are you going to try to climb, doctor?
Yes, I plan to,
if time permits.
My sister and I
love walks.
Me too.
My name is Jennifer Pierce,
this is my sister Gillian.
We know from the visiting list
that you're a doctor.
We always like to know
who arrives at the hotel.
Wouldn't you like
to sit with us?
Thank you, my wife
is about to arrive.
In any case, thank you very much.
Maybe another time.
Come on Johann, I want to introduce you
to some guests.
I hope I don't delay.
Doctor Meredith.
- He will be your guide,
Johann Biari. - Hello.
- My wife. - Good night.
- Speak English? - something.
He speaks it well and will be a good guide.
Well, do you think time
will help us?
- If we are lucky. I would like
a simple tour at the beginning,
For the first day. then,
every day something more complicated.
We'll talk about it after
- Can you wait for us? -
Sure, sir.
I thought you would tell her
to sit down?
That is not common here.
then we'll have a drink with him.
- What do you think about him? -
What do you mean?
If you find it nice.
How to know?
It will be a nice day tomorrow.
The sky is clear.
- This is for you. - Thank you.
- I'm going up. Goodnight. -
I'll be right away.
Does your wife climb too?
She's been rock climbing, but ice
is new to her.
It is the first time
he has come to the Alps.
And you?
As a student, I made many
trips to Mont Blanc.
- But without a guide. - Then...
Here is the hotel.
Tomorrow we can go up
and go to this cabin.
It is an easy tour.
- Good evening, Johann. -
Good evening sir.
- Peter Van Royen, the Amsterdam.
Douglas Meredith, the Glasgow.
Are you going to hire Johann?
Yes, we are talking
about the tour.
He is an excellent guide.
there is no better one.
I assure you.
- Have you ever gone up with him? -
More than once.
Last year a whole month.
He breaks all records.
Scale with a stopwatch.
I had to run
from top to bottom.
it cannot be said
that it is mountaineering.
That's why he pays double the fee.
What's wrong?
Right now,
I am the happiest person.
perfectly happy.
And in the next instant I'm going
to be completely sad.
Sometimes I can't
take it.
I pray to God that I can
help you bear it.
Who is she?
- This is Kate. - Kate?
- Have you recognized me? -
No, it's been 10 years.
- You're the same person. -
Yes I am, exactly the same.
- This is Sarah, my wife.
- Dear.
What's happening?
did i surprise you?
Are you thinking of
going back to India?
It's not about that.
Here I am not useful.
In the last 3 years
since my brother died
You have been in front.
This is one of the few shipyards
that is still making a profit.
And it's thanks to you, Maclean.
Maybe you won't be able
to run the shipyard,
but it would be interesting.
After all it is a
family business.
And it would be more profitable for both.
I am a doctor.
It is all that I know.
And that's why I
joined the medical practice
In order not to interfere here.
- That's reasonable, right? -
The truth is not.
You're going to do it anyway,
whatever you want.
Half of the shipyard is yours.
You must take care of your part.
Kate has the other
half, does she take care of it?
- If it does. -
Is that true, Kate?
Is it true what
your mother says?
I'm just a trainee in the
design office. That is all.
She would like an apple.
- Come on help me. - Yes, that's fine.
Do you think they are on
their honeymoon?
She is very young. I'm sure they're
- Do you think that is correct, Johann? -
For an old man to marry
a young woman.
poor girl.
He has no right to do it.
Good morning Doctor.
Don't pay too much to the
mountain guide.
We abide strictly
by the rate.
That question is for
Mr. Brendel
who has negotiated for me.
I know nothing.
I hope it's not
too generous.
Guides should not
charge much.
- It isn't true? -
- So, happy holidays! -
Same thing.
Good morning Johann, I have brought
the rope.
Oh, we don't need it today.
We will review it later.
Please take her
to my room. Thanks.
- This is for you. - Thank you.
we walked 3, 4 hours.
And then we'll eat something.
In the afternoon we can be
Along the way they can practice on
a small rock.
A small rock looks good to me
Kate, where are you?
Come say goodbye to Douglas.
I will miss the train.
Come on, Kate, otherwise
the boat will go without me.
What are you doing, Kate?
Do not be silly.
I won't be gone forever.
Don't go to India.
This is a small rock?
On the other hand,
it is much easier.
But it is not difficult.
Do you want to go up?
Yes, why not?
Mrs. Meredith?
We are ready.
- It's okay? -
Yes, thank you.
Take this.
Now, Mrs. Meredith.
- I enjoy it? -
Not much.
Come on doctor.
- Do you like the view? -
Yes, a lot.
It is my pleasure to climb
with you, sir.
- You do it very well
- Thank you.
It was also for me.
- Is it as beautiful as the Himalayas?
- Is different.
Have you been there?
Yes, in 1924 on the
Everest expedition.
I thought I had climbed
only in Europe.
I was mainly as a doctor
then as a climber
Yes, but it's still an honor.
The Doctor is very modest.
- What's that? - It could be lightning.
A storm. Let's go.
- And the peaks? -
They can attract lightning.
I go for the peaks.
As soon as your husband arrives,
we will go down.
No, thanks.
We will probably be the last
visitors this year.
Who knows?
What are you doing here in winter?
Not much. I teach children
to read and write.
- Do you live here all the time? -
Yes, I was born here.
- I've never been outside. -
Don't you want to see anything of the world?
I belong to this site.
Here I feel very good.
Are here.
- Hello. - Hello.
Johann, 3 drinks!
- Hello Johann. -
Hello, Johann.
This is Johann. He
takes care of the cabin.
- El Dr. Meredith and La Sara.
It is a pleasure.
Again a doctor.
What's funny?
Last year I went up with another doctor.
That he couldn't climb.
I had to carry it to
the top.
You can't carry a man
on the mountain.
- Sometimes we have to.
- Charge someone?
Johann asked me if he had to
do it with you.
- Oh, that's not true. -
It's true. That's common.
Yes Douglas.
This is a very simple technique.
Come here.
- Douglas! -
We crossed to the other side.
Douglas, bajame.
Douglas, I'm not 10 anymore.
Thanks, Johann. We enjoy it.
Even the weather.
We leave at 4:00 in
the morning, okay?
We will need the
crampons and carbines.
- Did you have a good day? -
It was wonderful.
- Everything's fine? - The guide
is good and nice.
- Do you want something to eat ma'am? -
No, thanks.
Do you know if Douglas has been
to town?
Do you know or not, if he's gone?
No, I don't know and I don't care.
I'm sorry Sarah. Maybe
he's in the library.
Sees it?
The glacier melts.
Every year a little more.
This is the best place to
Here it is narrow.
We must jump. is near
In case someone falls...
Step on it.
- Good. - will jump second.
- Do you think you can do it? -
I guess so.
That was very good.
Mrs. Meredith.
Do not look down.
It is safe.
Very well!
- Alright? - Yes!
But drop
the beak.
Can you go up?
My crampons broke.
Are you OK? - Yes.
I'm going to look for the peak.
We can get it back.
It's not very deep.
You can see it?
No, but we have to
find it,
we cannot continue.
Let me have your rope. -
Yes of course.
Doctor, hold me tight!
Doctor, I'm going up!
All ready!
We haven't made it, huh?
- No, I couldn't find it. -
So what's up?
There is a man buried
in the ice.
I need a few more people.
We have to get to him.
- Did someone get lost? - Yes.
Long ago.
I have to return.
- Now? - We can't
do it by ourselves.
Why does he have to do it
right now?
I have to return.
If they want to come.
You want to go back?
let's stay Maybe we can help.
I will return as quickly as possible.
- Hola.
- Hello, is Maria here? -
Yes, come in.
How deep is it?
20, 25 metros.
Go find Ernst and Franz.
George is still there?
- I think so. -
see if you can find it.
- Do you want me to tell Maria?
- No, I will.
Up there.
I alter it quite a bit.
Now it's much better.
Can you see anything?
- What? The spikes or the body? -
The corpse.
Is it likely that it is
On second thought, it would be possible.
- They all came. -
I see.
How deep is it?
30, 40 Metros.
Doctor, can you help us
with the body?
Of course.
Then let's get started.
Who could it be?
Years ago, almost 40 years,
a man was lost.
The day before their wedding.
rescue service,
I never found it in the mountains
We are going to chop from
both sides.
Aunt Maria is coming.
Who is she?
She is the bride.
"Douglas, con todo mi amor. Sarah."
Do you think Douglas is a
charming man?
Who do you ask that?
-to you . - Of course.
I also believe it.
Even after 10 years
I still see it that way.
Sometimes I fear that I may
lose it.
Do not say foolishness.
- He adores you. -
Yes, I think that's true.
I have to take this to Maclean.
Who are these people
you are going to go climbing with?
Friends of Douglas from Paris.
Yes ok. But who are they?
Friends from the time
he was in India.
I don't know them.
Are there people your age?
No, but surely
there will be in the hotel.
Sra Meredith.
Mr. Brendel says it was
just before the wedding.
Yes, that's true.
tell me about that.
He was my grandfather's brother.
The wedding was ready, but the
day before he went hunting.
He slipped and fell on the glacier.
Never married.
She never looked at a man again.
How long have you been married?
The Doctor is married,
but I am not his wife.
I had a crush on him
since I was a little girl.
Of course he didn't know.
And then he was gone for a
long time.
That's sad.
Yes maybe.
You shouldn't be with him.
Where have you been?
Brendel says it's going to rain
I want to stay here
after you leave.
So that?
I do not know.
- Don't be ridiculous, Kate. -
Don't laugh at me, Douglas.
- I'm not laughing at you. -
Don't tell me I'm ridiculous.
I'm not your wife, Douglas.
I can never be your wife.
Your wife is in Scotland.
What will happen when
she finds out?
she doesn't know.
Douglas, she's not blind.
She is not blind. She knows it!
They don't want to believe it,
because I'm your niece.
You know
we will never be happy.
I love you more than
I can bear, Douglas.
So you have to
help me please.
I can not do this.
I can not help you.
Why can't I leave you?
But I'm already gone.
You already did.
- Eve? -You scared me.
Is the doctor
in the room?
do you want me to look it up?
I'll go myself. Thanks.
- Who is it? -
I'm Johann, sir.
Tell him to wait downstairs.
The doctor will be down in a moment.
Douglas, why have I always
been afraid that something would happen?
You have no reason to
. Nope.
- Hello.
This is for you.
Sorry for the delay.
Johann, I'm glad
you came.
- The doctor and Mrs. Meredith. -
Good day.
Do you want to see the mountain,
which we will climb tomorrow?
Of course. Let's go.
at once
Kate will make us coffee.
- How long will it take? -
About an hour.
- It's okay? - Go.
For her.
Thanks. What is this?
They are slippers.
You have to put them here.
- Bye. - Bye.
They are French.
What have you brought us,
An Englishwoman.
An English one!
You will sleep here.
- The doctor there. - Thank you.
It's almost ready.
Well, very good.
We are hungry.
It's very hot.
Would you like to try this?
Yes, why not?
Come on, have a cup.
Thank you very much.
The moment of truth.
It's delicious.
- Does she come alone? - With a guide.
- Only with the guide? -
And with my husband.
- Her husband is coming too. -
Ah, her husband...
It is an interesting mountain
not too complicated.
This is why I came.
We can go up the west side.
Then we will have two routes
to go down.
The first is the most used.
they are good rocks.
The other route is shorter,
but much more difficult.
You have to cross those
steep ridges.
Then it goes down that
rather interesting spire.
They call her the maiden.
It will cost you 50 francs more.
And for Mrs. Meredith
it's too heavy.
I love these slippers.
And what will they do tomorrow?
I think, it will be interesting.
Really something big.
- It's hard? -
Unfortunately, yes.
- Too complicated for me? -
What do you think, Johann?
It's pretty tough.
It would not be interesting for you.
Okay, then go alone.
When are you going to be back?
at 2:00 pm I guess.
Excuse me please.
You are not interested.
what do you mean?
You gave up early.
I can sit, sunbathe
and think a lot.
Are you sure you don't mind?
What did he give you?
- He loves me. -
He steals your life.
- A beautiful night, right? -
Yes it is.
- You have no rights. -
I have given him everything.
Why did you give him that
right so young,
even though it doesn't
even belong to you?
I do not know.
I never cheat.
Just because you cook, you don't
have the right to cheat.
- You snore! -
you snore a lot.
Fortunately they don't sleep
- Eric is fighting in a dream. -
Against whom?
against anyone
who is nearby.
This site is
reserved for women.
Too many
French snores.
From here you also listen to them.
But not that high.
Is the time.
- Is the weather okay? -
Are they leaving so early?
It has not clarified at all.
Rest another while.
I will prepare everything.
I'll stay here after
you've gone.
- I will, Douglas. I'll stay.
No, you will not.
Doctor! Let's go.
Mrs. Meredith.
Do you want some soup?
- Hello! - Come. Do you want soup?
Yes ok.
- How are you? - Fine thanks.
That is. The maid.
It doesn't look hard from here, but
wait until we're on the other side.
You were right.
My wife couldn't have done it.
- Mallory was here in 1920. -
He would have been impressed.
She told me that you
are not her husband.
- You have no rights. -
What are you trying to say?
- It's never going to make her happy. -
She told you that?
Has he told you why?
- Did he tell you why? -
You are already married.
- that he will not leave his wife. -
"Leave my wife"
Do you think this is
a little romance?
Do you believe it?
Let's go down.
My rope is about to run out.
There is a ledge,
about 3 meters deep.
I already took off the rope.
It's okay. Be careful!
I'm on the ledge.
- Is it a good rock? -
Yes, the rock is good.
I'm going down.
I can't get to the rock.
I'll get the rope.
- What happen? -
It's stuck.
Goodbye Martin.
He says he must
still be in the mountains
follow me
Let's go see.
- What's going on? What's happening? -
Only one is back.
He fell.
An accident.
It was a rock fall.
Is dead.
I'll go home after the
Are you going to be there?
five days
a summer
the year
I'm sorry, doc. But the horse
has lost a shoe.
- Have you lost a horseshoe? -
He'll be here in an hour.
- There are no other possibilities? - No.
- Good thank you. - bye.
Doctor? I hope you enjoy
a lot in Switzerland.
I hope so too.
We are lucky. they're here.
He fell asleep.
- I do not understand you. I don't speak German -
He wants to know if I'm tired.
- Nice view. Yes.
- Shall we continue on foot? -
I would.
Coachman. Coachman!
- We'll stay here!
We will continue on foot.
It will come right there.
Take the luggage to the hotel.
- Bye. - Thank you very much.
Dr. Meredith, I am the owner,
I hope your trip
has been pleasant.
Yes, thanks.
She's my wife.
- Senora Meredith. -
Mr. Brendel.
When the coachman
told me he was English
I knew from the way they walked
that they had arrived.
I walk like an Englishman, my
wife dances the English style.
Do you want to go to your room
or do you prefer to dance?
- we prefer to go to the room. -
Well, then follow me.
Don't you want to dance, then?
Mr. Brendel, I've
changed my mind.
Your luggage is already upstairs.
May I?
What a beautiful sight.
Our country is famous
for having these landscapes.
- Have you been in the mountains? -
- Do you like the room? -
She's lovely.
I hope you have a
pleasant stay with us.
Is there a guide for the mountain?
Yes, I'll tell him to
come tonight.
Dinner is at 7:30.
Now I need a bath.
What are you going to do?
I'll take a bath after you.
Kate, are you happy?
On this day, at this time,
I am very happy.
Thanks for bringing me.
Are you going to try to climb, doctor?
Yes, I plan to,
if time permits.
My sister and I
love walks.
Me too.
My name is Jennifer Pierce,
this is my sister Gillian.
We know from the visiting list
that you're a doctor.
We always like to know
who arrives at the hotel.
Wouldn't you like
to sit with us?
Thank you, my wife
is about to arrive.
In any case, thank you very much.
Maybe another time.
Come on Johann, I want to introduce you
to some guests.
I hope I don't delay.
Doctor Meredith.
- He will be your guide,
Johann Biari. - Hello.
- My wife. - Good night.
- Speak English? - something.
He speaks it well and will be a good guide.
Well, do you think time
will help us?
- If we are lucky. I would like
a simple tour at the beginning,
For the first day. then,
every day something more complicated.
We'll talk about it after
- Can you wait for us? -
Sure, sir.
I thought you would tell her
to sit down?
That is not common here.
then we'll have a drink with him.
- What do you think about him? -
What do you mean?
If you find it nice.
How to know?
It will be a nice day tomorrow.
The sky is clear.
- This is for you. - Thank you.
- I'm going up. Goodnight. -
I'll be right away.
Does your wife climb too?
She's been rock climbing, but ice
is new to her.
It is the first time
he has come to the Alps.
And you?
As a student, I made many
trips to Mont Blanc.
- But without a guide. - Then...
Here is the hotel.
Tomorrow we can go up
and go to this cabin.
It is an easy tour.
- Good evening, Johann. -
Good evening sir.
- Peter Van Royen, the Amsterdam.
Douglas Meredith, the Glasgow.
Are you going to hire Johann?
Yes, we are talking
about the tour.
He is an excellent guide.
there is no better one.
I assure you.
- Have you ever gone up with him? -
More than once.
Last year a whole month.
He breaks all records.
Scale with a stopwatch.
I had to run
from top to bottom.
it cannot be said
that it is mountaineering.
That's why he pays double the fee.
What's wrong?
Right now,
I am the happiest person.
perfectly happy.
And in the next instant I'm going
to be completely sad.
Sometimes I can't
take it.
I pray to God that I can
help you bear it.
Who is she?
- This is Kate. - Kate?
- Have you recognized me? -
No, it's been 10 years.
- You're the same person. -
Yes I am, exactly the same.
- This is Sarah, my wife.
- Dear.
What's happening?
did i surprise you?
Are you thinking of
going back to India?
It's not about that.
Here I am not useful.
In the last 3 years
since my brother died
You have been in front.
This is one of the few shipyards
that is still making a profit.
And it's thanks to you, Maclean.
Maybe you won't be able
to run the shipyard,
but it would be interesting.
After all it is a
family business.
And it would be more profitable for both.
I am a doctor.
It is all that I know.
And that's why I
joined the medical practice
In order not to interfere here.
- That's reasonable, right? -
The truth is not.
You're going to do it anyway,
whatever you want.
Half of the shipyard is yours.
You must take care of your part.
Kate has the other
half, does she take care of it?
- If it does. -
Is that true, Kate?
Is it true what
your mother says?
I'm just a trainee in the
design office. That is all.
She would like an apple.
- Come on help me. - Yes, that's fine.
Do you think they are on
their honeymoon?
She is very young. I'm sure they're
- Do you think that is correct, Johann? -
For an old man to marry
a young woman.
poor girl.
He has no right to do it.
Good morning Doctor.
Don't pay too much to the
mountain guide.
We abide strictly
by the rate.
That question is for
Mr. Brendel
who has negotiated for me.
I know nothing.
I hope it's not
too generous.
Guides should not
charge much.
- It isn't true? -
- So, happy holidays! -
Same thing.
Good morning Johann, I have brought
the rope.
Oh, we don't need it today.
We will review it later.
Please take her
to my room. Thanks.
- This is for you. - Thank you.
we walked 3, 4 hours.
And then we'll eat something.
In the afternoon we can be
Along the way they can practice on
a small rock.
A small rock looks good to me
Kate, where are you?
Come say goodbye to Douglas.
I will miss the train.
Come on, Kate, otherwise
the boat will go without me.
What are you doing, Kate?
Do not be silly.
I won't be gone forever.
Don't go to India.
This is a small rock?
On the other hand,
it is much easier.
But it is not difficult.
Do you want to go up?
Yes, why not?
Mrs. Meredith?
We are ready.
- It's okay? -
Yes, thank you.
Take this.
Now, Mrs. Meredith.
- I enjoy it? -
Not much.
Come on doctor.
- Do you like the view? -
Yes, a lot.
It is my pleasure to climb
with you, sir.
- You do it very well
- Thank you.
It was also for me.
- Is it as beautiful as the Himalayas?
- Is different.
Have you been there?
Yes, in 1924 on the
Everest expedition.
I thought I had climbed
only in Europe.
I was mainly as a doctor
then as a climber
Yes, but it's still an honor.
The Doctor is very modest.
- What's that? - It could be lightning.
A storm. Let's go.
- And the peaks? -
They can attract lightning.
I go for the peaks.
As soon as your husband arrives,
we will go down.
No, thanks.
We will probably be the last
visitors this year.
Who knows?
What are you doing here in winter?
Not much. I teach children
to read and write.
- Do you live here all the time? -
Yes, I was born here.
- I've never been outside. -
Don't you want to see anything of the world?
I belong to this site.
Here I feel very good.
Are here.
- Hello. - Hello.
Johann, 3 drinks!
- Hello Johann. -
Hello, Johann.
This is Johann. He
takes care of the cabin.
- El Dr. Meredith and La Sara.
It is a pleasure.
Again a doctor.
What's funny?
Last year I went up with another doctor.
That he couldn't climb.
I had to carry it to
the top.
You can't carry a man
on the mountain.
- Sometimes we have to.
- Charge someone?
Johann asked me if he had to
do it with you.
- Oh, that's not true. -
It's true. That's common.
Yes Douglas.
This is a very simple technique.
Come here.
- Douglas! -
We crossed to the other side.
Douglas, bajame.
Douglas, I'm not 10 anymore.
Thanks, Johann. We enjoy it.
Even the weather.
We leave at 4:00 in
the morning, okay?
We will need the
crampons and carbines.
- Did you have a good day? -
It was wonderful.
- Everything's fine? - The guide
is good and nice.
- Do you want something to eat ma'am? -
No, thanks.
Do you know if Douglas has been
to town?
Do you know or not, if he's gone?
No, I don't know and I don't care.
I'm sorry Sarah. Maybe
he's in the library.
Sees it?
The glacier melts.
Every year a little more.
This is the best place to
Here it is narrow.
We must jump. is near
In case someone falls...
Step on it.
- Good. - will jump second.
- Do you think you can do it? -
I guess so.
That was very good.
Mrs. Meredith.
Do not look down.
It is safe.
Very well!
- Alright? - Yes!
But drop
the beak.
Can you go up?
My crampons broke.
Are you OK? - Yes.
I'm going to look for the peak.
We can get it back.
It's not very deep.
You can see it?
No, but we have to
find it,
we cannot continue.
Let me have your rope. -
Yes of course.
Doctor, hold me tight!
Doctor, I'm going up!
All ready!
We haven't made it, huh?
- No, I couldn't find it. -
So what's up?
There is a man buried
in the ice.
I need a few more people.
We have to get to him.
- Did someone get lost? - Yes.
Long ago.
I have to return.
- Now? - We can't
do it by ourselves.
Why does he have to do it
right now?
I have to return.
If they want to come.
You want to go back?
let's stay Maybe we can help.
I will return as quickly as possible.
- Hola.
- Hello, is Maria here? -
Yes, come in.
How deep is it?
20, 25 metros.
Go find Ernst and Franz.
George is still there?
- I think so. -
see if you can find it.
- Do you want me to tell Maria?
- No, I will.
Up there.
I alter it quite a bit.
Now it's much better.
Can you see anything?
- What? The spikes or the body? -
The corpse.
Is it likely that it is
On second thought, it would be possible.
- They all came. -
I see.
How deep is it?
30, 40 Metros.
Doctor, can you help us
with the body?
Of course.
Then let's get started.
Who could it be?
Years ago, almost 40 years,
a man was lost.
The day before their wedding.
rescue service,
I never found it in the mountains
We are going to chop from
both sides.
Aunt Maria is coming.
Who is she?
She is the bride.
"Douglas, con todo mi amor. Sarah."
Do you think Douglas is a
charming man?
Who do you ask that?
-to you . - Of course.
I also believe it.
Even after 10 years
I still see it that way.
Sometimes I fear that I may
lose it.
Do not say foolishness.
- He adores you. -
Yes, I think that's true.
I have to take this to Maclean.
Who are these people
you are going to go climbing with?
Friends of Douglas from Paris.
Yes ok. But who are they?
Friends from the time
he was in India.
I don't know them.
Are there people your age?
No, but surely
there will be in the hotel.
Sra Meredith.
Mr. Brendel says it was
just before the wedding.
Yes, that's true.
tell me about that.
He was my grandfather's brother.
The wedding was ready, but the
day before he went hunting.
He slipped and fell on the glacier.
Never married.
She never looked at a man again.
How long have you been married?
The Doctor is married,
but I am not his wife.
I had a crush on him
since I was a little girl.
Of course he didn't know.
And then he was gone for a
long time.
That's sad.
Yes maybe.
You shouldn't be with him.
Where have you been?
Brendel says it's going to rain
I want to stay here
after you leave.
So that?
I do not know.
- Don't be ridiculous, Kate. -
Don't laugh at me, Douglas.
- I'm not laughing at you. -
Don't tell me I'm ridiculous.
I'm not your wife, Douglas.
I can never be your wife.
Your wife is in Scotland.
What will happen when
she finds out?
she doesn't know.
Douglas, she's not blind.
She is not blind. She knows it!
They don't want to believe it,
because I'm your niece.
You know
we will never be happy.
I love you more than
I can bear, Douglas.
So you have to
help me please.
I can not do this.
I can not help you.
Why can't I leave you?
But I'm already gone.
You already did.
- Eve? -You scared me.
Is the doctor
in the room?
do you want me to look it up?
I'll go myself. Thanks.
- Who is it? -
I'm Johann, sir.
Tell him to wait downstairs.
The doctor will be down in a moment.
Douglas, why have I always
been afraid that something would happen?
You have no reason to
. Nope.
- Hello.
This is for you.
Sorry for the delay.
Johann, I'm glad
you came.
- The doctor and Mrs. Meredith. -
Good day.
Do you want to see the mountain,
which we will climb tomorrow?
Of course. Let's go.
at once
Kate will make us coffee.
- How long will it take? -
About an hour.
- It's okay? - Go.
For her.
Thanks. What is this?
They are slippers.
You have to put them here.
- Bye. - Bye.
They are French.
What have you brought us,
An Englishwoman.
An English one!
You will sleep here.
- The doctor there. - Thank you.
It's almost ready.
Well, very good.
We are hungry.
It's very hot.
Would you like to try this?
Yes, why not?
Come on, have a cup.
Thank you very much.
The moment of truth.
It's delicious.
- Does she come alone? - With a guide.
- Only with the guide? -
And with my husband.
- Her husband is coming too. -
Ah, her husband...
It is an interesting mountain
not too complicated.
This is why I came.
We can go up the west side.
Then we will have two routes
to go down.
The first is the most used.
they are good rocks.
The other route is shorter,
but much more difficult.
You have to cross those
steep ridges.
Then it goes down that
rather interesting spire.
They call her the maiden.
It will cost you 50 francs more.
And for Mrs. Meredith
it's too heavy.
I love these slippers.
And what will they do tomorrow?
I think, it will be interesting.
Really something big.
- It's hard? -
Unfortunately, yes.
- Too complicated for me? -
What do you think, Johann?
It's pretty tough.
It would not be interesting for you.
Okay, then go alone.
When are you going to be back?
at 2:00 pm I guess.
Excuse me please.
You are not interested.
what do you mean?
You gave up early.
I can sit, sunbathe
and think a lot.
Are you sure you don't mind?
What did he give you?
- He loves me. -
He steals your life.
- A beautiful night, right? -
Yes it is.
- You have no rights. -
I have given him everything.
Why did you give him that
right so young,
even though it doesn't
even belong to you?
I do not know.
I never cheat.
Just because you cook, you don't
have the right to cheat.
- You snore! -
you snore a lot.
Fortunately they don't sleep
- Eric is fighting in a dream. -
Against whom?
against anyone
who is nearby.
This site is
reserved for women.
Too many
French snores.
From here you also listen to them.
But not that high.
Is the time.
- Is the weather okay? -
Are they leaving so early?
It has not clarified at all.
Rest another while.
I will prepare everything.
I'll stay here after
you've gone.
- I will, Douglas. I'll stay.
No, you will not.
Doctor! Let's go.
Mrs. Meredith.
Do you want some soup?
- Hello! - Come. Do you want soup?
Yes ok.
- How are you? - Fine thanks.
That is. The maid.
It doesn't look hard from here, but
wait until we're on the other side.
You were right.
My wife couldn't have done it.
- Mallory was here in 1920. -
He would have been impressed.
She told me that you
are not her husband.
- You have no rights. -
What are you trying to say?
- It's never going to make her happy. -
She told you that?
Has he told you why?
- Did he tell you why? -
You are already married.
- that he will not leave his wife. -
"Leave my wife"
Do you think this is
a little romance?
Do you believe it?
Let's go down.
My rope is about to run out.
There is a ledge,
about 3 meters deep.
I already took off the rope.
It's okay. Be careful!
I'm on the ledge.
- Is it a good rock? -
Yes, the rock is good.
I'm going down.
I can't get to the rock.
I'll get the rope.
- What happen? -
It's stuck.
Goodbye Martin.
He says he must
still be in the mountains
follow me
Let's go see.
- What's going on? What's happening? -
Only one is back.
He fell.
An accident.
It was a rock fall.
Is dead.
I'll go home after the
Are you going to be there?