Five Star Murder (2023) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[seagulls squawking]
[waves crashing]
[birds chirping]
[man] Thank you, gentlemen.
An immaculate reproduction.
How kind of you
to bestow it upon us
on this wonderful occasion.
If you don't mind
my saying so, Mr. Laurent,
of all the hotels you've
designed throughout the world,
I've always considered ours
the most exquisite.
The pinnacle
of an incredibly distinct...
Why don't I give you
a moment alone with the piece?
[instrumental music]
[liquid sloshing]
[exhales sharply]
[choking, coughing]
[groaning, coughing]
[eerie music]
[birds chirping]
[instrumental music]
[telephone ringing]
[indistinct chatter]
Excuse us.
Um, yeah, I'm sorry.
Probably as high
as a goddamn kite.
[Harold] It's legal
in this state, you know?
No, it isn't, Harold.
Open, but unavailable?
What does that even mean?
[Brianna] It is true
that right now
no one is staying
in the penthouse, Mrs...
Rose. Just Rose.
You know, the influencer?
-Thanks, Dylan.
That's Dylan.
Pleased to meet you both.
We have closed the penthouse
off to guests
due to an unfortunate incident
that happened last--
Whoa, babe!
You know, the building dude,
who offed himself last week?
It-it hasn't been determined
that he actually--
Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hm.
So you're telling me
that we can't celebrate
our one-week anniversary
because some idiot
killed himself in my room?
You're celebrating one week?
I will see what I can do.
[snaps fingers]
Hey, Mary Jane!
Next time, why don't you wait
till you get to the room
to light up?
[instrumental music]
[drawer opens]
Uh, there you go.
I can go down first.
You need to rest,
lay the groundwork.
No, it should be me,
like we discussed.
I'm the better pain in the ass.
You'll get no argument from me.
Thank you, dear.
[rain pattering]
Mm-hmm. Hello,
I'm trying to lose them.
That's, like, the point.
Yes, yes,
but it does me no good
if I cannot highlight products
that are a brand fit, Lucas.
It's not just lipstick.
It's basically
endorsing animal testing.
Yeah, you wanna talk money?
My followers would freak.
-Yo, I'mma go hit the gym.
-We just got here.
No, no, no, not you.
Not you, Lucas, it's Dylan.
Hold on. Thanks.
Babe, my bis, tris and delts
are on active recovery, so...
[chuckles] You don't call
what we just did active?
-That was just a warm up, baby.
-Mm, mm.
[Marcos] Well, weather says
it's gonna miss us.
At least check-in went smoothly.
Just one problem-couple so far.
-Hunters, you think?
-It's hard to say.
They did want the penthouse.
I'll go up and toss
some theater tickets at them.
Hopefully, that's the end of it.
Keep an eye on that for me,
will ya?
Yeah. Oh!
Speaking of the penthouse,
housekeeping said
they found some belongings
in the bathroom and the walk-in.
They can't be leave-behinds.
A friend of mine is going
through a pretty rough divorce.
Just cover for me
for a few days,
just until we get her set up
in another place.
-Of course.
-Thank you.
You know,
it's the damnedest thing.
You would think
a goddamn five-star hotel
would put a working TV
in a room.
I'm terribly sorry, sir,
I'd be more than happy
to go up and take a look.
I'm sure it's an easy fix.
Yo! Like, anyone in here, bro?
[instrumental music]
[zipper unzips]
-[Dylan] Day one, 3:47 p.m.
Ms. Downing and I
have just checked in
and engaged in a little
christening of the room.
And I have to say,
it's all true,
the Libertine Grand Hotel
totally typifies
the spatial
and semantic organization
that's come to define
our man's later style.
[elevator bell dings]
-Oh, my God!
-Ah! Ah!
-Um... Oh, my...
-Oh, hi.
-Hi. Um, thank God you're here.
This is maybe the most
embarrassed I've ever been in
my entire life. Can you,
can you please let me in?
I'm, like, literally naked.
Let, let you in here?
My room.
I-I locked myself out.
Oh, you're the friend.
-Yes, yes.
-You're going through the...
-Uh... Yes, absolutely.
I'm going through it.
-So can we, um... Can we?
Thank you.
Ah, thanks.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
[rain pattering]
[elevator bell dings]
Brianna, hi.
You're themaitre d',correct?
-I am--
-Mrs. Steele. How's the TV?
Joan, please.
Uh, the TV is fine.
It was just unplugged. Silly.
No, I-I wanted to catch you
because I have a severe allergy
to the down
of several avian species,
and I wanted to know
if I needed to make
special arrangements
for bedding.
All of our bedding
is hypoallergenic, Mrs. Steele.
Excuse me.
[clears throat]
Excuse me, can I help you?
Really picked up out there,
didn't it?
Wonder if we're gonna end up
getting hit with it.
The weather says
it'll miss us, Mr...
Quinn. And you are?
Brianna, themaitre d'.
Do you have a reservation
with us this evening?
Oh, well, then can I ask you
to please enjoy the storm
from outside?
You want me to go back out
in that?
We require shoes
in the lobby, sir.
And we don't allow weapons.
Oh, that's not a weapon,
that's a tool.
And I don't have shoes.
As a practitioner of IV,
I subsist on the barter system.
I traded them for five pounds
of locally-roasted coffee
just this morning.
-I'm sorry, IV?
-Intentional Vagabondry?
Oh, if you haven't heard
about it yet,
you will soon, believe me.
Be that as it may, Mr. Quinn,
we still require...
You traded your shoes
for coffee?
They weren't very good shoes.
That's really good coffee.
Look, I may be able to loan you
some shoes from lost and found.
But in return,
I need you to promise me
that as soon as this lets up,
you will vacate the lobby.
[rain pattering]
[instrumental music]
Oh, yes.
[rain pattering]
What's his deal?
Some intentionally homeless
[Brianna] He needed shoes
and to not drown outside,
and I needed
to not deal with him anymore.
That was management, the path
of the storm is shifting,
but they're not gonna
evacuate us
unless we get mandatory orders.
Figures. What do you wanna do?
Just be ready.
Get with the department leads.
Make sure they know their
protocols for a full evacuation.
Tell them
it's looking extremely likely.
Is it looking extremely likely?
No idea.
Oh, hey, I met your friend.
Yeah, she locked herself
out of the penthouse
in nothing but a robe.
[rain pattering]
[instrumental music]
[thunder rumbling]
[eerie music]
[rain pattering]
[music continues]
[door opens, shuts]
Oh, they must have given me
the wrong room.
[Caroline] I realized
there was a mistake--
You may have been able to fool
Marcos without your clothes on,
but I know that you know that
you're not supposed
to be in here.
[instrumental music]
What are you doing?
How do you know that I know
that I'm not supposed
to be in here?
I'm themaitre d'.
It's my job.
You aren't letting anyone
stay up here.
I heard you telling Internet
chick and meathead guy earlier.
I think I'll stay.
[Caroline] If the penthouse
isn't open to guests,
then there shouldn't be clothes
in the closet
or makeup in the bathroom.
[Caroline scoffs]
Nice lipstick.
You wanna know why we close
this room off to guests?
[instrumental music]
The rug's epoxied to the floor,
but if it wasn't,
you'd be able to see
how much blood there was.
From his mouth,
esophagus, stomach.
Police couldn't say
if he did it to himself
or if someone else
did it to him, but...
I think I know.
It's a reproduction
of Gauguin'sD'ou Venons Nous?
Que Sommes Nous?
Ou Allons Nous?
Gaugin considered this
to be his masterpiece.
Attempted suicide
upon its completion.
I'll let you guess how.
The man who died in this room
was Louis Laurent,
the architect of this hotel.
He felt the same way
about The Libertine
as Gauguin felt
about this painting.
I'm not scared away
because some tortured genius
popped a cyanide pill in here.
In fact, I kind of like it.
So why the hell
would you wanna stay here?
-Shut up!
-[door opens]
You and the architect?
[footsteps approaching]
-[thunder rumbling]
Oh, hurry! Hurry! Let's go!
[horns blaring]
You know I don't need
a babysitter to evacuate, right?
I don't trust you to leave.
I know you're from out of state,
and I know you're hoping
to catch a flight to Spain
in the morning, although
that's looking increasingly
unlikely at this point.
How do you know all that?
Check-in information.
Already caught you hiding out
in the penthouse.
What's to keep you from trying
to hide out somewhere else?
Oh, no, I'm not gonna be the one
held responsible
for them finding you drowned in
the basement when this is over.
Kitchen staff and housekeeping
are dismissed.
Sweeps are done and
cleared rooms have been tagged.
But we have two rooms
refusing the order.
One on four and one on two.
Let me guess.
[Brianna sighs]
[Harold] These weathermen
don't know what the hell
they're talking about.
It's a hoax!
And we're not upending
our holiday for a little rain.
You've never seen him like this,
but I have.
You aren't getting him
off that bed
without a court order
or a forklift.
Perhaps both.
Yeah, sorry, you know,
me and Dylan decided that
were, like, so into
hurricane sex right now.
-I-it's mandatory, Ms. Rose.
We could call the authorities
and have you forcibly removed.
[Dylan] Babe,
tell 'em to go ahead!
Tell 'em we don't give a damn.
[instrumental music]
It's gonna be like that
the rest of the night.
The police have
way more important things to do
than to evict a few
stubborn guests from a hotel.
I think you should evacuate,
Brianna. Go be with your family.
I'll stay behind.
I don't have anywhere to go.
Then neither do I.
And since there's now
flood danger on the first floor,
the penthouse
will be the new lobby.
You are all welcome here
in case of an emergency,
but other than that,
you will be confined
to your rooms
until further notice.
On whose authority?
You have no right--
[Brianna] Mine, Mr. Steele,
as themaitre d'of this hotel,
who will absolutely pursue
criminal charges
against anyone who endangers
the others sheltering here.
Yes, Quinn,
we will get you a room
on the third floor for free
for now.
[Brianna] Just let me finish.
When you go back to your rooms,
I need you to all fill your tubs
with fresh water
for flushing the toilets.
It's a good idea
to block the windows
just in case debris or wind
crack the glass.
So go ahead
and draw your heavy drapes
and give them plenty of space.
We have power for now,
but we will likely lose it.
We have generators in
the maintenance halls on floors
one and three, but please
keep your cell phones charged
because we could be sheltering
here for several days.
Once you all go to your rooms,
Marcos and I will make
one final trip to the lobby
to gather emergency supplies
and waterproof kits.
You all have complimentary
water bottles in your room,
but that won't really last
very long.
Do not, I repeat, do not
drink any water that is not
bottled from this point forward.
It could be toxic.
Any questions?
That was impressive,
the way you stood up to them,
made them listen.
Yeah, it's just an act.
-No, it's not.
-So what's in Spain, Caroline?
you don't have to tell us.
Found out who my dad is
Never knew him, never even cared
to. So I wrote him a letter.
This is who I am,
I don't care who you are.
I don't want a relationship
or anything.
Just to let you know I exist.
Oh, and by the way,
mom's dead, cancer,
whose medical bills you could
have easily helped pay for.
But it's too late now.
Thought you'd be interested.
Know what I got back?
A cease and desist letter.
So I'm gonna fly to Spain
forget absolutely everything
about who I am
and where I came from.
Start completely fresh.
Wow. It's a lot.
Marcos and I, we're gonna
bring you back whiskey
with your supply pack.
We might as well wait this
thing out together in style.
[rain pattering]
[instrumental music]
[wind howling]
[music continues]
[rain pattering]
Hey, I'm sorry
about the divorce.
-How long?
-Six months.
Why didn't you say anything?
I didn't wanna bother anyone.
I'm not bothered.
I appreciate everything
you've done for me, Brianna.
You deserve better.
I really appreciate
you staying back to help.
I know it sounds silly, but...
just wanna do everything I can
to protect this place.
I mean, Libertine Grand Hotel is
one of the best things
in my life.
And if the storm doesn't
tear down the hotel tonight,
then I'm afraid
its guests might.
Everyone who stayed behind
is a hunter.
Except Caroline, of course.
Except Caroline.
-[door opens]
-[wind howling]
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
-[knocking on door]
-Mr. and Mrs. Steele.
-[knocking on door]
-Mr. Quinn.
It's Marcos, head concierge
of the hotel. You in there?
My God, people.
What do you think
confined to your rooms means?
Mr. Dylan, Ms. Rose, coming in.
Ms. Caroline?
It's Marcos. Hello?
[grunts, panting]
Oh, oh. Holy crap, dude!
What the hell?
I didn't think you'd be in here.
Everyone else is gone.
Brianna wanted me to tell
everyone to stay in their rooms.
[scoffs] Are you serious?
[scoffs] I don't wanna be alone
right now.
It's creepy as hell out there.
No, I'm staying with you.
Okay, fine. You can help me
round everyone up, then.
She said she was gonna
go check the generator.
It's in the back. Do you mind
waiting here while I go check?
Two minutes, tops.
Just in case anyone shows up.
Thank you.
[eerie music]
What is it?
The light. It, um, scared me.
You are scared of the dark
and the light?
Shut up. Where's Brianna?
I don't know, looked like
she primed the generator,
but never powered it up.
Must have been interrupted.
-Where are the supplies?
-What supplies?
We pack supplies in big
orange bags. Where did they go?
Hello? Brianna?
[water gurgling]
-[rain pattering]
-[wind gushing]
Why would Brianna
bring the supplies down here?
Brianna, you down here?
Just try to get
as many upstairs as we can.
[music continues]
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
[Caroline whimpers]
[music continues]
We need to get the supplies.
[ominous music]
-What are you doing down here?
I don't wanna complain,
but I'm getting pretty hangry.
The supplies
you mentioned earlier
would really hit the spot.
The last one.
All right, let's do it.
[instrumental music]
[Marcos] Pull her legs up.
[dramatic music]
[Caroline sighs]
Uh, um...
There's a text
from an unknown number
20 minutes ago.
I can't see what it says
without the passcode.
How many digits?
Try 1-2-1-2-8-2.
-[number pad clacking]
-[Marcos] That's her birthday.
I'm in.
What is it?
[intense music]
Call it.
[line ringing]
[woman on phone]I'm sorry, the
person you're trying to reach
has a voicemail box that
has not been set up yet.
Please try your call
again later. Goodbye.
We need to find the others.
[Harold] It's nothing.
I just tripped coming up
the stairs. I'm barely bleeding.
At least let my wife handle it.
-Not exactly brain surgery.
-Mm. No can do.
Core principle of IV, if you can
help someone, you should.
-I used to be a paramedic.
-Lucky me.
We caught the Internet queen
and her date
trying to break in to
the penthouse when we arrived.
They told us to come back to
the penthouse in an emergency.
Yeah, come back,
not pick the lock.
Brianna's dead.
It looks like she lost
consciousness and drowned.
We found her in the basement.
As the last representative
of this hotel, now that
there's been a casualty,
I must insist on stricter rules
about how we conduct ourselves
as survivors of this disaster.
-A little rain?
-[Marcos] No.
One of our staff members
is dead
because you refused to evacuate
when you were ordered to.
Do you understand that?
First floor generator.
That must mean
the lobby's flooded.
This is how it's gonna go.
[wind howling]
Will your master keycard
still work while the power
is out?
They gotta run on battery.
- Right?
- Why?
I'm gonna go down to search
Quinn's room while you take him
to three
to turn the generator back on.
-Search his room for what?
-Clues, obviously.
To figure out if he's the one
that killed Brianna.
Clues? Are you insane?
That is not your responsibility.
Oh. It's all
of our responsibility now.
We might be stuck in the storm
with a killer.
Buy me some time. Tell him you
need help with the generator.
No, you are not coming down
to three with Quinn and I,
Caroline, I need you
to stay in your room on five.
Oh, yes, I am.
And I'm also gonna go down
and search Joan and Harold's
room while they help you
with the supply packs.
What you need is
for me to help you figure out
if one of your hotel guests
is a killer
before somebody else dies!
-[intense music]
-Thank you.
[ominous music]
Oh. Is that a bathroom?
I'll catch up.
[door opens]
[dramatic music]
What the...
Hey, uh, thanks again
for the help.
-Hey, core principle of IV--
-Yeah, yeah, I heard. Thanks.
-Wonder what's keeping Caroline.
You know
women and bathrooms. Huh.
-You know what I mean.
-Yeah, I guess.
Hey, guys.
-Got the power on?
Got it on, huh,
with Quinn's help.
Uh, appreciate the concern
and the company and all,
but I could do this part
on my own. I'll be right out.
[door shuts]
I didn't kill themaitre d',
you know?
She was kind to me,
gave me shoes, a place to stay.
Besides, murder is definitely
against the core principles
of IV.
Kind of like
illegal search and seizure.
Your pack management needs work.
Weight distribution's way off.
Yeah, well, if we're gonna make
sure that no one else dies here
tonight, it's up to me
and Marcos
to find out who killed her.
Yeah, well, like I said,
I didn't.
You were the only one
in the basement besides us.
The only one you saw,
I passed Joan and Harold
on my way down the stairwell.
He was already bleeding
when I got there
and they had both definitely
been in the water.
How do we know that's true?
Because I only lie
when it could prevent
bodily harm. Core...
[all] Principle of IV.
Listen, when I was bandaging
the old man's head,
I got a good look at the wound.
It didn't look like
blunt impact to me.
Looked like maybe someone
was fighting him off.
Joan and Harold did seem anxious
to get Brianna alone earlier.
And Rose and Dylan were trying
to get into the penthouse.
[sighs] I think
they all might be hunters.
That guy, Dylan,
seems familiar to me.
I told him so when I met him
in the penthouse,
but he denied knowing me.
What are the odds
of something like that?
I wasn't even
supposed to be here tonight.
Caroline saw the schematics
in your bathroom, Quinn.
I know you're a hunter, too.
Yeah, I thought maybe she did.
[Caroline] Okay,
so what the hell is a hunter?
Treasure hunter. Someone looking
for Louis Laurent's gold.
Louis Laurent,
the architect guy?
He didn't trust banks.
So people think he hid his
fortune in one of his hotels.
They all have trouble
with hunters, people taking
sledgehammers to the walls,
dismantling roofs
in the elevators,
moving furniture. Yeah.
It's bad
under normal circumstances.
Then after Louis Laurent
killed himself in our penthouse,
we figured
the Libertine Grand Hotel
would be crawling with them.
I'm surprised there's only five.
So you think
everyone's here tonight
looking for lost treasure?
Why else stay here through
a category-five hurricane?
And one of them
killed Brianna. Why?
-To find out what she knew?
-Or to cover it up.
What I can't figure out is
why would anyone think
Brianna knew anything
in the first place.
Why would Louis Laurent
tell her anything?
How did you find out?
Just the way
she kept talking about him.
The way she kept staring down at
the spot where she knew he died.
Also, the fact that
she decided to stay in the room
even after what he did.
Either she's insane,
which didn't make sense,
or she actually, you know...
[Joan] You actually pushed him
out of the way,
so you could get...
Oh, you are...
Oh, you remind me
of my grandma that died in--
Grandma? Oh, do I?
Well, I could eat you up.
- Oh, girl, that's what...
Beat the hell out...
-Everyone okay?
What are you guys arguing about?
Where's your girlfriend?
She's already on two.
She wanted to get a head start
on the supply packs.
[rain pattering]
[eerie music]
Good God! What are you guys
trying to do, sedate a horse?
[pills rattling]
[dramatic music]
[window glass cracking]
-[glass shatters]
It looks to me
like the girlfriend
didn't move
a single supply pack.
Please, stop calling her that,
Mr. Steele. Caroline and I--
If she's not moving the supply
packs, then what is she doing?
The rest of us have been subject
to your custody all evening.
Why does she have free reign
of the hotel?
Trust me, Mrs. Steele, she
does not have free reign of...
I wouldn't go in there.
[door opens]
[Harold] Goddamned!
You ransacked our room!
Well, you can expect
a compendium of lawsuits,
Mr. Marcos, against you, against
the Libertine Grand Hotel
and against this, this...
Brianna told them
to draw their heavy drapes.
They didn't draw
their heavy drapes.
I could've been killed.
[Harold] Someone please
lend us a hand in here!
-[ominous music]
[water gushing]
[ominous music]
[water gurgling]
[intense music]
What now?
[music continues]
[doorknob rattling]
We're trapped.
Someone severed the water main
around the corner.
I can't get
the stairwell doors open.
What about the elevators?
They shut down in an emergency.
It's a safety feature.
Caroline, wait.
What are you doing?
[music continues]
[Caroline grunting]
Wait! What are you doing?
[Marcos grunting]
[Caroline groans]
Caroline, I'm here.
I got you. I got you.
Come on!
[both grunting]
[dramatic music]
[banging on door]
Whoa. What happened to you two?
Your clothes from earlier,
where are they?
Wet. Why?
Wet because you severed
the water main
on the second floor?
Sure as hell
beats a launderette.
No more schematics?
Seems wrong to keep hunting
after someone murdered
themaitre d'.
Core principle of IV,
benefiting intentionally
from injustice
is the same as committing it.
And Dylan and Rose
had the same opportunity
to kill you all as I did.
Just saying.
[ominous music]
[rain pattering]
Thanks for going back for her
with me.
I think I found something
in Joan and Harold's room.
We have something to say.
Not until you explain to us
why you were searching
our things.
Mrs. Steele, please.
Brianna was murdered.
-How do you know?
-She wasn't just drowned.
She had a wound on her head.
Why haven't you called
the police?
We tried, they won't respond
to emergency calls
until the worst of the storm
has passed.
Look, we think we know
why you all decided to stay here
even though there's a hurricane
and even though
you were given mandatory orders
to evacuate.
You're here
because Louis Laurent
killed himself a week ago,
and you're hoping
to find his hidden fortune
before the storm ends.
-No way.
We think
that's why Brianna's dead.
We think one of you thought she
knew where it was being hidden,
and killed her to find out.
I admit
I am after the treasure.
But why would any of us think
Brianna knew about it?
Just because she's themaitre d'
doesn't mean she knows anything.
Trust me. I was at Louis
Laurent's hotel in Zurich.
Maitre d'down there
barely knew his first name.
Brianna and Louis Laurent
were having an affair.
-That it?
I saw Harold's medication, Joan.
That drug is used
to treat melanoma.
Melanoma that is inoperable or
has metastasized
to other tissue.
Given by your cane, I'm guessing
it's spread to the bone,
right, Harold?
That's stage four.
You're a sick man, Harold.
Maybe even too sick
to be here on vacation,
but definitely too sick
to stay through a storm.
Unless there was something
you need.
Something to help pay
medical bills,
something to leave your wife
when you're gone?
But we wanna make sure.
Can everyone please remove
their cell phones?
I'll remove mine, too,
just to eliminate suspicion.
Brianna received a text telling
her to go down to the basement
before she died.
Unless the killer was able
to switch the numbers in
the last couple of hours,
it should still be connected.
[line ringing]
Um, yeah.
I don't need the money.
You know, I have, like,
seven million unique followers
across six different platforms.
Which means I make, like,
30K a post, so...
Hey, you all listen
to Laurent Hunters?
I think it's one of the best
podcasts on Laurent's gold.
The host is this guy named
Jason Sitborn.
He's a hunter, too. And he has--
My man, will you please shut up?
Oh. Sure. Sorry.
Well, uh, I mean, it's just that
he, he took this class
in structural engineering
and another one in game design.
So he came up with this theory
that all of Laurent's penthouses
operate like puzzle boxes.
So if you really dive deep...
Where did you get those?
Oh, themaitre d'.
Whoa, babe, you don't have
to tell them anything.
Brianna never had a chance
to distribute them.
Right. So Dylan went down
to the lobby and--
Baby! Damn!
-I went down, all right?
Right after the lights went out
the first time.
I went down to figure out
where you guys were
and to find out what was
going on, and I saw those packs
on the front desk,
so I grabbed a couple.
-What'd you do with the others?
-Others? Nothing.
When Caroline and I went back
down to the lobby,
the packs were gone,
someone had hidden them
in the basement
with Brianna's body.
Bro, look, when I went down,
they were there. Okay?
And you weren't.
I was never in the basement.
When we got back
to the penthouse,
you and Rose
had changed clothes.
Yeah. We do that a lot.
The case.
There was a gray case.
You had it strapped around
your chest when you came in.
That's right. I saw it, too.
[ominous music]
It's not here.
-[intense music]
What the hell
did you do with it, man?
-Hey, cool it!
-Why would I--
What the hell did you do
to my key?
He doesn't have a key
to your room!
How could Quinn have stolen
your case?
He doesn't
have a key to your room.
I'm thirsty.
What, did you get
the supply packs from
the second floor?
Ours is out of water.
At least the two of you
got supply packs.
When the water main broke,
we had to choose between
supplies and Brianna.
We chose Brianna.
Well, that was dumb.
What? She was already dead.
What was the point?
We've got plenty of water.
Well, where is it?
[intense music]
I think we got all we can get.
Did you do it?
Take Dylan's case?
You're right.
Quinn couldn't have.
He didn't have a key
to Rose and Dylan's room.
But for a little while, you did.
I didn't take Dylan's case,
I didn't even know
it was important until
I noticed it was missing
and Dylan started almost beating
the hell out of Quinn
because of it.
Besides, you're not thinking
of the most obvious person,
the one who's had access to
Dylan's things this whole time.
[knocking on door]
Look, man,
we got you some water.
-[alarm blaring]
Is there a fire?
I can't say without access
to the computers in the lobby!
If we don't find it and put it
out, we're gonna get to choose
between drowning
and burning to death.
-[alarm blaring]
-I'll search six.
Harold, Joan, you stay here.
Make sure it's nowhere else
on this floor.
Quinn, you take five!
Caroline and I,
we'll go to three, check
the maintenance hall to make
sure it's not the generator.
Wait, wait. What, what... But...
[alarm blaring]
[intense music]
-We gotta shut it off!
But then we won't have
any power!
We can live without power!
At least
until the water recedes!
Wait, wait, wait!
Stop, stop, stop!
We cannot touch it
while we're standing in this.
-We gotta get elevated.
-All right.
-Come on.
[alarm blaring]
Holy crap! Does this table
really need to be this heavy?
Only the finest
at the Libertine Grand.
[music continues]
All right. Grab a light!
-Oh, God.
[grunting] We're gonna need
something bigger!
A blanket!
Hey, Caroline!
[music continues]
[steam hissing]
[both panting]
I figured this would be better
than a blanket.
[Caroline] Whoo!
[both groaning]
-You okay? Yeah.
-Yeah. You?
[both laughing]
What happened to you two?
-Found the fire.
-The generator. You saved it?
For now.
[Rose grunting]
You know, despite
how insufferable they are
as human beings, their stamina
really is quite something.
She sounds like
she's mad at him.
Where the hell
have you guys been?
I've been looking
all over for you.
[door opening]
-[gasps] Oh.
Rose, I think
it might be time to consider
the possibility
that you have a problem.
Where's that, uh,
super-crunchy guy?
[rain pattering]
Quinn! Come on, bro.
Where you at?
[ominous music]
[eerie music]
[intense music]
That's your room.
[Caroline] Mr. and Mrs. Steele,
Quinn said he saw you two
in the stairwell
near the basement
where Brianna died.
He said that
you'd been in the water and that
Harold's head
had already been injured.
Is that true?
We didn't see Quinn
in the stairwell.
We didn't see anyone.
We didn't go down
to the basement.
We went up to the penthouse.
[ominous music]
[breathing heavily]
What if this doesn't stop?
What if I can't protect them,
or you?
I know what happened.
You killed Quinn.
I almost hit Quinn,
but I didn't kill him.
You were right anyways.
He didn't take my case.
You didn't do it
because he took your case.
Okay. Then why?
Find out what he learned about
Laurent's gold from Brianna.
Quinn said he passed Joan
and Harold in the stairwell,
that they'd been in the water
and that
Harold's head
was already injured.
But Joan and Harold said
they never saw him at all.
Yeah, but how do we know
that's true?
I checked their pants.
I beg your pardon?
The ones you were wearing
during the blackout.
In your room. Before the window
broke. They weren't wet.
There were no stains
like they'd been in floodwater.
Joan and Harold, you said
you caught Rose and Dylan
breaking into the penthouse
when you got there.
That's correct.
There was no time for them to go
into the basement
to kill Brianna
if they were busy
breaking into the penthouse.
And there would be
no reason for Quinn
to try and frame you and Joan
unless he had did it himself.
I think he came up
with that idea
when he was dressing
Harold's wound.
It was just too convenient
to suggest
he'd gotten it
attacking Brianna.
That's why he didn't hang
the schematics back up.
-In his new room.
-He didn't need them anymore.
Brianna had already told him
where Laurent had hid the money.
[Caroline] All he had to do
was wait out the storm.
But Dylan didn't have the luxury
of rifling through
our dirty laundry like you did.
So how did he know
that Quinn killed Brianna?
I don't think he did.
Not at first.
And then
Quinn broke the water main
and locked us
on the second floor.
And he knew that you and Joan
would contradict his story
about meeting in the stairwell.
Process of elimination.
You and Rose
didn't sever the water main,
and the rest of us
were nearly killed by it.
You figured,
if Quinn tried to kill us,
then he must've killed Brianna.
So when the fire alarm went off,
you followed him
to the fifth floor.
Quinn must have said
something to you.
Otherwise, pretty sure
he'd be here right now.
What I don't know,
and what I think
you don't know either
is if what he said was true.
But Rose and Dylan
don't need the money.
We've already established that.
Rose doesn't need money.
But that doesn't mean
that Dylan doesn't.
They've only been dating
for a week.
How the hell do you know that?
You said so in the lobby.
Isn't it strange that
you and Dylan started dating
right after
Louis Laurent got killed?
Come on!
You're obviously not here
treasure-hunting for yourself.
We're not treasure-hunting
at all.
We're here on
our one-week dating anniversary,
like you said.
Rose, who suggested
that you celebrate
your one-week dating anniversary
at the Libertine Grand Hotel?
Baby, this is ridiculous.
You don't have to listen--
He did.
Yeah, but if Dylan
wanted to treasure-hunt,
why not come here
for the weekend by himself?
Why go to the trouble
of ingratiating himself to you
right after
Louis Laurent killed himself?
Unless there was
a specific reason
that he wanted you
to personally be here.
When you come from money,
people don't, like, respect
the money you make on your own.
I never took a cent from him,
okay, even after he died.
My brand is 100% self-built.
No start-up capital,
no favors from my uncle.
Just a camera
on the back of my cell phone,
a free social media account
and my face, my body.
You know,
I thought I was free of
that asshole's money, but I...
I, um...
-[Caroline] Rose!
[Rose groaning]
[breathing heavily]
[Rose groaning]
Oh, this is impossible.
-What's wrong with her?
-[Marcos] Rose.
Rose, did you drink
any tap water
before we collected the bottled
water from the rooms?
I'm gonna go check on Harold.
It's been over an hour.
Pull the alarm
if there's trouble.
Same to you.
Oh, good God!
What possible threat
can I pose to him?
Look at the two of us.
[instrumental music]
[ominous music]
It's just me, Harold.
Yeah, I can see that.
Marcos and I
didn't have anything
to do with the murders tonight.
And we don't think
you and Joan did either.
But if we're gonna make it
through this...
I think it's time
we started trusting each other.
Anything out of him?
-Not yet.
You know what to do
if he starts acting up.
Pull the alarm. I got it.
Another hour, and then
Marcos will take a shift.
And then me.
[ominous music]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
-[ominous music]
[Caroline] Phone's almost dead.
How long will those last
without the generator?
Weeks. They run on battery
and don't require much energy.
-Oh, no, that's okay.
No, seriously.
I know my way around.
Where will you go?
Probably check down
on the generator room again,
see if I can get the power
back on.
Maybe spot-check some
of the other floors for damage.
Well, you should
get some rest before
it's your turn to guard Dylan.
You could stay in here
if you want.
Uh, I'm not, um...
No, no, no.
I mean, I'm not...
I'm not not interested.
Uh, look...
when my dad
first immigrated us here,
to the US...
[instrumental music]
no one would give him a job.
And we spent three years
baking bread
to sell to people
on the streets.
And one day
my dad sells to this guy
whose family owns a hotel,
offers him a job in the kitchen
on one condition,
that he bake bread
exclusively for his guests.
My first job in high school
was as a bellhop
at the Libertine Grand Hotel.
[music continues]
Remember when I told my dad
that Brianna had promoted me
to head concierge,
he was so proud.
Someone else
may have designed it
and someone else might own it,
but this hotel is mine.
So maybe we can just wait
until the storm is over and
all these lunatics
have left it alone,
and then, I don't know...
grab a cup of coffee
or something.
Sure, Marcos.
[exhales sharply, groans]
[ominous music]
-[doorknob rattling]
-[ominous music]
[intense music]
[Harold retching]
[water running]
[eerie music]
Oh, my God!
[ominous music]
How long were you gone?
Just long enough to upchuck
damn near everything
I've eaten today.
I must have caught the bug
Rose has.
Hell, I don't know.
How did they get in?
I still have my key card.
Whoever it was
must have just talked him
into opening the door.
When was the last time
anyone checked on Rose?
[suspenseful music]
Guess she got better.
[Harold scoffs]
-Where are you going?
-To find the girl!
She is clearly after the money.
She doesn't need it!
We're talking
a few hundred million at least.
No one doesn't need that.
What are you doing?
It wasn't
what we thought it was.
What wasn't?
What Rose shoved in here.
It was the gray case.
But we heard her...
We heard her making noises.
Remember what Harold said?
-She sounded mad at him?
So she did take his case.
And she finally opened it
when we all left her alone.
Whatever was inside, she didn't
want the rest of us to see it,
and it made her angry.
So angry,
she killed Dylan because of it.
She's not looking for gold.
She's trying to get rid
of the case.
If I were Rose,
I'd sink it down a stairwell.
Tail Harold and Joan just
in case they find her first.
No, Caroline,
no more separating, okay?
I don't want you
wandering off... What...
You're cute.
I can handle myself.
[ominous music]
[water gurgling]
[eerie music]
Oh, shit!
Mr. and Mrs. Steele!
Come on, this has to stop!
No treasure's worth killing
each other over. You hear me?
[door creaks, shuts]
What are you doing?
I'm attending to my wife.
The skank swung the damn case
at her face.
[intense music]
That's unfortunate.
[Jason on recorder]
Laurent Hunters, this is
Jason Sitborn,
coming to you again
from the beautiful
Libertine Grand Hotel,
jewel in the crown
of our patriarch,
famed architect,
indomitable ladies' man
and, most importantly,
puzzle-master, Louis Laurent.
Operation Rosebud
has taken an interesting turn.
The hurricane
that was supposed to miss us
by a hundred or so miles
is now bearing right down on us
and we've been ordered
to evacuate.
A small complication.
I feel fairly certain I'll be
able to talk Emily Downing,
AKA Rose,
into defying the order with me.
It's been easy enough
to convince her
of everything else,
that we're in love
despite only knowing each other
for a week,
that, really, the only way
to properly celebrate
is by spending a couple of
nights in the penthouse suite
of the Libertine Grand Hotel,
and that I couldn't care less
who designed the damn thing,
and have absolutely no idea
he just happens to be
her uncle.
-Even I can't believe...
-[recorder turns off]
You said Rose attacked you?
She did. We just wanted to talk.
And you didn't defend yourself?
Didn't need to.
She ran off
before we could get a word in.
You didn't follow her,
incapacitate her,
drag her to the sixth floor?
Now, how the hell
are we supposed to do that?
She's a third our age.
And in case you haven't noticed,
I don't get around so good.
If she was trying to hide proof
that Dylan...
Jason defrauded her,
she wouldn't have killed herself
with the evidence
wrapped around her neck.
You don't know that.
You don't know
what she was trying to do.
Or perhaps you do.
Perhaps you caught her
trying to destroy the case
and stopped her from doing it.
I don't expect you
to believe this,
Mr. Marcos, but we didn't lay
a finger on Rose,
which leaves
only three options.
Either Rose killed herself,
which I agree with Caroline
is very unlikely,
or you or your girlfriend did.
-[eerie music]
-I didn't.
There's not
a single murder tonight
for which you couldn't
have been responsible.
For all we know, you sabotaged
the water line yourself,
just so that
you could play the hero.
You've played detective
all night.
And why would I do that if I was
the one that killed Brianna?
Draw suspicion
away from yourself.
You've taken the liberty
of going through
every other guest's
personal property,
desperately searching for ways
to pin the blame on anyone else.
-To prove you're hunters.
Everyone who stayed behind
is a hunter.
And here you are,
the only one among us
whose room
hasn't been searched.
I would show you
my flight reservation
if my phone wasn't dead.
-But Marcos saw it.
-I didn't see the reservation.
But she did give us flight
details when she checked in.
She's supposed to fly to Spain
tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.
Why are you leaving the country?
-Because I feel like it.
-I wanna see some ID.
If your name's Laurent
or Downing,
we'll know
there's a family connection.
Very well.
[Joan] I'd like to propose
a solution to our impasse.
You believe
that we're murderers
who discovered the secret
to Laurent's gold from Rose,
who, in turn, discovered it
from Dylan, and so on.
If so, then you must believe
there is nothing for us to gain
in killing you
now that Harold and I
are the only ones left
at the Libertine Grand Hotel
who have any interest
in discovering the location
of Laurent's fortune, yes?
Let us continue to search for it
while we're waiting
to be rescued.
You and Caroline can barricade
yourselves in this room.
We won't bother you
unless you bother us.
Once we're saved,
then each of us can decide
what accusations, if any,
need to be made,
regarding these
unfortunate deaths this evening.
I, for one, am anxious
to put a end
to this whole, ugly affair.
Master key card, please.
Thank you.
[Harold clears throat]
[door opens]
Your key card?
I think it's Brianna's.
It's opened every room
I've tried so far.
Where did you get it?
From Dylan's case.
Where did Rose get it?
She didn't.
Dylan did, from Quinn.
I thought you'd be happier
than that.
Now you're not stuck here,
you can get to your
try to protect the hotel.
I would, Caroline,
but we just agreed
not to interfere
with Harold and Joan's search.
I'm sorry, Marcos.
It's okay.
I, uh, found something
I care about protecting
more than this place.
What if we get rescued?
Do we tell the police
what happened here?
What Joan and Harold did?
I don't think so.
We don't really know
what they did.
And they're right, you know?
You had as much opportunity
to kill Rose as they did.
Maybe more.
You're younger, stronger.
But I didn't do it.
It doesn't matter.
[instrumental music]
All of our fingerprints
are on Dylan's case now.
We just, we tell the police
that Rose killed Dylan
and then hung herself.
That will protect you
from being a suspect.
And if they find the gold?
Does it matter?
[music continues]
It doesn't.
[rain pattering]
[Caroline sighs]
[door opens]
[eerie music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
No, no, no, that's... No, no.
[intense music]
-Easy there, Mary Jane.
-No, no, no.
Looks like you overdid it
this time.
-What did you do?
-We were inspired by you.
Assuming you're the one
who filled the bottles
with the tap water
making everyone sick.
-No? Not you? Mm...
Our money was on you or Dylan.
Must've been Dylan.
Was probably hoping to look
for the gold by himself
while we all twisted
in our beds.
Amazing that you didn't notice.
You've been so observant
about everything else.
I see you've filled the tub
like you were told.
[Harold] That makes my job
a lot easier.
You might wanna think
about trying to relax.
If you can get yourself
to fall asleep
before the water rises,
you'll save yourself
some discomfort.
-Where's Marcos?
-[Joan] Oh.
He's cleaning the penthouse,
God bless him.
But don't worry. We found it
before we let him in. Heh.
-Found what?
-We think you know what, kiddo.
I just... Uh, I don't,
I don't want it anymore.
-[Harold] Sure...
-I-I don't want it anymore.
-You say that now.
-I don't...
Let-let-let me go. Let me go.
But if you were in our position,
seeing everything
that you've done
to try to get your hands on it,
would you trust you to just
suddenly give it all up?
Yes. Yes, please. Uh, please.
You are almost there.
And the best hunters won.
[Joan chuckles]
Oh, Harold.
[eerie music]
[door opens]
Mr. Marcos, you have to come
down to the generator room.
Harold says there's a problem.
-What is it?
-I don't know!
I don't know anything about it.
But he says we're likely
to lose power again.
Come on.
[intense music]
Hurry up!
He shouldn't touch the generator
with the floors like this.
He'll electrocute himself.
Tell him.
[intense music]
Where is he?
Harold, we're coming!
[Harold] Hurry! I'm in here!
[ominous music]
-[intense music]
[alarm blaring]
[Harold] Fire's in here, Marcos!
Good God, man, hurry!
Oh, Marcos, please. Oh, uh...
[music continues]
-[alarm blaring]
[Harold] Oh, oh! No!
No! No!
[intense music]
[Harold screaming] No!
[alarm blaring]
[Harold sobbing]
[instrumental music]
You win.
It was Joan who figured out
that the moron
with the puzzle-box theory
must have found it,
titling all the frames
on the walls.
-What is it?
-Provenance, of course.
For the Gauguin painting.
It's not a reproduction.
It's the real deal, authentic.
Another one sold at auction
for 200 million.
The one in the penthouse,
his greatest work.
His masterpiece.
It wasn't worth it.
[Harold screaming]
[helicopter whirring]
"I'm not gonna be responsible
for them finding you
drowned in the basement."
That's what Brianna said to you,
isn't it?
When I came walking up to you
in the lobby
during the evacuation...
What are the odds?
All night I've had this
sickening feeling in my stomach.
[helicopter whirring]
[Marcos] It just made
too much sense that you were
after the same thing
as everyone else.
What I still don't know is...
How long have you been on to it,
[Marcos]Was it after you
realized that Rose might have
actually gotten
some information from Dylan?
[intense music]
Or was it earlier than that,
after you realized
that Dylan must have been
the one who killed Quinn?
Or did you,
did you kill Quinn yourself?
[fire alarm blaring]
[intense music]
[Quinn gasps, groans]
Of course,
there's the other possibility,
the one that makes
the most sense to me now.
You were a hunter
from the very beginning.
-When we first met...
What were you trying to do?
Get into the penthouse.
Oh, my God! Oh, God.
How long have you known
that the painting was authentic?
From about ten minutes after
Brianna introduced me to it.
This is a $16,000 glass case.
moisture-barrier backing.
Fireproof, bulletproof.
up to 300 meters.
You don't put something like
that around a reproduction.
There is one question you should
be asking yourself, Marcos.
How long did Brianna know that
Louis Laurent was my father?
[Caroline]Must have been
in the hallway outside my room.
Stupid for me to say that much
and not expect her
to put two and two together.
I texted Brianna from an app
with a different number.
That's why it didn't ring
when we called it back.
Neither of you noticed me
deleting any of the messages
when I showed you the text
chain on Brianna's phone.
What is it?
She texted you?
She was crazy, Marcos.
[footsteps approaching]
I know who you are.
And I know what you are.
-He loved me.
I know you think
he wasn't capable of love,
but he was, and he loved me.
He said he loved me
more than any of the others.
And I gave up my marriage
for him.
In return, he said
that I could have everything.
Trust me, Brianna,
men like Louis Laurent
make promises that
they can't keep, all the time.
I'm not gonna let you
take this from me.
It's mine.
No, I'm not done!
[both grunting]
Let go!
-[intense music]
I am a hunter, Marcos.
I was angry.
I wanted to take everything
that I could away from him
and then leave him behind
But I didn't kill Brianna.
[intense music]
[water sloshing]
[instrumental music]
What will you tell them?
It's your word against mine.
No one's gonna believe me about
what happened here tonight
[helicopter whirring]
[birds chirping]
[music continues]
[Marcos] I'm going to personally
see to your request, okay?
Please, rest assured,
at Libertine Grand Hotel,
it is our pleasure to make sure
your stay is as comfortable
as possible.
So if you can head up to the
second floor, your room's ready.
Enjoy your stay.
Hey, Marcos, this came for you,
some guy said
I should hand it to you
personally. Sounded important.
-Who was it?
-Some guy in a suit.
-Thanks, Bryan.
[paper rustling]
[instrumental music]
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter]
-Un mensaje para usted.
[music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]