Fixer, The (1968) Movie Script
Auto Translated from French to English
Still there ...
Are you blind?
The centuries killing black
Jews not registered.
- Are you hurt?
- It is the blood of a dog.
It is no longer a difference.
There must have
a means of escape.
There is one.
Join the Zionists.
They have the solution.
No, excuse me,
but I am neither Zionist
nor socialist, and practice
neither politics nor religion.
Describe what a horse is not
explains what it is.
Anyone who needs the description
a horse is shortsighted.
But if our papers are in order,
we can move freely,
even in Christian neighborhoods?
The law is too simple
to be credible.
A rich Jew can live
and work wherever he wants.
You must be rich.
You are properly installed.
Nobody is poorer than me.
I am a tailor.
God bless my father
who taught me the trade!
Like all poor,
I live and work in the ghetto.
However ...
pay kopecks goods
Christian out of the ghetto,
it is possible, why not?
In Kiev, there was no difference
between Jews kopecks
rubles or circumcised.
It was like the shtetl.
The village.
I saw a sign.
He said: "Death to the revolution
the Jewish people. "
When did it start?
They are out of kilter.
Everything is madness.
Think about it.
To the revolution,
we need a country.
Do you know a single Jew,
considers that this dirty country
like hers?
Do their civil war!
Let us avoid the revolution at all costs.
They do not expect it.
Good night.
It's even worse here in the village.
The village?
You sound like a goy.
Is a shtetl shtetl.
You want a piece?
With pleasure.
I walked all day.
I have repaired a window.
It's better than nothing.
You complain to a man
with 5 children
and has more misery
that Job himself.
Thank God for your children.
For me ...
What interests me most,
is to get rich.
How do you
I won today?
A small plate.
So clear soup
a horsehair sank ...
right at the bottom.
Listen ...
I'll give you some advice.
So much for your rent
but I prefer to be honest.
A man like you
should work outside.
I can tell you, friends ...
You do not even seem to be Jewish.
Who decides who is a Jew?
The goyim again.
Try, you'll see.
More we hide,
the more we are forced to hide.
It's like hunger.
You need to have confidence.
I'll tell you how.
First of all ...
take the air of a man busy
who has no time to lose.
At critical moments
looking straight ahead.
Raises the chin.
the promise to Abraham.
And crossed the passage.
you will spend for any
Russian anti-Semitic and honest.
People will look to sentencing.
He's drunk.
I should have guessed.
Why you thought you
on my way?
I'm already quite suspect.
Wake up.
I do not
to have you on the arm.
You might as well die of cold,
dirty anti-Semite.
Dad, get up.
Help me get him back.
It is next.
It has enough strength
I'm busy.
I should not have ...
Dad gets home.
Okay, go.
Take his legs.
This side.
Lidya, Nataliya takes.
You fell
in the snow, Dad.
This gentleman found you
and saved his life.
A faithful Christian.
And a good Samaritan
thank God!
Sir ...
Do not go so fast.
Forgive my rudeness.
That you just saved
Nikolai Lebedev is Maximovich.
I am his daughter,
Zinaida Nikolaevna.
If you want to return
tomorrow morning
you will receive something
more "concrete"
that thanks.
"In more concrete"?
She spoke of money ...
I do not want a man
which shows his hatred of Jews.
But these anti-Semitic rubles
allow a Jew to live.
This is an argument.
But before accepting
I'll be frank.
I tell him:
"Nikolai Lebedev Maximovich,
"This is me
Yakov Bok Shepsovitch,
"You have saved my life
and I'm Jewish.
"If you're not happy,
keep your money. "
What is your name?
Yakov Ivanovich Dologushev.
To be exact.
Painter, roofer, carpenter,
a bit of everything ...
Lidya, Nataliya takes.
Nikolai Lebedev Maximovich.
Sit down.
I am an honest man.
I'm really grateful to you.
I'd be dead in the snow
without your dedication.
Others have ignored me.
Christian charity
is rare in this world,
do not you think?
I meet people
charitable everywhere.
This is not surprising
your part.
You read course
the Scriptures?
I know the psalms.
You hear, Zinaida?
He knows the psalms.
It is impossible
read the Bible without getting ...
That is correct. The exact truth.
He can not read
without crying.
Yes, every time.
That's why I drink.
I feel responsible
all the world's ills.
I carry on my shoulders
all the sorrows of life.
When Zinaida was small,
I cried constantly
because of its poor
small withered leg.
You know as well
what kind of man
you saved from death,
last night.
Yakov Ivanovich
how do I pay you?
I have an empty apartment above
whose walls
need to be redone.
I will give you
This is more than the normal wage.
You are a man of honor,
a job offer
worth a tip.
You do not believe?
Obviously if.
not a salary.
This man is a member
centuries of black.
Daughter makes me uncomfortable.
And his dog
is the worst anti-Semitic.
Would you have dinner with me
when you're done?
Uh, no ... I have ...
That is to say ...
If you are bothered
because of Dad
he is so drunk the night
that we must lie.
I am forced to dine alone.
It is intimate.
But I feel alone.
For solitude,
reading is
the best medicine.
I do not have time to eat.
I have another room to finish.
It should be ready for tomorrow.
Stay supper tomorrow then
and if it is too late,
you will sleep here.
You've distracted.
If I may so express myself,
it is a true work of art.
You're an impostor,
I knew it.
An impostor?
You are presented
as a simple worker,
but I see that you are
And I intend to profit from it.
There is little time
I had the misfortune
a brick inheritance.
It is operated
a boy competent
but particularly dishonest
responding on behalf of Proshko.
I want it back
on the right path
you confident in accounting.
The salary
are 50 rubles per month,
free housing
the site of the brickworks.
It is forbidden to stay there,
but if the job is promising,
buy fake papers
and kiss the Cross.
It's clever.
I never papers.
Childless, a man can not
look anyone in the face.
He lost his pride.
As a woman,
when her husband regrowth.
Sleep with a woman sterile?
I spent 5 years with you
what it gave me?
An empty bed.
Raisl, whither goest thou?
Find someone who loves me.
And also ...
concerns me even more.
She makes eyes.
Sometimes you need to know
Accept the job.
Do you ...
romance, Yakov Ivanovich?
- Want herring?
- Oh, no.
But take it back in,
At times ...
I think that sometimes
let love fly away.
Like a cloud,
a day of high winds.
If you are a little too ...
As you can see ...
after the appearance of this house,
I'll never be penniless.
That is certain.
I know you and I
we come from different backgrounds.
What could make you doubt
a lasting relationship.
Even if you have the desire
at heart.
I've been cool.
Yes, I see. Thank you.
I thought ...
it would be fair
put you at ease.
I love you, Yakov?
Just a little.
I'm sorry, Zinaida,
I do not like you.
But you do not lose anything.
I am ignorant, indecisive
and my uncertain future ...
Yakov Ivanovich
For heaven's sake,
stop being so serious.
Kiss Me.
I defy you.
I know my leg is ugly.
But my face ...
sometimes is nice.
Often, I see
that men notice me.
Even young.
Want to see my room?
Forgive me ...
to put it bluntly.
If you are innocent,
it is better not continue.
Only mark of respect.
In addition,
we must think of your father.
He would notice.
He has never seen.
Will you prepare
my room is right there.
With a Russian!
This is ridiculous.
If I told him that I was Jewish,
she scream
like a hunted animal.
I can not do that.
It is impossible.
On the other hand,
times are tough.
Undressing in a goy in
one of the most anti-Semitic
must be sick!
Too bad!
I am a man, after all.
this would make him an insult.
I wonder
if it's worth the risk.
At your age!
As if it would be
Surely not!
For me, it has no interest.
On the other hand,
recklessness is already done.
Why sneak into an orchard
without fruit fly?
But there is also this job.
A little courage!
Plow and the harvest will be good.
My God, a cookie!
Have you ever loved?
Sincerely loved?
You are impure!
This is wrong, I assure you.
Forgive me.
I did not know your indisposition.
So do I.
It has just begun.
Do not go.
I could not know.
Excuse me.
There that can ...
I do not.
No, do not go.
I beg you.
Forgive me, Proshko.
Really, I'm sorry.
Here are the outputs
you controlled.
your account.
We'll talk later.
It's my job foreman
to cover all papers
by the police.
Give yours.
It is kind of you,
but Nikolai Maximovich
has already taken action.
You know what?
You do not speak
as a worker,
but as a boss.
I bet 100 rubles
you're a snitch.
You count 68
Stop there!
Stop, you hear?
Do not come back!
The bricks are worth money.
Watch them.
It is intelligent answer.
You called me?
You run
like a pig hurt.
Only a pig would see.
"All these points ...
"Enter human
natural man ...
"We can not abdicate
even his own consent. "
"Even his own consent ...
"We can not abdicate those rights."
A great man.
A great thought.
You do not become scientist
copying the ideas of another.
Who goes there?
What has happened?
I arrived in Minsk
to visit my brother,
in the ghetto.
I lost my way.
Boys have stoned me.
I dragged far.
By helping you,
I compromise myself.
You will leave tomorrow
after the departure of carters.
There is a tram
just down the street.
It goes straight to the ghetto.
I'll give you to eat.
Thank you ...
but I can not accept.
Would you mind
give me some water?
I'm Colonel Bodyansky,
head of the secret police of Kiev.
On behalf of Tsar Nicolas II,
I arrest you.
I am Boris Bibikov,
Yakov Bok Shepsovitch.
Jewish, of course.
I should not have to hide,
I agree.
I've always admitted.
I just determine the reason
of your imprisonment
and the duration of your stay.
For this, I must collect
information about you.
Where is your family?
Suffice to say that I do not.
I lost my parents young.
Are you going to the grave,
the Jewish Day of Atonement?
They are dead.
- Married with children?
- No children.
We tried, unsuccessfully,
so I gave up.
And to be honest ...
she was not faithful to me.
She left me for another.
If it was not part
I would have stayed in the village.
At this precise moment,
I would prepare supper.
It could have been worse.
On reflection,
I was not there all bad.
Do you know the expression
"A historic need?"
I have not received education.
But you speak correctly,
not as a villager.
Explain that to me.
I tried to teach me,
but I was hurt.
I brought three books in Kiev
including a grammar book
and pronunciation.
Your Business
also concealed
selected texts of Spinoza.
You found my tools?
These tools, this is my life.
Of all the philosophers
of this world,
why Spinoza?
Because he was Jewish?
Not at all.
I unfortunately accepted
this book as payment.
I unfortunately accepted
this book as payment.
When I started to read it,
I could not get rid of.
What do you think
of his philosophy?
It is hard for a single man ...
I ask you
because I also read Spinoza.
He meant
life is life.
There is no need to think about death.
It goes further than that.
He taught us
as free men
must preserve
the freedom of others.
Am I right?
If you say so.
My philosophy of life
has nothing to do with politics.
What is your philosophy
of life?
Can improve things.
Making policy!
it is for the rich.
Everything would be better
if there was more work.
Besides the goodwill.
I would like to see a lawyer.
A cigarette?
They are Turkish.
If you were to give
in your own words,
a description of yourself,
what would you say?
I am myself.
I am no longer young,
but not yet old.
I am ready to take me away,
but quiet most of the time.
At times ...
I sometimes show me shy.
I am not a coward.
I may lack education,
but I'm not
completely stupid.
In two words to summarize,
I am a man,
it is certainly not much
but it's better than nothing.
You talk to a lawyer.
We must investigate.
Then we will develop
an indictment.
At this time,
you will see a lawyer.
Do you understand?
Fill out this questionnaire.
And sign.
I'll let the candle
I must hurry.
My little boy has asthma.
What concerns my wife.
Me too, actually.
It's sad.
I was also asthma.
I wish I could relieve.
Accommodate adults in
better than children.
Whatever happens to you,
The law will protect you.
Unless you're guilty.
Guilty of what?
Sexual abuse
against Miss Nikolaevna.
This is false, Zinaida.
I've not attacked.
Sit down!
He knows he's lying.
He lunged at me with an air
lewd and without clothes.
When I screamed for him to escape,
he fled.
So you tried to rape her?
It was not an attempted rape.
She invited me in her room.
I should not have.
But I am a man.
What harm has he?
She was lying
and pushed the sheet
for me to join.
This is false. He lies!
Some things are better
not be repeated.
What has happened
when you joined?
The truth is that ...
The truth ...
As always,
no one knows afterthought.
The truth is that ...
She asked
if I ever loved.
At this time, a change
occurred in me.
I realized
I liked that.
At the thought of love lost
I panicked.
I ran as fast
as possible, that's all.
These are lies.
I got him
any proposal.
He did anybody else.
There is another reason.
We do harclerons more.
Semyonovich will take you home.
Yakov Bok,
under the circumstances,
and without congratulate you
for your conduct,
I cancel the charge
against you.
God thank you!
However, I will ask
the court ...
You are still charged
to be domiciled
in an area forbidden to the Jews,
unless they have made
service to the crown.
This is not your case.
No, I must admit.
You will be charged and tried
for committing an offense.
His luck.
Are you part
these political organizations?
Social democracy,
Socialist Revolutionaries
or any other group,
league whose Jewish
Zionists of all categories
nihilistic or people's party?
To save time,
note that the defendant
has already responded negatively.
Everything is in its folder.
You understand that my goal
is not to save time.
I take these revolutionary
Time is irrelevant.
Listen carefully
my next question.
What do the Jews
by the word "afikomen"?
This is a matzo
you eat the Passover.
That's the magic?
For me, it would be
This was
in your room.
It was an old man, a Hasid.
But I do not know.
He was lost, I left
spend the night with me.
Although Jewish.
Jews do not fear
nothing of their own.
A little respect.
This old you did he not help
to prepare and cook the matzo?
Not at all.
Do you know this?
The old man was shot in the head.
I used my shirt
to clean his blood.
Tell me,
Yakov Bok Shepsovitch,
alias Yakov Ivanovich Dologushev,
alias I do not know what yet ...
Have you chased children?
Among them, a 12 year old boy,
Zhenia named Golov?
It was found
murdered shortly thereafter.
You can see the photo right here.
Well, Mr. Jew ...
why are you trembling?
It reduced the number of outputs
for pocket money.
The secret police confiscated
If flying four rubles per day,
it would make much more.
Who knows what a Jew is
his money?
He had to buy sweets
to attract children.
They struggled to escape.
When we found the body
in the small cave,
I searched his room.
And I found the matzo,
flour and soiled linen.
This is it!
Yes, that's him.
What do you mean by "it"?
The Jew who chased Zhenia
with a knife.
The accused has been identified.
Can we enter Marfa?
Tell us
events before Passover.
Speak slowly and clearly.
Are you listening?
My son went to school
as usual.
I worked late.
Zhenia was not at home
when I returned.
I thought
he was at his grandmother.
The same evening,
I caught the flu.
You know how it is.
I had fever,
I was sweating
and vomited like a fountain.
For three days,
I remained bedridden.
I was going
to go to the police ...
when it was found
Zhenia body.
With 39 stab wounds
Jew in the body.
My life is over.
I lost my reason to live.
They killed my baby!
I'm mad.
Why did you warned
police so late?
In my state?
I was holding any liquid
dgoulinais and everywhere.
- I did not get up fast enough ...
- Keep your story.
You said the Jew Zhenia
before his assassination?
He told me that a Jew had
chased with a knife.
And he wanted to kill
for good.
My poor little Zhenia!
He wanted to be ready.
You I said, my father?
He saw a jar of blood
on the table of the Jew.
I do not have a jar of blood!
It's jam
not blood!
Tell him to drop his weapon.
This man in handcuffs.
We have our answers.
I do not think ...
I'll use my privilege
and examine the witness.
Why persecute sick?
What have I done?
We have no account
to make us.
Have you accepted stolen goods
a band of thieves ...
with your lover?
Is it not true
in January,
you blinded by throwing
phenol in the eyes?
Then you are reconciled.
He beat me.
I had to defend myself.
He tried to poke my eye.
There was pus flowed.
And besides ...
As you said,
I continue to see it.
He swears by me.
Is it not also true
he beat your son so much
the boy fainted?
He killed my baby.
He killed my poor little.
He undressed the little
and prayed over his body.
Then he stabbed
at specific locations.
Thirteen stabbing
in the core.
Thirteen blows to the throat.
Thirteen face.
He collected his blood
in vials
while the small
begged him
and wept no more review
the world of the living.
You cry?
I grieve for the child.
Who else?
You confess?
I can not say
I have not done.
All seem to indicate ...
you are a victim of the Jews
as well as the child.
The idea was to them, not you.
Come on, admit it!
We take into account the fact
that you acted in spite of you.
A man of your intelligence
an open mind.
You have been deceived, Yakov.
You can not fool the innocent.
No Jew
could not kill this child.
It's written everywhere: no blood.
It's in the Bible, the Torah,
laws, everywhere ...
My wife threw eggs
that yellow was stained with blood.
I told him to be careful.
We do not drove gold.
She was a good cook,
We ate well.
We have evidence
you killed the child
and that you belong to the Kahal,
Jewish secret organization,
preparing a revolution
to overthrow the Tsar.
I'm not rvolutionnariste.
Policy has never interested.
I know nothing.
Admit if you want to live.
Otherwise, even God
can do nothing for you.
I do not have the talent to lie.
Lie ...
This is the only talent of the Jews.
They are predictable
and criminal nature.
Everything has been scientifically proven.
Get up!
The Jewish nose ...
And all are signs of crime.
Here, this is yours.
This is yours.
It is the mind?
Tell me, did not we learn
respect to the Jews?
What is it?
It receives only if it has.
I'll make you move
in a cell preventive
the Kiev prison.
Mr. Attorney ...
I've spent 5 months in prison.
Mr. Bibikov said ...
Crying on the shoulder of Bibikov,
it does not change anything.
I will make sure
pourrissiez you in jail.
You leave
when you stop
cover crimes
these revolutionary
and admit
this vile conspiracy.
A new one.
You, I like you.
You have soft skin
and sacred mane.
They will not have shaved heads?
It's cute.
You just snitch?
Of course not.
Kiss me.
Slowly, my big.
It has not been presented.
It stinks Jew ...
Hey, guys,
we still sends a Jew.
It is to me.
You'll be my grandma,
you have understood, dirty Yid?
I know who you are.
I, too, am a Jew.
And then?
Unlike you,
I am guilty.
Just for that, I admire you.
This is more than I can say.
What does it serve me?
It frees me tomorrow.
You want to write to someone?
No, no.
I do not want to violate any rules.
I have enough trouble.
My lawyer just me.
I will pass your word.
We do not search.
I have nothing to write.
Take this.
It is an honor
share your cell.
You are our martyrdom.
Martyrdom in spite of myself.
"Dear L. Latke ...
"I do not want to get into trouble
"A tailor penniless
with five dependent children
"And who suffer from rheumatism,
"But I started
in a dirty mess.
"I am detained
the prison in Kiev
"Dorogozhitsky street.
"I ask the impossible
"But if you can help me,
do it quickly.
"Your former tenant, Yakov Bok."
Why do you limp?
I have shoes that are too tight.
I hope you burn in hell.
What do you expect?
I forger.
I have 5 young children
and a mad woman.
That's the kind of help you can
expect your countrymen.
This is a weak man.
And in my eyes, a dead man.
I run a great danger
with my long hair.
You distrust me.
Wanna complain
against aggression?
I do not want to report.
It should shave my head.
This is the law!
This is us
who make the rules.
We'll keep the hole
until you confess,
dirty bloodsucker!
One must compare your footprint
to that found in the small.
The other prison has raised.
But again.
I need shoes.
My feet are bleeding.
The small also bled.
If you want
that you life easier, says.
Go, search it.
You've already searched
Opens his mouth.
The tub!
Go ahead, open.
Your friend Bibikov
sent me to say
you should confess.
Excuse me,
but every time, it's the same.
You just
when the director is absent.
Please wait
down the hall.
And close the door.
Your appearance betrays
what you have endured.
You will not see any disadvantage
that I dodge the subject.
I need to focus
on another matter.
Time is running out
and I want to help you.
So you also forgive
my ways.
I have nails in my shoes
tear me feet.
You'll get another pair.
Would you like a cigarette?
It would be a waste.
My asthma has returned.
You will excuse me.
How's your boy?
He died.
What can you say to that?
Death has all the answers.
I'm back from St. Petersburg.
I asked
Minister of Justice
to drop the charges,
except committing an offense.
And .. What did he say?
My dear Boris Alexandrovich,
it is not so easy.
After 9 months in jail
for murder,
how to charge
for simple offense?
- He should be released.
- I agree with you.
But the case became public
and compromises our prestige.
Tsar believed guilty.
It closely follows the file.
The father's testimony Anastasy
was particularly impressed.
Anastasy father is a fanatic.
It belongs to no religion
nor church.
I know.
Tell the Tsar
that the expert is a charlatan.
Report to His Majesty
Rasputin is a charlatan
- What it is -
and I will do the same
about Anastasy.
In this second decade
twentieth century,
Your Excellency has she
accuse a man
of ritual murder?
I'm not fooled
enough to believe these stories.
Believe me.
Do not harm the Jews
neither in Russia nor in person.
Everything comes from human nature.
Is it in human nature
to accuse an innocent person?
It's possible.
Man, by nature,
is unhappy.
And it is the passion,
not reason, which the guide.
Please ...
We govern men
in governing their passion.
It unites men
unifying their passion.
Hatred predominates love.
It is their hatred between them.
Our reflex is to eliminate
the reason for their hatred.
If farmers hate tsar
- As I fear -
he is little time left to live.
It is best
they kill a Jew.
It is in everyone's interest.
A confession solve everything.
For our salvation ...
and the Jews.
I'm lost.
We still have a chance.
Listen to me.
I will not charge you.
The boy spoke
his classmates
illegal trafficking
which perpetuated his mother.
He was killed
by her mother's lover
to avoid talking about it.
And it certainly helped.
I have a witness,
who saw the dead boy
in the bathtub of his mother.
Long before we found the
in the cave.
The blows were inflicted
thereafter ...
when he was already dead.
To incriminate the Jews.
They destroyed
the life of a man.
And a little boy.
Excuse me ...
The attorney knows it
what you have to say?
Grubeshov was ordered to destroy
any evidence that will exonerate.
They want to condemn you.
I want to prove them wrong.
I ask you
to stay confident ...
and patient.
I trust you.
I am patient and kind.
However ...
I do not mean to sound bitter,
but I do not eat in the hand.
Your bitterness
not offend me in any way.
I'm afraid to disappoint you.
How could you?
Who knows?
I must leave you.
I think ...
men sometimes fail.
When trying to accomplish
what they hold dear.
So if you happen to fail ...
of course ...
and at that time,
I'm taken
a terrible fear ...
after all, who could
call it a failure?
Yes, who could?
This is not madness
which messes up the world.
It is the consciousness.
The tub!
Put your shoes.
- My feet ...
- I do not know.
Put your shoes.
It's a trap.
They attract you to shoot you.
There is nobody.
Is it possible?
Should I try my luck
or regret it later?
The old Jew that you received
telling us about you.
The only way to save your skin
is to confess the vile plot.
I'm not going
the day here.
We need scrap
of your nails.
- Arise.
- I can not.
Look at my feet.
Take him to the infirmary.
We cut his nails there.
I can not walk.
Then ramp.
It will give you a lesson, Bok.
Now you know
what little has suffered.
Admit it, if you want morphine.
You're lucky.
The director sends you gifts.
He believes that practicing
Judaism will do you good.
A Bible?
A Christian Bible.
"The centurion,
that was in front of Jesus,
"Seeing that he had expired
so, said:
this man was the Son of God. "
A poor carpenter.
That must have
tinkering here and there.
The last Jew in the kingdom of David
and the first Christians.
Meanwhile Christian
he hated his Jewish side?
How is this possible?
His whole being was Jewish.
And Christian at the same time.
He did not know hatred.
Baragouines that you?
I just realized ...
Those who hate the Jews
or any other human being ...
hate Jesus.
You can not be anti-Semitic ...
without rejecting Christianity.
It is in the Gospel.
Nothing. It only reads.
No incantation or prayer?
No Shawl or yarmulke?
Almighty God,
forgives sins
this young Hebrew.
Help him to forgive us
our sins to him.
We forgive you?
I do not forgive anyone.
I beg you to listen.
God appeared to me.
Your troubles will cease
if you accept God.
You must confess your crimes
and repent.
I beseech you,
Yakov Shepsovitch.
You heard me, Lord.
You heard my voice.
Let your name be sanctified.
Open the door.
Guard, open the door.
What's going on?
I received a message
of Heaven.
six hours after the rooster,
the Jew will recognize
the divinity of Jesus Christ
and confess everything.
Mary, protect me.
I focused on the Evil Eye.
Hold it.
Returns it.
My God!
My God! What was he?
I am a man.
I am a man.
Raisl! I love you, Raisl!
Why did you leave me?
I'm lost
in the depths of the universe.
I pray.
Where are you?
I'm going crazy.
Help me, I'm sinking.
God has destroyed
I have no friends, help me.
I'll drown in tears
and slime of this world.
Mom, Dad, save me.
Raisl, anyone.
Help me.
The world has forgotten me.
I walk to Jerusalem
to the mountains of the moon.
I walk to hell.
I walk to St. Petersburg
see the Tsar.
His Imperial Majesty Nicolas II.
Emperor, Tsar and Autocrat
of all the Russias.
Yakov Bok, handyman.
Please undress.
Excuse me?
Keep your shirt.
Remove the rest.
I have to search you.
What are you looking for?
Stop shoving me.
Who's there?
The king of Bulgaria!
I leave you.
You have two minutes, no more.
Doing yourself.
Look at me.
What have I missed your face?
What did they cut?
What did you cut?
We were poor
and childless,
but you're also a prostitute.
A man, it does not
me a prostitute.
A wife either.
You stopped loving me
because I could not give you a child.
I'm not here for that.
Forget it, it's over.
Why so?
I returned to the shtetl
and dad told me.
I implored the General Counsel
let me see you.
He told me to bring you a paper.
Sign and you are free.
I curse this paper!
I curse you for bringing him here.
Stop yelling and sign.
That's why you came.
To betray me again.
It was the only way to see you.
This is not the real reason
I'm here.
I came crying.
You cried already
the last time I saw you.
Two years later,
I'll see you crying.
God, why are you crying?
I do not know.
Tears are tears.
Do not cry anymore.
Forgive me not
honored to have you in bed.
I had to punish someone
and you gave me a scapegoat.
You were the person
What can I say?
If everything were to start again,
I'd cry less.
Then stop.
There is not that much.
I have news for you
which may sadden you.
I gave birth to a child.
It was time.
Boy or girl?
How to call it?
like my grandfather.
It's a pretty name.
He is doing well?
Besides my asthma,
I never got sick.
Yakov, you do not understand.
I left you
there are more than two years.
Stop it!
The baby is less than a year.
If you can have children,
where was the problem?
Why do we
ever had?
Who knows?
They sometimes come on later.
It is a matter of luck.
Lucky me has always been lacking.
I already find incredible
to be alive.
What do you want from me?
This would make things easier
if you recognize a child.
You do not have to.
The father ...
The father is a goy.
He was a Jew, a musician.
He did that happen.
It is the parent, not the father.
Whoever behaves father
is the real father.
My own father cares.
Make the sign and go.
This written confession
is a tissue of lies.
I declare that
the legitimate father of Chaiml,
the son born to
Bok Raisl by my wife.
Come to the aid of my wife
and my child
in spite of all my troubles.
I'd appreciate it.
English Petition
includes 240 names,
whose archbishops
Canterbury and York,
Cardinal Bourne
and Primate of Ireland.
The petition includes American
Protestants and Catholics,
two cardinals.
We will keep you informed
so that you understand
how the Count is Odoevsky
to obtain confessions
rapid and voluntary
the prisoner.
Signed I.N. Grubeshov.
If you importune, kill him.
These people are devoid
any moral sense.
I'm afraid they want
also kill you.
You came to that?
No, not really.
I just salute a hero.
I'm no hero.
We decided to be a hero.
It is a choice.
I'm an idiot.
Worse, an accident.
I had no intention.
I have brought you
Do not tell anyone.
The doors open
and frees prisoners.
Rivers of Africa
back to the mountains.
There is an opal that pays
tears of blood ...
Excuse me.
I do not believe in superstitions.
So why talk to me?
Sure ... it's not you.
So this is my ghost.
You visit.
Welcome Odoevsky Count,
Minister of Justice,
an honorable man.
He interrupted
a banquet to come.
I'm tired.
I need to sit down.
If you want to kill me,
the guard has a gun.
You have the indictment?
Better than that, my friend.
Tsar party
the tercentenary of his dynasty
by pardoning several criminals,
including you.
You can go
in your village.
It's called a shtetl.
You are free
you have been pardoned.
I have committed no crime.
I do not want amnesty
I ask for a trial.
If you try
release me without trial,
he will shoot me.
You treated me as a criminal.
Prove it.
Yakov Bok,
I implore you, on behalf of the tsar.
Prevent the worst tragedy
that can befall the Jewish people.
I prevent it.
During my trial.
You're crazy.
No, Mr. Prosecutor.
This is not madness.
He would understand.
Mr. Bibikov.
This is not madness.
But consciousness.
Of consciousness.
This is horrible
of killing such a man.
It would be wise not to blame
that you depend on.
Wisdom has never been my forte.
I felt a change
perpetuate itself in me, Mr. Minister.
Fear gave way to hatred.
Who do you hate?
All those who lack ...
psychology, as they say,
which turns into goodness.
And respect for the poor.
I was misinformed about you.
You have strong
political beliefs.
interested in politics.
"No freedom without a fight"
Spinoza said.
A Jew?
He said ...
"We can not remain impassive
and let destruction. "
He said ...
"If the state behaves
odious to the people,
"Destroy the state is
a lesser evil. "
You spoke.
Good evening.
You have underestimated this man
for three years.
And compromise our justice
the eyes of Europe.
We have no choice.
We must judge this man.
I have a terrible feeling.
What kind?
They'll pay.
His face, his eyes betray him.
If it is judged.
- The Director ...
- Grizitskoy.
He has more than 65 years,
he will retire tomorrow.
His deputy, Pyatikov,
Well thought out.
Only if we act
with discretion.
The whole world's eyes
turned to the Jew.
If it happens anything,
it will not go unnoticed.
I do not
Bibikov to another.
Know an indictment
was drawn up against you.
You will receive shortly.
It took time.
Hassid you?
Oh, that?
They want to make me look
as Jewish as possible.
For the trial, I think.
I understand.
I did not show up.
Julius Ostrovsky, Bar Kiev.
entire Jewish community.
I feel honored
for you.
There is nothing honorable.
Everything is suffering infamous.
It does not honor the suffering.
Talking about my case.
First, the guilt of the lover
Marfa was established.
Then, petitions arrive
the world at the Tsar.
Finally, justice can be done,
even in Russia.
You have a chance, not huge,
but a chance nonetheless.
Your situation improves.
It's strange.
When it gets better on the outside
it's worse for me here.
They insult me.
They are all means
imaginable humiliate me.
Yesterday, they threw a bucket
excrement on the head.
Listen to me carefully
Yakov Shepsovitch.
They can not avoid trial
that killing you.
Do not give them the opportunity
to justify this act.
Obey their orders.
Beware of accidents.
Do not respond to provocations.
Is that understood?
I know better than anyone.
They killed Mr. Bibikov
in this prison,
Did you know?
We have no proof.
Do not talk.
Your situation is already
quite dangerous.
I have already spoken.
A Grubeshov
and Count Odoevsky.
What did he take?
You must control your anger.
I beseech you, Yakov,
be careful.
I can not die.
I want to live.
I will not die.
I must live!
I'm not dying.
I'm not dying.
You got what you wanted.
I hope they hang you.
Your trial begins today.
Take your breakfast.
A real treat!
Jews were treated like royalty.
I do not want it.
I'm too nervous.
I can not swallow anything.
I gave you an order.
When I tell you to eat,
you eat!
Begins with soup.
Go ...
Do not hurry, Captain,
Take your time.
Let me get this clear
this is your prisoner
at present.
If it happens anything,
you are responsible,
not me.
Is that understood?
Take him.
Dropping off the animal
to his cell and search him.
We have searched.
I have changed hands.
Not exactly.
Count me Odoevsky wrote
St. Petersburg.
His Majesty the Tsar to avoid
risk of accident.
He also ordered
rigorous a search
the prisoner.
I have already been searched twice.
The guards saw me.
Drive it.
In your cell.
I shave it all.
And find him a yarmulke.
Opens his mouth.
Bend down and away.
And removes the stinky shirt.
I've never had to remove it.
Ote it or I transform
in tatters.
Who do you take me?
A magician?
I have no books
in the stomach,
or regiment in the mouth,
or witness in the ears.
The law is the law.
It is forbidden to kill a prisoner.
Spread yourself.
We must obey the law.
This is my prisoner.
I guaranteed his safety.
Arise, Jew.
Bring him down.
Raise arms!
Bring it.
I'm not going away,
From what I have been
to get here.
His name is Yakov Bok.
And your brother at all.
Still there ...
Are you blind?
The centuries killing black
Jews not registered.
- Are you hurt?
- It is the blood of a dog.
It is no longer a difference.
There must have
a means of escape.
There is one.
Join the Zionists.
They have the solution.
No, excuse me,
but I am neither Zionist
nor socialist, and practice
neither politics nor religion.
Describe what a horse is not
explains what it is.
Anyone who needs the description
a horse is shortsighted.
But if our papers are in order,
we can move freely,
even in Christian neighborhoods?
The law is too simple
to be credible.
A rich Jew can live
and work wherever he wants.
You must be rich.
You are properly installed.
Nobody is poorer than me.
I am a tailor.
God bless my father
who taught me the trade!
Like all poor,
I live and work in the ghetto.
However ...
pay kopecks goods
Christian out of the ghetto,
it is possible, why not?
In Kiev, there was no difference
between Jews kopecks
rubles or circumcised.
It was like the shtetl.
The village.
I saw a sign.
He said: "Death to the revolution
the Jewish people. "
When did it start?
They are out of kilter.
Everything is madness.
Think about it.
To the revolution,
we need a country.
Do you know a single Jew,
considers that this dirty country
like hers?
Do their civil war!
Let us avoid the revolution at all costs.
They do not expect it.
Good night.
It's even worse here in the village.
The village?
You sound like a goy.
Is a shtetl shtetl.
You want a piece?
With pleasure.
I walked all day.
I have repaired a window.
It's better than nothing.
You complain to a man
with 5 children
and has more misery
that Job himself.
Thank God for your children.
For me ...
What interests me most,
is to get rich.
How do you
I won today?
A small plate.
So clear soup
a horsehair sank ...
right at the bottom.
Listen ...
I'll give you some advice.
So much for your rent
but I prefer to be honest.
A man like you
should work outside.
I can tell you, friends ...
You do not even seem to be Jewish.
Who decides who is a Jew?
The goyim again.
Try, you'll see.
More we hide,
the more we are forced to hide.
It's like hunger.
You need to have confidence.
I'll tell you how.
First of all ...
take the air of a man busy
who has no time to lose.
At critical moments
looking straight ahead.
Raises the chin.
the promise to Abraham.
And crossed the passage.
you will spend for any
Russian anti-Semitic and honest.
People will look to sentencing.
He's drunk.
I should have guessed.
Why you thought you
on my way?
I'm already quite suspect.
Wake up.
I do not
to have you on the arm.
You might as well die of cold,
dirty anti-Semite.
Dad, get up.
Help me get him back.
It is next.
It has enough strength
I'm busy.
I should not have ...
Dad gets home.
Okay, go.
Take his legs.
This side.
Lidya, Nataliya takes.
You fell
in the snow, Dad.
This gentleman found you
and saved his life.
A faithful Christian.
And a good Samaritan
thank God!
Sir ...
Do not go so fast.
Forgive my rudeness.
That you just saved
Nikolai Lebedev is Maximovich.
I am his daughter,
Zinaida Nikolaevna.
If you want to return
tomorrow morning
you will receive something
more "concrete"
that thanks.
"In more concrete"?
She spoke of money ...
I do not want a man
which shows his hatred of Jews.
But these anti-Semitic rubles
allow a Jew to live.
This is an argument.
But before accepting
I'll be frank.
I tell him:
"Nikolai Lebedev Maximovich,
"This is me
Yakov Bok Shepsovitch,
"You have saved my life
and I'm Jewish.
"If you're not happy,
keep your money. "
What is your name?
Yakov Ivanovich Dologushev.
To be exact.
Painter, roofer, carpenter,
a bit of everything ...
Lidya, Nataliya takes.
Nikolai Lebedev Maximovich.
Sit down.
I am an honest man.
I'm really grateful to you.
I'd be dead in the snow
without your dedication.
Others have ignored me.
Christian charity
is rare in this world,
do not you think?
I meet people
charitable everywhere.
This is not surprising
your part.
You read course
the Scriptures?
I know the psalms.
You hear, Zinaida?
He knows the psalms.
It is impossible
read the Bible without getting ...
That is correct. The exact truth.
He can not read
without crying.
Yes, every time.
That's why I drink.
I feel responsible
all the world's ills.
I carry on my shoulders
all the sorrows of life.
When Zinaida was small,
I cried constantly
because of its poor
small withered leg.
You know as well
what kind of man
you saved from death,
last night.
Yakov Ivanovich
how do I pay you?
I have an empty apartment above
whose walls
need to be redone.
I will give you
This is more than the normal wage.
You are a man of honor,
a job offer
worth a tip.
You do not believe?
Obviously if.
not a salary.
This man is a member
centuries of black.
Daughter makes me uncomfortable.
And his dog
is the worst anti-Semitic.
Would you have dinner with me
when you're done?
Uh, no ... I have ...
That is to say ...
If you are bothered
because of Dad
he is so drunk the night
that we must lie.
I am forced to dine alone.
It is intimate.
But I feel alone.
For solitude,
reading is
the best medicine.
I do not have time to eat.
I have another room to finish.
It should be ready for tomorrow.
Stay supper tomorrow then
and if it is too late,
you will sleep here.
You've distracted.
If I may so express myself,
it is a true work of art.
You're an impostor,
I knew it.
An impostor?
You are presented
as a simple worker,
but I see that you are
And I intend to profit from it.
There is little time
I had the misfortune
a brick inheritance.
It is operated
a boy competent
but particularly dishonest
responding on behalf of Proshko.
I want it back
on the right path
you confident in accounting.
The salary
are 50 rubles per month,
free housing
the site of the brickworks.
It is forbidden to stay there,
but if the job is promising,
buy fake papers
and kiss the Cross.
It's clever.
I never papers.
Childless, a man can not
look anyone in the face.
He lost his pride.
As a woman,
when her husband regrowth.
Sleep with a woman sterile?
I spent 5 years with you
what it gave me?
An empty bed.
Raisl, whither goest thou?
Find someone who loves me.
And also ...
concerns me even more.
She makes eyes.
Sometimes you need to know
Accept the job.
Do you ...
romance, Yakov Ivanovich?
- Want herring?
- Oh, no.
But take it back in,
At times ...
I think that sometimes
let love fly away.
Like a cloud,
a day of high winds.
If you are a little too ...
As you can see ...
after the appearance of this house,
I'll never be penniless.
That is certain.
I know you and I
we come from different backgrounds.
What could make you doubt
a lasting relationship.
Even if you have the desire
at heart.
I've been cool.
Yes, I see. Thank you.
I thought ...
it would be fair
put you at ease.
I love you, Yakov?
Just a little.
I'm sorry, Zinaida,
I do not like you.
But you do not lose anything.
I am ignorant, indecisive
and my uncertain future ...
Yakov Ivanovich
For heaven's sake,
stop being so serious.
Kiss Me.
I defy you.
I know my leg is ugly.
But my face ...
sometimes is nice.
Often, I see
that men notice me.
Even young.
Want to see my room?
Forgive me ...
to put it bluntly.
If you are innocent,
it is better not continue.
Only mark of respect.
In addition,
we must think of your father.
He would notice.
He has never seen.
Will you prepare
my room is right there.
With a Russian!
This is ridiculous.
If I told him that I was Jewish,
she scream
like a hunted animal.
I can not do that.
It is impossible.
On the other hand,
times are tough.
Undressing in a goy in
one of the most anti-Semitic
must be sick!
Too bad!
I am a man, after all.
this would make him an insult.
I wonder
if it's worth the risk.
At your age!
As if it would be
Surely not!
For me, it has no interest.
On the other hand,
recklessness is already done.
Why sneak into an orchard
without fruit fly?
But there is also this job.
A little courage!
Plow and the harvest will be good.
My God, a cookie!
Have you ever loved?
Sincerely loved?
You are impure!
This is wrong, I assure you.
Forgive me.
I did not know your indisposition.
So do I.
It has just begun.
Do not go.
I could not know.
Excuse me.
There that can ...
I do not.
No, do not go.
I beg you.
Forgive me, Proshko.
Really, I'm sorry.
Here are the outputs
you controlled.
your account.
We'll talk later.
It's my job foreman
to cover all papers
by the police.
Give yours.
It is kind of you,
but Nikolai Maximovich
has already taken action.
You know what?
You do not speak
as a worker,
but as a boss.
I bet 100 rubles
you're a snitch.
You count 68
Stop there!
Stop, you hear?
Do not come back!
The bricks are worth money.
Watch them.
It is intelligent answer.
You called me?
You run
like a pig hurt.
Only a pig would see.
"All these points ...
"Enter human
natural man ...
"We can not abdicate
even his own consent. "
"Even his own consent ...
"We can not abdicate those rights."
A great man.
A great thought.
You do not become scientist
copying the ideas of another.
Who goes there?
What has happened?
I arrived in Minsk
to visit my brother,
in the ghetto.
I lost my way.
Boys have stoned me.
I dragged far.
By helping you,
I compromise myself.
You will leave tomorrow
after the departure of carters.
There is a tram
just down the street.
It goes straight to the ghetto.
I'll give you to eat.
Thank you ...
but I can not accept.
Would you mind
give me some water?
I'm Colonel Bodyansky,
head of the secret police of Kiev.
On behalf of Tsar Nicolas II,
I arrest you.
I am Boris Bibikov,
Yakov Bok Shepsovitch.
Jewish, of course.
I should not have to hide,
I agree.
I've always admitted.
I just determine the reason
of your imprisonment
and the duration of your stay.
For this, I must collect
information about you.
Where is your family?
Suffice to say that I do not.
I lost my parents young.
Are you going to the grave,
the Jewish Day of Atonement?
They are dead.
- Married with children?
- No children.
We tried, unsuccessfully,
so I gave up.
And to be honest ...
she was not faithful to me.
She left me for another.
If it was not part
I would have stayed in the village.
At this precise moment,
I would prepare supper.
It could have been worse.
On reflection,
I was not there all bad.
Do you know the expression
"A historic need?"
I have not received education.
But you speak correctly,
not as a villager.
Explain that to me.
I tried to teach me,
but I was hurt.
I brought three books in Kiev
including a grammar book
and pronunciation.
Your Business
also concealed
selected texts of Spinoza.
You found my tools?
These tools, this is my life.
Of all the philosophers
of this world,
why Spinoza?
Because he was Jewish?
Not at all.
I unfortunately accepted
this book as payment.
I unfortunately accepted
this book as payment.
When I started to read it,
I could not get rid of.
What do you think
of his philosophy?
It is hard for a single man ...
I ask you
because I also read Spinoza.
He meant
life is life.
There is no need to think about death.
It goes further than that.
He taught us
as free men
must preserve
the freedom of others.
Am I right?
If you say so.
My philosophy of life
has nothing to do with politics.
What is your philosophy
of life?
Can improve things.
Making policy!
it is for the rich.
Everything would be better
if there was more work.
Besides the goodwill.
I would like to see a lawyer.
A cigarette?
They are Turkish.
If you were to give
in your own words,
a description of yourself,
what would you say?
I am myself.
I am no longer young,
but not yet old.
I am ready to take me away,
but quiet most of the time.
At times ...
I sometimes show me shy.
I am not a coward.
I may lack education,
but I'm not
completely stupid.
In two words to summarize,
I am a man,
it is certainly not much
but it's better than nothing.
You talk to a lawyer.
We must investigate.
Then we will develop
an indictment.
At this time,
you will see a lawyer.
Do you understand?
Fill out this questionnaire.
And sign.
I'll let the candle
I must hurry.
My little boy has asthma.
What concerns my wife.
Me too, actually.
It's sad.
I was also asthma.
I wish I could relieve.
Accommodate adults in
better than children.
Whatever happens to you,
The law will protect you.
Unless you're guilty.
Guilty of what?
Sexual abuse
against Miss Nikolaevna.
This is false, Zinaida.
I've not attacked.
Sit down!
He knows he's lying.
He lunged at me with an air
lewd and without clothes.
When I screamed for him to escape,
he fled.
So you tried to rape her?
It was not an attempted rape.
She invited me in her room.
I should not have.
But I am a man.
What harm has he?
She was lying
and pushed the sheet
for me to join.
This is false. He lies!
Some things are better
not be repeated.
What has happened
when you joined?
The truth is that ...
The truth ...
As always,
no one knows afterthought.
The truth is that ...
She asked
if I ever loved.
At this time, a change
occurred in me.
I realized
I liked that.
At the thought of love lost
I panicked.
I ran as fast
as possible, that's all.
These are lies.
I got him
any proposal.
He did anybody else.
There is another reason.
We do harclerons more.
Semyonovich will take you home.
Yakov Bok,
under the circumstances,
and without congratulate you
for your conduct,
I cancel the charge
against you.
God thank you!
However, I will ask
the court ...
You are still charged
to be domiciled
in an area forbidden to the Jews,
unless they have made
service to the crown.
This is not your case.
No, I must admit.
You will be charged and tried
for committing an offense.
His luck.
Are you part
these political organizations?
Social democracy,
Socialist Revolutionaries
or any other group,
league whose Jewish
Zionists of all categories
nihilistic or people's party?
To save time,
note that the defendant
has already responded negatively.
Everything is in its folder.
You understand that my goal
is not to save time.
I take these revolutionary
Time is irrelevant.
Listen carefully
my next question.
What do the Jews
by the word "afikomen"?
This is a matzo
you eat the Passover.
That's the magic?
For me, it would be
This was
in your room.
It was an old man, a Hasid.
But I do not know.
He was lost, I left
spend the night with me.
Although Jewish.
Jews do not fear
nothing of their own.
A little respect.
This old you did he not help
to prepare and cook the matzo?
Not at all.
Do you know this?
The old man was shot in the head.
I used my shirt
to clean his blood.
Tell me,
Yakov Bok Shepsovitch,
alias Yakov Ivanovich Dologushev,
alias I do not know what yet ...
Have you chased children?
Among them, a 12 year old boy,
Zhenia named Golov?
It was found
murdered shortly thereafter.
You can see the photo right here.
Well, Mr. Jew ...
why are you trembling?
It reduced the number of outputs
for pocket money.
The secret police confiscated
If flying four rubles per day,
it would make much more.
Who knows what a Jew is
his money?
He had to buy sweets
to attract children.
They struggled to escape.
When we found the body
in the small cave,
I searched his room.
And I found the matzo,
flour and soiled linen.
This is it!
Yes, that's him.
What do you mean by "it"?
The Jew who chased Zhenia
with a knife.
The accused has been identified.
Can we enter Marfa?
Tell us
events before Passover.
Speak slowly and clearly.
Are you listening?
My son went to school
as usual.
I worked late.
Zhenia was not at home
when I returned.
I thought
he was at his grandmother.
The same evening,
I caught the flu.
You know how it is.
I had fever,
I was sweating
and vomited like a fountain.
For three days,
I remained bedridden.
I was going
to go to the police ...
when it was found
Zhenia body.
With 39 stab wounds
Jew in the body.
My life is over.
I lost my reason to live.
They killed my baby!
I'm mad.
Why did you warned
police so late?
In my state?
I was holding any liquid
dgoulinais and everywhere.
- I did not get up fast enough ...
- Keep your story.
You said the Jew Zhenia
before his assassination?
He told me that a Jew had
chased with a knife.
And he wanted to kill
for good.
My poor little Zhenia!
He wanted to be ready.
You I said, my father?
He saw a jar of blood
on the table of the Jew.
I do not have a jar of blood!
It's jam
not blood!
Tell him to drop his weapon.
This man in handcuffs.
We have our answers.
I do not think ...
I'll use my privilege
and examine the witness.
Why persecute sick?
What have I done?
We have no account
to make us.
Have you accepted stolen goods
a band of thieves ...
with your lover?
Is it not true
in January,
you blinded by throwing
phenol in the eyes?
Then you are reconciled.
He beat me.
I had to defend myself.
He tried to poke my eye.
There was pus flowed.
And besides ...
As you said,
I continue to see it.
He swears by me.
Is it not also true
he beat your son so much
the boy fainted?
He killed my baby.
He killed my poor little.
He undressed the little
and prayed over his body.
Then he stabbed
at specific locations.
Thirteen stabbing
in the core.
Thirteen blows to the throat.
Thirteen face.
He collected his blood
in vials
while the small
begged him
and wept no more review
the world of the living.
You cry?
I grieve for the child.
Who else?
You confess?
I can not say
I have not done.
All seem to indicate ...
you are a victim of the Jews
as well as the child.
The idea was to them, not you.
Come on, admit it!
We take into account the fact
that you acted in spite of you.
A man of your intelligence
an open mind.
You have been deceived, Yakov.
You can not fool the innocent.
No Jew
could not kill this child.
It's written everywhere: no blood.
It's in the Bible, the Torah,
laws, everywhere ...
My wife threw eggs
that yellow was stained with blood.
I told him to be careful.
We do not drove gold.
She was a good cook,
We ate well.
We have evidence
you killed the child
and that you belong to the Kahal,
Jewish secret organization,
preparing a revolution
to overthrow the Tsar.
I'm not rvolutionnariste.
Policy has never interested.
I know nothing.
Admit if you want to live.
Otherwise, even God
can do nothing for you.
I do not have the talent to lie.
Lie ...
This is the only talent of the Jews.
They are predictable
and criminal nature.
Everything has been scientifically proven.
Get up!
The Jewish nose ...
And all are signs of crime.
Here, this is yours.
This is yours.
It is the mind?
Tell me, did not we learn
respect to the Jews?
What is it?
It receives only if it has.
I'll make you move
in a cell preventive
the Kiev prison.
Mr. Attorney ...
I've spent 5 months in prison.
Mr. Bibikov said ...
Crying on the shoulder of Bibikov,
it does not change anything.
I will make sure
pourrissiez you in jail.
You leave
when you stop
cover crimes
these revolutionary
and admit
this vile conspiracy.
A new one.
You, I like you.
You have soft skin
and sacred mane.
They will not have shaved heads?
It's cute.
You just snitch?
Of course not.
Kiss me.
Slowly, my big.
It has not been presented.
It stinks Jew ...
Hey, guys,
we still sends a Jew.
It is to me.
You'll be my grandma,
you have understood, dirty Yid?
I know who you are.
I, too, am a Jew.
And then?
Unlike you,
I am guilty.
Just for that, I admire you.
This is more than I can say.
What does it serve me?
It frees me tomorrow.
You want to write to someone?
No, no.
I do not want to violate any rules.
I have enough trouble.
My lawyer just me.
I will pass your word.
We do not search.
I have nothing to write.
Take this.
It is an honor
share your cell.
You are our martyrdom.
Martyrdom in spite of myself.
"Dear L. Latke ...
"I do not want to get into trouble
"A tailor penniless
with five dependent children
"And who suffer from rheumatism,
"But I started
in a dirty mess.
"I am detained
the prison in Kiev
"Dorogozhitsky street.
"I ask the impossible
"But if you can help me,
do it quickly.
"Your former tenant, Yakov Bok."
Why do you limp?
I have shoes that are too tight.
I hope you burn in hell.
What do you expect?
I forger.
I have 5 young children
and a mad woman.
That's the kind of help you can
expect your countrymen.
This is a weak man.
And in my eyes, a dead man.
I run a great danger
with my long hair.
You distrust me.
Wanna complain
against aggression?
I do not want to report.
It should shave my head.
This is the law!
This is us
who make the rules.
We'll keep the hole
until you confess,
dirty bloodsucker!
One must compare your footprint
to that found in the small.
The other prison has raised.
But again.
I need shoes.
My feet are bleeding.
The small also bled.
If you want
that you life easier, says.
Go, search it.
You've already searched
Opens his mouth.
The tub!
Go ahead, open.
Your friend Bibikov
sent me to say
you should confess.
Excuse me,
but every time, it's the same.
You just
when the director is absent.
Please wait
down the hall.
And close the door.
Your appearance betrays
what you have endured.
You will not see any disadvantage
that I dodge the subject.
I need to focus
on another matter.
Time is running out
and I want to help you.
So you also forgive
my ways.
I have nails in my shoes
tear me feet.
You'll get another pair.
Would you like a cigarette?
It would be a waste.
My asthma has returned.
You will excuse me.
How's your boy?
He died.
What can you say to that?
Death has all the answers.
I'm back from St. Petersburg.
I asked
Minister of Justice
to drop the charges,
except committing an offense.
And .. What did he say?
My dear Boris Alexandrovich,
it is not so easy.
After 9 months in jail
for murder,
how to charge
for simple offense?
- He should be released.
- I agree with you.
But the case became public
and compromises our prestige.
Tsar believed guilty.
It closely follows the file.
The father's testimony Anastasy
was particularly impressed.
Anastasy father is a fanatic.
It belongs to no religion
nor church.
I know.
Tell the Tsar
that the expert is a charlatan.
Report to His Majesty
Rasputin is a charlatan
- What it is -
and I will do the same
about Anastasy.
In this second decade
twentieth century,
Your Excellency has she
accuse a man
of ritual murder?
I'm not fooled
enough to believe these stories.
Believe me.
Do not harm the Jews
neither in Russia nor in person.
Everything comes from human nature.
Is it in human nature
to accuse an innocent person?
It's possible.
Man, by nature,
is unhappy.
And it is the passion,
not reason, which the guide.
Please ...
We govern men
in governing their passion.
It unites men
unifying their passion.
Hatred predominates love.
It is their hatred between them.
Our reflex is to eliminate
the reason for their hatred.
If farmers hate tsar
- As I fear -
he is little time left to live.
It is best
they kill a Jew.
It is in everyone's interest.
A confession solve everything.
For our salvation ...
and the Jews.
I'm lost.
We still have a chance.
Listen to me.
I will not charge you.
The boy spoke
his classmates
illegal trafficking
which perpetuated his mother.
He was killed
by her mother's lover
to avoid talking about it.
And it certainly helped.
I have a witness,
who saw the dead boy
in the bathtub of his mother.
Long before we found the
in the cave.
The blows were inflicted
thereafter ...
when he was already dead.
To incriminate the Jews.
They destroyed
the life of a man.
And a little boy.
Excuse me ...
The attorney knows it
what you have to say?
Grubeshov was ordered to destroy
any evidence that will exonerate.
They want to condemn you.
I want to prove them wrong.
I ask you
to stay confident ...
and patient.
I trust you.
I am patient and kind.
However ...
I do not mean to sound bitter,
but I do not eat in the hand.
Your bitterness
not offend me in any way.
I'm afraid to disappoint you.
How could you?
Who knows?
I must leave you.
I think ...
men sometimes fail.
When trying to accomplish
what they hold dear.
So if you happen to fail ...
of course ...
and at that time,
I'm taken
a terrible fear ...
after all, who could
call it a failure?
Yes, who could?
This is not madness
which messes up the world.
It is the consciousness.
The tub!
Put your shoes.
- My feet ...
- I do not know.
Put your shoes.
It's a trap.
They attract you to shoot you.
There is nobody.
Is it possible?
Should I try my luck
or regret it later?
The old Jew that you received
telling us about you.
The only way to save your skin
is to confess the vile plot.
I'm not going
the day here.
We need scrap
of your nails.
- Arise.
- I can not.
Look at my feet.
Take him to the infirmary.
We cut his nails there.
I can not walk.
Then ramp.
It will give you a lesson, Bok.
Now you know
what little has suffered.
Admit it, if you want morphine.
You're lucky.
The director sends you gifts.
He believes that practicing
Judaism will do you good.
A Bible?
A Christian Bible.
"The centurion,
that was in front of Jesus,
"Seeing that he had expired
so, said:
this man was the Son of God. "
A poor carpenter.
That must have
tinkering here and there.
The last Jew in the kingdom of David
and the first Christians.
Meanwhile Christian
he hated his Jewish side?
How is this possible?
His whole being was Jewish.
And Christian at the same time.
He did not know hatred.
Baragouines that you?
I just realized ...
Those who hate the Jews
or any other human being ...
hate Jesus.
You can not be anti-Semitic ...
without rejecting Christianity.
It is in the Gospel.
Nothing. It only reads.
No incantation or prayer?
No Shawl or yarmulke?
Almighty God,
forgives sins
this young Hebrew.
Help him to forgive us
our sins to him.
We forgive you?
I do not forgive anyone.
I beg you to listen.
God appeared to me.
Your troubles will cease
if you accept God.
You must confess your crimes
and repent.
I beseech you,
Yakov Shepsovitch.
You heard me, Lord.
You heard my voice.
Let your name be sanctified.
Open the door.
Guard, open the door.
What's going on?
I received a message
of Heaven.
six hours after the rooster,
the Jew will recognize
the divinity of Jesus Christ
and confess everything.
Mary, protect me.
I focused on the Evil Eye.
Hold it.
Returns it.
My God!
My God! What was he?
I am a man.
I am a man.
Raisl! I love you, Raisl!
Why did you leave me?
I'm lost
in the depths of the universe.
I pray.
Where are you?
I'm going crazy.
Help me, I'm sinking.
God has destroyed
I have no friends, help me.
I'll drown in tears
and slime of this world.
Mom, Dad, save me.
Raisl, anyone.
Help me.
The world has forgotten me.
I walk to Jerusalem
to the mountains of the moon.
I walk to hell.
I walk to St. Petersburg
see the Tsar.
His Imperial Majesty Nicolas II.
Emperor, Tsar and Autocrat
of all the Russias.
Yakov Bok, handyman.
Please undress.
Excuse me?
Keep your shirt.
Remove the rest.
I have to search you.
What are you looking for?
Stop shoving me.
Who's there?
The king of Bulgaria!
I leave you.
You have two minutes, no more.
Doing yourself.
Look at me.
What have I missed your face?
What did they cut?
What did you cut?
We were poor
and childless,
but you're also a prostitute.
A man, it does not
me a prostitute.
A wife either.
You stopped loving me
because I could not give you a child.
I'm not here for that.
Forget it, it's over.
Why so?
I returned to the shtetl
and dad told me.
I implored the General Counsel
let me see you.
He told me to bring you a paper.
Sign and you are free.
I curse this paper!
I curse you for bringing him here.
Stop yelling and sign.
That's why you came.
To betray me again.
It was the only way to see you.
This is not the real reason
I'm here.
I came crying.
You cried already
the last time I saw you.
Two years later,
I'll see you crying.
God, why are you crying?
I do not know.
Tears are tears.
Do not cry anymore.
Forgive me not
honored to have you in bed.
I had to punish someone
and you gave me a scapegoat.
You were the person
What can I say?
If everything were to start again,
I'd cry less.
Then stop.
There is not that much.
I have news for you
which may sadden you.
I gave birth to a child.
It was time.
Boy or girl?
How to call it?
like my grandfather.
It's a pretty name.
He is doing well?
Besides my asthma,
I never got sick.
Yakov, you do not understand.
I left you
there are more than two years.
Stop it!
The baby is less than a year.
If you can have children,
where was the problem?
Why do we
ever had?
Who knows?
They sometimes come on later.
It is a matter of luck.
Lucky me has always been lacking.
I already find incredible
to be alive.
What do you want from me?
This would make things easier
if you recognize a child.
You do not have to.
The father ...
The father is a goy.
He was a Jew, a musician.
He did that happen.
It is the parent, not the father.
Whoever behaves father
is the real father.
My own father cares.
Make the sign and go.
This written confession
is a tissue of lies.
I declare that
the legitimate father of Chaiml,
the son born to
Bok Raisl by my wife.
Come to the aid of my wife
and my child
in spite of all my troubles.
I'd appreciate it.
English Petition
includes 240 names,
whose archbishops
Canterbury and York,
Cardinal Bourne
and Primate of Ireland.
The petition includes American
Protestants and Catholics,
two cardinals.
We will keep you informed
so that you understand
how the Count is Odoevsky
to obtain confessions
rapid and voluntary
the prisoner.
Signed I.N. Grubeshov.
If you importune, kill him.
These people are devoid
any moral sense.
I'm afraid they want
also kill you.
You came to that?
No, not really.
I just salute a hero.
I'm no hero.
We decided to be a hero.
It is a choice.
I'm an idiot.
Worse, an accident.
I had no intention.
I have brought you
Do not tell anyone.
The doors open
and frees prisoners.
Rivers of Africa
back to the mountains.
There is an opal that pays
tears of blood ...
Excuse me.
I do not believe in superstitions.
So why talk to me?
Sure ... it's not you.
So this is my ghost.
You visit.
Welcome Odoevsky Count,
Minister of Justice,
an honorable man.
He interrupted
a banquet to come.
I'm tired.
I need to sit down.
If you want to kill me,
the guard has a gun.
You have the indictment?
Better than that, my friend.
Tsar party
the tercentenary of his dynasty
by pardoning several criminals,
including you.
You can go
in your village.
It's called a shtetl.
You are free
you have been pardoned.
I have committed no crime.
I do not want amnesty
I ask for a trial.
If you try
release me without trial,
he will shoot me.
You treated me as a criminal.
Prove it.
Yakov Bok,
I implore you, on behalf of the tsar.
Prevent the worst tragedy
that can befall the Jewish people.
I prevent it.
During my trial.
You're crazy.
No, Mr. Prosecutor.
This is not madness.
He would understand.
Mr. Bibikov.
This is not madness.
But consciousness.
Of consciousness.
This is horrible
of killing such a man.
It would be wise not to blame
that you depend on.
Wisdom has never been my forte.
I felt a change
perpetuate itself in me, Mr. Minister.
Fear gave way to hatred.
Who do you hate?
All those who lack ...
psychology, as they say,
which turns into goodness.
And respect for the poor.
I was misinformed about you.
You have strong
political beliefs.
interested in politics.
"No freedom without a fight"
Spinoza said.
A Jew?
He said ...
"We can not remain impassive
and let destruction. "
He said ...
"If the state behaves
odious to the people,
"Destroy the state is
a lesser evil. "
You spoke.
Good evening.
You have underestimated this man
for three years.
And compromise our justice
the eyes of Europe.
We have no choice.
We must judge this man.
I have a terrible feeling.
What kind?
They'll pay.
His face, his eyes betray him.
If it is judged.
- The Director ...
- Grizitskoy.
He has more than 65 years,
he will retire tomorrow.
His deputy, Pyatikov,
Well thought out.
Only if we act
with discretion.
The whole world's eyes
turned to the Jew.
If it happens anything,
it will not go unnoticed.
I do not
Bibikov to another.
Know an indictment
was drawn up against you.
You will receive shortly.
It took time.
Hassid you?
Oh, that?
They want to make me look
as Jewish as possible.
For the trial, I think.
I understand.
I did not show up.
Julius Ostrovsky, Bar Kiev.
entire Jewish community.
I feel honored
for you.
There is nothing honorable.
Everything is suffering infamous.
It does not honor the suffering.
Talking about my case.
First, the guilt of the lover
Marfa was established.
Then, petitions arrive
the world at the Tsar.
Finally, justice can be done,
even in Russia.
You have a chance, not huge,
but a chance nonetheless.
Your situation improves.
It's strange.
When it gets better on the outside
it's worse for me here.
They insult me.
They are all means
imaginable humiliate me.
Yesterday, they threw a bucket
excrement on the head.
Listen to me carefully
Yakov Shepsovitch.
They can not avoid trial
that killing you.
Do not give them the opportunity
to justify this act.
Obey their orders.
Beware of accidents.
Do not respond to provocations.
Is that understood?
I know better than anyone.
They killed Mr. Bibikov
in this prison,
Did you know?
We have no proof.
Do not talk.
Your situation is already
quite dangerous.
I have already spoken.
A Grubeshov
and Count Odoevsky.
What did he take?
You must control your anger.
I beseech you, Yakov,
be careful.
I can not die.
I want to live.
I will not die.
I must live!
I'm not dying.
I'm not dying.
You got what you wanted.
I hope they hang you.
Your trial begins today.
Take your breakfast.
A real treat!
Jews were treated like royalty.
I do not want it.
I'm too nervous.
I can not swallow anything.
I gave you an order.
When I tell you to eat,
you eat!
Begins with soup.
Go ...
Do not hurry, Captain,
Take your time.
Let me get this clear
this is your prisoner
at present.
If it happens anything,
you are responsible,
not me.
Is that understood?
Take him.
Dropping off the animal
to his cell and search him.
We have searched.
I have changed hands.
Not exactly.
Count me Odoevsky wrote
St. Petersburg.
His Majesty the Tsar to avoid
risk of accident.
He also ordered
rigorous a search
the prisoner.
I have already been searched twice.
The guards saw me.
Drive it.
In your cell.
I shave it all.
And find him a yarmulke.
Opens his mouth.
Bend down and away.
And removes the stinky shirt.
I've never had to remove it.
Ote it or I transform
in tatters.
Who do you take me?
A magician?
I have no books
in the stomach,
or regiment in the mouth,
or witness in the ears.
The law is the law.
It is forbidden to kill a prisoner.
Spread yourself.
We must obey the law.
This is my prisoner.
I guaranteed his safety.
Arise, Jew.
Bring him down.
Raise arms!
Bring it.
I'm not going away,
From what I have been
to get here.
His name is Yakov Bok.
And your brother at all.