Flight Of Fury (2007) Movie Script

Please restrain the patient.
Prepare for memory wipe.
Transport coming in.
Clear. Move along.
Call in the doctor.
Patient now prepared for procedure.
- He's all yours, doc.
- Thank you.
This won't hurt a bit.
In fact, you won't remember
a goddamn thing.
Yes. Now, then.
Do you mind, boss?
Good job. You know what to do.
You owe me, cabrn.
All clear, move it out.
You're clean, move out.
Code four, code four,
security breach.
We have a prisoner escape.
Open up.
Copy that. We're in pursuit
of the prisoner. We're in pursuit.
Nothing in here.
- All right, secure this area.
- Yeah, the truck is secured.
- That's clean.
- Okay.
- Just the one vehicle?
- It's all clear.
So, Ratcher, looks like
I'm you're wingman today.
You better be sharp up there,
The old man wants me to go full-bore,
I hope you can keep up.
- Hey, I'll be right on your ass.
- Yeah?
We'll see about that.
You know, you're a fortunate man,
getting to fly the new X-77.
I wish it was me up in that cockpit,
instead of flying the chase plane.
Luck of the draw.
Yeah, well, someday I'll get my shot.
You good to go?
See you at 20,000 feet.
Colonel Ratcher?
General Barnes would like to see you.
- The X-77 is ready to fly, general.
- Good.
I wanna be sure the active stealth
system is fully functional.
The shakedown isn't until next week.
Why are we...?
This little rehearsal will see me retire
with a third star on my shoulder.
Now, listen...
...this flight is off the record.
I want you to put that plane
through its paces, Ratcher.
We'll be tracking your progress
from Command Ops.
Mission countdown
in 20 minutes, sir.
Oh, and don't let me down, Ratcher.
I wanna see that plane disappear
as promised.
You got my word on that, sir.
One minute to countdown.
One minute to countdown.
You're clear for a runway.
This is Jannick.
F- 16 ready for takeoff.
Ready for takeoff.
X-77 to Control,
reaching cruising altitude.
F-16 confirming position of X-77.
I have visual contact.
Request permission
to engage active stealth.
Okay, what are we waiting for?
Let's go.
Control, confirming active stealth,
It's amazing, she's just gone.
Great. Good job, guys.
Okay, Ratcher,
disengage active stealth.
All right,
let's move to the next phase.
Ratcher, take her to the second floor
and reengage.
Ratcher, you're just having
too much fun out there.
You better believe it, baby.
All right, Jannick, war games
commencing. Try and catch me now.
Ratcher, I'm right on your tail.
Tracking target.
Got a lock.
Engaging active stealth.
Coming around.
Target locked.
This is Jannick. I've been tagged.
He just came out of nowhere,
I couldn't even see him.
Good, shut her down
and bring her home.
Jannick, do you have a visual?
Negative, sir, still no contact.
X- 77, come in.
Come in, X-77.
X- 77, report to Mission Control.
X- 77, come in.
Jannick, abort your mission
and return to base.
What the hell happened up there?
We just lost a $ 75-million plane.
Nothing happened up there, sir.
She just disappeared.
I was just following orders.
At least we know she works right.
We've gotta get it back.
And there's only one man I know
who can do that.
- That'll be $2.10.
- There you go.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
See you later.
Hand over the fucking money.
Give me the money!
Freeze, put your hands up.
He's the only one alive.
Okay, play back the security tape.
You'll see it was self-defense.
Let's go.
- What is that stuff?
- Look at that guy.
- That's awesome.
- He's kicking ass.
- Sorry, guys.
- Fine, you guys, let's take a break.
All right, let's get out of here, guys.
You get me some coffee.
get your fat ass into a cruiser.
- Yes, sir.
- Why don't you get out of the car...
...once in a while?
Walk the streets...
...and maybe assholes like this
won't get all the press, we will.
What do we got?
Can't get no prints off this guy.
He's not in any of our data banks.
And to make things worse,
he ain't exactly talking.
Then we have nothing.
Well, we could book him
for stealing a car.
Come on, man,
it's not about stealing a car.
He was not involved in that robbery.
It was just self-defense.
So that's it, he walks?
We can hold him for 24 hours.
Get this over to the feds.
This guy is extraordinary.
He's unlike anything I've ever seen.
We may not know who he is,
but I bet they do.
Your coffee, sir.
I don't drink coffee.
Colonel Ratcher requesting
permission to enter airspace.
What do you think?
Bring it to the barn.
So who are you?
You're not gonna talk to us?
- No, no, you know, I'm happy to talk.
- Then tell us.
Just a country boy.
Who's your employer?
I'm self-employed right now.
So, what is it you do?
Well, l...
- I travel a lot.
- I've seen you fighting, John.
That's no ordinary fighting.
- I grew up in a bad neighborhood.
- Sure.
There used to be something
called self-defense...
...but seems like
when you defend yourself...
...if you do it too good,
you get into trouble.
Tell me why we have no proof
that you're an active military.
Let's just see what the feds
have to say about that.
I'm in a talkative mood, so I'd love
to meet the feds and talk to them.
Let's just see what General Barnes
has to say about that.
General Barnes, Lord have mercy,
he's coming here?
Is he a friend of yours, John?
Well, I wouldn't say he was a friend
of mine, but I met him once.
Yeah, it was a long time ago.
You know?
Get the SEAL team in the air.
I want ground support...
- ... for the Stealth retrieval mission.
- This is Ranger team, Baker One.
C- 130 prepped
and ready for takeoff.
C- 130 airborne, on course to target.
E TA, three hours.
General, I wasn't expecting
this kind of response.
You don't know
who you're dealing with.
- John.
- Long time no see.
Thank you, detective.
We still have no proof
that he's active military.
Oh, I don't think
you need to worry about that.
I'll give you plenty of proof.
Another day,
another fucking surprise.
John, I had no part
in what they tried to do.
It was stupid.
You were right to do what you did.
I don't take kindly
to having my memory wiped.
I don't know if it was right or not...
...but all I did was follow orders.
It's bizarre to get punished
for shit like that, ain't it?
Yeah, but you know a lot of things
that make a lot of people nervous.
I'm not the only one.
What do you wanna do?
One of our test pilots stole a plane...
...and it's got technology
that scares even the shit out of us.
You get it back for us...
...and I guarantee
you'll be a free man.
And I'm supposed to believe that?
- John, it's me.
- It's not really you I'm worried about...
...it's kind of the people you work for.
- Don't worry about that.
- I'll take care of them.
- I will be worried about it...
...but I suppose
I don't have much of a choice, so...
...let's give it a shot.
Navy SEAL team on course.
We have a lock on Stealth position.
E TA, two hours.
Ground support for air mission
will be in place.
We've got your backs.
Okay, John, here's the deal.
The X-77 is a top-secret
experimental aircraft...
...based on the F-117
Stealth Fighter.
Stealth was achieved by shrinking...
...the geometric cross section
of the plane...
...and adding radar-absorbing
materials to cut down reflectivity.
The X-77 adds something new.
An active stealth system.
It's done
with an electromagnetic pulse...
...that effectively blankets the plane.
- It's a completely invisible aircraft.
- That's amazing.
What's even more amazing
is who took it.
We lost it to Ratcher.
He stole the plane.
I don't know who paid him...
...but whatever they paid him,
it will be a dump truck full of cash.
I don't know what to say, sir.
I know you two go back
a long way together, and next to you...
...Ratcher is probably
the best Stealth pilot in the world.
Well, as you know, him and I
go way back, I trained him.
- Yes.
- We've both flown Stealth...
...extensively, so...
- He's in Afghanistan.
We'll have a six-man team
on the ground to back you up.
But you've got to get in there and
you've got to get me that plane back.
- Hell, yeah.
- Once you get it up in the sky...
...you know
they'll be shooting at you...
...and you're gonna have to do
some fancy dancing.
Get me briefed
and I'll get up and get going.
The X-77 can fly into enemy airspace
at supersonic speeds...
...drop missiles and smart bombs
with pinpoint accuracy...
...and come out
completely undetected.
It's the ultimate weapon.
But active stealth is a huge drain
on the 77's power supply.
So, Ratcher would have...
... had to turn off the active stealth
and return to passive stealth.
That's how we spotted him.
Satellite picked him up here,
over the Bonin Islands...
...heading due west
at 28 degrees north latitude.
He maintained that heading
until the satellite orbited out of range.
- Where exactly is the bird now?
- Satellite picked him up right here...
...this morning.
That's not gonna be fun
to get in and out of there.
- You got 72 hours.
- Seventy-two hours?
I couldn't pick my men, plan the op...
I couldn't even get in there.
You can in a Blackbird.
Now, I got a wizo...
...who knows
the Blackbird inside and out.
This kid is one of the hottest pilots
I've ever seen.
- Who's that, sir?
- Name's Rick Jannick.
He's your backup.
If it's okay with you, sir,
I'd rather not fly with him.
He's a little bit of an acrobat
and a showman...
...but no combat experience.
John, I got you out of jail because
I thought you were the best shot...
...we had at getting this plane back.
- Yeah, but...
- I don't give a damn what you think.
Jannick's my choice for backup.
He's on the mission.
Yes, sir.
C- 130 on course and on schedule.
- Position, 38 degrees west...
- There you go.
- ... twenty-seven degrees north.
- Thank you, sir.
Navy SEALs are locked and loaded,
and ready to jump.
So when are wheels up?
I don't know. I gotta get up
in the sky with this guy?
You've gotta be kidding.
- How old are you now?
- Oh, I'm drinking age, sir.
Drinking age, sir.
Okay, guys, let's go.
You'll fly into a friendly base
...of where they stashed the 77.
There, you'll be met by a couple
of SF folks, who will provide you...
...with a ride, weapons and intel.
- Any assets on the ground?
We've got the colonel's asset,
She'll join you for the push
into the terrorist compound.
There, you'll grab the 77
and jump up.
If you can't jump up, you blow it up
and everybody who's seen it.
You have my word on that, sir.
Okay, guys.
Let's suit up.
SR-71, you're clear for a runway.
Let's find this thing
and blast it, John.
Just remember one thing,
my life is in your hands, son.
Yeah, and mine's in yours.
Take her up to 80,000 feet.
And stay off everybody's radar.
Roger that, sir.
Are you picking up any activity
on the radar? Big Bird, come in.
Any activity on the radar?
No radar signal,
we're clearing this bird.
Entering Chinese airspace.
We will keep in contact
and update progress.
We got radar tracking us over China.
Bearing needs to change.
Big Bird,
watch out for radar activity.
Radar activity, watch out, Big Bird.
Roger that, Control.
John, take us up 10 angles.
Taking us up 10 angles.
You brought my plane.
You bring my money?
A man with priorities. I like that.
A little spending cash.
A hundred million will be sent
to your numbered account.
- Well...
- You wanna double that?
What you got in mind?
This is Navy SEAL team,
Baker One, target in sight.
It's now or never. Ready to deploy.
Okay, SEALs,
you're go for insertion.
Over target zone now.
Go, go, go.
Target approaching.
I can see hostiles on the ground.
Better watch your step.
This is Ranger team Baker One.
Secure on the ground...
- ... and waiting for SR-71.
- SR-71, this is Control.
Refuel at heading 0.02.
SR-71 going in for refueling.
Sir, Alpers, Fielding and Patterson
didn't make it.
I saw the militia take them out.
There's too much activity outside,
we'll hole up here.
Any activity on the radar?
we're not on anyone's radar for now.
Take us directly
over North Korea and Vietnam.
Taking us
over North Korean airspace.
- Here they come.
- Coming in, coming in.
Okay, I got the landing strip.
Take us 270 degrees...
...and drop to 30 angles.
Taking to 270 and drop to 30.
And we're clear.
Nothing moving on the infrared.
Copy that.
Sir, intel reports heavy troop activity
in that region.
John, you'll have to set down
and abandon the plane.
We've got a jeep
waiting for you in a hangar.
It's all fueled up and ready to go.
Roger that.
Jannick's your partner
on this one, John.
He drives in with you...
...he's your backup...
...and if needed,
he's your replacement.
If you fail,
I want another pilot standing by.
Roger that.
Flanders, get me Admiral Pendelton
on the Crateon Davies.
Sir, we have a secure call coming in
from a General Barnes.
Patch him through.
What's the occasion, Tom?
I'm sending a couple of guys
into bandit country.
You owe me a bottle of Scotch
from the last game of golf we played.
Can I get an assist
from the fourth fleet?
I've received no intel
about an operation.
One of my planes is missing.
- Where?
- Northern Afghanistan.
Jesus Christ, Tom.
That's a shooting gallery up there.
I mean, we'd...
We'd have to skirt the no-fly zone.
That's worth at least two bottles
of Scotch, and make it single malt.
Help me get my plane back and
I'll buy you a whole goddamn case.
Copy that.
Have Commander Jackson
air group report to me.
Yes, sir.
Where's my SEAL team?
I got no communication,
I'm starting to get hinky.
John, Admiral Pendelton
is assembling a strike force to assist.
That won't be necessary.
We're on the ground.
We got orders
and we're gonna follow them.
We're working on a tight
decision cycle here, John.
If you can't get that plane out
in 24 hours, we're gonna go in...
...and dust down the entire area.
- I know, I got 24 hours...
...and 47 minutes
before you send in the strike team.
I understand that, and believe me,
we'll have to pop your friend.
- Okay, guys, good luck.
- We're moving.
Sir, do you want to explore
more options?
If we wait longer than 24 hours,
they're liable to mount a first strike.
Look, the X-77
throws the ball in their court.
Rojar, did anyone see you?
- Me? I was careful not to be followed.
- You shouldn't have done that.
- We're being watched.
- I had to come.
- I have some very bad news.
- What?
- The American soldiers...
- Yeah, the Navy SEAL?
- Shit.
- Every single one of them.
Ambushed in the night
by Eliana's soldiers.
Well, what about John and Jannick?
I don't know. No news.
If they are safe, nobody's with them...
...they are all alone.
- No, they have us.
You want me to go
to the rendezvous point?
No, it's too dangerous.
Look, John knows
where to find me, okay?
According to the agency...
...this region over here is run
by the Black Sunday terrorist group.
With a weapon like this
in their hands...
Okay, I want everything
the agency's got on these bastards.
Yes, sir.
Pull up here, check the map...
...and stash the vehicle.
Okay, sir. Overhead shots.
That's the landing strip
and a small village.
And we're here.
All right, why don't you hide this jeep
and I'm gonna see if I can find...
...any sign of the SEAL team.
- Yes, sir.
Our scouts reported movement
somewhere around here.
You three stay here.
Not a fucking thing.
All right, we're gonna head over
to my asset.
If we get split up...
...let's meet at the hangar.
Fan out. The plane landed nearby.
Look for a vehicle.
There's a vehicle hidden here.
I found a jeep. Looks abandoned.
I want you to block him off.
Take this, and get up and go.
- Go and check on the others.
- Okay.
What do we have here?
Looks like a pilot.
Captain Richard Jannick,
United States Air Force.
Why don't you just tell me
where your plane is?
Why don't you kiss my ass?
I'll kill you.
What are you waiting for?
Go on!
- Sir, for you.
- Eliana.
We found a pilot, an American.
Another man escaped.
Bring me the pilot.
Don't say a fucking word.
- No response from radio calls?
- None at all, sir.
Get me Barnes at Edwards.
Go ahead, sir.
This is Admiral Pendelton,
U.S. Navy.
I'll inform General Barnes.
Sir, we've lost radio contact
with them.
Well, do something else.
Try something, try Morse code.
Send up smoke signals.
I don't care, do something.
Good afternoon.
So glad you could make it.
My name is Stone. And you are?
Screw you.
Your identification tags say
you are Richard Jannick.
A captain
in the United States Air Force.
Yeah, you got my name,
my rank, my ID number.
There's nothing else I can tell you.
Are there any more
surprise guests coming?
The Air Force.
Delivering a half-ton of ordinance
on this hellhole.
Have you seen
what the new smart bombs can do?
Yes, I have. Quite impressive.
In fact, I'd like to use
this plane of yours...
...to help deliver
a couple of smart bombs of our own.
But first...
...I have one more question
to ask you...
...about this other pilot.
Who is he?
Tell me
when you're ready to answer.
Or maybe we should do this
in a more civilized manner.
- What do you think, sir?
- He's not gonna give him up.
Probably right.
- I'll put base on high alert.
- Go ahead.
You wanted to see me, admiral?
Budd, I want you to ready
a squadron, long-range op.
- Another training exercise?
- I'm afraid not.
This might be the real thing.
Who you got?
Well, I can have Hinkle and his team
on standby.
Where are they flying, sir?
That's restricted airspace.
- What's it all about?
- Need-to-know basis, commander.
I can't tell you this time, Budd.
- You'll get your orders in due course.
- With all due respect, admiral...
...you can drive this flattop
any way you please...
...but once those aircraft leave
the deck, they're my responsibility.
I'm not gonna put my pilots
in harm's way without written orders.
You'll have your written orders,
All right, gentlemen,
let's break it up.
Still fine as hell, ain't you now?
Jesus, John.
I was expecting you a little later.
- God, I missed you.
- I missed you too.
Let me sit down.
Right about now, I'd love
to be doing something fun with you...
...but shit's a little bit sideways
around here. What do you know?
John, I have some bad news.
Over there.
We've got a problem.
One of my men
has been taken down.
I'm gonna need some help
searching the village.
It's gotta be him.
I'll take care of it.
What the fuck?
- Police.
- Wait a minute, let me dress.
- Open the door.
- Wait.
I said, open the door now.
What do you want?
I'm looking for an American.
Captured one already.
- He killed a member of my patrol.
- I find that hard to believe.
We suspect...
...he's an American spy.
He's not here.
You've had men here before,
haven't you?
Tell me
what you're really looking for.
Go on, get out.
Is this what you want?
I'll remember that.
I bet you will.
- Keep an eye on her.
- That was quick.
Fuck you.
Eleven hours and 52 minutes left.
- They should be back by now.
- Sir...
...are we really going to destroy
a $ 75-million war plane if John fails?
We have no choice.
General Barnes for you, sir.
Secure the line,
don't patch this through.
- Yes, Tom.
- Frank, have you been able...
...to reestablish radio contact
with my guys yet?
Nothing. It's been 12 hours.
I can have a squadron from the carrier
do a fly-over.
No. If we have to send in
search and rescue...
...we'll have to tell them
about the plane. I can't risk that.
I understand.
And I'm not spooking the terrorists
into moving the plane either.
If my guys can't get it,
we're gonna have to destroy it...
...and everything in the region.
Taking out the garbage, huh?
Still no radio contact?
None, sir.
Peter Stone.
British father, Muslim mother, spent
his childhood in the Middle East...
...but educated at Oxford.
Mother was killed in a U.S. Attack
during Desert Storm...
...and as a result,
he started financing terrorist groups...
...and later formed
the Black Sunday group.
Which brings us to Eliana Reed.
Second in command
of Black Sunday.
She trains with various
guerilla groups in the region...
...giving Stone
the foundation he needs.
Three years ago, Stone negotiated
his way into a major arms deal...
...which was brokered by Ms. Reed.
You're wasting your time.
I ain't talking.
See, the funny thing
about biological warfare...
...is you don't really know
what's hit you until it's too late.
Can you imagine?
Football pitches.
Rock concerts.
Playgrounds, schoolyards,
all those people.
Imagine how quickly
that would spread.
At first, you would probably think
it was just food poisoning.
Within 12 hours, they'll all be dead.
Think how much damage
one bomb could do.
And I've got two.
One for Europe.
And one
for the United States of America.
And your plane to deliver them
Well, who's gonna fly for you, huh?
Hey, Rick.
How's my old buddy, John?
- I can't believe you're doing this.
- Hey.
The price was right.
We fly at dawn, fuel the planes.
So, what's the bad news?
The SEAL team's been taken out
and they got Jannick.
Holy shit.
Home base is gonna ask me
to abort the op and call me back.
So, what do we do?
Over here. These are the aerial
photographs of the airstrip, okay?
In this hangar over here
is where they're hiding the bitch.
I think I could steal her. I really do.
What's security like there?
Well, there's 60 multinational
mercenaries, heavily armed.
Okay, well,
I see you got my tools here.
If we get into the hangar
we won't be able to use any guns.
Perimeter looks like about 250 feet out
right here with these outbuildings.
This is definitely
the point of least resistance.
If we get inside this hangar
where she is, we can't use any guns.
Only knives.
We all know how to use knives.
Take everybody out there.
Jump in the bitch and fly her out, man.
It's possible. If we can't do that,
we blow her up and get out.
- Rojar, you'll lead us in.
- Okay, I'll pick you up at dawn.
But once we get within one mile
of the perimeter...
...we have to be on high alert. That is
where there may be some checkpoints.
So, what do we do
when we do get to a checkpoint?
We cut off their testicles.
Or we teach them
how to sing soprano.
- Admiral.
- Commander.
We just had confirmation
from our eye in the sky.
The SEAL team they sent down
didn't make it.
One hundred percent casualties.
Oh, God.
It's time we let some hellfire
loose on these bastards.
No, no, no, not yet,
we still have people on the ground.
They've been out of radio contact
for 22 hours.
- They've probably bought it too.
- We don't know that.
We can't jeopardize them...
...and the chance
to get this damn plane back.
What, two guys
against a whole army?
- The odds are stacked against them.
- Maybe so, but I still have my orders.
We gotta give it our last shot.
I don't mean to second-guess you,
...but we know
where that plane is right now.
I say we cut our losses
and take it out.
Once it's on the move again, we've got
no way of tracking it. Game over.
No, no, we wait.
Over there.
- Loaded and ready for delivery.
- When can you be up in the air?
Couple hours. Program
the coordinates into the computer...
...and set up the GPS
with the waypoints.
Good. Do it.
You're going to have to pull over soon.
We're going to be there very shortly.
Stop. Get out of the car.
Your papers, please.
I know, you want my papers, right?
Go, boss. Go, go. Move.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
We're getting very close now.
You're going to have to pull over.
We're going to have to finish this
on foot.
I don't know what's up,
but if this goes wrong...
...both of our asses are on the line.
You wanna level with me?
Fair enough.
An Air Force plane
has gone missing.
- Stolen by one of their own jet jocks.
- So let the Air Force get it back.
This isn't just any ordinary plane,
It's the next-generation Stealth.
Now, that technology...
...falls into the wrong hands we have...
- Looks like it already did.
I've never known you to back out
of a good fight, Budd.
Let's throw
the damn rulebook away.
Oh, what the hell.
You've got four planes up
on the flight deck. Fueled, armed...
...ready to go.
Outstanding, commander.
Less than two hours
left on the clock, sir.
Is the Crateon Davies in position
and the strike team ready?
Admiral Pendelton is giving
the wing commander his final briefing.
- Captain Hinkle reporting, sir.
- Squadron ready, admiral.
Locked and loaded.
What's the mission?
- Lieutenant.
- Sir.
Oh, shit.
You're to hit that with every piece
of ordinance you have.
- Burn it all.
- Take out the hangar...
...the landing strip,
the goddamn outhouse.
There better not be a rat left crawling
when you've finished.
- Aye, sir.
- Dismissed.
All clear.
Everything all right here?
What if John and Jannick are still in
the area when the strike team arrives?
If they get my plane back,
I'll call off the strike.
And what if they don't?
are entering our airspace.
For now, the system is disabled.
The X-77 must be in that hangar
over there.
- There is an F-16 there too.
- We can't fly them both out of here.
No, we don't care
about the other plane.
Jannick's in that hangar
right up in there.
- You need him to fly the other plane?
- I don't care about the other plane.
- I just can't leave him behind.
- So in other words, he's your friend?
Yeah, but he's an asshole.
Three diversions, simultaneous,
three diversions.
You got it, boss.
Let's party.
Babe, let me come with you.
- Like I told you, west side.
- Okay.
Right. We've got company.
- You two stay here.
- Yes, sir.
There's been a security breach...
...on the south side
of the perimeter fence.
Someone's cut a bloody hole in it.
- Get on to it.
- I'm on it.
Perimeter's semi-clear.
Jannick's in that building right there.
I'm gonna get him, get in that plane
and get out of here, are you ready?
Yeah, I got your back.
Don't move.
Come here.
Don't move, motherfucker,
don't move.
You didn't have to come back, John.
- You should have just taken the plane.
- Not my style to leave people behind.
Grab the 47 and watch the door.
Listen, I need cover fire,
can you fly?
- Shit, yeah.
- You can fly.
I need some cover fire,
and then you get up and help.
John, Ratcher's one of them.
Yeah, I know.
All right, you go find Ratcher.
Her and I will get the plane...
...meet you in the hangar.
What the fuck was that?
You better get on that plane.
Not without my money.
Fine. Let's settle this.
Make sure there's no gunfire
around the plane.
Is that all of it?
- For now, yes, it is.
- You sure?
I've initiated the wire transfer.
Fly the goddamn...
Come on.
Shit, shit, shit.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Shit, shit, shit.
Oh, Jesus.
- You guys just don't quit, do you?
- What the hell are you doing here?
I'm getting rich. You know
how much I'm getting paid for this?
Two hundred million dollars,
free and clear.
- But this is treason.
- Treason? Open your eyes.
You've been brainwashed
by those flag wavers at the Air Force.
Making money is the American way.
- It's all bullshit.
- But that's not how it works...
...you know that.
Drop it.
A lot of people looked up to you,
Ratcher, including me.
Who asked you? I didn't.
Fuck you.
Kiss my big fat Arab ass!
Don't try anything. Move.
How long before Pendelton's planes
arrive over the target?
Strike force, this is Edwards,
what is your ETA?
ETA to target
is less than five minutes.
Less than five minutes, sir.
Hey, John.
Long time no see.
You know,
I would be ashamed of you...
...but I don't think
you deserve my shame.
- But I trained you for this, man?
- Shit.
I could train you. I got the skills.
Was this about money? Uncle Sam
didn't give you enough money?
Your mama
didn't give you enough money?
Oh, look around you, John.
We got French, Italians, Russians.
We're just a bunch of fucking
mercenaries out to make a big hit.
you ain't gonna get no big hit.
I wish I had the time to whoop your ass
and then shoot you...
...but I got to go.
Make him fly in the plane.
If he makes one false move, shoot him.
When you shoot him, don't ruin your
own plane, so you can get back home.
Open his door, make him lie down.
Captain Hinkle.
- Proceed with your bombing mission.
- Copy that.
Have him dust the bastards down.
Baby, you all right back there?
Time for rodeo, buckle up.
Move your ass.
They're gonna carpet bomb this area
any minute now.
I'll take my chances.
Get in the fucking plane!
John. John, come in, John.
- This is John. Go ahead, Jannick.
- I'm sorry, buddy...
...but I didn't make it.
- Where is Ratcher?
- He's in the F-16.
Don't worry about him,
I'll take care of him.
You go get him for me.
Roger that, brother.
Lock onto the Stealth plane!
Fire missile!
Locked-on missile sighted.
This is Hinkle,
making final bombing approach.
Base, this is Bad Mojo.
Base, this is Bad Mojo, come in.
Base, this is Bad Mojo.
Yes, John.
We've got the package, sir.
What took you so long?
Had to jump-start my camel, sir.
We've got some hazardous material
on the plane.
It's an NBC bomb,
we're gonna have to be very careful.
Can you fly the plane
safely back to Edwards...
...so we can disarm the bombs?
Yes, sir.
How's Jannick?
Jannick is no longer with us.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Roger that, sir.
So who's flying the 16?
- It's Ratcher.
- Son of a bitch.
Request permission
to deal with that, sir.
I don't give a damn
what you want, John.
But if he shoots you down, it will be
the same as dropping the bombs.
Roger that, sir.
Try to lock onto this.
I'm right behind you, Ratcher.
If the X-77 is shot down over Europe,
the disease will spread like this:
Twelve hours.
Twenty-four hours.
Thirty-six hours.
Forty-eight hours.
Holy shit.
That's what we're up against.
This is no naval or air force matter.
This is global.
Whole damn kit and caboodle.
Tricks, John. That's all they are.
I could outfly you in a school bus.
I've still got a few up my sleeve.
You might learn something yet.
Why fly against each other
when we can fly together?
Come on, John,
we're talking millions of dollars here.
What do you care about
those people down there?
From up here, they're nothing.
Sorry, no deal.
I'm the one who's sorry.
We could have shared the money.
I'm not for sale.
Engaging active stealth.
I don't have to see you, John.
I just have to predict
where you'll go.
That ram skin on your wings
is pretty fragile stuff.
One well-placed hit
might bring the whole plane down.
Coming around.
Got a lock.
Oh, shit.
Home base, this is Bad Mojo.
Home base, come in.
Yes, John?
Mission accomplished.
On the way in.
What about the bombs?
Yes, sir. We've got the package, sir.
Copy that.
Okay, guys, great work.
Let's bring him home.
Well done, everybody.
Mission accomplished.
Go, Navy.
Right, back to your posts.
Thanks for putting yourself
out on a limb for me, Budd.
Well, you had it pegged right,
About saving the human race
from destruction?
Hell, no.
About my not being able to resist
the chance to kick some ass.
Get me Barnes.
I wonder if this would have anything
to do with a case of whiskey, sir?
What's that to you, lieutenant?
Yes, sir.
Good to see you back
in one piece, John.
Now that I'm not in the military,
I don't have to salute you.
I won't miss your salute, colonel,
but I'll miss you, John.
All right.
Let's go.