Flight Of The Living Dead: Outbreak On A Plane (2007) Movie Script

BellotoN for Gore Nation
- How is everything?
- Well.
It is calmed. I am glad of which
the airplane is not full.
You astonish to me.
And the meteorological conditionses?
That me d? more problems.
Llegamos in time?
No, we go delayed to Paris.
It tell me that
- you will sleep a little.
- I will lie down soon, you I promise it.
They see with us,
it will be amused.
Paris at night,
the Elyseos Fields, the discs,
- men
- I have things that to do.
I must leave you,
I have work.
You are not the unique one.
What is this boosting charge?
A shipment of last minute
for the government.
There will be a armed watchman
in the compartment.
He is high-priority.
What is what takes?
I prefer not to know it.
Apparently, everything is in rule,
we are going to be able to loosen to the explorer.
There are orders of which if there is
some anomaly
that it concerns the shipment
An anomaly?
We must warn
to doctor Bennett
and to doctor Sebastian.
They are those that loaded it.
They are in first.
An anomaly?
I am happy that it is
my last flight.
- Lucas, c?lmate.
- You do not listen to me!
I refuse to lose Kelly.
C?lmate. We had said that
no scandal.
We will remove it from the coma
in means with calm atmosphere.
By all means
he is not very orthodox,
but it is necessary to do it quickly,
it is the only exit.
Is not orthodox?
Dying Esaba
and we saved it.
Without us, there would be dead,
you already know it.
Conseguimos to convince
to our friend?
Kolinsky organized everything,
we will meet in the Prague.
In the Prague?
The laboratory is not in Toulon?
Hackers will go there
We do not have time!
We knew the risks.
But it thinks about the good that becomes.
We give back beings to the life.
It is the reason of our sacrifice.
It was conscious of the risks.
It is easy to say it, is not
your woman who is within that!
I know what you feel.
I include/understand to you.
I am perfectly conscious
of which it is in game.
The luck of my society
it depends on this project
and I can be killed
in order to save to thousands.
I will not leave anybody,
neither to you nor to your woman,
nothing that puts it in danger.
and it returns to sentarte.
The subject is closed.
We agree?
One is not going away to loosen.
You do not worry yourself,
it will not leave Paris,
not with us in any case.
Young lady?
A rum-soda water.
I feel, I forgot it my modales.
Totally in agreement.
A very short soda water?
With a little rum,
this will remain between us,
in agreement?
And you, gentleman
Burrows, Truman.
No, thanks.
I, am Frank.
Frank Lee Strathmore.
It is a rich name in history,
my family
The history of your family
it does not interest to him.
They stopped me by a history
false of infractions.
We will see ourselves under the Eiffel tower,
to midnight
I feel decepcionarte,
but our friend
very he will be occupied.
Nothing burdens.
I am to your disposition.
Let us say that it is not
my day of luck.
If you act well,
it is to you to whom it goes
to miss.
It closes the mouth and it drinks your soda water.
Truely charming.
- You would put a little to Me sugar?
- Calmmonos.
Ally made its suitcases?
For five years.
The famous retirement
of Ray Bashore.
Is not your last flight?
She preferred to remain
in order to prepare the trip.
Where v?is?
Vacations with the grandsons,
and soon, cruise in Alaska,
single she and I.
- What romantic!
- The cruise, yes,
but the chiquillos
that nightmare.
This seems to me fantastic.
He is not terrible there ahead.
Nothing disquieting.
What interminable flight
I am impatient
to make purchases in Paris.
Courtney advised to me
to go to see jewels,
and soon
I am impatient
to go to practice surf to Biarritz.
- Practicar surf?
- Yes, you included/understood well.
- Speech for you.
- As you want.
With the vixen of Jackie.
Tony is my colleague, in agreement?
We have come for this.
And its friend
he is true puta.
What happens to you?
I do not like, that is everything.
If you say it.
A masterful play, friend.
He is not bad.
You are making me damage.
You are listillo.
Good launching.
You I give back it as soon as
let play.
It cannot confiscate it.
Apparently, yes.
Good launching.
Mr. Freeman?
- Can give an autograph me?
- By all means.
Its last putt
in the end of the Masters
Fu pure poetry.
- Here it is.
- Thanks, Mr. Freeman.
One cannot have peace?
I thought that she could
to forget golf.
He had the intention.
I swear to you
that during the rest of the trip,
I will be simply Billy.
You are going to forget to the king drive.
I adore this smile.
Disc?lpeme, Mr. Freeman.
Bashore commander
he wanted to salute to him.
Can happen to see him
at the moment of its rest?
No problem.
If it already finished
to speak with my husband,
I want another one bloody Mary.
I am of vacations.
I am engaged in it.
This time does not forget the vodka,
is as well as I animate myself!
He would be bad-mannered not to take care of to him.
The bottom must have left some type
that it does not have your autograph.
Perhaps it would have
to go to solve that.
You knew the situation
marrying with me.
It is what I believed.
You are right that I must
to polish your to putter.
He is everything what you are going to polish.
You did not say that last night.
You know that it is an error.
For that reason Interpol
it put your photo throughout.
Common error of identification.
I do not deserve this.
I am innocent.
It is unjust to persecute to me
around the world
by a crime
that I did not commit.
I am innocent.
I am innocent,
I become aware calm.
What I must do
for probarte my innocence?
A miracle.
C?llate or I cover the mouth to you with
your oxygen mask.
One already went away.
We can avoid it,
not to fly over it.
It is a great disturbance.
One extends to 150 miles
to the west,
wherever we go,
we have it beaten.
If no, we always can
to give returned average,
but we lose 30 minutes at least.
Meteorology in Paris is bad.
I am going to turn aside itself to the left
and to avoid it.
It is the only solution
if it is wanted to avoid.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we crossed a zone
of turbulences. Quednse seated
and abrochnse its belts.
This must be one
fall of some luggage.
Error of the system
An intervention equipment
from the company and the FBI they took
the MEDCON premises.
Some haltings
they have been carried out
but we ignored
where they are
the 4 main suspects.
First he is the Dr Leo Bennett,
head of investigators
and MEDCON founder,
famous by its works
on rtrovirus
and synthetic Biology.
Investigated Fu
by illegal clonaci?n,
but it was not possible to be demonstrated
no accusation.
It is not sufficient
in order to bother the President.
Atngase to the facts.
Let us try to recover
its hard disk
and we must be alert.
Let us think that she is the author
of a new stock
of the virus of the malaria.
As well as of its preparation
and of its transport.
- The malaria?
- He is that about which one thought about the principle.
But we discovered
that one is another thing.
Still completely not known.
It had DNA of a mosquito
original of the fine bottom of Vietnam
that it has a mortality index
of the 100% in a second.
He is able to regenerate
during a second,
or more, according to the sample.
Bennett developed a mutation
of he himself virus
that he allows to regenerate the organs
- indefinitely.
- That is to say, that this virus
kills organs and it revives them?
- Not only that.
- It was experimenting
the resurrection
of the whole body.
That cannot be certain, we go!
According to our investigation,
it was successful.
Hay somebody?
What is what happens?
What is what it happens to me?
It cannot be. What fails?
It alerts
Problem of communication
and of electricity.
Fall of temperature
in the compartment.
Concord 239 to the tower.
Concord 239 to the tower!
Brilliant, problems in the radio
in this foll?n!
But this goes or no?
I am ill.
Necesito helps!
I am investigator
of laboratories MEDCON.
Where is doctor Bennett?
I must speak to somebody!
I am going to leave.
Does not shoot!
Leave and nonfiring.
Where is?
I go to the toilets.
You bring a tail to Me light?
- Yes, wanted.
- Thanks, baby.
Pump goes.
It is a bomb?ncito, the vixen.
Joder, this makes damage!
Hello, wanted.
I imagine that it was broken
the pipe of the toilets.
Yes, my love.
They see here.
Some problem?
And if somebody sees us?
We are in the toilets,
of what you are scared?
It is not what meant.
You are the best friend of Peter.
And what?
Pardon, did not want asustarte.
He is not nothing, was distracted.
Return to his site
and its belt abr?chese.
- Another coffee?
- Yes, thanks.
The request.
Megan, this rima with vegan.
I practiced,
during 2 days.
- Megan vegan!
- Only Megan.
Yes, I have included/understood.
- It is going to seat again.
-, Yes clear
but more letter is a little.
There is rare people.
We do not know who can raise
to a flight.
Return to its seat.
Thanks. I close it.
Is not truth!
Too much amused, no?
This diversion will make forget me
your old fashioned suit.
What you prefer
an orange pajamas?
Like which you are going to take?
You do not serve to be bad,
whereas what I do
an advice is ofrecerte
on the change of suit.
I like much your shirt.
Does It for man?
For your information, the pajamas
in France they are bordeaux.
That would go to you perfect.
I will offer the underpants to you
that they combine.
One would say that you are jealous.
I am going to lower a little.
Crees that this is finished?
We are going to see.
Here Randy.
Stacy to the speech.
There are wounded passengers.
I do not know, this is a chaos.
We do the best thing than we can.
We will have to him to the current.
We have one calms momentary.
That they are going to verify,
I want to know.
Our excuses by
these strong turbulences.
The situation seems to improve
but we crossed
an unstable zone,
I request to them that they remain seated
so far.
Only the attack personnel
he is authorized to circulate.
You can verify if
they are the passengers affluent?
P?delo to one of the doctors,
Bennett or Sebastian
that they check the state
of the shipment with you.
The shipment?
I will take my material.
Nothing burdens?
It is its head.
How goes? Hurts something to You?
Puto headache.
They are the turbulences.
- I am scared.
- That blandengue.
This will be fixed.
Tienes some problem?
Tienes fear that crashes?
If agarrro you will see you, to joder
Pon to average light and
estate calm.
- Cierra the mouth!
- That co?o happens?
- What?
- Really, you are one puta cow.
You, damn vixen,
coarse of stupidities!
Already is enough!
It sees sentarte.
This bond also for you.
To your sites.
What you think?
We had several alert
He is not probably nothing,
but better it will be to verify.
I agree.
Those that go, that me
find when coming out.
This hill a little
to lower, and it is not easy.
Eh excrement.
- You it had said it.
- Barren!
It sees see the passengers.
If there has been some error,
Kelly will have died.
Vig?lalo, that no
make idioteces.
- Everything goes well?
- Perfectly.
what we can make businesses?
The airplane is empty.
You are of joke, everything goes well.
Treatment of ayudarte.
To only it waits for you you,
is necessary to joder itself, colleague!
- If he is complicated
- But no.
I take care of that.
Not without danger.
Yes, if fear is had of
the dark.
It sees, Burrows.
I need to go to the urinal.
- I have desire to piss.
- No
You have already heard it,
qudate seated and holds.
Very well.
If you feel something lukewarm,
you move a little to the right.
True chiquillo.
Come, we go there.
For ahead.
By all means.
Mr. Burrows?
Is not truth!
Gentlemen, went away.
What way to touch cojones.
The flight deck.
Here Megan, takes 4 Ls.
We have a problem.
Is serious?
Poli that the prisoner escorted
he has been attacked,
and the type disappeared.
you will not have seen
a type flacucho
with the returned neck blue?
This of explains here
the failure of the radio.
Thorp Doctor? Kevin?
He is not in the seat
of monitoring.
- It is impossible.
- Busquemos!
Hay to close the feeder!
Kelly God mine
Never you do that!
- What you murmur?
- Nothing!
And you are not crude with me.
Ey, the tortolitos.
One assumes that you must
to be in your sites.
Hazme a sandwich,
while you are there.
What you did?
What you transport?
Go to its sites.
- It is going to seat.
- What is what happens?
Ray, opens!
- What happens?
- It is necessary to land.
Aterriza or we are going all to palmar!
What is what happened down?
Those putos doctors
they released something!
What? Where is the doctors?
Vamos all to also die!
Sintate and calmate!
I am seated!
What happened to you?
Esc?chame kindly,
If you do not land more soon,
you, I, Emily,
everybody is going to die.
I cannot do this
without authorization,
There is something there
a cruel creature
that she is going to kill to us
if we do not do something,
so she acts
as you want
- Calm
- A place Finds,
and airplane lands this puto,
although is on a way!
The radio does not go and we have
this storm.
I am going to give returned average.
There is an agent of the TSA attack.
Encuntralo and that appears here.
You are sure that it is it?
Then, they died,
and what he killed them
was not human?
I know that is foolish,
but I saw with my eyes.
I saw monsters
to do pat with its meat
and to eat them!
It seems that there is a fugitive attack.
Perhaps he was he.
You I said it,
there were two
and they were not human.
I want to know
what there was there inside.
Where you go?
To make speak to that cowardly one
of Bennett.
I am going to go to see.
I have you to the current.
Tenemos something?
How goes the head?
Better than the ego.
As soon as this calms,
I again begin to look for it.
You do not go there only.
So that, he is dangerous?
He is not an assassin,
he is rather a swindler.
What did?
He was made happen
by an accountant,
he robbed the Russian Mafia,
he took hold his jet plane
and he starred it.
Everybody wants it.
So that you take it to Paris?
How goes?
You would have sentarte again.
I know prudent.
Control tower of Yellowknife
Mira this!
I believe that I located to
Concord 239.
He was missing
for one hour.
Los Angeles? Here Yellowknife.
I believe that I have its Concord
in my screen.
It is between two fronts
and the transponder indicates
that it changed of course.
No contact of radio.
The attempt.
Concord 239,
here the tower of Yellowknife.
Tower of Yellowknife
to Concord 239.
CCT of Los Angeles.
Well, I include/understand.
Give instructions to 239
to return to American space.
It will not have the authorization
to land
nor to fly over ours
by decision of the discharges
Canadian instances
in agreement with the ministry of
Foreign subjects and the Health.
Can say to me what
it transports in the warehouse?
I feel it,
my shipment is classified
like secret by Defense,
it does not have access there.
I belong
to the aerial security,
I must be put to as much.
What possibility has to have
a man like you on board.
The atmosphere of the airplane puts to me
a little nervous,
everything goes well?
It horrifies the airplane to me.
Its two colleagues
they accompanied the copilot
to the warehouse
was some problem?
No, none.
- A simple routine control.
- That is.
However, if this shipment
he is not dangerous,
he is very fragile and most expensive.
He is why nobody
it can approach him.
- D?game
- I feel It,
I already said too much.
Paul Judd, TSA,
his prisoner is in the warehouse.
- Mustrate!
- Dra. Thorp!
Dr Sebastian!
Hay somebody?
That blood pool.
- Somebody had a problem.
- If he is Frank, it needs aid.
Acrcame that.
It had to slip by the conduits.
I do not know anything on that.
It is much blood
for mequetrefe like him.
You see this way, I I go over there.
We did not find in 5 minutes.
There I will be, friend
Veto, that discusses a little.
Everything goes well, you do not worry.
You and I are going to speak, single.
I am going to solve this excrement.
You will have wanted it.
I raise.
You are safe of that?
Thanks, lieutenant.
They located to Bennett
and its equipment.
You know, sometimes this work
he is singsong truely,
but now it is not the case.
We can say that
you put it sharp.
- In the name of God!
- Voy to vomit!
What is this house of crazy people?
What is what happens, to joder?
Fell to me above!
Hay firings by all
the senses!
Please, it sintese.
Everything goes well.
Go to its sites.
Everything goes well.
It is the total chaos here.
There were firings,
the passengers are terrified.
Ve there! Agarra a weapon!
Is not possible!
It backs down.
Vuelva to seat!
Deja happen!
Beloved, ?breme!
Salt of there!
Qudate there! You do not move!
Joder, what is that excrement?
Excrement of airplane!
What happens, to joder?
What is what happened?
Be going to seat.
Cabin of pilotage.
We have problems.
A passenger has been attacked
and he died.
It is necessary that somebody takes care.
- Megan
- You do not include/understand,
there is blood throughout,
and there are wounded passengers.
Who attacked them?
Probably the fled prisoner,
if no, I do not know.
We are going to land
as soon as it is possible.
But it is necessary to happen
by the center of the disturbance.
The passengers must
to seat in its sites.
Tengo as much fear!
Excrement! Socorro!
Socorro, ay?deme!
Van to kill to us!
It is necessary that
be going to see the passengers.
?breme! Socorro!
All are going to die!
Ay?dame, to joder!
What is what happens?
You I cannot explain,
is necessary to release itself!
Van to kill to us!
C?lmate and cuntame!
What is what happens?
Sit?ate here,
you must shoot from here!
Vamos all to palmar!
Bill, where you go?
This way!
- Where?
- Behind, the ground is fine,
we will be outside danger.
My woman is above!
You see look for it
and returns immediately!
You! Ay?dame to open this!
I found something better.
Trepa there!
D?nos that you see.
- Ves!
- Echame a hand.
To earth!
How goes? No mordedura?
We believed
What ate the passengers?
I am vegetarian.
Most of the scientists it thinks
that one is a virus
transmissible by serum.
For which it does not have
neither bovine nor remedy.
This it is transmitted
by the corporal fluids,
for example a cut
that it is in contact with the enemy with the blood
or the saliva.
MEDCON believed in that
of sharp way,
In order to paraphrase the report
of doctor Bennett,
this virus would have served
of biological weapon.
In order to allow the soldiers
to fight after its death,
in order to send to a enemy prisoner
contaminated by the virus
in order that the troops
they finish killing itself.
I am going to recommend,
as well as to the President,
to demolish flight 239 before
that she reaches a populated zone.
Va to order that she lowers herself
a civil apparatus?
We do not have any contact.
We must be conceited
that the container yielded
and that the virus
it contaminated the passengers.
The only thing that there is to do
in order to solve it,
it is to exterminate a
the occupants of that airplane,
before the virus
it reaches a populated zone.
That me d? fear.
P?seme to the President.
God mine
So that?
So that you did that?
I am speaking to You!
I am not.
I only obeyed orders.
This had to prolong the life,
I did not imagine
these atrocious results!
Bravo, idiot, his results
they ate the passengers.
I do not have to render to him
no account.
Your DAS the orders,
you speak to poli,
you are who have them
there down!
You did not include/understand anything,
I am not!
Habla less!
And he continues, you are going them to look for
with us.
The step is each
closer time.
We are near the aim.
I am wounded!
- This never is going to walk.
- It will be necessary.
We go by the other flank.
The chest, cojones,
and bingo.
They have raised barricades.
Frank, I see you!
Ven, Frank!
- Where you were?
- I? And you?
- And you?
- And you?
Busqu by all the airplane!
- I also!
- Back!
It seems that she is safer
the back part of the airplane,
- but there
- Is not the moment!
Buscaremos another way!
- Ves!
- Is what I do!
Taken care of!
Attention, that way!
Profit not to raise it
You do not understand anything.
My love!
Not you even.
Continuous, we go!
It looks for everything what can
to serve as weapon.
Somewhat sharp Tienes?
They confiscated to me
my cortau?as,
inlaid with per them.
If you had kept it,
we were saved.
- We will never know.
- And the ammunition?
A shipper, and still 5.
And if they were electrocutados?
Good, it has not been obtained.
Idiot, tell me that you died.
Where you found it?
The evacuation lights!
They are not going to take in igniting.
That I hope, to the aim.
It is necessary to find arms.
The cabin does not respond?
All died!
It is our turn.
Esc?chame well,
we are not going to die,
you I promise it.
I need your aid.
You must be brave.
What was?
That comes from above.
It is necessary to handle the apparatus.
The pilot always is alive?
- Treatment to join it.
- It begins again.
It died, we are in
automatic pilotage.
Then, we are going to remain in the air?
Until it is left kerosene.
What would be preferable.
More kerosene?
It is necessary to go to the cabin
before they arrive.
You do not have enough balls.
The watchman of down has a weapon.
We needed it.
Quieres to go down?
And if it used its ammunition?
It is a risk.
Enchanted to see
that conserves
your sense of humor.
I know that is bared,
but I am going to try
to recover the weapon
without exploding the airplane.
So that beams this?
I made a promise.
I always have word.
I have a radar contact
with Concord 239.
It would have to be visual
in 2 minutes.
If this is,
I can go to me
with your new friend?
P?nte in contact with the apparatus,
you have three minutes.
To my signal, three minutes.
Three minutes to put itself in contact.
The roundup and shipment the signal.
I would like that
it was the cavalry
How goes?
The time is urgent.
Van to save to us?
No, we are single.
If we did not answer,
it is going to demolish to us.
- Is impossible!
- Reason Has.
If we do not respond,
it is going to fire.
What we do?
We respond to him.
It is necessary to go to the cabin
and to respond to the signal.
Somebody knows to pilot?
- Pilotas?
- Not officially.
- But I have bases
- Bases?
This long ago.
It is enough to us
in order to make work the radio.
We do not hope.
I follow to you.
No, Billy!
- You do not leave me.
- I go for there.
Qudate here, this
it is subject mine.
- So that?
- Immediately.
This went away.
That mouth.
Pretty conduction.
We listened to him.
I do not see anybody piloting.
I repeat,
nobody piloting.
Fast, wanted!
Loose, to joder!
For lack not to look for to me!
We fall!
I remain.
It sees for there, I must wait for Anna.
No answer.
Authorization to fix the target.
Please, it repeats.
Authorization to fix the target.
Authorization to fix the target.
Anger, wanted.
I want to you.
I also, my love.
I always wanted to you.
Are you, Bennett?
They see here, son of puta.
I want to be safe
of which conserves that smile
until hell!
Here the 431,
apparently, reactor 3
it is in flames.
Tiene enc?as sagradas!
Vaya, we fall!
Where is the autopilot?
- I do not know anything of that!
- Is not equal!
- Sube arrives!
- The mouth no!
Prepared to shoot.
We are alive,
I repeat, alive.
Abandone! Abandone!
Object in approach.
Had to shoot!
- Fast!
- Already I know!
Where is the autopilot?
Imminent impact.
Deactivated autopilot.
Civilians on board,
frustrated firing. I repeat, aborted.
Recover altitude.
Tuviste success!
A mountain!
Agarra the control!
You obtained it, colleague.
What you would say
to leave with expoli?
I already left with poli.
The only thing that knew to do,
it was to rascar the back to me.
Still itches to you?
All along.
BellotoN for Gore Nation