Fly Away With Me (2022) Movie Script

Did you get
the voice-over report?
Thank you. Oh, hi, Janice. Hi.
Kyle needs the Tenolin proofs ASAP.
Okay, great.
I'll check my e-mail.
Thanks. Bye.
Not a single one of
those auditions moved me,
so just send it out again
and get me some new faces.
Seriously, how hard is it to
find a face to sell insurance?
Well, I read over the script,
and maybe nobody moved you
because I felt like
it was lacking a bit of heart.
It's a commercial, Angie,
not an Oscar movie.
Seth, I need you to fly in props
to set.
Actually, I've got dance class
in an hour.
- Uh, I can do it.
- Great. Is that for me?
- Oh, yes. Your double espresso.
- See?
This is why I think
we should give it another shot.
Of espresso?
No. Us.
Because you get me,
and all of this.
Oh. Well, what I got is
that you're not into
anything serious, which is fine.
I'm a changed man, Angie.
I haven't been out
with a woman in months.
Really. Because why would I?
I have you.
Think about it.
We could be dynamite here,
This world could be our oyster.
Props. Got to get on the props.
- Hey.
- Hi.
You working late?
Yeah. I had to step in
as props coordinator.
Wow. What hat don't you wear
in that office?
You know, honestly, I had
no idea how all-encompassing
working in production would be.
I just thought it'd be
a great way for me
to get my feet wet
while I work on my script,
which is going to be
Oscar-worthy, by the way.
I have no doubts.
Oh, no.
The apartment I was on the
waitlist for just got rented.
Why does this keep happening?
You know what they say
about this city.
It's impossible to find a job,
a boyfriend...
and a place to live.
Well, you have nailed
three out of three.
Well, part-time boyfriend,
but suits me just fine.
By the way, he just flew in,
and he's going to be crashing
here for a couple of nights.
You don't mind, do you?
No, of course not.
It's your place.
You're the best. Thanks.
Alright. I got to go.
I am late, as per uszh.
Do not stay up working too late.
Promise me.
- I won't.
- Okay. Bye.
- Love you.
- Bye.
"Exterior, jungle, day."
Coffee. I need coffee.
Good morning.
- Good morning. How'd you sleep?
- Fantastic.
- Beth?
- Yeah?
Why is Aaron wearing
my bathrobe?
Um, I forgot to wash the towels.
- It looks cute on him, though.
- It does look cute.
Please don't tell me
that is work on a Sunday.
- Oh, my gosh.
- What?
- I won!
- What?
I won the rental lottery.
I'm going to get my own place!
- Oh, my God. Really?
- I'm getting my own place.
I'm getting my own apartment,
my own space.
- She got a place!
- I got a place!
You watch the hockey playoffs
last night?
Am I alive and breathing?
You want me to pick you up
anything while I'm out?
Nah. I'm good.
Oh, hey.
- Whoop!
- Oh, sorry. There you go.
I'm not busting in.
Don't worry. I'm moving in.
To my very own...
Well, you didn't, uh,
strike me as a bandit.
And even if you were,
it's pretty hard
to get anything past Louis there.
The napping is just a cover.
Can I help you bring this
to the elevator?
Uh, no. That's okay.
Thanks, though.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Well, welcome to the building.
You are going to thrive
out here, girl. Mm-hmm.
What? Where did you come from?
Hello? Is anyone missing a bird?
Hello. Hello.
Uh, uh...
Hi. Angie Leroy?
Gineen Fowler, building manager.
- Hi.
- Welcome.
Congratulations on winning
the lottery.
Oh, thank you.
I see you're almost
all settled in.
- Almost.
- Great.
Well, in case if you haven't had
time to read my welcome e-mail,
here is a hard copy
of everything you need to know
about the building,
including my newly implemented
no-pet policy, excluding fish.
Because what mess do they make, really?
Well, the last tenant
in your unit,
I will say,
he respected the rule
but had a nasty habit of feeding
the pigeons on the balcony.
And it's the reason
the unit came up.
I think I saw a pigeon
out there.
Must be a clinger-on-er,
wondering where the buffet went.
Hmm. Well, don't worry.
I have bird control
- looking into some measures.
- Copy that.
If you need anything,
don't hesitate to ask.
And remember,
we're all one big family here.
Copy that.
I think I have something
in my throat.
I think I have
a frog in my throat.
Anyways, um, thank you so much
for everything.
Um, I will reach out
if I have any problems.
Angie: Well, what am I
supposed to do with it?
Well, did you call the zoo?
Yeah. I called the zoo,
who told me to call
wildlife services,
who told me to call
the bird rescue place,
who told me
they were overcrowded.
And I can't keep it here,
because it's against the rules.
I'm so sorry, Ang.
What about a pet store?
Oh, my gosh.
You're a genius. A pet store.
I'm going to go there now. Okay.
I'll talk to you later. Bye.
- Hi there.
- Hi.
Um, I was wondering
if you could take a parrot
off my hands.
- What kind of parrot?
- It's a blue and yellow one.
Blue and gold macaw.
A descendant
of the Psittacidae family.
Ah, yeah. Whatever.
Um, so, can you take it?
Pet shops don't take in rescues.
- None of them?
- Nada.
Uh, okay.
Well, could you tell me
which aisle
your birdcages are in?
Aisle four.
Shopping for a pet?
No, no, no. Not at all. No.
This is not for me
or my new place.
It's for my old roommate.
She got a pet, and so,
I'm picking up some stuff
for her, so...
What are you doing here?
Fish food.
Right. The only pet allowed
on the list.
- Or so we're told.
- Mm-hmm.
And we wouldn't want to
break the rules, right?
I've wanted my place
for a very long time,
so, I'm definitely going to be
crossing all my T's
and dotting all my I's.
Well, it's nice to run into you.
- Angie.
- Angie? Ted.
A pleasure
to officially meet you,
and I'm sure
I'll be seeing you around.
Yeah. That you will.
See me around.
Well, fancy meeting you again.
- Yes.
- Same floor.
So, what kind of fish
do you have?
You know, mollies, guppies.
This, uh, big old catfish.
He's kind of like
the Godfather of the tank.
Keeps the rest of them in line.
What sort of bird
does your former roommate have?
Hmm. Thing doesn't shut up.
- Sorry.
- No. Right here.
Please. After you.
Oh. Well, look at that.
We're neighbors.
Yeah. Looks like it.
Not on your Nelly.
That's my roommate.
My old roommate.
Not my one right now.
Dropping some stuff off.
Must be on the phone.
Well, I'll see you around, neighbor.
I have an online ad
for a free parrot
and one for a lost one.
Hmm. Maybe you shouldn't put it
for free.
You could get a lot of weirdos.
You are so right about that.
I just hope the owner
is looking for it.
I mean, this bird must've flown
out of somebody's place
from somewhere.
Maybe it will chirp its address.
Which would be
so much better than
the random phrases
it keeps on belting out.
Which, by the way,
almost got me in trouble
with my neighbor,
who is pretty easy on the eyes.
Please do tell me more.
Nothing to tell,
other than he's really cute.
And he has a fish,
so he plays by the rules.
Beth, no.
What are you doing?
- Is that him?
- Yeah. That's him.
Ooh. He is cute.
Oh, my God.
Okay. This is perfect.
I mean, you no longer have to
look for a place to live.
You already have a job,
and hello?
Right next door
is a potential man.
Actually, I was kind of thinking
I might give Kyle
another chance.
Before you say no...
He's not dating every woman
that walks through
the production office door anymore.
Oh, that's good. So, does that
mean he wants to get serious?
I mean, it seems like it.
And he's right. Our schedules
complement each other,
and I really don't have
any time to date anymore.
Well, you do what you want,
but he is easy on the eyes.
I know.
But with that bird, I just
want to remain neighborly.
Because I do not want him
reporting me back to Gineen,
- the condo cop.
- Okay.
So, then, you get him a bottle.
Something tropical
to go with the whole
tropical fish theme,
and then voila.
Neighborly duty is done.
And then, maybe hot neighbor
will invite you in
for a little drink.
You are relentless.
I know.
Hey. Everything okay?
Yeah. Uh, I just wanted
to bring you this.
New neighbor to new neighbor.
Wow. Thank you.
I love a Mai Tai.
I know. Who doesn't love
a little tropical in a bottle?
Is everything okay?
Uh, yes.
Just, um, hanging a picture,
and it probably fell.
Hmm. Well, I was thinking that
you and I, we could have...
Thank you. It's very thoughtful.
A drink.
Well, that didn't work.
You had to get into trouble
while I was talking to
the new neighbor, huh?
Listen, Zoe.
You got to keep it together, okay?
'Cause that one, she likes to
dot her I's and cross her T's.
Rise and shine.
Ugh. Seriously?
Early bird gets the worm.
I'm trying.
Martha? Martha?
Hey. Martha. Is that
your owner's name? Martha?
Now you stop talking.
Come on. Follow me.
Yeah. Follow me.
Yeah! Come on.
Fly outside.
Fly. Fly outside!
Fly. Fly, bird.
Fly, fly!
Come on. Fly. Woo-hoo!
Fly outside. Come on.
Fly, fly.
Don't you want to fly?
Come on.
Don't you want to go home?
Maybe you can't go home.
Where are you?
Uh, I am on my way.
Good, 'cause the Tenolin clients
aren't happy.
So, I need you to go over
some new art,
and the Hennessy proposals
need to be proofed before noon.
Yeah. Of course.
I will be there soon.
Bye, Kyle.
You be good.
Sorry about last night.
No big deal. How's your picture?
My picture?
The one that fell?
Right, yeah.
It's, uh, good. It's broken.
Definitely broken.
After you.
- Floor?
- Lobby, please.
- You off to work?
- Mm-hmm. Yep. You?
Yeah. Putting in my eight hours
directing air traffic.
You have a bird dropping
on your shoulder.
Both: 'Morning.
Oh, Ted,
I heard from maintenance
you're having some issues
with your thermostat.
Oh, actually, it's fine now.
I'll come by tomorrow
just to make sure.
And I'll see you both later
at the condo meeting?
- Yeah, of course.
- Yes.
Okay, good.
Ah. I'll see you, Ted.
Don't work too hard.
Hi. Hi there.
I don't know if
your veterinarians treat birds,
but I have a parrot that
may or may not be able to fly.
No. I really don't know much
about the parrot.
Do we need one for casting?
Um, I'm going to call you back.
Okay. Bye.
um, a bird flew into
my new place.
You got a place?
Yeah. I did.
Well, that's great.
I'll come by and see it.
Bring you a plant or something.
Uh, yeah, sure.
That's okay. Yeah.
Hey. By the way, do we have
the flight simulator booked
for the spot?
Yes, and here are the headshots
that came in for the pilot role.
I think that guy might be
a good choice.
Hmm. Nope, nope, nope.
Nope. No. None of these
are special enough.
I want, like, a
Buzz Lightyear, but not anime.
Yeah. On it.
Next on the agenda,
door decorations.
Some of you
have expressed your desire
to display wreaths and whatnot.
I think as long as
it's inoffensive,
we can bring the matter
to a vote.
All those who agree
to door decorations,
raise your hands.
Oh, wow. Um...
Now, regarding
the new no-pet policy,
I'm thrilled at how
accommodating everyone has been.
Especially because I would hate
to have to give anyone notice
for not complying.
And we all know
how difficult it is
to secure a unit in the city.
Just ask our newest tenant, Angie,
who was lucky enough to win
one of our rental units
by lottery.
Oh, wow. Thank you.
All right, then.
Up next, we have here...
What about a size restriction
to the rule?
Say if it was no pets
bigger than 50 or 60 pounds.
I'd love to oblige, Ted.
But my father,
who owns the building,
has instructed me
to maintain the property,
and all we know
pets spell property damage.
And this concludes our meeting.
- How are you settling in?
- Oh, I'm great.
Good. I love it here.
Ah. Well, I hope it works out,
because, you see, my father,
he worked very hard
to find good tenants
who respect the rules.
And I want to do my best
to follow in his footsteps.
I totally get that.
No. And I'm all about the rules.
I love rules, rules, rules,
and especially the part about
the no-pet thing.
Ugh. Who has got time for a pet?
Not me. No.
I'm glad to hear that.
Uh, crackers?
Of course. Yeah.
I'd love one, thank you.
You don't really think
this no-pet rule is reasonable,
do you?
Yes. Of course.
I think it's a bit archaic.
I mean, most places
are starting to adopt
at least size restrictions.
Well, I guess I could see that.
But why rock the boat
when you don't have to, right?
See you around.
Angie: Okay.
I only have, like, 15 minutes.
Oh, it's okay.
Don't worry about it.
I have to run back
to the apartment and clean it,
because it is a disaster.
I did not realize how much
of my slack you were picking up.
Hmm, it really wasn't that bad.
- It was all the time.
- All the time.
- Literally all the time.
- It was all the time.
Ah, so tell me about
the new place.
How's the new apartment?
How's the neighbor?
Any interaction there?
Well, I found out
he's an air traffic controller.
But if I'm going to be doing
any flirting,
it's definitely going to be Gineen.
The condo cop?
Yeah. I really want to be
on her good side,
because I think she might have
a thing for him,
Which is totally fine by me,
because I don't think Ted
wants to be all that neighborly
with me anyway.
Plus, I think Kyle might stop by
for a little housewarming.
So, we just file away the
hot pilot in the fantasy bank
for now. Wait.
Done and done.
Ooh. Thank you.
- Oh, I got to go.
- Oh.
- Sorry.
- Okay.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Thank you for my coffee.
- Of course.
Hey. Stop it. Stop it.
Hello, Angie.
Oh, hello, Gineen.
- Hmm.
- Ted is not home.
Shh, shh, shh.
He's working a double.
Really? I didn't think
air traffic controllers
were allowed
to work double shifts.
Did I say he is working?
I meant he is playing...
doubles tennis.
Oh, you know,
well then maybe I should get
the master key
- and feed his fish...
- I'm gonna feed his fish!
He asked me to do it.
I'm gonna go out,
get some fish food,
bring it back, feed his fish.
He is very busy.
Sounds like you two have become
quite... friendly.
Mmm. No, no, no.
Just good neighbors doing what
neighbors do.
Alright. I guess I'll just swing
by later.
No, uh, sort of.
I'm dog sitting.
Don't worry.
Your secret is safe with me.
I appreciate it.
Just don't tell Gineen,
if you get
caught then I'd be in cahoots.
I promise I will not bring you
down with me.
Mmm. Thanks, Ted.
Aw, thank you,
for being a good sport.
Yeah. Anytime.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
So, my sister adopted Zoe and
then two weeks later
she got a promotion overseas.
The plan was to keep her in
boarding until she got settled,
but as the emergency contact and
the boarders contacted me
when she wasn't adjusting so...
here we are.
So, how long have you been
keeping her a secret?
- Two couple of weeks.
- Ugh.
How about you?
Chatty Kathy over there
conveniently crashed
into my place
the day I moved in.
Wow, and it just stayed?
Yeah, and just stayed.
I'm actually starting to wonder
if maybe there's
something wrong with it?
I mean he can only fly
from like,
here to the couch and that's
about it.
Well, I can sympathize
with that.
What do you mean?
I um, I tried to get my wings.
But turns out getting your
pilot's license
is a lot harder than I thought.
Proved my dad right.
Better just to keep my feet
firmly planted on the ground.
Well, my mom was a dancer,
and she never kept her feet
on the ground,
she was a firm believer in
always reaching for the sky.
But that's kind of like an air
traffic controller, right?
You're like
the Godfather of the skies.
Always telling the planes where
to go, like,
"You, get outta the airspace."
Yeah, yeah, kind of
exactly like that.
You know I was wrong about you.
I thought you were all about
dotting your I's
and crossing you t's.
Well I guess...
I'm a woman of mystery then.
I'm sorry, my phone must be
connected to my Bluetooth.
- No.
- Disconnected.
Sorry about that.
Do you wanna go look at
the sunset? It's so beautiful.
Yes, I do.
Ted: So, what kind of job
do you have?
Advertising, but it's temporary,
because my dream is to one day
write scripts,
for movies.
I just haven't had a lot of
time to do it,
because of all the fires.
Well, what kind of scripts would
you write,
if you did have the time.
Like Romancing the Stone
or Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I just
love the exotic thrill of it.
Problem is, my lack of adventure
is making it kinda hard for me
to be inspired.
I mean, the most
excitement I've had
is that darn bird.
Not that I want any more
excitement with that thing.
Well, the good news is,
Gineen doesn't actually
live in the building.
But she does manage to be here
most days,
so if things get a bit exciting
I promise,
I got your back.
Thanks, Ted.
Cheers to that.
Cheers... to our joint adventure.
The air is hot.
The sky threatens.
No. Delete.
The air is thick with the threat
of a storm.
Not the only danger that
lurks in the jungle.
What danger?
Nice night, right?
Why don't we go take a look?
There you go.
Nice night, right?
Lots of stars.
I bet where your ancestors came
from there's a lot more stars.
Where do you think they came
Costa Rica? Panama?
Huh, Panama.
I like that.
I bet you could write my jungle adventure.
Angie and Gil.
That's my name. Angie.
And is your name Gil?
Well, it's very nice to meet
you, Gil.
Maybe that's a story.
A girl and her bird.
- Ted, hey.
- Hey!
Guess what? I found out the
parrot's name is Gil.
Sounds like more of a fish name
but maybe it will help me find
its owner.
Ah! Well if you want, I have an
appointment booked
with Zoe's vet this morning
and she agreed to take a look
at Gil's wing.
Really? Thanks, Ted.
That's nice of you.
Yeah, but if you have to work,
I can take him.
No, no, no, this is more important.
Let me just tell my office I
have a doctor's appointment.
You need me to write you
a doctor's note?
That's okay, but thank you.
Come on, let's go get the kids.
You want adventure?
Getting your pets out of here
without getting busted
is about as adventurous
as it gets.
Was that Ted and Angie?
I believe so. Heh.
Two of them seem to
be getting on.
Well of course.
They're neighbors.
Not like Ted and I...
we have a different kind
of connection.
I'm sure you've seen it.
Being the eyes and ears.
Alright, then.
As you were.
So, no idea where he came from?
Vet: Well I
can fix his wing.
Is it broken?
Which can heal, it'll just take
a couple of weeks.
But he'll be able to fly again?
A hundred percent. As long as we
restrict his movement.
If you want, we could board him
here until it heals.
Um... Yeah. That would be a huge
help. Thanks.
I'll just have the technician
prepare a room.
Hey, don't worry.
He'll be well taken care of.
Thanks. Plus, it will give me
time to find his owner.
Oh, Zoe, he's gonna be okay.
Okay. Great.
- Hey.
- Yeah?
We did it. The Tenolin client
loved the spot.
- I told you. Dynamite.
- Ah, Kyle, that's so great!
We should celebrate.
I... I have to take this.
Hi, Angie speaking.
Hi. It's Doctor Moore.
Oh, hi, yeah.
Is... Is everything okay?
Your parrot is fine apart from
displaying some signs of depression.
He won't eat, he's
in the state he's in, I worry
his health will decline,
so I think it's best if you
take him home.
Yeah, of course.
I'll be right there.
Great. See you soon.
I'm really sorry, Kyle,
I have to go, it's my bird.
Parrot, the one
I told you about.
I... I have to bring it home
from the vet.
Then we'll celebrate
at your place.
- I'll bring the bubbles.
- Yeah. Okay.
See you later.
See ya.
There you are, Gil.
Home, sweet home.
Are you gonna sing for me?
Can you say Ted?
Ted and Angie.
I can sing you a song.
Ted and Angie
Sittin' in a tree
Flying so high in the sky
With her birdie by her side
We'll keep going.
Hey, what's going on?
Um... Gineen is coming over,
so I was wondering,
would you mind?
Yeah. Of course.
Um, actually...
What's going on here?
Uh, Kyle!
How did you get in here?
I snuck in with some old timer.
Oh... Okay.
Kyle! This is
my neighbor Ted,
and his sister's dog,
and Ted, this is Kyle.
Nice to meet you.
I'll pop the bubbly.
I should go clear any evidence,
but thank you for this.
You are a life saver.
You say it just flew in here, huh?
Uh, yeah.
Well I'd just leave it
at the shelter.
No, shelters,
they don't take parrots.
They'd have to, if you dumped it
at their doorstep.
Nasty bugger.
He's actually really sweet.
You know this is a pretty great unit.
In fact, I was looking for a
second place, closer to work.
Might be a win, win.
What the...
Kyle: It's like a zoo in here!
Angie: I know.
We'll go outside. Zoe, down.
You be good.
Let's go outside.
Well cheers.
This is long overdue.
Great place you got here.
Yeah, sure is.
- Cheers again.
- Yeah.
I really do appreciate
the follow up.
Well, I know you said
the thermostat was working,
but I thought it best I
check in and make sure.
Oh, what do you know?
There goes now.
There's the AC,
so clearly... all good.
Wow, you have quite the aquatics
going on.
Yes, nothing but fish...
in here.
And a cat.
You know,
it's such a nice night,
we should grab a drink on
the balcony.
Ooh, excellent.
Zoe, quiet.
All good in there?
Oh, yeah! Everything's great.
I can manage!
Like I manage everything.
Zoe, shh.
You be quiet too!
Here. Come hang out.
Get some air.
- Sorry about that.
- Yeah, no worries.
Oh, thanks.
Work's going well.
I've got a big meeting tomorrow.
It's exciting.
Oh, looks like your neighbor
has a male visitor.
We just met.
You know, Ted, I was actually
not on board
with my dad's decision to run
the rental lottery.
To me, it just skirts the whole
screening process.
Well, you do not have to worry
about Angie.
She likes to dot her I's and
cross her t's.
Well, there is one tenant who
would pass a screening
with flying colors.
You talking about Jay?
Because... I would keep an eye
on him.
Have you seen the size of that
wreath on his door?
It's huge.
Could hide a squirrel in there.
Seriously, I'm not joking.
- Why don't we go inside?
- But we just came out.
You okay?
You seem, distracted.
Yeah. Just...
I'm really in my head
right now, just...
thinking about my script.
You're still doing that, huh?
Why wouldn't I?
Just because you're so good at
what you're doing now.
Well maybe I can be good
at both.
Kyle, the other night I was so
inspired when I started writing.
In fact, I think I might do some
more writing tonight.
Maybe I can send you what I've
got after I'm done.
Send it my way.
I'll look at it when I get back
from Cleveland.
Which reminds me, can you cover
me when I'm away?
Yeah. Of course.
Kyle: See?
I don't even know why I ask.
We're like yin and yang, Ange.
You cover me,
and together we balance
one another out.
Rock steady.
Uh, look I do want to get
to my writing
and I have to hold down
the fort,
so I think we
should call it a night.
Alright. But next time,
I bring dinner.
Good luck in Cleveland.
Kyle: Yeah, thanks.
Our heroine cups her hand
to her mouth
and calls out like a bird.
Within seconds a streak of
colored feathers swirl above
as her trusty bird lands
on her shoulder.
Then... the sound of twigs snapping
and out from the forest bursts
a dog.
Followed by a ruggedly
handsome explorer,
clutching the very treasure map
our heroine had been seeking.
- Angie: Hey, Ted.
- Hey.
- All good?
- Yeah.
Zoe started barking, but Gil
amazingly calmed her down.
- Gil?
- Yeah.
The vet called, said that
he was depressed
so of course,
I brought him home.
I'm sorry, I wouldn't have
dumped Zoe on you,
if I knew and...
looked like you guys
were trying to have
a nice night.
No, no, no. He was just dropping
off a plan,
and wanted to talk work,
and blah-blah-blah.
I'm happy that Gineen didn't
bust you.
Yeah, but you know what, she's...
She's alright.
She's just trying to impress her
dad by doing a good job.
Oh, Ruthie. Bingo.
I don't know what that means.
Maybe whoever owns
him plays bingo.
You know, actually, I have an
old family friend
that runs a bingo game
not that far from here
If you want,
we could go check it out.
Might be worth a shot?
- Yeah, okay.
- I owe you one.
- Goodnight, Angie.
- Night, Ted. Night, Zoe.
Angie: I just don't get
their dynamic.
Is he into her? Is he not?
Are they an item?
I don't know.
Well, I mean, do you care, though?
I thought you were with Kyle.
Mmm... I just don't think that
Kyle, he gets me.
Well, I can sympathize
with that.
Oh no. What's going on?
Aaron got offered this new
position with less travel.
And he's excited about it,
but I kind of like things
the way they were.
I mean, he would fly in,
we'd spend some whirlwind
days together,
and then he would fly out...
and I don't know,
it just... Oh! On that note,
I should fly myself.
Beth, I really want to talk
about this, though.
- I know. We will. Later.
- Okay, okay.
- Hey, uh, Ted.
- Hey!
This is my copilot and
my bestie, Beth.
Beth: Hi.
Have fun at bingo.
And don't worry, your secret
is safe with me.
- Bye.
- Bye, Beth.
- Uh, I tell her everything.
- Everyone needs one of those.
You ready?
'Cause I've gotta pick up Zoe
from the groomers
in three hours.
- She loves it there.
- Mmm. My kinda girl.
B5. B5.
Wow, this bingo
is some serious business.
Man: Bingo!
We have a bingo.
Come on up and get your prize.
We'll take a short break.
- Theodore.
- Martin, my man. How are you?
Still kicking
and she's still ticking.
Ted: Great. Martin this is my
neighbor Angie.
Hi, it's so nice
to meet you, Martin.
Pleasure to meet you.
So, what brings you by
other than a friendly howdy do?
Well, Martin, a parrot flew into
my condo,
and we think the owner might
hang out here
because it keeps on yelling bingo.
And the name Ruth.
Ah, I'd love to help you,
but the closest thing
we have to Ruth is Roy over
there, and he's got a ferret.
But if you'd like to ask around...
maybe play a round.
Yeah. Thanks, Martin.
We will.
I'll see you before you go?
You bet.
- Bye, Martin.
- Nice to meet you.
You take that side?
- Meet you in the middle?
- Great.
Hi there, do you happen to know
a woman named Ruth?
Do you know a Ruth?
She has a parrot.
Do you anyone named Ruth?
A parrot...
Ugh. Any luck?
Nope. No one's heard of a Ruth
or anyone with a parrot.
But... I did
score us a couple of these.
Ready to try your luck?
I was born ready.
O66. O66.
B12, B12... I28...
N42... G50.
- Yes. Yes. I got a bingo!
- Bingo!
I got a bingo!
I got a bingo! I got a bingo!
- Hey, that's the prize!
- Oh, thank you, Martin.
Very impressive.
Very impressive.
- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, thank you.
Mm. Oh!
Don't you find when you win
things taste so much better?
I don't know.
Let me see... Mmm.
- Yes, definitely.
- Theodore!
Is this gonna be a thing...
Wait. How did you know
that was my name?
Ted: Lucky guess.
This is such a beautiful spot.
It's nice, right?
All the major flight paths go
right overhead.
Oh, do not tell Zoe
we were here, though.
It's her favorite spot to come
play catch.
I would never.
I'll even clean my shoes off,
to get rid of the scent.
Wow. You are stealth.
Mmm. I'm trying. I'm learning.
So, how long have you been
working in air traffic control?
Uh... I've been at it for
a while.
Long enough that
I train the new recruits.
Do you have your pilot's
No. I took the test six months
ago, but...
didn't make it.
Well, you know,
what they always say,
at first if you don't succeed...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But you know, dreams are a
tricky thing.
My dad, he's
an amazing musician.
You know, he played in bars.
And even drove down
to Nashville.
But in the end, the grind just
wore him down,
so he got a good job and...
seemed happy enough.
Well my mom used to always say,
to never give up on your dreams.
I guess that's easy for her
to say,
because she got to live out
hers on the stage.
I always loved to dance too.
But my passion has always been
my writing,
Which is why I keep on doing it.
I just never thought that I'd be
doing the job
of five different people all at
once though.
Well, maybe there's a way you
could find a little balance.
Outside of work.
Because you know what they say,
all work and no play...
I know.
Are calling me dull, Theodore?
Absolutely not.
- Such a nice guy.
- He's nice.
I mean, he said that I should
come back and play.
Ted: Yeah, I bet he did.
Hey, kids, where you been at?
- We were playing bingo.
- And winning.
Got the lucky horseshoe do ya?
Uh, she does.
Me, not so much.
Ooh, I should go and get...
my, uh, fish food
and get it back here
before I have to head into work.
Well if you want, I could take
your... fish food
and feed your fish for you.
You sure? You've got a lot on
your plate.
Oh no, I can handle it.
Plus, my fish could really use
some company.
Okay. Well I should give you an
extra set of my keys, then.
- Mmm-hmm.
- You know,
just in case of emergencies?
Alright. I shouldn't be
too late.
Oh, whenever is totally fine.
I'll just make sure that
the fish food
is back at your place before
you get back.
- Perfect.
- Bye.
You know there's this author,
Gladys Taber.
My grandmother used to love
her books.
She had this saying about neighbors.
Oh yeah?
What was that?
Being a good neighbor is an art
which makes life richer.
I like that.
I'll see you later, Louis.
Alright, Zoe. Come on.
Let's get you home.
Gil tired you out, huh?
Don't worry.
Your uncle will be home soon.
That's pretty good.
I am tired.
Angie, it's Gineen,
I know you're home.
Uh... Coming!
Gineen, hi, So sorry about that.
I burnt something on the stove.
What are you doing here
this late?
I normally check in in
the evenings,
just to see what goes on.
And well, in fact I saw you lock
up Ted's apartment
so I wanted to make sure
everything is okay.
No, it's great.
I was feeding his fish again.
Not on your Nelly!
That was my brother.
He's on a work call,
he gets very worked up.
Well if your brother's been
staying with you,
all guests need to be
registered at the front desk.
Oh no, of course.
I've done that.
Because I wouldn't want to find
a reason
why this wouldn't work out.
Me too.
Well, I will be seeing you... Angie.
Hey, Kyle.
I sent you my script last night.
- Did you read it?
- Hm? No, no not yet.
Alright, flight attendants,
airliner 242,
prepare for takeoff.
No, no cut!
He's a fence post.
Get him outta here!
Every... Everything is all here.
Kyle, this is the guy
that you chose.
Who knows what he's doing
in the cockpit.
If I were on this guy's plane,
I'd be pulling the chute.
This is a disaster. It's going
to cost the client a whole day.
Okay, uh...
Hold that thought.
Give me one second.
Ted, hi, it's Angie.
Um... You wouldn't happen to be
free today, are you?
My phone like a bone. don't
Well, I couldn't have told him
to leave his dog at home
when he's doing me a favor.
- Hey.
- How do I look?
You look...
Um, Ted, come here.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
So, this is the line,
right here.
Before that, just say whatever
comes out naturally
when you're about to...
takeoff and fly.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Places everyone!
- Thanks.
- Good luck.
Ted: 'Kay.
You must be pretty good
neighbors for him to do this.
Angie: Yeah.
We help each other out.
Assistant Director:
Okay, quiet down.
Camera assistant:
Alpha only, mark.
And... action.
Briefing confirmed.
Flight instruments checked.
Flight attendants,
prepare for takeoff.
Flight 242 is clear for takeoff.
I don't need autopilot.
And... Cut!
- That was amazing.
- It was alright?
Yeah, you're so good.
You're like... you're a natural.
I'd have to agree.
Angie, make sure your neighbor
here gets an upgrade on the day.
Yeah. Of course I will. Yeah.
Hey, Zoe!
Hey, come on.
Sorry about that.
No. No biggie.
Well, we should get back
to work.
Yeah. Thanks again.
You were a real life saver.
I'm glad I could help.
Plus I owe you one, or a couple.
Um, yeah.
I gotta get back to work,
but I'll see you back at
the ol' homestead.
See you there.
Come on.
I'm so happy you loved it...
Can you send the dailies off
to the new client?
I appreciate that.
Yeah, I'm learning Rumba, Tango,
and Cha Cha.
Of course.
Cha, cha, cha.
Hi, it's Angie. I was wondering
if you could help me
locate a possible dance student?
Yes, her name would be Ruth...
Hey, Louis.
You hungry?
Cause I got enough here to feed
a family.
I just finished a club sandwich,
couldn't eat another bite.
Hey, that was a long day.
Ugh! Longer.
So, I figured out cha, cha, cha
is a dance,
the one that Gil keeps...
my friend keeps on saying.
Right. And?
No luck.
I called all the dance studios.
None of them have
cha cha cha in them.
Well, if you want we could dig
into it a bit further
with a little takeout.
Yeah. I'd like that.
It's amazing how hard you're
trying to find Gil's owner.
You know, with everything you
juggle at work.
Well, apparently I'm a pro at
In fact, I think I have almost
finished my script.
Thank you.
Do you think I could...
read it?
Only if you feel comfortable
No, I would love for you
to read it.
I don't have an ending yet.
Well, that's perfect.
I love a cliff hanger.
Oh no.
It's someone responding to my
online ad for Gil.
They said they'll take him.
Is that a good thing?
I don't know...
I really do want
to find his owner.
He's just been through so much.
He was injured, and now he ends
up with me...
And then I just ship him off
to a stranger?
I can't do that to him.
It's just nice, you're willing
to take the risk.
Well, he's a really sweet bird.
Even though he is a loud mouth.
Do you want to maybe have a
drink inside?
Yeah. Yeah, I'd love that.
You got music?
Oh. Do I have music?
- Yeah, yeah. I like this song.
- Alright.
- Oh, okay, good song.
- I like this.
Ooh, Gil's got the moves.
Okay, Gil.
Ted: Gil, come on, man.
You're upstaging me.
Zoe? You know what?
Forget it. Fine.
Let's see what you got.
That was... incredible.
Zoe and I, we are truly humbled.
I told you, my mom was a dancer.
Still, if I tried any of that
I'd just end up
tripping over my own feet.
Well, it's actually not
that hard.
It's really just all about the
music, and...
how it makes you feel.
You got me good
And it's all about...
your breath.
Did the music just change?
Take me on a ride I've never
been before...
Sorry about that.
No, I should, uh, get Zoe home.
She's like a toddler if
she gets overtired.
Yeah, well, thanks so much for
sharing your take-out with me.
I had fun.
It's what neighbors do.
Slide that script under my door.
Come on.
Night, Angie.
Night, Ted.
Uh, Seth, have the Delish promos
been photoshopped yet?
Seth: Kyle put me on
another client,
because he said you'd do it.
There you are.
- What are you doing?
- Oh, uh...
What is it that you want, Kyle?
Dinner. You and I.
This Saturday?
We can go over a few things,
work and...
you know, other stuff.
Like my script?
- Right.
- Did you read it?
Yeah, yeah I did.
- And?
- Honestly, Ange,
I think this job is
a better fit for you.
So why keep struggling with
the writing
when you fall into all this so
easily here with me.
You just got to get that
beautiful head of yours
out of the clouds and then
you'll see how you and I
can make this place
the best it can be.
How about we talk about this
more over dinner this weekend?
Yeah... Yeah, that sounds good.
Kyle: We'll go over the Garrison
proposal. It'll be great.
What if Kyle's right?
Angie. Hey.
Is that your masterpiece?
Oh, I really wouldn't call it that...
I don't want to set
the bar too high.
Here. I'll read
t tomorrow
before I go check out
some wings.
What do you mean?
Why don't you come with me,
I'll show you.
You know what?
Maybe I will.
- Of course.
- Thank you.
Uh, Ted. Remember.
Low expectations.
Looks good.
Angie narrating: In a cloud of
dust, the plane lands
and careens down the hilltop
coming to a stop just inches
from where the hill gives way
to a deep cavern.
Our heroine steps out of
the plane,
amazed once again
by the pilot's abilities
to navigate the wild terrain
before they begin their descent
towards the treasure
they've been seeking.
Welcome to my fantasy.
This is like a giant
plane museum.
Ted: Yeah, except, these planes
they aren't retired.
- So, they actually fly?
- Yeah. They sure do.
That one over there,
that's called a Mustang.
And this big fella' here,
that's a 1953 Beaver.
- Incredible bush plane.
- Is that a Spitfire?
Ted: Yeah! That's a Spitfire.
Wow, you know your planes.
I know a little bit.
You know from school.
Ted: I am impressed.
This one over here, my favorite.
This plane is just...
oh, it's incredible.
I'd love to fly this someday.
Just take it up higher and
higher until your head
was literally in the clouds.
Sounds like it would really take
your breath away.
It would, yeah.
You know something else took my
breath away...
Your script.
Thanks, Ted, but you really
don't need to say that.
No, no! I mean it!
Your words they're...
they're incredible,
they transported me.
You know, just like flying.
Well, I guess both our heads
should be in the clouds, then.
Because this place, with all
these planes
I can tell, that's where your
heart and passion is.
I hope your feet are never
on the ground.
I wish there was a place that we
could all spread our wings
and fly, right, Zoe?
Thanks, for reading my script.
And all of this.
Thank you for sharing it.
That was so fun!
I cannot wait to tell Beth all
about the planes.
Well, maybe you should bring her
next time.
Yeah. She'd love that.
Uh-oh, uh-oh.
Angie. Just the tenant
I wanted to see.
And Ted. What have you both
been up to?
And whose dog is in your car?
That's uh, my sister's.
- My sister's... dog.
- Huh.
Lives at my sister's house,
and she needed me
to take the dog out for a walk
'cause she was stuck at work,
and then we ran into Angie on
our walk... with my car.
Oh, well, if your sister
is so busy,
maybe she shouldn't have a dog.
What is that?
Ah this is a decoy
for your balcony.
It's supposed to scare off birds.
Right... Yeah. Great.
Thank you so much!
- We should go set up.
- Oh...
You don't have to bother.
I'm sure it's not that tricky.
Plus, I'll just ask maintenance,
if I have a problem.
But make sure it's clearly
visible on the railing.
- I should probably get going...
- Well, I should get my...
Sister's dog back to my sister.
She's done work, so...
Time to get out of here.
Let's go! Whoa!
Gil, you will never believe
the wings that I saw today.
You'd be so impressed.
Although, I'm sure when your
wing heals,
you'll be able to fly as high as
you ever did before.
Promise you.
Now... there's no way an owl
would scare a parrot.
Would it?
Gil, you okay?
What's wrong?
Hi there.
Uh, you seem to know a bit about
birds, right?
I did take an ornithology class.
I'm going to assume that has to
do with birds.
So, I have a parrot,
and he's usually very friendly,
but he became very uncomfortable
when he saw...
The parrot the only pet you got?
Yep, until another bird flies
into my condo.
Well in the wild parrots thrive
when they find a partner.
And if you're all he's got, this
could be making him jealous.
So, Gil, he's feeling lonely
because... I'm all he has.
I agree.
Well, thank you.
I guess.
No problem. Anytime.
Not on your Nelly!
- Hey, neighbor.
- Hey.
You just getting back now?
Yeah, Gineen was overseeing some
yard work
so it took me until now to
sneak Zoe back in.
How is... the owl?
Apparently, Gil is lonely,
so he saw the owl as a threat
to my affections.
Yeah, really.
Well, I can't deny
Gil has good taste.
Anyway, um, I want to try
and find Gil's sanctuary.
The one here is overcrowded.
So, I'm looking
at different states.
My hope is to find Gil
the partner that he needs.
Sounds like a good plan.
Well, I should get back inside,
but thank you so much for today.
I had so much fun.
Hey, you don't have to thank me. Goodnight.
And good luck
with the sanctuary.
Thanks, Ted.
That parking spot doesn't
come with your condo.
Sorry, Jay, I can't do it.
Not on your Nelly!
Have a good one.
Louis, did you just say,
"Not on your Nelly?"
That's right.
I had forgotten about it,
but my grandma used to say,
especially when we try to put
her in a home.
She had a lot to say then.
I don't know why
she put up such a fight.
There was a beauty parlor,
dingo night, dance class.
That's it! Thank you, Louis,
and thank you, Grandma.
Kyle: Angie, where are you?
Kyle, I'll be
just about an hour.
Because we're swamped over here.
Look, I'll get there
as soon as I can. Bye.
Woman: Not on your Nelly!
Martha, I won fair and square.
So, sorry to bother you,
but you wouldn't happen
to be Ruth by any chance.
Well, I should hope not,
or I'd be six feet under.
What do you mean?
Ruthie passed away
a few weeks ago.
I'm so sorry.
Have a seat, dear.
I'm sorry, too.
Ruthie was a sweetheart.
Even though some people
around here thought different,
because she spoke her mind,
just like that bird of hers.
Gil, the parrot.
I have him. I have Gil.
He flew into my condo.
Well, what do you know?
I was worried about that
loudmouth after he got loose.
Ruthie would be glad to
know he's found a new home.
Besides speaking her mind...
what was Ruth like?
I mean, how did she
end up with a parrot?
She was chasing a dream.
Ruthie always wanted to travel
the islands of
the South Pacific,
wanted to see the birds of
paradise with her own eyes,
but, like it always does,
life got busy,
she kept putting it off
and putting it off.
Ended up here,
and wondering
how it became too late.
So, she got Gil to
remind her of her dreams.
That's right.
So she could wake up
every morning and see that bird
and imagine, just for a moment,
she's in paradise.
Oh, well, that's lunch.
Do me a favor.
Tell that dang bird of yours
Nancy says hello.
I will, Nancy. Thank you.
Kyle: I don't care if
it's not their job,
find someone to do it.
Oh, thank goodness.
Why didn't you respond
to my text last night?
It was late, Kyle.
Well, the wrong stills from the
shoot went out for the client,
so I need you to
do damage control.
I know you're
not the point person,
but you're so good at it.
Yeah, I'll handle that,
but after that,
I think I'm going
to take some time off.
Time off? For what?
I want to finish my script.
Oh, Angie.
I told you this is your thing.
I don't think that it is,
and I want at least try
before it's too late.
Did you even read my script?
I skimmed it.
So you didn't even read it.
It's not even finished, Ang.
There's no ending.
So, how could I really dig in?
It's not finished
because I keep on being
sidelined with all of this.
That's because this is
what you should be doing.
No. No.
Not on your Nelly.
Who's Nelly?
I'm not gonna do this anymore.
None of it.
So the only hat that
I'm gonna be wearing from now on
is my writer's cat.
Angie. Come on.
You're making a big mistake.
What you're talking
about is a pipe dream.
This! This is real, Angie!
Don't look at me.
Gotta Rumba.
I feel totally free, Beth.
Like I literally
could do anything.
And you can.
You know what? You are so right.
Gineen can't kick me out
for going after Ted.
So, I'm taking him
out of the fantasy bank
and I am going to go for it.
That a girl.
Hello, Louis. Give me props.
Hey, it's Ted.
I'd like to book a time.
Guess what, Gil? I'm free.
I think this calls for
a little celebration,
don't you think?
Maybe a cha-cha-cha?
Gil?! Uh, Gil?
Gil! No, no, no, no, no!
Gil? Gil. Gil!
It's okay, Gil. It's okay.
He just flew in and landed here.
Thanks, Louis.
Sorry. I guess I didn't
close his cage properly.
That's beside the point,
don't you think?
No, of course.
Gineen, for what it's worth,
I didn't mean to have a pet.
He just flew
in here one day and...
Just start packing. Hm.
Gil: Condo cop!
Ted. There you are.
Oh, out with your sister's
dog again, I see.
On that note, I have bad news.
It turns out I was
right to have concerns
about your new neighbor.
What do you mean?
It means she was hiding a pet.
This giant parrot that was
flying around wreaking havoc.
Huh! Wow. Wow. Wow.
I know, it's a disappointment,
especially since it means
I'll have to evict her.
So, it's a good thing
that dog is your sister's.
Otherwise, I'd say you and your
neighbor were in cahoots.
Actually, Zoe has been
staying here with me,
and it's just temporary,
and I really don't want to
lose this place,
but Angie and I...
Then, you won't.
I don't understand.
It's temporary and it's not
as if it's your pet.
So, it's not like
Angie's situation at all.
Well, no, but neither is Gil...
Then you're not at fault.
See you at the next meeting,
and maybe we'll
have a drink after.
I thought we were
in this together.
I guess I was wrong.
Hey, hey. Be good!
- Gineen.
- Yes?
You know, I don't think we'll
be having that drink after all.
Angie and I, we were in cahoots.
Okay. Here we go.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Well, I did find
Gil's sanctuary.
I have to fly
out there with him,
but it's going to
be totally worth it.
Why don't you talk to him?
What's the point?
He's not my neighbor anymore.
I don't need him to cover for me
and he clearly
never needed me to.
Okay, well the point is that
you were going to go for it.
I just thought that
he would fight a bit harder
for me and for Gil.
Sorry, buddy.
No response.
Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe we were just neighbors.
Hey, sis.
How's the Netherlands?
That's great.
I guess you'll be
wanting Zoe back.
Yeah, sure. No problem.
Yeah, call me back.
Oh, Gil. You're so depressed.
You don't even care
about your nemesis.
Gil: Gil and Zoe.
I know.
I miss her, too.
Gil: Gil and Zoe.
It wasn't the stupid owl.
You were protecting Zoe's toys.
Looks like we both have
a little bit of a heartache.
Alright, let's give
this another shot.
I'll make sure
your mail gets forwarded.
Thanks, Louis.
It's not a problem.
I'm doing the same
thing for Ted.
Ted? Wait, what do you mean?
He's moving out, too.
I thought you knew.
No, I thought that
Gineen was okay with Zoe.
She was, but then Ted
told her it wasn't right.
He said the two of you
were in it together,
and he wasn't going to
let you take the only fall
because he knows a good neighbor
is an art
that makes life richer,
and I think you're
both pretty rich.
Thanks, Louis.
You're the best.
See you around.
Get it! Go! Come on.
Hey, neighbor.
What are you doing here?
A little bird told me
where to find you.
I'm sorry, Ted,
that I didn't respond
to any of your texts.
No, that's all right.
I totally get it.
Look, I heard you
talking to Janine.
The part where she told you
that you could stay
and I couldn't,
and I thought that
you didn't have my back.
Turn out. I was wrong.
So, thank you.
For becoming homeless?
Yeah, I guess.
Well, to be honest,
I didn't want to
live there anyway.
Not without you.
I think you're right.
I think we do
belong in the clouds.
I think
we belong there together.
I think you're right.
Oh, Zoe. I missed you, too.
Well, you won't
have to miss her.
My sister called.
She couldn't find
a place that takes dogs.
So, I'm keeping her.
So, I guess Gil
doesn't need to find
a partner after all.
He's got one right here.
Sure does.
Well, I guess
I should go unpack.
Not necessarily.
So any idea where
you want to fly to?
I don't know.
Maybe someplace tropical.
Inspiration for my next script.
Does that mean you found
the ending for your first one?
I sure have.
I was looking for
a crash pad closer to work.
As long as there
aren't any pets allowed.
Absolutely not.
Oh, and birds on the balcony?
Such a nuisance.
And is there anything
worse than the sound
of a neighbor's dog barking?
Well, shall we go over a lease,
and maybe get a coffee?
I'd love to.
This way.
Kyle & Gineen: Goodnight.
All clear.
Hello there, Gidget.
Did someone get a haircut?
Looking good, looking good.
Hey, Eddie.
Did you get a new collar?
I think you did.
Brandy, my girl,
where have you been all my life?
Time to get you two home. Yeah.
Angie: Exterior, jungle day.
A parrot soars high
above the tree lines,
skimming the treetops,
while down below,
our heroine, her pilot,
and her trusty dog
leave the spoils of
the discovered treasure behind
as they head back
into the jungle,
ready to take on
their next adventure.