Follow That Bird (1985) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
(male narrator #1) Ladies And gentlemen, would you please rise
for the Grouch Anthem?
No, no, no.
With the Grouch Anthem
you stay sitting down.
Down in front there.
Now brace yourself. I'm gonna sing.
Of the world unite
Stand up
For your grouchly rights
Let the sunshine spoil your rain
Just stand up
And complain
Let this be
The grouch's cause
Point out
Everybody's flaws
Something is wrong
With everything
Except the way I sing
You know what's right with this world? Nothin'.
You know what really makes me hot
under the collar? You name it.
And the next time, some goody-two-shoes smiles
and tells you to have a nice day
you just remember..
Let the sunshine spoil your rain
Just stand up
And complain
Just stand up
And complain
Well, anyway
you've seen the best part of this movie
so sit back, relax
and have a rotten time.
[instrumental music]
(male narrator #2) "Sesame Street" is brought to you today
by the letters "W" and "B."
[indistinct chatter]
Your attention, please.
Attention, please.
Ooh, leather beds are down.
- I can't believe it. - Attention.
Attention, please.
This meeting of The Feathered Friends
will now come to order.
Now I need not remind you of our purpose.
Uh, remind me!
To place stray birds
with nice bird families.
- 'Hear!' - 'Hear, hear!'
Now, here, today we have a sad, sad case
that needs our
urgent attention.
'He's only six years old'
and he lives all alone
with no other birds around.
He looks so sad.
- Hmm. - That's funny.
He looks happy to me.
[gasps] Of course he's not happy!
How can you say that?
Look at him. Look at his face.
Look at his beak.
Look at the expression of the feathers
the texture, the..
Madam Chairbird!
Miss Finch?
[clears throat]
We all know he can't be happy.
He needs to be with his own kind.
With a bird family.
- 'Hm.' - True, very true.
And I know just the family.
Where does he live?
- Sesame Street. - 'Huh?'
Can you tell me
how to get to Sesame Street?
[instrumental music]
[dog barking]
Hi, Willy!
- Hi, Big Bird! - Morning, Big Bird.
La la la la
[indistinct chatter]
Today we're playing trash-in-the-barrel.
Bring me all the trash you can carry.
Ah...a bird.
[chirps] Hi, little fella.
Oh, where did you fly in from?
Are you gonna settle here?
Oh. You're only passing through.
Well, you're welcome to stay here
as long as you want.
Oh, Oscar's gonna just love these cans.
[barks] Whoa!
Oh, wait, wait! Hey, don't fly away!
Please don't go. Hey, wait.
I hardly ever get to talk to birds.
Hey, wait! Wait! Wait!
[Big Bird screams]
[chuckles] Nice work, turkey.
(Finch) 'Are you alright, Big?'
You are Big Bird?
Yeah, I guess I am.
[gasps] This is worse than I thought.
Big, I'm Miss Finch of The Feathered Friends.
Oh. Any feathered friend is a friend of mine.
I want to talk to you.
You do?
Well, let's step into my nest.
(Finch) 'Oh, dear.'
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
You know, Big
you shouldn't be living here all alone.
Well, I'm not all alone.
Why, there's Gordon and Sus--
Mm, but they're not birds like we are.
I know, but they're nice people.
But you should have a home and a family.
Well, I am home.
I like it here on Sesame Street.
Wouldn't you like to be with your own kind?
Wouldn't you like to live in a big, beautiful birdhouse
with a nice bird family?
Your own.
And a brother bird
and a sister bird
and a father bird
and a mother bird?
'And sing and play'
'bird games all day long?'
'Wouldn't you?'
'Wouldn't you?'
[instrumental music]
- Gee, I think I'd like that. - 'Good.'
Because in a lovely city called Oceanview, Illinois
'there's a fine feathered family waiting just for you.'
Oh, when can I leave?
I can't wait!
But...what will I tell my friends?
(Mr. Snuffleupagus) Oh, Bird, this is goodbye.
You're leaving Sesame Street.
(Big Bird) Well, I'm not really leaving.
I'm just going away.
- Oh. - Besides..
As soon as I get to Oceanview
you can come and visit.
Oh, I can?
First thing, old pal.
I wouldn't go if you couldn't come and visit.
Oh, Bird. Ho-ho-ho.
- Hey, Snuffy? - Huh?
Will you do me a favor?
Oh, Bird
I would do anything for you.
You're my best friend.
Well, will you watch my nest
and all my things while I'm away?
So nothing happens to them?
Oh, sure thing, Bird.
Oh, Snuffy, I guess this is goodbye.
Oh, Bird!
I hate to see you go.
- Oh, Snuff. - Oh.
Da dee dum dum dee-dum dum
Dee-dum dee-dum do
Dee-do dee-do dee-do
Do dee dum dum dum dum
Dee-dum dum dum
Dee-dum dee-dum
[indistinct chatter]
- 'Hi, Big Bird.' - Ah. Hi, Maria.
- Hi, Big Bird. - Oh, hi, Olivia.
- Hi, pal. - Hi, Susan.'re all here to say goodbye.
Big Bird is leaving?
But where is Big Bird going?
Big Bird..
Are you sure you want to go?
You don't have to, you know.
- No, you don't. - You don't.
Yeah, but you know, I will be getting
my very own bird family.
But, Big Bird, we're your family.
- Yeah. - You know that.
I'd like to give it a try.
Of course he would.
- Who's that? - I don't know.
Well.. Well, Big Bird.. know if that's really what you want--
Come on, Big Bird. You don't want to miss your plane.
(Maria) Just a minute.
Give us a big hug, Big Bird.
[chuckles] Oh.
[indistinct singing]
- Don't forget to write. - I won't, Maria.
Don't forget to count!
Okay, Count.
And don't forget to dress warmly.
- Okay, Big Bird? - I got my muffler, Bob.
Don't forget to breathe, in and out.
I always do, Grover.
I'll read every day.
Oh, Bird? Don't forget to eat.
I won't, Cookie Monster.
Well, goodbye, Oscar.
Why, why..
That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
Big, it's time.
But can't we just, uh..
(Finch) Just keep walking and don't look back.
(Big Bird) Why?
[clattering] Oh!
What, uh..
I told you not to look back.
- Bye. - Be careful, Big Bird.
- Take care, Big Bird. - Bye.
Bye, Big Bird.
Bye, Tanya.
Don't forget, Big Bird, we love you!
[instrumental music]
Bye-bye, Sesame Street.
Goodbye, Bird.
Don't forget, I'm coming to visit!
[music continues]
(Big Bird) Wow! Look at the clouds, Radar.
Isn't flying wonderful?
Makes me feel like a bird.
La la la la la
La la la la la..
[clears throat]
[instrumental music]
Hey, Radar!
We're landing in our new home!
Oceanview, Illinois.
Boy, in a couple of minutes
we're gonna meet our new bird family..
The Dodos.
(woman on PA) 'Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.'
CTW, flight number 1138 from New York
is now arriving at Gate Two.
- 'Which gate did she say?' - 'Whoo!'
- 'Oh, gee, I don't know.' - 'Uh..'
- Oh. - Oh.
- Oh. - Gee.
Oh, look! Is that a bird?
No. It's a plane.
(Donnie Dodo) Maybe this is the wrong airport.
(Marie Dodo) But how can an airport be wrong?
(Daddy Dodo) 'I think we should go to the snack bar.'
- Gee. - 'Mm.'
- 'I want a bird dog, Daddy.' - 'Yeah, bird dog!'
Oh, I hate to think of him being lost.
- He's only six years old. - He'll make it here..
- Oops! - Uh, sorry.
- Sorry. - Excuse me?
Was there a big yellow bird on this plane?
Well, only me.
- Oh. - Oh, too bad!
Maybe he'll be on the next plane.
- 'Yeah, next plane! Next..' - 'Next plane. Next plane.
Say, you must be The Dodos!
- Well.. No, wait. - Yeah! Yes!
I'm Daddy Dodo.
I'm Mommy Dodo.
- I'm Donnie. - And I'm Marie.
Who are you?
Why, I'm Big Bird!
- What? - No.
- No, you're not! - You're Big Dodo!
- Yeah! - Yeah!
Big Dodo?
[instrumental music]
(Mommy Dodo) 'Big Dodo, this is our street, Canary Row.'
W-where are we going? Where are you takin' me?
Is this the airport?
Do-do do do-do do-do
(Marie Dodo) 'Here we are.'
(Daddy Dodo) 'Oh. Well, we made it.'
'I told you I could find it.'
(Mommy Dodo) 'Find what, dear?'
(Daddy Dodo) I...can't remember.
(Donnie Dodo) 'I'm so proud of you, father.'
(Daddy Dodo) 'Oh, thanks, son.'
'Oh, it's great to be here.'
'You have to come home before you can leave.'
- 'I lost my bird dog.' - 'Oh.'
(Marie Dodo) 'Ha-ha-ha. Here we are.'
'Don't be shy, Big Dodo.'
[indistinct chatter]
Whoop! Oh!
[Marie laughs]
Why are we leaving, I just got here?
Gee, whiz.
Bird would be so proud of me.
I've watched his things all week
and nothing has moved.
[Barkley whimpering]
Come on, Barkley. Come on, cheer up, boy.
You know, you know, we miss Big Bird, too.
Oh, hey, look, everybody!
- A letter from Big Bird! - Big Bird! Come on!
- Big Bird! Big Bird! - Come on!
(Linda) 'Come out, we got a letter from Big Bird!'
- Wait a minute. - What'd he say?
What'd he say?
He starts..
"Dear friends."
"Here I am in my new home.
"It sure is a lot different
"from my nest on Sesame Street.
"The Dodos are a nice family.
"They live in a birdhouse
"with a big front lawn.
"They spend a lot of time there
"digging for worms.
"They never seem to find any
but they love to do it."
Gee, I don't see any worms here.
"The Dodos have lots of great things
"like a lawn mower
you can ride on."
"I'm not sure they know how to use it right
but nobody's perfect."
"The Dodos like to stay in shape.
"Every morning, we do our exercises."
(woman on TV) 'Why, just, come up off the floor'
'and start joggin' in place.'
- 'Left and right.' - 'Huh!'
- Huh.. - Yippee! Yippee!
Look at me, Mommy. Yippee! Whoo-hoo!
[sighs] I'm getting tired.
Don't stop, Daddy. Don't stop.
(woman on TV) 'Pressin' it down.'
[The Dodos panting]
(Daddy Dodo) 'I need to rest.'
Four more. Hold on.
Three more. Come on. Get tough with us.
Two more and..
Cross your hands in front.
(Maria) "Sometimes, after a hard workout
we take a dip in the pool."
By the sea by the sea
(Maria) "Now, that's fun."
By the sea by the sea
(Maria) "Well, it's time to go to sleep now."
Well, uh, goodnight.
[lips smacking]
[sighs] Oh.
[clears throat]
(Maria) "So that's my new home."
(Maria) "I should be happy here."
"What's wrong with me?"
- What does he mean? - Oh, no.
"Love, Big Dodo?"
- Big Dodo? - Oh!
"Big Bird to you."
Oh, dear.
Sounds like bird needs me.
I know. Uh, I'll write him a postcard
and ask if it's okay to come visit now.
(Big Bird) 'Hey, I've got a great idea.'
Let's play make-believe.
I'll be Snow White.
But you're not Snow White.
- You're bright yellow. - Yeah!
Well, and, and you could be the seven dwarfs.
But we're not dwarfs.
Uh, I said we could just could make believe.
You know, pretend?
Uh, use your imagination.
Oh, okay.
I'll pretend I'm Donnie!
And I'll pretend I'm Marie.
- 'Ha, ha! Boy, this is swell!' - 'This is fun!'
'Yeah, I like this game.'
What a great time we'll have.
- Get the door, Marie. - No way. Uh-uh.
- Go on. - You get the door.
'Get the door, Marie. Go on and get it.'
- Nope. Uh-uh. - Don't be stubborn. Go on.
I'm not gonna get it
- Get the door, Marie! - Uh, uh, uh.
- 'Oh, come on, Marie.' - Never mind.
I'll get it.
Oh. Hi, Mr. Postman.
Post card for, uh, mister, uh, "Big Bird."
Big Bird? Hey, that's me!
Oh, boy! I wonder who it's from.
I don't know, but, uh, I hope
he's not sending you any packages.
Oh, yeah!
[chuckles] Bye-bye!
'Let's see. It says, "Dear, Bird."'
That's me. Ha-ha.
Oh. It goes on.
"I am ready to come and visit.
Your best friend, Mr. Snuffleupagus."
[chuckles] Oh, Snuffy.
Who's Mr. Snufflebeg..
- Snufflebeg.. - Snuff..
- Snuffleupagus. - Yeah.
Uh, well, he's my best friend.
- Mm. - Oh. What kind of a bird is he?
- Huh. - Oh. He's not a bird.
He's a Snuffleupagus.
- Snuffleguppygus. - Oh.
But your best friend should be a bird.
Because you are a bird.
- 'Yeah.' - Isn't that right, Daddy?
(Daddy Dodo) That's right, Mommy.
And you should be with your own kind. Birds!
You'll find lots of birds your own age.
(Daddy Dodo) 'And make some new best friends.'
Now come on out and hunt for worms.
(Marie Dodo) 'Yay!'
But I don't want to hunt worms.
I want Snuffy to come and visit.
And if he can't come and visit
I don't want to be here anymore.
I want to go home.
But you are home.
Oh. Oh-wee! Oh-wee!
[instrumental music]
[crickets chirping]
(man on TV) 'There are varying opinions all through the west'
'on this subject, however, most agree'
'Congress will make up it's mind'
'about that sometime next year.'
'Now, the weather.'
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
- 'More on that later.' - Ha-ha-ha.
This, this news just in.
Concerning a six-year-old runaway.
'The runaway's an eight-foot yellow bird'
'who answers to the name Big Bird.'
Did you say Big Bird?
That's right, Big Bird.
He left his nest in Oceanview, Illinois last night
'and is reportedly heading east'
'for a place called Sisame Street.'
Sisame Street?
(man on TV) 'Sesame. Sesame.'
- Sesame Street. Sorry. - 'Oh.'
Here now with the report is our correspondent
Kermit the frog.
Okay, here's one.
Why does a chicken not cross the road?
'Cause it's chicken, get it?
(female on TV) 'Kermit. You're on.'
Oh. Oh, uh..
Uh, heigh-ho, Kermit the frog
here in Oceanview , Illinois
with the thank-you note that Big Bird left
saying he was running back to Sesame Street.
'The note reads, "Dear Dodos.'
'"You are a very nice family.'
'"Thanks for everything.'
'"But I'm walking back to Sesame Street.'
'"I should be there in three hours'
'"Since it took two hours to fly here.'
'"So if anyone calls
'you know where to reach me."'
'"Love, Big Bird."'
And here is the family that he left.
- Hi. - Uh, The Dodos.
- Are we on television? - Holy cow.
(Kermit) 'Uh, uh, yes, you are.'
(Donnie Dodo) 'I never thought I'd make it.'
'We finally hit the big time.'
Let's go inside and watch.
- Alright, alright. - Uh..
Uh, now, who'd run away from a family like that?
Uh.. Uh.
They-they certainly look very worried.
- Oh. - 'Uh, Dodos?'
'Be careful there. Uh, watch it.'
Well, there you have it
ladies and gentlemen..
The Dodos.
And, uh...they certainly are.
One green froggie.
To complete the picture
let's have a few words with Miss Finch
of The Feathered Friends. Excuse me, Miss Finch?
Uh, you sent Big Bird to the Dodos, didn't you?
Yes. I found him a lovely home.
(Kermit) 'Uh, huh, and, and why was that?'
Because he belongs with his own kind.
Mm-hm. A-and, and what kind is that?
- Birds. - 'Hmm.'
(Kermit) 'Yes, well, uh, why do you suppose'
'he ran away from home?'
- 'I can't imagine.' - Quiet!
(Finch) 'Such a lovely home.'
- 'Such a lovely family.' - 'Uh-huh.'
(Finch) 'We at The Feathered Friends'
'take such pride in finding the right environment'
for the homeless birdling.
Uh, you think maybe, uh
he didn't like it here or something?
- Impossible. - Hm.
Well, uh, what are you going to do about it Ms. Finch?
(Finch) I'm going to find Big Bird
'wherever he is'
and bring him back to The Dodos.
Well, you heard it right here, folks.
This has been Kermit the frog speaking to you
from Oceanview, Illinois,
So now, back to you, guys.
Okay, Radar, old buddy.
We gotta split up.
Throw 'em off track.
Don't worry.
I'm sending you bear mail.
[instrumental music]
See you on Sesame Street.
[engine rumbling]
Telly, it's gonna be alright.
Oh, Olivia.
- I'm so worried about Big Bird. - Well, don't!
But he's out there all alone
and Miss Finch could get him.
Not if we find him first
and believe me, Telly, we will.
- Ain't that right? Okay. - Yeah!
Alright, listen, everybody. Here's the plan.
We're here. And Big Bird is here.
- Heading toward Sesame Street. - 'Ah-ha.'
- We hope. - Okay. Okay.
(Bob) 'Gordon, you're gonna take the Volkswagen'
'on this route here.'
- You got it, Bob. - Good, Bob.
And, Linda, you go with Gordon.
Boy, I'd better work on that car.
Oscar, The Sloppy Jalopy will take route 12.
And, Maria, you better stick with Oscar.
- Alright. - Hey, you and me, Skinny.
(Bob) 'The Count Mobile will take this road here.'
Now you should meet up with Big Bird
right around toadstool.
- Toadstool? - Toadstool?
(Bob) Now, if you get there and you haven't found him
phone here.
- Any questions? - Yes, I have a question.
(Bob) 'What is it, Oscar?'
Uh, what is the capital of South Dakota?
- Oh, Oscar. - Not now!
Oscar, if you don't want to go
on this trip, you don't have to.
Are you kidding?
I love wild goose chases.
Let's go get lost.
- No, let's all find Big Bird! - Big Bird! Yeah!
- Yeah! - Yay!
[instrumental music]
Ah, one, two, three cars
going to find Big Bird.
(male #1) 'Bye-bye.'
Cookie, will you stop eating the hubcaps?
Oh, they delicious. Me so hungry.
But, Cook, we haven't even started our trip yet.
That's okay.
Me eat three other hubcaps later.
(Oscar) Well, I think we're ready to go.
I got a honker in the back because my horn's broken.
And now it's time to see some of the Great Grouch
landmarks of America.
No, it's not.
Now it's time to find Big Bird, remember?
Yeah! Party pooper.
[music continues]
Ah-ha! This is a job for super..
Oh. Oh, my cape got cut in half.
- I'll take a taxi. - We're coming, Big Bird.
- We're coming, Big-- - Hold it, hold it, hold it.
Are you sure you know how to fly a plane?
Trust me, Bert.
(Bert) Alright, I don't know about this.
Well, they're off.
Think they're gonna find Big Bird, Adrian?
I hope so.
(Bob) 'Me, too.'
I wonder where Big Bird is now.
La la-la la la
La la la-la la-la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la
La la la
La la la la..
[instrumental music]
- What happened? What happened? - Oh.
[speaking in foreign language]
[music continues]
Hey, fellas, can you give me a lift?
Talk to who? Oh. Uh, him. Uh.
Say, you're.. You must be the driver.
Well, what can I do for you, big fella?
Well, do you have room for just one more?
I don't take no riders.
This here's a turkey truck.
Oh, well.
But, but my friend Oscar
always says that I'm a big turkey.
Well, I don't guess I can argue with that.
Hop in.
[instrumental music]
So you are the bird on the run, huh?
Oh, yeah, and I can't wait to get back
to my real home on Sesame Street.
I figure I can walk back there
in, oh, about, uh...three hours.
Three hours? No.
More like three weeks, buddy.
Three weeks? Oh, no.
- I'll never get home. - Sure, you will.
You just gotta keep going.
Pick up your feet and follow your beak.
- Well, I don't know. - Listen to me, son.
I found out a long time ago
You gotta learn to say yes when life says no
Don't dwell on the bad times once they're past
That kind of thinking gets you nowhere fast
'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you hang on tight and just make up your mind
Once you set your heart to movin' on
Son there ain't no road too long
Don't look back don't you turn around
Just keep your eye on where you're bound
And you're bound to get from here to there
'Cause a dream can take you anywhere
Whoa! Take me to cookies.
'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you hang on tight and just make up your mind
And once you set your heart to moving on
Hut hut
Then there is no road too long
And you can count the telephone poles
One telephone pole. Two telephone pole.
Three telephone pole. Four telephone poles.
Oscar, this isn't Route 12!
(Oscar) 'Picky, picky, picky.'
(Telly) 'Oh, no!'
Whoa! Whoa! Oh! Whoa!
(Oscar) 'I never promised you a rose garden.'
Oh, we're gonna find him alright, Bert.
- Yeah. - Hey.
You remember what color he is?
- What? - He's yellow.
'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you hang on tight and just make up your mind
And once you set your heart to movin' on
Yeah, there ain't no road too long
Ain't no mountain you can't climb
That's right.
If you hang on tight
And just make up your mind
Once you set your heart to movin' on
Sing it.
There ain't no road too long
There ain't no road too long
There ain't no road too long
No there ain't no road too long
(Big Bird) 'You're right, if I just keep on going'
'everything will turn out fine.'
[dramatic music]
- Take me home, dad. - You're right.
This is the worst circus I've ever been to in my life.
[indistinct chatter]
That eight-foot bird is still on the land.
You know, Sid..
People have paid money to see that bird.
Nah. Ha-ha.
I wouldn't pay to see no bird.
No, no, no.
People would pay us to see that bird.
Us! Us! Us!
(kid #1) Hey!
Hey, let me down.
(Sid) Wanna get down? It'll cost you another nickel.
It's ten cents for the round trip, kid.
Ten cents? What a rip-off.
You stole my apple.
Is that so?
That's my apple.
Well, this just ain't your day, is it, kid?
Here. Now get outta here. Scram.
- A big, fat nickel. - Yeah.
But if we catch that bird
those nickels would be dollars.
Think of it, Sid. The big time.
Yeah, but how are we gonna catch that bird?
I don't know.
I just may have to use my brain.
(male #2) 'Balloon's 54 cents. Two for a dollar. Balloons!'
Thanks a lot.
- Say, good luck. - Thank you.
You don't worry. You're gonna make it home just fine.
Now, I wonder how I get to Sesame Street.
Let's see. Hmm. Well, well..
That way..
"No Thru Road."
That must be it.
Well there ain't no road too long
No there ain't no road too long
Unh-unh there ain't too long
There ain't too long
No there ain't no road too long
There ain't no road too long
Boy, "No Thru Road" sure is awful long. Huh.
[rooster crowing]
What, chickens?
I hear chickens.
[rooster crowing]
I love chickens.
[rooster crowing]
[instrumental music]
Maybe they'll invite me to dinner.
You're the biggest chicken I've ever seen.
Oh, I'm not a-a chicken, actually.
I'm a bird on the run.
Oh, yeah. Floyd, he's the bird on TV who ran away.
(Big Bird) 'No, I didn't run away.'
I'm going back to my real home on Sesame Street..
[yawning] ...where I belong.
(Ruthie) 'Are you tired?'
Well, maybe a little.
I sure wish I had a place to sleep.
Have you ever slept in a barn?
Hey, not bad.
Will you stay and play with us tomorrow?
Well, yeah.
You know, I haven't played with any kids for a whole week.
Okay, but, maybe just for a little while.
- 'Ruthie! Floyd!' - 'Uh-oh.'
- 'Bedtime.' - We'd better go.
Hey, well, thanks for the great bed.
[cow mooing]
[Big Bird sighs]
Come on.
[cow mooing]
- Goodnight. - Goodnight, Floyd.
(Ruthie) 'Okay, Floyd, time to go.'
See you in the morning.
Goodnight, Ruthie.
[instrumental music]
One little star
All alone in the sky
Do you ever get lonely
As the twilight drifts by
[frog croaking]
One little star
In the darkening blue
Do you long for another
Just the way that I do
Goodnight, Barkley.
[music continues]
Sky begins to fill
Darkness ends the day
Someone who I love
Is far away
One little star
Reaching far through the night
Do you shine on my someone
Are we sharing your light
Oh one little star
Shine on us both tonight
Gee, I wish Olivia was here to sing me a lullaby.
And Snuffy was here, and we'd be together.
I wonder what they're doing tonight.
One little star One little star
Reaching far through the night
Reaching far through the night
Would you shine on my someone
Shine on my someone Shine on my someone
So we're sharing your light Oh please share your light
Oh one little star
Shine on us all
[cat meowing]
[car approaching]
[cat yowling]
Bad Eats? The Don't Drop Inn?
Oscar, I'm so hungry.
Let's go someplace else.
No way. We had lunch at Friendly's.
- Now it's my turn. - Oh, alright.
At least you can use the phone and call Sesame Street.
- Come on, guys. - No, thanks.
I've had enough grouch food to last me a lifetime.
Hey, Telly, you're missing an unforgettable dining experience.
(male #3) 'Hey, waitress.'
'There's no fly in my soup.'
- It's comin'! - 'Hey, I need a glass.'
Broken or dirty?
- 'Waitress!' - Oh, it's about time.
[indistinct chatter]
- This is my masterpiece. - Beautiful! Beautiful!
Just beautiful. Never looked at anything like that.
- Hey, gimme that syrup back! - Get lost!
Waitress, can I get a big soda?
- Operator? Operator! - There's no gravy in mine.
Operate.. Operate..
(male #4) 'What kind of service is this?'
'Waitress, I ordered this Jell-O medium rare.'
'This is well-done.'
Here you go.
Here's your stack of spaghetti with maple syrup.
Oh! It's terrible.
- I love it. - 'Waitress!'
Hey, look at this real grouch dining.
"Meat loaf with marshmallow sauce
candied clams with French dressing," hey.
"Cream of garlic soup with maraschino cherries?"
There's nothing here I could eat.
(female #1) 'Name your poison.'
Tonight's specials are roast beef
with butterscotch and anchovies--
(male #4) 'What about my Jell-O?'
Keep your shirt on!
Ham with doughnuts, oatmeal sauce, and--
- Uh, stop. - And tossed salad.
Tossed salad?
That sounds safe.
Uh, there's nothing in it like, uh..
...candied clams or anything like that?
What are you, a wacko? Of course not.
Good. I'll have the tossed salad.
- Hey, better make that two. - Two tossed salads!
- 'Oh!' - Oh, no.
Number two! Coming right up.
- 'Hey, hey, that's gross.' - 'That salad looks marvelous.'
'Give me one.'
- 'I asked first.' - 'We need it fast.'
Me too, yeah. Gimme some too. Yeah.
- 'Hey, gimme a tossed salad.' - Salads for everybody!
Stop! You stop it! Now just..
Just.. Now, stop that.
Gee, maybe we made a mistake.
That salad looks great!
(male #4) 'Where's my Jell-O?'
[rooster crowing]
[cow mooing]
[birds chirping]
[rooster crowing]
[Big Bird snoring]
[rooster crowing]
[rooster crowing]
- Good morning. - Good morning.
Gee, I never knew water came out of the ground.
Here. Try it.
Oh. Like this?
[instrumental music]
[chuckles] That's funny.
[instrumental music]
Say, what's going on here?
Here, it's easy.
The sun is in the sky and clouds are rollin' by
And today is gonna be one
Wonderful day
Hand in hand together
We'll be friends forever
Sharing all the good times
Happy and free
It's gonna be so
Easy goin'
We'll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin'
Easy goin' day
We're never in a hurry
Got no time to worry
We'll take it nice and easy
Singin' a song
There's never any trouble
We're floatin' like a bubble
La la la la-la
Lighter than air
Why should we care
We're easy goin'
We'll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin'
Easy goin' day
[tires screeching]
Easy goin'
We'll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin'
Easy goin' day
[engine rumbling]
[horn honking]
Oh, look, there's a.. Why..
- It's Miss Finch! - Oh!
What'll I do?
- Oh, huh, hide where? - 'Quick, hide!'
- The hayfield! - 'The hayfield. Yes.'
- 'Run!' - 'Wait. Wait!'
- Bye. - Bye-bye.
Oh. Oh, dear. Oh, oh..
[engine rumbling]
Where did that big yellow bird go?
- I don't know. - I don't know.
(Finch) 'Argh!'
(Finch) 'Alright, where are you?'
Ah! Ah.
[instrumental music]
Sam, I've been holding this net for an hour. You take it.
How am I supposed to hold that net while I'm driving? You--
- I'll drive. - No way, Jose.
The last time you drove
you rammed that watermelon truck right off the road.
There were watermelons everywhere.
Yeah, they were good.
I had to buy those watermelons.
Why, there were still good.
Oh, look, a haystack.
We're not looking for haystacks, you chowderhead.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Big Bird's gotta be around here somewhere.
[engine rumbling]
Gee, still no sign of Sesame Street.
Nothing but amber waves of grain.
I think I'm lost. What'll I do?
I wish Snuffy were here.
Then I'd be lost with my best friend.
- Oh, hello, Bird. - Snuffy?
Oh, I thought I'd never see you again.
- Oh. - I can hardly see you now.
That is because you are
imagining me, Bird.
Aw, well it's so good to almost see you.
I suppose a hug is out of the question
you being imaginary right now.
You could imagine that we're hugging, Bird.
That's right. How brilliant. Here comes.
Oh, I'm afraid this isn't working, Snuffy.
For hugging, you need the real thing.
Oh, don't worry, Bird.
We can hug for real when you get back to Sesame Street.
If I ever get back to Sesame Street.
- But I will. - 'Uh-oh.'
Snuffy? Snuffy?
I guess I gotta go now, Bird.
Now, bye-bye.
Snuffy, Snuffy, please don't leave me.
What's that?
[airplane whirring]
Oh, no. Could that be Miss Finch?
- Ernie, I see him. - See who, Bert?
Uh, you see that yellow spot down there? It's Big Bird.
Oh, yeah. Sure looks like a yellow spot, alright.
Ernie, Ernie. Do something so he knows we're here. Quick.
Okay. Hang on, Bert.
Ah! Ernie!
[airplane whirring]
(Bert) 'Ernie, what are you doing?'
'Ernie, watch out! Uh, Ernie..'
(Ernie) 'I'm just trying to get his attention, Bert.'
Isn't this fun?
[Ernie humming]
Ernie, this is no time for singing.
Oh, come on, Bert.
Come fly with me in an upside-down world
There's so many strange things to see
There's upside-down people who walk down the street
With upside-down shoes on their upside-down feet
In an upside-down world
(Bert) Ernie!
In an upside-down world
- Ernie, I don't feel too good. - Whee!
It's fun to be in an upside-down world
There's fish that fall
Out of the sea Oh no
There's upside-down clocks that make everyone late
Upside-down food that won't stay on your plate
In an upside-down world
In an upside-down world
Oh! All my bottle cap collection!
(Ernie) Hey, listen. I got an idea, Bert.
How'd you like to take over the control?
- No! No! - Sure, Bert. It's really easy.
(Bert) 'No, no. Never in a million years.'
(Ernie) 'Hey, Bert. I'm gonna trade places with you.'
What? What? No, Ernie.
Ah, a hailstorm?
There is upside-down everything all over town
It all looks so funny that I've got to frown
'Cause a frown is a smile when you turn upside-down
In an upside down what side down whoops side down
Oops side down what side down upside down world
Ernie, don't stop. This is fun.
Uh, Bert, there's no time for fun now.
- We've gotta find Big Bird. - Oh.
[airplane whirring]
Oh, no. I'm afraid you've have lost him, Bert.
I've lost him?
Yeah, while you were singing, Bert.
Uh, you were singing, too.
But, Ernie, why didn't you tell me? You always do that to me.
Oh, Bert, but we..
We can turn the plane around now, Bert?
- Can you turn the plane around? - You, you, you drive it. I--
(Ernie) It's that.. It's that stick in front of you.
- You come over here. - Turn the plane, Bert.
I'm not coming over there.
My little super body is tired from all this flying.
Big Bird, where are you?
Wait! Ah, I see a, a yellow something over there.
Birdie! I am coming!
Some are big and some are small..
If you gotta eat, go eat Olivia's luggage.
Oh, thank you.
- Wait a minute. - What?
- What is that? - What?
Super Grover to the rescue.
- Gordon, do something. - What?
- What's happening? - I don't know!
Look out!
Big Bird, Big Bird! I found you.
Big Bird, ha-ha, Big..
This is not Big Bird. You are imposters.
- Grover. - Grover?
Super Grover, please. When's lunch?
[sheep bleating]
Phew. Oh, wow.
Big yellow bird at 1 o'clock.
It's that late already?
That's Air Force talk, you nerf.
Now, come on. Let's bag that bird.
[intense music]
My aching feet.
Well, I think I'll go rest under that tree.
I can't believe it. He's gone.
How could you miss him? He's eight feet tall!
- You were going too fast. - Sid...don't shout at me.
- You were going too fast. - Okay.
Don't get mad. We'll just start all over.
Now let's get going!
(Maria) 'Oscar, I told you to stop this car.'
'Okay. That's it. Stop this car right now.'
We aren't anywhere near Toadstool.
[tires screeching]
Yeah, but this is where I wanna be.
Grouch Paradise.
Look at it. It's like work of art.
It is different, Maria.
Oscar, I want you to turn this heap around
and head for Toadstool!
Ah, an angry face in a beautiful place. Heaven.
[horn honking]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, looks like everyone's
getting closer and closer to Toadstool.
[imitating car revving]
(Telly) You did it, Oscar.
(Oscar) Gee, I must've taken a wrong turn.
Mm. "Toadstool."
Sounds like another town full of suckers.
- Let's set up here. - What about the bird?
Don't worry about the bird.
I got a feeling he's gonna pop up right under our noses.
Let's see, it says
"Welcome to Toadstool
the mushroom city."
The mushroom city? Hmm.
"Annual Tournament of Mushroom's Parade".
Oh, boy. I love parades.
'And Miss Finch will never find me there.'
Poor little bird, found at last.
Oh, hi, Miss Finch. Miss Finch!
Oh, no!
- Oh, aww. Oh, ah, ah. - 'Bird.'
Bird. Bird!
- Get back here! - No.
[indistinct chatter]
[blows whistle]
[crowd cheering]
[band music]
Big Bird! Big Bird!
[tires screeching]
[music continues]
There he is!
Gordon, back it up! We'll head him off!
[crowd clamoring]
[music continues]
- Ah-ha! - Ah!
Excuse me. I'm sorry. Let me out of here.
Oh, I'm not on this parade..
'Let me outta here.'
He's not getting away this..
[music continues]
[engine cranking]
Oh, boy. I hate parades.
Wait a minute.
(Telly) 'Yeah! Step on it, Oscar. He's gettin' away.'
(Oscar) Well, I wasn't watching. Which way?
(Maria) Go to the left.
(Sam) 'We've been open five hours'
and no suckers have showed up yet.
You must have done somethin' wrong.
What about them darts? Did you rig them?
Yeah. Oh, I put lead weights in the tips of them.
So when you throw them, they go right into the ground.
Good, good. What about the invisible gorilla?
Did you print up those disclaimers?
Yeah, I printed up a whole batch of them.
But what difference does it make?
We got no customers.
Sam, we're washed up.
Hey, maybe not.
Check the gams on that butterball!
- Hi! - Yeah, I'll take care of it.
Ah, say, um, there's a lady named Miss Finch
who's chasing me, and, uh, do you mind
if I hide in your funfair?
Why, no. Not at all.
We have the perfect place for you to hide.
Right here.
In our hiding cage.
- You'll be safe here. - 'Yeah, real safe!'
Gee, thanks!
[both laughing]
Let's go.
Oh, gee, I sure am a lucky bird.
[dramatic music]
La la la-la la la la la-la la
La la la-la la la la la-la la
[engine rumbling]
Oh, swell. First a parade..
- Now a carnival. - Oscar--
Why, its enough to make a grouch sick?
- Oscar! Oscar! - Huh!
Well, I think we should forget this
and just go look for the big yellow turkey, huh?
So, step on it, Oscar, or Miss Finch will get him.
(Big Bird) 'Psst. Hey, uh, hey, guys.'
'Ah, you can let me out now.'
Is it safe now? Ah, can I get out now?
What's the matter? Don't you like your cage?
My cage.. My, my, my cage?
[both laugh]
Hey, what are you talkin' about?
Let me outta here. Hey, come on!
I don't want to stay in here. You can't keep me in here.
This is bird-napping. Did you hear me?
Hey, I just thought of something.
Everybody's lookin' for an eight-foot yellow bird.
- He's hot! - Yeah, keep your shirt on.
(Big Bird) 'I'll be really good.'
'Okay, come on, come on, guys.'
'The joke is over, let me out--'
I got an idea. He-he.
(Sid) 'Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.'
'On the inside, our main attraction'
'the blue bird of happiness.'
You've seen the invisible gorilla.
Now, see the giant, eight-foot blue bird of happiness.
He's, he's... one of a kind.
Yes, he's incredible! The blue bird of happiness.
He sings, he dances, he tells jokes.
And be sure to catch him now
before his big European tour.
[instrumental music]
I'm a blue bird
That's been dreaming
Of a rainbow
I can follow
To that old familiar place
I long to see
Friendly faces
A smile to greet me
Or just a simple
Hello how are you
Oh without them
I'm so blue
There's only one thing
That will do
To make this heartache end
To be
Back home
[music continues]
- He sure looks sad. - He sure does.
I'll never lose my dreams
Even though this time
It seems like I'm such a long way
From any rainbows
That might keep my dreams
From fading
Well no wonder
I'm so blue
There's only one thing
That will do
To make this heartache end
To be
Back home
To be
Back home
I'm a rich man
Getting richer
Here's my money
Let me count it
I'm so happy
[dramatic music]
Are you real?
He must be real. He's crying.
What's the matter?
Oh, oh, uh..
I'm in big trouble, see.
Could you do me a favor?
I-I can't get outta here, and I want to.
So, could you call Mr. Looper's Store
on Sesame Street
'and tell somebody where I am?'
Hey, kids, get away from the talent!
Go on! Get.. Scram!
[imitating dog barking]
I'm a rich man
Getting richer
[line ringing]
(woman on phone) 'Operator. May I help you?'
Hello, operator, can you tell me
how to get to Sesame Street?
Cookie, haven't you had enough?
G-Gordon, me growing monster.
And that's how Bert lost Big Bird.
- I did enjoy it. - You did too, Bert..
Hey, Count, baby, what's happening?
- 'Oh.' - 'Hello.'
Hi, Bob. No news about Big Bird, I suppose.
- 'Yeah, we've located him.' - What?
(Bob on phone) Yeah, he's right nearby, locked in a cage.'
- He's locked in a cage? - 'Some kids phoned.'
'They saw him. He's blue.'
- He's blue - What?
- He's blue? - He's blue?
(Bob on phone) 'At some kinda carnival, the kid said.'
- At a carnival? - 'Right. Maria?'
That funfair.
- We passed that hours ago. - Hm-hm.
- That's what she just said. - Now, come on.
Oh, bye, Bob.
How are we gonna get him if he's locked in a cage?
- 'Come on, Telly.' - Whoa!
[birds chirping]
[Oscar snoring]
[both snoring]
[rooster crowing]
What do you see, Ernie?
Your nose, Bert. He-he-he.
- Ernie! - Mm?
Get serious, will ya?
We're supposed to be looking for Big Bird.
Put them in bundles.
Bundles of a thousand.
And it's mine.
All mine.
Of course you can't see him, he's invisible.
No place like home.
No place like home.
No place like..
Step into this cage.
You'll be safe here. Hm.
[Big Bird sobbing]
[Count gasps]
[Big Bird snoring]
[Big Bird whimpering]
- Uh, no! - Stay Here.
- Maria! - Shh!
Maria, Maria, how'd you get here?
- How.. Hi, how.. Hi, how-- - Shh!
- How'd you get in? - Shh!
Don't worry, Big Bird.
We're gonna get you outta here.
[flies buzzing]
- Shh. - Hmm.
[Sid snoring]
Uh, right there.
[Sam snoring]
[flies buzzing]
[Sam snoring]
(Telly) 'Don't wake up. Don't wake up.'
'Don't wake up, please.'
(Cookie) 'Thank you.'
Oh, oh, try-try that one.
Try that key. That's the one.
(Big Bird) 'Try it. I know that's the one.'
- One, one key! - No!
Oh, sorry, sorry.
One key.
(Big Bird) 'No, no, don't try that one.'
'No, try the gold-colored one.'
(Maria) 'Shh, Big Bird, please!'
(Big Bird) 'Why don't you try the one there'
'with the funny end on it?'
(Maria) 'Big Bird, you're gonna wake them up!'
This looks like a job
for Super Grover!
(Big Bird) 'Oh, one more, that's uh, three-three keys.'
'Four keys.. Oh, no, I don't think that--'
Shh, Big Bird.
Never fear, Super Grover is here.
We do not need a key.
With my super strength, I will bend the bars
and birdie will be free as a bird.. to speak.
(Big Bird) 'I don't think that's the one.'
No, no, don't do that.. Try the next one.
'Are you sure you have the right keys?'
(Maria) 'Big Bird, how're we gonna get you out of here'
'if you can't keep quiet?'
(Big Bird) 'Maybe you should ask him'
'if he has another set of keys.'
(Maria) 'Gee, Big Bird, please?'
(Big Bird) 'Maybe it's a combination lock.'
Psst. Go.
'No, don't try that one..'
(Big Bird) 'No, no, that one. Try that one.'
- 'Try.. No, try that one.' - 'That?'
(Big Bird) 'No, no, that one. That's the one.'
Three, three more keys.
- 'Wrong key.' - Two!
Two more keys!
[dramatic music]
One more key. Huh!
(Big Bird) 'That's it!'
[engine revving]
- Maria! - Big Bird!
- Bid Bird! - Oh!
- Oh, no, what are we gonna do? - Gordon!
- They're gettin' away! - We gotta catch that truck.
- Come on, Olivia. Let's go. - Telly!
- 'You wake up Oscar.' - Huh..
- 'Telly?' - Right. Right, Maria.
Oh, no!
(Big Bird) Let me out of here!
- Wait a minute. - What?
- Sis, you drive. - Why me? Why--
I've got an idea.
(Big Bird) Olivia, Linda, help!
Okay, let's follow that bird.
[engine cranking]
Oscar! Oscar!
Oscar, wake up! Come on.
Come on, Oscar, wake up.
[engine revving]
Help, help..
Whoa! Oh, no.
The-the doors are open. Oh, boy!
Hey, fellas, these doors came open.
What am I telling them for?
[instrumental music]
Okay, Gordon. Oh, there he is!
Oh, oh, who's that?
Who's that coming?
Hey, anything following us?
(Sid) 'Just a yellow Volkswagen'
'with a hole in the roof and no hood.'
Fine, keep an eye out for anything suspicious.
- Now, what? - Okay..
- Just pull up behind the truck. - Pull up behind the truck.
And stay right with it.
Okay. Gordon, what are you doing?
Are you nuts? Get back in here!
You know, Sid, I've been thinkin'.
Our big blue bird needs a new act.
Yeah. How about if we teach him to dance?
That's a great idea. We can teach him to breakdance!
An eight-foot blue bird breakdancing!
We'll get him a white glove. We'll make a bundle!
Gunka chica gunka gi-gi gunk
Gunka chica gunka chica
Gunka chica gunka chica
Gunka chica gunka chica
Hey, Gordon! Gordon, look.
The doors are open!
I know. Now, now come on.
Come on? Ha-ha.
Gordon, you know I can't fly.
Chica gunk chi-gunk chi-gunk Chi-gunk chi-gunk chi-gunk
- Wait, I got a better idea! - What?
How about if we build a big high tower
and we have him jump into a pool of water?
- Jump? - Nah, he's a chicken.
Ah, uh, could-could we just, uh
ask them to stop the truck?
Don't worry. There's plenty of room.
Come on, Gordon. Be serious.
- Hula-hoop! - No! Poof!
Gordon, I'm not supposed to do this!
'Why, you should never jump from a moving truck.'
Why, I shouldn't even be standing up.
You have my permission, just this once.
Now, come on!
Come on, Big Bird.
What are you doing?
Oh, okay, Gordon.
I, ah, uh..
Uh, uh, uh, uh..
(Gordon) 'You can do it. Try it again.'
Come on!
- Yeah, I got you! - He did it!
Whoo! Hoo-hoo!
'Oh, I knew he could do it. Oh!'
'Oh, oh! Oh, Bird!'
- Oh, Bird! - Boy.
[Gordon sighing]
[engines revving]
[police siren wailing]
Hey, what's that noise?
- It's the cops! - Eh!
Sam, the bird's gone! The bird's gone!
Get a grip on yourself, will ya?
- The bird's gone. - Just try to relax.
- Look.. - I'll take care of everything.
Whatever you do, don't cry.
[siren wailing]
[tires screeching]
Are these the two men?
Uh, wha-what seems to be the problem, officer?
What's the charge?
What about counterfeiting
'extortion, fraud'
'impersonating a dentist'
stealing an apple from a kid?
Oh, about that apple, officer.
I can explain that.
We was just holdin' it for a friend.
Yeah. For a friend.
You can tell that to the judge.
The-the judge.
Be a man.
[sobbing] I don't want to be a man, Sam.
Shut up, Sid, shut up!
Ju-judge, Sam. Jail.
- 'Big Bird is here.' - Yeah, you're right!
Let's hope he'll be here soon.
Hi, everybody.
Oh, I'm so happy to be back.
Hey, everybody, Big Bird's back!
- Hey, Big Bird's home? - Big Bird's home!
- Big Bird's home! - Yay!
Ho-ho, Bird-Bird!
- So, the VW is on its way? - Oh.
- Not exactly. - What happened?
Oh, they had a little car trouble.
Hey, Big Bird, tell us all about your trip.
Oh, hey, I had such an exciting time.
You know, I was on a farm, this big farm
and there were two little kids there
and they were really nice, and I was helpin' them
do things, and then suddenly
I looked up and I saw, saw..
...Miss Finch!
Hello, Bird.
Perhaps the Dodos weren't perfect for you
but I have managed to find you another
'lovely bird family.'
He doesn't need another family.
- Uh, no. - No, no!
- No, no, no-- - Unh-unh.
- He-he has one right here. - He's fine right here.
- Yeah. - And we all love him.
But he's a bird.
He'd be happier with his own kind.
- 'Who says that?' - 'That's bull!'
Well, we're all happy here
on Sesame Street..
...a-and we've got all kinds.
We've got people...and cows..
- Hmm, she's right about that. - 'Yeah, that's right.'
- 'And we've got..' - 'Tell her what else, Maria.'
(Maria) 'We've got Bert and Ernie..'
- Yeah. - Yeah.
- Eh-eh-eh. - 'We want you here, Big Bird!'
(Maria) 'And there's dogs.'
- 'And birds.' - That's me!
- 'We've got monsters.' - Where? Where monsters?
- You see monsters? - 'And kids.'
- He-he-he.. - 'And there's honkers..'
(Maria) 'Why, we've even'
'got grouches!'
Ahh, keep us out of this!
- Yeah, yeah, that's right! - Yeah.
So you have.
And you're all happy?
- Oh, yeah! - 'Yeah.'
- Yes, we are. - Yeah, yeah.
Yes, definitely. did go to look for him
so that must mean you care
and he does seem to have lots of friends.
Not feathered, but..
Big, from now on
Sesame Street is your home.
- Yeah! - Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Thank you!
Well, I've done it again.
Placed another stray bird
in a good home.
Case dismissed. Back to work.
[crowd cheering]
Um, I wonder where Snuffy is?
Uh, would everybody excuse me for a few minutes?
Well, I've got something I should do.
Excuse me, okay?
- See ya. - Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
Bye, Big.
Oh, Bird!
- Oh! - Ow.
Oh, Snuffy, this time you're real.
Oh, Bird, uh, can I stop
watching your things now?
[chuckles] Oh, Snuffy.
Oh, Bird.
[sighs] Home at last.
Well, I hope there nothing seriously wrong with your car.
Oh, I hope not, either, but you know I can fix it.
[metal clanking]
Oh, Gordon! Oh.
- 'Oh, Gordon, what is this--' - Gordon, what-what's going on?
What happened to the car?
- What happened to the car? - Ahh..
- Don't ask me, ask him. - Hi.
Excuse me.
Our insurance man is never
gonna believe this.
Once more around the block, Bruno.
- Sure, boss. - Yeah.
I gotta walk off some of this happy stuff.
[instrumental music]
Bruno, come on.
Wait, wait, wait! Don't leave yet.
My favorite part of the picture is starting.
The credits. Oh, I love to count credits.
One "Directed by."
That's one credit.
One "Written by."
That's two credits.
Ah, one "Produced by."
That's three credits.
One "Director of photography."
That's four credits.
Ah. One "Art director."
That's five fabulous credits!
One "Associate producer."
Somebody must associate with the producer.
I love it, ha-ha.
That's six credits.
Ah, one "Supervising film editor."
That's seven stupefying credits!
One "Music Score by."
That's eight credits!
One "Music supervised by."
Nine credits!
One "Joan Ganz Cooney!"
Hi, mom. That's ten!
Ten fantastic credits
and still counting, I love it!
[instrumental music]
Oh I found out a long time ago
You gotta learn to say yes when life says no
Don't dwell on the bad times
Once they've past
That kind of thinkin' gets you nowhere fast
'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you'll hang on tight and just make up your mind
Once you set your heart to movin' on
Son there ain't no road too long
[music continues]
One little star
Reaching far through the night
Do you shine on my someone
Are we sharing your light
Oh one little star
Shine on us both tonight
[instrumental music]
Friendly faces
A smile to greet me
Or just a simple
Hello how are you
Oh without them
I'm so blue
There's only one thing
That will do
To make this heartache end
To be
Back home
[instrumental music]
Easy goin'
We'll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin'
Easy goin' day
[Count grunting]
That is 278
incredible, colossal credits!
I love motion pictures!
[thunder rumbling] Wonderful!