Followers (2024) Movie Script

- We're here!
- Woo!
- Ah!
It is so pretty.
- Wow.
- Oh my God,
it is so fucking hot.
- It's August.
What do you expect?
- But is
it always this hot?
- Oh, please don't
complain the whole time.
Does anyone need sunscreen?
- Yes, please.
Frickin' fried last year.
- Sam, please tell
me about your inhaler.
- Got it, Mom.
- Okay, let's go.
- Come on, Riley.
You know you want to.
- I am not singing
that fucking song.
- You all good?
Been havin' radio
trouble all day.
- Yeah, just markin'
up trees for the burn.
Don't mark too many.
They told us this season's gonna
be pretty mild, you
know, fire wise.
- Hey, did we approve
any crossbow hunting
licenses this season?
No, not that I know of.
- Well...
Yeah, we might have
a poaching situation.
- All right,
find out and let me know.
Jake, are you still there?
Jake, are you still there?
- What the hell?
- Where's
the fucking lake?
- Fuck!
- This
is the spot, right?
- Yeah, this is it.
- Why is it so dry?
- Climate change, that's why.
Less snowfall means less water.
- Fucking bullshit.
- Fuck it, I'm going in.
- What? In that?
- Yeah, it's hot.
Come on.
- Fuck that.
- Woo!
- Someone's watching us.
- That's weird.
- Whew!
- Someone's watching us.
- What was that?
Oh, that's fuckin' weird.
- Did you see his face?
It looked like he
was wearing a mask.
- A mask?
It looks like a hat.
- That was creepy.
- Oh, God, do you
have my phone charger?
- I just gave it to Riley.
- Oh my God.
- Oh, fuck, I'm sorry.
- Yeah, you go
in the puddle with it?
- Ah, great.
- So this means we can't charge?
- Nope.
- I was only at 25%.
- I'm at 35.
- I don't care if
the lake is dry.
We are still getting
a fucking picture.
- Ah, Heather's serious.
She's bringin' out the tripod.
- Hurry up, guys.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
- It's getting colder.
- Yeah, always does.
- Hello, hello, my
beautiful followers.
We have finally made it
here after a very long hike,
but it's okay because we're
here and I'm with my friends.
- Okay, Sam, your turn.
- What?
- I'd be a dragon.
- Okay, what?
I didn't know we could do,
like, not real animals.
- Oh, fuck.
- Well, well, well.
If it isn't that little piggy
with the house made of straw?
I'm the Big Bad Wolf that's
gonna blow your house down.
- Riley?
Heather, wake up.
- What?
- Riley's gone.
- What?
- Riley is gone.
- Fuck, I'm at 1%.
- She wouldn't just leave us.
- Riley?
- Riley?
- Wait, wait.
What the fuck?
What the is that?
- It's a trail.
- Riley?
- Are you okay?
Okay, I'm gonna
get your inhaler.
- Okay.
It's not here!
- Fuck.
- Sam, I couldn't find it.
- Oh my God.
Oh my God.
- What, what?
- He has her.
- Heather, we don't
know what he wants.
- Sam!
I don't know if I can move!
- You've got this.
Don't put your weight on it,
don't put your weight on it.
- I
can't move any further.
- Okay, lean over on me.
Lean on me.
- Sam can't go any further.
- I know.
Okay, careful, careful.
- Oh my God.
- Okay.
Breathe, breathe.
- I have to go find Riley.
- No, don't leave.
- Okay, okay.
I'm coming back for you, okay?
We are going to
come back for you.
- Okay.
- Okay, okay.
Just try and stay calm.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Riley.
No, hey.
Hey, it's me.
It's me, it's me, okay?
- Sam, Sam, he's recording us.
Get the fuck away from her!
Somebody fucking help us!
You motherfucker!
Get the fuck away from her!
- I'm gonna kill your friend.
- Sam!
- The blonde one, too.
- Sam!
- Sam!
- I
can't go any further.
I can't go any further.
- Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, okay, okay.
- Oh my God, there's so
much blood.
Oh my God.
- Okay.
Easy, easy, easy.
- Oh my God.
- I'm just cutting it open.
- Okay, okay.
- Oh my
God, oh my God!
- Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry.
- That's a truck.
- That's a truck.
- Help!
Help, help, help!
- What happened?
- Someone had a bear
trap or something.
- Jesus Christ.
All right, you know,
this is gonna be easier
by taking you in the truck.
- You think anyone's
coming to save you?
Nobody's coming.
- Oh my God.
Wait, wait, wait!
I'm sorry!
- Oh my God.
- Help me.
Hello, my new followers.
To everyone new to
the account, welcome.
And everyone else, I
just wanna say thank you
so much for all your support
and all messages asking
me how I'm doing.
It's been really overwhelming
and I'm just really
grateful for you guys.
To answer your question,
my leg is healing.
It's not pretty, but heal
from the inside out, right?
About what happened
on the trail.
I don't really think I'm
ready to talk about that yet.
But thanks to you guys and
your support and everything,
I'm definitely getting
back to a place
where I wanna be
creating content again
and sharing my life with you.
And yeah, thank you so much,
and expect more
posts from me soon.
- Can I help you?
Can I help you?
- Yes, I was terrified.
- Hey, are you watching?
- I got up-
- Am I watching what?
- The documentary just aired.
- At least 12 hours.
- Fuck, that came out tonight?
I'll watch
it when I get home.
- Welcome back
to the "Free Yourself
from the Grid" podcast.
I'm Sam Benson Smith,
former corporal in the
United States Marine Corps
and your current hostest
with the mostest locks
on his doors and windows.
Today, my underground girls
and bomb shelter boys,
we are going to be discussing
a very popular topic
in this day and age.
VPN, virtual private networks.
Now, what exactly is a virtual
private network you may ask?
Well, I've been working
on my paranoia in therapy,
but I don't think I'm too
bold in saying it is something
you desperately need if you hope
to have any
semblance of privacy.
Now we all know that
every phone and every-
- Who is it?
- It's me.
- Hey.
You smell like cigarettes.
- Yeah, I just had one.
I was stressed.
I had a constitutional
law test earlier.
You okay?
- I'm fine.
Some guy was just staring
at me at the library.
- Did you know him?
- No.
- Well, I
got you a burrito.
- I already ate, sorry.
- It's fine.
We'll save it for later.
What are you watching?
- Heather's documentary
dropped today.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
I haven't watched it yet.
- Do you want to?
- I mean, I guess
I might as well.
They paid me for it.
- I guess what I've learned
and what I would
say to other people
that have presences
online is to be careful.
The world has real evil in it.
We saw that evil and you
never know who's watching you.
We're here, day one.
- Day one
of a two day trip.
- Shh!
We're here, day one.
Me and my two best friends off
into the great unknown
for our annual retreat.
It started out as
just a normal trip.
Riley, Sam, and I,
every year go on this
hike in Western Nevada.
Okay, mile four and we're really
starting to feel the heat.
How you doin', Riley?
- My sports bra is just sweat.
- Mine too.
Just get to be alone in
the wilderness together
and it's nice to get
away from it all.
There were definitely moments
where we thought someone
might have been watching us,
a few weird interactions,
but I didn't think
anything of it.
It's the middle of nowhere.
Sometimes you run into this.
Mile six and we're
takin' a little break.
- Sam?
- Sam is-
- What's wrong?
You okay?
- Oo, an F bomb.
You don't see that every day.
Not halfway through the trail,
I got a direct message.
It was a picture of.
- Hey.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Try those breathing exercises
your therapist gave you?
- Yeah, I tried.
What are you watching?
- Some old spy movie.
- Hey.
- Hi.
How are you?
- I'm fine I guess.
How are you?
- I'm good.
I'm still alive.
The documentary came out today.
- Yeah, I know.
I saw it.
- Anyway, the reason why I'm
calling is because Gareth
and I are going to his parents'
house for New Year's Eve,
and we were wondering if you
and Todd might
wanna come with us?
- Oh, um...
I mean, of course no
worries at all if you can't.
But Riley and Leah might come
and I think it would be
really great to reunite.
- You know, thanks.
I appreciate the gesture.
I just, I don't know if I can
do it with school
and everything.
- Right, yeah, of course.
Listen, I just, I wanted to...
Actually, I have to go.
But if you change your mind,
the offer still stands.
- Okay.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
- Okay, bye Sam.
- Bye, Heather.
- Who was that?
- Oh, it was Heather
inviting me out
to her boyfriend's place
for New Year's Eve.
- Oh, are we on?
- No.
- Why not?
I mean, it could be
good to see her again.
- Yeah.
- I know the last time
you saw her it was...
I mean, you know what happened,
but didn't you used
to be best friends?
- Yeah.
- Look, I know it's
been difficult,
but you can't spend all
your time in the apartment.
- I went to class today.
- Okay.
But you need a life
outside of school.
Look, I'll go with you.
Be fun.
The man who attacked
you, he's gone.
You're safe now.
You brought the taser?
- It makes me feel safer.
- Just don't use it on Heather.
- Sammy!
I missed you.
- Hi, Riley.
- Oh my gosh.
- Sam.
- I've heard so much about you.
- You too.
- Hi.
- Hi, Todd.
- Riley.
Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Leah.
- Hi, Todd.
- I really missed you.
- Me too.
- This must be Todd?
- Yeah.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- I've heard a lot about you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, I'm Gareth.
- Sam.
- I know, it's great
to finally meet you.
- Jared, Todd.
- Gareth.
- Oh, sorry.
- Yeah.
- I'm freezing.
We should get inside.
- Yeah, come on in everybody.
Me casa es su casa.
- Beautiful place.
- Thanks.
Yeah, my mom designed it
all from the ground up.
Imported every stone from Italy.
So last year when I
spent time in Florence,
hanging out with the
natives was just so,
- Babe, where's the-
- inspiring.
- I think it's in my
purse on the couch.
- Pretty nice, right?
- Gar, will you show
Todd where their room is?
- Yes.
- Sam,
I have to show you this view.
- Back this way, Todd.
Oh, shit, sorry, I'm trying
to get this deal closed.
I gotta take this.
- Gar, I said no
work this weekend.
- This is
important, babe.
Hey, Todd, room's upstairs,
second door on the left.
You can't miss it.
- Sure.
- Mikey Mike,
what's up, my man?
How you doin'?
You close?
- Isn't this place amazing?
Gareth's mom designed
the whole thing.
- Yeah.
- So, how are you?
- All right, it's
just a long trip.
- No,
no, guys, come on.
Look, I can't do this-
- I really like Todd.
- Okay? I'm busy.
- He's super cute.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, he's sweet.
- We started
drinking without you.
I'm sorry, you
guys took forever.
- It's all right, our
flight was delayed.
- Ri, it's not in here.
- Really?
Check my bag upstairs.
- No, it doesn't work
like that.
- Do you
want a margarita?
They're strong.
- Maybe later.
- Beer, soda?
- Sure, I'll have a beer.
- Okay.
Don't worry.
I will not be posting
while we're here.
- How's the influencing going?
- Oh my God, it is crazy.
After our story went viral,
I hit almost half a
million followers.
It was nuts.
I had to hire a
publicist and a manager.
And now with our
documentary out,
they think I'm gonna hit a
million in the next year.
But I do not share
my location anymore.
I definitely learned my
lesson on that.
- Can you believe it, Sam?
She won't be
posting every second
of her life anymore.
All it took was a
crazy psycho chasing
her through the woods.
- It's an amazing view, right?
Gareth's dad owns like 12 acres.
- Yeah.
- Sam, are you okay?
- I'm sorry.
- Sam, it's okay.
- Oh, Sam.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- You guys.
- It's okay.
- It's okay, it's okay.
- Fuck these woods!
- Yeah, dude, I mean look,
if he doesn't wanna invest,
then he has nothing to invest.
He's being a baby back bitch
and I just don't wanna
hear about it anymore.
- Bill, yeah.
It's good.
It's good, yeah,
tomorrow'll be fine.
I don't want sushi.
We had sushi the other day.
Yeah, too much sushi.
- Todd, right?
- Oh, hi.
- Hey, you wanna get high?
I think they're having
a moment downstairs.
- No.
I'm okay, thanks.
- You have this
strange aura about you.
- What?
- A strange aura,
like a strange energy.
- Okay.
- I'm good at reading
people's energies.
Yours is very,
- Okay.
- You should try yoga.
- Okay.
I'm gonna go inside.
- Careful.
She'll bite ya.
You like guns, Todd?
- No, I was just
figuring out the-
- Check this out.
It's a Christmas
present from my dad.
AR-15 semi-automatic.
.233 Remington cartridges,
20 inch barrel and effective
firing range of 600 yards.
You wanna hold it?
- Sure.
- Admire the lightening.
- Wow.
It's heavy.
- Fuck yeah, it is.
This thing could
bring down a buffalo.
- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah.
You feel that?
- Gar?
Babe, what did we say about
keeping the guns locked up?
- I'm just showin' it, babe.
- Okay, well I
started the salad.
If you could start the grill?
- We'll shoot it tomorrow.
I got some targets
set up out back.
Oh, hey, could you
use a coaster, please?
This marble's from Sri Lanka.
- Sorry.
- Yeah.
- Babe?
Try not to overcook
them this time, please.
- Okay.
Todd, wanna help?
- Sure.
- They call me the grill master.
Oh, hey, can you
not smoke in here?
My mom hates the smell.
- Okay.
- Let me hit that.
- So, what did you think
of the documentary?
- I thought it was fine.
- So, Toddy, how'd
you and Sam meet?
- We had the same
class together.
- Oh.
At law school, right?
- Yeah.
We took Intro to Ethics.
- Oh, cool.
Yeah, my dad wanted me
to get into law school.
I just, I don't know.
It never really interested me.
It was so boring, right?
- No.
Well, it's not for everyone.
It's a lot of hard work.
Takes awhile.
- Ugh, overrated.
- Are you a little worried
that it could like,
inspire other killers?
- What?
- Like, like aren't you worried
that someone could
see it and then like,
attack someone else?
- No, I hadn't thought
about that at all.
- Right, I just mean
like when you project
such a negative energetic
event into the world-
- In law, they're making two-
- I have some vegan patties
for me and Leah,
I can grab them.
- Like, you just, you
never know whose frequency
is gonna pick it up.
- Yeah.
I actually think that our story
was very inspiring
to a lot of people.
We had to overcome a lot.
- Yeah, totally.
- Wait, no more frequency talk.
- Sorry.
I just think a lot
about this stuff.
Ignore me.
- Probably soy.
- Huh.
- I think they cook
just like steaks.
- Right.
Vegan patty.
How do you
think she eats that shit?
- One day at a time,
like all of us.
- Yeah, I guess.
So, you into crypto Todd?
- Crypto?
- Yeah, cryptocurrency.
It's a new thing.
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum.
Everything in between.
- No , can't say I am.
- What?
- Mm mm.
- Dude, Todd!
- Are you
sure you don't want one?
- I'm all right.
- What the heck, August?
I told 'em not to park here.
What are they doin'?
Two's here, August.
Hey, no campers here.
I'm gonna call the police.
You're not allowed
to be campin'.
What the heck?
What are you doin'?
What's goin' on here?
- And like, we
kind of match, you know?
- Yeah.
- It's just,
- Yeah.
- it's so great, ugh.
- And he's awesome.
- Did you hear that?
- Yeah.
- Like, he's just
like wonderful and-
- No.
- And he just-
- I didn't hear anything.
- Just awesome and-
- Oh.
- Anyway,
so we were in Hawaii
and he was at a
resort with his...
- You guys!
You're too cute.
You'll love this.
My sexy grill master.
- Good?
- Yes!
- Picture ready, everybody.
- Ugh, let's eat.
Does anyone want a
drink with dinner?
- I'm good.
- I've got whiskey.
- Sam, wine?
- Sure.
- All right, who's hungry?
- Oh, these steaks look amazing.
- Oh, they had a great cut.
Oh, those are your
vegan patties.
- Thanks.
- So, before we eat I
wanted to propose a toast.
I'm sorry.
- Oh, babe.
- No, it's fine.
I'm sorry, I knew
I was gonna cry.
So, on that trail,
as you guys know
there were moments
were we really didn't know
if we would make it back.
And I just wanna say
I'm so happy we did,
and we could tell our story
and it's just really
good to see you guys.
- And you guys have a
movie coming out now.
- No, Gar.
We were gonna talk
about that later.
- What movie?
- Yeah, what movie?
- Well, a few weeks ago,
two producers from LA emailed me
and said that they
were interested
in turning our
story into a movie,
but they would need permission
from the three of us.
I was gonna talk to you
guys about it tomorrow.
- Is that why you
invited us out here?
- No, of course not.
No, I wanted to see you guys.
We can just talk about it later.
- Why don't we just
enjoy the dinner?
I mean, everything looks great.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Who wants a vegan patty?
- Alpha, radio check.
- Kevin, radio check.
Mike, radio check.
- To this creed we swear,
I am a wolf.
I will hold the pack above all.
I will be loyal to my brothers.
I will never submit myself
to the temptations
of female flesh.
My blood belongs to the
wolves, and the wolves alone.
I am a man, I am a
wolf, I am in control.
- And Gareth falls and
loses one of his keys,
so I had to hike up the
mountain and get it.
Thank you.
- Kevin, make
sure you disable the cars.
- That's not
how it happened.
- Come on, it's funny.
And it is how it
- You know what else is funny?
That you only invited us here
to ask us permission to make
a movie out of what happened.
- Sam.
- No.
I just saw the positive reaction
the documentary was getting
and true crime survivor stories
are a bankable genre right now.
- I'm glad people find what
happened to us entertaining.
- Not entertaining, inspiring.
Three girls fought evil and won.
- Won what? Nightmares?
- I'm gonna go smoke.
- Outside please.
- Riley, what do you think?
- I don't know.
I feel like if we could make
some money off of it it
can't be a bad thing.
- It's inspiring, Sam.
We survived and
we're still here.
People like
survivor stories.
- Hi, do we have another
lighter anywhere?
- There's one in my suitcase.
- Okay.
- I just
don't understand
why you're acting like this.
They think a movie about
our story could be popular.
We need the money.
- Fuck off.
- Yes, I want you two
to give permission
so they can make the movie.
When the truth comes out...
- And the
quarterback has hiked the ball.
- I wonder what's
taking Leah so long.
- I just don't understand
how making a movie out
of this could be good.
- Not
good, Sam, inspiring.
- Okay, I'm gonna
switch to beer.
Does anyone want one?
- I'll take one.
- Me too.
- I'm actually
gonna go to the bathroom.
- Through the
kitchen on your left.
- Kevin, hurry
up, hurry up, hurry up.
- What the fuck?
What the fuck?
- Oh my God, oh my God, Riley!
- Who the fuck is that?
- Oh my
God, oh my God!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- You weren't
supposed to shoot her.
Where's the quiet one?
- Kitchen.
You ever kill anyone on ecstasy?
Crazy shit, man.
- Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
- Hey man, this
one's out cold.
- Hello, Heather.
Sorry about my friend.
He's a bit jumpy.
- It's the drugs.
- What do you want from us?
- I want you
to sit first off.
- Listen to me, my dad's
got a lotta money, okay?
So, whatever it is you want,
we can give you.
- Mm.
You don't say.
- Hello my
beautiful followers.
To everyone new to
the account, welcome.
And everyone else-
- It's strange
to see you in person, Heather.
- Thank you so much
- It's like meeting
- for all your support
- a celebrity.
- and all your messages.
- Someone I've only ever
seen through a screen.
- It's really overwhelming.
What do you want, freak?
- Whatever it is we
can give it to you.
We can give it to you.
Just let us go.
- Kill her,
and you can leave.
- Fuck yeah, let's
get this party started!
- What?
- I said kill
her and you can leave.
- Fuck you!
- That's the only
way you're going
to walk out of here alive.
- Oh, God.
- Gar?
- Do it!
- Gareth, Gareth, it's okay.
It's okay.
Gareth, it's gonna be okay.
- Holy shit, he's
actually gonna do it.
- Gareth, what are you doing?
Gareth, what are you doing?
No, Gareth, please.
- I'm sorry.
- Gareth, what are you doing?
Gareth, please, what?
- If it makes
you feel any better,
we were going to
kill him anyway.
The little piggy with
the house made of wood.
- What'd you just say?
- Nothing.
We all set?
- Almost,
just gimme a second.
- Okay, okay.
Come on,
come on, come on.
Come on.
- 911,
what's your emergency?
- I'm at 2247
Mountainside Drive.
There's been a break-in.
- Okay, Ma'am.
I'm sending a police
unit to your location.
Are you in a safe
place right now?
- Wait,
wait, wait, fuck, fuck.
Oh my God!
Oh, fuck!
Oh my God.
- What the
fuck is up, Wolf Nation?
It is your boy Wolfie
and I am here with
a very special guest
for a very special New
Heather here is the survivor.
You may have heard
that she survived
an attack on the trail a year
and a half ago with one
of our brothers, Dylan.
Make some fucking mistakes,
didn't you, Heather?
- No.
- Now, we had a poll
of people saying
how to kill you.
- Help!
- And I'm
proud to say we decided
to go back to basics.
- No, no, please,
no, please!
Please, don't do it.
No, please!
- I get no
joy in doing this.
Just kidding, I do.
- No!
- Don't, don't move.
It's gonna be okay, Heather.
I called the police.
- Hello, Sam.
It's really an
honor to meet you.
- Shut up.
- I'm a big fan of yours.
- Shut up.
- You're very pop
on our chat boards.
The one that killed Dylan.
The pret that
became the predator.
- He was trying to kill us.
- I mean it,
you're very popular.
Everyone wants to
know where you are,
what you're doing.
We've actually become pretty
familiar with your routine.
- What?
- Going to class, the library,
working out at your apartment.
- What are
you talking about?
- Sam.
- Todd, I called the police.
Is Riley dead?
- No!
- You really think you'd
get away with what you did?
- Todd and I were there.
We witnessed everything.
- This, this is
not a confession.
This is a declaration.
This is my manifesto.
Today I become a wolf.
My whole life,
I've been anonymous.
A single sheet,
indistinguishable from a flap.
But today, all that changes.
Today, the world
will know my name.
They will know our name.
And that we are a force
to be reckoned with.
We, a collection
of men who refuse
to be belittled,
forgotten, unknown.
And if I die,
I take comfort in knowing
that I'll have not died in vain.
I'll have died for a movement,
and I will have
died for the cause
of my brother's in arms.
My name is Dylan Loberetti,
and I declare myself a wolf.
- Oh, fuck!
- When you killed
Dylan, you became a martyr.
The organization grew.
Websites, videos,
chat rooms, sharings.
We were just a collection
of individuals,
but when you killed Dylan,
we became a movement.
- After that day, we waited.
Came up with a plan to get
all three of you
back together again.
Somebody had
to get close to you,
make sure you'd
actually show up.
The wolves voted,
and I was chosen.
- So now we're
gonna give our audience
what they really want,
to see your brains smashed,
for all our loyal,
loving followers.
Tony, cops are here!
I think I broke my arm.
Mighta fucked up my back, too.
- They're coming.
- Fuck, what do we do?
- If you kill them,
there'll be more comin'.
Fuck, we should get
the fuck outta here.
- Hello, Officers.
Sorry, I tried to call
to cancel but I couldn't
get through to the dispatcher.
- We got a report
of an attack here.
- Yes, that was my girlfriend.
She's not well.
- Is your girlfriend here?
- Yes, but she's asleep.
She's on medication.
- What kind of medication?
- Xanax, I believe.
I could be wrong.
She has a prescription,
of course.
- She reported that there
was an incident of
domestic violence.
I'm sorry, we're gonna need
to see her to perform
a wellness check.
- I'm sorry officers,
can't let ya do that.
- We're not askin'.
- I'm sorry, my girlfriend,
she's really not well.
She's been angry
and moody lately,
and I took her up
here to get away
from her job in the city,
but I think the
change in environment
was just too much for her.
- Is there
anybody else in the house?
- No, it's just us.
- Can we see some ID?
- Yes.
That's your last name?
- Yes.
- You related to-
- Yes, he's my father.
I'd actually appreciate it
if he didn't find
out about this.
- Mike, what's going on?
- He's talkin' to them.
- No!
- Are they coming in?
- How
the fuck should I know?
- No!
- You're
a long ways from home.
- Yeah, thought
getting her away
from the city would
be good for her,
but guess I was wrong.
- Look, whenever we get
a domestic violence call,
we have to do an investigation.
- Sorry, Officers,
can't let ya do that.
Wake up your girlfriend
and bring her down here now.
Sir, I advise you to comply.
- What?
- Sir, comply.
- You thought I
was the nice guy?
I loved you, that I
was patient with you?
All of your survival shit,
your classes, your
pepper spray, your taser?
- Sir!
- And all it took was
somebody being nice to you.
Mike, what do you see?
- Shots fired, shots fired.
We need backup.
- Sir, get on the ground.
- Copy that.
- Sam!
- Sir, get on the ground!
- Backup is five minutes out.
- Sir, do not move!
Get on the ground!
Sir, do not move,
get on the ground!
Stay right there!
- Please help, we're in here!
- We gotta get outta here.
- We're
in here, help us!
- He fucking shot me!
- Go, go, go.
- It's okay, it's okay.
Okay, let's go.
- Okay.
- Oh my God!
- Help!
- Help!
- Oh my God.
- Oh, you
guys are so screwed.
- No, no, no, no.
- Oh my God.
- Sam, no.
- Make us famous.