FOMO: Fear of Missing Out (2019) Movie Script

Three... two... one.
Hey guys!
This is the Wolves.
Let's say Wolves together.
- Fuck man, let him say it.
- Alright, alright.
Hey guys!
This is...
This is...
The Wolves!
This is the lauch of our channel.
We're doing trash
- and challenge videos.
We need to look at
the structure of the atom,
which you should
know from 7th grade.
Electrons are negative.
bris, what are you
doing with that phone?
Just checking the time.
Fuck, he's doing it.
It's not working.
I tried everything.
We're going to read your comments.
"I like that you're so
honest and funny."
Thank you.
This guy wants to ask you out.
Sorry, you.
He'd poke you.
Screw her!
He humps like a bull.
I'm setting up a date for you two.
When can we see a video
with this famous teacher of yours?
So you want a
video with Mr. Somogyi.
The weather is nice, but listen,
the final exams is very close.
Many people think Trianon
is a beautiful French town.
What is he talking about?
"Don't think your is wrong what you do?"
"Your wrong?"
It's wrong, we entertain
more people than we hurt.
We're not even hurting anyone.
In Versailles -
bris, where are you going?
I just need to pee.
When did Mtys Rkosi die?
Is it B.C. or A.D.?
- It's an F for not knowing.
- That's an F?
You should know this, but wait!
When was he exiled from Hungary?
Well, that's another F.
The Wolves!
This logo stands for
The Hungarian National Film Fund
supports the presentation of the film
by Attila Hartung
Climb the scaffolding challenge.
Fuck, this is high.
You lost, grandpa!
This is more than 40 meters.
Fuck, I can't make it.
Go on!
Don't be so scared of heights!
- I can't!
- Do you hear me? Come back.
Shit, guys, this is
fucking scary.
So you didn't complete this one,
we have to give you another challenge.
Come, come!
People, are you listening?
Fear of Missing Out
- Hey Bandi, hurry up!
- I'm coming.
For God's sake,
I knew this'd happen.
I'll kill you if you break them.
Hey girls.
- Hello!
- Hello.
Glad you came.
There's shots inside.
And somebody brought absinthe.
- Make yourselves at home!
- Thanks.
- Pull it right.
- I'm on it.
Like one of your girls.
The dude was
half an hour late...
I feel like a total loser here.
- Do you think Kristf is hot?
- He's a hamster.
Okay, then, how about
Patrik and those youtubers?
Your little love is with them.
Vivi, are you kidding?
He's not my love.
- We're doing a selfie.
- Okay, come here.
Strike a pose.
Well, I wouldn't say no to Gerg.
He's pretty cute.
- Okay, let's go live.
- Gerg, come here!
- Hey, everyone.
- Hey Guys.
We're here at where are we?
- At Zita's party, you fool!
- We're at Zita's party...
in the middle of nowhere.
Now, let's do
a quick chick survey.
If you take a closer
look at that corner...
a shitload of pussy there.
Give him a beer, Bandi!
Here's a beer, bro.
You could zoom over there.
- No need to zoom there!
- Nice boobs.
Look at that.
Bet she's a virgin, no?
- She's a 9.
- With the long hair?
I swear to God, she's a 9.
- How about that one?
- That's a guy.
Bandi, you mistook
a long-haired guy for a girl!
Look who's there!
She's barely a 3.5.
- I'd better go say hi.
- God, he's so pussywhipped.
There're some quality girls here.
Here's some fancy punch...
Let's look for something else.
- The one with the long legs.
- Zoom in on her.
That's Mr. Somogyi's daughter!
- No way!
- Yeah, that's her.
- Look, she's almost doable.
- Jesus, she looks really good.
I'd even fuck her from the front.
Let's go over there.
We haven't talked yet,
we've been only flirting online.
They're coming, say something!
What I really like about Bront's
Oliver Twist, is that all this drama.
I cried through the whole book.
Yes, that was pretty sad.
That's one, and
the other's the Lion King.
You definitely look like someone
who cries through those films.
- I really liked your posts today, Vivi.
- Hey, cut the bullshit.
- We don't need this burn from tenth-graders.
- Eleventh.
- Eleventh!
- Sorry.
- Woow.
- Listen up girls, this'll be good.
My favorite pen. The best.
We always do our
coloring in with this.
It smells like alcohol - Or not.
- Wo-ow... That's something.
- You want some?
Since you asked, then sure.
Okay, cool.
But let's have a drink first.
- Okay.
- Let's drink!
Here's Bucktooth! I found her!
Do you trust Lilla?
Girls! Floor is lava!
Did you see me climb up
on that huge scaffolding?
He was supposed to do that.
- But?
- But he climbed up,
and went all
pale after 3 meters.
- I though he'd fall off.
- He's got a fear of heights.
Like a dancer in the '90s!
- Don't call him "poor". He's not poor.
- Stop that.
- What 'stop that'?
- You keep going on at him.
That's it.
He couldn't do the challenge.
- So, how come you're here?
- Me? What do you mean?
- So, how come you're here?
- Me? What do you mean?
And your dad...
as a teacher, he is pretty strict.
You kidding? I wouldn't
miss a party like this.
And please stop mentioning my dad,
everyone keeps teasing me with that.
We're watching this guy
who's hanging himself by his balls.
I think Vivi's going to puke!
- Come and watch.
- Okay.
By the way, I know it wasn't
Bront who wrote Oliver Twist...
Anyway, you're doing the
final exams this year, right?
And I'm probably going to America.
It'd be great to party
a bit more with them.
But now, we're trying to living it up.
I'm planning to be out there
even when I'm, like, really old.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
I don't want to see this!
I would do Social Sciences.
And maybe a year abroad.
And I want a dog,
a Bedlington Terrier.
- You know it?
- No.
It looks like a sheep.
It's small, grey, with
curly fur, it's really sweet.
Let's go to the pool.
There's a pool next door.
- We can climb over.
- Grab the booze and go.
- Are you coming?
- Yes.
Are they home?
- Hey man, shut up!
- Right, sorry.
Shut the fuck up everyone!
Look at that!
They're at home!
The lights came on!
It's automatic!
After the others!
Oh, yeah, that's right!
Gerg check that out.
Nice ass.
Vivi, Vivi help!
Bandi, don't!
It was occupied!
We won!
You're a loser!
That's because
you're fucking lame.
Fuck you, this is cheating,
you're much taller.
- You're really small...
- Let me go!
- We love you anyway...
- No! No! No!
Can we start drinking?
Let's spin the bottle.
Spin it, OK?
Spin it, Vivi.
Tell us the secret.
I sang 'I believe I can fly' to this girl.
- And now, who would you sleep with?
- Excellent idea!
You guys can only
talk about sex?
- What else should we talk about?
- Anything else!
- I'd do Vivi and Lilla too!
- Bandi cuts right to it.
It's your turn, Zita!
- What?
- Who would you fuck?
Question is, who
I would let fuck me?
- I don't want it, thanks.
- Come on.
Look Lilla, I'll show you how.
Look at that.
Here you go.
That's right.
Everybody's playing!
We all said it,
it's your turn that's it.
Alright, I'd say Gerg.
Gerg, you're hot shit, man!
Personally I wouldn't do Gerg
he's far too sappy.
That was really funny!
Gerg! Cucumber.
Hi, I'm Gerg, and this is the
cucumber blowing tutorial.
You put it in your mouth...
- No-no-no!
- Come on-come-on-come-on!
Everybody's going to
see how sexy you are.
Guys, I found more wine!
Let's dip our dicks into this wine.
You do it! You always
pussy out of everything.
- That's true.
- It's true.
- So why won't you do it?
- Fuck off, I'll do it.
Here you go.
Do you like it?
Tastes good, huh?
That was quite close...
- We haven't got all night...
- Try and do it properly.
See? I did it.
That's a D minus.
A beer for starters?
Bandi you lost, so
here comes the losers' cocktail.
- Here's a butt.
- And some wine.
Ooh, yummy, yummy!
You like tobacco?
You're a pussy Bandi!
Drink it all!
Lilla! Lilla! Come on! Lilla!
Stick to the sexy stuff.
You're better at that.
Dance with the axe,
that's right. It's an other level.
- She's totally drunk.
- I can see that.
- Okay, it's alright.
- You're so cute...
Some girls love it.
But Vivi's not the type.
Some girls swallow.
Some like it hot.
Guys, the scene
before was like porn.
Guys, look what Bandi found.
- Where?
- Bandi, look! Here's the beer.
- Listen.
- Gimme that.
Lilla is our new player.
- Oops.
- Ouch.
Jesus Christ.
Lilla! Are you okay?
- She's up.
- What the fuck...
That's hot!
Lilla, come on,
we've got a great idea.
Take his dick in your mouth.
- My finger, you idiot!
- Yes, his finger.
See? It's calling to you.
It's peeking out.
Call it out.
No, ain't down there.
It's not that long.
- Give me your hand.
- Come on, it'll be great, it's worth it.
OK, get ready?
You excited?
Oh my god!
- Is it good? Did you get it?
- Yes, I got it.
Nice job, Lilla.
High five.
She's totally done for.
She's bound to puke.
You can't drink that much.
What happened?
It'll be fine,
just give me something, okay?
What's up?
And something to drink from.
She's completely wasted.
I can imagine, being that drunk.
You're still gonna make
a move though, right?
She's completely KO'd.
Why do you care?
She isn't worth more than that.
You're not taking
her to the movies...
You might be right.
Shit, we should record this.
We gotta film this...
Let's make a video.
We should record this.
- Whaa-?
- I mean it.
I swear to God,
if you do this, eternal respect.
Yes, but I mean, she's lying there...
She'd fallen asleep.
Shit, she's Teach's daughter.
Think about it. It'd be so funny.
I swear.
And we'd finally have a good clip.
Get the fuck outta here...
You know, if she'd hit on me
I wouldn't hesitate...
Fuck, neither would I.
Even Bandi...
I mean, seriously...
Tomorrow, she'll thank you
for banging her.
Don't go gay on her man,
she's top quality.
Go... Go on already!
- It'll be pretty great.
- Yeah.
Go on now!
- Get a move on!
- I'm going, I'm going...
If he won't do it,
he's a faggot for sure.
Today, I'd have fucked
Bianka and Kitty too, sorry.
- Just go ahead.
- Bianka threw up like crazy.
- I did it.
- Really?
- Were you hard?
- Did you film it?
Then let's see the video.
Here you go.
Let's see.
Did you flick her ass?
Of course...
- I showed it's good.
- And you even showed it's good...
Yeah, it's great, right?
Great ass...
So you're looking
under her dress, that's...
She's totally passed out.
- Thorough work!
- Whoops, a boob!
- Let's jump ahead a bit.
- Okay-okay.
Look how the bed's shaking.
Send it to me, bro.
Let's take a bit and
make it into a GIF.
I would fuck her from the front.
Nice material.
Fits nicely into 12 minutes.
- We're sold.
- We're sold.
I told you to record it, see?
Budai HS High School
Secret group
Mr Somogyi's daughter went wild
Hey girl! You seen the pics?
She went all in!
I would've never
imagined this about Lilla...
Vivi! Have you seen this?
- She got smashed...
- Lol, cool
Hey! Look what I've got!
- She reached down some guy's pants...
- Kept shouting she wants to get fucked.
Who did this?
She didn't seem the type.
Who did this?
The bedroom scene?
No one knows who shot it...
She jerked one off in the bushes.
I think it's fake.
Geez, what else do you know?
No way, is this Lilla from 11th grade?
She deserved it!
She was high
Sex-hungry bitch
It came this morning.
This morning?
I knew it! I knew it!
Well, if I got in here,
my exams should be fine too.
What grades do you need?
If I get over 85%
in English and History, then...
- they'll probably accept me.
- Then they'll probably accept you!
It has this feature, that
if we all say "cheese",
it'll take a picture.
All together, nice and loud:
What now?
I don't know, let's take a few more,
then we'll check it, alright?
- I'm proud of you, son!
- Thank you.
Let's see how we did.
No, no...
Hello Kinga, good morning.
Why are you asking?
We hardly met during the weekend.
I don't know.
She was in her room, but...
nothing special.
Regarding what?
And what did you find?
She went to a party with Vivi?
She showed you the pictures?
But what's this about?
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
Yes, it's on.
Send it to me, thank you.
I'll look at it.
Based on your physique you can either be
a quarterback, or a running back.
Okay, but which one
gets beaten up all the time?
That's the running back
and the wide receiver.
No offense, Jnos, but...
I don't think I want to be one.
This is the game
with Tom Bredy, right?
Tom Brady, but yes.
I figured out what I want to be:
the kicker.
He doesn't do anything.
He just kicks the ball,
and he makes a ton of money.
So, who's been missing me again?
No, I don't know about this,
or who you are, because
you forgot to introduce yourself.
Yes, I understand. Today?
8:30 AM? Look, I'm not...
I understand.
We'll be there.
That was his school
they want to see us.
It's about some girl, you were
partying with. She's missing.
Ring a bell?
This Mr. Somogyi,
is he the one...
- with the furry eyebrows, right?
- Dunno.
You do mom, he's
my History teacher.
Anyway, please be home by 4 PM.
I'm sure the Hevrs
will get here on time.
We'll be here.
Go have a shower.
Thanks for breakfast.
So, who's this girl?
- Anything going on with her?
- No.
Don't lie.
Sorry dad.
She's just a girl.
We partied together.
We had fun, we were kissing,
but nothing serious.
What'll happen at school?
Nothing special.
They want to know if you've seen her.
When was the last time you saw her?
- At the party on Friday.
- Uh-huh.
And what happened at that party?
Nothing special.
But you have nothing to do
with her disappearance?
Gerg, stop messing with me.
I don't know where she is.
We were just at a party.
You can't get involved
in things like this!
Do you realize what this
would do to my job?
Alright, now do as I say.
And keep this
frightened look on your face.
You have five minutes.
We've managed to log in
through one of our students,
who also sent us the videos
of the private chats.
Lilla came home on Saturday morning.
She locked herself in.
Dad! Going away for a while,
don't look for me.
She was hungover, I suppose.
She was a bit more quiet.
I should've seen it.
I'm really sorry,
and I understand you.
It's very important
that we see clearly.
- Have you had coffee yet?
- What? No, I don't know.
We must find out
who sent this video to Vivi.
We have to find out who it was.
You know, that Lilla,
like all the kids here...
she's like my own child.
To hurt a girl...
Let him try it on with me.
I'll drag it out of this little prick.
I called in Gerg Kerekes
and his father.
That little piece of shit.
- And? Are they coming?
- Yes.
Do you know who his father is?
Who cares who his father is?
Did you see these pictures?
This is bullying.
She was teased online.
Let's not say 'rape'
until we have the facts.
But the pictures! The GIFs!
You can clearly see it.
Let's not lose our heads.
I'm sure it was that Kerekes kid.
I can feel it.
Forget about that kid!
I'll handle this meeting.
And I'll talk to him.
You've got to expel him.
Sorry we're late.
I haven't got long.
Good day.
- When did the girl go missing?
- On Sunday, yesterday.
She came home yesterday,
but this morning, she was gone.
Friends, relatives?
They'd call if she'd shown up
in the middle of the night.
Of course.
Let's sit down.
We wouldn't have called you here
if Gerg wasn't involved.
Would you tell us why we're here?
Jnos called me during breakfast
in a pretty aggressive tone.
I didn't really have a choice.
He asked us to come, so we're here.
Have you seen
the videos about your son?
We logged in with the profile of
one of our students.
There are these
closed groups and chats.
Have a look.
Can I see the comments?
Go ahead.
Gerg isn't mentioned anywhere.
What makes you think it was him?
No offense, Jnos, but...
you really should look after
your daughter better.
Your son was groping my daughter.
He climbed on top of her.
Your daughter told you that?
No, I haven't talked to Lilla
since the party.
You know she's been missing.
Right, then let's stop here.
Gerg, do you have any idea
where this girl could be?
Do you feel responsible for
her disappearance?
You heard him:
we saw a picture and a few videos.
They don't prove anything.
My son doesn't go around
climbing on top of girls.
Gerg, would you tell us
what happened on that night?
Well, we were partying.
We drank...
Lilla was pretty drunk.
She flirted with a couple of boys.
Patrik and the others
can confirm that.
Then she was sick and fell asleep.
You drank a lot?
The girl too?
Sure, she probably drank the most.
My daughter is not like that.
Until now, I thought
the same about my son.
Let's stop arguing about
these minor details.
Minor details?
Why don't I take these pictures
to the authorities, or the media.
Look, Lszl...
We can't have
a case like this in our school.
- What are you talking about?
- You don't need a scandal, either.
And it's also better for Gerg
not to get involved in this situation.
Your son is on those videos.
In one, he's shoving
a cucumber into a girl's mouth.
In another, he's imitating oral sex
with a girl who's currently missing.
Do you understand?
If nothing happened,
of which I have no doubt,
this in itself would be enough
to bring the press down on our necks.
The best thing would be
if Gerg left school.
Next semester, he could do
his exams as an external student,
and get excellent grades.
This way, we could keep this
within these four walls.
We can't take this risk.
That's out of the question.
He'd have to postpone
his finals by six months.
This is unacceptable.
Gerg, did you make
that video in that bedroom?
Gerg, get out.
Maybe your daughter's problem is
that you can't handle stress.
Teenage girls have
a hard time tolerating that.
Dad, I didn't want to...
Erase those videos immediately.
We'll tell your mother tomorrow.
She organized this party for a month.
Hey Gerg, what do you
recommend for me?
- Whiskey or wine?
- The red's good.
Congratulations on going to the US.
Thank you very much.
When are your exams?
In about a month.
And then you're off?
Well, I don't know that exactly.
Okay, I'll give you
a couple of names.
The property's worths 50 million.
The rate's 2% instead of 4...
I had a smell of the pool.
- Sorry, dad, but we're in the middle...
- You put in that damn chlorine, right?
- I'm sorry.
- Why're you whispering?
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you so much.
My greatest pleasure is
that the boy was accepted.
All the guests are here.
Why do you have to act like this?
Why would you do that to me?
It's humiliating!
Hello Gerg, long time no see!
I'll have some white wine.
It's a 200-300 million forint deal.
We could get
100 million HUF from the state...
We pay back 20 percent...
Gerg, dear!
Serve the champagne, okay?
Thank you.
Would you smile a bit, son?
I hope it's not too much to ask.
- Is your father proud?
- Yes, he's very proud.
I'm not doing the finals with you.
I got expelled.
Wait a minute, what?
A month before the final exam?
You didn't tell us
you got kicked out!
I had to go to school
with my dad so he's livid.
Lilla is missing, and
I can kiss my life goodbye.
- What do you mean, "missing"?
- You got expelled 'cause she's missing?
It's not fair.
Mr. Somogyi is pissed off
because I screwed his daughter,
nobody knows where she is,
and her cellphone is now turned off.
Jesus Christ...
- But think about it...
- This really sucks...
Hey... Gerg!
Before you talk to Somogyi,
shouldn't you track down Lilla first?
Then you could like, talk to her
and you clear the air.
Yeah, that's good.
What if Kitty says, "I didn't want
to blow you," and you get expelled?
- Yes, but...
- Don't laugh about this, seriously.
- That's why I date normal girls!
- "Normal"...
But you too remember
how she was hitting on me?
- Whoa... - Uhhh...
- Well, that cucumber sucking...
It went in pretty deep.
- And she undressed pretty quickly.
- That's right.
She kissed you.
And the axe?
Yeah, the axe!
She went all in!
And her boobs...
She's a grade A slut.
- A+.
- A+.
She actually said that
she'd sleep with you.
Right, what is that
if not an invitation?
Do it for me!
Go on already! Go on now!
There are tons of videos online.
She got a lot of shit.
No wonder she went missing.
She's a slut.
She felt the criticism was justified,
so she's taking a little break.
The point is, it's unfair that it's you
who has to prove his innocence.
- Wasn't it a shitty thing to do?
- Not at all.
Fuck, we sent you to do it,
and you did the challenge.
If you hadn't completed it,
you could be in bigger trouble.
- That video sucks.
- No, it doesn't.
It's her who sucks, and the
fact that they want to expel you.
It's the usual 'men are
always to blame' shit.
I can't believe this...
Gimme that.
Hey Laci, it's Patrik.
Everything's fine,
we just met up a bit.
Hey man, what are you doing?
Hey man, you ran away from home?
What do you think?
- Your father is pissed.
- I bet, but I don't want to go home
without even trying
to deal with this situation.
Okay, let's think this through.
Who does Lilla hang out with?
Petra, Bszi... Vivi.
Vivi! I got her number!
- Great.
- Thanks guys.
No... Noo...
- Looks like a girl's!
- I don't care whose it is!
- A Chinese migrant worker.
- It could be an Arab, or a Cuman...
Who has black hair...
Alright, she's not Chinese,
but this is still her fucking hair!
- Come on, worse things have happened.
- Like what.
- The Holocaust?
- No, something that actually happened.
Hey girls, do you
believe the Holoswindle?
Leave her Bandi,
she doesn't get it.
Go after her, and slap her ass,
I'll film it, okay?
- Why me? It's not my turn now.
- Okay, then I'll do it.
Film it. Wait... Here.
Hey, what the fuck?
Are you out of your mind?
- How was it?
- Fine.
Hey guys, Mecseki has a house party.
She's probably there.
Hey, have you seen Vivi?
Vivi Vg, from 11th grade.
- Hey girls, have you seen Vivi?
- I haven't seen her.
She's in 11th grade.
- Vivi Vg?
- She was here before.
Hi girls, have you seen Vivi
by any chance?
- Vivi?
- Vivi Vg.
I think we'll find her.
Sorry, have you seen this girl?
And you?
Her name's Vivi.
She's pretty. That's
her when she's drunk.
Which elementary did you go to?
How about a "poor man" rap?
- Do it, do it!
- Go on.
A poor man is
the poorest of them all,
his winters are spent
in the freezing cold.
- First it's the warm milk.
- It melts into it.
Obviously the milk comes first.
It doesn't melt into it,
that's what makes it so good.
Get lost!
Where is Lilla,
I need to talk to her.
I don't know, and even
if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
- Please back off.
- What the fuck, man?
Please, what did she tell you?
No, she really wanted to disappear, but
she didn't say a thing about the party!
- She's lying.
- I think so too.
Is she out of town
at her mother's? Tell us!
Right, either you talk,
or we'll make you scream.
Leave me alone!
Do you see this picture?
There are plenty of you at the party,
licking the axe and all that shit.
We'll post it and they'll take you
apart too. Is this what you want?
Or we could take her top off
right here and make a few pics.
Ok, fine by me.
Eyeliner - don't you ever
poke your eye out with that?
What if you poke your eye?
Relax, girls.
That's it, get it off her!
Zita knows where she is!
She's been talking to her!
Okay, and where is she?
I don't know, she
works as a barmaid.
Okay, that's a start.
Look, there's an awful lot of places
where she's being tagged.
All shitty underground places, look.
So let's check these bars,
we find her and make her speak.
Good evening.
Look, I have
45 mutual friends with Lilla.
One of them could help us, so,
I'll go through these people,
and then...
Okay, cool.
Save the planet, animal rescue
Jesus: Pride...
- Pride, seriously?
- This chick is totally off.
She tagged a lotta pictures...
Yeah, I'm looking at it right now.
This picture clearly shows
just how fucked up she is.
Trying to pick up girls tonight?
Something like that.
When I was your age,
I did the same thing.
Tell us some more.
This country is going to pot, right?
I don't think it's funny.
I heard your tone.
The way you said it
- yes, it does.
It's going to pot.
The gypsies from below -
they're swarming all over us.
And from above:
the you know whos.
So, who exactly?
Well, them.
- Then tell us a good story!
- Well, the other day,
one of these Egyptians
was beating on my car.
Like Tutankhamun?
He wanted to get in.
Happy Birthday to you...
I tell him, "You're not getting in,
'cause you're a Gyppo."
And he goes like,
"You're a racist pig! A Nazi"
He kicks my car, right?
If I hadn't gotten out of there,
he'd have trashed the car.
At least the windshield.
Me, to preserve
the faith of my forefathers,
I go to a shaman drum circle
every Saturday.
What do you do?
Do you guys do anything?
We still respect our parents.
If my father yelled 'attention',
then I snapped to attention.
What do you guys watch? Porn?
They just want to
make us Europeans dumb,
so they can overthrow us!
It's genetically coded into them.
We're just serfs.
Stop it with the 'you know who'.
I'm Jewish.
And I'm offended by
what you said.
There are good Jews,
I have a Jewish friend, too.
I was kidding. I'm not a Jew.
Very funny.
Really, what could she say:
that you tied her down?
That you forced her?
Or you drugged her?
She was drunk.
Drunk or unconscious
there is a difference.
Bandi, stop harping on words.
She was into it
the whole night, right?
Yeah, girls do act like
they don't want it.
Did I just hear right?
You raped a girl?
And you're proud of it?
No, I'm not.
Did you all know about this?
That's complicity.
If some punks like you
did this to my daughter...
I'd cut their dicks off
and make them eat it.
Why don't we go
to the police station?
It's not necessary.
I don't even have a daughter!
Are you alright, man?
I'm fine.
It's alcohol-free!
Was old Tibi groping you?
- He even touched your ass, right?
- Yes.
Like this?
Son of a...
Fuck me, are you okay, bro?
Do you know if she works here?
Sorry to bother you, uhh...
I want to know why you are
photographing me?
You can shoot in a public area,
but in here, you just can't.
It's turned off.
What were you talking about?
About something you
don't have a clue, I'm afraid.
We've been talking about Trianon.
- Triatlon? Is that a sport?
- This is Trianon!
Do you know at all
what Trianon is?
Sure, but here's
a Bermuda triangle,
and now you need to pick
one of the counties.
Looks cool,
so let's taste it Bandi.
Just leave us out of this whole thing.
We didn't know about it.
We really don't
need confession crap.
You know what I mean.
This is not so bad.
I go up to her, and say
it was a misunderstanding,
and, if I had hurt her in any way,
then I'd apologize to her.
So I should just deny
that I had sex with her?
Well, listen... there's
no better way, so yeah.
Guys, down this shot, too.
Turn it over here.
If you guys pussy
out like this dude,
then you'll end up like
the average losers in this world.
You graduate from a shitty college,
then you throw out your diploma, then...
you either become a cab driver,
a cashier, or you work at a McDonald's.
Then, the single joy
in your life will be
when you fuck your
fat, ugly wife, like...
twice a week?
- That was great.
- Don't laugh, you'll end up like this.
And with you especially,
if you don't grow a pair.
So get yourself together, okay?
Thank you.
And you guys,
do exactly the same, 'cause
I can tell that not everything is
OK with you either.
Hey, dad.
but if this was about any other girl,
then nothing would've happened.
People would just forget about it.
I'm only drinking beer.
One beer, then I'm going home.
- He's abusing his power.
- Okay, bro, but...
did you fuck
his daughter, or not.
Since it happened,
let's wash it off of you.
That's it.
Yes, that's the whole point.
If you rape a prostitute,
is that rape or shoplifting?
It's shoplifting.
Are you from Transylvania?
You talk like them.
- No, no way!
- You don't like Transylvanians?
I'm Transylvanian,
and I'm also Hungarian.
- Go work and earn money!
- I came from Abony!
They should ban
everybody from here.
- Everybody?
- All of them. All these foreigners;
the homeless; the gypsies;
the one using racial slurs.
- Like you...
This is all going to pot,
but without them, it'd all be great.
Ok, guys, I'm off.
Stop, where're you going?
We'll find this girl together.
We're on all the pics,
so we'll get in trouble too.
Tell us where the
next pub is and let's go. Ok?
Let's go!
He wants to meet her
after all that, seriously?
How should I know?
That's just Gerg's stupid idea.
I don't know what he wants.
You asshole, you
told this to your girl?
Anyway, Kitty, tell me
where does Zita work right now?
First, I'm not his girl,
but his partner.
Second, even if I knew,
I wouldn't tell you.
Third, Lilla's being
bullied online because of you.
But listen, it'll be him,
who gets expelled for this.
Honestly, think about this!
What's the deal with girls who, at first
push their asses against my dick,
then they get upset
about a few comments.
Honestly, why did she act like...
Just because a girl plays your games,
it doesn't mean that you can fuck her!
Yes, but Gerg is
not that arrogant.
All she wanted the whole night
was for somebody to touch her.
Fine, I get it, you didn't
stalk her down in a dark alley,
I mean, I wasn't there,
so I don't know how she felt, but...
How would you know, Kitty?
You're not exactly a typical girl.
What do you mean,
I'm not typical?
It was a compliment.
- You know what, fuck you!
- Please bunny, don't get upset, okay?
We'll talk it over, okay?
Open it with your teeth.
Feeling better?
We're gonna find her,
and then we get shitfaced.
We'll get wasted...
We're looking for Zita.
Is she here?
We want to talk with her.
She's a good friend.
She's not here!
I'm telling you.
Where's your CCMD?
- What's CCMD?
- Complete Control of Body and Mind.
Look at that!
Lift that beer.
I was kidding.
Have you seen this girl?
Does she work here?
- She doesn't work here, right?
- We're at the wrong place again.
Why is it so
hard to find a girl?
Because they're lying, that's why.
- Really?
- All of them do.
- What do you want from her?
- I need to find out something...
Have you got the good part yet?
- No.
- First come the good part, then comes the very bad.
What is that?
The humiliation;
the exploitation;
the bitchin' and moanin'.
You want that?
- No.
- Then leave it.
Leave her the fuck alone.
If we find Lilla,
you should bribe her.
This isn't the dark ages,
It's Hungary, isn't it?
Strike a pose!
Strike a pose!
Wait, don't block him.
Do something else!
This is really lame.
What is your pose?
- I don't know.
- I stood like this.
- Is it good?
- Yeah it is.
We've seen better,
but we'll post it anyway.
- There's Zita. Great.
- We've made it!
Hey, Zita. Looks like
a tough place. How's business?
I'm only here 'till 2 AM.
Are you licensed in here?
- Do they know that you're underage?
- Leave me alone.
We're looking for Lilla.
Can you help us?
I don't know anything about her.
- I really need to talk to her.
- Zita dear, can I get something?
The problem is, when
you guys want something...
then somebody else
will get into trouble. Get lost!
- Just one call.
- You shut the fuck up!
- Why, what's wrong with me?
- You're an asshole.
You're the last people
whom I'd help in this world.
Come on, guys.
So what the fuck
are we going to do now?
- How about stealing her phone?
- It's pretty much in reach...
Do you want to find her or not?
Zita, can we get 4 beers and tequilas?
There won't be any trouble, I promise.
- Hello guys.
- Hey.
Could you tell us just
what is so good about this?
- About what?
- That you're fags.
Just what is good about this?
That was the question.
Did you know that if we
tie up a cat with a jam sandwich,
and if we dropped it,
it'd create infinite energy
as cats always land on their feet.
Do you think blind people can dream?
You could sit at another table.
You actually talk shit
about me while I'm right here,
just because of my hair?
Boys, we'd like
to have a talk here.
I came here, because
you were dissing a purple shirt.
Like the one I'm wearing.
- We didn't talk about that.
- Yes, you did.
- What're you doing there?
- Nothing, we're just talking.
Alright, then let's go outside.
Guys, get the fuck outta here!
Get out of here! You too!
Get out!
That must be her number.
They text a lot with each other...
- I wrote to her from Zita's phone.
- What did answer?
"What is it, Zita?
Why is it so important to meet?"
I think we got her.
Guys, we got it. It's her.
- She's hooked.
- Really?
Where're we going?
- Dunno, she's about to tell me.
- Til then, let's create some content.
Ok, fine by me.
You'd better intimidate her.
I mean, she shouldn't say
anything stupid to Mr. Somogyi.
What do you
mean "intimidate her"?
You think if you
buy her a few lollipops
she forgets that you
fucked her while she was asleep?
What're you doing?
What's wrong Zita?
I don't want to write it here,
let's meet. Where're you?
Hey bro, you call this content?
It's 2/10 at most.
Fuck you.
Then record this.
Nothing'll come out of that, bro.
- Hello ma'am!
- Good day, buy a nice flower.
Thanks, I don't need that now.
This girl, have you seen her?
Have you seen
this girl in this area?
She needs motivation.
Here's 1000 HUF.
It's a big incentive.
Hey, is this necessary?
I'm just helping you to
find this girl. I'm doing it for you.
Once again. Here's a 1000.
Have you seen this girl?
I saw that girl,
she went that way.
- That way?
- That way.
Thank you for your
help, here's 50 HUF.
Thank you, now go and find her.
- Now, we have a 1000 HUF left.
- Whoa!
Let's see something!
Dance! Dance! For 1000 HUF.
So? Will you do it?
You need that money.
That's right.
Let's see those Happy Feet.
Come on, Master Shifu.
- Shake it!
- That's right.
Here's the money.
Wait, I got 2000 HUF
if you could... um...
If you'd show how your face
looks during orgasm.
- Come on!
- Fuck, bris, man...
You know what's wrong?
It's the amount.
It's always the amount.
- Of course.
- Here's 5000 HUF.
- I don't feel too good.
- We gotta meet ASAP.
Will you piss on those roses?
You should water them,
they'd look so much nicer.
You all get the hell outta here!
You too fuck off!
What're you doing?
- Jesus Christ!
- What do you think you're doing?
- Don't touch me!
- What are you doing?
- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing's wrong with me.
You pay him 2000 HUF
to show you his dick?
Or to show his orgasm face?
- What're you doing with these boys?
- Did you see what they just did?
I was walking here.
Then, I gave money to this poor man.
At least he's doing
something for money.
Listen, don't you think
that it's a shitty thing to do?
Okay, I'm coming. 20 minutes.
- But why did you give him money?
- Cause he doesn't have any?
So you can humiliate him?
Stop beating them!
I don't give a shit,
I still gave her money.
I can buy all those roses.
Why do you protect those gypsies?
If somebody asked your mother
or father, to show his orgasm face?
For 2000 HUF?
Are you crazy?
Hello. Can we talk?
I'm waiting for someone.
What're you doing here?
Zita can't make it.
She has to work.
What're you talking about?
Do you remember the party?
I'm sorry if I was embarrassing.
What can I do?
I can't undo this.
What do you mean?
The party... that I made
a fool out of myself.
What about the guy who put his hand
down your panties and all that?
Do you know who it was?
No, I don't.
It ain't right that everyone's
taking this out on you,
You don't deserve
the shit you get online...
How do you know
I don't deserve it?
I just danced too much, that's all.
You want to walk?
Have you talked to
your dad since you left home?
Not really.
Where do you live now?
I live... nearby.
Is it true that
something happened?
That somebody
went upstairs to you?
Just answer me this, please.
I'll walk you home, so you
won't be alone on the way.
What do you remember?
I only remember... smells...
His aftershave...
And his body odor.
His weight on me...
Do you remember when we
threw the goldfish into the pool?
The funniest thing is that
nobody knew that it was us.
The fish died pretty fast,
so we fed them to
the dog in the backyard.
By the way, do you have a dog?
Yes. Actually,
it's my mother's.
You know, that overbred type
that can't even breathe -
you know, a French Bulldog.
Is that the sheep dog that you
told me about at the party?
No, no, a French Bulldog.
Right, the one with the
swollen eyes, and the snub nose.
That's kinda cute.
It's so strange that we
overbreed dogs so they become cute.
He can't walk more than two hours,
because he's so out of breath.
I feel sorry for him.
Yes, but now even humans
look like freaks.
After all, normalcy is not cool anymore.
So, everybody is like...
they wanna be cute instead of normal.
Or, I don't know...
If you... could...
take revenge on the guy,
then what would you do to him?
Why're you here?
Today, your father had me expelled.
He said that I did all the videos.
So I can't take the finals,
and nevermind going to the States...
Unless you tell him
that it's not true.
Why didn't you start with that?
I won't be going home
for a while, but...
I'll text my father, after
I switched the SIM card, and then...
I'll tell him that
it wasn't you, okay?
Talk to me, please.
Get away from me.
Hold on, let's talk.
Come down.
Lilla, just come down!
You know, I remember the party now.
And your smell.
Why did you do it?
Lilla, don't!
Answer me!
How does it feel?
How does it feel?
Why did you do it?
Answer me!
I don't know.
It's not...
It's not your fault.
It's my fault, you understand?
I'm sorry.
Still it just can't be undone.
Of course it's ours,
we brought the whole case!
Look who's back.
- Hey man, what happened?
- You left us there pretty good.
So, did you do her again?
The thing is, I confessed.
- I admitted it.
- What? Are you nuts?
Tomorrow, I'll go to Mr. Somogyi, and
I'll tell him everything. This whole...
challenge thing, and
everything that happened.
Funny. That's really funny.
Right, you do whatever you want,
but leave us out of it.
You were there too.
You told me you watched
the entire thing.
- No, I didn't know what was going on.
- Neither was I.
- We were sitting outside.
- Me neither.
Not a word about us, OK?
I don't care. I have to.
Man, you got expelled,
but leave us out of it.
Being a loser, that's your problem.
And she deserved what she got.
The fuck are you doing, man?
Calm down already!
Are you out of you mind?
What the fuck...
Fuck man, calm down!
Get him off!
Get him offa me! Bandi!
Let him go!
Bandi, come on!
It would've been
better, if you just shut up.
Leave him, let's go.