For Love & Honey (2024) Movie Script
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- I have no doubt you're
wondering what an excavation
of a seventeenth century
Jesuit settlement
in Michigan has
to do with Malta.
This is Jacques De Beauvoir,
a Jesuit priest who
travelled to New France
in 1630 and built
said settlement.
On his way, he stopped
here, in Malta.
We know this is where he secured funding
for his ambitious new-world plan.
His diary speaks of a time
he spent in Port Grace,
a place that filled his soul
with reverence and left behind
tantalizing yet
incomplete references
to the things he saw
and experienced here.
Speaking of
incomplete references,
this box could be the
key to that prosperity
he brought to the New World.
I'm hopeful I can
follow in his footsteps
and fill in that lost
chapter of his life and...
maybe feel a bit of
that reverence myself.
Thanks, everyone.
- That went well.
- I don't know.
The students in Malta
look just as bored
as the students in Michigan.
- Stop being modest,
you're the most
popular professor
in the archaeology
department for a reason.
I'm sorry I can't stay longer
to help with your research.
- You've done enough
just getting me here.
- You know, the
university will only fund
one research project, Austen.
I don't need to remind
you the proposal
is due in a week's time.
- I know.
- And not to pile
on the pressure,
but I just learned
Professor Lewis is retiring.
That means a tenure
position is up for grabs.
You get the funding,
you get tenured.
(deep exhale) - Yes, you know that's
all I've been working towards.
- Hope it wasn't a mistake
to hang your career
on an isolated reference in
a seventeenth century diary.
- Well, go big or
go home, right?
- I have every faith in you.
I got to go to the airport.
- Alright. Safe
travels, Michael.
- Hey!
(engine roaring)
Oh my God!
- Are you okay?
I am so sorry.
(breathing heavily)
(soft Mediterranean music)
- Roads are for driving
up, not walking.
- You're the only driver
I've seen on these streets.
- And do you know that because
you live on these streets?
- No.
To be honest, I don't
even know where I am.
They don't believe in street signs around here.
- Tourists.
- You might want to
slow down a little.
- Excuse me?
- Well, it's just...
you did almost hit me.
How many other innocent bystanders
have you almost run over?
- None.
I don't know why I started
today, it was a first.
- Is that what they
call local hospitality?
- If you don't want the
locals to run you over,
stay out of our way.
- Okay. Uh... Thank you.
Be careful.
- The lack of rain this
winter has resulted
in diminished foliage
growth all over the island.
The bees need more food.
- Don't we all? (laughing)
- I propose we plant bee-friendly
wildflower gardens throughout Port Grace.
- My niece Luna can help at the library.
- Great.
(clears throat)
Okay, Mattew, or should
I say mister mayor,
the floor is yours.
- Thank you, Eva.
As you all know, the first
annual Port Grace honey festival
is this weekend and we
need a marquee event.
- Why? We've got the market, the
traditional songs and the feast.
That's what the village of Oormi does with
their bread festival and everyone loves it.
- Which is why we
need something unique.
I am determined to put
Port Grace on the map.
- The beekeepers alliance has
more important things to discuss,
like what to do about
the foreign queen
that has infiltrated
one of our hives.
- I'll bring you a new Maltese queen
as soon as I rescue one, Livia.
I'm really sorry, I've got
to run, now, though, so...
- Would anyone be willing to
form a festival subcommittee?
Eva, please.
- Sorry, Mattew, I
really don't think I can.
- Maybe your sister?
- Chloe? Well... she'll
be at work, I imagine.
- Shall I come by
the apiary later?
Pick your brain about
the marquee event.
- No, I... I just don't
think I'll have time.
- Tomorrow, then.
Perfect. See you then.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- And before the meeting,
I almost hit this tourist
who was just walking in
the middle of the road,
and he actually blamed me!
As if I was the one gluing
his face to his phone.
Why are the cute
ones always so dense?
- Are you talking
about yourself again?
Why aren't you wearing your
gear so close to the hives?
- It's fine. Mom did this every
day and she never got stung.
- She got stung all the time.
- What happened
with the promotion?
My sister Chloe, the
new head of marketing.
You didn't get it?
- Really, it's not a big deal.
Anyway, I'm taking the week off.
I thought I could
help out around here.
- Well, I'd love that, but you
should relax, I've got it covered.
- While you were out, the international
distributor called about a rush order.
- What? Do I need
to call him back?
- Negotiate a deal,
he's in the office
waiting for your signature.
You can thank my MBA.
- I'd rather thank you,
but I'm the big sister,
I'm supposed to be the
one looking after you.
- We aren't kids anymore, we should
be looking out for each other.
And I have some thought about
raising the apiary's profile, like...
theme tours.
- I already have enough to do
without having to
prep new tours.
(notification) - Just...
- One sec.
Oh, it's Luna.
"There's bees in the
library." I better go.
- A bee-mergency. Oh!
Can we trademark that?
- Oh, Chloe.
- It's such a good idea!
- No more, Chloe, rein it in.
- Are you seriously still
driving that junk heap?
- My mother drove that for
years, why shouldn't I?
- I think you just
answered your own question.
Oh, I never see you
anymore, how are you?
- Oh, busy as a bee.
- Are you joining the folklore dance
at the festival this
weekend? We could use you.
- I really don't think I can,
and you know I was
never very good.
- I'd argue with you but...
- Hey, while I'm here, how
do you feel about planting
some bee-friendly wildflower
gardens around the library?
Your uncle said I should ask.
- Yes.
We could extend it to
a community planting
that starts here and goes
all the way through town.
- Oh, I love that!
- Well, let's do it. When can you pencil it in?
- Uh... well, there's
the festival, then,
I've got to prep for the summer
harvest, bottling and distribution.
I'm supposed to be speaking at an ecology
conference next week, but it's unlikely.
How's next spring? (chuckling)
- Ah!
- What was that?
- The reason I called you.
An American archaeology
professor is here.
- Mm-hmm.
- He's guest lecturing at the university.
Handsome, good job,
no wedding ring.
- What's the catch?
- He's the catch.
- I don't know, Luna.
He'll just be leaving.
- You don't know that,
and you haven't dated
anyone since Eric. (sigh)
Come on, you
deserve to be happy.
- I am happy.
I hope you haven't called me
here just to play matchmaker.
- Of course not.
Our visiting professor might not be
the most comfortable around bees.
And I'm also not sure
how they're getting in.
- Hey, stop it!
- Are you following me?
- You've met?
- We disagremented.
- It's not a word.
- Incidented?
- Still, no.
- Encountered.
- There you go. And no,
we haven't actually met.
I don't know your name.
- Doctor Austen Morgan of North Dobson University of Michigan,
this is Eva Vella-Calleja,
owner of Pacifika Grove Apiary,
beekeeper extraordinaire.
- Ah...
- And the bees in Malta are
protected legally, by the way.
- I'm all for
conservation, but nobody
is getting arrested
for swatting a bee.
- I keep seeing them on
this side of the library,
if that helps.
- Oh.
Oops. Sorry.
- Is that... why you were
racing around earlier?
Because you were
on a bee-mergency?
(chuckling) - Well, you'd
get along with my sister.
She also has terrible
taste in puns.
- Look...
I haven't made a great
impression, right?
At first, I spill
your flora, and then,
I attack your protected fauna.
- Well, nobody is perfect.
Ah, found it.
Luna, you have a hole
in your window frame.
Have you got any Sellotape?
Oh, great.
Okay. Well, that should
hold it for a few days.
Now to round up distractors.
- Help.
(clears throat) Help... help.
- Don't move, stay calm.
It won't hurt you if
you don't hurt it.
- Hum... I'm calm.
Just... you know, I want to be
careful with that, that's a...
that's a 400 year-old census.
When do you plan on
releasing that bee?
That document is very fragile.
- So is the bee.
- Where are you going?
- To the window where
he came in, do you mind?
Thank you. I'll release
him here and then,
follow him to see if
there's a hive nearby.
- I guess that makes sense.
- Oh. Well, thank you
for your approval.
- How do you know he's a him?
- He's a drone,
there's no stinger.
Go on, then.
- Just... how far do you
plan on following this bee?
- Until it reaches
its destination.
- Dare I ask how far a bee
travels back to its hive?
- Depends if that's a
scout, a drone, a forager...
- Just... on average?
- Two kilometres or so,
about a mile, unless...
unless they're looking for
water, then, you can triple that.
Can you hear that?
Follow me.
- Really?
- Hello, there.
How would you like
to come home with me?
Well... at least,
you got to see
an authentic Maltese wild hive.
- Great, I can cross that off
my bucket list. (chuckling)
What now?
- You can have this back on one
condition, no more swatting,
even when the bees aren't officially
protected, because they should be.
Bee populations are in decline.
- And they're essential
for cross-pollination
which supports our food
supply, yes, I know.
- Well, you still
have to promise.
- I promise not to harm
so much as an antenna
on any bee's head for
the rest of my life.
Thank you.
This part of the wall looks
like it could have belonged
to a different building,
like a feature of some sort.
I know the library
was a hospital
during the time of the
Knights Hospitaller,
but could this have been a
different structure before then?
- I mean, I'm sure
you can find out...
you know, in the...
in the library,
where all the information is.
- How odd...
you know, just to
have this wall here
and build onto
it. I wonder why.
- Don't ask me.
This whole island
is old buildings on
top of older buildings.
This is probably Roman
or Punic or Greek
or Phoenician or just
all of the above.
- Now, I'm really
glad I called you.
- I'll come back later.
It's better to move
them closer to sundown.
(buzzing) Oh...
- Sorry, reflex.
Good luck with that.
- Mm-hmm.
Don't worry, I'll
take you somewhere
you'll be safe from
the likes of him.
- It's almost closing
time, Doctor Morgan.
- Oh, please, call me Austen.
Is this the only map you
have of the old hospital?
- I'm afraid so. What are
you looking for exactly?
- The wall outside
with the beehive,
I'd like to know what
it used to belong to.
- We know Port Grace was
predominantly a Greek settlement,
right through the
Roman times and beyond,
but the Knights didn't keep
records of what came before,
only what they built on top.
- And you never had any
excavations done here?
- Port Grace isn't high on the
list of archeological interest.
- Not yet.
(soft music)
You're still here? (gasps)
- Give a girl some warning.
- Is that... is that paint?
- Oh, okay. Yeah, sure,
you can take that.
- This can't be.
This is...
This can't be...
I can't believe this.
Oh, my goodness!
I'm sorry.
It's just... usually,
I make discoveries like
this inside the library.
This actually might be a lead.
- Oh.
(deep exhale)
- The paint needs
to be analyzed.
Stylistically, the fresco
appears to be Greek,
but the structure on the bottom
looks to be Roman-designed,
possibly fifth century.
- Well, that's Malta,
little bit of everything.
- Is it valuable?
- A new tourist attraction for Port Grace?
- Every historical
artifact is valuable.
This is certainly unusual,
definitely attraction-worthy.
- I'll call Heritage
Malta in the morning.
Not that they'll be able
to give us priority,
it'll take a few days
for them to send someone.
- I'd be happy to get
a jump on the analysis.
Of course, I'll put all the
proper protections in place.
- I'll have to verify
your credentials first.
- I'm a professor at North
Dobson University of Michigan.
I have a PhD in archaeology.
Here's my department
head's contact info,
you can give them a ring.
You can trust me.
- Not with nationally
protected bees, you can't.
And the stragglers from
the hive I just removed
will be coming back over the next
few days looking for their queen.
- What do bees have to
do with ancient frescos?
- If it wasn't for the bees, you
wouldn't have found the fresco.
I have to collect
the returning bees.
- Mister mayor, I'm sure
you value a historical find
such as this more than you
do a few stray insects.
- You'll be able to
study the fresco for now,
but until I verify
your expertise,
you'll be doing so
under Eva's supervision
while she rescues our equally
precious Port Grace bees.
- I don't need any supervision.
- Yeah, but that doesn't take all day.
- Perfect. That's
settled, then. (chuckling)
(soft music)
- Hey, there.
- Hi.
What are you doing here?
- Luna sent me to find you.
Remember the fresco?
We don't want to go against
the mayor's wishes, now, do we?
- Luna's always been a
stickler for the rules.
I'm sorry, though, I've
got a tour about to start.
- You have a tour?
For how long?
- It's already waited
a few hundred years,
what's a few more hours?
- Hours?
Will you be free after?
- Yeah, sure.
- Okay, well, then, sign me up.
- Uh... no. Sorry,
it's... full. I...
- Hello. Are here for the
tour? What's your name?
- Hi. Austen.
But... I guess it's full.
- We've always got room
for another bee enthusiast.
Excuse me.
- Well, look at that.
- Hello.
Welcome to Pacifika
Grove Apiary.
- Thank you.
- I hope you'll enjoy
your honeymoon tour.
This is my sister, Eva, your tour guide.
- Hi.
Chloe, a word.
- Sorry.
- What's a honeymoon tour?
- A theme tour.
We talked about it, remember?
- Yeah, and I said I didn't
have time to prep new tours.
- But I met this couple
on their honeymoon
in the town square, we
got to talking and...
- And now, I'm doing
a honeymoon tour.
- Sorry.
- Hi, everyone. I am Eva.
Welcome to Pacifika
Grove Apiary.
Malta's honey has been prized all
over the world for thousands of years.
The ancient Greeks came here
and named this island Melita,
or: "Honey sweet."
And as you can tell, a
version of the name stuck.
According to a family
legend, my ancestors
came here after they were given
a prophecy in ancient Greece.
If they cared for
the bees of Melita,
the bees would care for
them, and they would prosper
for generations to come.
And well, I'm here, so
I guess it was true.
But enough about me,
let's get to the bees.
- So, do bees fall in love?
- Um... yeah, in
a way, they do.
They don't just
couple up with anyone,
they choose their partners based on
mutual understanding and affection.
- Oh, just like us.
- Everyone can grab a bee
suit in the back of my truck.
(uplifting music)
Does anyone know where the
term honeymoon comes from?
Well, it was a medieval
tradition for newly weds
to drink honeyed mead for
a full moon, or month,
after they were married.
- I thought that it referred to
the time after marriage when...
love was sweetest before
it waned like the moon.
- They don't want to hear that,
I'm trying to make it romantic.
- Ancient Egyptians made
every groom promise to provide
their wife with an
annual supply of honey.
- So, I guess you have
some shopping to do.
- The honey is then filtered,
jarred and of course, eaten.
I hope you've enjoyed the tour. Now, please,
go and enjoy some Pacifika Grove honey.
- Ladies and gents,
come this way.
- Well, this place,
it's impressive.
- Thank you. I think so too.
- You know, I never thought about how
much goes into making a jar of honey.
- Well, most people
don't think about it...
but I didn't think much
about ancient frescos either.
You don't want to try any?
- Oh, no, I don't like honey.
- I'm just gonna pretend
you didn't say that.
(camera clicks)
- Can you please just catch it?
- Are you allergic?
- Not fatally.
My hands blow up like
balloons, it's not pretty.
- You should have said so.
(buzzing) Ah, hello, there.
Don't worry, little friend,
I'm getting you
back to your queen.
If only all men were
like you, drones,
loyal till death do you part.
Uh... so, tell me,
What is it about this specific
fresco that's so special to you?
- Do you really care?
- Yeah, sure. Why not?
- I recently came across
a diary that was written
by a French priest who spent time
here before heading to the Americas.
The diary referenced a wonder
he had never seen before,
a golden way in Port Grace.
- What's a golden way?
- Well, that's the question.
All he said was that he found a
golden way to never-ending prosperity,
now hidden from those
who will come after.
There was also a sketch
of some sort of box,
but there was water damage, so
we couldn't make out what it was.
There was no reference to
what was inside of the box,
but it had to have been essential
to establish the Jesuit colony.
- So, you're looking
for prosperity?
- No. I'm looking for something
of archeological significance.
It's part of the
job. Find things,
dig them up, write about them.
- You make it
sound so glamorous.
- I'm an academic,
not a tomb raider.
I came here hoping to
prove the diary entry
was based on something real, and
I think the fresco might be it.
Gold leaf?
(intriguing music)
Looks like they might
be connected together.
- That's it, that's
your golden way.
- Well, it's certainly hidden
from those who will come after.
But this fresco itself wouldn't
provide never-ending prosperity,
and why are these three different
drawings connected by the golden way?
What are they
meant to represent?
- Well, the symbols could be
part of some sort of legend.
Or they could be a map of Malta.
Wait, that... that tower could
be just outside Delimara.
There's been towers like that up and
down the coastline for centuries.
Many of them have been replaced, but I
just don't know which one this is exactly.
- And that one on the bottom?
- That has to be the ancient
apiary at Dar id-deheb.
I've been there many times.
- Or you just see
bees in everything.
- Bees are everything,
ecologically speaking,
but in this case, Dar id-deheb
is Maltese for golden house.
I'm just not sure what the birds
have to do with it, though.
- Okay.
Say you're right,
why draw three
different locations?
Which one is most important?
- Well... that one,
I'm not so sure about.
- The structure looks like it could
be a Roman villa of some sort.
- Could be.
- Okay. So, you're most certain
about the ancient apiary?
- Yeah, I'd say so.
- Alright. We start there
and then, we work our way
clockwise to the tower.
- We?
Oh, no.
No, I agreed to watch
you stare at a wall
while I waited for
straggler bees.
I did not agree to ferrying
you around the country
on a wild bee chase!
- It's a wild goose chase.
- Oh, so you admit it?
- Look, I would have realized
it was a map eventually, okay?
But you helped me
get here faster.
I need you.
A local, and you're here.
I will... work
around your schedule.
- Well, I've... never followed
an ancient map before.
- I can't promise
we'll find anything.
But I can promise
we'll have fun trying.
- Tomorrow, then.
We'll go to the golden
house. Where are you staying?
- The Royal Mariner hotel.
- One of our best customers.
I'll pick you up first thing.
- Then, it's a date.
But not a... not a date, date,
just an outing between two adults.
- Tomorrow.
- Tomorrow.
- Good morning, beloved sister.
- Hello. You're up very
early for a vacation day.
- I thought I'd help
out with the books.
- No, you don't have to do
that. You should be relaxing.
- That honeymoon tour went
really well, they loved it.
- It was a good idea.
Sorry if I was hesitant.
- Great, because I
have more theme ideas,
and I think we should start
up the school tours again.
We haven't done them since Mom...
- Yes, it's on my list.
I just need to get the day to
day a bit more under control.
- Which is why I'm
going to help you.
Then, maybe you can confirm speaking at
the London Ecology Conference next month.
- That's on pause for now.
- But this is what you love to do!
Spread awareness, educate.
- I'll get back to it eventually.
You don't need to
worry about me.
- Oh, the Boutique Hotel called
to confirm the honey tasting.
- Yes, that's tomorrow. Today,
I'm taking Austen to Dar id-deheb.
- A date?
- No, it's for his research.
I know I don't really have time, but
for some reason, I couldn't say no.
- I know the reason.
You should go, have some fun!
And he's cute.
- You think so?
I didn't really notice.
- Mm-hmm.
Have fun!
- Bye!
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- Eva, good morning.
- Hi.
- Ready to get started?
- Started on what?
- The festival planning,
the marquee event.
- Oh... I don't...
- Eva, you forgot your phone.
- Oh, you're a lifesaver.
- Hi, Chloe.
- Hi, Mattew.
- Our mayor needs help
brainstorming a marquee event
for the honey
festival this weekend.
- I love brainstorming. What about
a pageant, an art show or a race?
- I like the way you think.
- Oh! How about honey fondue?
- I love it.
- A quiz!
Wildflower crown.
Ping the stinger on the bee.
(soft Mediterranean music)
- Okay. Alright, Pawlu,
you are a true master.
Rematch tomorrow?
(in Maltese):
- Oh, Pawlu!
(in English): You're learning Maltese?
- I am.
Pawlu's teaching me a few things.
- Oh, okay.
(in Maltese):
(in English): Ah. And what
do you think that means?
- "It's a beautiful
day." (chuckling)
- I think you should
stick to the English.
- Is my pronunciation that bad?
Pawlu, come on!
How much longer till we
get to the golden house?
- Dar id-deheb, it's
not much further.
- Do you hear that?
- No.
- It's coming from under the hood.
- No, it always
sounds like that.
- Well, it shouldn't normally sound like that.
- It's fine.
- When's the last time you
had this thing serviced?
- Um...
- Don't say never.
- Okay, I won't say it.
- We're gonna stop at
the next service station.
- No, that's back in Port Grace. I'll
do it later when I'll drop you off.
- You know, this thing
is pretty beat up.
You ever think about trading it in?
- No, I don't.
- It'll cost more to fix this
old heap than to get a new one.
- Well, not everything
is about money.
- Well, at the very least,
you should maintain its oil
or else, it'll catch fire.
- It's not gonna catch on fire
if it's low on oil. Do you
know anything about cars?
- My dad is a mechanic,
and yes, it could ignite.
- You're overexaggerating.
- I'm not overexaggerating,
I'm just educating you about
proper car maintenance.
- Oh, well, consider me educated.
- Okay.
- Can we change the subject?
- As long as you promise to change your oil.
- Yes, I promise. Look,
we're almost there.
- I've never seen a
structure like this.
- There's still a
few left on Malta.
- It looks Roman.
It could be 2000 years
old, it's incredible.
- Yeah, it really is.
- You can almost feel the
whispers of the people
who lived here, who loved here,
who got stung here all
those years ago. (laughing)
- Well, I didn't take
you for a romantic.
- History is romantic.
It's the same human experience
repeating itself
over and over again.
- You should have been a
philosopher, not an archeologist.
- I'm more interested in
things than I am people.
- Even though without
people, there'd be no things?
- Now, who's the philosopher?
- There's something
special here.
I have to come and remove
hives every now and then
so the odd tourist
doesn't get stung.
- So...
the bees come back to their ancient home?
- Mm-hmm.
- Ah, that's fascinating.
Look at this.
It's an ancient
graffiti of some sort.
- It's a bird.
It's a honeyguide bird, you can tell
by the white circle under its eye.
These birds were used to guide our
ancestors to ancient bee colonies.
- So, they built
this place and then,
brought the bees in
after, like a bee farm.
- Exactly.
- Wow.
There must be a reason why they
built it in this specific place.
- Well, I can tell you they
built it to face the south.
That's best for the bees,
it maximizes sunlight.
- Well, this must
be the right spot,
because it's the same bird
symbol that we saw on the fresco.
It's just a mystery
as to why it's there.
You know, the fresco is not the
type of map where X marks the spot.
- Well, obviously.
There's no X on it.
- The Greeks painted
the fresco and then,
the Knights covered
it up for some reason,
I just don't know
what that reason is.
- What's so funny?
- Just festival ideas.
Mattew wants to dress Pawlu
up in a bee suit. (laughing)
- Has he been here all day?
- Brainstorming, you
know how it goes.
Oh, and I had to
show him around.
Did you know he's never
been to the apiary before?
- Yes, he has.
- Oh, how did your day playing tour guide for Austen go?
- He's not on
holiday. (chuckling)
I'm gonna take him to some of the sites
referenced on the fresco tomorrow.
He thinks it might
be some sort of map.
- A map?
Sorry. A map to what?
- To Malta, but Austen thinks there's
probably more to it than just that.
- Will you keep me posted?
- Of course.
Do you two need
any help planning?
- Don't worry, sis, I got this.
- Yes, she does.
- Okay.
Good night.
- Night!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Am I expecting you?
- Uh... no.
But yes. I just figured I'd...
I'd come meet you here
so we can head out
to the next stop on
the map. The tower?
- Delimara.
- Yes, that's the place.
- Okay. Well, that's perfect.
A beekeeper in our association
lives there who I
promised a queen to.
- I was trying to figure
out which tower it was,
but I didn't have much luck.
It seems like there
was a few places
that fit the spot on the map.
- Well, we can ask Abraham,
he lives on the coast.
I just have a few things
I need to do here first.
Um... You can come with
me if you'd like...
or I can pick you up later.
- I'm here. Why don't
I just... tag along?
- Okay, great.
Good morning, everyone!
It's gonna be another sunny day.
I've just seen a new
patch of wild Saghtar
flowering on the edge of town
you might want to check out.
This is Austen.
You have met him before,
but he has a little
bit of a nervous vibe,
so you probably put him
out of your hive mind.
- Are you seriously
talking to the bees?
- My mom always said:
"If you tell the
bees your secrets,
they'll make the
honey even sweeter."
- Your mom is also a beekeeper?
- Was. She died last year.
- I'm really sorry.
- Yeah, me too.
She ran this place
without a hiccup.
It's very big shoes to fill.
- Well, it looks like
you're doing just fine.
- I'm glad it looks that way.
Now, we shouldn't
be talking about her
in front of the B, E, E, S,
because they miss her too.
Would you like to talk to
them before I put them away?
It's very therapeutic.
- I'm good.
- Okay. Well, goodbye
for now, bees.
I'll tell you all
about it later.
Come on.
- This doesn't look
like a coastal tower.
- I did say I had a
couple of things to do
before we could leave.
This is the second.
(phone ringing)
- I'm just... going to get this.
- Yes.
- Michael.
- Austen!
What's the update? I haven't heard
from you since I've been back.
- There's been a development.
- Good!
Get the funding application
in, I'll tell the board.
- Uh... no, we're not
quite there yet. I...
still have to find the location.
- Austen, time is running out.
- I'm on it.
Thanks, Michael.
- I hope so.
- Everything okay?
- I... hope so.
- Great.
You can take this.
Are you coming?
This tasting is going to
change your mind about honey.
- You really took that as a
personal insult, didn't you?
- More like a challenge.
Are you just a savoury
over sweet kind of guy?
- No, neither. The honey I grew
up on, it came in plastic bear.
It was just... too sweet.
- You cannot judge all honey based on
the supermarket mass-produced kind.
- How old is that one?
- Uh... oh, it's as old as me.
This one was harvested
the year I was born.
- And it's still good?
- The oldest known honey
is 5000 years old
and perfectly edible.
It never goes off.
- I knew about the discovery,
I just never knew anyone ate
it and lived to tell the tale.
- Well, they did,
and don't worry,
I'm not that old,
so you'll be fine.
- Wow, that's... that's honey?
Tastes like caramel.
- Notes of carob and eucalyptus.
Now, try this. It's
the spring harvest.
- It's like eating
flowers. (chuckling)
- And this is autumn.
- It's...
It's citrusy. Can
honey be refreshing?
- Well, the Greeks didn't include
it in ambrosia for nothing.
- I've been living under false
pretenses my entire life.
I... I feel
cheated. (chuckling)
Okay, I can get that for you.
What drone would leave his
queen in a time of need?
- You'd be surprised.
- Where is the other apron?
- What...
- Well... it's either
that or I keep eating.
- There's one on the crate.
Hi. I'm Eva from
Pacifika Grove Apiary.
Come and try some of our honey.
These are our main
honeys we have here.
(indistinct chatter)
That was fun.
- Even though I mixed up the
spring honey with the winter?
(chuckling) - You made up
for that by convincing them
to buy both jars.
- Well, if I can't decide, then how can they?
- High praise indeed.
- Alright.
- You know you...
can actually take that off, now?
I mean, it's a look.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Come on.
- Getting it here. (chuckling)
I know how you can thank me.
- What... did you have in mind?
- Uh...
you can take me to the tower.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- We should get going... then.
- Okay, let's do that.
- At... at the other...
the other side.
- Other side.
- Yeah.
Sorry. Yeah.
- I'd say you didn't
have it serviced?
(soft Mediterranean music)
I can get used to this.
- Michigan must
have some charms.
- For four months out
of the year, it does.
Big lakes, green forests, it's
just the rest of the year,
everything is frozen
under mountains of snow.
- Ah, snow sounds fun!
- It is...
for a few weeks.
It's just shovelling your
driveway gets old real fast,
and digging out your car isn't the
same as digging up ancient ruins.
- Well, I wish someone
would dig up all the ruins.
I'm constantly tripping
over them. It's a hazard.
- You're so
spoiled. (laughing)
You know you have architecture
spanning millennia
from all different cultures
from the Mediterranean.
You know, Malta is practically a
microcosm of Western civilization?
- Yeah, we know.
Try being 12 years old
and having to memorize
every ruler of this island
for the last 4000 years.
- I would have enjoyed that.
But I thought that you
went to school in England.
- Oh, the accent.
- Yeah.
- My father is British.
My mother was Maltese.
They divorced when I was little
and he moved back to the UK.
- That must have been tough.
- It was normal.
- Did you always know you were
gonna take over the apiary?
- Hmm, always.
Did you always know
you'd be an archeologist?
- I found an arrowhead camping
when I was a kid and I was hooked.
I love finding a piece of history
that gives you a window into the past.
- Your lectures
must be fascinating.
- Well, I think so.
Gotta ask my students.
- Ah! Eva.
(in Maltese):
(in English): I
brought you your queen.
- Ah! Grazzi.
- This is Austen.
(in maltese):
(in English): I don't know
how to respond to that.
- Austen is an archeologist
and he's interested in
seeing the old towers.
- Oh... which one?
The milk tower
and the gold tower are close by.
- There's a gold tower?
- Well, actually, the gold
tower has been replaced,
but the remnants
are still there.
They're just at the
end of the road.
So, where's your truck?
- It broke down on
the coastal road.
- She ran out of oil.
- Oh, I'm surprised it
hasn't caught on fire.
- Yeah, me too.
- Listen, I'll text my nephew James, he's a mechanic.
- Okay.
- In the meantime...
why don't you stay for supper?
- It's... it's really
kind of you, but we're...
- I wish we could,
maybe next time.
- Well, James says he'll meet
you by your truck in an hour.
- Perfect.
- Uh... the tower, it's...
- You can't miss it.
- Okay, great.
Thank you. Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- Thank you.
- Ciao.
(soft Mediterranean music)
- A lot of the locations from
the map have gold in their name,
it cannot be a coincidence.
- I agree, but without evidence,
a name is just a name.
I know the Knights Hospitaller
built up towers all on the coastline
to protect them from
potential invaders, but...
these remains predate them.
- How can you tell?
- See the dark
reflects on the mortar?
- Uh... yeah. Isn't
that just dirt?
- My guess is volcanic ash.
The Romans used to
mix it with lime
to make a more waterproof
mortar than lime itself.
The technique was lost
after the Roman era
until the early
nineteenth century.
- So, this was built in Roman
times, but the fresco is Greek?
- Well, Greek in style.
But I'm guessing that
the fresco was painted
during the Roman occupation because
this construction method fits.
- But why is it
called the gold tower?
- Look at this.
Ancient pottery.
I'm guessing this
was a storehouse.
A fortified tower
in the middle of nowhere
next to a harbour,
it's the perfect place
to store your valuables.
- Valuables like gold?
- The Knights did like to amass
a serious amount of wealth,
and they also liked to hide it.
- But how is this place
connected to Dar id-deheb
apart from having
gold in the name?
- You're okay.
- We should probably...
get back to the truck.
Abraham's nephew's
probably waiting for us.
- I'll follow you just in case
you forget how to walk again.
(soft music)
- Hi. You must be James.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You might have a problem
with your oil pan, it's...
completely dry.
- Oh.
- I need to tow the truck back to my garage to fix it.
You're not going anywhere today.
- Hmm.
- Let me call Chloe, I'm
sure she'll come pick us up.
- Okay.
(line ringing)
- Hi, it's Chloe.
I'm unavailable,
but please, leave a message...
- Voicemail. Um...
- Well, how about a taxi?
You got a taxi in town?
- There's a bus, but
not until the morning.
(sigh) - Then, I guess
we're spending the night.
- My uncle has a room.
(together): Two rooms?
- He also has two.
So, who wants to
ride Bertha first?
- I... I'm gonna walk.
- I... will also... see
you back at the house.
- Thanks, James.
- Thank you.
- Happy to help, I guess.
- Well, James knows a
lot about old trucks.
- He's very modest...
for an American. (chuckling)
He even adjusted
the ignition timing,
so the engine should be
working much smoother.
- Oh, it's fixed?
- Almost.
The oil pan is also all rusted
out, so it needs to be replaced.
- I'll pick one up first thing in the morning.
- Thank you.
Thank you both.
Now, come and sit down. Livia
has pulled out all the stops.
- I should probably
get changed first.
- No, no, no, no, you sit.
We're all family here.
- Okay, perfect.
Smells delicious.
What kind of fish is that?
- It's swordfish. We
call it pixxispad.
- Yeah, and try that bragioli.
That's bacon, egg, garlic,
all wrapped in beef and slow
cooked in a lovely wine sauce.
- Wow.
What kind of cheese is that?
- It's sheep's milk
cheese, it's my favourite.
Try it with the salad, although
that's not technically traditional.
- And this is imqarrun il-forn.
- Mac and cheese?
- Way better than what you're
thinking of. (chuckling)
(in English): Oh, the
direct translation is,
"Have a good meal."
- I think this meal will
make me feel very good.
(He repeats the
saying in Maltese.)
That was the most incredible meal
I've ever had in my entire life.
- Grazzi.
- So, you still haven't told us
why you wanted to
visit those old ruins.
- Well, it's part of an
old map we're following.
- Oh, must be a very old map.
- Do you know why it was
called the gold tower?
- There was never any
actual gold, was there?
- Maybe, maybe not.
You see, this was a
notorious spot for pirates,
right throughout history.
They raided ships going to
Valletta, Gozo, even Sicily.
But then, the Knights
built a settlement here
and they took over the tower.
- Hmm. So, it's called the
gold tower because the Knights
posted here stopped
the pirate raids?
- More because they took a share on
the pirate's stolen goods, you know,
valuable commodities from all over the
Mediterranean supposedly kept in the tower.
- Hey.
Can you believe what
Abraham told us?
- Pirate gold. (chuckling)
Are we looking for actual gold?
- I mean, it fits with your idea of a
hidden storehouse at the gold tower.
- Well, if the Knights did
hide gold all over Malta,
then, of course, they're gonna try
to cover up the map leading to it.
- Uh...
we seem to have an audience.
- I could go for a walk
after that amazing meal.
- Oh. Uh...
- Aren't you coming with me?
- Definitely.
I don't do this enough.
- Moonlight walks with
handsome strangers?
- I mean, this is so exciting!
We're following a real,
genuine treasure map.
- Well, let's not get
ahead of ourselves.
It's a theory until proven, and
there are a lot of questions.
- Like what?
- Like why was the fresco painted in the first place?
I get the Knights turned
it into a map, but...
what did it
originally represent?
- Does that matter?
The French priest talked
about the golden way,
a never-ending
road to prosperity.
I mean, that is what
you're looking for.
- Thank you...
agreeing to ferry me around.
And for not properly
maintaining your vehicle.
- You're thanking me for
neglecting proper car maintenance.
- Well, we wouldn't
be here if you didn't.
- Hmm.
- I'm... I'm sorry.
- No, I... it's fine.
it's getting a bit
cold, I might head back.
- Okay.
Can I... can I walk you?
- Sure.
- I still don't see a
proposal in my inbox, Austen.
Today is the thirteenth,
you've only got two days left.
This tenured position is
slipping through your fingers.
- I'm working on it.
There's a fresco.
- A fresco, that's it?
I don't know if a
fresco will cut it.
- I think it's a
map, but so far,
the landmarks haven't
lead to anything concrete.
- Are you sure you're
looking at it the right way?
- No.
There's a void in
the centre, though,
there's something missing.
- That's odd. Is it damaged?
- I don't know.
I need to get my hands
on an infrared machine,
I just can't find one that
would get here in time.
- Let me call my contacts
at the university, I'll...
I'll get right back to you.
- Alright. Thanks, Michael.
(phone ringing)
- Hi, Chloe.
- Eva, where are you?
We need to set up the apiary's
store for the festival.
It's tomorrow, in
case you forgot.
- The truck broke
down outside Delimara.
I called you last
night, where were you?
- With the mayor.
Wait, are you still with
doctor archeologist?
- Yes.
- And?
- And we kissed.
- And?
- And nothing. He's
not moving to Malta
and I'm not leaving,
so what's the point?
- Eva.
- What about you? Spending
the evening with Mattew again.
The festival is tomorrow,
shouldn't you be done?
- It's all in the
details, right?
We just have a lot to discuss.
- Over dinner?
- We all need to eat.
I have to go. Get back here.
Can't put together
the booth by myself.
- Yeah, I'm on my way.
(phone notification)
Good morning.
- Morning.
- I hope you slept well. I mean,
I sure did, why wouldn't I?
Um... James has
fixed the oil pan,
so we are ready to leave
if... you're ready.
- Uh... I have to go to
Marsaxlokk to pick something up,
so I'll just...
I'll take a taxi.
- Oh, what's in Marsaxlokk?
- An infrared machine
for the fresco.
But I'm... I'm getting a bus.
- Do you not want
me to take you?
- Do you... do you
want to take me?
- Not if you don't mind to.
- I just figured last night...
- Last night was...
nothing. (chuckling)
It was just a kiss. We're both
adults, there's no big deal.
That's getting
you to Marsaxlokk.
- You sure?
- I'm sure.
- Okay.
(bell ringing)
(knocking on door)
We're early. Mind if we
hang out for an hour?
- If you're okay to eat.
- Always.
- Let's go.
This part of Marsaxlokk
has the best cafs.
- I read about this.
The different coloured doors used to
represent the goods stored inside.
Green for fruits and
veggies, yellow for flour.
- Well, I can tell I won't have
to play tour guide. (chuckling)
- It's an occupational hazard.
Before I travel somewhere, I need to
know a decent amount about the history.
- Even on holiday?
- Oh, especially on holiday.
On my honeymoon, I went
to Egypt with my ex-wife.
I organized a trip to
pyramids by dynasty
to see the evolution of the construction methods.
- Hmm.
You were married?
- Yes, barely.
- How can you be barely married?
- Well, my ex is also an archeologist.
- Mm-hmm.
- And around a month
after we got married,
she went for a dig in Guatemala
and decided she wanted to be
married to her interpreter instead.
- I'm sorry. That
must have hurt.
- It took some time.
But you know
what? I'm over it.
- Oh, hey, you're
gonna love this place.
Oh, great.
- Grazzi.
- Grazzi.
- Oh boy.
- These are tal-ghasel,
or honey rings.
- Is anything in Malta
not made from honey?
- No, nothing worth eating.
Especially with
a Maltese coffee.
- Okay.
Wow! (coughing)
- Too strong?
- You know, I like a good
espresso, it's just...
I don't think I was
mentally prepared for that.
- Sorry.
- So...
your turn.
Last relationship.
- Oh.
Well, uh...
I was married too,
just a little longer
than you were. It
was almost 10 years.
- Really?
- Hmm.
- What happened?
- Well, he's English.
We've met at school here.
His parents were diplomats
and we dated on and off
over our teenage years,
got married straight
out of the university,
then he wanted to move to
England, so I went with him.
- So, you've lived in England?
- Yeah, almost five years.
Then, when my mom
got sick, of course,
I came back to be with
her, and he didn't.
- Right.
No one is as loyal as a drone.
- His life was there.
And as soon as I set foot
back on Maltese soil,
I knew mine was here.
I don't regret it.
Not that it happened
and not that it's over.
- Same with me.
I'm really happy with
where I am right now.
- Oh, what do you think?
- I think I really like honey.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- So, that's the
infrared machine?
God, it's way smaller
than I thought.
- Portable version,
but it should be enough to show any
other paint layers under the fresco.
- Great. Let's get going,
I'm dying of curiosity.
- Just one snag, it
doesn't have a battery.
- Oh. Well, we'll pick
one up at the store.
- No, no, it's not
that type of battery.
My contact is sending
me one from Palermo,
it'll be at my BnB tomorrow.
- Oof. That might not happen.
The festival tends
to delay everything.
- But, I... I can't be delayed,
I'm under a tight timeline.
(phone ringing)
- Um... one sec.
Oh, it's my sister. I better take it.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Chloe. Sorry, I'm
later than I said I'd be, I...
- I asked Pawlu to help set up the
booth when you didn't come back...
however, he fell.
He's at the hospital.
(dramatic music)
- Hi, Eva. Hi, Austen. You
didn't have to come here.
- Of course, we did. Pawlu,
I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
- It's only a
sprain. I'll be fine.
- Hold on, you... you speak English?
- Of course.
- You didn't tell me...
you didn't want to tell me?
- I hope you didn't
come out of your way.
Chloe made it sound
worse than it is.
- Still, it's my fault.
I should have been there.
Can I drive you home?
- No, I'll take him.
You go talk to Chloe.
- God, is she that mad?
- Not mad, upset, but
she blames herself.
- Well, I'll make my
way back to the BnB,
and I'll be sure to
stay off the road.
- Well, let me know when
the battery arrives.
I'll be on the town
square all morning.
- Okay. Well, I'll find you.
- Great.
- I'll... I'll see you.
- Okay. - Okay.
(soft music)
Thought I'd find you here.
I bought you these
from Marsaxlokk.
- Thanks.
(deep exhale)
- Never been here
since Mom died.
Remember how she used to bring us
here every summer before the harvest.
- To bless the bees
for the year ahead.
I thought we should
do it again this year.
- Hmm, definitely.
I miss Mom.
I don't know how she
did this on her own.
- Well, she had us.
- I'm sorry, Chloe, I haven't
been a very good sister, lately.
- No, Eva, I'm sorry.
I haven't been honest with you.
Remember when you asked about that promotion at work?
- Hmm.
- I turned it down.
- Why would you do that?
- Things changed after Mom died.
- Yeah, for both of us.
- You inherited the apiary.
But Mom didn't do
it all on her own
and you shouldn't
have to either.
I want to be the
one to help you.
- I know I'm struggling a
bit figuring it all out,
but that's my problem, I really
don't want to make it yours.
- At least, I got the
booth ready for tomorrow.
- I'm so ready for that,
and for dealing with Mattew.
- Speaking of.
Is it okay if I'm not
the booth much tomorrow?
Mattew asked if I could
help on the festival.
- Oh. Well, of course,
then. (chuckling)
(heartening music)
- Eva.
Your stall is
looking very festive.
- Well, no thanks to me.
What can I do for
you, mister mayor?
- Just checking
in with everyone.
Uh... did your sister
say anything to you...
about me?
- Oh...
just that you'd asked her to
run the festival, which...
might actually be
your job. (chuckling)
- I was thinking we'd
do that together,
but she seems to not need me.
- Well, that's Chloe.
Give her a job and
she'll run with it.
You have to try and
catch her on the way.
- Where is the archeologist?
Did he decipher the map?
- He actually thinks it might be
something to do with hidden pirate gold,
if you can believe that.
- Gold?
- Hmm.
- In Port Grace?
I should call
Heritage Malta again,
maybe they'll give
us higher priority.
- Oh... well, Mattew,
wait. I'm not sure Austen
is actually
finished... with it.
(soft Mediterranean music)
This is spring and summer
honey from this year
and the other is from last year.
- Are these handmade?
- Yes, they're pure beeswax,
so they're a natural
air purifier.
Oh, and help yourself
to the seeds.
We want all Maltese bees to have
plenty of food all around the island.
- Are there any other colours?
- Uh... no, I'm really sorry. Those are the
only colours those candles come in, actually,
and I can give you change in euros, if that's alright.
- No problem.
- Perfect. I'll
be right with you.
(in Maltese):
- You have got to
learn a new phrase.
- Telling people I
smell like flowers,
it just doesn't have
the same ring to it.
You know, there's these apps that
translate everything instantly.
- You knew all along
and you kept saying it?
- Just... I know it'll
put a smile on your face.
Thank you very much.
- Sorry, there you go.
Thank you so much. Enjoy.
- Have a great day.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
You're closing?
- Oh, it's time for
the traditional singing
and dancing to
start. There's Luna!
- Man, look at her.
Wow. Are you gonna join her?
- No. I've got two left feet.
Not that that stops them trying
to recruit me every year.
- Thank you.
- To a job well done.
- To a job well done.
That's just so good,
exactly what I needed.
- Thank you for today.
I don't think I could have
got through it without you.
- Well, I know you don't
like asking for help,
so thank you for letting me.
- Well, I was desperate, so...
- Sometimes, helping
is a way for people
to show you they care.
- I... I can't believe
I haven't asked you yet.
What's happened with the fresco?
- Well, it's already
waited a few hundred years,
what's a few hours more?
- Seriously?
- The battery arrived
half an hour ago.
I couldn't abandon you
to all these people.
- That's very sweet, but I wish
you would have said something,
I would have closed the
booth earlier. Let's go!
- Alright, alright!
- Okay. Ready?
- Ready.
- A female figure.
- Can you zoom out?
- Three female figures,
in the Greek style.
- Do you know who they are?
- The Thriae.
Greeks nymphs with
the gift of prophecy.
Very few depictions of
them survived at all,
I've never heard of
any outside of Greece.
- It's the Bee Maidens.
They say they were worshipped
and that's why Malta
has such unique honeybees,
my family's story.
- Wait, wait, wait...
The prophecy that
inspired your ancestors
to raise bees was given
to them by the Thriae?
- But why would the Knights
Hospitaller care about Greek nymphs?
- They didn't, that's why
they painted over them,
but they wanted to keep
the map for themselves.
- What if the golden way has
something to do with bees?
It could be a metaphor
for the ancient source
of Malta's prosperity.
- Excuse me, but this area
now is under the protection
of heritage Malta under the
authority of the Maltese government.
- Hi, hello. Uh...
I'm Doctor Austen Morgan of North
Dobson University in Michigan.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
The mayor of Port Grace gave us
permission to study the fresco.
- The mayor told
us of your work.
If you have any insights,
we'd appreciate them.
Please, call the office
to set up a meeting.
- You can't just let them
push you away like that.
- Eva, what I am supposed to do?
It's their jurisdiction.
I'm out of time anyways.
- I don't understand. (sigh)
- I have until tomorrow to submit a
new proposal for research funding.
I have to publish a new find
or I'd lose out on tenure.
- But we found the fresco
days ago. What's stopping you?
- It's not just about the fresco,
we need to know where it leads.
- Well, then, let's
figure it out.
Now, we know about
the Bee Maidens,
we think they were worshipped
here, the fresco is...
- Is no closer to showing us its
meaning than what it was before.
I wasted so much time with you.
- I wasted your time?
- Yes, but it...
- No, it's... it's okay. I... I totally get it.
- Eva.
- It was really fun,
playing Indiana Jane for
a couple of days with you.
Good luck with your proposal.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- There you are. We've been waiting for you.
- Why?
- To judge the best honey ring.
- What are you talking about?
- It was my idea.
You've brought me that honey ring
from Marsaxlokk and I thought,
if Mattew wants to feature
Maltese honey at the festival,
what better way than to have a
Maltese traditional pastry competition
that will draw families from
all over the country and beyond?
- It's a good idea.
- It's a great idea!
And on such short
notice, we made it work.
- But why should I be
the one to judge it?
- Well, you own Port Grace's
oldest and most successful apiary,
who knows honey better than you?
- Chloe does.
You've been trying to tell me
something and I haven't been listening.
- No, you're busy, I get it.
- No, I've been making it all about me and my insecurities.
You're just trying to
help because you care.
- I love you, and I love
the apiary too, I just...
I just want to be a part
of your life, Mom's life.
- I want that too.
And let's face it, the
way that Mom did things
isn't exactly
working out for me.
Something needs to change,
and you have a vision
for the apiary.
I mean, the theme tours?
- And the restaurant... and an
international honey competition.
- Wow! Okay!
- And more things.
Too many things. If you want to hear them.
- I do!
And I want you to feel like you
have a voice in our family business,
which is why you
should be my partner.
50 percent of the work for
50 percent of everything.
- Eva, you don't have to.
- No, I do. I need you to push me!
- And I need you
to hold me back.
- Which is why we
should do it together!
- I accept! (laughing)
- Well, then, your first
job as apiary co-owner
is to judge the pastries.
- Ladies, I think
we need to begin.
- Are you sure?
- Very.
And someone needs to stay
on the losers' good side.
- Don't worry, I'll
protect your honour.
You're now one of Port Grace's
most important citizens,
though you already were
important... to me.
- How's the arm?
- Oh, still
attached. (chuckling)
Where is your
American archeologist?
- On the next flight
home, I think.
- Why? What happened? You
two were so cute together.
- We were never together, Luna.
- Maybe not, but I can still be
sorry that it didn't work out.
- Well, it doesn't matter, he
was always leaving eventually.
What did you both think of
the honey-themed festival?
- Oh, I liked it.
Next year, I'm going to
suggest we have a procession
along the old honey road.
- What's the old honey road?
How have I never heard of it?
- For centuries,
all the beekeepers and the
farmers walked together
from sunrise to sunset,
starting near the ancient apiary
at Dar id-deheb where
they collected the honey.
Then, they travelled
down to the farm feed,
and there was a blessing
for the harvest too.
Afterwards, they
followed along the coast
to the gold tower at Delimara
where the honey was
stored and from there,
shipped to all of Europe.
- The harvest blessing,
like the one my mom used to take
us to in the wildflower grove?
- That's the place. The field
with the old Roman farmhouse.
- I'll... I'll be
back. (laughing)
(phone ringing)
- Michael.
- So, I hear the Maltese authorities
have gotten word about
a fresco in Port Grace.
- Yeah, yeah, they're...
they're here now.
- Do you have enough
for the proposal?
It's due tomorrow, but I'm
not sure heritage Malta
will welcome an outside
team on this one.
- Well, it's all I got,
so it's gonna have to do.
- Well, I won't say
I'm not disappointed,
but you knew the risk.
- Go big or go home, right?
Guess I'm coming home.
- Well, tenure or no tenure,
you're still a valued
member of this department.
Come see me when you're back.
- I will. Thank
you. I gotta go.
What's going on?
- I figured it out.
The fresco, the map,
the French priest,
the golden way, it's
all to do with bees.
- What?
- The root of the golden way
on the map is Pawlu
called the old honey road.
Look, this field is where they
used to bless the harvest.
I know this location, my
mom used to take Chloe and I
when we were little girls, and the
yellow circle on the fresco is the sun.
I should have realized. All apiaries
must face south for the sunlight.
- Okay, where is this field?
And what does it mean?
- I have to show you, come on.
- Eva, about what
I said earlier...
- Apology accepted. Let's go!
There was a procession here.
- The golden way.
- Yeah. The procession
followed down into the valley
where they planted crops and
left an offering of honey
for a favourable harvest.
- Not protecting pirate gold,
but liquid gold?
- And not just honey,
all the produce from the harbour which
was then shipped from the harbour.
- This all fits. There's gotta
be something here to confirm
that this is the right location.
- It's just a pile of rocks.
(sigh) Maybe this
was a waste of time.
- What I said earlier,
I didn't mean it.
None of this has
been a waste of time.
- I know.
you didn't even flinch.
- I flinched on the inside. (chuckling)
That bee just went
inside of those rocks.
- How odd...
(groans of effort)
- There's stairs.
- And I think we can both fit through there, no?
(sigh) - If only I had
an old school torch.
- And a whip and a leather
fedora? (chuckling)
- Alright. Well,
want to go first?
- Uh...
you know how you
feel about bees?
That's how I feel about snakes.
- Okay.
Allow me.
- Oh, wait, I've got a
lantern in the truck.
(intriguing music)
I've lived here my entire life,
I had no idea this was here.
- Doesn't look like
there's much here.
(sighing) - Just a bunch
of old broken clay pots.
Hey, put your light over there.
What is this place?
- It's a shrine
dedicated to the Thriae.
- God, look at
all these baskets.
- Yeah, looks like
it was also a cellar.
They stored goods in to
keep them cool and dry.
- Some of these jars have
their seals still intact.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
- From the decorations,
it looks like it could
be centuries old pottery.
(groan of effort)
- It's honey.
- What are you
doing? (chuckling)
No. Don't do that.
- Hum! Summer harvest.
It's delicious!
- That's the box. That's
the box from the diary!
- Wait.
It's what they used
for transporting bees.
- So... it wasn't
coins or honey
that the priest brought
to the New World,
it was Maltese
bees. (chuckling)
With the bees, the Michigan
settlers would have flourished.
The bees pollinated the crops!
- And these bees were the golden
way to never-ending prosperity.
We have to go! You have
to write your proposal!
- Let's get out of here.
This is an incredible find,
a once in a lifetime discovery!
- Even though it isn't
quite the gold you expected?
- Nothing in Malta
is what I expected.
I can't believe a Maltese
bee brought to Michigan
400 years ago has
brought me back to Malta.
To you.
- Even though bees all return
to their homes, just like us.
- I wish I didn't have to go.
But I have to
submit my proposal,
then I have my
presentation the next day.
And then...
who knows?
- Your home is in
Michigan, and mine is here.
I don't have to ask the Bee
Maidens to predict our future.
But I'm really glad I met you.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- Oh, good, you're back.
I just wanted to run a couple of things
past you before Mattew gets here.
- Before your first weekend away
together to romantic Florence?
- If you need me
to stay, I'll stay.
- No, don't be silly,
go and have fun.
- I intend to, but first, I
confirmed you as a speaker
at the ecological conference
in London next week.
- Can't wait.
- And...
these came in.
Our new honey jars.
- Oh, Chloe, these are gorgeous!
What a genius idea!
- Of course, you'd say that,
it was yours. (chuckling)
Oh, and one more thing. There's
someone talking to the bees.
- What?
- It's been a month.
Hopefully, she hasn't
forgotten about me already.
- Excuse me!
Can I help you?
- I was a bit nervous,
so I thought I'd take
advantage of your bee therapy.
It worked.
- What are you doing here?
- I thought you'd like to know
that my proposal was accepted.
I got the research funding.
- Congratulations.
I mean, you could
have... texted.
- I know, I could have,
but one of the conditions for the funding
requires me to be on site liaising
for Heritage Malta during
the time of the excavation,
so I just figured I'd
come tell you in person.
- What about tenure?
- I'm on professional
so who knows what the
future will bring?
- Well, you have to
ask the Bee Maidens.
- I'll be spending
enough time with them.
- Not all the time, eh?
- No.
No, most of my time
will be spent consulting
with the best beekeeper
in all of Malta,
if she's okay with that.
- Is honey sweet?
- Sometimes floral.
Sometimes citrusy.
(sweet music)
- I have no doubt you're
wondering what an excavation
of a seventeenth century
Jesuit settlement
in Michigan has
to do with Malta.
This is Jacques De Beauvoir,
a Jesuit priest who
travelled to New France
in 1630 and built
said settlement.
On his way, he stopped
here, in Malta.
We know this is where he secured funding
for his ambitious new-world plan.
His diary speaks of a time
he spent in Port Grace,
a place that filled his soul
with reverence and left behind
tantalizing yet
incomplete references
to the things he saw
and experienced here.
Speaking of
incomplete references,
this box could be the
key to that prosperity
he brought to the New World.
I'm hopeful I can
follow in his footsteps
and fill in that lost
chapter of his life and...
maybe feel a bit of
that reverence myself.
Thanks, everyone.
- That went well.
- I don't know.
The students in Malta
look just as bored
as the students in Michigan.
- Stop being modest,
you're the most
popular professor
in the archaeology
department for a reason.
I'm sorry I can't stay longer
to help with your research.
- You've done enough
just getting me here.
- You know, the
university will only fund
one research project, Austen.
I don't need to remind
you the proposal
is due in a week's time.
- I know.
- And not to pile
on the pressure,
but I just learned
Professor Lewis is retiring.
That means a tenure
position is up for grabs.
You get the funding,
you get tenured.
(deep exhale) - Yes, you know that's
all I've been working towards.
- Hope it wasn't a mistake
to hang your career
on an isolated reference in
a seventeenth century diary.
- Well, go big or
go home, right?
- I have every faith in you.
I got to go to the airport.
- Alright. Safe
travels, Michael.
- Hey!
(engine roaring)
Oh my God!
- Are you okay?
I am so sorry.
(breathing heavily)
(soft Mediterranean music)
- Roads are for driving
up, not walking.
- You're the only driver
I've seen on these streets.
- And do you know that because
you live on these streets?
- No.
To be honest, I don't
even know where I am.
They don't believe in street signs around here.
- Tourists.
- You might want to
slow down a little.
- Excuse me?
- Well, it's just...
you did almost hit me.
How many other innocent bystanders
have you almost run over?
- None.
I don't know why I started
today, it was a first.
- Is that what they
call local hospitality?
- If you don't want the
locals to run you over,
stay out of our way.
- Okay. Uh... Thank you.
Be careful.
- The lack of rain this
winter has resulted
in diminished foliage
growth all over the island.
The bees need more food.
- Don't we all? (laughing)
- I propose we plant bee-friendly
wildflower gardens throughout Port Grace.
- My niece Luna can help at the library.
- Great.
(clears throat)
Okay, Mattew, or should
I say mister mayor,
the floor is yours.
- Thank you, Eva.
As you all know, the first
annual Port Grace honey festival
is this weekend and we
need a marquee event.
- Why? We've got the market, the
traditional songs and the feast.
That's what the village of Oormi does with
their bread festival and everyone loves it.
- Which is why we
need something unique.
I am determined to put
Port Grace on the map.
- The beekeepers alliance has
more important things to discuss,
like what to do about
the foreign queen
that has infiltrated
one of our hives.
- I'll bring you a new Maltese queen
as soon as I rescue one, Livia.
I'm really sorry, I've got
to run, now, though, so...
- Would anyone be willing to
form a festival subcommittee?
Eva, please.
- Sorry, Mattew, I
really don't think I can.
- Maybe your sister?
- Chloe? Well... she'll
be at work, I imagine.
- Shall I come by
the apiary later?
Pick your brain about
the marquee event.
- No, I... I just don't
think I'll have time.
- Tomorrow, then.
Perfect. See you then.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- And before the meeting,
I almost hit this tourist
who was just walking in
the middle of the road,
and he actually blamed me!
As if I was the one gluing
his face to his phone.
Why are the cute
ones always so dense?
- Are you talking
about yourself again?
Why aren't you wearing your
gear so close to the hives?
- It's fine. Mom did this every
day and she never got stung.
- She got stung all the time.
- What happened
with the promotion?
My sister Chloe, the
new head of marketing.
You didn't get it?
- Really, it's not a big deal.
Anyway, I'm taking the week off.
I thought I could
help out around here.
- Well, I'd love that, but you
should relax, I've got it covered.
- While you were out, the international
distributor called about a rush order.
- What? Do I need
to call him back?
- Negotiate a deal,
he's in the office
waiting for your signature.
You can thank my MBA.
- I'd rather thank you,
but I'm the big sister,
I'm supposed to be the
one looking after you.
- We aren't kids anymore, we should
be looking out for each other.
And I have some thought about
raising the apiary's profile, like...
theme tours.
- I already have enough to do
without having to
prep new tours.
(notification) - Just...
- One sec.
Oh, it's Luna.
"There's bees in the
library." I better go.
- A bee-mergency. Oh!
Can we trademark that?
- Oh, Chloe.
- It's such a good idea!
- No more, Chloe, rein it in.
- Are you seriously still
driving that junk heap?
- My mother drove that for
years, why shouldn't I?
- I think you just
answered your own question.
Oh, I never see you
anymore, how are you?
- Oh, busy as a bee.
- Are you joining the folklore dance
at the festival this
weekend? We could use you.
- I really don't think I can,
and you know I was
never very good.
- I'd argue with you but...
- Hey, while I'm here, how
do you feel about planting
some bee-friendly wildflower
gardens around the library?
Your uncle said I should ask.
- Yes.
We could extend it to
a community planting
that starts here and goes
all the way through town.
- Oh, I love that!
- Well, let's do it. When can you pencil it in?
- Uh... well, there's
the festival, then,
I've got to prep for the summer
harvest, bottling and distribution.
I'm supposed to be speaking at an ecology
conference next week, but it's unlikely.
How's next spring? (chuckling)
- Ah!
- What was that?
- The reason I called you.
An American archaeology
professor is here.
- Mm-hmm.
- He's guest lecturing at the university.
Handsome, good job,
no wedding ring.
- What's the catch?
- He's the catch.
- I don't know, Luna.
He'll just be leaving.
- You don't know that,
and you haven't dated
anyone since Eric. (sigh)
Come on, you
deserve to be happy.
- I am happy.
I hope you haven't called me
here just to play matchmaker.
- Of course not.
Our visiting professor might not be
the most comfortable around bees.
And I'm also not sure
how they're getting in.
- Hey, stop it!
- Are you following me?
- You've met?
- We disagremented.
- It's not a word.
- Incidented?
- Still, no.
- Encountered.
- There you go. And no,
we haven't actually met.
I don't know your name.
- Doctor Austen Morgan of North Dobson University of Michigan,
this is Eva Vella-Calleja,
owner of Pacifika Grove Apiary,
beekeeper extraordinaire.
- Ah...
- And the bees in Malta are
protected legally, by the way.
- I'm all for
conservation, but nobody
is getting arrested
for swatting a bee.
- I keep seeing them on
this side of the library,
if that helps.
- Oh.
Oops. Sorry.
- Is that... why you were
racing around earlier?
Because you were
on a bee-mergency?
(chuckling) - Well, you'd
get along with my sister.
She also has terrible
taste in puns.
- Look...
I haven't made a great
impression, right?
At first, I spill
your flora, and then,
I attack your protected fauna.
- Well, nobody is perfect.
Ah, found it.
Luna, you have a hole
in your window frame.
Have you got any Sellotape?
Oh, great.
Okay. Well, that should
hold it for a few days.
Now to round up distractors.
- Help.
(clears throat) Help... help.
- Don't move, stay calm.
It won't hurt you if
you don't hurt it.
- Hum... I'm calm.
Just... you know, I want to be
careful with that, that's a...
that's a 400 year-old census.
When do you plan on
releasing that bee?
That document is very fragile.
- So is the bee.
- Where are you going?
- To the window where
he came in, do you mind?
Thank you. I'll release
him here and then,
follow him to see if
there's a hive nearby.
- I guess that makes sense.
- Oh. Well, thank you
for your approval.
- How do you know he's a him?
- He's a drone,
there's no stinger.
Go on, then.
- Just... how far do you
plan on following this bee?
- Until it reaches
its destination.
- Dare I ask how far a bee
travels back to its hive?
- Depends if that's a
scout, a drone, a forager...
- Just... on average?
- Two kilometres or so,
about a mile, unless...
unless they're looking for
water, then, you can triple that.
Can you hear that?
Follow me.
- Really?
- Hello, there.
How would you like
to come home with me?
Well... at least,
you got to see
an authentic Maltese wild hive.
- Great, I can cross that off
my bucket list. (chuckling)
What now?
- You can have this back on one
condition, no more swatting,
even when the bees aren't officially
protected, because they should be.
Bee populations are in decline.
- And they're essential
for cross-pollination
which supports our food
supply, yes, I know.
- Well, you still
have to promise.
- I promise not to harm
so much as an antenna
on any bee's head for
the rest of my life.
Thank you.
This part of the wall looks
like it could have belonged
to a different building,
like a feature of some sort.
I know the library
was a hospital
during the time of the
Knights Hospitaller,
but could this have been a
different structure before then?
- I mean, I'm sure
you can find out...
you know, in the...
in the library,
where all the information is.
- How odd...
you know, just to
have this wall here
and build onto
it. I wonder why.
- Don't ask me.
This whole island
is old buildings on
top of older buildings.
This is probably Roman
or Punic or Greek
or Phoenician or just
all of the above.
- Now, I'm really
glad I called you.
- I'll come back later.
It's better to move
them closer to sundown.
(buzzing) Oh...
- Sorry, reflex.
Good luck with that.
- Mm-hmm.
Don't worry, I'll
take you somewhere
you'll be safe from
the likes of him.
- It's almost closing
time, Doctor Morgan.
- Oh, please, call me Austen.
Is this the only map you
have of the old hospital?
- I'm afraid so. What are
you looking for exactly?
- The wall outside
with the beehive,
I'd like to know what
it used to belong to.
- We know Port Grace was
predominantly a Greek settlement,
right through the
Roman times and beyond,
but the Knights didn't keep
records of what came before,
only what they built on top.
- And you never had any
excavations done here?
- Port Grace isn't high on the
list of archeological interest.
- Not yet.
(soft music)
You're still here? (gasps)
- Give a girl some warning.
- Is that... is that paint?
- Oh, okay. Yeah, sure,
you can take that.
- This can't be.
This is...
This can't be...
I can't believe this.
Oh, my goodness!
I'm sorry.
It's just... usually,
I make discoveries like
this inside the library.
This actually might be a lead.
- Oh.
(deep exhale)
- The paint needs
to be analyzed.
Stylistically, the fresco
appears to be Greek,
but the structure on the bottom
looks to be Roman-designed,
possibly fifth century.
- Well, that's Malta,
little bit of everything.
- Is it valuable?
- A new tourist attraction for Port Grace?
- Every historical
artifact is valuable.
This is certainly unusual,
definitely attraction-worthy.
- I'll call Heritage
Malta in the morning.
Not that they'll be able
to give us priority,
it'll take a few days
for them to send someone.
- I'd be happy to get
a jump on the analysis.
Of course, I'll put all the
proper protections in place.
- I'll have to verify
your credentials first.
- I'm a professor at North
Dobson University of Michigan.
I have a PhD in archaeology.
Here's my department
head's contact info,
you can give them a ring.
You can trust me.
- Not with nationally
protected bees, you can't.
And the stragglers from
the hive I just removed
will be coming back over the next
few days looking for their queen.
- What do bees have to
do with ancient frescos?
- If it wasn't for the bees, you
wouldn't have found the fresco.
I have to collect
the returning bees.
- Mister mayor, I'm sure
you value a historical find
such as this more than you
do a few stray insects.
- You'll be able to
study the fresco for now,
but until I verify
your expertise,
you'll be doing so
under Eva's supervision
while she rescues our equally
precious Port Grace bees.
- I don't need any supervision.
- Yeah, but that doesn't take all day.
- Perfect. That's
settled, then. (chuckling)
(soft music)
- Hey, there.
- Hi.
What are you doing here?
- Luna sent me to find you.
Remember the fresco?
We don't want to go against
the mayor's wishes, now, do we?
- Luna's always been a
stickler for the rules.
I'm sorry, though, I've
got a tour about to start.
- You have a tour?
For how long?
- It's already waited
a few hundred years,
what's a few more hours?
- Hours?
Will you be free after?
- Yeah, sure.
- Okay, well, then, sign me up.
- Uh... no. Sorry,
it's... full. I...
- Hello. Are here for the
tour? What's your name?
- Hi. Austen.
But... I guess it's full.
- We've always got room
for another bee enthusiast.
Excuse me.
- Well, look at that.
- Hello.
Welcome to Pacifika
Grove Apiary.
- Thank you.
- I hope you'll enjoy
your honeymoon tour.
This is my sister, Eva, your tour guide.
- Hi.
Chloe, a word.
- Sorry.
- What's a honeymoon tour?
- A theme tour.
We talked about it, remember?
- Yeah, and I said I didn't
have time to prep new tours.
- But I met this couple
on their honeymoon
in the town square, we
got to talking and...
- And now, I'm doing
a honeymoon tour.
- Sorry.
- Hi, everyone. I am Eva.
Welcome to Pacifika
Grove Apiary.
Malta's honey has been prized all
over the world for thousands of years.
The ancient Greeks came here
and named this island Melita,
or: "Honey sweet."
And as you can tell, a
version of the name stuck.
According to a family
legend, my ancestors
came here after they were given
a prophecy in ancient Greece.
If they cared for
the bees of Melita,
the bees would care for
them, and they would prosper
for generations to come.
And well, I'm here, so
I guess it was true.
But enough about me,
let's get to the bees.
- So, do bees fall in love?
- Um... yeah, in
a way, they do.
They don't just
couple up with anyone,
they choose their partners based on
mutual understanding and affection.
- Oh, just like us.
- Everyone can grab a bee
suit in the back of my truck.
(uplifting music)
Does anyone know where the
term honeymoon comes from?
Well, it was a medieval
tradition for newly weds
to drink honeyed mead for
a full moon, or month,
after they were married.
- I thought that it referred to
the time after marriage when...
love was sweetest before
it waned like the moon.
- They don't want to hear that,
I'm trying to make it romantic.
- Ancient Egyptians made
every groom promise to provide
their wife with an
annual supply of honey.
- So, I guess you have
some shopping to do.
- The honey is then filtered,
jarred and of course, eaten.
I hope you've enjoyed the tour. Now, please,
go and enjoy some Pacifika Grove honey.
- Ladies and gents,
come this way.
- Well, this place,
it's impressive.
- Thank you. I think so too.
- You know, I never thought about how
much goes into making a jar of honey.
- Well, most people
don't think about it...
but I didn't think much
about ancient frescos either.
You don't want to try any?
- Oh, no, I don't like honey.
- I'm just gonna pretend
you didn't say that.
(camera clicks)
- Can you please just catch it?
- Are you allergic?
- Not fatally.
My hands blow up like
balloons, it's not pretty.
- You should have said so.
(buzzing) Ah, hello, there.
Don't worry, little friend,
I'm getting you
back to your queen.
If only all men were
like you, drones,
loyal till death do you part.
Uh... so, tell me,
What is it about this specific
fresco that's so special to you?
- Do you really care?
- Yeah, sure. Why not?
- I recently came across
a diary that was written
by a French priest who spent time
here before heading to the Americas.
The diary referenced a wonder
he had never seen before,
a golden way in Port Grace.
- What's a golden way?
- Well, that's the question.
All he said was that he found a
golden way to never-ending prosperity,
now hidden from those
who will come after.
There was also a sketch
of some sort of box,
but there was water damage, so
we couldn't make out what it was.
There was no reference to
what was inside of the box,
but it had to have been essential
to establish the Jesuit colony.
- So, you're looking
for prosperity?
- No. I'm looking for something
of archeological significance.
It's part of the
job. Find things,
dig them up, write about them.
- You make it
sound so glamorous.
- I'm an academic,
not a tomb raider.
I came here hoping to
prove the diary entry
was based on something real, and
I think the fresco might be it.
Gold leaf?
(intriguing music)
Looks like they might
be connected together.
- That's it, that's
your golden way.
- Well, it's certainly hidden
from those who will come after.
But this fresco itself wouldn't
provide never-ending prosperity,
and why are these three different
drawings connected by the golden way?
What are they
meant to represent?
- Well, the symbols could be
part of some sort of legend.
Or they could be a map of Malta.
Wait, that... that tower could
be just outside Delimara.
There's been towers like that up and
down the coastline for centuries.
Many of them have been replaced, but I
just don't know which one this is exactly.
- And that one on the bottom?
- That has to be the ancient
apiary at Dar id-deheb.
I've been there many times.
- Or you just see
bees in everything.
- Bees are everything,
ecologically speaking,
but in this case, Dar id-deheb
is Maltese for golden house.
I'm just not sure what the birds
have to do with it, though.
- Okay.
Say you're right,
why draw three
different locations?
Which one is most important?
- Well... that one,
I'm not so sure about.
- The structure looks like it could
be a Roman villa of some sort.
- Could be.
- Okay. So, you're most certain
about the ancient apiary?
- Yeah, I'd say so.
- Alright. We start there
and then, we work our way
clockwise to the tower.
- We?
Oh, no.
No, I agreed to watch
you stare at a wall
while I waited for
straggler bees.
I did not agree to ferrying
you around the country
on a wild bee chase!
- It's a wild goose chase.
- Oh, so you admit it?
- Look, I would have realized
it was a map eventually, okay?
But you helped me
get here faster.
I need you.
A local, and you're here.
I will... work
around your schedule.
- Well, I've... never followed
an ancient map before.
- I can't promise
we'll find anything.
But I can promise
we'll have fun trying.
- Tomorrow, then.
We'll go to the golden
house. Where are you staying?
- The Royal Mariner hotel.
- One of our best customers.
I'll pick you up first thing.
- Then, it's a date.
But not a... not a date, date,
just an outing between two adults.
- Tomorrow.
- Tomorrow.
- Good morning, beloved sister.
- Hello. You're up very
early for a vacation day.
- I thought I'd help
out with the books.
- No, you don't have to do
that. You should be relaxing.
- That honeymoon tour went
really well, they loved it.
- It was a good idea.
Sorry if I was hesitant.
- Great, because I
have more theme ideas,
and I think we should start
up the school tours again.
We haven't done them since Mom...
- Yes, it's on my list.
I just need to get the day to
day a bit more under control.
- Which is why I'm
going to help you.
Then, maybe you can confirm speaking at
the London Ecology Conference next month.
- That's on pause for now.
- But this is what you love to do!
Spread awareness, educate.
- I'll get back to it eventually.
You don't need to
worry about me.
- Oh, the Boutique Hotel called
to confirm the honey tasting.
- Yes, that's tomorrow. Today,
I'm taking Austen to Dar id-deheb.
- A date?
- No, it's for his research.
I know I don't really have time, but
for some reason, I couldn't say no.
- I know the reason.
You should go, have some fun!
And he's cute.
- You think so?
I didn't really notice.
- Mm-hmm.
Have fun!
- Bye!
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- Eva, good morning.
- Hi.
- Ready to get started?
- Started on what?
- The festival planning,
the marquee event.
- Oh... I don't...
- Eva, you forgot your phone.
- Oh, you're a lifesaver.
- Hi, Chloe.
- Hi, Mattew.
- Our mayor needs help
brainstorming a marquee event
for the honey
festival this weekend.
- I love brainstorming. What about
a pageant, an art show or a race?
- I like the way you think.
- Oh! How about honey fondue?
- I love it.
- A quiz!
Wildflower crown.
Ping the stinger on the bee.
(soft Mediterranean music)
- Okay. Alright, Pawlu,
you are a true master.
Rematch tomorrow?
(in Maltese):
- Oh, Pawlu!
(in English): You're learning Maltese?
- I am.
Pawlu's teaching me a few things.
- Oh, okay.
(in Maltese):
(in English): Ah. And what
do you think that means?
- "It's a beautiful
day." (chuckling)
- I think you should
stick to the English.
- Is my pronunciation that bad?
Pawlu, come on!
How much longer till we
get to the golden house?
- Dar id-deheb, it's
not much further.
- Do you hear that?
- No.
- It's coming from under the hood.
- No, it always
sounds like that.
- Well, it shouldn't normally sound like that.
- It's fine.
- When's the last time you
had this thing serviced?
- Um...
- Don't say never.
- Okay, I won't say it.
- We're gonna stop at
the next service station.
- No, that's back in Port Grace. I'll
do it later when I'll drop you off.
- You know, this thing
is pretty beat up.
You ever think about trading it in?
- No, I don't.
- It'll cost more to fix this
old heap than to get a new one.
- Well, not everything
is about money.
- Well, at the very least,
you should maintain its oil
or else, it'll catch fire.
- It's not gonna catch on fire
if it's low on oil. Do you
know anything about cars?
- My dad is a mechanic,
and yes, it could ignite.
- You're overexaggerating.
- I'm not overexaggerating,
I'm just educating you about
proper car maintenance.
- Oh, well, consider me educated.
- Okay.
- Can we change the subject?
- As long as you promise to change your oil.
- Yes, I promise. Look,
we're almost there.
- I've never seen a
structure like this.
- There's still a
few left on Malta.
- It looks Roman.
It could be 2000 years
old, it's incredible.
- Yeah, it really is.
- You can almost feel the
whispers of the people
who lived here, who loved here,
who got stung here all
those years ago. (laughing)
- Well, I didn't take
you for a romantic.
- History is romantic.
It's the same human experience
repeating itself
over and over again.
- You should have been a
philosopher, not an archeologist.
- I'm more interested in
things than I am people.
- Even though without
people, there'd be no things?
- Now, who's the philosopher?
- There's something
special here.
I have to come and remove
hives every now and then
so the odd tourist
doesn't get stung.
- So...
the bees come back to their ancient home?
- Mm-hmm.
- Ah, that's fascinating.
Look at this.
It's an ancient
graffiti of some sort.
- It's a bird.
It's a honeyguide bird, you can tell
by the white circle under its eye.
These birds were used to guide our
ancestors to ancient bee colonies.
- So, they built
this place and then,
brought the bees in
after, like a bee farm.
- Exactly.
- Wow.
There must be a reason why they
built it in this specific place.
- Well, I can tell you they
built it to face the south.
That's best for the bees,
it maximizes sunlight.
- Well, this must
be the right spot,
because it's the same bird
symbol that we saw on the fresco.
It's just a mystery
as to why it's there.
You know, the fresco is not the
type of map where X marks the spot.
- Well, obviously.
There's no X on it.
- The Greeks painted
the fresco and then,
the Knights covered
it up for some reason,
I just don't know
what that reason is.
- What's so funny?
- Just festival ideas.
Mattew wants to dress Pawlu
up in a bee suit. (laughing)
- Has he been here all day?
- Brainstorming, you
know how it goes.
Oh, and I had to
show him around.
Did you know he's never
been to the apiary before?
- Yes, he has.
- Oh, how did your day playing tour guide for Austen go?
- He's not on
holiday. (chuckling)
I'm gonna take him to some of the sites
referenced on the fresco tomorrow.
He thinks it might
be some sort of map.
- A map?
Sorry. A map to what?
- To Malta, but Austen thinks there's
probably more to it than just that.
- Will you keep me posted?
- Of course.
Do you two need
any help planning?
- Don't worry, sis, I got this.
- Yes, she does.
- Okay.
Good night.
- Night!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Am I expecting you?
- Uh... no.
But yes. I just figured I'd...
I'd come meet you here
so we can head out
to the next stop on
the map. The tower?
- Delimara.
- Yes, that's the place.
- Okay. Well, that's perfect.
A beekeeper in our association
lives there who I
promised a queen to.
- I was trying to figure
out which tower it was,
but I didn't have much luck.
It seems like there
was a few places
that fit the spot on the map.
- Well, we can ask Abraham,
he lives on the coast.
I just have a few things
I need to do here first.
Um... You can come with
me if you'd like...
or I can pick you up later.
- I'm here. Why don't
I just... tag along?
- Okay, great.
Good morning, everyone!
It's gonna be another sunny day.
I've just seen a new
patch of wild Saghtar
flowering on the edge of town
you might want to check out.
This is Austen.
You have met him before,
but he has a little
bit of a nervous vibe,
so you probably put him
out of your hive mind.
- Are you seriously
talking to the bees?
- My mom always said:
"If you tell the
bees your secrets,
they'll make the
honey even sweeter."
- Your mom is also a beekeeper?
- Was. She died last year.
- I'm really sorry.
- Yeah, me too.
She ran this place
without a hiccup.
It's very big shoes to fill.
- Well, it looks like
you're doing just fine.
- I'm glad it looks that way.
Now, we shouldn't
be talking about her
in front of the B, E, E, S,
because they miss her too.
Would you like to talk to
them before I put them away?
It's very therapeutic.
- I'm good.
- Okay. Well, goodbye
for now, bees.
I'll tell you all
about it later.
Come on.
- This doesn't look
like a coastal tower.
- I did say I had a
couple of things to do
before we could leave.
This is the second.
(phone ringing)
- I'm just... going to get this.
- Yes.
- Michael.
- Austen!
What's the update? I haven't heard
from you since I've been back.
- There's been a development.
- Good!
Get the funding application
in, I'll tell the board.
- Uh... no, we're not
quite there yet. I...
still have to find the location.
- Austen, time is running out.
- I'm on it.
Thanks, Michael.
- I hope so.
- Everything okay?
- I... hope so.
- Great.
You can take this.
Are you coming?
This tasting is going to
change your mind about honey.
- You really took that as a
personal insult, didn't you?
- More like a challenge.
Are you just a savoury
over sweet kind of guy?
- No, neither. The honey I grew
up on, it came in plastic bear.
It was just... too sweet.
- You cannot judge all honey based on
the supermarket mass-produced kind.
- How old is that one?
- Uh... oh, it's as old as me.
This one was harvested
the year I was born.
- And it's still good?
- The oldest known honey
is 5000 years old
and perfectly edible.
It never goes off.
- I knew about the discovery,
I just never knew anyone ate
it and lived to tell the tale.
- Well, they did,
and don't worry,
I'm not that old,
so you'll be fine.
- Wow, that's... that's honey?
Tastes like caramel.
- Notes of carob and eucalyptus.
Now, try this. It's
the spring harvest.
- It's like eating
flowers. (chuckling)
- And this is autumn.
- It's...
It's citrusy. Can
honey be refreshing?
- Well, the Greeks didn't include
it in ambrosia for nothing.
- I've been living under false
pretenses my entire life.
I... I feel
cheated. (chuckling)
Okay, I can get that for you.
What drone would leave his
queen in a time of need?
- You'd be surprised.
- Where is the other apron?
- What...
- Well... it's either
that or I keep eating.
- There's one on the crate.
Hi. I'm Eva from
Pacifika Grove Apiary.
Come and try some of our honey.
These are our main
honeys we have here.
(indistinct chatter)
That was fun.
- Even though I mixed up the
spring honey with the winter?
(chuckling) - You made up
for that by convincing them
to buy both jars.
- Well, if I can't decide, then how can they?
- High praise indeed.
- Alright.
- You know you...
can actually take that off, now?
I mean, it's a look.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Come on.
- Getting it here. (chuckling)
I know how you can thank me.
- What... did you have in mind?
- Uh...
you can take me to the tower.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- We should get going... then.
- Okay, let's do that.
- At... at the other...
the other side.
- Other side.
- Yeah.
Sorry. Yeah.
- I'd say you didn't
have it serviced?
(soft Mediterranean music)
I can get used to this.
- Michigan must
have some charms.
- For four months out
of the year, it does.
Big lakes, green forests, it's
just the rest of the year,
everything is frozen
under mountains of snow.
- Ah, snow sounds fun!
- It is...
for a few weeks.
It's just shovelling your
driveway gets old real fast,
and digging out your car isn't the
same as digging up ancient ruins.
- Well, I wish someone
would dig up all the ruins.
I'm constantly tripping
over them. It's a hazard.
- You're so
spoiled. (laughing)
You know you have architecture
spanning millennia
from all different cultures
from the Mediterranean.
You know, Malta is practically a
microcosm of Western civilization?
- Yeah, we know.
Try being 12 years old
and having to memorize
every ruler of this island
for the last 4000 years.
- I would have enjoyed that.
But I thought that you
went to school in England.
- Oh, the accent.
- Yeah.
- My father is British.
My mother was Maltese.
They divorced when I was little
and he moved back to the UK.
- That must have been tough.
- It was normal.
- Did you always know you were
gonna take over the apiary?
- Hmm, always.
Did you always know
you'd be an archeologist?
- I found an arrowhead camping
when I was a kid and I was hooked.
I love finding a piece of history
that gives you a window into the past.
- Your lectures
must be fascinating.
- Well, I think so.
Gotta ask my students.
- Ah! Eva.
(in Maltese):
(in English): I
brought you your queen.
- Ah! Grazzi.
- This is Austen.
(in maltese):
(in English): I don't know
how to respond to that.
- Austen is an archeologist
and he's interested in
seeing the old towers.
- Oh... which one?
The milk tower
and the gold tower are close by.
- There's a gold tower?
- Well, actually, the gold
tower has been replaced,
but the remnants
are still there.
They're just at the
end of the road.
So, where's your truck?
- It broke down on
the coastal road.
- She ran out of oil.
- Oh, I'm surprised it
hasn't caught on fire.
- Yeah, me too.
- Listen, I'll text my nephew James, he's a mechanic.
- Okay.
- In the meantime...
why don't you stay for supper?
- It's... it's really
kind of you, but we're...
- I wish we could,
maybe next time.
- Well, James says he'll meet
you by your truck in an hour.
- Perfect.
- Uh... the tower, it's...
- You can't miss it.
- Okay, great.
Thank you. Nice to meet you.
- You too.
- Thank you.
- Ciao.
(soft Mediterranean music)
- A lot of the locations from
the map have gold in their name,
it cannot be a coincidence.
- I agree, but without evidence,
a name is just a name.
I know the Knights Hospitaller
built up towers all on the coastline
to protect them from
potential invaders, but...
these remains predate them.
- How can you tell?
- See the dark
reflects on the mortar?
- Uh... yeah. Isn't
that just dirt?
- My guess is volcanic ash.
The Romans used to
mix it with lime
to make a more waterproof
mortar than lime itself.
The technique was lost
after the Roman era
until the early
nineteenth century.
- So, this was built in Roman
times, but the fresco is Greek?
- Well, Greek in style.
But I'm guessing that
the fresco was painted
during the Roman occupation because
this construction method fits.
- But why is it
called the gold tower?
- Look at this.
Ancient pottery.
I'm guessing this
was a storehouse.
A fortified tower
in the middle of nowhere
next to a harbour,
it's the perfect place
to store your valuables.
- Valuables like gold?
- The Knights did like to amass
a serious amount of wealth,
and they also liked to hide it.
- But how is this place
connected to Dar id-deheb
apart from having
gold in the name?
- You're okay.
- We should probably...
get back to the truck.
Abraham's nephew's
probably waiting for us.
- I'll follow you just in case
you forget how to walk again.
(soft music)
- Hi. You must be James.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You might have a problem
with your oil pan, it's...
completely dry.
- Oh.
- I need to tow the truck back to my garage to fix it.
You're not going anywhere today.
- Hmm.
- Let me call Chloe, I'm
sure she'll come pick us up.
- Okay.
(line ringing)
- Hi, it's Chloe.
I'm unavailable,
but please, leave a message...
- Voicemail. Um...
- Well, how about a taxi?
You got a taxi in town?
- There's a bus, but
not until the morning.
(sigh) - Then, I guess
we're spending the night.
- My uncle has a room.
(together): Two rooms?
- He also has two.
So, who wants to
ride Bertha first?
- I... I'm gonna walk.
- I... will also... see
you back at the house.
- Thanks, James.
- Thank you.
- Happy to help, I guess.
- Well, James knows a
lot about old trucks.
- He's very modest...
for an American. (chuckling)
He even adjusted
the ignition timing,
so the engine should be
working much smoother.
- Oh, it's fixed?
- Almost.
The oil pan is also all rusted
out, so it needs to be replaced.
- I'll pick one up first thing in the morning.
- Thank you.
Thank you both.
Now, come and sit down. Livia
has pulled out all the stops.
- I should probably
get changed first.
- No, no, no, no, you sit.
We're all family here.
- Okay, perfect.
Smells delicious.
What kind of fish is that?
- It's swordfish. We
call it pixxispad.
- Yeah, and try that bragioli.
That's bacon, egg, garlic,
all wrapped in beef and slow
cooked in a lovely wine sauce.
- Wow.
What kind of cheese is that?
- It's sheep's milk
cheese, it's my favourite.
Try it with the salad, although
that's not technically traditional.
- And this is imqarrun il-forn.
- Mac and cheese?
- Way better than what you're
thinking of. (chuckling)
(in English): Oh, the
direct translation is,
"Have a good meal."
- I think this meal will
make me feel very good.
(He repeats the
saying in Maltese.)
That was the most incredible meal
I've ever had in my entire life.
- Grazzi.
- So, you still haven't told us
why you wanted to
visit those old ruins.
- Well, it's part of an
old map we're following.
- Oh, must be a very old map.
- Do you know why it was
called the gold tower?
- There was never any
actual gold, was there?
- Maybe, maybe not.
You see, this was a
notorious spot for pirates,
right throughout history.
They raided ships going to
Valletta, Gozo, even Sicily.
But then, the Knights
built a settlement here
and they took over the tower.
- Hmm. So, it's called the
gold tower because the Knights
posted here stopped
the pirate raids?
- More because they took a share on
the pirate's stolen goods, you know,
valuable commodities from all over the
Mediterranean supposedly kept in the tower.
- Hey.
Can you believe what
Abraham told us?
- Pirate gold. (chuckling)
Are we looking for actual gold?
- I mean, it fits with your idea of a
hidden storehouse at the gold tower.
- Well, if the Knights did
hide gold all over Malta,
then, of course, they're gonna try
to cover up the map leading to it.
- Uh...
we seem to have an audience.
- I could go for a walk
after that amazing meal.
- Oh. Uh...
- Aren't you coming with me?
- Definitely.
I don't do this enough.
- Moonlight walks with
handsome strangers?
- I mean, this is so exciting!
We're following a real,
genuine treasure map.
- Well, let's not get
ahead of ourselves.
It's a theory until proven, and
there are a lot of questions.
- Like what?
- Like why was the fresco painted in the first place?
I get the Knights turned
it into a map, but...
what did it
originally represent?
- Does that matter?
The French priest talked
about the golden way,
a never-ending
road to prosperity.
I mean, that is what
you're looking for.
- Thank you...
agreeing to ferry me around.
And for not properly
maintaining your vehicle.
- You're thanking me for
neglecting proper car maintenance.
- Well, we wouldn't
be here if you didn't.
- Hmm.
- I'm... I'm sorry.
- No, I... it's fine.
it's getting a bit
cold, I might head back.
- Okay.
Can I... can I walk you?
- Sure.
- I still don't see a
proposal in my inbox, Austen.
Today is the thirteenth,
you've only got two days left.
This tenured position is
slipping through your fingers.
- I'm working on it.
There's a fresco.
- A fresco, that's it?
I don't know if a
fresco will cut it.
- I think it's a
map, but so far,
the landmarks haven't
lead to anything concrete.
- Are you sure you're
looking at it the right way?
- No.
There's a void in
the centre, though,
there's something missing.
- That's odd. Is it damaged?
- I don't know.
I need to get my hands
on an infrared machine,
I just can't find one that
would get here in time.
- Let me call my contacts
at the university, I'll...
I'll get right back to you.
- Alright. Thanks, Michael.
(phone ringing)
- Hi, Chloe.
- Eva, where are you?
We need to set up the apiary's
store for the festival.
It's tomorrow, in
case you forgot.
- The truck broke
down outside Delimara.
I called you last
night, where were you?
- With the mayor.
Wait, are you still with
doctor archeologist?
- Yes.
- And?
- And we kissed.
- And?
- And nothing. He's
not moving to Malta
and I'm not leaving,
so what's the point?
- Eva.
- What about you? Spending
the evening with Mattew again.
The festival is tomorrow,
shouldn't you be done?
- It's all in the
details, right?
We just have a lot to discuss.
- Over dinner?
- We all need to eat.
I have to go. Get back here.
Can't put together
the booth by myself.
- Yeah, I'm on my way.
(phone notification)
Good morning.
- Morning.
- I hope you slept well. I mean,
I sure did, why wouldn't I?
Um... James has
fixed the oil pan,
so we are ready to leave
if... you're ready.
- Uh... I have to go to
Marsaxlokk to pick something up,
so I'll just...
I'll take a taxi.
- Oh, what's in Marsaxlokk?
- An infrared machine
for the fresco.
But I'm... I'm getting a bus.
- Do you not want
me to take you?
- Do you... do you
want to take me?
- Not if you don't mind to.
- I just figured last night...
- Last night was...
nothing. (chuckling)
It was just a kiss. We're both
adults, there's no big deal.
That's getting
you to Marsaxlokk.
- You sure?
- I'm sure.
- Okay.
(bell ringing)
(knocking on door)
We're early. Mind if we
hang out for an hour?
- If you're okay to eat.
- Always.
- Let's go.
This part of Marsaxlokk
has the best cafs.
- I read about this.
The different coloured doors used to
represent the goods stored inside.
Green for fruits and
veggies, yellow for flour.
- Well, I can tell I won't have
to play tour guide. (chuckling)
- It's an occupational hazard.
Before I travel somewhere, I need to
know a decent amount about the history.
- Even on holiday?
- Oh, especially on holiday.
On my honeymoon, I went
to Egypt with my ex-wife.
I organized a trip to
pyramids by dynasty
to see the evolution of the construction methods.
- Hmm.
You were married?
- Yes, barely.
- How can you be barely married?
- Well, my ex is also an archeologist.
- Mm-hmm.
- And around a month
after we got married,
she went for a dig in Guatemala
and decided she wanted to be
married to her interpreter instead.
- I'm sorry. That
must have hurt.
- It took some time.
But you know
what? I'm over it.
- Oh, hey, you're
gonna love this place.
Oh, great.
- Grazzi.
- Grazzi.
- Oh boy.
- These are tal-ghasel,
or honey rings.
- Is anything in Malta
not made from honey?
- No, nothing worth eating.
Especially with
a Maltese coffee.
- Okay.
Wow! (coughing)
- Too strong?
- You know, I like a good
espresso, it's just...
I don't think I was
mentally prepared for that.
- Sorry.
- So...
your turn.
Last relationship.
- Oh.
Well, uh...
I was married too,
just a little longer
than you were. It
was almost 10 years.
- Really?
- Hmm.
- What happened?
- Well, he's English.
We've met at school here.
His parents were diplomats
and we dated on and off
over our teenage years,
got married straight
out of the university,
then he wanted to move to
England, so I went with him.
- So, you've lived in England?
- Yeah, almost five years.
Then, when my mom
got sick, of course,
I came back to be with
her, and he didn't.
- Right.
No one is as loyal as a drone.
- His life was there.
And as soon as I set foot
back on Maltese soil,
I knew mine was here.
I don't regret it.
Not that it happened
and not that it's over.
- Same with me.
I'm really happy with
where I am right now.
- Oh, what do you think?
- I think I really like honey.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- So, that's the
infrared machine?
God, it's way smaller
than I thought.
- Portable version,
but it should be enough to show any
other paint layers under the fresco.
- Great. Let's get going,
I'm dying of curiosity.
- Just one snag, it
doesn't have a battery.
- Oh. Well, we'll pick
one up at the store.
- No, no, it's not
that type of battery.
My contact is sending
me one from Palermo,
it'll be at my BnB tomorrow.
- Oof. That might not happen.
The festival tends
to delay everything.
- But, I... I can't be delayed,
I'm under a tight timeline.
(phone ringing)
- Um... one sec.
Oh, it's my sister. I better take it.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Chloe. Sorry, I'm
later than I said I'd be, I...
- I asked Pawlu to help set up the
booth when you didn't come back...
however, he fell.
He's at the hospital.
(dramatic music)
- Hi, Eva. Hi, Austen. You
didn't have to come here.
- Of course, we did. Pawlu,
I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
- It's only a
sprain. I'll be fine.
- Hold on, you... you speak English?
- Of course.
- You didn't tell me...
you didn't want to tell me?
- I hope you didn't
come out of your way.
Chloe made it sound
worse than it is.
- Still, it's my fault.
I should have been there.
Can I drive you home?
- No, I'll take him.
You go talk to Chloe.
- God, is she that mad?
- Not mad, upset, but
she blames herself.
- Well, I'll make my
way back to the BnB,
and I'll be sure to
stay off the road.
- Well, let me know when
the battery arrives.
I'll be on the town
square all morning.
- Okay. Well, I'll find you.
- Great.
- I'll... I'll see you.
- Okay. - Okay.
(soft music)
Thought I'd find you here.
I bought you these
from Marsaxlokk.
- Thanks.
(deep exhale)
- Never been here
since Mom died.
Remember how she used to bring us
here every summer before the harvest.
- To bless the bees
for the year ahead.
I thought we should
do it again this year.
- Hmm, definitely.
I miss Mom.
I don't know how she
did this on her own.
- Well, she had us.
- I'm sorry, Chloe, I haven't
been a very good sister, lately.
- No, Eva, I'm sorry.
I haven't been honest with you.
Remember when you asked about that promotion at work?
- Hmm.
- I turned it down.
- Why would you do that?
- Things changed after Mom died.
- Yeah, for both of us.
- You inherited the apiary.
But Mom didn't do
it all on her own
and you shouldn't
have to either.
I want to be the
one to help you.
- I know I'm struggling a
bit figuring it all out,
but that's my problem, I really
don't want to make it yours.
- At least, I got the
booth ready for tomorrow.
- I'm so ready for that,
and for dealing with Mattew.
- Speaking of.
Is it okay if I'm not
the booth much tomorrow?
Mattew asked if I could
help on the festival.
- Oh. Well, of course,
then. (chuckling)
(heartening music)
- Eva.
Your stall is
looking very festive.
- Well, no thanks to me.
What can I do for
you, mister mayor?
- Just checking
in with everyone.
Uh... did your sister
say anything to you...
about me?
- Oh...
just that you'd asked her to
run the festival, which...
might actually be
your job. (chuckling)
- I was thinking we'd
do that together,
but she seems to not need me.
- Well, that's Chloe.
Give her a job and
she'll run with it.
You have to try and
catch her on the way.
- Where is the archeologist?
Did he decipher the map?
- He actually thinks it might be
something to do with hidden pirate gold,
if you can believe that.
- Gold?
- Hmm.
- In Port Grace?
I should call
Heritage Malta again,
maybe they'll give
us higher priority.
- Oh... well, Mattew,
wait. I'm not sure Austen
is actually
finished... with it.
(soft Mediterranean music)
This is spring and summer
honey from this year
and the other is from last year.
- Are these handmade?
- Yes, they're pure beeswax,
so they're a natural
air purifier.
Oh, and help yourself
to the seeds.
We want all Maltese bees to have
plenty of food all around the island.
- Are there any other colours?
- Uh... no, I'm really sorry. Those are the
only colours those candles come in, actually,
and I can give you change in euros, if that's alright.
- No problem.
- Perfect. I'll
be right with you.
(in Maltese):
- You have got to
learn a new phrase.
- Telling people I
smell like flowers,
it just doesn't have
the same ring to it.
You know, there's these apps that
translate everything instantly.
- You knew all along
and you kept saying it?
- Just... I know it'll
put a smile on your face.
Thank you very much.
- Sorry, there you go.
Thank you so much. Enjoy.
- Have a great day.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
You're closing?
- Oh, it's time for
the traditional singing
and dancing to
start. There's Luna!
- Man, look at her.
Wow. Are you gonna join her?
- No. I've got two left feet.
Not that that stops them trying
to recruit me every year.
- Thank you.
- To a job well done.
- To a job well done.
That's just so good,
exactly what I needed.
- Thank you for today.
I don't think I could have
got through it without you.
- Well, I know you don't
like asking for help,
so thank you for letting me.
- Well, I was desperate, so...
- Sometimes, helping
is a way for people
to show you they care.
- I... I can't believe
I haven't asked you yet.
What's happened with the fresco?
- Well, it's already
waited a few hundred years,
what's a few hours more?
- Seriously?
- The battery arrived
half an hour ago.
I couldn't abandon you
to all these people.
- That's very sweet, but I wish
you would have said something,
I would have closed the
booth earlier. Let's go!
- Alright, alright!
- Okay. Ready?
- Ready.
- A female figure.
- Can you zoom out?
- Three female figures,
in the Greek style.
- Do you know who they are?
- The Thriae.
Greeks nymphs with
the gift of prophecy.
Very few depictions of
them survived at all,
I've never heard of
any outside of Greece.
- It's the Bee Maidens.
They say they were worshipped
and that's why Malta
has such unique honeybees,
my family's story.
- Wait, wait, wait...
The prophecy that
inspired your ancestors
to raise bees was given
to them by the Thriae?
- But why would the Knights
Hospitaller care about Greek nymphs?
- They didn't, that's why
they painted over them,
but they wanted to keep
the map for themselves.
- What if the golden way has
something to do with bees?
It could be a metaphor
for the ancient source
of Malta's prosperity.
- Excuse me, but this area
now is under the protection
of heritage Malta under the
authority of the Maltese government.
- Hi, hello. Uh...
I'm Doctor Austen Morgan of North
Dobson University in Michigan.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
The mayor of Port Grace gave us
permission to study the fresco.
- The mayor told
us of your work.
If you have any insights,
we'd appreciate them.
Please, call the office
to set up a meeting.
- You can't just let them
push you away like that.
- Eva, what I am supposed to do?
It's their jurisdiction.
I'm out of time anyways.
- I don't understand. (sigh)
- I have until tomorrow to submit a
new proposal for research funding.
I have to publish a new find
or I'd lose out on tenure.
- But we found the fresco
days ago. What's stopping you?
- It's not just about the fresco,
we need to know where it leads.
- Well, then, let's
figure it out.
Now, we know about
the Bee Maidens,
we think they were worshipped
here, the fresco is...
- Is no closer to showing us its
meaning than what it was before.
I wasted so much time with you.
- I wasted your time?
- Yes, but it...
- No, it's... it's okay. I... I totally get it.
- Eva.
- It was really fun,
playing Indiana Jane for
a couple of days with you.
Good luck with your proposal.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- There you are. We've been waiting for you.
- Why?
- To judge the best honey ring.
- What are you talking about?
- It was my idea.
You've brought me that honey ring
from Marsaxlokk and I thought,
if Mattew wants to feature
Maltese honey at the festival,
what better way than to have a
Maltese traditional pastry competition
that will draw families from
all over the country and beyond?
- It's a good idea.
- It's a great idea!
And on such short
notice, we made it work.
- But why should I be
the one to judge it?
- Well, you own Port Grace's
oldest and most successful apiary,
who knows honey better than you?
- Chloe does.
You've been trying to tell me
something and I haven't been listening.
- No, you're busy, I get it.
- No, I've been making it all about me and my insecurities.
You're just trying to
help because you care.
- I love you, and I love
the apiary too, I just...
I just want to be a part
of your life, Mom's life.
- I want that too.
And let's face it, the
way that Mom did things
isn't exactly
working out for me.
Something needs to change,
and you have a vision
for the apiary.
I mean, the theme tours?
- And the restaurant... and an
international honey competition.
- Wow! Okay!
- And more things.
Too many things. If you want to hear them.
- I do!
And I want you to feel like you
have a voice in our family business,
which is why you
should be my partner.
50 percent of the work for
50 percent of everything.
- Eva, you don't have to.
- No, I do. I need you to push me!
- And I need you
to hold me back.
- Which is why we
should do it together!
- I accept! (laughing)
- Well, then, your first
job as apiary co-owner
is to judge the pastries.
- Ladies, I think
we need to begin.
- Are you sure?
- Very.
And someone needs to stay
on the losers' good side.
- Don't worry, I'll
protect your honour.
You're now one of Port Grace's
most important citizens,
though you already were
important... to me.
- How's the arm?
- Oh, still
attached. (chuckling)
Where is your
American archeologist?
- On the next flight
home, I think.
- Why? What happened? You
two were so cute together.
- We were never together, Luna.
- Maybe not, but I can still be
sorry that it didn't work out.
- Well, it doesn't matter, he
was always leaving eventually.
What did you both think of
the honey-themed festival?
- Oh, I liked it.
Next year, I'm going to
suggest we have a procession
along the old honey road.
- What's the old honey road?
How have I never heard of it?
- For centuries,
all the beekeepers and the
farmers walked together
from sunrise to sunset,
starting near the ancient apiary
at Dar id-deheb where
they collected the honey.
Then, they travelled
down to the farm feed,
and there was a blessing
for the harvest too.
Afterwards, they
followed along the coast
to the gold tower at Delimara
where the honey was
stored and from there,
shipped to all of Europe.
- The harvest blessing,
like the one my mom used to take
us to in the wildflower grove?
- That's the place. The field
with the old Roman farmhouse.
- I'll... I'll be
back. (laughing)
(phone ringing)
- Michael.
- So, I hear the Maltese authorities
have gotten word about
a fresco in Port Grace.
- Yeah, yeah, they're...
they're here now.
- Do you have enough
for the proposal?
It's due tomorrow, but I'm
not sure heritage Malta
will welcome an outside
team on this one.
- Well, it's all I got,
so it's gonna have to do.
- Well, I won't say
I'm not disappointed,
but you knew the risk.
- Go big or go home, right?
Guess I'm coming home.
- Well, tenure or no tenure,
you're still a valued
member of this department.
Come see me when you're back.
- I will. Thank
you. I gotta go.
What's going on?
- I figured it out.
The fresco, the map,
the French priest,
the golden way, it's
all to do with bees.
- What?
- The root of the golden way
on the map is Pawlu
called the old honey road.
Look, this field is where they
used to bless the harvest.
I know this location, my
mom used to take Chloe and I
when we were little girls, and the
yellow circle on the fresco is the sun.
I should have realized. All apiaries
must face south for the sunlight.
- Okay, where is this field?
And what does it mean?
- I have to show you, come on.
- Eva, about what
I said earlier...
- Apology accepted. Let's go!
There was a procession here.
- The golden way.
- Yeah. The procession
followed down into the valley
where they planted crops and
left an offering of honey
for a favourable harvest.
- Not protecting pirate gold,
but liquid gold?
- And not just honey,
all the produce from the harbour which
was then shipped from the harbour.
- This all fits. There's gotta
be something here to confirm
that this is the right location.
- It's just a pile of rocks.
(sigh) Maybe this
was a waste of time.
- What I said earlier,
I didn't mean it.
None of this has
been a waste of time.
- I know.
you didn't even flinch.
- I flinched on the inside. (chuckling)
That bee just went
inside of those rocks.
- How odd...
(groans of effort)
- There's stairs.
- And I think we can both fit through there, no?
(sigh) - If only I had
an old school torch.
- And a whip and a leather
fedora? (chuckling)
- Alright. Well,
want to go first?
- Uh...
you know how you
feel about bees?
That's how I feel about snakes.
- Okay.
Allow me.
- Oh, wait, I've got a
lantern in the truck.
(intriguing music)
I've lived here my entire life,
I had no idea this was here.
- Doesn't look like
there's much here.
(sighing) - Just a bunch
of old broken clay pots.
Hey, put your light over there.
What is this place?
- It's a shrine
dedicated to the Thriae.
- God, look at
all these baskets.
- Yeah, looks like
it was also a cellar.
They stored goods in to
keep them cool and dry.
- Some of these jars have
their seals still intact.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
- From the decorations,
it looks like it could
be centuries old pottery.
(groan of effort)
- It's honey.
- What are you
doing? (chuckling)
No. Don't do that.
- Hum! Summer harvest.
It's delicious!
- That's the box. That's
the box from the diary!
- Wait.
It's what they used
for transporting bees.
- So... it wasn't
coins or honey
that the priest brought
to the New World,
it was Maltese
bees. (chuckling)
With the bees, the Michigan
settlers would have flourished.
The bees pollinated the crops!
- And these bees were the golden
way to never-ending prosperity.
We have to go! You have
to write your proposal!
- Let's get out of here.
This is an incredible find,
a once in a lifetime discovery!
- Even though it isn't
quite the gold you expected?
- Nothing in Malta
is what I expected.
I can't believe a Maltese
bee brought to Michigan
400 years ago has
brought me back to Malta.
To you.
- Even though bees all return
to their homes, just like us.
- I wish I didn't have to go.
But I have to
submit my proposal,
then I have my
presentation the next day.
And then...
who knows?
- Your home is in
Michigan, and mine is here.
I don't have to ask the Bee
Maidens to predict our future.
But I'm really glad I met you.
(uplifting Mediterranean music)
- Oh, good, you're back.
I just wanted to run a couple of things
past you before Mattew gets here.
- Before your first weekend away
together to romantic Florence?
- If you need me
to stay, I'll stay.
- No, don't be silly,
go and have fun.
- I intend to, but first, I
confirmed you as a speaker
at the ecological conference
in London next week.
- Can't wait.
- And...
these came in.
Our new honey jars.
- Oh, Chloe, these are gorgeous!
What a genius idea!
- Of course, you'd say that,
it was yours. (chuckling)
Oh, and one more thing. There's
someone talking to the bees.
- What?
- It's been a month.
Hopefully, she hasn't
forgotten about me already.
- Excuse me!
Can I help you?
- I was a bit nervous,
so I thought I'd take
advantage of your bee therapy.
It worked.
- What are you doing here?
- I thought you'd like to know
that my proposal was accepted.
I got the research funding.
- Congratulations.
I mean, you could
have... texted.
- I know, I could have,
but one of the conditions for the funding
requires me to be on site liaising
for Heritage Malta during
the time of the excavation,
so I just figured I'd
come tell you in person.
- What about tenure?
- I'm on professional
so who knows what the
future will bring?
- Well, you have to
ask the Bee Maidens.
- I'll be spending
enough time with them.
- Not all the time, eh?
- No.
No, most of my time
will be spent consulting
with the best beekeeper
in all of Malta,
if she's okay with that.
- Is honey sweet?
- Sometimes floral.
Sometimes citrusy.
(sweet music)