For the Love of Money (2012) Movie Script

"The love of money the root of all evil. "
How does a guy from humble
beginnings end up in a Ferrari?
I've lived a crazy life,
one filled
with twists and turns.
What makes a person's
life veer out of control?
Who knows?
And what makes you lucky
enough to get out in one piece?
I don't have a clue,
but i do know
that one wrong turn...
And you can crash.
Oh, he's taking the lead.
I'm catching up,
I'm catching up.
No way.
Oh, yeah,
you're going down.
Yeah, yeah.
No matter what,
I know that I could beat you
if I was driving.
Yeah? No.
Look, look at that lead.
No, you're gonna owe me
I am not owing you anything.
here he is.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Yeah! I win!
Come on, mine crashed.
See? I told you.
Come on, pay up.
All right, all right.
Enjoy it while you can.
I will.
At 15, I thought I knew it all,
and the biggest thing going
was the new issue of hot rod.
It was the summer of '73,
and all my cousin Yoni and I
could talk about
was owning
a matching pair of Mustangs.
We were dreamers.
We spent most days in our
best pair of bell bottoms
trying to meet girls
or at my brother's shop.
Hey, Ellie. hey, Abe.
Hey, Ringo.
Whoa, cool bike.
Why don't you kick start it
for me?
Abe was a local hero for making
the Olympic wrestling team.
But to me he was
larger than life.
Times were simple back then,
but not for everybody.
While my brother
was fixing bikes,
Yoni's brother Levi was...
Well, let's just
say he had different ideas.
You good?
- Yeah.
I'll meet you out back
by the market.
Everybody down!
Now! Do it!
Don't shoot. don't shoot.
I wouldn't do that.
Please, please.
Hurry the fuck up!
Fill it up! Let's move!
Let's go!
What the fuck
you waiting for?
Money in the fucking bag!
Let's go!
Get down!
Hurry up!
Don't take your
sweet-ass time!
Come on, come on.
Fill it up!
Let's move!
Let's go!
What the fuck
are you looking at?
Get down.
Why are you in my way?
I'll pump you full of lead
right now.
Slowing down.
Let's go!
Your turn.
Fill it up.
Get the fuck down.
Get down all the way!
There you go.
That's it.
Let's go!
Pass it the fuck down!
Why are you
so fucking slow?
Let's move!
Let's go!
I got it.
Let's go.
Move the fucking truck!
Come on, move!
Hey. Hey!
Hey, stop!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Get in. Go, go!
Oh, shit.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Come on. Come on, move.
Fuck! Get him to move
the truck.
Hurry up, man. Come on.
Move the fucking truck!
What the fuck?
Come on, come on.
Move, move.
God damn it.
B'Aruck Atah Adoni...
Let's eat.
So while one member of our
family tree was robbing banks,
the rest of us
were having Shabbat dinner.
It was the one rule my parents
had, and nobody ever complained.
We didn't have
a lot back then,
but we always
had each other.
#Jeremiah was a bullfrog#
The family business
was a neighborhood bar
run by my other brother Jacob
and his wife.
#Was a good friend of mine#
So I pour with a heavy hand.
So what?
What? I didn't say anything.
But you were thinking
#And he always had
some mighty fine wine#
#Singing joy to the world#
With a slightly
illegal casino in the back.
It wasn't much more
than a card room,
but in my mind,
it was Monte Carlo.
It was a hangout for all the
local small-time gangsters,
so our family had run-ins
with some pretty shady
characters from time to time.
#I'd throw away the cars#
#And the bars and the wars#
#And make sweet love to you#
#Sing it now#
#Joy to the world#
Hi, Frishka.
Hey, Ringo!
#All the boys and girls#
You're getting
more handsome every day,
but you still need
a haircut.
No. Mom, it's cool.
Like the Beatles.
I know.
Here's a list
of what we need.
See you later.
Bye, Ma.
Hi, Izek.
Mazal. Jacob.
Listen to Mom.
Get a haircut.
#Norman Greenbaum'S
"Spirit in the sky"#
Don't listen.
I like the Beatles.
Tommy Goldberg
thought he was a wise guy.
He'd watched too many
american gangster movies
and was nursing
a nasty drug habit.
Plus he was
a bit of a wild card,
a lethal combination.
You gotta talk to Tommy
about his tab.
You know
it's getting out of hand.
Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
When? He's taking advantage...
I said don't worry about it.
Well, I do.
Tommy, good to see you, man.
You, too.
So, regular table,
three packs of smokes.
You know, the usual.
You are looking so good.
Thanks. Anything else, Tommy?
- Okay.
Table three in the back.
Hey, Ringo.
Hey, Tommy.
What's happening, little man?
Oh, not too much.
- What's happening?
I'm cool.
Tommy's tab.
#Prepare yourself, you know it's a must#
#Gotta have a friend
in Jesus#
#So you know
that when you die#
#He's gonna recommend you#
#To the to the spirit in the sky#
#Gonna recommend you to
the spirit in the sky#
#That's where you're
gonna go when you die#
#When you die
and they lay you to rest#
Oh, shit.
He just pulled a straight!
I'll give you
the skinny, brother.
You just got
beat hard.
Like, hard.
Yeah, yeah. I'll beat
your mother fucking hard.
Laugh. Come on.
Just fucking around.
Kaleb, come on.
Fucking laugh now.
Come on. I thought it
was fucking funny.
We're just fucking around,
So was I.
You just almost pissed
your pants, man.
#T. Rex's "20th century boy"#
Flip, man.
All you had was
a pair of fours?
Fuck off, man.
I don't have to show.
The card flipped up, Tommy.
What the fuck do you know,
Go get us some beer.
Okay. I'll get you beer.
Fuck, man.
What's going on with this guy?
I swear he wouldn't know
beer from piss.
You want to put money on that?
You serious?
Fucking serious.
All right, hundred american.
I can get that retard to
drink half a bottle of piss
before he realizes that it's not beer.
I'm fucking in.
Yeah, me, too.
Yeah. Give me that empty bottle.
Oh, shit, this guy is crazy, man.
The guy is crazy, man.
I can't wait to see this shit.
Oh, shit. I got some on the floor.
Arnie. Arnie, what's
going on back there?
More beers, guys.
Here, come over here.
I need a partner.
Pull up a chair.
A partner? Okay.
I got a bet going, okay?
I need your help here.
All right, what I need you to do
is I need you to chug down this beer
Faster than Kaleb over here.
Okay, you're on my team here.
I got some money on this. Okay.
You can do it, right?
I can do it.
Little shit.
Tommy. Where's Jacob, huh?
I don't know. What's up with Tommy?
Frishka, Frishka,
Frishka, Frishka...
One, two, three!
Hey, don't you fucking dare.
Izek, come with me.
Frishka, go home and get
yourself cleaned up.
Why do you want me to go home?
- Just go home.
I'll explain it to you later.
- Why, Jacob?
I'll explain it to you later.
Do me a favor.
Thank you.
Go in the back room and make sure
everything is running smoothly.
Yeah, absolutely.
Right, well, nobody says anything.
Yeah, oh, and now?
Oh, yeah, listen.
Now he has his friends
putting things on his tab.
Yeah, and Tommy? Tommy walks
around here like he owns the place.
What you saying about me?
Hey, you think I need some
bitch telling me about my tab?
Put this on my fucking tab!
Fuck you!
Tommy! What the fuck is this?
It's that bitch you married.
What the fuck did you just say?
You heard me.
You know where the fuck
you are, man?
I'll fucking kill you, man!
Son of a bitch.
You come into my fucking bar and
you talk to my wife like that?
You think you can fucking talk
like that to me?
I'll fucking kill you, man.
Get off me!
Hold him!
Who the fuck do you think
you are, huh?
Get up, motherfucker! Get up!
Nobody knew why, and it
didn't make whole lot of sense,
but Abe would live.
It was some sort of miracle.
You're up.
I need some water.
How you feeling?
Like I was hit by a truck.
I'm sorry.
- Yeah.
For what?
I'm the one who got Tommy
all pissed off.
You know, but I... I couldn't
just sit there, you know.
He was...
Hey, Tommy would've popped
over anything last night.
You did the right thing.
Sometimes doing the right thing
lands you in a pile of trouble.
Sometimes you come
out smelling like a rose.
Doesn't matter.
What matters is doing what
you think is right.
I don't know.
You know, it's just weird...
'Cause I didn't think.
I just did.
Keep listening to your gut,
little bro.
It'll never lie to you.
No way.
My God, Yoni!
Little brother!
I missed you.
Look at you.
You're huge.
Come on, sit down, join me.
Come on.
You want anything to eat,
anything to drink? Huh?
Nah, nah, I'm good.
Man, they got great Shwarma here.
No really, I'm good.
- So where you been?
Well, I've been busy, man.
I've been busy. Lots of opportunities.
That's good, that's good.
Hey, you got a light?
Hey, you're Levi Cohen, aren't you?
Do I know you?
No, but you will.
I'm Detective Martz.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
Hey. Hey!
You're under arrest for the robbery
of the Commercial Bank of Tel Aviv.
What's going on?
- Don't worry about it.
I'll be out by tomorrow.
Take him.
Yoni, go home.
Makes you wonder
what Levi was thinking
having lunch across the street
from the bank he'd robbed.
He'd have 10 long years
to think about that.
Yoni, on the other hand,
was a teenager.
And like all teenagers,
every day seemed
like an eternity.
So little by little,
we went back
to the way things were.
Those are the girls
from last week.
Oh, It is?
Let's go talk to 'em.
Okay. Um, give me a second.
I gotta take a piss. Be right back.
Hey, you better hurry up or,
uh, they'll both be mine, ahee.
You wish.
Hey, Ringo.
Nice to see you again.
How have you been?
Right back.
One minute.
That's a message from Tommy!
Izek. Izek, you all right?
You all right?
What happened?
What happened?
Who were they?
The problems with Tommy spelled the
beginning of the end for my Monte Carlo.
Even with Tommy in jail,
we decided to close
the casino and sell the bar.
Mom would stay behind
to handle the sale,
but Jacob and Abe would go
to Los Angeles.
They wanted to plant
some roots,
then send for the rest of us...
Except for me.
After my run-in at the beach,
we decided I should head West
with my brothers,
to the land of opportunity.
"Magic carpet ride"#
#I like to dream#
The city of angels
was everything I'd dreamt
it would be.
I just wished Yoni
was there to see it all.
The palm trees, the beautiful
people, the cool cars.
L.A. was home for the
big dreamers.
It was where I belonged.
I started Hollywood High
in the fall of 1973,
but it didn't take me long
to figure out
that knowing the address of
was not gonna be the key
to my success.
So I got a job.
Izek, can you make a pass?
Yeah. Sure thing.
#Fantasy will set you free#
#Close your eyes, girl#
#Look inside, girl#
#Let the sound take you away#
Even at 16, I knew I wanted it all,
and from the looks of it,
there were ways of getting
there other being a gangster.
The business sold back home,
and we bought a house on
Crescent Heights.
We were slowly getting our piece
of the American dream.
Bye, sweetie.
- Okay, Ma.
But! Wanted more.
#On a magic carpet ride#
#You don't know#
#What we can see#
#Why don't you tell
your dreams to me#
So, you say this place
is for your uncle, huh?
Solomon didn't believe
a word of it,
but he had first and last month's
rent on a long-term vacancy,
so what did he care?
Hey, here you go.
Hello, young man.
Mr. Solomon, how are you?
I'm gonna make you a lot of money.
Money. I like money.
Now, listen to me.
There's this Korean couple,
and they want to buy this place.
They figure if a kid can do it...
You in?
I would net $15, 000.
It might as well have been
a million.
I'm in.
I'm in.
Attaboy. Congratulations.
Thank you.
Do me a favor. Gimme
something to eat.
Of course.
Solomon wasted no time
finding me another place.
And when that one started
posting numbers,
buyers were lining up.
The third restaurant
would be my last.
I wanted to work with cars,
and this great mechanic I knew
had just moved to L.A.
Oh, this is great.
You're gonna beat McDonalds
at their own game.
You got backup?
Yeah, this is, uh...
This is my cousin Yoni.
What's his name?
Do me a favor.
Don't ever tell me how old you are.
You did good.
Hell, I hope you're as good with cars
as you are with burgers.
Let me give you a tip.
If it floats, flies, or fucks...
Rent it.
Otherwise buy it.
Buy it?
Buy it.
You've been good to me,
Mr. Solomon.
I have, haven't I?
I've been very good to you.
Go to work.
#Blondies "Call me"#
#Color me your color, baby#
Hey, Yoni.
- Yeah?
Having trouble
with the old pipe, huh?
Ah, I'm not falling for that one again.
Ah, come on. You're taking
all the fun out of it.
- Huh?
I have to go home early
Hot date?
Ah, not exactly hot.
So what?
I'm, uh, meeting Talia's parents.
Get the fuck out of here.
Oh, it's getting serious.
Yeah, I guess it is.
You never know.
She could be the future Mrs. Cohen.
Pass me the wrench, Romeo.
Romeo, Romeo,
Where have you been, Romeo?
Hey. Can I help you?
Yeah. I can't get my hood open.
Can you do something with it?
Yeah, sure.
I'm Izek.
Okay, so, let's see
what's going on here.
I can... I can take care
of this for you, no problem.
Didn't get your name.
what's your name?
Nice accent.
Thank you.
What's up, Romeo?
Hey, Yoni, can you open
this hood for me?
Take your time.
It'll take about half an
hour, something like that.
Oh, okay.
You want something
to drink, maybe?
I know a place
with a great view.
Come with me.
It's not exactly
Mulholland Drive, but...
It'll do.
#oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, he
speaks the languages of love#
#Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, amore, Chiamami#
#Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
appelle-moi mon cherie#
Did you get her number
after that, or what?
What do you think?
I think you're turning
romantic on me.
Ah, look who's talking.
All right, brother.
Good night.
Sweet dreams.
You're going down.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You... down.
I felt like the luckiest guy in town.
Business was great,
my best friend was my partner,
and I just met the prettiest
girl I'd ever seen.
The American dream was so
close, I could taste it.
But, like I said,
one wrong turn can
change everything.
Micky Levine...
He was the perfect gangster.
Ruthless and without remorse.
Micky's Flunky, Vince,
handled the business with some
south-of-the-border help.
He wanted everything
the boss had and more.
#It's time you got to win#
#Lonely, lonely, lonely#
Any problems?
- No.
#Your spirit's sinking' down#
#You find you're not the only#
#Stranger in this town#
When do you want to do this?
When do I want to do it?
Now. Does now sound good?
Sounds good to me.
Maybe fucking Christmas. Moron.
#Headlines, deadlines
jamming your mind#
#You been stealing
shots from the side#
#Let your feelings go
for a ride#
Half naked all the time.
Can't you put something on?
I liked it. You liked it?
I did, but it's kind of weird, though.
I mean, would you do that?
Do what?
You know, go with an
older woman for money,
Uh, depends.
How much money we
talking about?
You look good tonight.
Thank you.
No problem.
You, too.
Thank you.
Nice building.
Did it hurt?
No. In fact, it didn't hurt at all.
So, what, you were just faking?
No I...
I just...
You know, when I was
a little girl,
My Mom say I always
pretend I got hurt
when I fell down,
but that was more because
I was embarrassed.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, that makes sense all right.
If you're a big faker.
Come on, you faker, hop on.
#Oh, I could hide 'neath the winds#
I like this song.
#Of the bluebird as she sings#
It's an enjoyable tune.
Makes me feel good.
How about you?
Definitely, Boss.
"Definitely, Boss. "
Well, that's convincing.
You're overwhelmed.
See, it reminds me of when
I was, like, 15, 16,
and I was making out with this girl.
She was beautiful. uh, she was
a mulatto, you know, and, uh...
I think they call those "Niggers. "
She was half-black,
but the point was she had the
cutest, tightest, little ass.
And you could bounce quarters off it.
You know?
I mean, that's not actually what I did.
It's an expression.
Hey, wait, wait.
That Billy?
Go get him.
Yeah, that's him.
Billy was a low-level dealer
who owed Mickey little
more than pocket change.
But if there was one thing
Micky could never resist.
It was making a grown man cry.
And he didn't mind getting
his hands dirty either.
In fact, he kind of liked it.
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up!
Oh, shit.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here, you little piss-ant.
Do you see what you did?
I see.
Can you see that?
You dented my car.
You dented my car.
I'm sorry.
You stupid fuck.
What did you make me do?
I am so pissed at you.
I'll get you your money. I promise.
I know, I understand.
Stupid fuck.
You got two days, fuckhead.
Micky's dented fender
made its way to me
after he paid a visit
to my brothers shop.
Jacob sent him thinking
he was doing me a favor.
As they say, the road to hell
is paved with good intentions.
You want to make the shop bigger?
Yeah. But I was thinking about
the corner of Pico and West.
What, the old gas station?
I want to level it and build
an Auto Mall.
Thinking big, huh?
I'm always thinking big. Always.
Where you gonna find money
for something like that?
I don't know.
But it's the right move.
I got it.
I'm sorry we're closed.
Hey, congratulations.
Uh, who's Izek here?
I am.
Izek. Good.
Uh, listen.
Uh, I here you guys
do excellent work, right?
And, uh, I, uh, had a
little mishap with my car,
which you... you can see over there.
Uh, you can fix that, right?
Yeah, shouldn't be a problem.
Good. Uh, Micky Levine.
So you make it look like new.
Now, that's stupid. That's what
you're supposed to do, right?
Make it look like new.
Let's check this out.
Let's see.
From what I can tell,
it's about a $450 job.
Good. I'll give you 500.
You do a good job.
No, I'll do a good job for 450,
Mr. Levine.
Listen, all right.
Now, that's not necessary.
It is necessary.
I'll tell you why.
Um, I'd like it tomorrow.
You can have it done
by Tuesday.
But I... I just said tomorrow.
You want this done right?
Best I can do is, uh, Monday.
All right, kid. Monday.
Shabbat Shalom.
Shabbat Shalom.
Okay, Carlos. We need this by Monday.
#The Gap Bands
"You dropped a bomb on me"#
#You were the girl #
#That changed my world#
#You were the girl for me#
#You lit the fuse#
#I stand accused#
#You were the first for me#
#But you turned me out, babe#
#You dropped a bomb on me, baby#
#You dropped a bomb on me#
#But you turned me on, babe#
#You dropped a bomb on me, baby#
Good to see you again.
How are you, man?
How you doing, buddy?
I'm cool.
Oh, this place is packed.
How you doing?
Look at you.
You look good.
Hi, how are you?
I'm good. I'm good. Is he
treating you okay?
Yeah, a little bit?
Yeah, it's okay. Yeah.
It's all right. Right?
So we'll grab some drinks.
Come on.
This place is unbelievable.
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
Your friend took care of us, huh?
Yeah. I'm looking out for you,
buddy, you know?
Of course you are.
So, how's it going with you guys?
I don't know what it is about him,
but he just does it for me.
Oh, yeah?
Hm. I think he might be the one.
Well, we're not exactly picking
out China yet,
but it's going great so far.
We got the best looking girls
in here, huh?
I'll drink to that.
Yo. Hey, yo.
Hey. Look who's sitting there.
Come here.
#You dropped on me, baby#
#But you turn me on#
#You dropped on me, baby#
#You dropped on me#
Look at this.
Good to see you.
The body shop guys, right?
You know, this is very interesting.
I'm figuring, see, I'm... I'm very happy
because I see you guys with
all this spare time to party,
so naturally I'm assuming that my
wheels are gonna be ready on time.
Am I correct?
You can pick it up end of
day Monday, as promised.
Oh. Oh.
Want a little taste?
It's good stuff.
No. Not interested. Thanks.
This is enough for me.
It's enough.
Okay, then,
Uh, health and hygiene.
Uh, go have yourself a little V8.
So I'll see you, uh, Monday.
Yeah. That's right.
Have a nice time.
- Okay. Thanks.
What is it with that guy?
Who the fuck knows?
Thank you.
Mm, tasted good.
You were the prettiest
girl in that place.
Are you trying
to sweet talk me?
Yes. Yes, I am.
Is it working?
Ah, maybe, huh?
There isn't a single
star out tonight.
The town where I came from,
you could always see
the stars.
There were millions of them.
Someday I want to take you there.
It's a date.
I think it's raining.
Yeah, it is.
So what?
Tomorrow's fine.
Hey, how ya doing?
Hey, V8.
All set, keys are in the car.
It looks good.
Uh, I'll get you some change.
Just hold on a second.
No, keep it.
Uh, Yoni, get...
Get Jose's number.
And tell Carlos to stop
partying and come on time.
Hey, Vinnie, finish unloading
and bring it upstairs, right?
How you doing?
Hanging in.
What the fuck's he looking at?
Oh, he used to paint cars.
So, uh, Micky gonna find
everything to his liking?
Yeah. It's all done, man.
Okay. Cut the new shit at 2 %.
Two percent?
That's some pretty pure shit, huh?
Hey, how you doing?
Can you tell me what
happened with Micky Levine?
Nothing. Why?
He had somebody look at his car,
and they said you do shit work.
Bullshit. It looked good as new.
Well, evidently your boys
did a rush job.
No way. Carlos spent
the whole weekend on it.
Micky called in, went crazy.
Started making threats.
What's he talking about?
The guy came, picked up the
car, said it looked good.
So, what happened with the Mercedes?
Nothing. Why?
The owner is saying
we did a shitty job.
Well I got behind,
so I painted it without
pulling off the bumper.
It looked fine to me. fuck.
Why'd you do that?
I didn't think anybody would notice.
Well, somebody did notice.
All right, get out of here.
All right, so we made a mistake.
So what? I'll make it up. I'll fix it.
Oh, yeah.
No, that's great.
No, that's great.
Look, I got it.
I got it.
Two percent?
They cut it 2%. I said 20%.
Fucking retards.
Now, let me ask you this.
Two and twenty...
Do they sound anything alike?
No, fuck that.
So, you. you... you... you
did this, right?
You fucked this up?
No. No, I didn't fucking do it.
I told the fucker 20%, like you said.
See, here's the problem.
If that shit hits the street,
it's not only gonna kill
half my junkies.
I'm gonna lose 18%. It's a double bang.
So now I would like for you
to go down and tell them fucking spics
to re-cut it for tonight, and do it now.
All right, wise guy?
Okay. Go, you asshole.
Oh, hey, um, when you're finished,
I'd like you to come back here
so we could have a little chat.
Mr. Levine, this is Izek
from the body shop.
How you doing?
What is it that you want, Izek?
Uh, well I heard you had a problem...
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, I... I did not have a problem.
I do not have a problem.
You, on the other hand, you have
a big fucking problem.
Can you give me a chance
to speak here?
I want to explain myself to you.
No, no, no, I'll give you a chance to
shut the fuck up, you little piss-ant.
Okay? Who the fuck do you
think you are talking to?
I'll tell you what I am going to do.
I'm sending one of my animals
down there with a baseball bat,
and they're gonna run it up
your faggot ass so hard
your ears are going to bleed. How's that?
What the fuck did you just say?
What, are you fucking kidding me now?
Listen. Listen, you little
fucking shit pile!
No you listen to me, you piece of shit.
What, you think you are
such a fucking bad-ass?
Why don't you come
down here yourself, huh?
Or are you too much of a pussy?
Pussy. You called me a pussy?
Listen, you fucking shit!
I'm coming down there,
and I'm taking your eyes
out of your head
and I'm gonna show them to you
before I fucking squeeze them
and then I'm gonna send them
to you cunt whore of a mother!
No, you fucking listen to me.
You won't fucking talk to me like that.
You won't fucking curse me like that.
You fuck!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Fucking fuck!
All right, try it again, Dad.
It took me a couple of days to realize
what deep shit I had landed myself into.
And my gut said
things would only get worse.
Abe, it's a minor repair.
the guy's a fucking nut case.
It's more than that.
So what? I should really be afraid here?
Did you see the paper last week?
The story about the couple
that checked into the Biltmore
but left in their own luggage?
That was...
And that's not all.
Micky ordered that?
I thought Tommy was killed
over some girl.
He was, Micky's israeli plaything.
So what am I supposed to do,
piss my pants here?
Just get out of town for a couple days.
We'll take care of things.
My gut was right.
For the next three days
Micky's guy followed every
person that I loved
and spread the word that I was
at the top of his shit list.
The message was loud and clear.
I had no choice.
I had to protect my family.
What the hell was I doing?
Where's Micky?
Shut up, where's Micky?
I was no killer, and I never would be.
Looked like my lucky
streak was over.
Are you okay?
You are the luckiest son of
a bitch I know.
I have two pieces of fantastic news.
Two, huh?
Well, I could use a little
good news right about now.
Micky Levine is dead.
He got popped in Tel Aviv last night.
Ahh! Ya fuck...
So what's news number two?
Come on. Don't leave me hanging here.
Levi's getting out.
Oh, yeah!
Oh, my God.
Look who's here.
Mazal! Mazal, look who's here.
You look exactly the same.
Oh, my Gosh.
Free at last, free at last.
Thank God almighty, free at last.
I'm gonna go find Talia, okay?
No you're not.
Yes. No, I'm not going.
He's pretty gone on her, isn't he?
She's a good girl.
You'll like her.
Listen, I appreciate you
looking out for him, buddy.
You know, when, uh, when
I was in prison,
you know, you hear some things,
you having some problems.
I did what I could. You know
what I mean?
No, I don't know what you mean.
What are you talking about?
Nothing. Nothing.
You, uh, you want a drink?
Red, white?
What are you doing?
So, uh, what are
you gonna do now?
You got any plans?
No, nothing.
But, you know, I better figure
out how to make the "green".
You know what I mean?
A 35-year old man can't live
with his mother forever.
See ya.
Guys. Guys. Um,
first of all, I... I... thank you.
I'd like to make a toast.
To, uh, my mother's beautiful face,
to health and new beginnings.
How long has it been like this?
Ever since that Micky Levine
guy I told you about.
It's not that bad.
It's just been slow to come back.
That's all.
Come on, man, this place is dead.
You need to find another
way to make the "green".
You're missing the boat, man.
I'll see you later.
Maybe, someday.
#Saved by zero#
#I'll be more together#
#Stretched by fewer#
Hey, buddy, you got a minute?
What the fuck is he doing here?
He's here to help you.
What? Are you kidding me?
No, no joke, man.
Listen, you're in deep shit here.
That mustache-wearing
fuck over there,
well, he's gonna put you back on top.
Come on, Izek, hear me out.
Let's go for a drink.
Opportunity's knocking, baby.
You coming or what?
The last couple of months
I've been pulling hits.
Easy money. No one gets hurt.
Last one we pulled, we got 50 grand.
I'm telling you, this town
is full of them, Izek.
They can't resist flaunting it.
It's like they're sitting ducks.
Yeah, it's like we're Robin Hood.
Steal from the rich, give to ourselves.
Hey, I may be sitting here,
But I don't trust you, not
one fucking bit.
All right?
Ringo. Come on, buddy.
Micky called the shots, not him.
Come on, Levi, this guy
cannot be trusted.
Hey! I'm still in the room here, man.
He's with us now.
He's gonna help us grab
some of Micky's old business.
Here's where you come in.
We got a line on this...
This diamond broker.
We got info that he's holding
half a million dollars
in diamonds and cash
in the safe in his office.
So we gonna make an appointment,
gonna show up, act like we're buyers.
But, It's... It's not a two-man job.
I heard how you stood
up to Micky Levine.
That took big brass balls, man.
You're built for this shit, Ringo.
You just don't know it yet.
So come on, baby, hmm?
What do you say, huh?
This isn't me, man. It's not me.
Come on, buddy.
You gotta get real.
You got big problems.
And from the looks of it,
they're not going away anytime soon.
Right? Am I right?
You know you could be my
brother in that get-up?
#I walk along the avenue#
#I never thought
I'd meet a girl like you#
#Meet a girl like you#
#With auburn hair and tawny eyes#
#The kind of eyes that
hypnotize me through#
#Hypnotize me through#
#and I ran#
#I ran so far away#
#I just ran#
#I ran all night and day#
#I couldn't get away#
All right, you're playing lookout.
Get in the front seat.
It's after hours. Nobody
should be coming in or out.
If you see anything suspicious,
you honk three times and
start the engine.
When we come out,
you better be ready to go.
Hey, see ya on the flip side.
#Reach out a hand to
touch your face#
#You're slowly disappearing
from my views#
Mr. Shapiro?
Thank you for seeing us.
This is my associate, Richard Roberts.
Hey, call me Dick.
- Hi, pleasure to meet you.
Gentlemen, take a seat.
I hope you forgive me
for being brief.
My wife's not too happy
with me working late.
Yes. Well, woman,
you can't live with them.
Yeah. Yeah, don't I know it.
Yeah. She's a little, uh, bit of a handful.
Hey, that's why I like to
keep things simple.
Hookers, man.
That's the way to go.
Right. So, what can I do
for you gentlemen?
What can he do for us, Mr. Shapiro?
Well, we'd like some diamonds.
Yeah, we'd like a whole
shitload of diamonds.
Hands where I can see 'em.
Hands where I can fucking see 'em, now!
Yeah. Yeah.
Where's the safe?
There's no safe. I don't know
what you're talking about.
Come on.
Come on, man.
Make it easy on yourself and
take us to the fucking safe.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Open it.
I don't know the combination.
Come on man, don't be stupid.
Remember what he told you.
Make it easy on yourself.
Come on.
I don't know.
I don't remember it.
Which is it?
You don't know or you
can't remember?
Hey look, if you can't remember it,
maybe this will remind you.
Come here.
Listen to me.
Open the safe.
Stop wasting our time.
So we can all walk out of here.
Let's go!
Let's go. Fuck.
What the fuck is that?
The fucking blood.
The guy couldn't remember
the combination,
so I had to bust his head open.
Guess what?
He suddenly got his memory back.
What the fuck's the matter with you?
Oh, Izek, come on, man.
This is bullshit. Nobody
was supposed to fucking get hurt.
Izek. Relax, man. We got the money.
You know what? Fuck both of you guys.
You can keep the fucking money!
I'm fucking out of here.
I'm fucking out of here.
Fuck him.
I found my way back
to what mattered...
And little by little
I forgot about Micky Levine
and the man i'd almost become.
In the next five years I rebuilt
my business.
We even bought a house
with a picket fence
and a big yard
for the kids to play in
and my brothers got places
right down the street.
"Lady Luck" was back,
and she had her way of
finding me wherever I went.
Levi, on the other hand,
wasn't counting on luck.
He ditched high-end burglary
for a new set of colleagues
with Colombian accents.
He was still chasing
the almighty dollar.
Good to see you.
You, too.
My associate, Mr. Sanchez.
Nice to meet you.
Get lost.
A little champagne for our friend.
A cigar.
And his new friend Hector was
the King of the cocaine trade.
Salud. L'Chaim.
L'Chaim? What does that mean?
To life.
Your life.
Your life.
How we looking?
Almost done.
Bring one box home.
Store the rest.
Hector. My friend.
Yeah, I just wanted to let you know
that the stock transfer is complete.
Very good.
You do the same.
So the stuff's in the garage.
You want me to package it?
It's for our friend in Austin.
So it's the same deal as before.
He's gonna meet you
at the church on Sunday.
He's a preacher now.
What a saint.
Says the sermon's gonna be
over at around 10:00,
so be there at 11:00.
Oh, and I need you back here
on Monday night.
Why are you still here?
I'm on it.
#Amazing grace#
#How sweet the sound#
#That saved a wretch like me#
#I once was lost#
#But now am found#
#Was blind but now I see#
I like that in a young man.
Shows character.
How you doing, Mr. Parker?
Mr. Parker is my old man.
He ain't been around for a long time.
I'm just red, like the Texas sunset.
Family good?
Yeah, I picked up a grandson
since I saw you last time.
No shit.
Boy, you in the house of the Lord.
Mind your manners.
Watch your language.
I haven't set foot in one of
these places since I left home.
Well don't you think
you need God in your life?
Keep you on the straight
and narrow path.
Well, we wouldn't want to get off
the straight and narrow, would we?
No, we wouldn't.
There you go.
Yeah, it looks fine.
You shot me.
Nothing gets past you, Gramps.
I don't know how you can
eat real meat this way.
Steak is meant to
be eaten red and bloody.
That's disgusting, man.
Well, it's like you're eating a shoe.
Oh yeah? Well, it's better
than eating a live animal.
Hey, I wanted to talk
to you about something.
I was thinking that maybe I could
buy you out of the body shop.
Just that it would be great
for me to have
something that was just
mine, you know,
like, uh, like your Real Estate deals.
What, am I a bad partner?
No, no. It's not that, man.
I thought I was a pretty good one.
No, you're the best partner.
I don't get it.
It's just something
I was thinking about.
It's... It's no big deal.
You know, just... just forget it.
Okay, I think I get it.
Yeah, it would be great for you.
I want to start building houses anyway,
a bunch of them.
Houses, huh?
Always thinking big, big, big.
Mazel tov.
Thanks, man.
Good night, Maria.
Hasta manana, Senor.
Hola, Vicente.
Como estas?
Hola, como estas?
How was your trip?
It was long.
You want a drink?
No, I'm good.
Red Parker'S dead.
No, 'cause I joke around
about shit like that.
He was shot.
Probably right after you left.
The night janitor
found him in the church.
No shit.
Yeah. Police thinks it's a
robbery gone wrong.
That's too bad.
I was thinking maybe it was you.
What? If I did it, why would
I bring you the fucking money?
Because you'd end up with a bag full.
Yeah, right. Okay, Levi.
Where would I push that
much shit, huh?
Everybody knows I work for you.
Are you fucking with me?
Are you fucking with me?
No. No, I wouldn't do that.
Red's... Re... Red's a fucking drug dealer.
Anyone could've shot him.
What the fuck?
Go home.
Oh, and Vince?
If you're lying to me, I will find out.
Just know that.
Levi pulled through with the
help of markers he held
on more than one
Beverly Hills doctor.
He called it his
personal "HMO"
As for Vince, well,
let's just say he should've
finished what he started.
Getting shot changed
Levi in a big way.
He wanted out
of the drug trade for good
and was ready to make a
clean start back home...
But he figured Hector didn't
need all that money to himself,
so, he came up with a simple plan.
What's this?
You the know the 4.8 that
Levi claimed the Feds got?
They say in here that they
only got only two million.
Ay-yi-yi. Ay.
Well, it seems like our little friend
in L.A. is getting greedy.
You know who this is,
so I'm going to skip
the formalities.
Levi, are you trying
to steal from me?
What... what are you
talking about?
I received some information
that the DEA only got two million,
so where's the other 2.8?
Come on, man,
your information is wrong.
Don't lie to me!
I just read it in the paper.
Hector, you know
that shit can't be trusted.
You're fucking insulting me now.
I also received information
that you're leaving the country
on an extended vacation.
So before you go,
just make sure that that 2.8
is in my possession.
Levi knew it was time
to say his good-byes.
#I can feel it
coming in the air tonight#
#Oh, Lord#
#And I've been waiting
for this moment#
#For all my life#
#Oh, Lord#
#Can you feel it
coming' in the air tonight#
#Oh, Lord#
#How could I ever forget#
#It's the first time#
#The last time#
#We ever met#
#Met... met... met... #
#But I know the reason why#
#You keep your silence up#
#Do you even fool me#
#The hurt doesn't show#
#The pain still grows#
#It's no stranger to you and me#
#I can feel it coin' in the air tonight#
How are you feeling?
I feel as big as a house.
A condo, maybe. But a house?
You look great.
You always do.
Thank you.
Quick, it's gonna wake the kids.
Bueno, yeah?
I am not a violent man.
Not like him.
But I want what belongs to me.
You understand? Huh?
Your brother, he die
because he stole from me.
And now you have to pay his debt
because I know you know
where that money is.
And you're going to tell me,
or else your pretty wife...
Will be a widow.
And I don't want that to happen.
So, are you gonna talk to me?
I don't know nothing.
I don't know nothing
about any money
or anything about that
you're talking about.
I don't. I have no idea what
you're talking abo...
Yoni, Yoni, Yoni.
No, no, I don't know
anything about any money.
I don't! Please. I know nothing about any...
Did he call? Huh?
Did he call?
No. No, he just never came
back from work.
This isn't like him, Izek.
He doesn't do this.
I have a really, really bad feeling.
Okay, go wash your face.
Don't worry, he'll show up.
Went by the shop.
The door was wide open.
Hello? Yoni?
No, not exactly.
Who's this?
This is Izek, Yoni's cousin.
Who's this?
Well, who I am is not important.
Uh, I was a colleague of
the late Levi Cohen.
Is it Yoni?
Now, we are watching
your house and, uh,
we see that you haven't
called the Police.
That's very good.
So let me explain.
You want to see your
cousin alive,
you return my $2.8 million...
That Levi stole from me.
What are you talking about?
We don't know anything
about any money.
Well, I suggest you find out,
my friend.
I left my contact information
in your mailbox.
You have 24 hours.
What? What?
Who was it? Wh... what did they say?
Levi shorted his partners
What does... what... what does
that mean?
These guys kidnapped Yoni
'cause they figure
he knows where it is.
They gave us 24 hours.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Talia, did Yoni say anything?
Uh, I, uh...
Or maybe even Levi
before he died?
I do... I don't... I don't
remember. I don't know.
Okay. Okay. What about
after Levi died?
Did he say anything then?
I don't remember. I... They-they
went to Levi's house
to grab a few boxes, but...
Most of it was already
sent to Israel.
Okay, these boxes,
where did they put them?
The boxes. Where did they
put them?
In the closet.
It's all right. I have it. I got it.
What are we even looking for?
I don't know.
Ah, Aline.
Yoni's been kidnapped.
No, we can't call the Police.
No, Aline, don't come over here.
I'll explain when I get home.
Yeah, I'll be home soon.
Yeah, okay. I love you, too.
This is a receipt and keys for
a storage unit in New York.
Jiffy storage?
This looks like what
he wanted to ship to Israel.
Credenza, television, dining table.
Son of a bitch.
What is it?
At the bottom.
The only thing in Hebrew.
Hey, what happened?
I have to go to New York.
New York?
That's where the money is.
The money? What are
you talking about?
Levi shorted his partners
millions of dollars.
They think Yoni knows where it is.
So. Wait, wait a second.
Aline, Yoni's in trouble.
I have to go.
You don't have to go.
You're choosing to go.
Aline, there is no choice here!
These people killed Levi.
Do you get that?
Did you even hear yourself?
They are killers.
We have three children
and a fourth on the way.
What are you doing?
Izek, please!
Aline, I have to go.
Then I go with you.
Aline. Aline, please.
Aline, don't do this, stop.
Stop it. Aline...
Don't leave me alone!
Aline, stop it.
Aline, stop it!
Stop it.
Please, no. Aline, I have to go.
Aline, I have to go.
You're not going.
You're not going.
Don't leave me.
Aline, calm down.
Please don't leave me alone.
I'll be home tomorrow,
I promise you.
Here it is.
#Look in my eyes#
#What do you see#
#The cult of personality#
#I know your anger#
#I know your dreams#
#I've been anything
you want to be#
#Oh, oh#
#I'm a cult of personality#
#Like Mussolini#
#and Kennedy#
#I'm the cult
of personality#
What I don't get is, why
send all this crap to Israel?
It's got to cost more to
ship than it's worth.
Yeah. Levi was
too smart for that.
Something's not right here.
Give me a hand
just for a second.
Holy shit.
Bingo. That's a lot of fucking money.
This is Izek.
You have my money?
Yeah, It looks like we have well
over two million here.
Yeah, it's 2.8.
Listen, man,
I didn't count
every fucking bill.
All right?
Are you still there?
Yeah. Where are you?
I'm in New York city.
So, how do we do this?
I make the arrangements.
You call me back in 20.
What's going on?
He asked me to call him back
in 20 minutes.
Hey, this is Izek.
Okay, this is what you do!
You bring the bags to
the "Holiday Inn" at "Laguardia".
What about Yoni?
Well, when I get the cash,
I cut him loose.
Now, bring the bags
to the Bellman by 2:00 A.M.
He's gonna be wearing
a red carnation.
What is this, a scene
from China Town?
You want me to leave
$3 million with a bellboy
wearing a red fucking carnation?
What can I say? I love the classics.
So when he says,
Levi Cohen, Beverly Hills?
You hand them the bags
I take it from there.
Okay. Okay.
The eagle has landed.
You're free to go.
Your family loves you, man.
They do.
Go get a cab. Forget this
ever happened.
As I looked around me that
day, I realized I'd finally arrived.
Wed all found
the American dream.
We'd had it all along.
We had each other.
And Yoni and I never
did get those Mustangs.
But we got something bigger
than our wildest dreams.
#Money, money, money, money#
With money earned
the old fashioned way.
#Money# Hard work and
keeping your hands clean.
The thing about driving is,
it's all in the gut.
A matter of instinct.
You could keep going straight,
or take a turn.
And find a new way
you'd never seen before.
It's like that poem about
the roads I always liked.
"Two roads diverged in a Yellow wood.
"I took the one less traveled on,
and that has made all the difference. "
#Some people got to have it#
#Hey, hey, hey#
#Some people really need it#
#Ha, listen to me, y'all#
#Do things, do things#
#Do things, bad things#
#With it#
#Well, well#
#You wanna#
#Do things, do things,
do things, good things#
#With it#
#Yeah, uh-huh#
#Talking' 'bout cash money#
#Talkin' 'bout cash money#
#Dollar bill, y'all come on, now#
#Yeah, yeah#
#For the love of money#
#People will steal from their father#
#For the love of money#
#People will rob their own brother#
#For the love of money#
#People can't even walk the streets#
#Because they'll never know#
#Who in the world they're gonna beat#
#For that mean#
#Oh, mean#
#Mean green#
#Almighty dollar#
#That's my name#
#For the love of money#
#People will lie, rob, they will cheat#
#For the love of money#
#People don't care
who they hurt, or beat#
#For the love of money#
#A woman will bare
her precious body#
#For a small piece of paper
it carries a lot of weight#
#For that mean#
#Mean, mean#
#Mean green#
#Almighty dollar#
#Talkin' 'bout, talking' 'bout#
#Don't you know that money#
#Is the root of all evil#
#It do funny things to some people#
#Give me a nickel, brother,
can you spare a dime?#
#Money can drive some
people out of their minds#
#No good, no good, no good#
#For the love of money#
#Don't sell your soul
for the money#
#No, no#
#For the love of money#
#Lay down, lay down#
#Women will#
#I keep a 'telling' y'all#
#People, don't let money#
#Ohh, don't let money change you#
#Almighty dollar#
#Better keep on changing', yeah#
#Changin' of your money#
#It'll keep on, it'll keep on#
#Changin' of your money#
#Keep a 'telling' you,
keep a 'telling' you#
#People, don't let money#
#Oh, no#
#Oh I, oh l#
#Don't let money change you#
#Almighty dollar, keep
a 'telling', keep a 'tellin'#
#Keep a 'telling' now#
#People, don't let money#
#Oh, I, oh, l#
#Don't let money change you#
#Almighty dollar#
#Ah, well then keep on#
#For the love of money#
#Lay down, lay down#
#Women will#
#I keep a 'telling' y'all#
#People, don't let money#
#Ohh, don't let money change you#
#Almighty dollar#
#We better keep on#
#Changin' of your money#
#It'll keep on, it'll keep on#
#Changin' of your money#
#Keep a 'telling' you#
#Keep a 'telling' you#
#People, don't let money#
#Oh I, oh l#
#Don't let money change you#
#Almighty dollar, keep a 'telling',
keep a 'telling', keep telling' y'all#
#People, don't let money#
#Oh I, oh l#
#Don't let money change you#
#Oh, oh#
#Almighty dollar#
#Ah, but then I keep on
changing', yeah#
#Changing' of your money#
#Yeah, keep on#