Foreign Correspondent (1940) Movie Script
- What's new?
- Same old daily bunkeroo.
Mr. Powers says he wants to see
that foreign stuff as soon as it comes in.
Don't declare war for a few minutes.
"According to a high official,
it is believed"...
Foreign correspondent.
I could get more news out of Europe
looking in the crystal ball.
That Stebbins cable has a morsel in it.
Stebbins makes me sick.
They all make me sick.
Europe about to blow up...
and all I can get from my foreign staff
is a daily guessing game.
- I want some facts, Mr. Bradley.
- For instance?
Any kind of fact.
There must be something
going on in Europe...
beside a nervous breakdown.
Why not try sending me over, Mr. Powers?
You've written a book
on economics or something.
The Twilight of Feudalism?
- Yes. It was very well received.
- Not by me.
I don't want any more economists, sages,
or oracles bombinating over our cable.
I want a reporter.
Someone who doesn't know the difference
between an ism and a kangaroo.
A good, honest crime reporter.
That's what the Globe needs.
That's what Europe needs.
There's a crime hatching
on that bedeviled continent.
Wait a minute.
I've got something
that might pass for an idea.
Who was that fellow that ran down
the payroll robbery last week?
You mean Johnny Jones.
He beat up a policeman, didn't he,
in the line of duty?
Yes. There's some talk at the city desk
of firing him.
Beat up a policeman?
Sounds ideal for Europe.
Send Mr. Jones up here right away.
- Mr. Powers wants to see you, Mr. Jones.
- He does?
- You should come to his office right away.
- What about?
I ain't in his confidence.
Tell him to save his breath.
Tell him I've resigned.
- I'm supposed to bring you there.
- Okay. Wait till I open this.
Where's Mr. Jones?
I told you to send him right up here!
- Are you Mr. Jones?
- Yes.
Sit down, please.
- You mind a personal question?
- No.
- Are you married?
- No luck.
- Ever been in Europe?
- No.
What's your opinion
of the present European crisis, Mr. Jones?
What crisis?
I'm referring to
the impending war, Mr. Jones.
That. To tell you the truth,
I haven't given it much thought.
You don't keep up
with our foreign news, do you?
If you're gonna fire me,
you can scrap the intelligence test.
It's perfectly okay with me.
I can get a job on any newspaper in town
within an hour. So long.
Wait a minute. Nobody fired you.
How would you like to cover
the biggest story in the world today?
With an expense account,
I'll cover anything.
You'll get an expense account.
- Okay, what's the story?
- Europe.
I'm afraid I'm not exactly equipped,
but I could read up.
No reading up. I like you just as you are.
What Europe needs
is a fresh, unused mind.
- Foreign correspondent?
- No. Reporter.
I don't want correspondence. I want news.
- Can you dig up some news in Europe?
- I'll be happy to try, sir.
This is what I mean:
Mr. Van Meer, when questioned
by our oracle, Mr. Stebbins...
refused to open his mouth.
A 1,200-word cable told...
to the fact that
the great Van Meer had nothing to say.
Know what that's doing? It's driving
our readers crazy with frustration.
- Who's Van Meer?
- Keynote to the European situation today.
If Van Meer stays
at the helm of his country's affairs...
for the next three months,
it may mean peace in Europe.
If we knew what he was thinking
we'd know where Europe stands.
- German?
- No. Holland's strongman.
One of the two signers
of the Dutch treaty with Belgium.
Now, this is your first assignment.
I want you to talk with him...
find out what's in that treaty,
and what he thinks will happen. Facts.
- Van Meer?
- Right.
- Anybody else?
- No.
How about Hitler?
Don't you think we should pump him?
He must have something on his mind.
- Yes?
- Mr. Stephen Fisher to see you.
Tell him to come in.
Ever hear of Stephen Fisher?
- I'm afraid he's not on my beat.
- He is from now on.
He's head of the Universal Peace Party
and very close to Van Meer.
They're both working
to prevent Europe going up in flames.
How do you do, Mr. Fisher?
Nice of you to come over.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
Mr. Fisher, Mr. Jones,
our new foreign correspondent.
I want you to know each other.
How do you do, Mr. Jones.
Jones. I don't like that name.
It's going to handicap you, young man.
Now, wait a minute.
I've got some sort of a name here.
Yes. Haverstock. Huntley Haverstock.
Sounds more important,
doesn't it, Mr. Fisher?
Yes, very dashing.
Sounds better than Richard Harding Davis.
- What's the matter with that?
- We can't use that.
That's the name of one of our
greatest war correspondents 40 years ago.
Speak up, young man. You don't mind
being Huntley Haverstock, do you?
A rose by any name, sir.
It's exciting being present at the
christening of a newspaper correspondent.
Shouldrt we break
a bottle of champagne?
Break one over my head to see
if I'm still awake. Huntley Haverstock.
Mr. Haverstock, you better get started.
You've got a lot to do.
- Passports, photos, visas...
- Expenses.
I'll send a note to the cashier.
- I hope you brought your Sunday articles.
- I managed three of them.
- See you in London then, Mr. Haverstock.
- Yes, of course.
Thank you, Mr. Powers.
Thank you for everything.
Except Huntley Haverstock.
Get a load of this, Mother.
How's it look? Chic?
Don't wear it over one eye.
It makes you look like a dandy.
You always think the boys are wearing
their hats over one eye.
- Let him wear it the way it is.
- He'll have to wear a stovepipe in London.
- They call them poppers over there.
- Toppers.
Bobby, put that in the box for Uncle John,
will you?
- Let me try it on.
- No, I want to try it on.
- Now he's a regular war correspondent.
- Without a war.
I'm afraid he'll get his war.
- They're throwing a big bluff over there.
- Let's hope so.
How do you like the way
we've our little nest furnished?
If I were you, I'd hang lighter curtains,
and move that sofa out here.
It's too bad you haven't an open fireplace.
If you'd speak to the captain,
I think he'd attend to everything.
All ashore that's going ashore!
Now, Mother.
Goodbye, John.
- Take care of yourself.
- Thank you.
You're Jones?
I'm Stebbins, London man for the Globe.
Mr. Powers told me you'd probably
be here. Nice of you to come.
Reminds me. I lost mine on the way over.
I can say your other name, too.
That Huntley...
I could say it yesterday...
but I had a rather tough session
with the boys last night.
- So I'll stick to Jones if you don't mind.
- Jones is great with me.
Let's go. This crowd's making me nervous.
My nerves aren't in the pink.
Just take it easy.
I'll follow you right along.
Porter, bring those bags. And don't
bang them into my knees from behind.
What about a drink
after that long train ride?
Sounds like a very logical idea.
I may not act it,
but I've been here 25 years.
London man for the Globe
and they haven't caught onto me yet.
How'd you manage it?
Cable back the government handouts
and sign them...
"Our London correspondent."
- What's yours?
- Scotch and soda, please.
Miss, please.
- Scotch and soda, and a glass of milk.
- A glass of milk?
I'm on the wagon. I went to the doctor
today about these jitters I got...
and he said it was the wagon for a month
or a whole new set of organs.
I can't afford a whole new set of organs.
If I'd known you're on the wagon,
I could have got along without this.
But as long as it's here...
Good luck.
- Yeah, just like any other Scotch and soda.
- That's what I thought.
Doesrt taste the way it did
when I was a baby. That's got poison in it.
Speaking of that, I've got some pills
I got to take.
Here's some cables that have been
coming over from New York.
They love to cable. It makes them think
you're working for them.
There's an invitation to that lunch
for the Dutchman Van Meer tomorrow.
I guess that's your dish.
This is given by the Universal Peace Party.
That's Fisher's organization, right?
I don't know.
I don't follow those things very much.
New York wants it, I send it.
That's the secret of being a correspondent.
Been doing it 25 years.
Twenty-five years, and I end up on milk.
Good morning. How's the water wagon?
Look at that.
One of them shook off this morning.
I'm just on my way
to the Van Meer luncheon.
I'm lunching with old man Clark.
He's the International Press...
Here you are. I didn't know whether
to meet you in the grill or upstairs.
Goodbye, Stebbins. Goodbye, Miss Clark.
Who's he calling Clark? He's got his nerve.
Some fresh American reporter.
Good morning, Mr. Van Meer.
I beg your pardon, sir.
You are Mr. Van Meer, aren't you?
That's my name, yes.
I'm Haverstock. You don't know me.
I'm an American.
And I just happen to be
on my way to your luncheon.
- Then, perhaps...
- That's very kind of you, sir...
Come, come. It's all in a good cause.
Savoy Hotel.
- This is very kind of you.
- It's a pleasure, my boy.
I dislike riding alone.
One thinks too much while riding alone.
Yes, exactly. The Polish situation,
and the Dutch treaty with the Belgians...
must be on your mind
quite a lot these days.
What do you feel
that England will do in case the Nazis...
England is so beautiful.
It's nice to see London in the sunshine.
Always there's lots of rain or fog.
Also it is August.
I found out it was August.
That's pretty good for me.
Would you mind telling me...
how you feel about Mr. Fisher
and his Peace Organization?
You know Mr. Fisher?
A very fine man. And a good man.
I wish there were more like him
in the world just now.
I take it you don't think
there's much hope for peace?
I mean, you don't think
one little peace organization...
can make much headway
against the European war panic?
I would like to think so.
Look at those birds.
No matter how big the city,
there must always be parks...
and places for the birds to live.
I was walking
through the park this morning...
and I saw several people feeding the birds.
It's a good sign at a time like this.
Is it not?
Yes, it's a dandy sign...
but I do think that right now
birds are the least of our problems.
Your country, for instance.
What's its attitude toward these matters?
We're now near the Savoy.
- How much?
- A shilling.
That's fine.
By the way, young man,
what newspaper do you represent?
As a matter of fact,
I'm not exactly a reporter...
but I was trying to get you to talk.
I didn't want bird talk either.
I gathered that.
Just what was it
that you were trying to get me to tell you?
I'm trying to find out what you know
about the possibility of a general war.
How do you really feel about it?
My boy, I feel very old and sad...
and helpless.
I did have one.
The last news from Poland
was very alarming.
- Nobody wants a war...
- Then we don't have to have it.
You must understand, often circumstances
over which we've no control...
Yes, those convenient circumstances
over which we have no control.
It's always odd,
but they usually bring on a war.
You never hear of circumstances
over which we've no control...
rushing us into peace, do you?
Very determined woman, my daughter.
Come on. Let's go and see
if you can pick a fight somewhere else.
- Good for you.
- Wasrt he a bore?
Many won'thy people are, bless them.
How do you like to be fishing in Ireland
right now?
We haven't had a good sail
or swim together in months.
Not even a game of cribbage. Miss them?
There's the Admiral.
He has a weakness for you.
Go on. Do your stuff.
Here you are. The Jones that became
a Haverstock. Have a good trip?
Still wish you were Richard Harding Davis.
- So do I, sir. Anything except...
- Hello.
Mrs. Appleby, meet Huntley Haverstock,
Special Correspondent, New York Globe.
- Foreign correspondent? Not really.
- Cross my heart.
You look such a dear, sweet boy.
You don't seem a bit like the others.
But I'm sure you're marvelous at it.
Do you know a friend of mine,
Monte Rockingham?
He's in the embassy at Istanbul.
Or is it Honolulu?
Do help me with this
distinguished-looking gentleman here.
I can't make any headway with him,
but I'm sure he speaks some language.
I haven't the least idea who he is...
but there's nobody here
who isn't internationally important.
- This is Mr. Haver...
- Stock.
No English?
Try German.
Splendid. What else do you know?
- Only pig Latin.
- Pig Latin.
Here we are. This will do it.
Now we're getting somewhere.
The universal language.
Dear Maharajah.
Well, they come in pairs.
If you speak English,
give me a hand with the laughing Latvian.
- What's his racket? What's he talking?
- Latvian.
No kidding. I didn't know
the Lats had a language.
I thought they just rubbed noses.
- You mean you actually speak Latvian?
- Just enough to get about.
What does just enough to get about
consist of in Latvian?
I don't think you'd have any trouble.
Be a comfort to know when I get to Latvia.
You think there's a chance
of you getting to Latvia soon?
Never can tell in my racket.
I suppose you've guessed
I'm a foreign correspondent.
Are you? That's nice.
I see you're taking notes.
Are you covering this affair, too?
I sort of work here.
Publicity? You're just the one
I'm looking for.
We've got to go in a secret conference
right away.
Me? Excuse me.
I beg your pardon, sir.
I have a Latvian friend here...
who's particularly interested
in the origin of the kilt.
I wonder if you'd be interested
in talking to him. He's a lovely fellow.
It's a most amazing story.
You see, the Greeks, in the early period,
they used to wear a kilt.
Now, what is this big secret conference
all about?
It's no secret as far as I'm concerned.
However, I'll let you in on that later.
Since you're handling publicity here,
give me a line on what it's about...
this league for peace and understanding.
Just what is it you'd like to know?
In the first place, is this Mr. Fisher
entirely on the level?
Very much so.
- Seems like a very nice guy.
- He is, I assure you.
What is it that makes him or you
think that an organization like this...
made up of well-meaning amateurs...
buck up against those
tough military boys of Europe?
It's the well-meaning amateurs
who do the fighting when the war comes.
- Luncheon is served.
- Please don't go yet.
You don't want those
dreary chicken patties.
I'm sorry. I must go.
Then sit at the press table with me.
Nobody ever listens to the speeches,
and we could talk.
You don't even know my name yet.
- Is it necessary?
- It is to me.
Don't mind if you hear
it's Huntley Haverstock...
because it's really Jones.
- What's yours?
- Mine's really Smith.
Don't mind if you hear it's anything else.
- Waiter?
- Yes, sir.
Same young lady. Try again.
I've taken the young lady 13 notes, sir.
She won't accept any more.
Milords, ladies and gentlemen...
pray silence for your chairman...
Mr. Stephen Fisher.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have an announcement to make...
which I'm sure will be
a great disappointment to us all.
I've just received this telegram
from Mr. Van Meer...
who was to have been
our guest of honor today.
"Deeply regret. Called away suddenly
owing to unforeseen circumstances.
"And I will be unable
to attend your meeting as planned.
"I am with you and your work
with all my heart.
"I could not have said more
had I been there."
Although this removes
one of our star attractions...
we may, as a result, have more time
to tell you from the inside...
just what this party has stood for
and why we've asked you here today.
I can think of no one
more competent to do this...
than the speaker I'm about to introduce.
I trust you won't think this a family affair...
when I say that I refer to my daughter
Miss Carol Fisher.
Milords, ladies and gentlemen...
pray silence for Miss Carol Fisher.
Ladies and gentlemen...
I trust, even making allowances
for a father's exuberance...
you do not think I'm in any way
being put forward today...
as a substitute for Mr. Van Meer.
Unappily for us,
no one can take Mr. Van Meer's place.
What I can do possibly
is to clear up a few misapprehensions...
that have crept into
the public discussion of this movement...
and revise some of the epithets
that have been applied to us...
by some who have not gone
as deeply into the matter as they might.
The female of the species
is deadlier than the male. a group of well-meaning amateurs.
Now, I'm sure there's some of you
here today who think of us as such.
I'd like to ask anyone who has called us
well-meaning amateurs...
to stand up and tell me
just why a well-meaning amateur...
is any less reliable than a well-meaning
professional at a moment like this.
But I'll not take the time.
The world's been run long enough
by the well-meaning professional.
We might give the amateurs
a chance now.
But what I really want to do
is to give you a very brief idea of...
just how far-reaching
our amateur plans are.
Use your notes.
And just...
why we ask for your support...
professional or amateur.
What I mean to say is that,
however much one may...
I mean, we should both...
Both of us...
Tell them to wait in there.
- Mr. Fisher, how are you?
- When did you get over here?
Just now. I had a cable.
This conference is my first assignment.
An ironic assignment. A peace conference
under the shadow of war.
It's really coming?
Today and tomorrow will tell.
There's still hope.
I'm going back to London today.
Leaving for London? I just got here.
But the conference is just beginning.
Today and tomorrow the work for peace
is in London rather than Amsterdam.
You're taking your whole staff
back to London with you, including your...
No. I have someone staying here
who'll give you all the help you need.
You'll be in very good hands. Here she is.
Mrs. Appleby. Mr. Haverstock.
We met at the luncheon.
You remember him, don't you.
He's nice, but I still can't understand him.
Dr. Williamson, this is Huntley Haverstock
of the New York Globe.
He's unfamiliar with Amsterdam
and peace meetings.
Would you be good enough
to take him under your wing?
Perhaps you'll both see
that he samples Dutch cheese...
at dinner tonight.
Now I must see what unlucky person
will give up his seat on the London plane.
Don't get into any mischief, will you?
- Your first visit to Amsterdam?
- Yes.
You must let me take you
to Rembrandt's house...
It might be a good idea if we went over
the agenda of the conference with him.
If you'll excuse me. I think I see a friend.
Mr. Van Meer. How are you?
We somehow seemed to lose each other
day before yesterday.
I'm so sorry you were called away.
Don't you remember me?
We shared the same cab together
on the way to the luncheon.
Excuse me.
May I have your picture, Mr. Van Meer?
Thank you.
There he goes!
He's getting away!
Follow that car, quick!
You'd better get out of here.
Might be dangerous.
Don't be silly. Drive on.
- Who has he shot?
- Van Meer assassinated.
- Dead?
- Looked like it.
- Bad show.
- Couldrt be worse from his viewpoint.
Do you mind shoving your knees
out of the way.
- You better hop in the back, old girl.
- Hurry.
Safety glass. I wonder whose make.
- Good chauffeur you've got.
- Yes, isn't he?
You know each other?
This is Scott ffolliott, newspaperman,
same as you. Foreign correspondent.
- Mr. Haverstock, Mr. Ffolliott.
- With a double "F."
How do you do?
I don't get the double "F."
They're at the beginning. Both small "F's".
They can't be at the beginning.
One of my ancestors
was beheaded by Henry Vlll.
His wife dropped the capital letter
to commemorate it. There it is.
- How do you say it, like a stutter?
- Just a straight "fuh."
- It's stopped raining. Surs coming up.
- The police are coming.
It's the most amazing disappearing trick
I've ever seen.
You don't suppose they could've got up
that high, do you?
- Take a look for yourself.
- Tell him your name with the small "F"s.
That'll be a bit over his head.
This isn't catching any assassins.
We should have kept a policeman
and played bridge.
I guess you're right.
I'll bet 2-to-1 on the derby.
Look at those sails on that windmill.
You'll get used to those
when you've been in Holland longer.
I was sure they were going
against the wind.
Why don't you lie down on the grass
and cool off?
I'll cool off in due time.
But first get the police back here.
- The police again?
- We don't want them.
- I won't be prosecuting.
- No...
- Get the police, our mars there.
- Where?
- In that mill.
- What makes you think so?
A lot of things can happen
while I'm explaining. Please get the police.
I'd go myself if I spoke the language.
- What will you do?
- A little bit of snooping.
I hate to seem executive.
But this is serious.
- Come on, Scott.
- All right. You shall have your police.
It's a signal.
It's a signal for that plane to land.
Come in and close the door, mister.
Why, Mr. Van Meer. It isn't possible.
I've just been given a drug.
Drug of some sort.
But I saw you shot just outside
the conference hall. I saw it!
They gave it to me...
when they moved me from...
It's beginning now.
But the man I saw shot was a dead image.
The man you saw shot, it wasrt me.
He was a...
substitute that looked like me.
But why? What...
They want the world to think...
that I've been assassinated. Yes.
To conceal the fact...
- that I'm in their hands.
- Their hands? Who are they?
I can't explain.
I'm not certain.
This drug. I can hardly think.
All that I can tell you...
is that they are going
to take me away by plane...
like a bird.
Always there are places in the city...
where birds can get crumbs.
A pencil.
Give me the pen.
See? Old mill.
Up the road.
Old mill. Understand?
- Does anyone here speak English?
- We speak English in the school.
Why have you been holding out on me?
Look, tell these two policemen
to come with me.
Very, very important.
Big old prisoner. Old mill.
Tell them to follow me.
Do you understand?
Yeah. That's what
I've been trying to tell you. Come on.
They've gone.
They've killed him.
But it isn't...
Who are you?
Where are the others?
There's been a frame-up.
Ask him where the others have gone.
He doesn't know what you're
talking about. There are no other people.
And in any case,
he's been asleep here all day.
He's lying. I talked to Van Meer
in this very room.
There's one thing I can show you.
The assassins' car. The one we followed.
Rather a unique specimen, old boy.
The only one horsepower car in the world.
I don't care what you say.
That car was here.
Listen, I know I look a fool,
but there's something fishy going on.
There's a big story in this.
I can smell it, I can feel it.
I'll get to the bottom of it,
if it's the last thing I do.
Nothing's going to stop me.
Do you understand?
I'll prove that that wasrt Van Meer
that was assassinated, but his double.
Who is it?
All right. Come in.
- Mr. Haverstock?
- Yes.
What are you, the house detective?
You werert announced.
- I'm sorry, sir. We asked at the desk.
- Policemen?
You're not here
to apologize about the windmill?
We simply want you to come with us
and tell your story to our chief of police.
Does this chief of police speak English,
because I'm a very busy man.
It will take no more than half an hour.
We all speak English.
That's marvelous. That's more
than I can say for my country.
Would you sit down?
I have to make a phone call.
Dinner date with a young lady.
The exchange doesn't answer.
I'll call later.
Look, I'm a very quick bather.
Would you excuse me while I
jump in the tub and have a quick shave?
Look at some magazines. I'll be right back.
You can't you bring
the chief of police here?
- No, I am afraid not.
- I thought not.
Please don't bother to come.
You'll find it on my dressing table.
- We meet again.
- So it seems.
Quite a lot's happened
since I last saw you.
So I see.
I had quite a chase
after that guy outside Amsterdam.
It's quite a country.
It's interesting. Windmills and tulips.
Did you find everything you...
We were just talking about the tulips.
Don't seem to be any.
I really think I should be going now.
Thank you very much for the powder.
Must you really go now?
Yes, I must be going now. Really.
You've made quite a day of it,
haven't you?
Making fools of Scott ffolliott and me,
breaking into my bedroom...
and disgracing me
before a friend of my father's.
What are your plans now?
You might at least have clothes on.
Take it easy. This is serious.
I've got to talk to you.
I've seen your serious business.
What're you doing here?
- I'm escaping.
- Escaping from what?
From some fellows
in my room about to kill me.
May I ask who?
Two gentlemen disguised as policemen,
waiting to take me for a ride.
- You're talking through your hat.
- I'm not talking through my hat.
I've thrown a monkey wrench
into some international dirty business.
I know Van Meer's alive.
That's why want to kill me.
I can think of others.
You've got to help me.
Not for my sake alone...
but it's the biggest story in Europe.
Your childish mind is out of place
in Europe as you are in my bedroom.
Get over there.
You see what you're doing?
All this is going back to London
and will be common gossip by tomorrow.
I don't care for myself,
but my father's engaged in great work.
He's trying to help avert a dreadful war...
and this is just the sort of thing
to discredit him.
I know you care nothing about our work.
All you're interested in is having fun
with windmills and bathrooms.
You don't believe I'm in trouble?
You'll be in lot of trouble
if you don't get out.
Now for the last time, please go.
Okay. But I want you to know exactly
what's going to happen when I do go.
I'll go back to my room
and try and shake those fellows off...
but I won't succeed.
They'll stick to me like a
couple of tattoo marks until they get me.
They'll stop at nothing. I seem to know
too much. And you're right.
I don't know much about
your crackpot peace movement...
I don't know what's wrong with Europe.
But I know a story when I see one.
I'll keep after it until either I get it
or it gets me.
Sorry you have those
derogatory opinions of me...
but I guess that can't be helped.
So long. It's been nice knowing you.
I said goodbye.
Don't go.
I guess I could have handled those fellows
with a little luck.
We mustrt take any chances.
We should get help.
That's what I had in mind.
- I'll get Dr. Williamson...
- Wait. They might not understand.
They have understood.
We could catch the night boat to England
if we could get out.
That's the hitch.
What's that friend's name, that "ff"?
- Ffolliott.
- Get me Mr. Ffolliott's room, please.
Left the hotel?
That's strange.
We were to dine together tonight.
- He realized how much I meant to you.
- You'd mean more with your clothes on.
You like the intellectual type.
- Say, I've got an idea.
- What?
Give me the manager, please.
Buzz for the valet.
Is this the manager?
This is Mr. Haverstock in 537.
What kind of hotel is this?
My bathtub leaks, phone's out of order,
and I've been robbed.
Will you send somebody up right away?
Thank you.
Operator, send a waiter up to 537.
And ask the chambermaid
to bring up some clean sheets.
I've set mine on fire.
And I'd like my windows cleaned.
And ask boots to come get my shoes.
Hurry up. That's a good girl.
Clutter up that room nicely
for those two guys.
It's the valet. Come in.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes, sir.
Go to my room, 537...
and get me shirt, tie, suit, and a hat.
You see, my husband's
waiting in the room for this gentleman.
No sign of them yet.
Let's hide ourselves in the cabin.
- Full up, sir. Sorry.
- Not even a small cabin?
Not a thing.
Everybody in a hurry to get home.
I have a rather rare banknote
you might be interested in.
It's a memento,
that is if you collect rare banknotes.
It's no use, sir. I'd do it if I could,
but there just isn't a place left.
On English ships, you come up against
such an air of incorruptibility.
As a matter of fact,
I've just had a cabin returned.
Can I have your name, sir?
One cabin isn't going to do us much good.
We just can't...
I fully intended to sleep in the lounge.
I hope you didn't think I...
No, of course not. It's very kind of you.
I'll take it.
I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid it's too late now.
You had some doubt about taking it,
so I had to let that gentleman have it.
That's too bad. It's such a rare 5 note.
The water mark's upside down.
I think you'd have loved it.
Well, perhaps next time.
- Were you really going to tip that man 5?
- Of course.
I charge all my traveling expenses
to the office.
Corrupting an official, 5.
You're just a wee bit unscrupulous,
aren't you?
Not unscrupulous. Just in love.
- It's the same thing, I suppose.
- I beg your pardon?
I beg yours.
You see, I love you,
and I want to marry you.
I love you, and I want to marry you.
That cuts our love scene down
quite a bit, doesn't it?
- Do you mind?
- Not at all. It's made a new man of me.
I hope not entirely new.
It took me some time
to get used to the first man you were.
To be perfectly frank with you,
I expected a little more argument.
I'm really left with quite a few things
I very much wanted to say.
Save them until after we're married.
I imagine they'll sound better then.
I've saved things to say then, too.
You were really quite sure of yourself,
werert you?
I didn't think I had a chance.
A guy's got a right to dream, hasn't he?
Do you think your father will understand?
I think that Father
will be delighted, frankly.
All right, sir.
- Good morning, Miss Carol.
- Stiles, this is Mr. Haverstock.
- Is Father up yet?
- Yes, miss. He's having breakfast.
Come on.
- Hello, Father.
- What on earth are you doing in London?
Mr. Haverstock brought me back
on the boat.
- You're not ill? You look healthy.
- I'm fine. It's Mr. Haverstock.
I hope you don't mind my barging in.
On the contrary, I'm delighted to see you.
You cover a lot of territory, don't you?
You didn't even wire me.
For that I hope
your trip was uncomfortable.
It wasrt so bad.
The boat was crowded, we couldn't get
any cabins, but we slept on the deck.
Monsieur Krug, how nice to see you again.
But you haven't met
Mr. Haverstock, Monsieur Krug.
Monsieur Krug is a member
of the Baruvian embassy staff.
Sit down, Haverstock. Have breakfast.
I should tidy up, but I'm simply starved.
So you were in Amsterdam
yesterday, Mr. Haverstock.
Poor Van Meer.
His death is a personal loss.
Of all people, why Van Meer?
You can't ask why with assassins.
There's no logic in killing.
We can't spare such men
in a world like ours.
Did you by any chance
meet him, Mr. Haverstock?
- Not formally, but I saw him die.
- Horrible.
As a matter of fact, I chased the man
that shot him, and almost caught him.
Mr. Haverstock is a newspaperman.
That'd be quite a coup...
bringing in your first story
wrapped around an assassin.
I think I shall have to be
getting along now, Mr. Fisher.
Shall we write the peace petition now
or leave it for later?
We may as well do it straightaway,
in the study. Excuse us.
Father, could I speak to you for a moment?
It's terribly important.
This won't take a moment.
Meanwhile, see if you can interest
Mr. Haverstock in some eggs and bacon.
Mr. Fisher. What's that man doing here?
Why, it's Monsieur Krug.
- Van Meer isn't dead.
- I just read...
That was his double that was shot.
Van Meer was kidnapped. I talked to him.
What has Monsieur Krug to do with it?
Remember my description
of the man in the mill?
You mean the sweater. Of course.
That's impossible.
We've known Monsieur Krug...
Krug brought Van Meer here last night.
He's in England. They're hiding him.
- You're positive?
- Of course.
I was as close to Krug as I am to you now.
It'd be terrible if we made a mistake.
But we can't allow him to...
Leave it to me.
I don't want to be inospitable,
but leave my house.
Mr. Haverstock will suggest
that I turn you over to the police.
Mr. Haverstock seems to be
something of a troublemaker.
You said he'd been taken care of
by our agents in Amsterdam.
I thought so, too. I don't understand it.
Unless, perhaps,
Miss Fisher's being with him...
may have caused complications.
It would've been ideal
if she'd been in our confidences.
- Please leave my daughter out of it.
- I beg your pardon.
Most unfortunate, his coming here.
I've never had to cope with this
sort of thing before, thanks to you, Krug.
Someone has to take care
of the sordid details.
This is close to home.
In fact, it is my home.
After all, I'm only a politician. In a sense.
And politicians aren't usually
called upon to...
do away with their guests, are they?
Quiet, boy.
Not in the house. No, sir.
But I have an idea.
- Do you remember Rowley?
- Rowley?
Yes. The little man that used to work
at your father's stables in Austria.
I seem to recall he was present
when a mutual friend of ours...
accidentally fell off
the high bridge at Bern.
He's retired now.
Lives somewhere in Clapham,
here in London.
If Mr. Haverstock could be induced...
to hire him in the capacity
of a private detective.
What for?
You should warn him
that it's very dangerous for him...
to go about London
with the knowledge that he has.
Yes, I see.
You use the English language
with great delicacy.
Thank you, sir.
I shall look Mr. Rowley up at once
and give him his instructions.
You mustrt. It would be too dangerous.
What do we do now, call Scotland Yard?
I thought it best to send
Monsieur Krug away.
You let him get away? Listen...
If what you say is true...
then it's important not to rouse
Krug's suspicions.
- Van Meer will be killed.
- Dead or alive, it's a story.
Johnny, father's right.
- Okay. I'll cable them what I've got.
- I wouldn't, if I were you.
Van Meer's life may depend on
our keeping this quiet a few hours.
Keep it quiet?
A famous diplomat's kidnapped right
under my eyes and I muzzle myself?
I'm sorry, but this is a story
with facts in it.
This is the kind of story I'm here to get,
the kind America's waiting for.
It'll be a bigger story if you can
wait a few hours...
until we find Van Meer and discover
what's behind this curious business.
I know what's behind it.
I don't mean who is behind it.
I mean the why of it.
Would you get me
all my correspondence with Krug?
Do what Father says.
It'll be best for you and Mr. Van Meer.
Okay. I'll wait.
I'm worried about you, Mr. Haverstock.
I'm worried about myself.
I feel weak-minded.
You're right. I don't like you dashing about
without some protection.
- Forget it.
- Lf you're right, you need protection.
I've covered beer mob killings
and race riots...
without even carrying a rabbit's foot.
These people are criminals...
more dangerous than your rumrunners
and house-breakers.
They're fanatics.
They combine a mad love of country
with an equally mad indifference to life...
their own, as well as others'.
They're cunning, unscrupulous
and inspired.
I couldn't face Mr. Powers again
if you didn't live long enough...
to turn in the best story of the year.
I'm gonna be a fine foreign correspondent
hiding in an attic.
I'm not suggesting you hide anywhere.
Just get somebody to protect you.
A nurse? Johnny Jones goes to Europe
and hires a nurse.
That's going to look great
on the expense account.
I know a very efficient detective agency
where we can get just the man.
- Okay. Whatever you say.
- I can arrange it for you.
If you'll feel better, I won't mention it
to anybody.
Mention it. If anyone finds out I've hired
a bodyguard, I'll shoot myself.
If that's Mr. Rowley,
tell him to wait outside.
I've called on Mr. Haverstock.
Will you tell him Mr. Rowley's here.
- Yes. Will you wait here, please?
- Thank you.
- Mr. Haverstock, your cab's here.
- Where are you going?
- To the office, I've got work to do.
- You mustrt go.
I was sent over here at great expense
as a newspaperman, not a refugee.
- How about lunch at the Savoy?
- I'll see you out.
- Johnny, please be careful.
- I'll be all right.
- Mr. Haverstock?
- Is this the man?
Look, who's protecting who?
I ain't lanky, but I'm quick.
You understand what you have to do?
You can trust me to take good care
of Mr. Haverstock.
- Are we going now, sir?
- Take me to my office in Fleet Street...
- and if you're good, to the American Club.
- Right, sir.
You'll keep after this other thing?
When there's any definite news
of our friend, you can break the story.
Why, Carol.
Nothing must happen to him, Father.
I just couldn't...
How do we go, sir?
Should I walk a little behind you,
or beside you, like a friend?
- What's the custom?
- People have different tastes.
When I served the Duke of Albertson,
a democratic sort of gent...
I used to walk alongside of him,
man-to-man like.
I once had a lady who thought
that was disrespectful.
"Three paces behind," she said.
"And don't smoke."
What's good for a duke is good enough
for me. We can be a team.
Thank you. If we want to go to
the American Club, we'd better take a cab.
There's one.
What's the trouble, sir?
Gangsters after you?
Not exactly.
We're not afraid of gangsters here.
Even our police don't carry guns.
- What do they do?
- Biff you over the head with a stick.
It's more healthy-like.
Did you see that?
Someone deliberately pushed me.
That was me. If I'd pulled you back,
you'd have been caught.
- It was push or nothing.
- That's smart work, Mr. Rowley.
- Thank you very much.
- That's what I'm here for.
- American Club.
- Yes, sir.
After you, sir.
I'm not certain, sir...
but I've got an idea two men
took another cab to follow us.
- I don't see anyone suspicious.
- I may have been mistaken...
but I'm almost certain I saw them.
They may have heard where we're going.
Go down Victoria Street,
round past Buckingham Palace.
Right, sir.
We might give them the slip
if we go the long way around.
I'm afraid they're still after us.
Our best plan is to pull around
the corner and change cabs.
Driver, take the first to your left
and pull up.
We're going to walk a bit.
I'll do it, sir. I understand the money.
It'll be quicker.
Thank you, sir.
I think our best plan
is to slip into the cathedral for a bit.
Let's stop this ducking out of sight.
Let them catch up and have a showdown.
No, I wouldn't cause a scene.
Our job is to give them the slip.
All right. Let's go.
Nice bit of architecture, sir.
Do you want to go right in?
I saw on the notice it was a requiem mass.
A mass for the dead.
That sort of thing always depresses me,
praying for the dead.
The dead are all right in their place...
but the music and candles
always give me the creeps.
Just really, sir.
I could be so frightened, sir, I...
How about a trip up top, sir?
That'd really put them off the scent.
Boys, careful there.
- I can't see.
- Here, here.
There you are, my boy!
Look. There it goes. There!
I'll have to buy you another now.
Love a duck!
Careful, boys.
You better be careful, too, sir.
Not yet, boys. Come.
Let's leave. I have a luncheon date
and plenty to do before.
I've got it in mind, don't you worry.
Really, now. Look.
Isn't it won'thwhile coming up here?
There's the Houses of Parliament there.
And there's St. James' Park.
That green patch. Yeah.
Come along, boys.
You must excuse me getting scared
when you leaned over just now, sir.
I was once with a man on a bridge
in Switzerland.
He had a very nasty fall.
Killed him. Stone dead.
Always made me a bit nervous since.
Don't go down just yet, sir.
I'd like you to see St. Paul's.
There it is, just coming out of the mist.
There's the horse guards approaching
Buckingham Palace. See them?
It makes the back of me legs go funny.
Heights always did.
Let's get down again, Eric.
We've just come up.
Why didn't you say so before?
Excuse me. I know just how you feel.
Them as has no head for heights.
Nobody ought not to blame them.
What's it got to do with you?
All right, keep your hair on.
I was only sympathizing with the lady.
- I'm going.
- Wait for the lift.
No stairs for me.
I'm going to take the elevator.
Wait a minute, sir.
You ain't seen the horse guards yet.
You must see the horse guards, sir.
- Where? I don't see anything.
- Why, there they are, sir.
Down the road. Just going towards...
the white building.
No, boys. This way.
There but for the grace of God.
I still don't know what instinct made me
step aside when he came at me.
You need a drink.
I heard the lift coming up, and I turned.
I saw that look in his eyes
as he came toward me.
That split second, the whole thing
flashed through my mind.
All I could think of was Fisher.
Fisher planned this.
Then I guess I just stepped aside
and over he went.
- Over he went all right. You want this?
- No, thanks.
When are you going to send the story
to the gazette?
When I get ready.
There goes another one of my illusions.
I thought you were one of the journalists
nothing could stop.
Floods, smallpox, love:
The story must go on.
It'll go on.
I can understand you not wanting
to drag Miss Fisher into it...
but she's probably in it already.
- The moll of the gang.
- You dirty...
On second thought,
I'm sure she's a fine girl...
upstanding, honest, and a great soul.
I can't send the story over
until Van Meer's safe.
We got to find Van Meer first.
There's our man now, probably.
Mr. Van Meer, come in.
Good morning, Stebbins.
How are you, Haverstock?
Congratulations on your little set-to
with Rowley.
What do you know about Rowley?
Very little ffolliott doesn't hear.
Probably knows about Fisher.
I was onto Fisher a year ago.
The fellow with the high neck sweater,
Krug, he's new to me.
- You're onto him, too?
- I followed him to London.
- I thought you were cold on this story.
- I've been doing some noticing.
Remember that tramp
you found asleep in the mill?
He wasrt a tramp at all.
- Van Meer, I suppose.
- Not quite.
But I notice him do
a strange thing for a tramp.
He dirtied his hands
with some of that nasty Dutch soil.
I can't follow the workings
of these masterminds.
No. Tell him it's ridiculous.
You'd already disappeared,
so I followed Krug...
but found the same old mousetrap.
- You mean Fisher?
- The good, kind...
genial head of the Peace Party,
Herr Fisher.
Hello, Eddy. This is Plunger Stebbins.
I want to place a bet on
Flibbertigibbet in the first race...
What? The race is over?
Okay, I'll call you later.
Any objection to our working
this thing together?
Catch Fisher, find Van Meer?
Fine, but I'd like to know
why they kidnapped Van Meer.
He was one of the signatories
to a certain treaty.
The most important clause
was never written down...
just memorized by the two signatories.
And they'll beat it out of him?
They'll try hard, and we should stop them.
It contains a piece of information
very valuable to the enemy...
in the war that starts tomorrow,
weather permitting.
What? Why didn't somebody
let me in on this? Stebbins, let's get busy.
Plenty of time. Lunch first.
Wait a minute. You might be of help.
I thought up a little plan
for forcing Fisher's hand.
Let's have it.
The neatest thing to do
would be to kidnap Fisher's daughter.
One of his few genuine traces of affection
is for Miss Fisher.
Easy. You're speaking to a man in love.
Good. Gives you a chance to get chummy,
to keep her happy at your side...
while we batter old Papa.
This is my little scheme.
I let Fisher know that his daughter is
in the hands of someone...
who means business just as he does
when he kidnaps people...
- and he'll see things our way.
- Nothing doing.
Arert you a newspaperman?
- That doesn't include kidnapping fiances.
- It would, if your country were at stake.
- This isn't my country.
- It's your story. Don't be gloomy.
She doesn't have to know
what you're doing. Keep her amused.
Why not grab Fisher, have a showdown?
That's no good.
We've got nothing on Fisher.
He'd slip out of it. He has been for years.
We'd merely kill Van Meer.
Darling, are you all right?
Why were you on the tower?
Keeping safe, I thought.
Those assassins followed,
there was a scuffle, and over he went.
They won't stop till they get you.
You must leave London immediately.
The one thing everybody forgets
is that I'm a reporter.
- And there's a war. I can't run from it.
- He can't stay here.
- Tell him how desperate they are.
- Don't stay here, why don't you take him?
I won't go.
Isn't there some maiden aunt
in the country?
- My Aunt Margaret. Let me take you there.
- How about it?
- Stay out of this.
- It's the only sensible thing to do.
May I use your telephone?
Hello, Stiles. Miss Carol speaking.
Please tell Mr. Fisher I'm driving
to my Aunt Margaret's at Harpenden.
- I don't care what you arrange. I won't go.
- I'll be back for dinner. Thank you.
- It's all settled. We'll get you a toothbrush.
- Carol, it's no good.
I wonder if this idea of your aunt
is so good.
Maybe you should go further,
say, Cambridge.
No place is as obscure as Harpenden.
It's not the place, but that Krug
might connect you with it.
- Maybe so. Let's make it Cambridge.
- I'll phone your father so he doesn't worry.
Thank you. Please, Johnny.
That was a break, her coming,
and suggesting they go to the country.
As a matter of fact, old boy...
I suggested it to her on the phone
about half an hour ago.
There hasn't been a sign of anybody
for the last 30 miles.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
At least talk to me.
It's unfair of you to sit and pout...
because I've kidnapped you
from your so-called duties.
You've kidnapped me?
Just remember that.
Please forgive me.
Sure. I don't think kidnapping's anything
to get sore about...
- when the right kidnapper does it. Do you?
- Not at all.
No, Mr. Ffolliott, I'm afraid he's not in yet.
Very well, sir.
- Johnny, you don't love me.
- You're crazy.
- You looked unappy kissing me.
- Never happier in my life.
Wort do. Johnny, what's happened?
I don't know.
They say war's coming tomorrow.
You've changed your philosophy
since yesterday.
There are more important things
than love.
I've got lots to do, important things.
Got to start.
It'll take three hours to get back.
Don't misunderstand me.
I'm so love with you, I'm going mad.
Wort do. I guess it can't be helped.
- You've turned European overnight.
- That's unfair.
I'm just as big a jackass as ever. Bigger.
You're not going back to London to dinner.
You can't run out on your kidnapper.
I mean, you know what I mean.
If you leave, I'll go back to London
and let them bump me off.
- It'll be a relief at that.
- You are moody.
Am I the cause of it?
If you knew how much I loved you,
you'd faint.
There. What'd I tell you?
Come in.
- Mr. Haverstock?
- Yes?
Call from London.
- Have them switch it here.
- The only phone here is in the office.
All right. I'll come down.
Forgive me for a moment, dear.
Just a moment, sir.
- Hello?
- Is that you, Haverstock?
Are you alone? Can you talk?
I can't reach Fisher.
He's been out all afternoon.
You'll have to keep the girl there
much longer than we planned.
I don't know when he'll return.
I've got to catch him alone.
Better keep her there
for the rest of the night.
That's absolutely impossible.
We can't let this thing go now.
I can't very well explain,
but I couldn't pull a thing like that.
There's nothing else to be done.
I'm counting on you.
Are you quite satisfied
with your room, sir?
Not exactly. I mean, yes...
But what I really wanted
was another room as well.
A single room.
Mr. Naysmith, this gentleman wants
another room.
Is it for the lady
and how long do you need it?
She'll only be here just the one night.
- The gentleman has Number 7.
- What about Number 8?
It doesn't really make any difference.
Just a good room, windows and all that.
I understand.
Perhaps the room next to yours
would be best.
It's quite a cozy room, isn't it, Number 8?
- They're all alike to me, sir.
- Eight will do.
Will you bring the lady down
to sign the book, please?
Yes, I'll get her.
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.
Terrible thing, sir, that poor man
who was here this morning.
- Yes, terrible. My bags all packed?
- Yes, sir.
What about Miss Carol's?
Mrs. Stiles packed hers, too. She hopes
she's put in the right things.
It's been a rush, as she's not back yet.
Mr. Ffolliott's waiting in the sitting room.
Another gentleman phoned,
but wouldn't leave his name.
I thought he sounded
like the foreign gentleman at breakfast.
- Did he say he'd telephone again?
- Yes. He said it was urgent.
Well, show Mr. Ffolliott into the study.
- Hello, sir.
- You caught me at a very busy moment.
I'm going to America tomorrow.
Are you taking Carol with you?
Yes, she doesn't know yet.
It's been a rush. I'm waiting for her.
Scott, what's your worry?
Must be important.
Yes, it is rather important.
It's about Carol.
- I'm afraid that...
- What? Anything happen to her?
No, but I don't think you'll be able to
take her with you to America.
Why not?
I know it'll sound rather silly to you,
but Carol's been kidnapped.
- Is this a joke of some sort?
- No, sir.
What do you mean, kidnapped?
I happen to know she's with her aunt
in Harpenden.
I'm afraid she isn't.
Who gave you the message that
Miss Carol's gone to her Aunt Margaret's?
Miss Carol herself, sir.
Thank you.
That's where she thought she was going.
Get me Harpenden, 43422.
Hello. Is that you, Margaret?
Is Carol with you?
No. I wasrt certain.
She said she might run down to see you.
I didn't know whether to expect
her back for dinner.
All right. Good night, Margaret.
No, she isn't there.
What makes you say
she's been kidnapped?
Sir, I arranged it.
Ffolliott, this has gone far enough.
Where is Carol?
Carol's being held as a sort of hostage...
by some people
who are very much in earnest...
as much in earnest as you are.
Don't be so cryptic.
I haven't the faintest idea what you mean.
I want to know
where you're hiding Van Meer.
So that's it. You've been talking
with that American, Haverstock.
He told me something about Van Meer
being alive.
You promised Haverstock
you'd look into it.
Unusual way of looking into it,
trying to put him out of the way.
I realize a life's a small matter,
the way you work.
The people who've got Carol
can take a leaf out of your book.
Where is she? What've you done with her?
Where's Van Meer?
I can get our Dutch friend to talk
if you come along yourself.
Sorry to drag you here, but it's the only
way if you want to leave tomorrow.
When you get here,
ask at the cashier's desk to use the phone.
They'll show you straight up.
I'll drop in as soon as I can.
If you want Carol to go with you,
better tell me where Van Meer is.
Bring her here, I'll give you the address.
Carol can be home in three hours.
I want that address now.
You can have it as soon as Carol's home.
I can't possibly wait three hours.
Besides, I happen to want Van Meer alive.
- Scott, I delivered him all right.
- Good.
I think I'll be getting along.
Thanks very much for those points.
Can I take them now?
Good night, Carol.
This isn't like you.
What is it that upsets you so?
I know I'm being silly.
I'm behaving perfectly stupidly.
Please forgive me.
I wouldn't mind so much...
but I didn't think
he was that sort of person.
Something to do with young Haverstock?
You like him very much.
After what happened,
I drove him to the country...
to get him away from those people.
I thought you were going
to Aunt Margaret's.
We were, but Scott ffolliott...
thought it would be better
to go further away.
So I thought The College Arms
at Cambridge would be a good place.
When we got there,
I found out that he wanted...
You see, we'd been joking about it.
When I heard him book the extra room,
I knew he meant it.
Cheap trick. That's what hurts.
It was so cheap.
It wasrt at all like I thought it was.
What difference does it make,
I don't care if I ever see him again.
You won't have to. We're going
to America tomorrow by clipper.
Tomorrow? But I can't.
I suppose I can, but why tomorrow?
They'll probably declare war tomorrow.
We have to get to Washington.
The boats will be crowded.
We may have to wait two weeks
for passage.
- But what about Mr. Van Meer?
- We've done all we could.
I was at the foreign office.
They're taking the whole thing over.
- What is it?
- The blackout. I have to draw the blinds.
I forgot. Before you do that,
order me a taxi.
Yes, sir.
There are some people I must see
before we leave.
I shouldn't be long.
Mrs. Stiles has done your packing.
We'll drive to Southampton,
stay overnight at the Southwestern.
Stiles, my hat.
Goodbye, darling.
I'll return as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, you and Stiles load the car
and get something to eat.
- But what about you?
- I'll get a sandwich later.
at the top of Tottenam Court Road.
Wait here until Haverstock turns up.
He's bound to come here.
When he does, bring him to
off of Tottenam Court Road.
Be careful.
Might I use your telephone?
This way, sir.
- Where is he?
- In there.
We can't make him say anything.
It's up to you.
Let's go. Is this place safe?
There'll be no interruptions.
We close it for decorations.
- The people downstairs?
- They won't make trouble.
They know what will happen
to their relatives if they do.
It's an attractive nest, I know,
and the music...
- It serves its purpose.
- Yes.
Pardon me.
Put your arm around him.
Hold his head forward.
These lights, can't you cut them down?
I thank you.
I thank you very much.
You're like my friend Mr. Fisher.
I'm sorry. It's just so dark...
I can't tell...
but you are so like my friend.
I am Fisher, Mr. Van Meer.
I am your friend.
I'm so glad.
Are the police here?
They mustrt get away.
You mustrt let these people go.
I represent Jupiter Life Insurance.
Would you like a small policy?
- Why did you bring him up here?
- I didn't know what to do.
I'd gladly relieve the lady
of this embarrassment.
You know how women are with firearms,
no sense of timing.
I'll just sit here. You carry on with
what you were doing.
Don't mind me.
I sometimes sit like this for hours.
Who's that?
Is it the police?
Tell me where I am.
You are in London, Mr. Van Meer.
In London?
Have I been here long?
You must send a telegram to my wife.
Tell her that I am safe with you.
Please try to understand, Mr. Van Meer.
The police are not here.
I am here merely to talk to you.
But these people...
They think I'm working with them.
They don't know that I'm your friend.
We must play a little game.
A little game?
Yes. They've asked me
to get you to tell me...
what they're trying to find out.
But I can't do that.
You know that I can't.
You can tell me.
Just that one clause in the treaty.
Clause 27.
Clause 27. Come, Mr. Van Meer.
That's the secret clause.
I know it, Clause 27.
But they, they mustrt know it.
It would help them if they make war.
War, Fisher.
- You don't want them helped, do you?
- Of course not.
Just let them see you telling it to me.
That'll be enough.
Let them see you whisper it to me.
I'll promise to keep it safe.
He's not your friend, Mr. Van Meer.
Don't tell him.
Who's that?
Someone just said you werert my friend.
Why didn't you bring the police?
Why aren't you taking me away from here?
You are not to take me away.
Where are you?
Help me.
That's it.
I see now.
There's no help. No help...
for the whole poor suffering world.
You cry peace, Fisher.
Peace. And there was no peace.
Only war and death.
You're a liar, Fisher.
A cruel liar.
You can do what you want with me.
That's not important.
But you'll never conquer them, Fisher.
Little people everywhere...
who give crumbs to birds.
Lie to them.
Drive them, whip them...
force them into war.
When the beasts like you...
will devour each other...
then the world...
will belong to the little people.
We're wasting valuable time.
All right. I will tell you...
I will tell everything.
Come on, Mr. Fisher.
In the event of invasion by an enemy...
Why, it's only a restaurant.
Look! Come on!
This way. Down the back stairs.
Follow me.
They must've gone the other way.
Look after him.
You're a blithering idiot
if you don't nab Fisher...
before he boards that plane.
How can we arrest him
without any evidence?
You're obstinate.
Isn't Van Meer proof enough?
No, and you ought to know it.
What proof is there against
Fisher personally?
Of all the conceited, stupid numbskull...
Stop behaving like a boy scout
and let us handle this.
Ask McKenna to come in.
Go see Dr. Boniface.
He's very good for nerves.
- Identification of Van Meer complete?
- Yes.
He's unconscious, but there's no doubt
it's Van Meer.
You'd better get back.
Take somebody along to get a statement
when he comes to.
Meanwhile, keep an eye
on that flying boat...
await instructions from us.
What's the good of being related
to Scotland Yard?
- My fool brother won't do anything.
- Scotland Yard can't solve my problems.
- Everyone's in on it but me.
- You're in it, too.
We've got to watch that plane.
While we're driving...
- ring Mayfair 24574.
- Let me write that.
Mayfair 24574. That's my cousin.
He's the director of the airline.
Tell him we need two seats
on tomorrow's clipper to America.
Then go to Hilton Nursing Home
and stick by Van Meer.
Then phone Miss Edith Armbruster,
Kensington 66255.
Tell her I'm off to America.
Will she dine with me next Monday
instead of tomorrow?
- Sure.
- Then call up Stevens at the Post.
Tell him I'm off to America.
Cable New York,
tell them I'm off to America.
Ring up the Crescent Dancing Academy
and cancel my rumba lesson.
Two ham sandwiches on rye bread.
- There's no use in my waiting around.
- It's hard to say how soon he'll recover.
It may be some hours before he can speak.
I don't know much about this,
but my friend's on the clipper.
If Van Meer speaks,
they'll send word to the plane.
Did you hear the wireless?
War is declared! Read all about it.
War declared! It's war with Germany!
I found that picture.
- Steward, bring me one of those, please.
- Yes, sir.
- Any message for me?
- What name?
- Is there a message for me?
- I'll be with you in a minute.
- This one's for me.
- Yes, sir.
Lovely, isn't it?
Sort of makes you forget
all about the war and troubles.
It would be nice if we could keep flying,
live in the clouds.
Yes, it would be very nice.
It's time for me to make a landing,
a forced landing.
What's the matter? Anything happen?
I've got to talk to you.
I don't want to, but I've got to.
The hardest part is talking to you now.
I don't mind about the rest.
- It's about Krug and Van Meer.
- You've guessed.
Not till last night. I've been worried...
but I believed in you.
You shouldn't.
It's true, then, what I wouldn't believe?
Yes. I'm to be arrested when we land...
as a spy, shipped back to London.
It's quite all right, except,
just the one phase of it. You.
That's why I've got to talk to you.
I should like for you to see a little
from my point of view...
it might help you afterwards.
First about yourself, my deceiving you.
I didn't want you involved in any part
because you're English...
half-English anyway. I'm not.
I'm just coated with an English accent.
A thin coat.
I fought for my country in my heart
in a very difficult way.
Sometimes it's harder to fight
dishonorably than nobly in the open.
I used my country's methods
because I was born with them.
I don't intend on making this plea
to the court-martial.
I'm making it only to my daughter
whom I loved dearly...
and before whom I feel a little ashamed.
What you say to me now
means more to me than any verdict.
My dear...
Steward, this is not for me.
It was a mistake.
I'm not sitting 14 hours
playing hide-and-seek with her.
I'm going to talk to her.
It can't do any harm,
now that he knows we're aboard.
- Not a word in front of her, understand?
- I wouldn't dream of talking.
- What will you say to her?
- I don't know. I'm all mixed up.
I love her, and I'm going to help
hang her father.
I've got to say something. I'll go crazy.
Have some brandy. You'll feel better.
You know it always makes me cry harder.
- Surprised?
- What are you doing here?
Having myself a ride.
Carol, I've got to speak to you alone.
It's very important.
- Do you mind, Mr. Fisher?
- Ffolliott's with you, isn't he?
In a way, yes.
You're both after my father.
You're having him arrested
when we land, aren't you?
I don't know what you mean.
I never arrested anyone in my life.
That's a lie. You've followed him
from the beginning.
That's why you wanted me
out of the way at the inn...
pretended you loved me so you could...
It's a lie, that's all.
Everything you've said to me
have been lies.
- Quite a reunion, isn't it?
- You, too?
Please. Have a drink, Scott. I'll be back.
- Where are you going?
- To stretch my legs.
I read that wire you received.
It was given to me by mistake.
That's all right, sir.
You're not going unless I go with you.
I know you both think
my father is a traitor and a renegade.
He isn't. Not to me.
Thank you.
A minority report, but very welcome.
Carol, I've got nothing to do with spies.
I'm just a reporter here after a story.
I'm sorry I ever heard of Van Meer.
I'd blow up the Globe, cut Powers' throat
rather than harm you.
What is it?
They've gone crazy. What are they doing?
Who are they? What is it?
Call Bob. Tell him we're being attacked.
Sorry about this, ffolliott.
It has nothing to do with me.
We're coming down.
You're the most cool-headed woman
I've ever seen.
Make Father wear this.
Here you are. Put these on.
Come out, sir.
They're all going nuts in there.
I'll be out immediately.
What am I going to say?
This isn't like bad weather.
Tell them it's a mistake,
that it's target practice.
I know it's funny for me to ask you
to be calm.
We're doing the best we can.
Get back.
Are we all going to drown?
Keep away from that window, sir.
It might be dangerous. Sit back.
I'm not going to put this on.
I've never heard of anything so stupid.
I'll see the British Consul as soon as l...
She's gone.
What in the name of heaven
are they doing?
Switch off the gas.
You've got the other board motor.
- They cut off the other starboard motor.
- Right.
It's the Germans. They're sorry.
They thought we were a bomber.
She'll rescue us straight-away.
The wings are off.
- Let me get out!
- Come away from that door.
We can't just stay here.
When she hits the water,
the tail's the best place.
Come on.
No good staying on here,
she's going under. Quick, onto the wing.
Look, there's the pilot.
- Don't let him on, you fools!
- Shut your mouth!
I'm throwing that swine off.
He's right. It won't hold us.
I'd better slip away.
I'll move to the other end.
That might make it lighter here.
He's gone!
Johnny, don't go! You'll be washed away!
Johnny, come back!
Must be the enemy coming to pick us up.
Is it the enemy?
We're all right. She's American.
American ship picked us up
and is taking us back to London.
I can't tell you what happened.
I'll wire from London in a few days. Bye.
It's awkward, I just spoke to the captain.
He insists on acting the true blue neutral.
"Enemy waters," he says. Not a line
to the press from his ship.
Can't send out any stories?
We can use the phone
for private messages.
"Hello, Aunt Effie,
safe aboard the Mohican.
"Feeling tiptop."
Two days before we get to London,
we get scooped on our own story.
- You have a crack at brass buttons.
- Even if he says okay...
what good will it do me?
My hands are tied.
- What are you talking about?
- Carol.
I came 4,000 miles to get a story.
I get shot at...
I got pushed off buildings.
I get the story, then I got to shut up.
I'm sincere. I'm not throwing her father
up for grabs.
He died like a hero to save her
and the rest of us.
I'm talking through my hat.
The whole point is, he was her father.
I won't play Judas to the only girl...
I'm very glad you said that.
- You all dry and everything?
- I'm all right.
Send the whole story.
- We'll talk about that later.
- Please.
You can't help me by protecting my father.
I'm in love with you.
I can't hit you with a scandal
for a wedding present.
My father fought for his country his way.
It wasrt a straight way,
but it was a hard way.
And I've got to fight for my country
a hard way.
Okay, if that's the way you feel.
That's for me.
I put in a call to my uncle, Uncle Powers.
Johnny Jones is calling from the Mohican.
What's he doing there?
Johnny wouldn't call if it wasrt a story.
Hold the presses. Send Bradley in here.
Tell him we're breaking up Page 1.
- Hello.
- Hello, Mr. Powers. This is Johnny Jones.
Here comes the captain.
Mr. Powers, keep your ear glued
to this phone and don't hang up.
- Mr. Haverstock, I want to talk with you.
- Yes, sir.
- I just found out you're a newspaperman.
- That's right.
Why didn't you tell me
when I questioned you?
- You lied to me.
- My dear Captain...
when you're shot down
in a British plane by a German destroyer...
Latitude 45...
have been hanging
on a half-submerged wing for hours...
waiting to drown
with other stricken human beings...
you're liable to forget
you're a newspaperman.
You'll have to forget it
for as long as you're on this ship.
I can't understand your attitude, sir.
You performed a heroic rescue,
Captain John Martin.
- You took us out of the sea.
- You're not sending a thing from this ship.
You're right, Captain.
We mustrt embarrass
the United States government.
Exactly. That's my point.
That's the story I've got. I won't print it.
I think you ought to hear it first.
That's only fair, Captain.
You know who headed that movement
in London?
Mr. Stephen Fisher.
The man who ran
the Universal Peace Party?
- Why, that's preposterous.
- Yes.
The Mr. Fisher who was drowned
a few hours ago.
His peace party was a cover-up
for spies and traitors.
He was going to be arrested and deported.
- Those are facts.
- I can't believe it. He was a friend of mine.
He engineered the kidnapping
of Van Meer, the Dutch diplomat.
- Nobody would believe that.
- It's the truth.
- I refuse...
- Dear Captain, wait a minute.
This young lady should know
whether it's the truth or not.
Yes, I ought to know.
Mr. Fisher was my father.
And I want the story printed.
- What's that?
- I guess that's my uncle.
Hello, Uncle. How are you?
How's Aunt Sadie? I'm all right, thanks.
We had a little accident.
I can't tell you about it now.
I'll write to you.
I'm going back to Europe.
I was just wondering
if you had any instructions for me.
Yes. Keep on the job.
Have you got all that down?
Rush it out at once.
This is London.
We have as a guest tonight
a soldier of the press...
one of the army of historians...
writing history from beside
the cannors mouth...
Foreign correspondent
of the New York Globe...
Huntley Haverstock.
Hello, America.
I've been watching a part of the world
being blown to pieces.
A part of the world
as nice as Vermont, Ohio...
Virginia, and California, and Illinois...
lies ripped up and bleeding
like a steer in a slaughterhouse.
I've seen things that make the history of
savages read like Pollyanna legends.
- We'll have to postpone the broadcast.
- Let's go on as long as we can.
Madam, we have a shelter downstairs.
- How about it, Carol?
- They're listening in America, Johnny.
Okay. We'll tell them, then.
I can't read the rest of my speech
because the lights went out...
so I'll have to talk off the cuff.
That noise you hear isn't static.
It's death coming to London.
You can hear the bombs
falling on the streets and the homes.
Don't tune me out. Hang on.
This is a big story. You're part of it.
It's too late to do anything here
except stand in the dark, let them come.
It's as if the lights were out everywhere
except in America.
Keep those lights burning.
Cover them with steel,
ring them with guns...
build a canopy of battleships
and bombing planes around them.
Hello, America, hang onto your lights.
They're the only lights left in the world.
- Same old daily bunkeroo.
Mr. Powers says he wants to see
that foreign stuff as soon as it comes in.
Don't declare war for a few minutes.
"According to a high official,
it is believed"...
Foreign correspondent.
I could get more news out of Europe
looking in the crystal ball.
That Stebbins cable has a morsel in it.
Stebbins makes me sick.
They all make me sick.
Europe about to blow up...
and all I can get from my foreign staff
is a daily guessing game.
- I want some facts, Mr. Bradley.
- For instance?
Any kind of fact.
There must be something
going on in Europe...
beside a nervous breakdown.
Why not try sending me over, Mr. Powers?
You've written a book
on economics or something.
The Twilight of Feudalism?
- Yes. It was very well received.
- Not by me.
I don't want any more economists, sages,
or oracles bombinating over our cable.
I want a reporter.
Someone who doesn't know the difference
between an ism and a kangaroo.
A good, honest crime reporter.
That's what the Globe needs.
That's what Europe needs.
There's a crime hatching
on that bedeviled continent.
Wait a minute.
I've got something
that might pass for an idea.
Who was that fellow that ran down
the payroll robbery last week?
You mean Johnny Jones.
He beat up a policeman, didn't he,
in the line of duty?
Yes. There's some talk at the city desk
of firing him.
Beat up a policeman?
Sounds ideal for Europe.
Send Mr. Jones up here right away.
- Mr. Powers wants to see you, Mr. Jones.
- He does?
- You should come to his office right away.
- What about?
I ain't in his confidence.
Tell him to save his breath.
Tell him I've resigned.
- I'm supposed to bring you there.
- Okay. Wait till I open this.
Where's Mr. Jones?
I told you to send him right up here!
- Are you Mr. Jones?
- Yes.
Sit down, please.
- You mind a personal question?
- No.
- Are you married?
- No luck.
- Ever been in Europe?
- No.
What's your opinion
of the present European crisis, Mr. Jones?
What crisis?
I'm referring to
the impending war, Mr. Jones.
That. To tell you the truth,
I haven't given it much thought.
You don't keep up
with our foreign news, do you?
If you're gonna fire me,
you can scrap the intelligence test.
It's perfectly okay with me.
I can get a job on any newspaper in town
within an hour. So long.
Wait a minute. Nobody fired you.
How would you like to cover
the biggest story in the world today?
With an expense account,
I'll cover anything.
You'll get an expense account.
- Okay, what's the story?
- Europe.
I'm afraid I'm not exactly equipped,
but I could read up.
No reading up. I like you just as you are.
What Europe needs
is a fresh, unused mind.
- Foreign correspondent?
- No. Reporter.
I don't want correspondence. I want news.
- Can you dig up some news in Europe?
- I'll be happy to try, sir.
This is what I mean:
Mr. Van Meer, when questioned
by our oracle, Mr. Stebbins...
refused to open his mouth.
A 1,200-word cable told...
to the fact that
the great Van Meer had nothing to say.
Know what that's doing? It's driving
our readers crazy with frustration.
- Who's Van Meer?
- Keynote to the European situation today.
If Van Meer stays
at the helm of his country's affairs...
for the next three months,
it may mean peace in Europe.
If we knew what he was thinking
we'd know where Europe stands.
- German?
- No. Holland's strongman.
One of the two signers
of the Dutch treaty with Belgium.
Now, this is your first assignment.
I want you to talk with him...
find out what's in that treaty,
and what he thinks will happen. Facts.
- Van Meer?
- Right.
- Anybody else?
- No.
How about Hitler?
Don't you think we should pump him?
He must have something on his mind.
- Yes?
- Mr. Stephen Fisher to see you.
Tell him to come in.
Ever hear of Stephen Fisher?
- I'm afraid he's not on my beat.
- He is from now on.
He's head of the Universal Peace Party
and very close to Van Meer.
They're both working
to prevent Europe going up in flames.
How do you do, Mr. Fisher?
Nice of you to come over.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
Mr. Fisher, Mr. Jones,
our new foreign correspondent.
I want you to know each other.
How do you do, Mr. Jones.
Jones. I don't like that name.
It's going to handicap you, young man.
Now, wait a minute.
I've got some sort of a name here.
Yes. Haverstock. Huntley Haverstock.
Sounds more important,
doesn't it, Mr. Fisher?
Yes, very dashing.
Sounds better than Richard Harding Davis.
- What's the matter with that?
- We can't use that.
That's the name of one of our
greatest war correspondents 40 years ago.
Speak up, young man. You don't mind
being Huntley Haverstock, do you?
A rose by any name, sir.
It's exciting being present at the
christening of a newspaper correspondent.
Shouldrt we break
a bottle of champagne?
Break one over my head to see
if I'm still awake. Huntley Haverstock.
Mr. Haverstock, you better get started.
You've got a lot to do.
- Passports, photos, visas...
- Expenses.
I'll send a note to the cashier.
- I hope you brought your Sunday articles.
- I managed three of them.
- See you in London then, Mr. Haverstock.
- Yes, of course.
Thank you, Mr. Powers.
Thank you for everything.
Except Huntley Haverstock.
Get a load of this, Mother.
How's it look? Chic?
Don't wear it over one eye.
It makes you look like a dandy.
You always think the boys are wearing
their hats over one eye.
- Let him wear it the way it is.
- He'll have to wear a stovepipe in London.
- They call them poppers over there.
- Toppers.
Bobby, put that in the box for Uncle John,
will you?
- Let me try it on.
- No, I want to try it on.
- Now he's a regular war correspondent.
- Without a war.
I'm afraid he'll get his war.
- They're throwing a big bluff over there.
- Let's hope so.
How do you like the way
we've our little nest furnished?
If I were you, I'd hang lighter curtains,
and move that sofa out here.
It's too bad you haven't an open fireplace.
If you'd speak to the captain,
I think he'd attend to everything.
All ashore that's going ashore!
Now, Mother.
Goodbye, John.
- Take care of yourself.
- Thank you.
You're Jones?
I'm Stebbins, London man for the Globe.
Mr. Powers told me you'd probably
be here. Nice of you to come.
Reminds me. I lost mine on the way over.
I can say your other name, too.
That Huntley...
I could say it yesterday...
but I had a rather tough session
with the boys last night.
- So I'll stick to Jones if you don't mind.
- Jones is great with me.
Let's go. This crowd's making me nervous.
My nerves aren't in the pink.
Just take it easy.
I'll follow you right along.
Porter, bring those bags. And don't
bang them into my knees from behind.
What about a drink
after that long train ride?
Sounds like a very logical idea.
I may not act it,
but I've been here 25 years.
London man for the Globe
and they haven't caught onto me yet.
How'd you manage it?
Cable back the government handouts
and sign them...
"Our London correspondent."
- What's yours?
- Scotch and soda, please.
Miss, please.
- Scotch and soda, and a glass of milk.
- A glass of milk?
I'm on the wagon. I went to the doctor
today about these jitters I got...
and he said it was the wagon for a month
or a whole new set of organs.
I can't afford a whole new set of organs.
If I'd known you're on the wagon,
I could have got along without this.
But as long as it's here...
Good luck.
- Yeah, just like any other Scotch and soda.
- That's what I thought.
Doesrt taste the way it did
when I was a baby. That's got poison in it.
Speaking of that, I've got some pills
I got to take.
Here's some cables that have been
coming over from New York.
They love to cable. It makes them think
you're working for them.
There's an invitation to that lunch
for the Dutchman Van Meer tomorrow.
I guess that's your dish.
This is given by the Universal Peace Party.
That's Fisher's organization, right?
I don't know.
I don't follow those things very much.
New York wants it, I send it.
That's the secret of being a correspondent.
Been doing it 25 years.
Twenty-five years, and I end up on milk.
Good morning. How's the water wagon?
Look at that.
One of them shook off this morning.
I'm just on my way
to the Van Meer luncheon.
I'm lunching with old man Clark.
He's the International Press...
Here you are. I didn't know whether
to meet you in the grill or upstairs.
Goodbye, Stebbins. Goodbye, Miss Clark.
Who's he calling Clark? He's got his nerve.
Some fresh American reporter.
Good morning, Mr. Van Meer.
I beg your pardon, sir.
You are Mr. Van Meer, aren't you?
That's my name, yes.
I'm Haverstock. You don't know me.
I'm an American.
And I just happen to be
on my way to your luncheon.
- Then, perhaps...
- That's very kind of you, sir...
Come, come. It's all in a good cause.
Savoy Hotel.
- This is very kind of you.
- It's a pleasure, my boy.
I dislike riding alone.
One thinks too much while riding alone.
Yes, exactly. The Polish situation,
and the Dutch treaty with the Belgians...
must be on your mind
quite a lot these days.
What do you feel
that England will do in case the Nazis...
England is so beautiful.
It's nice to see London in the sunshine.
Always there's lots of rain or fog.
Also it is August.
I found out it was August.
That's pretty good for me.
Would you mind telling me...
how you feel about Mr. Fisher
and his Peace Organization?
You know Mr. Fisher?
A very fine man. And a good man.
I wish there were more like him
in the world just now.
I take it you don't think
there's much hope for peace?
I mean, you don't think
one little peace organization...
can make much headway
against the European war panic?
I would like to think so.
Look at those birds.
No matter how big the city,
there must always be parks...
and places for the birds to live.
I was walking
through the park this morning...
and I saw several people feeding the birds.
It's a good sign at a time like this.
Is it not?
Yes, it's a dandy sign...
but I do think that right now
birds are the least of our problems.
Your country, for instance.
What's its attitude toward these matters?
We're now near the Savoy.
- How much?
- A shilling.
That's fine.
By the way, young man,
what newspaper do you represent?
As a matter of fact,
I'm not exactly a reporter...
but I was trying to get you to talk.
I didn't want bird talk either.
I gathered that.
Just what was it
that you were trying to get me to tell you?
I'm trying to find out what you know
about the possibility of a general war.
How do you really feel about it?
My boy, I feel very old and sad...
and helpless.
I did have one.
The last news from Poland
was very alarming.
- Nobody wants a war...
- Then we don't have to have it.
You must understand, often circumstances
over which we've no control...
Yes, those convenient circumstances
over which we have no control.
It's always odd,
but they usually bring on a war.
You never hear of circumstances
over which we've no control...
rushing us into peace, do you?
Very determined woman, my daughter.
Come on. Let's go and see
if you can pick a fight somewhere else.
- Good for you.
- Wasrt he a bore?
Many won'thy people are, bless them.
How do you like to be fishing in Ireland
right now?
We haven't had a good sail
or swim together in months.
Not even a game of cribbage. Miss them?
There's the Admiral.
He has a weakness for you.
Go on. Do your stuff.
Here you are. The Jones that became
a Haverstock. Have a good trip?
Still wish you were Richard Harding Davis.
- So do I, sir. Anything except...
- Hello.
Mrs. Appleby, meet Huntley Haverstock,
Special Correspondent, New York Globe.
- Foreign correspondent? Not really.
- Cross my heart.
You look such a dear, sweet boy.
You don't seem a bit like the others.
But I'm sure you're marvelous at it.
Do you know a friend of mine,
Monte Rockingham?
He's in the embassy at Istanbul.
Or is it Honolulu?
Do help me with this
distinguished-looking gentleman here.
I can't make any headway with him,
but I'm sure he speaks some language.
I haven't the least idea who he is...
but there's nobody here
who isn't internationally important.
- This is Mr. Haver...
- Stock.
No English?
Try German.
Splendid. What else do you know?
- Only pig Latin.
- Pig Latin.
Here we are. This will do it.
Now we're getting somewhere.
The universal language.
Dear Maharajah.
Well, they come in pairs.
If you speak English,
give me a hand with the laughing Latvian.
- What's his racket? What's he talking?
- Latvian.
No kidding. I didn't know
the Lats had a language.
I thought they just rubbed noses.
- You mean you actually speak Latvian?
- Just enough to get about.
What does just enough to get about
consist of in Latvian?
I don't think you'd have any trouble.
Be a comfort to know when I get to Latvia.
You think there's a chance
of you getting to Latvia soon?
Never can tell in my racket.
I suppose you've guessed
I'm a foreign correspondent.
Are you? That's nice.
I see you're taking notes.
Are you covering this affair, too?
I sort of work here.
Publicity? You're just the one
I'm looking for.
We've got to go in a secret conference
right away.
Me? Excuse me.
I beg your pardon, sir.
I have a Latvian friend here...
who's particularly interested
in the origin of the kilt.
I wonder if you'd be interested
in talking to him. He's a lovely fellow.
It's a most amazing story.
You see, the Greeks, in the early period,
they used to wear a kilt.
Now, what is this big secret conference
all about?
It's no secret as far as I'm concerned.
However, I'll let you in on that later.
Since you're handling publicity here,
give me a line on what it's about...
this league for peace and understanding.
Just what is it you'd like to know?
In the first place, is this Mr. Fisher
entirely on the level?
Very much so.
- Seems like a very nice guy.
- He is, I assure you.
What is it that makes him or you
think that an organization like this...
made up of well-meaning amateurs...
buck up against those
tough military boys of Europe?
It's the well-meaning amateurs
who do the fighting when the war comes.
- Luncheon is served.
- Please don't go yet.
You don't want those
dreary chicken patties.
I'm sorry. I must go.
Then sit at the press table with me.
Nobody ever listens to the speeches,
and we could talk.
You don't even know my name yet.
- Is it necessary?
- It is to me.
Don't mind if you hear
it's Huntley Haverstock...
because it's really Jones.
- What's yours?
- Mine's really Smith.
Don't mind if you hear it's anything else.
- Waiter?
- Yes, sir.
Same young lady. Try again.
I've taken the young lady 13 notes, sir.
She won't accept any more.
Milords, ladies and gentlemen...
pray silence for your chairman...
Mr. Stephen Fisher.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have an announcement to make...
which I'm sure will be
a great disappointment to us all.
I've just received this telegram
from Mr. Van Meer...
who was to have been
our guest of honor today.
"Deeply regret. Called away suddenly
owing to unforeseen circumstances.
"And I will be unable
to attend your meeting as planned.
"I am with you and your work
with all my heart.
"I could not have said more
had I been there."
Although this removes
one of our star attractions...
we may, as a result, have more time
to tell you from the inside...
just what this party has stood for
and why we've asked you here today.
I can think of no one
more competent to do this...
than the speaker I'm about to introduce.
I trust you won't think this a family affair...
when I say that I refer to my daughter
Miss Carol Fisher.
Milords, ladies and gentlemen...
pray silence for Miss Carol Fisher.
Ladies and gentlemen...
I trust, even making allowances
for a father's exuberance...
you do not think I'm in any way
being put forward today...
as a substitute for Mr. Van Meer.
Unappily for us,
no one can take Mr. Van Meer's place.
What I can do possibly
is to clear up a few misapprehensions...
that have crept into
the public discussion of this movement...
and revise some of the epithets
that have been applied to us...
by some who have not gone
as deeply into the matter as they might.
The female of the species
is deadlier than the male. a group of well-meaning amateurs.
Now, I'm sure there's some of you
here today who think of us as such.
I'd like to ask anyone who has called us
well-meaning amateurs...
to stand up and tell me
just why a well-meaning amateur...
is any less reliable than a well-meaning
professional at a moment like this.
But I'll not take the time.
The world's been run long enough
by the well-meaning professional.
We might give the amateurs
a chance now.
But what I really want to do
is to give you a very brief idea of...
just how far-reaching
our amateur plans are.
Use your notes.
And just...
why we ask for your support...
professional or amateur.
What I mean to say is that,
however much one may...
I mean, we should both...
Both of us...
Tell them to wait in there.
- Mr. Fisher, how are you?
- When did you get over here?
Just now. I had a cable.
This conference is my first assignment.
An ironic assignment. A peace conference
under the shadow of war.
It's really coming?
Today and tomorrow will tell.
There's still hope.
I'm going back to London today.
Leaving for London? I just got here.
But the conference is just beginning.
Today and tomorrow the work for peace
is in London rather than Amsterdam.
You're taking your whole staff
back to London with you, including your...
No. I have someone staying here
who'll give you all the help you need.
You'll be in very good hands. Here she is.
Mrs. Appleby. Mr. Haverstock.
We met at the luncheon.
You remember him, don't you.
He's nice, but I still can't understand him.
Dr. Williamson, this is Huntley Haverstock
of the New York Globe.
He's unfamiliar with Amsterdam
and peace meetings.
Would you be good enough
to take him under your wing?
Perhaps you'll both see
that he samples Dutch cheese...
at dinner tonight.
Now I must see what unlucky person
will give up his seat on the London plane.
Don't get into any mischief, will you?
- Your first visit to Amsterdam?
- Yes.
You must let me take you
to Rembrandt's house...
It might be a good idea if we went over
the agenda of the conference with him.
If you'll excuse me. I think I see a friend.
Mr. Van Meer. How are you?
We somehow seemed to lose each other
day before yesterday.
I'm so sorry you were called away.
Don't you remember me?
We shared the same cab together
on the way to the luncheon.
Excuse me.
May I have your picture, Mr. Van Meer?
Thank you.
There he goes!
He's getting away!
Follow that car, quick!
You'd better get out of here.
Might be dangerous.
Don't be silly. Drive on.
- Who has he shot?
- Van Meer assassinated.
- Dead?
- Looked like it.
- Bad show.
- Couldrt be worse from his viewpoint.
Do you mind shoving your knees
out of the way.
- You better hop in the back, old girl.
- Hurry.
Safety glass. I wonder whose make.
- Good chauffeur you've got.
- Yes, isn't he?
You know each other?
This is Scott ffolliott, newspaperman,
same as you. Foreign correspondent.
- Mr. Haverstock, Mr. Ffolliott.
- With a double "F."
How do you do?
I don't get the double "F."
They're at the beginning. Both small "F's".
They can't be at the beginning.
One of my ancestors
was beheaded by Henry Vlll.
His wife dropped the capital letter
to commemorate it. There it is.
- How do you say it, like a stutter?
- Just a straight "fuh."
- It's stopped raining. Surs coming up.
- The police are coming.
It's the most amazing disappearing trick
I've ever seen.
You don't suppose they could've got up
that high, do you?
- Take a look for yourself.
- Tell him your name with the small "F"s.
That'll be a bit over his head.
This isn't catching any assassins.
We should have kept a policeman
and played bridge.
I guess you're right.
I'll bet 2-to-1 on the derby.
Look at those sails on that windmill.
You'll get used to those
when you've been in Holland longer.
I was sure they were going
against the wind.
Why don't you lie down on the grass
and cool off?
I'll cool off in due time.
But first get the police back here.
- The police again?
- We don't want them.
- I won't be prosecuting.
- No...
- Get the police, our mars there.
- Where?
- In that mill.
- What makes you think so?
A lot of things can happen
while I'm explaining. Please get the police.
I'd go myself if I spoke the language.
- What will you do?
- A little bit of snooping.
I hate to seem executive.
But this is serious.
- Come on, Scott.
- All right. You shall have your police.
It's a signal.
It's a signal for that plane to land.
Come in and close the door, mister.
Why, Mr. Van Meer. It isn't possible.
I've just been given a drug.
Drug of some sort.
But I saw you shot just outside
the conference hall. I saw it!
They gave it to me...
when they moved me from...
It's beginning now.
But the man I saw shot was a dead image.
The man you saw shot, it wasrt me.
He was a...
substitute that looked like me.
But why? What...
They want the world to think...
that I've been assassinated. Yes.
To conceal the fact...
- that I'm in their hands.
- Their hands? Who are they?
I can't explain.
I'm not certain.
This drug. I can hardly think.
All that I can tell you...
is that they are going
to take me away by plane...
like a bird.
Always there are places in the city...
where birds can get crumbs.
A pencil.
Give me the pen.
See? Old mill.
Up the road.
Old mill. Understand?
- Does anyone here speak English?
- We speak English in the school.
Why have you been holding out on me?
Look, tell these two policemen
to come with me.
Very, very important.
Big old prisoner. Old mill.
Tell them to follow me.
Do you understand?
Yeah. That's what
I've been trying to tell you. Come on.
They've gone.
They've killed him.
But it isn't...
Who are you?
Where are the others?
There's been a frame-up.
Ask him where the others have gone.
He doesn't know what you're
talking about. There are no other people.
And in any case,
he's been asleep here all day.
He's lying. I talked to Van Meer
in this very room.
There's one thing I can show you.
The assassins' car. The one we followed.
Rather a unique specimen, old boy.
The only one horsepower car in the world.
I don't care what you say.
That car was here.
Listen, I know I look a fool,
but there's something fishy going on.
There's a big story in this.
I can smell it, I can feel it.
I'll get to the bottom of it,
if it's the last thing I do.
Nothing's going to stop me.
Do you understand?
I'll prove that that wasrt Van Meer
that was assassinated, but his double.
Who is it?
All right. Come in.
- Mr. Haverstock?
- Yes.
What are you, the house detective?
You werert announced.
- I'm sorry, sir. We asked at the desk.
- Policemen?
You're not here
to apologize about the windmill?
We simply want you to come with us
and tell your story to our chief of police.
Does this chief of police speak English,
because I'm a very busy man.
It will take no more than half an hour.
We all speak English.
That's marvelous. That's more
than I can say for my country.
Would you sit down?
I have to make a phone call.
Dinner date with a young lady.
The exchange doesn't answer.
I'll call later.
Look, I'm a very quick bather.
Would you excuse me while I
jump in the tub and have a quick shave?
Look at some magazines. I'll be right back.
You can't you bring
the chief of police here?
- No, I am afraid not.
- I thought not.
Please don't bother to come.
You'll find it on my dressing table.
- We meet again.
- So it seems.
Quite a lot's happened
since I last saw you.
So I see.
I had quite a chase
after that guy outside Amsterdam.
It's quite a country.
It's interesting. Windmills and tulips.
Did you find everything you...
We were just talking about the tulips.
Don't seem to be any.
I really think I should be going now.
Thank you very much for the powder.
Must you really go now?
Yes, I must be going now. Really.
You've made quite a day of it,
haven't you?
Making fools of Scott ffolliott and me,
breaking into my bedroom...
and disgracing me
before a friend of my father's.
What are your plans now?
You might at least have clothes on.
Take it easy. This is serious.
I've got to talk to you.
I've seen your serious business.
What're you doing here?
- I'm escaping.
- Escaping from what?
From some fellows
in my room about to kill me.
May I ask who?
Two gentlemen disguised as policemen,
waiting to take me for a ride.
- You're talking through your hat.
- I'm not talking through my hat.
I've thrown a monkey wrench
into some international dirty business.
I know Van Meer's alive.
That's why want to kill me.
I can think of others.
You've got to help me.
Not for my sake alone...
but it's the biggest story in Europe.
Your childish mind is out of place
in Europe as you are in my bedroom.
Get over there.
You see what you're doing?
All this is going back to London
and will be common gossip by tomorrow.
I don't care for myself,
but my father's engaged in great work.
He's trying to help avert a dreadful war...
and this is just the sort of thing
to discredit him.
I know you care nothing about our work.
All you're interested in is having fun
with windmills and bathrooms.
You don't believe I'm in trouble?
You'll be in lot of trouble
if you don't get out.
Now for the last time, please go.
Okay. But I want you to know exactly
what's going to happen when I do go.
I'll go back to my room
and try and shake those fellows off...
but I won't succeed.
They'll stick to me like a
couple of tattoo marks until they get me.
They'll stop at nothing. I seem to know
too much. And you're right.
I don't know much about
your crackpot peace movement...
I don't know what's wrong with Europe.
But I know a story when I see one.
I'll keep after it until either I get it
or it gets me.
Sorry you have those
derogatory opinions of me...
but I guess that can't be helped.
So long. It's been nice knowing you.
I said goodbye.
Don't go.
I guess I could have handled those fellows
with a little luck.
We mustrt take any chances.
We should get help.
That's what I had in mind.
- I'll get Dr. Williamson...
- Wait. They might not understand.
They have understood.
We could catch the night boat to England
if we could get out.
That's the hitch.
What's that friend's name, that "ff"?
- Ffolliott.
- Get me Mr. Ffolliott's room, please.
Left the hotel?
That's strange.
We were to dine together tonight.
- He realized how much I meant to you.
- You'd mean more with your clothes on.
You like the intellectual type.
- Say, I've got an idea.
- What?
Give me the manager, please.
Buzz for the valet.
Is this the manager?
This is Mr. Haverstock in 537.
What kind of hotel is this?
My bathtub leaks, phone's out of order,
and I've been robbed.
Will you send somebody up right away?
Thank you.
Operator, send a waiter up to 537.
And ask the chambermaid
to bring up some clean sheets.
I've set mine on fire.
And I'd like my windows cleaned.
And ask boots to come get my shoes.
Hurry up. That's a good girl.
Clutter up that room nicely
for those two guys.
It's the valet. Come in.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes, sir.
Go to my room, 537...
and get me shirt, tie, suit, and a hat.
You see, my husband's
waiting in the room for this gentleman.
No sign of them yet.
Let's hide ourselves in the cabin.
- Full up, sir. Sorry.
- Not even a small cabin?
Not a thing.
Everybody in a hurry to get home.
I have a rather rare banknote
you might be interested in.
It's a memento,
that is if you collect rare banknotes.
It's no use, sir. I'd do it if I could,
but there just isn't a place left.
On English ships, you come up against
such an air of incorruptibility.
As a matter of fact,
I've just had a cabin returned.
Can I have your name, sir?
One cabin isn't going to do us much good.
We just can't...
I fully intended to sleep in the lounge.
I hope you didn't think I...
No, of course not. It's very kind of you.
I'll take it.
I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid it's too late now.
You had some doubt about taking it,
so I had to let that gentleman have it.
That's too bad. It's such a rare 5 note.
The water mark's upside down.
I think you'd have loved it.
Well, perhaps next time.
- Were you really going to tip that man 5?
- Of course.
I charge all my traveling expenses
to the office.
Corrupting an official, 5.
You're just a wee bit unscrupulous,
aren't you?
Not unscrupulous. Just in love.
- It's the same thing, I suppose.
- I beg your pardon?
I beg yours.
You see, I love you,
and I want to marry you.
I love you, and I want to marry you.
That cuts our love scene down
quite a bit, doesn't it?
- Do you mind?
- Not at all. It's made a new man of me.
I hope not entirely new.
It took me some time
to get used to the first man you were.
To be perfectly frank with you,
I expected a little more argument.
I'm really left with quite a few things
I very much wanted to say.
Save them until after we're married.
I imagine they'll sound better then.
I've saved things to say then, too.
You were really quite sure of yourself,
werert you?
I didn't think I had a chance.
A guy's got a right to dream, hasn't he?
Do you think your father will understand?
I think that Father
will be delighted, frankly.
All right, sir.
- Good morning, Miss Carol.
- Stiles, this is Mr. Haverstock.
- Is Father up yet?
- Yes, miss. He's having breakfast.
Come on.
- Hello, Father.
- What on earth are you doing in London?
Mr. Haverstock brought me back
on the boat.
- You're not ill? You look healthy.
- I'm fine. It's Mr. Haverstock.
I hope you don't mind my barging in.
On the contrary, I'm delighted to see you.
You cover a lot of territory, don't you?
You didn't even wire me.
For that I hope
your trip was uncomfortable.
It wasrt so bad.
The boat was crowded, we couldn't get
any cabins, but we slept on the deck.
Monsieur Krug, how nice to see you again.
But you haven't met
Mr. Haverstock, Monsieur Krug.
Monsieur Krug is a member
of the Baruvian embassy staff.
Sit down, Haverstock. Have breakfast.
I should tidy up, but I'm simply starved.
So you were in Amsterdam
yesterday, Mr. Haverstock.
Poor Van Meer.
His death is a personal loss.
Of all people, why Van Meer?
You can't ask why with assassins.
There's no logic in killing.
We can't spare such men
in a world like ours.
Did you by any chance
meet him, Mr. Haverstock?
- Not formally, but I saw him die.
- Horrible.
As a matter of fact, I chased the man
that shot him, and almost caught him.
Mr. Haverstock is a newspaperman.
That'd be quite a coup...
bringing in your first story
wrapped around an assassin.
I think I shall have to be
getting along now, Mr. Fisher.
Shall we write the peace petition now
or leave it for later?
We may as well do it straightaway,
in the study. Excuse us.
Father, could I speak to you for a moment?
It's terribly important.
This won't take a moment.
Meanwhile, see if you can interest
Mr. Haverstock in some eggs and bacon.
Mr. Fisher. What's that man doing here?
Why, it's Monsieur Krug.
- Van Meer isn't dead.
- I just read...
That was his double that was shot.
Van Meer was kidnapped. I talked to him.
What has Monsieur Krug to do with it?
Remember my description
of the man in the mill?
You mean the sweater. Of course.
That's impossible.
We've known Monsieur Krug...
Krug brought Van Meer here last night.
He's in England. They're hiding him.
- You're positive?
- Of course.
I was as close to Krug as I am to you now.
It'd be terrible if we made a mistake.
But we can't allow him to...
Leave it to me.
I don't want to be inospitable,
but leave my house.
Mr. Haverstock will suggest
that I turn you over to the police.
Mr. Haverstock seems to be
something of a troublemaker.
You said he'd been taken care of
by our agents in Amsterdam.
I thought so, too. I don't understand it.
Unless, perhaps,
Miss Fisher's being with him...
may have caused complications.
It would've been ideal
if she'd been in our confidences.
- Please leave my daughter out of it.
- I beg your pardon.
Most unfortunate, his coming here.
I've never had to cope with this
sort of thing before, thanks to you, Krug.
Someone has to take care
of the sordid details.
This is close to home.
In fact, it is my home.
After all, I'm only a politician. In a sense.
And politicians aren't usually
called upon to...
do away with their guests, are they?
Quiet, boy.
Not in the house. No, sir.
But I have an idea.
- Do you remember Rowley?
- Rowley?
Yes. The little man that used to work
at your father's stables in Austria.
I seem to recall he was present
when a mutual friend of ours...
accidentally fell off
the high bridge at Bern.
He's retired now.
Lives somewhere in Clapham,
here in London.
If Mr. Haverstock could be induced...
to hire him in the capacity
of a private detective.
What for?
You should warn him
that it's very dangerous for him...
to go about London
with the knowledge that he has.
Yes, I see.
You use the English language
with great delicacy.
Thank you, sir.
I shall look Mr. Rowley up at once
and give him his instructions.
You mustrt. It would be too dangerous.
What do we do now, call Scotland Yard?
I thought it best to send
Monsieur Krug away.
You let him get away? Listen...
If what you say is true...
then it's important not to rouse
Krug's suspicions.
- Van Meer will be killed.
- Dead or alive, it's a story.
Johnny, father's right.
- Okay. I'll cable them what I've got.
- I wouldn't, if I were you.
Van Meer's life may depend on
our keeping this quiet a few hours.
Keep it quiet?
A famous diplomat's kidnapped right
under my eyes and I muzzle myself?
I'm sorry, but this is a story
with facts in it.
This is the kind of story I'm here to get,
the kind America's waiting for.
It'll be a bigger story if you can
wait a few hours...
until we find Van Meer and discover
what's behind this curious business.
I know what's behind it.
I don't mean who is behind it.
I mean the why of it.
Would you get me
all my correspondence with Krug?
Do what Father says.
It'll be best for you and Mr. Van Meer.
Okay. I'll wait.
I'm worried about you, Mr. Haverstock.
I'm worried about myself.
I feel weak-minded.
You're right. I don't like you dashing about
without some protection.
- Forget it.
- Lf you're right, you need protection.
I've covered beer mob killings
and race riots...
without even carrying a rabbit's foot.
These people are criminals...
more dangerous than your rumrunners
and house-breakers.
They're fanatics.
They combine a mad love of country
with an equally mad indifference to life...
their own, as well as others'.
They're cunning, unscrupulous
and inspired.
I couldn't face Mr. Powers again
if you didn't live long enough...
to turn in the best story of the year.
I'm gonna be a fine foreign correspondent
hiding in an attic.
I'm not suggesting you hide anywhere.
Just get somebody to protect you.
A nurse? Johnny Jones goes to Europe
and hires a nurse.
That's going to look great
on the expense account.
I know a very efficient detective agency
where we can get just the man.
- Okay. Whatever you say.
- I can arrange it for you.
If you'll feel better, I won't mention it
to anybody.
Mention it. If anyone finds out I've hired
a bodyguard, I'll shoot myself.
If that's Mr. Rowley,
tell him to wait outside.
I've called on Mr. Haverstock.
Will you tell him Mr. Rowley's here.
- Yes. Will you wait here, please?
- Thank you.
- Mr. Haverstock, your cab's here.
- Where are you going?
- To the office, I've got work to do.
- You mustrt go.
I was sent over here at great expense
as a newspaperman, not a refugee.
- How about lunch at the Savoy?
- I'll see you out.
- Johnny, please be careful.
- I'll be all right.
- Mr. Haverstock?
- Is this the man?
Look, who's protecting who?
I ain't lanky, but I'm quick.
You understand what you have to do?
You can trust me to take good care
of Mr. Haverstock.
- Are we going now, sir?
- Take me to my office in Fleet Street...
- and if you're good, to the American Club.
- Right, sir.
You'll keep after this other thing?
When there's any definite news
of our friend, you can break the story.
Why, Carol.
Nothing must happen to him, Father.
I just couldn't...
How do we go, sir?
Should I walk a little behind you,
or beside you, like a friend?
- What's the custom?
- People have different tastes.
When I served the Duke of Albertson,
a democratic sort of gent...
I used to walk alongside of him,
man-to-man like.
I once had a lady who thought
that was disrespectful.
"Three paces behind," she said.
"And don't smoke."
What's good for a duke is good enough
for me. We can be a team.
Thank you. If we want to go to
the American Club, we'd better take a cab.
There's one.
What's the trouble, sir?
Gangsters after you?
Not exactly.
We're not afraid of gangsters here.
Even our police don't carry guns.
- What do they do?
- Biff you over the head with a stick.
It's more healthy-like.
Did you see that?
Someone deliberately pushed me.
That was me. If I'd pulled you back,
you'd have been caught.
- It was push or nothing.
- That's smart work, Mr. Rowley.
- Thank you very much.
- That's what I'm here for.
- American Club.
- Yes, sir.
After you, sir.
I'm not certain, sir...
but I've got an idea two men
took another cab to follow us.
- I don't see anyone suspicious.
- I may have been mistaken...
but I'm almost certain I saw them.
They may have heard where we're going.
Go down Victoria Street,
round past Buckingham Palace.
Right, sir.
We might give them the slip
if we go the long way around.
I'm afraid they're still after us.
Our best plan is to pull around
the corner and change cabs.
Driver, take the first to your left
and pull up.
We're going to walk a bit.
I'll do it, sir. I understand the money.
It'll be quicker.
Thank you, sir.
I think our best plan
is to slip into the cathedral for a bit.
Let's stop this ducking out of sight.
Let them catch up and have a showdown.
No, I wouldn't cause a scene.
Our job is to give them the slip.
All right. Let's go.
Nice bit of architecture, sir.
Do you want to go right in?
I saw on the notice it was a requiem mass.
A mass for the dead.
That sort of thing always depresses me,
praying for the dead.
The dead are all right in their place...
but the music and candles
always give me the creeps.
Just really, sir.
I could be so frightened, sir, I...
How about a trip up top, sir?
That'd really put them off the scent.
Boys, careful there.
- I can't see.
- Here, here.
There you are, my boy!
Look. There it goes. There!
I'll have to buy you another now.
Love a duck!
Careful, boys.
You better be careful, too, sir.
Not yet, boys. Come.
Let's leave. I have a luncheon date
and plenty to do before.
I've got it in mind, don't you worry.
Really, now. Look.
Isn't it won'thwhile coming up here?
There's the Houses of Parliament there.
And there's St. James' Park.
That green patch. Yeah.
Come along, boys.
You must excuse me getting scared
when you leaned over just now, sir.
I was once with a man on a bridge
in Switzerland.
He had a very nasty fall.
Killed him. Stone dead.
Always made me a bit nervous since.
Don't go down just yet, sir.
I'd like you to see St. Paul's.
There it is, just coming out of the mist.
There's the horse guards approaching
Buckingham Palace. See them?
It makes the back of me legs go funny.
Heights always did.
Let's get down again, Eric.
We've just come up.
Why didn't you say so before?
Excuse me. I know just how you feel.
Them as has no head for heights.
Nobody ought not to blame them.
What's it got to do with you?
All right, keep your hair on.
I was only sympathizing with the lady.
- I'm going.
- Wait for the lift.
No stairs for me.
I'm going to take the elevator.
Wait a minute, sir.
You ain't seen the horse guards yet.
You must see the horse guards, sir.
- Where? I don't see anything.
- Why, there they are, sir.
Down the road. Just going towards...
the white building.
No, boys. This way.
There but for the grace of God.
I still don't know what instinct made me
step aside when he came at me.
You need a drink.
I heard the lift coming up, and I turned.
I saw that look in his eyes
as he came toward me.
That split second, the whole thing
flashed through my mind.
All I could think of was Fisher.
Fisher planned this.
Then I guess I just stepped aside
and over he went.
- Over he went all right. You want this?
- No, thanks.
When are you going to send the story
to the gazette?
When I get ready.
There goes another one of my illusions.
I thought you were one of the journalists
nothing could stop.
Floods, smallpox, love:
The story must go on.
It'll go on.
I can understand you not wanting
to drag Miss Fisher into it...
but she's probably in it already.
- The moll of the gang.
- You dirty...
On second thought,
I'm sure she's a fine girl...
upstanding, honest, and a great soul.
I can't send the story over
until Van Meer's safe.
We got to find Van Meer first.
There's our man now, probably.
Mr. Van Meer, come in.
Good morning, Stebbins.
How are you, Haverstock?
Congratulations on your little set-to
with Rowley.
What do you know about Rowley?
Very little ffolliott doesn't hear.
Probably knows about Fisher.
I was onto Fisher a year ago.
The fellow with the high neck sweater,
Krug, he's new to me.
- You're onto him, too?
- I followed him to London.
- I thought you were cold on this story.
- I've been doing some noticing.
Remember that tramp
you found asleep in the mill?
He wasrt a tramp at all.
- Van Meer, I suppose.
- Not quite.
But I notice him do
a strange thing for a tramp.
He dirtied his hands
with some of that nasty Dutch soil.
I can't follow the workings
of these masterminds.
No. Tell him it's ridiculous.
You'd already disappeared,
so I followed Krug...
but found the same old mousetrap.
- You mean Fisher?
- The good, kind...
genial head of the Peace Party,
Herr Fisher.
Hello, Eddy. This is Plunger Stebbins.
I want to place a bet on
Flibbertigibbet in the first race...
What? The race is over?
Okay, I'll call you later.
Any objection to our working
this thing together?
Catch Fisher, find Van Meer?
Fine, but I'd like to know
why they kidnapped Van Meer.
He was one of the signatories
to a certain treaty.
The most important clause
was never written down...
just memorized by the two signatories.
And they'll beat it out of him?
They'll try hard, and we should stop them.
It contains a piece of information
very valuable to the enemy...
in the war that starts tomorrow,
weather permitting.
What? Why didn't somebody
let me in on this? Stebbins, let's get busy.
Plenty of time. Lunch first.
Wait a minute. You might be of help.
I thought up a little plan
for forcing Fisher's hand.
Let's have it.
The neatest thing to do
would be to kidnap Fisher's daughter.
One of his few genuine traces of affection
is for Miss Fisher.
Easy. You're speaking to a man in love.
Good. Gives you a chance to get chummy,
to keep her happy at your side...
while we batter old Papa.
This is my little scheme.
I let Fisher know that his daughter is
in the hands of someone...
who means business just as he does
when he kidnaps people...
- and he'll see things our way.
- Nothing doing.
Arert you a newspaperman?
- That doesn't include kidnapping fiances.
- It would, if your country were at stake.
- This isn't my country.
- It's your story. Don't be gloomy.
She doesn't have to know
what you're doing. Keep her amused.
Why not grab Fisher, have a showdown?
That's no good.
We've got nothing on Fisher.
He'd slip out of it. He has been for years.
We'd merely kill Van Meer.
Darling, are you all right?
Why were you on the tower?
Keeping safe, I thought.
Those assassins followed,
there was a scuffle, and over he went.
They won't stop till they get you.
You must leave London immediately.
The one thing everybody forgets
is that I'm a reporter.
- And there's a war. I can't run from it.
- He can't stay here.
- Tell him how desperate they are.
- Don't stay here, why don't you take him?
I won't go.
Isn't there some maiden aunt
in the country?
- My Aunt Margaret. Let me take you there.
- How about it?
- Stay out of this.
- It's the only sensible thing to do.
May I use your telephone?
Hello, Stiles. Miss Carol speaking.
Please tell Mr. Fisher I'm driving
to my Aunt Margaret's at Harpenden.
- I don't care what you arrange. I won't go.
- I'll be back for dinner. Thank you.
- It's all settled. We'll get you a toothbrush.
- Carol, it's no good.
I wonder if this idea of your aunt
is so good.
Maybe you should go further,
say, Cambridge.
No place is as obscure as Harpenden.
It's not the place, but that Krug
might connect you with it.
- Maybe so. Let's make it Cambridge.
- I'll phone your father so he doesn't worry.
Thank you. Please, Johnny.
That was a break, her coming,
and suggesting they go to the country.
As a matter of fact, old boy...
I suggested it to her on the phone
about half an hour ago.
There hasn't been a sign of anybody
for the last 30 miles.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
At least talk to me.
It's unfair of you to sit and pout...
because I've kidnapped you
from your so-called duties.
You've kidnapped me?
Just remember that.
Please forgive me.
Sure. I don't think kidnapping's anything
to get sore about...
- when the right kidnapper does it. Do you?
- Not at all.
No, Mr. Ffolliott, I'm afraid he's not in yet.
Very well, sir.
- Johnny, you don't love me.
- You're crazy.
- You looked unappy kissing me.
- Never happier in my life.
Wort do. Johnny, what's happened?
I don't know.
They say war's coming tomorrow.
You've changed your philosophy
since yesterday.
There are more important things
than love.
I've got lots to do, important things.
Got to start.
It'll take three hours to get back.
Don't misunderstand me.
I'm so love with you, I'm going mad.
Wort do. I guess it can't be helped.
- You've turned European overnight.
- That's unfair.
I'm just as big a jackass as ever. Bigger.
You're not going back to London to dinner.
You can't run out on your kidnapper.
I mean, you know what I mean.
If you leave, I'll go back to London
and let them bump me off.
- It'll be a relief at that.
- You are moody.
Am I the cause of it?
If you knew how much I loved you,
you'd faint.
There. What'd I tell you?
Come in.
- Mr. Haverstock?
- Yes?
Call from London.
- Have them switch it here.
- The only phone here is in the office.
All right. I'll come down.
Forgive me for a moment, dear.
Just a moment, sir.
- Hello?
- Is that you, Haverstock?
Are you alone? Can you talk?
I can't reach Fisher.
He's been out all afternoon.
You'll have to keep the girl there
much longer than we planned.
I don't know when he'll return.
I've got to catch him alone.
Better keep her there
for the rest of the night.
That's absolutely impossible.
We can't let this thing go now.
I can't very well explain,
but I couldn't pull a thing like that.
There's nothing else to be done.
I'm counting on you.
Are you quite satisfied
with your room, sir?
Not exactly. I mean, yes...
But what I really wanted
was another room as well.
A single room.
Mr. Naysmith, this gentleman wants
another room.
Is it for the lady
and how long do you need it?
She'll only be here just the one night.
- The gentleman has Number 7.
- What about Number 8?
It doesn't really make any difference.
Just a good room, windows and all that.
I understand.
Perhaps the room next to yours
would be best.
It's quite a cozy room, isn't it, Number 8?
- They're all alike to me, sir.
- Eight will do.
Will you bring the lady down
to sign the book, please?
Yes, I'll get her.
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.
Terrible thing, sir, that poor man
who was here this morning.
- Yes, terrible. My bags all packed?
- Yes, sir.
What about Miss Carol's?
Mrs. Stiles packed hers, too. She hopes
she's put in the right things.
It's been a rush, as she's not back yet.
Mr. Ffolliott's waiting in the sitting room.
Another gentleman phoned,
but wouldn't leave his name.
I thought he sounded
like the foreign gentleman at breakfast.
- Did he say he'd telephone again?
- Yes. He said it was urgent.
Well, show Mr. Ffolliott into the study.
- Hello, sir.
- You caught me at a very busy moment.
I'm going to America tomorrow.
Are you taking Carol with you?
Yes, she doesn't know yet.
It's been a rush. I'm waiting for her.
Scott, what's your worry?
Must be important.
Yes, it is rather important.
It's about Carol.
- I'm afraid that...
- What? Anything happen to her?
No, but I don't think you'll be able to
take her with you to America.
Why not?
I know it'll sound rather silly to you,
but Carol's been kidnapped.
- Is this a joke of some sort?
- No, sir.
What do you mean, kidnapped?
I happen to know she's with her aunt
in Harpenden.
I'm afraid she isn't.
Who gave you the message that
Miss Carol's gone to her Aunt Margaret's?
Miss Carol herself, sir.
Thank you.
That's where she thought she was going.
Get me Harpenden, 43422.
Hello. Is that you, Margaret?
Is Carol with you?
No. I wasrt certain.
She said she might run down to see you.
I didn't know whether to expect
her back for dinner.
All right. Good night, Margaret.
No, she isn't there.
What makes you say
she's been kidnapped?
Sir, I arranged it.
Ffolliott, this has gone far enough.
Where is Carol?
Carol's being held as a sort of hostage...
by some people
who are very much in earnest...
as much in earnest as you are.
Don't be so cryptic.
I haven't the faintest idea what you mean.
I want to know
where you're hiding Van Meer.
So that's it. You've been talking
with that American, Haverstock.
He told me something about Van Meer
being alive.
You promised Haverstock
you'd look into it.
Unusual way of looking into it,
trying to put him out of the way.
I realize a life's a small matter,
the way you work.
The people who've got Carol
can take a leaf out of your book.
Where is she? What've you done with her?
Where's Van Meer?
I can get our Dutch friend to talk
if you come along yourself.
Sorry to drag you here, but it's the only
way if you want to leave tomorrow.
When you get here,
ask at the cashier's desk to use the phone.
They'll show you straight up.
I'll drop in as soon as I can.
If you want Carol to go with you,
better tell me where Van Meer is.
Bring her here, I'll give you the address.
Carol can be home in three hours.
I want that address now.
You can have it as soon as Carol's home.
I can't possibly wait three hours.
Besides, I happen to want Van Meer alive.
- Scott, I delivered him all right.
- Good.
I think I'll be getting along.
Thanks very much for those points.
Can I take them now?
Good night, Carol.
This isn't like you.
What is it that upsets you so?
I know I'm being silly.
I'm behaving perfectly stupidly.
Please forgive me.
I wouldn't mind so much...
but I didn't think
he was that sort of person.
Something to do with young Haverstock?
You like him very much.
After what happened,
I drove him to the country...
to get him away from those people.
I thought you were going
to Aunt Margaret's.
We were, but Scott ffolliott...
thought it would be better
to go further away.
So I thought The College Arms
at Cambridge would be a good place.
When we got there,
I found out that he wanted...
You see, we'd been joking about it.
When I heard him book the extra room,
I knew he meant it.
Cheap trick. That's what hurts.
It was so cheap.
It wasrt at all like I thought it was.
What difference does it make,
I don't care if I ever see him again.
You won't have to. We're going
to America tomorrow by clipper.
Tomorrow? But I can't.
I suppose I can, but why tomorrow?
They'll probably declare war tomorrow.
We have to get to Washington.
The boats will be crowded.
We may have to wait two weeks
for passage.
- But what about Mr. Van Meer?
- We've done all we could.
I was at the foreign office.
They're taking the whole thing over.
- What is it?
- The blackout. I have to draw the blinds.
I forgot. Before you do that,
order me a taxi.
Yes, sir.
There are some people I must see
before we leave.
I shouldn't be long.
Mrs. Stiles has done your packing.
We'll drive to Southampton,
stay overnight at the Southwestern.
Stiles, my hat.
Goodbye, darling.
I'll return as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, you and Stiles load the car
and get something to eat.
- But what about you?
- I'll get a sandwich later.
at the top of Tottenam Court Road.
Wait here until Haverstock turns up.
He's bound to come here.
When he does, bring him to
off of Tottenam Court Road.
Be careful.
Might I use your telephone?
This way, sir.
- Where is he?
- In there.
We can't make him say anything.
It's up to you.
Let's go. Is this place safe?
There'll be no interruptions.
We close it for decorations.
- The people downstairs?
- They won't make trouble.
They know what will happen
to their relatives if they do.
It's an attractive nest, I know,
and the music...
- It serves its purpose.
- Yes.
Pardon me.
Put your arm around him.
Hold his head forward.
These lights, can't you cut them down?
I thank you.
I thank you very much.
You're like my friend Mr. Fisher.
I'm sorry. It's just so dark...
I can't tell...
but you are so like my friend.
I am Fisher, Mr. Van Meer.
I am your friend.
I'm so glad.
Are the police here?
They mustrt get away.
You mustrt let these people go.
I represent Jupiter Life Insurance.
Would you like a small policy?
- Why did you bring him up here?
- I didn't know what to do.
I'd gladly relieve the lady
of this embarrassment.
You know how women are with firearms,
no sense of timing.
I'll just sit here. You carry on with
what you were doing.
Don't mind me.
I sometimes sit like this for hours.
Who's that?
Is it the police?
Tell me where I am.
You are in London, Mr. Van Meer.
In London?
Have I been here long?
You must send a telegram to my wife.
Tell her that I am safe with you.
Please try to understand, Mr. Van Meer.
The police are not here.
I am here merely to talk to you.
But these people...
They think I'm working with them.
They don't know that I'm your friend.
We must play a little game.
A little game?
Yes. They've asked me
to get you to tell me...
what they're trying to find out.
But I can't do that.
You know that I can't.
You can tell me.
Just that one clause in the treaty.
Clause 27.
Clause 27. Come, Mr. Van Meer.
That's the secret clause.
I know it, Clause 27.
But they, they mustrt know it.
It would help them if they make war.
War, Fisher.
- You don't want them helped, do you?
- Of course not.
Just let them see you telling it to me.
That'll be enough.
Let them see you whisper it to me.
I'll promise to keep it safe.
He's not your friend, Mr. Van Meer.
Don't tell him.
Who's that?
Someone just said you werert my friend.
Why didn't you bring the police?
Why aren't you taking me away from here?
You are not to take me away.
Where are you?
Help me.
That's it.
I see now.
There's no help. No help...
for the whole poor suffering world.
You cry peace, Fisher.
Peace. And there was no peace.
Only war and death.
You're a liar, Fisher.
A cruel liar.
You can do what you want with me.
That's not important.
But you'll never conquer them, Fisher.
Little people everywhere...
who give crumbs to birds.
Lie to them.
Drive them, whip them...
force them into war.
When the beasts like you...
will devour each other...
then the world...
will belong to the little people.
We're wasting valuable time.
All right. I will tell you...
I will tell everything.
Come on, Mr. Fisher.
In the event of invasion by an enemy...
Why, it's only a restaurant.
Look! Come on!
This way. Down the back stairs.
Follow me.
They must've gone the other way.
Look after him.
You're a blithering idiot
if you don't nab Fisher...
before he boards that plane.
How can we arrest him
without any evidence?
You're obstinate.
Isn't Van Meer proof enough?
No, and you ought to know it.
What proof is there against
Fisher personally?
Of all the conceited, stupid numbskull...
Stop behaving like a boy scout
and let us handle this.
Ask McKenna to come in.
Go see Dr. Boniface.
He's very good for nerves.
- Identification of Van Meer complete?
- Yes.
He's unconscious, but there's no doubt
it's Van Meer.
You'd better get back.
Take somebody along to get a statement
when he comes to.
Meanwhile, keep an eye
on that flying boat...
await instructions from us.
What's the good of being related
to Scotland Yard?
- My fool brother won't do anything.
- Scotland Yard can't solve my problems.
- Everyone's in on it but me.
- You're in it, too.
We've got to watch that plane.
While we're driving...
- ring Mayfair 24574.
- Let me write that.
Mayfair 24574. That's my cousin.
He's the director of the airline.
Tell him we need two seats
on tomorrow's clipper to America.
Then go to Hilton Nursing Home
and stick by Van Meer.
Then phone Miss Edith Armbruster,
Kensington 66255.
Tell her I'm off to America.
Will she dine with me next Monday
instead of tomorrow?
- Sure.
- Then call up Stevens at the Post.
Tell him I'm off to America.
Cable New York,
tell them I'm off to America.
Ring up the Crescent Dancing Academy
and cancel my rumba lesson.
Two ham sandwiches on rye bread.
- There's no use in my waiting around.
- It's hard to say how soon he'll recover.
It may be some hours before he can speak.
I don't know much about this,
but my friend's on the clipper.
If Van Meer speaks,
they'll send word to the plane.
Did you hear the wireless?
War is declared! Read all about it.
War declared! It's war with Germany!
I found that picture.
- Steward, bring me one of those, please.
- Yes, sir.
- Any message for me?
- What name?
- Is there a message for me?
- I'll be with you in a minute.
- This one's for me.
- Yes, sir.
Lovely, isn't it?
Sort of makes you forget
all about the war and troubles.
It would be nice if we could keep flying,
live in the clouds.
Yes, it would be very nice.
It's time for me to make a landing,
a forced landing.
What's the matter? Anything happen?
I've got to talk to you.
I don't want to, but I've got to.
The hardest part is talking to you now.
I don't mind about the rest.
- It's about Krug and Van Meer.
- You've guessed.
Not till last night. I've been worried...
but I believed in you.
You shouldn't.
It's true, then, what I wouldn't believe?
Yes. I'm to be arrested when we land...
as a spy, shipped back to London.
It's quite all right, except,
just the one phase of it. You.
That's why I've got to talk to you.
I should like for you to see a little
from my point of view...
it might help you afterwards.
First about yourself, my deceiving you.
I didn't want you involved in any part
because you're English...
half-English anyway. I'm not.
I'm just coated with an English accent.
A thin coat.
I fought for my country in my heart
in a very difficult way.
Sometimes it's harder to fight
dishonorably than nobly in the open.
I used my country's methods
because I was born with them.
I don't intend on making this plea
to the court-martial.
I'm making it only to my daughter
whom I loved dearly...
and before whom I feel a little ashamed.
What you say to me now
means more to me than any verdict.
My dear...
Steward, this is not for me.
It was a mistake.
I'm not sitting 14 hours
playing hide-and-seek with her.
I'm going to talk to her.
It can't do any harm,
now that he knows we're aboard.
- Not a word in front of her, understand?
- I wouldn't dream of talking.
- What will you say to her?
- I don't know. I'm all mixed up.
I love her, and I'm going to help
hang her father.
I've got to say something. I'll go crazy.
Have some brandy. You'll feel better.
You know it always makes me cry harder.
- Surprised?
- What are you doing here?
Having myself a ride.
Carol, I've got to speak to you alone.
It's very important.
- Do you mind, Mr. Fisher?
- Ffolliott's with you, isn't he?
In a way, yes.
You're both after my father.
You're having him arrested
when we land, aren't you?
I don't know what you mean.
I never arrested anyone in my life.
That's a lie. You've followed him
from the beginning.
That's why you wanted me
out of the way at the inn...
pretended you loved me so you could...
It's a lie, that's all.
Everything you've said to me
have been lies.
- Quite a reunion, isn't it?
- You, too?
Please. Have a drink, Scott. I'll be back.
- Where are you going?
- To stretch my legs.
I read that wire you received.
It was given to me by mistake.
That's all right, sir.
You're not going unless I go with you.
I know you both think
my father is a traitor and a renegade.
He isn't. Not to me.
Thank you.
A minority report, but very welcome.
Carol, I've got nothing to do with spies.
I'm just a reporter here after a story.
I'm sorry I ever heard of Van Meer.
I'd blow up the Globe, cut Powers' throat
rather than harm you.
What is it?
They've gone crazy. What are they doing?
Who are they? What is it?
Call Bob. Tell him we're being attacked.
Sorry about this, ffolliott.
It has nothing to do with me.
We're coming down.
You're the most cool-headed woman
I've ever seen.
Make Father wear this.
Here you are. Put these on.
Come out, sir.
They're all going nuts in there.
I'll be out immediately.
What am I going to say?
This isn't like bad weather.
Tell them it's a mistake,
that it's target practice.
I know it's funny for me to ask you
to be calm.
We're doing the best we can.
Get back.
Are we all going to drown?
Keep away from that window, sir.
It might be dangerous. Sit back.
I'm not going to put this on.
I've never heard of anything so stupid.
I'll see the British Consul as soon as l...
She's gone.
What in the name of heaven
are they doing?
Switch off the gas.
You've got the other board motor.
- They cut off the other starboard motor.
- Right.
It's the Germans. They're sorry.
They thought we were a bomber.
She'll rescue us straight-away.
The wings are off.
- Let me get out!
- Come away from that door.
We can't just stay here.
When she hits the water,
the tail's the best place.
Come on.
No good staying on here,
she's going under. Quick, onto the wing.
Look, there's the pilot.
- Don't let him on, you fools!
- Shut your mouth!
I'm throwing that swine off.
He's right. It won't hold us.
I'd better slip away.
I'll move to the other end.
That might make it lighter here.
He's gone!
Johnny, don't go! You'll be washed away!
Johnny, come back!
Must be the enemy coming to pick us up.
Is it the enemy?
We're all right. She's American.
American ship picked us up
and is taking us back to London.
I can't tell you what happened.
I'll wire from London in a few days. Bye.
It's awkward, I just spoke to the captain.
He insists on acting the true blue neutral.
"Enemy waters," he says. Not a line
to the press from his ship.
Can't send out any stories?
We can use the phone
for private messages.
"Hello, Aunt Effie,
safe aboard the Mohican.
"Feeling tiptop."
Two days before we get to London,
we get scooped on our own story.
- You have a crack at brass buttons.
- Even if he says okay...
what good will it do me?
My hands are tied.
- What are you talking about?
- Carol.
I came 4,000 miles to get a story.
I get shot at...
I got pushed off buildings.
I get the story, then I got to shut up.
I'm sincere. I'm not throwing her father
up for grabs.
He died like a hero to save her
and the rest of us.
I'm talking through my hat.
The whole point is, he was her father.
I won't play Judas to the only girl...
I'm very glad you said that.
- You all dry and everything?
- I'm all right.
Send the whole story.
- We'll talk about that later.
- Please.
You can't help me by protecting my father.
I'm in love with you.
I can't hit you with a scandal
for a wedding present.
My father fought for his country his way.
It wasrt a straight way,
but it was a hard way.
And I've got to fight for my country
a hard way.
Okay, if that's the way you feel.
That's for me.
I put in a call to my uncle, Uncle Powers.
Johnny Jones is calling from the Mohican.
What's he doing there?
Johnny wouldn't call if it wasrt a story.
Hold the presses. Send Bradley in here.
Tell him we're breaking up Page 1.
- Hello.
- Hello, Mr. Powers. This is Johnny Jones.
Here comes the captain.
Mr. Powers, keep your ear glued
to this phone and don't hang up.
- Mr. Haverstock, I want to talk with you.
- Yes, sir.
- I just found out you're a newspaperman.
- That's right.
Why didn't you tell me
when I questioned you?
- You lied to me.
- My dear Captain...
when you're shot down
in a British plane by a German destroyer...
Latitude 45...
have been hanging
on a half-submerged wing for hours...
waiting to drown
with other stricken human beings...
you're liable to forget
you're a newspaperman.
You'll have to forget it
for as long as you're on this ship.
I can't understand your attitude, sir.
You performed a heroic rescue,
Captain John Martin.
- You took us out of the sea.
- You're not sending a thing from this ship.
You're right, Captain.
We mustrt embarrass
the United States government.
Exactly. That's my point.
That's the story I've got. I won't print it.
I think you ought to hear it first.
That's only fair, Captain.
You know who headed that movement
in London?
Mr. Stephen Fisher.
The man who ran
the Universal Peace Party?
- Why, that's preposterous.
- Yes.
The Mr. Fisher who was drowned
a few hours ago.
His peace party was a cover-up
for spies and traitors.
He was going to be arrested and deported.
- Those are facts.
- I can't believe it. He was a friend of mine.
He engineered the kidnapping
of Van Meer, the Dutch diplomat.
- Nobody would believe that.
- It's the truth.
- I refuse...
- Dear Captain, wait a minute.
This young lady should know
whether it's the truth or not.
Yes, I ought to know.
Mr. Fisher was my father.
And I want the story printed.
- What's that?
- I guess that's my uncle.
Hello, Uncle. How are you?
How's Aunt Sadie? I'm all right, thanks.
We had a little accident.
I can't tell you about it now.
I'll write to you.
I'm going back to Europe.
I was just wondering
if you had any instructions for me.
Yes. Keep on the job.
Have you got all that down?
Rush it out at once.
This is London.
We have as a guest tonight
a soldier of the press...
one of the army of historians...
writing history from beside
the cannors mouth...
Foreign correspondent
of the New York Globe...
Huntley Haverstock.
Hello, America.
I've been watching a part of the world
being blown to pieces.
A part of the world
as nice as Vermont, Ohio...
Virginia, and California, and Illinois...
lies ripped up and bleeding
like a steer in a slaughterhouse.
I've seen things that make the history of
savages read like Pollyanna legends.
- We'll have to postpone the broadcast.
- Let's go on as long as we can.
Madam, we have a shelter downstairs.
- How about it, Carol?
- They're listening in America, Johnny.
Okay. We'll tell them, then.
I can't read the rest of my speech
because the lights went out...
so I'll have to talk off the cuff.
That noise you hear isn't static.
It's death coming to London.
You can hear the bombs
falling on the streets and the homes.
Don't tune me out. Hang on.
This is a big story. You're part of it.
It's too late to do anything here
except stand in the dark, let them come.
It's as if the lights were out everywhere
except in America.
Keep those lights burning.
Cover them with steel,
ring them with guns...
build a canopy of battleships
and bombing planes around them.
Hello, America, hang onto your lights.
They're the only lights left in the world.