Forever Young (1992) Movie Script
Coming through angels, 19!
Take it easy, Viper One.|Don 't push it.
Throttling back. 18,5.
RPM's 2500.
Airspeed. . . . Airspeed needle stuck.
But we're still in the green. 17,5.
Sir, l know what you will say, but|if anyone can land it, McCormick can.
-Danny here?|-ln the plane.
It's sticking! We're in a dive.
lt's 12,5 and she's purring.
Bring it back, Viper One.
Serious fluttering.
Controls are resisting.|Full nose-up trim!
Slip it in, Viper One!|Come on, slip it in!
lt's too much!
Pull her back!
Oh, brother!
Oh, brother!
That's it!
lf she has a warranty, l'll take her!
Doesn't seem to need that.
Don't be married to these|Pratt & Whitneys.
Plane needs classic engines.|Have it ready tonight.
Did you see that?
What, Danny? See what?
McCormick. Three ''c''s.
-The damnedest thing happened up there.|-Dizzy?
-Feel lightheaded?|-No.
l had a heart attack.
-Didn't it look good?|-Queasiness?
l thought you were in hiding|until you finished your thing.
-Blackout?|-No blackouts.
-Don't work for the airline, okay?|-Thought l wouldn't pull up?
-lt crossed my mind.|-lt crossed mine too.
Headache? Chest pain?
No. l was close enough|to see your license plate.
All of a sudden, in the midst|of it all, l saw Helen.
You had a vision?
No, no vomit. l'm talking to my friend.|We can do Q and A later.
Anything you say. Nice landing.
l thought, ''She's coming home tonight.|Pull up! '' l hit the ground!
l'm hungry! Want some ribs?
-l'm here because it worked.|-lt worked?
Rough around the edges, but it worked!
That's incredible!
No one can know, okay?
Of course.
-We can tell Helen.|-Helen can know, but nobody else.
lt's really sort of incredible. lt is.
-Where is he?|-Back at the lab.
-We'll celebrate!|-Great!
l'm driving.
Sure, okay.
Better be okay.
Who is that?
l'm sorry l'm so late.
-What time is it?|-Almost 2.
l was going to go to my place.
But l wanted to see you.|l hope you don't mind.
l kind of do.|Would you leave, please?
You taste like champagne.
Harry and l got a bit drunk.
A celebration?
Kind of.
You're hungry.
l know.
So, what were you celebrating?
Let me guess.
Harry's 400th consecutive hour|in the laboratory.
Close, but no cigar.
How is it?
l've been eating dust for 4 days!
What were you celebrating?
Why wasn't l invited?
We would've, if you were here.
Harry froze a chicken.
Big deal. So has my butcher.
l bet your butcher's never brought|the chicken back to life again.
He what?
l swear! l saw the chicken|walking around. Harry's a genius!
Which he proclaimed after|the second bottle of champagne.
So, what, this is some big government|chicken conspiracy or something?
Don't take this lightly.|You can't tell anyone.
Just my mother.
Helen, no, you can't.
-l was kidding.|-Promise me.
Yeah. l promise.
l promise.
-Not even under torture?|-Not even under torture.
Not even under|incredibly painful torture?
This is a matter of national security.|l'm sorry, but l must tickle you.
-l'm not kidding.|-l need to know.
-l'll scream!|-lt's for your own good!
Not the knees!
I'm living in a kind of daydream
I'm happy as a queen
And foolish though it may seem
To me, that's everything
The mere idea of you
-Got it!|-Good catch!
When the man on second base|touches him with the ball, he's out.
But why is he running?
Let's start again.
Here we go.
This kid keeps staring at me.
He likes you.
Folks? Everybody?
We have an announcement|we'd like to make. Next year. . .
. . .Blanche celebrates|her first Mother's Day.
Congratulations, Blanche.
l'd have told you but we weren't sure.
A toast! A toast! To Harry Junior!
To Harriet!
Look, it's 1939 already....
You usually get my thoughts before l do|so you probably know what l'll say.
Helen. . .
. . .will you marry me?
l've been thinking. . . .
Danny, guess what?
-Colliers wants the pictures.|-No kidding?
But it's a rush thing.|They need the pictures by Thursday.
l must have them ready tomorrow.
Which means l have to get to work.|l have to go!
Want some pie?
We just had pie.
Not blueberry.
-How can you be hungry?|-l don't know.
lsn't that the darndest thing?
Some blueberry pie.
You don't want some?|Just one.
What's going on?
What's going on? Nothing.
l just want you to|sit here with me while l eat.
l'll eat fast.
You're trying to break bad news to me,|right? You're testing a rocket?
Where do you cook this stuff up?|There's no rocket.
Thank you.
l have to go.
Okay, l know.
Call me later, okay?
Are you sure you got to go?
Are you sure you're okay?
What is it?
Let's never leave this booth.
-You're acting nuts.|-l am?
More than usual.
l'll see you later.
What're you still doing here?|Get out.
l almost did it.
l just couldn't get the words|past my throat.
Well, you inspired me.|Tell me something:
When you asked Blanche--
Really? On her head?
And she still said yes?
Just a sec, Frank.
You must go outside.
Come on, Danny.
Goddamn it, Danny,|will you open the door?
Hi, Harry.
After 2 weeks, they said she wouldn't|wake up. That was 6 months ago.
Doctors can be wrong.
l talked to Dr. Morrison. . .
. . .and Kelvin and Hastings. . .
. . .and Collins.|They all say the same thing.
She said, ''l'll see you later. ''
That was the last thing she said.|''l'll see you later. ''
They're moving her|to a chronic care facility. . .
. . .in Santa Rosa.
lt's a better place, l think.
The doctors all agree|nothing can be done.
We used to play out|by the lighthouse when we were kids.
And she'd say we'd grow old together. . .
. . .in that great house down the road.
l don't have one single memory|without her.
Nothing was real until she knew.
Did you hear Charlie|was canned from my project?
They found gin in his locker.
He tried to deny it, but he was so|sozzled he just passed out.
Six days before the test|and now he's out.
His timing was always beautiful.
What test?
What test?
My project.
My secret project.
l was going to freeze a human.
lf you can call Charlie a human.
How long?
A year.
See, the beautiful thing about Charlie|is, he had no life.
What better way to iron out the kinks?
I can 't watch her die.
l want to sleep for a year.
-You've been through a lot.|-l've thought it through.
l've been in the service 12 years.|l'm healthy.
l've got no family, nowhere to go.
l know tests. l know experiments.|lt's my job.
l'm perfect.
You know that.
l don't even know if|this thing'll work for a year.
Let me do it, please.|l can't think anymore.
l can't.
Until she. . . .
Until it's over.
You said doctors can be wrong.|That's true.
lf she gets better. . .
. . .wake me up.
-Bring the internal to 20.|-21.
Cancel pulse.
Barometer is seven.
-Do we have that?|-Copy.
Reduce pressure.
How's the heart rate?
Looking good.
Hit the valve.
Needle at 6.
We're in the black.
Record date and time.
All right, this is it.
This is history.
Got the dentist tomorrow?
Any good?
-You're good company.|-She said, yawning.
-l'm not.|-You were about to.
Sorry about dinner.|l just tend to burn things.
No, it wasn't really burned.
Just, you know, well-done.
lt was significantly,|dramatically well-done.
We'll do it again.
Anytime. l know the maitre d' .
See you at the hospital, okay?
Air show this weekend, right?
You can invite John if you want.
We'll see.
What's this?
lt's parking.
l thought we were going home.
Chill out, freak!|l got to drop something off.
Unlike you, l have responsibilities.
But Mom said to take us home. Directly.
That's a real nice story, Felix.
But Mom and Dad are in Vegas|and l'm not.
You move from this car,|and l swear to God. . .
. . .one day l'll put a|poisonous snake in your bed.
l don't think we can work|within that time frame.
We'll have to postpone construction|another week.
And that's at the least.|We're sorting through a lot of stuff.
l can keep you updated.
Oh, man!
Check it out!
Race you to the end?
Hurry, we got 10 seconds left.
Hurry! 10, 9. . .
. . .8, 7. . . .
l'm burning up!
lt burns! lt burns!
You all right?
l've got my guys on it around the clock.
What can l do for you?
Give this to Samuels.|He's out front in the trailer.
Thank you.
Roger. Computers one, two, three.|Ready.
Activating the turbopower speed booster.
Prepare for radioactive energy.
Okay. How low are we?
-The needle says 65.|-47!
Ready to raise the periscope?
Ready to raise periscope.
A leak! Emergency!
What now?
Tighten the oxygen.
Oh, my God!
lt's cold.
-He's cold too.|-Think he's dead?
Get me out of this thing!
We went in and this metal thing opened|with a dead guy inside!
Just shut up!
l swear! He was really cold|and he grabbed me and took my jacket!
You know, if l was cold,|l'd take your jacket also.
Shut up! You're both pathetic!
Shut up!|Look, l am the boss in this car.
Me! l am!
And the boss says, shut up!
This isn't just the finest excuse you've|ever come up with for losing a jacket?
lt'd be a great excuse, but it's the|truth. This frozen guy was there!
l saw him too.|And l was there and l saw him!
l'm sure this gentleman's|in there for a reason.
Finish your peas.
l. . .
. . .would like. . .
. . .Richmond 3. . .
. . .4. . .
. . .2. . .
. . .please.
Excuse me?
Richmond 3-4-2.
Please. l'd like. . .
. . .to speak. . .
. . .to Harry Finley.
Harry Finley, please.
Sir, you're missing 2 digits.|You need 7 digits, you only gave me 5.
Oh, brother!
There's no one here by that name.
Then l need to talk|to someone else in charge.
Sir, l'm sorry,|but l can't let you in here. No way.
l know how l must look to you, okay?
Believe me, l wouldn't let me in here|either, if l was you.
l must ask you to leave the premises.
My name is Captain Daniel McCormick.
Serial number 2-4-1. . .
. . .9-8-8-5-3-9.
l know your name too.
Now, you look like a nice kid.
But if you don't get your supervisor|out here now to talk to me. . .
. . .l will make sure you pull guard duty|for the rest of your military career!
Have you got that? Have you got that?
You say it was registered as|Project B, which stands for Buford?
Yes, that was the name of the. . .
. . .chicken.
That Finley first tested?
That's correct.
You woke up last night in the warehouse|that we're tearing down?
l know it sounds crazy, but. . . .
A little.
Who was your supervising officer?
Boyle. Major David E. Boyle.
l went where Harry used to live.|Now it's a place called Ralph's there.
l see.
We don't keep records that far back. . .
. . .but our scientists|would be fascinated.
-This is classified information?|-Right, Harry told no one.
Not even his employees knew.
Just Harry and l.|And l told one other person, but. . . .
She's dead.
l'll call security.
Can l have a cigarette?
l got something here|l think you should do something about.
l think you should probably meet.
He says he was in a metal capsule|in our warehouse for many years.
Come over with some men. Pronto!
Because l think it's going to be. . .
. . .maybe a. . . .
lt's going to be. . . .
Sam? Hold on one sec.
Cancel it, Sam.
l'm not lying!
You're lying.
l swear. He said he'd never seen|so many cavities in one mouth.
He wanted to send a sample|of my saliva to a university.
Your saliva!
Give it to me.
Nat Cooper?
lt's the dead guy!
The dead guy!
Give me that! Give me that bat!
l won't kill you.
l'm not going to kill you, okay?|l won't kill you.
l just want to know|how l got this jacket.
All right.
All right!
We went to the warehouse|with Felix's brother, Steven.
And we were playing in there.
And we saw that metal thing|and thought it was a submarine.
And we opened it up somehow|and you were inside.
There were no guards?
No doctors?
No, sir.
Just junk.
Hello, l was looking for a gentleman|named Harry Finley.
He used to live in this area.
l thought you might be related to him.
Thanks anyway, ma'am.|Thanks. Goodbye.
Do you fellas do this a lot? Mess with|classified military experiments?
No, sir. This is the first time.
My name's Nat. This is Felix.
What's yours?
You want me to steal you some clothes|from Dad's closet?
Hello, sir.
Excuse me.
He said, ''Leave a message,''|then squealed.
Hi, this is Nat. l'm looking for a guy|named Harry Finley.
lf you know where to find him,|please call me at 555-2368.
Thank you.
Answering machine.
l'm talking to a machine. What the heck|happened to the last 50 years?
l use this for my history.|l got a B minus.
lt goes fast. . .
. . .like this, or go slow.|Zoom in. Look at that.
Hold it!
What do you do, anyway?|Like for a job?
What's your job?
Test pilot.
-He's a pilot!|-We found a pilot!
l'm in the library on a Saturday.|She'll think l'm a geek.
She's in here too.
Oh, yeah.
Look, just go talk to her.
Just do it.
Hey, Alice. . .
. . .nice dress.
Looks like wallpaper.
Good wallpaper.
No problem.
Bitchin' nail polish.
Looks like blood.
How's your summer going?
Fine, so far.
l'm just here doing some reading.|Little Women.
lt's good!
l had a huge bike accident.
Thrashed my bike. Thrashed.|Totally thrashed.
l got a big cut too.
Going to be a big scab.
But l won't pick.
That's cool.
Well, l got to go.
See you.
l'm a geek.
You must write the National Personnel|Center, they deal with military records.
They got a form. Takes like six weeks.
This is urgent.|l need to find this man today.
lt's a matter of life and death for me.
Who? Harry who?
Finley. Harry Finley.
That'd make him pretty old.
Yeah, l guess it would.
All right.
l have a friend. He works|at a locator service in San Antonio.
Let me see what he can do.|lt might take a few days.
lt's okay.
lf you call me here tomorrow after 12,|that's when l get in.
Ask for me, Debbie.
l put my home number on there too.|Just in case.
You can stay here more than one night|if you need to.
Peanut butter, jelly and banana.
-Told you!|-Good.
-This is to catch up more in history.|-l got it for my birthday.
You'll break it open. Don't do that.
Pull it off like that.
Put the straw in that hole like that.
Drink box.
No sweat.
Mrs. Watson's here.
My mom.
l figured.
You like my tree house?
Cool! See you.
Stop it, Fred!
Stop it! Stop it!
l want to talk!
Say, fella!
All right!
Take a walk and cool off.|All right? Go on.
Come on.
l was walking past|and l heard you scream.
You okay?
You're shaking like a leaf.|Sit down.
So am l.
You okay?
This is yours?
lt must have been his,|but l'm sure he'd want you to have it.
You're bleeding.
That's just blood.
Let me clean it up.
That's just a scratch.
That's not a scratch, it's a gash.|l'm a nurse.
l know a gash when l see one.|Sit down.
l think you may have just saved my life.
l've known assholes in my time,|but this guy. . .
. . .this guy could give lessons.
This will sting.
You see. . .
. . .Fred is a drunk, which is|the least of his problems.
He's got no spine and no decency.
He's a punk and l knew it|the day l met him.
l know what you're thinking.
l haven't gone out with him. . .
. . .in two years. Over that!
Every once in a while he comes back. . .
. . .like those storms in Japan.
You know, those violent ones|that destroy the villages?
Well, that's Fred.
Did you tell me your name?
l knew a Danny once.
Worse than Fred.
Well, maybe not.
What do you do. . .
. . .besides patrolling neighborhoods|looking for signs of domestic problems?
l'm an Air Corps test pilot.
And in your off-time. . .
. . .you save lives?
That's it.
My name's Claire.|ln case you were curious.
''A scout never shirks|or grumbles at hardship. ''
What the hell is ''shirks''?
Hey, guys.
l'd like you to meet someone.
This is my son, Nat, and Felix.
This is Daniel.
You guys okay?
Daniel's a pilot.
-Cool!|-You're kidding!
You found your jacket.
Still think you saw a frozen guy?
Excuse me.
What are you doing here?
A jerk showed up. l helped your mom get|rid of him. Don't worry, l'm leaving.
Wait, the couch is totally comfy.
Or my room. The ceiling's|a glow-in-the-dark universe.
Your mother won't let a stranger|stay in the house.
Want to bet?
The toothpaste is in the mirror|and there's a new toothbrush there.
Nat, would you get him a pillow, please?
For hot water, turn the faucet to 4|o'clock and then when it gets warm. . .
. . .turn it to 9 and then back to 11.|Sort of like a safe.
lt's awfully kind of you|to let me stay here.
l figure if you wanted to kill me,|you would have let Fred do it.
Besides, you've got an honest smile.
Some are born with great legs.|The rest of us must work at it.
I used to do aerobics till I dropped,|then I found Thighmaster.
Great legs!
Every single time|you squeeze Thighmaster...
... you strengthen and tone.
So it's easy to squeeze your way|to shapely hips and thighs.
lt's called television.
l know. l saw it at|the World's Fair in '39.
Get up. That guy called back.
He said he knows a Harry Finley.|Lives an hour from here.
What time is it?
-l got to go.|-Wait!
We're going to the Wings of Freedom.
The air show. lt's near your friend.
How was it?
You're one of the kindest people|l've ever met.
You haven't seen my temper.
Yeah, you haven't seen that.
l must meet an old friend.|Thanks, but l got to run.
You sure?|l'm a hell of a defroster.
No. l'm late as it is.
Come to the air show.|lt's so cool.
He said he had to go.
Goodbye, and thanks again.
And good luck.
You too.
l guess that's that.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks again.
May l help you?
That's right.
l'm sorry, sir.|You're not the. . . .
Are you okay?
You got a ticket?
You must buy a ticket over there.|12 dollars.
-Can we look inside?|-Sure, go ahead.
Hi, Debbie.|This is Daniel, from yesterday.
l was hoping you heard something.
Couldn't you rush it?
lt's just that--
Sure, l'll try again later.
Quit following me, okay?
Hi, Claire.
Find anyone to rescue?
l'm told. . .
. . .that l listen exceptionally well.
lf you want to talk.
You ever feel lost?
l invented it. lt's mine.
My buddy was supposed to be here|when l woke up.
He used to live here.
Now l can't find him.|l know that sounds desperate. . .
. . .but he's all l have left.
You could always go home.
l lost someone close to me,|that's why l left.
That's why l've got|no money or clothes. . .
. . .or a place to stay.|l just left.
Where l'd end up wasn't on my mind.
Everything okay?
Daniel, this is John.|John, this is Daniel.
Pleased to meet you.
Daniel will be staying with us|for a couple days.
Till he finds his friend.
lt's good to know you, Daniel.
Hi, this is Debbie.
Leave a message, I'll call you back.
Hi, Debbie. This is Daniel McCormick.
l'm staying at 555-2368.
l'd appreciate it, if you|hear anything, to call me here.
Thanks again for everything.
Making dinner?
l got to do something.
Maybe tomorrow,|if you don't find your friend. . .
. . .you can teach me to fly.
-That might be tough.|-How come?
To begin with. . .
. . .l don't have a flight jacket.
And secondly. . .
. . .l have no plane.
My father left when l was one.
Thought you'd want to know.
l don't think that's|any of my business.
He hasn't talked to us since.
Can l help out?
Chop up this onion.
-Not the fingers, okay?|-l know, don't worry.
Anyway, this guy. . .
. . .is covered in blood. Covered!
His heart is stopped.
They must open him up.|No time for procedure.
So they open him up|and l had to massage his heart.
l actually held his heart|and pumped it for him.
And there's a horrible accident|on the 5, with other injuries.
This guy, whose heart l'm pumping. . .
. . .his eyes open.
He looks at me and|looks at his heart and says:
''You're holding my heart. ''
What'd you say?
''Yes, l am. ''
The anesthesiologist almost fainted.
That was a couple weeks ago.
Today, when l got into work. . .
. . .he sent me chocolates|in a heart-shaped box.
-lsn't that a good story?|-Great.
This is great.
The scary thing is. . .
. . .all this was in my cupboard, lurking.
Thank you very much|for taking the boys to that.
We have a date!
Am l early?
l was trying out Daniel's cooking.|lt's good.
Yeah. Want some?
l'll just be a sec.
Hi, guys.
You're a doctor?
That's right.
l understand you're a pilot?
That's right.
Doctor, pilot!
You all right?
l've got a waterfall in my closet.
Nat, get the spaghetti pot.
Heck, that's a leak!
lt's just a hole in the roof.
We could do this another night.
-Have you got hammers, nails, shingles?|-l have a hammer.
Anything l can do?
l can go to the hardware store tomorrow|if it's still there. . .
. . .fix this in a jiffy.
Go to dinner, you two.|Get out of here.
Go on. You'll be late.
The roof will be on Fred.
Nine o'clock.
Thank you. l'm starving!
Have fun!
We're not talking about spare parts.
-How do you explain yourself?|-Bad judgment call.
If this becomes a media circus,|you're responsible.
l'm sure it will not come to that.
l am right on top of it, sir.
Can l help you?
l'd like to sit here for a moment|if that's all right.
Can l ask you something?
Remember that girl in the library?
That girl in the library. Alice?
She's really cool.
Plus she's really pretty.
What's your question?
Felix says l should make her jealous. . .
. . .like his brother does with girls.
Aren't you a little young to be. . . .
Think about other stuff.
l'm ten!
l really like her.
lf l were you. . .
. . .l'd put her out of my mind.
Just forget about her.
Trust me.
You okay?
Thanks for risking your life|to save my underwear.
l just lost my balance up there today.
You sure you don't want to talk to John?|He's a good doctor.
He seems like a nice guy.
He is a nice guy. Nicest guy l know.
This one's great. You like her?
Who doesn't like Billie Holiday?
You don't have to put that on.
Nat's asleep.
The girls at work just gave me|this CD player for my birthday.
l think the old records|sound better somehow, don't you?
There's an EQ thing, but l can never|figure out which button.
She's incredible, isn't she?
l know what it feels like.
l'm sorry.
l know.
l'm going to work.
Nat, wake up!
l was wrong.
Before, about Alice.|l told you to forget about it.
What about her?
You know how you want|to know what you should do?
You must tell her.
The next time you see her,|the very next time. . .
. . .when your heart pounds and you're|nervous--
You know what l mean?
Just let go.
What do you mean?
Let go. Tell her how you feel.
lt's hard, but you got to do it!
You know that stuff you told me?
Tell that stuff to her.
Open your heart. Sing to her!
Tell her everything.
Sing to her. The sooner the better.
Because. . .
. . .you might not get another chance.
You follow?
Good. lt's late.
Good. Go to sleep.
l just wanted to tell you l was wrong.
l thought that you should know.
Good night.
lt's me.
Why are you here?
You are my sunshine|My only sunshine
You make me happy|When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear|How much I love you
Please don 't take my sunshine away
ls this a prank?
No, sir, this is very serious.
Sorry to disturb you. l'm Nat Cooper.|l'm in love with your daughter.
l see her in class every day|and l just really like her a lot.
And that's the truth.
Go home.
-But, sir!|-Good night.
This is Cameron.
They found what?
You're leaving?
l got this for you.
Falcon Control, magnetos on.
Now prime the engines. . .
. . .for a few seconds,|so fuel gets to the engines.
Set your brakes.
Don't say, ''right,'' say, ''check. ''|''Right'' gets confusing.
Starter engine on.|Okay, oil pressure's coming up.
Mixture's still rich.|Give it a little throttle.
We're rolling. Check flight controls.
Make sure they're free and correct.
Set flaps for takeoff.
Just a quarter.
Throttle on.
All the way.
Now we're moving. Back pressure.|More back pressure.
-lncreasing.|-Yes. Okay, we're climbing.
We're up!
Lift gear. Gear up.
Flaps up.
Okay, we're flying.
Come back to the middle.
-Where's the airport?|-Over there.
Let's go back there.
Smooth now. Smooth.
We lost the right engine!
Feather props, cut mixture.
Get ready to lean on the rudder.|We must find a place to land.
There! A field.
A field, okay. Looks okay to me.|Stay calm now.
Maintain optimum glide speed.|Slowly pull your power back.
And get in a notch of these flaps.|Just a notch!
Okay. Will we make it?
Gear down.
Gear down. Check.
Airspeed, 135 miles per hour.
Full flaps.
Watch the horizon.
Pull back. Not too much!|You'll flare up.
Just watch the horizon.
Watch out for the tree!
And the cows. And the potholes!
Step on the brakes.
Slowly! Too much! Slowly.
lf you can land a B-25. . .
. . .you can do anything.
Thanks a lot.
No, thank you for the jacket.
You're welcome.
This tree house gets your back.
Sure you won't stay?
What's happening?!
-Blood pressure?|-90 over 60. Pulse is 112.
What is it?
l don't know.
Oh, God!
l'm not making this up.
-McCormick in Emergency--|-McCormick? lt's the FBl.
This guy's in trouble.
l'm confused.|Look at those indices.
What kind of blood activity is that?
Dr. Cameron, Lieutenant Colonel Wilcox.
How are you?
You okay?
Yes, l'm just not the best flier.
l hear you have some good news.
Yes, sir. Some very good news.
Quit following me!
Oh, brother!
l'm still here, huh?
You. . .
. . .look. . .
. . .terrible.
Yeah, but not bad|for a guy my age, right?
lt's not possible.
Claire, l was born in 1907.
l know.
l felt the same|when Harry told me the idea.
Harry Finley?
You know him?
A woman left a message.|l thought it was a wrong number.
lt's still on the machine.
Maybe he was exposed|to some form of radiation.
He's got what looks like|a form of progeria.
l've never seen this.|He is aging!
-Will he live?|-l don't know.
-We must get him out.|-The FBl is coming!
l know!
Stall them. Please?
John, trust me.
Jump in.
-Who are those guys?|-FBl.
-l can walk.|-Just shut up and look sick.
-There's something you should know.|-We're in a hurry.
McCormick has been moved.
Open the door.
He's in the west wing.|Follow this corridor to the end.
Room 144.
l'm okay, Claire. l'm all right.
What the hell is going on here?
Hello, l'm looking for a man|named Harry Finley.
He was a scientist.
His wife's name was Blanche.|He was from Chicago.
Do you know him?
That's my father.
ls he home?
l'm sorry, but my father is dead.
He lived here for a few months. . .
. . .but he died before l was born.
You must mean another man.
l was his best friend.
Susan Finley's address is|14 Cypress Pond Road.
Her father found the problem 2|months after McCormick volunteered.
Finley died in a chemical fire|trying to save his friend.
Operations claimed McCormick was killed|as well. No investigation.
The project was forgotten,|when the war started.
You're telling me McCormick|was misplaced for 50 years?
lt seems so. lnventory says|the capsule was a water heater.
My God!
Here they are.
That's them, all right.
Here. These might help.
We should go back to the hospital.|l'm sure they can help.
That's her, isn't it?
ls that your child?
We were never married.
That's me in the picture. l was two.
That's impossible.
She died before you were born.
Helen's alive.
-That's where we grew up.|-l know.
-When did she move there?|-7 years ago.
After her husband died.
She was married?
Come on!
l can't thank you enough.
Put the car in drive!
-Are we going as fast as we can?|-l'm trying!
This car won't make it.
l need a plane.
Hold on.
All right!
Holy cow! You drive like me!
Hold on!
-You must pay!|-Dropping off a pilot!
Stay here.
Remove the wheel blocks,|l'll never ask you another favor.
You're holding my heart.
Just get out of the way!
Excuse me. Watch it! Excuse me!
Look, he hasn't seen this woman|in 50 years!
Hasn't he been through enough?
You'll get your plane back.|Just leave him alone!
-We won't hurt him.|-Then why do you want him?
A cup of coffee? A chat?
Excuse me.
Walk this way, please.
Do you know how far|the next star system is?
. . .without this kind of technology.
We're decades behind|where Finley got in 1939.
Daniel's the only link|between Finley's work and my own.
That's not true.
Everything you ever wanted to know|about freezing someone.
Oh, my God!
What're you doing?
You forgot your jacket.
Put your belt on.
Can we at least talk to them?|On the radio?
They're not transmitting.
We have the craft on radar.
l'm going to see the capsule.|Call Dr. Reese and have him come here.
l also want everything|that the hospital did on McCormick.
And the plane?
When it lands,|take Mrs. Cooper to her son.
Thank you.
There's the old house.
lncrease back pressure.
Check! lncrease back pressure!
Don't die!
Turn right.
Gear down.
Gear down!
Okay. Now we're going to land this|together.
Okay! All right!
Full flaps!
Check! Full flaps!
Watch the horizon!
Watch the horizon!|Watch the horizon! Oh, crap!
Hold it!
Pull back!
You okay?
So are you going to marry me or what?
Take it easy, Viper One.|Don 't push it.
Throttling back. 18,5.
RPM's 2500.
Airspeed. . . . Airspeed needle stuck.
But we're still in the green. 17,5.
Sir, l know what you will say, but|if anyone can land it, McCormick can.
-Danny here?|-ln the plane.
It's sticking! We're in a dive.
lt's 12,5 and she's purring.
Bring it back, Viper One.
Serious fluttering.
Controls are resisting.|Full nose-up trim!
Slip it in, Viper One!|Come on, slip it in!
lt's too much!
Pull her back!
Oh, brother!
Oh, brother!
That's it!
lf she has a warranty, l'll take her!
Doesn't seem to need that.
Don't be married to these|Pratt & Whitneys.
Plane needs classic engines.|Have it ready tonight.
Did you see that?
What, Danny? See what?
McCormick. Three ''c''s.
-The damnedest thing happened up there.|-Dizzy?
-Feel lightheaded?|-No.
l had a heart attack.
-Didn't it look good?|-Queasiness?
l thought you were in hiding|until you finished your thing.
-Blackout?|-No blackouts.
-Don't work for the airline, okay?|-Thought l wouldn't pull up?
-lt crossed my mind.|-lt crossed mine too.
Headache? Chest pain?
No. l was close enough|to see your license plate.
All of a sudden, in the midst|of it all, l saw Helen.
You had a vision?
No, no vomit. l'm talking to my friend.|We can do Q and A later.
Anything you say. Nice landing.
l thought, ''She's coming home tonight.|Pull up! '' l hit the ground!
l'm hungry! Want some ribs?
-l'm here because it worked.|-lt worked?
Rough around the edges, but it worked!
That's incredible!
No one can know, okay?
Of course.
-We can tell Helen.|-Helen can know, but nobody else.
lt's really sort of incredible. lt is.
-Where is he?|-Back at the lab.
-We'll celebrate!|-Great!
l'm driving.
Sure, okay.
Better be okay.
Who is that?
l'm sorry l'm so late.
-What time is it?|-Almost 2.
l was going to go to my place.
But l wanted to see you.|l hope you don't mind.
l kind of do.|Would you leave, please?
You taste like champagne.
Harry and l got a bit drunk.
A celebration?
Kind of.
You're hungry.
l know.
So, what were you celebrating?
Let me guess.
Harry's 400th consecutive hour|in the laboratory.
Close, but no cigar.
How is it?
l've been eating dust for 4 days!
What were you celebrating?
Why wasn't l invited?
We would've, if you were here.
Harry froze a chicken.
Big deal. So has my butcher.
l bet your butcher's never brought|the chicken back to life again.
He what?
l swear! l saw the chicken|walking around. Harry's a genius!
Which he proclaimed after|the second bottle of champagne.
So, what, this is some big government|chicken conspiracy or something?
Don't take this lightly.|You can't tell anyone.
Just my mother.
Helen, no, you can't.
-l was kidding.|-Promise me.
Yeah. l promise.
l promise.
-Not even under torture?|-Not even under torture.
Not even under|incredibly painful torture?
This is a matter of national security.|l'm sorry, but l must tickle you.
-l'm not kidding.|-l need to know.
-l'll scream!|-lt's for your own good!
Not the knees!
I'm living in a kind of daydream
I'm happy as a queen
And foolish though it may seem
To me, that's everything
The mere idea of you
-Got it!|-Good catch!
When the man on second base|touches him with the ball, he's out.
But why is he running?
Let's start again.
Here we go.
This kid keeps staring at me.
He likes you.
Folks? Everybody?
We have an announcement|we'd like to make. Next year. . .
. . .Blanche celebrates|her first Mother's Day.
Congratulations, Blanche.
l'd have told you but we weren't sure.
A toast! A toast! To Harry Junior!
To Harriet!
Look, it's 1939 already....
You usually get my thoughts before l do|so you probably know what l'll say.
Helen. . .
. . .will you marry me?
l've been thinking. . . .
Danny, guess what?
-Colliers wants the pictures.|-No kidding?
But it's a rush thing.|They need the pictures by Thursday.
l must have them ready tomorrow.
Which means l have to get to work.|l have to go!
Want some pie?
We just had pie.
Not blueberry.
-How can you be hungry?|-l don't know.
lsn't that the darndest thing?
Some blueberry pie.
You don't want some?|Just one.
What's going on?
What's going on? Nothing.
l just want you to|sit here with me while l eat.
l'll eat fast.
You're trying to break bad news to me,|right? You're testing a rocket?
Where do you cook this stuff up?|There's no rocket.
Thank you.
l have to go.
Okay, l know.
Call me later, okay?
Are you sure you got to go?
Are you sure you're okay?
What is it?
Let's never leave this booth.
-You're acting nuts.|-l am?
More than usual.
l'll see you later.
What're you still doing here?|Get out.
l almost did it.
l just couldn't get the words|past my throat.
Well, you inspired me.|Tell me something:
When you asked Blanche--
Really? On her head?
And she still said yes?
Just a sec, Frank.
You must go outside.
Come on, Danny.
Goddamn it, Danny,|will you open the door?
Hi, Harry.
After 2 weeks, they said she wouldn't|wake up. That was 6 months ago.
Doctors can be wrong.
l talked to Dr. Morrison. . .
. . .and Kelvin and Hastings. . .
. . .and Collins.|They all say the same thing.
She said, ''l'll see you later. ''
That was the last thing she said.|''l'll see you later. ''
They're moving her|to a chronic care facility. . .
. . .in Santa Rosa.
lt's a better place, l think.
The doctors all agree|nothing can be done.
We used to play out|by the lighthouse when we were kids.
And she'd say we'd grow old together. . .
. . .in that great house down the road.
l don't have one single memory|without her.
Nothing was real until she knew.
Did you hear Charlie|was canned from my project?
They found gin in his locker.
He tried to deny it, but he was so|sozzled he just passed out.
Six days before the test|and now he's out.
His timing was always beautiful.
What test?
What test?
My project.
My secret project.
l was going to freeze a human.
lf you can call Charlie a human.
How long?
A year.
See, the beautiful thing about Charlie|is, he had no life.
What better way to iron out the kinks?
I can 't watch her die.
l want to sleep for a year.
-You've been through a lot.|-l've thought it through.
l've been in the service 12 years.|l'm healthy.
l've got no family, nowhere to go.
l know tests. l know experiments.|lt's my job.
l'm perfect.
You know that.
l don't even know if|this thing'll work for a year.
Let me do it, please.|l can't think anymore.
l can't.
Until she. . . .
Until it's over.
You said doctors can be wrong.|That's true.
lf she gets better. . .
. . .wake me up.
-Bring the internal to 20.|-21.
Cancel pulse.
Barometer is seven.
-Do we have that?|-Copy.
Reduce pressure.
How's the heart rate?
Looking good.
Hit the valve.
Needle at 6.
We're in the black.
Record date and time.
All right, this is it.
This is history.
Got the dentist tomorrow?
Any good?
-You're good company.|-She said, yawning.
-l'm not.|-You were about to.
Sorry about dinner.|l just tend to burn things.
No, it wasn't really burned.
Just, you know, well-done.
lt was significantly,|dramatically well-done.
We'll do it again.
Anytime. l know the maitre d' .
See you at the hospital, okay?
Air show this weekend, right?
You can invite John if you want.
We'll see.
What's this?
lt's parking.
l thought we were going home.
Chill out, freak!|l got to drop something off.
Unlike you, l have responsibilities.
But Mom said to take us home. Directly.
That's a real nice story, Felix.
But Mom and Dad are in Vegas|and l'm not.
You move from this car,|and l swear to God. . .
. . .one day l'll put a|poisonous snake in your bed.
l don't think we can work|within that time frame.
We'll have to postpone construction|another week.
And that's at the least.|We're sorting through a lot of stuff.
l can keep you updated.
Oh, man!
Check it out!
Race you to the end?
Hurry, we got 10 seconds left.
Hurry! 10, 9. . .
. . .8, 7. . . .
l'm burning up!
lt burns! lt burns!
You all right?
l've got my guys on it around the clock.
What can l do for you?
Give this to Samuels.|He's out front in the trailer.
Thank you.
Roger. Computers one, two, three.|Ready.
Activating the turbopower speed booster.
Prepare for radioactive energy.
Okay. How low are we?
-The needle says 65.|-47!
Ready to raise the periscope?
Ready to raise periscope.
A leak! Emergency!
What now?
Tighten the oxygen.
Oh, my God!
lt's cold.
-He's cold too.|-Think he's dead?
Get me out of this thing!
We went in and this metal thing opened|with a dead guy inside!
Just shut up!
l swear! He was really cold|and he grabbed me and took my jacket!
You know, if l was cold,|l'd take your jacket also.
Shut up! You're both pathetic!
Shut up!|Look, l am the boss in this car.
Me! l am!
And the boss says, shut up!
This isn't just the finest excuse you've|ever come up with for losing a jacket?
lt'd be a great excuse, but it's the|truth. This frozen guy was there!
l saw him too.|And l was there and l saw him!
l'm sure this gentleman's|in there for a reason.
Finish your peas.
l. . .
. . .would like. . .
. . .Richmond 3. . .
. . .4. . .
. . .2. . .
. . .please.
Excuse me?
Richmond 3-4-2.
Please. l'd like. . .
. . .to speak. . .
. . .to Harry Finley.
Harry Finley, please.
Sir, you're missing 2 digits.|You need 7 digits, you only gave me 5.
Oh, brother!
There's no one here by that name.
Then l need to talk|to someone else in charge.
Sir, l'm sorry,|but l can't let you in here. No way.
l know how l must look to you, okay?
Believe me, l wouldn't let me in here|either, if l was you.
l must ask you to leave the premises.
My name is Captain Daniel McCormick.
Serial number 2-4-1. . .
. . .9-8-8-5-3-9.
l know your name too.
Now, you look like a nice kid.
But if you don't get your supervisor|out here now to talk to me. . .
. . .l will make sure you pull guard duty|for the rest of your military career!
Have you got that? Have you got that?
You say it was registered as|Project B, which stands for Buford?
Yes, that was the name of the. . .
. . .chicken.
That Finley first tested?
That's correct.
You woke up last night in the warehouse|that we're tearing down?
l know it sounds crazy, but. . . .
A little.
Who was your supervising officer?
Boyle. Major David E. Boyle.
l went where Harry used to live.|Now it's a place called Ralph's there.
l see.
We don't keep records that far back. . .
. . .but our scientists|would be fascinated.
-This is classified information?|-Right, Harry told no one.
Not even his employees knew.
Just Harry and l.|And l told one other person, but. . . .
She's dead.
l'll call security.
Can l have a cigarette?
l got something here|l think you should do something about.
l think you should probably meet.
He says he was in a metal capsule|in our warehouse for many years.
Come over with some men. Pronto!
Because l think it's going to be. . .
. . .maybe a. . . .
lt's going to be. . . .
Sam? Hold on one sec.
Cancel it, Sam.
l'm not lying!
You're lying.
l swear. He said he'd never seen|so many cavities in one mouth.
He wanted to send a sample|of my saliva to a university.
Your saliva!
Give it to me.
Nat Cooper?
lt's the dead guy!
The dead guy!
Give me that! Give me that bat!
l won't kill you.
l'm not going to kill you, okay?|l won't kill you.
l just want to know|how l got this jacket.
All right.
All right!
We went to the warehouse|with Felix's brother, Steven.
And we were playing in there.
And we saw that metal thing|and thought it was a submarine.
And we opened it up somehow|and you were inside.
There were no guards?
No doctors?
No, sir.
Just junk.
Hello, l was looking for a gentleman|named Harry Finley.
He used to live in this area.
l thought you might be related to him.
Thanks anyway, ma'am.|Thanks. Goodbye.
Do you fellas do this a lot? Mess with|classified military experiments?
No, sir. This is the first time.
My name's Nat. This is Felix.
What's yours?
You want me to steal you some clothes|from Dad's closet?
Hello, sir.
Excuse me.
He said, ''Leave a message,''|then squealed.
Hi, this is Nat. l'm looking for a guy|named Harry Finley.
lf you know where to find him,|please call me at 555-2368.
Thank you.
Answering machine.
l'm talking to a machine. What the heck|happened to the last 50 years?
l use this for my history.|l got a B minus.
lt goes fast. . .
. . .like this, or go slow.|Zoom in. Look at that.
Hold it!
What do you do, anyway?|Like for a job?
What's your job?
Test pilot.
-He's a pilot!|-We found a pilot!
l'm in the library on a Saturday.|She'll think l'm a geek.
She's in here too.
Oh, yeah.
Look, just go talk to her.
Just do it.
Hey, Alice. . .
. . .nice dress.
Looks like wallpaper.
Good wallpaper.
No problem.
Bitchin' nail polish.
Looks like blood.
How's your summer going?
Fine, so far.
l'm just here doing some reading.|Little Women.
lt's good!
l had a huge bike accident.
Thrashed my bike. Thrashed.|Totally thrashed.
l got a big cut too.
Going to be a big scab.
But l won't pick.
That's cool.
Well, l got to go.
See you.
l'm a geek.
You must write the National Personnel|Center, they deal with military records.
They got a form. Takes like six weeks.
This is urgent.|l need to find this man today.
lt's a matter of life and death for me.
Who? Harry who?
Finley. Harry Finley.
That'd make him pretty old.
Yeah, l guess it would.
All right.
l have a friend. He works|at a locator service in San Antonio.
Let me see what he can do.|lt might take a few days.
lt's okay.
lf you call me here tomorrow after 12,|that's when l get in.
Ask for me, Debbie.
l put my home number on there too.|Just in case.
You can stay here more than one night|if you need to.
Peanut butter, jelly and banana.
-Told you!|-Good.
-This is to catch up more in history.|-l got it for my birthday.
You'll break it open. Don't do that.
Pull it off like that.
Put the straw in that hole like that.
Drink box.
No sweat.
Mrs. Watson's here.
My mom.
l figured.
You like my tree house?
Cool! See you.
Stop it, Fred!
Stop it! Stop it!
l want to talk!
Say, fella!
All right!
Take a walk and cool off.|All right? Go on.
Come on.
l was walking past|and l heard you scream.
You okay?
You're shaking like a leaf.|Sit down.
So am l.
You okay?
This is yours?
lt must have been his,|but l'm sure he'd want you to have it.
You're bleeding.
That's just blood.
Let me clean it up.
That's just a scratch.
That's not a scratch, it's a gash.|l'm a nurse.
l know a gash when l see one.|Sit down.
l think you may have just saved my life.
l've known assholes in my time,|but this guy. . .
. . .this guy could give lessons.
This will sting.
You see. . .
. . .Fred is a drunk, which is|the least of his problems.
He's got no spine and no decency.
He's a punk and l knew it|the day l met him.
l know what you're thinking.
l haven't gone out with him. . .
. . .in two years. Over that!
Every once in a while he comes back. . .
. . .like those storms in Japan.
You know, those violent ones|that destroy the villages?
Well, that's Fred.
Did you tell me your name?
l knew a Danny once.
Worse than Fred.
Well, maybe not.
What do you do. . .
. . .besides patrolling neighborhoods|looking for signs of domestic problems?
l'm an Air Corps test pilot.
And in your off-time. . .
. . .you save lives?
That's it.
My name's Claire.|ln case you were curious.
''A scout never shirks|or grumbles at hardship. ''
What the hell is ''shirks''?
Hey, guys.
l'd like you to meet someone.
This is my son, Nat, and Felix.
This is Daniel.
You guys okay?
Daniel's a pilot.
-Cool!|-You're kidding!
You found your jacket.
Still think you saw a frozen guy?
Excuse me.
What are you doing here?
A jerk showed up. l helped your mom get|rid of him. Don't worry, l'm leaving.
Wait, the couch is totally comfy.
Or my room. The ceiling's|a glow-in-the-dark universe.
Your mother won't let a stranger|stay in the house.
Want to bet?
The toothpaste is in the mirror|and there's a new toothbrush there.
Nat, would you get him a pillow, please?
For hot water, turn the faucet to 4|o'clock and then when it gets warm. . .
. . .turn it to 9 and then back to 11.|Sort of like a safe.
lt's awfully kind of you|to let me stay here.
l figure if you wanted to kill me,|you would have let Fred do it.
Besides, you've got an honest smile.
Some are born with great legs.|The rest of us must work at it.
I used to do aerobics till I dropped,|then I found Thighmaster.
Great legs!
Every single time|you squeeze Thighmaster...
... you strengthen and tone.
So it's easy to squeeze your way|to shapely hips and thighs.
lt's called television.
l know. l saw it at|the World's Fair in '39.
Get up. That guy called back.
He said he knows a Harry Finley.|Lives an hour from here.
What time is it?
-l got to go.|-Wait!
We're going to the Wings of Freedom.
The air show. lt's near your friend.
How was it?
You're one of the kindest people|l've ever met.
You haven't seen my temper.
Yeah, you haven't seen that.
l must meet an old friend.|Thanks, but l got to run.
You sure?|l'm a hell of a defroster.
No. l'm late as it is.
Come to the air show.|lt's so cool.
He said he had to go.
Goodbye, and thanks again.
And good luck.
You too.
l guess that's that.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks again.
May l help you?
That's right.
l'm sorry, sir.|You're not the. . . .
Are you okay?
You got a ticket?
You must buy a ticket over there.|12 dollars.
-Can we look inside?|-Sure, go ahead.
Hi, Debbie.|This is Daniel, from yesterday.
l was hoping you heard something.
Couldn't you rush it?
lt's just that--
Sure, l'll try again later.
Quit following me, okay?
Hi, Claire.
Find anyone to rescue?
l'm told. . .
. . .that l listen exceptionally well.
lf you want to talk.
You ever feel lost?
l invented it. lt's mine.
My buddy was supposed to be here|when l woke up.
He used to live here.
Now l can't find him.|l know that sounds desperate. . .
. . .but he's all l have left.
You could always go home.
l lost someone close to me,|that's why l left.
That's why l've got|no money or clothes. . .
. . .or a place to stay.|l just left.
Where l'd end up wasn't on my mind.
Everything okay?
Daniel, this is John.|John, this is Daniel.
Pleased to meet you.
Daniel will be staying with us|for a couple days.
Till he finds his friend.
lt's good to know you, Daniel.
Hi, this is Debbie.
Leave a message, I'll call you back.
Hi, Debbie. This is Daniel McCormick.
l'm staying at 555-2368.
l'd appreciate it, if you|hear anything, to call me here.
Thanks again for everything.
Making dinner?
l got to do something.
Maybe tomorrow,|if you don't find your friend. . .
. . .you can teach me to fly.
-That might be tough.|-How come?
To begin with. . .
. . .l don't have a flight jacket.
And secondly. . .
. . .l have no plane.
My father left when l was one.
Thought you'd want to know.
l don't think that's|any of my business.
He hasn't talked to us since.
Can l help out?
Chop up this onion.
-Not the fingers, okay?|-l know, don't worry.
Anyway, this guy. . .
. . .is covered in blood. Covered!
His heart is stopped.
They must open him up.|No time for procedure.
So they open him up|and l had to massage his heart.
l actually held his heart|and pumped it for him.
And there's a horrible accident|on the 5, with other injuries.
This guy, whose heart l'm pumping. . .
. . .his eyes open.
He looks at me and|looks at his heart and says:
''You're holding my heart. ''
What'd you say?
''Yes, l am. ''
The anesthesiologist almost fainted.
That was a couple weeks ago.
Today, when l got into work. . .
. . .he sent me chocolates|in a heart-shaped box.
-lsn't that a good story?|-Great.
This is great.
The scary thing is. . .
. . .all this was in my cupboard, lurking.
Thank you very much|for taking the boys to that.
We have a date!
Am l early?
l was trying out Daniel's cooking.|lt's good.
Yeah. Want some?
l'll just be a sec.
Hi, guys.
You're a doctor?
That's right.
l understand you're a pilot?
That's right.
Doctor, pilot!
You all right?
l've got a waterfall in my closet.
Nat, get the spaghetti pot.
Heck, that's a leak!
lt's just a hole in the roof.
We could do this another night.
-Have you got hammers, nails, shingles?|-l have a hammer.
Anything l can do?
l can go to the hardware store tomorrow|if it's still there. . .
. . .fix this in a jiffy.
Go to dinner, you two.|Get out of here.
Go on. You'll be late.
The roof will be on Fred.
Nine o'clock.
Thank you. l'm starving!
Have fun!
We're not talking about spare parts.
-How do you explain yourself?|-Bad judgment call.
If this becomes a media circus,|you're responsible.
l'm sure it will not come to that.
l am right on top of it, sir.
Can l help you?
l'd like to sit here for a moment|if that's all right.
Can l ask you something?
Remember that girl in the library?
That girl in the library. Alice?
She's really cool.
Plus she's really pretty.
What's your question?
Felix says l should make her jealous. . .
. . .like his brother does with girls.
Aren't you a little young to be. . . .
Think about other stuff.
l'm ten!
l really like her.
lf l were you. . .
. . .l'd put her out of my mind.
Just forget about her.
Trust me.
You okay?
Thanks for risking your life|to save my underwear.
l just lost my balance up there today.
You sure you don't want to talk to John?|He's a good doctor.
He seems like a nice guy.
He is a nice guy. Nicest guy l know.
This one's great. You like her?
Who doesn't like Billie Holiday?
You don't have to put that on.
Nat's asleep.
The girls at work just gave me|this CD player for my birthday.
l think the old records|sound better somehow, don't you?
There's an EQ thing, but l can never|figure out which button.
She's incredible, isn't she?
l know what it feels like.
l'm sorry.
l know.
l'm going to work.
Nat, wake up!
l was wrong.
Before, about Alice.|l told you to forget about it.
What about her?
You know how you want|to know what you should do?
You must tell her.
The next time you see her,|the very next time. . .
. . .when your heart pounds and you're|nervous--
You know what l mean?
Just let go.
What do you mean?
Let go. Tell her how you feel.
lt's hard, but you got to do it!
You know that stuff you told me?
Tell that stuff to her.
Open your heart. Sing to her!
Tell her everything.
Sing to her. The sooner the better.
Because. . .
. . .you might not get another chance.
You follow?
Good. lt's late.
Good. Go to sleep.
l just wanted to tell you l was wrong.
l thought that you should know.
Good night.
lt's me.
Why are you here?
You are my sunshine|My only sunshine
You make me happy|When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear|How much I love you
Please don 't take my sunshine away
ls this a prank?
No, sir, this is very serious.
Sorry to disturb you. l'm Nat Cooper.|l'm in love with your daughter.
l see her in class every day|and l just really like her a lot.
And that's the truth.
Go home.
-But, sir!|-Good night.
This is Cameron.
They found what?
You're leaving?
l got this for you.
Falcon Control, magnetos on.
Now prime the engines. . .
. . .for a few seconds,|so fuel gets to the engines.
Set your brakes.
Don't say, ''right,'' say, ''check. ''|''Right'' gets confusing.
Starter engine on.|Okay, oil pressure's coming up.
Mixture's still rich.|Give it a little throttle.
We're rolling. Check flight controls.
Make sure they're free and correct.
Set flaps for takeoff.
Just a quarter.
Throttle on.
All the way.
Now we're moving. Back pressure.|More back pressure.
-lncreasing.|-Yes. Okay, we're climbing.
We're up!
Lift gear. Gear up.
Flaps up.
Okay, we're flying.
Come back to the middle.
-Where's the airport?|-Over there.
Let's go back there.
Smooth now. Smooth.
We lost the right engine!
Feather props, cut mixture.
Get ready to lean on the rudder.|We must find a place to land.
There! A field.
A field, okay. Looks okay to me.|Stay calm now.
Maintain optimum glide speed.|Slowly pull your power back.
And get in a notch of these flaps.|Just a notch!
Okay. Will we make it?
Gear down.
Gear down. Check.
Airspeed, 135 miles per hour.
Full flaps.
Watch the horizon.
Pull back. Not too much!|You'll flare up.
Just watch the horizon.
Watch out for the tree!
And the cows. And the potholes!
Step on the brakes.
Slowly! Too much! Slowly.
lf you can land a B-25. . .
. . .you can do anything.
Thanks a lot.
No, thank you for the jacket.
You're welcome.
This tree house gets your back.
Sure you won't stay?
What's happening?!
-Blood pressure?|-90 over 60. Pulse is 112.
What is it?
l don't know.
Oh, God!
l'm not making this up.
-McCormick in Emergency--|-McCormick? lt's the FBl.
This guy's in trouble.
l'm confused.|Look at those indices.
What kind of blood activity is that?
Dr. Cameron, Lieutenant Colonel Wilcox.
How are you?
You okay?
Yes, l'm just not the best flier.
l hear you have some good news.
Yes, sir. Some very good news.
Quit following me!
Oh, brother!
l'm still here, huh?
You. . .
. . .look. . .
. . .terrible.
Yeah, but not bad|for a guy my age, right?
lt's not possible.
Claire, l was born in 1907.
l know.
l felt the same|when Harry told me the idea.
Harry Finley?
You know him?
A woman left a message.|l thought it was a wrong number.
lt's still on the machine.
Maybe he was exposed|to some form of radiation.
He's got what looks like|a form of progeria.
l've never seen this.|He is aging!
-Will he live?|-l don't know.
-We must get him out.|-The FBl is coming!
l know!
Stall them. Please?
John, trust me.
Jump in.
-Who are those guys?|-FBl.
-l can walk.|-Just shut up and look sick.
-There's something you should know.|-We're in a hurry.
McCormick has been moved.
Open the door.
He's in the west wing.|Follow this corridor to the end.
Room 144.
l'm okay, Claire. l'm all right.
What the hell is going on here?
Hello, l'm looking for a man|named Harry Finley.
He was a scientist.
His wife's name was Blanche.|He was from Chicago.
Do you know him?
That's my father.
ls he home?
l'm sorry, but my father is dead.
He lived here for a few months. . .
. . .but he died before l was born.
You must mean another man.
l was his best friend.
Susan Finley's address is|14 Cypress Pond Road.
Her father found the problem 2|months after McCormick volunteered.
Finley died in a chemical fire|trying to save his friend.
Operations claimed McCormick was killed|as well. No investigation.
The project was forgotten,|when the war started.
You're telling me McCormick|was misplaced for 50 years?
lt seems so. lnventory says|the capsule was a water heater.
My God!
Here they are.
That's them, all right.
Here. These might help.
We should go back to the hospital.|l'm sure they can help.
That's her, isn't it?
ls that your child?
We were never married.
That's me in the picture. l was two.
That's impossible.
She died before you were born.
Helen's alive.
-That's where we grew up.|-l know.
-When did she move there?|-7 years ago.
After her husband died.
She was married?
Come on!
l can't thank you enough.
Put the car in drive!
-Are we going as fast as we can?|-l'm trying!
This car won't make it.
l need a plane.
Hold on.
All right!
Holy cow! You drive like me!
Hold on!
-You must pay!|-Dropping off a pilot!
Stay here.
Remove the wheel blocks,|l'll never ask you another favor.
You're holding my heart.
Just get out of the way!
Excuse me. Watch it! Excuse me!
Look, he hasn't seen this woman|in 50 years!
Hasn't he been through enough?
You'll get your plane back.|Just leave him alone!
-We won't hurt him.|-Then why do you want him?
A cup of coffee? A chat?
Excuse me.
Walk this way, please.
Do you know how far|the next star system is?
. . .without this kind of technology.
We're decades behind|where Finley got in 1939.
Daniel's the only link|between Finley's work and my own.
That's not true.
Everything you ever wanted to know|about freezing someone.
Oh, my God!
What're you doing?
You forgot your jacket.
Put your belt on.
Can we at least talk to them?|On the radio?
They're not transmitting.
We have the craft on radar.
l'm going to see the capsule.|Call Dr. Reese and have him come here.
l also want everything|that the hospital did on McCormick.
And the plane?
When it lands,|take Mrs. Cooper to her son.
Thank you.
There's the old house.
lncrease back pressure.
Check! lncrease back pressure!
Don't die!
Turn right.
Gear down.
Gear down!
Okay. Now we're going to land this|together.
Okay! All right!
Full flaps!
Check! Full flaps!
Watch the horizon!
Watch the horizon!|Watch the horizon! Oh, crap!
Hold it!
Pull back!
You okay?
So are you going to marry me or what?