Four in the Morning (1965) Movie Script
(eerie music)
- How old do you think, sarge?
- 24, 25.
- Got it, grab this.
(soft music)
- Good night.
- Good night.
- How's my honey, ready to set shop?
- You're honey's going home as soon as
she's changed her clothes.
- I'll come and help you.
- Any rings?
- No rings.
- Earrings?
- Nope.
- Right, well, cover it up.
- How's she doing, all right sarge?
- Yes, all right.
- Hello, club?
Who, oh.
Here, it's for you.
- Hello?
- Hello, it's me.
- Oh, hello.
- I just thought I might
come around and pick you up.
- Well I'm not finished yet.
- Then in about 20 minutes?
- I'm sorry, I must go.
- Okay, in 30 minutes.
- Look, you must be tired and I've got a
lot of sorting out to do.
- Look, I'll be there.
Are you still there?
(soft music)
- All right, straight up there.
Steady there.
All right, up.
- Are you still crying?
Shut up.
Oh, I'm coming.
Shut up.
I can't be any quicker.
Now, come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Take it.
Go to sleep.
Sleep, sleep, go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep, shh.
Stop it!
Stop it.
Stop it!
- Oh, I'm exhausted.
- Where are we going to now then?
- There's only one place to go to now, home.
You know what that other lot
had stopped, don't you?
- Yeah, won't be any good though.
- I don't know, Id postpone the evil hour.
- No, no, I'll take you home.
I'll get you some coffee, eh?
- No, I don't think under the circumstances
that'll be a very good idea.
- Come on, we can woo her.
Stand under the window
and sing her a serenade, eh?
- You try that, you see what you get.
- We'll be a couple of cherubs.
- No, no.
I think I shall plan a campaign.
Slink off back to the other party.
No, peace offering.
Bring her flowers.
That's a very good idea.
- Excuse me, sir,
I wonder if you could help us in
connection with some robberies
we've had around here.
- Fool, you put the heart across me.
- Resisting arrest, eh?
Uh huh, uh huh.
(imitating gunfire)
(soft music)
- Finished, have you?
I'll get you a cab, dear.
- No, I've forgotten my cigarettes.
- Hello.
(soft music)
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Would you like to walk for a while?
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Cold?
What do you do most mornings?
- Cab.
- Straight home?
Thought you may go for a walk or
maybe have a cup of coffee.
- Coffee.
- That was the first job
I had after I got to Canada.
- How old were you then?
- Oh, about 17 and a half.
Anyway, I was no salesman.
I'm still not.
You know, it's this business
of worshipping something
because you have to sell it.
It's like a religion with them.
I mean, they believe
that this is the greatest thing
that's ever happened and it's not.
Well, can you believe this?
- No, I'm sorry.
I was watching you, not listening to you.
- I mean, you're a customer
and I've got to sell
you this thing
and I've got to convince you it
will give you more pleasure than any man
you've ever slept with, right?
Look, I'm buying you a cup of coffee,
not a glass of champagne.
I'm not a drunken punter trying to make you.
- Aren't you?
- I see.
Well, shall I buy you
another cup of coffee?
Or shall we just go home?
(soft music)
How many of these do you smoke a day?
- 40.
- Didn't you read the reports?
You're going to die young.
- What do you do?
- I bite my nails.
- You do too.
- I'd like to touch you.
- It's all right.
There's a table between us.
- Does there have to be a table between us?
All right, I'll just have to carry
my own table with me.
- Morning, John, what's in this morning?
- Dead one.
- Dead one, oh.
Who's he?
- He's a doctor.
- Doctor, she don't want a doctor,
she wants an undertaker I should think.
- Good morning, doctor.
- Good morning.
- Sorry to drag you out
this time of the morning,
but I'm afraid we've got another one here.
Young girl.
- Let's have a look.
- We thought she'd been in about 36 hours.
- Quite a long time anyhow.
- Thank you very much.
- [Girl] You get used
to being independent, that's all.
- Like taking taxis
instead of standing in bus queues?
You're an expensive lady.
- I pay for them.
If I had my way,
I'd spend my life in taxis and hotels.
- Did you ever live in a hotel?
I lived in hotels for nine months.
It's awful, one room is just like another.
You can't do anything with them.
- You just perch there
and fly off at the first footstep.
Anyway, I don't do anything
with the room I've got now.
- No, there's people
who come in to clean and
there's people who,
you've got not control over it.
- Of course you have.
If you want tea, tea can arrive.
If you don't want, nothing can arrive.
- You don't want a hotel,
you want a servant.
- That's true.
- Then get yourself a servant,
don't live in a hotel.
- What else don't you like?
- What else don't I like?
- Girls who can't make up their minds.
- Nobody likes girls
who can't make up their minds.
Least of all the girls themselves.
- True.
- What else?
- Well nobody likes nightmares.
- No.
I used to have one where
there was a whole lot
of people tearing at me and then I screamed
blue murder then zoom, I'd wake up.
Then there was this death figure.
- Death figure, what's that?
What's it like?
- Well, I'm standing at
the top of the stairs
in a very high building and he's suspended
in the stairwell and no
matter how fast I run
down the stairs, I can't
get away from his face.
Except that one night
when he was coming for me
I jumped out of bed to smash the skull
and it was me.
And what about you?
Don't you ever talk?
You've got me talking my head off.
- That was the whole idea.
What about the table?
- Will this do?
(eerie music)
Why do you always blame yourself?
- 'Cause I deserved it.
Don't think anyone gets anything
that they don't deserve.
- Don't you feel he has some responsibility
for the breakup?
- I suppose so.
- How long had you been together?
- Three years.
- Didn't you want to get married?
- Yes I did.
Too much.
Hey, come back.
- Do you want to go for a ride?
Yeah, eh?
Can I interest you in a boat, madam?
South of France this year?
- Wrong colour.
- Wrong colour.
This I know madam will like.
- Possibly.
- We'll take it.
- I've decided it's too small.
- How about this one?
- No, not that one, this one.
- Oops.
Well come on.
Here we go.
Great coat.
- Oh!
Right, where should we go?
- For a ride.
- Come on then.
- I don't want to go anywhere now.
- Come on.
- All right, we'll go for a ride.
- It's locked.
- Well we'll just have to break it.
- Be careful, you really will break it.
- All right, let's stay here.
- Go on, you promised me a ride.
- You really want to go for a ride?
All right then, let's go for a ride.
(train clattering)
(motor starts)
(dramatic music)
- Oh, Person.
Oh, we might as well stay awake together.
Go to sleep.
Why won't you go to sleep?
I don't know what I'm going to do with you.
Look at this room.
What a dreadful mess.
Look at all this,
this is all a frightful mess here.
Look who that is.
Do you know who that is?
Look, look.
It's you.
Those are nice and clean, look at that.
Look at that pretty.
Isn't that pretty?
Isn't that pretty?
Why can't you always be like this?
Put it back.
Yes, look at all that then.
All that is dirty old daddy.
Messy old man.
Let's tidy up a bit so that you won't know.
That's better.
Well, a bit better.
Look at that, oh, that's pretty.
Oh look, look who's here.
Look who's here.
There's an old friend.
That's a silly way to dust.
Put old friend to sleep.
There he is, put him to sleep.
Now then, Person, are you a bit more tired?
Person, why does he call you Face?
He shouldn't call you Face.
You're a person.
You're a person.
(dramatic music)
(motor starts)
(soft music)
- [Girl] Why do you put up with me?
- [Boy] Because I was wrong.
I wanted it to be gentle.
- [Girl] Please don't think it was you.
I've got so used to holding back.
I suppose I'm blaming you for someone else.
I was afraid.
- [Boy] What of?
- [Girl] Finding you, losing you.
- [Boy] When I phoned tonight I...
I wanted to say I stayed up
all night because I
wanted to see you.
Always before I've run out.
But with you
it's the first time I've reached
that point and I'm not running.
- [Girl] I know that.
Would you like to live in a big house?
- If it's not too big.
- I would.
Who lives here?
- Nobody.
- Good.
If we were two people
in a fairy story, we could live here.
- And live happily ever after.
Except that in fairy stories
they don't tell you how.
- If they love each other as much as they do
in fairy stories you don't
need to be told how.
- Did you have a fairy prince
when you were a girl?
- Yes, I had a boy at school.
Who was your first love?
- [Boy] When I was 16.
Then I went to Canada and left her behind.
- [Girl] Has there been nobody else?
- [Boy] No, not really.
I suppose I've always been afraid.
- [Girl] I'm only afraid
of finding myself alone
in a bed.
- [Boy] Well if that happens
I can always knock
on your door and take you out for a coffee.
- [Girl] No need,
I could invite you in for a
glass of sherry
in one of my special glasses.
Why did you pick me?
- No more questions.
- No more questions.
(door opens)
- Norman?
- What about that Swedish bird?
(speaking foreign language)
- What's all that mate?
- That's Swedish for keep your hands off the
Swedish birds, they're mine.
You can have a Dutch bird.
- Sh, shut up.
Do you know what time it is?
- See if she's awake.
Tell her old Joe's here.
- Sh.
- Go on, I'll give you moral support.
- Darling?
Darling, it's me.
- Jude, Jude?
Do you want a drink, Jude?
She must be asleep.
- Come on then, next room.
- Is that where we're going then?
- Shh.
- Is it still down there?
- It's wine.
What do you think of the old room?
- Yeah, it's all right.
I love you
It's changed a bit though, hasn't it?
- Yeah.
- There's not so much clutter.
Look then, what are we going to do?
Have a couple of drinks
and go back to Bernie's place?
- No, we're going to
have our own party here.
- Without Jude?
- She's a bitch.
- She's your wife.
- She is a very dry English lady.
- What'd we come back here for then?
You're afraid of her, aren't you?
- She just doesn't understand
people enjoying
themselves, that's all.
That is really all I am prepared to say.
- I tell you one thing.
- What?
- One day you've got to
work out all your pain.
It's not very well made this, is it?
- Yeah well it wasn't really
made for that, you know.
- You've not done much, have you, honestly?
No wonder Jude's always onto you.
- So when did I have the time?
- Shh.
Keep her.
Our spring collection will include.
- Shh.
- You got a hall through there?
You know, through there?
- Probably.
- Get to work, Steve.
- What do you mean get to work?
Who do you think's done all this?
- Done all what?
- I don't know, it's a start.
- It's a start all right.
- Oh shut up.
- Come in, brother.
- You know what she is?
She is just a puritanical pigeon.
Oh shut up.
- The Count of Monte Cristo's
in the next cell.
- Count of Monte Cristo.
It's true though, Joe, you see.
You see, six years ago
we'd have gone in there,
we'd have sat on the bed,
we'd have woken her
up, we'd have had a few laughs.
- I'm going.
- No, a couple of more drinks.
- No.
- Two minutes and we will both go.
And don't look at me like that.
Anybody's think I've been
sloshed every night.
Just isn't working.
- Now you're being melodramatic.
- No I'm not.
- And you're sulking.
- Me, I'm a very happy fellow.
Everybody loves me except my wife.
- That's what they all say.
- Don't bloody lecture me.
- The trouble is I've known
you and Jude too long.
If you don't want Jude, I'll have her.
You're joking.
Do you want the one I want or do I
want the one you want?
- Shh.
- Hell, why don't we all
go out one night together?
- No, she won't go out.
The baby, you see, the baby.
- Get a babysitter.
Get a Swedish babysitter.
I'll stay and you go out with Jude.
- Let's let Jude go out
and you and I will both
sit on the Swedish babysitter.
- I'm going though.
- No you're not.
You're going to the other party.
- Oh no I'm not, know what I'm going to do?
- No.
- I'm going to go to the other party.
- There's a bottle in the next room,
go and get it.
- You go and get it.
- You go and get it.
- Aren't you afraid
of what's going to happen
between me and Jude?
- Go and get the bottle and come back.
- Why don't you and me go have a Turkish
bath or something?
- Go and get that bottle
or I am going to bed.
- Right, on your head
be it you Turkish cad.
Where's he gone?
- I'm awake.
- Hi Jude.
You all right?
Norm, she's awake.
- She is not.
- He says you're not.
- Don't shout.
- It's me, Jude, your favourite ex lodger.
Do you want a drink?
- Go away, Joe.
- She says go away.
- She means go away.
- You're the one who's been out all night.
Go and woo her.
- Woo her?
Darling, we're home.
Darling, it's me and lovely Joe.
Lovely Joe you haven't seen in years.
Months, weeks.
- Days even.
- When was it?
- About 15 seconds ago.
- Oh darling, come on, darling.
Don't be such a droopy drawers.
Darling, get up and we'll all
have a drink together.
- No.
Don't put on the light.
- How do you expect me to see?
- You're waking up the baby again.
- What's she doing in here?
- Don't put on the light.
- Well darling, um, darling get up and go in
the next room and have one beer.
- No.
- You don't want anything.
- Well I certainly don't want you.
- Darling, be reasonable.
Joe and I have just come back
from a great party
just to see you.
- Well thank you very much,
you stink of scotch.
- Oh come on, darling, you'll have a drink
and then you can stink of scotch too.
Joe, come in.
- [Jude] No.
- Come in here, Joe.
- No, and get off my bed.
- The baby's awake now Joe, come in here.
- No Joe, get out.
- I'm not in.
- Why did you come back
from the bloody party
if you wanted to go on like this?
- Because I want to drink in my own house.
Is there anything so wrong about that?
There's my darling, darling face.
Come here, my love.
You don't think your daddy's
a monster, do you?
Well mummy's going to take you back
into your own room now.
Now where are you going?
- I'm just going.
- Don't be bloody ridiculous.
Just because I bring somebody home.
- And into my bedroom.
- We didn't know she was in here.
- Well you should have done.
Give me the baby.
- Oh come on, Jude, darling.
Hello, my love, hello.
- Ah, look, she's smiling.
Clever old daddy made you laugh.
- Yes, clever old daddy.
- You're not laughing at all, are you?
- And I don't want to.
- Have a drink, Jude, come on.
What's the matter then,
don't you love him anymore Jude?
Is it my fault bringing
him home late like this?
What'd I say now?
- What are you doing in here?
- I just want to be
in whatever room you're not.
- Right, I'll stay in here then.
- Very well, I'll go in there.
- Fine, why don't you stop
playing silly games?
- Why don't you try
being kept awake all night?
- I do my share.
- What the hell do you think I do?
I suppose you think I like sitting in there
waiting for you to phone me.
- I thought it was face
kept you awake not me.
- Don't call her that.
- I thought you might be
relieved to get rid of me
for one evening.
- Why didn't you phone me
if you were going to be late?
- Because you said you'd be asleep already.
- Where do you put the aspirin?
- The what?
- The aspirin.
- It's in the kitchen cabinet.
- I looked and it wasn't.
- All right, I'll go out
and get you some in the machine.
- Too late, I've already been.
Why didn't you tell me if you were going to
stay out all night?
- Because you told me
to go out and enjoy myself.
- I thought you'd be back
when the pubs closed.
- And you told me
that you'd be asleep anyway.
- Oh, Norman.
- Look, I met Joe, we went to a pub,
Bernie was there, we just
sort of drifted on, you know.
I'm sorry.
- I suppose you don't know she's teething.
- I know she's teething.
What is the point?
- There's no point.
Are you getting out of here or am I?
- When you're ready,
Joe and I will be in the next room.
- Okay and when she cries
you can look after her.
- All right.
- Oh get out of here.
- [Norman] I'm going.
- She was not pleased.
- She's never bloody pleased.
Look, if you're going you'd better go now
before there's a real blow up.
What am I going to do, Joe?
- There they were alone
in the desert island,
not a palm tree in sight,
the B-52's were coming in.
- Don't make fun of everything.
Why do you think I went out?
If I'd stayed in the row would
have happened some other way.
- You're as bad as she is.
Go make it up to her.
She wants you to.
- You think so?
You have a very rosy tinted
picture of that lady.
if I may say so.
- I haven't got a picture
of her at all, mate.
I'm talking about Jude in there.
- And?
Oh, put on a record, Joe.
- I haven't got one that fits me.
- Joe, you're a terrible person.
- And you're a dirty stop art.
It's the baby, innit?
- No, it's not just that.
It makes you wonder what it's all about.
- You talk like your grandfather, daddy.
- If you're not going home,
go and make some coffee.
Or maybe we should reconnoiter.
There might still be some life left among
the dregs of Bernie's.
- Norman.
- Send me up.
- Those are little darlings
for bachelors only.
- Ah, sadistic bastard.
You know, I miss having another human being
around the house, somebody you can talk to
open up with without
feeling like you're going
to get a kick in the crotch every time.
- I'm tired.
- What a great help you are.
Well, why don't you go home, Joe?
I've got to work in the morning.
- And what do you think it is now?
I'll make some coffee.
(background chatter)
- [Girl] You hungry?
- I only had a carrot.
- What do you like?
- Grapefruit?
- Apples?
- No, no, we only sell
them by the box, madam.
- Only one to two.
- And what have you got there?
- Breakfast.
- And that?
- Mushrooms for omelettes.
Don't you like mushrooms?
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Come on, let's go home.
Hammersmith Broadway, here we come.
I hope you can cook.
- [Girl] I'm a bit out of practice.
- Well you can practice on me.
I hope you have enough eggs.
- About all I have got.
- I can just see you're
a poor little lost bird
in a poor little nest in
Hammersmith with nothing
but eggs and nescafe.
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish.
Are you happy?
- Hi Jude, do you want some coffee?
- No.
- She asleep?
Teething, eh?
Yeah, I know what that's like,
had it myself once.
I'll tell you what, you stay there.
Look, tell you what,
I'll bring you a cup of coffee
in here, eh?
- Hey Joe, do you want to keep paying for
what's left of the night.
- With all the shouting goes on round here
it's a wonder you got any neighbours left.
Shall I go home?
- No, get into bed, bunk up.
- No thanks, I prefer Norman.
- Well you're welcome to him.
- Do you know about me and him?
- Oh Joe, you're a fool.
- I see.
I was keeping the baby awake now.
- What do you find attractive about him?
- What, Norm?
- His small toe?
- Yeah, he's not pretty so much as ugly.
- [Jude] Perhaps if we sit here
quietly, he'll go away.
- Yeah, disappear.
- Pardon me for living.
I'll make the coffee.
- It worked, he's gone out.
- He can stay out for a while.
I'm sick and fed up of
the sight and sound of him.
- Me as well.
I do want to make some breakfast
in the morning, eh?
Open a tin of tomatoes.
Very good at opening tins of tomatoes.
You have brunch for any Saturday morning,
I'll be there having tinned it.
Are you sure you don't want any coffee?
- You two seem to be
getting on very well in there.
- Jealous?
- Come on.
(birds squawking)
- Do you think they know
we're only just going home?
They're all going to work.
I feel sorry for them.
- So do I, except they've
already had breakfast.
- Do you think his wife's fat too?
- [Boy] Probably.
- She probably got up
at three to scrub offices.
He had to get his own breakfast.
Bread and dripping in stewed tea.
- Oh no.
She got home in time to give him breakfast.
He looks like he'd belt her
around the room if she didn't.
(bell rings)
We're off.
- What did your father do?
- He was a carpenter and builder.
- Can you do carpentry?
- Oh, that's a catch question.
I think for the moment I'll just say no.
- If you're going to
have me cooking for you,
the least you can do is build shelves
for me to hang pots on.
- What wood would you like?
- Teak.
- No, pine.
Have you ever been in a pine forest
when they're tapping the trees?
It's very beautiful.
The smell is everywhere.
- Where'd you see that?
- In Canada.
- I told you we should emigrate.
- Hammersmith Broadway
is far enough away for me.
(birds squawking)
- What's your place like?
- Why?
- Just want to know all about you.
- There's time.
- There, all respectable.
- Do you need to be respectable?
We're there.
- I suppose we do have to get off.
- We always could go back again.
- I'm not serious.
Just love being on the water.
- Here, hold that.
- No, no!
- Come on.
- I love you.
- Hm, what did you say?
- I said I love you.
I think I love you.
(soft music)
Say something.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
(soft music)
- I was just bringing
you this cup of coffee.
- I'll pour my own.
- I'm sorry.
I was trying to do
something pleasant for a change.
- I got glue on my nightie.
- How did you manage that?
- The baby wouldn't stop crying so I used
it to stop her mouth up.
- Look, I'm sorry if I upset you just now.
- Is Joe really staying?
- You heard me ask him.
- Where's he going to sleep?
- There.
- I see.
- Do you want this or don't you?
- No, I'll pour my own.
- Hey Jude, do you want some coffee?
Here, I'll pour.
Hey listen, a riddle.
What can go up a chimney down
but can't go down a chimney up?
- I know that, Joe, an umbrella.
- An umbrella, an umbrella, she got it.
$50,000 for the winner.
- She's so clever, you see, so clever.
Market research and all.
Has her own pocket money.
- Put that down.
- Then blames me
when she's tired in the morning.
- Fat lot of sleep we're
going to get tonight.
- Is he always niggling like this to you?
What was that, what was that?
Hey what who?
- I was talking to myself.
- Does he always mutter?
- You know how he gets.
- Hey Jude, how about you and me...
- I can't stop yawning.
- Well let's have a yawning party.
Yours and mine.
We'll yawn the night away.
- What am I supposed to do?
- Who was that, oh, Norm?
- I said what am I supposed to do.
- That's a very good question,
I'll tell you what,
have an audition, you can
audition for our yawning party.
Have a big yawn, big yawn.
Don't do that.
- You don't understand our baby.
The more noise there is
the better she likes it.
Isn't that true, darling?
- Not surprising you two lovebirds
cuckooing around the hours.
- Lovebirds, he says.
- Hello, city desk, yes?
Oh it's a private call for you,
sir, it's Mrs. Stockholm.
- Oh shut up.
- You're drunk, Joe.
- I'm not drunk.
- [Norman] He's sober.
- He's drunk.
- Go to bed, Joe.
- What for, for being sober?
- Go to bed, Joe, you can sleep inside.
- Well what about the baby?
- No.
- What about the lady of the house there?
What do you think about this
proposition of your husband?
- Don't mind about the lady of the house.
You heard me say it'll be all right.
- Where are you going to sleep?
- Don't worry your head about me.
- I'm not worrying, I'm just asking.
- Don't cross examine me.
I'll sleep in my old bed, where else?
Night, Joe.
- I'll take the coffee.
- Yeah, thanks.
Don't bother to wash them up.
- Jude will do them in the morning.
- See you then.
Of course, if you want any room service,
I'll be back like a shot.
Honeymoon couples are especially...
- Bed, Joe, please.
Well what exactly is the matter?
- What do you think is the matter,
why do you ask?
- I know you're behaving unreasonably.
- Well you try being kept awake all night.
- Go to bed then.
I suppose you've got to sit there moping.
- All right then, ask me how was my day.
- All right, how was your day?
- The same as yesterday.
- How was yesterday?
- The same as today.
- Heaven's sake.
It's not just that I went out.
It's not that, is it?
Look, Judi, what exactly is the matter?
- Everything.
I suppose we would live
the rest of our lives like this.
- You're going to go on with anyone.
- But I don't resent you.
It's just you can, you can get
out of these four walls.
You can see your friends,
you can go for a drink,
you can break away, I'm not prepared to cook
your meals and look after your baby and just
be here when you feel like it.
- Oh come on, darling,
that's your part of the bargain.
- No, a bargain.
- I'm sorry, but that's the way
society happens to be.
- I'm not talking about society,
I'm talking about me.
- Well you're talking about us.
You weren't meaning the two of us.
- There happens to be three of us.
- But that should make
things better not worse.
- But it doesn't.
Does it?
- Jude.
- I haven't finished.
Why do we always have this kind of row
at this hour of the morning?
- Come on, let's go to sleep.
- Because it suits you.
- No, darling.
- Do you think I like being like this?
- I don't like being like this either.
But you see, you always
put the blame on me.
You know, as though it's me keeping you
under lock and key.
All right.
I shouldn't have gone out tonight.
Does that make it better?
- No.
You know what happened to me today?
I just got one day older, that's all.
- And face got one more too.
How many has she got now?
- Four.
I'm going to teach her to bite you.
No, don't, just put it off
for another night.
You're hurting me.
- You're supposed to be my wife you know.
- You don't understand, do you?
- No I don't understand.
And I don't think I'm ever going to.
(door slams)
(soft music)
- You're very quiet.
- What do you want me to say?
- Say what you feel.
- I don't know what I feel.
I know what you want me
to say but I can't say it.
Not the way you want me to.
- Why can't you?
- I don't know.
- Wow.
Really feels like early morning.
These flowers need some water.
- Then let's go home and give them some.
- You found that easy enough to say.
- Why did you have to say that?
To get back at me?
- Yes.
- Very easy.
- I'm sorry I said I love you.
Probably didn't mean it anyway.
I just want to go home now, I'm very tired.
- Not now, not now.
- What do you want?
- I want you.
- But you don't.
- I do, I want to make
love to you, I want you.
- But you don't want me to say I love you.
- No.
- Well if I can't say what I feel,
I don't want to feel.
- Oh god, what a bloody waste.
Look, I'm...
You're demanding a price and
something shuts down inside me and I...
all right, let's try, let's try
and meet each other halfway.
- Can you hear yourself?
I don't want to try anything anymore.
(dramatic music)
- You'll get a cramp in your neck
if you sleep there.
- There's not much point in sleeping at all.
(soft music)
- I dropped the tray this morning.
- Did you?
- Everything broke and
I had to throw it all away.
I mended the crock too.
- I said I'd do it.
- I didn't do it properly.
- I'll do it properly for you
when I get back this evening.
- It isn't for me.
You fought so for about all this.
We can't even talk anymore
without getting angry.
- No.
Remembering what we used to be like,
that's the really awful thing.
Used to want to get rid of Joe
to be alone, didn't we?
That was a long time ago.
- And now you don't care.
I've got dreary.
- If that's what you think I mean, fine.
But it's because I stay out for one night.
- Do you think that
that's all this is about,
just one night?
- What the hell is it all about then?
- If only you would once
make me feel important.
If only you'd bring me flowers sometime
when you don't have to.
- I'll bring you flowers every week.
- I don't want them.
- Why do you say it then?
- Why do I always have
to ask for what I want?
- You're always waiting to attack me.
You're so fed up with yourself you want to
take it out on me, is that it?
What do you want from me?
Do you want to drain so much life out of me
till there's nothing else left,
is that what you want?
Is it any wonder that I just
want to get out of this
whole dreary place?
And that is exactly what I'm going to do.
- [Jude] What, get out?- [Norman] Yes.
- Well you can stay out.
Why you, why not me?
- Away from that door.
- Why do you think you
can just come and go as
you please just because I'm here?
What choice do I have,
what life is this for me?
- Don't know.
- Do you know there was
a time this evening when
I went round tidying everything for you?
And you didn't come and you didn't come.
And then there was nothing left
to make the effort for.
I'm no good without you.
- Fine, but don't try
to live your life through me.
- Answer me.
- I'm going out.
- Where?
- Anywhere.
- And I suppose I'm going to be
here when you come back.
- Get away from the door.
Don't do that to me.
Joe, come on, Joe, get up.
- What's the matter?
- Get up!
- Where we going?
- Don't ask questions, you're going home.
Come on, Joe.
The baby is crying.
- Well you can cope with it.
If you go out that door I'm not going to be
here when you come back.
- Isn't that what you want?
Heaven knows there's
little joy left in it anymore.
- Is that all you can say,
as simple as that?
- I am going.
- Well I won't be here.
(dramatic music)
(train rattling)
- We change at Aldgate.
I'll see you home.
- You'll be late.
- It's the next station.
(train rattling)
That's your train, straight through.
- Which way do you go?
- To work?
On the Inner Circle.
Well, if I'm not going to be late,
I'd better go.
- That's probably your train.
(soft music)
- Morning, Mr. Macy.
- Hello sarge, where's this one from?
- Millwell.
- Ah well, we better get on with it then.
- Not a bad one for a change?
- No just dead.
Always the birds hitting the tide.
Maybe some of the fellas don't take a dive.
- Ready, Burt?
- Yep.
- Sit her up then.
- Did you hear about Smithy?
- No.
- He's got a promotion.
- Really, where's he going?
- Over to H division I think.
- Here we go.
- Scissors.
You're going home smelling like roses.
When do you reckon
the inquest will be then?
- Don't know.
I bet Friday, bet you likely it'll be then.
- [Sarge] Well it won't be you
that has to go in any case.
It'll be me, won't it?
Anything in the clothes?
- [Man] Nope.
- [Sarge] Well, we might
be able to see something.
Any marks of violence?
- [Man] No more than you'd expect.
- [Sarge] There we are, nice appendix scar.
That's narrowed down the field a bit.
- [Man] Yeah, just about two million.
About 26?
- [Sarge] Yeah.
- [Man] Five foot one.
More hot rags, sarge?
- [Sarge] No, these will do.
You know my trouble, don't you?
- Huh?
- [Sarge] Can't give her misses
a straight answer.
Same every bleeding year.
Softening up.
- Yeah.
- [Sarge] Mrs. Watson
will make arrangements.
- Ready for the ink, sarge.
- [Sarge] Like I say,
it depends on the roster.
- Stabbing off there.
- [Sarge] Never let you know, do they?
Good to know there's some consideration.
- Here.
- [Sarge] All right,
this looks like a good one.
- Yeah, not bad.
- [Sarge] Next one.
- Great.
- [Sarge] What's on tonight?
- [Man] Back to the next.
- [Sarge] You got to take
these prints back, haven't you?
(soft music)
- Judi?
(soft music)
(train rattling)
(soft music)
- How did you like it?
- Where did you go?
- It doesn't matter, does it?
Did you expect to find me here?
- Yes.
- And what did you think?
- I thought about you.
- Is that all?
- No.
I thought
how do you go on living when life stops?
- I came back 'cause there
was nowhere else to go.
- Oh, what a waste of a night.
- So we solved nothing, did we?
- I know it's ridiculous
but I've got to go to work now.
Will you be here when I get back?
Assuming I don't get drunk
and go to another party, that is.
- Whatever you like.
- Jude.
- I've ironed your shirt.
It's in the bathroom.
(train rattling)
(soft music)
- How old do you think, sarge?
- 24, 25.
- Got it, grab this.
(soft music)
- Good night.
- Good night.
- How's my honey, ready to set shop?
- You're honey's going home as soon as
she's changed her clothes.
- I'll come and help you.
- Any rings?
- No rings.
- Earrings?
- Nope.
- Right, well, cover it up.
- How's she doing, all right sarge?
- Yes, all right.
- Hello, club?
Who, oh.
Here, it's for you.
- Hello?
- Hello, it's me.
- Oh, hello.
- I just thought I might
come around and pick you up.
- Well I'm not finished yet.
- Then in about 20 minutes?
- I'm sorry, I must go.
- Okay, in 30 minutes.
- Look, you must be tired and I've got a
lot of sorting out to do.
- Look, I'll be there.
Are you still there?
(soft music)
- All right, straight up there.
Steady there.
All right, up.
- Are you still crying?
Shut up.
Oh, I'm coming.
Shut up.
I can't be any quicker.
Now, come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Take it.
Go to sleep.
Sleep, sleep, go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep, shh.
Stop it!
Stop it.
Stop it!
- Oh, I'm exhausted.
- Where are we going to now then?
- There's only one place to go to now, home.
You know what that other lot
had stopped, don't you?
- Yeah, won't be any good though.
- I don't know, Id postpone the evil hour.
- No, no, I'll take you home.
I'll get you some coffee, eh?
- No, I don't think under the circumstances
that'll be a very good idea.
- Come on, we can woo her.
Stand under the window
and sing her a serenade, eh?
- You try that, you see what you get.
- We'll be a couple of cherubs.
- No, no.
I think I shall plan a campaign.
Slink off back to the other party.
No, peace offering.
Bring her flowers.
That's a very good idea.
- Excuse me, sir,
I wonder if you could help us in
connection with some robberies
we've had around here.
- Fool, you put the heart across me.
- Resisting arrest, eh?
Uh huh, uh huh.
(imitating gunfire)
(soft music)
- Finished, have you?
I'll get you a cab, dear.
- No, I've forgotten my cigarettes.
- Hello.
(soft music)
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Would you like to walk for a while?
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Cold?
What do you do most mornings?
- Cab.
- Straight home?
Thought you may go for a walk or
maybe have a cup of coffee.
- Coffee.
- That was the first job
I had after I got to Canada.
- How old were you then?
- Oh, about 17 and a half.
Anyway, I was no salesman.
I'm still not.
You know, it's this business
of worshipping something
because you have to sell it.
It's like a religion with them.
I mean, they believe
that this is the greatest thing
that's ever happened and it's not.
Well, can you believe this?
- No, I'm sorry.
I was watching you, not listening to you.
- I mean, you're a customer
and I've got to sell
you this thing
and I've got to convince you it
will give you more pleasure than any man
you've ever slept with, right?
Look, I'm buying you a cup of coffee,
not a glass of champagne.
I'm not a drunken punter trying to make you.
- Aren't you?
- I see.
Well, shall I buy you
another cup of coffee?
Or shall we just go home?
(soft music)
How many of these do you smoke a day?
- 40.
- Didn't you read the reports?
You're going to die young.
- What do you do?
- I bite my nails.
- You do too.
- I'd like to touch you.
- It's all right.
There's a table between us.
- Does there have to be a table between us?
All right, I'll just have to carry
my own table with me.
- Morning, John, what's in this morning?
- Dead one.
- Dead one, oh.
Who's he?
- He's a doctor.
- Doctor, she don't want a doctor,
she wants an undertaker I should think.
- Good morning, doctor.
- Good morning.
- Sorry to drag you out
this time of the morning,
but I'm afraid we've got another one here.
Young girl.
- Let's have a look.
- We thought she'd been in about 36 hours.
- Quite a long time anyhow.
- Thank you very much.
- [Girl] You get used
to being independent, that's all.
- Like taking taxis
instead of standing in bus queues?
You're an expensive lady.
- I pay for them.
If I had my way,
I'd spend my life in taxis and hotels.
- Did you ever live in a hotel?
I lived in hotels for nine months.
It's awful, one room is just like another.
You can't do anything with them.
- You just perch there
and fly off at the first footstep.
Anyway, I don't do anything
with the room I've got now.
- No, there's people
who come in to clean and
there's people who,
you've got not control over it.
- Of course you have.
If you want tea, tea can arrive.
If you don't want, nothing can arrive.
- You don't want a hotel,
you want a servant.
- That's true.
- Then get yourself a servant,
don't live in a hotel.
- What else don't you like?
- What else don't I like?
- Girls who can't make up their minds.
- Nobody likes girls
who can't make up their minds.
Least of all the girls themselves.
- True.
- What else?
- Well nobody likes nightmares.
- No.
I used to have one where
there was a whole lot
of people tearing at me and then I screamed
blue murder then zoom, I'd wake up.
Then there was this death figure.
- Death figure, what's that?
What's it like?
- Well, I'm standing at
the top of the stairs
in a very high building and he's suspended
in the stairwell and no
matter how fast I run
down the stairs, I can't
get away from his face.
Except that one night
when he was coming for me
I jumped out of bed to smash the skull
and it was me.
And what about you?
Don't you ever talk?
You've got me talking my head off.
- That was the whole idea.
What about the table?
- Will this do?
(eerie music)
Why do you always blame yourself?
- 'Cause I deserved it.
Don't think anyone gets anything
that they don't deserve.
- Don't you feel he has some responsibility
for the breakup?
- I suppose so.
- How long had you been together?
- Three years.
- Didn't you want to get married?
- Yes I did.
Too much.
Hey, come back.
- Do you want to go for a ride?
Yeah, eh?
Can I interest you in a boat, madam?
South of France this year?
- Wrong colour.
- Wrong colour.
This I know madam will like.
- Possibly.
- We'll take it.
- I've decided it's too small.
- How about this one?
- No, not that one, this one.
- Oops.
Well come on.
Here we go.
Great coat.
- Oh!
Right, where should we go?
- For a ride.
- Come on then.
- I don't want to go anywhere now.
- Come on.
- All right, we'll go for a ride.
- It's locked.
- Well we'll just have to break it.
- Be careful, you really will break it.
- All right, let's stay here.
- Go on, you promised me a ride.
- You really want to go for a ride?
All right then, let's go for a ride.
(train clattering)
(motor starts)
(dramatic music)
- Oh, Person.
Oh, we might as well stay awake together.
Go to sleep.
Why won't you go to sleep?
I don't know what I'm going to do with you.
Look at this room.
What a dreadful mess.
Look at all this,
this is all a frightful mess here.
Look who that is.
Do you know who that is?
Look, look.
It's you.
Those are nice and clean, look at that.
Look at that pretty.
Isn't that pretty?
Isn't that pretty?
Why can't you always be like this?
Put it back.
Yes, look at all that then.
All that is dirty old daddy.
Messy old man.
Let's tidy up a bit so that you won't know.
That's better.
Well, a bit better.
Look at that, oh, that's pretty.
Oh look, look who's here.
Look who's here.
There's an old friend.
That's a silly way to dust.
Put old friend to sleep.
There he is, put him to sleep.
Now then, Person, are you a bit more tired?
Person, why does he call you Face?
He shouldn't call you Face.
You're a person.
You're a person.
(dramatic music)
(motor starts)
(soft music)
- [Girl] Why do you put up with me?
- [Boy] Because I was wrong.
I wanted it to be gentle.
- [Girl] Please don't think it was you.
I've got so used to holding back.
I suppose I'm blaming you for someone else.
I was afraid.
- [Boy] What of?
- [Girl] Finding you, losing you.
- [Boy] When I phoned tonight I...
I wanted to say I stayed up
all night because I
wanted to see you.
Always before I've run out.
But with you
it's the first time I've reached
that point and I'm not running.
- [Girl] I know that.
Would you like to live in a big house?
- If it's not too big.
- I would.
Who lives here?
- Nobody.
- Good.
If we were two people
in a fairy story, we could live here.
- And live happily ever after.
Except that in fairy stories
they don't tell you how.
- If they love each other as much as they do
in fairy stories you don't
need to be told how.
- Did you have a fairy prince
when you were a girl?
- Yes, I had a boy at school.
Who was your first love?
- [Boy] When I was 16.
Then I went to Canada and left her behind.
- [Girl] Has there been nobody else?
- [Boy] No, not really.
I suppose I've always been afraid.
- [Girl] I'm only afraid
of finding myself alone
in a bed.
- [Boy] Well if that happens
I can always knock
on your door and take you out for a coffee.
- [Girl] No need,
I could invite you in for a
glass of sherry
in one of my special glasses.
Why did you pick me?
- No more questions.
- No more questions.
(door opens)
- Norman?
- What about that Swedish bird?
(speaking foreign language)
- What's all that mate?
- That's Swedish for keep your hands off the
Swedish birds, they're mine.
You can have a Dutch bird.
- Sh, shut up.
Do you know what time it is?
- See if she's awake.
Tell her old Joe's here.
- Sh.
- Go on, I'll give you moral support.
- Darling?
Darling, it's me.
- Jude, Jude?
Do you want a drink, Jude?
She must be asleep.
- Come on then, next room.
- Is that where we're going then?
- Shh.
- Is it still down there?
- It's wine.
What do you think of the old room?
- Yeah, it's all right.
I love you
It's changed a bit though, hasn't it?
- Yeah.
- There's not so much clutter.
Look then, what are we going to do?
Have a couple of drinks
and go back to Bernie's place?
- No, we're going to
have our own party here.
- Without Jude?
- She's a bitch.
- She's your wife.
- She is a very dry English lady.
- What'd we come back here for then?
You're afraid of her, aren't you?
- She just doesn't understand
people enjoying
themselves, that's all.
That is really all I am prepared to say.
- I tell you one thing.
- What?
- One day you've got to
work out all your pain.
It's not very well made this, is it?
- Yeah well it wasn't really
made for that, you know.
- You've not done much, have you, honestly?
No wonder Jude's always onto you.
- So when did I have the time?
- Shh.
Keep her.
Our spring collection will include.
- Shh.
- You got a hall through there?
You know, through there?
- Probably.
- Get to work, Steve.
- What do you mean get to work?
Who do you think's done all this?
- Done all what?
- I don't know, it's a start.
- It's a start all right.
- Oh shut up.
- Come in, brother.
- You know what she is?
She is just a puritanical pigeon.
Oh shut up.
- The Count of Monte Cristo's
in the next cell.
- Count of Monte Cristo.
It's true though, Joe, you see.
You see, six years ago
we'd have gone in there,
we'd have sat on the bed,
we'd have woken her
up, we'd have had a few laughs.
- I'm going.
- No, a couple of more drinks.
- No.
- Two minutes and we will both go.
And don't look at me like that.
Anybody's think I've been
sloshed every night.
Just isn't working.
- Now you're being melodramatic.
- No I'm not.
- And you're sulking.
- Me, I'm a very happy fellow.
Everybody loves me except my wife.
- That's what they all say.
- Don't bloody lecture me.
- The trouble is I've known
you and Jude too long.
If you don't want Jude, I'll have her.
You're joking.
Do you want the one I want or do I
want the one you want?
- Shh.
- Hell, why don't we all
go out one night together?
- No, she won't go out.
The baby, you see, the baby.
- Get a babysitter.
Get a Swedish babysitter.
I'll stay and you go out with Jude.
- Let's let Jude go out
and you and I will both
sit on the Swedish babysitter.
- I'm going though.
- No you're not.
You're going to the other party.
- Oh no I'm not, know what I'm going to do?
- No.
- I'm going to go to the other party.
- There's a bottle in the next room,
go and get it.
- You go and get it.
- You go and get it.
- Aren't you afraid
of what's going to happen
between me and Jude?
- Go and get the bottle and come back.
- Why don't you and me go have a Turkish
bath or something?
- Go and get that bottle
or I am going to bed.
- Right, on your head
be it you Turkish cad.
Where's he gone?
- I'm awake.
- Hi Jude.
You all right?
Norm, she's awake.
- She is not.
- He says you're not.
- Don't shout.
- It's me, Jude, your favourite ex lodger.
Do you want a drink?
- Go away, Joe.
- She says go away.
- She means go away.
- You're the one who's been out all night.
Go and woo her.
- Woo her?
Darling, we're home.
Darling, it's me and lovely Joe.
Lovely Joe you haven't seen in years.
Months, weeks.
- Days even.
- When was it?
- About 15 seconds ago.
- Oh darling, come on, darling.
Don't be such a droopy drawers.
Darling, get up and we'll all
have a drink together.
- No.
Don't put on the light.
- How do you expect me to see?
- You're waking up the baby again.
- What's she doing in here?
- Don't put on the light.
- Well darling, um, darling get up and go in
the next room and have one beer.
- No.
- You don't want anything.
- Well I certainly don't want you.
- Darling, be reasonable.
Joe and I have just come back
from a great party
just to see you.
- Well thank you very much,
you stink of scotch.
- Oh come on, darling, you'll have a drink
and then you can stink of scotch too.
Joe, come in.
- [Jude] No.
- Come in here, Joe.
- No, and get off my bed.
- The baby's awake now Joe, come in here.
- No Joe, get out.
- I'm not in.
- Why did you come back
from the bloody party
if you wanted to go on like this?
- Because I want to drink in my own house.
Is there anything so wrong about that?
There's my darling, darling face.
Come here, my love.
You don't think your daddy's
a monster, do you?
Well mummy's going to take you back
into your own room now.
Now where are you going?
- I'm just going.
- Don't be bloody ridiculous.
Just because I bring somebody home.
- And into my bedroom.
- We didn't know she was in here.
- Well you should have done.
Give me the baby.
- Oh come on, Jude, darling.
Hello, my love, hello.
- Ah, look, she's smiling.
Clever old daddy made you laugh.
- Yes, clever old daddy.
- You're not laughing at all, are you?
- And I don't want to.
- Have a drink, Jude, come on.
What's the matter then,
don't you love him anymore Jude?
Is it my fault bringing
him home late like this?
What'd I say now?
- What are you doing in here?
- I just want to be
in whatever room you're not.
- Right, I'll stay in here then.
- Very well, I'll go in there.
- Fine, why don't you stop
playing silly games?
- Why don't you try
being kept awake all night?
- I do my share.
- What the hell do you think I do?
I suppose you think I like sitting in there
waiting for you to phone me.
- I thought it was face
kept you awake not me.
- Don't call her that.
- I thought you might be
relieved to get rid of me
for one evening.
- Why didn't you phone me
if you were going to be late?
- Because you said you'd be asleep already.
- Where do you put the aspirin?
- The what?
- The aspirin.
- It's in the kitchen cabinet.
- I looked and it wasn't.
- All right, I'll go out
and get you some in the machine.
- Too late, I've already been.
Why didn't you tell me if you were going to
stay out all night?
- Because you told me
to go out and enjoy myself.
- I thought you'd be back
when the pubs closed.
- And you told me
that you'd be asleep anyway.
- Oh, Norman.
- Look, I met Joe, we went to a pub,
Bernie was there, we just
sort of drifted on, you know.
I'm sorry.
- I suppose you don't know she's teething.
- I know she's teething.
What is the point?
- There's no point.
Are you getting out of here or am I?
- When you're ready,
Joe and I will be in the next room.
- Okay and when she cries
you can look after her.
- All right.
- Oh get out of here.
- [Norman] I'm going.
- She was not pleased.
- She's never bloody pleased.
Look, if you're going you'd better go now
before there's a real blow up.
What am I going to do, Joe?
- There they were alone
in the desert island,
not a palm tree in sight,
the B-52's were coming in.
- Don't make fun of everything.
Why do you think I went out?
If I'd stayed in the row would
have happened some other way.
- You're as bad as she is.
Go make it up to her.
She wants you to.
- You think so?
You have a very rosy tinted
picture of that lady.
if I may say so.
- I haven't got a picture
of her at all, mate.
I'm talking about Jude in there.
- And?
Oh, put on a record, Joe.
- I haven't got one that fits me.
- Joe, you're a terrible person.
- And you're a dirty stop art.
It's the baby, innit?
- No, it's not just that.
It makes you wonder what it's all about.
- You talk like your grandfather, daddy.
- If you're not going home,
go and make some coffee.
Or maybe we should reconnoiter.
There might still be some life left among
the dregs of Bernie's.
- Norman.
- Send me up.
- Those are little darlings
for bachelors only.
- Ah, sadistic bastard.
You know, I miss having another human being
around the house, somebody you can talk to
open up with without
feeling like you're going
to get a kick in the crotch every time.
- I'm tired.
- What a great help you are.
Well, why don't you go home, Joe?
I've got to work in the morning.
- And what do you think it is now?
I'll make some coffee.
(background chatter)
- [Girl] You hungry?
- I only had a carrot.
- What do you like?
- Grapefruit?
- Apples?
- No, no, we only sell
them by the box, madam.
- Only one to two.
- And what have you got there?
- Breakfast.
- And that?
- Mushrooms for omelettes.
Don't you like mushrooms?
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Come on, let's go home.
Hammersmith Broadway, here we come.
I hope you can cook.
- [Girl] I'm a bit out of practice.
- Well you can practice on me.
I hope you have enough eggs.
- About all I have got.
- I can just see you're
a poor little lost bird
in a poor little nest in
Hammersmith with nothing
but eggs and nescafe.
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish.
Are you happy?
- Hi Jude, do you want some coffee?
- No.
- She asleep?
Teething, eh?
Yeah, I know what that's like,
had it myself once.
I'll tell you what, you stay there.
Look, tell you what,
I'll bring you a cup of coffee
in here, eh?
- Hey Joe, do you want to keep paying for
what's left of the night.
- With all the shouting goes on round here
it's a wonder you got any neighbours left.
Shall I go home?
- No, get into bed, bunk up.
- No thanks, I prefer Norman.
- Well you're welcome to him.
- Do you know about me and him?
- Oh Joe, you're a fool.
- I see.
I was keeping the baby awake now.
- What do you find attractive about him?
- What, Norm?
- His small toe?
- Yeah, he's not pretty so much as ugly.
- [Jude] Perhaps if we sit here
quietly, he'll go away.
- Yeah, disappear.
- Pardon me for living.
I'll make the coffee.
- It worked, he's gone out.
- He can stay out for a while.
I'm sick and fed up of
the sight and sound of him.
- Me as well.
I do want to make some breakfast
in the morning, eh?
Open a tin of tomatoes.
Very good at opening tins of tomatoes.
You have brunch for any Saturday morning,
I'll be there having tinned it.
Are you sure you don't want any coffee?
- You two seem to be
getting on very well in there.
- Jealous?
- Come on.
(birds squawking)
- Do you think they know
we're only just going home?
They're all going to work.
I feel sorry for them.
- So do I, except they've
already had breakfast.
- Do you think his wife's fat too?
- [Boy] Probably.
- She probably got up
at three to scrub offices.
He had to get his own breakfast.
Bread and dripping in stewed tea.
- Oh no.
She got home in time to give him breakfast.
He looks like he'd belt her
around the room if she didn't.
(bell rings)
We're off.
- What did your father do?
- He was a carpenter and builder.
- Can you do carpentry?
- Oh, that's a catch question.
I think for the moment I'll just say no.
- If you're going to
have me cooking for you,
the least you can do is build shelves
for me to hang pots on.
- What wood would you like?
- Teak.
- No, pine.
Have you ever been in a pine forest
when they're tapping the trees?
It's very beautiful.
The smell is everywhere.
- Where'd you see that?
- In Canada.
- I told you we should emigrate.
- Hammersmith Broadway
is far enough away for me.
(birds squawking)
- What's your place like?
- Why?
- Just want to know all about you.
- There's time.
- There, all respectable.
- Do you need to be respectable?
We're there.
- I suppose we do have to get off.
- We always could go back again.
- I'm not serious.
Just love being on the water.
- Here, hold that.
- No, no!
- Come on.
- I love you.
- Hm, what did you say?
- I said I love you.
I think I love you.
(soft music)
Say something.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
(soft music)
- I was just bringing
you this cup of coffee.
- I'll pour my own.
- I'm sorry.
I was trying to do
something pleasant for a change.
- I got glue on my nightie.
- How did you manage that?
- The baby wouldn't stop crying so I used
it to stop her mouth up.
- Look, I'm sorry if I upset you just now.
- Is Joe really staying?
- You heard me ask him.
- Where's he going to sleep?
- There.
- I see.
- Do you want this or don't you?
- No, I'll pour my own.
- Hey Jude, do you want some coffee?
Here, I'll pour.
Hey listen, a riddle.
What can go up a chimney down
but can't go down a chimney up?
- I know that, Joe, an umbrella.
- An umbrella, an umbrella, she got it.
$50,000 for the winner.
- She's so clever, you see, so clever.
Market research and all.
Has her own pocket money.
- Put that down.
- Then blames me
when she's tired in the morning.
- Fat lot of sleep we're
going to get tonight.
- Is he always niggling like this to you?
What was that, what was that?
Hey what who?
- I was talking to myself.
- Does he always mutter?
- You know how he gets.
- Hey Jude, how about you and me...
- I can't stop yawning.
- Well let's have a yawning party.
Yours and mine.
We'll yawn the night away.
- What am I supposed to do?
- Who was that, oh, Norm?
- I said what am I supposed to do.
- That's a very good question,
I'll tell you what,
have an audition, you can
audition for our yawning party.
Have a big yawn, big yawn.
Don't do that.
- You don't understand our baby.
The more noise there is
the better she likes it.
Isn't that true, darling?
- Not surprising you two lovebirds
cuckooing around the hours.
- Lovebirds, he says.
- Hello, city desk, yes?
Oh it's a private call for you,
sir, it's Mrs. Stockholm.
- Oh shut up.
- You're drunk, Joe.
- I'm not drunk.
- [Norman] He's sober.
- He's drunk.
- Go to bed, Joe.
- What for, for being sober?
- Go to bed, Joe, you can sleep inside.
- Well what about the baby?
- No.
- What about the lady of the house there?
What do you think about this
proposition of your husband?
- Don't mind about the lady of the house.
You heard me say it'll be all right.
- Where are you going to sleep?
- Don't worry your head about me.
- I'm not worrying, I'm just asking.
- Don't cross examine me.
I'll sleep in my old bed, where else?
Night, Joe.
- I'll take the coffee.
- Yeah, thanks.
Don't bother to wash them up.
- Jude will do them in the morning.
- See you then.
Of course, if you want any room service,
I'll be back like a shot.
Honeymoon couples are especially...
- Bed, Joe, please.
Well what exactly is the matter?
- What do you think is the matter,
why do you ask?
- I know you're behaving unreasonably.
- Well you try being kept awake all night.
- Go to bed then.
I suppose you've got to sit there moping.
- All right then, ask me how was my day.
- All right, how was your day?
- The same as yesterday.
- How was yesterday?
- The same as today.
- Heaven's sake.
It's not just that I went out.
It's not that, is it?
Look, Judi, what exactly is the matter?
- Everything.
I suppose we would live
the rest of our lives like this.
- You're going to go on with anyone.
- But I don't resent you.
It's just you can, you can get
out of these four walls.
You can see your friends,
you can go for a drink,
you can break away, I'm not prepared to cook
your meals and look after your baby and just
be here when you feel like it.
- Oh come on, darling,
that's your part of the bargain.
- No, a bargain.
- I'm sorry, but that's the way
society happens to be.
- I'm not talking about society,
I'm talking about me.
- Well you're talking about us.
You weren't meaning the two of us.
- There happens to be three of us.
- But that should make
things better not worse.
- But it doesn't.
Does it?
- Jude.
- I haven't finished.
Why do we always have this kind of row
at this hour of the morning?
- Come on, let's go to sleep.
- Because it suits you.
- No, darling.
- Do you think I like being like this?
- I don't like being like this either.
But you see, you always
put the blame on me.
You know, as though it's me keeping you
under lock and key.
All right.
I shouldn't have gone out tonight.
Does that make it better?
- No.
You know what happened to me today?
I just got one day older, that's all.
- And face got one more too.
How many has she got now?
- Four.
I'm going to teach her to bite you.
No, don't, just put it off
for another night.
You're hurting me.
- You're supposed to be my wife you know.
- You don't understand, do you?
- No I don't understand.
And I don't think I'm ever going to.
(door slams)
(soft music)
- You're very quiet.
- What do you want me to say?
- Say what you feel.
- I don't know what I feel.
I know what you want me
to say but I can't say it.
Not the way you want me to.
- Why can't you?
- I don't know.
- Wow.
Really feels like early morning.
These flowers need some water.
- Then let's go home and give them some.
- You found that easy enough to say.
- Why did you have to say that?
To get back at me?
- Yes.
- Very easy.
- I'm sorry I said I love you.
Probably didn't mean it anyway.
I just want to go home now, I'm very tired.
- Not now, not now.
- What do you want?
- I want you.
- But you don't.
- I do, I want to make
love to you, I want you.
- But you don't want me to say I love you.
- No.
- Well if I can't say what I feel,
I don't want to feel.
- Oh god, what a bloody waste.
Look, I'm...
You're demanding a price and
something shuts down inside me and I...
all right, let's try, let's try
and meet each other halfway.
- Can you hear yourself?
I don't want to try anything anymore.
(dramatic music)
- You'll get a cramp in your neck
if you sleep there.
- There's not much point in sleeping at all.
(soft music)
- I dropped the tray this morning.
- Did you?
- Everything broke and
I had to throw it all away.
I mended the crock too.
- I said I'd do it.
- I didn't do it properly.
- I'll do it properly for you
when I get back this evening.
- It isn't for me.
You fought so for about all this.
We can't even talk anymore
without getting angry.
- No.
Remembering what we used to be like,
that's the really awful thing.
Used to want to get rid of Joe
to be alone, didn't we?
That was a long time ago.
- And now you don't care.
I've got dreary.
- If that's what you think I mean, fine.
But it's because I stay out for one night.
- Do you think that
that's all this is about,
just one night?
- What the hell is it all about then?
- If only you would once
make me feel important.
If only you'd bring me flowers sometime
when you don't have to.
- I'll bring you flowers every week.
- I don't want them.
- Why do you say it then?
- Why do I always have
to ask for what I want?
- You're always waiting to attack me.
You're so fed up with yourself you want to
take it out on me, is that it?
What do you want from me?
Do you want to drain so much life out of me
till there's nothing else left,
is that what you want?
Is it any wonder that I just
want to get out of this
whole dreary place?
And that is exactly what I'm going to do.
- [Jude] What, get out?- [Norman] Yes.
- Well you can stay out.
Why you, why not me?
- Away from that door.
- Why do you think you
can just come and go as
you please just because I'm here?
What choice do I have,
what life is this for me?
- Don't know.
- Do you know there was
a time this evening when
I went round tidying everything for you?
And you didn't come and you didn't come.
And then there was nothing left
to make the effort for.
I'm no good without you.
- Fine, but don't try
to live your life through me.
- Answer me.
- I'm going out.
- Where?
- Anywhere.
- And I suppose I'm going to be
here when you come back.
- Get away from the door.
Don't do that to me.
Joe, come on, Joe, get up.
- What's the matter?
- Get up!
- Where we going?
- Don't ask questions, you're going home.
Come on, Joe.
The baby is crying.
- Well you can cope with it.
If you go out that door I'm not going to be
here when you come back.
- Isn't that what you want?
Heaven knows there's
little joy left in it anymore.
- Is that all you can say,
as simple as that?
- I am going.
- Well I won't be here.
(dramatic music)
(train rattling)
- We change at Aldgate.
I'll see you home.
- You'll be late.
- It's the next station.
(train rattling)
That's your train, straight through.
- Which way do you go?
- To work?
On the Inner Circle.
Well, if I'm not going to be late,
I'd better go.
- That's probably your train.
(soft music)
- Morning, Mr. Macy.
- Hello sarge, where's this one from?
- Millwell.
- Ah well, we better get on with it then.
- Not a bad one for a change?
- No just dead.
Always the birds hitting the tide.
Maybe some of the fellas don't take a dive.
- Ready, Burt?
- Yep.
- Sit her up then.
- Did you hear about Smithy?
- No.
- He's got a promotion.
- Really, where's he going?
- Over to H division I think.
- Here we go.
- Scissors.
You're going home smelling like roses.
When do you reckon
the inquest will be then?
- Don't know.
I bet Friday, bet you likely it'll be then.
- [Sarge] Well it won't be you
that has to go in any case.
It'll be me, won't it?
Anything in the clothes?
- [Man] Nope.
- [Sarge] Well, we might
be able to see something.
Any marks of violence?
- [Man] No more than you'd expect.
- [Sarge] There we are, nice appendix scar.
That's narrowed down the field a bit.
- [Man] Yeah, just about two million.
About 26?
- [Sarge] Yeah.
- [Man] Five foot one.
More hot rags, sarge?
- [Sarge] No, these will do.
You know my trouble, don't you?
- Huh?
- [Sarge] Can't give her misses
a straight answer.
Same every bleeding year.
Softening up.
- Yeah.
- [Sarge] Mrs. Watson
will make arrangements.
- Ready for the ink, sarge.
- [Sarge] Like I say,
it depends on the roster.
- Stabbing off there.
- [Sarge] Never let you know, do they?
Good to know there's some consideration.
- Here.
- [Sarge] All right,
this looks like a good one.
- Yeah, not bad.
- [Sarge] Next one.
- Great.
- [Sarge] What's on tonight?
- [Man] Back to the next.
- [Sarge] You got to take
these prints back, haven't you?
(soft music)
- Judi?
(soft music)
(train rattling)
(soft music)
- How did you like it?
- Where did you go?
- It doesn't matter, does it?
Did you expect to find me here?
- Yes.
- And what did you think?
- I thought about you.
- Is that all?
- No.
I thought
how do you go on living when life stops?
- I came back 'cause there
was nowhere else to go.
- Oh, what a waste of a night.
- So we solved nothing, did we?
- I know it's ridiculous
but I've got to go to work now.
Will you be here when I get back?
Assuming I don't get drunk
and go to another party, that is.
- Whatever you like.
- Jude.
- I've ironed your shirt.
It's in the bathroom.
(train rattling)
(soft music)