Four Men and a Prayer (1938) Movie Script
The munitions used by the rebels
came up from Nammu to Dowgli Pass.
The revolt was quelled,
but at the cost of 90 lives-
60 natives and 30
of our own lancers.
Ninety dead men.
And why are they dead?
They are dead because the lancers
guarding Dowgli Pass-
the sole gate to an attack
on Jerishtawbi-
were ordered elsewhere
by Colonel Loring Leigh.
I will call Captain Loveland.
Raise your right hand.
Repeat the oath.
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence
which I shall give before this court...
shall be the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth.
Captain Loveland, will you tell the court
about any orders...
received by you from Colonel Leigh
on the night of the 18th.
I received written orders,
delivered to me shortly after 9:00...
to proceed immediately
with my detachment to Tablis.
Orders in Colonel Leigh's writing.
Can you identify the writing?
Yes, it was his writing,
but perhaps-
Perhaps what?
I was about to say the order may not
have been as neatly written as usual.
Of course, this
might have been due to haste.
- Could it have been due to intoxication?
- I cannot judge as to that.
That is all.
I believe you have known Colonel Leigh
for several years.
Have you ever seen him intoxicated?
Not intoxicated.
Have you ever known him
to issue a careless order?
I have not.
Captain Loveland...
in view of all the very strange things
which happened that night...
has it ever occurred to you...
that the order in question
might have been forged?
The question is disallowed.
Unless you intend to offer proof.
That will be all.
I call Colonel Loring Leigh
to the stand.
- Leigh!
- Yes?
This came to your digs.
Thought it might be important.
- Well rowed, Leigh.
- Thank you, sir.
...something more fundamental than
that referred to by the opposing counsel.
As he has so aptly stated,
under ordinary circumstances...
there might be doubt as to the validity
of a claim against the defendant company.
However, in this instance...
my clients have suffered
a loss which can be laid...
directly at the door
of the defendants.
- I have no doubt...
- Anything wrong, Leigh?
The learned counsel's opinions
have been honestly expressed, but I-
May it please Your Lordship, I am called
from the court on urgent private affairs.
By Your Lordship's permission?
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
Message for Flying Officer Leigh.
That's his ship coming in now.
- Joan.
- You are late.
Oh, I'm sorry, darling, but it's such a lovely ship,
I hated to come down at all.
- How very flattering.
- But now I'm here, I'm awfully glad to see you...
- and did I ever tell you your eyes are mysterious-
- Pools of limpid twilight?
Heavens, is it Wednesday today?
Oh, did you know each-
Miss, uh- Miss-
- Cable for you, sir.
- Oh, thank you. Most timely.
Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll take you both out to tea
and I'll tell you all sorts of classic things...
that I thought up
in the air, all right?
Yes. Excuse me, darling- darlings.
Christopher, what is it?
I'm sorry.
I've got to go.
You again, Lynn.
Look here, you dumbbell,
I might have shot you.
Oh, how divine to be killed
at such loved hands.
The faithful attach decoding messages
of an empire on which the sun never sets.
- What does that say?
- Sorry.
Why, you know, those messages
might shake the world.
Oh, it's so romantic.
It's about as romantic
as reading the last census reports.
My, how you shatter my illusions.
And one illusion was that...
you might have thought enough of me
to come down to that tea fight.
- Good heavens, is it as late as that?
- Mm-hmm.
- I am sorry, Lynn.
- Well, you ought to be.
- We'd better go down now.
- No, you don't. I'm taking you out tonight.
- Those are orders from your boss.
- I'm sorry, Lynn. More work tonight.
Oh, no. You're not gonna
work any more tonight. We're going out.
We're going slumming, dancing. We're gonna
drink champagne and listen to Negro orchestras.
Ah, that's good medicine
for your correct English soul, my son.
Woman's oldest instinct, eh?
Want to make me over?
Ah, and how you need it.
Come on. Let's go.
Look, I'll join you in the hall in,
uh, two minutes. I must finish this work.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'll stay and help you...
and then you can finish it
that much quicker, huh?
- Come on.
- Help me? No, this is one thing, Lynn...
- that you cannot interfere in.
- Oh, I see.
- Secrets of the empire, huh?
- Yes.
All right, but don't you
keep me waiting.
- I won't. Two minutes.
- Two minutes.
- Oh, what's that?
- A cablegram for you, sir. Personal.
Thank you.
- That'll be all, Benson.
- Yes, sir.
Gad, what a homecoming.
A lifetime of distinguished service,
and chucked out like this.
Never did a dishonorable
thing in his life.
Must you do that?
I've gotta do something.
The trouble is, I've read
the proceedings of the trial...
and I don't see how they could have
reached any other verdict.
What's that? Do you mean to say you actually
believe the governor guilty?
- Don't be an ass.
- Now look here, Nosey, I-
Rod. I've known Dad a good many
more years than you have.
What do you think I believe?
Well, what are you all being
so solemn about? It's like a funeral.
What I'd like to do is find out who's behind
all this and wring his blasted neck.
Oh, chuck the heroics, kid. We all know
there's something funny about this.
Quite. That's why the old man
asked us to meet him here.
Now look here. We've all got to appear
as though nothing had happened...
as though this is a perfectly
natural homecoming.
Do you remember how he
used to come home on leave?
Full of beans, all sorts of plans?
- Mmm.
- Yes. You know how he'll take this, don't you?
You bet.
Head up and smiling.
Here he comes.
Yes, that sounds like the governor.
Manders! Manders,
the colonel's here.
The colonel? Oh!
Hello, Manders.
Back again, huh?
- Welcome home, sir.
- Thank you.
- Your case, sir?
- No, I'll keep that myself.
A bit of weather, sir.
A trifle cold perhaps.
- A trifle damp too, Manders, huh?
- Oh, yes, sir.
- Mr. Wyatt and the others are in the library, sir.
- Right.
Hello, boys.
Good of you to come.
- How are you, governor?
- Hello, Father.
- Hello, lads.
- Welcome home, Dad.
Let's have a look at you.
Squad! 'Shun!
- Beano, sir.
- Boson, sir.
- Nosey, sir.
- Rodney, sir.
Huh? I didn't quite
get that last one.
Oh, all right then.
- But I think it's a rotten name, sir.
- Well, you chose it yourself.
Remember? You were
going to be a magician.
Snicklefritz the Great.
Unlucky day for me, sir.
Beano, what happened
to the big oak by the gate?
Why, I had to have it cut down, sir.
It died.
One hates to see
staunch old friends go down.
Glad to see you're looking
so fit, governor.
Hmm. You're taking it well, boys.
- I knew you would.
- There's nothing to take, sir.
- We knew there was something sticky about it.
- There was.
We all read the evidence.
What about that batman
of yours- Mulcahay?
I'd as soon distrust one of you.
And Captain Loveland?
- So far as I know, an officer doing his duty.
- Drake, sir?
One of the best. He got special leave
to come home and help me.
- You're going to fight, of course.
- Naturally.
- Good.
- We knew you wouldn't take this lying down, sir.
And neither will we.
We're in this with you, if we can help.
You bet we are. We've always stuck together-
all of us- through fire, flood and famine.
Famine, Snicklefritz?
When was that?
Well, the time that Nosey and I
got lost in the woods and missed supper.
Sit down, sir.
You must be feeling tired.
I am a bit tired.
The nights on the boat
were the worst...
when I knew how all
you fellows must be feeling.
Well, I-I think
we'll all have a spot.
That's a sound idea.
Now, have you any idea-
Oh. Uh, have you any idea, sir,
of the motive behind all this?
I have.
A very definite idea.
It was the work
of a munitions syndicate.
- The tribe that revolted had
the very latest in modern guns.
Do you mean to say, sir,
that someone sold guns to the natives...
and then created an opportunity
for the guns to be used?
I do. It all fits in.
Oh, that's-
that's absolutely fictional.
Have you any proof?
I have.
It wasn't easy to collect.
After the court-martial,
everybody seemed to disappear.
- Disappear?
- Well, scatter.
General Bryce
was transferred to Egypt.
Captain Loveland inherited a fortune
and retired to Buenos Aires.
- And the barman had already done a bunk.
- Yes.
- Why, that's extraordinary.
- Ah.
Just to see whether you
really can take it, sir.
I can...
if it isn't drugged.
Well, sir, here's confusion
to your enemies and to ours.
And to your mother, boys.
I'm glad she's not here today.
Well, I've got
an hour's work to do...
so clear out for a bit, will you?
- See you at dinner, sir.
- At dinner, Father.
- See you at dinner, governor.
- See you at dinner, Dad.
After dinner I'll lay the case before you
and ask your advice.
Four brains are better than one.
- Yes, sir.
- Four brains? What about me?
Oh, have you found one?
Good. I hadn't heard.
Nosey, I'll have you for that!
Oh, Manders, will you see
if the colonel is ready for us?
- Very good, sir.
- It's good port, this.
- I don't imagine you get very good port in America.
- Oh, yes, you do.
- How do you get it?
- Well, they send it over in boats.
- Oh.
- Oh, boats.
Nosey, are you growing a mustache?
I beg your pardon.
It's grown.
It jolly well isn't.
Geoff, do you realize that
while you've been away...
you've picked up the most
appalling American accent?
Have I? Do you know, in the States
nearly everybody takes me for a Yankee.
Yes, I can well understand that.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Let me hear you say "Okay, toots."
- Tell my sons I'm ready for them, Manders.
- Very good, sir.
Who's that?
Your father is ready, Mr. Wyatt.
Oh, thanks.
Now for the story.
Come on, you chaps.
What was that?
It sounded like a gun.
- It's locked.
- Father!
- Father!
- Father!
Try this again.
Oh, Dad! Dad!
Oh, governor.
He's killed himself.
The disgrace.
- Manders.
- That isn't true. L- I won't believe it.
Beano, look.
The dispatch case!
- It's empty.
- His papers are gone.
- Dad's evidence.
- Look, the window!
Somebody came through
this way, all right.
This is murder.
What's the plan, Beano?
You're head of the family now.
Well, we've got
four names to work on.
There's Drake, Mulcahay,
that barman and Loveland.
These men must be found
and talked to.
- Right.
- I shall go to India and start with Mulcahay.
- Drake's coming here. Boson, you'd better wait for him.
- Right.
Loveland's in Buenos Aires.
- Nosey, that's your job.
- Good.
- Well, what about me? I'm in on this.
- You're going back to Oxford.
- Oh, no.
- You'll do as you're told.
But that isn't fair. This-This is a family cause.
It- It's Dad's and ours.
Well, Boson, you understand.
This is my cause too.
- He's right, Beano.
- Yeah, let him go.
- All right, Rodney goes with me.
- Thanks, Beano.
But this isn't going to
be any tea party.
If Dad's evidence was so important
that they had to murder him...
we'll be running the same risk.
- Let it come.
- And the sooner the better.
Here's to you, Mother.
And to you, Dad.
Mother, Dad.
Doesn't the diplomatic corps
even allow you to look surprised?
- I'm not.
- You're not?
You're the world's champion popper-upper.
It amounts to genius.
Your butler thought I was working my way
through college and wouldn't let me in.
Sensible fellow.
What's the matter with your feet?
You're not starting a nudist pose?
No. Feet hurt
and there wasn't a taxi...
and I had to walk all the way from that
adorable little place called SaintJohn-Cum-Leigh.
- Yeah, and the man said that-
- Why?
- Hmm?
- "Sinjin Comely"?
- Well, that's the way it always has been.
Oh. Well, however,
the man said it would only be just a step.
I suppose that's the well-known
English sense of humor, huh?
- The village has never seen a taxi.
- Oh, really?
Well, now that you're here, shall I carry you
across the threshold like a bride?
Oh, Geoff, I'd love it.
Oh, Lynn,
I-I think you-
I think you'd better walk.
You're never going to get
anyplace if you're always going to be a-
- You see, I got in, Meadows.
- Manders.
- I beg your pardon.
- I say, that's pretty close. How did you know?
- Oh, Meadows, Manders.
- That's all right. American, you know.
- Oh, yes.
- Tea in the library.
- Very good, sir. Madam, may I have your wrap?
- It's a dress.
- Oh, yes.
- Ah, Geoff, it's lovely.
Oh, it looks
just like the tap room...
- at the Statler Hotel in Buffalo.
- Thanks.
Well, you needn't be so snooty about it.
It's a very nice tap room.
Oh, and so is this.
Ah, fire. It's cozy.
I love fires.
Well, it's nice to see you, Lynn,
but what are you doing here?
I came to find out why you stood me up that
night in Washington and then disappeared.
No, thank you.
The embassy wouldn't tell me a thing...
and so I started on a world tour
looking for you.
I happened to land in England first
and heard you were here, so I came.
Do I hear an apology
for that stand-up?
Geoff, what is it?
It's in all the papers, Lynn.
Two seconds after you
left me that night...
I had a cablegram saying that my father had
been court-martialed and broken in India.
He asked me to meet him here.
Oh. Was that- that
English colonel your father?
And I came barging in here like a-
Oh, Geoff, I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
Oh, it's all right, Lynn.
L- I realized you didn't know.
Of course, I-I read all about it in the paper,
but I never dreamed-
London is calling, sir.
Captain Drake.
Oh, thanks.
Excuse me, Lynn.
Good afternoon, Captain Drake.
This is Geoffrey Leigh.
We've been waiting to hear from you, sir.
I'm so glad you got here.
I've seen the papers about your
father's death, Leigh. Do you think it was suicide?
No, we don't.
We think it was murder.
So do I. I'm coming out
to see you immediately.
No, don't send a car
to the station for me. I'll manage.
We must be very careful.
I've been followed ever since I landed.
That was a friend of the governor's.
He's just come to help him clear himself.
- But your father was killed. Why?
- I know.
That's what we've got to find out,
if it takes the rest of our lives.
We've got four names to work on.
There's Trooper Mulcahay and a barman in India.
- Mm-hmm.
- There's Douglas Loveland-
- Douglas Loveland?
- A retired army officer now living in Buenos Aires.
- And Captain Drake.
- Geoffrey, I, uh-
Now be a good kid, will you? I've got loads
of work to do before Captain Drake arrives.
There's a train leaving
SaintJohn-Cum-Leigh at 3:18.
I'll have them take you down
there in the car.
Must I go now? I could be
a lot of help to you.
It'll be sweet of you and you're a charming girl
and I'm delighted to see you...
but I don't need any help
and I really am busy.
I have something to tell you that's very important-
Tea- I haven't had mine yet.
Manders, will you have Dover take this young
lady down to the station in my car?
- Very good, sir.
- Okay. Take these things.
- Sorry, miss, but we haven't any chewing gum.
- That's quite all right. L-
- Hurry up. We're late.
- Geoffrey, what I had to tell you was really very important.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'll be in town tomorrow. Tell me at lunch.
- At lunch tomorrow?
- Uh-huh.
- All right. I'm staying at the Savoy.
- Savoy, grill room, 1:00.
- All right. And, Geoffrey-
- Mm-hmm?
Don't disappoint me.
I won't.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Where can I find a taxi?
Well, that's where you have me, sir.
Taxicab, sir?
Why, there's one now.
- Here. Leigh Hall, please.
- Yes, sir.
Well, where'd that come from?
A taxi here?
- Manders.
- Yes, sir.
Have dinner served as soon as Captain Drake
turns up, will you?
Very good, sir.
A car is coming now, sir.
Oh, good.
The car is there, sir, but, uh,
there's something strange.
- No driver.
- No.
"Captain Drake."
Well! You're looking very well
this morning, my friend.
Do you suppose he'll notice?
No, I guess you're right.
He probably won't.
Well, you can't blame a girl
for trying anyway, can you?
It's just come.
Probably bad news.
Something wrong?
Decidedly wrong.
I'm stood up again.
You know, Piper, people are gonna
decide one of three things about me.
Hello. Give me
the travel desk, please.
Either that I'm a brazen hussy,
or I'm just a plain squaw...
who has to tag along after her
man no matter where he goes.
Even if he isn't her man yet.
Or that I'm unselfish enough to want
to help a friend who's in a lot of trouble.
Perhaps the correct answer
is I'm all three of those things, huh?
Say, Piper, what are you doing?
Packing for Buenos Aires.
- Buenos Aires?
- Isn't that our next stop?
- Yes. Yeah, but how did you know?
- I'm psychic.
Hello. Is this the travel desk?
Can you tell me please...
what boat left for Buenos Aires this morning
and when will it arrive there?
And can I beat that boat by sailing
for New York immediately and then flying south?
And if so, by how many days
can I beat it?
No, no, no. Call me back, will you please?
Yeah, thanks.
Now look here, Mulcahay,
there's something I want to ask you.
Did you know the barman that mixed
that drink for my father at the club?
I did.
But there's a brown colleen here
by the name of Ah-Ah-Nee.
They say she knows him better.
The barman? Does this girl
Ah-Nee know where he went?
She did spit it out once
in the state of her wrath.
'Twas in, uh, America.
- South America, I think.
- South America? Did she say what part of South America?
Now, she did so.
I'm just remembering.
Let's see now.
I have a- I have a sister...
in, uh- in Cincinnati, in Ohio,
married to a plumber.
Yes, a nice girl. No, it wasn't there.
It was an island, I think.
Get away!
English dog! You pushed me!
English dog?
English, to me! Eng-
- Oh, Barney!
- Yo!
- Feeney!
- Yo!
Be with you in a minute, boys.
Gentlemen, I give you-
- Mulcahay, you're hurt!
- Ah, 'tis nothing. Nothing.
- Look, it's the police!
- Upstairs. Upstairs.
Come on.
- Boson!
- Nosey!
Oh, I am glad to see you.
Any news of Beano and Rodney?
Yes, a wire. They've struck the scene
and the kid's been in a fight.
- Oh, trust Snicklefritz for that.
- What about you?
I'm with Loveland. And this calls for a drink.
Two B and B's, please.
I have met the most attractive-
The most beautiful,
the most wonderful girl.
No, seriously, this time I've struck 10.
I think I'll marry her.
How do you do?
- What about the others?
- Well, it is hard on Joan...
and I did have a kind of
understanding with Betty, but...
I think I'll keep this one.
Now, Chris, we're out here on serious business.
We've got to clear our father's name.
Hold your hat on, Boson.
Everything's under control.
This girl introduced me
to the whole bunch...
and you're going to meet
them all in a minute.
- And there's something going on, my boy.
- What?
Excuse us, please.
- Well, what's going on?
- Well, I don't know yet, but here's the picture.
Furnoy-American, rich, with a yacht,
but not cruising about just for pleasure.
I'll stake my life on that. Then there's
a General Torres who simply reeks of conspiracy.
And Loveland-very thick with them all
and suddenly rolling in money.
- Looks like something pretty hot to me.
- Well, let's get on with it.
Wait a minute. Your name's Gordon.
Uh, Herkimer Gordon.
Her- Herkimer?
Why not Hezekiah?
Well, I'm sorry if you prefer it like that,
but you're already heavily billed as Herkimer.
Captain Loveland, may I introduce my brother,
Herkimer? He's just landed from England.
- How do you do?
- It's a pleasure, Mr. Gordon. Won't you join us?
- Delighted.
- Thank you very much.
- General Torres.
- How do you do?
- Senora Aguilard.
- How do you do?
- Mr. Furnoy.
- How do you do, Mr. Gordon?
And Miss Cherrington.
How do you do, Mr. Gordon?
Uh, won't you sit down?
How do you do, Miss Cherrington?
- What is your politics?
- Oh, yes. Of course.
- What?
- Hmm?
I, uh- I'd like to dance.
You understand, don't you?
Well, then score one for me.
For once you did look surprised.
How in the world did you get here?
- By plane from New York.
- Why?
Why not? After all, I'm the traveling kid.
Remember me?
And besides, I adore intrigue.
Give me a couple of aliases
and a plate of fudge, and I'm happy.
Well, I might have known
you'd be here.
Well, you'll change your tune when you
find out how much help I can be.
You see, I know Douglas Loveland.
That's what I was trying to tell you
that day at... "Sinjin Comely."
Now, Lynn, I'm delighted to see you,
and I know your intentions are excellent...
- but please keep out of this.
- Why-
Why, you ungrateful pup.
- I know, little Miss Fix-it.
- Mm-hmm.
You were going to fix a speeding
ticket for me in Washington.
- It took the whole embassy to
get me out of the, uh- - Jug.
Well, in that case, I don't suppose
you'd care to go up the river...
on a little yachting trip tomorrow with Furnoy,
General Torres and Loveland.
- But I would.
- Well, of course, I could fix it for you, Geoffrey...
but if you think
I'm such a nuisance-
Look here, Lynn,
we must go with them.
- Well, are you grateful?
- Rather.
Say it properly then.
Geoffrey, Boson, Herkimer,
Herky, listen.
Loveland's going up
the river on a yacht and-
- Were you two kissing then?
- No.
Here we have the village belles.
I don't like to have Rodney
running about alone in the native quarter.
I wouldn't trouble about him.
I'm sure he can box better than I can myself.
- Stop that, you fool!
- Rodney!
Rodney, what's up?
This is the barman's girl-
the barman at the club, you know.
She was just showing me how
she'd like to welcome home her erring knight...
when the popgun went off.
- Give me a look at the cannon.
- I wish you wouldn't go barging off all alone like this.
We've got serious work to do.
Good afternoon.
I know that as well as you do.
Oh, don't flutter like an old hen, Beano.
- I can dig my own worms. And make a note of that too.
- Look here, sir.
'Tis the same lethal weapon was in the hands
of the natives that revolted against us. Look, sir.
The maker's name
chiseled off and all.
That's splendid.
Now, can you tell me
where you got that?
One day I steal from him.
He drunk.
Bad to Ah-Nee when he drunk.
Where did your friend live
before he came here?
I do not understand.
'Tis strange, sir, how a little silver
increases the understanding.
Oh, yes, of course. Here.
Perhaps this'll help clear the old bean.
He say Murros Island.
- Murros Island?
- In South America.
- We've got it, Beano.
- We'd better keep the gun for evidence.
Yes. Here, Ah-Nee.
Take this, but don't spend it all in one place.
- Calcutta? I have ticket.
- Ready.
Mr. Wyatt Leigh calling Mr. Herkimer Gordon,
Hotel Royal, Buenos Aires.
This is Calcutta Central 0021.
Buenos Aires?
I have a ticket.
Murros Island?
Where's that?
That's right. That's right.
Murros Island.
- M-U-R-R-
- Oh, shut up.
No, no, no. Young Rod.
Somewhere off the coast
of South America.
Yes. South America.
Right. Are you sure
about the gun? The gun.
Mulcahay says it's identical
with those used in the revolt.
Even to the maker's name
being chiseled off.
Then we're getting warm.
We're getting warm.
We think we're on a trail here too.
A trail here too.
Keep up the good work, Beano,
and take care of the kid.
Hello, Geoff.
Did you hear about the cricket final?
Thirty-eight pounds 10.
Oh, look, Douglas,
we're slowing down.
- Are we stopping?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh.
- Squalid little place, but quite important for military reasons.
Controls the up-country.
Oh. Are we on a military expedition?
I didn't mean to suggest that.
Oh, Douglas, you don't
have to be cautious with me.
You know that.
And after all,
we, uh-
we are on a military
expedition, aren't we?
Nice little hand.
Nosey, we're slowing down.
I think we must be coming to-
Lynn is getting altogether too
thick with that fellow Loveland.
- Oh, is she? L- I hadn't noticed.
- Take a good look.
You know, Douglas, you're
such a natural as a soldier.
You must have had awfully good reasons
for giving up the service.
- I did.
- Oh.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello. Did you gentlemen order
a bottle of scotch?
Aye. Aye.
Aye, that we did.
- Good-bye.
- Bye.
My good friend, Donald Mouse.
Fine type.
You know, you are a good sort.
- Mr. Furnoy is asking for you, sir.
- Oh, thank you.
Oh, Douglas, you're coming
right back to me now, aren't you?
- Yes, of course I will.
- Oh, hurry now.
- Well, Lynn, I must say, you're marvelous.
- Really? Why?
Got Loveland all in a lather,
haven't you?
- Well, that was the idea.
- Well, I don't like it.
- Oh, really? Why, Geoff?
- Because I asked you to keep out of this.
This is a serious mission.
Oh, I appreciate your interest and all that.
It was very kind of you.
You got us invited on this trip.
But for the rest, I wish
you'd let us go it alone.
Oh. So that's how
it is with us, huh?
Yes, that's the way it is with us.
And besides, Loveland's no friend of ours.
He's in the enemy camp.
Now, just a moment.
- Am I, by any chance, being called a traitor?
- Oh, I didn't say that.
Well, you implied it. And you might
just as well have said it as to imply it.
- You know, really, Geoffrey, you're awfully stupid.
- Oh, so I'm stupid, am I?
- Yes, you certainly are.
- Well, how do you explain your snuggling up to him?
- Was that part of your act too?
- Explain to you? I'd rather eat ground glass first.
I have my own reasons
for what I do and-
I don't stand and deliver
to anybody! Do you understand?
All the same, you did everything but kiss him.
I don't see why you stopped at that.
Well, supposing I did?
Now listen to me, young man.
Nobody tells me what I can't do
or where I can't go.
And as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Geoffrey Leigh,
you can go jump in the lake- river!
Oh, I'll admit
that wasn't very good...
but the next time I see you,
and I hope I never do...
I'll have thought up
something better!
If they have discovered the guns, I am ruined.
- Oh? What's up?
- Well, he has a message that suggests a leak.
I paid you dearly
for those guns, senores.
One million gold pesos,
the gift of poor people, the word-
You'll find them all there.
The last stuff
was delivered yesterday.
If there should
be treachery-
It will be from your men.
I can trust mine.
So General Torres has an interest
in this little place, huh?
Well, why is Mr. Furnoy
going with him?
Oh, take a look
at the town, I expect.
Oh, really?
Oh, I think I'd like to do that, Douglas.
- Let's go.
- No, no, really.
- Furnoy doesn't want anyone else to go ashore.
- Well, why?
- Well, these little places can be dangerous.
- Oh.
- Bandits, you know.
- Bandits! Oh, how exciting!
- Now I know I want to go. Come on, Douglas.
- No, really. L-
- You know, I've got to obey.
- Obey?
- Yeah.
- Well, whom?
Well, I mean- I mean, you can't.
No, I must forbid it.
Forbid? Oh, Douglas,
that was your biggest mistake.
Stand aside.
I'm on my way.
- Torres.
- Hmm?
I don't like the feel of this place.
It's- It's suspiciously quiet.
Senor, it is I who give the command here.
All right. Go ahead and give the command.
I'm going back to the yacht.
- You're afraid to go to the warehouse?
- Oh, no. Let fools be heroes.
It's their business.
Mine is selling arms.
You go to the warehouse.
Take a good look around.
You'll find everything in order.
Oh, that's lovely.
Oh, I like that.
Douglas, buy me that, huh?
There's General Torres.
Oh, I'll bet where the general is,
there's excitement.
Come on, Douglas.
Let's go.
Willful little thing, aren't you?
Furnoy will give us beans for this,
but I can't let you go alone.
No, no. I'll say you couldn't.
Come on.
- Senor, you have no right-
- It's quite all right, General.
Miss Cherrington is a friend.
Forgive me, senorita.
I did not know you were a friend.
Behold my so beautiful stores.
With these, I shall liberate
my unfortunate people.
They shall be happy
once more in liberty.
Please come.
Please, senorita,
let me give you a little of this old, old-
Do I see you again, amigo?
A charming moment, my friend.
Oh, delightful, mi general.
It is a pleasure
to introduce my friends.
Senorita Cherrington of New York...
Capitn Loveland of London...
my distinguished compatriot...
General Adolfo Arturios
Gregario Sebastian.
Ah, senorita.
- What a moment I have.
- Thank you.
- I extend my most gracious welcome
to our small city.
There will be a little
celebration tonight...
in honor of our dear friend,
General Torres.
If the so beautiful senorita and capitn
will honor us.
Oh, I'd love to.
Do you think we can, Douglas?
- Well, I'm not quite sure, Lynn.
- I shall hope.
And now, with your pardon, I have important
business with our friend, General Torres.
If you will be so good, my friend.
Oh, with pleasure, amigo.
- Forgive me for a moment.
- Of course.
Oh, I think he's charming.
- We'd better get out of here.
- Why?
- I don't like it.
- Oh, Douglas, don't be silly. It may be interesting.
- Besides, I want to stay and see the fun.
- Fun?
Well, you would come ashore.
Shall we drink, my friend,
to liberty?
With all my heart.
To liberty.
Forgive me, my friend,
but you know I do not smoke.
- But, my friend, people are watching.
- Oh.
You are very thoughtful.
- Magnificent, my friend.
- Gracias.
Douglas, they're not going to-
Come on, Nosey.
Oh, Douglas, poor Torres.
And those half-starved little people,
mowed down like that without a chance.
- And women and kids too, Douglas!
- That's war, you know.
It isn't war. It's a massacre.
It's all a surprise to me.
It's the men who sell them ammunition
and encourage such things who ought to be shot...
- not those poor little devils!
- Lynn!
- Lynn!
- Geoffrey! Oh, Geoffrey!
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm all right.
Say, help me out of this, will you, mister?
Come along, Lynn.
We'd better get back to the boat.
Say, guvnor, you remember me...
- from Murros Island?
- I never saw you before in my life.
Why, I been looking at your blinking face
every day for a week.
They're going to shoot me, guvnor.
Help me, lady, will you?
Help me.
They're gonna shoot me.
- Douglas, you can't let them do that.
- It isn't wise to interfere.
Say, look here!
Geoffrey! Geoffrey!
Oh, of all the stupid,
asinine things to do!
Don't worry, Lynn. He's got a plan.
He's getting information.
Information? Why, they'll stand him up
against a wall and shoot him. Geoffrey!
They won't do that to him.
He's a British subject. He's been to Washington.
Now you listen to me, Chris.
You haven't seen what I have tonight.
They'll kill anybody
in this town- anybody!
You were employed
by these munitions people. Is that right?
That's right. Say, mister,
the firing squad'll be here any minute...
and they don't bother about
court-martials in this town.
My friends are at work.
They'll get us out.
Well, I hopes they look lively.
They'd as soon shoot you
as look at you. Uh, sooner.
- What about Murros Island?
- That's where they keep the stuff, guvnor.
And they've got enough stuff there
to blow up the whole world if you ask me.
- And you delivered the guns here
to Torres and his rebels?
Yes, sir.
And to the government too.
Atlas Arms was shooting on both
sides in this little dust-up.
Atlas Arms?
What was that?
- We'll be next, guvnor.
- Don't get a wind up, old chap. My friends will manage somehow.
Well, they'd better shake a leg
if they want to meet us this side of heaven.
I'm afraid you're right.
They're coming for us now!
- Geoff!
- Lynn!
- Oh, Geoff, I was so worried.
- Oh, Lynn.
L- I've got a release order for you.
Douglas Loveland got it.
Let's get out of here.
- Thank you, lady.
- Yeah.
Oh, Geoffrey, I'm so glad
you're all right.
Lynn, darling, I'm sorry about those suspicions.
They were just plain jealousy.
- Geoff!
- And, darling, apart from the fact...
that I'd like to box your ears...
- I'm afraid I'm hopelessly in love with you.
- Oh, Geoff, Geoff.
Look, I'm not a fussy man,
but I thought you didn't like him.
Well, I-
I'm not quite sure that I do.
You see, Nosey...
uh, Lynn and I-
Well, I-look here.
It's an old story.
I mean, I-Well-
You mean you and Lynn are-
Uh, yes.
- Then you don't love me?
- Oh, yes, Chris. I do love you.
Only Geoff saw me first.
It took a firing squad
to make me realize it.
Oh, you'll be all right, Chris.
Remember, there's Joan and Elizabeth...
and that little telephone operator
in the Buenos Aires hotel.
Bernice and Penelope. There are thousands
of beautiful creatures all panting for me...
- but I don't think I'll find one quite like you, Lynn.
- Thanks.
Good luck, old man.
Oh, what about that cockney?
Listen. Marvelous, Nosey. It's a concern
called Atlas Arms behind the whole thing...
- and their distributing point is Murros Island.
- Murros Island?
Hey! Don't mind me!
Murros Island!
Then the whole thing links up.
I think I've got the evidence to prove it.
Do you remember Beano said...
- the maker's name was chiseled off that gun?
- Yes.
This one I got off a dead soldier
and the name's gone off that too.
- Oh! Even I get that. That means Atlas Arms in both places.
- And Loveland in both places.
I think we've got the last nail in that chap's coffin.
Where is he?
He's in the street. He's getting rather nervous.
Let's go and get him.
We'd better get aboard. Furnoy is extremely
annoyed over the disturbance you've made.
Listen, Loveland, I don't usually go about
hitting people on the chin...
but this time I have
a reason that might interest you.
Let's go inside and have
a beer and talk it over.
No, we can't keep Furnoy waiting.
Oh, please, Douglas.
L- I'm thirsty.
Well, if it ain't my old
pal from Murros Island!
- Get away, blast you!
- Oh, now how can I be in your way...
when I'm invisible?
- What you can't see can't hinder.
- You come with me.
- You'd better come.
- Entertain the lady, will ya, mate?
Sit down.
This is all very mock heroic, gentlemen.
May I ask the point?
Well, the first point is this-
Our name's not Gordon. It's Leigh.
Interesting as fact,
but hardly significant.
You'll find it significant.
Our father's name was Colonel Loring Leigh.
You knew him, I believe.
Very well.
He was my commanding officer in India.
Quite, and you were
a witness at his trial.
Reluctantly, I admit.
All the same, he was convicted
on your perjured evidence.
- I'm not gonna stay here and be insulted.
- Speaking of mock heroics.
Sit down.
Is there anything familiar
about that gun?
- No.
- Well, the barman in India left one behind...
exactly like it when he skipped.
It wasn't clever of you, Loveland,
to let that cockney down.
He told me the whole story in jail while you,
no doubt, were hoping we'd both be shot.
I confess it would've
saved me this rather boring interview.
Don't smile like that.
It annoys me.
You're gonna tell us now
exactly what happened in India.
- And if I don't?
- Why, then, Loveland...
I promise you, on my word of honor,
that I'll shoot you right now.
Just a stray bullet
from the revolution.
I forged the order.
That's all.
- Go on.
- There isn't any more.
- I didn't kill you father.
- Then you do know that he was killed!
Well, we want the name
of the man who killed him.
I'm probably signing my own death warrant.
But since you insist, it was-
Geoffrey! Geoffrey, what happened?
- A shot came from that window.
- But why?
The thing to do now
is get out of here immediately.
Yes, poor fellow.
Very evidently a stray bullet from the revolution
finished him off. Come in.
Yes. Oh, you'll make
all the arrangements, eh?
Good. Well, I'm pulling
out of here at once.
L- I don't want to risk
my other guests.
I've just been talking over the wireless telephone
to the British consul.
He's making all the arrangements
about poor Loveland.
Peculiar chap,
in some ways, Loveland...
but always a delightful guest.
- Won't you sit down and have a drink?
- No, thanks.
We want to talk to you, Furnoy.
- First of all, you ought to know who we are.
- Oh, that's not necessary.
I do a lot of business through the British
embassy in Washington.
In that case, you must've
heard of our father, Colonel Loring Leigh.
Yes, I think I have.
Read something of him recently.
We came here to have
a showdown with Loveland.
He was the chief witness
against our father in India.
And tonight we got
the evidence we wanted.
He confessed that he had been
bribed to forge the order...
on which our father
was court-martialed and convicted.
Bribed? Who bribed him?
A munitions concern
called Atlas Arms.
Atlas Arms?
Never heard of them.
Won't you boys sit down and have-
And Loveland wasn't killed by a stray bullet.
He was murdered.
Well, great scott,
this all seems very mysterious.
It is. Loveland was just about to disclose
the name of the official of Atlas Arms...
who killed our father,
when the shot was fired.
- Obviously, someone did not want us to hear that name.
- Certainly looks that way.
Furnoy, we were wondering
if it could be anybody on this boat.
It seems to us that Loveland
constantly took orders from you.
By the Lord Harry,
I believe you chaps think I'm in this.
Why don't you take that gun out of your pocket?
You know, I've been accused of a lot of things
in my time, but never murder.
You chaps are so serious.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
You can look me up in Bradstreet's.
Well, wait.
You've been in America.
- Have you never heard of Standard Rubber?
- I'm afraid not.
Oh! Well, that's me.
Of course, I don't pay
much attention to it nowadays.
But while I was developing it, I was forced
to travel a great deal, looking for rubber.
It gave me a sort of a passion for knocking
about the world with adventure and excitement.
You know, knocking about the world
in odd places and collecting curious people.
I knew a chap called
Traud Shaw once-
Now take, for instance, Loveland and Torres.
I looked them up too.
Loveland, I found, was an army
officer who'd retired with a bit of money.
And Torres-
Well, Torres was obviously an old bandit.
Turned revolutionary and all that sort of thing.
As a matter of fact,
Torres suggested this cruise.
And I thought it would be fun.
Now with Loveland gone-
What I'm really interested in-
uh, pardon me- is this.
- Ooh.
- Softer hands...
- for housewives.
- That's good.
As well as bigger
and better teeth for dogs...
and babies.
So you see, if you're
trying to tie me up with your late friend...
well, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Now if you boys will pardon me...
I think I'll turn in,
and I think you should too.
- Uh, may I keep this one?
- Yes, if you like.
- And that too.
- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, look-
- Good night.
We didn't do that very well, did we?
You blasted idiot!
Which one of those mugs
is in love with Lynn Cherrington?
Both, I should say.
Oh, good.
Ask Miss Cherrington to step in, will you?
- Good evening.
- Good evening, Miss Cherrington. I hope you're feeling better.
- Thank you. I am.
- Sorry you got in all this mess.
- Well-
- Won't you sit down?
Thank you. After all, it was my first revolution,
and I don't care to see another, thanks.
Well, you know, men will fight.
- Yeah.
- War is a pretty old institution.
Pretty horrible one too, isn't it?
Yes, it's terrible about Loveland.
Oh, I managed to get your
father on the wireless telephone.
Finally located him
in Alexandria, in Egypt.
Really? I thought
he was in- in London.
No. I felt that he'd, naturally,
want to know what was going on here.
Particularly about Loveland.
My father? But why?
Well, as president of the Atlas Arms,
he'd naturally feel concerned.
President of Atlas Arms?
Yeah. Oh.
L- I thought you knew.
Why, uh-Why, no.
I didn't know. L-
Uh, I wonder if I may
have a cigarette.
Yes. Surely.
Thank you.
As a matter of fact,
that's how I first met Loveland.
He'd a letter of introduction
from your father...
whom he'd worked for
sometime before in India.
Oh, and by the by, I didn't make any mention
at all of your being aboard ship.
I was afraid it might
worry your father.
Yes. Oh, yes, it might.
- Good night and thank you.
- Good night, my dear.
You'll probably find
Miss Cherrington at the hotel.
I think she went ashore early
to get a good night's rest.
Well, good-bye, Mr. Furnoy.
Very happy to have been aboard.
- Well, happy to have had you.
- And I'm- I'm terribly sorry about last night.
- Oh, forget it.
- Good-bye, sir. Happy to have been aboard.
- Thank you very much.
- Well, I enjoyed having you too.
And by the way, here's one
of my latest little gadgets, all for you.
Oh, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Good-bye, boys.
Beg your pardon, sir. Operator says
please stand by for a call from India.
- India?
- Yes, sir.
- Right!
- Gracias, senor.
Nosey! Ready, Nosey.
India's calling!
Really, I wish you'd knock
before you do this type of thing.
How did you know who was- Oh. India?
Hello? Ready here for the call.
India again?
You know, I can't understand
why Lynn didn't wait for us this morning.
Typical of the breed.
Women don't give it a thought.
I suppose she was feeling
pretty ill.
- No wonder after last night, poor kid.
- Yes.
- Should we phone her?
- Let's. I know the minute she hears my voice...
her rooms will be bathed
in brilliant sunlight...
and birds will probably
twitter from her ceiling.
Get her on the phone
for me, will you?
Hello? Hello. Operator?
Put me through to
Miss Cherrington, will you?
She's gone?
She's gone!
- Hello, this is Gordon Herk-
- Herkimer Gordon!
Calling. Didn't she leave
a message for me?
But she must've
left a forwarding address.
- Thanks.
- Gone?
Bag and baggage, without a word.
But no note on the dressing table?
I can't understand it.
Hello? It's Wyatt!
We've got on to something, Boson!
That barman's gun was manufactured
by a company called Atlas Arms.
Atlas Arms!
We located the president of Atlas Arms
in Alexandria, Egypt.
All the number-one boys
of the munitions racket are there.
Now look here.
Take the first boat
and meet us there.
Oh, yes, yes!
What was that name again? Quick.
His name is Martin Cherrington.
That's right.
Now what's the matter?
Lynn's father's president
of Atlas Arms.
- I certainly don't like the look of this.
- What do you mean?
Lynn arrived at Leigh Hall
the day that Drake was shot, right?
Then she arrived out here before you did,
and I met her with Loveland.
It all looks most peculiar to me.
Don't be an ass.
Lynn's just an impulsive girl
who reads too many detective stories.
- I hope you're right.
- I am! Lynn tried to help us, didn't she?
She arranged for us to go
on this trip with Loveland.
Don't you realize that might
all have been a very neat trick?
I wonder.
- It's utterly impossible, but-
- What do we do now?
- We pack for Alexandria at once.
- Oh.
His Highness agrees to the terms...
and would pay partly in gold
and partly in silver.
Okay. Now you tell your friend
the shipment can be made secretly.
Mr. Furnoy, who's in charge
of all operations...
will be here in a couple of days
and settle the details.
The kid's here.
Landed at Imperial Airways
a few minutes ago.
What? Here in Alexandria?
How the dickens did she track me?
Well, tell her I'm busy!
- You tell her.
- Hmm?
Well, all right.
Shoot her in.
If you gentlemen will wait in this room, please,
I won't be a minute.
- As-salaam alaikum.
- As-salaam alaikum.
- Hello, Dad.
- Hello, Lynn. What are you doing in Egypt?
- I came to have a little talk with you.
- Well, well. What's up?
Engaged, married or broke?
How's about a daughterly peck?
No, thanks. I'm not very fond
of you at the moment.
Well, well.
What have I done now?
Dad, is it true that you're
president of Atlas Arms?
Where did you get track of that?
Now don't go answering a question
with a question! Are you president of Atlas Arms?
As a matter of fact, I am,
though it's not generally known.
But then I'm mixed up in a dozen companies.
Why pick on Atlas?
Oh, nothing.
That just makes you a murderer, that's all.
Here, here, here, here.
What's this?
I've just come back from South America
where I've seen men, women and kids...
killed with guns
that you made and sold.
It was terrible. People were shot down
on the street without a chance.
What do you think war is like?
A marshmallow roast?
Don't be flippant.
It was horrible.
You came halfway around
the world to tell me that?
Listen, Lynn. I know that war
is agony, filth and horror.
It's mass stupidity
and collective insanity.
You know all that and still
you go on selling arms?
Well, if I don't do it,
somebody else will.
Besides, you know, you're pretty expensive
with your globe-trotting ideas.
- Right now, I hate every penny you ever spent on me.
- Oh, you do, eh?
Okay. I'm making a note
to have your allowance stopped.
Can't you be serious
for two seconds?
I'm more in earnest than I've
ever been in my whole life...
and you treat me as though
I were still in rompers.
- Are you really serious?
- Yes, of course I am.
All right.
War is all you say it is and more.
But I'm not responsible if fools want to cut
each other's throats.
My factories turn out guns,
among other things.
Now if men want to buy them
and make hell on earth...
they might just as well
buy 'em from me.
But if they ever see reason...
I'd be delighted
to shut down my plants.
Now you know where I stand.
Dad, you're talking about men
as if they weren't even people.
I've seen them die,
slaughtered like animals.
That's your fault
for messing around such places.
I don't suppose it makes any difference
to you either, the fact that you've cost me...
the love and respect of the one man
in the world I cared anything about.
I never heard of him either,
so I can't be responsible.
All right, but get this clear.
From now on, I'm on the other side.
I'm fighting you.
Great! I love a good, stiff fight.
- You'll get it.
- In that case, I'll increase your allowance.
- You'll need a war chest.
- You can take your war chest and go to the devil!
Spunky kid, eh?
That's the way I like 'em.
Send in those snake charmers again.
I say! There they are!
- Nosey, Boson!
- By George, it's good to see them!
What have you got on your head?
Come on!
Rodney, wha-Whiskers?
- A mustache!
- A beard!
- It comes off.
- But you have one, and Boson said-
It comes off!
I say.
Nosey! Come on.
Get out of here. Nosey!
- Come on.
- Oh!
Chris! Chris, hello. Remember me?
The old popper-upper?
Um, Geoff, darling!
Darling, I'm so glad to see you.
I didn't know where
we'd ever find each other again.
I wasn't even sure that you'd come,
but I watched every steamer.
And, Geoff, remember there was
something I had to explain to you?
Well, I wasn't clear about it
until I got here, but now I am.
- You see-
- I think we're both quite clear.
Why, Geoffrey, what's the matter?
That sounds like a queer
kind of question.
Queer question?
But why? What have I done?
When your father's
president of Atlas Arms-
Oh, well, I wanted to be the first
to tell you that and explain, Geoffrey-
- I don't think explanations are possible.
- Oh, but, Geoffrey...
- surely you can't just-
- Please, Lynn, my brothers are waiting for me.
Uh, Geoffrey-
The guns are identical. The maker's name
has been chiseled off on both in the same way.
We had an acid test made of ours, and
the name Atlas Arms came out plain as day.
- So, at last, we're getting somewhere.
- I'm afraid we're not.
- What do you mean, Beano?
- Well, you see, Loveland is dead.
We have his confession,
but that's only hearsay evidence.
And the rest is purely circumstantial.
No court would accept it for a moment.
Do you mean we haven't
accomplished anything?
What about Cherrington?
He's the man we've got to see.
- Just try.
- Dear fellow, it's easier to get an interview with the king.
Cherrington's guarded on all sides. We
couldn't even get past his third secretary.
If ever I wanted to poke anyone in the nose,
it was that snooty secretary.
No, I'm afraid as far as seeing Cherrington is
concerned, that's a very difficult assignment.
Well, in that case, you'll need me.
- Lynn!
- Lynn!
- Oh, Lynn, we werejust talking about you-
- That's hardly necessary.
- I'm Lynn Cherrington.
- How do you do?
- How do you do? And how do you do?
- How do you do?
And believe it or not,
you do need me.
- Uh, Lynn, we're very busy.
- Very busy indeed.
Yes. Yes, I know. I'm still messing in
your affairs and you don't like it.
Well, all the fun's
gone out of it for me too...
but I'm gonna stay
and finish what I started.
We'd be grateful for any help,
Miss Cherrington.
- May I take your wrap?
- Thank you. Don't tell me I've met one member of this family...
- who really has brains.
- Oh, well.
- Or, perhaps, two members, huh?
- Oh, thank you.
Of course, those idiots over there
think I can't be trusted.
- No.
- But I do hope you'll believe me.
- Please, Lynn-
- Look, Lynn, if you could-
And besides, I've had about enough of this
"Please, Lynn" stuff.
Do you think I've met every steamer
just to flatter your vanity?
I was afraid my father'd
get away before you arrived, if you ever did.
And when you did arrive,
you wouldn't even listen to me!
Now, would you like
to see my father?
Oh, would we?
I say, you are a trump.
- Thank you.
- We'd be very grateful, Miss Cherrington.
Oh, I knew I should've waited
till I met the rest of the family...
before I made my choice.
- You know, it's a very good thing that you came, uh, Beano.
- Yes?
- Because those two mutts would never have gotten anyplace.
- No, no.
And it's a very good thing
that you came too...
- uh, Snozzle.
- Uh, Snicklefritz.
Well, shall we go?
Thank you.
Uh, you two can tag along if you like,
uh, Nosey and, uh, Stinky.
Come, Stinky.
Thank you.
Oh, sorry, Lady Cherrington.
- Hi, Mike.
- Hello, Lynn.
Uh-huh. Nope.
- Oh.
- Well, Dad, I want you to meet some friends of mine.
Mr. Wyatt, Rodney,
Christopher and Geoffrey Leigh.
Oh, yes. Always glad
to meet friends of Lynn's.
How do you do?
- Uh, now, Dad, I want you to listen to me-
- I'm sorry, Lynn.
I've got to attend a meeting.
Some other time, honey.
Hello. What's this?
Am I being kidnapped?
I'm sorry, sir, but this is a matter
of life and death to us.
We've been trying
to see you for days.
And I'm afraid you must listen.
Well, well.
Serious as all that,
I suppose I can spare you five minutes.
Well, go ahead, Lynn.
You've evidently got a speech on your chest.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.
Do you remember a couple
of weeks ago when we were in England?
I went to a certain house
where a British officer and his sons...
had led happy and honorable lives.
I went out there happily too, but...
I found a tragic thing had happened.
A little while before, that officer
had been disgraced and broken in India.
He'd come back home
to prove to his sons that he wasn't guilty.
But before he could
show them his evidence...
he was murdered
and all of his papers were stolen.
That officer was Colonel Loring Leigh
and these are his four sons.
Are you sure he was murdered?
- Definitely.
- A few days later...
another officer
who had come from India...
to help Colonel Leigh clear his name
was also murdered.
- Now, someone was afraid, Dad, of what they knew.
- That's true, sir.
I see.
But what on earth makes you
think that I was in on this?
Well, because Atlas Arms is responsible
for everything that's occurred...
and you are Atlas Arms.
So you think I'm the man, and you're ready
to throw me to the wolves, eh?
Lynn, you must have
a pretty big stake in this.
I have Dad. I'm in love
with Geoffrey Leigh.
But he's not in love with me now,
though he was for a little while.
Mr. Furnoy spoiled all that. You see, he told
me you were president of Atlas Arms and-
Uh, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Lynn, did Furnoy know that these boys
were Colonel Leigh's sons?
- Yes, he did.
- Well.
I'm beginning to see daylight.
Gentlemen, I hold the controlling shares
of many companies, including Atlas...
but I don't control its policy.
I want you to believe I didn't know
that that policy included murder.
- Oh, Dad, can you prove that?
- Why, yes, if necessary.
I make plowshares, locomotives and tractors
and even safety razors.
My stock in Atlas will be sold at once,
I promise you.
But you must know who does control
the policy of Atlas Arms.
- And you've got to tell us, sir.
- Oh, no, sonny, I haven't.
- Oh, Dad, you do.
- May I suggest, sir, that if you protect him...
you make yourself an accessory
to those murders.
Well, I guess a man in my position
could legally wriggle out of that.
But I don't hold with murder, and the man
who's responsible knows that I don't.
That's why he's kept me in the dark.
- Guess you boys want him pretty badly, don't you?
- Naturally, sir.
Then you'll have to hustle. He's sailing
on his yacht tonight for Singapore.
His name is Furnoy.
- Furnoy?
- But I thought he made-
- Well, what are we waiting for? Come on!
- Thanks, Dad.
Geoffrey! Geoffrey!
Geoffrey, wait a minute!
- I'm going with you!
- Darling, you can't come too.
This is a job for men
and guns and-
Don't forget to touch second.
- Lynn, can you ever forgive me?
- Of course, Geoffrey.
Only not in a rush like this. Not until there's
time for a thorough reconciliation.
And, darling, be careful!
There she is out there,
the big white one.
- There's no dinghy. We'll have to swim for it.
- Yes, but quietly!
- No flat dives.
- No nonsense.
Captain, get up a head of steam.
We're gonna sneak
outta here tonight.
No, sneak out.
Not Singapore.
Murros Island.
All right. Come ahead.
Hey! What are you people doing here?
Come on, Boson.
Hey! What are you guys doing?
All clear.
- Now which way?
- Follow it forward. Go to his cabin.
- Are you comfortable, Captain?
- Come on.
- What's this?
- Guest cabins here.
Come on now.
Take it easy.
That's Furnoy's cabin
and the secretary.
That door's locked.
That's Furnoy's cabin there.
There's someone in there.
- It's the secretary's room.
- It's locked.
- Let's crash it.
- Don't be silly.
Did you want some more scotch and soda?
Snow White! Shh! Shh!
Donald Moose- Goose. Wait a minute.
Oh. Yes, sir.
Good heavens.
Thank you. Thank you.
Oh. Right away.
Captain. Captain!
Good evening, Mr. Furnoy.
This is my brother Wyatt Leigh.
He's head of our family now
since you murdered our father.
This is my brother Rodney Leigh.
We've come to clear
our father's name.
We want a full confession from you.
Wh- Stay where you are.
I've got a bullet here
for each of you!
And as for Loveland, well...
he was done away with by friends of mine
in the government.
And that's all.
That's a true confession.
And now all that's required
is your signature, Mr. Furnoy.
- Sign it?
- Furnoy!
You murdered my father! Nothing would
give me greater pleasure than to blow your-
- Oh. Your father's?
- Yes.
His Majesty said he
was proud and happy...
that an honorable name
had been restored.
I'm proud too.
came up from Nammu to Dowgli Pass.
The revolt was quelled,
but at the cost of 90 lives-
60 natives and 30
of our own lancers.
Ninety dead men.
And why are they dead?
They are dead because the lancers
guarding Dowgli Pass-
the sole gate to an attack
on Jerishtawbi-
were ordered elsewhere
by Colonel Loring Leigh.
I will call Captain Loveland.
Raise your right hand.
Repeat the oath.
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence
which I shall give before this court...
shall be the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth.
Captain Loveland, will you tell the court
about any orders...
received by you from Colonel Leigh
on the night of the 18th.
I received written orders,
delivered to me shortly after 9:00...
to proceed immediately
with my detachment to Tablis.
Orders in Colonel Leigh's writing.
Can you identify the writing?
Yes, it was his writing,
but perhaps-
Perhaps what?
I was about to say the order may not
have been as neatly written as usual.
Of course, this
might have been due to haste.
- Could it have been due to intoxication?
- I cannot judge as to that.
That is all.
I believe you have known Colonel Leigh
for several years.
Have you ever seen him intoxicated?
Not intoxicated.
Have you ever known him
to issue a careless order?
I have not.
Captain Loveland...
in view of all the very strange things
which happened that night...
has it ever occurred to you...
that the order in question
might have been forged?
The question is disallowed.
Unless you intend to offer proof.
That will be all.
I call Colonel Loring Leigh
to the stand.
- Leigh!
- Yes?
This came to your digs.
Thought it might be important.
- Well rowed, Leigh.
- Thank you, sir.
...something more fundamental than
that referred to by the opposing counsel.
As he has so aptly stated,
under ordinary circumstances...
there might be doubt as to the validity
of a claim against the defendant company.
However, in this instance...
my clients have suffered
a loss which can be laid...
directly at the door
of the defendants.
- I have no doubt...
- Anything wrong, Leigh?
The learned counsel's opinions
have been honestly expressed, but I-
May it please Your Lordship, I am called
from the court on urgent private affairs.
By Your Lordship's permission?
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
Message for Flying Officer Leigh.
That's his ship coming in now.
- Joan.
- You are late.
Oh, I'm sorry, darling, but it's such a lovely ship,
I hated to come down at all.
- How very flattering.
- But now I'm here, I'm awfully glad to see you...
- and did I ever tell you your eyes are mysterious-
- Pools of limpid twilight?
Heavens, is it Wednesday today?
Oh, did you know each-
Miss, uh- Miss-
- Cable for you, sir.
- Oh, thank you. Most timely.
Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll take you both out to tea
and I'll tell you all sorts of classic things...
that I thought up
in the air, all right?
Yes. Excuse me, darling- darlings.
Christopher, what is it?
I'm sorry.
I've got to go.
You again, Lynn.
Look here, you dumbbell,
I might have shot you.
Oh, how divine to be killed
at such loved hands.
The faithful attach decoding messages
of an empire on which the sun never sets.
- What does that say?
- Sorry.
Why, you know, those messages
might shake the world.
Oh, it's so romantic.
It's about as romantic
as reading the last census reports.
My, how you shatter my illusions.
And one illusion was that...
you might have thought enough of me
to come down to that tea fight.
- Good heavens, is it as late as that?
- Mm-hmm.
- I am sorry, Lynn.
- Well, you ought to be.
- We'd better go down now.
- No, you don't. I'm taking you out tonight.
- Those are orders from your boss.
- I'm sorry, Lynn. More work tonight.
Oh, no. You're not gonna
work any more tonight. We're going out.
We're going slumming, dancing. We're gonna
drink champagne and listen to Negro orchestras.
Ah, that's good medicine
for your correct English soul, my son.
Woman's oldest instinct, eh?
Want to make me over?
Ah, and how you need it.
Come on. Let's go.
Look, I'll join you in the hall in,
uh, two minutes. I must finish this work.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'll stay and help you...
and then you can finish it
that much quicker, huh?
- Come on.
- Help me? No, this is one thing, Lynn...
- that you cannot interfere in.
- Oh, I see.
- Secrets of the empire, huh?
- Yes.
All right, but don't you
keep me waiting.
- I won't. Two minutes.
- Two minutes.
- Oh, what's that?
- A cablegram for you, sir. Personal.
Thank you.
- That'll be all, Benson.
- Yes, sir.
Gad, what a homecoming.
A lifetime of distinguished service,
and chucked out like this.
Never did a dishonorable
thing in his life.
Must you do that?
I've gotta do something.
The trouble is, I've read
the proceedings of the trial...
and I don't see how they could have
reached any other verdict.
What's that? Do you mean to say you actually
believe the governor guilty?
- Don't be an ass.
- Now look here, Nosey, I-
Rod. I've known Dad a good many
more years than you have.
What do you think I believe?
Well, what are you all being
so solemn about? It's like a funeral.
What I'd like to do is find out who's behind
all this and wring his blasted neck.
Oh, chuck the heroics, kid. We all know
there's something funny about this.
Quite. That's why the old man
asked us to meet him here.
Now look here. We've all got to appear
as though nothing had happened...
as though this is a perfectly
natural homecoming.
Do you remember how he
used to come home on leave?
Full of beans, all sorts of plans?
- Mmm.
- Yes. You know how he'll take this, don't you?
You bet.
Head up and smiling.
Here he comes.
Yes, that sounds like the governor.
Manders! Manders,
the colonel's here.
The colonel? Oh!
Hello, Manders.
Back again, huh?
- Welcome home, sir.
- Thank you.
- Your case, sir?
- No, I'll keep that myself.
A bit of weather, sir.
A trifle cold perhaps.
- A trifle damp too, Manders, huh?
- Oh, yes, sir.
- Mr. Wyatt and the others are in the library, sir.
- Right.
Hello, boys.
Good of you to come.
- How are you, governor?
- Hello, Father.
- Hello, lads.
- Welcome home, Dad.
Let's have a look at you.
Squad! 'Shun!
- Beano, sir.
- Boson, sir.
- Nosey, sir.
- Rodney, sir.
Huh? I didn't quite
get that last one.
Oh, all right then.
- But I think it's a rotten name, sir.
- Well, you chose it yourself.
Remember? You were
going to be a magician.
Snicklefritz the Great.
Unlucky day for me, sir.
Beano, what happened
to the big oak by the gate?
Why, I had to have it cut down, sir.
It died.
One hates to see
staunch old friends go down.
Glad to see you're looking
so fit, governor.
Hmm. You're taking it well, boys.
- I knew you would.
- There's nothing to take, sir.
- We knew there was something sticky about it.
- There was.
We all read the evidence.
What about that batman
of yours- Mulcahay?
I'd as soon distrust one of you.
And Captain Loveland?
- So far as I know, an officer doing his duty.
- Drake, sir?
One of the best. He got special leave
to come home and help me.
- You're going to fight, of course.
- Naturally.
- Good.
- We knew you wouldn't take this lying down, sir.
And neither will we.
We're in this with you, if we can help.
You bet we are. We've always stuck together-
all of us- through fire, flood and famine.
Famine, Snicklefritz?
When was that?
Well, the time that Nosey and I
got lost in the woods and missed supper.
Sit down, sir.
You must be feeling tired.
I am a bit tired.
The nights on the boat
were the worst...
when I knew how all
you fellows must be feeling.
Well, I-I think
we'll all have a spot.
That's a sound idea.
Now, have you any idea-
Oh. Uh, have you any idea, sir,
of the motive behind all this?
I have.
A very definite idea.
It was the work
of a munitions syndicate.
- The tribe that revolted had
the very latest in modern guns.
Do you mean to say, sir,
that someone sold guns to the natives...
and then created an opportunity
for the guns to be used?
I do. It all fits in.
Oh, that's-
that's absolutely fictional.
Have you any proof?
I have.
It wasn't easy to collect.
After the court-martial,
everybody seemed to disappear.
- Disappear?
- Well, scatter.
General Bryce
was transferred to Egypt.
Captain Loveland inherited a fortune
and retired to Buenos Aires.
- And the barman had already done a bunk.
- Yes.
- Why, that's extraordinary.
- Ah.
Just to see whether you
really can take it, sir.
I can...
if it isn't drugged.
Well, sir, here's confusion
to your enemies and to ours.
And to your mother, boys.
I'm glad she's not here today.
Well, I've got
an hour's work to do...
so clear out for a bit, will you?
- See you at dinner, sir.
- At dinner, Father.
- See you at dinner, governor.
- See you at dinner, Dad.
After dinner I'll lay the case before you
and ask your advice.
Four brains are better than one.
- Yes, sir.
- Four brains? What about me?
Oh, have you found one?
Good. I hadn't heard.
Nosey, I'll have you for that!
Oh, Manders, will you see
if the colonel is ready for us?
- Very good, sir.
- It's good port, this.
- I don't imagine you get very good port in America.
- Oh, yes, you do.
- How do you get it?
- Well, they send it over in boats.
- Oh.
- Oh, boats.
Nosey, are you growing a mustache?
I beg your pardon.
It's grown.
It jolly well isn't.
Geoff, do you realize that
while you've been away...
you've picked up the most
appalling American accent?
Have I? Do you know, in the States
nearly everybody takes me for a Yankee.
Yes, I can well understand that.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Let me hear you say "Okay, toots."
- Tell my sons I'm ready for them, Manders.
- Very good, sir.
Who's that?
Your father is ready, Mr. Wyatt.
Oh, thanks.
Now for the story.
Come on, you chaps.
What was that?
It sounded like a gun.
- It's locked.
- Father!
- Father!
- Father!
Try this again.
Oh, Dad! Dad!
Oh, governor.
He's killed himself.
The disgrace.
- Manders.
- That isn't true. L- I won't believe it.
Beano, look.
The dispatch case!
- It's empty.
- His papers are gone.
- Dad's evidence.
- Look, the window!
Somebody came through
this way, all right.
This is murder.
What's the plan, Beano?
You're head of the family now.
Well, we've got
four names to work on.
There's Drake, Mulcahay,
that barman and Loveland.
These men must be found
and talked to.
- Right.
- I shall go to India and start with Mulcahay.
- Drake's coming here. Boson, you'd better wait for him.
- Right.
Loveland's in Buenos Aires.
- Nosey, that's your job.
- Good.
- Well, what about me? I'm in on this.
- You're going back to Oxford.
- Oh, no.
- You'll do as you're told.
But that isn't fair. This-This is a family cause.
It- It's Dad's and ours.
Well, Boson, you understand.
This is my cause too.
- He's right, Beano.
- Yeah, let him go.
- All right, Rodney goes with me.
- Thanks, Beano.
But this isn't going to
be any tea party.
If Dad's evidence was so important
that they had to murder him...
we'll be running the same risk.
- Let it come.
- And the sooner the better.
Here's to you, Mother.
And to you, Dad.
Mother, Dad.
Doesn't the diplomatic corps
even allow you to look surprised?
- I'm not.
- You're not?
You're the world's champion popper-upper.
It amounts to genius.
Your butler thought I was working my way
through college and wouldn't let me in.
Sensible fellow.
What's the matter with your feet?
You're not starting a nudist pose?
No. Feet hurt
and there wasn't a taxi...
and I had to walk all the way from that
adorable little place called SaintJohn-Cum-Leigh.
- Yeah, and the man said that-
- Why?
- Hmm?
- "Sinjin Comely"?
- Well, that's the way it always has been.
Oh. Well, however,
the man said it would only be just a step.
I suppose that's the well-known
English sense of humor, huh?
- The village has never seen a taxi.
- Oh, really?
Well, now that you're here, shall I carry you
across the threshold like a bride?
Oh, Geoff, I'd love it.
Oh, Lynn,
I-I think you-
I think you'd better walk.
You're never going to get
anyplace if you're always going to be a-
- You see, I got in, Meadows.
- Manders.
- I beg your pardon.
- I say, that's pretty close. How did you know?
- Oh, Meadows, Manders.
- That's all right. American, you know.
- Oh, yes.
- Tea in the library.
- Very good, sir. Madam, may I have your wrap?
- It's a dress.
- Oh, yes.
- Ah, Geoff, it's lovely.
Oh, it looks
just like the tap room...
- at the Statler Hotel in Buffalo.
- Thanks.
Well, you needn't be so snooty about it.
It's a very nice tap room.
Oh, and so is this.
Ah, fire. It's cozy.
I love fires.
Well, it's nice to see you, Lynn,
but what are you doing here?
I came to find out why you stood me up that
night in Washington and then disappeared.
No, thank you.
The embassy wouldn't tell me a thing...
and so I started on a world tour
looking for you.
I happened to land in England first
and heard you were here, so I came.
Do I hear an apology
for that stand-up?
Geoff, what is it?
It's in all the papers, Lynn.
Two seconds after you
left me that night...
I had a cablegram saying that my father had
been court-martialed and broken in India.
He asked me to meet him here.
Oh. Was that- that
English colonel your father?
And I came barging in here like a-
Oh, Geoff, I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
Oh, it's all right, Lynn.
L- I realized you didn't know.
Of course, I-I read all about it in the paper,
but I never dreamed-
London is calling, sir.
Captain Drake.
Oh, thanks.
Excuse me, Lynn.
Good afternoon, Captain Drake.
This is Geoffrey Leigh.
We've been waiting to hear from you, sir.
I'm so glad you got here.
I've seen the papers about your
father's death, Leigh. Do you think it was suicide?
No, we don't.
We think it was murder.
So do I. I'm coming out
to see you immediately.
No, don't send a car
to the station for me. I'll manage.
We must be very careful.
I've been followed ever since I landed.
That was a friend of the governor's.
He's just come to help him clear himself.
- But your father was killed. Why?
- I know.
That's what we've got to find out,
if it takes the rest of our lives.
We've got four names to work on.
There's Trooper Mulcahay and a barman in India.
- Mm-hmm.
- There's Douglas Loveland-
- Douglas Loveland?
- A retired army officer now living in Buenos Aires.
- And Captain Drake.
- Geoffrey, I, uh-
Now be a good kid, will you? I've got loads
of work to do before Captain Drake arrives.
There's a train leaving
SaintJohn-Cum-Leigh at 3:18.
I'll have them take you down
there in the car.
Must I go now? I could be
a lot of help to you.
It'll be sweet of you and you're a charming girl
and I'm delighted to see you...
but I don't need any help
and I really am busy.
I have something to tell you that's very important-
Tea- I haven't had mine yet.
Manders, will you have Dover take this young
lady down to the station in my car?
- Very good, sir.
- Okay. Take these things.
- Sorry, miss, but we haven't any chewing gum.
- That's quite all right. L-
- Hurry up. We're late.
- Geoffrey, what I had to tell you was really very important.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'll be in town tomorrow. Tell me at lunch.
- At lunch tomorrow?
- Uh-huh.
- All right. I'm staying at the Savoy.
- Savoy, grill room, 1:00.
- All right. And, Geoffrey-
- Mm-hmm?
Don't disappoint me.
I won't.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Where can I find a taxi?
Well, that's where you have me, sir.
Taxicab, sir?
Why, there's one now.
- Here. Leigh Hall, please.
- Yes, sir.
Well, where'd that come from?
A taxi here?
- Manders.
- Yes, sir.
Have dinner served as soon as Captain Drake
turns up, will you?
Very good, sir.
A car is coming now, sir.
Oh, good.
The car is there, sir, but, uh,
there's something strange.
- No driver.
- No.
"Captain Drake."
Well! You're looking very well
this morning, my friend.
Do you suppose he'll notice?
No, I guess you're right.
He probably won't.
Well, you can't blame a girl
for trying anyway, can you?
It's just come.
Probably bad news.
Something wrong?
Decidedly wrong.
I'm stood up again.
You know, Piper, people are gonna
decide one of three things about me.
Hello. Give me
the travel desk, please.
Either that I'm a brazen hussy,
or I'm just a plain squaw...
who has to tag along after her
man no matter where he goes.
Even if he isn't her man yet.
Or that I'm unselfish enough to want
to help a friend who's in a lot of trouble.
Perhaps the correct answer
is I'm all three of those things, huh?
Say, Piper, what are you doing?
Packing for Buenos Aires.
- Buenos Aires?
- Isn't that our next stop?
- Yes. Yeah, but how did you know?
- I'm psychic.
Hello. Is this the travel desk?
Can you tell me please...
what boat left for Buenos Aires this morning
and when will it arrive there?
And can I beat that boat by sailing
for New York immediately and then flying south?
And if so, by how many days
can I beat it?
No, no, no. Call me back, will you please?
Yeah, thanks.
Now look here, Mulcahay,
there's something I want to ask you.
Did you know the barman that mixed
that drink for my father at the club?
I did.
But there's a brown colleen here
by the name of Ah-Ah-Nee.
They say she knows him better.
The barman? Does this girl
Ah-Nee know where he went?
She did spit it out once
in the state of her wrath.
'Twas in, uh, America.
- South America, I think.
- South America? Did she say what part of South America?
Now, she did so.
I'm just remembering.
Let's see now.
I have a- I have a sister...
in, uh- in Cincinnati, in Ohio,
married to a plumber.
Yes, a nice girl. No, it wasn't there.
It was an island, I think.
Get away!
English dog! You pushed me!
English dog?
English, to me! Eng-
- Oh, Barney!
- Yo!
- Feeney!
- Yo!
Be with you in a minute, boys.
Gentlemen, I give you-
- Mulcahay, you're hurt!
- Ah, 'tis nothing. Nothing.
- Look, it's the police!
- Upstairs. Upstairs.
Come on.
- Boson!
- Nosey!
Oh, I am glad to see you.
Any news of Beano and Rodney?
Yes, a wire. They've struck the scene
and the kid's been in a fight.
- Oh, trust Snicklefritz for that.
- What about you?
I'm with Loveland. And this calls for a drink.
Two B and B's, please.
I have met the most attractive-
The most beautiful,
the most wonderful girl.
No, seriously, this time I've struck 10.
I think I'll marry her.
How do you do?
- What about the others?
- Well, it is hard on Joan...
and I did have a kind of
understanding with Betty, but...
I think I'll keep this one.
Now, Chris, we're out here on serious business.
We've got to clear our father's name.
Hold your hat on, Boson.
Everything's under control.
This girl introduced me
to the whole bunch...
and you're going to meet
them all in a minute.
- And there's something going on, my boy.
- What?
Excuse us, please.
- Well, what's going on?
- Well, I don't know yet, but here's the picture.
Furnoy-American, rich, with a yacht,
but not cruising about just for pleasure.
I'll stake my life on that. Then there's
a General Torres who simply reeks of conspiracy.
And Loveland-very thick with them all
and suddenly rolling in money.
- Looks like something pretty hot to me.
- Well, let's get on with it.
Wait a minute. Your name's Gordon.
Uh, Herkimer Gordon.
Her- Herkimer?
Why not Hezekiah?
Well, I'm sorry if you prefer it like that,
but you're already heavily billed as Herkimer.
Captain Loveland, may I introduce my brother,
Herkimer? He's just landed from England.
- How do you do?
- It's a pleasure, Mr. Gordon. Won't you join us?
- Delighted.
- Thank you very much.
- General Torres.
- How do you do?
- Senora Aguilard.
- How do you do?
- Mr. Furnoy.
- How do you do, Mr. Gordon?
And Miss Cherrington.
How do you do, Mr. Gordon?
Uh, won't you sit down?
How do you do, Miss Cherrington?
- What is your politics?
- Oh, yes. Of course.
- What?
- Hmm?
I, uh- I'd like to dance.
You understand, don't you?
Well, then score one for me.
For once you did look surprised.
How in the world did you get here?
- By plane from New York.
- Why?
Why not? After all, I'm the traveling kid.
Remember me?
And besides, I adore intrigue.
Give me a couple of aliases
and a plate of fudge, and I'm happy.
Well, I might have known
you'd be here.
Well, you'll change your tune when you
find out how much help I can be.
You see, I know Douglas Loveland.
That's what I was trying to tell you
that day at... "Sinjin Comely."
Now, Lynn, I'm delighted to see you,
and I know your intentions are excellent...
- but please keep out of this.
- Why-
Why, you ungrateful pup.
- I know, little Miss Fix-it.
- Mm-hmm.
You were going to fix a speeding
ticket for me in Washington.
- It took the whole embassy to
get me out of the, uh- - Jug.
Well, in that case, I don't suppose
you'd care to go up the river...
on a little yachting trip tomorrow with Furnoy,
General Torres and Loveland.
- But I would.
- Well, of course, I could fix it for you, Geoffrey...
but if you think
I'm such a nuisance-
Look here, Lynn,
we must go with them.
- Well, are you grateful?
- Rather.
Say it properly then.
Geoffrey, Boson, Herkimer,
Herky, listen.
Loveland's going up
the river on a yacht and-
- Were you two kissing then?
- No.
Here we have the village belles.
I don't like to have Rodney
running about alone in the native quarter.
I wouldn't trouble about him.
I'm sure he can box better than I can myself.
- Stop that, you fool!
- Rodney!
Rodney, what's up?
This is the barman's girl-
the barman at the club, you know.
She was just showing me how
she'd like to welcome home her erring knight...
when the popgun went off.
- Give me a look at the cannon.
- I wish you wouldn't go barging off all alone like this.
We've got serious work to do.
Good afternoon.
I know that as well as you do.
Oh, don't flutter like an old hen, Beano.
- I can dig my own worms. And make a note of that too.
- Look here, sir.
'Tis the same lethal weapon was in the hands
of the natives that revolted against us. Look, sir.
The maker's name
chiseled off and all.
That's splendid.
Now, can you tell me
where you got that?
One day I steal from him.
He drunk.
Bad to Ah-Nee when he drunk.
Where did your friend live
before he came here?
I do not understand.
'Tis strange, sir, how a little silver
increases the understanding.
Oh, yes, of course. Here.
Perhaps this'll help clear the old bean.
He say Murros Island.
- Murros Island?
- In South America.
- We've got it, Beano.
- We'd better keep the gun for evidence.
Yes. Here, Ah-Nee.
Take this, but don't spend it all in one place.
- Calcutta? I have ticket.
- Ready.
Mr. Wyatt Leigh calling Mr. Herkimer Gordon,
Hotel Royal, Buenos Aires.
This is Calcutta Central 0021.
Buenos Aires?
I have a ticket.
Murros Island?
Where's that?
That's right. That's right.
Murros Island.
- M-U-R-R-
- Oh, shut up.
No, no, no. Young Rod.
Somewhere off the coast
of South America.
Yes. South America.
Right. Are you sure
about the gun? The gun.
Mulcahay says it's identical
with those used in the revolt.
Even to the maker's name
being chiseled off.
Then we're getting warm.
We're getting warm.
We think we're on a trail here too.
A trail here too.
Keep up the good work, Beano,
and take care of the kid.
Hello, Geoff.
Did you hear about the cricket final?
Thirty-eight pounds 10.
Oh, look, Douglas,
we're slowing down.
- Are we stopping?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh.
- Squalid little place, but quite important for military reasons.
Controls the up-country.
Oh. Are we on a military expedition?
I didn't mean to suggest that.
Oh, Douglas, you don't
have to be cautious with me.
You know that.
And after all,
we, uh-
we are on a military
expedition, aren't we?
Nice little hand.
Nosey, we're slowing down.
I think we must be coming to-
Lynn is getting altogether too
thick with that fellow Loveland.
- Oh, is she? L- I hadn't noticed.
- Take a good look.
You know, Douglas, you're
such a natural as a soldier.
You must have had awfully good reasons
for giving up the service.
- I did.
- Oh.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hello. Did you gentlemen order
a bottle of scotch?
Aye. Aye.
Aye, that we did.
- Good-bye.
- Bye.
My good friend, Donald Mouse.
Fine type.
You know, you are a good sort.
- Mr. Furnoy is asking for you, sir.
- Oh, thank you.
Oh, Douglas, you're coming
right back to me now, aren't you?
- Yes, of course I will.
- Oh, hurry now.
- Well, Lynn, I must say, you're marvelous.
- Really? Why?
Got Loveland all in a lather,
haven't you?
- Well, that was the idea.
- Well, I don't like it.
- Oh, really? Why, Geoff?
- Because I asked you to keep out of this.
This is a serious mission.
Oh, I appreciate your interest and all that.
It was very kind of you.
You got us invited on this trip.
But for the rest, I wish
you'd let us go it alone.
Oh. So that's how
it is with us, huh?
Yes, that's the way it is with us.
And besides, Loveland's no friend of ours.
He's in the enemy camp.
Now, just a moment.
- Am I, by any chance, being called a traitor?
- Oh, I didn't say that.
Well, you implied it. And you might
just as well have said it as to imply it.
- You know, really, Geoffrey, you're awfully stupid.
- Oh, so I'm stupid, am I?
- Yes, you certainly are.
- Well, how do you explain your snuggling up to him?
- Was that part of your act too?
- Explain to you? I'd rather eat ground glass first.
I have my own reasons
for what I do and-
I don't stand and deliver
to anybody! Do you understand?
All the same, you did everything but kiss him.
I don't see why you stopped at that.
Well, supposing I did?
Now listen to me, young man.
Nobody tells me what I can't do
or where I can't go.
And as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Geoffrey Leigh,
you can go jump in the lake- river!
Oh, I'll admit
that wasn't very good...
but the next time I see you,
and I hope I never do...
I'll have thought up
something better!
If they have discovered the guns, I am ruined.
- Oh? What's up?
- Well, he has a message that suggests a leak.
I paid you dearly
for those guns, senores.
One million gold pesos,
the gift of poor people, the word-
You'll find them all there.
The last stuff
was delivered yesterday.
If there should
be treachery-
It will be from your men.
I can trust mine.
So General Torres has an interest
in this little place, huh?
Well, why is Mr. Furnoy
going with him?
Oh, take a look
at the town, I expect.
Oh, really?
Oh, I think I'd like to do that, Douglas.
- Let's go.
- No, no, really.
- Furnoy doesn't want anyone else to go ashore.
- Well, why?
- Well, these little places can be dangerous.
- Oh.
- Bandits, you know.
- Bandits! Oh, how exciting!
- Now I know I want to go. Come on, Douglas.
- No, really. L-
- You know, I've got to obey.
- Obey?
- Yeah.
- Well, whom?
Well, I mean- I mean, you can't.
No, I must forbid it.
Forbid? Oh, Douglas,
that was your biggest mistake.
Stand aside.
I'm on my way.
- Torres.
- Hmm?
I don't like the feel of this place.
It's- It's suspiciously quiet.
Senor, it is I who give the command here.
All right. Go ahead and give the command.
I'm going back to the yacht.
- You're afraid to go to the warehouse?
- Oh, no. Let fools be heroes.
It's their business.
Mine is selling arms.
You go to the warehouse.
Take a good look around.
You'll find everything in order.
Oh, that's lovely.
Oh, I like that.
Douglas, buy me that, huh?
There's General Torres.
Oh, I'll bet where the general is,
there's excitement.
Come on, Douglas.
Let's go.
Willful little thing, aren't you?
Furnoy will give us beans for this,
but I can't let you go alone.
No, no. I'll say you couldn't.
Come on.
- Senor, you have no right-
- It's quite all right, General.
Miss Cherrington is a friend.
Forgive me, senorita.
I did not know you were a friend.
Behold my so beautiful stores.
With these, I shall liberate
my unfortunate people.
They shall be happy
once more in liberty.
Please come.
Please, senorita,
let me give you a little of this old, old-
Do I see you again, amigo?
A charming moment, my friend.
Oh, delightful, mi general.
It is a pleasure
to introduce my friends.
Senorita Cherrington of New York...
Capitn Loveland of London...
my distinguished compatriot...
General Adolfo Arturios
Gregario Sebastian.
Ah, senorita.
- What a moment I have.
- Thank you.
- I extend my most gracious welcome
to our small city.
There will be a little
celebration tonight...
in honor of our dear friend,
General Torres.
If the so beautiful senorita and capitn
will honor us.
Oh, I'd love to.
Do you think we can, Douglas?
- Well, I'm not quite sure, Lynn.
- I shall hope.
And now, with your pardon, I have important
business with our friend, General Torres.
If you will be so good, my friend.
Oh, with pleasure, amigo.
- Forgive me for a moment.
- Of course.
Oh, I think he's charming.
- We'd better get out of here.
- Why?
- I don't like it.
- Oh, Douglas, don't be silly. It may be interesting.
- Besides, I want to stay and see the fun.
- Fun?
Well, you would come ashore.
Shall we drink, my friend,
to liberty?
With all my heart.
To liberty.
Forgive me, my friend,
but you know I do not smoke.
- But, my friend, people are watching.
- Oh.
You are very thoughtful.
- Magnificent, my friend.
- Gracias.
Douglas, they're not going to-
Come on, Nosey.
Oh, Douglas, poor Torres.
And those half-starved little people,
mowed down like that without a chance.
- And women and kids too, Douglas!
- That's war, you know.
It isn't war. It's a massacre.
It's all a surprise to me.
It's the men who sell them ammunition
and encourage such things who ought to be shot...
- not those poor little devils!
- Lynn!
- Lynn!
- Geoffrey! Oh, Geoffrey!
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm all right.
Say, help me out of this, will you, mister?
Come along, Lynn.
We'd better get back to the boat.
Say, guvnor, you remember me...
- from Murros Island?
- I never saw you before in my life.
Why, I been looking at your blinking face
every day for a week.
They're going to shoot me, guvnor.
Help me, lady, will you?
Help me.
They're gonna shoot me.
- Douglas, you can't let them do that.
- It isn't wise to interfere.
Say, look here!
Geoffrey! Geoffrey!
Oh, of all the stupid,
asinine things to do!
Don't worry, Lynn. He's got a plan.
He's getting information.
Information? Why, they'll stand him up
against a wall and shoot him. Geoffrey!
They won't do that to him.
He's a British subject. He's been to Washington.
Now you listen to me, Chris.
You haven't seen what I have tonight.
They'll kill anybody
in this town- anybody!
You were employed
by these munitions people. Is that right?
That's right. Say, mister,
the firing squad'll be here any minute...
and they don't bother about
court-martials in this town.
My friends are at work.
They'll get us out.
Well, I hopes they look lively.
They'd as soon shoot you
as look at you. Uh, sooner.
- What about Murros Island?
- That's where they keep the stuff, guvnor.
And they've got enough stuff there
to blow up the whole world if you ask me.
- And you delivered the guns here
to Torres and his rebels?
Yes, sir.
And to the government too.
Atlas Arms was shooting on both
sides in this little dust-up.
Atlas Arms?
What was that?
- We'll be next, guvnor.
- Don't get a wind up, old chap. My friends will manage somehow.
Well, they'd better shake a leg
if they want to meet us this side of heaven.
I'm afraid you're right.
They're coming for us now!
- Geoff!
- Lynn!
- Oh, Geoff, I was so worried.
- Oh, Lynn.
L- I've got a release order for you.
Douglas Loveland got it.
Let's get out of here.
- Thank you, lady.
- Yeah.
Oh, Geoffrey, I'm so glad
you're all right.
Lynn, darling, I'm sorry about those suspicions.
They were just plain jealousy.
- Geoff!
- And, darling, apart from the fact...
that I'd like to box your ears...
- I'm afraid I'm hopelessly in love with you.
- Oh, Geoff, Geoff.
Look, I'm not a fussy man,
but I thought you didn't like him.
Well, I-
I'm not quite sure that I do.
You see, Nosey...
uh, Lynn and I-
Well, I-look here.
It's an old story.
I mean, I-Well-
You mean you and Lynn are-
Uh, yes.
- Then you don't love me?
- Oh, yes, Chris. I do love you.
Only Geoff saw me first.
It took a firing squad
to make me realize it.
Oh, you'll be all right, Chris.
Remember, there's Joan and Elizabeth...
and that little telephone operator
in the Buenos Aires hotel.
Bernice and Penelope. There are thousands
of beautiful creatures all panting for me...
- but I don't think I'll find one quite like you, Lynn.
- Thanks.
Good luck, old man.
Oh, what about that cockney?
Listen. Marvelous, Nosey. It's a concern
called Atlas Arms behind the whole thing...
- and their distributing point is Murros Island.
- Murros Island?
Hey! Don't mind me!
Murros Island!
Then the whole thing links up.
I think I've got the evidence to prove it.
Do you remember Beano said...
- the maker's name was chiseled off that gun?
- Yes.
This one I got off a dead soldier
and the name's gone off that too.
- Oh! Even I get that. That means Atlas Arms in both places.
- And Loveland in both places.
I think we've got the last nail in that chap's coffin.
Where is he?
He's in the street. He's getting rather nervous.
Let's go and get him.
We'd better get aboard. Furnoy is extremely
annoyed over the disturbance you've made.
Listen, Loveland, I don't usually go about
hitting people on the chin...
but this time I have
a reason that might interest you.
Let's go inside and have
a beer and talk it over.
No, we can't keep Furnoy waiting.
Oh, please, Douglas.
L- I'm thirsty.
Well, if it ain't my old
pal from Murros Island!
- Get away, blast you!
- Oh, now how can I be in your way...
when I'm invisible?
- What you can't see can't hinder.
- You come with me.
- You'd better come.
- Entertain the lady, will ya, mate?
Sit down.
This is all very mock heroic, gentlemen.
May I ask the point?
Well, the first point is this-
Our name's not Gordon. It's Leigh.
Interesting as fact,
but hardly significant.
You'll find it significant.
Our father's name was Colonel Loring Leigh.
You knew him, I believe.
Very well.
He was my commanding officer in India.
Quite, and you were
a witness at his trial.
Reluctantly, I admit.
All the same, he was convicted
on your perjured evidence.
- I'm not gonna stay here and be insulted.
- Speaking of mock heroics.
Sit down.
Is there anything familiar
about that gun?
- No.
- Well, the barman in India left one behind...
exactly like it when he skipped.
It wasn't clever of you, Loveland,
to let that cockney down.
He told me the whole story in jail while you,
no doubt, were hoping we'd both be shot.
I confess it would've
saved me this rather boring interview.
Don't smile like that.
It annoys me.
You're gonna tell us now
exactly what happened in India.
- And if I don't?
- Why, then, Loveland...
I promise you, on my word of honor,
that I'll shoot you right now.
Just a stray bullet
from the revolution.
I forged the order.
That's all.
- Go on.
- There isn't any more.
- I didn't kill you father.
- Then you do know that he was killed!
Well, we want the name
of the man who killed him.
I'm probably signing my own death warrant.
But since you insist, it was-
Geoffrey! Geoffrey, what happened?
- A shot came from that window.
- But why?
The thing to do now
is get out of here immediately.
Yes, poor fellow.
Very evidently a stray bullet from the revolution
finished him off. Come in.
Yes. Oh, you'll make
all the arrangements, eh?
Good. Well, I'm pulling
out of here at once.
L- I don't want to risk
my other guests.
I've just been talking over the wireless telephone
to the British consul.
He's making all the arrangements
about poor Loveland.
Peculiar chap,
in some ways, Loveland...
but always a delightful guest.
- Won't you sit down and have a drink?
- No, thanks.
We want to talk to you, Furnoy.
- First of all, you ought to know who we are.
- Oh, that's not necessary.
I do a lot of business through the British
embassy in Washington.
In that case, you must've
heard of our father, Colonel Loring Leigh.
Yes, I think I have.
Read something of him recently.
We came here to have
a showdown with Loveland.
He was the chief witness
against our father in India.
And tonight we got
the evidence we wanted.
He confessed that he had been
bribed to forge the order...
on which our father
was court-martialed and convicted.
Bribed? Who bribed him?
A munitions concern
called Atlas Arms.
Atlas Arms?
Never heard of them.
Won't you boys sit down and have-
And Loveland wasn't killed by a stray bullet.
He was murdered.
Well, great scott,
this all seems very mysterious.
It is. Loveland was just about to disclose
the name of the official of Atlas Arms...
who killed our father,
when the shot was fired.
- Obviously, someone did not want us to hear that name.
- Certainly looks that way.
Furnoy, we were wondering
if it could be anybody on this boat.
It seems to us that Loveland
constantly took orders from you.
By the Lord Harry,
I believe you chaps think I'm in this.
Why don't you take that gun out of your pocket?
You know, I've been accused of a lot of things
in my time, but never murder.
You chaps are so serious.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
You can look me up in Bradstreet's.
Well, wait.
You've been in America.
- Have you never heard of Standard Rubber?
- I'm afraid not.
Oh! Well, that's me.
Of course, I don't pay
much attention to it nowadays.
But while I was developing it, I was forced
to travel a great deal, looking for rubber.
It gave me a sort of a passion for knocking
about the world with adventure and excitement.
You know, knocking about the world
in odd places and collecting curious people.
I knew a chap called
Traud Shaw once-
Now take, for instance, Loveland and Torres.
I looked them up too.
Loveland, I found, was an army
officer who'd retired with a bit of money.
And Torres-
Well, Torres was obviously an old bandit.
Turned revolutionary and all that sort of thing.
As a matter of fact,
Torres suggested this cruise.
And I thought it would be fun.
Now with Loveland gone-
What I'm really interested in-
uh, pardon me- is this.
- Ooh.
- Softer hands...
- for housewives.
- That's good.
As well as bigger
and better teeth for dogs...
and babies.
So you see, if you're
trying to tie me up with your late friend...
well, you're barking up the wrong tree.
Now if you boys will pardon me...
I think I'll turn in,
and I think you should too.
- Uh, may I keep this one?
- Yes, if you like.
- And that too.
- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, look-
- Good night.
We didn't do that very well, did we?
You blasted idiot!
Which one of those mugs
is in love with Lynn Cherrington?
Both, I should say.
Oh, good.
Ask Miss Cherrington to step in, will you?
- Good evening.
- Good evening, Miss Cherrington. I hope you're feeling better.
- Thank you. I am.
- Sorry you got in all this mess.
- Well-
- Won't you sit down?
Thank you. After all, it was my first revolution,
and I don't care to see another, thanks.
Well, you know, men will fight.
- Yeah.
- War is a pretty old institution.
Pretty horrible one too, isn't it?
Yes, it's terrible about Loveland.
Oh, I managed to get your
father on the wireless telephone.
Finally located him
in Alexandria, in Egypt.
Really? I thought
he was in- in London.
No. I felt that he'd, naturally,
want to know what was going on here.
Particularly about Loveland.
My father? But why?
Well, as president of the Atlas Arms,
he'd naturally feel concerned.
President of Atlas Arms?
Yeah. Oh.
L- I thought you knew.
Why, uh-Why, no.
I didn't know. L-
Uh, I wonder if I may
have a cigarette.
Yes. Surely.
Thank you.
As a matter of fact,
that's how I first met Loveland.
He'd a letter of introduction
from your father...
whom he'd worked for
sometime before in India.
Oh, and by the by, I didn't make any mention
at all of your being aboard ship.
I was afraid it might
worry your father.
Yes. Oh, yes, it might.
- Good night and thank you.
- Good night, my dear.
You'll probably find
Miss Cherrington at the hotel.
I think she went ashore early
to get a good night's rest.
Well, good-bye, Mr. Furnoy.
Very happy to have been aboard.
- Well, happy to have had you.
- And I'm- I'm terribly sorry about last night.
- Oh, forget it.
- Good-bye, sir. Happy to have been aboard.
- Thank you very much.
- Well, I enjoyed having you too.
And by the way, here's one
of my latest little gadgets, all for you.
Oh, thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Good-bye, boys.
Beg your pardon, sir. Operator says
please stand by for a call from India.
- India?
- Yes, sir.
- Right!
- Gracias, senor.
Nosey! Ready, Nosey.
India's calling!
Really, I wish you'd knock
before you do this type of thing.
How did you know who was- Oh. India?
Hello? Ready here for the call.
India again?
You know, I can't understand
why Lynn didn't wait for us this morning.
Typical of the breed.
Women don't give it a thought.
I suppose she was feeling
pretty ill.
- No wonder after last night, poor kid.
- Yes.
- Should we phone her?
- Let's. I know the minute she hears my voice...
her rooms will be bathed
in brilliant sunlight...
and birds will probably
twitter from her ceiling.
Get her on the phone
for me, will you?
Hello? Hello. Operator?
Put me through to
Miss Cherrington, will you?
She's gone?
She's gone!
- Hello, this is Gordon Herk-
- Herkimer Gordon!
Calling. Didn't she leave
a message for me?
But she must've
left a forwarding address.
- Thanks.
- Gone?
Bag and baggage, without a word.
But no note on the dressing table?
I can't understand it.
Hello? It's Wyatt!
We've got on to something, Boson!
That barman's gun was manufactured
by a company called Atlas Arms.
Atlas Arms!
We located the president of Atlas Arms
in Alexandria, Egypt.
All the number-one boys
of the munitions racket are there.
Now look here.
Take the first boat
and meet us there.
Oh, yes, yes!
What was that name again? Quick.
His name is Martin Cherrington.
That's right.
Now what's the matter?
Lynn's father's president
of Atlas Arms.
- I certainly don't like the look of this.
- What do you mean?
Lynn arrived at Leigh Hall
the day that Drake was shot, right?
Then she arrived out here before you did,
and I met her with Loveland.
It all looks most peculiar to me.
Don't be an ass.
Lynn's just an impulsive girl
who reads too many detective stories.
- I hope you're right.
- I am! Lynn tried to help us, didn't she?
She arranged for us to go
on this trip with Loveland.
Don't you realize that might
all have been a very neat trick?
I wonder.
- It's utterly impossible, but-
- What do we do now?
- We pack for Alexandria at once.
- Oh.
His Highness agrees to the terms...
and would pay partly in gold
and partly in silver.
Okay. Now you tell your friend
the shipment can be made secretly.
Mr. Furnoy, who's in charge
of all operations...
will be here in a couple of days
and settle the details.
The kid's here.
Landed at Imperial Airways
a few minutes ago.
What? Here in Alexandria?
How the dickens did she track me?
Well, tell her I'm busy!
- You tell her.
- Hmm?
Well, all right.
Shoot her in.
If you gentlemen will wait in this room, please,
I won't be a minute.
- As-salaam alaikum.
- As-salaam alaikum.
- Hello, Dad.
- Hello, Lynn. What are you doing in Egypt?
- I came to have a little talk with you.
- Well, well. What's up?
Engaged, married or broke?
How's about a daughterly peck?
No, thanks. I'm not very fond
of you at the moment.
Well, well.
What have I done now?
Dad, is it true that you're
president of Atlas Arms?
Where did you get track of that?
Now don't go answering a question
with a question! Are you president of Atlas Arms?
As a matter of fact, I am,
though it's not generally known.
But then I'm mixed up in a dozen companies.
Why pick on Atlas?
Oh, nothing.
That just makes you a murderer, that's all.
Here, here, here, here.
What's this?
I've just come back from South America
where I've seen men, women and kids...
killed with guns
that you made and sold.
It was terrible. People were shot down
on the street without a chance.
What do you think war is like?
A marshmallow roast?
Don't be flippant.
It was horrible.
You came halfway around
the world to tell me that?
Listen, Lynn. I know that war
is agony, filth and horror.
It's mass stupidity
and collective insanity.
You know all that and still
you go on selling arms?
Well, if I don't do it,
somebody else will.
Besides, you know, you're pretty expensive
with your globe-trotting ideas.
- Right now, I hate every penny you ever spent on me.
- Oh, you do, eh?
Okay. I'm making a note
to have your allowance stopped.
Can't you be serious
for two seconds?
I'm more in earnest than I've
ever been in my whole life...
and you treat me as though
I were still in rompers.
- Are you really serious?
- Yes, of course I am.
All right.
War is all you say it is and more.
But I'm not responsible if fools want to cut
each other's throats.
My factories turn out guns,
among other things.
Now if men want to buy them
and make hell on earth...
they might just as well
buy 'em from me.
But if they ever see reason...
I'd be delighted
to shut down my plants.
Now you know where I stand.
Dad, you're talking about men
as if they weren't even people.
I've seen them die,
slaughtered like animals.
That's your fault
for messing around such places.
I don't suppose it makes any difference
to you either, the fact that you've cost me...
the love and respect of the one man
in the world I cared anything about.
I never heard of him either,
so I can't be responsible.
All right, but get this clear.
From now on, I'm on the other side.
I'm fighting you.
Great! I love a good, stiff fight.
- You'll get it.
- In that case, I'll increase your allowance.
- You'll need a war chest.
- You can take your war chest and go to the devil!
Spunky kid, eh?
That's the way I like 'em.
Send in those snake charmers again.
I say! There they are!
- Nosey, Boson!
- By George, it's good to see them!
What have you got on your head?
Come on!
Rodney, wha-Whiskers?
- A mustache!
- A beard!
- It comes off.
- But you have one, and Boson said-
It comes off!
I say.
Nosey! Come on.
Get out of here. Nosey!
- Come on.
- Oh!
Chris! Chris, hello. Remember me?
The old popper-upper?
Um, Geoff, darling!
Darling, I'm so glad to see you.
I didn't know where
we'd ever find each other again.
I wasn't even sure that you'd come,
but I watched every steamer.
And, Geoff, remember there was
something I had to explain to you?
Well, I wasn't clear about it
until I got here, but now I am.
- You see-
- I think we're both quite clear.
Why, Geoffrey, what's the matter?
That sounds like a queer
kind of question.
Queer question?
But why? What have I done?
When your father's
president of Atlas Arms-
Oh, well, I wanted to be the first
to tell you that and explain, Geoffrey-
- I don't think explanations are possible.
- Oh, but, Geoffrey...
- surely you can't just-
- Please, Lynn, my brothers are waiting for me.
Uh, Geoffrey-
The guns are identical. The maker's name
has been chiseled off on both in the same way.
We had an acid test made of ours, and
the name Atlas Arms came out plain as day.
- So, at last, we're getting somewhere.
- I'm afraid we're not.
- What do you mean, Beano?
- Well, you see, Loveland is dead.
We have his confession,
but that's only hearsay evidence.
And the rest is purely circumstantial.
No court would accept it for a moment.
Do you mean we haven't
accomplished anything?
What about Cherrington?
He's the man we've got to see.
- Just try.
- Dear fellow, it's easier to get an interview with the king.
Cherrington's guarded on all sides. We
couldn't even get past his third secretary.
If ever I wanted to poke anyone in the nose,
it was that snooty secretary.
No, I'm afraid as far as seeing Cherrington is
concerned, that's a very difficult assignment.
Well, in that case, you'll need me.
- Lynn!
- Lynn!
- Oh, Lynn, we werejust talking about you-
- That's hardly necessary.
- I'm Lynn Cherrington.
- How do you do?
- How do you do? And how do you do?
- How do you do?
And believe it or not,
you do need me.
- Uh, Lynn, we're very busy.
- Very busy indeed.
Yes. Yes, I know. I'm still messing in
your affairs and you don't like it.
Well, all the fun's
gone out of it for me too...
but I'm gonna stay
and finish what I started.
We'd be grateful for any help,
Miss Cherrington.
- May I take your wrap?
- Thank you. Don't tell me I've met one member of this family...
- who really has brains.
- Oh, well.
- Or, perhaps, two members, huh?
- Oh, thank you.
Of course, those idiots over there
think I can't be trusted.
- No.
- But I do hope you'll believe me.
- Please, Lynn-
- Look, Lynn, if you could-
And besides, I've had about enough of this
"Please, Lynn" stuff.
Do you think I've met every steamer
just to flatter your vanity?
I was afraid my father'd
get away before you arrived, if you ever did.
And when you did arrive,
you wouldn't even listen to me!
Now, would you like
to see my father?
Oh, would we?
I say, you are a trump.
- Thank you.
- We'd be very grateful, Miss Cherrington.
Oh, I knew I should've waited
till I met the rest of the family...
before I made my choice.
- You know, it's a very good thing that you came, uh, Beano.
- Yes?
- Because those two mutts would never have gotten anyplace.
- No, no.
And it's a very good thing
that you came too...
- uh, Snozzle.
- Uh, Snicklefritz.
Well, shall we go?
Thank you.
Uh, you two can tag along if you like,
uh, Nosey and, uh, Stinky.
Come, Stinky.
Thank you.
Oh, sorry, Lady Cherrington.
- Hi, Mike.
- Hello, Lynn.
Uh-huh. Nope.
- Oh.
- Well, Dad, I want you to meet some friends of mine.
Mr. Wyatt, Rodney,
Christopher and Geoffrey Leigh.
Oh, yes. Always glad
to meet friends of Lynn's.
How do you do?
- Uh, now, Dad, I want you to listen to me-
- I'm sorry, Lynn.
I've got to attend a meeting.
Some other time, honey.
Hello. What's this?
Am I being kidnapped?
I'm sorry, sir, but this is a matter
of life and death to us.
We've been trying
to see you for days.
And I'm afraid you must listen.
Well, well.
Serious as all that,
I suppose I can spare you five minutes.
Well, go ahead, Lynn.
You've evidently got a speech on your chest.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.
Do you remember a couple
of weeks ago when we were in England?
I went to a certain house
where a British officer and his sons...
had led happy and honorable lives.
I went out there happily too, but...
I found a tragic thing had happened.
A little while before, that officer
had been disgraced and broken in India.
He'd come back home
to prove to his sons that he wasn't guilty.
But before he could
show them his evidence...
he was murdered
and all of his papers were stolen.
That officer was Colonel Loring Leigh
and these are his four sons.
Are you sure he was murdered?
- Definitely.
- A few days later...
another officer
who had come from India...
to help Colonel Leigh clear his name
was also murdered.
- Now, someone was afraid, Dad, of what they knew.
- That's true, sir.
I see.
But what on earth makes you
think that I was in on this?
Well, because Atlas Arms is responsible
for everything that's occurred...
and you are Atlas Arms.
So you think I'm the man, and you're ready
to throw me to the wolves, eh?
Lynn, you must have
a pretty big stake in this.
I have Dad. I'm in love
with Geoffrey Leigh.
But he's not in love with me now,
though he was for a little while.
Mr. Furnoy spoiled all that. You see, he told
me you were president of Atlas Arms and-
Uh, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Lynn, did Furnoy know that these boys
were Colonel Leigh's sons?
- Yes, he did.
- Well.
I'm beginning to see daylight.
Gentlemen, I hold the controlling shares
of many companies, including Atlas...
but I don't control its policy.
I want you to believe I didn't know
that that policy included murder.
- Oh, Dad, can you prove that?
- Why, yes, if necessary.
I make plowshares, locomotives and tractors
and even safety razors.
My stock in Atlas will be sold at once,
I promise you.
But you must know who does control
the policy of Atlas Arms.
- And you've got to tell us, sir.
- Oh, no, sonny, I haven't.
- Oh, Dad, you do.
- May I suggest, sir, that if you protect him...
you make yourself an accessory
to those murders.
Well, I guess a man in my position
could legally wriggle out of that.
But I don't hold with murder, and the man
who's responsible knows that I don't.
That's why he's kept me in the dark.
- Guess you boys want him pretty badly, don't you?
- Naturally, sir.
Then you'll have to hustle. He's sailing
on his yacht tonight for Singapore.
His name is Furnoy.
- Furnoy?
- But I thought he made-
- Well, what are we waiting for? Come on!
- Thanks, Dad.
Geoffrey! Geoffrey!
Geoffrey, wait a minute!
- I'm going with you!
- Darling, you can't come too.
This is a job for men
and guns and-
Don't forget to touch second.
- Lynn, can you ever forgive me?
- Of course, Geoffrey.
Only not in a rush like this. Not until there's
time for a thorough reconciliation.
And, darling, be careful!
There she is out there,
the big white one.
- There's no dinghy. We'll have to swim for it.
- Yes, but quietly!
- No flat dives.
- No nonsense.
Captain, get up a head of steam.
We're gonna sneak
outta here tonight.
No, sneak out.
Not Singapore.
Murros Island.
All right. Come ahead.
Hey! What are you people doing here?
Come on, Boson.
Hey! What are you guys doing?
All clear.
- Now which way?
- Follow it forward. Go to his cabin.
- Are you comfortable, Captain?
- Come on.
- What's this?
- Guest cabins here.
Come on now.
Take it easy.
That's Furnoy's cabin
and the secretary.
That door's locked.
That's Furnoy's cabin there.
There's someone in there.
- It's the secretary's room.
- It's locked.
- Let's crash it.
- Don't be silly.
Did you want some more scotch and soda?
Snow White! Shh! Shh!
Donald Moose- Goose. Wait a minute.
Oh. Yes, sir.
Good heavens.
Thank you. Thank you.
Oh. Right away.
Captain. Captain!
Good evening, Mr. Furnoy.
This is my brother Wyatt Leigh.
He's head of our family now
since you murdered our father.
This is my brother Rodney Leigh.
We've come to clear
our father's name.
We want a full confession from you.
Wh- Stay where you are.
I've got a bullet here
for each of you!
And as for Loveland, well...
he was done away with by friends of mine
in the government.
And that's all.
That's a true confession.
And now all that's required
is your signature, Mr. Furnoy.
- Sign it?
- Furnoy!
You murdered my father! Nothing would
give me greater pleasure than to blow your-
- Oh. Your father's?
- Yes.
His Majesty said he
was proud and happy...
that an honorable name
had been restored.
I'm proud too.