Freaky Deaky (2012) Movie Script

MAN ON TV: ...$900 in cash inside.
Is it Philamina Hazelton that has it?
Is it Skip Chippy?
Or is it Irene Smith?
Well, we'll find out
in just a moment.
Irene, do you think you're the one
that has $900?
Because if so, hang onto it,
or you could trade it
for the big box of coating mix
on our display floor, which Jay is just
dying to describe for us.
Say, Juicy!
Juicy, get the phone!
Say, man!
Where you at?
As soon as I sit my ass down.
I gotta do everything
around here.
The hell I pay him for?
Hold on, goddammit, I'm coming.
- Who is this?
WOMAN: - You sitting down?
Mozelle, is that you?
Are you sitting down?
You have to be sitting down
for when I tell you something.
Aw, baby, you sound different.
- What's wrong?
- Are you sitting down?
Yes, I am,
I've sat the fuck down.
Are you gonna talk to me or what?
Hey, I'm supposed to tell you
that when you get up, honey,
what's left of your drug-dealing ass
gonna go clear through the ceiling!
- What?
Excuse me, folks.
Is someone sending him
a message?
That makes sense.
Otherwise, why not just shoot
the fucker, right?
A couple years ago, we found a guy
in the trunk of Becker's car.
Two in the back of the head.
- Walked with probation.
- He's a bad fucking dude, man.
Yeah well, if there's such
a thing as justice in the world,
we just leave his butt sitting there,
let him work it out.
I don't know where nobody at...
I been calling.
You see Juicy Mouth?
Who's Juicy Mouth?
He's the sucker that's supposed to be
guarding my body!
I gotta go to the toilet, man.
So what did the woman
on the phone say?
She said if I get up,
I'm blowing up.
That's all?
That's all?
That's all there is!
- Watch yourself.
- Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, say Jack, man!
Be careful!
Sit tight.
- Hmm.
- Hmm?
Don't give me no hmm shit, man,
what's under there?
What's underneath there?
About ten sticks of dynamite.
Get that shit from up
out of there, man!
- Can't, you're sitting on it.
- Hey!
- Excuse me.
- Come back here!
- Don't move, I'll be right back.
- I'm talking to you, motherfucker!
Get back here,
you old cracker-ass cracker!
I'm gonna miss being
on the bomb squad.
Mary must be
jumping up and down.
She finally got her way.
I haven't told her yet.
I'm waiting 'til I get reassigned.
Maybe homicide, huh?
Yeah, I wouldn't mind.
Would Mary?
Come on, man, I'm just teasing.
Don't be so serious.
She threw my ass out
on Thursday night.
Tossed me out,
now she's banging somebody else.
Well, maybe not homicide.
I've been charged with involvement
in what has come to be known
as the Watergate affair.
MAN ON RADIO: Allied forces of more than
tighten its hold
on the Mekong Delta,
trapping an undetermined number of
North Vietnamese and Vietcong.
National Guardsmen opened fire on
at Kent State University in Ohio.
MAN ON RADIO: Three people were dead
on arrival at the hospital
and one more died later.
They were all... Most of them were just
plain gunned down...
CROWD: Hell no, we won't go!
Hell no, we won't go!
RICHARD NIXON: I want to say this
to the television audience,
that I welcome
this kind of examination
because people have got to know
whether or not
their president's a crook.
Well, I'm not a crook.
MARTIN LUTHER KING: I have a dream that
little black boys and black girls...
ROBERT F. KENNEDY: I have some
very sad news.
Martin Luther King was shot and was
killed tonight in Memphis.
MAN: Somebody shot Kennedy
right behind the kitchen,
in this corridor here,
as he was passing through.
MAN: The parents of kidnapped
Patricia Hearst
today heard directly from
their daughter for the first time
since she was kidnapped.
Son of a bitch.
MAN: - Hello?
- My car's just been stolen.
You mind giving me a lift
to my dad's place?
Sure, but doesnt he need a car?
No, he's in Florida.
- I'm just gonna borrow his Caddy.
- All right.
Don't you get bored in here?
WOMAN: Here's one for you.
I want to report a rape.
Uh, I'm Sergeant Mankowski,
this is Sergeant Downey.
She can...
Sergeant, I better get out of here.
- Great.
- My husband hates it when I'm late.
You're in good hands.
Have a seat.
Uh, so did this happen
to somebody you know,
somebody in your family?
It happened to me.
Okay, when?
- On Friday, about 2:00 a.m.
- Do you know the suspect?
Mr. Woodrow Ricks is his name.
And what's...
What's your name?
My real name is Greta Wyatt,
my stage name is Ginger Lenova.
So you're an actress?
I'm an actor, you don't say
actress anymore.
And where did this
assault take place?
It was at Mr. Ricks' mansion
in Bloomfield Hills.
I don't know the address,
but if you want to meet him,
he has dinner at the Wolverine Club
every night.
All right, so you're out on a date with
this guy and he brings you back to...
No, I was with his brother Mark.
We were at a party at his house.
He'll make us millions!
Here's how I make millions...
I make motion pictures.
There were other girls there, too.
There was some girl named Robin
that Mark was all over.
It was when I went
upstairs to change,
to dry off and put my dress back on.
I forgot to mention everyone
had to go swimming
or Woody said that his chauffeur would
throw you in with your clothes on.
You went upstairs?
Uh-huh, and Woody came in
and I asked him to leave in a nice way,
but he wouldn't.
Did he...
you know, perform the act?
I guess, as far as he was concerned.
It was just after a few minutes,
he rolled off of me on the bed
and went to sleep.
All right.
What's gonna make this difficult is
you're reporting a one-on-one
type of situation,
it happened a few days ago,
there's no evidence.
So you aren't gonna do anything?
Well, if you'll cooperate,
we can at least bring him in,
see if we can get him to admit it.
Woody put it a little differently.
He said if I cooperate,
we could fall in love.
The man should be back presently.
Is that right?
What are you telling me for?
It says up there on the sign no parking
and you the police, ain't you?
My sporty attire give it away?
It must be how you got something
wrong with your ribs,
make your coat stick out all funny.
Where'd you do your time?
No, no.
Marquette, right?
Man, what you coming
down on me for?
'Cause you're about an inch
away from fucking with me,
but you know better, don't you?
Oh man,
you right out of a book.
Old-time dick like all of 'em,
dumb as shit!
WOODY: No, stop it! Stop it!
Stop! Stop it!
Help me!
- Is that Woody?
- Yeah.
Jesus Christ,
let's get out of here.
You okay?
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
What's going on?
I ask you to cooperate, you tum into
Charlie Bronson with a purse.
I'm sorry.
Put your hands on the car.
Put your hands on the fucking car,
you know how to do it.
All right, but don't touch me,
Don't touch me.
Sir, I'm a police officer.
I need you to step out of the car.
That... She was hitting me
with her purse...
Step out of the fucking car.
who is this?
Donnell, he's resisting arrest,
explain it to him.
Shit, you ain't
never gonna bring him up.
Print that man, his lawyer sue
your police ass.
I'm gonna get these guys
to drive us to the station.
- Peckerwood.
- Sit up here, okay?
And don't say
a fucking word to Woody.
You're asking for a lot.
WOODY: Do not! Don't!
Why are you even in this car now?
What, you expect me
to drive you?
You want to drive us, Donnell,
you just don't know it yet.
Move it, Woody.
MAN: Cut!
What do you think?
That was beautiful, huh?
I'm groovy and you're not.
Eddie! Check...
Make sure the stunt guy's okay there.
That Robin?
Hello, Skip.
Pull my pants down and spank me
three times.
Come here, girl.
Oh, sweetie! Oh.
Darling, look at you.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, you look gorgeous...
see that?
How long you been here?
A while.
A while, huh?
Did you see that?
That was great, when the car came,
that's called a kush shot.
See, when the car hits the water,
it goes kush!
You like your work, huh?
Well, it's... It's a lot of bullshit,
but I guess it's pretty fun.
There's a story in today's paper
that made me think of you.
About the drug dealer
getting blown up.
Oh yeah, I saw that.
Somebody slipped
some dynamite under him.
It wasn't me, though.
I was working.
I haven't set off any dynamite in...
Let's just say it's been a while.
I bet you still know how.
I bet I do.
I kept a journal, you know.
Of everything we ever did.
I always liked your writing.
A real mean sound.
You're still doing it, right?
I did notes from underground
for a couple years.
Liberation News Service
picked it up.
Now I write
historical romance novels.
You had a pretty wild ride.
You should write your own stuff,
be more exciting.
Eh, I have a better idea.
My apartments
right around the comer.
I have some acid.
You are setting me up
for something.
You got a dirty trick in mind and you
need the skipper to help
you pull it off, don't you?
The air is heavy.
ROBIN: - Hey, Skip.
- See?
Remember the night we got arrested
and you said there was no way
that anyone
could have recognized us.
Well, I made a list of names of everybody
that had contact with us
and I've crossed off all the names
until finally, I'm left with two.
Mark Ricks.
I remember him,
he had that bullhorn,
used to get everybody worked up
into a lather,
they start chanting.
Woody Ricks.
Yeah, that's the brother.
Always stoned.
Yeah, he was always sloppy.
Doing that little wiggle dance,
trying to get his pants
out of his buttcrack.
Well, guess what happened
when Mom finally drank herself under
and they did a reading of the will?
Mom's fave got paid?
Woody scored something
like 50 million.
- Plus the house.
- 50?
Holy shit.
I'll bet the other one didn't get shit for
being a smartass, huh?
He was always
picking on his brother.
Woody bought Mark
a theater in Pontiac.
Now Mark does musicals.
All right, so let me see
if I got this straight.
You think these two
turned us in,
now they're sitting on 50 mil
and you're feeling like
they owe you a piece.
Is that about it?
We feel like they owe us a piece.
You are setting me up just like
you used to and I love it.
I'm gonna need to
get us some explosives.
Dynamite and acid,
that's a combo that'll Star Trek you
right back to the good old days.
Well, what if these two ain't the ones
that set us up?
What difference does it make?
Dynamite Skip at your service.
We're officially entering
the straight world.
I'm going after them tonight.
All of a sudden?
Mark's picture is in the paper today.
Honorary chairman for a benefit
to raise money for the governor.
Woody's going, too.
It's a buffet cruiser on the marina.
You're going?
No, I'm gonna stake it out.
I'll call you after I get to Maryville
and line up some hot sticks.
I hope my contacts still there.
I forgot to mention.
Guess who Woody's driver is.
Donnell Lewis.
Remember the party to
raise bail for the Panthers?
It was at Mark and Woody's.
I remember you coming out of
the bathroom with some brother
wearing a leather coat.
That was...
That was Donnell?
I don't know, I can't remember.
Robin, listen, I got an ear for bullshit,
honey, all right?
I've been working in the
movie business a long time.
Now, if I'm gonna come along
on this little ride,
I don't want any
more surprises, okay?
That's why I told you.
Got a VIP seat right here.
My boat's dry-docked right now
because it's getting a paint job.
Baby blue, baby.
I don't know, your brother says he's had
his eye on my talent
for quite a long time now.
Oh yeah, well,
don't worry about him.
He's just... He's celibate.
I basically run the show.
Oh, hang on a minute.
- You.
- You.
I want to know where have you been
and why haven't you called me?
Well, let's see... I did time.
That's one thing.
I couldn't believe that.
But then I heard
you're back in town.
I've written two historical
romance novels.
You're putting me on.
With a lot of rape and adverbs.
Why don't you join us?
We're going back to my brother's
for a little...
Give us a little chance to...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Okay, yes.
How was that for you?
It wasn't bad.
It wasn't bad, okay.
It wasn't bad,
wasn't good, what...
Where are you going?
The bathroom.
Party's in full swing.
You really tum me on, babe.
I'm glad I finally
found a purpose.
Wow, when I look at you, I get a rush
like I could just do anything.
Why can't you?
I told you... Woody.
He holds me back, smothers me.
Well, he resents you.
Your looks, personality.
He always has been jealous.
Now he's getting back at me.
He thinks it's funny.
You know, I tell him it's
not fair and he grins at me.
So there's no chance
he'll ever cut you in.
Not unless he dies.
This is way beyond
your call of duty.
This car is beautiful.
Well, don't get too excited...
it's my dad's.
He's in Florida.
GRETA: The doctor said
it's just a mild sprain.
Oh, great, that's good.
Good to hear.
What's wrong?
I've been suspended.
They kicked you out?
You want the official reason
or the real one?
Well, the real reason is because
I put Woody in jail.
His lawyer called the mayor's office,
they dropped in
on the department.
Got the assault charge against
Woody withdrawn
on the grounds that he was
the one assaulted, not you,
and I overreacted.
So that's the real reason,
what's the official one?
Having a residence outside
the city limits.
You're kidding?
You have to live in Detroit?
Yeah, that's one of the rules.
So why don't you?
Well, I did.
Up until last week.
My... My girl kicked me out,
so I'm staying
at my dad's place.
I got you fired.
No, you did not.
Woody did.
I don't want you to give that another
thought, okay?
I'll handle it.
How about a grilled cheese sandwich
and a cup of coffee?
If I have any bread.
And coffee.
What you don't have is furniture.
Furniture can wait.
- Hey, Mom.
DONNELL: - Greta?
You like Greta or you like Ginger?
- I like Ginger myself.
- Who is this?
I represent Mr. Woody Ricks.
There seems to be some
I believe we can settle this matter
and you will be happy, Ginger?
This is his lawyer?
Yeah, I'll talk with the man
and get back to you.
That's Woody's chauffeur
pretending to be his lawyer;
it's Donnell.
They know where I live.
You'll be safer at my dad's,
just until I get this thing
figured out, all right?
Look, I'm not a kid.
I don't need you to take care of me.
I know that.
ROBIN: Ready? Listen.
So now you're waiting, what, hoping
maybe he'll drink himself to death?
- Mark?
MARK: - Huh?
What would you say if you
didn't have to wait?
If Woody were to
suddenly disappear?
In a cloud of smoke.
Is this like a magic trick?
Something like it, only better.
Better? Okay.
Because once he disappears,
he never comes back.
What would you say to that?
I'd say how much is a trick
like that worth?
50 million, right?
Might not be that much.
There's one thing
you have to do.
Give me a key to Woody's limo.
Don't look so surprised, Skip.
You get me that key,
I'll put the bomb in the trunk;
he opens the door,
great balls of fire.
What if he opens the other door?
I'll wire 'em both.
Hey Donnell, who would you
rather pork?
This brunette or...
that Swedish broad?
The brunette, because she has
my favorite kind of body on her.
Hey, where's my weed?
You must have left it
in the car.
Be right back.
It's been like two weeks ago.
Pick up most of
a whole pound of weed,
then left it in...
Somebody don't like the man.
Mr. Woody, if the brunette wouldn't
straighten her hair,
I'd tell the bimbo to get a wig.
Put a musical.
It goes better with weed.
You got it.
MAN: Now, here they are with their
specialty number.
- Music to Watch Girls By.
Uh, may I help you?
How's my brother?
The man remains above earthly shit
like police stations and jail.
The man's all the way alive
and into his pleasures.
I wish you wouldn't talk like that.
I know you do.
Is this the one where Carmen Miranda
come out with all that
fruit and shit on her head?
Where are my peanuts?
Got the munchies.
You got the munchies, huh?
Well, you done ate
all the peanuts up.
Have to wait 'til I get some.
Doesn't he keep peanuts
in his car?
I'll go look.
Where are the keys?
Yeah, the keys.
They in the kitchen
on a hook by the door.
Wait now.
The peanuts have to be in the backseat,
you understand.
Yeah, the back, yeah.
I want to see this part.
We both do.
But I want my peanuts.
- Your brother went to get 'em.
- My brother?
What is my brother doing here?
We gonna find out.
Or we might never.
Look at this shit!
How they're holding their bananas.
You sure were a happy kid.
Oh yeah.
What do you want
on your burger?
Just ketchup, if you have it.
- So your dad's in...
- Florida.
Excuse me.
Hey, Gerry, what's up?
You're kidding.
Yeah, I'll be there.
All right.
That was my partner.
Somebody blew up Woody's limo.
Homicide wants to talk to me.
Why, because it was
meant for Woody?
I guess they figure if you can take
a bomb apart, you can put one together.
Mankowski, you gonna confess
or I have to beat it out of you?
It wasn't me, I swear.
That's enough of that shit.
The other people...
are gonna want to talk to you.
Jesus Christ.
I think this one should be easy.
A man gets a bomb put in his car,
it must be somebody not like him, right?
Or somebody gains from it.
Except, the only one to gain,
according to Woody,
is the one that got blown up.
I think that's what
Woody told me.
What about Donnell?
Man's been arrested for assault, robbery,
extortion, causing disturbances.
How does he get next to Woody?
Well, he claims they've known
each other for a longtime,
he says Mr. Woody took him in,
changed his life.
All right, what was
his brother doing outside?
Mark wanted to get
Woody some peanuts
and I asked Woody,
he comes like a skid row burnout.
What if it was Donnell
that set it up?
Somehow, he gets Mark to come outside
and get the peanuts.
That's possible.
I might be able to use a guy
like you, Chris.
If you ever decide
to move back to town.
See, with these kind of folks,
you gotta kind of know how to step
outside, so to speak,
let them do their own
kind of freaky deaky.
What, the sexy dance?
People are shooting
each other over it.
Two homicides come to mind.
You freaky deak with
somebody else's woman,
you get seriously hurt.
Or you could get lucky.
Depends how you look at it.
WOMAN ON RADIO: And now for the latest
on the car bombing...
I can catch my hand.
Look at that.
I can catch my own hand.
Now what do we do?
Goddammit, Skip, if you would have
just waited for Mark
to get the key to the limo.
Just go back to the original plan,
we blow up his fucking house.
It might be too soon.
The sooner the better.
While it's still ringing in his ears,
deliver the message.
Holy shit, these guys are serious!
I hear you're out of these.
I heard if you hadn't run out of nuts,
the guy's brother would still be alive.
What was his name?
Somebody else would have
opened up the car door.
Can't imagine
Woody opening the door.
I mean, that's what he's got
you for, right?
Open doors?
What else do you
do for him, Donnell?
Maybe call up a young lady?
Tell her there appears to be
a misunderstanding?
Wait now, what's this
shit you giving me?
- What I did?
- You called Greta Wyatt.
Tell me again who she is.
She's the one
you're gonna see in court
when Woody's brought up on
a rape charge.
So what you telling me?
You speaking for the lady, huh?
Who needs lawyers, right?
I see you come to visit,
you drive up a new Caddy.
You manage on about maybe
three bills a week, take home?
Yeah, I see you interested
in payoffs, rake-offs,
get the bitch to hold out when I'm willing
to make a generous offer.
- What the fuck did you just call her?
- Hey, shit, you her lawyer?
What else, gonna
protect her good name?
I tell you right now I saw her in bed
with the man,
doing a job on him, too.
Where is he?
Who, Mr. Woody?
Having his swim.
Let's go talk to him.
Man, you love being a cop,
don't you?
Is he all right?
All the way live
as he wanna be.
I don't see him breathing.
Watch his tummy.
See it move?
Right there.
So that's what it's like
to be rich, huh?
Whatever turns you on.
Why does somebody
want him dead?
The dude cop asked me that every way
he could think of.
He wants to know was it me...
I ask him, what's my game?
I understand he had a friend here
on Friday night,
a woman he used to know.
Yeah, there was one here,
come with Mark.
Trying to think of her name.
- Robin.
- Yeah, Robin Abbot.
Sh... Oh, you sneaky.
You talking about the bombs,
now you have us back on
the other conversation.
You looking for somebody was here
Friday could be a witness,
testify against Mr. Woody, huh?
Mr. Woody.
I brought you some peanuts.
See, what he's doing, Mr. Woody,
wants to get on your good side.
Where... Where is he going?
Have a cold shower,
wake him up.
He'll be back in a minute,
start his cocktail hour.
You ever swim with him?
Man, getting all wet's never
been one of my pleasures.
You don't know how to swim, huh?
That can happen when you grow up
in the projects.
Some guys tum to crime.
How much are you gonna offer
Ms. Wyatt?
Motherfucker, you lucky you a cop.
Right, can't hear you.
Let me give you a hand.
I get confused sometimes.
Everything that's been happening to me,
my brother passed away.
Mr. Ricks.
You're planning to make an offer
to a young lady
so she won't sign a complaint
against you on this rape charge
that we talked about.
Oh yeah, that's right.
I'm a friend of hers.
I didn't know that.
You're talking about Ginger.
No, I didn't rape her.
She was in my bedroom.
Didn't have on a stitch of clothes,
she was standing there.
What would you do?
I mean, if she wasn't a friend
of yours.
Wait a minute.
Let's forget the whole thing.
I think 10,000 sounds fair,
don't you?
It was based on
what my time is worth.
I think that's how we did it.
Donnell said that maybe she would
rather have cash
instead of the check.
Did you mention this
to your lawyer?
My lawyer, no...
Donnell is cheaper.
He only went to the tenth grade,
but he knows how to talk to people.
He's smart, he'll surprise you.
The kind of fella
you can rely on.
You betcha.
You ever look at a dog and wonder
what he's thinking?
All the time.
Kind of the same thing
with Woody, right?
That guy's a trip.
I look at a guy like that with all his
money, I'm thinking, what...
What good does he do?
What the fuck is he good for,
you know?
He doesn't serve any purpose.
Not many people do.
DONNELL: Mr. Woody,
somethings bothering me.
Now, what the police will do is talk to
the people who were here Friday,
try to find one to tell 'em
Ginger went upstairs
and you went up there after.
I'm saying that Ginger doesn't accept
your generous offer.
I doubt your friends notice you were
gone, flying high on the blow and all,
but there was this one lady here,
wasn't one of your regular group.
She had on a brown dress.
- Robin Abbot, right?
- Robin.
- She was something else.
- Oh, yeah.
What did the police get her for
back in the day, it was...
it was the FBI for that time that she
and her boyfriend blew up that cop car.
You don't remember that?
I must have been gone then.
You know what she used to do for
if she needed money?
She used to unbutton her shirt
and then she'd open it up
and she'd let me see her goodies.
Let you see 'em, huh?
Mr. Woody, you telling me this woman
knows how to set bombs?
Let's set it in the bushes up close to
one of the concrete lions.
Why there?
'Cause that way, when I call, I can say
some badass shit to Woody, like,
When you hear the lion roar,
then you know we mean business.
Then you get to have me.
Right now?
We need condoms.
All right, look.
I forgot my wallet...
you gotta loan me five bucks.
Are you sure you don't want
your dad's room?
Uh, no, no, no.
My stuff is in the other bedroom,
so it's all yours.
Good night.
Good night, Chris.
Are you coming or not?
Give me some rubbers.
Oh, weenie wrappers, huh?
Here they are...
What kind do you like?
I don't care, any kind'll do.
Do you like the sheepskin
or the premium latex?
Do you like the regular, flavored
or studded?
We have new her pleasure.
Very popular.
Well, this one is
the economy pack.
You get three dozen for 7.59.
Tell you what.
You get me a dozen of these boxes
right here,
just lay 'em
right down here on this jacket.
While he's doing that,
you unload the register.
Then lay down on the ground.
You unload, you load.
All right, that's it...
Hey, hey!
Kenny, Kenny!
Listen, I don't want any of this
ribbed shit, I want regular.
How many did you get?
We can always get more.
GRETA: I think I need
a different stage name.
Ginger Lenova doesn't end with a smile
when you say it.
Like Sweeney.
Say Sweeney.
Your mouth forms a smile.
What about Mankowski?
Ginger Mankowski, say that.
When is your father gonna start
charging you rent?
- You freeloader.
- Oh hey, Maureen.
It's Sergeant Downey,
sex crimes.
What's that? Yeah.
I have the address on
Robin Abbot.
Hang on.
- 25...
- 5... 550?
- No.
- 15?
No, 25-50.
- 5-50 or...
- No, 50.
- Um...
- Come on.
- Or five one...
- Are you okay?
- 5-50...
- Yeah.
Uh, hang on a sec.
I'm gonna have to ask you to put
that thing away, okay?
Get out of here.
- 5-15 Canfield.
- No...
As soon as you have your breakfast,
we have to tend to some business.
Mr. Woody, what you do,
you put your underwear on first,
then you sit there on the floor
and put your trousers on
so you don't kill yourself.
I want to see my horoscope.
I'll get it for you,
read it with your breakfast.
We have to talk about getting this
bomb mess cleaned up,
have it hauled away...
you want me to take care of it?
Call somebody.
Did the newspaper come?
I'm gonna get it for you.
We have to talk about getting you a new
limousine, what kind you want,
what you want in it, all that.
I want a Cadillac.
That's cool.
But what we have to do first,
Mr. Woody, is see how you
want to change your will
now that your brother's gone.
I thought me and you could
rough it out, understand?
Put it all down on a piece of paper
and you sign it,
you know, just in case you don't
talk to your lawyer for a while.
I want a silver one.
Mr. Woody, you want to
look up here a minute?
Now, you understand,
it could happen again.
You get taken out,
you're not even looking.
You don't even hear it.
That's why I'm saying, you got to change
your will, man.
Mr. Woody, in case anything might
happen you don't even know about.
Will... Will you get the paper?
I'll tell you where we're at.
Maureen looks for Robin
as a possible witness
in a sexual assault case,
but now Robin is a suspect in
a homicide investigation.
The homicide's
gonna take priority.
I thought about Woody's offer.
I think I'm gonna take it.
It's up to you.
You think I'm wrong?
It's strange, when I see him,
it's this pathetic creature.
It almost changes how I picture him
sexually assaulting me.
You know, honestly,
I don't even know,
because of the
condition that I was in,
if he even stuck his weenie in me.
Well, it's still criminal sexual conduct
any way you look at it.
If we can prove it.
Time to get your
financial ass in order.
Don't be putting off making your will.
Put in it who's ever been
most loyal to you,
whoever cleans up your messes.
Tricky Dick.
Oh, shit.
DONNELL: Mr. Ricks' residence.
Let me speak to him, please.
Mr. Ricks can't be disturbed.
Wanna tell me who's calling?
I want to tell him I'm sorry
about his brother.
I want to tell him it was an accident.
What was?
His brother getting blown up.
I want to tell him I hope the same thing
doesn't happen to him.
I could tell him that.
But I want to
make sure he understands.
If you tell him, you're taking
quite a responsibility,
don't you think?
How much you looking to get?
One million.
Can you remember
to tell him that?
I believe so.
Would that be cash
or would you take a check?
You wanna play?
In about two minutes,
you'll hear the way I play.
It's gonna ruin your fucking ears
so you don't forget.
Hey, it's cool, I'll tell him.
Sergeant Downey.
And this is Sergeant Mankowski.
We understand you were at a party
at the home of Mr. Woodrow Ricks
last Friday evening.
ROBIN: Was it Friday?
Yeah, I guess it was.
So do you recall meeting
a Greta Wyatt there?
I wasn't really
introduced to anybody.
So the only person you remember
is Mark Ricks?
And his brother, of course.
Hey, you're not Nicole Robinette,
by any chance?
I'm afraid so.
Do you remember a Greta Wyatt
going upstairs?
I don't know who Greta Wyatt is.
You have a lot of books.
You have much time to read?
Never enough.
Not even while
you were incarcerated?
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to
ask you to leave.
You don't want to
talk about old times?
Maybe fill us in on
how you got busted?
I don't want to talk to you about
anything, okay?
Now leave.
Don't say another word,
just get the fuck out.
Listen to this.
It says, You have a sense of inner
and outer harmony.
This would be a perfect day
to take singing lessons.
You may have talent.
What do you think?
Well, yeah, if we have the time.
We got us a couple of more
pressing matters come up.
First thing,
you need to find somebody
who knows how to get
a bomb out of the pool.
How did a bomb get in the pool?
Let's come back to it.
We also have a matter
of this lady called,
said she's gonna blow you up
if you don't give her some money.
Call the police,
they'll take care of it.
I'm afraid of what she might do.
You know, like,
she might be a crazy woman
and it'd set her off.
Well, how much does she want?
Yeah, she said like $2 million,
cash money, no checks.
Get it from the bank
and have it ready.
Yeah, she said have it ready,
you know, like in a box.
So then when she phones again
and tell us the time
and place she wants it,
you supposed to give it to me
and I deliver it.
Learn anything?
She won't be any help to us
for the assault.
I did learn that much.
Can I make a suggestion?
Tell Wendell to get a judge
to sign a warrant
so you can come
over here and search the place.
What are you looking for?
Also materials and literature.
Also, there's a little
red notebook.
She covered it up with papers
while you were talking to her.
Well, you know
you're in a legal gray area.
You can get into a lot of trouble
pretending you're still on active duty.
Or I could crack the case.
I guess it's how you look at it.
Put this down.
I want to cross Mark out.
Cross out Mark.
Mr. Woody, you understand, lawyer
knows who to take out of the will.
What we have to do is
tell him who you want to go in.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
I... You know,
what I used to believe
was that red things...
were best for hangovers
and a really bad hangover,
I'd chug a...
bottle of ketchup.
WENDELL: I gotta hand it to you.
The notebook validates her motive.
She blames the Ricks boys
for turning her in.
You're having fun being suspended,
aren't you?
Except for the pay, yeah.
Do two things for me.
Don't impersonate a cop and don't
tell me what you're doing.
Unless I get something good.
That goes without saying.
Whatever you say.
Hey, wait.
Take a minute.
See if you think this guy knows anything
about setting bombs.
Who the fuck are you?
Sergeant Mankowski.
You the last one to see
my man Booker alive.
Listen, why don't you just tell us
who set the bomb?
Just step outside and my man
get blown up by himself.
It don't mean shit to you.
It don't mean shit to me.
Why the fuck
we even talking about it?
You know what
I think I'm going to do?
What's that?
Get married.
You have to be in love,
Mr. Woody.
It's the law.
No, I'm serious.
I mean, not right away.
No... but soon.
And there's someone
I like already.
The blonde.
You mean the one who says you raped
her, wants to take you to court
and have you thrown in jail?
The tall one, the one with
the shaved bush.
Yes, huh...
You didn't tell me that, did...
She the one, huh?
I'm in love with her.
I could put her in the will.
You could.
But let's see if you have
anybody closer to you.
I can't think of anybody.
Go through the alphabet.
You know anybody in your life,
name starts with a D, Mr. Woody?
You know, I was supposed
to wear glasses?
We talking about Ds,
Mr. Woody.
Come on, let's see who we have.
I think, what do I need
to wear glasses for?
I can see all right.
But that's why I do not want
to take singing lessons.
I thought of somebody,
Mr. Woody.
- Who?
- Myself.
I would be proud to be in your will.
Oh yeah, well,
you're gonna be in the will.
I said, you know somebody
starts with a D,
you didn't say nothing.
Well, I was waiting for you
to get to the L.
You way ahead of me, huh?
You know what
I've been thinking, was...
I want to write a novel
and I can dictate it to you like we're
doing right now.
Hi, Donnell.
We're not interrupting anything,
are we?
I mean, if Mr. Woody's floating in
the pool, we can always come back.
No, he's not floating today,
he'll be glad to see you.
Come on in, come in.
Mr. Woody,
look who come to see you.
Ginger and that nice police officer
come around collecting again.
Boy, oh boy.
Ginger, is that you?
Sit down and have a drink.
Is this the one
with the shaved bush?
Yes, that's right.
I'm gonna need to have a word
with you, Officer.
Mr. Woody here, fix Ginger up.
He's got a bar there
with a fridge in it.
I wasn't a friend of Mr. Woody
last time I was here.
Are you gonna behave yourself?
Oh boy, oh boy.
Come with me.
I got something that's
gonna interest you.
DONNELL: All I want to know
is how much you want.
How much I want for what?
Clean the pool.
If Woody stops payment
on the check,
I'll put the bomb back in the pool.
Do you like Busby Berkeley?
Some mean-looking shit.
Somebody did a half-ass job
of rigging it.
Screw wasn't set in
tight enough to the clock.
You knew it, didn't you?
You look at that shit lying
at the bottom of the pool,
you knew it wasn't going off.
That's why people like me like
to get hired by people like you.
What'd he say?
You'll never believe this.
He asked me to marry him.
- Oh, come on.
- I'm not kidding.
I said, let's just settle this
and I'll leave.
There's no way in
the world I'd ever marry you.
Just tell him you want the money.
I feel sorry for him.
What does that mean?
Okay, well, can't I feel
sorry for him?
I guess, if you want to.
Well, I didn't get a marriage proposal,
but I didn't do too bad.
Ten grand for cleaning out his pool.
Maybe I could take you to a nice place
for dinner tonight?
When I called today,
did you have any idea who it was?
Yeah, I knew.
You did not.
Girl, I'm being nice to you.
How long I can manage
is something else.
See, I have to get back home soon
in case Mr. Woody wake up in the dark
and don't know where he at.
Did you present
my demands to Woody?
Yeah, I presented your demands.
I'm trying to think what
Mr. Woody said.
I think he said, Oh, really?
Something like that.
Well, obviously the bomb
didn't go off.
If it would have,
it would have been on the news.
We have to trust each other.
You and I have had some good times
over the years, haven't we?
- Remember when we...
- Girl, I don't have to tell you.
That wasn't the last time I've had
any pussy, understand?
I've had some since then.
Now, you the one that called me.
Let me tell you what I feel about this,
the kind of vibes I get.
The person that sends bombs,
they into heavy shit.
What I see you doing,
you thinking how you can use me
being on the inside,
you not thinking to favor me none
unless it helps you.
We both make out.
I'm gonna tell you something.
There's a dude,
knows what you're doing.
Who is he?
Name's Mankowski.
I know him, he's a cop.
Used to be.
They suspended his ass,
threw him out.
But he keeps coming around,
know what I'm saying?
Comes by with his hand out.
The man's looking to score.
That's only the one problem.
I see another one.
Do you freaky deak?
Girl, you crazy.
MAN: Girl this little thrill
Just might get us killed
Feel the desire
Gonna set this house
on fire
Take a trip worth your while
A carpet ride
Girl you've got so much soul...
- What's the other problem?
- I see too many people.
Like my partner?
What I'm telling you,
I don't see cutting it three ways,
we don't need to.
That's what you're worried about?
You get half of a two-way split.
Yeah, and how you expect the man
to pay you, cash?
That's one way.
You dumb as shit.
We could actually
get paid by check?
There's a way.
He could stop payment.
I said there's a way to do it.
But I get a million, you get less.
Whatever you want.
Right on, baby.
Freak me
Deak me
All night long...
Monday morning,
as soon as the bank opens,
Woody calls a trust department
and transfers 1.7 million
to the commercial account.
Oh, we just hold a gun up to his head,
is that it?
That's crazy.
He can just cancel the check
right after.
Not if he's dead, he can't.
I suppose if you decide
to cut Donnell out,
we just place a nice explosive
and the two of them get buried under
a pile of rubble, is that right?
Now there's an idea.
But the cops are gonna know that
he signed a check over to us.
One of our names
is gonna be on it.
The check is
going to be made out to...
You ready?
Nicole Robinette.
Woody doesn't know it yet,
but he's buying motion picture rights
to both of my novels.
Evander, how are you?
Robin, it's Skip.
Robin, what's the matter?
- Who is this?
- I just told you, it's Skip.
Hi, it's Chris Mankowski.
You just called, didn't you?
And you hung up on me.
I tried to call you back, but you must
have been talking to Skip.
- Who?
- Skip.
You know, the guy you went down
with for blowing up the car?
Hang up and call Donnell this time.
If he hasn't already told you
about me, ask him.
Well, if you are going to be
downtown later,
I'll meet you at the Heart Plaza Bar.
- Hello?
ROBIN: - I need a favor.
I need to send that nosy cop
on a little vacation.
Yeah, I understand.
Yeah, I'll do it, but right now,
I'm doing something else.
Wake up, Mr. Woody!
I finished typing your...
your new will.
Sign it and then
we go for a swim.
I, Woodrow Ricks,
being of sound mind and body,
wish to leave at least $5 million to
my best friend Donnell Lewis
if and when I ever die.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
It's Juicy.
Juicy Miles, tell me what
you been doing.
I'm in a bad mood.
Motherfuckers in homicide
had me sitting in a closet
asking the same shit over and over.
I got a man for you need
to be vamped on.
What you charge to break his legs,
put him in the hospital about a month?
No, I'm tired.
It'd take you two minutes from the time
he steps out of his Caddy,
Polack named Mankowski,
not near as bad as you.
Shit, I know that name.
- That man's a cop.
- Huh.
That man messed up
with Mr. Woody.
Got his ass suspended.
Ain't got a badge
or a gun no more.
They took his gun, huh?
Yeah, that's the motherfucker
let Booker blow his self-up.
I thought that was
you and Mozelle did that.
It wasn't them, you understand?
He was there...
he let my man blow his self-up.
Yeah, I'll bust his legs good.
Uh, just the one.
I'll get you a deal
for the same price.
I'll put his ass away.
Juicy, how much
for just the one leg?
Let me get a cold one.
So... Where's Robin?
We ever met, you and I?
First time.
Well, I gotta ask.
How did you make me?
Well, Skip, I know you're not
a cardiologist.
- Maybe it's the ponytail.
- Damn.
Maybe you just look dirty.
Where's Robin?
Right about now, she...
She's across the street in that parking lot
just sitting there in her red Bug.
Sergeant Mankowski.
Wanna see why they call me
Juicy Mouth?
Do I have to?
Put it back.
This the motherfucker let Booker
blow his self up.
And you're the motherfucker that was
supposed to be guarding his body.
That ain't nice talk...
Make it easy on you.
Don't fuss, stick your leg out,
put your foot on the bumper of that car,
we be done and gone.
You wanna break my leg?
Listen, I told a person I'd do more,
but he said nah.
Don't put him away,
just put him in the hospital a while.
What person are we talking about?
Can't tell you that, man.
Kind of like how a lawyer won't tell you
shit, but how he knows shit.
Check it out, it's...
The same thing's what I'm saying.
This motherfuckers just like
an attorney, man.
See it?
See that?
Man, you ain't supposed
to have that thing.
This is the part
where you fellas run.
I'm gonna count to two.
Who is it wants my leg busted?
It's Donnell, right?
Are you pretending
you're invisible?
All right, I need an answer,
so let me show you what Clint
would do, okay?
It's Donnell, right?
Say it.
It was him.
You know,
you could have just told me.
Save me from having to
fuck up your car.
What, this?
It's not my car.
WOODY: I can't sleep.
DONNELL: Maybe a drink will help.
Hey, partner.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!
How'd you get in here?
It wasn't hard.
Was it?
You wanna tell me what
you're doing here?
We're here because
you fucked up.
Wait now.
First, let me run upstairs,
get the man settled with a nightcap.
Bring our stuff in.
All of it?
We're going to use it,
aren't we?
SKIP: Woo-hoo!
Your boy Skip's kind of an outpatient,
is he not?
Whoa, hey, hey!
- Don't bring that shit in here.
- It won't hurt you.
All we need is a place to stash it
and by Monday morning,
I promise, it'll be gone.
You have a gun in the house?
Come on.
Put that shit in the garage.
SKIP: Yeah, this is good.
This stuff needs a cold
dry place.
Highly volatile.
Jesus... Oh, sorry.
Put that shit over
by my golf shoes.
Easy does it, easy...
Okay, okay.
A gun, sweetheart?
Used to have one,
didn't need it.
Too bad, could have used it.
- You wanna know why?
- Tell me.
Your buddy the cop is gonna
come looking for you.
The kids you sent to do
a job on him blew it.
Good night.
- Hi, this is Greta Wyatt...
- Hey...
Leave your name and number,
please, after you hear the beep.
I will get back to you.
Uh, Greta, hi, it's Chris.
Listen, I really need to talk to you.
Good morning...
I was listening.
I was hoping it was you.
Um, hey.
I tried to call you earlier,
but nobody picked up.
You changed your message on
your little answering thing, huh?
I think I may be retiring
Ginger Lenova.
You know there's nothing wrong
with Greta Wyatt, right?
Look, can we get
together later tonight?
They found my car,
I gotta go pick it up
and then I gotta take care of
something at Woody's.
- But I'll call you after?
- Sounds good.
- Chris?
- Hmm?
Uh, miss you.
Miss you too.
Stay put, okay?
I Will.
Oh, you don't remember me?
How much do you need?
Let's celebrate.
Donnell, get some food
for later.
Mr. Chinaman.
We don't need Donnell.
What'd you bring him in for?
I don't know,
I thought it was a good idea.
Did you decide where you're gonna
put the dynamite?
As soon as I
figure that out, it'll be easy.
Look, as soon as Donnell gets back,
why don't you take him to the bathroom
or someplace, huh?
You do what you're good at,
I'll do what I'm good at,
maybe we'll get lucky
and pull this thing off.
Luck has nothing to do with it.
Can you believe this guy?
Well, while you were
upstairs getting laid,
I was down here taking care of the stuff
you asked me to do.
So can I have
my piece of candy, mama?
Where'd you put it?
Don't worry about it, but you're gonna
love how it works.
GRETA: - I'm sorry to barge in like this.
DONNELL: - Well, you here now.
I just want to
talk to Woody a minute.
I want to give him back his check.
He's right there, go ahead.
Mr. Woody!
Look who come to see you.
Over this way, Mr. Woody.
Look, it's Ginger.
I should have called,
I'm sorry.
- I have to go.
- No, hey, hey, he's waving to you.
Better get out the pool,
Mr. Woody,
you gonna be
all wrinkled like a prune.
You might as well make yourself
comfortable, sweetie.
- You want something to drink?
- Okay, one drink, please.
I bet I know what she'd like.
GRETA: I wanted to give you
back this check.
GRETA: Chris, hi.
I was thinking,
I don't want Woody's money.
It feels gross.
I'm gonna give him back his check
and call off the wedding.
That was a joke.
Anyways, you said you were
going over there,
so I guess I'll see you in a little bit.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
WOODY: violet or perceiving it
with sonar...
- Flying.
- You would be... It'd be dark.
If you were a person and then
you were a bat,
you'd see the same thing
that a person would see, but...
- But you'd be a bat.
ROBIN: - You would.
Oh, good one.
When you're speaking like...
A different perceptive element,
so if you can visualize that,
you'd be perceiving this,
but you would be a bat.
Where's Greta?
You mean Ginger?
Oh, she out there.
What's wrong with you?
- What did they give you?
- She fell in the pool.
- She tripped.
- She tripped.
Yeah, shit, that's what she did,
she tripped.
She tripped.
You give her acid?
I didn't give her anything,
Skip did.
Hey, no, it was only a half one.
She wanted it, ask her.
You tell her what might happen?
Look, she's fine, don't worry about it,
don't sweat it, man, it's all good...
DONNELL: That wasn't bad.
You slipped it to her,
didn't you?
Ask her how she feels...
just go ahead, ask her, ask her.
Don't fucking move.
Are you gonna
take that from him?
Will you just stay out of it,
for Christ's sake?
How do you feel?
I'm just a little tired, that's all.
Did he tell you what
he was giving you?
I don't know, he just gave me a drink
and he said...
I don't know what he said.
Sit tight,
you're gonna be okay.
We'll be out of here soon, okay?
Come on, Officer.
You need to get that edge
taken off, man, have a drink.
Have a seat by your Ginger,
Robin will read you something
that will enlighten you
while I go throw this in the trash.
Okay, okay.
What to do?
Leave the motherfucking house.
I come back from
Mr. Chinaman, I don't lock it.
CHRIS: To conspiring
to extort money.
The only difference is you're doing it
with paper instead of a bomb.
All right, what's the problem?
Think it'll be contested?
Fine, let's wait and see.
It's done...
I want to get this party started.
- Skip.
- Give me your gun.
Come on, you're not serious.
Give me your gun.
That's it.
Robin, take his gun.
Let me have it.
It's big.
Now, you are gonna be spending
the night tonight
so we don't have to
worry about you.
In the morning, fine,
you can leave, no problem.
Is this how you do it?
Do you feel lucky, punk?
MAN ON TV: Anyway, I thought it would
be a good idea
if we could get Burt to recreate
one of his stunts for our viewers.
Good idea.
Hey, Burt! Burt!
Ladies and gentlemen,
Burt Reynolds!
Say, listen, knowing how you
do all your own stunts...
BURT: Yes, I do.
Yeah, I know you do and we just saw 'em
and they're great
and I thought it would really be nice
if you could recreate something
for us tonight.
Of course, I'd be glad to.
They come here,
they have a box of dynamite.
I make 'em put it in the garage.
I go there and it's gone.
The Mercedes is locked,
the keys are gone
and the lights are out.
Did you ask Skip about this?
What, ask him how
he gonna blow me up?
I know he placed it somewhere.
Stay out of the garage.
You'll probably be all right.
How would he work it?
Where's Robin and Skip?
They in the kitchen mostly.
When you drive in and out,
do you use a garage-door opener?
Yeah, little thing with the button
you push to open it, yeah.
My guess is, they put the charge
in the Mercedes,
wire it to the door opener.
They bring us all into the garage,
go out the other way,
drive off in the VW.
Robin presses the button,
boom, no witnesses.
And get put in the garage, huh?
I ain't gonna let
Mr. Woody get killed.
Well, I'm glad to hear you say that.
Not this soon.
What was your cut?
I'm not in this deal.
You mean not anymore
you're not.
Look, we may not have a gun,
but I'll tell you what we do have;
that is, if you haven't
thrown it out yet.
What do we have?
Five sticks of American dynamite
in a black bag.
And you the bomb man.
You're having fun,
aren't you, Robin?
Not as much fun as I'm gonna have.
Bank's about to open,
it's showtime.
Morning, honkies.
All right, Mr. Woody,
time for your Groovy Berries.
What about Let's Make a Deal?
You early this morning.
Monty don't come on
'til after a while.
All right, Donnell, it's time.
It's only five 'til 9:00.
Humor me.
All right, Mr. Woody.
Time to transfer the money.
Oh yeah? Okay.
MATT: Matt's desk,
good morning.
Matt, how you doing?
Hey, Donnell, good morning.
How was your weekend?
I don't have time
to chat this morning.
- Okay.
- Here's Mr. Ricks.
Mr. Rick... Mr. Ricks?
- Hi, Matt.
- Hi, Mr. Ricks.
- How are you?
- Groovy.
So Donnell says
we're making a transfer.
I guess we are.
Yes, we are, sir,
as fast as possible.
Would you...
What's the question...
Here's Donnell.
- Okay, Matt.
- Yes, sir.
Mr. Ricks will be transferring 2 million
from the trust account
to the company.
- That's it.
- Right away, Donnell.
Thank you.
SKIP: Sha-dooby!
Woo! Yahoo!
All right, now that that's done,
we're gonna move the two of you
right on into the garage,
get you out of our hair...
come on, let's go.
All right, Skip, Robin, why don't you
just lay your guns on the counter?
ROBIN: Excuse me?
I like your spunk... heavy.
- You believe it?
- Ah, it's from the dick handbook.
He's supposed to say that.
All right, I gave you a chance, you
don't want to take it, that's up to you.
How about I give you a chance to get
in the fucking garage?
How about that?
Let's just stick to the script.
You go get the check,
I take them to the garage.
- It'll be easy.
- Amen.
Robin, you're not gonna make it.
I'll be right back.
All right.
The two of you are with me,
going to the garage.
Come on.
Why'd you say
she ain't gonna make it?
What's gonna stop her?
Five sticks of American powder.
Five sticks?
In a black bag.
In the desk.
By the checkbook.
You're just trying to fake me out,
aren't you?
How would you know
how to wire a charge?
I guess nobody told you.
My friend here was
on the bomb squad.
Robin! Hey, hey!
Wait! Wait!
Wait! Wait!
Oh, Robin, no!
Say to me don't say nothing...
you had to tell him.
You want Skip
with us or with Robin?
Maybe we should just leave.
Wait a minute.
That will I spent all that time getting
Mr. Woody to sign
is in that damn desk.
Robin! Oh no!
Don't, don't! Don't!
I know you.
CHRIS: You haven't done anything.
DONNELL: We're getting bids
on the work,
don't have one yet that pleases me.
I bet there's still some of
Robin in here.
Man, she was all over the place.
But hey, didn't Skippy
say something to you?
Yeah, he opened his eyes.
Barely hear him, but I believe
his last words were,
Aw, shit.
Man got what he deserved.
How you doing with Ginger?
Greta and I are getting an apartment
in the county.
They give me my badge back,
I'll be going to work in homicide.
You not being investigated.
Wendell did say they'd be asking why
I was here at the house armed.
So you have to explain why
a laid-off cop
is walking around
with a piece, huh?
Like, what was your intent?
I kept it at work,
never used it on the job.
Tell 'em you were taking it home
and happened to have it on you.
That's not bad.
You want to get ahead, you have to learn
to think devious.
Of course, that could
get you into trouble.
Or get you off the hook.
All depends on how
you look at it, brother.
MAN ON TV: But you got the money.
Oh, am I happy you're happy,
after all that time...
Well, it looks like things are good
after all,
because you have $900!