Free Time (2023) Movie Script

[Indistinct chatter]
[Brakes squeaking]
[Car horns honking]
[Indistinct chatter]
[Indistinct chatter]
- [Luke] Hey, Drew.
I have some time for you.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Luke] I am so
sorry about that.
- Oh, it's-
- That call went way long.
- It's no problem, Luke.
- How's it going?
Hey, how's your music going?
- It's...going-it's going,
it's going. Yeah.
We're uh, kind of on a
break right now,
Michael, he's the main guy,
he's writing some new music,
and then we should be...
back at it.
- That is so nice.
- Yeah...
- So, what did you
wanna talk about?
- Well,
I believe my performance
has been... not great, recently.
- Mm.
- I haven't been engaged in the
work, I think is what it is.
- I see.
- Yeah, I just don't... like it.
Spreadsheets, that is, numbers.
- Hmm.
Well... you are in
data analysis.
- I realize that, I
realize that.
but I just thought
there'd be more to it,
more the analysis part.
- Yeah.
- The computers do all
the analysis for you now,
it's really just... data.
- So how do you wanna
handle this?
I mean,
how can I help?
- Oh, well,
I guess I was curious if
there were another position
within the company
that maybe I could...
- [sighs] Huh.
And you're sure?
- Yeah, pretty sure.
I mean,
if I have to input one more
number into a little box, I'm
have some kind
of physical reaction.
- Well, um...
we have something in
human resources.
- HR?
Betty's leaving?
- Oh no, no, we're expanding,
and Betty feels like she
can use a little extra help.
- Okay.
You know, [chuckles]
okay, good, I like-I like Betty.
Y'know, I probably should be
talking to Betty about this,
it's an HR issue.
Sir, I-um-uh...sorry for
imposing on your time,
you're a very busy guy, so...
Wh-what is the
position in HR, actually?
- Well, it would be to
be Betty's assistant.
- Oh, Betty's assistant.
Am I qualified for that?
- Not really, but...
seeing as how you're
already a part
of the family around here
you know how things run,
we could at least consider you.
- You'd just throw me in there?
- Mmhmm.
- If you were really
serious about it.
- Oh I'm-I'm...
I'm sure I-I-Well, I don't know
all the information about it
so I can't say if I'm
interested for sure.
- That's the official
listing we have out,
it's actually a small
step down in pay,
from what you're
currently making.
There would still be a
lot of numbers,
but, more interaction with
other people as well.
- Yeah, I dunno, I
mean...step down in pay?
I might as well keep
the position I have now.
- Drew.
Why don't you come back
and have this conversation
after you've given it a
few days thought?
In the meantime, just...
do your best to
keep your performance up.
- So it is slipping.
- I really need to get on a
call with Betty right now.
- Are you replacing me?
I saw her interviewing people.
- [Luke] For the HR posi-
- There's a guy that looked
exactly like me,
it was uncanny.
- Drew...
we're not replacing you.
- Okay good. Good...
I'd like to put my two weeks.
- I'm not sure I understand.
- I quit.
- Drew, this is the busiest
time of the year for us-
- Oh! This is one of the most
important times of my life.
This is my 20's.
I should be out there having
experiences and...
traveling, meeting new people.
Y'know? Focusing on...
my sex life.
- Y'know what? Why don't you...
take the night
to sleep on it, and-
- [Drew] I don't need to sleep.
- Think about this, it's
a big decision.
- Eh...
- [Drew] Pretty sure, uh,
I'm positive.
- Yeah, put in your two weeks,
and submit it to Betty.
- Oh, okay, yeah,
submit it to-Betty.
I-I-I don't wanna-
leave on bad terms.
I dunno, I don't want
this to be...
bad between us.
Are-are you-?
Are you upset?
[Jazz piano music]
- See ya.
Luke? it's been a pleasure.
[Jazz piano music]
Future's looking bright
I'm finally out on my own
[Guitar plucking]
I bought back my own time
To let go of my heavy load
[Guitar plucking]
People all stare
As I walk down the street
[Guitar strumming]
It's Monday afternoon
And I'm feeling free
I wake in the morning
To that screeching alarm
[Guitar plucking]
There's no rooster
Calling for me at my farm
[Guitar plucking]
I got hours and hours
And I do nothing but sleep
[Guitar plucking]
It's Wednesday afternoon
And I got nowhere to be
[Guitar solo]
[Guitar solo]
[Guitar solo]
I don't have that train
Heading on down to downtown
[Guitar plucking]
I don't have that Lyft
That goes so far above town
[Guitar plucking]
I stay in my home
And I don't leave
[Guitar plucking]
It's Friday afternoon
And I'm feeling free...!
- What's all that?
- It's my stuff from work.
- [Rajat] Cool, you gonna
be working from home or
something, what...?
- No. Today was my last day.
- What was that?
- I quit.
- [Rajat] Huh?
You didn't tell me that.
- Yes I did, I've been
telling you that.
- [Rajat] I don't think so...
- I'm sick of being cooped
inside all day?
Like a caged animal?
Like a monkey pressing buttons?
- I thought you-heh, I thought
you liked your job.
- What? No!
I hate my job.
- Oh...
- [Drew] They don't treat me
like a human there.
- Oh.
- My boss, my last day?
I was there nearly five years,
my boss didn't even
say bye to me.
- You're joking.
- [Drew] Not joking,
- That sucks.
- Yeah. Yeah, this is
why people hate America.
- [Rajat] Yeah, totally...
- [Drew] This is uh... what
everybody's talking about.
- [Rajat] Yeah?
- Yeah, capitalism?
- [Rajat] Oh!
- I finally understand it.
- [Rajat] You understand it now?
- Yeah, corporate America,
they just churn you out.
Well d'you wanna-
you wanna write click bait now?
Now that you don't have a job?
It's what I do.
- No.
No I can't just go from
one job to another job,
- Oh, right...
- No.
I need some time,
time to myself.
- Right.
- [Drew] Yeah, it's just more
the same.
- Totally.
- I think it's, uh,
I think this is good for me.
I think I'm gonna go out
and live life,
live life to the fullest.
- [Rajat] Cool.
- Yeah.
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
- [Gavin] Vanilla dirty Chai.
Hi Drew.
- Gavin.
- Everything bagel?
- Uh no, no, not today.
Branch out.
- Wow, okay.
- [Drew] Yeah. Changing it up.
- [Gavin] Breaking the routine!
- Yeah...
- Quit my job.
- No...
Good for you!
What are you doing now?
- I dunno!
But, that excites me, y'know?
- How's the band?
- [Drew] Band is good, yeah.
We're on a little bit
of a hiatus right now.
What's this? Can I have this?
- Almond croissant.
- Yeah, I'll have one of those.
- Great choice.
- Yummy.
- [Gavin] That is $4.75.
- $4.75?
- Yeah.
- And a bagel is $2.50?
- [Gavin] It is.
I can switch it out
for the bagel?
- No, no, I'll have that.
I'll have one of those.
- Okay...
good choice.
- Yeah.
Let's do the bagel, yeah.
- Bagel you got it.
- No one's gonna argue
with you on that.
- Thank you!
- How's it goin'?
Good to see you.
- Mmm!
- [Man] Huh?
- Mmful day out.
Beautiful day out.
- [Man] Oh, yeah!
Uh yeah, yeah.
- Gonna take a bike ride.
Probably ride down to the water.
- [Man] Cool.
- Yeah...
- [Man] Alright.
- Alright!
- [Man] See you later, uh-huh.
- See you later!
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Car beeps]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
- [Rajat on phone] Hello?
- Rajat?
- [Rajat] Drew?
- It's Drew, hey. Um...
- [Rajat] Oh, hi.
I didn't realize you went out.
Uh, what's up?
- Uh...nothing.
It's a beautiful day out,
good temp.
- [Rajat] Cool.
- 68 degrees.
- [Rajat] Cool!
- Yeah...
- [Rajat] Uh-?
- Hey, is that writing
position still available?
- [Rajat] Oh, at my company?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- [Rajat] Yeah...well-
- Yeah I was just-
I was just, uh, rethinking
and uh...
- [Rajat] Yeah.
- Yeah I think-I think it'd be
a good idea to have sort of a...
flexible income, right now.
Yeah and-and plus, y'know who do
I think I am?
Heh, y'know, turning down a job
right now?
I should be working like...
like everybody else.
- [Rajat] Um-
Well I actually
heard from them earlier,
I reached out for Kim,
and they're not hiring
right now actually, sorry.
- They're not hiring right now?
- [Rajat] No. No,
they're full up.
They're all filled up in there.
- [Whispers] Fuck...
- [Rajat] Heh...sorry. Um...
- Shit. Dammit.
I just-I didn't mean to get
your hopes up or anything.
- No, this-uh...
no, this is good, this is good.
- [Rajat] Oh, okay.
- Yeah, no-no-no, this is-this
is a sign.
I should be keeping on
the path I'm on.
- [Rajat] Right...
- Yeah. Y'know?
- [Rajat] The path...
- Ye-I was actually, I was
thinking about going to Prague.
Have you been to Prague?
- [Man On TV] This is Julianne.
- [Woman On TV] Oh so
those are all of yours?
- [Man] Oh yeah.
- Heh...
- [Man] Yeah, I'm not proud of
it, but I have been engaged
seven different times.
- [Woman] Oh wow!
- [Man] So I thought I'd come
to this God awful city
today and sell them off.
- [Woman] Oh gosh.
- [Man] What is time, y'know?
It's just time! It's just time.
Move on.
- [Woman] Well don't give up.
Y'know? You're gonna
find love too, I think.
I just um...
I just know it.
- [Man] Thank you.
- [Woman giggles] Sure!
- [Drew] Sure you don't wanna
come out tonight?
- [Rajat] Oh, hey, uh...
I think I'm good,
Kim's gonna come over, so...
probably just hang out here.
- [Drew] Kim can come too.
It could be the three of us.
- [Rajat]
That's really ni-Yeah,
- It could be fun...!
- [Rajat] That's really nice of
- [Drew] Alright. Think about
- [Rajat] Where are
you going again?
- [Drew] Just some
neighborhood bars, yeah.
- [Rajat] Cool...
- Yeah I was never able to go
out Friday night
'cause I was...y'know. I'd be
too tired after work.
- [Rajat] Right, yeah...
- But tonight...?
- [Rajat] Yeah.
I think my thing is just like,
I don't really like the
bars around here.
- Oh, plus...
- [Rajat] Oh what's that?
- I got some edibles!
- [Rajat] Oh cool!
- Yeah I'm gonna...gonna take
one right now.
- [Rajat] Fun...
- I'm gonna take four right now.
- Okay, you don't usually
have that much, so...
you should be caref-okay.
- Gonna be a good night!
- [Rajat] Cool!
- Y'know it's only
10 milligrams each, that says.
- Okay. Sounds like a lot.
- [Drew] Well uh, just throw me
a text.
- [Rajat] Totally yeah...
- Let me know! Uh...
- [Rajat] For sure, yeah.
- You can meet up with me,
I'll let you know what bar I'm
- For sure, maybe, I dunno.
- Awesome. Yeah. I'll see you
- [Rajat] So, yeah...
- [Rajat] Okay!
- Cool!
- [Rajat] Have fun.
- I will. We will!
- [Rajat] Yeah.
- I think you will, yeah.
- Alright!
Here I go. I'm off.
- [Rajat] Okay. Alright.
- [Drew] See you out there.
- [Rajat] Yeah-
Be safe.
[Door closes]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
- [Drew] Can I get the
hog's head wash?
- [Man On Phone] Hey Drew.
- [Drew] Hey man, uh-just around
the corner from you, man.
I'm at the uh...
I'm at The Hatch.
You wanna-?
- [Man] Aw, no. I'm...
I'm already in bed, man.
- [Drew] Oh yeah, definitely.
- [Man] Yeah just totally
burnt out from work.
Man, I'm sorry.
- [Drew] Alright, alright I'll
see ya.
- [Man] Okay...
- [Phone] Hul-?
- [Drew] Jan!
I'm at The Hatch, come on down!
- [Jan] I'm still at work,
I'm in the office right now.
- [Drew] Oh, okay.
- [Jan] Yeah, I think I'm
gonna be here for a few hours.
- [Drew] Well I could-I could
meet you somewhere else.
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
I quit my job.
- [Woman] Oh!
- [Woman] Oh.
- [Woman] Congrats...
- [Woman] Yeah, that's cool.
Are we happy about it?
- [Both] Yay...!
- [Woman] Woo...
- [Woman] Turn up...!
[Jazz piano music]
- [Drew] Thank you!
I think I'm gonna
tweet about this!
- [Woman] Go for it!
- [Woman] Which part?
- [Woman] Hope it does well!
Heh heh...
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
- [Woman on phone] Drew!
- Laura!
- [Laura] Hello?
- It's Drew.
- [Laura] No, yeah, I know.
- Laura it's Drew Bogart.
Hey! Hey, where are
you right now?
- [Laura] Uh-One second. Uh I'm,
I'm at the bar with
some friends.
- [Drew] Me too. Okay-
- [Laura] Yeah?
- Wh-where are you?
Where are you?
[Phone muttering]
- [Laura] I'm in the city. Uh,
I'm in the West village.
- In the city?
- [Laura] Yeah.
- That's kind of far for me,
What if next-next weekend...
you and me...
- [Laura] Uh-huh?
- [Drew] We go-we...
go on a little walk.
[Drew gasping]
- [Kim] He's up.
Tried to put you in your
bed last night,
but you insisted on
being on the couch.
- Yeah I like the couch.
- [Kim] Yeah.
We know, you were really
up in arms about it,
it was like a whole thing.
It's like I don't really care
you sleep that much, y'know?
- What's that?
- It's just...
It's a bowl of cereal.
Is that an issue with you?
I'm not allowed to eat
here 'cause I'm a visitor?
Am I in trouble now?
- Hey...!
Hi. What's happening?
- He's mad that I'm dirtying
the dishes, I guess.
"I'm so sorry!"
You wanna take th-?
Let me ask you this, I have
to go the bathroom, okay?
Can I go here? Or should I
go take a dump outside?
- [Drew] Na-I'm just hungry.
- [Kim] A fucking rodent.
[Door closes]
- [Drew] She go in the
bathroom with cereal?
- I just-I just wanted
you guys to get along,
kind of smooth things over?
- [Drew] God...
- [Rajat] How you doing?
- [Drew] I feel awful...
It feels like my organs are...
- [Rajat] Did you have a good
at least, last night?
- [Drew] No, I didn't have a
good time at all.
- Yeah?
- Spent like a hundred dollars.
- [Rajat] Hundred do-?
Do you have-? I didn't know you
what'd you spend $100?
- Fuck!
I think quitting so
abruptly was a mistake.
- [Rajat] Yeah maybe.
- I should've saved up
some kinda...
kind of payload.
- [Rajat] Payload, yeah.
- [Drew] Yeah, yeah I may've...
I may have financially
crippled myself last night.
And the job market right
now is brutal.
- [Rajat] Yeah, yeah-
- I read a headline that said
- Hi! Hey.
- Hey!
- Hug?
- Alright, heh heh.
- Long time no see.
- [Drew] Right?
- Yeah.
- It's been months.
- Months!
- [Drew] Yeah...
- Thanks for coming, meeting me.
- No problem, great block.
- Oh, thank you, yeah.
- Great block.
- Are you still with uh...?
- Rajat?
- Oh my God, so sweet, how's he?
- [Drew] He's good, yeah.
He's working for this uh...
working for this
click bait company right now,
what're ya-are you still...?
- Oh, I am producing a
podcast for the magazine now.
- [Drew] Podcast, wow, okay,
- Yeah!
- Yeah, no, it's great!
- Oh!
- Uh, do you want to maybe...?
- [Drew] Yeah, um...yeah!
- Get a smoothie...?
Yeah, yeah. Is there-?
- There's one, down...
- Yeah! Yeah. Let's get a
- Okay!
- Let's do it. Alright.
- Let's do it.
- You lead away-lead uh, lead
the way!
- [Giggles] Yeah.
- [Drew] Must be nice, living
next to a smoothie place.
- Yeah, I'm there all the time.
- Yeah, this is,
this is great.
Never out at midday.
- Heh. Right.
- Oh, what's your uh...
podcast about?
- Oh, women's life.
Dating, politics, fashion,
the workplace.
- Awesome. Yeah.
- Yeah.
- [Drew] I always knew you'd
make it in media.
- Thanks.
That was my major, yeah.
[Jazz piano music]
- [Drew] This is it.
[Jazz piano music]
- [Worker] Hi, how are you?
- Hi.
- Good.
- Could I get a
greenhouse smoothie?
- [Worker] "Ground Support?"
- Yeah, thanks.
- Umm...
I'll have the banana
tango mango.
- [Worker] You got it.
[Jazz piano music]
- Uh what's Rajat up to?
- He's working at that
click bait company.
- Oh right, you said that.
- I almost worked there,
but decided against it,
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- [Both] You too.
[Jazz piano music]
- So... how long have you
been in this, building?
- This one right now?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Uh just-not too long,
like a year maybe.
- Are you gonna
renew your lease?
- Probably! Yeah, I mean,
don't really have a
reason not to.
- Right. Great location, really
close to the smoothie place.
- No, they're so good, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah...
[Jazz piano music]
Have you been to any
good-uh, shows recently?
- Shows?
- Like, concert, music.
- Uh n-no uh...?
No. No, not really.
I wasn't able to get out
of work on time.
- Yeah.
- Have you?
- No same thing, just
really busy with work.
- Podcast.
- Right, yeah, the podcast.
- That's so cool.
[Jazz piano music]
It was nice seeing you.
- Yes, amazing, oh my god, yes.
Let's do it again sometime.
- Yeah, absolutely.
- Yeah, for sure.
- [Man On TV] This is Julianne.
- [Woman On TV] Oh so
those are all of yours?
- [Man] Oh yeah.
I'm not proud of it, but I've
been engaged-
- Hey buddy! Third time this
week you watched this movie,
- Okay. Is that a...problem?
- I cannot handle
hearing it again.
- All right, it's in my room.
- This wall, this is
the wall in your room,
and then on the other side,
this is the same wall for the
living room.
Same wall, right?
Have you thought about, y'know,
floor plan
of the house? Y'know, how it's
laid out?
Kind of ever looked at that,
y'know thought about maybe
where the wall is,
how it's the same wall?
- No, I haven't seen-blueprints.
[TV chattering]
- Are you watching with
the commentary on?
- Yeah, I wanted to know how
they do the effects for this.
- Okay, we're learning a lot,
I think that the TV could
do really well over there,
Then we couldn't hear in the
living room,
you could mix things up.
That could work really well,
- I'd be cranking my neck.
- [Mutters] God...
Okay, let's do it.
Y'know I think maybe the bed
could go over here?
Dresser, TV over there?
We could fix the problem,
quick rearranging?
Yeah, have you gotten up today?
Maybe stand up, take a
peek what I'm seeing, yeah?
You okay?
Ooh, there's a smell,
that's good.
Okay, so you move that over
there probably?
Bed over here, that could
be really nice.
I think that could get
a new energy, you know?
- Yeah, I dunno.
Yeah. Yeah I'll-I'll
definitely try that, but...
- Yeah. Your neck hurting?
- Probably not gonna get to it.
- You probably not?
You have some other stuff to do
- Yeah, I got a lot of
errands to do, so-
- You do?
- Yeah.
- Could you pick up toilet
Cause we're out.
- Yeah. Sure.
- Good. Okay.
So maybe the toilet paper,
rearrange the room,
that's a good day for you, okay?
Thank you!
- [Drew] Yeah, bye.
- Thank you so much.
- [Drew] Buh-bye.
- This was a really good talk,
- [Drew] Could you
close the door?
- I think you could add
that to the list, probably.
Just a quick thing.
It's good.
- [Drew] Yeah.
- I'm actually on a call, so
thank you.
- [Drew] Sure...
- [Drew] Yeah, bye.
[Door slams]
[TV echoing]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
Luke, hey.
Hey, what's going on?
How are you?
- What are you doing here?
- Uh, I was just wandering
around the city,
thought I'd come see what's
going on
at the old stomping grounds.
Yeah, they wouldn't let me in,
I was actually hoping to
ask about the HR position.
- I believe we found the
candidate we like for it.
- Oh good, good.
I just feel bad, Betty
working with a strang-
- It's someone Betty's
worked with in the past.
- Oh, that's good, best
case scenario.
How's-how's the search
going for my position?
- I think we found a
qualified candidate!
- I could come in and, y'know
show 'em the ropes! For sure!
Yeah, could really,
it could really smooth
the transition.
I mean...
- I think Mark can handle
that fine on his own.
- Well, Mark doesn't know
I'm kinda the only one that
knows the nuts and bolts.
- To be honest with you, Drew,
we're looking to find someone
who can start the job fresh,
and do a bit better in
the position than you did.
- Oh hey, hey, hey,
I don't really appreciate that.
Yeah, I busted my ass at
this job, man!
I worked late! Gave up
important social engagements
to work for your ass.
- I have to meet someone for
- Just go in there-[Stammering]
You know what, this is
Yeah! This is capitalism at its
Yeah, it's what they do.
- They don't give a fuck.
These rich fucks
don't give a fuck.
- Exactly.
Yeah, that's right, no they
- All these motherfuckers
care about-All these fuckers
- All they do is they use you
for a lever and then
they toss you in the street like
- care uh-uh-uh-uh
Almighty fucking dollar.
- They're rich and wealthy,
they dine in their fancy glass
- All these motherfuckers care
about is the almighty
fucking dollar! That's why I
only want...
- And uh-only one...
- Care about the bottom line.
- I'm not bowing down to
fucking Little Caesars.
And that's why they got
that fucker on a pizza box.
Pizza spelled
backwards is azzip!
Zip it! They want you to zip it!
I'm not zipping shit!!
You got it?
I'm not zipping shit!!
I'm not zipping it!
I'm not zipping it!
I'm not zipping it!
I'm not zipping it!
I'm not zipping it!
I'm not!
They don't let men be
horny anymore!
Men can't be horny anymore!
- Jasper?
[Jazz piano music]
Okay, we'll see who's
[Jazz piano music]
- Hey!
- How's it going?
- What's up?
It's been so long.
- Josh.
- Dude.
- Oh shit.
- Hey man, how's it going?
- Y'know, I don't wanna be
policing everybody,
but uh...
- Guess we should be straight,
- Yep. Yep.
- Hey man.
- Hey, long time no see.
- What's up?
Yeah, Drew, this is Sam,
Sam, Drew.
- Hey!
This is the newest member
of our little family here.
- Cool. What do you play?
- Oh, I don't-
- He doesn't uh,
he doesn't play anything,
he's my manager.
- That's right.
I played drums in high school,
but in the industry now, so...
- Cool, cool, cool, cool.
- Why don't you go ahead and set
- [Drew] Yeah, get
those keys out.
- Think everybody else is pretty
- For sure.
Ready to go...
- For sure!
[Indistinct chatter]
He's got a manager now?
- Yeah, I think he just wants to
make sure he's doing it right.
- He hasn't even
recorded music yet.
- Anyway, how's everybody doing?
Thanks for coming.
It's good to see you guys again.
Sorry for uh....
I wanna apologize for
dropping off the grid
for a couple months.
I...kind of just fell into
deep depression, and I...
just started to hate the music
we were making, honestly.
It was just completely
uninspiring to me.
Then I met Sam.
He was at the bar one
night, putting a few back,
and we just started talking,
sharing records, y'know? And
He-started rewiring my brain,
and I just started
thinking that...
I found this sound, alright?
That like...
I dunno, I'm gonna
share it with you.
The song's just started
like pouring out,
I'm super excited about it,
but why don't I just
jump right into a song,
and here are the lyrics,
right here.
Harmonies, um...
but yeah you guys just listen
and feel it out.
[Guitar strumming]
I'm riding down I-10
looking for a place to stay
[Guitar strumming]
But no motels seem
to be vacant
[Guitar strumming]
And it's a warm night
And I just wanna feel
like something's right
I let the stars wrap
around me like a blanket
[Guitar strumming]
And it's okay even if I
gotta fake it
[Guitar strumming]
[Guitar strumming]
- [Josh clapping] I dig it.
- Yeah? I mean c'mon.
- What'd you guys think?
- Yeah, I like it a lot.
- It's so good.
- That's sick, that's sick.
- Powerful...
- Dude, it's great.
- Yeah.
- Cool!
- Yeah...
Yeah it's, almost...
it's a country song. Almost.
- [Group] Yeah, right? Yeah,
- That's country.
[Group chattering]
- Country...
You don't think it's kind of...
weird for a Brooklyn band
to be writing songs about...
...rural life?
- Yah-I mean...y'know.
David Bowie's real name
isn't David Bowie, right?
You know that, right?
- Yeah. Mmhmm.
- Davy Jones?
- [Michael] You see what he's
- It's malleable.
- [Drew] Sure.
Yeah, no, I like the song.
- Yeah.
- Good.
- [Drew] Different.
- Maybe we um...
just jump in?
It's E flat,
and then you just kind
of follow along.
[Guitar strumming]
[Tamborine chimes]
- Jack...
[Steel twangs]
Riding down I-10 looking
for a place to stay
But no motels seem
to be vacant
It's a warm night
And I just wanna feel
like something's right
I let the stars wrap
around me like a blanket
[Piano flourishes]
It's okay even if I
gotta fake it
[Piano plays loudly]
[Piano plays rapidly and loudly]
- [Michael] Whoa.
That's a verse.
- I love when you guys
came in, that was perfect,
like seriously.
And I love...
the steel, was just
sounding like, awesome.
- Mm!
Annie, that was cool,
I really like when you
come in with the tambo.
Harmonies were like...
- Solid-
- I dunno, it's like...
And Drew, I'm kind of,
maybe pull back just
a little bit?
- Pull back?
- It's just kind of um...
it's a little much?
- [Drew] Mm...
- That makes sense?
- Yeah...
- That sounds like a
child's piano.
- [Drew] Yeah.
- Like a child would play.
[Group muttering]
- Mmkay. I'm trying.
- It's very aggressive.
- This thing's pretty sticky...
- Yeah...
[Guitar strum]
- Yeah, let's just jump right
in, do another one.
- [Drew] For sure.
- Yeah, let's try it.
We can try it.
Yeah, cool.
[Guitar strumming]
I'm riding down I-10
looking for a place to stay
[Guitar strumming]
But no motels seem
to be vacant
[Tamborine chimes]
And it's a warm night
And I just wanna feel
like something's right
[Piano tapping off-beat]
I let the stars wrap
round me like a blanket
[Piano trailing behind]
I'm not sure.
Something's not quite
working right now.
Maybe, Drew...
Maybe-maybe we just try this
maybe you just sit this one out?
Let's just see how it sounds.
- Yeah, I'm cool with that.
- [Michael] We'll figure out
what's going on here.
- Smart. I think that's a
good instinct.
- Yeah. Unless I-y'know
maybe if I...
I'm feeling it-?
- [Michael] I think we...
Kinda wanted to-that kinda
the purpose of the experiment.
- Oh yeah, yeah. No, that's
that's true. Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.
- [Sam] You could turn it off.
- Kind of hear it without...
if I hear it without,
maybe I'll,
that's-that's-that's gonna
help me come up with-
- Um...what do you guys think?
Everybody's ready?
- Not gonna touch it.
- You guys powered on?
Powered down?
- Not gonna touch, just gonna...
[Guitar strumming]
[Steel twanging]
[Guitar strumming]
I'm riding down I-10
looking for a place to stay
- [Drew] It's never been wrong
for songs before,
we've always had keys.
- Then, you gotta stop
bringing up the old stuff.
I mean, it gets me really down,
I mean is that what you want?
- No! I just...
I just feel like I
contributed nothing to today,
and it's bumming me out.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
It's not you, it- I quit my job.
- What? You did?
Did you find something?
- [Drew] No, not yet.
I actually-
- That really is awful, dude.
- No, it's-it's good, yeah,
'cause now-
- I gotta run, 'cause Sam is
texting me,
we're going upstate,
and we're doing this like
writer's retreat thing,
it should be really cool,
but I don't wanna keep him
Um...look, good luck, man.
I mean, you're smart,
somebody's gonna want you.
You got this dude.
Good luck!
- Thanks, Michael.
[police sirens wailing]
- [Rajat] Yeah, they might
have broken up?
- [Kim] Y'know, so don't break
it up
unless she drinks that first or
- Yeah.
- Whose party is this, again?
- It's at Rachel's?
- Rachel's.
I think...
- How do you know Rachel?
- [Kim] I think I told you
earlier, in middle school?
- [Rajat] It's middle school.
Said it yesterday.
- [Drew] Oh yeah.
- Are you-How you feeling?
Are you good?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- [Rajat] You've been
forgetting a lot.
- [Drew] How do I know Rachel?
- [Kim] You met her at the park.
- [Drew] Park, really?
- [Rajat] Maybe you should
start doing the crossword?
- Do I look okay?
- [Rajat] Yeah!
- Hi...!
- Hey Kim!
Well come in!
Hey! What's up?
- Hi.
- [Rajat] Good to see you.
- You too.
- Drew.
- Yes.
- [Drew] Met in the park?
- Yes, thanks for coming.
- Hey, no problem.
Is it shoes off?
- Hi, how are you?
[Women chattering]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Muffled party music]
[Muffled party music]
- Dan.
- Mm! Drew!
Oh snap, what you doing here,
- Just came with my
roommate and his girlfriend.
- All right.
- Do you know...?
- I know Rachel, yeah.
- Met Rachel once.
- Oh snap. Small world.
- Teeny-tiny.
- Hey, listen, we all really
miss you at the office.
A lot of people thought you
like you did was really stupid,
but not me!
Y'know, thought it
was real brave.
Uh, I even thought of
quitting too.
- Why didn't you?
- I've-I like having a job.
I like being able to buy things,
I guess.
Yeah. Products.
And I guess-
And I guess I like to,
I like to have nice things,
and you need money to
buy nice things.
- Are you from the party?
- No.
You're from the party,
the one on the third floor?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
It's not my party, but
I was up there.
- They have parties all
the time, it's so annoying.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah I left-I left early,
it was, it was lame...
lame party. Probably goes late
too, right?
You're trying to go to bed,
they're just getting started,
- [Smoker] Did you come
out here to smoke?
- Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, must've-forgotten my
smoking stuff up...stairs.
- You need a light?
- Yeah, yeah.
- It's a little windy,
do you mind if um...just...
- That's good.
Cut up some...
[Smoker chuckles]
- Some lime?
- Tequila! Si!
- Oh! That's good, that's good.
- You can't have a
Saturday night?
- Not if I want a Sunday
Oh, thanks.
- Cheers! Hee hee.
- Do you have roommates?
- Nope.
Oh, sor-it's broken,
you have to kind of like sit up
Yeah, ha ha!
[Giggles] Yeah no, it's all
it's kinda expensive.
It actually-just, yeah.
Hm! That's fine.
- What do you do?
- What do you mean?
- For a job?
Yeah, it's a dumb question.
- Oh, I do lights at
the Sulton Room.
- Oh, cool!
- You been there?
- Uh, no.
- It's right around the corner.
- Is that a venue?
People dance there?
That's cool.
- Yeah, okay.
I also work at a record label.
- No way.
- Yeah! [Giggles]
Yeah, it's my brother's.
- Okay. This is so weird.
- Kinda cool, yeah? Mm?
- I play keys in a band.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we-we're um, working on
some new stuff right now.
- That's...really rad.
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Drew] What label is it?
- What?
- What label is the...?
- Retcon Records?
- Oh.
Yeah. Is it-? Uh...
haven't heard of that.
- It's my brother's.
- It's-It's-It's big?
- Yeah! Yeah, we've got
some pretty big acts.
- Cool.
- [Drew] Oh what do you uh,
what do you do there?
- Um! I-I work in A&R.
- Oh, whoa, really?
- Mmhmm.
- Cool, could I um...
could I show you a song?
- Yeah sure, you could
send it to me.
- Yeah? Yeah.
Right, right uh...? Yeah, we
we could listen to it right now.
I could send it to you. Or...?
- Right now?
- I could play it off-yeah,
could play it off my phone.
- Okay.
- Yeah, where's uh...
- [Woman] Speaker?
- Oh, hell yeah!
Okay, wow.
Do you have an adapter?
This is an eighth inch.
- [Woman] It should be up there.
- Um... I don't see it.
Could-could you have moved it?
Oh, could it be on
your headphones?
- [Woman] They're wireless.
- Mm...
Do you have like a cord
drawer we could look through?
- No, I don't, I don't
have a cord drawer, sorry.
Well I-I, y'know?
I'll just play it off my phone,
That's fine, I can just
play it off my phone.
- Man, I'm getting sleepy.
- Yeah, here we go.
[Recording of guitar strumming]
Yeah, so this is a demo,
it's unpolished.
Uh, y'know we didn't use any
recording equipment, but...
just use your imagination.
I'm sure you're used to...
hearing stuff like this.
[slow guitar and vocals]
My part's coming in.
- Mm...
- See in the-
[slow guitar and vocals]
Not this part...
Yep. Now, that's me,
that's me playing. Yep.
[Two piano notes]
[Slow guitar and vocals]
[Woman yawns]
[Two piano notes]
- Hm...
[Piano and drums]
- Yeah, well that-
You get the idea.
- [Woman] Yeah.
- What'd you think?
Did you like it?
- Yeah, I didn't really like it.
- You didn't like it?
- [Woman] Not really, no.
- Not at all?
- I just feel like, it's been
done before,
you know what I mean?
- Yeah, yeah, it's not
for everyone.
- It's not really what I meant,
- Okay...
[Anemic piano]
[Guitar strumming]
I'm turning right down
to South of Mason Dixon
Got a big old bowl
and she only fit for mixing
Ain't a rusty old truck
fixin' for a fixing
Got a whole lot of love
and I know it
Something missing
[Guitar plucking]
[Piano playing off rhythm]
Think a lot about a little,
A little bout a lot
And I got a bit of whisky
if you wanna take a shot
Sit on your hands
till the drinking is done
Cut off the head,
and let back
She can run
- [Sam] I'm a little worried, I
think we should...
[Piano playing it's own song]
[Guitar strumming]
In the background,
there's like...
All right.
- Josh, that slide in
was like iconic.
- Thank you.
- That was so cool!
- I love the, just like,
simple country base,
that was the right call, man.
Um, Annie, I'm thinking
maybe with the tambourine
maybe we do like um...
you just, you wait to come in on
like the...
- [Annie] The second verse?
Yeah, now I'm-
- And that's why we're in a
- [Sam] You guys are killing it.
- Thanks, man!
- Um...yeah, Drew,
so I'm thinking that,
maybe the piano,
- [Stammering] I'mma stop
you right there,
I think I know what
you're gonna say.
It's not really "jiving"
with the rest of the song?
- [Scoffs] What's with
the attitude, man?
- Sorry, just...
- [Michael] You gotta
just work with everybody.
- Just stressed.
- It's okay, man. Um...
But, honestly,
I kind of don't think it jives
with the rest of the song.
- [Drew] What?
What is wrong?
- [Michael] Like, on the song-
What is wrong with piano?
Can you tell me what
I'm doing wrong?
- I think that you're-
- Do you even like this song?
- Whoa!
- [Michael] Course I like the
I wrote this song.
- Aw boy...
- [Sam] No, no-no-no. You guys-?
- Do you think it's a bad song?
- [Sam] C'mon, c'mon, no-no-no-
- It's a bit reductive.
- [Sam] Reductive? No.
- Is it a bad song?
- Do you guys think it's
- [Michael] Is it stupid?
- No, no it's not.
- [Sam] I don't think
it's reductive.
I can see how maybe,
if I were somebody who was
prioritizing my
own role in the band,
my own part in a song,
- What?
- [Sam] over the entire band,
the beautiful music
that's being made,
I mean I could see if my ego
was getting a little too big,
then maybe I would say...
- What?
- [Sam] I'm just calling it like
it is.
- No-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no,
I do not have an ego.
- [Sam] Call a spade a spade.
- I do not have an ego. I do not
have an ego, no.
- Everybody has an ego, Drew.
- I'm-I'm-I'm... I'm all Id,
I'm Id.
- That doesn't exist.
- [Drew] I'm all Id!
[Group muttering]
- [Sam] He's being weird, right?
- I can't with this...
- [Sam] Yeah, no.
- [Michael] Somebody in the band
doesn't like the songs.
- Michael, you're not
even gonna talk to me?
You're gonna let S-Sam...?
- Drew, the constant need
for attention,
it's exhausting.
- [Drew] Sh-Shut-!
Shut your ass, man.
- [Sam] Shut my ass?
- Yeah. Shut your ass!
- Drew, you're not
helping the situation,
he's trying to help.
- [Drew] He's not helping the
situation, man.
- Stop pointing.
- Shut up.
- [Sam] Don't point at me.
- Fu-Fu-Fuck you man.
- Yeah, good. Good Drew, why
don't you make a whole scene?
I think this is going great.
- Michael, c'mon, we're
going down a dark road, man.
This is dark.
Okay? We-We didn't sign up
for this, okay?
Josh? Josh?
- Man, I don't-I don't mind.
I like it.
- Well, okay, but
it's not what...
we signed up for,
you can agree with that?
- [Josh] I don't, I don't
see it that way.
- [Drew] Okay, but like, we
didn't sign up for this.
Y'know what I mean?
- [Sam] Why don't-
Why don't you let
Josh speak for himself?
- [Drew] I'm letting Josh speak!
- No you're not, you're cutting
him off!
- [Drew] No, you cut him off!
- [Sam] No-no-no, you cut him
- I'm cutting you off, after
you've cut him off.
- [Sam] I wish you wouldn't!
- You cut him off.
- [Michael] Hey, hey. Drew.
I think you need to go take a
and cool off. Alright? Just-
- I'm calm.
- [Sam] You're not calm.
- [Grimacing] Yes I am, I'm
calm, man.
- [Michael] That is not calm.
- I'm calm man.
- That is not calm.
- [Sam] Not calm at all.
- [Michael] Just go take a walk.
- Yeah, no, no, yeah,
I'll take a walk, and I'll...
and I'll keep walking.
Yeah. I'm not gonna make a loop.
- [Michael] If that's
what you wanna-
- I'm not gonna make a loop
around, I'm not coming back,
I'm gonna keep walk-
walking straight.
- [Michael] Okay, yeah.
- [Drew] That's what you want?
That's what you want?
I just wanna hear from you,
that's what you want?
- Yeah, sure.
- Be careful what you wish for,
man, 'cause I'm gone.
Boom, powering off.
- All right, I wanna
- [Drew] Unplugged!
get something done tonight.
- Yeah, no, I mean we have
- Here we go!
- 15 more hours here, and...
that wasn't working anyway.
- What time is it?
I think we gotta get up, right?
You want coffees or I can
get us some blow or...?
- Uh, thanks.
- Whoa!
- [Drew] I'll take it now.
[Guitar plucking]
[Tamborine chimes]
- [Sam] Let's just try and push
negative vibes out of the room.
[Michael singing]
[Band playing]
- Here I go!
Thank you, thanks.
Here I go!
Thanks man, I'll see ya. Thanks.
Hear that? I'm off!
[Michael singing]
[Band playing]
Not coming back.
[Band playing]
- [Sam] Let's get
this shit on wax.
- [Man On TV] This is Julianne.
- [Woman On TV] Oh so
those are all of yours?
- [Man] Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm not
of it, but I have been engaged
seven different times.
[Phone buzzing]
- [Woman] Oh wow!
- [Man] So I thought I'd come
to this God awful city
today and sell them off.
- [Woman] Oh gosh.
[Phone buzzing]
- [Man] What is time, y'know?
It's just time!
It's just time. [Phone buzzing]
[Phone buzzing]
Just...move on.
- [Woman] Well don't give up.
[Clears throat]
You're gonna find love too, I
[Phone buzzing]
I just um...I just know it.
- Hey, this is Jude.
Yeah, that's right up my alley.
No, I'm very
proficient in Excel,
basically an Excel Wizard.
And uh...
Yeah, Microsoft word I'm... I
am a samari, yeah.
Uh...I'll have to check my
because I, um...
have a lot of other...
interviews set up,
but this is my first choice,
I'd like to make it work.
Oh, you know what?
Tuesday I am free.
10AM, cool.
I'm very excited to meet you,
and I'll uh, I'll see you then.
All right, you too.
[Echoed jazz piano music]
- Remember this, okay?
Just really tight,
and then it's
supposed to go down.
- Right.
- And then...
- Oh, yeah, like you're tying
- Yeah.
- Yeah, over.
- I'm actually gonna Google...
Can you come over here?
- Yeah, sorry.
- We're just gonna
Google how to tie...
[sirens wailing]
[Soft jazz piano music]
- that I forwarded to
- [Drew] Yeah.
- Yeah, so just copy and paste
that into the cell,
and then you can drag that over.
Yeah, you got it.
And then, um... if you
cross reference,
and pull up the V lookup
that I showed you.
- Betty?
- Oh, Drew!
- Surprised to see me?
- Yeah, uh...
- You must be the new HR hire.
- Hi.
- Hope you're enjoying the job.
- Thank you, sir.
- I almost had that-
- We have, um,
right now we've got a
lot going on,
so if there is
something you needed
you could have just called.
- Yeah, well, I bet
you got a lot going on, I-I-I-
you're seeing a Jude Hampton?
For an interview?
- [Betty] I'm-sorry,
how did you know about that?
- Well I'm...
I'm Jude-
I'm Jude Hampton, yeah.
- [Betty] Luke! Uh perfect
timing, wow uh...
- Good-great timing, yes.
This might be a surprise,
but I believe I am the best
candidate for the pos-
- [Betty] Best impersonator, for
the position.
- What's going on here?
What is going on here?
- [Betty] Meet "Jude Hampton."
- I...applied under the
cover of anonymity?
- Falsified documents, yeah.
- Not falsified, I applied
under a cover of anonymity
to make it uh, an even
playing field.
For everyone else.
- [Betty] Yeah, you lied.
- Well,
it''s a good-
it's a good lie.
This is actually a
hiring practice,
this is a hiring practice in
some places.
- [Betty] You lied.
- We need you to leave, Drew.
- What?
- Yeah.
Was there anybody else
that you liked?
- [Betty] Uh, yes but I
didn't schedule anyone
'cause I thought that Jude was-
- [Luke] Well call them up and
see if they can come in.
- [Betty] We had a
couple candidates.
- [Luke] Good. Call them and see
if they
can come in this afternoon and
- No, this-this-this is
- [Betty chuckles] What?
- This is a form of
- [Betty] Okay, uh- Heh...
- Nicole, call the front desk,
and have somebody from security
come up.
- [Drew] Security, Luke?
Oh my god- security, really?
"Oh yeah! I'm gonna really-
I'm gonna be trouble here."
What do you think, I
got guns in here?
- Oh wow, okay.
You're gonna need to leave.
- Wait-wait-wait-wait, whoa,
- It's not a shooting-
It's not a shooter situation.
- [Betty] I'll go to
security myself.
- [Drew] This is not a shooter
I'm leaving. I'm leaving,
I get it, my tactics were
not appreciated,
I understand that.
Heading out.
Good day, bye.
- Are you guys okay?
- [Betty] Wow, yeah.
- Did he work here?
- [Betty] Ugh, if you wanna
call it that, briefly.
- [Luke] Goodness...
- [Sigh] Must be nice to
be so privileged.
- You know what though?
I-I-I-I didn't even want this
job! Y'know?
- [Betty] I'm gonna need you to
call security right now.
- I didn't even want this job,
No no, put the phone down.
I didn't want this job,
I did this on purpose. Yeah.
To expose how corrupt and
poorly run this establishment
is. Yeah!
- [Betty] Okay, Drew,
- It's rotten!
we're gonna need you to go right
- I wouldn't eat this apple!
No-no, there's a worm in
the middle of-of this apple,
Yeah, no.
Yeah and-and-and they
don't care about us!
They don't care about us here,
- [Woman] Is he okay?
- Y-Yes?
- Rhett, they don't
care about you,
they don't care about any of us,
we're cogs
their machine.
Yeah. And we-we gotta stand up,
we gotta-we gotta rage against.
We gotta rage against
their machine!
Cause there's life out there.
Th-There's meaning,
there's experiences.
This man has you all convinced
that the best use of your
precious youth,
your time o-o-on this planet,
is in service of massive
corporate bureaucracy,
F-for what? Wh-wha-what for?
Wha-What for?
What, so you can go home,
and binge watch sanitized
television shows
about people that work
in the same city as you,
at slightly cooler jobs?
You can't even see the
sunset from this office.
I-I for one, I'm sick and tired
of walking in and out of
here every day, in the dark.
I'm going down to the water,
down-down to the water. N-N-I-in
Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay.
I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
Going down to the water.
I'm watching the sunset.
You people gotta wake up! Okay?
You're dreaming,
and it's a bad dream.
It's a nightmare.
Okay, no secur-no security!
I'm go-I'm going, I'm going.
- Yo! Drew! Hey.
- What, are you guys coming
to beat the shit out of me or
- No man, we walked out.
- [Guys] Yeah...
- What?
- We liked all the things
you were saying.
- We will, we will follow you.
We wanna, we wanna follow you.
- So you all...quit?
- [Dan] Yeah.
- Yes.
- [Rhett] Yeah...
- You still going to the park?
- Look at that sky.
- Yep.
- What, Dan?
I was thinking.
You don't interrupt someone
when they're thinking.
- I'm sorry. Um...
- What is it?
- I think these guys
wanna talk to you.
[Jazz piano music]
Seems like they came
with friends.
[Jazz piano music]
[Piano playing]
- Hey, hi, we were
just wondering
if maybe we could talk to you.
Nathan suggested that we
should talk to you probably.
- Nathan did?
- [Group] Yeah.
[Jazz piano music]
- All right, what can
I help you boys with?
- It's a little embarrassing.
- We sound ungrateful.
- Yeah.
- We should have kept it to
- It's not good...
- It's just nothing
feels good...?
- What he's trying to say is
we don't know what to do with
- Yeah, or that more
that we're-yeah...
- We're not quite sure,
and it sucks.
- All right, walk with me.
[Jazz piano music]
- Let's go.
How about a new hobby?
- Hm...
Maybe a new instrument?
- We didn't think of that,
we didn't try that.
- My fingers aren't
very dextrous.
- I don't wanna try
and fail at any.
- We need something that we
can be good at right away.
- Yeah, yeah, like a podcast.
- But not a podcast.
- Right, yeah. Exactly.
- Well, whatever you do,
just remember.
Life is a gift,
there's endless
opportunities out there,
and uh, don't let
anyone tell you,
not even me,
- Of course.
- to live it.
Take that from me.
- I think that makes sense.
- Plus, maybe uh...
Y'know maybe you're putting too
pressure on finding something
perfect, y'know?
Enjoy things as they are,
imperfections included.
- Wow, you really are
a saint, Mr. Hampton.
- I know, I know.
Did you guys meet here?
- We worked together.
- We quit together.
- Yeah, we quit together, and
Well we worked together
and then we quit together.
- After we were working, for
a while. Uh-huh.
- [Drew] Where did you work?
- We were at Grace Face.
We were the entire sales
and marketing team.
- Tanked 'em at this point.
- Yeah, they're begging for
people to fill their jobs now.
- Who's doing sales? Nobody.
- Well good on you.
Yeah, that's, you did
the right thing... yeah.
Now...go live life.
- Yes...!
- Exactly.
- That's how it is.
- Go.
- Over there?
- Yeah, go.
- Oh, you want us to...
- Yeah, I want you to go.
- Ah, yeah-!
- No-no-no. Find Nathan.
- Yeah, sorry.
- Or go back to your tent,
I don't know.
- What?
- Just go.
- You said to bring Nathan-?
- [Drew] Go back to your tent.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- Thank you!
- Okay.
- Fuck...
- Drew.
- Dan, you gotta
stop doing that.
- My bad, I'm sorry.
- You freak me out every time.
- I'm sorry.
- Okay, the sticks
are the bounds,
keep the ball in the bounds.
Otherwise that's a point
for the other team.
Serving, overhand or underhand,
your choice.
Um...that's it.
You all ready?
- [Players] Yup!
- [Players] Yep.
- Okay, here it comes.
[Jazz piano music]
- You wanna-?
- You start it out, yeah.
[Jazz piano music]
- Service.
- That's in bounds.
Why you clapping? No clap-
No-no-no, that was-
you should have gone for that.
- Okay, so I should
have gone-okay.
- [Drew] Team building, this
exercise, warming up.
- You got this one, alright?
- Se-serve, serve-!
- Serve it, yeah.
- Serve!
- Alright, let's take
a water break.
- [Player] Good stuff.
[Harmonica playing]
Hey, is there any pizza left?
- No.
- This is it, the
whole department.
On Monday morning...
- What's up?
- Dude!
- Mr. Hampton, that's
the reason why.
- Let's clean out the hammock
when you're doing using it.
- [Man] Sorry!
- This guy's beat red.
Guy is mad.
Uh, because-
No because, nobody-everybody
quit a company that's nice,
everybody doesn't quit
a company that's good.
Imagine like, sitting in an
office of your
own making and there's no one
Literally every,
every desk open,
I did check the website,
just out of curiosity,
they have every position listed,
which is so stupid!
It's so lame, that's pathetic.
No one wants it.
Imagine having to hire
all those positions now.
- The entire department-
- No one's working there.
Every job...
The best chairs are open.
It's just humiliating!
- You were in sales?
- I was in sales well, like,
yeah, and let me
ask you this, who's doing sales
[Group laughs]
Right? You could-Anybody
could get the sales job now.
Beautiful place...
[Jazz piano music]
- I uh, really appreciate you
coming in
on such short notice by the way,
- There's no problem sir,
I was available.
- Well we need more
young men like you,
not like that mass of
entitled brats downtown,
you heard about all that.
- I did, yeah.
They're just misguided, sir.
I think they need someone to
point them in the right
- Well, you're a hell of a lot
more empathetic than I am,
[Phone dinging]
Hey! Not cool.
It gets kind of crazy
around here,
but you're gonna do great here,
but it is gonna be very
busy, just fair warning.
- [Drew] It's okay, I'm excited.
- It's gonna be up over
your eyeballs.
- Pile it on, sir.
- [Boss] Full force. There's
a lot of backlog on this,
and we're gonna need 100%
from you, so...
[Drew whistling]
- Hey, where you going?
- Work!
- Oh...
[Car honking]
- [Crowd] Where is he going?
- Motherfucker!
- Where are you going?
- I don't like that guy!
- You ruined my life!
Get back here.
- Where the fuck is he?
- I dunno!
- Where is he?
[Crowd shouting]
- That's it for me!
- I'm freaking out.
- I'm starving.
- I haven't eaten in-!
- What about-
- There he is!
- Shit.
- Let's go.
- Fuck...
- Get the fucker!
- Fuck you man!
- Judas!
- Fuck you, dude!
[Mob shouting]
[Door pounding]
- Hey, how are you?
[Mob shouting in the distance]
[Mob shouting in the distance]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]
[Jazz piano music]