Gatham (2020) Movie Script

[wind howling]
I'm Dr. Srikanth.
Don't move.
Your anesthesia levels
haven't stabilized yet.
You seem to be recovering fast.
Doctor, are these okay?
Take this 100mg. Rest are good.
-What time is the discharge?
-In two hours.
Some paper work needs to be done.
Okay, I will go and take care
of the discharge formalities.
Does she look familiar?
She is Adithi.
Your girlfriend.
Does that remind you of anything?
It's okay. Don't stress yourself out.
What exactly happened?
A major one.
They said you won't make it.
Is this my house?
What about my parents?
Your mother isn't alive.
Your father stays far away.
Then why didn't he come to see me?
I don't know.
I want to see him.
-Is everything fine?
-Car broke down.
-Can you try now?
[car engine sputters]
How far do you have to go?
Almost 300 miles.
We can do one thing.
I know a local mechanic.
I can try to reach him.
If you don't mind,
you can stay at my place.
My house is nearby.
What are you thinking about?
-How can we leave the car here?
-Don't you worry about that.
This is a very safe place.
[engine starts]
Watch out.
[device beeps]
[mobile blips]Disarmed.
Electric fence.
It's a safety measure
when living in a forest.
Come, have a seat.
You guys must be tired.
Go freshen up.
I'll prepare dinner in the meantime.
The room is upstairs.
[gun cocks]
I'll go freshen up.
[weather forecast playing on radio]
Come, the food is hot.
Mango pickle. I made it.
My wife taught me.
Isn't she home?
Passed away after giving birth to our son.
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
Well, what's your story?
Why do you look at her
when questioned?
He doesn't remember anything.
He met with an accident two days back
and lost his memory.
Oh, I'm sorry, Rishi.
It's okay, sir.
In fact, I want to know
about my past.
Didn't Adithi tell you?
We didn't have enough time
to talk in detail.
If you don't mind,
I'd like to know his story.
Of course, I will.
I mean, there are
lot of personal moments.
I see.
It's fine. Have it.
[door knocking]
[takes deep breath]
They are here for shelter.
Won't you introduce me?
He is my son.
Excuse me!
Shall we go?
So soon?
Looks like you guys are tired.
Get some rest.
We can talk tomorrow.
I have some work.
If you're going out,
spare keys are in the locker.
[television playing]
[door knocking]
[door creaking]
Ouch! That hurts!
Okay, wait.
What are you doing?
Okay, stop it.
This is not what I signed up for.
Thought we're hanging out.
Are you mad?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You are up so early?
Bad dream.
What are you writing?
Did you feel bad for
what Adithi said earlier?
A little...
But that's okay.
This is my personal diary.
I write down all my son's sins.
Hoping this will make him
realize his perverse nature.
[car alarm beeping]
Someone tried to break in.
It isn't safe to leave the car here.
At least it should be towed.
My car can't hitch.
It's pretty old.
We can't get help at this time.
It'll be dawn in about two hours.
We can find some help.
Let's go.
I'll park and come.
You trust everyone, don't you?
Woke up with no memory of your past.
Someone said she was
in a relationship with you
and you have come
this far with her.
I hope she's genuine.
You go. I'll come later.
[glass shattering]
[breathing heavily]
-Are you okay?
He tried to force himself on me.
[knife swishes]
You guys look exhausted.
Go upstairs and get some rest.
Let's talk in the morning.
It's okay.
Let's not stay here anymore.
Let's leave at the first light.
We'll get signal once we hit the road.
We can call a taxi
and just get out of here.
-[door creaking]
-Leave me.
Leave me!
I beg you!
I won't say anything.
[door creaking]
Rishi... Rishi...
Why did you sleep on the floor?
Rishi, what are you doing?
It's not safe here.
This is a weird place.
We should leave immediately.
What happened all of a sudden?
I'll explain later.
We have to leave now.
I should've knocked.
Breakfast is ready. Come down.
Two minutes.
[door shuts]
Complete vegan breakfast.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
Why this awkward silence?
Are you worried about last night?
I know
you saw me last night.
I bury my son's sins.
Poor him!
It's been two days since he had sex.
Rishi, excuse me for saying this.
If given a chance, my son
would like to fuck your girlfriend.
You bastard!
[glass shattering]
Rishi, stop it, Rishi!
Rishi, he is bleeding!
He will die if you don't stop.
Please, listen to me.
Let's get out of here.
Come on, Rishi.
Hey, wait!
[door creaking]
Rishi, are you okay?
-You hit me real hard.
-Why the fuck are you after us!
Rishi, you are bleeding!
First aid kit is in the closet.
Stop the bleeding first.
I didn't mean to hurt you guys.
Why are you doing this?
What do you want from us?
You are hurt and must be tired.
Get some rest,
we can talk later.
Have you lost your mind?
First, you shot me,
and now, you're saying sorry.
And telling us to rest!
Are you crazy?
What's your problem?
Stop screaming!
I said we will discuss it later.
Get some rest.
Easy, Rishi.
I'm fine.
It's all my fault.
You woke up with no memory of your past
Someone said she's
in a relationship with you
and you have come
this far with her.
I hope she's genuine.
-Let me help.
-I can take care of myself!
What happened to you
all of a sudden?
He told me something last night.
'If I had woke up from coma,
I wouldn't have trusted her.'
Logically, he is right.
So, you trust him, but not me, right?
He's manipulating you, Rishi.
Are you done with your discussion?
What do you want now?
I already told you about him.
He is a womanizer.
I can't control him
if he wakes up.
Unless, I find someone else soon.
[door knocking]
Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you.
But my car is stuck in the snow.
Is there any way you could help me?
I don't have a car that can tow.
But I can call a local mechanic.
Thank you!
Do you want to have some coffee
and wait in the meanwhile?
No, that's okay.
It's minus 20 degrees outside.
You might catch a frostbite.
Why don't you come in?
[stepping in]
Stop staring and have a seat.
This is Rishi and Adithi.
They are stuck in the house
just like you.
I mean, they are stuck in the snow
just like you.
Where were you headed?
If you don't mind me asking.
Oh, my boyfriend,
he lives in the next town.
So, I was gonna drive over
and surprise him.
I'm sure he'll be surprised.
Let me make some coffee for you.
(whispering) Out.
[glass shattering]
You seem tired. Get some rest.
You have a long night ahead.
Do you guys have manners?
Is this how you behave with a guest?
I'm ashamed of you guys.
You've made a big mess.
[door creaking]
Well, how long should you go?
[no voice]
I hope she's genuine.
I bury my son's sins.
I didn't mean to hurt you guys.
[water rustling]
[things clattering]
Hey! Wait...
[breathing heavily]
Just drink some water.
I need your help.
What happened?
We're trapped in a house.
The host is torturing us.
Can you please help?
Please, sir!
Which house?
The one in the corner.
Are you sure?
-What do you mean?
-No one lives there.
The people in that house
are missing for days.
Town dwellers have filed
a missing complaint.
I need to go.
Please maintain some distance.
Personally, I hate being
in this kind of situations.
It is a sin to make people suffer.
I don't want to hurt you, dear.
Situations make me do this.
I've been such a good host.
Why did you go out
without informing?
Don't you have manners?
Is this what your parents taught you?
You lost your memory, right?
Must've forgotten.
Shut it!
Don't cry!
We kidnapped her
because she wept a lot.
What did you do?
I swear I didn't do anything.
I talked to someone outside.
What did you talk?
I told him my whereabouts.
He must have said that no
one lives here, right?
Too many twists in the tale.
What shall we do now...
I don't know
what you are talking about.
What do you want from us?
But, one thing is clear.
You will kill us for sure.
You've mistaken us for someone
and torturing.
If you let us go, we won't
talk to anyone about this.
Please leave us.
Please, sir!
You've no idea what's going on.
Give me the gun.
Don't move!
You will be in deep trouble
if you don't listen to me.
I said don't move!
Why are you torturing us?
I don't want to kill you.
Tell us why and I'll let you live.
I won't.
Tell me why
before I count to ten.
Else I will kill you.
Your countdown starts now!
[wood snapping]
[door creaking]
Shouldn't have hit him hard.
I was scared.
Thought he'd shoot you.
He's fine.
[phone vibrating]
-We don't have an answer yet.
-Let's tell him the same.
Tell me, Srikanth!
Any progress, Arjun?
There is no progress.
We are left with only one day, Arjun.
It is not that easy.
We need some more time.
I'm sorry.
-Dr. Srikanth.
-I got to go now.
[hangs up]
[airplane whooshing]
[dialer tone beeping]
[dialer tone ringing]
[phone ringing]
Where are you?
Near the airport.
How long it's gonna take?
I'll be home soon.
It's the last ride.
Keep driving. Don't come home.
I'll call you back. Bye.
[hangs up]
Sorry, sir.
It's okay.
Oh, you speak Telugu?
Can I use your phone?
[dialer tone beeps]
[hangs up]
Thank you!
Where are you coming from?
Are you visiting?
No, I'm settled here.
I went to India
to attend some offshore work.
I see.
Can I borrow your phone
one more time?
Of course.
[dialer tone ringing]
Thank you!
Is everything fine?
My daughter...
I've been trying to reach her even
before boarding. She isn't answering.
Don't worry, sir.
She'll be fine.
You know how it is...
I can understand.
I have a daughter too.
She must be busy with something.
She always calls me
no matter how busy she is.
She'll be fine, sir.
By the way, what's her name?
[phone ringing]
I think it's for you.
-Hello, who is this?
-Harsha, it's me, your uncle.
Why isn't Adithi answering my calls?
Where is Adithi?
[door creaking]
Why are you crying?
These are Adithi's belongings.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
These are not Adithi's belongings.
-There is some confusion.
-Sir, calm down.
Just take them back. Goddamn it!
You need to calm down!
[indistinct voices]
[vehicle arriving]
[unclear voices on walkie talkie]
I can only imagine
how you must be feeling!
And I know it's hard to accept.
But, you can't disturb the peace and
start taking things into your own hands.
I understand, but we don't really think
she committed suicide.
She was so full of life.
Can you please investigate
into the case seriously?
Sir, I assure you.
Due process will be followed.
We will let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Please sign here.
I just got a call from the hospital.
They can't hold the body long
as it is completely bloated.
If you can take a look once...
I'll come if she looks like this.
Happy birthday, Dad!
You'll be in India
when you receive this message.
But don't forget to have fun.
This is the first time we are not together
for your birthday after mom passed away.
I feel bad.
But it's okay,
you'll come back to me soon.
I miss you, dad!
And I know that you miss me too.
Take care and come back to me soon.
Love you.
[birds chirping]
[doorbell rings]
My name is Sarah Peters.
Can I talk to Adithi's parents?
It's really important.
Can I have some water?
Sorry, I'm just... a little nervous.
Is everything fine?
Can I talk to Adithi's parents?
You can talk to us.
I don't really know how to say this.
Adithi didn't commit suicide.
[door unlocks]
This is so wrong, Rishi.
Why do you think so?
Because you have a girlfriend.
That doesn't mean
I don't like other girls.
I fantasize a lot.
I'm not your bitch?
Of course, not.
[knocking on the door]
Hey baby!
Who is she?
Sarah. I met her recently
at the medical conference.
Why did you come to his apartment?
I just... enjoy his company.
Did you like it?
Sorry. What?
His company.
She is from here.
She has no shame whatsoever.
What's wrong with you!
What are you talking about!
Sorry... I don't know
what's going on here.
Ow! Ow!
Adithi, stop it!
Have you lost your mind?
We aren't in a serious relationship.
-It is just physical.
Am I boring physically?
I did not say that. Be practical.
You're in a relationship too.
That was in the past.
I never cheated on you.
Why am I still talking to you?
You know what...
Fuck off!
Adithi, wait!
Adithi, Adithi.
Hey, Adithi. Adithi.
Is she okay?
She is fine.
You know what?
I'll handle this from here.
Just get out.
Just go! Damn it!
Can you call him once?
[dialer tone beeps]
His phone's off.
Can you try one more time?
Arjun, we've already filed
a complaint with the cops.
Adithi's death wasn't a suicide.
She was murdered.
[door opens]
He's not in the house.
He gave a fake address
to the leasing office as well.
Any other information?
I asked for CCTV footage.
They said we can't see it
due to security reasons.
I need some help.
This is what I got.
Can you stop there?
Can you zoom in a little bit?
I think I've seen
this number plate somewhere.
[tram bell rings]
I dropped him at Sacramento
two hours ago.
Where in Sacramento?
Close to Amtrak station, Sacramento.
Did you find his behavior suspicious
when in the car?
No, but he was tense.
Is everything fine?
The man who was in your car,
killed my daughter.
I'm sorry!
Please let me know
if I can be of any help.
You stay here.
We'll go check.
[club music]
Whoa! Easy, easy, easy.
Leave him. Leave him.
Leave him.
I said fucking leave him.
Let's go.
Oh, Rishi?
Do you know him?
We know where he is.
But, you stay here.
He's a drug addict,
Might show up.
[door opens]
Looks like a route map.
[phone rings]
-Tell me, Laxman.-Sir, I saw Rishi.
-Where?-Near the club.
Follow him.
Share the live location!
[tires screech]
High speeding black BMW.
Unit 12 in pursuit.
[siren wailing]
Vehicle is headed to Sunnyvale.
Backup on the way.
[unclear voice on walkie-talkie]
Need backup!
Copy that!
[sirens wailing]
[horn blares]
What happened, Laxman?
I lost Rishi at the traffic signal.
Keep looking for him.
Where is he going?
That's a route map.
Laxman, go to Sunnyvale station.
[sirens wailing]
[sirens wailing]
[horn blares]
Damn! He is running into a car.
You need to pull over.
[horn blares]
[sirens wailing] [tires screech]
Damn it!
[unclear voice on walkie-talkie]
Code-8! We lost them!
[tires screech]
[train door hisses]
[tires screech]
[train horn blares]
Excuse me.
Adithi's friend.
Tell me.
They are looking for you.
Adithi's father.
That was an accident!
[train horn blares]
[breathes heavily]
I... I can explain.
Can your explanation
bring back Adithi?
This is my last photo with Adithi.
Did she look like this
when you killed her?
Did she look like this?
-Did she...
-Come on, tell me.
Why did you kill Adithi?
What did she do to you?
Internal damage, but he should be fine.
Why do you want to save
someone who killed Adithi?
Rishi alone isn't responsible
for Adithi's death.
I checked Rishi's mobile.
-Several calls were made to a number.
Truecaller says "Ramesh Chandrasekhar".
I've come across it before.
Who is he?
He is our chief pathologist.
All the federal autopsies take place
under his supervision.
I need the autopsy report of Adithi.
I can get that for you.
Something is not right here.
Adithi doesn't drink.
Maybe I'm not aware of it.
No, uncle.
She never had alcohol even
when many of us forced her to.
If Rishi killed Adithi
as Sarah told us,
how come the autopsy report says
it is suicide?
Can a murder be framed
as suicide in autopsy?
Yes, It's possible
with proper knowledge and experience.
You two, find out
Chandrasekhar's family details.
Let's go find Chandrasekhar.
[phone rings]
Yes, Srikanth.
I inquired with the reception.
Chandrasekhar's insurance
policy has a dependent.
Who is it?
Excuse me.
I need to talk to Rishi's father.
Come in.
Please sit.
Spinal tumor.
He got paralyzed two days ago.
As Rishi can't be with him
I was appointed as a caretaker.
Was there any change in Rishi's
behavior before he left?
What do you mean?
I mean, anything suspicious?
I am not following you.
What do you mean by that?
Rishi killed a girl named Adithi.
She's my daughter.
Presently, he's in our custody.
I think his father
was involved in it too.
Please let us know
if you get any information.
I've spoken to him only twice.
Never talked about this.
That's okay.
Please contact me
if you get to know something.
Just a minute.
There is a personal diary of
Rishi's father in this bag..
His body trembles whenever he sees this.
See if this can of any help to you.
[door creaks open]
Where is she?
She is bleeding.
You should've at least
done some first-aid.
I feel disgusted seeing her face.
She and her bloody words!
She kept yelling at me
like I made a mistake.
She should be fine.
She became unconscious
because of the initial impact.
She'll recover in two to three days.
Can she press charges
against me?
If she wants.
You've taken a lot of wrong decisions
in your life with this short-temper.
Won't you ever think before acting?
-[glass shatters]
I didn't call you to preach.
I called you to help me.
She will be fine.
Need some stitches.
-What is the issue then?
I guess she's pregnant.
Didn't you take precaution?
I... I don't remember.
How can you say
without testing?
I'm a doctor.
I think we are in deep trouble.
This could become a big case.
I thought of threatening her
if she woke up.
Now that she's pregnant,
I just don't know what to do.
What shall we do?
Let's kill her.
What's that look?
This isn't our first time.
Well, I'm thinking
if there are any alternatives.
It's to be done now!
We're running out of time!
Give me some whiskey.
I'm tense.
-Well, shall I handle this?
I'll handle it in a way that
nothing's revealed in autopsy.
Just give me some whiskey.
That's enough.
What happened?
I think we're making a mistake.
You know what
happened in Lisa's case.
Two months after killing her,
my conversations with her surfaced.
We had a tough time
covering them up.
We can't leave any traces.
Let her regain consciousness
we'll extract all information
and then kill her.
It'll take three to four days
for her to recover.
What if someone files a missing case?
We will be at risk.
I have an idea for that.
What is it?
Identify a dead body that looks
like Adithi in your mortuary.
She need not look the same,
but she should be an orphan.
Let's put Adithi's
dress and belongings on her.
There is a lake
nearby the hospital.
Public entry is banned due to
increased suicide rate.
Let's dump this body in that lake.
Once the body floats bloated up,
it will be brought to your hospital
for postmortem.
The face will be
completely disfigured
so, even Adithi's parents will have
to identify with her belongings.
You are in charge of autopsy.
Declare it as a suicide.
When Adithi gains her consciousness,
we will wipe out all the evidences
and kill her.
[tattoo machine whirring]
What about the autopsy?
It's done.
But it has become complicated.
Does anyone else know about this?
I think we should kill her too.
What shall we do with Adithi?
Arjun, wait!
I need to talk to him.
Arjun, he can't talk now.
Adithi is alive.
Arjun, listen to me.
He knows where Adithi is.
Arjun, he lost his memory.
Severe traumatic brain injury.
I must say he is very lucky to be alive.
He'll recover in a day or two.
But that's not the problem.
His brain's damaged.
And he's forgotten his past.
I know what you are thinking.
But, at this point,
Adithi's safety is really important.
I think we should approach cops.
We need to wait until he wakes up.
This report is inconclusive.
What else do you need?
We put together everything.
Including the witness statement.
From Sarah?
Sarah is missing!
We can't verify her statement.
No judge will give me a warrant
based on this report.
We need to wait until he wakes up,
so we can ask him questions.
It will be investigated.
You can't always play
by the book, officer.
It's my job to play by the book.
Do you have a daughter?
No, I do not.
I wish you had one.
Excuse me!
I think we are done here, officer.
Arjun, let's go!
He's right.
Without proper evidence,
cops can't do anything legally.
But, we need not proceed legally
What do you mean?
Srikanth, I need your help.
I would have extracted
the truth by beating him up
or by killing him
but, this is beyond that.
You are the only one who can help me.
What can I do, Arjun?
Is there any treatment
for such memory loss cases?
I'm not sure.
This is not my area.
We've already given a police complaint.
Let them do their duty.
They will not interrogate Rishi
unless they find him guilty.
What if something untoward
happens to Adithi?
I'm talking as a father, Srikanth.
-What would you do if you were me?
-You don't have to mention that.
But, I'm sorry.
I cannot do anything.
[phone rings]
Tell me, Srikanth.
We have to meet now.
Dr. Vishwa.
Srikanth explained me everything.
This is a very common scenario
in head injury cases.
Some might take a week
few may take a month
others may never
get back their memory.
But there are ways to treat this.
The procedures will be quite unique.
Let me show you something.
I can help you get out of prison
if you just confess.
I remember nothing.
Alright, we are done here.
Come on. Let's go.
No luck today either.
We'll try again tomorrow.
Sure, thanks!
You should be seeing there.
She is the patient.
She was a sincere cop.
There was an imbalance in her
personal life due to stress.
She quarreled constantly
with her husband.
One month ago, she attempted suicide.
She jumped from her apartment.
Luckily, she survived
But she lost her memory
due to internal damage.
Just like Rishi.
But the problem is
her husband is missing since then.
We believe she's the only one
who knows where he is.
She doesn't remember her past.
So, we are trying to get her memory back.
Trigger point.
The memory cells are stored
somewhere in our brain.
Such accidents make them
lose connection with other cells.
But, they are not erased.
When we visit a place after 20 years,
we tend to recall all our memories.
We call it nostalgia.
The trigger point
for that memory is that place.
Similarly, there's a trigger point
for every memory.
If we can somehow trigger it,
there's a chance of stimulating complete
sequence of memory events.
Get to know Rishi's past.
Gather all the crucial incidents
of his life
and recreate them before him.
That might trigger his memory back.
Get to know Rishi's past.
Gather all the crucial
incidents in his life...
This bag has his father's personal diary.
Recreate them before him.
That might trigger his memory back.
[door unlocks]
Ouch! That hurts.
Are you mad?
What the fuck's wrong with you?
-Please... Leave me...
Gather crime news articles within the week
of mentioned dates in the diary.
We might get some more information
if the names of the victims match.
[phone rings]
Tell me, Meera.
I went to frequently visited addresses
from Rishi's Uber app history.
In every one of them,
either the girl's missing or dead.
Moreover, they all were living alone.
Didn't have any friends.
Give me a call
if you find something.
Okay, Uncle.
Arjun, you should see this.
The name and details in the diary
matches with the victim in this article.
A fisherman found a trunk box
with a tied up body in it.
Water got into the trunk
body got bloated
and was unidentifiable.
They identified the body
through the belongings.
It's still an open case.
Look at this.
She's Lisa, a prostitute.
They dug up an existing grave, put her
body in the box and reburied it.
The cemetery workers dug it up
due to foul smell and found the body.
She was alive
when she was put in that trunk.
It was a painful death.
This is also an open case.
Similar case. This time, they found
the body in the car trunk.
Why is he obsessed with these trunk boxes?
Find out how far these places are
from his home.
Also check if anyone
sells trunk boxes in that area.
40 minutes.
Yeah, I found one.
You stay with Rishi.
Let's go.
All those are antique trunk boxes.
They bought them here.
Four trunk boxes in total.
We only know about three boxes.
What about the fourth one?
As I read that diary,
I got to know more about Rishi.
We started gathering trigger points
that Dr. Vishwa talked about.
We noted all the important
incidents mentioned in the diary.
We've recreated everything, including
the incidents and people involved.
We devised a plan to recreate
Rishi's way of walking, talking, smiling
and such minute details
with pinpoint accuracy.
Though I believed in my heart
that Adithi was safe
yet there was a doubt in my mind
whether she's alive or not.
But, we did not have any other option.
I'm so sorry.
I was just scared.
Anything I can do to help, let me know.
We waited very patiently
for Rishi to wake up.
He opened his eyes after 48 hours.
Rishi is gaining consciousness.
I spoke to the chief doctor.
I put my life and career on the line.
We have three days to bring him back.
I can't help you beyond that.
I'm going inside.
Thank you, Meera.
I owe you a lot.
I'm not helping you as Adithi's friend.
I'm like your daughter, you know.
What we are doing isn't working.
We reconstructed all important
incidents of his life in front of him.
No use.
What do we do now?
Let's tell the truth.
We don't have an option.
Harsha, take Sarah away from here.
Hey, Rishi.
Hey, Rishi.
-Let me talk to him.
If something goes wrong,
Adithi will be in trouble.
I'll talk to him.
Rishi, can you hear me?
I'm not Adithi.
But I never cheated on you.
This is what has happened.
Do you remember anything?
He is trying to manipulate you.
We should go away from here.
Talking to him is useless!
-Where is Adithi?
-I am asking you, where is Adithi?
[train horn blares]
Will it bring back Adithi?
Now I remember.
You hit me hard in the train.
Where is Adithi?
You are an impostor.
Stay down!
-[groans in pain]
-[muffled voice] Where is Adithi?
-What I know is...
I didn't do it intentionally.
That was an accident.
-Where is Adithi?
-I don't know.
I won't tell you even if I did.
She was pregnant, you know.
She was really hot.
I wish to have her again.
[gun cocks]
[gun cocks]
No bullets.
[smiling hysterically]
[glass shatters]
Uncle, we should get out
of here immediately.
If he wakes up, he'll kill us both.
Please listen to me.
Let's come back here with the police.
He knows where Adithi is.
[groans in pain]
We need to be alive
to save Adithi.
Let's go.
[rifle cocks]
[shrieking hysterically]
-Oh no!
[rifle cocks]
[shrieking hysterically]
[rifle cocks]
Bulletproof vest!
Seems you have planned everything!
Where is Adithi?
Hey Rishi! I'm talking to you.
Where is Adithi?
Hey, Rishi!
Where is Adithi?
-How long you're planning to do this?
-Until I get caught.
I'm tattooing your body, so that
you remember all your sins.
Perhaps, that will help you change.
I'm tattooing your body, so that
you remember all your sins.
[door creaks open]
[lid creaking]
[machine blipping]
Don't worry.
She needs some rest to recover.
He gave her all the supplements
needed for a life support system.
He injected anesthesia
into her body to keep her unconscious.
These guys know a lot of science.
How is the fetus?
Safe for now.
What shall we do?
It is her choice.
Let's talk about it after her recovery.
[phone ringing]
Sir, the police are here for you.
They are waiting at the reception.
We couldn't find Rishi
at the location you reported.
Our search teams are actively in pursuit.
We can provide a guard if you feel
safety is an issue until we catch him.
It's okay. We are fine.
Are you sure?
Okay. Take care then.
Why did you say no, Arjun?
Looks like you are tired.
Get some rest.
Let's talk tomorrow.
[machine blipping]
[water burbling]
[knocking inside metallic trunk]