Gemide (1998) Movie Script
Everything must be orderly
and under control.
Rules must be kept. Laws, regulations.
For example, I'm like this
country's prime minister.
Everything revolves around me.
On heading out to the sea, this
little vessel becomes a nation
In fact I have more duties
than a prime.
People and the alike. I don't.
I'm in charge of security,
training, health and entertainment.
Kamil is like the deputy
prime minister.
You're both citizen
and civil servant.
Therefore, we have to be pretty smart,
disciplined and on our toes.
We always have to look out
for each other and ourselves.
The boxer... he's late.
Go out and see if he's coming.
Is he coming?
There was nothing to see.
Perhaps I couldn't see him
because of the darkness.
He'll come now.
Where were we?
The woman was undressing
and you told her to stop.
Right, I said stop.
I had her get dressed again.
I told her to get closer.
I began undressing her.
She had this hood on.
Below that a long skirt with a slit.
The slit came up to here.
I took off the cape and beneath
was this shirt of shiny coth.
I unbotton the shirt.
I kiss her lighty on one side of
the neck like this.
I embraced her.
She got goose bumps.
Her tits were as firm as stone.
I lifted one of her legs.
It emerged like this from the slit.
After that I didn't strip of her anymore.
I slipped it in her mouth.
I'm really hungry. Where is that kid?
By now there should be this
lovely milk pudding.
Jiggling like this in its bowl.
Just like when you swat your
woman on the ass.
Anyway, where were we?
You slipped it in her mouth.
The story is over punk. Everybody knows the rest.
I'll have a look if he's coming.
How come we don't eat pickled hooves.
I really miss them. Piping hot.
Wouldn't that be a pain?
Who'd prepare the stuff?
Now there are instant ones. You throw them right in
the pan.
Are there pre-cooked pickled hooves?
There is all kind of pre-cooked
things, has to be with them, too.
Where is that bastard gotten to?
I'll kill him.
I'm starving.
Look, if there's any bread left.
I told you, you'd eaten all.
- Allright, go and see if he's on his way.
- Kamil is watching for him.
Then you look, too.
The guy is just not around.
I'm starving, damn it.
Aren't you all?
I haven't had anything for lunch either.
I'll even eat the boxer
if he shows up.
And what meat we could get
off you Kamil.
Some parts of human
even resemble lamd.
Which ones?
I- I know.
Men's flesh would be stiff.
Women's would be soft.
Is this your stiff, jerk?
I'm hungry.
Did you fall in the sea?
Hurry up and set the table.
What now?
Don't tell me you dropped
the food. Spit it out.
- I didn't spill the food.
- Go and bring it then.
Kamil, what's he saying?
- Tell him.
- I got mugged.
What the fuck?
I got mugged.
- I'm really cold.
- Go, get a towel.
Where's the food?
There was a crowd. Six people.
They lifted all my money.
I barely escaped with my life.
The row boat is on the shore.
I begged them and got one
or two of them down.
They were too many. I said
that it was our food money.
A whole week's savings. Captain
would be angry, he'd kill me.
What'll we do now?
I'm so hungry and the money's gone.
Who took my money?
You let my money get stolen.
Shut up! I'm gonna fuck your face!
Where'd you get rolled?
In Laleli. If we go together,
we'll get it back.
You can stay out of it,
if you want.
Just stand by and
Who are you going to
find in stanbul?
- I'll find them.
- If we all go, I'll find.
- Let's go.
- Don't butt in, sit down.
Where the hell is the food?
- You've fucked us up!
- Let's go and get the money.
How did you
let them steal it?
- Can you find it, asshole?
- I'll fuck them up.
Get moving. If you can't find,
I'll eat you alive.
Are we going to leave the boat
Let Ali stay.
No way. They are too many.
Turn the short wave off.
Shut off the phone.
Turn on the lights.
Kamil, arrange a row boat.
We'll rise or we'll sink.
They're not around.
Let's go.
- How quick have you looked?
- They're not around.
It's in front of them
and they don't eat.
I'm starving. Let's buy
a piece of bread.
Let's buy.
- You need a favour.
- Not interested.
I've got some great stuff.
- He says he's got a woman.
- Not interested.
You are four people.
I'll give you a discount.
She's just come down today.
New in town, a real babe.
I said, we're not interested.
We're looking for food.
What that guy is up to?
Good evening.
Did some women
beat you up?
- What're you saying?
- You look at women.
I'll fuck your mouth and eyes.
You've left us standing
right at the window.
I'll kill you jerk.
They're around here.
I know, I feel it.
- They were supposed to be 6.
- They've parted from their pals.
- They stole my money.
- First let's talk.
- Could I have a word with you?
- You talking to us?
I got the money.
Where the hell's the boxer?
What are you doing? Leave the boxer!
Let's save her. Don't let her suffer
in the hands of these faggots!
Let's save her, hurry up!
Whose turn was it?
You've put out the joint.
Take it easy.
Have you been in a famine?
Slow down, don't eat it all up.
Soon we'll be hungry again.
Kamil, roll another joint.
I'll dry my clothes.
Where were we?
What happened to the board?
You took her back?
How could you do that?
You've made it whit her.
I saw everything.
I didn't take her back.
I hid her in the hold.
Kandilli Control, nortwest.
Kandilli Control.
- We're passing you.
- We've seen you. Bon voyager.
Hang in Kamil.
How are you? Headache?
I feel like elephants
fuck in my head.
What are you looking for?
Documents. The ones they gave
yesterday. They've got to be filled.
Look in down.
They do this eveyday.
As if it's big deal.
- Would you get this lubricated?
- What, to stick up my ass?
What are they asking?
About you. Name, age,
how many years and such.
Tehe engine power, capaciity, crew.
The lenghth, speed, colour,
height of the propeller.
- What the fuck is this?
- What is this?
- We'll leave it blank.
- Never heard anything like it.
Fuckit, leave it blank.
We really got down to some
drinking last night.
We shouldn't have somked
the last joint.
- You shouldn't mix it with booze.
- He lit it. We were doing fine.
I was really hungry. Haven't
had a thing, right Kamil?
There was something at breakfast.
So I'm not hungry.
- I didn't eat, didn't I?
- You ate everything captain.
We went to somewhere?
We were in Laleli.
- Why the hell we went there?
- We went shopping.
We're here.
Drop anchor.
Why didn't you take
the girl, you idiot?
You're fucked up son.
He left the girl?
He said he would. Then he came to us.
His clothes were wet and...
...he said he would dry them.
We carried on drinking.
You told us to go there.
And to take the girl.
- I was robbed.
- Call the boxer.
Where's the girl?
- I took her in the morning.
- How'd you do that?
Didn't the police ask you
where you found her.
Didn't they?
What's this blood, jerk?
You idiot. Tell us what
you did whit that girl?
The crew was coming.
I left her and buzzed off.
What are you saying?
Nobody noticed you?
Did they see the ship?
If you're lying to me ashole...
...I'll give you what for.
I'll strangle you.
Spit it up. Speak
I fuck you, speak!
That's enough big brother.
You're going to far.
Nothing happened.
The guy left her.
- Now you let go of him.
- Bastard!
Everything's fine dris.
There's nothing wrong.
You're going to far.
Hurry up punk, get to work.
Also, wash this shoes.
Wash those shoes.
Everything's. Lay off.
The stuff is normal.
How come you're so uptight?
What's up?
Come on.
You've fucked up!
What are you gonna do?
- What are you going to do?
- What's it to me?
- You've fucked the girl too.
- I didi not fuck her.
I didn't even touch her.
Do you think I'm the captain?
Get load of this guy.
I remember all the shit.
I was really bad off.
Didn't you know?
- Don't lie. You fucked her!
- What are you saying!
You can't deny anything.
I'll say you fucked her, you did.
- What do you want from me?
- I think the girl's virgin.
You mean she was a virgin.
Now what are we going to do?
Because we've taken her virginity
doesn't mean we'll marry her.
Who would say for how much she
was selling her filthy hymen for?
Nobody would even search a whore.
We'll trow her overboard at night.
- What
- Shut up and listen.
I thought out everything
after the joint.
We won't smoke so much.
The girls anyway half passed out.
We'll tie a sack of sand around
her feet and throw her overboard.
- And if she's fonud?
- Nobody would find her.
You think this sea's clean?
Who knows how many are...
...floating below like mackerel.
What do you think the fish eat?
Half their diet's human flesh.
Damn it, it's always like this.
We always take the easy way out.
Whenever we go to shopping
we just have to carry it over... breakfast the next day.
Kamil, let's have something with Rak-
and the fish for tomorrow evening
- That would be good.
- Off course it would.
Do you know how much
this breakfast costs.
Hell, we say let's eat fish.
Something people can't find.
And he says he doesn't want.
They're idiots.
I don't want much apetite.
I'll go and sleep a little
Sit down punk. No one gets up.
Not while I'm feeling fine.
So we broke your heart. We're
sitting here like a family.
The kids. I'm father. This is mother.
Mrs. Kamile.
I'll tell you a story tonight.
Go on and tell.
This is going to be a disaster.
When I was young I played football.
I wasn't bad either. The goal keeper
I stood in front of never got scored on.
In those days it was dream
to get rich playing football.
You didn't make billions like nowadays.
But there was still soccer lottery.
A game for those who know.
You regret when you played
and when you didn't.
Millions. That money was worth
about a million dollars.
One week I was in Samsun.
The lottery had two matches there.
A Fener-Samsunspor and a
second league match.
I went to the works out of course.
There was the toto lottery.
In fact I had played in Istanbul.
But when I saw the teams
I said to myself "Let me play."
But the odds had changed.
It wasn't the way appeared to be in
Istanbul. Samsun was really hot.
The match was in Istanbul but
it was clear Samsun would win.
The last day I played in a coffee house.
As usual there was a coupon in my pocket.
That day there was a wedding between
a soldier friend of mine...
...and a girl, I had been in love
with when I was younger.
The girl wanted me to
drive the newlywed's car.
I said OK. It was a honour for me.
What was lottery anyway?
I fucked off from the place.
Weddings happen, the bride
has these meaningful looks.
The next day the games were
played and the results announced.
Samsun scored 5 against Fener.
I knew that would happen.
At last weeks rates that would
have made 32 million.
In 1980.Numbskull.
What's it you, the bride and the wife?
I should have submitted the coupon
then gone to the wedding.
If I was to drive that
shitty wedding car.
In 1980, a packer of cigarettes was
20 liras. Lte's say 15.
- Multiply that.
- Times what brother.
Now cigarettes are one
hundred fifty thousand.
That means 15 lira. If you have 32
million, how much is hundered fifty grand?
Come on, multiply that.
- 320 million.
- Hey, that ain't so much.
Did you calculate correctly?
The purchae power in those days.
That was good money. A person
could live well with it.
Good for you, how did you manage that?
This stuff just doesn't make you hungry,
it also opens your mind.
Alright. Don't drag on.
You made a calculation.
- Where were we?
- Nowhere captain.
- I'm getting hungry.
- There's more on the way
Go outside punk.
Don't throw up here.
Wait, get out.
What the hell are you on about?
I have to too.
Do you think this at the moment.
What if they show up?
- I'll tell it all.
- You get burned too.
- I'll tell everything.
- Okay, but be quick.
If something happens to us,
I'll fuck you up.
Hurry up. Haven't you finished yet.
Look man. I'm going to fuck
this woman. So lay off.
You'll kill her anyway. Are you
also trying to get rid of me?
Or you have fallen in love?
What the hell are saying? Hurry!
The boxer really stepped out of line.
I can't control my temper.
It was really disater.
Where are they?
Now I'll leave off the woman
and give it to you. Leave off.
You haven't managet to fuck
a woman in an hour.
Someone's coming. You are
going to get us burned.
We're in danger. If they hand us
over to the cops we're finished.
- I haven't done anything.
- What were you up to punk?
Stand up and give me a hand.
I swear I should leave you two here...
...and go to the captain anyway.
I've got nothing to lose.
What the hell are you doing?
Untie her. Wait! Don't.
- My head
- Let's take her back.
- What do you mean?
- Let's take the girl bak.
- What will happen if we do?
- That would be my end.
For Ali and me.
How come, punk?
Why would you be finished?
You pulled something sleazy.
I hope the captain will punish you.
I'll fuck your mother.
Fuck, what did you guys do?
What the hell did you do?
This girl, we all did it.
That is in not taking her back...
...we've sort of kidnapped her.
Nothing will happen to you.
I didn't take her back.
Besides we had...
I'll fuck you, faggots.
You fucked the girl, didn't you?
You fucked her. Both of you.
That's okay.
No cop is going to
lock you up some whore.
She was virgin.
- What do you mean?
- She was virgin.
Are you pulling my leg?
How could this whore be virgin?
- I didn't take the girl's...
- Shut up!
- I didin't know.
- What's it to us?
If they pull us in, we're done for.
Ali and I will eat shit.
Why would I? I didn't take her
virginity. I just fucked her after you.
Knock it off. Fucking punks.
You tie up this poor girl and fuck her.
Then you shiver in your boots,
like dogs. You're assholes.
Then you say she was virgin.
If she was virgin... should have thought twice.
She could have been your sister.
- I feel in love with this girl.
- What?
What should I do, marry this whore?
If she was virgin then you
made her into a whore, faggot.
And without any shame you dragged
your friend into it, pimp.
I didn't drag him in.
You faggots are disgusting.
You even tried to kill the girl.
You really are disgusting. Murder fags.
What will we do now?
Take her back. We'll deny eveything.
We'll take her back tomorrow.
- We can't take her back.
- Why creep?
Why are you scared? Did you
fuck up something else as well.
I didn' do anything. It isn't that.
Those men. Even if we evade...
...the police, they'll find us.
- Shut up asshole!
I'll think on it a minute.
Now everyone go lie down.
In the morning.
The girl will stay here tonight.
- No one saw her, right?
- No.
Don't let the crane operators see her.
Hurry up and say what happened.
God damn it.
Why does order fall apart
on this little boat?
So, there was a girl?
Get up.
Folks, we're not debarking yet.
We have to wait.
- The girl has to go back.
- No. I'll get screwed.
- Rape, kidnapping.
- Shut up. No one's considering... at the moment. You
should have thought before.
- Nothing will happen to us.
- Alright Captain, what else?
I'm thinking of the man
with the head injury.
- Do you remember?
- I remember, for fuck's sake.
This thick head never remembers
anything good. Maybe it's better.
Just keep quiet. I'm gonna
kill you in a minute.
- What's with you punk?
- We haven't unloaded the cargo.
We won't be leaving tomorrow anyway.
If our turn comes you
can take with 3 people.
- Get the point.
- What if I go ashore?
It's obvious those men are always around.
Let me see what happened to the man.
Are they after us?
What is the police up to?
Did the guy die?
What goods is there in that? If the cops
catch him he would squeel in 2 minutes.
I would of course. So what?
I wouldn't think of you. I would think
of myself, the captain.
And Kamil, you idiot.
What if he's really dead?
No way captain, you just tapped the guy.
It's was of concrete.
It probably just put him out.
- Let Ali go and check things out.
- You're making a mistake.
Look at him, he's jerking around again.
So, you were destined to be drunk today.
That's the Captain's whiskey.
Nobody else can drink it.
No, no... We'll let her
have some.
- I have go to the toilet.
- Sit down.
Pustular brain.
How does the police
solve cases?
Suppose a murder happens.
What do they do?
They find strands of hair
and finger prints?
Do the cups have everyone's
prints. No but they find out.
They figure out whatever they
want. Right?
Why did you you return
wet that night Boxer?
- I got robbed.
- How did you find those guys?
How punk? Who did we
rescue this girl from?
Who are we to rescue anyone?
Who are we, punk.
I'm going to solve this
matter. I want to.
Take out the money punk.
Take it out.
Tell us punk.
While shopping that night...
Wait... wait.
Find a pen and a paper.
Write down whatever he says.
I'll look at it tomorrow.
- Don't gape so stupid.
- Allright, Captian.
I was passing through
through this street.
A guy and a prostitute
were bargaining.
Are you writing
down Kamil?
When she didn't like the money he
offered, she pointed me out.
She said for that money she would
sleep with me, not him.
Later she told me that if I had
money she would sleep with me...
...anywhere. I said I couldn't.
You were both waiting for me.
The wench laughed at me.
She asked me if I was a fag?
Keep on, I'm writing.
"Don't you have the money
to fuck me?" she said.
I left there running. She followed me,
still shouting.
"Can't you get it up?" she shouted.
I was really angry.
If I don't fuck the loveliest woman,
then I'm not Muhammed Ali.
I couldn't have done it on my own.
- She has to piss.
- Take her.
The girl is cute, isn't she?
Let her stay.
She can sleep in this room.
No one will touch or harm her.
She'll help Kamil. Cook.
Clean up. You'll have a good time.
You were supposed to be
in love with her.
That's OK. I can love her
from a distance.
You haven't finished your beer, yet!
You have it.
- Apoligise to the girl, creep.
- She doesn't know our language.
Do it!
I'm soory, miss.
I'm leaving now.
- What?
- If you want, I'll leave, too.
What for?
Idiot, you stretched it out too far.
I won't pity this joint and
I won't pity you and...
...stick it up your ass. Look ahead,
don't raise your head.
Let me have a look at what
Kamil has written.
Anyway, he probably knew what to write.
Why did you reach the boat
by swimming?
So that you'd feel sorry for me.
To be believable.
You scum!
Are you stupid or is it us?
He's coming.
What happened, tell us!
What happened?
What happened, tell us!
Tell us!
- The situation's screwed up.
- How?
The man is dead.
We're screwed.
We're ruined.
What have I done?
This is what was
screwing my head.
I couldn't remember but, part of
me knew he did.
I'm finished,
all played out!
Come, sit down.
We'll take care of it.
We'll take the stock
of the situation.
- How did you find out he died?
- Even the meter man are...
...talking about that night.
The man was this girls pimp.
A real trouble. Everyone
was actually glad that he died.
But his men are looking for us.
That beat up a few on the street.
They thought they might know us.
- Just that one of us is really fat.
- What the fuck...
Outside, hurry up!
Fuck off outside. All of you!
What did you learn? In the end we
arrive here, where I said we would.
We're all in this shit.
We have to get rid of the girl.
- You're like the Captain.
- You're a fool.
He forgets. You get rid
of unpleasant stuff.
- Is it so easy to kill a man?
- But it's harder to fuck her.
- I'll fuck her whenever I want.
- You only fuck your hand.
Shut up! It's all because of you.
Go to sleep!
Captain! Go to bed.
Senile pimp!
Open up!
Open up the door, you faggots!
Here I am Captain.
- What's going on?
- Nothing, I just don't trust them.
They say they're in love with the
girl and then plot to kill her.
You were out of sorts so I
thought I'd keep an eye on them.
Well done, Kamil.
What the fuck are
we going to do?
Let's take the girl back.
It's the only way to settle this mess.
- We're involved in murder now.
- We'll explain it was an accident.
The guy was a pimp. Nobody's
going to be bent out of sahpe.
You think so. Still it's a murder.
Take the girl, two men kidnap her.
The girl's fucked at least by two
guys: Three counts of rape.
Everynight a hashish den,
four jail birds.
Steal the money from those guys'
pockets, five counts of robbery.
Having pulled all this shit we can't
look the cops in the eye and say...
..."Sorry, it was an accident."
They'll draw blood.
This child prostitute with those
faggots claiming she's a virgin.
I couldn't understand how a prostitute
was a virgin.
In any case, the wench is a whore.
We fucked her.
We killed a pimp, stole his money.
Won't they say, we are bandits?
They'll fuck us all.
Fuck-wad boxer, look what
you've brought upon us.
What are we going to do?
The first choice is to kill:
That's no solution.
The pimp's friends saw us:
It can't be settled like that.
I can't keep the wench on board,
for the rest of her life.
Let's say we sailed to Black Sea and...
...dropped her off in Constantia.
That is no guarantee either.
If one of the pimps is a wise guy
or if they catch us then we're stuck.
There's the firm, this isn't
our ship.
The last resort is to turn ourselves
in. But the wench can spill out...
...and we'll burn all.
Give me a little time, Kamil.
We'll find the solution.
I have to stay calm
or we're done for.
The sand's almost loaded.
I'll go and have a look.
The captain's really nervous.
We're in a fine state.
The faggots, we're really
fucked up. I gave it to them.
Fucking a woman and killing
a man are not the same.
The captain's getting crazy.
He would really fuck us up later.
You haven't filled out the reports.
The man's asking about them.
Ready. Too bad you didn't
mention it when he was here.
I'd have given them.
Anyway, we'll send later.
Why didn't you send them on time?
We really have a bear breathing...
...on our necks. Let's not screw
up the regular work.
Order is getting lax.
We must be careful.
OK, captain.
Tie her up!
Don't tie up the girl. Leave her.
That's enogh.
The world will be destroyed by two
things. Buildings and adultery.
May God bless our end. On the
day of judgement all the buildings...
...will be taken over by the sea.
All the nations will sink.
The sea will take back all the
sand. There's no escape.
Good night, Captain.
- Good night, kamil.
- Good night.
- Where the hell's the girl?
- Here, move over.
What have you done to the girl?
Animal, what have you done?
Nothing. The girl was in your
cabin the whole night.
Does that mean I did?
What would have I done to her?
How shall I know? Ten seconds
have passed since coming here.
Did anyone hear anything?
I haven't done shit.
Last night you were feeling
pretty good. Could that be it?
- No, I didn't touch her.
- When we said we have fucked up... now think, we did.
When it's you, no problem.
- Don't give me any lip.
- I didn't do anything.
- At night your cabin's locked.
- How do you know?
- What did I say?
- You reached to the girls neck.
Are you joking? What did I say?
The cain door.
- I was talking about the cabin.
- How do you know the door?
No way, ask boxer. When we finished
our cigarettes last night...
...we came by to ask you for some.
The door was locked.
When did our cigarettes run out?
You went to the captain's cabin.
- Just to fuck her, didn't you!
- What does that have to do with it?
Little clot! It's time
I locked you up.
No way. Don't be an ass boxer.
Look, this shit is going to get...
...pinned on me. Tell them our
cigarettes were finished.
Both these guys are bad news.
But Captain, when you drink...'ve started to fuck up. We fell
on boxer's scam but who told you... smash that guy's head? When
you drink, you lose yourself.
Why did you blame others for the
things you can't remember?
Well asshole, so when I drink,
I fuck up, ha?
Are you going to lay down
the law on this boat?
Don't speak! This all happened because
of you. Since the beginning, weren't...
...youthe one who said that Boxer
would take the girl back?
- Were you fucking her, too?
- Please, Captain.
Don't give me the Captain shit.
Who locks the door?
You sy anything's possible
with those guys.
- Way to you, Kamil.
- After passing the girl through... don't lock the door?
That's true.
Shut up!
Why should he? You didn't tell him
when I was being put through the mill.
- Shame on you.
- What shame?
Speak carefully, dris. I've put
up with you for years.
Who else in this shitty world is
as close to you as me?
Save the platitudes. There's a
reason why you are close to me.
You say it's my fault. But
you know without me...
What would happen without you?
Piss off from the boat!
I'm not like the Boxer. I'd leave
and you'd regret.
- What's up with us?
- You've sold us.
Hurry and leave.
You can go nowhere.
Where are you going to?
You are not like them.
You can go nowhere.
Last night your cabin
was not locked.
Yes, fucking hell.
They're playing us
against each other.
What for? What if it
was locked?
- Let's ask the girl.
- She can't speak.
- Not Turkish.
- Yes, let's ask anyway.
- Shall we believe a whore?
Do you feel compromised?
Cut it. Kamil, ask her
who did it?
Fuck off, ha? I just stayedhere to
find what's going on.
Now I'll leave. Let's see what
will happen to the ship.
You'll find out.
Get up!
Don't go Kamil. I'm
about to go crazy.
I see that man in my dreams
every night.
I haven't slept for nights.
Why do you think I can't kill her?
It's my conscience.
You know that.
Well, that was an accident, but
how are we going to kill her?
I'm going nuts.
You're using me.
Why are you blaming me?
Those guys fucked her. You fucked
up and iced some guy.
When I said to kill her,
I think only of you.
What the fuck is it to me? Don't
you think I feel sorry for her.
Look how those faggots have
been playing around with us.
Look how they play us
against each other.
You said there was a reason
why I'm close to you.
After all those years, you've
done to me wrong.
You're right. But was it wrong Kamil?
What will happen if you quit? You're
the most intelligent in here.
Outside, you'll be the
most ignorant.
The hands on board may be good or
bad but they take your orders.
They cook for you, clean your clothes.
On land, you'll be following orders.
We are bound to each other through
thick and thin.
What would I do without you?
You asshole, you've gone nuts
over this cunt.
How could you take the girl from the
Captain's cabinand fuck?
- How could you sell me?
- Why shan't I? You're not my brother.
Fuck you! We were about
to kill the bitch.
What more could I have
done for you.
I saved you from
fucking your hand.
If it were not me, they would have
pinned everything on you.
- What happened?
- He begged, of course.
He said if I left, he'd be ruined.
As you've brought all this shit...
...down us, let's see how we're
going to get out of it.
Boxer, take the girl to the room.
Ali, give the Captainsomething to eat.
We'll discuss this locked
door business later.
Don't worry, I'll say we ran out of
cigarettes the day before.
The ship's capacity, tonnage.
What's up?
Get out!
Roll one Kamil.
Time just won't pass.
Don't rush. I'm in no
condition to do another one.
Captain, shall I get
you some more rak-?
Yes Kamil, let's smoke another one.
We're high anyway.
What the hell are you doing?
Go, go!
- You lied, didn't you?
- You didn't say?
I've told the Captain everything.
No more lies for me.
I'll tell him this, too.
The man is not dead.
I'll tell that, too.
I didn't.
Allright, let's throw this clot
into the sea and be done with her.
She sorted out
everything anyway.
Shut up, faggot.
You've got no conscience.
We'll take her to a doctor.
All together.
Just as we got onto
this mess all together... shall we straighten everything
out in the same manner.
If not, I'll mess you all up. Like
when we went to get the money.
This time, we'll see this
through right. Get moving.
- Where will we find a doctor?
- Let's take her to a hospital.
There'll be policemen at the hospital,
let's take her to a doctor.
Which doctor?
Knock it off. We'll get in a cab
and take her to the nearest place.
Whatever we come across.
Kamil, there's a police!
What are you doing, Kamil.
Kamil! Hide!
Nobody's here.
What'll we do now?
She'll definitely squeel,
even the ship's name.
We did the best.
That was the best thing to do.
We did the best.
Where were we?
and under control.
Rules must be kept. Laws, regulations.
For example, I'm like this
country's prime minister.
Everything revolves around me.
On heading out to the sea, this
little vessel becomes a nation
In fact I have more duties
than a prime.
People and the alike. I don't.
I'm in charge of security,
training, health and entertainment.
Kamil is like the deputy
prime minister.
You're both citizen
and civil servant.
Therefore, we have to be pretty smart,
disciplined and on our toes.
We always have to look out
for each other and ourselves.
The boxer... he's late.
Go out and see if he's coming.
Is he coming?
There was nothing to see.
Perhaps I couldn't see him
because of the darkness.
He'll come now.
Where were we?
The woman was undressing
and you told her to stop.
Right, I said stop.
I had her get dressed again.
I told her to get closer.
I began undressing her.
She had this hood on.
Below that a long skirt with a slit.
The slit came up to here.
I took off the cape and beneath
was this shirt of shiny coth.
I unbotton the shirt.
I kiss her lighty on one side of
the neck like this.
I embraced her.
She got goose bumps.
Her tits were as firm as stone.
I lifted one of her legs.
It emerged like this from the slit.
After that I didn't strip of her anymore.
I slipped it in her mouth.
I'm really hungry. Where is that kid?
By now there should be this
lovely milk pudding.
Jiggling like this in its bowl.
Just like when you swat your
woman on the ass.
Anyway, where were we?
You slipped it in her mouth.
The story is over punk. Everybody knows the rest.
I'll have a look if he's coming.
How come we don't eat pickled hooves.
I really miss them. Piping hot.
Wouldn't that be a pain?
Who'd prepare the stuff?
Now there are instant ones. You throw them right in
the pan.
Are there pre-cooked pickled hooves?
There is all kind of pre-cooked
things, has to be with them, too.
Where is that bastard gotten to?
I'll kill him.
I'm starving.
Look, if there's any bread left.
I told you, you'd eaten all.
- Allright, go and see if he's on his way.
- Kamil is watching for him.
Then you look, too.
The guy is just not around.
I'm starving, damn it.
Aren't you all?
I haven't had anything for lunch either.
I'll even eat the boxer
if he shows up.
And what meat we could get
off you Kamil.
Some parts of human
even resemble lamd.
Which ones?
I- I know.
Men's flesh would be stiff.
Women's would be soft.
Is this your stiff, jerk?
I'm hungry.
Did you fall in the sea?
Hurry up and set the table.
What now?
Don't tell me you dropped
the food. Spit it out.
- I didn't spill the food.
- Go and bring it then.
Kamil, what's he saying?
- Tell him.
- I got mugged.
What the fuck?
I got mugged.
- I'm really cold.
- Go, get a towel.
Where's the food?
There was a crowd. Six people.
They lifted all my money.
I barely escaped with my life.
The row boat is on the shore.
I begged them and got one
or two of them down.
They were too many. I said
that it was our food money.
A whole week's savings. Captain
would be angry, he'd kill me.
What'll we do now?
I'm so hungry and the money's gone.
Who took my money?
You let my money get stolen.
Shut up! I'm gonna fuck your face!
Where'd you get rolled?
In Laleli. If we go together,
we'll get it back.
You can stay out of it,
if you want.
Just stand by and
Who are you going to
find in stanbul?
- I'll find them.
- If we all go, I'll find.
- Let's go.
- Don't butt in, sit down.
Where the hell is the food?
- You've fucked us up!
- Let's go and get the money.
How did you
let them steal it?
- Can you find it, asshole?
- I'll fuck them up.
Get moving. If you can't find,
I'll eat you alive.
Are we going to leave the boat
Let Ali stay.
No way. They are too many.
Turn the short wave off.
Shut off the phone.
Turn on the lights.
Kamil, arrange a row boat.
We'll rise or we'll sink.
They're not around.
Let's go.
- How quick have you looked?
- They're not around.
It's in front of them
and they don't eat.
I'm starving. Let's buy
a piece of bread.
Let's buy.
- You need a favour.
- Not interested.
I've got some great stuff.
- He says he's got a woman.
- Not interested.
You are four people.
I'll give you a discount.
She's just come down today.
New in town, a real babe.
I said, we're not interested.
We're looking for food.
What that guy is up to?
Good evening.
Did some women
beat you up?
- What're you saying?
- You look at women.
I'll fuck your mouth and eyes.
You've left us standing
right at the window.
I'll kill you jerk.
They're around here.
I know, I feel it.
- They were supposed to be 6.
- They've parted from their pals.
- They stole my money.
- First let's talk.
- Could I have a word with you?
- You talking to us?
I got the money.
Where the hell's the boxer?
What are you doing? Leave the boxer!
Let's save her. Don't let her suffer
in the hands of these faggots!
Let's save her, hurry up!
Whose turn was it?
You've put out the joint.
Take it easy.
Have you been in a famine?
Slow down, don't eat it all up.
Soon we'll be hungry again.
Kamil, roll another joint.
I'll dry my clothes.
Where were we?
What happened to the board?
You took her back?
How could you do that?
You've made it whit her.
I saw everything.
I didn't take her back.
I hid her in the hold.
Kandilli Control, nortwest.
Kandilli Control.
- We're passing you.
- We've seen you. Bon voyager.
Hang in Kamil.
How are you? Headache?
I feel like elephants
fuck in my head.
What are you looking for?
Documents. The ones they gave
yesterday. They've got to be filled.
Look in down.
They do this eveyday.
As if it's big deal.
- Would you get this lubricated?
- What, to stick up my ass?
What are they asking?
About you. Name, age,
how many years and such.
Tehe engine power, capaciity, crew.
The lenghth, speed, colour,
height of the propeller.
- What the fuck is this?
- What is this?
- We'll leave it blank.
- Never heard anything like it.
Fuckit, leave it blank.
We really got down to some
drinking last night.
We shouldn't have somked
the last joint.
- You shouldn't mix it with booze.
- He lit it. We were doing fine.
I was really hungry. Haven't
had a thing, right Kamil?
There was something at breakfast.
So I'm not hungry.
- I didn't eat, didn't I?
- You ate everything captain.
We went to somewhere?
We were in Laleli.
- Why the hell we went there?
- We went shopping.
We're here.
Drop anchor.
Why didn't you take
the girl, you idiot?
You're fucked up son.
He left the girl?
He said he would. Then he came to us.
His clothes were wet and...
...he said he would dry them.
We carried on drinking.
You told us to go there.
And to take the girl.
- I was robbed.
- Call the boxer.
Where's the girl?
- I took her in the morning.
- How'd you do that?
Didn't the police ask you
where you found her.
Didn't they?
What's this blood, jerk?
You idiot. Tell us what
you did whit that girl?
The crew was coming.
I left her and buzzed off.
What are you saying?
Nobody noticed you?
Did they see the ship?
If you're lying to me ashole...
...I'll give you what for.
I'll strangle you.
Spit it up. Speak
I fuck you, speak!
That's enough big brother.
You're going to far.
Nothing happened.
The guy left her.
- Now you let go of him.
- Bastard!
Everything's fine dris.
There's nothing wrong.
You're going to far.
Hurry up punk, get to work.
Also, wash this shoes.
Wash those shoes.
Everything's. Lay off.
The stuff is normal.
How come you're so uptight?
What's up?
Come on.
You've fucked up!
What are you gonna do?
- What are you going to do?
- What's it to me?
- You've fucked the girl too.
- I didi not fuck her.
I didn't even touch her.
Do you think I'm the captain?
Get load of this guy.
I remember all the shit.
I was really bad off.
Didn't you know?
- Don't lie. You fucked her!
- What are you saying!
You can't deny anything.
I'll say you fucked her, you did.
- What do you want from me?
- I think the girl's virgin.
You mean she was a virgin.
Now what are we going to do?
Because we've taken her virginity
doesn't mean we'll marry her.
Who would say for how much she
was selling her filthy hymen for?
Nobody would even search a whore.
We'll trow her overboard at night.
- What
- Shut up and listen.
I thought out everything
after the joint.
We won't smoke so much.
The girls anyway half passed out.
We'll tie a sack of sand around
her feet and throw her overboard.
- And if she's fonud?
- Nobody would find her.
You think this sea's clean?
Who knows how many are...
...floating below like mackerel.
What do you think the fish eat?
Half their diet's human flesh.
Damn it, it's always like this.
We always take the easy way out.
Whenever we go to shopping
we just have to carry it over... breakfast the next day.
Kamil, let's have something with Rak-
and the fish for tomorrow evening
- That would be good.
- Off course it would.
Do you know how much
this breakfast costs.
Hell, we say let's eat fish.
Something people can't find.
And he says he doesn't want.
They're idiots.
I don't want much apetite.
I'll go and sleep a little
Sit down punk. No one gets up.
Not while I'm feeling fine.
So we broke your heart. We're
sitting here like a family.
The kids. I'm father. This is mother.
Mrs. Kamile.
I'll tell you a story tonight.
Go on and tell.
This is going to be a disaster.
When I was young I played football.
I wasn't bad either. The goal keeper
I stood in front of never got scored on.
In those days it was dream
to get rich playing football.
You didn't make billions like nowadays.
But there was still soccer lottery.
A game for those who know.
You regret when you played
and when you didn't.
Millions. That money was worth
about a million dollars.
One week I was in Samsun.
The lottery had two matches there.
A Fener-Samsunspor and a
second league match.
I went to the works out of course.
There was the toto lottery.
In fact I had played in Istanbul.
But when I saw the teams
I said to myself "Let me play."
But the odds had changed.
It wasn't the way appeared to be in
Istanbul. Samsun was really hot.
The match was in Istanbul but
it was clear Samsun would win.
The last day I played in a coffee house.
As usual there was a coupon in my pocket.
That day there was a wedding between
a soldier friend of mine...
...and a girl, I had been in love
with when I was younger.
The girl wanted me to
drive the newlywed's car.
I said OK. It was a honour for me.
What was lottery anyway?
I fucked off from the place.
Weddings happen, the bride
has these meaningful looks.
The next day the games were
played and the results announced.
Samsun scored 5 against Fener.
I knew that would happen.
At last weeks rates that would
have made 32 million.
In 1980.Numbskull.
What's it you, the bride and the wife?
I should have submitted the coupon
then gone to the wedding.
If I was to drive that
shitty wedding car.
In 1980, a packer of cigarettes was
20 liras. Lte's say 15.
- Multiply that.
- Times what brother.
Now cigarettes are one
hundred fifty thousand.
That means 15 lira. If you have 32
million, how much is hundered fifty grand?
Come on, multiply that.
- 320 million.
- Hey, that ain't so much.
Did you calculate correctly?
The purchae power in those days.
That was good money. A person
could live well with it.
Good for you, how did you manage that?
This stuff just doesn't make you hungry,
it also opens your mind.
Alright. Don't drag on.
You made a calculation.
- Where were we?
- Nowhere captain.
- I'm getting hungry.
- There's more on the way
Go outside punk.
Don't throw up here.
Wait, get out.
What the hell are you on about?
I have to too.
Do you think this at the moment.
What if they show up?
- I'll tell it all.
- You get burned too.
- I'll tell everything.
- Okay, but be quick.
If something happens to us,
I'll fuck you up.
Hurry up. Haven't you finished yet.
Look man. I'm going to fuck
this woman. So lay off.
You'll kill her anyway. Are you
also trying to get rid of me?
Or you have fallen in love?
What the hell are saying? Hurry!
The boxer really stepped out of line.
I can't control my temper.
It was really disater.
Where are they?
Now I'll leave off the woman
and give it to you. Leave off.
You haven't managet to fuck
a woman in an hour.
Someone's coming. You are
going to get us burned.
We're in danger. If they hand us
over to the cops we're finished.
- I haven't done anything.
- What were you up to punk?
Stand up and give me a hand.
I swear I should leave you two here...
...and go to the captain anyway.
I've got nothing to lose.
What the hell are you doing?
Untie her. Wait! Don't.
- My head
- Let's take her back.
- What do you mean?
- Let's take the girl bak.
- What will happen if we do?
- That would be my end.
For Ali and me.
How come, punk?
Why would you be finished?
You pulled something sleazy.
I hope the captain will punish you.
I'll fuck your mother.
Fuck, what did you guys do?
What the hell did you do?
This girl, we all did it.
That is in not taking her back...
...we've sort of kidnapped her.
Nothing will happen to you.
I didn't take her back.
Besides we had...
I'll fuck you, faggots.
You fucked the girl, didn't you?
You fucked her. Both of you.
That's okay.
No cop is going to
lock you up some whore.
She was virgin.
- What do you mean?
- She was virgin.
Are you pulling my leg?
How could this whore be virgin?
- I didn't take the girl's...
- Shut up!
- I didin't know.
- What's it to us?
If they pull us in, we're done for.
Ali and I will eat shit.
Why would I? I didn't take her
virginity. I just fucked her after you.
Knock it off. Fucking punks.
You tie up this poor girl and fuck her.
Then you shiver in your boots,
like dogs. You're assholes.
Then you say she was virgin.
If she was virgin... should have thought twice.
She could have been your sister.
- I feel in love with this girl.
- What?
What should I do, marry this whore?
If she was virgin then you
made her into a whore, faggot.
And without any shame you dragged
your friend into it, pimp.
I didn't drag him in.
You faggots are disgusting.
You even tried to kill the girl.
You really are disgusting. Murder fags.
What will we do now?
Take her back. We'll deny eveything.
We'll take her back tomorrow.
- We can't take her back.
- Why creep?
Why are you scared? Did you
fuck up something else as well.
I didn' do anything. It isn't that.
Those men. Even if we evade...
...the police, they'll find us.
- Shut up asshole!
I'll think on it a minute.
Now everyone go lie down.
In the morning.
The girl will stay here tonight.
- No one saw her, right?
- No.
Don't let the crane operators see her.
Hurry up and say what happened.
God damn it.
Why does order fall apart
on this little boat?
So, there was a girl?
Get up.
Folks, we're not debarking yet.
We have to wait.
- The girl has to go back.
- No. I'll get screwed.
- Rape, kidnapping.
- Shut up. No one's considering... at the moment. You
should have thought before.
- Nothing will happen to us.
- Alright Captain, what else?
I'm thinking of the man
with the head injury.
- Do you remember?
- I remember, for fuck's sake.
This thick head never remembers
anything good. Maybe it's better.
Just keep quiet. I'm gonna
kill you in a minute.
- What's with you punk?
- We haven't unloaded the cargo.
We won't be leaving tomorrow anyway.
If our turn comes you
can take with 3 people.
- Get the point.
- What if I go ashore?
It's obvious those men are always around.
Let me see what happened to the man.
Are they after us?
What is the police up to?
Did the guy die?
What goods is there in that? If the cops
catch him he would squeel in 2 minutes.
I would of course. So what?
I wouldn't think of you. I would think
of myself, the captain.
And Kamil, you idiot.
What if he's really dead?
No way captain, you just tapped the guy.
It's was of concrete.
It probably just put him out.
- Let Ali go and check things out.
- You're making a mistake.
Look at him, he's jerking around again.
So, you were destined to be drunk today.
That's the Captain's whiskey.
Nobody else can drink it.
No, no... We'll let her
have some.
- I have go to the toilet.
- Sit down.
Pustular brain.
How does the police
solve cases?
Suppose a murder happens.
What do they do?
They find strands of hair
and finger prints?
Do the cups have everyone's
prints. No but they find out.
They figure out whatever they
want. Right?
Why did you you return
wet that night Boxer?
- I got robbed.
- How did you find those guys?
How punk? Who did we
rescue this girl from?
Who are we to rescue anyone?
Who are we, punk.
I'm going to solve this
matter. I want to.
Take out the money punk.
Take it out.
Tell us punk.
While shopping that night...
Wait... wait.
Find a pen and a paper.
Write down whatever he says.
I'll look at it tomorrow.
- Don't gape so stupid.
- Allright, Captian.
I was passing through
through this street.
A guy and a prostitute
were bargaining.
Are you writing
down Kamil?
When she didn't like the money he
offered, she pointed me out.
She said for that money she would
sleep with me, not him.
Later she told me that if I had
money she would sleep with me...
...anywhere. I said I couldn't.
You were both waiting for me.
The wench laughed at me.
She asked me if I was a fag?
Keep on, I'm writing.
"Don't you have the money
to fuck me?" she said.
I left there running. She followed me,
still shouting.
"Can't you get it up?" she shouted.
I was really angry.
If I don't fuck the loveliest woman,
then I'm not Muhammed Ali.
I couldn't have done it on my own.
- She has to piss.
- Take her.
The girl is cute, isn't she?
Let her stay.
She can sleep in this room.
No one will touch or harm her.
She'll help Kamil. Cook.
Clean up. You'll have a good time.
You were supposed to be
in love with her.
That's OK. I can love her
from a distance.
You haven't finished your beer, yet!
You have it.
- Apoligise to the girl, creep.
- She doesn't know our language.
Do it!
I'm soory, miss.
I'm leaving now.
- What?
- If you want, I'll leave, too.
What for?
Idiot, you stretched it out too far.
I won't pity this joint and
I won't pity you and...
...stick it up your ass. Look ahead,
don't raise your head.
Let me have a look at what
Kamil has written.
Anyway, he probably knew what to write.
Why did you reach the boat
by swimming?
So that you'd feel sorry for me.
To be believable.
You scum!
Are you stupid or is it us?
He's coming.
What happened, tell us!
What happened?
What happened, tell us!
Tell us!
- The situation's screwed up.
- How?
The man is dead.
We're screwed.
We're ruined.
What have I done?
This is what was
screwing my head.
I couldn't remember but, part of
me knew he did.
I'm finished,
all played out!
Come, sit down.
We'll take care of it.
We'll take the stock
of the situation.
- How did you find out he died?
- Even the meter man are...
...talking about that night.
The man was this girls pimp.
A real trouble. Everyone
was actually glad that he died.
But his men are looking for us.
That beat up a few on the street.
They thought they might know us.
- Just that one of us is really fat.
- What the fuck...
Outside, hurry up!
Fuck off outside. All of you!
What did you learn? In the end we
arrive here, where I said we would.
We're all in this shit.
We have to get rid of the girl.
- You're like the Captain.
- You're a fool.
He forgets. You get rid
of unpleasant stuff.
- Is it so easy to kill a man?
- But it's harder to fuck her.
- I'll fuck her whenever I want.
- You only fuck your hand.
Shut up! It's all because of you.
Go to sleep!
Captain! Go to bed.
Senile pimp!
Open up!
Open up the door, you faggots!
Here I am Captain.
- What's going on?
- Nothing, I just don't trust them.
They say they're in love with the
girl and then plot to kill her.
You were out of sorts so I
thought I'd keep an eye on them.
Well done, Kamil.
What the fuck are
we going to do?
Let's take the girl back.
It's the only way to settle this mess.
- We're involved in murder now.
- We'll explain it was an accident.
The guy was a pimp. Nobody's
going to be bent out of sahpe.
You think so. Still it's a murder.
Take the girl, two men kidnap her.
The girl's fucked at least by two
guys: Three counts of rape.
Everynight a hashish den,
four jail birds.
Steal the money from those guys'
pockets, five counts of robbery.
Having pulled all this shit we can't
look the cops in the eye and say...
..."Sorry, it was an accident."
They'll draw blood.
This child prostitute with those
faggots claiming she's a virgin.
I couldn't understand how a prostitute
was a virgin.
In any case, the wench is a whore.
We fucked her.
We killed a pimp, stole his money.
Won't they say, we are bandits?
They'll fuck us all.
Fuck-wad boxer, look what
you've brought upon us.
What are we going to do?
The first choice is to kill:
That's no solution.
The pimp's friends saw us:
It can't be settled like that.
I can't keep the wench on board,
for the rest of her life.
Let's say we sailed to Black Sea and...
...dropped her off in Constantia.
That is no guarantee either.
If one of the pimps is a wise guy
or if they catch us then we're stuck.
There's the firm, this isn't
our ship.
The last resort is to turn ourselves
in. But the wench can spill out...
...and we'll burn all.
Give me a little time, Kamil.
We'll find the solution.
I have to stay calm
or we're done for.
The sand's almost loaded.
I'll go and have a look.
The captain's really nervous.
We're in a fine state.
The faggots, we're really
fucked up. I gave it to them.
Fucking a woman and killing
a man are not the same.
The captain's getting crazy.
He would really fuck us up later.
You haven't filled out the reports.
The man's asking about them.
Ready. Too bad you didn't
mention it when he was here.
I'd have given them.
Anyway, we'll send later.
Why didn't you send them on time?
We really have a bear breathing...
...on our necks. Let's not screw
up the regular work.
Order is getting lax.
We must be careful.
OK, captain.
Tie her up!
Don't tie up the girl. Leave her.
That's enogh.
The world will be destroyed by two
things. Buildings and adultery.
May God bless our end. On the
day of judgement all the buildings...
...will be taken over by the sea.
All the nations will sink.
The sea will take back all the
sand. There's no escape.
Good night, Captain.
- Good night, kamil.
- Good night.
- Where the hell's the girl?
- Here, move over.
What have you done to the girl?
Animal, what have you done?
Nothing. The girl was in your
cabin the whole night.
Does that mean I did?
What would have I done to her?
How shall I know? Ten seconds
have passed since coming here.
Did anyone hear anything?
I haven't done shit.
Last night you were feeling
pretty good. Could that be it?
- No, I didn't touch her.
- When we said we have fucked up... now think, we did.
When it's you, no problem.
- Don't give me any lip.
- I didn't do anything.
- At night your cabin's locked.
- How do you know?
- What did I say?
- You reached to the girls neck.
Are you joking? What did I say?
The cain door.
- I was talking about the cabin.
- How do you know the door?
No way, ask boxer. When we finished
our cigarettes last night...
...we came by to ask you for some.
The door was locked.
When did our cigarettes run out?
You went to the captain's cabin.
- Just to fuck her, didn't you!
- What does that have to do with it?
Little clot! It's time
I locked you up.
No way. Don't be an ass boxer.
Look, this shit is going to get...
...pinned on me. Tell them our
cigarettes were finished.
Both these guys are bad news.
But Captain, when you drink...'ve started to fuck up. We fell
on boxer's scam but who told you... smash that guy's head? When
you drink, you lose yourself.
Why did you blame others for the
things you can't remember?
Well asshole, so when I drink,
I fuck up, ha?
Are you going to lay down
the law on this boat?
Don't speak! This all happened because
of you. Since the beginning, weren't...
...youthe one who said that Boxer
would take the girl back?
- Were you fucking her, too?
- Please, Captain.
Don't give me the Captain shit.
Who locks the door?
You sy anything's possible
with those guys.
- Way to you, Kamil.
- After passing the girl through... don't lock the door?
That's true.
Shut up!
Why should he? You didn't tell him
when I was being put through the mill.
- Shame on you.
- What shame?
Speak carefully, dris. I've put
up with you for years.
Who else in this shitty world is
as close to you as me?
Save the platitudes. There's a
reason why you are close to me.
You say it's my fault. But
you know without me...
What would happen without you?
Piss off from the boat!
I'm not like the Boxer. I'd leave
and you'd regret.
- What's up with us?
- You've sold us.
Hurry and leave.
You can go nowhere.
Where are you going to?
You are not like them.
You can go nowhere.
Last night your cabin
was not locked.
Yes, fucking hell.
They're playing us
against each other.
What for? What if it
was locked?
- Let's ask the girl.
- She can't speak.
- Not Turkish.
- Yes, let's ask anyway.
- Shall we believe a whore?
Do you feel compromised?
Cut it. Kamil, ask her
who did it?
Fuck off, ha? I just stayedhere to
find what's going on.
Now I'll leave. Let's see what
will happen to the ship.
You'll find out.
Get up!
Don't go Kamil. I'm
about to go crazy.
I see that man in my dreams
every night.
I haven't slept for nights.
Why do you think I can't kill her?
It's my conscience.
You know that.
Well, that was an accident, but
how are we going to kill her?
I'm going nuts.
You're using me.
Why are you blaming me?
Those guys fucked her. You fucked
up and iced some guy.
When I said to kill her,
I think only of you.
What the fuck is it to me? Don't
you think I feel sorry for her.
Look how those faggots have
been playing around with us.
Look how they play us
against each other.
You said there was a reason
why I'm close to you.
After all those years, you've
done to me wrong.
You're right. But was it wrong Kamil?
What will happen if you quit? You're
the most intelligent in here.
Outside, you'll be the
most ignorant.
The hands on board may be good or
bad but they take your orders.
They cook for you, clean your clothes.
On land, you'll be following orders.
We are bound to each other through
thick and thin.
What would I do without you?
You asshole, you've gone nuts
over this cunt.
How could you take the girl from the
Captain's cabinand fuck?
- How could you sell me?
- Why shan't I? You're not my brother.
Fuck you! We were about
to kill the bitch.
What more could I have
done for you.
I saved you from
fucking your hand.
If it were not me, they would have
pinned everything on you.
- What happened?
- He begged, of course.
He said if I left, he'd be ruined.
As you've brought all this shit...
...down us, let's see how we're
going to get out of it.
Boxer, take the girl to the room.
Ali, give the Captainsomething to eat.
We'll discuss this locked
door business later.
Don't worry, I'll say we ran out of
cigarettes the day before.
The ship's capacity, tonnage.
What's up?
Get out!
Roll one Kamil.
Time just won't pass.
Don't rush. I'm in no
condition to do another one.
Captain, shall I get
you some more rak-?
Yes Kamil, let's smoke another one.
We're high anyway.
What the hell are you doing?
Go, go!
- You lied, didn't you?
- You didn't say?
I've told the Captain everything.
No more lies for me.
I'll tell him this, too.
The man is not dead.
I'll tell that, too.
I didn't.
Allright, let's throw this clot
into the sea and be done with her.
She sorted out
everything anyway.
Shut up, faggot.
You've got no conscience.
We'll take her to a doctor.
All together.
Just as we got onto
this mess all together... shall we straighten everything
out in the same manner.
If not, I'll mess you all up. Like
when we went to get the money.
This time, we'll see this
through right. Get moving.
- Where will we find a doctor?
- Let's take her to a hospital.
There'll be policemen at the hospital,
let's take her to a doctor.
Which doctor?
Knock it off. We'll get in a cab
and take her to the nearest place.
Whatever we come across.
Kamil, there's a police!
What are you doing, Kamil.
Kamil! Hide!
Nobody's here.
What'll we do now?
She'll definitely squeel,
even the ship's name.
We did the best.
That was the best thing to do.
We did the best.
Where were we?