Germinal (1993) Movie Script

Good morning.
Good morning.
This is a mine?
Yes, it's mine ...
... Is the Voreux.
My name is Etienne Lantier,
I am engineer, ...
... There is work here?
Work for a driver?
Yesterday they came looking for two ...
... There is nothing.
Come on, beautiful.
Come on, beautiful.
There are plants here?
For plants that do not stop ...
... However the workshops are closed one after another, ...
... Are everywhere ...
voton in sugar, ...
... And crystals Garbois ...
... Threaten strikes, ...
... Talk about lowering wages.
I know. I come from there.
Here's the thing, ...
For now ... stand up ...
... Do not eat meat
every day, but it will be.
Are you from Belgium?
No, I'm from the south.
I am Monts ...
... Call me a Good Death.
Boa Morte.
You're a lucky one?
They took me away
three times like a squid, ...
... Once with ...
... With all the hair singed, another ...
... With a throat full of dirt ...
... And the third with a swollen belly
full of water like a frog.
Then they realized that would not die ...
... And called me Boa Morte ...
... Boa Morte.
Already there is much work in this mine?
Since before he was eight years ...
... Now I am fifty-eight.
Does the bill.
Is that blood?
-No, it's coal.
I have so much in my body that gives me warm until death.
There are already five years that does not go down ...
... Had it all stored without knowing it.
Helps keep.
Come on, beautiful.
If you Hennebeau us
see here talking ...
The mine is the Lord Hennebeau?
No, is the Director. Serpent
a wage as we do.
So who is this?
All this?
It is not known, ...
... Be somebody.
My god! it's about time.
Catherine, are you?
Yes daddy, just playing.
Hurry, ornery.
If you had not danced so late gonna have us awake before.
It was Sunday.
Zacharie! Jeanlin!
Wake up. It's on time.
Shit, you gotta get up.
Let me alone, I sleep.
Shut up already, Maxime.
Give me the Maxime, hungry.
Already tevais silence.
Come, you'll eat. Toma.
I have not a penny.
Already spent?
Today is day 23 and are ten to eat.
And Maigrat?
We owe you sixty francs.
Yesterday gave me with
port in the nose.
It's a pig.
I have no coffee,
I have no nothing.
I believe I have left
two cents.
Guard them to take a mug.
Within six days pay us.
The way things are.
Get thee as thou canst,
it is no use whining you ...
... You better go to work.
See you later.
Deletes the lamp, ...
... Do not want to see the color of my thoughts.
This is water.
It's what's left of yesterday's coffee, there's nothing left.
It's hot and not too bad.
Come the rest of the bread, I
porridge for the little ones.
Yes mom, that's what I did.
Dispatch, we will arrive late.
Good morning.
Looking for work, whatever.
admit if someone knows?
No, I do not know.
Have to work with you Dansaert.
So Mouquette already
no salts with large Chaval?
Are becoming smaller.
Does not conceal. I saw them at night.
Was so small I had to climb to a platform.
What's up, you jealous?
Nobody asked for help, right?
The Mouquette went a bit dizzy.
Fleurance died.
They met yesterday at the upright in bed, the heart.
No, ...
... Must have been drinking the gin too quickly, poor ...
... That a little luck.
What do we do?
Catherine was left alone to push,
work will be affected.
We need to replace it next.
There's a man in search of work.
Mr Dansaert.
Mr Dansaert.
Fleurance died.
I have to replace it.
There is a man seeking work.
Can I hire you?
If we will not be bad.
For me there is no inconvenience, but you need to tell you scoter.
It is he who decides.
Can I find him? Thank you.
Catherine, where is the man looking for work?
It was for the boilers.
Go find him. Tell him we hire.
Fleurance died.
Find him. Hurry up.
Fleurance died?
Come on, there's something for you.
Thank you. I'm glad.
Thirty cents a day, OK?
Put it on the head to protect yourself.
it was hard work but you will learn quickly.
Keep it in my locker
until you have yours.
Soon we will arrive late.
Thank you.
Gives you the lamp
Fleurance, who died.
Take good care of her. For a miner
your lamp is like the sun.
Be careful with your ears!
shoring tends to yield ...
... The water enters by all sides.
Arrived. This
Guillaume is ditch.
What have you done? Makes half-hour I'm here.
Do not start to protest,
Today is Monday.
Who is that?
It's replacement Fleurance.
Now men eat the bread of women.
Come to work!
Eh, come give me a hand.
Zacharie, ...
... Is not the time to strut!
Leaves and then eat, ...
... Now we must continue to
bring the wagons.
There is a crack, it could crumble.
Would not the first time.
Let's work!
Which are not bored with the anchors!
We share it?
Do not look sick.
Here has not been bitten.
What were you doing before?
Driver was in the railways of Lille.
They fired you?
I gave a slap in the head.
He had been drinking, ...
... Just drink, but when I do go crazy.
Do not drink.
It's quiet, I will manage.
I'm worried about my mother.
Where is it?
In Paris.
It's valet. Goutte d'or on the street.
With my thirty cents a day ...
... I can not send you anything.
Here, water is
coffee, not harm you.
If you take will warm you up.
Already given me half of your bread.
Since you are so polite ...
Now you can not refuse.
To your health.
You got engaged?
-Not yet ...
... But I tried.
Do not miss.
That does not hurt anyone.
Yet if you say to the priest.
I do not care priest.
Note the flame of the lamp ...
... Nap to move.
Put your hand here.
Notes a sort of chain?
It's gassy.
It's a small bag,
not much ...
... But sometimes it can be dangerous.
Come boys.
See you later.
Quiet, small!
Hello, Francis.
-Good morning, Seor.
Good morning, save them?
Or talk.
Big storm tonight. Out with the horses to air ...
... And passing come to greet you.
You did well.
How are your daughters?
Jeanne did not leave the paintings nor a moment ...
Lucie ... and not let the piano.
Not be long ...
... When you get the smell of biscuits, surely awake.
And his marriage to scoter?
It is commented, but there is nothing concrete.
Do not wait for me for breakfast?
Slept so well.
-Good morning, cousin.
Hello, precious.
All is well with Jean-Bart?
This crisis brings us to head ...
... We are paying for the years of prosperity.
But Leon, misleading you to not sell the shares.
Mlanie, dreamed about it.
It is well Cachora! Quiet!
Already there again this woman with her children.
Daughter, comply with your duty.
Honorine, brings the clothes closet.
Thank you, girl.
They are so good.
Poor boy, are pale
the cold has passed.
Only have these two?
No ma'am, I have seven.
Seven children, but why?
My God!
Are many.
Already working in the mine for a long time?
Since the twenties.
I left at first calving
and the second time ...
... When I got married, ...
Had too much work ...
en casa, but ...
... My husband's family
are already on it for centuries.
Here, you stay warmer, ...
.. My poor boy.
Thank you. Very nice.
We are nothing, ...
... If I could give a few francs.
No, this is not our custom. Can not.
The company gives you and home heating, is not it?
Yes ma'am, they give us coal, ...
... And the rent is six francs a month, ...
... Seems not, but sometimes you can not pay.
This month we have nothing.
You must save a little, ...
... As the peasants ...
... You can not drink it all.
Take small breaks down the
with your sister.
Of course, knows the notary, ...
... Is it going to prepare
the minutes of Piolaine.
Only two loaves of bread,
Mr Maigrat.
Just resign myself to it.
Do not ask you coffee.
For quite some time that you owe sixty francs, ...
... But we also need to eat until Saturday.
I ask only two loaves of bread.
This will bring bad luck, sir Maigrat.
I'm not a rag-picker.
For some coffee and butter.
We send to your daughter.
I've got with it.
Look at this. Look.
This is the man who came this morning.
I do not like the way I got unknown.
That is not repeated. Follows.
But what is this?
What are these goddamn props?
"Who made them?
What about the props?
Do not worry;
are resistant.
Cmo are tough?
The rock is crumbling,
Do not you see?
When you have a full head, ...
... Take the consequences? No.
The company will give a pension to your wives.
Arrranjar two vans for more ...
... Would you give your at.
If we pay more score, the better.
For an hour to shore.
For a long time that I tell you.
We can only pay that anchors the party ...
... And that lowers the price of the trolley.
And I warn you, you will have a fine of three francs.
Come on!
Tirade! Tirade!
That is not fair, is not.
We must converar
calmly because it is the best ...
... Way of understanding,
But put us crazy.
Did you hear?
The price of the trolley downtown,
and anchors are apart.
Another way to pay us less.
My God, my God.
When one is not the strongest, it must be reasonable.
Today, our children have nothing to eat.
Thus, take advantage of us.
We can only endure.
and still two cents less per trolley.
That day.
And what can we do?
You have to work.
We do not need rogues.
-You 're right.
They use their arms like a pig
the sink.
The oldest is uum room for you.
Ask that you fie, es a friend.
To prove that it does not stop.
He is a former miner.
Hello Maheu.
Mr Rasseneur.
My gin.
Put a pint for this guy.
I hired him this morning.
You got a spare bedroom ...
... And you can trust him for two weeks?
Impossible, the two quarters
are occupied.
Well Maheu, who
s new?
Always the same, ...
... Back to give us a hard time because of the anchors.
Is plicated us a fine of three francs.
I know it's a risk ...
... But as scores, the vans do not fill.
Let them pay the anchors.
That's what they want ...
... So lowered the price of the trolley ...
... And we always pay.
If you lower the price there will be confusion.
We can not go there.
One of these days something will happen.
There is much misery.
And the factories close one after another.
I heard that
Jean-Bart want to quit.
Deneulin, the owner has
economic problems.
Un new equipment.
A mine that was prepared
in less than two years.
My friend wrote me Pluchart.
Those who have known here.
Is concerned.
Think we must act.
-I know Pluchart.
He was my foreman when
I was foreman en Lille.
I know him well.
We talked many times.
If Pluchart were here
everything would be better ...
... Shook more than one boss.
Maheu brought you,
is his sidekick, ...
... Let's see if we have room for it uum and if we can ...
... Spinning it for two weeks.
You are in luck. Tenant
gone this morning.
Well, I'm going home.
This has to stop ...
... And then we stop dead there.
Come, good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
See you tomorrow.
No, me first.
-Did you not just your soup.
Do not want to wash me with your water.
Leave it as ink.
I did not return very late,
Tomorrow is Sunday.
I'll get flowers.
Look! Here are Zacharie!
Not now. Before I go wash me.
Not so.
Do you have money?
To go to the Volcano
Watch these Marrano.
I promise you that no, I have a debt,
I have two francs to Mouquette.
Give back to Saturday.
I promise.
Promise you convince your mom to marry us.
I do not want to take this kind of life.
I had an idea and went to see Maigrat.
We did an exchange.
You see, we have bread
until Saturday, ...
... Butter, coffee,
chicory, ...
... I even left a few francs.
So I could buy meat.
Still owe me three francs seventy-five.
Tomorrow I will stew for all.
Let love dizzy.
Are you wet me.
The dessert. You gave me no dessert.
Catherine, you are
doing up there?
I am mending my jacket. Yesterday was torn.
Do not go down, your father
is washing himself.
But that silly.
My dessert.
Maxime is watching us.
Expects to return.
Has only five months.
Do not think you notice.
Going, all right.
What's up Catherine?
Where you going so fast?
Going home.
Come in and drink anything.
No, they're waiting for me.
Meto so afraid that you always reject me.
Come I'll teach you where is my home.
I will when the frogs are at.
Very good.
What are you doing here?
I went to see Mouquette ...
... Had to leave me money to buy me a tape ...
... But he spent it.
Great Mouquette.
I dout you the tape.
You leave me money and I will return to.
Give me the money if you do not go with me ....
Come on.
Catherine You know, I'd rather not give me back the money.
What color you want to tape?
Thank you.
Let me.
I wish you.
I told you leave me.
-Come, come.
Come, come.
Let me know! Stop!
You are what you want to marry me.
I give you six.
Five, five.
No problem.
Neither God nor love
Here you are.
Emile waiting!
No one knows where.
Emile Come!
You know something Pluchart?
Yes, he wrote me.
The Asociacin Internacional
de Trabajadores that ...
... Founded in London
works very well.
More and more affiliates.
For the first time workers
the world will join together to ...
... Fight for equal
equal against the bosses.
Your Marx ...
... Continue to believe in the evolution of natural forces ...
... Willing to negotiate with
employers face to face ...
... To get a raise.
We must set fire to all cities, aarrasar everything ...
... When you have nothing left
this rotten world, ...
... Perhaps grow better one.
We'll get to that extreme.
The worker himself is nobody.
But United is a great strength.
We must create a section in Monts.
Asunto The anchors will end badly.
If the company is trying to prevent, will strike.
We need to organize themselves.
You must create a fund that will ...
... The time,
serve as a resistance box.
The more money we have ...
More ... resist.
The worst are the quotas.
Fifty-cent annual
into the general fund, ...
... Two francs to
section is too.
Do not want to pay.
We must rebuild a new world ...
... Much more fair.
Come Join us to dictate our laws.
Increase salaries muma capitalist economy, ...
... Is a dream.
The workers only have
right to eat hard bread ...
... And having children.
It's an iron law that is based on
balance of empty bellies.
a prison sentence of perpetual hunger and misery.
We must destroy everything.
Yes, anarchy and all, ...
... The land washed by blood, ...
... Purified by fire ...
... Then we'll see.
We must avoid a bloodbath.
Test your luck here!
Five cents!
Want to come? Come on.
Two cents muffins!
Two sausages, two.
Two sausages.
Here you are, sir.
Two cents.
Thank you. No, no, okay.
Here you are, sir.
We must make a request to the company ...
... And get a house.
However, if you will,
can stay in ours.
Go eat potatoes.
Already, we reached agreement.
Dad, you got a coin?
Yes Toma.
You have accepted?
another payment that has already gone.
You are pregnant.
What could we do?
-Not true.
Are you happy?
For me too.
But where is it?
Where are Zacharie?
I do not know, ma. I lost it. I'm waiting for you.
Come on, come get him.
I have good news.
Look. repairs in doves.
Let's get married!
Today is also a cost less.
For now still here.
When is Zacharie
it takes another tenant.
Lantier could be?
It's a good guy.
Sometimes has good ideas.
If we are going to strike ...
... The resistance box
serve us.
We do not care company ...
... We have money to resist.
I have to think ...
... To behave well is the best box there.
I'd give anything for justice, ...
... Drink and the women.
if there is anything that makes me happy ...
... Is to think that we run with the bourgeois.
Each member will pay
twenty cents per month ...
... And little by little savers, ...
... And the money will strengthen us.
Even if the strike lasts for months.
I commit myself to the bottom.
Give more then five.
Etienne if you like ...
... You can stay at home.
You'll be more together.
But only after marriage.
Will sleep in the room
Children, ...
... You shall be in lieu of Zacharie.
Yes, it sleeps with Jeanlin.
If all workers
are together ...
... Why are they to be slaves
the bosses who pay them?
Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
We do not need God or of heaven to be happy.
Depends on us
change this rotten world, ...
... And that peace may reign on earth. Equality.
Did the burghers want
work as much as we do?
Will have to find the reason.
each according to its merits and according to their hunger.
With the reason we will not share any.
Not with words.
It will be bloody.
For things to change
There that spilling blood.
Our strength is the number.
Facing the wrath of the workers,
claudicaro bosses.
Afternoons, ...
... But we must avoid joining
blood to suffering.
Pierron, I have not paid the quota this month.
I forgot.
For this I came.
One day you shall see ...
... That this money was not a useless sacrifice ...
... We need it.
Do not want to die without seeing you.
Come Catherine.
Gentlemen, good night.
Today, we see clearly ...
... Reflects the worker
due to education.
Dantes mines the
grandparents were a cross.
Catherine's time!
Come on, Jeanlin, awakens.
Let me.
I think not returned.
Let's awaken by God!
Not again?
Turns at this hour?
Where have you been?
It's the Dude.
Whether you live with it.
Not what you want but what you hit.
My God!
A esmoronamento! Hurry!
Over there!
Jeanlin's underneath!
There's nothing in the head.
Neither chest.
The leg is sore.
Are you the father?
Sm, Doctor.
Do not cry ...
... I see that has not died.
Is it better to you to help me.
Well, again the damn braces
Had already warned.
and intend to go for a strike ...
... Why not obliged to anchor better.
And who will pay the anchors spoiled?
The company, of course.
You Hennebeau
will be happy.
We had to get married Zacharie.
Jeanlin is now in hospital.
What will we do without your salary?
You can return to work
with the leg wound?
Just missing the grandfather
No, I'm fine.
And this gets to get away.
We have to eat nine
three persons with wages.
Grieve not, serves no purpose.
In the case got her when she started out with Chaval?
We can not prevent the girls leave when they give in Ghana.
Well, answer me, did not give you all the freedom?
I was already pregnant when she got married, ...
... But not abandoned my parents ...
... Never would have made me surrender dispelled my sario
... A man who needed it.
That's disgusting.
If you let the desire to have kids.
If we have a daughter is for it to work well.
Retain it by force.
took her to work with him in Jean-Bart.
I do not want to see more here.
The company wants to lower the price of the trolley.
If you do that for sure there will be confusion
if they want to strike, will it Tues
Maybe someday that will change.
it's time.
it's time.
What did the doctor?
It is an imposter.
One is finished
because as you diem legs, ...
... These are lies to me to cut the pension.
Sure that combined with them.
Anything goes to get with the old.
They start with the old and end with the not so old.
Etienne leads to charge.
He's smarter than you to count the hours.
Do not be fooled.
-Don 't worry.
Waiting for you at home Rasseneur.
The fines follow ...
... I know that the anchors are not always perfect ...
... But frankly, it is hiding something serious.
They put a sign on the box ...
... But I can not read.
Maheu hope to recover.
We shall see.
This goes wrong ...
... I think they wanted to encourage us to strike.
fcil to predict.
Will force us.
The crisis worsens ...
... With all the factories that are closing ...
... And each time it
no less coal.
The management wants to reduce spending, ...
... Will reduce the wages ...
... And the workers will be the
sapertam which the belt.
Two months ago the coal piles up at the mine, ...
... A good strike was a boon for them.
Reserves become exhausted, ...
... Send stop the miners, ...
... And others
Once tamed, ...
... You pay them less.
Besides, they already know about the resistance box.
Do not say anything but affects them.
Emptied during the strike, ...
... Before it is too full.
Neither the company nor the workers have an interest in that there is a strike.
We must reach an agreement.
That is in the box?
Three thousand francs.
Yesterday the management called me.
They told me with good manners would not avoid ...
... Workers to create a reserve fund, ...
... Yet realized they wanted to control it.
We must also fight for it.
What do you do with three thousand francs?
You can not eat or six days.
This strike is a mess.
Do not you understand.
Yesterday queimr wanted everything and now you're against.
You're too fast.
The worker suffers a strike as much as the boss.
Pluchart wrote me.
I think so.
must seize the moment ...
... To join all the miners in the region ...
... The Association of Workers.
Are with you for the background ...
... But how many of us have joined the International?
Now is the time ...
... The more difficult the situation, ...
... Will be more determined to follow us ...
... And when workers around the world understand it, ...
... When all lend a hand ...
... Then we can act ...
... And is not necessary to strike.
Not yet reached the day when the brothers ...
... Of all countries can help us
And if we commit to going to strike?
If the fun ...
Ruin a few
and kill the others ...
... We will have achieved something.
But this way shall bear
thousand years to renew the world.
It would be best to begin by destroying the prison.
If not ...
Notice of the company to all miners.
given little care put into the props, ...
... Tired of fines for unnecessary,
the company decided ...
... Apply a new method of payment, ...
... For extaco of coal.
From now on shore will be paid to the party ...
... Per cubic meter of wood
descent and used ...
... Based on the amount needed
for a job well done.
One moment!
the price of coal dumped trolley ...
... Spend fifty cents to forty ...
... Second nature Lode and the distance.
My god! No way!
This new model
calculation applies ...
... From 1 October.
If we accept these conditions
're not men!
Maheu is right!
-No way!
Quiet, please!
Relax, do not hear anything!
Maheu and company ...
... Come Filonnire
picador number seven.
Sorry, surely is not eqivocado?
No, I think.
They have to spend two Sundays
more than four days without work.
Son nine days of work.
More fines.
Twenty francs fine
by shoring defective.
Grab it?
The others are waiting.
Mr. Secretary General wishes to see it.
-Yes, you.
Want to see it alone.
Passe, he waits.
Shoring that lame?
Maheu, we examine the pension of his father.
Has 58 years and has 50 service.
Have a pension of 150 francs.
But within two years ...
... Entitled to a pension of 180 francs.
Maheu, you are one of the best workers of mine ...
... I advise him not to meddle in politics.
What about this fund forecasting, ...
... Not into it.
Let the others do.
Do not compromise with such madness.
Could come to regret it.
Not worth anything. Would have to have it challenged.
We do not have to eat
and makes me a sermon.
They resent you.
Believe that you
manobraros the miners.
But what shall we do?
Yield ourselves? Giving thanks?
What else?
Twenty francs fine
bracing for a badly done.
Hear me!
Hear me all!
by trolley is a shame.
Yes, you're right!
If the company wants to strike, it will have
One moment!
Give us an even October.
Do not wait!
Agreed! Yes!
Those in favor of the strike to raise their hands.
What's happening?
Sir, since the strike began.
Nobody was working.
Will see what happens.
It is not wise to stay here.
Go to your room.
Yesterday, when charged, there was the slightest complaint.
We think that they had accepted the new rates.
Not down a man?
-Not one.
All followed the decision.
They are very united.
It is only in Voreux?
I do not know.
I have not had time to investigate.
It had to happen.
Pass-if anything, uncle?
The strike began.
At least in Voreux. No one came down this morning.
Well, Dansaert ...
... Runs to see what is happening in
Vitoire and Feutry-Cantel.
I do not go away.
-Well, Sir.
You, get dressed quickly ...
... And goes to Targeted and Crve Coeur.
Wait. It will also
Saint-Thomas, ...
... Wonder if the
movement is large.
Well, uncle.
In this case, ...
... Would be a declaration of war.
Yes Ahead.
Excuse me dear, I hope
you do not have awakened.
No, it was agreed
I heard noise.
What's happening?
I think it would be very
better cancel the lunch ...
... Today with Gregoire.
The strike began this morning.
Are on strike?
And do we care?
We will not cancel lunch because of it.
Besides the visit you had ...
... Designed to mine the Saint-Thomas ...
... Can not take place today, would not be prudent.
Well, we will visit another day ...
... But the lunch is ready.
It is imperative that we receive.
The wedding of your nephew
should matter most to you ...
... That the blunders of your workers.
Come, I pray thee, ...
... I do not contraries.
Agreed. We will not cancel anything.
How about that?
I walked all the mines.
Seemed very quiet.
I think you just want to send a delegation.
Is that you, Paul? Sobe
and give me news.
Yes, Auntie, I'm coming.
Well, what do we do?
I do not know. Hopefully
by the delegation.
Not for worlds would nullify this lunch.
I am very happy to see you finally with Ccile.
Like least?
Decide that you, aunt.
Excuse me, wanted
offer them oysters.
As you know, bring them on Mondays
from Ostend to Marchiennes.
I wanted to send the
Cook with the car, ...
... But was afraid to throw stones.
It was predictable, ...
... Excessive prosperity
in recent years ...
... Ine that lead us to this.
Think of the enormous
capital assets that are ...
... In railways, ports and channels.
When America stopped
ask us iron and bronze, ...
... There has been a blow in our blast furnaces.
And since our factories
closing one after another, ...
... Cost us a barbarity
desfazermo us what we have.
and if we continue to sell
Despite the expertise, ...
... We have no other remdiao but lower costs
... And that's what the workers do not want to understand.
Mr Grgoire, so I ask ...
Others ... bake these crabs.
With pleasure, dear lady.
What's worse is that for lower costs, ...
... We would have to produce more.
But how to sell
less ...
... We have no other choice but
lowering wages, ...
... And of course who leaves to lose are the workers.
Losing jobs,
we lose more.
It's you Dansaert,
is in the parlor ...
... But do not want to bother.
-Make it go.
Spend, spend Dansaert.
Sorry and good profit.
What news do you have?
Everything is quiet ...
... I would say that too,
but wanted to warn you ...
... That a delegation is on its way and will soon arrive.
Thanks, Dansaert. I will receive them.
It keeps me informed on what happens.
According Mr. Director.
It is for the Lord.
a letter of Pierron.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Pierron is one of my best foremen.
He told me he is forced to go to strike ...
... For fear that peers will cause harm.
Notify me who is part of the delegation coming to visit me.
Although he is against this issue.
I already have, this is the freedom from work.
Just this crab.
Arrange everything.
For me it hurts me ...
... Think of all those poor bastards ...
... That they will starve.
But what do they complain?
The company pays them the house, heating, medical, ...
... What more do you want?
-Here is the pheasant.
Well, Camile.
With all these matters no ...
... These young people talked of marriage.
It is true.
Paul, are you happy?
And you, Cecile?
Have not heard much their boyfriends.
When we set the wedding date dao?
But his aunt, hopefully end the strike.
Enough to strike,
let's talk about love.
You are here.
Apparently revealed to you.
However I am willing to talk with you.
What have you to tell me?
Are you?
A worker who has always been reasonable, ...
Monts ... a veteran ...
... Whose family works in the mine since the first stroke of pickaxe.
Tu leading the protest?
Sir, ...
... Because I am a quiet man ...
... That has nothing to reproach,
my colleagues elected me.
I'm listening to you.
We just want justice, ...
... We are tired of starving.
It's time to eat bread every day.
Lord knows we can not accept ...
... The new payment system.
They blame us for bad strut?
It is true.
We are dedicated to this work the hours required.
Pay us more and better anchored, ...
... Decico more time to wood ...
... Instead we strive to remove the coal.
The work has to be paid.
Lower the price of the trolley, ...
... And want to compensate you by paying the propping apart.
Can not be. We lose.
The company pocketed more than two cents per trolley.
That is the truth.
This is not right.
-It 's the truth.
If you speak did not get along together.
No, the truth is ...
... If you do petty provocations.
This is a plague that runs between the workers ...
... And corrupts even the older ones.
They promised you more butter than bread, ...
... Told you that now ye masters, ...
... Wrapped you with this international ...
... This army of bandits
think of destroying the society.
Not one miner had joined.
but if we require. filiaro everyone.
This depends on the company.
The company is a salvation for men, ...
... Is a mistake cause danger.
It spent
... In building colonies that yield no two percent
not to mention the pensions paid, not coal
... Neither of the drugs they give.
You look smart ...
... Dedicated to you to spread
these truths, ...
... Instead of you mix with guys like Rasseneur.
It makes me kind.
If you want to save the mine from socialist rot.
You can see the kid in your house.
It was he who pushed you to create this fund forecast?
If it were a savings fund and not ...
... A weapon of war against us ...
... Reprovaramos not its existence.
Warning you that the company ...
.. Want to carefully control the fund.
It is a new requirement.
Until now ...
... Had not demanded such control.
No. Our desire ...
... Is that the company fails to arrogate to our savior ...
... And give us what belongs to us: ...
... Who allocate profits.
It's normal to starve the workers ...
... To save the dividends of shareholders anonymous?
Who is stealing our bread?
Who goes down the mine?
Who is hungry?
Who works?
If the company has to make money ...
... You do, but not at the expense of workers.
He hoped that we would be accused of killing from hunger aldeia ...
... And live by their effort.
How can you say so many stupid things ...
... When you know the risks they face ...
... The capital invested in industries or mines?
A mine equipped
currently costs ...
... Un million and a half
or two million francs.
You know what it takes to get ...
... A mediocre benefit of that amount invested?
Not this account ...
... That many mining companies in France are in breach?
Yes, when the workers suffer, ...
... They also suffer.
The company has much to lose as you ...
... With this crisis.
She does not own wages, ...
... Has to be competitive ...
... Not to ruin.
Assigns blame to the facts ...
... And not the company.
But hear ye ...
... Ye will not understand?
They want us to believe ...
... That our situation can not improve ...
... But eat cookies every day.
Someday ...
... Workers will be able to have bread for all.
Sir, ...
... This is the only answer I can give us?
Very good.
So ...
... Shall we say to our colleagues who rejects our conditions.
No, do not reject anything.
I am an employee like you.
Here I have more power than the lowliest peon.
How is Jeanlin?
Thank you, Mr. Director.
Remains in hospital but is okay.
Poderam save the leg.
It was a hard lesson, ...
... But you are still defending the bad struts.
Reflect, friends.
a strike is a disaster for everyone.
You will die of hunger before a week ...
... Will you do then?
Trust in your conduct.
I am convinced ...
... That Monday, the latest ..
... Back to work.
However I am in favor of the strike ...
... We should have forced the company ...
... Without stopping.
Now that we started ...
... We can not quit until we have obtained justice.
Before dying to say that we have no reason.
They will die.
Do not wish death on anyone.
But if this lasts long, ...
... Die of hunger.
What brought you here?
I do not want to see you.
Mom, bring sugar and coffee for the boys.
I did overtime to think of them.
While Voreux of us starve on strike ...
... Those of Jean-Bart
continuing to work ...
... Revolt me.
Stop the repairs!
If it were not for Me.
I have no choice but to obey it.
Do not you realize how are things?
Anyway, it's done.
He or anyone else, whatever.
Everyone works at Jean-Bart?
Yes, all work.
If you come to stay, stay, ...
... It will not.
You are lucky to be with the small, ...
... If not give you a slap, I hardly know.
You give them coffee with my money?
Work for you?
Street, go!
I left it right now.
Beautiful craft to take care of your home ...
... While your fucking
daughter opens legs.
And if the daughter is the mother that opens.
And you do not disgust you?
No, the Lord does not disgust.
Like it?
-Be careful Chaval.
Someday I will kill you.
Come on,!
Come on, damn it!
What wild.
You're a pig.
Only a pig can have some ideas so dirty.
've Defects, but not this.
Only two men touched me ...
... A miner before he was fifteen years ...
... And then Maheu. Anyone else.
Where is this pig Maigrat?
Well ...
.. You come to pay your debts?
No, on the contrary.
We saw that we ask you fie again.
We do not have food ...
... Just want bread.
Tomais me by ...
... Ye that ye fie again.
Would you ruin me.
Have not you enough with all that ye me?
Do not you trust or a potato, ...
... Or a loaf of bread.
Go for a walk by the tent Verdonck, ...
... Or the bakery Carouble ...
... I bet you shop there now.
Go see if you spin!
Tu, Levaque ...
... A night with me in return
what you want from the store.
You are very ugly.
Before you prefer with the widow.
Well, enough of reprimands.
We will not.
No, we will not.
We're hungry.
-It is for our children.
We're hungry. We
fed up with misery.
You do not have lived.
You have no idea what it is.
Out, out!
Our children are hungry.
We're hungry.
-Street! Out!
Give us bread. We want bread.
We're hungry.
Fucker! Pig!
We need bread.
The kids just eat it.
Need for children.
Partners ...
... Already a month ago we suffered in vain.
Are we so cowardly ...
... To return to the mine with his head down, ...
... For eternal misery begin again.
Better to die right now ...
... Trying to destroy the tyranny of
capital in that starves.
We can not accept this charge for the brace.
We do not have to endure the calamities of the crisis.
We are not responsible ..
... That the power
lowers the costs.
It is not fair.
And if we require, ...
... We must do justice.
Justice! Justice!
Starting tomorrow,
going to the mines ...
... And will deal with the traitors who are working.
We must demonstrate to the company ...
... That we all agree ...
... And we prefer to die than yield.
And if complainants among us ...
... Companions, they are careful because we know them.
Miners came from Jean-Bart ...
... Who continue to work.
For those who say that?
For you and for us.
Eaters can not be mixed with the hungry.
It is true that work in a Jean-Bart?
Yes, it works on Jean-Bart.
And your wife too
working in Jean-Bart.
And what does your wife?
Work is not a crime, does it?
Yes, it is a crime.
When the companions starve for all.
It poibido be selfish with my belly full.
If the strike were general, long ago we would have won.
In Jean-Bart there are only traitors.
There are only traitors!
We are with you.
They sent me to tell you.
We must stop the fires.
Stop up the water pumps.
All drivers have to go to strike.
The water filled the mines and everything goes to shit.
Come tomorrow Jean-Bart ...
.. And see if oa.
Tomorrow we'll see if you work in Jean-Bart.
Tomorrow at Jean-Bart!
We shall see whether you work in Jean-Bart.
All Jean-Bart!
Tomorrow morning!
All Jean-Bart!
Deneulin Lord!
Deneulin Lord!
Yes? What's happening?
Lord, there is a riot, ...
... Half of the men refuse to work ...
... And prevent others from down.
Daddy, Daddy!
What's happening?
Where are you?
The rebellion spreads to
Jean-Bart, but nothing is going on ...
... Go back to bed.
-Ms Hennebeau come ...
... For us, invited us to eat with Ccile, ...
... What do we do?
-Do not go. We are here.
We will wait for you.
-No, not talk about it.
I say unto you that ye metal in bed ...
... And at nine Be on
Dressed as planned.
Hear me!
In Jean-Bart're not traitors.
There are no traitors.
We can not continue working while the Monts ...
... Are dying of hunger.
And we can not accept eses price of misery. No.
Belgians want to hire workers.
Very good.
We will like to Montse.
We need to talk to
Mr Deneulin ...
... And ask for an increase of
five cents per trolley.
Not one less. Five
cents per trolley.
Five cents per trolley!
My God! What are you doing here?
I need money, want to work.
Are you against me, bitch.
Already give you money, ...
... Now take you home with a kick in the ass.
What is happening here?
Please, my children.
Still I'll regret having dispensed with the guards.
Now speak quietly, I will listen.
Deneulin Lord, we can not
continue to work well.
We want five cents
more per trolley.
Five cents!
Five cents!
If I can not complain of your struts, ...
... Do not you impose a new duty as the Monts.
It is possible, ...
... Not prevent the Monts ...
... Have absolutely right.
Reject this miserable fare, ...
... Not want ...
... And ask for an increase
five cents.
Deneulin Lord, you realize ...
... You can not work with dignity with these protests.
We can not do anything.
That gives us this increase ...
... Or not work.
And you too.
I agree that the work is worth.
But if I you're dead.
Because that thou mayest live, ...
... I have to live first.
The minor increase in wages would ruin me, ...
... So I prefer to close the deal ...
... Before I knew that at the end of the month ...
... I can not pay.
Well, do it, close the deal.
Do not say anything stupid.
You can not ask a man to Suicide.
That the five-cent increase ...
... Or let them go on strike ...
... Me is like putting a rope around his neck.
I'm just ...
... I do not have shareholders
to protect me paying ...
... A few guidelines for
sobrcarreguem that the miners, ...
... Serving the un boss
that will never see.
For me the end of the work is death.
I have nothing further.
I have to send requests.
If I'm not going bankrupt.
Let each one choose freely.
Who wants to work?
We want to work!
Always the same. Yes.
Only cowards
leave their companions.
Always the same.
We want to work.
Procua the Chaval
and brings it to me quickly.
Understand, I am surprised that a worker like you ...
... Thus compromising their future.
For some time I'm thinking of promoting you, ...
... You are smart, capable,
you do not become crazy.
Retrieves the court, ...
... I promise you that you will promote the foreman. I promise.
Would not you like to be foreman?
Hear me, nobody will take anything from this strike, ...
... Neither you nor me.
... I'm in debt when I started the modernization of machinery ...
... Be reasonable
You want to ruin me?
Think, ...
... But think about it.
Are not you a man!
There are a man, bitch!
Yes, I am scum.
And you? I know you.
The strike does not interest us ...
... Why not now.
If Deneulin goes bankrupt ...
... That happen?
That would be worse.
I go to work, ...
... And I'll see if the abandonment.
Fucker! Fucker!
We will win!
What are you doing?
are you sleeping or what?
What have I done to deserve this?
It's very hot.
Qiseste work
how do we ...
... Took off his shirt.
Catherine, by God,
let yourself be the shit.
He raises his head.
you hurt yourself?
I'm cold.
Sure. Would we be better
under the shade of trees.
This is very hard, but you wanted to work, ..
... So it works.
Hold me.
Not anymore.
This quagmire drowns me.
I like that you be good to me ...
.. Gives me strength.
I love you ...
... Take thee with me.
I love you.
Let's go to Jean-Bart!
we're on strike!
We stopped everything!
Destroy everything
All for the stairs!
The Voreux to cut the cables.
All for the stairs!
To the stairs!
Hurry, hurry!
Come on, climb!
Catherine comes!
Dude, slag, bitch!
I told you that dixasses!
Enough! Leave her alone!
Leave her alone!
Etienne bust it!
Targeted to all!
He looked for!
It's hot.
Like, Ccile?
"Yes, ma'am.
Wait, I see.
Hurry, hurry, Paul!
Paul, come.
Did the bread is enough
We want bread!
All of Maigrat home!
Look at him!
There he is!
The usurer died!
I did you'll eat.
Myself I'll get fat.
Here, bitch! Eat this!
I will cut you!
You're not a man, Maigrat!
Bandits come the guards!
Come the guards!
I told you that thou shouldest set you going!
Come the guards!
Will not want you to catch you.
-Yes, I am.
Did you find the candles?
I'm sick of darkness.
What news do you have?
In Voreux, shoring pit sinking, ...
... Saint-Thomas anchors broke up.
The guards look for yourself ...
.. Went home.
Do not take it anymore ....
What are you doing?
The carpenters repair the brace.
En She looked the bomb ...
... Is completely flooded.
The foremen drowned in a pit filled with water.
How long will suffer so?
They have their backs covered, ...
... Can endure months.
should they lose millions, recover them at our expense.
The guards think they're in Belgium.
If you want you can go home.
A few more days.
Are you cold?
I have no heat.
Who will be making this doctor?
The doctor comes.
I like little, ...
... Gives me pain to be months without work.
Workers say they were seeking to Belgium.
If it is true, we are lost.
Belgians? Will not dare.
If the Belgians put to work, ...
... Destroy the mines.
We can not do anything ...
... The army protects them.
Think that foreigners
will take our place ...
... Shatters my heart.
I fear we are lost ...
... We tend to sag.
are you saying?
It was you who dissete this?
Will come back to say it, even a woman ...
Childbirth ... you the man.
There are already two months we have suffered ...
... My kids got sick, ...
... And all for nothing ...
... To return to the injustice prevail.
No, burn all, ...
... Kill those who came before surrender.
Listen to me ...
... If you dare to go back to mine ...
... I'll be waiting in the same way ...
... For you to spit in the face and call you a coward.
I'll be crazy ...
... Mad!
You understood me wrong.
must reach an agreement with the company: ...
... Wells are destroyed, ...
... Reach an agreement.
Moreremos all.
Doctor, we're waiting for you.
Sorry, call me from all sides.
Where is small?
-You are up there, Doctor.
Do not have a candle?
We do not have anything, Doctor.
Fear not, pass.
Have you hungry?
For a long time I know where you hide.
If you were a snitch and tell your friends ...
.. I already had ordered the guards.
I know.
Even if you do not have the same ideas we like each other.
The Belgians are coming.
Tomorrow will start in Voreux oa.
Yes, they gathered us in the evening.
Would not there be more dead.
if you oppose this will end in a bloodbath.
Already you will see I was right.
Cmo you also know that the strike was over, ...
... We accepted doing all sorts of tricks.
But one is drunk, ...
... And puts up waiting something to happen ...
... And when all is hardly forget
everything that could be expected.
So, if you think you have lost, ...
... Why not call the reason your companions?
Each has his own ideas, ...
... I still think a little more sacrifice ...
... Our hungry bodies serve the cause better question ...
... That all your policy wise man.
If a soldier could get me a bullet in the heart ...
... Would be happy to end this way.
Hear what I'm reading.
Two workers in Marseilles ...
... Won the lottery hundred thousand francs.
And they said ...
... Will buy shares and will live in income.
now there is ...
... This is the idea that you have of French workers?
Un unearth treasure
to eat.
Missing you to return value to the poor ...
... Money that fate sends you.
You will never be worthy of being happy ...
... Unless you have something that you belong.
Yell to the rich but still poor, ...
... But the hatred of the bourgeoisie has only ...
... Jealousy is not bourgeois like them.
I hope the day that you may be nothing, stepped ...
... And thrown into the pigpen.
Someone will come to destroy the race of egoists.
Look, my brothers ...
... If my hands could ...
'd Get on the ground ... so ...
... And shake to
... We stayed under the rubble ,....
I wonder what will happen tomorrow when the Belgians fall in Voreux.
I know they allocated ammunition ...
... The soldiers who guard the mine.
Inputs or not?
Come on, enter.
The first thing I look sideways, his face delivery.
Venga, let's take a mug.
Rasseneur! Two mugs!
Let's celebrate the return to work.
Brinda conmigo.
Come, toast. Drink me.
Fuck all the bastards
they do not want to work!
If anyone does not like to say, we can discuss it!
In the world there are rogues and workers.
I left the company Deneulin.
Tomorrow I go down to Voreux
with twelve Belgians ...
... Charged me because I appreciate.
Then, top ...
... Salts night?
You expect the guards to sleep let you come?
Enough of shit traitor.
Get out of here.
You want to fight, huh?
Want to fight?
Say, Dude. I'll kill you.
Let me crack.
-Come on, try.
-Let me split it!
-Let me split it!
-Let me split it!
Since it is you want.
Join him, bitch!
Come, join him.
And do not turn to step onto this house.
No more advances.
If you see another weapon confusion.
Do not be sorry, do not lose anything.
You, after Chaval ...
... After you, other ...
... Why do it?
No, Catherine.
Thou art well.
I beg you.
But you are here?
You do not understand what I mean?
Do not want to see more.
Let me calm.
Drinking again?
-Yes, I drank, and then what?
Come, away!
disappears! I sleep.
Go back again with him.
Back with him! Out!
The Belgians, who motherfuckers!
Come on ...
... We have to warn
Close ranks!
Follow the foremen!
Training for protection Voreux!
Training in two lines!
Avoid the killing.
Entendermo try us.
I think we understand our anger.
Out! Do not force me to fulfill my duty.
It will not shoot women and children.
We are unarmed.
Dixei us pass. Be reasonable.
Out! I have
nothing to understand.
I order to monitor
Wells and I will watch them.
Do not move or my men will do the kicking.
We have nothing against vs.Bandidos!
Let us solve our issues between us.
I want to spend.
Horses have to eat.
For them it does the revolution.
Okay, go.
Let him go!
I have said it back!
Come cowards! Kill us!
There will be another ten thousand to kill.
Maheu care will kill you.
Disparai! There will still be ten thousand!
No. These pigs are going to kill you.
Kill us! Kill us now!
Come cowards!
What are you doing here? Go away!
You do you care!
Shoot if you dare!
Go away!
Want to shoot women? Come, shoot at!
It's very clear to you!
We are not Cossacks!
You'll shoot against the French?
Enough, enough! It calms them!
Stop the fire!
Bravo, bravo!
It is precious. It is stupendous.
Toast the health of young spouses.
Cheers, darling.
Your health!
From now on we have to study wages with caution.
Repeat this, by God.
Repeat this you are saying.
One can not live without doing anything.
At least we will have bread.
When you first try to work strangle him.
No, it would be too
first kill his father ...
... And soon after the children.
I just prefer that everyone in the hole, like it.
Mam promise cartel.
Say no more of the cartel, ...
... If we can make the goodies now ...
... We have already stripped the skin.
And what will become of us?
This home is theirs.
We ate hard bread,
but we were united.
When there is no hope
the joy of life disappears.
If we had known.
It is not possible to have to pay so dearly want justice.
Cheer up, we pass along.
And you also want to return mine ...
... After we stuck in this?
Do not do any repair, ...
... But if I were in your place, ...
I already had ... sorry ...
... Have done so badly to his companions.
My father is dead because of your guilt. Are you happy?
This strike was not used to anything.
Resumed work tomorrow, nothing has changed!
The old society no longer exist.
Born a new world ...
... But not disappear inequalities.
There will still be people smarter than others ...
... Who will live at the expense of the weak.
This has no solution.
What are you doing?
I return to work at the mine.
If mom does not want my money,
back to the Dude.
I can not stand being without doing anything ...
... And see how we die of hunger.
I pray thee, let me.
Home sweet home.
You can not do that.
Yes, I will accompany you.
Come, let us wear.
Where you going?
Still did not you?
I return to the mine.
Go home.
I am sending you, you understand?
Do not judge me.
You decide.
Then go.
Neither friend nor female.
Yes, goodbye.
Come on, hurry!
I do not know what is happening.
Not anyone.
It seems that everyone is gone.
Come on, hurry!
My God!
The cage!
My God!
Gamay Martin!
Marcel Laude!
Antoine chaval!
Antoine chaval!
Make it harder!
What happened?
It's a disaster.
Everything collapsed.
Had to be an attack.
There may be something else.
A bomb?
It is impossible.
You have to leave the old mine Rquillart.
Rquillart here.
I've lembro. here.
No, not talking.
I'll go Rquillart.
Come on, mate.
Come with us.
No, Ren. Rquillart is there.
Not so, asshole.
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Come, is here!
Not anymore.
Our only chance
is up the chimney.
Here you are. It's here.
We're saved!
We are trapped.
Come, let the boards!
Come on, hurry!
Come, come! Hurry!
Come, send the anchors!
Come, follow me. This way.
Come on.
Here, they answered me!
Come, quick!
Come on, hurry! I have heard!
I do not hear anything at all.
I tell you that I heard.
I hear nothing, Zacharie.
You're dreaming. Your dreaming!
Anatole! Gabriel!
Who goes there?
Another of fools who believed more easily than me.
Now beautiful, are you happy?
You wanted to join you to your man?
Very good.
We will die all three together.
We're trapped like rats.
Noticed in the background?
We can not attempt to exit through the cracks?
By fissures! Cracks!
Will see the cracks, ...
... Knocked up!
This is a trap.
There are two types dead.
I could pick up the lamp Gabriel. See?
Since you are so smart ...
... Tries to back up, ...
... If you know how to swim, go.
Our only way out is by Rquillart.
Yes, her.
Mommy! Is there. I heard it.
Let's save it.
Are you sure?
You do not have illusions?
If not found, it will be terrible.
No, Mom, is there.
I heard it. I'm sure.
You can continue to beat,
the water is rising.
Who will hear us?
We will die here.
Come, knock!
Go, knock!
Continues to beat!
Let her, by God!
-Shut up! Stay out!
Knock! s good beating.
Let me.
-Leave her alone!
Let me.
-Leave her alone!
It's my wife ...
... Is mine. I want it.
Let her or kill you!
Coward! You gonna kill me?
Come on kill me!
My son, my son.
My son!
Death extinguishes the flame.
Outside it will bien.
What fools we were to wait so long.
I wished you ...
... But did not understand me.
You remember those nights at home ...
... When you slept?
Escutvamo us to breathe ...
... We will.
Remember the day that gave me a slap?
I wanted you.
But do not think wanted en ti.
Thought, but that was it.
But he knew it would end up together.
I missed an opportunity.
Just nothing at all.
Just a little happiness
to get back to start.
So, okay, ...
... This time you will be with me?
Yes Yes
What's happening?
I'm happy.
This is home. Come Ccile.
Not anyone. What a shame.
Sir, Madam, ...
... Are seeking the neighbor?
Not was the Rquillart.
If qiserem have the key.
The old man is inside.
Thank you.
Good morning, good man.
Beware, not very polite.
It seems that there is something rotten in the brain.
What is it, good man,
is constipated?
Should make him an infusion.
Take, grandfather, a good
shoes for the winter.
Will not tell you thanks.
It's like giving pearls to pigs.
Leon, do not feel right.
Let's go to the car.
Do not forget your basket, Ccile.
Slam the door shut it will come with the key.
No! No!
No! Ccile!
My dear! My little! No!
Come on, hurry! We went down!
By surprise you see me?
certo who threatened to kill ...
... The first to come down ...
... And I who descends.
Would have to kill me, huh?
It would have done had it not been for the children and the old.
How is old?
But the brain does not work anymore.
Not condemned by it.
Wanted him to take for the madhouse, but I did not.
Not bad man.
Anyway took the opportunity to draw his pension.
And Jeanlin?
-Works. Make twenty cents.
With thirty I
gain are fifty.
If we were not six, we would have to eat.
Maxime now devours.
Will have to wait four or five years ...
... Until Leonore
Henri and can descend.
They too?
-What do you want?
Now touch it to them.
We leave the skin on it, ...
... Now play it to them.
Come on!
We gotta go!
Asim you go.
-Yes, I will.
You're right.
It is better to be elsewhere.
I am very happy to have you seen.
At least you know that I have nothing against you.
There was a time I was resentful with you, there were so many dead.
A pity, you know?
And I know the end of the day is not your fault po ...
... Is guilty of all.
How many things said about me!
It was said that touched me to you.
My God!
If I were younger, maybe.
Anyway, it was better not to pass anything.
Certaza now we'd be sorry.
Admittedly, we would be sorry.
If you are going, going home to fetch things.
Yet there are two shirts,
and your old trousers.
It is with them.
Someday you can give them to your children.
Its matured reason, ...
... Left side of the rancor.
Yeah, I said Maheude ...
... With your extaordinrio common sense ...
... Would be a good hit, ...
... Herding quietly ...
... Know each other, form unions ...
... When the laws permitted, ...
... And the day that everyone is united ...
... The day that millions of workers ...
... Fight will be ... with thousands of revolutionaries ...
... Seize power ...
... Finish the masters.
That dawn of truth and justice!
Now in heaven ...
... April the sun shone in splendor, ...
... And warmed the land that gave fruit
On all sides the grains swell, ...
... Grew, they broke the bark ...
... Requiring heat and light.
The profuse blood flowed
whispered ...
... The noise of the seed is
gave a big kiss.
with increasing force, ...
... As if they were closer to the ground, ...
... Companions beat.
Beneath the burning rays of the sun ...
This morning ... juvenile ...
... This course was that the land was needed.
The men grew, ...
... A black army ...
... Sprang avenger
slowly in the furrows, ...
... And bore fruit for
collected in the coming centuries, ...
... Germination and that would soon explode on the ground.