Get Paid (2022) Movie Script

(projector buzzing)
(upbeat music)
You're a different kind of beautiful
(crowd chattering)
(Donnie moans)
- How are we doing over here?
Are you guys all done?
- Yep, thank you.
It was so good.
- Oh, no problem.
Chef's always on point.
- Can I get the dessert menu, too?
- You sure can, I'll be right back.
I'll get it for you.
- Thank you.
- Man, I ain't never seen your ass eat like that.
You must have been hungry as hell, huh?
- Baby, when I tell you
I haven't eaten nothing barely all day,
and if you don't hurry and eat yours,
I'ma eat yours too.
Uh-uh, see.
- Look at you.
- You gotta be quicker than that.
If not, I'ma eat it all.
- Your greedy ass, look.
Matter of fact, take all of it.
- Thank you.
Oh, my goodness
'cause that skimpy-ass plate they brought me earlier,
ain't do nothing for me.
- All right, you guys. Here's your dessert menu.
- Thank you. - And as for you, sir,
the woman over there asked me to give you this box.
- What?
- Woman over where, what you talking about?
- She was just standing right over there.
I'm not sure, she might have left.
She just asked me to give you the box.
- Hold on. - This ain't mine.
- I know you ain't got bitches coming in here
giving you no gifts.
Open up the box and let me see what's in it babe.
- Man look, that ain't mine.
Look, I promise you that ain't for me.
- [Waitress] Sir, I was just doing what I was asked to.
- Exactly. - Just hang on for one second.
I'm gonna see if I can go find her.
Just give me two seconds, two seconds.
- Stop playing with me.
She came and gave you the box,
'cause the box is for you.
Open up the box and let me see what's in it.
- Man, what the fuck is this?
- Hmm, what should I get?
- Hello?
Hey, I know your ass hear me talking to you.
What the fuck is this?
Whose is this?
- It looked like it's for you.
Somebody trying to tell you they pregnant or something.
- Pregnant?
Hey look.
Only person I'm fucking is you and you know that shit.
- Well, thank you for confirming that for me.
That's nice to know.
In the meantime, where the heck did she go?
'Cause I had forgot to order some milk.
- Oh, shit.
Oh, your ass always playing, man.
Well, come over here, real quick.
- What baby?
- Your ass pregnant for real?
- No, we pregnant.
- Hell yeah.
(lips smacking)
- You excited?
- Hell yeah.
- I could not wait to tell you.
- Oh, shit.
Crazy as hell.
- Oh, they're gonna be so excited.
- Bitch, shut the fuck up and tell us where the money at.
I know you know where this nigga Paid keep his shit.
- I swear I don't know nothing about no money.
I swear to God. - Where the fuck is the money?
- You think it's a fucking game?
- No, no, I swear to God.
Please, look, my purse is right there,
you can have whatever is in my purse.
I swear to God, please just don't hurt me.
- Tell us where is the fucking money.
- I don't know nothing about it, I don't know.
- What the fuck am I supposed to do with $60?
You better tell me where that money at
before I shoot your broke ass.
(woman coughs) - Please.
- Bitch, you've got two seconds.
- Wait, please just look in the closet.
Please just go and look in the closet.
- Watch here while I go check.
And you better pray there's more than 60 fucking dollars
in the damn closet.
(tense music)
- Please don't hurt us.
Please don't hurt us, please.
- We ain't here to hurt nobody but we will if we have to.
- You don't have to, please.
- Don't fucking move. (gunshot fires)
- Oh my God, what did you do?
What did you do?
- Man, what the fuck, man?
What the fuck did you do?
Come on, man.
- No, oh my God.
No, what did you do?
- I didn't fucking wanna be here.
- All right, nigga chill.
Let me handle this shit.
- You didn't have to kill him.
What is wrong with you?
- You stupid motherfucker.
- We gotta fucking go.
- I told you to shut the fuck up.
- No, no, no, please, you don't have to do this.
No, no, no, no.
Please, please. (gunshot fires)
- We've gotta go, come on.
(tense ambient music)
- Man, I just keep thinking about all this money
that you're getting too.
Man, shit just keeps getting better every day.
For real.
You're really doing your thing out here, for real.
- Thank you baby.
- Yeah, but no, for real
all these businesses and everything
and on top of that, you got the baby on the way.
- I know.
- Man, you know I'm happy as hell, right?
- Yeah baby. You done said it at least 50 times,
but go on ahead to keep saying it
because I love to keep hearing that shit.
- Nah, but for real though, who gonna tell Decky
he got a little sister or brother coming?
- Oh, that's gonna be you
because we already know that he's a mama's boy
and I'm not about to have him jealous
or acting mad at me or nothing, okay?
- Man. Come on man.
He ain't gonna be mad at me.
Look, I'm just gonna fill him in the morning.
- That's cool.
Just to let you know,
I'm about to tell the boss tonight.
I cannot not hold it in any longer, baby, okay?
They've been wondering why I've been so cranky at the salon.
Why I've been feeling for certain foods and shit.
I got to tell them.
- I don't know why you can't wait until the morning
'cause I mean shit,
all y'all be doing is in there talking shit anyway.
- That is not all we be doing
'cause we also be getting to a major bag.
Baby man, I'm telling you, the business is slapping
the store and the salon.
I've been told you it was a good idea
to run that shit through there.
- I ain't never doubted you.
I just wanted you to keep your hands clean.
Just be collecting at the end of the day, that's it.
- I know baby.
- Come on.
- All right, you ready?
So yes, I was just thinking like, I'm so excited babe.
I'm so happy.
(ominous music)
- Man, what the fuck?
(woman screams)
- My baby.
No! (woman cries)
Caught a lick, upped the net, I'm the shit
100 bits on the net, shopping trip
Bad bitches never fuck with counterfeits
But a lame bitch level up with loose connects
Weigh the stacks, make a plan to attack
A hoe wack, her career cul de sac
My boy Zack sent another fire track
I'ma go ham, we gon' get that bag bag
Every morning 8:00 AM you bet I'm hitting the squats
So the gram look pretty with my ass on a yacht
All my bitches independent they be making a lot
Whole crew getting litty off a couple of bops
But if I gotta chase a check then I'm not nice
If I gotta send a threat, shoot the shot twice
And if the contract shit won't sign it
Bitch, I won't sign it
'Cause I got a lot of dope, stacking kilos
Fuck a bracket stash it all in Puerto Rico
So if a contract shit, I won't sign it
(upbeat music)
(air whooshing)
- I'm so tired of arguing with you, bitches
about the same damn thing.
Women have been wondering this shit for decades.
We will never know why men cheat.
- That's because you bitches don't listen to me.
I'm trying to tell you, if you take care of home
another motherfucker ain't gonna do it for you period.
- Period.
- Girl, you sound dumb as hell.
Michelle is around the house, cooking and cleaning
for that nigga Dre, he still cheated.
I did everything he asked and I still got fucked over.
- You too?
- Bitch, you did fuck his brother.
I'm pretty sure that's not something he asked you to do.
- I don't give a fuck.
That nigga ain't have to ask.
After all the hoes he fucked on me, he made it okay.
Besides I tried to resist, Bazo fine as hell, I couldn't.
- [Hairdresser] He 'ight.
- I ain't gonna lie.
It was hard for me to resist his fine ass too.
- Swear to God you hit.
- Swear to God baby.
- Yeah, what up though ladies?
How are y'all doing?
How are y'all doing?
Hey, what's the deal?
- It's all there?
- Man, don't play me, you know it's all there.
- I just gotta make sure.
Y'all niggas be sketchy nowadays, shit, that's all.
- Where Donnie at?
- In the back, minding her business.
I'll tell her you stopped by.
- Give her these two phones.
- Boy, you just don't stop.
Like you keep trying to shoot your shot.
She keeps telling you she don't wanna fuck with you.
- It don't hurt to keep hope alive
and plus she ain't never said no to my twin.
- Boy, she told your ass no,
you still wouldn't get the message.
- Exactly.
- Carry on with your little strategy.
Maybe one day you will get lucky, but until then
tell your cousin, Tracy, I got that new lipstick in
it's only 30 bucks, it's dope as hell
plus she told me to let her know when the new stuff came in.
- $30?
You can keep that shit.
My cousin Lauren told me you've been waxing on the prices.
- Grow up.
- I'll see y'all later.
- All right.
- All right, your big-headed ass is done.
- Yeah, it is big as hell.
- Yes mama, you got me together.
Yes, how much do I owe you?
- A whole lot 'cause that big ass head
took longer than expected.
- It ain't that big.
- Man, fuck all y'all bitches.
- She's a goddamn liar, that head is big as hell.
- Y'all got me fucked up.
- Damn bitch, what you gonna do?
Smoke your life away?
What's up?
- No, I'm just in here trying to process
what the fuck is going on and it just eases my mind.
- You know you don't have to be here
trying to process shit, right?
Why you don't just go home and get some rest?
I told you I got this didn't I?
- Yeah.
- Tugg dropped his off.
- Thanks.
- He also told me to give you these.
- Damn, he just don't give up, do he?
- Listen, he's gonna keep trying
'cause he really likes your ass.
I told him you ain't fucking with nobody right now.
- Girl, hell no, I don't wanna fuck with nobody.
Ever since this bullshit I got going on with Paid
I just can't even fucking concentrate
like he talking about he on his way here right now.
He wants to talk to me.
Girl, this shit is so fucking draining.
We've been arguing every single day.
- Listen, you don't even gotta talk about it.
You don't have talk about it.
Just go home, get you some rest, eat your Twizzlers bitch
'cause I know you got the munchies and to be honest,
you look fucked up.
Just 'cause you're wearing some fancy ass press-ons
bitch, don't make you look fancy.
Like on some real shit, I miss seeing my best friend happy
and just fine as fuck,
like you need to get this shit together.
This, mh-uh.
- I know.
- Seriously. - Thank you friend.
I love you. - I love you too, girl.
Ooh, this goddamn weed, oh my God.
- What you need to do is hit it.
You know what I'm saying?
- It's killing me, for real.
- It calms my mind and shit.
(knock on door)
I don't know, see who it is.
- Whatever man.
Fuck, think I could holler at you real quick?
In private.
- Look, if you need me, just holler,
I'll be right outside the door.
- All right, thanks friend.
- Holler at you for what man?
It's not like I'ma do shit to her.
- Nigga, I ain't say you was,
but with all the shit y'all got going on,
I just wanna make it clear that I got her back.
Not yours, but hers.
(Paid scoffs)
- Man look, she's gonna be all right.
- Get your drunk ass nigga.
(slams door)
- What's up?
- Look, I just need to holler at you real quick.
All right?
- About what?
- Look, I don't even talk to your ass no more
I ain't seen you in what?
Like a week?
Man look, I ain't trying to leave no low ass
or whatever, but man, I'm going to Atlanta.
- Boy, what?
Is you fucking retarded or something?
First of all, you smell like a fucking alcoholic.
Second of all, how the fuck you just gonna come
in this motherfucker
talking about you about to move to Atlanta
is you fucking stupid or something?
- Man, look, this is the best thing for me.
- Oh, for you?
- You still blame me for all this shit.
All you're trying to do is make as much money as you can Don
I don't even see your ass no more.
- The lies you tell, make my ass itch.
Okay, I ain't never blamed you for shit.
The only thing I said is you're wrong as fuck
for keeping that much money in that motherfucking house
like motherfuckers wasn't gonna come in there
and try to get that shit.
You talk too motherfucking much.
- Oh, there you go with that blaming shit again.
This is exactly why I'm going to Atlanta right now, man.
All you wanna do is fucking argue.
- Let me tell you something, right.
Go ahead and go to Atlanta.
Do whatever the fuck you gotta do
to make yourself feel better but I'm telling you now
when or if you ever come back to this bitch,
I won't be here waiting on your stupid motherfucking ass.
You know why?
'Cause you already know that my number one priority
is to stay the fuck out of my feelings
and stay the fuck in my bag.
Silly ass.
- Looks like I taught your ass well, right?
- Yeah, and wherever the fuck you at
don't you never forget that shit.
Get the fuck out my shit.
- I'm going.
- Here, I got something for you too.
Make sure to take some of this motherfucking money
with your broke ass to Atlanta.
- I'm gone bro. - Get paid motherfucker.
(slams door)
- Ooh, this is gonna be so delicious.
- I hate cooking.
I don't understand why you gotta sit here
and prepare all this is food, cook the food.
You don't know how it's gonna taste
and then you still gotta clean up afterwards.
- As long as it tastes good, that's all that matters, okay?
- That's the problem.
I don't ever know how mines is gonna taste.
- Baby, how about this?
How about you help me finish cooking.
We'll get the food all packed up and take it to the shelter
to serve the kids.
Now, I know it may bother you a little bit
being around them but I think it'll do you some good.
- I don't wanna talk about that right now, okay.
- Baby, that's the problem. You need to talk about it.
You can't keep this bottled up on the inside.
It's not gonna do you any good.
You know you can talk to me, right?
- I know ma.
I'm just so sad right now.
Like, I don't know why I can't stop watching that video
of what happened every single day and I just ask myself,
I ask myself God, why me?
Why not just one of my babies, but both of my babies
and then now Paid has left me.
I don't even know how I'm gonna get my life back together ma
- Baby, listen.
There were so many times that I wanted to give up,
but I had to keep pushing.
And when you came into my life, when you were three,
baby I had to fight
and baby, the first time you called me mama
and I looked in your face
I knew I had to keep pushing and fighting
because you deserved it.
- But that's the thing, mom, you had me, you had a child.
I don't have anybody.
I don't have my babies.
I don't have Paid, I'm all alone.
- Baby, listen, I understand and I get it,
but you are my baby and you always will be.
And just like I fought for you in the midst of your storm,
baby, I need you to put your head up
and fight for us too, okay?
Okay, come here baby.
Come here.
It's gonna be all right, I promise you.
Now come on, let's finish cooking.
Finish doing whatever you're doing there
so we can get this done.
Come on baby.
Come on.
- How much more we got?
- A lot.
- I'm gonna be here all night.
- Yes, and your bedroom is just as pretty and clean
as you left it, come on.
- I told you I got you, man.
You know what I'm saying?
You can trust me with the price and with your ice.
But not with your wife, you know what I'm talking about?
Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey.
Shawty switch on her baby like the seasons
Caught a lick now she married to the Visa
New ZIP, address looking European
New bitch, don't owe nobody a reason
- Hey, you hear me talking to you?
What's up?
You ain't paying attention to nothing I'm talking about.
- Yeah.
Keep telling me about lives and wives
or whatever the fuck you was saying.
- Listen, man, you need to get your mind right.
For real.
You're walking around like you're on drugs or something.
Paid got you dick whipped like that?
- Man, I ain't gonna lie.
I'm sick as fuck.
It's like ever since he left,
I just can't stop thinking about how good we used to have it
Like you already know, we used to have this bitch slapping
and like none of this would even be possible without him.
- Yeah, you're right.
I remember when y'all first opened this motherfucker
the grand opening was lit, nigga was fly
bitches was all on me.
Some cool shit, but that shit over with.
It's time for you to move on, man.
Right now, you're looking all trashed up.
That shit ain't cute at all.
- Okay, I know it ain't cute, but I'm fucked up.
I can't even concentrate on trying to figure out
what the fuck I'm gonna wear
'cause right now I don't even give a fuck.
- Here Donnie.
And don't listen to shit that Wops hating ass gotta say.
- Listen, man, if you was a real friend,
you'd keep it real with her too
and wouldn't be sugar coating shit.
- First of all, I am a real friend
'cause I understand that she's been through some shit.
You need to understand when to shut the fuck up, okay.
Don't nobody wanna hear how bad they look every day, dummy.
- Listen, I've been knowing this girl my whole life for one
for two, bitches only talk to me
when they wanna give me some money or some pussy.
- Nigga, Jesus couldn't give me to give you some pussy.
- Well Jesus turned water in to wine, not swine in to fine.
- Okay, listen.
I don't need y'all arguing about stupid ass shit, all right?
Kai's right.
I don't give a fuck about your opinion
on what the fuck I wear.
Shut the fuck up sometimes.
- Man, listen.
While y'all in y'all feelings, I'm finna go out.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- You play too fucking much.
(tense ambient music)
(Donnie grunts)
- No.
(Donnie grunts)
(Donnie sobs)
- Bitch, I'm so tired of seeing your long face
ass over there looking stupid.
Is you going to Moni's birthday party or not?
- Not.
I'm about to just chill tonight,
but y'all go pop bottles and fuck with ballers
or whatever the fuck y'all do when y'all at the club.
I'm straight.
- Girl, I think the fuck not.
You're definitely fucking going
even if I have to drag your monkey ass myself.
Listen, this is Moni party. You can't play her like that.
- Oh she's going and now that I'm finishing up Angie's hair,
bitch come sit down, I'm about to hook you up too.
- You ain't about to hook up shit
'cause I told you I'm not going.
- And we said you are going. Just give me five more minutes
and I'm about to work my magic on your ass too.
- You know Tina Maria ain't got that much magic,
but good luck.
- Nahnah, shut the fuck up.
- Yeah, shut up.
- You're always talking about how somebody look bitch.
When you get done with her,
you need to come sit your raggedy ass in my chair
so I could hook your shit up.
- Girl, no, thank you.
Last time I checked, you couldn't do no motherfucking hair.
Listen, that's why your customers always complaining.
- Hold on. Let me set this shit straight.
They got this hair game on lock.
Nahnah, you need to give pills out to your clients.
Like I got a perc for you.
I got a perc for you because the way you manhandled my hair
my hair still hurt from two weeks ago.
- Two weeks baby.
- If your nigga love me, just say that.
- Girl, I wasn't gonna say nothing,
but I would never sit my pretty ass in your chair again.
- Girl, this bitch talk too fucking much,
but the truth always gonna set your ignorant ass free.
Look at her client hair.
- Am I done?
- Bitch, you're good. - Thank you.
- Hey.
Hey y'all.
I hope y'all in here getting ready for my party later.
I need y'all all fine as fuck.
Donnie, you coming, right?
- I hadn't planned to.
- She's going, I'm about to get her together right now.
- Well, where is she taking him to?
What the fuck?
What is they doing?
- I don't know, but boss lady come have a seat.
- Well, that's your friend.
- Bitch, yours too.
The fuck.
Come have a seat.
- I do not feel like this shit.
- Hey Donnie, when you're done
I'm gonna beat your face to the gods, baby.
You're gonna be fine as hell, I promise you.
- Good luck with that.
- You're always fucking hating, all right.
- All the time.
- And I swear y'all better hook me up 'cause if y'all don't
I'm telling on y'all asses.
- I'm just trying to figure out
if she's in there fucking him.
Did she bring him all the way here to fuck him?
'Cause she took spot nudity to the next level.
I don't understand that.
- Or maybe something just fell.
She probably dropped the shampoo
and he helped her pick it up.
- Girl, bye.
- My thing is
why the fuck would she bring him here to do it?
I'm sure he got enough money to take her ass to a hotel.
- See that's what's wrong with y'all hoes, all right.
Y'all let a man tell y'all any fucking thing.
He look like the type of motherfucker
that trick all his money off on bitches like Moni
and the chains he got on fake as hell.
- True, true.
- Donnie, how you know that?
- Trust her.
- She knows.
(Moni moans)
- Oh shit, daddy.
Ah, it's my birthday.
(Moni moans)
It's the watch.
- It's the watch, one or two.
All you gotta do is let me finish in this motherfucker.
- Ah, shit.
(Moni moans)
Ah, shit.
Now watch.
Where is it?
My hand is in the dirt
From where they look when you're not
a hand in your purse.
- Well, stop fucking playing with me.
Where's my watch?
- Come here.
- Stop playing. Where's my shit at?
(Moni laughs)
- Thanks baby.
I knew you was gonna get it for me.
- Cheers girl.
- I fucking love y'all.
Y'all didn't have to do all of this.
- We love you too, girl.
- We definitely did,
but you didn't have to blow those candles out.
You know what you did with your mouth earlier.
- Ooh, nasty bitch, just nasty.
I don't think I want a slice of that cake either.
- Y'all bitches back on that?
- Bitch, we was never off it.
- See, y'all bitches out here fucking for free.
I didn't have to go there with that nigga, Joe.
And if I did, that's my motherfucking business.
I got tricks that allow me to get I want out these niggas.
- We already know your tricks but where's the treat though?
- Bitch, you see that nigga dropped crazy today.
- Water test it though.
- Oh, don't play.
Anyways, he wanted to go in there
to make your customer jealous.
Shit I gave a little, and I gained a lot.
- I know that's right.
- What, what the fuck y'all looking at?
- Nothing.
Some hoes gotta make excuses to make they self look good,
but I'ma get the truth out of you.
You're gonna spell all them beans.
- Never.
- Trifling ass.
- Now shut up and cut this cake before I use this knife
to slice one of y'all raggedy ass bitches.
- Girl, give me the knife so I can cut the cake.
So silly.
Damn, this is my jam.
Look, tell me what's the vibes, what's the mood
I just hit up Mikey for the jewels
Ain't no cappin' I'ma tell the truth
- Wait a minute. Y'all see the niggas over there?
- Over where?
- Girl, I'm thinking a couple of dollars too.
- They're fine this hell and cut this cake
so we go shake our ass.
- Man, fuck cutting that cake.
- Oh okay.
- I'm ready to go shake my ass just like you said.
Come on y'all.
Ain't no way you can outwork me, boy I live for this
Sippin' Essentia, that's the essentials, I'm influential
Straight from the mental, that's fundamental
On instrumentals, speed up the tempo, we got potential
- Come on Moni, let's go take a shot, it's your birthday B.
- Damn, why you all up in my space?
- Damn, my bad baby, I ain't trying to offend you.
I just think you're looking all good.
I'm seeing what's up with you.
- Oh you was just trying to see
if you was gonna dance with her, I see.
- Stop playing.
- Listen, I hear what she's saying.
What you saying though?
- What I'm saying is that I don't wanna dance with you
and I don't have time to chop it up with you, all right.
If you look around,
you've got plenty of other bitches that you can choose from
don't waste your time with me.
- Listen, I ain't thinking about them, I chose you,
but you're being so cold.
Maybe you'll let me warm that up for you one day.
- Maybe not.
Come on Zay.
- That still don't mean no.
- You shot your shot though, it's all good.
- I'm gonna always shoot my boy.
Now get us some drinks though.
- So this one, we have three different colors
black, red, white.
- What's up?
I heard you was out city girling last night,
doing your thing, but then back to this again?
You look like shit.
Ain't no nigga gonna give you no dick looking like that.
- You know what?
I'm so tired of y'all being concerned
about what the fuck I wear
like damn, I'ma get it together.
I did go out yesterday and it was cool
but you already know what I did when I got home.
- You watched the video again?
- Yes, I don't know what the fuck I can't stop
watching this video man.
Man, I just want the motherfuckers
to pay for what the fuck they did.
- Listen, man.
Stop doing that.
Karma gonna get its revenge.
You keep watching that shit
ain't gonna do nothing but hurt your feelings every time.
For real, man.
- Rico, can I help you with something?
- Yeah, you can help me by going on a date with me.
Let me guess, you ain't fucking with a nigga.
- Hell no, I ain't fucking with you
especially if you just came in here on some creep ass shit
- Creep shit?
- Man, what you looking for?
- Girl, I just came here to get some of these Branded
growth drops.
- And I'll take this from you.
- Man, stop fucking playing with me.
Man, stop.
Give me my fucking book.
- Now you need to chill out, man.
- Okay, I don't wanna hear that shit.
You said you have something important to ask me.
What's up?
- Listen man, you can change the subject all you want
until you deal with that shit, it's gonna haunt you.
- Okay.
- But I need a little favor, a little one.
- For some reason, I got a feeling
that your favor's gonna be bigger than your ego.
- Nah, I just need you to do a drop for me real quick.
- Have you lost your fucking mind?
Hell no.
You know, I don't even fuck around like that.
- Listen, you know you the only one I can trust.
My baby mama caught me fucking with her sister.
Her sister caught me fucking with her cousin.
Her cousin seen me with her auntie.
- Messy, just some messy ass shit with you.
- Listen it's with my relative though.
It's gonna be real quick.
- I don't give a fuck who it's with.
Like what the fuck your cousin even on?
- Nothing, for real, that nigga kind of square, man.
He be about his money, that's about it.
He ain't got nothing going on like that.
Five minutes.
- You know what?
I'm gonna do it this one time for your ass
and it's only 'cause I'm trying to get paid,
but I swear to God if your cousin give me any problems,
I'm gonna fuck your ass up.
- Listen girl, you gonna be as Gucci as your shirt, man.
Appreciate you.
- Bye Wop.
(upbeat music)
I'm a bad bitch every day of the week
If I hop up on the mic, they gonna play it on repeat
cash 100 million check, I get paid just to breathe
Get it 24/7 'cause I slay in my sleep
(Donnie clears throat)
- What up though?
- What's up?
- Nothing.
Wop told me to give you this.
- Yes, Wop said a whole lot.
He ain't tell me the ice cold princess
was dropping this bag off.
You're that chick I met the other night, ain't you?
- Listen, I don't know who you met the other night,
but it wasn't me, all right?
- So you gonna lie like that? You know you ain't right?
If it ain't you, take that mask off then.
- Listen,
I don't got time to chit chat with you or play games here.
I gotta go.
- Baby, it ain't a game at all.
I just know what I know.
So take that mask off so I can see your pretty face.
I mean, unless you're scared or something,
I am kinda addictive.
- Just make sure I get my bag back, all right.
- Damn, it's like that?
You ain't gonna at least tell me your name?
If I hop up on the mic, they're gonna play it on repeat
- My name Don. Most people call me Donnie
but you ain't gotta call me nothing.
- Listen, I'll think of something to call you
in the meantime, call me Early until the next time I see you
Matter of fact, call me your future.
You hear me?
Because I feel real good about us, with your fine ass.
This girl.
(upbeat music)
- Lenny, what the fuck you been at?
You were supposed to be here hours ago.
We was just about to go.
- Look, I figured look,
I got caught up on the block earlier.
- I ain't trying to hear that shit.
- No look.
Some crazy shit popped off with Luther
and the niggas he be running with.
So, you know, I had to step in the middle
intervening and dead that shit real quick.
- Is you stupid or something?
How many times I gotta tell you
to not fuck with Luther and his boys?
They ain't shit but trouble.
- Look, hold on. I agree with you 100
but I need that nigga Luther to keep putting in work for me.
Shit, this is motherfucking business.
I try not to get myself involved with personal matters,
but shit, fuck it.
- Nigga, same here.
That's why if your ass ain't get here
with that money tonight, I was coming to nuke your ass.
- Yeah, whatever.
All right.
- Bye.
- What's up square ass nigga?
- Get with it.
- You must owe somebody some money.
I ain't seen you in a minute.
- Nah. Hell no, man.
Just trying to stay low and out of the way.
- Hey, I'll holler at y'all, aye Zay next week.
- Next week. - Bye.
- I'm about to take this trash out and I'm gone.
- Oh no, you can leave the trash there. He'll take it out.
- Oh he can.
- But hey, text me when you get home
so I know you made it safe.
- I will.
- And could you drop that in the office for me?
- [Zay] All right.
- She's going to make it.
- What's up?
- Good looks on that move the other day.
- Yeah, you still owe me.
- I do, I do.
And what's up with you and my rally, man?
That nigga keeps speaking up on you.
He on your bumper for real.
- On my bumper?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
- It mean he like you Donnie.
He good peoples though, that nigga about his business.
I told that nigga.
- I hope you told him I'm not interested
and that's all you need to say on my behalf.
- Nah, I ain't telling him that,
but that nigga good people though.
He be on his business, man.
Y'all look good together.
Like a little Bonnie and Clyde type situation.
You know what I'm saying?
- Okay, but I already told you I'm straight.
So what's up? What you want?
Why you even here?
- Oh, shin dig tomorrow night, cards.
You know what I'm saying? Drinks.
Some money, pull up.
I know you ain't got nothing here to do.
- You know what?
I might come through your little weak ass party
or something.
I don't know, but you better not have no fucking tricks
up your sleeve.
- Girl, don't nothing be up my sleeve with Rolex for one,
for two, you know what I'm saying?
Drinks, party. You know, it's gonna be easy money.
- See that's the trick in itself
'cause you don't ever win shit.
All you do is lose.
- Anyway, foundation your face and put some clothes on
so you don't look like one of my little niggas and pull up.
- Hey man, get the fuck out Wop.
All right.
Oh no. Don't forget to take your trash with you.
Yeah, take that with you.
- I'm done.
- Bye.
- Hey check this out, right?
Y'all finna think y'all next is tongue
'cause I'm finna be saying that shit.
All night on this bitch.
- Boy, you swear.
- Stop playing, that's how you fucking gone and lost
all your money last time.
- Would you please tell him again
'cause he don't never wanna listen to me
when I tell him he's going to lose.
- Listen, don't tell him shit.
If he lose, he lose.
- Lose?
You got me fucked up.
You know I've got a bad habit of winning
around this motherfucker.
- Man, y'all thought to my man.
- You would like that wouldn't you?
- Now let me tell y'all what I got.
- Nothing.
- Is you stalking me or something?
And you're dressed like me?
Where the fuck do you even come from?
- Girl, I started this fresh shit
and I've been here the whole time.
You ain't seen me 'cause you were so busy playing cards.
- Okay. Well could you please move away from me?
Okay, while you all looking at my hand,
telling people what I got.
- No, what you got then?
Apparently nothing.
- I got that fuck up in my hands, thank you very much.
- I wouldn't do it if I was you, baby
'cause you ain't got nothing.
- I might not have nothing,
but you're gonna have a black eye
if you don't move your ass from by me,
damn, I'm trying to win this money
and I'm telling y'all I'm about to throw out.
- Don't do it.
- You know what?
You go on and sit down there and play the game
since you're so good at it.
Go and take a seat and go ahead and play.
I'm gonna go get some food.
- Hey, get back in this loser section right here.
Come on.
- Y'all are in the loser section, okay?
Early gonna make sure of that. Ain't that right Early?
While you're the best at playing talk and shit.
- I wouldn't say all that, but I know for a fact
your hand ain't got nothing in there.
Look, I'm gonna get something to eat.
Biscuit, take over her hand for me my boy.
- I got it my nigga.
- I don't give a fuck.
As long as there's money on the table.
- Uh-uh, hold on lil' Wayne
where your money at?
- Damn, trick-trick.
- You called that nigga lil' Wayne.
- Shit, it's light.
- Man, who the fuck dealt these cards man?
- Me, me.
- You sure ain't shuffle these bitches.
- Man whatever, put your money where your mouth is,
where the rest of that money at?
- Girl. you better get yourself this chicken
before I eat it all up.
- Oh, I'm about to get some, that look good.
- It's good as fuck.
- Put me some on your plate too, I'm starving.
- Make your own plate, okay.
Only persons plate I'm making is my man's.
- So that's why you've been giving me a hard time
'cause you already got a man?
- Actually, I dumped with your nosy ass.
- Then why you've been giving me a hard time then?
- Ain't nobody giving you no hard time.
I just don't know what you want from me.
- I want nothing. I just, you know,
get to know you a little bit.
Take you out, show you a good time.
Just trying to get in that head of yours.
- What you wanna know about me?
- First off, where you get the name Donnie from?
- Why?
You don't like my name or something?
- No, it ain't like that.
I think it's cute.
I mean just kinda like, you know,
Donnie like a boy name
and how a fine woman like you get the name Donnie.
- Well, my real name is Don.
That's the boy name. - Okay.
- It means money in Korean so my mama named me after money,
but I hated that
because everybody used to make fun of my name
so I had everybody start calling me Donnie.
- Oh Don, huh?
Well I like money and I like your name even more.
- Do you? - Yeah I do.
And like I said before,
you know I like the way you move
there's some about you that's sexy as hell.
- I know,
but that ain't about to get you what you looking for.
- Then what will?
Because I told you, the feeling is between us.
- Them motherfuckers out there cheating man.
I already lost some steak fucking around
with that dumb ass hand y'all niggas gave me man.
- Listen, how many times I had to tell you
that hand wasn't about nothing.
You should have trusted me, dawg.
I understand the ice cold princess not listening, but you,
you're my boy.
- Whatever nigga.
- Would you please stop calling me that silly ass name.
Shit, I'd rather you call me Don.
- Okay Don.
My bad.
So what's up?
You'll let me take you on that date?
- Date nigga?
When's the last time you've been on a fucking date?
- Bro, it's been a while.
But shit, this fine foreign thing
make me wanna do a lot of stuff I ain't did in a while.
You hear me?
- Whatever nigga.
- You're gonna let me take you out baby, huh?
- I'm gonna give you one date
if your ass will leave me alone.
- All right.
- [Zay] Damn bitch, you're looking fine as hell.
- Thank you.
- I must admit, it's been a while
since I've seen you glowing like this bitch.
You really liking this nigga, huh?
- I ain't about to say all that,
but that motherfucker is fine as hell.
- As fuck.
- And I'm just interested to see what he even on, you know?
- I mean,
shit I'm surprised you even gave the nigga
the time of the day.
Like all that shit that happened with Paid and shit.
Speaking of, have you heard from Paid?
- Girl, that motherfucker ain't called me
and said one single word, but you know what?
That's cool 'cause I'm trying my best to leave my past
in my past. - Period.
Oh shit, I hope you really like this nigga.
He can make you happy.
- True, me too 'cause the way these men set up nowadays.
- They ain't shit.
- Girl.
Ooh, they get on my nerves.
- [Early] Damn, this food was good.
How did you choose this spot
out of all the places in the city to go?
- Well number one,
'cause I already knew they food was good as hell.
And number two, 'cause I know one of the owners, Mike
he always showed me love
so I come in here and fuck with him and number three,
I wanted to make sure my bossties will be close.
You know, in case I needed to get up outta here on you.
- Wow. Bossties.
What's that?
- Well, they're my besties and they're all boss ass bitches
so I call 'em my bossties, you know?
- Okay, you say they're close by.
I mean, where they at?
- Oh, they're right over there.
That's Zay, Moni and Nahnah, my besties and my protection.
You know?
- Oh my God, it's your protection, huh?
I mean what they was gonna do if shit went left?
If I was a crazy nigga or something.
- Is you kidding me?
Man, them boss ass bitches will fuck your ass up.
They don't play no games about me, okay.
So you better be happy I've been over here smiling
'cause as soon as I started frowning,
they was already advised to come over here
and do some shit to get me up outta here, okay.
- Well look baby. I'm happy you're smiling
'cause I don't want to get jumped by your crew.
I don't want the bossties to fuck me up,
but shit, I brought my protection too.
I ain't know how tonight was gonna go.
Them the Metro boys,
you know my dawg Biscuit, that's my dawg Scooch
and that's my dawg Biggs.
- So you needed protection against me?
The little ice princess?
- Yeah.
I mean, I ain't know how things are gonna turn out
plus you're so hard to read.
Most of the stuff I know about you, Wop told me,
I mean, but he also told me you're sweet as pie, so.
- Well that's cool,
but anything you wanna know about me.
The good, the bad and the ugly, you could ask me.
You ain't gotta ask Wop, okay?
- Okay.
I mean, I like to think that great minds think alike.
I mean, you brought your people, I brought mine,
but the next time we go out,
we're gonna leave 'em at the crib.
- All right, that's the bet.
And the next time, you're gonna pick the restaurant
and I'll pay the bill.
- Nah, that ain't how it work.
As long as I'm around, I got us.
You ain't gotta worry about that.
- Okay.
- [Early] Oh, that's y'all little head nod
that's how y'all doing it?
- You see what we got. - Okay.
- Now let me see what you and your boys got.
Oh, y'all real smooth.
Y'all don't have no words. No sign language.
No nothing. - No.
I ain't gotta do none of that.
He already know what time it is without me saying a word.
- Damn, I can't wait to train you like that one day.
- I can't wait either.
Easy, easy now
Easy, easy now
(hip hop music)
- Baby.
- Now Leon, you know it's supposed to be three nigga.
This is your last time coming up short, for real.
I hate dealing with niggas like you.
Get the fuck up out of here.
- I know you love me. - Bye Leon.
- I'll be back.
- Damn working ass.
Huh, Drip Eliantte
Pulling up feeling like Harry Belafonte
Look at my racks
Feel like Serena 'way hit from the back, swing
Pull up like gym, waves on swim
And I rock Timbs with the tags
Butterfly doors on the Tesla
I don't spend shit on gas
Hunnid fifty bucks, I be at the strippy club
Whisky sippy cup, I be on like Disney Plus
Emperors New Groove, all my cheese blue
Bitch got a twin and she let me hit it
Hold up freaky lil' mami wanna suck me till I sleep
I can't even lie, yeah she being a little creep
Now she wanna airdrop me pic, double D's
And she don't charge a fee, they're for free e, e, e, e
Huh Drip Eliantte
Pulling up feeling like Harry Belafonte
Look at my racks
Feel like Serena 'way hit from the back, swing
Pull up like gym, waves on swim
And I rock Timbs with the tags
Butterfly doors on the Tesla
I don't spend shit on gas
- Nigga, is you fucking serious?
You're just gonna disrespect me
like I'm not sitting right here?
Nigga, let's fucking go.
Embarrassing me in front of all these bitches.
- Damn bitch.
Why the fuck you walking in here
looking like a million dollars?
Bitch, I see you.
Say Mrs. Put that shit on, huh?
- I mean, you know, a little something something.
- It's about goddamn time.
Girl, I thought bury your ass in motherfucking shoes
and Goddamn glasses.
- Girl, your stink ass always got something to say, okay.
- I'm just saying praise God, bitch you look good.
You look blessed.
- They're right, friend.
You is fine as hell.
Only a nigga could prop you to get your shit together
like that.
It's a nigga with some money.
Now, who is he?
I might know that nigga.
- Hey Donnie, don't tell her shit.
You know, she might try to fuck him.
- First off, this ain't got nothing to do with no man, okay.
I mean damn, can a bitch just wanna like
get herself together, get a little makeover going on?
- As long as you wash your ass,
I don't give a damn about nothing else.
- Girl, you're the only dirty motherfucker in here, okay?
- But you love me though.
I'm just saying,
I'm just glad your miserable ass is finally happy.
Praise God.
- Anyway.
Zay, can you come up here real quick?
- [Zay] Okay.
Go look in the mirror and let me know what you think
I'll be right back.
What's up?
- Girl, I'm about to go out with Early again, all right?
You swear.
But look, can you please lock up for me?
- Girl, I got you.
- Okay, but if you need me to call somebody to walk you out.
- Girl, no worries, I got you.
I'm just glad y'all kicking it off good.
Bitch, you really feeling him, ain't you?
- I ain't gonna lie, a little,
but I'm just trying to see where it's gonna go, you know.
- Hopefully far because bitch he is fine as fuck.
- He is fine.
- I'm just like wondering why we ain't ever seen him before.
Like considering the fact him and Wop cousins.
- He really just be chilling, staying out the way,
he don't really run with a lot of people.
- I mean, that's good too, but enjoy your night
and if you need me, just send me your location.
- Okay, I will.
All right, thanks. - You're welcome friend.
- Love you. - Love you too.
- What's up, baby?
- Hey, when you asked me to meet you here,
I didn't know you were gonna bring me to a rooftop.
- Yeah, I wanted you to see this view,
plus I know you, you wanna take some pictures for Instagram
or something.
And I brought you something.
- For me?
- Of course.
- Oh my God. What is it?
- I hope you like it.
- My God, I love this.
Dang, thank you.
I love this. I didn't know we were exchanging gifts.
I would've brought you something.
- Nah, you ain't gotta bring me nothing.
I'm just glad you brought your fine ass up here.
- Wow.
- Why don't you come over here with me?
Why you still standing there?
- Because shit, I'm afraid of heights and we up high as fuck
- Let me help you face your fear. You ain't gotta be scared.
- Oh please, can we just go downstairs
and have drinks please?
I don't wanna come over there.
- Listen, I got you.
Come on, come on.
You know what I want you to do?
I want you to close your eyes.
Put your hands up, sit this right here.
Hold your arms straight up.
- Boy, this ain't no Titanic shit.
- Listen, trust me.
Just close your eyes.
Now tell me what you really afraid of.
- I told you I'm afraid of heights.
- Nah, it's deeper than that.
What you really afraid of?
- I'm afraid of dying.
I'm afraid of falling and hurting myself.
I'm afraid of somebody killing me, I'm scared of death.
- Listen, baby.
I got you.
I'm telling you, I promise I got you.
As long as I'm around, ain't nobody gonna hurt you.
Ain't nobody most definitely not gonna kill you.
Now tell me, what you really worried about.
- I guess nothing, baby.
Especially with your arms around me like this.
You made me feel so safe.
- Good 'cause I don't wanna let you go.
- Do you know how broken I am?
I don't think you know.
- Listen, we've all been through some things
and that don't bother me one bit.
Hell, I'm broken too, but we gotta move forward
and make the best out of it.
Let that guard down and just let me in.
- For what?
So you can hurt me, so you can leave when shit gets rough?
- No, that's that shit weak niggas do.
I can do better than that. I'm talking way better.
Just let me in, and I promise you won't regret it.
I promise.
(r&b music)
- Donnie, do you have any more the female collection
light weight in the back?
- I don't even know. I ain't been back there,
but I'll go look real quick.
- It's okay, I'll go back there.
- All right, thank you.
- You know, even though she ain't gave me no pussy yet
she a real good friend.
She work this motherfucker
better than most of the bitches that work here for real.
- Oh, trust me I know.
I'm mad as hell her rich ass won't work here longer
than I need her.
- Hey, but fuck all that.
What's up with you and my rally man?
Look at you smiling and shit.
Every time I talk to him, he talking about you.
What y'all got going on?
- Man, I ain't gonna lie.
It's going better than I expected.
He romantic, his fine ass giving me gifts and stuff.
- Oh, okay.
- So that mean you gave that nigga
some of that yum yum sauce, huh?
- No, I'm not one of these trick ass bitches
that you're used to dealing with, okay.
But for when I do decide to fuck your fine ass cousin
I'm not gonna tell your big mouth ass, all right.
Now give me the rundown on him 'cause I wanna know.
- Shit, the nigga wait squared for real?
He about his bag. You know what I'm saying?
No bitch drama. You know what I'm saying?
No baby mamas, just about his money.
Just like you, you actually owe me for the hookup.
You know what I'm saying?
- No, you owe me from doing that drop the other day.
- Donnie, I found this in the bag, but this is the last bit
so make sure you order it today.
- Okay, thanks.
Oh, and please,
could you pull two 18 inches for Shannon?
And when she gets here,
give her a free Branded miracle drop.
- Free? - All right.
- You're always giving somebody something for free.
You ain't gave me shit for free.
- You don't deserve shit for free
and being nice is what I do, okay
unless a motherfucker like you get on my bad side.
- Yeah, I'll be sure to let my cousin know
you got six different personalities.
Only two of 'em is cool.
- You are retarded okay.
- I got you.
(all chattering)
- That's your boy JB?
That's your boy JB?
Let's shoot these motherfuckers.
Listen, man I'm about to take all y'all niggas money.
Both y'all niggas gonna be putting them chains up
in a minute.
Yeah nigga, try something nigga.
What you wanna bet?
I got $5,000 right here, you ain't get mad.
- Wait babe.
Let me shoot the dice.
- Hell nah.
- What the fuck?
- It's Wop's connection.
- Y'all are some haters though.
- Y'all niggas ain't for real.
Let a professional do what a professional do.
You ain't never deal with these baby.
- Baby, I am a professional, okay.
This is what I do.
- Man, fuck all that man. Roll the motherfucking dice, man.
- Man, calm your ass down.
Nigga, you're always tripping.
Take these niggas paper baby.
Come on now, listen.
- I'm trying to tell you, I'm trying to get a new chain.
- It's a lot of money on the floor.
Now you can't lose to these niggas, let's go, baby.
- Baby, do I look like a loser?
- Hell no, baby.
- I ain't gonna lose.
You know what I'm saying?
- Oh nigga, it's a bet.
Let's get it.
- I'ma follow that train.
- Let's get it.
- Put the money on the floor.
- Come on baby, we gotta win.
- Ain't this bitch 'cause where the fuck my store at
some more.
(Donnie screams)
- Yeah, I told y'all hoe niggas up.
Give me my motherfucking money man.
- [Don] I told y'all.
I told y'all.
- As a matter of fact, bet it all nigga.
(hip hop music)
I'm so fucking cute bitch
I'm so fucking cute
Add it to the bill sis
But I'm so fucking cute
Kawaii, cutie on the beat, cooking up the heat
OMG, booty like Kylie but shawty Taiwanese
Did you see her on the magazines
and Times Square on the screens
Just like Ri, Fenti on my cheeks
Savage on his D, in the gym, sweaty RIP
practiced in thai-chi
- Tore their ass up, you hear me?
Fuck them niggas stunting on my baby.
- Damn, you're gonna at least let me thank you.
- One kiss.
(hip hop music)
I'm interested in making M's opposed to making friends
Double bags, I've been paranoid having the safest sex
I'll take the check
finishing this drink should only take a sec
But more than next, you can take a guess
Beat the pussy up, and I beat the odds too
Got a lot to prov5, Elle Woods with the law school
I am not a wave, I'm a monsoon
Send her on her way
After she blow me like some hot soup
(Donnie moans)
Ooh I love her shape, I swear to God its hard to look away
Proved to me you got it it girl
I gotta see how that pudding taste
Got me in the comments
saying shit I probably shouldn't say
I like girls who earn a bunch
- Okay Zay, let me call you back, okay.
I know, but I don't know why you're arguing with them.
You can't control them.
- [Zay] I know, but the way that bitch talked to me
was unacceptable.
She could never come back into the shop again.
I just wanted to warn you just in case she calls.
- Oh, she not gonna call me and if she does,
I'm going to put her in her place
and I'm gonna let you know she called me.
All right.
- What's wrong with Zay?
- Nothing, she got a irritating customer at the salon.
Somebody bugging out,
but I told her don't feed off into the negative energy.
You know? - You told her right.
All right, girl.
I am excited about meeting your new little friend.
- Oh, I'm excited for you to meet him.
- I am, but I hope he's excited with my food.
You think I cooked too much?
- No, but if there's left overs,
you already know I'm taking them.
- I know you will.
Donnie, I gotta tell you baby.
You are looking so good.
- Thank you.
- And I know this little young man
is the one who's responsible for it.
I'm looking forward to seeing him.
Well, Donnie, did you tell him what happened yet?
- No. And please don't mention it, okay.
I already told Wop the same thing
'cause the last thing that I want
is for somebody to feel sorry for me.
- I understand, you gotta do what's best for you,
but what time is he gonna get here 'cause it's almost seven.
- It's 7:10 and he is late again.
(knock on door)
- Nope, he's right on time.
Now, don't be so hard on him.
You get the door and I'm gonna get the drinks.
- Damn baby, you're looking good.
- Thank you , but come on, you're late.
Oh I know you was gonna buy me something
'cause you was late.
- These ain't for you.
You're always getting something.
I brought these for your mama, baby.
- But she don't even like flowers.
- Girl, the lies you tell.
These are beautiful.
Thank you so much.
I'm Vivica and it's a pleasure to meet you.
- Pleasure to meet you as well.
Hope you like 'em.
Donnie over here hating.
- Boy, don't come on me like that.
- I absolutely love 'em and you might share hater.
I'm gonna put them in a vase
so you can hate a little harder.
- Oh I know y'all in on that hating stuff together.
- Nah, never that.
Man, I can't even begin to tell you
the last time I ate like that.
You did your thing in the kitchen Ms. Gilbert.
- Well thank you.
- And listen, I'm stuffed.
I can't eat another bite, I swear.
- I remember you said that the last time I fed you,
but we ain't about to go there.
- But you ain't never fed me.
I remember.
- Early, listen,
I have a good piece of cake
that I would like for you to try.
It's been Donnie's favorite since she was a little girl.
- Ooh, it's so good.
- Okay, I ain't too big on sweets,
but I'll take a real small piece.
- Oh, it's good baby, you will love it.
- Why you in here talking like that in front of your mama?
- What?
- You know I'm here with my good boy sweater on
trying to put on a good first impression.
You're talking about the last time you fed me
with your nasty ass.
- Boy, my mama cool as hell, okay
she ain't paying us no mind.
- Can't be doing that.
- All you gotta know is that she like you
and if she like you, then you know I like you.
- Don't try to be on my good side now
but tell me more about how you like me, baby.
You like me a little bit or you like me a whole lot?
- Baby, I like you a whole little.
- See you always playing. That's your problem,
but you're gonna pay for it later on tonight.
- Oh, I can't wait.
- All right, here's a piece for you.
- [Don] Thank you.
- [Vivica] You're welcome.
Now taste it and let me know what you think.
- Let me see what this cake about.
- Yes.
- See, this cake is so good, I'm gonna need a piece to go.
You hear me?
I'm telling you, it just melted right in my mouth.
- I remember when you told me that too.
- What?
- Well I'm glad you like it and I hope you can finish it.
But in the meantime,
I need somebody to tell me who fed who what
and what melted in who's mouth.
- I don't know what Donnie talking about.
You know she's crazy.
Right baby?
- Mama, stop acting like you're Claire Hustabal
you know exactly what I'm talking about.
- Look, whatever, that's between y'all.
All I gotta say is
if my food taste better than whatever Don talking about,
you can say it, go ahead.
- So, who do you want to feed you again?
I'm in the big leagues
Told you don't miss me, balling like Houston.
Hey, feeling like Whitney.
- Damn baby.
Save some for the other bitch
you about to leave me in the parking zone entry.
You good though, I appreciate you.
That's that nigga JB over there.
I'm about to holler at that nigga for a minute.
You good Early?
- I'm good my baby.
Hey, let me know what's going on with JB later.
Hey Biggs, go with that nigga bro
'cause you know how niggas be trying to play it.
- [Biggs] I got you. - My nigga.
- Okay, so look baby.
I was thinking you could take me to the mall on Saturday
because I gotta go to the baby shower Sunday.
I need something. - Hey dawg.
Can I holler for a minute?
- Zay, come to the bathroom with me real quick.
- Hey look, let me holler at this fool real quick.
Grab me a drink, I need to fuck with this crazy man.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Nigga.
What's up?
- Look nigga.
I ain't trying to get at you the wrong way or nothing,
but you really think it's a good idea
to have old girl and dumb ass hoes around?
Especially every time we talking and conducting business.
- Nigga, we conducting business right now.
So why you even bringing that shit up?
- Nigga 'cause we was.
She was around last week when I made that drop
and I heard you mention something to her
about the fucking plug.
Plus you've been giving that bitch a lot of money lately.
Like she's the one supplying your fucking ass.
That ain't sitting right with me cuz.
On top of that, every time I call you,
you either at her house say borderline,
well she got you pussy whipped or something nigga?
- Nigga, is you fucking jealous of something nigga?
I'll be wherever my fucking feet take me nigga.
Every time she come around, your face is all twisted up
like it's an issue nigga and that's a you problem to me.
You hear me?
Matter of fact, if you paid enough attention.
You would know she move like we move
she just want to get paper.
You just the type of nigga
always making nothing out of something.
- Look nigga, you trust her all right.
You trust her, I don't.
Besides, I'm just worried about her fucking up our money,
that's all.
Especially since your ass over here playing Lover-boy
and shit and not focused on the business
like you're supposed to.
That's all the fuck I'm saying.
- And all the fucking I'm saying
is mind your fucking business
and stay the fuck out of mine.
You hear me?
If and when I fuck up the business, me and you got
then you say something, until then
stay the fuck out my business.
What the fuck is wrong with you, pussy ass nigga?
- You got it, bro.
- What's up, Donnie?
- What's up Tugg? What's going on?
- Where is Zay at?
- It's her day off so she ain't here,
but did you need something?
- The only thing I really need is you.
- Boy.
- I bought you something.
- [Don] Did you?
- Yeah, yeah. - Let me see.
- Two tickets to the Jeezy concert.
- You know, I love Jeezy too.
- I know you do. I know he's your favorite.
- I didn't even know he was in concert,
but I ain't gonna lie, I got a man now.
- Wow.
- I know. So if I do go, I'm gonna go with him.
- That's fucked up.
Where that nigga at?
If he was any good, he'd be taking care of you like I do.
- Oh, he's taking real good care of me.
Matter of fact, he's right there.
- Damn, I ain't even see you over there 'cause.
That's your girlfriend for real?
- What she say?
- That's your girlfriend?
- Ain't that what she told you little nigga.
- Yep, loud and clear.
So bye Thugg.
Hey and let know if you wanna sell them Jeezy tickets.
I'll buy 'em from you.
- I think I'm gonna hold on to those, just in case.
You're a lucky, man.
Hey, take care of my girl 'cause if you don't,
I'm gonna snatch her right up in front of you.
- Whatever little nigga.
Who's this little nigga?
Is this what you got going on?
- See baby, this is what I'm telling you, right?
I need me a man like that who's gonna like,
think about me and buy me gifts and concert tickets
and stuff like that.
You know where I can find a man like that at?
- Yeah I do. - Where?
- You weren't saying all that shit
when I bought you that big ass Chanel bag last week
and dropped 14 racks in the Louis store.
You know what I need?
- What?
- A woman that's gonna appreciate everything I do for her.
- Oh baby, I appreciate you more than you know.
- Yeah, whatever.
You know what you do need though?
- Hmm?
- Me. - Oh.
- A nigga that's 10 steps ahead of these clowns.
You know I was gonna get us front row tickets
to the Jeezy concert.
Stop playing with me.
- Please go get a room.
- Girl, first off, we don't need no room okay
'cause my baby got houses.
Ain't that right baby?
- Plenty of 'em.
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo.
Pick a crib you want to go, you hear me?
- I know that's right.
(suspenseful music)
- Do you think I should get 24, 26, 28 or three 28's?
- I ain't gonna lie, since you're doing curls
you should probably do the 24, the 26 and the 28.
- Hey Donnie, you might wanna come see this shit.
- Boy, don't come up in here
yelling at my place of business.
- Man, fuck all that.
Bring some frontals, some bundles, all that.
These hoes out here pulling some air samosas
they're scraping like a motherfucker.
- I definitely don't wanna see that shit.
- Hey Kai, bring your big head ass out here.
These hoes got squabbles.
- Boy, I know you ain't talking about that
nobody has got that big ass dome you got.
I do want to see this fight.
Donnie girl, you gotta come see this.
- I'll be right back, here.
- Okay.
(suspenseful music)
(Donnie screams)
- What's up?
- Thank you, oh my God.
- Yeah, I thought your ass was talking the other day.
- Boy I wasn't say nothing,
but I got the best man in the whole wide world.
Is this for me?
- No, think about it.
I bought this one for your mom.
- Boy, stop fucking playing with me.
Oh my God, you done bought me a car and red bottoms
and Gucci and Louis.
Oh my God.
- I'm just making sure you're right baby.
- Baby, please tell me how I can repay you.
- Repay me? - Yes baby.
I owe you big, oh my God.
- You ain't never gotta repay me for nothing. You hear me?
I just wanna see you happy and keep a smile on your face.
- Oh, you keep a smile on my face baby.
- See, plus you gotta match my fly
from the drip to the whip.
And it's your color. You hear me?
- This is my color for sure.
- Get inside, check it out.
- Oh, I love this baby, oh my God.
- I put a bow on it for you and everything.
- I told him this motherfucker wack.
It's just enough room for a player to ride
peace out on this thing. You feel me?
- I bet.
- I don't have no problem riding on the back of this.
- Yeah, get your ass in the backseat.
- Boy, fuck you.
- Man, I'm tripping.
I done left the girl in the store.
- Baby, where are you going?
- [Don] I'll be right back, but I love you.
- Man, goddamn, look at this shit man.
I knew these weak ass niggas was gonna lose
I should never bet that fucking much money on their ass
in the first place.
- You did some bullshit.
Just make sure I get my pay by midnight.
This bitch a wrap.
- Nah, it ain't over yet my nigga.
There's still two minutes left.
You know that's long as fuck in football time.
Don't get ahead of yourself my boy.
- Picture that.
- You're getting ahead of yourself
kind of like you're doing with old girl, huh?
- Bro, you are still tripping off me and Donnie my nigga?
- What's wrong with you bro?
Is you mad that I got her and you don't my nigga?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
- Ain't nobody worrying about that fake foreign
raggedy ass bitch.
I ain't never tripping about no hoes, my nigga.
I'm just mad 'cause I told you
about letting that bitch in our business all the time.
Matter of fact, let me guess
she on her way over here right now, ain't she nigga?
Pussy whipped ass motherfucker.
- See, that's where I'm about to cut you off at my nigga.
You're always talking some bullshit
and brother, next time you call her a bitch
I'm gonna give you everything you looking for my nigga
and you know how I'm cut.
- And so what the fuck you saying my nigga?
- Man, hold on man.
Why the fuck you so mad about who this nigga
fucking with man?
That ain't even got shit to do with you man.
- Man, who the fuck asked you that man?
Man, get the fuck on man.
Man, this ain't got fuck to do with you nigga.
Matter of fact, who the fuck asked you that?
- Nigga, just chill out.
- Man, shut your bitch ass up nigga.
- You better stop talking crazy to me
or we're gonna have a real problem in this motherfucker.
- Nigga, fuck you nigga.
- Nigga, fuck you.
- Hey y'all niggas chill the fuck out.
We getting money and y'all on this bullshit.
- Man, fuck this nigga man.
This was between me and Early.
His ass ain't had to say shit.
- But I did, so now what motherfucker?
And I ain't this nigga Early
I won't let a nigga talk fucking crazy to me.
I'm telling you, man, you better get this hoe ass nigga
before he get jaw lined in this bitch.
- Man, suck my dick nigga.
- Y'all niggas better chill the fuck out
with these fucking guns all in my crib nigga.
Why are you worried about this nigga talking about?
Me and Donnie are good.
Ain't shit this nigga can do about it.
Just be happy the game is over,
y'all niggas won some fucking money.
- That's some real bullshit.
- Goofy ass niggas, man.
- Let me get paid.
Get your nigga.
- Tell me, man,
you've been acting like a real hoe ass nigga lately.
I'm gonna tell you like this.
You pull your fucking strap out on me again.
You better be ready to use that motherfucker.
- Say less, you bitch ass nigga.
- Fuck you.
- Come on man, we out.
Let's go, man.
- Damn baby, you're tense as hell.
My fingers hurt trying to get these knots
out your shoulders.
- Yeah, I had a long day.
Some bullshit happened at the spot early.
- What happened?
- I mean that shit dead, nothing you need to worry about.
My nigga Biscuit just tripping.
Has he asked you something about us?
- No. Why?
He asked you something about me?
- No, I mean, that nigga just been acting strange lately.
I think he a little salty,
I ain't been hanging with him as much
since we've been together.
Maybe that nigga just
I don't know nervous about the business side of things
and our bread.
- Yeah, I get it, but he ain't gotta worry about me
and he ain't gotta speak on me.
Shit, my bossties get jealous too.
That's just 'cause they're used us being together
all the time, you know?
- Yeah.
- But whatever got you this tense,
baby you need to let that shit go.
- Well maybe I need to get a woman with bigger hands.
They'll know how to hit all the right spots.
- Well maybe, if you just hit my spot first
I'll hit your spot next.
- But that ain't never been a problem.
Opportunities the only type of ops
that the team pay attention to
I put myself on the pedestal, life is incredible
I'm working hard, I deserve it nigga
I can't believe what I did
I got the bag and I dipped, yeah
In love with the dough and I simp
Louis V satchel equipped, yeah
(tense ambient music)
(dog barking)
(horn honking)
(ominous music)
- You're always talking shit.
- All right.
Y'all motherfuckers don't work too hard, all right?
- All right, bye Lenny.
Tell Zelda I said hey.
- Don't even trip. It's all there.
- You actually got it all this time.
I'm fucking proud of you.
- Thank you.
Now what about that date we was talking about?
- Might think about giving you a promotion,
but I don't know about a date.
- All right, man.
I'll fuck with you.
- Bye.
A date.
- Man, it's hot as fuck in here.
Donnie, turn the air on.
Open up a window or something.
- Girl, you go turn the air on.
- Girl, stop making excuses to fucking her hair up
'cause how it's gonna be flat and frizzy at the same time.
- This bitch always hating.
Moni always get me together.
- Don't pay that bitch no mind anyways.
That bitch is mad all her customers canceled.
She's in this bitch waiting on walk-ins.
Bitch, I would've been packed my shit up and left.
- Girl, fuck you.
(phone ringing)
- [Don] Hello.
- [Biscuit] Donnie, Early is fucked up.
- I'm on my way.
- Girl, you need me to go with you?
- No, no, just stay by your phone.
- What the fuck?
- Early, Early.
Biscuit, oh my God, is Early okay?
Where is he at?
- Fuck if I knew,
probably somewhere with one of his other bitches.
- Listen, I don't know what the fuck
you and him got going on but leave me
the fuck up out of that silly ass shit.
- I tried to but that nigga Early wanted to involve you.
I know he been giving you all our money.
He told you to stash it for him, right?
That ain't how this shit works.
I done worked too fucking hard for this shit.
And I'm damn sure I ain't about to let no bitch
take nothing for me.
- Oh, so you're gonna call me a bitch?
Listen, I don't know who the fuck you think you talking to.
- Bitch, you're the plug ain't you?
Yeah. - You're mad?
- Early's been getting the goods from you
and doing all kind of sneak ass shit behind my back.
Tell me I'm fucking lying when you know I'm not.
- You're motherfucking lying
and you're bugging the fuck out boy.
- Bitch, you think I'm fucking playing with you.
You better tell me where the fuck you and this nigga
got my money at and I want all of it too.
Not a penny less.
Man, give me this fucking shit.
What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
- You know what?
I don't have your motherfucking money and if I did,
I sure the fuck wouldn't tell you where the fuck it was at.
- Bitch, you got one more motherfucking chance to tell me
where the fuck my motherfucking money at.
- Oh, you gonna kill me?
- Your ass better start talking
or you ain't gonna see that nigga Early or your mama again.
Stupid ass bitch.
You dumb motherfucker.
(body thuds)
Stupid ass bitch.
Dumb ass bitch. (Donnie groans)
Dumb ass bitch.
I never liked your ass anyway.
(Donnie sobs)
Tell the devil I said you was a lying bitch
when you meet him in hell.
- You're the motherfucker from the video.
You killed my son.
It's you on the video.
- Nah bitch, you got it all wrong.
Go watch the video again.
Early killed your son.
Little nigga squealed like a baby pig too.
- Too bad you won't get a chance to let him know you know.
So like I said.
Hell waiting on you.
- Fuck you.
(gunshot fires)
(tense ambient music)
(Donnie coughs)
(Donnie grunts)
- Hey Siri.
- [Siri] Hello.
- Send Zay my location.
- [Siri] Okay.
(melancholic music)
(footsteps thudding)
(Zay screams)
- Donnie!
Donnie, what the fuck?
Who did this?
Donnie, who the fuck did this?
Bitch, get up.
Get up Donnie, get up.
What the fuck?
- [Dispatcher] 911, what's your emergency?
- Yes, can I please get an ambulance?
My best friend is shot.
Please hurry, please, please.
She is shot.
Thank you, thank you.
Oh my God.
Donnie, get up bitch.
(melancholic music)
- Nah dawg, what the fuck?
- Where she at? Where's my baby?
Where is she?
Damn, I should've went out of town.
Where's my baby?
- She's in the room over there,
but you don't wanna see her like this.
- Of course I do.
- She's fucked up mom
but the doctor said she's gonna make it
because the bullet went in and out.
Please, please calm down.
You don't wanna see her like this.
- No, I gotta see my baby.
- Zay, you're sure she ain't say nothing else?
- I don't fucking remember.
Nahnah and Moni were arguing all morning about bullshit.
I don't know.
I do think she mentioned something about her and Biscuit
or some shit. - What?
- She sent me her location.
- You're sure she said that nigga Biscuit name?
Are you sure she said his name?
- I definitely think she said Biscuit.
Let me see, I didn't even check her phone.
- You got her phone with you?
- It's right here.
- Damn, I don't even know her password.
- It's her sons birthday.
- Huh?
I don't even know she had a son.
- She lost him to gun violence.
I'm surprised she didn't tell you.
- What the fuck?
Look, I'll be right back.
When she wake up, just let her know I'll be right back.
Right back.
Fuck this hoe ass nigga man.
(ominous music)
- Yeah nigga, your ass.
- Get the fuck out of here man.
(knock on door) - Who the fuck is that?
- Goddamn, who the fuck is it man?
- [Early] It's me nigga, open up the door.
- Who is it man?
- That nigga Early.
- What's up though?
- Ain't shit, man.
Look bro,
I know we gotta make a few moves later on and shit.
Let me finish kicking this nigga Scooch ass
on the game, man.
- It ain't no thing and I ain't in no rush.
- Come on motherfucker.
- [Scooch] Where's your weak ass?
- Your ass ain't about to get up
after I knock your ass out again, nigga.
- [Scooch] Picture that, I'm fucking you up nigga.
- All right.
Say it dawg.
The fuck you just keep staring at me like that for nigga?
- Man, why you do that hoe shit, bro?
- What the fuck is you talking about?
Do what nigga?
- Bro, now ain't the time to play dumb bro.
Why you do that hoe shit man?
- I don't know what the fuck you're talking about 'cause
speak your mind nigga.
- Donnie, my nigga.
- Man, you're still tripping over that rad ass bitch
what about Donnie nigga?
- Nigga she didn't die, you stupid ass nigga.
- Man, what the fuck?
She know you've been following us nigga
and she told me everything you fucking said, bro,
what the fuck is wrong with you nigga?
- [Scooch] Put the gun down nigga.
- And if you ask me, I did your ass a favor nigga.
You should be thanking me.
- You're supposed to be my motherfucking nigga.
I told you just leave her out this shit.
Man, what the fuck is wrong with you, bro?
- So you gonna kill me behind a botch nigga?
- [Scooch] Put the gun down.
- I knew your ass wasn't built for this shit.
- Fuck you nigga.
(gunshot fires)
(tense ambient music)
- You're fucking wrong nigga.
- This ain't got shit to do with you nigga.
Nigga got what the fuck he deserved.
- I ain't got shit to do with this shit man.
I ain't like that nigga anyway.
(tense ambient music)
- Hi, I'm Dr. Bledsoe.
I'll be taking care of your daughter today.
You're mom? - Yes.
- Okay.
All I can say is she's one hell of a fighter.
Surgery went very well.
We don't see any signs of brain damage.
- Oh thank you, Jesus.
- But she may have a condition called PTA.
- [Vivica] What's that?
- It's called post traumatic amnesia
and what it is is when a person loses consciousness
due to a trauma, they seem to suppress it
and she may or may not remember.
We're not for sure though, but her body's a little weak.
Couple of weeks of therapy, mom.
She'll be okay.
- You sure? - I'm positive.
- Thank you Jesus.
Oh my God. That's such good news, baby, you hear that?
You're gonna be just fine.
Wow, thank you Jesus.
- Baby, I'll work on getting you up outta here
I'm talking I can help you with whatever
with therapy, anything.
Just let me know.
Please, just let me know.
- Let's let her get a little rest.
It's been a long day
and she's probably a little overwhelmed right now.
So I'll be talking to you guys later.
- [Vivica] Okay.
- Baby, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette.
Do you need anything?
You're sure?
All right, I'll be right back, okay?
I'll be right back.
(soft music)
- Baby.
I know I never really got a chance to ask you,
but do you, by any chance, remember who did this to you?
Can you tell me, please?
I just need to be sure.
Listen, I know it's hard for you to talk right now.
I know it's painful,
but if you remember who did this to you, please tell me,
- Biscuit.
- That's exactly what I thought.
I promise you.
Listen, I promise you, that nigga will never hurt you again.
It's gonna be all right.
Just focus on you getting better and getting up out of here.
You hear me?
You gotta get better so you can wear that dope dress, baby
and walk down the aisle.
Don't say I do?
You're gonna say yes?
Listen, I know this is bad timing.
I know it is, but I just wanna give you some hope, you know,
some hope to live on and get up out of here.
Can you do me the honor please?
And be my wife?
You know I can't take no for an answer.
- Yes.
Forever baby.
- I love you.
(gentle music)
I'm so grateful.
- Here you go, baby.
Take two of these.
Dr. Bledsoe says you'll be having these headaches
for another two or three days,
but the pill should help with the pain, okay?
- All right.
Thank you. - You're welcome.
- Damn girl, I hope you'll be better by your wedding.
Shit, we almost only got two months left
and we ain't picked out no dresses or nothing.
- I know.
I just can't decide on the color yet. You know?
- What about some like all black, melanic,
freaky dominatrix type shit? You know what I'm saying?
- Nah, not black at all.
More like a soft color
for the prettiest girl in the world.
- Girl, don't blind yourself
looking at that big motherfucker
'cause I ain't never seen nothing like it.
- Bitch, neither have I.
I only wish somebody could love me as much
to get something like that, like.
- Well y'all know it's anything for my baby.
Let me go ahead and help Vivica with this food.
Hey Wop, you can help too.
- I don't do no cooking, bitches cook for me my nigga.
- Watch your mouth.
- Ain't no bitches in here man, come on.
- Okay, so bestie what's going on?
What's up?
You ain't said not two words and that is not you.
- I know. It's just like I'm still hurting.
I don't feel good, I feel weird.
- Yeah. Well I'm praying for you.
I know I play a lot, but I am praying for you.
- Thank you.
- Look, you'll be good in due time and just think about it.
You're marrying the love of your life, your soulmate,
the kindest, most sweetest man in the world.
Girl, he's gonna take good care of you.
- And he is, you know he is.
- I know.
I just love you. - I love you too girl.
- Thank you.
And I love you too.
- I love you too bestie.
- I swear,
I just don't even know what I would do without y'all
- Nothing. - You'd be fucked up.
Be more fucked up.
- Man, I swear.
Y'all get on my nerves.
- All right, baby, I'm about to go.
Can I get you anything else?
- No mom. I'm good.
Thanks though. - [Vivica] You sure?
- I think I'm just about to go upstairs and lay down.
- Okay.
- I'll talk to you tomorrow though, okay?
- All right.
I love you. - I love you.
- All right baby.
- Bye. - I'll walk you to the door.
(gentle music)
And you get your sick ass over here.
I can get you a drink if you need one.
- No, I already made you one.
I'll pour myself one.
Then we can meet at the couch and celebrate.
- I'll definitely drink to that.
- Baby, I just want toast to becoming your wife,
getting paid and just living happily ever after.
- And I want toast to becoming your husband,
getting even more paid and making love to you all night.
You hear me?
Girl, I see how you've been looking at me all night.
I can just read your mind.
- I bet you $10,000 you can't.
- I bet you nine times outta 10, I can.
- So baby, listen.
I got something I've been wanting to show you,
but I just ain't think it was the right time.
You wanna see it?
- Yeah. What's that?
Damn, it's getting hot as fuck in here.
- You hot?
- Hell yeah.
What? You got the heat on?
- It's cool to me.
- I'm burning up.
- Maybe not, you just took your shirt off.
You'll feel better.
- Maybe so.
- But look at this.
- What the?
What the fuck is this?
(soft ambient music)
(tense ambient music)
(body thuds)
What the fuck?
Baby, what's going on? Why you got me tied up?
Why you got this shit on me and just standing there?
- Because I need to hurt you.
- What?
- I need to hurt you like you hurt me.
- But I ain't hurt you. I ain't shoot you.
You know Biscuit did that, don't you?
- Of course, I know what he did,
but he also did something else
or should I say you did something else?
- What did I do?
- You know exactly what the fuck you did.
You kill my motherfucking son bitch.
You and that motherfucker Biscuit broke into my house
and killed him and my motherfucking babysitter.
- That was your son?
- Fuck.
- If that was your son, I didn't know.
- Don't act like you ain't fucking know.
You killed my fucking baby.
- I swear I didn't know that was your son
I swear I didn't know.
The gun went off by mistake and ever since that day,
I promise, that shit all behind me.
I swear to God, please.
- Why the fuck was y'all even in my motherfucking house?
You and that motherfucker Biscuit
broke into my shit to steal our money, didn't you?
- No.
- Yes, the fuck you did.
- That's not how it happened.
Biscuit told me that nigga Paid owed them some money.
He told me to set him up, now the Mexican plug
is trying to kill him. - Shut the fuck up.
- I swear to God.
You gotta fucking believe me, baby, please.
Believe me.
- I believe you, but that don't change shit.
You killed my son and my unborn baby.
(body thuds)
(Donnie screams)
- What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Listen, I swear, listen baby, I swear
I know you're mad at me.
- Fuck.
Look at what the fuck you're making me do.
- I just made a mistake and it fucked with me and shit.
I love and I know you love me too.
I swear I'll do whatever to make it up to you.
I know you don't wanna do this shit to me baby.
- I love you so much, but I love my son more.
(gunshot fires)
(Donnie screams)
(Donnie sobs)
- Come on.
Come here, Don.
It's gonna be all right.
I promise it's gonna be all right.
(melancholic music)